mirror of
synced 2025-03-19 00:52:34 +00:00
... not quite content with where the project files lie but it is ok for now. ... compiling works fine so far (only tested mingw32 right now)
1026 lines
30 KiB
1026 lines
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** $Id: lgc.c,v 2.103 2010/10/25 19:01:37 roberto Exp $
** Garbage Collector
** See Copyright Notice in lua.h
#include <string.h>
#define lgc_c
#define LUA_CORE
#include "lua.h"
#include "ldebug.h"
#include "ldo.h"
#include "lfunc.h"
#include "lgc.h"
#include "lmem.h"
#include "lobject.h"
#include "lstate.h"
#include "lstring.h"
#include "ltable.h"
#include "ltm.h"
/* how much to allocate before next GC step */
#define GCSTEPSIZE 1024
/* maximum number of elements to sweep in each single step */
#define GCSWEEPMAX 40
/* cost of sweeping one element */
/* maximum number of finalizers to call in each GC step */
/* cost of marking the root set */
#define GCROOTCOST 10
/* cost of atomic step */
#define GCATOMICCOST 1000
/* basic cost to traverse one object (to be added to the links the
object may have) */
#define TRAVCOST 5
** standard negative debt for GC; a reasonable "time" to wait before
** starting a new cycle
#define stddebt(g) (-cast(l_mem, g->totalbytes/100) * g->gcpause)
** 'makewhite' erases all color bits plus the old bit and then
** sets only the current white bit
#define maskcolors (~(bit2mask(BLACKBIT, OLDBIT) | WHITEBITS))
#define makewhite(g,x) \
(gch(x)->marked = cast_byte((gch(x)->marked & maskcolors) | luaC_white(g)))
#define white2gray(x) resetbits(gch(x)->marked, WHITEBITS)
#define black2gray(x) resetbit(gch(x)->marked, BLACKBIT)
#define stringmark(s) ((void)((s) && resetbits((s)->tsv.marked, WHITEBITS)))
#define isfinalized(u) testbit((u)->marked, FINALIZEDBIT)
#define checkdeadkey(n) lua_assert(!ttisdeadkey(gkey(n)) || ttisnil(gval(n)))
#define markvalue(g,o) { checkconsistency(o); \
if (valiswhite(o)) reallymarkobject(g,gcvalue(o)); }
#define markobject(g,t) { if ((t) && iswhite(obj2gco(t))) \
reallymarkobject(g, obj2gco(t)); }
static void reallymarkobject (global_State *g, GCObject *o);
** {======================================================
** Generic functions
** =======================================================
** link table 'h' into list pointed by 'p'
#define linktable(h,p) ((h)->gclist = *(p), *(p) = obj2gco(h))
** mark a table entry as dead (therefore removing it from the table)
static void removeentry (Node *n) {
if (iscollectable(gkey(n)))
setdeadvalue(gkey(n)); /* dead key; remove it */
** tells whether a key or value can be cleared from a weak
** table. Non-collectable objects are never removed from weak
** tables. Strings behave as `values', so are never removed too. for
** other objects: if really collected, cannot keep them; for objects
** being finalized, keep them in keys, but not in values
static int iscleared (const TValue *o, int iskey) {
if (!iscollectable(o)) return 0;
if (ttisstring(o)) {
stringmark(rawtsvalue(o)); /* strings are `values', so are never weak */
return 0;
return iswhite(gcvalue(o)) ||
(ttisuserdata(o) && (!iskey && isfinalized(uvalue(o))));
** barrier that moves collector forward, that is, mark the white object
** being pointed by a black object.
void luaC_barrier_ (lua_State *L, GCObject *o, GCObject *v) {
global_State *g = G(L);
lua_assert(isblack(o) && iswhite(v) && !isdead(g, v) && !isdead(g, o));
lua_assert(isgenerational(g) || g->gcstate != GCSpause);
lua_assert(gch(o)->tt != LUA_TTABLE);
if (keepinvariant(g)) /* must keep invariant? */
reallymarkobject(g, v); /* restore invariant */
else { /* sweep phase */
makewhite(g, o); /* mark main obj. as white to avoid other barriers */
** barrier that moves collector backward, that is, mark the black object
** pointing to a white object as gray again. (Current implementation
** only works for tables; access to 'gclist' is not uniform across
** different types.)
void luaC_barrierback_ (lua_State *L, GCObject *o) {
global_State *g = G(L);
lua_assert(isblack(o) && !isdead(g, o));
black2gray(o); /* make object gray (again) */
gco2t(o)->gclist = g->grayagain;
g->grayagain = o;
** barrier for prototypes. When creating first closure (cache is
** NULL), use a forward barrier; this may be the only closure of the
** prototype (if it is a "regular" function, with a single instance)
** and the prototype may be big, so it is better to avoid traversing
** it again. Otherwise, use a backward barrier, to avoid marking all
** possible instances.
LUAI_FUNC void luaC_barrierproto_ (lua_State *L, Proto *p, Closure *c) {
global_State *g = G(L);
if (p->cache == NULL) { /* first time? */
luaC_objbarrier(L, p, c);
else { /* use a backward barrier */
black2gray(obj2gco(p)); /* make prototype gray (again) */
p->gclist = g->grayagain;
g->grayagain = obj2gco(p);
** check color (and invariants) for an upvalue that was closed,
** i.e., moved into the 'allgc' list
void luaC_checkupvalcolor (global_State *g, UpVal *uv) {
GCObject *o = obj2gco(uv);
lua_assert(!isblack(o)); /* open upvalues are never black */
if (isgray(o)) {
if (keepinvariant(g)) {
resetoldbit(o); /* see MOVE OLD rule */
gray2black(o); /* it is being visited now */
markvalue(g, uv->v);
else {
makewhite(g, o);
** create a new collectable object (with given type and size) and link
** it to '*list'. 'offset' tells how many bytes to allocate before the
** object itself (used only by states).
GCObject *luaC_newobj (lua_State *L, int tt, size_t sz, GCObject **list,
int offset) {
global_State *g = G(L);
GCObject *o = obj2gco(cast(char *, luaM_newobject(L, tt, sz)) + offset);
if (list == NULL)
list = &g->allgc; /* standard list for collectable objects */
gch(o)->marked = luaC_white(g);
gch(o)->tt = tt;
gch(o)->next = *list;
*list = o;
return o;
/* }====================================================== */
** {======================================================
** Mark functions
** =======================================================
** mark an object. Userdata and closed upvalues are visited and turned
** black here. Strings remain gray (it is the same as making them
** black). Other objects are marked gray and added to appropriate list
** to be visited (and turned black) later. (Open upvalues are already
** linked in 'headuv' list.)
static void reallymarkobject (global_State *g, GCObject *o) {
lua_assert(iswhite(o) && !isdead(g, o));
switch (gch(o)->tt) {
return; /* for strings, gray is as good as black */
Table *mt = gco2u(o)->metatable;
markobject(g, mt);
markobject(g, gco2u(o)->env);
gray2black(o); /* all pointers marked */
case LUA_TUPVAL: {
UpVal *uv = gco2uv(o);
markvalue(g, uv->v);
if (uv->v == &uv->u.value) /* closed? (open upvalues remain gray) */
gray2black(o); /* make it black */
gco2cl(o)->c.gclist = g->gray;
g->gray = o;
case LUA_TTABLE: {
linktable(gco2t(o), &g->gray);
gco2th(o)->gclist = g->gray;
g->gray = o;
case LUA_TPROTO: {
gco2p(o)->gclist = g->gray;
g->gray = o;
default: lua_assert(0);
** mark tag methods for basic types
static void markmt (global_State *g) {
int i;
for (i=0; i < LUA_NUMTAGS; i++)
markobject(g, g->mt[i]);
** mark all objects in list of being-finalized
static void markbeingfnz (global_State *g) {
GCObject *o;
for (o = g->tobefnz; o != NULL; o = gch(o)->next) {
makewhite(g, o);
reallymarkobject(g, o);
** mark all values stored in marked open upvalues. (See comment in
** 'lstate.h'.)
static void remarkupvals (global_State *g) {
UpVal *uv;
for (uv = g->uvhead.u.l.next; uv != &g->uvhead; uv = uv->u.l.next) {
if (isgray(obj2gco(uv)))
markvalue(g, uv->v);
** mark root set and reset all gray lists, to start a new
** incremental (or full) collection
static void markroot (lua_State *L) {
global_State *g = G(L);
g->gray = g->grayagain = NULL;
g->weak = g->allweak = g->ephemeron = NULL;
markobject(g, g->mainthread);
markvalue(g, &g->l_registry);
markbeingfnz(g); /* mark any finalizing object left from previous cycle */
/* }====================================================== */
** {======================================================
** Traverse functions
** =======================================================
static void traverseweakvalue (global_State *g, Table *h) {
Node *n, *limit = gnode(h, sizenode(h));
for (n = gnode(h, 0); n < limit; n++) {
if (ttisnil(gval(n))) /* entry is empty? */
removeentry(n); /* remove it */
else {
markvalue(g, gkey(n)); /* mark key */
linktable(h, &g->weak); /* link into appropriate list */
static int traverseephemeron (global_State *g, Table *h) {
int marked = 0; /* true if an object is marked in this traversal */
int hasclears = 0; /* true if table has unmarked pairs */
Node *n, *limit = gnode(h, sizenode(h));
int i;
/* traverse array part (numeric keys are 'strong') */
for (i = 0; i < h->sizearray; i++) {
if (valiswhite(&h->array[i])) {
marked = 1;
reallymarkobject(g, gcvalue(&h->array[i]));
/* traverse hash part */
for (n = gnode(h, 0); n < limit; n++) {
if (ttisnil(gval(n))) /* entry is empty? */
removeentry(n); /* remove it */
else if (valiswhite(gval(n))) { /* value not marked yet? */
if (iscleared(gkey(n), 1)) /* key is not marked (yet)? */
hasclears = 1; /* may have to propagate mark from key to value */
else { /* key is marked, so mark value */
marked = 1; /* value was not marked */
reallymarkobject(g, gcvalue(gval(n)));
if (hasclears) /* does table have unmarked pairs? */
linktable(h, &g->ephemeron); /* will have to propagate again */
else /* nothing to propagate */
linktable(h, &g->weak); /* avoid convergence phase */
return marked;
static void traversestrongtable (global_State *g, Table *h) {
Node *n, *limit = gnode(h, sizenode(h));
int i;
for (i = 0; i < h->sizearray; i++) /* traverse array part */
markvalue(g, &h->array[i]);
for (n = gnode(h, 0); n < limit; n++) { /* traverse hash part */
if (ttisnil(gval(n))) /* entry is empty? */
removeentry(n); /* remove it */
else {
markvalue(g, gkey(n)); /* mark key */
markvalue(g, gval(n)); /* mark value */
static int traversetable (global_State *g, Table *h) {
const TValue *mode = gfasttm(g, h->metatable, TM_MODE);
markobject(g, h->metatable);
if (mode && ttisstring(mode)) { /* is there a weak mode? */
int weakkey = (strchr(svalue(mode), 'k') != NULL);
int weakvalue = (strchr(svalue(mode), 'v') != NULL);
if (weakkey || weakvalue) { /* is really weak? */
black2gray(obj2gco(h)); /* keep table gray */
if (!weakkey) { /* strong keys? */
traverseweakvalue(g, h);
return TRAVCOST + sizenode(h);
else if (!weakvalue) { /* strong values? */
traverseephemeron(g, h);
return TRAVCOST + h->sizearray + sizenode(h);
else {
linktable(h, &g->allweak); /* nothing to traverse now */
return TRAVCOST;
} /* else go through */
traversestrongtable(g, h);
return TRAVCOST + h->sizearray + (2 * sizenode(h));
static int traverseproto (global_State *g, Proto *f) {
int i;
if (f->cache && iswhite(obj2gco(f->cache)))
f->cache = NULL; /* allow cache to be collected */
for (i = 0; i < f->sizek; i++) /* mark literals */
markvalue(g, &f->k[i]);
for (i = 0; i < f->sizeupvalues; i++) /* mark upvalue names */
for (i = 0; i < f->sizep; i++) /* mark nested protos */
markobject(g, f->p[i]);
for (i = 0; i < f->sizelocvars; i++) /* mark local-variable names */
return TRAVCOST + f->sizek + f->sizeupvalues + f->sizep + f->sizelocvars;
static int traverseclosure (global_State *g, Closure *cl) {
if (cl->c.isC) {
int i;
for (i=0; i<cl->c.nupvalues; i++) /* mark its upvalues */
markvalue(g, &cl->c.upvalue[i]);
else {
int i;
lua_assert(cl->l.nupvalues == cl->l.p->sizeupvalues);
markobject(g, cl->l.p); /* mark its prototype */
for (i=0; i<cl->l.nupvalues; i++) /* mark its upvalues */
markobject(g, cl->l.upvals[i]);
return TRAVCOST + cl->c.nupvalues;
static int traversestack (global_State *g, lua_State *L) {
StkId o = L->stack;
if (o == NULL)
return 1; /* stack not completely built yet */
for (; o < L->top; o++)
markvalue(g, o);
if (g->gcstate == GCSatomic) { /* final traversal? */
StkId lim = L->stack + L->stacksize; /* real end of stack */
for (; o < lim; o++) /* clear not-marked stack slice */
return TRAVCOST + cast_int(o - L->stack);
** traverse one gray object, turning it to black (except for threads,
** which are always gray).
** Returns number of values traversed.
static int propagatemark (global_State *g) {
GCObject *o = g->gray;
switch (gch(o)->tt) {
case LUA_TTABLE: {
Table *h = gco2t(o);
g->gray = h->gclist;
return traversetable(g, h);
Closure *cl = gco2cl(o);
g->gray = cl->c.gclist;
return traverseclosure(g, cl);
lua_State *th = gco2th(o);
g->gray = th->gclist;
th->gclist = g->grayagain;
g->grayagain = o;
return traversestack(g, th);
case LUA_TPROTO: {
Proto *p = gco2p(o);
g->gray = p->gclist;
return traverseproto(g, p);
default: lua_assert(0); return 0;
static void propagateall (global_State *g) {
while (g->gray) propagatemark(g);
static void traverselistofgrays (global_State *g, GCObject **l) {
lua_assert(g->gray == NULL); /* no grays left */
g->gray = *l; /* now 'l' is new gray list */
*l = NULL;
static void convergeephemerons (global_State *g) {
int changed;
do {
GCObject *w;
GCObject *next = g->ephemeron; /* get ephemeron list */
g->ephemeron = NULL; /* tables will return to this list when traversed */
changed = 0;
while ((w = next) != NULL) {
next = gco2t(w)->gclist;
if (traverseephemeron(g, gco2t(w))) { /* traverse marked some value? */
propagateall(g); /* propagate changes */
changed = 1; /* will have to revisit all ephemeron tables */
} while (changed);
/* }====================================================== */
** {======================================================
** Sweep Functions
** =======================================================
** clear collected entries from all weaktables in list 'l'
static void cleartable (GCObject *l) {
for (; l != NULL; l = gco2t(l)->gclist) {
Table *h = gco2t(l);
Node *n, *limit = gnode(h, sizenode(h));
int i;
for (i = 0; i < h->sizearray; i++) {
TValue *o = &h->array[i];
if (iscleared(o, 0)) /* value was collected? */
setnilvalue(o); /* remove value */
for (n = gnode(h, 0); n < limit; n++) {
if (!ttisnil(gval(n)) && /* non-empty entry? */
(iscleared(gkey(n), 1) || iscleared(gval(n), 0))) {
setnilvalue(gval(n)); /* remove value ... */
removeentry(n); /* and remove entry from table */
static void freeobj (lua_State *L, GCObject *o) {
switch (gch(o)->tt) {
case LUA_TPROTO: luaF_freeproto(L, gco2p(o)); break;
case LUA_TFUNCTION: luaF_freeclosure(L, gco2cl(o)); break;
case LUA_TUPVAL: luaF_freeupval(L, gco2uv(o)); break;
case LUA_TTABLE: luaH_free(L, gco2t(o)); break;
case LUA_TTHREAD: luaE_freethread(L, gco2th(o)); break;
case LUA_TUSERDATA: luaM_freemem(L, o, sizeudata(gco2u(o))); break;
luaM_freemem(L, o, sizestring(gco2ts(o)));
default: lua_assert(0);
#define sweepwholelist(L,p) sweeplist(L,p,MAX_LUMEM)
static GCObject **sweeplist (lua_State *L, GCObject **p, lu_mem count);
** sweep the (open) upvalues of a thread and resize its stack and
** list of call-info structures.
static void sweepthread (lua_State *L, lua_State *L1) {
if (L1->stack == NULL) return; /* stack not completely built yet */
sweepwholelist(L, &L1->openupval); /* sweep open upvalues */
luaE_freeCI(L1); /* free extra CallInfo slots */
/* should not change the stack during an emergency gc cycle */
if (G(L)->gckind != KGC_EMERGENCY)
** sweep at most 'count' elements from a list of GCObjects erasing dead
** objects, where a dead (not alive) object is one marked with the "old"
** (non current) white and not fixed.
** In non-generational mode, change all non-dead objects back to white,
** preparing for next collection cycle.
** In generational mode, keep black objects black, and also mark them as
** old; stop when hitting an old object, as all objects after that
** one will be old too.
** When object is a thread, sweep its list of open upvalues too.
static GCObject **sweeplist (lua_State *L, GCObject **p, lu_mem count) {
global_State *g = G(L);
int ow = otherwhite(g);
int toclear, toset; /* bits to clear and to set in all live objects */
int tostop; /* stop sweep when this is true */
if (isgenerational(g)) { /* generational mode? */
toclear = ~0; /* clear nothing */
toset = bitmask(OLDBIT); /* set the old bit of all surviving objects */
tostop = bitmask(OLDBIT); /* do not sweep old generation */
else { /* normal mode */
toclear = maskcolors; /* clear all color bits + old bit */
toset = luaC_white(g); /* make object white */
tostop = 0; /* do not stop */
while (*p != NULL && count-- > 0) {
GCObject *curr = *p;
int marked = gch(curr)->marked;
if (isdeadm(ow, marked)) { /* is 'curr' dead? */
*p = gch(curr)->next; /* remove 'curr' from list */
freeobj(L, curr); /* erase 'curr' */
else {
if (gch(curr)->tt == LUA_TTHREAD)
sweepthread(L, gco2th(curr)); /* sweep thread's upvalues */
if (testbits(marked, tostop)) {
static GCObject *nullp = NULL;
return &nullp; /* stop sweeping this list */
/* update marks */
gch(curr)->marked = cast_byte((marked & toclear) | toset);
p = &gch(curr)->next; /* go to next element */
return p;
/* }====================================================== */
** {======================================================
** Finalization
** =======================================================
static void checkSizes (lua_State *L) {
global_State *g = G(L);
if (g->gckind != KGC_EMERGENCY) { /* do not change sizes in emergency */
int hs = g->strt.size / 2; /* half the size of the string table */
if (g->strt.nuse < cast(lu_int32, hs)) /* using less than that half? */
luaS_resize(L, hs); /* halve its size */
luaZ_freebuffer(L, &g->buff); /* free concatenation buffer */
static Udata *udata2finalize (global_State *g) {
GCObject *o = g->tobefnz; /* get first element */
Udata *u = rawgco2u(o);
g->tobefnz = u->uv.next; /* remove it from 'tobefnz' list */
u->uv.next = g->allgc; /* return it to 'allgc' list */
g->allgc = o;
resetbit(u->uv.marked, SEPARATED); /* mark that it is not in 'tobefnz' */
resetoldbit(o); /* see MOVE OLD rule */
if (!keepinvariant(g)) /* not keeping invariant? */
makewhite(g, o); /* "sweep" object */
return u;
static void dothecall (lua_State *L, void *ud) {
luaD_call(L, L->top - 2, 0, 0);
static void GCTM (lua_State *L, int propagateerrors) {
global_State *g = G(L);
Udata *udata = udata2finalize(g);
const TValue *tm = gfasttm(g, udata->uv.metatable, TM_GC);
if (tm != NULL && ttisfunction(tm)) { /* is there a finalizer? */
int status;
lu_byte oldah = L->allowhook;
lu_mem oldd = g->GCdebt;
L->allowhook = 0; /* stop debug hooks during GC tag method */
stopgc(g); /* avoid GC steps */
setobj2s(L, L->top, tm); /* push finalizer... */
setuvalue(L, L->top+1, udata); /* ... and its argument */
L->top += 2; /* and (next line) call the finalizer */
status = luaD_pcall(L, dothecall, NULL, savestack(L, L->top - 2), 0);
L->allowhook = oldah; /* restore hooks */
g->GCdebt = oldd; /* restore threshold */
if (status != LUA_OK && propagateerrors) { /* error while running __gc? */
if (status == LUA_ERRRUN) { /* is there an error msg.? */
luaO_pushfstring(L, "error in __gc tag method (%s)",
lua_tostring(L, -1));
status = LUA_ERRGCMM; /* error in __gc metamethod */
luaD_throw(L, status); /* re-send error */
** move all unreachable udata that need finalization from list 'udgc' to
** list 'tobefnz'
void luaC_separateudata (lua_State *L, int all) {
global_State *g = G(L);
GCObject **p = &g->udgc;
GCObject *curr;
GCObject **lastnext = &g->tobefnz;
/* find last 'next' field in 'tobefnz' list (to add elements in its end) */
while (*lastnext != NULL)
lastnext = &gch(*lastnext)->next;
while ((curr = *p) != NULL) { /* traverse all finalizable objects */
lua_assert(gch(curr)->tt == LUA_TUSERDATA && !isfinalized(gco2u(curr)));
lua_assert(testbit(gch(curr)->marked, SEPARATED));
if (!(all || iswhite(curr))) /* not being collected? */
p = &gch(curr)->next; /* don't bother with it */
else {
l_setbit(gch(curr)->marked, FINALIZEDBIT); /* won't be finalized again */
*p = gch(curr)->next; /* remove 'curr' from 'udgc' list */
gch(curr)->next = *lastnext; /* link at the end of 'tobefnz' list */
*lastnext = curr;
lastnext = &gch(curr)->next;
** if userdata 'u' has a finalizer, remove it from 'allgc' list (must
** search the list to find it) and link it in 'udgc' list.
void luaC_checkfinalizer (lua_State *L, Udata *u) {
global_State *g = G(L);
if (testbit(u->uv.marked, SEPARATED) || /* udata is already separated... */
isfinalized(&u->uv) || /* ... or is finalized... */
gfasttm(g, u->uv.metatable, TM_GC) == NULL) /* or has no finalizer? */
return; /* nothing to be done */
else { /* move 'u' to 'udgc' list */
GCObject **p;
for (p = &g->allgc; *p != obj2gco(u); p = &gch(*p)->next) ;
*p = u->uv.next; /* remove 'u' from root list */
u->uv.next = g->udgc; /* link it in list 'udgc' */
g->udgc = obj2gco(u);
l_setbit(u->uv.marked, SEPARATED); /* mark it as such */
resetoldbit(obj2gco(u)); /* see MOVE OLD rule */
/* }====================================================== */
** {======================================================
** GC control
** =======================================================
#define sweepphases \
(bitmask(GCSsweepstring) | bitmask(GCSsweepudata) | bitmask(GCSsweep))
** change GC mode
void luaC_changemode (lua_State *L, int mode) {
global_State *g = G(L);
if (mode == g->gckind) return; /* nothing to change */
if (mode == KGC_GEN) { /* change to generational mode */
/* make sure gray lists are consistent */
luaC_runtilstate(L, bitmask(GCSpropagate));
g->lastmajormem = g->totalbytes;
g->gckind = KGC_GEN;
else { /* change to incremental mode */
/* sweep all objects to turn them back to white
(as white has not changed, nothing extra will be collected) */
g->sweepstrgc = 0;
g->gcstate = GCSsweepstring;
g->gckind = KGC_NORMAL;
luaC_runtilstate(L, ~sweepphases);
** call all pending finalizers */
static void callallpendingfinalizers (lua_State *L, int propagateerrors) {
global_State *g = G(L);
while (g->tobefnz) GCTM(L, propagateerrors);
void luaC_freeallobjects (lua_State *L) {
global_State *g = G(L);
int i;
callallpendingfinalizers(L, 0);
/* following "white" makes all objects look dead */
g->currentwhite = WHITEBITS;
g->gckind = KGC_NORMAL;
sweepwholelist(L, &g->udgc);
lua_assert(g->udgc == NULL);
sweepwholelist(L, &g->allgc);
lua_assert(g->allgc == NULL);
for (i = 0; i < g->strt.size; i++) /* free all string lists */
sweepwholelist(L, &g->strt.hash[i]);
lua_assert(g->strt.nuse == 0);
static void atomic (lua_State *L) {
global_State *g = G(L);
markobject(g, L); /* mark running thread */
/* registry and global metatables may be changed by API */
markvalue(g, &g->l_registry);
markmt(g); /* mark basic metatables */
/* remark occasional upvalues of (maybe) dead threads */
/* traverse objects caught by write barrier and by 'remarkupvals' */
traverselistofgrays(g, &g->weak); /* remark weak tables */
traverselistofgrays(g, &g->ephemeron); /* remark ephemeron tables */
traverselistofgrays(g, &g->grayagain); /* remark gray again */
/* at this point, all strongly accessible objects are marked. */
luaC_separateudata(L, 0); /* separate userdata to be finalized */
markbeingfnz(g); /* mark userdata that will be finalized */
propagateall(g); /* remark, to propagate `preserveness' */
/* remove collected objects from weak tables */
g->sweepstrgc = 0; /* prepare to sweep strings */
g->gcstate = GCSsweepstring;
g->currentwhite = cast_byte(otherwhite(g)); /* flip current white */
static l_mem singlestep (lua_State *L) {
global_State *g = G(L);
switch (g->gcstate) {
case GCSpause: {
if (!isgenerational(g))
markroot(L); /* start a new collection */
/* in any case, root must be marked */
&& !iswhite(gcvalue(&g->l_registry)));
g->gcstate = GCSpropagate;
case GCSpropagate: {
if (g->gray)
return propagatemark(g);
else { /* no more `gray' objects */
g->gcstate = GCSatomic; /* finish mark phase */
case GCSsweepstring: {
if (g->sweepstrgc < g->strt.size) {
sweepwholelist(L, &g->strt.hash[g->sweepstrgc++]);
else { /* no more strings to sweep */
g->sweepgc = &g->udgc; /* prepare to sweep userdata */
g->gcstate = GCSsweepudata;
return 0;
case GCSsweepudata: {
if (*g->sweepgc) {
g->sweepgc = sweeplist(L, g->sweepgc, GCSWEEPMAX);
else {
g->sweepgc = &g->allgc; /* go to next phase */
g->gcstate = GCSsweep;
case GCSsweep: {
if (*g->sweepgc) {
g->sweepgc = sweeplist(L, g->sweepgc, GCSWEEPMAX);
else {
/* sweep main thread */
GCObject *mt = obj2gco(g->mainthread);
sweeplist(L, &mt, 1);
g->gcstate = GCSpause; /* finish collection */
default: lua_assert(0); return 0;
** advances the garbage collector until it reaches a state allowed
** by 'statemask'
void luaC_runtilstate (lua_State *L, int statesmask) {
global_State *g = G(L);
while (!testbit(statesmask, g->gcstate))
static void generationalcollection (lua_State *L) {
global_State *g = G(L);
if (g->lastmajormem == 0) { /* signal for another major collection? */
luaC_fullgc(L, 0); /* perform a full regular collection */
g->lastmajormem = g->totalbytes; /* update control */
else {
luaC_runtilstate(L, ~bitmask(GCSpause)); /* run complete cycle */
luaC_runtilstate(L, bitmask(GCSpause));
if (g->totalbytes > g->lastmajormem/100 * g->gcmajorinc)
g->lastmajormem = 0; /* signal for a major collection */
g->GCdebt = stddebt(g);
static void step (lua_State *L) {
global_State *g = G(L);
l_mem lim = g->gcstepmul; /* how much to work */
do { /* always perform at least one single step */
lim -= singlestep(L);
} while (lim > 0 && g->gcstate != GCSpause);
if (g->gcstate != GCSpause)
g->GCdebt -= GCSTEPSIZE;
g->GCdebt = stddebt(g);
void luaC_step (lua_State *L) {
int i;
if (isgenerational(G(L))) generationalcollection(L);
else step(L);
for (i = 0; i < GCFINALIZENUM && G(L)->tobefnz; i++)
GCTM(L, 1); /* Call a few pending finalizers */
** performs a full GC cycle; if "isemergency", does not call
** finalizers (which could change stack positions)
void luaC_fullgc (lua_State *L, int isemergency) {
global_State *g = G(L);
int origkind = g->gckind;
lua_assert(origkind != KGC_EMERGENCY);
if (!isemergency) /* do not run finalizers during emergency GC */
callallpendingfinalizers(L, 1);
if (keepinvariant(g)) { /* marking phase? */
/* must sweep all objects to turn them back to white
(as white has not changed, nothing will be collected) */
g->sweepstrgc = 0;
g->gcstate = GCSsweepstring;
g->gckind = isemergency ? KGC_EMERGENCY : KGC_NORMAL;
/* finish any pending sweep phase to start a new cycle */
luaC_runtilstate(L, bitmask(GCSpause));
/* run entire collector */
luaC_runtilstate(L, ~bitmask(GCSpause));
luaC_runtilstate(L, bitmask(GCSpause));
if (origkind == KGC_GEN) { /* generational mode? */
/* generational mode must always start in propagate phase */
luaC_runtilstate(L, bitmask(GCSpropagate));
g->gckind = origkind;
g->GCdebt = stddebt(g);
if (!isemergency) /* do not run finalizers during emergency GC */
callallpendingfinalizers(L, 1);
/* }====================================================== */