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2013-08-28 19:58:34 +02:00

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// Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Id Software, Inc.
// g_local.h -- local definitions for game module
#ifndef _G_LOCAL_H_
#define _G_LOCAL_H_
#include "q_shared.h"
#include "bg_public.h"
#include "g_public.h"
#include "list.h"
// the "gameversion" client command will print this plus compile date
//const char GAMEVERSION[] = strcat("RPG-X v",RPGX_VERSION);
#define GAMEVERSION "rpg-x2"
#ifndef BASEPATH
#define BASEPATH "rpgxEF"
#define GINFINITE 1000000
#define FRAMETIME 100 // msec
#define EVENT_VALID_MSEC 300
// gentity->flags
#define FL_GODMODE 0x00000010
#define FL_NOTARGET 0x00000020
#define FL_TEAMSLAVE 0x00000400 // not the first on the team
#define FL_NO_KNOCKBACK 0x00000800
#define FL_DROPPED_ITEM 0x00001000
#define FL_NO_BOTS 0x00002000 // spawn point not for bot use
#define FL_NO_HUMANS 0x00004000 // spawn point just for bots
#define FL_CLOAK 0x00010000
#define FL_FLY 0x00020000
#define FL_EVOSUIT 0x00400000 //RPG-X | Phenix | 8/8/2004
#define FL_HOLSTER 0x00800000 //RPG-X | TiM | 6/9/2005
#define FL_CLAMPED 0x01000000 //RPG-X | TiM | 25/6/2006
#define FL_THROWN_ITEM 0x02000000 //RPG-X | Marcin | 03/12/2008
#define FL_LOCKED 0x04000000 //RPG-X | GSIO01 | 08/05/2009
#define FL_CCAM 0x08000000
//RPG-X Defines ==============================
//TiM : Rank Variables
extern rankNames_t g_rankNames[MAX_RANKS];
//TiM : Weapons table
extern stringID_table_t WeaponTable[];
//Quit, then reconnect system
#define MAX_RECON_NAMES 32
/** \struct reconData_t
* \brief Holds data of clients that where connected to the server.
* Holds the IP and previous name of a clients that where connected to the server before.
* \author Ubergames
typedef struct {
char ipAddress[64]; //!< The IP adress
char previousName[MAX_TOKEN_CHARS]; //!< The previous name
} reconData_t;
/** \struct fxGunData_t
* \brief Struct needed for FX gun arguments.
* Holds the eventnum and multiple arguments for the fxGun.
* \author Ubergames - TiM
typedef struct {
int eventNum; //!< index of the event to play
//different effects need different args,
//so here is a set of generic args
int arg_int1; //!< first arg - integer
int arg_int2; //!< second arg - integer
float arg_float1; //!< first arg - float
float arg_float2; //!< second arg - float
vec3_t arg_vec1;
} fxGunData_t;
//Struct for the dynamic class system
//Some of the data here is encoded into
//a config string and then sent to the clients
//so that they can render the classes client side
/** \struct g_classData_t
* \brief Struct for the dynamic class system
* Some of the data here is encoded into
* a config string and then sent to the clients
* so that they can render the classes client side
* \author Ubergames
typedef struct {
char consoleName[15]; //!< name of class in console
char formalName[25]; //!< name of class in the scoreboard etc
char message[MAX_QPATH]; //!< msg when player enters class
int weaponsFlags; //!< flags denoting default weapons of this class
char modelSkin[36]; //!< Denoting which skin this class is forced to
int isAdmin; //!< class has admin access
int isMarine; //!< class has marine
int isMedical; //!< class has medical capacity
int isn00b; //!< class is a dumbass
int isBorg; //!< class is a borg
} g_classData_t;
//Class Data
extern g_classData_t g_classData[MAX_CLASSES];
/** \enum tpType_t
* \brief Enumeration for diffrent transporter types.
* Used to determine what transporter effect is used by various functions.
* \author Raven Software
* \author Ubergames - TiM
* \author Ubergames - J2J
typedef enum
TP_TRI_TP, /*!< This transporter mode will give a federation transporter FX but not accelerate the player. */
TP_TURBO /*!< Used in turbolifts to let the teleporter know to maintain veloctiy. */
} tpType_t;
/** \enum moverState_t
* \brief Used to determine in which state a mover is.
* Movers are things like doors, plats, buttons, etc.
typedef enum {
// VALKYRIE: angle movements
//advanced mover
#ifdef G_LUA
} moverState_t;
#define SP_PODIUM_MODEL "models/mapobjects/podium/podium4.md3"
#define TEAM_PODIUM_MODEL "models/mapobjects/podium/podium_single.md3"
/** \typedef gentity_t
* Type for \link gentity_s \endlink
* @see gentity_s
typedef struct gentity_s gentity_t;
/** \typedef gclient_t
* Pointer to \link gclient_s \endlink
typedef struct gclient_s gclient_t;
/** \struct gentity_s
* The game side representation of entities.
struct gentity_s {
entityState_t s; //!< communicated by server to clients
entityShared_t r; //!< shared by both the server system and game
struct gclient_s *client; // NULL if not a client
qboolean inuse;
char* classname; //!< set in QuakeEd
int spawnflags; //!< set in QuakeEd
qboolean neverFree; //!< if true, FreeEntity will only unlink bodyque uses this
int flags; //!< FL_* variables
char* model; //!< the model or brushmodel the entities uses
char* model2; //!< an alternate model
int freetime; //!< level.time when the object was freed
int eventTime; //!< events will be cleared EVENT_VALID_MSEC after set
qboolean freeAfterEvent; //!< free the entity after the event?
qboolean unlinkAfterEvent; //!< unlink the entity after the event?
qboolean physicsObject; //!< if true, it can be pushed by movers and fall off edges
//!< all game items are physicsObjects,
float physicsBounce; //!< 1.0 = continuous bounce, 0.0 = no bounce
int clipmask; //!< brushes with this content value will be collided again when moving. items and corpses do not collide against players, for instance
// movers
moverState_t moverState; //!< current state of the mover
int soundPos1; //!< soundindex of sound to play when reaching Pos1
int sound1to2; //!< soundindex of sound to play when moving from Pos1 to Pos2
int sound2to1; //!< soundindex of sound to play when moving from Pos2 to Pos1
int soundPos2; //!< soundindex of sound to play when reaching Pos2
int soundLoop; //!< soundindex for looped sounds
gentity_t* parent; //!< parent of this entity
gentity_t* nextTrain; //!< next path_corner of a func_train
gentity_t* prevTrain; //!< previous path_corner of a func_train
vec3_t pos1; //!< start position for binary movers
vec3_t pos2; //!< end position for binary movers
vec3_t apos1; //!< angular start position for movers
vec3_t apos2; //!< angular end position for movers
char* message; //!< message for target_print
int timestamp; //!< body queue sinking, etc
float angle; //!< set in editor, -1 = up, -2 = down
char* target; //!< target of the entity
char* paintarget; //!< target to use if entity takes damage
char* targetname; //!< targetname that identyfies the entity
char* team; //!< for teamchains
gentity_t* target_ent; //!< target of turrets etc
float speed; //!< moving speed etc
vec3_t movedir; //!< moving direction
int nextthink; //!< next level.time the entities think functions gets called
void (*think)(gentity_t *self); //!< think function
void (*reached)(gentity_t *self); //!< movers call this when hitting endpoint
void (*blocked)(gentity_t *self, gentity_t *other); //!< movers call this when blocked
void (*touch)(gentity_t *self, gentity_t *other, trace_t *trace); //!< touch function for triggers
void (*use)(gentity_t *self, gentity_t *other, gentity_t *activator); //!< function that gets called if the entity is used
void (*pain)(gentity_t *self, gentity_t *attacker, int damage); //!< function that gets called if entity gets damged
void (*die)(gentity_t *self, gentity_t *inflictor, gentity_t *attacker, int damage, int mod); //!< function that gets called if entity dies
int pain_debounce_time;
int fly_sound_debounce_time; // wind tunnel
int last_move_time;
int health; //!< current health
int old_health; //!< old/max value for health
qboolean takedamage; //!< entity can take damage
int damage; //!< ammount of damge to do
int splashDamage; //!< do splash damage
//!< quad will increase this without increasing radius
int splashRadius; //!< radius for splash damage
int methodOfDeath;
int splashMethodOfDeath;//!< method of death to use for splash damage
int count; //!< used for counting, check whether an entity is allowed to use
//!< and other various things
gentity_t* lastEnemy; //!< last enemy of the entity (turrets etc)
gentity_t* enemy; //!< current enemy of the entity (turrets etc)
gentity_t* activator; //!< entity that activated/used this entity
gentity_t* teamchain; //!< next entity in team
gentity_t* teammaster; //!< master of the team
int watertype;
int waterlevel;
int noise_index;
int voiceChatSquelch;
int voiceChatPreviousTime;
// timing variables
float wait; //!< how long to wait
float random;
gitem_t* item; //!< for bonus items
qboolean botDelayBegin;
char* swapname; //RPG-X Modification | Phenix | 13/06/2004
char* truename;
char* falsename;
char* truetarget;
char* falsetarget;
qboolean booleanstate;
float distance; // VALKYRIE: for rotating doors
int n00bCount; //RPG-X | Phenix | 06/04/2004 | For when people kill
//RPG-X: TiM : Additional Params for map ents
char* targetname2; // GSIO01 | 08/05/2009
gentity_t* touched; // GSIO01 | 08/05/2009 repairing breakables
//GSIO01 | 10/05/2009 | ok these are for target_alert:
char* bluename;
char* greensound;
char* yellowsound;
char* redsound;
char* bluesound;
char *targetShaderName; //!< shader to remap for shader remapping
char *targetShaderNewName; //!< shader to remap to for shader remapping
qboolean tmpEntity; //!< is this a temporal entity?
#ifdef G_LUA
// for lua hooks
// pointers to lua functions
char* luaTouch;
char* luaUse;
char* luaThink;
char* luaHurt;
char* luaDie;
char* luaFree;
char* luaTrigger;
char* luaReached;
char* luaReachedAngular;
char* luaSpawn;
char* luaParm1;
char* luaParm2;
char* luaParm3;
char* luaParm4;
qboolean luaEntity;
vec4_t startRGBA;
vec4_t finalRGBA;
/** \enum clientConnected_t
* Various connection states a client can have.
typedef enum {
CON_DISCONNECTED, /*!< client is disconnected */
CON_CONNECTING, /*!< client is connecting */
CON_CONNECTED /*!< client is connected */
} clientConnected_t;
/** \enum spectatorState_t
* Diffrent spectator modes.
typedef enum {
SPECTATOR_NOT, /*!< not spectating */
SPECTATOR_FREE, /*!< free spectator mode */
SPECTATOR_FOLLOW, /*!< follow spectator mode */
SPECTATOR_SCOREBOARD /*!< spectator scoreboard */
} spectatorState_t;
/** \enum playerTeamStateState_t
typedef enum {
TEAM_BEGIN, /*!< Beginning a team game, spawn at base */
TEAM_ACTIVE /*!< Now actively playing */
} playerTeamStateState_t;
* \brief Contains statistic information about players for team games.
* \todo remove me
* For example number of flag captures.
typedef struct {
playerTeamStateState_t state; /*!< players team state */
int location; /*!< current location */
int captures; /*!< number of captured flags */
int basedefense;
int carrierdefense;
int flagrecovery;
int fragcarrier;
int assists;
int frags;
int suicides;
float lasthurtcarrier;
float lastreturnedflag;
float flagsince;
float lastfraggedcarrier;
// kef -- oh boy am I abusing this system
float lastFireTime;
} playerTeamState_t;
// the auto following clients don't follow a specific client
// number, but instead follow the first two active players
#define FOLLOW_ACTIVE1 -1
#define FOLLOW_ACTIVE2 -2
* \brief client data that stays across multiple levels or tournament restarts
* this is achieved by writing all the data to cvar strings at game shutdown
* time and reading them back at connection time. Anything added here
* MUST be dealt with in G_InitSessionData() / G_ReadSessionData() / G_WriteSessionData()
typedef struct {
team_t sessionTeam; //!< team of the client
int sessionClass; //!< class of the client is in
int spectatorTime; //!< for determining next-in-line to play
spectatorState_t spectatorState; //!< spectator state
int spectatorClient; //!< for chasecam and follow mode
int wins; //!< tournament stat wins
int losses; //!< tournament stat losses
} clientSession_t;
#define MAX_VOTE_COUNT 3
* Set the score for a client.
* \param ent The client.
* \param score New score for the client.
void SetScore( gentity_t *ent, int score );
* \brief client data that stays across multiple respawns,
* but is cleared on each level change or team change at G_Client_Begin()
typedef struct {
clientConnected_t connected;
usercmd_t cmd; // we would lose angles if not persistant
qboolean localClient; // true if "ip" info key is "localhost"
qboolean initialSpawn; // the first spawn should be at a cool location
qboolean predictItemPickup; // based on cg_predictItems userinfo
char netname[36];
int maxHealth; // for handicapping
int enterTime; // level.time the client entered the game
playerTeamState_t teamState; // status in teamplay games
int voteCount; // to prevent people from constantly calling votes
int kickCount;
int suicideCount;
qboolean teamInfo; // send team overlay updates?
char ip[64]; // RPG-X - Store this for login comparisons
float pms_height; //player model system, height
} clientPersistant_t;
/** \struct gclient_s
* this structure is cleared on each G_Client_Spawn(),
* except for 'client->pers' and 'client->sess'
struct gclient_s {
// ps MUST be the first element, because the server expects it
playerState_t ps; //!< communicated by server to clients
// the rest of the structure is private to game
clientPersistant_t pers;
clientSession_t sess;
qboolean readyToExit; //!< wishes to leave the intermission
qboolean noclip;
int lastCmdTime; //!< level.time of last usercmd_t, for EF_CONNECTION we can't just use pers.lastCommand.time, because of the g_sycronousclients case
int buttons;
int oldbuttons;
int latched_buttons;
// sum up damage over an entire frame, so
// shotgun blasts give a single big kick
int damage_armor; //!< damage absorbed by armor
int damage_blood; //!< damage taken out of health
int damage_knockback; //!< impact damage
vec3_t damage_from; //!< origin for vector calculation
qboolean damage_fromWorld; //!< if true, don't use the damage_from vector
int accurateCount; //!< for "impressive" reward sound
int streakCount; //!< To count up kills without dying.
int lasthurt_client; //!< last client that damaged this client
int lasthurt_mod; //!< type of damage the client did
int lasthurt_location; //!< Where the client was hit.
// timers
int respawnTime; //!< can respawn when time > this, force after g_forcerespwan
int inactivityTime; //!< kick players when time > this
qboolean inactivityWarning; //!< qtrue if the five seoond warning has been given
int rewardTime; //!< clear the EF_AWARD_IMPRESSIVE, etc when time > this
int airOutTime;
int lastKillTime; //!< for multiple kill rewards
int nextRespawn; //!< level.time when player is allowed to use the respawn command/button again
qboolean fireHeld; //!< used for hook
gentity_t* hook; //!< grapple hook if out
int switchTeamTime;
// timeResidual is used to handle events that happen every second
// like health / armor countdowns and regeneration
int timeResidual;
int mod; //!< means of death
//added for new game mods
int teleportTime; //!< Borg teleporting
int classChangeDebounceTime; //!< next time you can change classes
//RPG-X Specific
qboolean SpecialGrav; //!< Added for target_gravity ent
// RPG-X: J2J
qboolean UpdateScore; //!< Check if we should update the score or not
// RPG-X: RedTechie
int AdminFailed; //!< For failed admin logins.
// RPG-X | Phenix | 21/11/2004
qboolean LoggedAsAdmin; //!< For AdminLogin command
// RPG-X | Phenix | 21/11/2004
qboolean LoggedAsDeveloper; //!< For Debuging Admin Commands
// RPG-X | Phenix | 21/11/2004
int n00bTime; //!< For when to bring them out of n00b
// RPG-X | Phenix | 06/04/2004
char origClass[MAX_STRING_CHARS]; //!< What class they came from
// RPG-X | Phenix | 06/04/2004
qboolean noAdminChat; //!< If admins choose not to see admin messages
// RPG-X | TiM | 02/04/2006
fxGunData_t fxGunData; //!< Storage point for info needed for multiple admin gun FX
char lastPaddMsg[256]; //!< Padd buffer
// RPG-X | Marcin | 08/12/2008
qboolean pressedUse; //!< To prevent multiple pickups per press
// RPG-X | Marcin | 30/12/2008
int fraggerTime; //!< For rpg_fraggerSpawnDelay
// RPG-X | Marcin | 03/01/2009
// for sql
char* userName; //!< username (not player name) in the sql database
int uid; //!< uiser id of the player in the sql database
vec3_t origViewAngles;
vec3_t origOrigin;
gentity_t* cam;
// for selfdestruct and shiphealth
int nokilli; //!< if 1 this player won't be killed if the ship is killed
int myship; //!< entnum of the shiphealth entity this client currently holds info from
// this structure is cleared as each map is entered
#define MAX_SPAWN_VARS 64
/** \typedef levelLocation
* Type for level location.
* @see levelLocation_s
* \author Ubergames - GSIO01
typedef struct levelLocation_s levelLocation;
/** \typedef levelLocation´_p
* Pointer to a level location.
* @see levelLocation
* @see levelLocation_s
* \author Ubergames - GSIO01
typedef levelLocation levelLocation_p;
/** \struct levelLocation_s
* Describes a level location.
* Contains a list of origin and angles where the first is the primary location origin and angles.
* A name which identifies the location like the targetname for entities.
* The actual description displayed.
* \author Ubergames - GSIO01
struct levelLocation_s {
list_p origins;
list_p angles;
char* name;
char* description;
/** \typedef srvChangeData_t
* Type for \link srvChangeData_s \endlink
* \author Ubergames - GSIO01
typedef struct srvChangeData_s srvChangeData_t;
/** \struct srvChangeData_s
* Contains data needed by traporter UI and transportet entities for serverchage transports.
* \author Ubergames - GSIO01
struct srvChangeData_s {
char name[6][MAX_QPATH]; //!< name of the locations
char ip[6][MAX_QPATH]; //!< IPs of the servers to connect to
int count; //!< Count of servers
* Contains important informations about the current leve and information needed for game logic.
typedef struct {
struct gclient_s* clients; /*!< level clients */
struct gentity_s* gentities; /*! level gentities */
int gentitySize; /*! size of gentity */
int num_entities; /*!< current number of entities, <= MAX_GENTITIES */
int warmupTime; /*!< restart match at this time */
fileHandle_t logFile; /*! file handle for the log file */
// store latched cvars here that we want to get at often
int maxclients; /*! maximum number of clients allowed */
int framenum; /*!< number of the frame */
int time; /*!< time since level start in msec */
int previousTime; /*!< so movers can back up when blocked */
int startTime; /*!< level.time the map was started */
int message; /*!< MESSAGE TIME */
int teamScores[TEAM_NUM_TEAMS]; /*!< scores for each team */
int lastTeamLocationTime; /*!< last time of client team location update */
qboolean newSession; /*!< don't use any old session data, because we changed gametype */
qboolean restarted; /*!< waiting for a map_restart to fire */
int numConnectedClients; /*!< number of connected clients */
int numNonSpectatorClients; /*!< includes connecting clients */
int numPlayingClients; /*!< connected, non-spectators */
int sortedClients[MAX_CLIENTS]; /*!< Clients sorted by score */
int follow1, follow2; /*!< clientNums for auto-follow spectators */
int snd_fry; /*!< sound index for standing in lava */
qboolean firstStrike; /*!< Was the first strike done yet? */
// voting state
char voteString[MAX_STRING_CHARS];
int voteTime; /*!< level.time vote was called */
int voteYes; /*!< Number of yes votes */
int voteNo; /*!< Number of no votes */
int numVotingClients; /*!< Set by CalculateRanks */
// spawn variables
qboolean spawning; /*!< the G_Spawn*() functions are valid */
int numSpawnVars; /*!< Number of spawn vars */
char* spawnVars[MAX_SPAWN_VARS][2]; /*!< key / value pairs */
int numSpawnVarChars; /*!< Number of spawn var chars */
char spawnVarChars[MAX_SPAWN_VARS_CHARS];/*!< The spawn var chars */
// intermission state
int intermissionQueued; /*!< Intermission was qualified, but wait INTERMISSION_DELAY_TIME before actually going there so the last frag can be watched. Disable future kills during this delay */
int intermissiontime; /*!< Time the intermission was started */
char* changemap; /*!< ??? */
qboolean readyToExit; /*!< Determines whether at least one client wants to exit */
int exitTime; /*!< Exit time */
vec3_t intermission_origin; /*!< Origin of the camera for intermission. Also used for spectator spawns. */
vec3_t intermission_angle; /*!< Angle of the camera for intermission. Also used for spectator spawns. */
qboolean locationLinked; /*!< target_locations get linked */
gentity_t* locationHead; /*!< head of the location list */
int bodyQueIndex; /*!< dead bodies */
gentity_t* bodyQue[BODY_QUEUE_SIZE]; /*!< body Que */
int numObjectives; /*! Number of level objectives (unused) */
//RPG-X - Decoy index
int decoyIndex; /*!< 0-128. Counting decoys. If we do hit the end (omfg), start from the beginning again lol */
int numDecks; /*!< Counts the number of turbolift decks on the map */
int borgAdaptHits[WP_NUM_WEAPONS]; /*!< Counts of hits for each weapon for borg adaption */
// usable things
//TiM - usables client side text defines
int g_scannables[MAX_SCANNABLES]; /*!< the ID is stored here, but the index is what's referenced */
int g_entScannables[MAX_ENTSCANNABLES][2]; /*!< first cell is the entity ID, the second is the id of the object in question */
qboolean hasScannableFile; /*!< Most maps probably won't even have one of these */
qboolean hasEntScannableFile; /*!< Only older maps would probably have this */
int numBrushEnts; /*!< number of entities in the level that use brushmodels */
list_p safezones; /*!< self destruct safezones list */
list_p locations; /*!< level locations list */
list_p timedMessages; /*!< timed messages list */
// other stuff
srvChangeData_t srvChangeData; /*!< Server change data */
// override rpg_calcLiftTravelDuration
int overrideCalcLiftTravelDuration; /*!< Indicated whether the level author wants to override rpg_calcLiftTravelDuration */
} level_locals_t;
// g_spawn.c
* \brief Get a string for a custom entity key.
* Spawn string returns a temporary reference, you must copy the string if you want to keep it.
* \param[in] key Key to get the value for.
* \param[in] defaultString Default value for this key.
* \param[out] out The result.
* \return Success or fail.
qboolean G_SpawnString( const char* key, const char* defaultString, char** out );
* \brief Get a float for a custom entity key.
* \param[in] key Key to get the value for.
* \param[in] defaultString Default value for this key.
* \param[out] out The result.
* \return Success or fail.
qboolean G_SpawnFloat( const char* key, const char* defaultString, float* out );
* \brief Get a int for a custom entity key.
* \param[in] key Key to get the value for.
* \param[in] defaultString Default value for this key.
* \param[out] out The result.
* \return Success or fail.
qboolean G_SpawnInt( const char* key, const char* defaultString, int* out );
* \brief Get a vector for a custom entity key.
* \param[in] key Key to get the value for.
* \param[in] defaultString Default value for this key.
* \param[out] out The result.
* \return Success or fail.
qboolean G_SpawnVector( const char* key, const char* defaultString, float* out );
* \brief Spawn all entities from the entity string.
void G_SpawnEntitiesFromString( void );
* \brief Creates a copy of the given string. Allocated on the memory pool.
* \param string String to copy.
* \return Copy of the string.
char* G_NewString( const char* string );
// g_cmds.c
* Concatenate all arguments for this string.
* \param start start from the given argument
* \return String containing concatenated command arguments.
char* ConcatArgs( int start );
* Request current scoreboard information.
void Cmd_Score_f (gentity_t* ent);
* If the client being followed leaves the game, or you just want to drop
* to free floating spectator mode
void StopFollowing( gentity_t* ent );
* Let everyone know about a team change.
* \param client The client that changed team.
* \param oldTeam The team the client was in.
void BroadcastTeamChange( gclient_t* client, int oldTeam );
* Set the team for a player.
* \param ent A player.
* \param s The new team.
* \return Success or fail.
qboolean SetTeam( gentity_t* ent, char* s );
* Cycle different players.
void Cmd_FollowCycle_f( gentity_t* ent, int dir );
* Command signaling player readiness.
* \param ent A player.
void Cmd_Ready_f (gentity_t* ent);
// g_items.c
* Data structures + functions for the PADD messaging system.
* \author Ubergames - Marcin
* \date 06/12/2008
typedef struct
gentity_t* key; //!< PADD item entity pointer
char owner[64];
char value[256];
} paddData_t;
#define PADD_DATA_MAX 256 //!< max number of padds
#define MAX_DROPPED 255 //!< should be reasonable
extern paddData_t paddData[PADD_DATA_MAX];
extern int paddDataNum;
extern int numTotalDropped;
* Add a new padd.
* \param key entity
* \param who owner of the padd
* \param txt text of the padd
* \author Ubergames - Marcin
* \date 06/12/2008
void Padd_Add( gentity_t* key, gentity_t* who, char* txt);
* Pickup padd.
* \param key entity
* \param who Who picked up the padd.
* \return Text of the padd.
* \author Ubergames - Marcin
* \date 06/12/2008
char* Padd_Get( gentity_t* key, gentity_t* who );
* Remove a padd.
* \param key entity
* \author Ubergames - Marcin
* \date 06/12/2008
void Padd_Remove( gentity_t* key );
* Run an item.
* \param ent The item.
void G_RunItem( gentity_t* ent );
* Repsawn an item.
* \param ent The item.
void RespawnItem( gentity_t* ent );
* Spawns an item and tosses it forward.
* \param ent An entity to toss from.
* \param item The item.
* \param angle Direction to toss to.
* \return The entity for the item.
gentity_t* Drop_Item( gentity_t* ent, gitem_t* item, float angle );
* Sets the clipping size and plants the object on the floor.
* Items can't be immediately dropped to floor, because they might
* be on an entity that hasn't spawned yet.
* \param ent Entity for item.
* \param item The item.
void G_SpawnItem (gentity_t* ent, gitem_t* item);
* Traces down to find where an item should rest, instead of letting them
* free fall from their spawn points
* \param ent Entity for the item.
void FinishSpawningItem( gentity_t* ent );
* Add ammo for a weapon to a player.
* \param ent The player.
* \param weapon For which weapon.
* \param count Ammount of ammo.
void Add_Ammo (gentity_t* ent, int weapon, int count);
* Touch function for items.
* \param ent The entity for the item.
* \param other The touching entity.
* \param trace A trace.
void Touch_Item (gentity_t* ent, gentity_t* other, trace_t* trace);
* Clear all registered items.
void ClearRegisteredItems( void );
* Register a new item. The item will be added to the precache list.
* \param item Item to register.
void RegisterItem( gitem_t* item );
* Write the needed items to a config string so the client will know which ones to precache.
void SaveRegisteredItems( void );
// g_utils.c
* \brief Get the model index for a model.
* Get the model index for a model.
* \param name the model name
* \return the models index
int G_ModelIndex( char* name );
* \brief Get the sound index for a sound.
* Get the sound index for a sound.
* \param name the sound name
* \return the sounds index
int G_SoundIndex( char* name );
* \brief Issue a team command.
* Issue a team command.
* \param team the team
* \param cmd the command
void G_TeamCommand( team_t team, char* cmd );
* \brief Get the tric string index.
* Get the tric string index.
* \param name the tric string name
* \return the tric strings index
* \author Ubergames - TiM
int G_TricStringIndex( char* name );
* \brief Kill all that would be inside a new one.
* Kills all entities that would touch the proposed new positioning
* of ent. Ent should be unlinked before calling this!
* \param ent the entity
void G_KillBox (gentity_t* ent);
* \author Ubergames - J2J
* \brief Push all entities away that are inside a new entity.
* Basically does teh same as G_KillBox except it will
* push players and other entities away instead of killing them.
* \param ent the entity
* \return was an ent moved?
qboolean G_MoveBox (gentity_t* ent);
* \brief Finds an entity.
* Searches all active entities for the next one that holds
* the matching string at fieldofs (use the FOFS() macro) in the structure.
* Searches beginning at the entity after from, or the beginning if NULL
* NULL will be returned if the end of the list is reached.
* \param from search from this entity on
* \param fieldofs in which field to look
* \param match string to match
* \return an matching entity or NULL
gentity_t* G_Find (gentity_t* from, int fieldofs, const char* match);
* \brief Pick a target.
* Selects a random entity from among the targets.
* \param targetname the targets targetname
* \return an entity or NULL
gentity_t* G_PickTarget (char* targetname);
* \brief Use all of the given entity's targets.
* Use all of the given entity's targets.
* \param ent the entity
* \param activator the initiator of the function call
void G_UseTargets (gentity_t* ent, gentity_t* activator);
* \brief Use all targets of the given entity.
* Goes through all entities and calls ther use function if their
* targetname, swapname, truename, falsename, bluename are matching
* the target. activator should be set the the inflictor of this function
* call.
* \param ent the entity
* \param activator the activator
* \param target target to match
void G_UseTargets2( gentity_t* ent, gentity_t* activator, char* target );
* \brief Converts angles to move directions.
* The editor only specifies a single value for angles (yaw),
* but we have special constants to generate an up or down direction.
* Angles will be cleared, because it is being used to represent a direction
* instead of an orientation.
* \param angles the angles
* \param movedir the movedir
void G_SetMovedir ( vec3_t angles, vec3_t movedir);
* \brief Init the entity.
* Inits a given game entity.
* \param e the entity
void G_InitGentity( gentity_t* ent );
* \brief Spawns a new entity.
* Either finds a free entity, or allocates a new one.
* The slots from 0 to MAX_CLIENTS-1 are always reserved for clients,
* and will never be used by anything else.
* Try to avoid reusing an entity that was recently freed, because it
* can cause the client to think the entity morphed into something else
* instead of being removed and recreated, which can cause interpolated
* angles and bad trails.
* \return a new entity or NULL
gentity_t* G_Spawn (void);
* \brief Spawn an temporary entity.
* Spawns an event entity that will be auto-removed
* The origin will be snapped to save net bandwidth, so care
* must be taken if the origin is right on a surface (snap towards start vector first)
* \param origin the origin
* \param event the event to use for this entity
* \return the temporary entity
gentity_t* G_TempEntity( vec3_t origin, int event );
* \brief Makes an entity to play a non looping sound.
* Makes an entity to play a non looping sound.
* \param ent the entity
* \param soundIndex the sounds index
void G_Sound( gentity_t* ent, int soundIndex );
* \brief Free an entity.
* Marks the entity as free.
* \param ed entity to free
void G_FreeEntity( gentity_t* ent );
* Find all trigger entities that ent's current position touches.
* Spectators will only interact with teleporters.
void G_TouchTriggers (gentity_t* ent);
* \brief Create a temporary vector.
* This is just a convenience function
* for making temporary vectors for function calls
* \param x x-value
* \param y y-value
* \param z z-value
* \return temporary vector
float* tv(float x, float y, float z);
* \brief Converts a vector to a string to be printed.
* This is just a convenience function
* for printing vectors
* \param v the vector
* \return string representation of the vector
char* vtos( const vec3_t v );
* \brief Get the yaw from a vector.
* Get the yaw from a vector.
* \param vec the vector
* \return the yaw
float vectoyaw( const vec3_t vec );
* \brief Adds a new Predictable event.
* Use for non-pmove events that would also be predicted on the
* client side: jumppads and item pickups
* Adds an event+parm and twiddles the event counter
* \param ent the entity
* \param event the event
* \param eventParm any parameters for the event
void G_AddPredictableEvent( gentity_t* ent, int event, int eventParm );
* \brief Add a new event.
* Adds an event+parm and twiddles the event counter
* \param ent the entity
* \param event the event
* \param eventParm parameter for the event
void G_AddEvent( gentity_t* ent, int event, int eventParm );
* \brief Set the Origin of an entity.
* Sets the pos trajectory for a fixed position
* \param ent the entity
* \param origin the new origin
void G_SetOrigin( gentity_t* ent, vec3_t origin );
* \brief Set the angles of an entity.
* Sets the pos trajectory for a fixed angular position
* \param ent the entity
* \param angles the new angles
* \author Ubergames - GSIO01
void G_SetAngles( gentity_t* ent, vec3_t anlges ); //RPG-X | GSIO01 | 24.08.2009
* Get a list of entities in a specified radous around an origin.
* \param origin Origin to search around.
* \param radius Radius to serach in.
* \param ignore List of entities to ignore.
* \param takeDamage Only return entities matching this value for takeDamage.
* \param ent_list List to store found entities in.
* \return Count of entities found.
int G_RadiusList ( vec3_t origin, float radius, list_p ignore, qboolean takeDamage, list_p ent_list);
* Get a list of specified entity classes in a specified radius.
* \author Ubergames - GSIO01
* \param classname class names for searched entity classes
* \param count cout of class names in classname
* \param origin origin around which entities are searched
* \param radius radius to search in
* \param ignore entity to ignore
* \param ent_list list to store the results
* \return count of found entities
int G_RadiusListOfTypes(list_p classnames, vec3_t origin, float radius, list_p ignore, list_p ent_list);
* Get the neares entity to an origin.
* \param classname Filter by this classname.
* \param origin Origin to search around.
* \param radius Radius to search in.
* \param ignore List of entities to ignore.
* \param takeDamage Only return entities that match this value for takeDamage.
* \return Nearest entity found.
gentity_t* G_GetNearestEnt(char* classname, vec3_t origin, float radius, list_p ignore, qboolean takeDamage);
* Get the nearest player orund an origin.
* \param origin Origin to search around.
* \param radius Radius to search in.
* \param ignore List of entities to ignore.
* \return Nearest player.
gentity_t* G_GetNearestPlayer(vec3_t origin, float radius, list_p ignore );
* \author Ubergames - GSIO01
* \brief Get all entities with the specified targetname.
* Get all entities with the specified targetname.
* \param targetname the targetname
* \param entities the result
* \return number of entities found
int G_GetEntityByTargetname(const char* targetname, list_p entities);
* \author Ubergames - GSIO01
* \brief Get all entities with specified target.
* Get all entities matching the specifie target.
* \param target target the entities should have
* \param entities the result
* \return number of matches found
int G_GetEntityByTarget(const char* target, list_p entities);
* \author Ubergames - GSIO01
* \brief Get all entities with specified brush model
* Get all entities matching the specified brush model.
* Normally this only shoud be one entity.
* \param bmodel brush model to match
* \param entities the result
* \return number of matches found
int G_GetEntityByBmodel(char* bmodel,list_p entities);
* \brief Add a new shader remap.
* Remaps oldShader with newShader.
* \param oldShader shader to be remapped
* \param newShader replacement shader
* \param timeOffset time offset
void AddRemap(const char* oldShader, const char* newShader, float timeOffset);
// g_combat.c
* Returns qtrue if the inflictor can directly damage the target. Used for
* explosions and melee attacks.
* \param targ the target
* \param origin the origin
* \return qtrue if the inflictor can directly damage the target. Used for explosions and melee attacks.
qboolean CanDamage (gentity_t* targ, vec3_t origin);
* Damage an entity.
* \param targ entity that is being damaged
* \param inflictor entity that is causing the damage
* \param attacker entity that caused the inflictor to damage targ
* \param dir direction of the attack for knockback
* \param point point at which the damage is being inflicted, used for headshots
* \param damage amount of damage being inflicted
* \param knockback force to be applied against targ as a result of the damage
* \param dflags these flags are used to control how G_Damage works
* \param mod means of death
* Damage flags:
* DAMAGE_RADIUS damage was indirect (from a nearby explosion)
* DAMAGE_NO_ARMOR armor does not protect from this damage
* DAMAGE_NO_KNOCKBACK do not affect velocity, just view angles
* DAMAGE_NO_PROTECTION kills godmode, armor, everything
void G_Damage (gentity_t* targ, gentity_t* inflictor, gentity_t* attacker, vec3_t dir, vec3_t point, int damage, int dflags, int mod);
* Damage all entities around an origin in a specified radius.
* \return Hit a client?
* \param origin Origin.
* \param attacker Attacker.
* \param damage Amount much damage.
* \param radius Radius.
* \param ignore Entity to ignore.
* \param dflags Damage flags.
* \param mod Means of death.
* \todo Replace ignore entity by list of entites.
qboolean G_RadiusDamage (vec3_t origin, gentity_t* attacker, float damage, float radius, gentity_t* ignore, int dflags, int mod);
* Let a body die.
* \param self Self.
* \param inflictor entity that is causing the damage
* \param attacker entity that caused the inflictor to damage targ
* \param damage Amount of damage.
* \param meansOfDeath Means of death.
void body_die( gentity_t* self, gentity_t* inflictor, gentity_t* attacker, int damage, int meansOfDeath );
* Toss the weapon and powerups for the killed player.
* \param self the client.
* \param Caused by disconnect?
void TossClientItems( gentity_t* self, qboolean dis_con );
* Repairs repairable entities.
* \param ent The player.
* \param tr_ent Entity to repair.
* \param rate Rate to repair with.
* \author Ubergames - GSIO01
* \date 09/05/2009
void G_Repair(gentity_t* ent, gentity_t* tr_ent, float rate);
// damage flags
#define DAMAGE_RADIUS 0x00000001 // damage was indirect
#define DAMAGE_NO_ARMOR 0x00000002 // armor (shields) do not protect from this damage
#define DAMAGE_NO_KNOCKBACK 0x00000008 // do not affect velocity, just view angles
#define DAMAGE_NO_PROTECTION 0x00000020 // armor, shields, invulnerability, and godmode have no effect
#define DAMAGE_NOT_ARMOR_PIERCING 0x00000000 // trek: shields fully protect from this damage (for clarity)
#define DAMAGE_ARMOR_PIERCING 0x00000040 // trek: shields don't fully protect from this damage
#define DAMAGE_NO_INVULNERABILITY 0x00000080 // trek: invulnerability doesn't event protect from this damage
#define DAMAGE_HALF_NOTLOS 0x00000100 // trek: radius damage still does 1/2 damage to ents that do not have LOS to explosion org but are in radius
#define DAMAGE_ALL_TEAMS 0x00000200 // trek: damage ignores teamdamage settings
// g_missile.c
* Run a missile.
* \param ent the missile
void G_Missile_Run( gentity_t* ent );
* Fire alient plasma projectile.
* \param The shooter.
* \param start Start point.
* \param aimdir Direction.
gentity_t* fire_plasma (gentity_t* self, vec3_t start, vec3_t aimdir);
* Fire torpedo projectile.
* \param The shooter.
* \param start Start point.
* \param aimdir Direction.
gentity_t* fire_quantum (gentity_t* self, vec3_t start, vec3_t aimdir);
* Fire grenade.
* \param The shooter.
* \param start Start point.
* \param aimdir Direction.
gentity_t* fire_grenade (gentity_t* self, vec3_t start, vec3_t aimdir);
* Fire a rocket.
* \param The shooter.
* \param start Start point.
* \param dir Direction.
gentity_t* fire_rocket (gentity_t* self, vec3_t start, vec3_t dir);
* Fire a compression rifle projectile.
* \param The shooter.
* \param start Start point.
* \param dir Direction.
gentity_t* fire_comprifle (gentity_t* self, vec3_t start, vec3_t dir);
// g_mover.c
* Run a mover.
* \param ent Mover to run.
void G_Mover_Run( gentity_t* ent );
* Touch function for doors.
* \param ent The mover.
* \param other The touching entity.
* \param trace A trace.
void G_Mover_TouchDoorTrigger( gentity_t* ent, gentity_t* other, trace_t* trace );
* Use function for binary movers.
* \param ent The mover.
* \param other Other entity.
* \param activator Activator.
void G_Mover_UseBinaryMover( gentity_t* ent, gentity_t* other, gentity_t* activator );
// g_misc.c
* Teleport a player to an origin.
* \param player The player.
* \param origin Where to teleport.
* \param angles Angles of the player at destination.
* \param tyTpye Teleport type.
void TeleportPlayer( gentity_t* player, vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles, tpType_t tyType );
* Transport a player to an origin.
* \param player The player.
* \param origin Destination.
* \param angles Angles at destination.
* \param speed Spit out speed at destination.
void TransportPlayer( gentity_t* player, vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles, int speed );
* Start turbolist travel.
* \param ent The turbolift.
* \author Ubergames - TiM
void target_turbolift_start( gentity_t* ent );
// g_weapon.c
* \brief Checks wether accuray for this hit should be logged.
* \param target the target entity
* \param attacker the attacker entity
qboolean G_Weapon_LogAccuracyHit( gentity_t* target, gentity_t* attacker );
* \brief Calculates the muzzle point.
* Calculates the muzzle point.
* \param ent the player
* \param fwd the forward vector
* \param rt the right vector
* \param vup the up vector
* \param muzzlePoint the muzzle point
* \param projsize projsize
void G_Weapon_CalcMuzzlePoint ( gentity_t* ent, vec3_t forward, vec3_t right, vec3_t up, vec3_t muzzlePoint, float projsize);
* Round a vector to integers for more efficient network
* transmission, but make sure that it rounds towards a given point
* rather than blindly truncating. This prevents it from truncating
* into a wall.
* \param v vector to round
* \param to rounded vector
void G_Weapon_SnapVectorTowards( vec3_t v, vec3_t to );
// g_client.c
* Get number of clients in team.
* \param ignoreClientNum Client to ignore.
* \param team Team.
* \reutrn Number of clients in team.
team_t G_Client_TeamCount( int ignoreClientNum, int team );
* Pick a random team.
* \param ignoreClientNum Client to ignore.
* \return Random team.
team_t G_Client_PickTeam( int ignoreClientNum );
* Set the clients view angle.
* \param ent Entity for which to set view angle.
* \param angle New view angle.
void G_Client_SetViewAngle( gentity_t* ent, vec3_t angle );
* Select a spawnpoint.
* \param avoidPoint Point to avoid.
* \param origin Origin.
* \param angles Angles.
gentity_t* G_Client_SelectSpawnPoint ( vec3_t avoidPoint, vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles );
* Respawn client.
* \param ent Client to respawn.
void G_Client_Respawn(gentity_t *ent);
* Begin intermission.
void G_Client_BeginIntermission(void);
* Init the body que.
void G_Client_InitBodyQue(void);
* Spawn client.
* \param ent Client to spawn
* \param rpgx_spawn rpgx_spawn
* \param fromDeath Is this a spawn from death?
void G_Client_Spawn( gentity_t* ent, int rpgx_spawn, qboolean fromDeath );
* Let the client die.
* \param self Client.
* \param inflictor Entity causing death.
* \param attacker Entity that made inflicotr cause death.
* \param damage ammount of demage
* \param mod means of death
void G_Client_Die (gentity_t* self, gentity_t* inflictor, gentity_t* attacker, int damage, int mod);
* Add score for the client.
* \param ent The client.
* \param score Ammount of score to add.
void G_Client_AddScore( gentity_t* ent, int score );
* Calculate clients ranks.
* \param fromExit From exit?
void G_Client_CalculateRanks( qboolean fromExit );
* Determine whether spot would telefrag.
* \param spot Spot to check.
* \return Whether this spot would telefrag.
qboolean G_Client_SpotWouldTelefrag( gentity_t* spot );
* Get weapons for a class.
* \param client The client.
* \param pclass Class to get weapons for.
void G_Client_WeaponsForClass( gclient_t* client, pclass_t pclass );
* Get holdable items for a class.
* \param client The client.
* \param pclass Class for which to get holdables.
void G_Client_HoldablesForClass( gclient_t* client, pclass_t pclass );
* Store the clients initial status.
* \param ent The client.
void G_Client_StoreClientInitialStatus( gentity_t* ent );
* Get location message for a client.
* \param ent The client.
* \param loc Location char.
* \param loclen Length of location char.
* \return Indicates success or fail.
qboolean G_Client_GetLocationMsg(gentity_t* ent, char* loc, int loclen);
* Check client statuses.
void G_Client_CheckClientStatus(void);
* Send client location information.
* \param ent The client.
void G_Client_LocationsMessage( gentity_t *ent );
* Client connect.
* \param clientNum Client num.
* \param firstTime Indicate whether this was the first connect.
* \param isBot Indicate if bot or player.
char* G_Client_Connect( int clientNum, qboolean firstTime, qboolean isBot );
* Clients user info changed.
* \param clientNum Client num.
void G_Client_UserinfoChanged( int clientNum );
* Disconnect client.
* \param clientNum Client num.
void G_Client_Disconnect( int clientNum );
* Initialize client.
* \param clientNum Client num.
* \param careAboutWarmup Indicate whether to care about warm up.
* \param isBot Bot or client?
* \param first First time?
void G_Client_Begin( int clientNum, qboolean careAboutWarmup, qboolean isBot, qboolean first );
* Client command.
* \param clientNum Client num.
void G_Client_Command( int clientNum );
// g_svcmds.c
* Check for server console command and run if it is.
* \return whether this was a server command.
qboolean ConsoleCommand( void );
* Process IP bans.
void G_ProcessIPBans(void);
* Filter a packet.
qboolean G_FilterPacket (char* from);
* Get a client for a string.
gclient_t* ClientForString( const char* s ); //RPG-X: RedTechie - Added so g_cmds could read the function
* Process ID bans.
void G_ProcessIDBans( void );
* Check ID.
qboolean CheckID( char* id );
// g_weapon.c
* \brief Fire weapons.
* Handles weapon firing.
* \param ent the player
* \param alt_fire was this alt fire mode?
void FireWeapon( gentity_t* ent, qboolean alt_fire );
// p_hud.c
* When the intermission starts, this will be called for all players.
* If a new client connects, this will be called after the spawn function.
* \param client A client.
void MoveClientToIntermission (gentity_t* client);
* Send deathmatch scorebard message.
* \param client A client.
void DeathmatchScoreboardMessage (gentity_t* client);
// g_fx.c
void SP_fx_spark( gentity_t* ent );
// g_main.c
* Find the intermission point. This is also used for spectator spawns.
void FindIntermissionPoint( void );
* Run think functions for entity.
void G_RunThink (gentity_t* ent);
* Send scorebard message to all clients.
void SendScoreboardMessageToAllClients( void );
* Print function that prints to the server console.
void QDECL G_Printf( const char* fmt, ... ) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 1, 2)));
* Error function. Will result in any running map to be stoped and this way somewhat stops the server.
void QDECL G_Error( const char* fmt, ... ) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 1, 2)));
* Print a message in a specified clients console.
void QDECL G_PrintfClient( gentity_t* ent, const char* fmt, ...) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 2, 3)));
* Print a message in all clients consoles.
void QDECL G_PrintfClientAll(const char* fmt, ...) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 1, 2)));
// g_sql.c
extern qboolean sql_ready; /*<! Indicates whether sql is ready. */
* Initialize SQL.
* \return Success or fail.
qboolean G_Sql_Init(void);
* Shutdown SQL.
void G_Sql_Shutdown(void);
* Add a new user to the user database.
* \param uName Username.
* \param password User's password.
* \return Success or fail.
qboolean G_Sql_UserDB_Add(const char* uName, const char* password);
* Check if a user has a specific right.
* \param uid User's id.
* \param right Right's id.
* \return Access or not.
qboolean G_Sql_UserDB_CheckRight(int uid, int right);
* Grant a user a specific right.
* \param uid User's id.
* \param right Right's id.
* \return Success or fail.
qboolean G_Sql_UserDB_AddRight(int uid, int right);
* Revoe a user a specific right.
* \param uid User's id.
* \param right Right's id.
* \return Success or fail.
qboolean G_Sql_UserDB_RemoveRight(int uid, int right);
* Delete a user.
* \param uName Username.
* \return Success or fail.
qboolean G_Sql_UserDB_Del(const char* uName);
* User login.
* \param uName Username.
* \param pwd Password.
* \param clientnum User's clientnum.
* \return Success or fail.
qboolean G_Sql_UserDB_Login(const char* uName, const char* pwd, int clientnum);
* Get user id for a user.
* \param uName Username.
* \return UID
int G_Sql_UserDB_GetUID(const char* uName);
//RPG-X: J2J - Nice neat struct to hold info for admin tricorder transport..//////
//TiM: I may be a complete nutter here, but I'm gonna try and mod this to see if we can mosey SP transportery FX in here
//It's only really a matter of delaying the teleport a few seconds, and displaying some fancy stuff, like lens flares in the CG ^_^
//TiM: Addendum - Turns out I'll be referring to this more heavily than I thought, so I'm going to optimize it
//a bit more so it can store and then access data in a more easy way.
/** \enum transportTypes_t
* Enumeration used to indentify different transporter types.
* \author Ubergames
typedef enum {
//TPT_LOCATION, //Copy direct to current, so don't need this
} transportTypes_t;
//TiM: In each transport case, we need these two variables,
//so let's make them structs for easier declaration.
/** \struct transVecData_t
* Contains data needed for each transport.
* \author Ubergames
typedef struct {
vec3_t origin;
vec3_t angles;
} transVecData_t;
/** \struct RPGX_SiteTOSiteData
* Contains data needed for Site to Site transport
* \author Ubergames
typedef struct
//TiM :
int beamTime; //!< Time the beam was initialized. 4 seconds after this, the player will teleport, 8 seconds later the effect will reset
transVecData_t currentCoord; //!< If they are beaming, have the active variables placed here
transVecData_t storedCoord[TPT_MAX]; //!< Any separate beam data (ie, tricorder, portable beam etc) is kept here till needed.
int LastClick; //!< Last click (in level time) when feature was used (used to prevent accidents)
qboolean beamed; //!< Once we've called the teleport, make this true. Or else we'll teleport on every clock cycle >.<
} RPGX_SiteTOSiteData;
extern RPGX_SiteTOSiteData TransDat[];
/** \struct RPGX_DragData
* Another Neat Struct (tm) to hold data for the toggle drag admin feature.
* /author Ubergames - J2J
typedef struct
int AdminId; //!< -1 when not beting grabed
float distance; //!< Length of Leash
} RPGX_DragData;
extern RPGX_DragData DragDat[];
* \brief Select a random spawn point.
* Select a random spawn point.
* \return a random spawn point
gentity_t* SelectRandomSpawnPoint( void ); //Added so it can be used in main.
//RPG-X Misc Sounds:
//extern sfxHandle_t n00bsnd;
* Shutdown game.
* \param restart For map restart?
void G_ShutdownGame( int restart );
//RPG-X END///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// g_log.c
// synchronized with cg_local.h via mental telepathy
/** \enum awardType_t
* Enumeration containing the different award types.
typedef enum
AWARD_EFFICIENCY = 0, //!< Accuracy
AWARD_SHARPSHOOTER, //!< Most compression rifle frags
AWARD_UNTOUCHABLE, //!< Perfect (no deaths)
AWARD_LOGISTICS, //!< Most pickups
AWARD_TACTICIAN, //!< Kills with all weapons
AWARD_DEMOLITIONIST, //!< Most explosive damage kills
AWARD_STREAK, //!< Ace/Expert/Master/Champion
AWARD_TEAM, //!< MVP/Defender/Warrior/Carrier/Interceptor/Bravery
AWARD_SECTION31, //!< All-around god
} awardType_t;
/** \enum teamAward_e
* Enumeration containing the different award types for team games.
typedef enum
TEAM_NONE = 0, //!< ha ha! you suck!
TEAM_MVP, //!< most overall points
TEAM_DEFENDER, //!< killed the most baddies near your flag
TEAM_WARRIOR, //!< most frags
TEAM_CARRIER, //!< infected the most people with plague
TEAM_INTERCEPTOR, //!< returned your own flag the most
TEAM_BRAVERY, //!< Red Shirt Award (tm). you died more than anybody.
} teamAward_e;
// the above lists are synchronized with cg_local.h via mental telepathy
* Print message to log.
void QDECL G_LogPrintf( const char* fmt, ... ) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 1, 2)));
* Log weapon pickup.
void QDECL G_LogWeaponPickup(int client, int weaponid);
* Log weapon fire.
void QDECL G_LogWeaponFire(int client, int weaponid);
* Log weapon damage.
void QDECL G_LogWeaponDamage(int client, int mod, int amount);
* Log weapon kill.
void QDECL G_LogWeaponKill(int client, int mod);
* Log weapon death.
void QDECL G_LogWeaponDeath(int client, int weaponid);
* Log weapon frag.
void QDECL G_LogWeaponFrag(int attacker, int deadguy);
* Log weapon powerup.
void QDECL G_LogWeaponPowerup(int client, int powerupid);
* Log weapon item.
void QDECL G_LogWeaponItem(int client, int itemid);
* Log weapon init.
void QDECL G_LogWeaponInit(void);
* Log weapon output.
void QDECL G_LogWeaponOutput(void);
* Log exit.
void QDECL G_LogExit( const char *string );
* Clear client log.
void QDECL G_ClearClientLog(int client);
//TiM - Delayed Transport Beam
void G_InitTransport( int clientNum, vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles );
/** \struct clInitStatus_t
typedef struct
char model[MAX_QPATH]; /*!< player model */
team_t team; /*!< player team */
pclass_t pClass; /*!< player class */
qboolean initialized; /*!< initialized? */
} clInitStatus_t;
// g_active.c
* A new command has arrived from the client
* \param clientNum Cleintnum.
void ClientThink( int clientNum ); // TODO move me to g_client.c
* Called at the end of each server frame for each connected client
* A fast client will have multiple ClientThink for each ClientEdFrame,
* while a slow client may have multiple ClientEndFrame between ClientThink.
* \param ent Client.
void ClientEndFrame( gentity_t* ent ); // TODO move me to g_client.c
* Run client.
* \param ent Client.
void G_RunClient( gentity_t* ent ); // TODO move me to g_client.c
* Remove a forcefield
* \param self The forcefield.
void G_Active_ShieldRemove(gentity_t* self);
* Throw a weapon away.
* \author Ubergames - Marcin
* \date 03/12/2008
* \param ent The client.
* \param txt Optional message for PADD dropping.
void ThrowWeapon( gentity_t* ent, char* txt );
* Drop a weapon.
* \author Ubergames - Marcin
* \date 03/12/2008
* \param ent The client.
* \param item The item.
* \param angle Angle to throw at.
* \param flags Entity flags to use.
* \param Optional message for PADD dropping.
gentity_t *DropWeapon( gentity_t* ent, gitem_t* item, float angle, int flags, char* txt );
// g_mem.c
* Allocate memory from the memory pool.
* \param size Amount of memory to allocate.
void* G_Alloc( int size );
* Init memory pool.
void G_InitMemory( void );
* Print memory pool information.
void Svcmd_GameMem_f( void );
// g_session.c
* Read session data for a client.
* Called on a reconnect
* \param client The client.
void G_ReadSessionData( gclient_t* client );
* Initialize session data for a client.
* Called on a first-time connect
* \param client The client.
* \param userinfo String containing user info.
void G_InitSessionData( gclient_t* client, char* userinfo );
* Initialize world session.
void G_InitWorldSession( void );
* Write session data.
void G_WriteSessionData( void );
// g_arenas.c
* Update the tournament information.
* \todo Remove function and tournament related code.
void UpdateTournamentInfo( void );
* Spawn models on the victory pads.
* \todo Remove function and related code.
void SpawnModelsOnVictoryPads( void );
* Abort end of match podium display.
* \todo Remove function and related code.
void Svcmd_AbortPodium_f( void );
// g_bot.c
* Initialize bots.
* \param restart True if map restart.
* \todo Remove? We don't support bots.
void G_InitBots( qboolean restart );
* Get bot info by number.
* \param num number
* \todo Remove? We don't support bots.
char* G_GetBotInfoByNumber( int num );
* Get bot info by name.
* \param name Bot name.
* \todo Remove? We don't support bots.
char* G_GetBotInfoByName( const char* name );
* Check bot spawn queue and spawn bots if they are allowed.
* \todo Remove? We don't support bots.
void G_CheckBotSpawn( void );
* Add a bot to the bot spawn queue.
* \param clientNum Client number for this bot.
* \todo Remove? We don't support bots.
void G_QueueBotBegin( int clientNum );
* Try to connect a bot to the game.
* \param clientNum Client number for the bot.
* \param restart Is this a restart?
* \todo Remove? We don't support bots.
qboolean G_BotConnect( int clientNum, qboolean restart );
* Server command. Add bot.
* \todo Remove? We don't support bots.
void Svcmd_AddBot_f( void );
* Server command. Bot list.
* \todo Remove? We don't support bots.
void Svcmd_BotList_f( void );
* ???
* \todo Remove? We don't support bots.
void BotInterbreedEndMatch( void );
// ai_main.c
//some maxs
#define MAX_NETNAME 36
#define MAX_FILEPATH 144
//bot settings
/** \struct bot_settings_t
* Containing settings for bots.
typedef struct bot_settings_s
char characterfile[MAX_FILEPATH]; /*!< filename of character file */
int skill; /*!< skill level */
char team[MAX_FILEPATH]; /*!< team */
char pclass[MAX_FILEPATH]; /*!< class */
} bot_settings_t;
* Setup bot AI.
* \param restart Determines if this is a map restart.
int BotAISetup( int restart );
* Shutdown bot AI.
* \param restart Determines if this is a map restart.
int BotAIShutdown( int restart );
* Load map in bot lib.
* \param restart Determines if this is a map restart.
int BotAILoadMap( int restart );
* Setup bot AI for client.
* \param client client number
* \param settings bot settings
int BotAISetupClient( int client, bot_settings_t* settings );
* Shutdown bot client.
* \param client client number
int BotAIShutdownClient( int client );
* Star frame.
* \param time current time
int BotAIStartFrame( int time );
// g_lua.c
#ifdef G_LUA
* Lua hook for InitGame event.
* \param leveltime level time the event occured
* \param radomseed a random seed
* \param restart is this a map restart?
void LuaHook_G_InitGame(int leveltime, int randomseed, int restart);
* Lua hook for Shutdown event.
* \param restart is this a map restart?
void LuaHook_G_Shutdown(int restart);
* Lua hook for RunFrame event.
* \param leveltime the level time
void LuaHook_G_RunFrame(int leveltime);
* Lua hook for G_Print function.
* \param text text to be printed
void LuaHook_G_Print(char* text);
* Lua hook for G_ClientPrint function.
* \param text text to be printed
* \param entnum entity index for client the text gets send to
void LuaHook_G_ClientPrint(char* text, int entnum);
* Lua hook for entity think function function.
* \param function name of function to call
* \param entnum entity index of entity the think function was called on
* \return success or fail
qboolean LuaHook_G_EntityThink(char* function, int entnum);
* Lua hook for entity touch function function.
* \param function name of function to call
* \param entnum entity index of entity the touch function was called on
* \param othernum entiy index of touching entity
* \return success or fail
qboolean LuaHook_G_EntityTouch(char* function, int entnum, int othernum);
* Lua hook for entity use function.
* \param function name of function to call
* \param entnum entity index of entity the use function was called on
* \param othernum entity index of other entity
* \param activatornum entity index of activating entity
qboolean LuaHook_G_EntityUse(char* function, int entnum, int othernum, int activatornum);
* Lua hook for entity hurt function.
* \param function name of function to call
* \param entnum entity index of entity the hurt function was called on
* \param inflictornum entity index of inflictor
* \param attackernum entity index of attacker
qboolean LuaHook_G_EntityHurt(char* function, int entnum, int inflictornum, int attackernum);
* Lua hook for entity die function.
* \param function name of function to call
* \param entnum entity index of entity the die function was called on
* \param inflictornum entity index of inflictor
* \param attackernum entity index of attacker
* \param dmg ammount of damage
* \param mod means of death
qboolean LuaHook_G_EntityDie(char* function, int entnum, int inflictornum, int attackernum, int dmg, int mod);
* Lua hook for entity free function.
* \param function name of function to call
* \param entnum entity index of entity the free function was called on
qboolean LuaHook_G_EntityFree(char* function, int entnum);
* Lua hook for entity trigger function.
* \param function name of function to call
* \param entnum entity index of entity the trigger function was called on
* \param othernum entity index of triggering entity
qboolean LuaHook_G_EntityTrigger(char* function, int entnum, int othernum);
* Lua hook for entity spawn function.
* \param function name of function to call
* \param entnum entity index of entity the spawn function was called on
qboolean LuaHook_G_EntitySpawn(char* function, int entnum);
* Lua hook for entity reached function.
* \param function name of function to call
* \param entnum entity index of entity the reached function was called on
qboolean LuaHook_G_EntityReached(char* function, int entnum);
* Lua hook for entity reached angular function.
* \param function name of function to call
* \param entnum entity index of entity the reached angular function was called on
qboolean LuaHook_G_EntityReachedAngular(char* function, int entnum);
* Output information about lua threads.
void G_LuaNumThreads(void);
* Collect garbage in lua.
void G_LuaCollectGarbage(void);
* Show lua status information.
* \param ent client
void G_LuaStatus(gentity_t* ent);
* Initialize lua.
qboolean G_LuaInit(void);
* Shutdown lua.
void G_LuaShutdown(void);
extern vmCvar_t g_debugLua;
extern vmCvar_t lua_allowedModules;
extern vmCvar_t lua_modules;
extern vmCvar_t g_developer;
// developer tools:
// Prevents a single statement from beeing executed if developer isn't set
#define DEVELOPER(X) if(g_developer.integer != 0) { \
} else
#include "g_team.h" // teamplay specific stuff
extern level_locals_t level;
extern gentity_t g_entities[MAX_GENTITIES];
#define FOFS(x) ((size_t)&(((gentity_t *)0)->x))
//RPG-X: RedTechie
//extern int shaketimer; //Global shake timer varible //TiM: NOT NECESSARY!
extern int RPGEntityCount; //Global entity count varible
extern vmCvar_t g_gametype;
extern vmCvar_t g_dedicated;
extern vmCvar_t g_cheats;
extern vmCvar_t g_maxclients; // allow this many total, including spectators
extern vmCvar_t g_maxGameClients; // allow this many active
extern vmCvar_t g_restarted;
extern vmCvar_t g_language;
extern vmCvar_t g_dmflags;
extern vmCvar_t g_password;
extern vmCvar_t g_needpass;
extern vmCvar_t g_gravity;
extern vmCvar_t g_speed;
extern vmCvar_t g_knockback;
extern vmCvar_t g_dmgmult;
extern vmCvar_t g_forcerespawn;
extern vmCvar_t g_inactivity;
extern vmCvar_t g_debugMove;
extern vmCvar_t g_debugAlloc;
extern vmCvar_t g_debugDamage;
extern vmCvar_t g_weaponRespawn;
extern vmCvar_t g_adaptRespawn;
extern vmCvar_t g_synchronousClients;
extern vmCvar_t g_motd;
extern vmCvar_t g_allowVote;
extern vmCvar_t g_banIPs;
extern vmCvar_t g_banIDs; //TiM - Security ban system
extern vmCvar_t g_filterBan;
extern vmCvar_t g_debugForward;
extern vmCvar_t g_debugRight;
extern vmCvar_t g_debugUp;
extern vmCvar_t g_holoIntro;
extern vmCvar_t g_team_group_red;
extern vmCvar_t g_team_group_blue;
extern vmCvar_t g_random_skin_limit;
extern vmCvar_t g_classChangeDebounceTime;
//RPG-X: - RedTechie Even more CVAR Info :|
extern vmCvar_t rpg_allowvote;
extern vmCvar_t rpg_chatsallowed;
extern vmCvar_t rpg_allowsuicide;
extern vmCvar_t rpg_selfdamage;
extern vmCvar_t rpg_rpg;
extern vmCvar_t rpg_kickspammers;
extern vmCvar_t rpg_kicksuiciders;
extern vmCvar_t rpg_allowspmaps;
extern vmCvar_t rpg_rangetricorder;
extern vmCvar_t rpg_rangehypo;
extern vmCvar_t rpg_norpgclasses;
extern vmCvar_t rpg_forceclasscolor;
* Ristrictions: nocloak = 1, noflight = 2
* Default value: 0
extern vmCvar_t rpg_restrictions;
* Which weapons do damage?
* Phaser = 1
* Crifle = 2
* TR116 = 4
* Grenade Laucher = 8
* Quantum Burst = 16
* Disruptor = 32
* Default value: 63
extern vmCvar_t rpg_dmgFlags;
extern vmCvar_t rpg_noweapons;
extern vmCvar_t rpg_welcomemessage;
extern vmCvar_t rpg_timedmessagetime;
extern vmCvar_t rpg_forcekillradius;
extern vmCvar_t rpg_forcekillradiuswaittime;
extern vmCvar_t rpg_chatarearange;
extern vmCvar_t rpg_forcefielddamage;
extern vmCvar_t rpg_invisibletripmines;
extern vmCvar_t rpg_medicsrevive;
extern vmCvar_t rpg_effectsgun;
extern vmCvar_t rpg_phaserdisintegrates;
extern vmCvar_t rpg_servershakeallclients;
extern vmCvar_t rpg_kickAfterXkills; //RPG-X | Phenix | 06/04/2005
extern vmCvar_t rpg_rankSet;
extern vmCvar_t rpg_passMessage;
extern vmCvar_t rpg_renamedPlayers;
extern vmCvar_t rpg_uniqueNames;
extern vmCvar_t rpg_startingRank;
extern vmCvar_t rpg_maxRank;
extern vmCvar_t rpg_changeRanks;
extern vmCvar_t rpg_classSet;
extern vmCvar_t rpg_scannablePanels;
* TODO put maxs and mins into a single cvar to save cvars?
* e.g. rpg_heightLimits
* value would be a range. for example: "0.9-1.15"
extern vmCvar_t rpg_maxHeight;
extern vmCvar_t rpg_minHeight;
extern vmCvar_t rpg_maxWeight;
extern vmCvar_t rpg_minWeight;
extern vmCvar_t rpg_mapGiveFlags;
//RPG-X | Marcin | 03/12/2008
//moar vars...
extern vmCvar_t rpg_allowWeaponDrop;
extern vmCvar_t rpg_weaponsStay;
extern vmCvar_t rpg_dropOnDeath;
// Weapon speeds
extern vmCvar_t rpg_rifleSpeed; //RPG-X | Marcin | 04/12/2008
extern vmCvar_t rpg_disruptorSpeed; //RPG-X | Marcin | 04/12/2008
extern vmCvar_t rpg_photonSpeed; //RPG-X | Marcin | 05/12/2008
extern vmCvar_t rpg_altPhotonSpeed; //RPG-X | Marcin | 06/12/2008
// Motd
extern vmCvar_t rpg_motdFile; //RPG-X | Marcin | 23/12/2008
// Privacy
extern vmCvar_t rpg_respectPrivacy; //RPG-X | Marcin | 24/12/2008
// Weaps
extern vmCvar_t rpg_maxTricorders; //RPG-X | Marcin | 30/12/2008
extern vmCvar_t rpg_maxPADDs; //RPG-X | Marcin | 30/12/2008
extern vmCvar_t rpg_maxCups; //RPG-X | Marcin | 30/12/2008
extern vmCvar_t rpg_maxPhasers; //RPG-X | Marcin | 30/12/2008
extern vmCvar_t rpg_maxRifles; //RPG-X | Marcin | 30/12/2008
extern vmCvar_t rpg_maxTR116s; //RPG-X | Marcin | 30/12/2008
extern vmCvar_t rpg_maxAdminguns; //RPG-X | Marcin | 30/12/2008
extern vmCvar_t rpg_maxPhotonbursts; //RPG-X | Marcin | 30/12/2008
extern vmCvar_t rpg_maxDisruptors; //RPG-X | Marcin | 30/12/2008
extern vmCvar_t rpg_maxMedkits; //RPG-X | Marcin | 30/12/2008
extern vmCvar_t rpg_maxHyposprays; //RPG-X | Marcin | 30/12/2008
extern vmCvar_t rpg_maxRegenerators; //RPG-X | Marcin | 30/12/2008
extern vmCvar_t rpg_maxToolkits; //RPG-X | Marcin | 30/12/2008
extern vmCvar_t rpg_maxHyperSpanners;//RPG-X | Marcin | 30/12/2008
extern vmCvar_t rpg_minTricorders; //RPG-X | Marcin | 30/12/2008
extern vmCvar_t rpg_minPADDs; //RPG-X | Marcin | 30/12/2008
extern vmCvar_t rpg_minCups; //RPG-X | Marcin | 30/12/2008
extern vmCvar_t rpg_minPhasers; //RPG-X | Marcin | 30/12/2008
extern vmCvar_t rpg_minRifles; //RPG-X | Marcin | 30/12/2008
extern vmCvar_t rpg_minTR116s; //RPG-X | Marcin | 30/12/2008
extern vmCvar_t rpg_minAdminguns; //RPG-X | Marcin | 30/12/2008
extern vmCvar_t rpg_minPhotonbursts; //RPG-X | Marcin | 30/12/2008
extern vmCvar_t rpg_minDisruptors; //RPG-X | Marcin | 30/12/2008
extern vmCvar_t rpg_minMedkits; //RPG-X | Marcin | 30/12/2008
extern vmCvar_t rpg_minHyposprays; //RPG-X | Marcin | 30/12/2008
extern vmCvar_t rpg_minRegenerators; //RPG-X | Marcin | 30/12/2008
extern vmCvar_t rpg_minToolkits; //RPG-X | Marcin | 30/12/2008
extern vmCvar_t rpg_minHyperSpanners;//RPG-X | Marcin | 30/12/2008
// respawn delay
extern vmCvar_t rpg_fraggerSpawnDelay; //RPG-X | Marcin | 03/01/2009
// borg adaption
extern vmCvar_t rpg_borgAdapt; //RPG-X | GSIO01 | 08/05/2009
extern vmCvar_t rpg_adaptUseSound; //RPG-X | GSIO01 | 08/05/2009
extern vmCvar_t rpg_adaptPhaserHits; //RPG-X | GSIO01 | 08/05/2009
extern vmCvar_t rpg_adaptCrifleHits; //RPG-X | GSIO01 | 08/05/2009
extern vmCvar_t rpg_adaptTR116Hits; //RPG-X | GSIO01 | 08/05/2009
extern vmCvar_t rpg_adaptDisruptorHits; //RPG-X | GSIO01 | 08/05/2009
extern vmCvar_t rpg_adaptPhotonHits; //RPG-X | GSIO01 | 08/05/2009
extern vmCvar_t rpg_adaptGrenadeLauncherHits; //RPG-X | GSIO01 | 08/05/2009
extern vmCvar_t rpg_allowRemodulation; //RPG-X | GSIO01 | 10/05/2009
extern vmCvar_t rpg_borgMoveThroughFields; //RPG-X | GSIO01 | 19/05/2009
extern vmCvar_t rpg_RemodulationDelay;
// hypo melee
extern vmCvar_t rpg_hypoMelee; //RPG-X | GSIO01 | 08/05/2009
// repairing breakables
extern vmCvar_t rpg_repairModifier; //RPG-X | GSIO01 | 09/05/2009
// forcefield colors
extern vmCvar_t rpg_forceFieldColor; //RPG-X | GSIO01 | 09/05/2009
// modulation thingies //RPG-X | GSIO01 | 12/05/2009
extern vmCvar_t rpg_forceFieldFreq;
// turbolif travel time based on deck distance
extern vmCvar_t rpg_calcLiftTravelDuration;
extern vmCvar_t rpg_liftDurationModifier;
// admin vote override
extern vmCvar_t rpg_adminVoteOverride;
// server change entity
extern vmCvar_t rpg_serverchange;
// SP level change
extern vmCvar_t rpg_allowSPLevelChange;
// SQL Database
extern vmCvar_t sql_use;
// developer tools
extern vmCvar_t dev_showTriggers;
extern vmCvar_t rpg_spEasterEggs;
//RPG-X - Stephen: Some global varibles for RPG-X
//extern int lastTimedMessage; //The last timed message that was displayed
//TiM - since we'll only use this in g_active, why not reduce its scope to make things easier. :)
* Call G_PRINT in the engine.
* \param fmt format string.
void trap_Printf( const char* fmt );
* Calls Com_error in the engine
* \param fmt error desription
void trap_Error( const char* fmt );
* Get milliseconds since engine start
* \return milliseconds since engine start
int trap_Milliseconds( void );
* Get count of arguments for the current client game command
* \return count of arguments
int trap_Argc( void );
* Get a n of the current client game command
* \param n argument to get
* \param buffer buffer to store the argument in
* \param bufferLength size of the buffer
void trap_Argv( int n, char* buffer, int bufferLength );
* Get all args of the current client game command
* \param buffer buffer to store the arguments in
* \param bufferLength size of the buffer
void trap_Args( char* buffer, int bufferLength );
* Opens a file
* \param qpath path and filename
* \param f filehandle to use
* \param mode mode to use
int trap_FS_FOpenFile( const char* qpath, fileHandle_t* f, fsMode_t mode );
* Read a opened file
* \param buffer buffer to read to
* \param len buffer length or length to read (<sizeof(buffer))
* \param f filehandle for the file to read from
* You have to open the file first.
void trap_FS_Read( void* buffer, int len, fileHandle_t f );
* Write to a file
* \param buffer text to write
* \param len length of buffer
* \param f filehandle for the file to write to
* You have to open the file first.
void trap_FS_Write( const void* buffer, int len, fileHandle_t f );
* Close a file
* \param f filehandle for file to close
void trap_FS_FCloseFile( fileHandle_t f );
* Get a list of files in a path
* \param path path to get the list for
* \param extension filter to get only files with this extension
* \param listbuf buffer to store the file list in
* \param bufsize size of the buffer
* \return number of files in the list
int trap_FS_GetFileList( const char* path, const char* extension, char* listbuf, int bufsize );
* Sends a console command to execute to the client console
* \param exec_when when to exec (e.g. EXEC_APPEND)
* \param text the command to execute
void trap_SendConsoleCommand( int exec_when, const char *text );
* Register a cvar
* \param cvar representation of the cvar in the vm
* \param var_name name of the cvar
* \param value default value for the cvar
* \param flags additional options for the cvar (e.g. CVAR_ARCHIVE)
void trap_Cvar_Register( vmCvar_t* cvar, const char* var_name, const char* value, int flags );
* \brief Update a cvar.
* Tells the server/engine that a cvar in the vm has changed.
* \param cvar cvar to update
void trap_Cvar_Update( vmCvar_t* cvar );
* Set the cvar to a value.
* \param var_name name of the cvar to set
* \param value new value for the cvar
void trap_Cvar_Set( const char* var_name, const char* value );
* Get the integer value for an cvar
* \param var_name name of the cvar
int trap_Cvar_VariableIntegerValue( const char* var_name );
* Get the value of the cvar as string
* \param var_name name of the cvar
* \param buffer to store the value
* \param bufsize size of the buffer
void trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( const char* var_name, char* buffer, int bufsize );
* Send some information of the current game/map to the server
* \param pointer to level.entities which is g_entities
* \param numGEntities number of game entities (level.num_entities)
* \param sizeofGEntity_t size of gentity_t
* \param gameClients level.clients[0].ps
* \param sizeOfGameClient size of level.clients[0]
void trap_LocateGameData( gentity_t* gEnts, int numGEntities, int sizeofGEntity_t, playerState_t* gameClients, int sizeofGameClient );
* Drop a client from server.
* \param clientNum client number of client to drop
* \param test reason for client drop
void trap_DropClient( int clientNum, const char* reason );
* \brief Send a server command to the client
* \param clientNum client number of client
* \param server command to execute
* A value of -1 for clientNum will send the command to all clients.
void trap_SendServerCommand( int clientNum, const char* text );
* Set a configstring
* \param num CS_...
* \param string set cofig string to this
void trap_SetConfigstring( int num, const char* string );
* Get a configstring
* \param num CS_...
* \param buffer buffer to store config string in
* \param bufferSize size of buffer
void trap_GetConfigstring( int num, char* buffer, int bufferSize );
* Get the userinfo for a client
* \param num client number
* \param buffer buffer to store config string in
* \param size of buffer
void trap_GetUserinfo( int num, char* buffer, int bufferSize );
* Set the userinfo for a client
* \param num client number
* \param buffer string the contains new userinfo
void trap_SetUserinfo( int num, const char* buffer );
* Get server info.
* \param buffer buffer to store the info in
* \param bufferSize size of buffer
void trap_GetServerinfo( char* buffer, int bufferSize );
* \brief Set the brush model for a entity.
* \param ent entity to the the model on
* \param name the model name
* The normal case is trap_SetBrushModel(ent, ent->model).
* Brush models always have names of *<int>.
void trap_SetBrushModel( gentity_t* ent, const char* name );
* \brief Do a trace on the server
* \param results trace_t to store the results in
* \param start startpoint
* \param end endpoint
* \param mins used to define the volume size
* \param maxs uses to define the volume size
* \param passEntityNum entity/entities to ignore
* \param contentmask only check for this contents (CONTENT_...)
* This actually moves a box with the size defined by mins and maxs through the world
* from start to end and checks whether it colides with anything that matches the contentmask.
* The entities that math the passEntityNum will be ingnored.
void trap_Trace( trace_t* results, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t end, int passEntityNum, int contentmask );
* \param point the point
* \param passEntityNum ingore this
* Works similar to a trace but only check a single point.
int trap_PointContents( const vec3_t point, int passEntityNum );
qboolean trap_InPVS( const vec3_t p1, const vec3_t p2 );
qboolean trap_InPVSIgnorePortals( const vec3_t p1, const vec3_t p2 );
* Adjust the state of a area portal used for doors etc
* \param ent entity that effects the areaportal (area portal is inide the entities bounds)
* \param open open or close it?
void trap_AdjustAreaPortalState( gentity_t* ent, qboolean open );
* Checks if two areas are connected.
qboolean trap_AreasConnected( int area1, int area2 );
* Link an entity.
* This results in shared values beeing avaible on both game and client side.
void trap_LinkEntity( gentity_t* ent );
* Unlinks an entity.
void trap_UnlinkEntity( gentity_t* ent );
* \brief Get a list of all entities in a box.
* \param entityList list where entitynums will be stored
* \param maxcount limits the number of listed entities
* The size of the box is defined by mins and maxs.
int trap_EntitiesInBox( const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, int* entityList, int maxcount );
* Checks if a entity is in contact with a defined box.
qboolean trap_EntityContact( const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const gentity_t* ent );
* Allocates a free client for a bot.
int trap_BotAllocateClient( void );
* Free the client that was used for a bot.
void trap_BotFreeClient( int clientNum );
* Get the last command a user did.
void trap_GetUsercmd( int clientNum, usercmd_t* cmd );
* Get entity token.
qboolean trap_GetEntityToken( char* buffer, int bufferSize );
* Create a debug polygon.
* \param color color of the polygon
* \param numPoints number of points the polygon has
* \param points points of the polygon
* \return Polgon id
int trap_DebugPolygonCreate(int color, int numPoints, vec3_t* points);
* Deletes a debug polygon.
* \param id id of polygon to delete
void trap_DebugPolygonDelete(int id);
int trap_BotLibSetup( void );
int trap_BotLibShutdown( void );
int trap_BotLibVarSet(char* var_name, char* value);
int trap_BotLibVarGet(char* var_name, char* value, int size);
int trap_BotLibDefine(char* string);
int trap_BotLibStartFrame(float time);
int trap_BotLibLoadMap(const char* mapname);
int trap_BotLibUpdateEntity(int ent, void* bue);
int trap_BotLibTest(int parm0, char* parm1, vec3_t parm2, vec3_t parm3);
int trap_BotGetSnapshotEntity( int clientNum, int sequence );
int trap_BotGetConsoleMessage(int clientNum, char* message, int size);
void trap_BotUserCommand(int client, usercmd_t* ucmd);
void trap_AAS_EntityInfo(int entnum, void* info);
int trap_AAS_Initialized(void);
void trap_AAS_PresenceTypeBoundingBox(int presencetype, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs);
float trap_AAS_Time(void);
int trap_AAS_PointAreaNum(vec3_t point);
int trap_AAS_TraceAreas(vec3_t start, vec3_t end, int* areas, vec3_t* points, int maxareas);
int trap_AAS_PointContents(vec3_t point);
int trap_AAS_NextBSPEntity(int ent);
int trap_AAS_ValueForBSPEpairKey(int ent, char* key, char* value, int size);
int trap_AAS_VectorForBSPEpairKey(int ent, char* key, vec3_t v);
int trap_AAS_FloatForBSPEpairKey(int ent, char* key, float* value);
int trap_AAS_IntForBSPEpairKey(int ent, char* key, int* value);
int trap_AAS_AreaReachability(int areanum);
int trap_AAS_AreaTravelTimeToGoalArea(int areanum, vec3_t origin, int goalareanum, int travelflags);
int trap_AAS_Swimming(vec3_t origin);
int trap_AAS_PredictClientMovement(void* move, int entnum, vec3_t origin, int presencetype, int onground, vec3_t velocity, vec3_t cmdmove, int cmdframes, int maxframes, float frametime, int stopevent, int stopareanum, int visualize);
void trap_EA_Say(int client, char* str);
void trap_EA_SayTeam(int client, char* str);
void trap_EA_SayClass(int client, char* str);
void trap_EA_UseItem(int client, char* it);
void trap_EA_DropItem(int client, char* it);
void trap_EA_UseInv(int client, char* inv);
void trap_EA_DropInv(int client, char* inv);
void trap_EA_Gesture(int client);
void trap_EA_Command(int client, char* command);
void trap_EA_SelectWeapon(int client, int weapon);
void trap_EA_Talk(int client);
void trap_EA_Attack(int client);
void trap_EA_Alt_Attack(int client);
void trap_EA_Use(int client);
void trap_EA_Respawn(int client);
void trap_EA_Jump(int client);
void trap_EA_DelayedJump(int client);
void trap_EA_Crouch(int client);
void trap_EA_MoveUp(int client);
void trap_EA_MoveDown(int client);
void trap_EA_MoveForward(int client);
void trap_EA_MoveBack(int client);
void trap_EA_MoveLeft(int client);
void trap_EA_MoveRight(int client);
void trap_EA_Move(int client, vec3_t dir, float speed);
void trap_EA_View(int client, vec3_t viewangles);
void trap_EA_EndRegular(int client, float thinktime);
void trap_EA_GetInput(int client, float thinktime, void* input);
void trap_EA_ResetInput(int client);
int trap_BotLoadCharacter(char* charfile, int skill);
void trap_BotFreeCharacter(int character);
float trap_Characteristic_Float(int character, int index);
float trap_Characteristic_BFloat(int character, int index, float min, float max);
int trap_Characteristic_Integer(int character, int index);
int trap_Characteristic_BInteger(int character, int index, int min, int max);
void trap_Characteristic_String(int character, int index, char *buf, int size);
int trap_BotAllocChatState(void);
void trap_BotFreeChatState(int handle);
void trap_BotQueueConsoleMessage(int chatstate, int type, char* message);
void trap_BotRemoveConsoleMessage(int chatstate, int handle);
int trap_BotNextConsoleMessage(int chatstate, void* cm);
int trap_BotNumConsoleMessages(int chatstate);
void trap_BotInitialChat(int chatstate, char* type, int mcontext, char* var0, char* var1, char* var2, char* var3, char* var4, char* var5, char* var6, char* var7 );
int trap_BotNumInitialChats(int chatstate, char* type);
int trap_BotReplyChat(int chatstate, char* message, int mcontext, int vcontext, char* var0, char* var1, char* var2, char* var3, char* var4, char* var5, char* var6, char* var7 );
int trap_BotChatLength(int chatstate);
void trap_BotEnterChat(int chatstate, int client, int sendto);
void trap_BotGetChatMessage(int chatstate, char* buf, int size);
int trap_StringContains(char* str1, char* str2, int casesensitive);
int trap_BotFindMatch(char* str, void* match, unsigned long int context);
void trap_BotMatchVariable(void* match, int variable, char* buf, int size);
void trap_UnifyWhiteSpaces(char* string);
void trap_BotReplaceSynonyms(char* string, unsigned long int context);
int trap_BotLoadChatFile(int chatstate, char* chatfile, char* chatname);
void trap_BotSetChatGender(int chatstate, int gender);
void trap_BotSetChatName(int chatstate, char* name);
void trap_BotResetGoalState(int goalstate);
void trap_BotRemoveFromAvoidGoals(int goalstate, int number);
void trap_BotResetAvoidGoals(int goalstate);
void trap_BotPushGoal(int goalstate, void* goal);
void trap_BotPopGoal(int goalstate);
void trap_BotEmptyGoalStack(int goalstate);
void trap_BotDumpAvoidGoals(int goalstate);
void trap_BotDumpGoalStack(int goalstate);
void trap_BotGoalName(int number, char* name, int size);
int trap_BotGetTopGoal(int goalstate, void* goal);
int trap_BotGetSecondGoal(int goalstate, void* goal);
int trap_BotChooseLTGItem(int goalstate, vec3_t origin, int* inventory, int travelflags, qboolean botRoamsOnly );
int trap_BotChooseNBGItem(int goalstate, vec3_t origin, int* inventory, int travelflags, void* ltg, float maxtime, qboolean botRoamsOnly);
int trap_BotTouchingGoal(vec3_t origin, void* goal);
int trap_BotItemGoalInVisButNotVisible(int viewer, vec3_t eye, vec3_t viewangles, void* goal);
int trap_BotGetNextCampSpotGoal(int num, void* goal);
int trap_BotGetMapLocationGoal(char* name, void* goal);
int trap_BotGetLevelItemGoal(int index, char* classname, void* goal);
float trap_BotAvoidGoalTime(int goalstate, int number);
void trap_BotInitLevelItems(void);
void trap_BotUpdateEntityItems(void);
int trap_BotLoadItemWeights(int goalstate, char* filename);
void trap_BotFreeItemWeights(int goalstate);
void trap_BotInterbreedGoalFuzzyLogic(int parent1, int parent2, int child);
void trap_BotSaveGoalFuzzyLogic(int goalstate, char* filename);
void trap_BotMutateGoalFuzzyLogic(int goalstate, float range);
int trap_BotAllocGoalState(int state);
void trap_BotFreeGoalState(int handle);
void trap_BotResetMoveState(int movestate);
void trap_BotMoveToGoal(void* result, int movestate, void* goal, int travelflags);
int trap_BotMoveInDirection(int movestate, vec3_t dir, float speed, int type);
void trap_BotResetAvoidReach(int movestate);
void trap_BotResetLastAvoidReach(int movestate);
int trap_BotReachabilityArea(vec3_t origin, int testground);
int trap_BotMovementViewTarget(int movestate, void* goal, int travelflags, float lookahead, vec3_t target);
int trap_BotPredictVisiblePosition(vec3_t origin, int areanum, void* goal, int travelflags, vec3_t target);
int trap_BotAllocMoveState(void);
void trap_BotFreeMoveState(int handle);
void trap_BotInitMoveState(int handle, void* initmove);
int trap_BotChooseBestFightWeapon(int weaponstate, int* inventory, qboolean meleeRange);
void trap_BotGetWeaponInfo(int weaponstate, int weapon, void* weaponinfo);
int trap_BotLoadWeaponWeights(int weaponstate, char* filename);
int trap_BotAllocWeaponState(void);
void trap_BotFreeWeaponState(int weaponstate);
void trap_BotResetWeaponState(int weaponstate);
int trap_GeneticParentsAndChildSelection(int numranks, float* ranks, int* parent1, int* parent2, int* child);
|| RPG-X Functions ||
qboolean LineOfSight( gentity_t* ent1, gentity_t* ent2 ); //Phenix
qboolean IsAdmin( gentity_t* ent );
qboolean IsBorg( gentity_t* ent ); //GSIO01 | 08/05/2009
//TiM - load usables scan text
qboolean G_SetupUsablesStrings( void );
//RPG-X: Marcin: for easier lookup - 30/12/2008
int Max_Weapon(int num);
int Min_Weapon(int num);
//! Max ammount of weapons a player can have for each weapons
extern vmCvar_t* Max_Weapons[];
//! Min ammount of weapons a player can have for each weapons
extern vmCvar_t* Min_Weapons[];
// SP support
void Touch_Multi(gentity_t* self, gentity_t* other, trace_t* trace);
void Use_Multi(gentity_t* ent, gentity_t* other, gentity_t* activator);
/** \typedef holoData_t
* Pointer to \link holoData_s \endlink
* \author Ubergames - GSIO01
typedef struct holoData_s holoData_t;
/** \struct holoData_s
* Contains data for holodeck Programms used by the holodeck UI and holodeck entities.
* \author Ubergames - GSIO01
struct holoData_s {
char target[5][MAX_QPATH]; //!< to what entity the player shoud be transported for each program
char name[5][MAX_QPATH]; //!< names of the holodeck programs
char desc1[5][512]; //!< first descriptions
char desc2[5][512]; //!< second descriptions
char image[5][MAX_QPATH]; //!< images to display for each program
char iTrigger[6][MAX_QPATH];
char dTrigger[6][MAX_QPATH];
int active; //!< active holodeck program
int numProgs; //!< number of programs <= 5
typedef struct mapChangeData_s mapChangeData_t;
struct mapChangeData_s {
char name[16][MAX_QPATH];
char bspname[16][MAX_QPATH];
* Builds the config string for shader remapping.
const char* BuildShaderStateConfig(void);
typedef struct luaAlertState_s luaAlertState_t;
struct luaAlertState_s {
int cond;
int mode;
char* shaders[4];
char* sounds[4];
char* targets[4];
luaAlertState_t* luaAlertState;
/* alert shaders */
typedef struct {
char* greenShaders[10];
char* redShaders[10];
char* yellowShaders[10];
char* blueShaders[10];
int numShaders;
} target_alert_Shaders_s;
#endif //_G_LOCAL_H_