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synced 2025-02-19 10:31:06 +00:00
... not quite content with where the project files lie but it is ok for now. ... compiling works fine so far (only tested mingw32 right now)
665 lines
19 KiB
665 lines
19 KiB
// Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Id Software, Inc.
* name: ai_team.c
* desc: Quake3 bot AI
* $Archive: /StarTrek/Code-DM/game/ai_team.c $
* $Author: Jmonroe $
* $Revision: 1 $
* $Modtime: 1/21/00 10:12p $
* $Date: 1/25/00 6:26p $
#include "g_local.h"
#include "botlib.h"
#include "be_aas.h"
#include "be_ea.h"
#include "be_ai_char.h"
#include "be_ai_chat.h"
#include "be_ai_gen.h"
#include "be_ai_goal.h"
#include "be_ai_move.h"
#include "be_ai_weap.h"
#include "ai_main.h"
#include "ai_dmq3.h"
#include "ai_chat.h"
#include "ai_cmd.h"
#include "ai_dmnet.h"
//ctf task preferences for a client
typedef struct bot_ctftaskpreference_s
char name[36];
int preference;
} bot_ctftaskpreference_t;
bot_ctftaskpreference_t ctftaskpreferences[MAX_CLIENTS];
int BotValidTeamLeader(bot_state_t *bs) {
if (!strlen(bs->teamleader)) return qfalse;
if (ClientFromName(bs->teamleader) == -1) return qfalse;
return qtrue;
int BotNumTeamMates(bot_state_t *bs) {
int i, numplayers;
char buf[MAX_INFO_STRING];
static int maxclis;
if (!maxclis)
maxclis = trap_Cvar_VariableIntegerValue("sv_maxclients");
numplayers = 0;
for (i = 0; i < maxclis && i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) {
trap_GetConfigstring(CS_PLAYERS+i, buf, sizeof(buf));
//if no config string or no name
if (!strlen(buf) || !strlen(Info_ValueForKey(buf, "n"))) continue;
//skip spectators
if (atoi(Info_ValueForKey(buf, "t")) == TEAM_SPECTATOR) continue;
if (BotSameTeam(bs, i)) {
return numplayers;
int BotClientTravelTimeToGoal(int client, bot_goal_t *goal) {
playerState_t ps;
int areanum;
BotAI_GetClientState(client, &ps);
areanum = BotPointAreaNum(ps.origin);
if (!areanum) return 1;
return trap_AAS_AreaTravelTimeToGoalArea(areanum, ps.origin, goal->areanum, TFL_DEFAULT);
int BotSortTeamMatesByBaseTravelTime(bot_state_t *bs, int *teammates, int maxteammates) {
int i, j, k, numteammates, traveltime;
char buf[MAX_INFO_STRING];
static int maxclients;
int traveltimes[MAX_CLIENTS];
bot_goal_t *goal;
if (BotCTFTeam(bs) == CTF_TEAM_RED) goal = &ctf_redflag;
else goal = &ctf_blueflag;
if (!maxclients)
maxclients = trap_Cvar_VariableIntegerValue("sv_maxclients");
numteammates = 0;
for (i = 0; i < maxclients && i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) {
trap_GetConfigstring(CS_PLAYERS+i, buf, sizeof(buf));
//if no config string or no name
if (!strlen(buf) || !strlen(Info_ValueForKey(buf, "n"))) continue;
//skip spectators
if (atoi(Info_ValueForKey(buf, "t")) == TEAM_SPECTATOR) continue;
if (BotSameTeam(bs, i)) {
traveltime = BotClientTravelTimeToGoal(i, goal);
for (j = 0; j < numteammates; j++) {
if (traveltime < traveltimes[j]) {
for (k = numteammates; k > j; k--) {
traveltimes[k] = traveltimes[k-1];
teammates[k] = teammates[k-1];
traveltimes[j] = traveltime;
teammates[j] = i;
if (j >= numteammates) {
traveltimes[j] = traveltime;
teammates[j] = i;
if (numteammates >= maxteammates) break;
return numteammates;
void BotSetTeamMateCTFPreference(bot_state_t *bs, int teammate, int preference) {
char teammatename[MAX_NETNAME];
ctftaskpreferences[teammate].preference = preference;
ClientName(teammate, teammatename, sizeof(teammatename));
strcpy(ctftaskpreferences[teammate].name, teammatename);
int BotGetTeamMateCTFPreference(bot_state_t *bs, int teammate) {
char teammatename[MAX_NETNAME];
if (!ctftaskpreferences[teammate].preference) return 0;
ClientName(teammate, teammatename, sizeof(teammatename));
if (Q_stricmp(teammatename, ctftaskpreferences[teammate].name)) return 0;
return ctftaskpreferences[teammate].preference;
int BotSortTeamMatesByCTFPreference(bot_state_t *bs, int *teammates, int numteammates) {
int defenders[MAX_CLIENTS], numdefenders;
int attackers[MAX_CLIENTS], numattackers;
int roamers[MAX_CLIENTS], numroamers;
int i, preference;
numdefenders = numattackers = numroamers = 0;
for (i = 0; i < numteammates; i++) {
preference = BotGetTeamMateCTFPreference(bs, teammates[i]);
if (preference & CTFTP_DEFENDER) {
defenders[numdefenders++] = teammates[i];
else if (preference & CTFTP_ATTACKER) {
attackers[numattackers++] = teammates[i];
else {
roamers[numroamers++] = teammates[i];
numteammates = 0;
//defenders at the front of the list
memcpy(&teammates[numteammates], defenders, numdefenders);
numteammates += numdefenders;
//roamers in the middle
memcpy(&teammates[numteammates], roamers, numroamers);
numteammates += numroamers;
//attacker in the back of the list
memcpy(&teammates[numteammates], attackers, numattackers);
numteammates += numattackers;
return numteammates;
void BotSayTeamOrder(bot_state_t *bs, int toclient) {
char teamchat[MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE];
char name[MAX_NETNAME];
//if the bot is talking to itself
if (bs->client == toclient) {
//don't show the message just put it in the console message queue
trap_BotGetChatMessage(bs->cs, buf, sizeof(buf));
ClientName(bs->client, name, sizeof(name));
Com_sprintf(teamchat, sizeof(teamchat), "(%s): %s", name, buf);
trap_BotQueueConsoleMessage(bs->cs, CMS_CHAT, teamchat);
else {
trap_BotEnterChat(bs->cs, bs->client, CHAT_TEAM);
void BotCTFOrders_BothFlagsNotAtBase(bot_state_t *bs) {
int numteammates, defenders, attackers, i, other;
int teammates[MAX_CLIENTS];
char name[MAX_NETNAME], carriername[MAX_NETNAME];
numteammates = BotSortTeamMatesByBaseTravelTime(bs, teammates, sizeof(teammates));
BotSortTeamMatesByCTFPreference(bs, teammates, numteammates);
//different orders based on the number of team mates
switch(bs->numteammates) {
case 1: break;
case 2:
//tell the one not carrying the flag to attack the enemy base
if (teammates[0] != bs->flagcarrier) other = teammates[0];
else other = teammates[1];
ClientName(other, name, sizeof(name));
BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_getflag", name, NULL);
BotSayTeamOrder(bs, other);
case 3:
//tell the one closest to the base not carrying the flag to accompany the flag carrier
if (teammates[0] != bs->flagcarrier) other = teammates[0];
else other = teammates[1];
ClientName(other, name, sizeof(name));
ClientName(bs->flagcarrier, carriername, sizeof(carriername));
if (bs->flagcarrier == bs->client) {
BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_accompanyme", name, NULL);
else {
BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_accompany", name, carriername, NULL);
BotSayTeamOrder(bs, other);
//tell the one furthest from the the base not carrying the flag to get the enemy flag
if (teammates[2] != bs->flagcarrier) other = teammates[2];
else other = teammates[1];
ClientName(other, name, sizeof(name));
BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_getflag", name, NULL);
BotSayTeamOrder(bs, other);
defenders = (int) (float) numteammates * 0.4 + 0.5;
if (defenders > 1) defenders = 1;
attackers = (int) (float) numteammates * 0.5 + 0.5;
ClientName(bs->flagcarrier, carriername, sizeof(carriername));
for (i = 0; i < defenders; i++) {
if (teammates[i] == bs->flagcarrier) {
ClientName(teammates[i], name, sizeof(name));
if (bs->flagcarrier == bs->client) {
BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_accompanyme", name, NULL);
else {
BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_accompany", name, carriername, NULL);
BotSayTeamOrder(bs, teammates[i]);
for (i = 0; i < attackers; i++) {
if (teammates[numteammates - i - 1] == bs->flagcarrier) {
ClientName(teammates[numteammates - i - 1], name, sizeof(name));
BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_getflag", name, NULL);
BotSayTeamOrder(bs, teammates[numteammates - i - 1]);
void BotCTFOrders_FlagNotAtBase(bot_state_t *bs) {
int numteammates, defenders, attackers, i;
int teammates[MAX_CLIENTS];
char name[MAX_NETNAME];
numteammates = BotSortTeamMatesByBaseTravelTime(bs, teammates, sizeof(teammates));
BotSortTeamMatesByCTFPreference(bs, teammates, numteammates);
//different orders based on the number of team mates
case 1: break;
case 2:
//both will go for the enemy flag
ClientName(teammates[0], name, sizeof(name));
BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_getflag", name, NULL);
BotSayTeamOrder(bs, teammates[0]);
ClientName(teammates[1], name, sizeof(name));
BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_getflag", name, NULL);
BotSayTeamOrder(bs, teammates[1]);
case 3:
//everyone go for the flag
ClientName(teammates[0], name, sizeof(name));
BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_getflag", name, NULL);
BotSayTeamOrder(bs, teammates[0]);
ClientName(teammates[1], name, sizeof(name));
BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_getflag", name, NULL);
BotSayTeamOrder(bs, teammates[1]);
ClientName(teammates[2], name, sizeof(name));
BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_getflag", name, NULL);
BotSayTeamOrder(bs, teammates[2]);
//keep some people near the base for when the flag is returned
defenders = (int) (float) numteammates * 0.2 + 0.5;
if (defenders > 1) defenders = 1;
attackers = (int) (float) numteammates * 0.7 + 0.5;
for (i = 0; i < defenders; i++) {
ClientName(teammates[i], name, sizeof(name));
BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_defendbase", name, NULL);
BotSayTeamOrder(bs, teammates[i]);
for (i = 0; i < attackers; i++) {
ClientName(teammates[numteammates - i - 1], name, sizeof(name));
BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_getflag", name, NULL);
BotSayTeamOrder(bs, teammates[numteammates - i - 1]);
void BotCTFOrders_EnemyFlagNotAtBase(bot_state_t *bs) {
int numteammates, defenders, attackers, i, other;
int teammates[MAX_CLIENTS];
char name[MAX_NETNAME], carriername[MAX_NETNAME];
numteammates = BotSortTeamMatesByBaseTravelTime(bs, teammates, sizeof(teammates));
BotSortTeamMatesByCTFPreference(bs, teammates, numteammates);
//different orders based on the number of team mates
switch(numteammates) {
case 1: break;
case 2:
//tell the one not carrying the flag to defend the base
if (teammates[0] == bs->flagcarrier) other = teammates[1];
else other = teammates[0];
ClientName(other, name, sizeof(name));
BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_defendbase", name, NULL);
BotSayTeamOrder(bs, other);
case 3:
//tell the one closest to the base not carrying the flag to defend the base
if (teammates[0] != bs->flagcarrier) other = teammates[0];
else other = teammates[1];
ClientName(other, name, sizeof(name));
BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_defendbase", name, NULL);
BotSayTeamOrder(bs, other);
//tell the one furthest from the base not carrying the flag to accompany the flag carrier
if (teammates[2] != bs->flagcarrier) other = teammates[2];
else other = teammates[1];
ClientName(other, name, sizeof(name));
ClientName(bs->flagcarrier, carriername, sizeof(carriername));
if (bs->flagcarrier == bs->client) {
BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_accompanyme", name, NULL);
else {
BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_accompany", name, carriername, NULL);
BotSayTeamOrder(bs, other);
//40% will defend the base
defenders = (int) (float) numteammates * 0.4 + 0.5;
if (defenders > 1) defenders = 1;
//50% accompanies the flag carrier
attackers = (int) (float) numteammates * 0.5 + 0.5;
for (i = 0; i < defenders; i++) {
if (teammates[i] == bs->flagcarrier) {
ClientName(teammates[i], name, sizeof(name));
BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_defendbase", name, NULL);
BotSayTeamOrder(bs, teammates[i]);
ClientName(bs->flagcarrier, carriername, sizeof(carriername));
for (i = 0; i < attackers; i++) {
if (teammates[numteammates - i - 1] == bs->flagcarrier) {
ClientName(teammates[numteammates - i - 1], name, sizeof(name));
if (bs->flagcarrier == bs->client) {
BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_accompanyme", name, NULL);
else {
BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_accompany", name, carriername, NULL);
BotSayTeamOrder(bs, teammates[numteammates - i - 1]);
void BotCTFOrders_BothFlagsAtBase(bot_state_t *bs) {
int numteammates, defenders, attackers, i;
int teammates[MAX_CLIENTS];
char name[MAX_NETNAME];
//sort team mates by travel time to base
numteammates = BotSortTeamMatesByBaseTravelTime(bs, teammates, sizeof(teammates));
//sort team mates by CTF preference
BotSortTeamMatesByCTFPreference(bs, teammates, numteammates);
//different orders based on the number of team mates
case 1: break;
case 2:
//the one closest to the base will defend the base
ClientName(teammates[0], name, sizeof(name));
BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_defendbase", name, NULL);
BotSayTeamOrder(bs, teammates[0]);
//the other will get the flag
ClientName(teammates[1], name, sizeof(name));
BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_getflag", name, NULL);
BotSayTeamOrder(bs, teammates[1]);
case 3:
//the one closest to the base will defend the base
ClientName(teammates[0], name, sizeof(name));
BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_defendbase", name, NULL);
BotSayTeamOrder(bs, teammates[0]);
//the others should go for the enemy flag
ClientName(teammates[1], name, sizeof(name));
BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_getflag", name, NULL);
BotSayTeamOrder(bs, teammates[1]);
ClientName(teammates[2], name, sizeof(name));
BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_getflag", name, NULL);
BotSayTeamOrder(bs, teammates[2]);
defenders = (int) (float) numteammates * 0.4 + 0.5;
if (defenders > 1) defenders = 1;
attackers = (int) (float) numteammates * 0.5 + 0.5;
for (i = 0; i < defenders; i++) {
ClientName(teammates[i], name, sizeof(name));
BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_defendbase", name, NULL);
BotSayTeamOrder(bs, teammates[i]);
for (i = 0; i < attackers; i++) {
ClientName(teammates[numteammates - i - 1], name, sizeof(name));
BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "cmd_getflag", name, NULL);
BotSayTeamOrder(bs, teammates[numteammates - i - 1]);
void BotTeamOrders(bot_state_t *bs) {
//no teamplay orders at this time
void BotTeamAI(bot_state_t *bs) {
int numteammates, flagstatus;
char netname[MAX_NETNAME];
if(!bs) return;
if (gametype != GT_TEAM && gametype != GT_CTF) return;
//make sure we've got a valid team leader
if (!BotValidTeamLeader(bs)) {
if (!bs->askteamleader_time && !bs->becometeamleader_time) {
if (bs->entergame_time + 10 > trap_AAS_Time()) {
bs->askteamleader_time = trap_AAS_Time() + 5 + random() * 10;
else {
bs->becometeamleader_time = trap_AAS_Time() + 5 + random() * 10;
if (bs->askteamleader_time && bs->askteamleader_time < trap_AAS_Time()) {
//if asked for a team leader and no repsonse
BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "whoisteamleader", NULL);
trap_BotEnterChat(bs->cs, bs->client, CHAT_TEAM);
bs->askteamleader_time = 0;
bs->becometeamleader_time = trap_AAS_Time() + 15 + random() * 10;
if (bs->becometeamleader_time && bs->becometeamleader_time < trap_AAS_Time()) {
BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "iamteamleader", NULL);
trap_BotEnterChat(bs->cs, bs->client, CHAT_TEAM);
ClientName(bs->client, netname, sizeof(netname));
strncpy(bs->teamleader, netname, sizeof(bs->teamleader));
bs->teamleader[sizeof(bs->teamleader)-1] = '\0';
bs->becometeamleader_time = 0;
bs->askteamleader_time = 0;
bs->becometeamleader_time = 0;
//return if this bot is NOT the team leader
ClientName(bs->client, netname, sizeof(netname));
if (Q_stricmp(netname, bs->teamleader) != 0) return;
//if the game starts OR a new player comes onto the team OR a player leaves the team
numteammates = BotNumTeamMates(bs);
//give orders
switch(gametype) {
case GT_TEAM:
if (bs->numteammates != numteammates || bs->forceorders) {
bs->teamgiveorders_time = trap_AAS_Time();
bs->numteammates = numteammates;
bs->forceorders = qfalse;
//if it's time to give orders
if (bs->teamgiveorders_time < trap_AAS_Time() - 5) {
bs->teamgiveorders_time = 0;
case GT_CTF:
//if the number of team mates changed or the flag status changed
//or someone wants to know what to do
if (bs->numteammates != numteammates || bs->flagstatuschanged || bs->forceorders) {
bs->teamgiveorders_time = trap_AAS_Time();
bs->numteammates = numteammates;
bs->flagstatuschanged = qfalse;
bs->forceorders = qfalse;
//if there were no flag captures the last 3 minutes
if (bs->lastflagcapture_time < trap_AAS_Time() - 240) {
bs->lastflagcapture_time = trap_AAS_Time();
//randomly change the CTF strategy
if (random() < 0.4) {
bs->ctfstrategy ^= CTFS_PASSIVE;
bs->teamgiveorders_time = trap_AAS_Time();
//if it's time to give orders
if (bs->teamgiveorders_time && bs->teamgiveorders_time < trap_AAS_Time() - 3) {
if (BotCTFTeam(bs) == CTF_TEAM_RED) flagstatus = bs->redflagstatus * 2 + bs->blueflagstatus;
else flagstatus = bs->blueflagstatus * 2 + bs->redflagstatus;
switch(flagstatus) {
case 0: BotCTFOrders_BothFlagsAtBase(bs); break;
case 1: BotCTFOrders_EnemyFlagNotAtBase(bs); break;
case 2: BotCTFOrders_FlagNotAtBase(bs); break;
case 3: BotCTFOrders_BothFlagsNotAtBase(bs); break;
bs->teamgiveorders_time = 0;