2013-07-08 20:42:21 +02:00

118 lines
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#ifndef _G_CLIENT_H
#define _G_CLIENT_H
#include "g_local.h"
* Select a spawnpoint.
* \param avoidPoint Point to avoid.
* \param origin Origin.
* \param angles Angles.
/*@shared@*/ /*@null@*/ gentity_t* G_Client_SelectSpawnPoint ( vec3_t avoidPoint, vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles );
* Set the clients view angle.
* \param ent Entity for which to set view angle.
* \param angle New view angle.
void G_Client_SetViewAngle( gentity_t* ent, vec3_t angle );
* Respawn client.
* \param ent Client to respawn.
void G_Client_Respawn(gentity_t *ent);
* Init the body que.
void G_Client_InitBodyQue(void);
//TiM - Delayed Transport Beam
void G_InitTransport( int32_t clientNum, vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles );
* Pick a random team.
* \param ignoreClientNum Client to ignore.
* \return Random team.
team_t G_Client_PickTeam( int32_t ignoreClientNum );
* Clients user info changed.
* \param clientNum Client num.
void G_Client_UserinfoChanged( int32_t clientNum );
* Client connect.
* \param clientNum Client num.
* \param firstTime Indicate whether this was the first connect.
* \param isBot Indicate if bot or player.
/*@shared@*/ char* G_Client_Connect( int32_t clientNum, qboolean firstTime, qboolean isBot );
* Initialize client.
* \param clientNum Client num.
* \param careAboutWarmup Indicate whether to care about warm up.
* \param isBot Bot or client?
* \param first First time?
void G_Client_Begin( int32_t clientNum, qboolean careAboutWarmup, qboolean isBot, qboolean first );
* Store the clients initial status.
* \param ent The client.
void G_Client_StoreClientInitialStatus( gentity_t* ent );
* Spawn client.
* \param ent Client to spawn
* \param rpgx_spawn rpgx_spawn
* \param fromDeath Is this a spawn from death?
void G_Client_Spawn( gentity_t* ent, int32_t rpgx_spawn, qboolean fromDeath );
* Disconnect client.
* \param clientNum Client num.
void G_Client_Disconnect( int32_t clientNum );
* Check if player is an admin.
* \param ent the player
* \return Whether player is admin.
qboolean IsAdmin( gentity_t* ent );
* Get location message for a client.
* \param ent The client.
* \param loc Location char.
* \param loclen Length of location char.
* \return Indicates success or fail.
qboolean G_Client_GetLocationMsg(gentity_t* ent, char* loc, int32_t loclen);
* Check client statuses.
void G_Client_CheckClientStatus(void);
#endif /* _G_CLIENT_H */