// Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Id Software, Inc. // #include "ui_local.h" #include "ui_logger.h" /* =============================================================================== CONNECTION SCREEN =============================================================================== */ qboolean passwordNeeded = qtrue; menufield_s passwordField; static connstate_t lastConnState; static char lastLoadingText[MAX_INFO_VALUE]; static void UI_ReadableSize ( char *buf, int32_t bufsize, int32_t value ) { UI_LogFuncBegin(); if (value > 1024*1024*1024 ) { // gigs Com_sprintf( buf, bufsize, "%d", value / (1024*1024*1024) ); Com_sprintf( buf+strlen(buf), bufsize-strlen(buf), ".%02d GB", (value % (1024*1024*1024))*100 / (1024*1024*1024) ); } else if (value > 1024*1024 ) { // megs Com_sprintf( buf, bufsize, "%d", value / (1024*1024) ); Com_sprintf( buf+strlen(buf), bufsize-strlen(buf), ".%02d MB", (value % (1024*1024))*100 / (1024*1024) ); } else if (value > 1024 ) { // kilos Com_sprintf( buf, bufsize, "%d KB", value / 1024 ); } else { // bytes Com_sprintf( buf, bufsize, "%d bytes", value ); } UI_LogFuncEnd(); } // Assumes time is in msec static void UI_PrintTime ( char *buf, int32_t bufsize, int32_t time ) { UI_LogFuncBegin(); time /= 1000; // change to seconds if (time > 3600) { // in the hours range Com_sprintf( buf, bufsize, "%d hr %d min", time / 3600, (time % 3600) / 60 ); } else if (time > 60) { // mins Com_sprintf( buf, bufsize, "%d min %d sec", time / 60, time % 60 ); } else { // secs Com_sprintf( buf, bufsize, "%d sec", time ); } UI_LogFuncEnd(); } static void UI_DisplayDownloadInfo( const char *downloadName ) { UI_LogFuncBegin(); const char *dlText = menu_normal_text[MNT_DOWNLOADING]; const char *etaText = menu_normal_text[MNT_ESTIMATEDTIMELEFT]; const char *xferText = menu_normal_text[MNT_TRANSFERRATE]; const char *estimating = menu_normal_text[MNT_ESTIMATING]; char *XofXcopied = (char *) menu_normal_text[MNT_OFCOPIED]; char *Xcopied = (char *) menu_normal_text[MNT_COPIED]; char *xSeconds = (char *) menu_normal_text[MNT_SEC]; const int32_t dlYpos = 288; const int32_t etaYpos = dlYpos + (SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT*1.25); const int32_t copiedYpos = etaYpos + (SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT*1.25); const int32_t xferYpos = copiedYpos + (SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT*1.25); int32_t downloadSize, downloadCount, downloadTime; char dlSizeBuf[64], totalSizeBuf[64], xferRateBuf[64], dlTimeBuf[64]; int32_t width, leftWidth; int32_t style = UI_LEFT|UI_SMALLFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW; const char *s; downloadSize = trap_Cvar_VariableValue( "cl_downloadSize" ); downloadCount = trap_Cvar_VariableValue( "cl_downloadCount" ); downloadTime = trap_Cvar_VariableValue( "cl_downloadTime" ); leftWidth = width = UI_ProportionalStringWidth( dlText,UI_SMALLFONT ) * UI_ProportionalSizeScale( style ); width = UI_ProportionalStringWidth( etaText,UI_SMALLFONT ) * UI_ProportionalSizeScale( style ); if (width > leftWidth) leftWidth = width; width = UI_ProportionalStringWidth( xferText,UI_SMALLFONT ) * UI_ProportionalSizeScale( style ); if (width > leftWidth) leftWidth = width; leftWidth += 16; UI_DrawProportionalString( 8, dlYpos, dlText, style, color_white ); UI_DrawProportionalString( 8, etaYpos, etaText, style, color_white ); UI_DrawProportionalString( 8, xferYpos, xferText, style, color_white ); if (downloadSize > 0) { s = va( "%s (%d%%)", downloadName, downloadCount * 100 / downloadSize ); } else { s = downloadName; } UI_DrawProportionalString( leftWidth, dlYpos, s, style, color_white ); UI_ReadableSize( dlSizeBuf, sizeof dlSizeBuf, downloadCount ); UI_ReadableSize( totalSizeBuf, sizeof totalSizeBuf, downloadSize ); if (downloadCount < 4096 || !downloadTime) { UI_DrawProportionalString( leftWidth, etaYpos, estimating, style, color_white ); UI_DrawProportionalString( leftWidth, copiedYpos, va(XofXcopied, dlSizeBuf, totalSizeBuf), style, color_white ); } else { int32_t xferRate; if ((uis.realtime - downloadTime) / 1000) { xferRate = downloadCount / ((uis.realtime - downloadTime) / 1000); } else { xferRate = 0; } UI_ReadableSize( xferRateBuf, sizeof xferRateBuf, xferRate ); // Extrapolate estimated completion time if (downloadSize && xferRate) { int32_t n = downloadSize / xferRate; // estimated time for entire d/l in secs // We do it in K (/1024) because we'd overflow around 4MB UI_PrintTime ( dlTimeBuf, sizeof dlTimeBuf, (n - (((downloadCount/1024) * n) / (downloadSize/1024))) * 1000); UI_DrawProportionalString( leftWidth, etaYpos, dlTimeBuf, style, color_white ); UI_DrawProportionalString( leftWidth, copiedYpos, va(XofXcopied, dlSizeBuf, totalSizeBuf), style, color_white ); } else { UI_DrawProportionalString( leftWidth, etaYpos, estimating, style, color_white ); if (downloadSize) { UI_DrawProportionalString( leftWidth, copiedYpos, va(XofXcopied, dlSizeBuf, totalSizeBuf), style, color_white ); } else { UI_DrawProportionalString( leftWidth, copiedYpos, va(Xcopied, dlSizeBuf), style, color_white ); } } if (xferRate) { UI_DrawProportionalString( leftWidth, xferYpos, va(xSeconds, xferRateBuf), style, color_white ); } } UI_LogFuncEnd(); } /* ======================== UI_DrawConnectScreen This will also be overlaid on the cgame info screen during loading to prevent it from blinking away too rapidly on local or lan games. overlay is in cg_info.c, CG_DrawInformation ======================== */ void UI_DrawConnectScreen( qboolean overlay ) { UI_LogFuncBegin(); const char *s; uiClientState_t cstate; char info[MAX_INFO_VALUE]; int32_t x,strlength,length; Menu_Cache(); if ( !overlay ) { trap_R_SetColor( colorTable[CT_BLACK] ); UI_DrawHandlePic( 0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, uis.whiteShader ); uis.widescreen.state = WIDESCREEN_CENTER; trap_R_SetColor( colorTable[CT_DKGREY] ); UI_DrawHandlePic( 11, 60, 260, 196, uis.whiteShader ); trap_R_SetColor( NULL ); UI_DrawHandlePic( 13, 62, 256, 192, uis.menuBackShader ); //correct aspect UI_DrawProportionalString( 10, 10, menu_normal_text[MNT_HOLODECKSIMULATION], UI_BIGFONT, colorTable[CT_LTORANGE] ); strlength = UI_ProportionalStringWidth(menu_normal_text[MNT_HOLODECKSIMULATION],UI_BIGFONT); length = 582 - (strlength + 6); trap_R_SetColor( colorTable[CT_DKORANGE]); UI_DrawHandlePic( 10 + strlength + 6, 11, length, 22,uis.whiteShader); // UI_DrawHandlePic( 224, 11, 368, 22,uis.whiteShader); UI_DrawHandlePic( 595, 11, 32, 32,uis.halfroundr_22); // Right End trap_R_SetColor( colorTable[CT_DKPURPLE1]); UI_DrawHandlePic( 274+301, 232, -32, 32,uis.corner_12_18); // LR UI_DrawHandlePic( 274+301, 52, -32, -32,uis.corner_12_18); // UR UI_DrawHandlePic( 274, 60, 314, 18,uis.whiteShader); // Top UI_DrawHandlePic( 274, 238, 314, 18,uis.whiteShader); //Bottom UI_DrawHandlePic( 274, 75, 10, 170,uis.whiteShader); // Left UI_DrawHandlePic( 274+321, 78, 12, 162,uis.whiteShader); // Right } uis.widescreen.state = WIDESCREEN_CENTER; // see what information we should display trap_GetClientState( &cstate ); x = 288; info[0] = '\0'; if( trap_GetConfigString( CS_SERVERINFO, info, sizeof(info) ) ) { UI_DrawProportionalString( x, 80, va( "%s",Info_ValueForKey( info, "mapname" ) ), UI_BIGFONT, colorTable[CT_WHITE] ); } UI_DrawProportionalString( x, 218, va("%s %s",menu_normal_text[MNT_CONNECTINGTO],cstate.servername), UI_SMALLFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorTable[CT_LTGOLD1]); // UI_DrawProportionalString( 320, y, menu_normal_text[MNT_PRESSESCAPETOABORT], UI_CENTER|UI_SMALLFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, menu_text_color ); // display global MOTD at bottom UI_DrawProportionalString( SCREEN_WIDTH/2, 262, Info_ValueForKey( cstate.updateInfoString, "motd" ), UI_CENTER|UI_SMALLFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorTable[CT_WHITE] ); // print any server info (server full, bad version, etc) if ( cstate.connState < CA_CONNECTED ) { char passFailMsg[MAX_TOKEN_CHARS]; trap_GetConfigString( CS_CON_FAIL, passFailMsg, sizeof( passFailMsg ) ); if ( passFailMsg[0] ) { UI_DrawProportionalString(320, 186, passFailMsg, UI_SMALLFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorTable[CT_VLTGOLD1] ); //y += PROP_HEIGHT; } UI_DrawProportionalString( x, 192, cstate.messageString, UI_SMALLFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorTable[CT_LTGOLD1] ); } #if 0 // display password field if ( passwordNeeded ) { s_ingame_menu.x = SCREEN_WIDTH * 0.50 - 128; s_ingame_menu.nitems = 0; s_ingame_menu.wrapAround = qtrue; passwordField.generic.type = MTYPE_FIELD; passwordField.generic.name = "Password:"; passwordField.generic.callback = 0; passwordField.generic.x = 10; passwordField.generic.y = 180; Field_Clear( &passwordField.field ); passwordField.width = 256; passwordField.field.widthInChars = 16; Q_strncpyz( passwordField.field.buffer, Cvar_VariableString("password"), sizeof(passwordField.field.buffer) ); Menu_AddItem( &s_ingame_menu, ( void * ) &s_customize_player_action ); MField_Draw( &passwordField ); } #endif if ( lastConnState > cstate.connState ) { lastLoadingText[0] = '\0'; } lastConnState = cstate.connState; switch ( cstate.connState ) { case CA_CONNECTING: s = va("%s...%i",menu_normal_text[MNT_AWAITINGCHALLENGE], cstate.connectPacketCount); break; case CA_AUTHORIZING: s = va("%s...%i",menu_normal_text[MNT_AWAITINGAUTHORIZATION], cstate.connectPacketCount); break; case CA_CHALLENGING: s = va("%s...%i", menu_normal_text[MNT_AWAITINGCONNECTION],cstate.connectPacketCount); break; case CA_CONNECTED: { char downloadName[MAX_INFO_VALUE]; trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( "cl_downloadName", downloadName, sizeof(downloadName) ); if (*downloadName) { UI_DisplayDownloadInfo( downloadName ); UI_LogFuncEnd(); return; } } s = menu_normal_text[MNT_AWAITINGGAMESTATE]; break; case CA_LOADING: UI_LogFuncEnd(); return; case CA_PRIMED: UI_LogFuncEnd(); return; default: UI_LogFuncEnd(); return; } UI_DrawProportionalString( 222, 442, s, UI_SMALLFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, colorTable[CT_LTGOLD1] ); UI_LogFuncEnd(); // password required / connection rejected information goes here } /* =================== UI_KeyConnect =================== */ void UI_KeyConnect( int32_t key ) { UI_LogFuncBegin(); if ( key == K_ESCAPE ) { trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_APPEND, "disconnect\n" ); UI_LogFuncEnd(); return; } UI_LogFuncEnd(); }