#include "Atoms.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace common; namespace ui { void Atoms::SecurityCodeSetup() { fileHandle_t f; char buffer[SECURITY_SIZE]; int32_t fileLen; rpgxSecurityFile_t *code; rpgxSecurityFile_t wCode; static bool ui_SecuritySetup = false; /* QVM Hack */ if (!ui_SecuritySetup) { ui_SecuritySetup = true; } else { return; } fileLen = trap_FS_FOpenFile(SECURITY_FILE, &f, FS_READ); if (!f) { UI_ConfirmMenu(menu_normal_text[MNT_ID_NOTTHERE], 0, [](qboolean b) { SecurityFeedback(b == qtrue ? true : false); }); return; } if (fileLen != SECURITY_SIZE) { UI_Logger(LL_ERROR, "rpgxid.dat is wrong size. %i, should be %i\n", fileLen, SECURITY_SIZE); UI_ConfirmMenu(menu_normal_text[MNT_ID_WRONGSIZE], 0, [](qboolean b) { SecurityFeedback(b == qtrue ? true : false); }); return; } trap_FS_Read(buffer, SECURITY_SIZE, f); trap_FS_FCloseFile(f); code = (rpgxSecurityFile_t *) ((char *) buffer); #if defined(__linux__) unsigned long ID = (buffer[3]<<24|buffer[2]<<16|buffer[1]<<8|buffer[0]); unsigned long SECID = ('7'<<24|'X'<<16|'G'<<8|'R'); if ( !code || ID != SECID) #else if (!code || code->ID != SECURITY_ID) #endif { if (!code) UI_Logger(LL_ERROR, "No data was able to be loaded\n"); else UI_Logger(LL_ERROR, "ID was %" PRIu64 ", should be %u\n", code->ID, SECURITY_ID); UI_ConfirmMenu(menu_normal_text[MNT_ID_INVALID], 0, [](qboolean b) { SecurityFeedback(b == qtrue ? true : false); }); return; } /* if hash is identical to console to default, then generate a new one */ if (code->hash == atoul(sv_securityHash.string) && code->hash == SECURITY_HASH) { fileHandle_t wf; int32_t i; /*UI_Logger( LL_DEBUG, "Building new key!\n" );*/ memset(&wCode, 0, sizeof(rpgxSecurityFile_t)); code = &wCode; code->ID = SECURITY_ID; /* generate our player hash */ while (code->hash == 0 || code->hash == SECURITY_HASH) { unsigned long bit = 0; /* set a pretty good random seed */ srand(trap_Milliseconds()); /*code->hash = (int32_t)(rand() / (((double)RAND_MAX + 1)/ SECURITY_HASH));*/ for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if ((irandom(1, 2) - 1)) { bit += 1 << i; } /*bit = bit | (irandom(1, 2)-1);*/ /*bit <<= 1;*/ } code->hash = bit; } /* generate our player id */ /* TiM - shifted to client to be built off of IP */ while (code->playerID == 0 || code->playerID == SECURITY_PID) { srand((int32_t) (trap_Milliseconds() * irandom(0, 0x7FFF))); for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { code->playerID |= irandom(1, 2) - 1; code->playerID <<= 1; } } /*code->playerID = SECURITY_PID;*/ /*generate random padding to make viewing this in a hex editor harder*/ /*code->padding = irandom( 0, 0xffff );*/ /*code->padding2 = irandom( 0, 0xffff );*/ /*code->padding3 = irandom( 0, 0xffff );*/ /* overwrite the file */ trap_FS_FOpenFile(SECURITY_FILE, &wf, FS_WRITE); trap_FS_Write(code, SECURITY_SIZE, wf); trap_FS_FCloseFile(wf); trap_Cvar_Set("sv_securityHash", va("%" PRIu64, code->hash)); } /* * update the security code value and lock it each time * from here, it is subsequently sent to the server on player connect */ trap_Cvar_Set("sv_securityCode", va("%" PRIu64, code->playerID)); } void Atoms::SecurityFeedback(bool result) { trap_Cmd_ExecuteText(EXEC_APPEND, "quit\n"); } std::string Atoms::LanguageFilename(std::string_view baseName, std::string_view baseExtension) { std::string result; char language[32]; fileHandle_t file; trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer("g_language", language, 32); /* If it's English then no extension */ if (language[0] == '\0' || Q_stricmp("ENGLISH", language) == 0) { result = baseName.data() + "."s + baseExtension.data(); } else { result = baseName.data() + "_"s + language + "." + baseExtension.data(); /* Attempt to load the file */ trap_FS_FOpenFile(result.data(), &file, FS_READ); if (file <= 0) /* This extension doesn't exist, go English. */ { result = baseName.data() + "."s + baseExtension.data(); } else { trap_FS_FCloseFile(file); } } return result; } void Atoms::InitSpinControl(menulist_s *spincontrol) { UI_LogFuncBegin(); spincontrol->generic.type = MTYPE_SPINCONTROL; spincontrol->generic.flags = QMF_HIGHLIGHT_IF_FOCUS; spincontrol->textcolor = CT_BLACK; spincontrol->textcolor2 = CT_WHITE; spincontrol->color = CT_DKPURPLE1; spincontrol->color2 = CT_LTPURPLE1; spincontrol->textX = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_X; spincontrol->textY = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_Y; UI_LogFuncEnd(); } void Atoms::LoadButtonText() { int32_t len, i; fileHandle_t f; auto filename = LanguageFilename("ext_data/mp_buttontext", "dat"); len = trap_FS_FOpenFile(filename.data(), &f, FS_READ); if (!f) { UI_Logger(LL_ERROR, "UI_LoadButtonText : MP_BUTTONTEXT.DAT file not found!\n"); return; } if (len > MAXBUTTONTEXT) { UI_Logger(LL_ERROR, "UI_LoadButtonText : MP_BUTTONTEXT.DAT too big!\n"); return; } for (i = 0; i < MBT_MAX; ++i) { menu_button_text[i][0] = menuEmptyLine.data(); menu_button_text[i][1] = menuEmptyLine.data(); } /* initialise the data area */ memset(ButtonText, 0, sizeof(ButtonText)); trap_FS_Read(ButtonText, len, f); trap_FS_FCloseFile(f); ParseButtonText(); } void Atoms::ParseButtonText() { char *token; char *buffer; int32_t i; int32_t len; COM_BeginParseSession(); buffer = ButtonText; i = 1; /* Zero is null string */ while (buffer) { /*G_ParseString( &buffer, &token);*/ token = COM_ParseExt(&buffer, qtrue); len = strlen(token); if (len) { if ((len == 1) && (token[0] == '/')) /* A NULL? */ { menu_button_text[i][0] = menuEmptyLine.data(); menu_button_text[i][1] = menuEmptyLine.data(); } else { menu_button_text[i][0] = (buffer - (len + 1)); /* The +1 is to get rid of the " at the beginning of the string.*/ } *(buffer - 1) = '\0'; /* Place an string end where is belongs. */ token = COM_ParseExt(&buffer, qtrue); len = strlen(token); if (len) { menu_button_text[i][1] = (buffer - (len + 1)); /* The +1 is to get rid of the " at the beginning of the string. */ *(buffer - 1) = '\0'; /* Place an string end where is belongs. */ } ++i; } if (uis.debug) UI_Logger(LL_DEBUG, "UI_ParseButtonText - Line: %i, String1: %s, String2: %s\n", i - 1, menu_button_text[i - 1][0], menu_button_text[i - 1][1]); if (i > MBT_MAX) { UI_Logger(LL_ERROR, "UI_ParseButtonText : too many values! Needed %d but got %d.\n", MBT_MAX, i); return; } } if (i != MBT_MAX) { UI_Logger(LL_DEBUG, "UI_ParseButtonText : not enough lines. Read %d of %d!\n", i, MBT_MAX); for (; i < MBT_MAX; i++) { menu_button_text[i][0] = "?"; menu_button_text[i][1] = "?"; } } } void Atoms::LoadMenuText() { int32_t len;/*,i;*/ fileHandle_t f; auto filename = LanguageFilename("ext_data/mp_normaltext", "dat"); len = trap_FS_FOpenFile(filename.data(), &f, FS_READ); if (!f) { Com_Error(ERR_FATAL, "UI_LoadMenuText : MP_NORMALTEXT.DAT file not found!\n"); return; } if (len > MAXMENUTEXT) { Com_Error(ERR_FATAL, "UI_LoadMenuText : MP_NORMALTEXT.DAT size (%d) > max (%d)!\n", len, MAXMENUTEXT); return; } /* initialise the data area */ memset(MenuText, 0, sizeof(MenuText)); trap_FS_Read(MenuText, len, f); trap_FS_FCloseFile(f); ParseMenuText(); } void Atoms::ParseMenuText() { char *token; char *buffer; int32_t i; int32_t len; /*int32_t j;*/ COM_BeginParseSession(); buffer = MenuText; i = 1; /* Zero is null string */ while (buffer) { token = COM_ParseExt(&buffer, qtrue); len = strlen(token); if (len) { menu_normal_text[i] = (buffer - (len + 1)); *(buffer - 1) = '\0'; /* Place an string end where is belongs. */ i++; } if (uis.debug) UI_Logger(LL_DEBUG, "UI_ParseMenuText - Line: %i, String: %s\n", i - 1, menu_normal_text[i - 1]); if (i > MNT_MAX) { UI_Logger(LL_ERROR, "UI_ParseMenuText : too many values! Needed %d but got %d.\n", MNT_MAX, i); return; } } if (i != MNT_MAX) { UI_Logger(LL_ERROR, "UI_ParseMenuText : not enough lines. Read %d of %d!\n", i, MNT_MAX); for (; i < MNT_MAX; i++) { menu_normal_text[i] = "?"; } } } void Atoms::MenuFrame2(menuframework_s *menu) { qboolean space = qtrue; if (!ui::Atoms::MenuFrame::initialized) { MenuFrame_Cache(); } if (!ingameFlag) { menu->fullscreen = qtrue; } else /* In game menu */ { menu->fullscreen = qfalse; } if (menu->titleI) { DrawProportionalString(menu->titleX, menu_normal_text[menu->titleI], UI_RIGHT | UI_BIGFONT, ColorTable[CT_LTORANGE]); } trap_R_SetColor(colorTable[CT_DKBROWN1]); DrawHandlePic(30, 25, 47, 119, uis.whiteShader); /* Top left column */ DrawHandlePic(30, 147, 47, 53, uis.whiteShader); /* left column */ trap_R_SetColor(colorTable[CT_DKBROWN1]); /*UI_DrawHandlePic( 30, 175, 47, 25, uis.whiteShader);*/ /* Mid left column*/ DrawHandlePic(30, 392, 47, 33, uis.whiteShader); /* Bottom left column */ DrawHandlePic(30, 425, 128, 64, s_menuFrame.cornerLower); /* Bottom Left Corner */ trap_R_SetColor(colorTable[CT_LTBROWN1]); DrawHandlePic(96, 438, 268, 18, uis.whiteShader); /* Bottom front Line */ /* Add foot note */ if (menu->footNoteEnum) { DrawProportionalString(MENU_TITLE_X, menu_normal_text[menu->footNoteEnum], UI_RIGHT | UI_SMALLFONT, colorTable[CT_LTORANGE]); MenuBottomLineEnd_Graphics(menu_normal_text[menu->footNoteEnum], ColorTable[CT_LTBROWN1]); } trap_R_SetColor(NULL); /* Print version */ if (space) DrawProportionalString(371, Q3_VERSION, UI_TINYFONT, ColorTable[CT_BLACK]); } void Atoms::MenuFrame(menuframework_s *menu) { qboolean space = qtrue; if (!ui::Atoms::MenuFrame::initialized) { MenuFrame_Cache(); } if (!ingameFlag) { menu->fullscreen = qtrue; } else /* In game menu */ { menu->fullscreen = qfalse; } /* Graphic frame */ FrameTop_Graphics(menu); /* Top third */ FrameBottom_Graphics(); /* Bottom two thirds */ /* Add foot note */ if (menu->footNoteEnum) { DrawProportionalString(MENU_TITLE_X, menu_normal_text[menu->footNoteEnum], UI_RIGHT | UI_SMALLFONT, colorTable[CT_LTORANGE]); MenuBottomLineEnd_Graphics(menu_normal_text[menu->footNoteEnum], CT_LTBROWN1); } /* Print version */ if (space) DrawProportionalString(371, Q3_VERSION, UI_TINYFONT, colorTable[CT_BLACK]); } bool Atoms::MenuBottomLineEnd_Graphics(string_view string, Color color) { trap_R_SetColor(color.values); auto holdX = MENU_TITLE_X - (ProportionalStringWidth(string, UI_SMALLFONT)); auto holdLength = (367 + 6) - holdX; DrawHandlePic(367, 438, holdLength, 18, uis.whiteShader); /* Bottom end line */ /* TiM - stop the text leaving the box in some instances */ return (holdLength < 0 ? -holdLength : holdLength) >= ProportionalStringWidth(Q3_VERSION, UI_TINYFONT); } void Atoms::FrameBottom_Graphics() { trap_R_SetColor(colorTable[CT_DKBROWN1]); DrawHandlePic(30, 147, 128, 64, s_menuFrame.cornerUpper2); /* Top corner */ DrawHandlePic(50, 147, 99, 7, uis.whiteShader); trap_R_SetColor(colorTable[CT_LTBROWN1]); /* DKBROWN1 */ DrawHandlePic(152, 147, 135, 7, uis.whiteShader); trap_R_SetColor(colorTable[CT_DKRED1]); /* DKBROWN1 */ DrawHandlePic(290, 147, 12, 7, uis.whiteShader); trap_R_SetColor(colorTable[CT_LTBROWN1]); DrawHandlePic(305, 147, 60, 4, uis.whiteShader); trap_R_SetColor(colorTable[CT_LTGOLD1]); /* DKBROWN1 */ DrawHandlePic(368, 147, 111, 7, uis.whiteShader); trap_R_SetColor(colorTable[CT_DKBROWN1]); DrawHandlePic(30, 173, 47, 27, uis.whiteShader); /* Top left column (81453) */ /* Start of piece (431108) */ DrawHandlePic(30, 392, 47, 33, uis.whiteShader); /* Bottom left column */ DrawHandlePic(30, 425, 128, 64, s_menuFrame.cornerLower); /* Bottom Left Corner */ trap_R_SetColor(colorTable[CT_LTBLUE1]); /* LTBROWN1]); */ DrawHandlePic(96, 438, 268, 18, uis.whiteShader); /* Bottom front Line */ trap_R_SetColor(NULL); } void Atoms::FrameTop_Graphics(menuframework_s *menu) { trap_R_SetColor(colorTable[CT_DKPURPLE2]); DrawHandlePic(30, 24, 47, 54, uis.whiteShader); /* Top left hand column */ trap_R_SetColor(colorTable[CT_DKPURPLE3]); DrawHandlePic(30, 81, 47, 34, uis.whiteShader); /* Middle left hand column */ DrawHandlePic(30, 115, 128, 64, s_menuFrame.cornerUpper); /* Corner */ DrawHandlePic(100, 136, 49, 6.5, uis.whiteShader); /* Start of line across bottom of top third section */ /*ABOVE HAS LINE BUG 111 - 38 - 7 */ trap_R_SetColor(colorTable[CT_LTBROWN1]); DrawHandlePic(152, 136, 135, 7, uis.whiteShader); /* 2nd line across bottom of top third section */ trap_R_SetColor(colorTable[CT_LTPURPLE2]); DrawHandlePic(290, 136, 12, 7, uis.whiteShader); /* 3rd line across bottom of top third section */ trap_R_SetColor(colorTable[CT_LTBROWN1]); /* RPG-X ADDITION */ DrawHandlePic(305, 139, 60, 4, uis.whiteShader); /* 4th line across bottom of top third section */ /*RPG-X REMOVE trap_R_SetColor( colorTable[CT_LTBROWN1]);*/ DrawHandlePic(368, 136, 111, 7, uis.whiteShader); /* 5th line across bottom of top third section */ if (menu->titleI) { DrawProportionalString(menu->titleX, menu_normal_text[menu->titleI], UI_RIGHT | UI_BIGFONT, colorTable[CT_LTORANGE]); } } void Atoms::MenuFrame_Cache() { s_menuFrame.cornerUpper = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip("menu/common/corner_ll_47_7.tga"); s_menuFrame.cornerUpper2 = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip("menu/common/corner_ul_47_7.tga"); s_menuFrame.cornerLower = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip("menu/common/corner_ll_47_18.tga"); } void Atoms::PrecacheMenuGraphics(menugraphics_s *menuGraphics, int32_t maxI) { int32_t i; for (i = 0; i < maxI; ++i) { if (menuGraphics[i].type == MG_GRAPHIC) { menuGraphics[i].graphic = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip(menuGraphics[i].file); } } } void Atoms::PrintMenuGraphics(menugraphics_s *menuGraphics, int32_t maxI) { int32_t i; const char *text; /* Now that all the changes are made, print up the graphics */ for (i = 0; i < maxI; ++i) { if (menuGraphics[i].type == MG_GRAPHIC) { trap_R_SetColor(colorTable[menuGraphics[i].color]); DrawHandlePic(menuGraphics[i].x, menuGraphics[i].y, menuGraphics[i].width, menuGraphics[i].height, menuGraphics[i].graphic); trap_R_SetColor(colorTable[CT_NONE]); } else if (menuGraphics[i].type == MG_STRING) { if (menuGraphics[i].file) { text = menuGraphics[i].file; } else if (menuGraphics[i].normaltextEnum) { text = menu_normal_text[menuGraphics[i].normaltextEnum]; } else { return; } DrawProportionalString(menuGraphics[i].x, text, menuGraphics[i].style, colorTable[menuGraphics[i].color]); } else if (menuGraphics[i].type == MG_NUMBER) { trap_R_SetColor(colorTable[menuGraphics[i].color]); DrawNumField({menuGraphics[i].x, menuGraphics[i].max}, menuGraphics[i].target, menuGraphics[i].width, menuGraphics[i].height); trap_R_SetColor(colorTable[CT_NONE]); } else if (menuGraphics[i].type == MG_NONE) { ; /* Don't print anything */ } } } void Atoms::DrawNumField(const Point2dI &position, size_t width, int32_t value, size_t charWidth, size_t) { if (width < 1) { return; } /* draw number string */ if (width > 15) width = 15; switch (width) { case 1: value = value > 9 ? 9 : value; value = value < 0 ? 0 : value; break; case 2: value = value > 99 ? 99 : value; value = value < -9 ? -9 : value; break; case 3: value = value > 999 ? 999 : value; value = value < -99 ? -99 : value; break; case 4: value = value > 9999 ? 9999 : value; value = value < -999 ? -999 : value; break; default: break; } auto number_str = std::to_string(value); auto l = number_str.length(); if (l > width) { l = width; } auto xWidth = (charWidth / 3); auto x = position.x; x += (xWidth) * (width - l); for (const auto &c : number_str) { auto frame = c - '0'; DrawHandlePic(x, position.y, 16, 16, uis.smallNumbers[frame]); x += xWidth; l--; if (l == 0) { break; } } } bool Atoms::CursorInRect(const RectangleI &rect) { return !(uis.cursorx < rect.left || uis.cursory < rect.top || uis.cursorx > rect.right || uis.cursory > rect.bottom); } void Atoms::Refresh(int32_t realtime) { UI_LogFuncBegin(); vec4_t color; uis.frametime = realtime - uis.realtime; uis.realtime = realtime; /*trap_Cvar_Set( "sys_lastactive", uis.realtime );*/ if (!(trap_Key_GetCatcher() & KEYCATCH_UI)) { UI_LogFuncEnd(); return; } UI_UpdateCvars(); if (uis.activemenu) { uis.widescreen.state = WIDESCREEN_NONE; if (uis.activemenu->fullscreen) { /* draw the background */ trap_R_SetColor(colorTable[CT_BLACK]); UI_DrawHandlePic(0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, uis.whiteShader); } else if (!uis.activemenu->nobackground) { /* draw the background */ color[0] = colorTable[CT_BLACK][0]; color[1] = colorTable[CT_BLACK][1]; color[2] = colorTable[CT_BLACK][1]; color[3] = .75; trap_R_SetColor(color); UI_DrawHandlePic(0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, uis.whiteShader); } uis.widescreen.state = WIDESCREEN_CENTER; if (uis.activemenu->draw) uis.activemenu->draw(); else Menu_Draw(uis.activemenu); if (uis.firstdraw) { UI_MouseEvent(0, 0); uis.firstdraw = qfalse; } } /* draw cursor */ trap_R_SetColor(NULL); if (uis.cursorDraw) { UI_DrawHandlePic(uis.cursorx, uis.cursory, 16, 16, uis.cursor); } #ifndef NDEBUG if (uis.debug) { /* cursor coordinates */ uis.widescreen.state = WIDESCREEN_LEFT; UI_DrawString(0, 0, va("(%d,%d)", uis.cursorx, uis.cursory), UI_LEFT | UI_SMALLFONT, colorRed, qtrue); uis.widescreen.state = WIDESCREEN_CENTER; } #endif /* * delay playing the enter sound until after the * menu has been drawn, to avoid delay while * caching images */ if (m_entersound) { trap_S_StartLocalSound(menu_in_sound, CHAN_LOCAL_SOUND); m_entersound = qfalse; } UI_LogFuncEnd(); } void Atoms::DrawRect(float x, float y, float width, float height, const float *color) { UI_LogFuncBegin(); trap_R_SetColor(color); UI_AdjustFrom640(&x, &y, &width, &height); trap_R_DrawStretchPic(x, y, width, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, uis.whiteShader); trap_R_DrawStretchPic(x, y, 1, height, 0, 0, 0, 0, uis.whiteShader); trap_R_DrawStretchPic(x, y + height - 1, width, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, uis.whiteShader); trap_R_DrawStretchPic(x + width - 1, y, 1, height, 0, 0, 0, 0, uis.whiteShader); trap_R_SetColor(NULL); UI_LogFuncEnd(); } void Atoms::FillRect(float x, float y, float width, float height, const float *color) { UI_LogFuncBegin(); trap_R_SetColor(color); UI_AdjustFrom640(&x, &y, &width, &height); trap_R_DrawStretchPic(x, y, width, height, 0, 0, 0, 0, uis.whiteShader); trap_R_SetColor(NULL); UI_LogFuncEnd(); } void Atoms::DrawHandlePic(float x, float y, float w, float h, qhandle_t hShader) { UI_LogFuncBegin(); float s0; float s1; float t0; float t1; /* TiM - security check */ if (w == 0.0f || h == 0.0f) { UI_LogFuncEnd(); return; } if (w < 0) { /* flip about vertical */ w = -w; s0 = 1; s1 = 0; } else { s0 = 0; s1 = 1; } if (h < 0) { /* flip about horizontal */ h = -h; t0 = 1; t1 = 0; } else { t0 = 0; t1 = 1; } UI_AdjustFrom640(&x, &y, &w, &h); trap_R_DrawStretchPic(x, y, w, h, s0, t0, s1, t1, hShader); UI_LogFuncEnd(); } void Atoms::DrawHandleStretchPic(float x, float y, float w, float h, float s0, float t0, float s1, float t1, qhandle_t hShader) { UI_LogFuncBegin(); UI_AdjustFrom640(&x, &y, &w, &h); trap_R_DrawStretchPic(x, y, w, h, s0, t0, s1, t1, hShader); UI_LogFuncEnd(); } void Atoms::DrawNamedPic(float x, float y, float width, float height, const char *picname) { UI_LogFuncBegin(); qhandle_t hShader; hShader = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip(picname); UI_AdjustFrom640(&x, &y, &width, &height); trap_R_DrawStretchPic(x, y, width, height, 0, 0, 1, 1, hShader); UI_LogFuncEnd(); } void Atoms::AdjustFrom640(float *x, float *y, float *w, float *h) { UI_LogFuncBegin(); /* expect valid pointers */ /* *x = *x * uis.scale + uis.bias;*/ *x *= uis.scalex; *y *= uis.scaley; *w *= uis.scalex; *h *= uis.scaley; /* handle widescreen projections */ if (IsWidescreen()) { *x *= uis.widescreen.ratio; *w *= uis.widescreen.ratio; /* center the elements into the middle of the screen */ if (uis.widescreen.state == WIDESCREEN_CENTER) *x += uis.widescreen.bias; } UI_LogFuncEnd(); } void Atoms::Init() { UI_LogFuncBegin(); UI_Logger(LL_ALWAYS, "This is RPG-X version %s compiled by %s on %s.\n", RPGX_VERSION, RPGX_COMPILEDBY, RPGX_COMPILEDATE); memset(&uis, 0, sizeof(uis)); init_tonextint(qfalse); UI_RegisterCvars(); UI_LoadMenuText(); UI_LoadButtonText(); LoadFonts(); BG_LoadItemNames(); UI_InitGameinfo(); /* Initialize the ranks data */ UI_InitRanksData(UI_Cvar_VariableString("ui_currentRankSet")); GetRankSets(); UI_InitClassData(UI_Cvar_VariableString("ui_currentClassSet")); GetClassSets(); /* cache redundant calulations */ trap_GetGlconfig(&uis.glconfig); /* for 640x480 virtualized screen */ uis.scaley = uis.glconfig.vidHeight * (1.0 / 480.0); uis.scalex = uis.glconfig.vidWidth * (1.0 / 640.0); /* uis.scale = uis.glconfig.vidHeight * (1.0/480.0); if ( uis.glconfig.vidWidth * 480 > uis.glconfig.vidHeight * 640 ) { // wide screen uis.bias = 0.5 * ( uis.glconfig.vidWidth - ( uis.glconfig.vidHeight * (640.0/480.0) ) ); } else { // no wide screen uis.bias = 0; } */ /* TiM - handle wide screens */ if (uis.glconfig.vidWidth * 480 > uis.glconfig.vidHeight * 640) { uis.widescreen.ratio = 640.0f * uis.scaley * (1.0f / uis.glconfig.vidWidth); uis.widescreen.bias = 0.5 * (uis.glconfig.vidWidth - (uis.glconfig.vidHeight * (640.0 / 480.0))); } else { uis.widescreen.ratio = 0; uis.widescreen.bias = 0; } /* initialize the menu system */ Menu_Cache(); uis.activemenu = NULL; uis.menusp = 0; trap_Cvar_Create("ui_initialsetup", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE); /* TiM - initiate the client side portion of the security code */ UI_SecurityCodeSetup(); /* trap_Cvar_Create ("rpg_playIntro", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE ); *//*RPG-X | Phenix | 25/02/2005 */ UI_LogFuncEnd(); } int32_t Atoms::PopulateClassSetArray(char **classSets) { int32_t i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_CLASSSETS; i++) { if (!uis.classList[i][0]) break; classSets[i] = uis.classList[i]; } return i; } int32_t Atoms::GetClassSets() { int32_t numFiles, i; char fileBuffer[2048]; char *filePtr; /*char filePath[128];*/ int32_t fileLen; numFiles = trap_FS_GetFileList("ext_data/classes", ".classes", fileBuffer, sizeof(fileBuffer)); /*UI_Logger( LL_DEBUG, "%s\n", filePtr);*/ if (numFiles == 1) { return 1; } memset(&uis.classList, 0, sizeof(uis.classList)); if (numFiles > MAX_CLASSSETS) numFiles = MAX_CLASSSETS; filePtr = fileBuffer; i = 0; while (i < numFiles) { if (!filePtr) break; fileLen = strlen(filePtr); /* Remove the extension */ if (fileLen > 8 && !Q_stricmp(filePtr + fileLen - 8, ".classes")) { filePtr[fileLen - 8] = '\0'; } /*UI_Logger( LL_DEBUG, "%s\n", filePtr ); */ Q_strncpyz(uis.classList[i], filePtr, sizeof(uis.classList[i])); filePtr += fileLen + 1; i++; } trap_Print(va("%i class sets detected\n", i)); return i; } int32_t Atoms::PopulateClassArray(char **classes) { int32_t i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_CLASSES; i++) { if (!uis.classData[i].classNameFull[0]) break; classes[i] = uis.classData[i].classNameFull; } classes[i] = "Other"; /*classes[i+1] = 0;*/ return i; } int32_t Atoms::GetRankSets() { int32_t numFiles, i; char fileBuffer[2048]; char *filePtr; /*char filePath[128];*/ int32_t fileLen; numFiles = trap_FS_GetFileList("ext_data/ranksets", ".ranks", fileBuffer, sizeof(fileBuffer)); /*UI_Logger( LL_DEBUG, "%s\n", filePtr);*/ if (numFiles == 1) return 1; memset(&uis.rankSet.rankSetNames, 0, sizeof(uis.rankSet.rankSetNames)); if (numFiles > MAX_RANKSETS) numFiles = MAX_RANKSETS; filePtr = fileBuffer; i = 0; while (i < numFiles) { if (!filePtr) break; fileLen = strlen(filePtr); /*Remove the extension*/ if (fileLen > 6 && !Q_stricmp(filePtr + fileLen - 6, ".ranks")) { filePtr[fileLen - 6] = '\0'; } /*UI_Logger( LL_DEBUG, "%s\n", filePtr );*/ Q_strncpyz(uis.rankSet.rankSetNames[i], filePtr, sizeof(uis.rankSet.rankSetNames[i])); filePtr += fileLen + 1; i++; } trap_Print(va("%i ranksets detected\n", i)); return i; } int32_t Atoms::PopulateRankSetArray(char **rankSets) { int32_t i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_RANKSETS; i++) { if (!uis.rankSet.rankSetNames[i][0]) break; rankSets[i] = uis.rankSet.rankSetNames[i]; } rankSets[i] = 0; return i; } void Atoms::InitRanksData(char *ranksName) { char filePath[MAX_QPATH]; if (!Q_stricmp(uis.rankSet.rankSetName, ranksName)) goto refreshRank; /* Init the transfer space */ memset(&uis.rankSet.rankNames, 0, sizeof(uis.rankSet.rankNames)); /* Create the file route */ Com_sprintf(filePath, sizeof(filePath), "ext_data/ranksets/%s.ranks", ranksName); /* attempt to parse */ if (!BG_ParseRankNames(filePath, uis.rankSet.rankNames, sizeof(rankNames_t) * MAX_RANKS)) { /* Rank attempt failed. Try loading the defaults. If we end up with no loaded ranks... many menu elements will start crapping. bad */ if (!BG_ParseRankNames(va("ext_data/ranksets/%s.ranks", RANKSET_DEFAULT), uis.rankSet.rankNames, sizeof(rankNames_t) * MAX_RANKS)) trap_Error(va("UI_InitRanksData: Was unable to load default rankset: %s", RANKSET_DEFAULT)); } else { int32_t i; /* * nvm, all loaded good :) * set the current rank CVAR so it'll use this rankset next time they start the game */ trap_Cvar_Set("ui_currentRankSet", ranksName); /* eh... to be on the safe side, save the name of the ranks in a local string */ Q_strncpyz(uis.rankSet.rankSetName, ranksName, sizeof(uis.rankSet.rankSetName)); refreshRank: /* using our current cvar'd rank, do a compare. if we find a match, set our player to that rank in the menu */ for (i = 0, uis.currentRank = 0; i < MAX_RANKS; i++) { // TODO: replace UI_Cvar_VariableString by modern system call if (!Q_stricmp(uis.rankSet.rankNames[i].consoleName, UI_Cvar_VariableString("ui_playerRank"))) { uis.currentRank = i; break; } } } } int32_t Atoms::PopulateRanksArray(char **ranks) { int32_t i; rankNames_t *rank; for (i = 0; i < MAX_RANKS; i++) { rank = &uis.rankSet.rankNames[i]; if (!rank->formalName[0]) break; ranks[i] = rank->formalName; } ranks[i] = "Other"; /*ranks[i+1] = 0; *//*IMPORTANT: Spin controls need these or else values bleed into different controls*/ return i; } int32_t Atoms::InitClassData(char *fileName) { char buffer[32000]; fileHandle_t f; int32_t fileLen; char *textPtr; char filePath[MAX_QPATH]; int32_t classIndex = 0; char *token; /* TiM - check if we've already loaded this file */ if (!Q_stricmp(uis.classSetName, fileName)) { return qtrue; } /* TiM - build the file name */ Com_sprintf(filePath, sizeof(filePath), "ext_data/classes/%s.classes", fileName); fileLen = trap_FS_FOpenFile(filePath, &f, FS_READ); if (!fileLen) { UI_Logger(LL_ERROR, "File not found: %s\n", fileName); return qfalse; } /* init file buffer */ memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); trap_FS_Read(buffer, fileLen, f); if (!buffer[0]) { UI_Logger(LL_ERROR, "File could not be read: %s\n", fileName); return qfalse; } trap_FS_FCloseFile(f); /* Re-init class list */ memset(uis.classData, 0, sizeof(uis.classData)); textPtr = buffer; COM_BeginParseSession(); token = COM_Parse(&textPtr); if (!token[0]) { UI_Logger(LL_ERROR, "File was loaded, but no data could be read: %s\n", fileName); return qfalse; } if (Q_stricmpn(token, "{", 1)) { UI_Logger(LL_ERROR, "No opening brace { found in: %s\n", fileName); return qfalse; } while (1) { if (classIndex >= MAX_CLASSES) break; if (!Q_stricmpn(token, "{", 1)) { while (1) { /* formal Name */ if (!Q_stricmpn(token, "formalName", 10)) { if (COM_ParseString(&textPtr, &token)) { UI_Logger(LL_ERROR, "Error parsing formalName parameter in file: %s.\n", fileName); continue; } Q_strncpyz(uis.classData[classIndex].classNameFull, token, sizeof(uis.classData[classIndex].classNameFull)); continue; } /* console Name */ if (!Q_stricmpn(token, "consoleName", 11)) { if (COM_ParseString(&textPtr, &token)) { UI_Logger(LL_ERROR, "Error parsing consoleName parameter in file: %s.\n", fileName); continue; } Q_strncpyz(uis.classData[classIndex].classNameConsole, token, sizeof(uis.classData[classIndex].classNameConsole)); continue; } /* TiM : Disregard noShow Classes */ if (!Q_stricmp(token, "noShow")) { token = COM_Parse(&textPtr); if (atoi(token) >= 1) { memset(uis.classData[classIndex].classNameConsole, 0, sizeof(uis.classData[classIndex].classNameConsole)); memset(uis.classData[classIndex].classNameFull, 0, sizeof(uis.classData[classIndex].classNameFull)); break; } } token = COM_Parse(&textPtr); if (!token[0]) break; /* skip any more braces. They're obviously color vals */ if (!Q_stricmpn(token, "{", 1)) { SkipBracedSection(&textPtr); continue; } if (!Q_strncmp(token, "}", 1)) { classIndex++; break; } } } token = COM_Parse(&textPtr); if (!token[0]) break; } Q_strncpyz(uis.classSetName, fileName, sizeof(uis.classSetName)); return qtrue; } void Atoms::LoadFonts() { char buffer[FONT_BUFF_LENGTH]; int32_t len; fileHandle_t f; char *holdBuf; len = trap_FS_FOpenFile("ext_data/fonts.dat", &f, FS_READ); if (!f) { trap_Print(va(S_COLOR_RED "UI_LoadFonts : FONTS.DAT file not found!\n")); return; } if (len > FONT_BUFF_LENGTH) { trap_Print(va(S_COLOR_RED "UI_LoadFonts : FONTS.DAT file bigger than %d!\n", FONT_BUFF_LENGTH)); return; } /* initialise the data area */ memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); trap_FS_Read(buffer, len, f); trap_FS_FCloseFile(f); COM_BeginParseSession(); holdBuf = (char *) buffer; holdBuf = ParseFontParms(holdBuf, propMapTiny); holdBuf = ParseFontParms(holdBuf, propMap); holdBuf = ParseFontParms(holdBuf, propMapBig); } bool Atoms::IsWidescreen() { return ui_handleWidescreen.integer && uis.widescreen.ratio && uis.widescreen.state != WIDESCREEN_NONE; } constexpr float Atoms::clampCvar(float min, float max, float value) { if (value < min) { return min; } if (value > max) { return max; } return value; } void Atoms::pushMenu(menuframework_s *menu) { auto i = 0; for (; i < uis.menusp; i++) { if (uis.stack[i] == menu) { uis.menusp = i; break; } } if (i == uis.menusp) { if (uis.menusp >= MAX_MENUDEPTH) { trap_Error("PushMenu: menu stack overflow"); } uis.stack[uis.menusp++] = menu; } menu->cursor = 0; menu->cursor_prev = 0; m_entersound = qtrue; trap_Key_SetCatcher(KEYCATCH_UI); for (i = 0; i < menu->nitems; i++) { auto item = static_cast(menu->items[i]); if ((item->flags & (QMF_GRAYED | QMF_MOUSEONLY | QMF_INACTIVE)) != QMF_GRAYED | QMF_MOUSEONLY | QMF_INACTIVE) { menu->cursor_prev = -1; Menu_SetCursor(menu, i); break; } } uis.firstdraw = qtrue; } void Atoms::PopMenu() { trap_S_StartLocalSound(menu_out_sound, CHAN_LOCAL_SOUND); uis.menusp--; if (uis.menusp < 0) trap_Error("PopMenu: menu stack underflow"); if (uis.menusp) { uis.activemenu = uis.stack[uis.menusp - 1]; uis.firstdraw = qtrue; } else { ForceMenuOff(); } } void Atoms::ForceMenuOff() { uis.menusp = 0; uis.activemenu = nullptr; trap_Key_SetCatcher(trap_Key_GetCatcher() & ~KEYCATCH_UI); trap_Key_ClearStates(); trap_Cvar_Set("cl_paused", "0"); } void Atoms::LerpColor(vec_t *a, vec_t *b, vec_t *c, float t) { int32_t i; /* lerp and clamp each component */ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { c[i] = a[i] + t * (b[i] - a[i]); if (c[i] < 0) c[i] = 0; else if (c[i] > 1.0) c[i] = 1.0; } } void Atoms::DrawBannerString2(int32_t x, int32_t y, const char *str, vec_t *color) { const char *s; char ch; float ax; float ay; float aw; float ah; float frow; float fcol; float fwidth; float fheight; /* draw the colored text */ trap_R_SetColor(color); /*ax = x * uis.scale + uis.bias;*/ ax = x * uis.scalex; ay = y * uis.scaley; s = str; while (*s) { ch = *s & 255; if (ch == ' ') { ax += ((float) PROPB_SPACE_WIDTH + (float) PROPB_GAP_WIDTH) * uis.scalex; } else if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') { ch -= 'A'; fcol = (float) propMapB[(int32_t) ch][0] / 256.0f; /*256.0f*/ frow = (float) propMapB[(int32_t) ch][1] / 256.0f; fwidth = (float) propMapB[(int32_t) ch][2] / 256.0f; fheight = (float) PROPB_HEIGHT / 256.0f; aw = (float) propMapB[(int32_t) ch][2] * uis.scalex; ah = (float) PROPB_HEIGHT * uis.scaley; trap_R_DrawStretchPic(ax, ay, aw, ah, fcol, frow, fcol + fwidth, frow + fheight, uis.charsetPropB); ax += (aw + (float) PROPB_GAP_WIDTH * uis.scalex); } s++; } trap_R_SetColor(nullptr); } void Atoms::DrawBannerString(int32_t x, int32_t y, const char *str, int32_t style, vec_t *color) { const char *s; int32_t ch; int32_t width; vec4_t drawcolor; /* find the width of the drawn text */ s = str; width = 0; while (*s) { ch = *s; if (ch == ' ') { width += PROPB_SPACE_WIDTH; } else if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') { width += propMapB[ch - 'A'][2] + PROPB_GAP_WIDTH; } s++; } width -= PROPB_GAP_WIDTH; switch (style & UI_FORMATMASK) { case UI_CENTER: x -= width / 2; break; case UI_RIGHT: x -= width; break; case UI_LEFT: default: break; } if (style & UI_DROPSHADOW) { drawcolor[0] = drawcolor[1] = drawcolor[2] = 0; drawcolor[3] = color[3]; DrawBannerString2(x + 2, y + 2, str, drawcolor); } DrawBannerString2(x, y, str, color); } size_t Atoms::ProportionalStringWidth(string_view str, int32_t style) { if (style == UI_TINYFONT) { auto width = std::accumulate(str.begin(), str.end(), 0U, [](auto sum, auto ch) { auto charWidth = propMapTiny[ch][2]; if (charWidth > -1) { return sum + charWidth + PROP_GAP_TINY_WIDTH; } return sum; }); return width - PROP_GAP_TINY_WIDTH; } else if (style == UI_BIGFONT) { auto width = std::accumulate(str.begin(), str.end(), 0U, [](auto sum, auto ch) { auto charWidth = propMapBig[ch][2]; if (charWidth > -1) { return sum + charWidth + PROP_GAP_BIG_WIDTH; } return sum; }); return width - PROP_GAP_BIG_WIDTH; } auto width = std::accumulate(str.begin(), str.end(), 0U, [](auto sum, auto ch) { auto charWidth = propMap[ch][2]; if (charWidth > -1) { return sum + charWidth + PROPB_GAP_WIDTH; } return sum; }); return width - PROP_GAP_WIDTH; } void Atoms::DrawProportionalString2(common::Point2dI pos, std::string_view str, common::Color color, int32_t style, qhandle_t charset) { float ax; float ay, holdY; float aw; float ah; float frow; float fcol; float fwidth; float fheight; float sizeScale; int32_t colorI; int32_t special; /* draw the colored text */ trap_R_SetColor(color.values); /*ax = x * uis.scale + uis.bias;*/ ax = pos.x * uis.scalex; ay = pos.y * uis.scaley; holdY = ay; /* TiM - adjust for widescreen monitors */ if (IsWidescreen()) { ax *= uis.widescreen.ratio; /* center the elements into the middle of the screen */ if (uis.widescreen.state == WIDESCREEN_CENTER) ax += uis.widescreen.bias; } /*else UI_Logger( LL_DEBUG, "CVAR: %i, Ratio: %f, State: %i\n", ui_handleWidescreen.integer, uis.widescreen.ratio, uis.widescreen.state );*/ sizeScale = ProportionalSizeScale(style); if (style & UI_TINYFONT) { for(auto it = str.begin(); it != str.end(); ++it) { if(Q_IsColorString(it) && ((style & UI_SHOWCOLOR) == UI_SHOWCOLOR)) { colorI = ColorIndex(*(it + 1)); trap_R_SetColor(g_color_table[colorI]); it += 2; continue; } auto ch = *it & 255; if(ch == ' ') { aw = static_cast(PROP_SPACE_TINY_WIDTH); } else if(propMap[ch][2] > -1) { special = specialTinyPropChars[ch][0]; ay = holdY + (specialTinyPropChars[ch][1] * uis.scaley); fcol = static_cast(propMapTiny[ch][0] / 256.0f); frow = static_cast(propMapTiny[ch][1] / 256.0f); fwidth = static_cast(propMapTiny[ch][2] / 256.0f); fheight = static_cast(PROP_TINY_HEIGHT + special) / 256.0f; aw = static_cast(propMapTiny[ch][2]) * uis.scalex * sizeScale; ah = static_cast(PROP_TINY_HEIGHT + special) * uis.scaley * sizeScale; if(IsWidescreen()) { aw *= uis.widescreen.ratio; } trap_R_DrawStretchPic(ax, ay, aw, ah, fcol, frow, fcol + fwidth, frow + fheight, charset); } else { aw = 0; } ax += aw + static_cast(PROP_GAP_TINY_WIDTH) * uis.scalex * sizeScale; if(IsWidescreen()) { ax -= static_cast(PROP_GAP_TINY_WIDTH * uis.scalex * sizeScale) * (1.0f - uis.widescreen.ratio); } } } else if (style & UI_BIGFONT) { s = str; while (*s) { /* Is this a color???? */ if (Q_IsColorString(s) && !(style & UI_SHOWCOLOR)) { colorI = ColorIndex(*(s + 1)); trap_R_SetColor(g_color_table[colorI]); s += 2; continue; } ch = *s & 255; if (ch == ' ') { aw = (float) PROP_SPACE_BIG_WIDTH * uis.scalex; } else if (propMap[ch][2] != -1) { /* Because some foreign characters were a little different */ special = specialBigPropChars[ch][0]; ay = holdY + (specialBigPropChars[ch][1] * uis.scaley); fcol = (float) propMapBig[ch][0] / 256.0f; /* 256.0f */ frow = (float) propMapBig[ch][1] / 256.0f; fwidth = (float) propMapBig[ch][2] / 256.0f; fheight = (float) (PROP_BIG_HEIGHT + special) / 256.0f; aw = (float) propMapBig[ch][2] * uis.scalex * sizeScale; ah = (float) (PROP_BIG_HEIGHT + special) * uis.scaley * sizeScale; /* TiM - adjust for widescreen */ if (IsWidescreen()) { aw *= uis.widescreen.ratio; } trap_R_DrawStretchPic(ax, ay, aw, ah, fcol, frow, fcol + fwidth, frow + fheight, charset); } else { aw = 0; } ax += (aw + (float) PROP_GAP_BIG_WIDTH * uis.scalex * sizeScale); /* again adjust for widescreen */ if (IsWidescreen()) ax -= ((float) PROP_GAP_BIG_WIDTH * uis.scalex * sizeScale) * (1.0f - uis.widescreen.ratio); s++; } } else { s = str; while (*s) { /* Is this a color???? */ if (Q_IsColorString(s) && !(style & UI_SHOWCOLOR)) { colorI = ColorIndex(*(s + 1)); trap_R_SetColor(g_color_table[colorI]); s += 2; continue; } ch = *s & 255; if (ch == ' ') { aw = (float) PROP_SPACE_WIDTH * uis.scalex * sizeScale; } else if (propMap[ch][2] != -1) { /* Because some foreign characters were a little different */ special = specialPropChars[ch][0]; ay = holdY + (specialPropChars[ch][1] * uis.scaley); fcol = (float) propMap[ch][0] / 256.0f; frow = (float) propMap[ch][1] / 256.0f; fwidth = (float) propMap[ch][2] / 256.0f; fheight = (float) (PROP_HEIGHT + special) / 256.0f; aw = (float) propMap[ch][2] * uis.scalex * sizeScale; ah = (float) (PROP_HEIGHT + special) * uis.scaley * sizeScale; /* TiM - adjust for widescreen */ if (ui_handleWidescreen.integer && uis.widescreen.ratio) { aw *= uis.widescreen.ratio; } trap_R_DrawStretchPic(ax, ay, aw, ah, fcol, frow, fcol + fwidth, frow + fheight, charset); } else { aw = 0; } ax += (aw + (float) PROP_GAP_WIDTH * uis.scalex * sizeScale); /* again adjust for widescreen */ if (IsWidescreen()) ax -= ((float) PROP_GAP_WIDTH * uis.scalex * sizeScale) * (1.0f - uis.widescreen.ratio); s++; } } trap_R_SetColor(nullptr); } float Atoms::ProportionalSizeScale(int32_t style) { if (style & UI_SMALLFONT) { return PROP_SMALL_SIZE_SCALE; } return 1.00; } void Atoms::DrawProportionalString(common::Point2dI pos, std::string_view str, int32_t style, common::Color color) { Color drawcolor size_t width; float sizeScale; int32_t charstyle = 0; if ((style & UI_BLINK) && ((uis.realtime / BLINK_DIVISOR) & 1)) { return; } /* Get char style */ if (style & UI_TINYFONT) { charstyle = UI_TINYFONT; } else if (style & UI_SMALLFONT) { charstyle = UI_SMALLFONT; } else if (style & UI_BIGFONT) { charstyle = UI_BIGFONT; } else if (style & UI_GIANTFONT) { charstyle = UI_GIANTFONT; } else /* Just in case */ { charstyle = UI_SMALLFONT; } if (style & UI_SHOWCOLOR) charstyle |= UI_SHOWCOLOR; sizeScale = ProportionalSizeScale(style); switch (style & UI_FORMATMASK) { case UI_CENTER: width = static_cast(ProportionalStringWidth(str, charstyle) * sizeScale); pos.x -= width / 2; break; case UI_RIGHT: width = static_cast(ProportionalStringWidth(str, charstyle) * sizeScale); pos.x -= width; break; case UI_LEFT: default: break; } if (style & UI_DROPSHADOW) { drawcolor.r = drawcolor.g = drawcolor.b = 0; drawcolor.a = color.a; DrawProportionalString2({pos.x + 2, pos.y + 2}, drawcolor, sizeScale, uis.charsetProp, 0); } if (style & UI_INVERSE) { drawcolor.r = color.r * 0.7f; drawcolor.g = color.g * 0.7f; drawcolor.b = color.b * 0.7f; drawcolor.a = color.a; DrawProportionalString2(pos, drawcolor, sizeScale, uis.charsetProp, 0); return; } if (style & UI_PULSE) { drawcolor.r = color.a * 0.7f; drawcolor.g = color.g * 0.7f; drawcolor.b = color.b * 0.7f; drawcolor.a = color.a; DrawProportionalString2(pos, color, sizeScale, uis.charsetProp, 0); drawcolor.r = color.r; drawcolor.g = color.g; drawcolor.b = color.b; drawcolor.a = static_cast(0.5f + 0.5f * std::sin(uis.realtime / PULSE_DIVISOR)); DrawProportionalString2(pos, drawcolor, sizeScale, uis.charsetProp, 0); return; } if (style & UI_TINYFONT) { DrawProportionalString2(pos, color, charstyle, uis.charsetPropTiny, 0); } else if (style & UI_BIGFONT) { DrawProportionalString2(pos, color, charstyle, uis.charsetPropBig, 0); } else { DrawProportionalString2(pos, color, charstyle, uis.charsetProp, 0); } } void Atoms::DrawString2(int32_t x, int32_t y, const char *str, vec_t *color, int32_t charw, int32_t charh) { const char *s; char ch; int32_t forceColor = qfalse; /* APSFIXME; */ vec4_t tempcolor; float ax; float ay; float aw; float ah; float frow; float fcol; if (y < -charh) { /* offscreen */ return; } /* draw the colored text */ trap_R_SetColor(color); /* ax = x * uis.scale + uis.bias; */ ax = x * uis.scalex; ay = y * uis.scaley; aw = charw * uis.scalex; ah = charh * uis.scaley; if (IsWidescreen()) { ax *= uis.widescreen.ratio; aw *= uis.widescreen.ratio; if (uis.widescreen.state == WIDESCREEN_CENTER) ax += uis.widescreen.bias; } s = str; while (*s) { if (!showColorChars) { if (Q_IsColorString(s)) { if (!forceColor) { memcpy(tempcolor, g_color_table[ColorIndex(s[1])], sizeof(tempcolor)); tempcolor[3] = color[3]; trap_R_SetColor(tempcolor); } s += 2; continue; } } ch = *s & 255; if (ch != ' ') { /*frow = (ch>>4)*0.0625; fcol = (ch&15)*0.0625; trap_R_DrawStretchPic( ax, ay, aw, ah, fcol, frow, fcol + 0.0625, frow + 0.0625, uis.charset );*/ frow = (ch >> 4) * 0.0625; fcol = (ch & 15) * 0.0625; trap_R_DrawStretchPic(ax, ay, aw, ah, fcol, frow, fcol + 0.03125, frow + 0.0625, uis.charset); } ax += aw; s++; } trap_R_SetColor(NULL); } void Atoms::DrawString(int32_t x, int32_t y, const char *str, int32_t style, vec_t *color, qboolean highRes) { int32_t len; int32_t charw; int32_t charh; vec4_t newcolor; vec4_t lowlight; float *drawcolor; vec4_t dropcolor; if (!str) { return; } if ((style & UI_BLINK) && ((uis.realtime / BLINK_DIVISOR) & 1)) { ; return; } if (style & UI_TINYFONT) { charw = TINYCHAR_WIDTH; charh = TINYCHAR_HEIGHT; } else if (style & UI_BIGFONT) { charw = BIGCHAR_WIDTH; charh = BIGCHAR_HEIGHT; } else if (style & UI_GIANTFONT) { charw = GIANTCHAR_WIDTH; charh = GIANTCHAR_HEIGHT; } else { charw = SMALLCHAR_WIDTH; charh = SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT; } if (style & UI_PULSE) { lowlight[0] = 0.8 * color[0]; lowlight[1] = 0.8 * color[1]; lowlight[2] = 0.8 * color[2]; lowlight[3] = 0.8 * color[3]; LerpColor(color, lowlight, newcolor, 0.5 + 0.5 * sin(uis.realtime / PULSE_DIVISOR)); drawcolor = newcolor; } else drawcolor = color; switch (style & UI_FORMATMASK) { case UI_CENTER: /* center justify at x */ len = strlen(str); x = x - len * charw / 2; break; case UI_RIGHT: /* right justify at x */ len = strlen(str); x = x - len * charw; break; default: /* left justify at x */ break; } if (style & UI_SHOWCOLOR) { showColorChars = qtrue; } else { showColorChars = qfalse; } if (style & UI_DROPSHADOW) { dropcolor[0] = dropcolor[1] = dropcolor[2] = 0; dropcolor[3] = drawcolor[3]; if (highRes) DrawProportionalString(x + 2, str, style, dropcolor); else DrawString2(x + 2, y + 2, str, dropcolor, charw, charh); } /* TiM - Using a different char set now... */ if (!highRes) /* keep the low res version for specific instances */ DrawString2(x, y, str, drawcolor, charw, charh); else DrawProportionalString(x, str, style, drawcolor); } void Atoms::DrawChar(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t ch, int32_t style, vec_t *color) { char buff[2]; buff[0] = ch; buff[1] = '\0'; DrawString(x, y, buff, style, color, qfalse); } qboolean Atoms::IsFullscreen() { if (uis.activemenu && (trap_Key_GetCatcher() & KEYCATCH_UI)) { return uis.activemenu->fullscreen; } return qfalse; } void Atoms::NeedCDAction(qboolean result) { if (!result) { /*trap_Cvar_Set ("rpg_playIntro", "1");*/ trap_Cmd_ExecuteText(EXEC_APPEND, "quit\n"); } } void Atoms::SetActiveMenu(uiMenuCommand_t menu) { /* * this should be the ONLY way the menu system is brought up, except for ConsoleCommand below * enusure minumum menu data is cached */ Menu_Cache(); switch (menu) { case UIMENU_NONE: ForceMenuOff(); return; case UIMENU_MAIN: UI_MainMenu(); return; case UIMENU_NEED_CD: UI_ConfirmMenu(menu_normal_text[MNT_INSERTCD], 0, NeedCDAction); return; case UIMENU_INGAME: trap_Cvar_Set("cl_paused", "1"); UI_InGameMenu(); return; } } void Atoms::KeyEvent(int32_t key) { sfxHandle_t s; if (!uis.activemenu) { return; } if (uis.activemenu->key) s = uis.activemenu->key(key); else s = Menu_DefaultKey(uis.activemenu, key); if ((s > 0) && (s != menu_null_sound)) trap_S_StartLocalSound(s, CHAN_LOCAL_SOUND); } void Atoms::MouseEvent(int32_t dx, int32_t dy) { int32_t i; menucommon_s *m; if (!uis.activemenu) { return; } /* update mouse screen position */ uis.cursorx += dx; /* kinda pointless, but looks nice. allow negative offsets for widescreen setups (we must maintain the ratio or buttons will stop working) */ if (IsWidescreen() && uis.widescreen.state == WIDESCREEN_CENTER) { if (uis.cursorx < (0 - uis.widescreen.bias)) uis.cursorx = 0 - uis.widescreen.bias; else if (uis.cursorx > (SCREEN_WIDTH + uis.widescreen.bias)) uis.cursorx = SCREEN_WIDTH + uis.widescreen.bias; } else { if (uis.cursorx < 0) uis.cursorx = 0; else if (uis.cursorx > SCREEN_WIDTH) uis.cursorx = SCREEN_WIDTH; } uis.cursory += dy; if (uis.cursory < 0) uis.cursory = 0; else if (uis.cursory > SCREEN_HEIGHT) uis.cursory = SCREEN_HEIGHT; /* RPG-X: TiM - Skip new selections if a spin control window is open */ if (uis.activemenu->noNewSelecting) { return; } /* region test the active menu items */ for (i = 0; i < uis.activemenu->nitems; i++) { m = (menucommon_s *) uis.activemenu->items[i]; if (m->flags & (QMF_GRAYED | QMF_INACTIVE)) continue; if ((uis.cursorx < m->left) || (uis.cursorx > m->right) || (uis.cursory < m->top) || (uis.cursory > m->bottom)) { /* cursor out of item bounds */ continue; } /* set focus to item at cursor */ if (uis.activemenu->cursor != i) { Menu_SetCursor(uis.activemenu, i); ((menucommon_s *) (uis.activemenu->items[uis.activemenu->cursor_prev]))->flags &= ~QMF_HASMOUSEFOCUS; if (!(((menucommon_s *) (uis.activemenu->items[uis.activemenu->cursor]))->flags & QMF_SILENT)) { trap_S_StartLocalSound(menu_move_sound, CHAN_LOCAL_SOUND); } } ((menucommon_s *) (uis.activemenu->items[uis.activemenu->cursor]))->flags |= QMF_HASMOUSEFOCUS; return; } if (uis.activemenu->nitems > 0) { /* out of any region */ ((menucommon_s *) (uis.activemenu->items[uis.activemenu->cursor]))->flags &= ~QMF_HASMOUSEFOCUS; } } char *Atoms::Argv(int32_t arg) { static char buffer[MAX_STRING_CHARS]; trap_Argv(arg, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); return buffer; } char *Atoms::CvarVariableString(const char *var_name) { static char buffer[MAX_STRING_CHARS]; trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer(var_name, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); return buffer; } void Atoms::Cache() { MainMenu_Cache(); InGame_Cache(); ConfirmMenu_Cache(); PlayerModel_Cache(); PlayerSettings_Cache(); ServerInfo_Cache(); SpecifyServer_Cache(); ArenaServers_Cache(); StartServer_Cache(); ServerOptions_Cache(); DriverInfo_Cache(); UI_NetworkOptionsMenu_Cache(); UI_BotSelectMenu_Cache(); UI_CDKeyMenu_Cache(); UI_ModsMenu_Cache(); UI_SoundMenu_Cache(); UI_QuitMenu_Cache(); UI_DemosMenu_Cache(); UI_VideoDataMenu_Cache(); UI_GameOptionsMenu_Cache(); UI_ControlsMouseJoyStickMenu_Cache(); UI_VideoData2Menu_Cache(); UI_VideoDriverMenu_Cache(); UI_HolomatchInMenu_Cache(); UI_ChooseServerTypeMenu_Cache(); UI_AdminMenu_Cache(); UI_CreditsMenu_Cache(); UI_PlayerEmotes_Cache(); UI_MotdMenu_Cache(); UI_msdMenu_Cache(); } qboolean Atoms::ConsoleCommand() { char *cmd; /*int32_t i;*/ cmd = Argv(0); /* ensure minimum menu data is available*/ Menu_Cache(); if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "ui_cache") == 0) { Cache(); return qtrue; } if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "ui_cdkey") == 0) { UI_CDKeyMenu_f(); return qtrue; } if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "ui_emotes") == 0) { UI_EmotesMenu(qtrue); return qtrue; } if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "ui_admin") == 0) { UI_AdminMenu(qtrue); return qtrue; } if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "ui_turbolift") == 0) { UI_TurboliftMenu(atoi(Argv(1))); return qtrue; } if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "err_dialog") == 0) { UI_ConfirmMenu(Argv(1), 0, 0); return qtrue; } /* RPG-X | Marcin | 15/12/2008 */ if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "ui_motd") == 0) { UI_MotdMenu(); return qtrue; } if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "ui_motd_reset") == 0) { MotdReset(); return qtrue; } /* * RPG-X | Marcin | 18/12/2008 * I hope this is the right way to do it... */ if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "ui_motd_line") == 0) { MotdReceiveLine(Argv(1)); return qtrue; } if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "ui_msd") == 0) { static char ui_msd1[MAX_STRING_CHARS], ui_msd2[MAX_STRING_CHARS], ui_msd3[MAX_STRING_CHARS], ui_msd4[MAX_STRING_CHARS], ui_msd5[MAX_STRING_CHARS], ui_msd6[MAX_STRING_CHARS], ui_msd7[MAX_STRING_CHARS], ui_msd8[MAX_STRING_CHARS], ui_msd9[MAX_STRING_CHARS], ui_msd10[MAX_STRING_CHARS]; trap_Argv(1, ui_msd1, sizeof(ui_msd1)); trap_Argv(2, ui_msd2, sizeof(ui_msd2)); trap_Argv(3, ui_msd3, sizeof(ui_msd3)); trap_Argv(4, ui_msd4, sizeof(ui_msd4)); trap_Argv(5, ui_msd5, sizeof(ui_msd5)); trap_Argv(6, ui_msd6, sizeof(ui_msd6)); trap_Argv(7, ui_msd7, sizeof(ui_msd7)); trap_Argv(8, ui_msd8, sizeof(ui_msd8)); trap_Argv(9, ui_msd9, sizeof(ui_msd9)); trap_Argv(10, ui_msd10, sizeof(ui_msd10)); UI_msdMenu(atoi(ui_msd1), atoi(ui_msd2), atoi(ui_msd3), atoi(ui_msd4), atoi(ui_msd5), atoi(ui_msd6), atoi(ui_msd7), atoi(ui_msd8), atoi(ui_msd9), ui_msd10); return qtrue; } if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "ui_transporter") == 0) { UI_TransporterMenu(atoi(Argv(1))); return qtrue; } if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "holo_data") == 0) { /*HoloDataReceived(Argv(1));*/ return qtrue; } if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "ui_trdata") == 0) { TransDataReceived(Argv(1)); return qtrue; } if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "ui_holodeck") == 0) { /*UI_HolodeckMenu( atoi(Argv(1)) );*/ return qtrue; } if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "ui_sqlmenu") == 0) { UI_sqlMenu(); return qtrue; } return qfalse; } void Atoms::Shutdown() { } char *Atoms::ParseFontParms(char *buffer, int32_t (*propArray)[3]) { char *token; int32_t i, i2; while (buffer) { token = COM_ParseExt(&buffer, qtrue); /* Start with open braket */ if (!Q_stricmp(token, "{")) { for (i = 0; i < CHARMAX; ++i) { /* Brackets for the numbers */ token = COM_ParseExt(&buffer, qtrue); if (!Q_stricmp(token, "{")) { ; } else { trap_Print( va(S_COLOR_RED "ParseFontParms : Invalid FONTS.DAT data, near character %d!\n", i)); return (NULL); } for (i2 = 0; i2 < 3; ++i2) { token = COM_ParseExt(&buffer, qtrue); propArray[i][i2] = atoi(token); } token = COM_ParseExt(&buffer, qtrue); if (!Q_stricmp(token, "}")) { ; } else { trap_Print( va(S_COLOR_RED "ParseFontParms : Invalid FONTS.DAT data, near character %d!\n", i)); return (NULL); } } } token = COM_ParseExt(&buffer, qtrue); /* Grab closing bracket */ if (!Q_stricmp(token, "}")) { break; } } return (buffer); } }