// Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Id Software, Inc. // /* ======================================================================= CD KEY MENU ======================================================================= */ #include "ui_local.h" #define ID_CDKEY 10 #define ID_ACCEPT 11 #define ID_ACCEPTLATER 12 typedef struct { menuframework_s menu; menufield_s cdkey; menubitmap_s accept; menubitmap_s acceptlater; int keyResult; qhandle_t halfround; int fromMenu; } cdkeyMenuInfo_t; static cdkeyMenuInfo_t cdkeyMenuInfo; /* ================= UI_CDKeyMenu_PreValidateKey ================= */ static int UI_CDKeyMenu_PreValidateKey( const char *key ) { int cnt, i; // With dashes can't be more than 21 long if( strlen( key ) > 22 ) { return -1; } cnt = 0; for(i = 0; i < strlen( key ) && key[i]; i++) { if ( ( key[i] >= '0' && key[i] <= '9' ) || ( key[i] >= 'a' && key[i] <= 'z' ) || ( key[i] >= 'A' && key[i] <= 'Z' ) ) { cnt++; } } // Count without dashes (Should be 18 but 0's at the end weren't printed on the documentation so we're allowing 16 and adding the 0's in the keycheck) if ((cnt < 16) || (cnt > 18)) // if (cnt != 18) { return -1; } return 0; } /* =============== UI_CDKeyMenu_Event =============== */ static void UI_CDKeyMenu_Event( void *ptr, int event ) { if( event != QM_ACTIVATED ) { return; } switch( ((menucommon_s*)ptr)->id ) { case ID_ACCEPT: cdkeyMenuInfo.keyResult = UI_CDKeyMenu_PreValidateKey( cdkeyMenuInfo.cdkey.field.buffer); if (cdkeyMenuInfo.keyResult == 0) {//passed quick check, now check for real if(trap_SetCDKey( cdkeyMenuInfo.cdkey.field.buffer )) {//success trap_Cvar_Set( "ui_cdkeychecked", "1" ); if (cdkeyMenuInfo.fromMenu) { UI_PopMenu(); } } else {//failed real check cdkeyMenuInfo.keyResult = -1; trap_S_StartLocalSound( menu_buzz_sound, CHAN_MENU1); // WRONG!!!! sound } } else if (cdkeyMenuInfo.keyResult < 0) {//failed ui quick check trap_S_StartLocalSound( menu_buzz_sound, CHAN_MENU1); // WRONG!!!! sound } break; case ID_ACCEPTLATER: if (cdkeyMenuInfo.keyResult != 0) { //not valid or not entered trap_Cvar_Set( "ui_cdkeychecked", "-1" ); } UI_PopMenu(); break; } } /* ================= UI_CDKeyMenu_DrawKey ================= */ static void UI_CDKeyMenu_DrawKey( void *self ) { menufield_s *f; qboolean focus; int style; float *color; int x, y; f = (menufield_s *)self; focus = (f->generic.parent->cursor == f->generic.menuPosition); style = UI_LEFT; if( focus ) { color = colorTable[CT_LTGOLD1]; } else { color = colorTable[CT_DKGOLD1]; } x = cdkeyMenuInfo.cdkey.generic.x; y = cdkeyMenuInfo.cdkey.generic.y; UI_FillRect( x, y, cdkeyMenuInfo.cdkey.field.widthInChars * SMALLCHAR_WIDTH, SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT, colorTable[CT_BLACK] ); UI_FillRect( x, y, cdkeyMenuInfo.cdkey.field.widthInChars * SMALLCHAR_WIDTH, SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT, listbar_color ); UI_DrawString( x, y, f->field.buffer, style, color, qtrue ); // draw cursor if we have focus if( focus ) { char c; if ( trap_Key_GetOverstrikeMode() ) { c = 11; } else { c = 10; } style &= ~UI_PULSE; style |= UI_BLINK; UI_DrawChar( x + f->field.cursor * SMALLCHAR_WIDTH, y, c, style, color_white ); } } /* ================= CDKeyMenu_Graphics ================= */ void CDKeyMenu_Graphics (void) { int x,y; // Draw the basic screen layout UI_MenuFrame(&cdkeyMenuInfo.menu); trap_R_SetColor( colorTable[CT_LTBROWN1]); UI_DrawHandlePic(30,203, 47, 186, uis.whiteShader); // Middle left line of frame trap_R_SetColor( colorTable[CT_DKPURPLE1]); UI_DrawHandlePic( 246, 238, 197, 24, uis.whiteShader); UI_DrawHandlePic( 227, 238, -16, 32, cdkeyMenuInfo.halfround); // Left round UI_DrawHandlePic( 446, 238, 16, 32, cdkeyMenuInfo.halfround); // Right round UI_DrawProportionalString( 74, 66, "557",UI_RIGHT|UI_TINYFONT, colorTable[CT_BLACK]); UI_DrawProportionalString( 74, 84, "2344",UI_RIGHT|UI_TINYFONT, colorTable[CT_BLACK]); UI_DrawProportionalString( 74, 188, "89-35",UI_RIGHT|UI_TINYFONT, colorTable[CT_BLACK]); UI_DrawProportionalString( 74, 206, "32906",UI_RIGHT|UI_TINYFONT, colorTable[CT_BLACK]); UI_DrawProportionalString( 74, 395, "30-1789",UI_RIGHT|UI_TINYFONT, colorTable[CT_BLACK]); x = 344; y = 279; if ( cdkeyMenuInfo.keyResult == 0 ) { UI_DrawProportionalString( x, y, menu_normal_text[MNT_VALID_CDKEY], UI_CENTER|UI_SMALLFONT, colorTable[CT_WHITE] ); } else if( cdkeyMenuInfo.keyResult == 1 ) { UI_DrawProportionalString( x, y, menu_normal_text[MNT_ENTER_CDKEY], UI_CENTER|UI_SMALLFONT, colorTable[CT_LTGOLD1] ); } else { UI_DrawProportionalString( x, y, menu_normal_text[MNT_CDKEY_INVALID], UI_CENTER|UI_SMALLFONT, colorTable[CT_RED] ); } UI_Setup_MenuButtons(); } /* ================= CDKey_MenuDraw ================= */ static void CDKey_MenuDraw (void) { CDKeyMenu_Graphics(); Menu_Draw( &cdkeyMenuInfo.menu ); } /* =============== UI_CDKeyMenu_Init =============== */ static void UI_CDKeyMenu_Init( void ) { memset( &cdkeyMenuInfo, 0, sizeof(cdkeyMenuInfo) ); UI_CDKeyMenu_Cache(); cdkeyMenuInfo.menu.wrapAround = qtrue; cdkeyMenuInfo.menu.fullscreen = qtrue; cdkeyMenuInfo.menu.draw = CDKey_MenuDraw; cdkeyMenuInfo.menu.descX = MENU_DESC_X; cdkeyMenuInfo.menu.descY = MENU_DESC_Y; cdkeyMenuInfo.menu.titleX = MENU_TITLE_X; cdkeyMenuInfo.menu.titleY = MENU_TITLE_Y; cdkeyMenuInfo.menu.titleI = MNT_CDKEYMENU_TITLE; cdkeyMenuInfo.menu.footNoteEnum = MNT_CDKEY; cdkeyMenuInfo.cdkey.generic.type = MTYPE_FIELD; cdkeyMenuInfo.cdkey.generic.flags = QMF_UPPERCASE; cdkeyMenuInfo.cdkey.generic.x = 256; cdkeyMenuInfo.cdkey.generic.y = 242; cdkeyMenuInfo.cdkey.field.style = UI_SMALLFONT; cdkeyMenuInfo.cdkey.field.widthInChars = 22; cdkeyMenuInfo.cdkey.field.maxchars = 22; cdkeyMenuInfo.cdkey.generic.ownerdraw = UI_CDKeyMenu_DrawKey; cdkeyMenuInfo.cdkey.field.titleEnum = MNT_CDKEY; cdkeyMenuInfo.cdkey.field.titlecolor = CT_LTGOLD1; cdkeyMenuInfo.cdkey.field.textcolor = CT_DKGOLD1; cdkeyMenuInfo.cdkey.field.textcolor2 = CT_LTGOLD1; cdkeyMenuInfo.accept.generic.type = MTYPE_BITMAP; cdkeyMenuInfo.accept.generic.name = GRAPHIC_SQUARE; cdkeyMenuInfo.accept.generic.flags = QMF_HIGHLIGHT_IF_FOCUS; cdkeyMenuInfo.accept.generic.id = ID_ACCEPT; cdkeyMenuInfo.accept.generic.callback = UI_CDKeyMenu_Event; cdkeyMenuInfo.accept.generic.x = 279; cdkeyMenuInfo.accept.generic.y = 391; cdkeyMenuInfo.accept.width = MENU_BUTTON_MED_WIDTH; cdkeyMenuInfo.accept.height = 42; cdkeyMenuInfo.accept.color = CT_DKPURPLE1; cdkeyMenuInfo.accept.color2 = CT_LTPURPLE1; cdkeyMenuInfo.accept.textX = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_X; cdkeyMenuInfo.accept.textY = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_Y; cdkeyMenuInfo.accept.textEnum = MBT_ACCEPT; cdkeyMenuInfo.accept.textcolor = CT_BLACK; cdkeyMenuInfo.accept.textcolor2 = CT_WHITE; SetupMenu_TopButtons(&cdkeyMenuInfo.menu,MENU_CDKEY,NULL); Menu_AddItem( &cdkeyMenuInfo.menu, &cdkeyMenuInfo.cdkey ); Menu_AddItem( &cdkeyMenuInfo.menu, &cdkeyMenuInfo.accept ); if (ui_cdkeychecked.integer == 1) { cdkeyMenuInfo.keyResult = 0; //already got a good one once } else { cdkeyMenuInfo.keyResult = 1; } } /* ================= UI_CDKeyMenu_Cache ================= */ void UI_CDKeyMenu_Cache( void ) { cdkeyMenuInfo.halfround = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( "menu/common/halfround_r_24.tga" ); } /* =============== UI_CDKeyMenu =============== */ void UI_CDKeyMenu( void ) { UI_CDKeyMenu_Init(); UI_PushMenu( &cdkeyMenuInfo.menu ); } /* ================= M_CDKey2Menu_Key ================= */ sfxHandle_t M_CDKey2Menu_Key (int key) { if (key == K_ESCAPE) { return(0); } return ( Menu_DefaultKey( &cdkeyMenuInfo.menu, key ) ); } /* ================= CDKeyMenu2_Graphics ================= */ void CDKeyMenu2_Graphics (void) { int x,y; // Draw the basic screen layout UI_MenuFrame2(&cdkeyMenuInfo.menu); trap_R_SetColor( colorTable[CT_LTBROWN1]); UI_DrawHandlePic(30,203, 47, 186, uis.whiteShader); // Middle left line of frame // Background for CD Key data trap_R_SetColor( colorTable[CT_DKPURPLE1]); UI_DrawHandlePic( 246, 168, 197, 24, uis.whiteShader); UI_DrawHandlePic( 227, 168, -16, 32, cdkeyMenuInfo.halfround); // Left round UI_DrawHandlePic( 446, 168, 16, 32, cdkeyMenuInfo.halfround); // Right round UI_DrawProportionalString( 74, 36, "755",UI_RIGHT|UI_TINYFONT, colorTable[CT_BLACK]); UI_DrawProportionalString( 74, 132, "4423",UI_RIGHT|UI_TINYFONT, colorTable[CT_BLACK]); UI_DrawProportionalString( 74, 188, "35-89",UI_RIGHT|UI_TINYFONT, colorTable[CT_BLACK]); UI_DrawProportionalString( 74, 206, "60932",UI_RIGHT|UI_TINYFONT, colorTable[CT_BLACK]); UI_DrawProportionalString( 74, 395, "1789-30",UI_RIGHT|UI_TINYFONT, colorTable[CT_BLACK]); x = 344; y = 228; if ( cdkeyMenuInfo.keyResult == 0 ) { UI_DrawProportionalString( x, y, menu_normal_text[MNT_VALID_CDKEY], UI_CENTER|UI_SMALLFONT, colorTable[CT_WHITE] ); } else if( cdkeyMenuInfo.keyResult == 1 ) { UI_DrawProportionalString( x, y, menu_normal_text[MNT_ENTER_CDKEY], UI_CENTER|UI_SMALLFONT, colorTable[CT_LTGOLD1] ); } else { UI_DrawProportionalString( x, y, menu_normal_text[MNT_CDKEY_INVALID], UI_CENTER|UI_SMALLFONT, colorTable[CT_RED] ); } } /* ================= CDKey2_MenuDraw ================= */ static void CDKey2_MenuDraw (void) { CDKeyMenu2_Graphics(); Menu_Draw( &cdkeyMenuInfo.menu ); } /* =============== UI_CDKeyMenu2_Init =============== */ static void UI_CDKeyMenu2_Init( void ) {//initial first time menu memset( &cdkeyMenuInfo, 0, sizeof(cdkeyMenuInfo) ); cdkeyMenuInfo.fromMenu = 1; UI_CDKeyMenu_Cache(); cdkeyMenuInfo.menu.wrapAround = qtrue; cdkeyMenuInfo.menu.fullscreen = qtrue; cdkeyMenuInfo.menu.draw = CDKey2_MenuDraw; cdkeyMenuInfo.menu.key = M_CDKey2Menu_Key; cdkeyMenuInfo.menu.descX = MENU_DESC_X; cdkeyMenuInfo.menu.descY = MENU_DESC_Y; cdkeyMenuInfo.menu.titleX = MENU_TITLE_X; cdkeyMenuInfo.menu.titleY = MENU_TITLE_Y; cdkeyMenuInfo.menu.titleI = MNT_CDKEYMENU_TITLE; cdkeyMenuInfo.menu.footNoteEnum = MNT_CDKEY; cdkeyMenuInfo.cdkey.generic.type = MTYPE_FIELD; cdkeyMenuInfo.cdkey.generic.flags = QMF_UPPERCASE; cdkeyMenuInfo.cdkey.generic.x = 260; cdkeyMenuInfo.cdkey.generic.y = 172; cdkeyMenuInfo.cdkey.field.style = UI_SMALLFONT; cdkeyMenuInfo.cdkey.field.widthInChars = 22; cdkeyMenuInfo.cdkey.field.maxchars = 22; cdkeyMenuInfo.cdkey.generic.ownerdraw = UI_CDKeyMenu_DrawKey; cdkeyMenuInfo.cdkey.field.titleEnum = MNT_CDKEY; cdkeyMenuInfo.cdkey.field.titlecolor = CT_LTGOLD1; cdkeyMenuInfo.cdkey.field.textcolor = CT_DKGOLD1; cdkeyMenuInfo.cdkey.field.textcolor2 = CT_LTGOLD1; cdkeyMenuInfo.accept.generic.type = MTYPE_BITMAP; cdkeyMenuInfo.accept.generic.name = GRAPHIC_SQUARE; cdkeyMenuInfo.accept.generic.flags = QMF_HIGHLIGHT_IF_FOCUS; cdkeyMenuInfo.accept.generic.id = ID_ACCEPT; cdkeyMenuInfo.accept.generic.callback = UI_CDKeyMenu_Event; cdkeyMenuInfo.accept.generic.x = 96; cdkeyMenuInfo.accept.generic.y = 347; cdkeyMenuInfo.accept.width = MENU_BUTTON_MED_WIDTH; cdkeyMenuInfo.accept.height = 42; cdkeyMenuInfo.accept.color = CT_DKPURPLE1; cdkeyMenuInfo.accept.color2 = CT_LTPURPLE1; cdkeyMenuInfo.accept.textX = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_X; cdkeyMenuInfo.accept.textY = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_Y; cdkeyMenuInfo.accept.textEnum = MBT_ACCEPT; cdkeyMenuInfo.accept.textcolor = CT_BLACK; cdkeyMenuInfo.accept.textcolor2 = CT_WHITE; cdkeyMenuInfo.acceptlater.generic.type = MTYPE_BITMAP; cdkeyMenuInfo.acceptlater.generic.name = GRAPHIC_SQUARE; cdkeyMenuInfo.acceptlater.generic.flags = QMF_HIGHLIGHT_IF_FOCUS; cdkeyMenuInfo.acceptlater.generic.id = ID_ACCEPTLATER; cdkeyMenuInfo.acceptlater.generic.callback = UI_CDKeyMenu_Event; cdkeyMenuInfo.acceptlater.generic.x = 482; cdkeyMenuInfo.acceptlater.generic.y = 347; cdkeyMenuInfo.acceptlater.width = MENU_BUTTON_MED_WIDTH + 20; cdkeyMenuInfo.acceptlater.height = 42; cdkeyMenuInfo.acceptlater.color = CT_DKPURPLE1; cdkeyMenuInfo.acceptlater.color2 = CT_LTPURPLE1; cdkeyMenuInfo.acceptlater.textX = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_X; cdkeyMenuInfo.acceptlater.textY = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_Y; cdkeyMenuInfo.acceptlater.textEnum = MBT_CHECKKEYLATER; cdkeyMenuInfo.acceptlater.textcolor = CT_BLACK; cdkeyMenuInfo.acceptlater.textcolor2 = CT_WHITE; Menu_AddItem( &cdkeyMenuInfo.menu, &cdkeyMenuInfo.cdkey ); Menu_AddItem( &cdkeyMenuInfo.menu, &cdkeyMenuInfo.accept ); Menu_AddItem( &cdkeyMenuInfo.menu, &cdkeyMenuInfo.acceptlater ); if (ui_cdkeychecked.integer == 1) { cdkeyMenuInfo.keyResult = 0; //already got a good one once } else { cdkeyMenuInfo.keyResult = 1; } } /* =============== UI_CDKeyMenu =============== */ void UI_CDKeyMenu2( void ) { UI_CDKeyMenu2_Init(); UI_PushMenu( &cdkeyMenuInfo.menu ); } /* =============== UI_CDKeyMenu_f =============== */ void UI_CDKeyMenu_f( void ) { UI_CDKeyMenu2(); }