// Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Id Software, Inc. // //================================================= // // TiM: Just a reference for my whacky jargon in here // Character = the player model as a whole group (ie kulhane ) // Model = the .model file used to build the character ( ie admiral, cadet etc) // Skin = the skinset field in the .model file, dictating which .skins to use (ie red/teal/gold... ) // ADDENDUM: Skin = the .skinset file linked to the .model file // //================================================= #include "ui_local.h" #include "ui_logger.h" static const char PIC_ARROW_UP[] = "menu/common/arrow_up_16.tga"; static const char PIC_ARROW_DOWN[] = "menu/common/arrow_dn_16.tga"; enum ui_playermodelLimits_e { MIN_SCROLLHEIGHT = 8, MAX_MENULISTITEMS = 12, MAX_PLAYERNAMELENGTH = 21, MAX_PLAYERSKINS = 32, MAX_RACES = 64, MAX_GENDERS = 64, MAX_PLAYERMODELS = 64, MAX_SCROLLTOP = 108, MAX_SCROLLRANGE = 236, MAX_PLAYERCHARS = 256, LOW_MEMORY = (5 * 1024 * 1024) }; static void PlayerModel_BuildList(void); static void PlayerModel_SetMenuItems(void); static void PlayerModel_MenuInit(int32_t menuFrom); enum ui_playermodelIDs_e { ID_MENUCHAR0, ID_MENUCHAR1, ID_MENUCHAR2, ID_MENUCHAR3, ID_MENUCHAR4, ID_MENUCHAR5, ID_MENUCHAR6, ID_MENUCHAR7, ID_MENUCHAR8, ID_MENUCHAR9, ID_MENUCHAR10, ID_MENUCHAR11, ID_SETTINGS = 20, ID_UPARROW = 100, ID_DNARROW, ID_BACK, ID_MAINMENU, ID_INGAMEMENU, ID_APPLY, ID_MODELSET, ID_SKINSET, ID_RACEFILTER, ID_GENDERFILTER, ID_SCROLLBAR }; typedef struct { int32_t orgChar; int32_t orgModel; int32_t orgSkin; } storedData_t; typedef struct { char charName[36]; int32_t race; int32_t gender; int32_t index; } charData_t; typedef struct { qboolean mouseDown; qboolean doubleStep; int32_t yStart; } scrollData_t; typedef struct { char filterName[32]; int32_t filterIndex; } filterData_t; typedef struct { menuframework_s menu; int32_t prevMenu; menubitmap_s mainmenu; menubitmap_s back; menubitmap_s player; menubitmap_s charMenu[MAX_MENULISTITEMS]; menubitmap_s upArrow; menubitmap_s dnArrow; menulist_s charModel; menulist_s charSkin; menulist_s raceFilter; menulist_s genderFilter; menubitmap_s apply; menubitmap_s data; menubitmap_s model; menuaction_s scrollBar; qhandle_t corner_ll_4_4; qhandle_t corner_ll_4_18; qhandle_t corner_lr_4_18; qhandle_t corner_lr_18_4; qhandle_t corner_ur_18_18; qhandle_t playerIcon; //menutext_s modelname; //menutext_s skinname; //menutext_s skinnameviewed; menutext_s playername; playerInfo_t playerinfo; int32_t numChars; charData_t charNames[MAX_PLAYERCHARS]/*[128]*/; char modelNames[MAX_PLAYERMODELS][32]; char skinNames[MAX_PLAYERMODELS][MAX_PLAYERSKINS][32]; //To save loading time, and the fact that loading data from txt files on the fly per spin cycle, //can sometimes overload EF if the user gets button happy, We'll make it all data is loaded and consolidated on character choosing //TiM - I think this is wasteful as all heck, but it can't be helped //The model functions need the data stored as uniform char arrays, //and the spin controls need them stored as char pointers. O_o //But not only that, but since these are memory pointers, applying strUpr //To them destroys the case in the arrays above. //Hacky this may be, but there's no way around it without some totally Carmack-coding //Raven had to do this too, so it's an inherent flaw in Q3 coding char charNamesUpr[MAX_PLAYERCHARS][64]; char modelNamesUpr[MAX_PLAYERMODELS][64]; char skinNamesUpr[MAX_PLAYERMODELS][MAX_PLAYERSKINS][64]; char* modelList[MAX_PLAYERMODELS]; char* skinList[MAX_PLAYERSKINS]; char modelData[64]; char modelName[32]; //char raceNames[MAX_RACES][32]; filterData_t raceList[MAX_RACES]; char* raceNames[MAX_RACES]; int32_t numRaces; filterData_t genderList[MAX_GENDERS]; char* genderNames[MAX_GENDERS]; int32_t numGenders; int32_t selectedChar; int32_t scrollOffset; storedData_t storedData; //Original Skin Data scrollData_t scrollData; } playermodel_t; static playermodel_t s_playermodel; static int32_t QDECL FilterList_Compare(const void *ptr1, const void *ptr2); static int32_t QDECL CharMediaList_Compare(const void *ptr1, const void *ptr2); static void PlayerModel_DrawLoading(void); /* ================= PlayerModel_CheckInArray TiM: When building an array of races etc, run it through this list to prevent multiple redundancy Mental Note: Study Pointer Arithmetic more.... ================= */ static int32_t PlayerModel_CheckInFilter(char* string, filterData_t *filter, int32_t width, int32_t *num) { int32_t i = 0; UI_LogFuncBegin(); while (filter[i].filterName[0] && i < width) { if (!Q_stricmp(filter[i].filterName, string)) { //UI_Logger( LL_ERROR, "String %s already in cell %i\n", array[i], i ); UI_LogFuncEnd(); return i; } i++; } if (!filter[i].filterName[0] && i < width) { Q_strncpyz(filter[i].filterName, string, 32); filter[i].filterIndex = i; *num = *num + 1; //aah I see. You can't call *num++ since that increments the address, not the value XD } //UI_Logger( LL_DEBUG, "Added %s to cell %i", array[i], i ); UI_LogFuncEnd(); return i; } /* ================= PlayerModel_LoadAvailableModels TiM: Loads a list of all the .model files there are in a character's directory. NB: In Spin Control menu types, the number of elements is calced on init only. Each time we refresh this, we'll need to update ourselves. ================= */ static int32_t PlayerModel_LoadAvailableModels(void) { int32_t i; int32_t j; int32_t numFiles; char fileList[4096]; //Hopefully, this will never be exceeded ROFL char* filePtr; int32_t fileLen; int32_t strLen; char* temp; char fileRoute[MAX_QPATH]; UI_LogFuncBegin(); if (s_playermodel.selectedChar == -1){ UI_LogFuncEnd(); return -1; } Com_sprintf(fileRoute, MAX_QPATH, "models/players_rpgx/%s", s_playermodel.charNames[s_playermodel.selectedChar].charName); //Get our num files memset(&fileList, 0, sizeof (fileList)); numFiles = trap_FS_GetFileList(fileRoute, ".model", fileList, sizeof(fileList)); if (numFiles <= 0){ UI_LogFuncEnd(); return -1; } //Convert to ptr for easier manip filePtr = fileList; memset(&s_playermodel.modelNames, 0, sizeof(s_playermodel.modelNames)); memset(&s_playermodel.modelNamesUpr, 0, sizeof(s_playermodel.modelNamesUpr)); memset(s_playermodel.modelList, 0, sizeof(s_playermodel.modelList)); //iterate thru all the null terminations in this thing /** * RPG-X | Phenix | 27/03/2007 * Made for loop in reverse to correctly order the models. (Task#39) */ j = 0; for (i = 0; j < MAX_PLAYERMODELS && i < numFiles; i++, filePtr += fileLen + 1) { fileLen = strlen(filePtr); if (!fileLen || !filePtr) break; //TiM - this shouldn't be possible if (strchr(filePtr, '/') || strchr(filePtr, '\\')) { continue; } temp = filePtr; //TiM: Strip extension strLen = strlen(temp); if (strLen > 6 && !Q_stricmp(temp + strLen - 6, ".model")) { temp[strLen - 6] = '\0'; } Q_strncpyz(s_playermodel.modelNames[j], temp, sizeof (s_playermodel.modelNames[j])); j++; } //sort the models, then feed them to the rest of the variables qsort(s_playermodel.modelNames, j, sizeof(s_playermodel.modelNames[0]), CharMediaList_Compare); for (i = 0; i < j; i++) { //TiM: A bit of a hacky ovveride here. //Make it so 'main' is set by default if (!Q_stricmp(s_playermodel.modelNames[i], DEFAULT_MODEL)) { s_playermodel.charModel.curvalue = i; } Q_strncpyz(s_playermodel.modelNamesUpr[i], s_playermodel.modelNames[i], sizeof(s_playermodel.modelNamesUpr[i])); s_playermodel.modelList[i] = Q_strupr(s_playermodel.modelNamesUpr[i]); } UI_LogFuncEnd(); return j; } /* ================ PlayerModel_LoadAvailableSkins TiM: Access our selected .model file, get the skin name framework and fill the skin array with all the skins we found. Hoi... this could get complicated... O_o ================ */ static void PlayerModel_LoadAvailableSkins(void) { int32_t j = 0; int32_t i = 0; int32_t fileLen; char fileBuffer[20000]; int32_t numFiles; char fileListBuffer[10000]; char* filePtr; fileHandle_t f; char filePath[MAX_QPATH]; char* token; char skinSetFrame[MAX_QPATH]; int32_t strLen; char* star; int32_t numSkins = 0; int32_t starFlags; char skins[MAX_PLAYERSKINS][64]; UI_LogFuncBegin(); if (s_playermodel.selectedChar == -1){ UI_LogFuncEnd(); return; } /*memset( s_playermodel.skinNames, 0, sizeof( s_playermodel.skinNames ) ); memset( s_playermodel.skinNamesUpr, 0, sizeof( s_playermodel.skinNamesUpr ) ); */ //TiM: Ugh, this is the only way to ensure completely flushing out the skins list on each model for (i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERMODELS; i++) { for (j = 0; j < MAX_PLAYERSKINS; j++) { s_playermodel.skinNames[i][j][0] = '\0'; s_playermodel.skinNamesUpr[i][j][0] = '\0'; } } for (i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERSKINS; i++) { s_playermodel.skinList[i] = NULL; skins[i][0] = '\0'; } Com_sprintf(filePath, MAX_QPATH, "models/players_rpgx/%s", s_playermodel.charNames[s_playermodel.selectedChar].charName); //first load the list of .skinset files we have numFiles = trap_FS_GetFileList(filePath, ".skinset", fileListBuffer, sizeof(fileListBuffer)); if (numFiles <= 0) { UI_Logger(LL_ERROR, "No Skinset files found!\n"); UI_LogFuncEnd(); return; } filePtr = fileListBuffer; j = 0; for (i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERSKINS && i < numFiles; i++, filePtr += strLen + 1) { strLen = strlen(filePtr); if (!strLen) break; //TiM - this shouldn't be possible if (strchr(filePtr, '/') || strchr(filePtr, '\\')) { continue; } token = filePtr; if (strLen > 8 && !Q_stricmp(token + (strLen - 8), ".skinset")) { token[strLen - 8] = '\0'; } Q_strncpyz(skins[j], token, sizeof(skins[j])); //UI_Logger( LL_DEBUG, "%s\n", skins[j] ); j++; } //UI_Logger( LL_DEBUG, "Model Break\n", skins[j] ); //UI_Logger( LL_DEBUG, "%s\n", s_playermodel.modelNames[2] ); j = 0; while (j < MAX_PLAYERMODELS) { if (!s_playermodel.modelNames[j][0]){ UI_LogFuncEnd(); break; } Com_sprintf(filePath, sizeof(filePath), "models/players_rpgx/%s/%s.model", s_playermodel.charNames[s_playermodel.selectedChar].charName, s_playermodel.modelNames[j]); //load the .model data into our active buffer fileLen = trap_FS_FOpenFile(filePath, &f, FS_READ); if (fileLen <= 0) { UI_Logger(LL_ERROR, "File not found: %s\n", filePath); UI_LogFuncEnd(); return; } if (fileLen > 20000) { UI_Logger(LL_ERROR, "File exceeded maximum size: %s\n", filePath); UI_LogFuncEnd(); return; } memset(&fileBuffer, 0, sizeof(fileBuffer)); trap_FS_Read(fileBuffer, sizeof(fileBuffer), f); trap_FS_FCloseFile(f); if (!fileBuffer[0]){ UI_LogFuncEnd(); return; } filePtr = fileBuffer; COM_BeginParseSession(); memset(skinSetFrame, 0, sizeof(skinSetFrame)); while (1) { token = COM_Parse(&filePtr); if (!token || !filePtr) break; if (!Q_stricmp(token, "skinSet")) { if (COM_ParseString(&filePtr, &token)) { continue; } Q_strncpyz(skinSetFrame, token, sizeof(skinSetFrame)); break; } } //set a default one if nothing found if (!skinSetFrame[0]) { Com_sprintf(skinSetFrame, sizeof(skinSetFrame), "%s_*", s_playermodel.modelNames[j]); } if (!strchr(skinSetFrame, '*')) { UI_Logger(LL_ERROR, "No '*' in skinset define for character: %s/%s\n", s_playermodel.charNames[s_playermodel.selectedChar].charName, s_playermodel.modelNames[j]); continue; } //okay... this is tricky. //basically, we're starting off with a possible //"main_*, "*_main", or "ma_*_in" set up, where we have to see //if a file name like "red_main" is valid, and if it is, isolate the "red" from it star = strstr(skinSetFrame, "*"); ////star is at the end if ((int32_t)(star - skinSetFrame) + 1 == (int32_t)strlen(skinSetFrame)) { Q_strncpyz(filePath, skinSetFrame, sizeof(filePath)); filePath[strlen(filePath) - 1] = '\0'; starFlags = 1; } //star is at the front else if ((int32_t)(star - skinSetFrame) == 0) { star++; //QVMNOTE Q_strncpyz(filePath, star, sizeof(filePath)); starFlags = 2; } else starFlags = 0; for (i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERSKINS; i++) { if (!skins[i] || !skins[i][0]) break; ////star is at the end if (starFlags == 1) { if (strstr(skins[i], filePath) != NULL) { Q_strncpyz(s_playermodel.skinNames[j][numSkins], skins[i] + strlen(filePath), sizeof(s_playermodel.skinNames[j][numSkins])); //Q_strncpyz( s_playermodel.skinNamesUpr[j][numSkins], skins[i] + strlen(filePath), sizeof( s_playermodel.skinNamesUpr[j][numSkins] ) ); numSkins++; } } //star is at the front else if (starFlags == 2) { if ((token = strstr(skins[i], filePath)) != NULL) { Q_strncpyz(s_playermodel.skinNames[j][numSkins], skins[i], (int32_t)(strlen(skins[i]) - strlen(token)) + 1); //Q_strncpyz( s_playermodel.skinNamesUpr[j][numSkins], skins[i], (int32_t)(strlen(skins[i]) - strlen(token))+1 ); numSkins++; } } //else //TiM | Come back to this later... //For now, document it as the star must be at the front or back } qsort(s_playermodel.skinNames[j], numSkins, sizeof(s_playermodel.skinNames[j][0]), CharMediaList_Compare); for (i = 0; i < numSkins; i++) { Q_strncpyz(s_playermodel.skinNamesUpr[j][i], s_playermodel.skinNames[j][i], sizeof(s_playermodel.skinNamesUpr[j][i])); //UI_Logger( LL_DEBUG, "%s\n", s_playermodel.skinNamesUpr[j][i] ); } numSkins = 0; j++; } UI_LogFuncEnd(); } static int32_t QDECL CharMediaList_Compare(const void *ptr1, const void *ptr2) { const char *str1, *str2; char chr1, chr2; UI_LogFuncBegin(); str1 = (const char *)ptr1; str2 = (const char *)ptr2; //UI_Logger( LL_DEBUG, "STR1: %s STR2: %s\n", str1, str2 ); chr1 = *str1; chr2 = *str2; //double check they're lower-case. case matters if (chr1 >= 'A' && chr1 <= 'Z') chr1 += 32; if (chr2 >= 'A' && chr2 <= 'Z') chr2 += 32; //cascade the alphabetical list while (chr1 == chr2 && chr1 && chr2) { chr1 = *(str1++); chr2 = *(str2++); } //based off of their ASCII order. UI_LogFuncEnd(); return ((int32_t)chr1 - (int32_t)chr2); } static int32_t QDECL FilterList_Compare(const void *ptr1, const void *ptr2) { const char *str1, *str2; char chr1, chr2; UI_LogFuncBegin(); str1 = ((filterData_t *)ptr1)->filterName; str2 = ((filterData_t *)ptr2)->filterName; //hacky override. Make sure 'All' comes first. if (!Q_stricmp(str1, "ALL")){ UI_LogFuncEnd(); return -1; } chr1 = *str1; chr2 = *str2; //double check they're lower-case. case matters if (chr1 >= 'A' && chr1 <= 'Z') chr1 += 32; if (chr2 >= 'A' && chr2 <= 'Z') chr2 += 32; //cascade the alphabetical list while (chr1 == chr2 && chr1 && chr2) { if (*(str1 + 1) == '\0' || *(str2 + 1) == '\0') break; chr1 = *(str1++); chr2 = *(str2++); } //based off of their ASCII order. UI_LogFuncEnd(); return ((int32_t)chr1 - (int32_t)chr2); } /* ================= PlayerModel_PopulateSkinsList ================= */ static int32_t PlayerModel_PopulateSkinsList(void) { int32_t i; int32_t j; UI_LogFuncBegin(); if (!s_playermodel.skinNames[s_playermodel.charModel.curvalue][0][0]) { UI_Logger(LL_ERROR, "No valid skins found.\n"); UI_LogFuncEnd(); return -1; } //just to ensure complete erasure of previous entries for (i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERSKINS; i++) s_playermodel.skinList[i] = NULL; /** * RPG-X | Phenix | 27/03/2007 * For loop reversed to output list in alphabetical order. (Task #39) * RPG-X | TiM | 30/4/2007 * Reverted as it was causing an error with skin names not matching */ j = 0; //for ( i = (MAX_PLAYERSKINS - 1); i >= 0; i-- ) for (i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERSKINS; i++) { if (s_playermodel.skinNames[s_playermodel.charModel.curvalue][i][0]) //! { if (!Q_stricmp(s_playermodel.skinNames[s_playermodel.charModel.curvalue][i], DEFAULT_SKIN)) s_playermodel.charSkin.curvalue = j; //j; s_playermodel.skinList[j] = s_playermodel.skinNamesUpr[s_playermodel.charModel.curvalue][i]; Q_strupr(s_playermodel.skinList[j]); j++; } } UI_LogFuncEnd(); return j; } /* ================= PlayerModel_OffsetCharList TiM: Called whenever we scroll the model list. So it'll cycle the value of each one up and down. The parameter is a pointer so the updated value will be passed through the scope to the calling code area. :) ================== */ static void PlayerModel_OffsetCharList(int32_t* offset) { char* buffer; //intermediate value so performing strupr won't pwn our case sensitive data int32_t i; UI_LogFuncBegin(); if (*offset < 0) { *offset = 0; } if ((s_playermodel.numChars > MAX_MENULISTITEMS) && (*offset > (s_playermodel.numChars - MAX_MENULISTITEMS))) { *offset = (s_playermodel.numChars - MAX_MENULISTITEMS); } for (i = 0; i < MAX_MENULISTITEMS; i++) { buffer = s_playermodel.charNamesUpr[i + *offset]; //Q_strncpyz( buffer, s_playermodel.charNames[i + *offset], sizeof ( buffer ) ); //UI_Logger( LL_DEBUG, "Buffer - %s, %s\n", buffer, s_playermodel.charNames[1] ); if (!buffer[0]) { if (s_playermodel.charMenu[i].generic.flags & (QMF_INACTIVE | QMF_HIDDEN)) { break; } else { s_playermodel.charMenu[i].generic.flags = (QMF_INACTIVE | QMF_HIDDEN); continue; } } s_playermodel.charMenu[i].generic.flags = QMF_HIGHLIGHT_IF_FOCUS; s_playermodel.charMenu[i].textPtr = buffer; Q_strupr(s_playermodel.charMenu[i].textPtr); } UI_LogFuncEnd(); } /* ================= PlayerModel_RebuildCharMenu TiM: Called when we scroll the races/gender button. Rebuild the main list based on the new parameters ================= */ static void PlayerModel_RebuildCharMenu(void) { int32_t i; qboolean raceValid = qfalse; qboolean genderValid = qfalse; UI_LogFuncBegin(); s_playermodel.numChars = 0; memset(&s_playermodel.charNamesUpr, 0, sizeof(s_playermodel.charNamesUpr)); i = 0; while (i < MAX_PLAYERCHARS) { if (!s_playermodel.charNames[i].charName[0]) break; raceValid = static_cast(s_playermodel.raceFilter.curvalue == 0 || (s_playermodel.raceList[s_playermodel.raceFilter.curvalue].filterIndex == s_playermodel.charNames[i].race)); genderValid = static_cast(s_playermodel.genderFilter.curvalue == 0 || (s_playermodel.genderList[s_playermodel.genderFilter.curvalue].filterIndex == s_playermodel.charNames[i].gender)); //UI_Logger( LL_DEBUG, "Char %s valid: %i %i\n", s_playermodel.charNames[i].charName, raceValid, genderValid ); if (raceValid && genderValid) { Q_strncpyz(s_playermodel.charNamesUpr[s_playermodel.numChars], s_playermodel.charNames[i].charName, sizeof(s_playermodel.charNamesUpr[s_playermodel.numChars])); if (s_playermodel.raceFilter.curvalue == 0 && s_playermodel.genderFilter.curvalue == 0) s_playermodel.charNames[s_playermodel.numChars].index = -1; else s_playermodel.charNames[s_playermodel.numChars].index = i; s_playermodel.numChars++; } i++; } if (s_playermodel.numChars < MAX_MENULISTITEMS) { s_playermodel.upArrow.generic.flags = (QMF_INACTIVE | QMF_GRAYED); s_playermodel.dnArrow.generic.flags = (QMF_INACTIVE | QMF_GRAYED); } else { s_playermodel.upArrow.generic.flags = QMF_HIGHLIGHT_IF_FOCUS; s_playermodel.dnArrow.generic.flags = QMF_HIGHLIGHT_IF_FOCUS; } s_playermodel.scrollOffset = 0; PlayerModel_OffsetCharList(&s_playermodel.scrollOffset); UI_LogFuncEnd(); } /* ================= PlayerModel_SpinPlayer ================= */ static void PlayerModel_SpinPlayer(void* ptr, int32_t event) { UI_LogFuncBegin(); if (event == QM_ACTIVATED) { uis.spinView = qtrue; uis.cursorpx = uis.cursorx; } UI_LogFuncEnd(); } /* ================= PlayerModel_UpdateModel ================= */ static void PlayerModel_UpdateModel(void) { UI_LogFuncBegin(); vec3_t viewangles; vec3_t moveangles; memset(&s_playermodel.playerinfo, 0, sizeof(playerInfo_t)); viewangles[YAW] = uis.lastYaw; viewangles[PITCH] = 0; viewangles[ROLL] = 0; VectorClear(moveangles); UI_PlayerInfo_SetModel(&s_playermodel.playerinfo, s_playermodel.modelData); UI_PlayerInfo_SetInfo(&s_playermodel.playerinfo, BOTH_WALK1, BOTH_WALK1, viewangles, moveangles, WP_0, trap_Cvar_VariableValue("height"), trap_Cvar_VariableValue("weight"), qfalse); UI_LogFuncEnd(); } /* ================= PlayerModel_SaveChanges ================= */ static void PlayerModel_SaveChanges(void) { UI_LogFuncBegin(); trap_Cvar_Set("model", va("%s/%s/%s", s_playermodel.charNames[s_playermodel.selectedChar].charName, s_playermodel.modelNames[s_playermodel.charModel.curvalue], s_playermodel.skinNames[s_playermodel.charModel.curvalue][s_playermodel.charSkin.curvalue])); //Set backup data s_playermodel.storedData.orgChar = s_playermodel.selectedChar; s_playermodel.storedData.orgModel = s_playermodel.charModel.curvalue; s_playermodel.storedData.orgSkin = s_playermodel.charSkin.curvalue; Q_strncpyz(s_playermodel.modelData, UI_Cvar_VariableString("model"), sizeof (s_playermodel.modelData)); PlayerModel_UpdateModel(); UI_LogFuncEnd(); } /* ================== PlayerModel_CheckForChange ================== */ static void PlayerModel_CheckForChange(void) { UI_LogFuncBegin(); qboolean enableSaveButton = qfalse; if (s_playermodel.storedData.orgChar != s_playermodel.selectedChar) enableSaveButton = qtrue; if (s_playermodel.storedData.orgModel != s_playermodel.charModel.curvalue) enableSaveButton = qtrue; if (s_playermodel.storedData.orgSkin != s_playermodel.charSkin.curvalue) enableSaveButton = qtrue; if (s_playermodel.charSkin.numitems == 0) enableSaveButton = qfalse; if (s_playermodel.charModel.numitems == 0) enableSaveButton = qfalse; if (enableSaveButton) { s_playermodel.apply.generic.flags = QMF_HIGHLIGHT_IF_FOCUS; } else { s_playermodel.apply.generic.flags = QMF_INACTIVE | QMF_GRAYED; } UI_LogFuncEnd(); } /* ================= PlayerModel_SetupScrollBar ================= */ static void PlayerModel_SetupScrollBar(menuaction_s *bar) { UI_LogFuncBegin(); int32_t height; //first make sure it's worth enabling this at all if (s_playermodel.numChars <= MAX_MENULISTITEMS) { bar->generic.flags = QMF_INACTIVE | QMF_HIDDEN; UI_LogFuncEnd(); return; } //show the bar bar->generic.flags &= ~(QMF_INACTIVE | QMF_HIDDEN); //calculate the necessary height of the bar //by default, assume 1 pixel per offset height = (MAX_SCROLLRANGE)-(s_playermodel.numChars - MAX_MENULISTITEMS); //ensure box doesn't get too small if (height < MIN_SCROLLHEIGHT) { //double the step in that case //a bit hacky, but no need for 3 since the limit isn't that high height = (MAX_SCROLLRANGE)-(s_playermodel.numChars * 0.5 - MAX_MENULISTITEMS); s_playermodel.scrollData.doubleStep = qtrue; } else { s_playermodel.scrollData.doubleStep = qfalse; } //reset to top bar->generic.y = bar->generic.top = MAX_SCROLLTOP; bar->height = height; bar->generic.bottom = bar->generic.y + height; UI_LogFuncEnd(); } /* ================= PlayerModel_UpdateScrollBar ================= */ static void PlayerModel_UpdateScrollBar(menuaction_s *bar) { UI_LogFuncBegin(); bar->generic.y = MAX_SCROLLTOP + s_playermodel.scrollOffset*(s_playermodel.scrollData.doubleStep ? 0.5 : 1); bar->generic.top = bar->generic.y; bar->generic.bottom = bar->generic.top + bar->height; UI_LogFuncEnd(); } /* ================= PlayerModel_MenuEvent ================= */ static void PlayerModel_MenuEvent(void* ptr, int32_t event) { UI_LogFuncBegin(); if (event != QM_ACTIVATED){ UI_LogFuncEnd(); return; } switch (((menucommon_s*)ptr)->id) { case ID_BACK: //PlayerModel_SaveChanges(); UI_PopMenu(); break; case ID_MAINMENU: //PlayerModel_SaveChanges(); UI_MainMenu(); break; case ID_INGAMEMENU: //PlayerModel_SaveChanges(); UI_InGameMenu(); break; case ID_SETTINGS: UI_PopMenu(); //PlayerModel_SaveChanges(); UI_PlayerSettingsMenu(s_playermodel.prevMenu); break; case ID_DNARROW: s_playermodel.scrollOffset++; PlayerModel_OffsetCharList(&s_playermodel.scrollOffset); if (!(s_playermodel.scrollBar.generic.flags & QMF_INACTIVE)) PlayerModel_UpdateScrollBar(&s_playermodel.scrollBar); break; case ID_UPARROW: s_playermodel.scrollOffset--; PlayerModel_OffsetCharList(&s_playermodel.scrollOffset); if (!(s_playermodel.scrollBar.generic.flags & QMF_INACTIVE)) PlayerModel_UpdateScrollBar(&s_playermodel.scrollBar); break; case ID_MODELSET: s_playermodel.charSkin.numitems = PlayerModel_PopulateSkinsList(); if (s_playermodel.charSkin.numitems != -1) { s_playermodel.charSkin.generic.flags = QMF_HIGHLIGHT_IF_FOCUS; } else { s_playermodel.skinList[0] = "NONE"; s_playermodel.charSkin.generic.flags = QMF_INACTIVE | QMF_GRAYED; s_playermodel.charSkin.numitems = 0; } break; case ID_APPLY: PlayerModel_SaveChanges(); break; case ID_GENDERFILTER: PlayerModel_RebuildCharMenu(); PlayerModel_SetupScrollBar(&s_playermodel.scrollBar); break; case ID_RACEFILTER: PlayerModel_RebuildCharMenu(); PlayerModel_SetupScrollBar(&s_playermodel.scrollBar); break; case ID_MENUCHAR0: case ID_MENUCHAR1: case ID_MENUCHAR2: case ID_MENUCHAR3: case ID_MENUCHAR4: case ID_MENUCHAR5: case ID_MENUCHAR6: case ID_MENUCHAR7: case ID_MENUCHAR8: case ID_MENUCHAR9: case ID_MENUCHAR10: case ID_MENUCHAR11: { int32_t temp; int32_t oldChar = s_playermodel.selectedChar; s_playermodel.selectedChar = (((menucommon_s*)ptr)->id - ID_MENUCHAR0) + s_playermodel.scrollOffset; temp = s_playermodel.selectedChar; if (s_playermodel.charNames[s_playermodel.selectedChar].index >= 0) { s_playermodel.selectedChar = s_playermodel.charNames[s_playermodel.selectedChar].index; } //UI_Logger( LL_DEBUG, "%i %i\n", s_playermodel.selectedChar, s_playermodel.charNames[ s_playermodel.selectedChar ].index ); //safety net. Without this, if a player held down 'enter', the game would overflow trying to load the same file over and over really fast. bad, really bad lol if (oldChar == s_playermodel.selectedChar && s_playermodel.selectedChar != -1) break; //Reset the spin controls to 0. //Without this, if we load a char with less models+skins than our last one, the game would crash //since it'd be trying to parse NULL string data s_playermodel.charModel.curvalue = 0; s_playermodel.charSkin.curvalue = 0; s_playermodel.playerIcon = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip(va("models/players_rpgx/%s/model_icon.jpg", s_playermodel.charNames[s_playermodel.selectedChar].charName)); Q_strncpyz(s_playermodel.modelName, s_playermodel.charNamesUpr[temp], sizeof(s_playermodel.modelName)); s_playermodel.charModel.numitems = PlayerModel_LoadAvailableModels(); if (s_playermodel.charModel.numitems != -1) { s_playermodel.charModel.generic.flags = QMF_HIGHLIGHT_IF_FOCUS; PlayerModel_LoadAvailableSkins(); s_playermodel.charSkin.numitems = PlayerModel_PopulateSkinsList(); if (s_playermodel.charSkin.numitems != -1) { s_playermodel.charSkin.generic.flags = QMF_HIGHLIGHT_IF_FOCUS; } else { s_playermodel.skinList[0] = "NONE"; s_playermodel.charSkin.generic.flags = QMF_INACTIVE | QMF_GRAYED; s_playermodel.charSkin.numitems = 0; } } //reset the spin control else { s_playermodel.modelList[0] = "NONE"; s_playermodel.charModel.generic.flags = QMF_INACTIVE | QMF_GRAYED; s_playermodel.charModel.numitems = 0; } } break; } PlayerModel_CheckForChange(); UI_LogFuncEnd(); } /* ================= PlayerModel_MenuKey ================= */ static sfxHandle_t PlayerModel_MenuKey(int32_t key) { UI_LogFuncBegin(); switch (key) { case K_MOUSE1: if (Menu_ItemAtCursor(&s_playermodel.menu) == &s_playermodel.scrollBar) { uis.activemenu->noNewSelecting = qtrue; s_playermodel.scrollData.mouseDown = qtrue; s_playermodel.scrollData.yStart = uis.cursory; } break; } UI_LogFuncEnd(); return (Menu_DefaultKey(&s_playermodel.menu, key)); } /* ================= PlayerModel_DrawPlayer ================= */ static void PlayerModel_DrawPlayer(void *self) { UI_LogFuncBegin(); menubitmap_s* b; vec3_t origin = { -40, 2.5, -4 }; //-3.8 b = (menubitmap_s*)self; if (trap_MemoryRemaining() <= LOW_MEMORY) { UI_DrawProportionalString(b->generic.x, b->generic.y + b->height / 2, "LOW MEMORY", UI_LEFT, color_red); UI_LogFuncEnd(); return; } UI_DrawPlayer((float)b->generic.x, (float)b->generic.y, (float)b->width, (float)b->height, origin, &s_playermodel.playerinfo, (int32_t)(uis.realtime / 1.5)); UI_LogFuncEnd(); } /* ================= PlayerModel_BuildList Heavily modifed by TiM All we'll take into account now is a valid directory name, and that it contains a .model file We'll work the rest out later ================= */ static int32_t QDECL PlayerListOrder_Compare(const void *ptr1, const void *ptr2); static void PlayerModel_BuildList(void) { UI_LogFuncBegin(); int32_t numdirs; int32_t numfiles; char dirlist[8192]; char filelist[128]; //2048 char* dirptr; int32_t i, j; int32_t dirlen; charData_t *tempBuff; //int32_t offset; int32_t temp; s_playermodel.selectedChar = -1; s_playermodel.numChars = 0; // iterate directory of all player models numdirs = trap_FS_GetFileList("models/players_rpgx", "/", dirlist, sizeof(dirlist)); dirptr = dirlist; ///UI_Logger( LL_DEBUG, "%i folders found\n", numdirs ); for (i = 0; i < numdirs && s_playermodel.numChars < MAX_PLAYERCHARS; i++, dirptr += dirlen + 1) { dirlen = strlen(dirptr); if (!dirptr) { break; } if (dirlen && dirptr[dirlen - 1] == '/') dirptr[dirlen - 1] = '\0'; //I'm guessing this is for non-PK3'd files if (!strcmp(dirptr, ".") || !strcmp(dirptr, "..")) continue; // TiM : Check for .model files. That's all we need numfiles = 0; //Just to be sure numfiles = trap_FS_GetFileList(va("models/players_rpgx/%s", dirptr), ".model", filelist, 128); temp = qfalse; if (numfiles > 0 && dirptr[0]) { //TiM - Don't do duplicate chars (Since it caches PK3 and non PK3 ones as separate instances ) for (j = 0; j < s_playermodel.numChars; j++) { tempBuff = &s_playermodel.charNames[j]; if (!Q_stricmp(tempBuff->charName, dirptr)){ temp = qtrue; break; } } if (temp) continue; tempBuff = &s_playermodel.charNames[s_playermodel.numChars]; Q_strncpyz(tempBuff->charName, dirptr, sizeof(tempBuff[s_playermodel.numChars].charName)); tempBuff->index = -1; //TiM - Load data on the races if at all possible if (trap_FS_GetFileList(va("models/players_rpgx/%s", dirptr), "race.cfg", filelist, 128) > 0) { fileHandle_t f; char buffer[1024]; char* filePtr; int32_t fileLength; char* token; char filePath[MAX_QPATH]; Com_sprintf(filePath, sizeof(filePath), "models/players_rpgx/%s/race.cfg", dirptr); fileLength = trap_FS_FOpenFile(filePath, &f, FS_READ); //UI_Logger( LL_DEBUG, "File %s loaded.\n", dirptr ); if (fileLength <= 0) { continue; } //UI_Logger( LL_DEBUG, "We have length.\n" ); if (fileLength > sizeof(buffer)-1) { continue; } //UI_Logger( LL_DEBUG, "Good size.\n" ); memset(&buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); trap_FS_Read(buffer, fileLength, f); //UI_Logger( LL_DEBUG, "Loaded data...\n" ); trap_FS_FCloseFile(f); if (!buffer[0]) { continue; } //Format is 'Race Gender'. Race must precede Gender filePtr = buffer; COM_BeginParseSession(); token = COM_Parse(&filePtr); if (!token) continue; //UI_Logger( LL_DEBUG, "Race %s Loaded\n", token ); tempBuff->race = PlayerModel_CheckInFilter(token, s_playermodel.raceList, MAX_RACES, &s_playermodel.numRaces); //UI_Logger( LL_DEBUG, "Number of races now: %i\n", s_playermodel.numRaces ); token = COM_Parse(&filePtr); if (!token) continue; //UI_Logger( LL_DEBUG, "Gender %s loaded\n", token ); //tempBuff->gender = PlayerModel_CheckInArray( token, s_playermodel.genderNames, MAX_GENDERS ); tempBuff->gender = PlayerModel_CheckInFilter(token, s_playermodel.genderList, MAX_GENDERS, &s_playermodel.numGenders); //UI_Logger( LL_DEBUG, "%i\n", tempBuff[i].gender ); } s_playermodel.numChars++; tempBuff = &s_playermodel.charNames[s_playermodel.numChars]; } } //RPG-X | TiM | 30-4-2007 //This loop obviously isn't working well enough. //Bringing out the big guns. Using the Windows/Q3 //Binary data sorting function, qsort. //sorting function located below qsort(s_playermodel.charNames, s_playermodel.numChars, sizeof(charData_t), PlayerListOrder_Compare); //copy to the upper case list for rendering to the menu for (i = 0; i < s_playermodel.numChars; i++) Q_strncpyz(s_playermodel.charNamesUpr[i], s_playermodel.charNames[i].charName, sizeof(s_playermodel.charNamesUpr[i])); UI_LogFuncEnd(); } /* ================= PlayerListOrder_Compare TiM - 30-4-2007 Called in the above qsort function. Re-orders the player list based on alphabetical name. ================= */ static int32_t QDECL PlayerListOrder_Compare(const void *ptr1, const void *ptr2) { UI_LogFuncBegin(); char *chr1, *chr2; int32_t delta; //extract the first characters of the name from each entry chr1 = ((charData_t *)ptr1)->charName; chr2 = ((charData_t *)ptr2)->charName; //double check they're lower-case. case matters if (*chr1 >= 'A' && *chr1 <= 'Z') *chr1 += 32; if (*chr2 >= 'A' && *chr2 <= 'Z') *chr2 += 32; //based off of their ASCII order. delta = (int32_t)*chr1 - (int32_t)*chr2; //if characters weren't the same if (delta != 0){ UI_LogFuncEnd(); return delta; } //else loop through the rest while (chr1 && chr2 && delta == 0) { delta = (int32_t)*chr1 - (int32_t)*chr2; chr1++; chr2++; } UI_LogFuncEnd(); return delta; } /* ================= PlayerModel_SetMenuItems ================= */ static void PlayerModel_SetMenuItems(void) { UI_LogFuncBegin(); int32_t i; char* temp; //char model[64]; char model[32]; char skin[32]; // name trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer("name", s_playermodel.playername.string, MAX_PLAYERNAMELENGTH); // model trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer("model", s_playermodel.modelData, 64); if ((temp = strchr(s_playermodel.modelData, '/')) == NULL) { Q_strncpyz(s_playermodel.modelName, s_playermodel.modelData, sizeof(s_playermodel.modelName)); Q_strncpyz(model, DEFAULT_MODEL, 32); Q_strncpyz(skin, DEFAULT_SKIN, 32); } else { int32_t len; char* tempSkin; // len = strlen(temp); Q_strncpyz(s_playermodel.modelName, s_playermodel.modelData, (strlen(s_playermodel.modelData) - strlen(temp)) + 1); //*temp++; temp++; if ((tempSkin = strchr(temp, '/')) == NULL) { if (!temp || !temp[1]) Q_strncpyz(model, DEFAULT_MODEL, 32); else Q_strncpyz(model, temp, 32); Q_strncpyz(skin, DEFAULT_SKIN, 32); } else { len = strlen(tempSkin); //*tempSkin++; tempSkin++; Q_strncpyz(model, temp, (strlen(temp) - len) + 1); if (!tempSkin || !tempSkin[1]) Q_strncpyz(skin, DEFAULT_SKIN, 32); else Q_strncpyz(skin, tempSkin, 32); } } //UI_Logger( LL_DEBUG, "Load model is %s %s %s\n", s_playermodel.modelName, model, skin ); // find model in our list for (i = 0; i < s_playermodel.numChars; i++) { if (!Q_stricmp(s_playermodel.modelName, s_playermodel.charNames[i].charName)) { s_playermodel.selectedChar = i; break; } } //try to register the current shader icon if (s_playermodel.selectedChar != -1) { s_playermodel.playerIcon = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip(va("models/players_rpgx/%s/model_icon", s_playermodel.modelName)); //If we're exceeded the list, update it so we're at the top if (s_playermodel.selectedChar > MAX_MENULISTITEMS) { s_playermodel.scrollOffset = (s_playermodel.selectedChar - MAX_MENULISTITEMS) + 1; PlayerModel_OffsetCharList(&s_playermodel.scrollOffset); } s_playermodel.charModel.numitems = PlayerModel_LoadAvailableModels(); if (s_playermodel.charModel.numitems != -1) { s_playermodel.charModel.generic.flags = QMF_HIGHLIGHT_IF_FOCUS; } else { s_playermodel.charModel.numitems = 0; s_playermodel.charModel.generic.flags = QMF_GRAYED | QMF_INACTIVE; s_playermodel.modelList[0] = "NONE"; } //TiM - Switch the spin controls to the right value; for (i = 0; i < s_playermodel.charModel.numitems; i++) { if (!Q_stricmp(s_playermodel.modelList[i], model)) { s_playermodel.charModel.curvalue = i; break; } } PlayerModel_LoadAvailableSkins(); s_playermodel.charSkin.numitems = PlayerModel_PopulateSkinsList(); if (s_playermodel.charSkin.numitems != -1) { s_playermodel.charSkin.generic.flags = QMF_HIGHLIGHT_IF_FOCUS; } else { s_playermodel.charSkin.numitems = 0; s_playermodel.charSkin.generic.flags = QMF_GRAYED | QMF_INACTIVE; s_playermodel.skinList[0] = "NONE"; } } for (i = 0; i < s_playermodel.charSkin.numitems; i++) { if (!Q_stricmp(s_playermodel.skinList[i], skin)) { s_playermodel.charSkin.curvalue = i; break; } } //Set backup data s_playermodel.storedData.orgChar = s_playermodel.selectedChar; s_playermodel.storedData.orgModel = s_playermodel.charModel.curvalue; s_playermodel.storedData.orgSkin = s_playermodel.charSkin.curvalue; UI_LogFuncEnd(); } /* ================= PlayerModel_DrawScrollBar ================= */ static void PlayerModel_DrawScrollBar(void *self) { UI_LogFuncBegin(); qboolean focus; menuaction_s *bar; int32_t *y; int32_t color; int32_t newY; int32_t dif; bar = (menuaction_s *)self; focus = static_cast(Menu_ItemAtCursor(bar->generic.parent) == bar); if (focus) color = bar->color2; else color = bar->color; trap_R_SetColor(colorTable[color]); UI_DrawHandlePic(bar->generic.x, bar->generic.y, bar->width, bar->height, uis.whiteShader); trap_R_SetColor(NULL); if (!s_playermodel.scrollData.mouseDown){ UI_LogFuncEnd(); return; } if (!trap_Key_IsDown(K_MOUSE1)) { s_playermodel.scrollData.mouseDown = qfalse; uis.activemenu->noNewSelecting = qfalse; UI_LogFuncEnd(); return; } if (uis.cursory == s_playermodel.scrollData.yStart){ UI_LogFuncEnd(); return; } y = &bar->generic.y; newY = *y + (uis.cursory - s_playermodel.scrollData.yStart); if (newY + bar->height > MAX_SCROLLTOP + MAX_SCROLLRANGE) newY = (MAX_SCROLLTOP + MAX_SCROLLRANGE) - bar->height; if (newY < MAX_SCROLLTOP) newY = MAX_SCROLLTOP; dif = newY - *y; s_playermodel.scrollOffset += dif * (s_playermodel.scrollData.doubleStep ? 2 : 1); PlayerModel_OffsetCharList(&s_playermodel.scrollOffset); *y = newY; bar->generic.top = *y; bar->generic.bottom = *y + bar->height; s_playermodel.scrollData.yStart = uis.cursory; UI_LogFuncEnd(); } /* ================= PlayerSettingsMenu_Graphics ================= */ void PlayerModelMenu_Graphics(void) { UI_LogFuncBegin(); // Draw the basic screen layout UI_MenuFrame2(&s_playermodel.menu); trap_R_SetColor(colorTable[CT_LTBROWN1]); UI_DrawHandlePic(30, 203, 47, 186, uis.whiteShader); // Middle left line trap_R_SetColor(colorTable[CT_LTORANGE]); //TiM - Frame around the models selection list UI_DrawHandlePic(96, 50, 8, -32, s_playermodel.corner_ll_4_18); // UL Corner UI_DrawHandlePic(96, 369, 8, 8, s_playermodel.corner_ll_4_4); // LL Corner UI_DrawHandlePic(238, 62, 32, 32, s_playermodel.corner_ur_18_18); // UR Corner UI_DrawHandlePic(240, 368, 32, 8, s_playermodel.corner_lr_18_4); // LR Corner UI_DrawHandlePic(96, 81, 4, 290, uis.whiteShader); // Left side UI_DrawHandlePic(242, 87, 18, 18, uis.whiteShader); //Right Side Up Arrow Button if (s_playermodel.scrollBar.generic.flags & QMF_HIDDEN) { UI_DrawHandlePic(242, 108, 18, 236, uis.whiteShader); // Right side } else { if (s_playermodel.scrollBar.generic.y > MAX_SCROLLTOP + 4) UI_DrawHandlePic(242, 108, 18, s_playermodel.scrollBar.generic.y - 108 - 3, uis.whiteShader); if (s_playermodel.scrollBar.generic.bottom + 3 < 343) UI_DrawHandlePic(242, s_playermodel.scrollBar.generic.bottom + 3, 18, 343 - 3 - s_playermodel.scrollBar.generic.bottom, uis.whiteShader); } UI_DrawHandlePic(242, 347, 18, 18, uis.whiteShader); //Right Side Down Button UI_DrawHandlePic(100, 62, 141, 18, uis.whiteShader); // Top UI_DrawHandlePic(101, 371, 140, 4, uis.whiteShader); // Bottom //TiM - Frame around the model specific data window UI_DrawHandlePic(265, 50, 8, -32, s_playermodel.corner_ll_4_18); // UL Corner UI_DrawHandlePic(265, 369, 8, 8, s_playermodel.corner_ll_4_4); // LL Corner UI_DrawHandlePic(422, 50, -8, -32, s_playermodel.corner_ll_4_18); // UR Corner UI_DrawHandlePic(422, 369, -8, 8, s_playermodel.corner_ll_4_4); // LR Corner UI_DrawHandlePic(265, 81, 4, 290, uis.whiteShader); // Left side UI_DrawHandlePic(426, 81, 4, 290, uis.whiteShader); // Right side UI_DrawHandlePic(269, 62, 157, 18, uis.whiteShader); // Top UI_DrawHandlePic(269, 371, 157, 4, uis.whiteShader); // Bottom //TiM - Draw the stunningly awesome icon of the character UI_DrawHandlePic(306, 114, 82, 82, uis.whiteShader); if (!s_playermodel.playerIcon) { trap_R_SetColor(colorTable[CT_BLACK]); UI_DrawHandlePic(307, 115, 80, 80, uis.whiteShader); UI_DrawProportionalString(347, 145, "?", UI_BIGFONT | UI_CENTER, colorTable[CT_LTORANGE]); } else { trap_R_SetColor(colorTable[CT_WHITE]); UI_DrawHandlePic(307, 115, 80, 80, s_playermodel.playerIcon); } //UI_DrawProportionalString( 220, 362, va("%s %d %s %d",menu_normal_text[MNT_SCREEN],(s_playermodel.modelpage + 1),menu_normal_text[MNT_OF],s_playermodel.numpages),UI_RIGHT|UI_TINYFONT, colorTable[CT_BLACK]); UI_DrawProportionalString(108, 64, menu_normal_text[MNT_CHARS], UI_SMALLFONT, colorTable[CT_BLACK]); // Top UI_DrawProportionalString(275, 64, menu_normal_text[MNT_CHARDATA], UI_SMALLFONT, colorTable[CT_BLACK]); trap_R_SetColor(colorTable[CT_DKGREY2]); UI_DrawHandlePic(439, 79, 151, 295, uis.whiteShader); // Background // Frame around player model trap_R_SetColor(colorTable[CT_LTORANGE]); UI_DrawHandlePic(435, 50, 8, -32, s_playermodel.corner_ll_4_18); // UL Corner UI_DrawHandlePic(435, 369, 8, 8, s_playermodel.corner_ll_4_4); // LL Corner UI_DrawHandlePic(440, 62, 150, 18, uis.whiteShader); // Top UI_DrawHandlePic(435, 79, 4, 295, uis.whiteShader); // Left side UI_DrawHandlePic(440, 371, 150, 4, uis.whiteShader); // Bottom // Left rounded ends for buttons trap_R_SetColor(colorTable[s_playermodel.mainmenu.color]); UI_DrawHandlePic(s_playermodel.mainmenu.generic.x - 14, s_playermodel.mainmenu.generic.y, MENU_BUTTON_MED_HEIGHT, MENU_BUTTON_MED_HEIGHT, uis.graphicButtonLeftEnd); trap_R_SetColor(colorTable[s_playermodel.back.color]); UI_DrawHandlePic(s_playermodel.back.generic.x - 14, s_playermodel.back.generic.y, MENU_BUTTON_MED_HEIGHT, MENU_BUTTON_MED_HEIGHT, uis.graphicButtonLeftEnd); trap_R_SetColor(colorTable[s_playermodel.data.color]); UI_DrawHandlePic(s_playermodel.data.generic.x - 14, s_playermodel.data.generic.y, MENU_BUTTON_MED_HEIGHT, MENU_BUTTON_MED_HEIGHT, uis.graphicButtonLeftEnd); trap_R_SetColor(colorTable[s_playermodel.model.color]); UI_DrawHandlePic(s_playermodel.model.generic.x - 14, s_playermodel.model.generic.y, MENU_BUTTON_MED_HEIGHT, MENU_BUTTON_MED_HEIGHT, uis.graphicButtonLeftEnd); //Model Name along the top if (s_playermodel.modelName[0]) { char* buf = s_playermodel.modelName; UI_DrawProportionalString(347, 89, Q_strupr(buf), UI_SMALLFONT | UI_CENTER, colorTable[CT_DKPURPLE1]); } UI_DrawProportionalString(74, 28, "881", UI_RIGHT | UI_TINYFONT, colorTable[CT_BLACK]); UI_DrawProportionalString(74, 150, "2445", UI_RIGHT | UI_TINYFONT, colorTable[CT_BLACK]); UI_DrawProportionalString(74, 206, "600", UI_RIGHT | UI_TINYFONT, colorTable[CT_BLACK]); UI_DrawProportionalString(74, 395, "3-44", UI_RIGHT | UI_TINYFONT, colorTable[CT_BLACK]); //paint the selected model white { int32_t i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_MENULISTITEMS; i++) { if (s_playermodel.charMenu[i].textcolor == CT_WHITE && s_playermodel.charMenu[i].textcolor2 == CT_WHITE) { s_playermodel.charMenu[i].textcolor = CT_DKGOLD1; s_playermodel.charMenu[i].textcolor2 = CT_LTGOLD1; } //override between straight list, and filters if ((s_playermodel.charNames[i + s_playermodel.scrollOffset].index == -1 && i + s_playermodel.scrollOffset == s_playermodel.selectedChar) || (s_playermodel.charNames[i + s_playermodel.scrollOffset].index >= 0 && s_playermodel.charNames[i + s_playermodel.scrollOffset].index == s_playermodel.selectedChar) ) { //UI_Logger( LL_DEBUG, "%i %i %i\n", i, s_playermodel.selectedChar, s_playermodel.charNames[i + s_playermodel.scrollOffset].index ); s_playermodel.charMenu[i].textcolor = CT_WHITE; s_playermodel.charMenu[i].textcolor2 = CT_WHITE; } } } UI_LogFuncEnd(); } /* ================= PlayerSettings_MenuDraw ================= */ static void PlayerModel_MenuDraw(void) { UI_LogFuncBegin(); PlayerModelMenu_Graphics(); Menu_Draw(&s_playermodel.menu); UI_LogFuncEnd(); } /* ================= PlayerModel_MenuInit ================= */ static void PlayerModel_MenuInit(int32_t menuFrom) { UI_LogFuncBegin(); int32_t i; //int32_t j; //int32_t k; int32_t x; int32_t y; static char playername[32]; //static char modelname[32]; //static char skinname[32]; //static char skinnameviewed[32]; qboolean races = qfalse; qboolean genders = qfalse; // zero set all our globals memset(&s_playermodel, 0, sizeof(playermodel_t)); s_playermodel.prevMenu = menuFrom; //TiM : Model Spin view uis.spinView = qfalse; uis.lastYaw = 150; PlayerModel_Cache(); //Set up some false data to feed our spin controls for the time being //Spin controls NEED data passed to them on init, eitherwise they immediately terminate. which sucks lol s_playermodel.modelList[0] = "NONE"; s_playermodel.skinList[0] = "NONE"; Q_strncpyz(s_playermodel.genderList[0].filterName, "All", 32); Q_strncpyz(s_playermodel.raceList[0].filterName, "All", 32); // set initial states PlayerModel_BuildList(); //sort the race list alphabetically //+1 for number to account for the 'All' value qsort((void *)s_playermodel.raceList, s_playermodel.numRaces + 1, sizeof(filterData_t), FilterList_Compare); qsort((void *)s_playermodel.genderList, s_playermodel.numGenders + 1, sizeof(filterData_t), FilterList_Compare); //Populate the spin control pointers for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) { if (!s_playermodel.genderList[i].filterName[0] && !s_playermodel.raceList[i].filterName[0]) break; if (s_playermodel.genderList[i].filterName[0]) { s_playermodel.genderNames[i] = s_playermodel.genderList[i].filterName; genders = qtrue; } if (s_playermodel.raceList[i].filterName[0]) { s_playermodel.raceNames[i] = s_playermodel.raceList[i].filterName; races = qtrue; } } s_playermodel.menu.key = PlayerModel_MenuKey; s_playermodel.menu.wrapAround = qtrue; s_playermodel.menu.fullscreen = qtrue; s_playermodel.menu.draw = PlayerModel_MenuDraw; s_playermodel.menu.descX = MENU_DESC_X; s_playermodel.menu.descY = MENU_DESC_Y; s_playermodel.menu.titleX = MENU_TITLE_X; s_playermodel.menu.titleY = MENU_TITLE_Y; s_playermodel.menu.titleI = MNT_CHANGEPLAYER_TITLE; s_playermodel.menu.footNoteEnum = MNT_CHANGEPLAYER; s_playermodel.mainmenu.generic.type = MTYPE_BITMAP; s_playermodel.mainmenu.generic.flags = QMF_HIGHLIGHT_IF_FOCUS; s_playermodel.mainmenu.generic.x = 110; s_playermodel.mainmenu.generic.y = 391; s_playermodel.mainmenu.generic.name = BUTTON_GRAPHIC_LONGRIGHT; s_playermodel.mainmenu.generic.callback = PlayerModel_MenuEvent; s_playermodel.mainmenu.width = MENU_BUTTON_MED_WIDTH; s_playermodel.mainmenu.height = MENU_BUTTON_MED_HEIGHT; s_playermodel.mainmenu.color = CT_DKPURPLE1; s_playermodel.mainmenu.color2 = CT_LTPURPLE1; if (!ingameFlag) { s_playermodel.mainmenu.textEnum = MBT_MAINMENU; s_playermodel.mainmenu.generic.id = ID_MAINMENU; } else { s_playermodel.mainmenu.textEnum = MBT_INGAMEMENU; s_playermodel.mainmenu.generic.id = ID_INGAMEMENU; } s_playermodel.mainmenu.textX = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_X; s_playermodel.mainmenu.textY = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_Y; s_playermodel.mainmenu.textcolor = CT_BLACK; s_playermodel.mainmenu.textcolor2 = CT_WHITE; s_playermodel.back.generic.type = MTYPE_BITMAP; s_playermodel.back.generic.name = BUTTON_GRAPHIC_LONGRIGHT; s_playermodel.back.generic.flags = QMF_HIGHLIGHT_IF_FOCUS; s_playermodel.back.generic.callback = PlayerModel_MenuEvent; s_playermodel.back.generic.id = ID_BACK; s_playermodel.back.generic.x = 110; s_playermodel.back.generic.y = 415; s_playermodel.back.width = MENU_BUTTON_MED_WIDTH; s_playermodel.back.height = MENU_BUTTON_MED_HEIGHT; s_playermodel.back.color = CT_DKPURPLE1; s_playermodel.back.color2 = CT_LTPURPLE1; s_playermodel.back.textX = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_X; s_playermodel.back.textY = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_Y; s_playermodel.back.textEnum = MBT_BACK; s_playermodel.back.generic.id = ID_BACK; s_playermodel.back.textcolor = CT_BLACK; s_playermodel.back.textcolor2 = CT_WHITE; s_playermodel.data.generic.type = MTYPE_BITMAP; s_playermodel.data.generic.name = BUTTON_GRAPHIC_LONGRIGHT; s_playermodel.data.generic.flags = QMF_HIGHLIGHT_IF_FOCUS; s_playermodel.data.generic.id = ID_SETTINGS; s_playermodel.data.generic.callback = PlayerModel_MenuEvent; s_playermodel.data.generic.x = 482; s_playermodel.data.generic.y = 391; s_playermodel.data.width = MENU_BUTTON_MED_WIDTH; s_playermodel.data.height = MENU_BUTTON_MED_HEIGHT; s_playermodel.data.color = CT_DKPURPLE1; s_playermodel.data.color2 = CT_LTPURPLE1; s_playermodel.data.textX = 5; s_playermodel.data.textY = 2; s_playermodel.data.textEnum = MBT_PLAYERDATA; s_playermodel.data.textcolor = CT_BLACK; s_playermodel.data.textcolor2 = CT_WHITE; s_playermodel.model.generic.type = MTYPE_BITMAP; s_playermodel.model.generic.name = BUTTON_GRAPHIC_LONGRIGHT; s_playermodel.model.generic.flags = QMF_GRAYED; s_playermodel.model.generic.x = 482; s_playermodel.model.generic.y = 415; s_playermodel.model.width = MENU_BUTTON_MED_WIDTH; s_playermodel.model.height = MENU_BUTTON_MED_HEIGHT; s_playermodel.model.color = CT_DKPURPLE1; s_playermodel.model.color2 = CT_LTPURPLE1; s_playermodel.model.textX = 5; s_playermodel.model.textY = 2; s_playermodel.model.textEnum = MBT_CHANGEMODEL; s_playermodel.model.textcolor = CT_BLACK; s_playermodel.model.textcolor2 = CT_WHITE; //y = 88; x = 107; y = 85; for (i = 0; i < MAX_MENULISTITEMS; i++) { s_playermodel.charMenu[i].generic.type = MTYPE_BITMAP; s_playermodel.charMenu[i].generic.flags = QMF_INACTIVE | QMF_HIDDEN; s_playermodel.charMenu[i].generic.x = x; s_playermodel.charMenu[i].generic.y = y; s_playermodel.charMenu[i].generic.callback = PlayerModel_MenuEvent; s_playermodel.charMenu[i].generic.id = ID_MENUCHAR0 + i; s_playermodel.charMenu[i].width = 129; s_playermodel.charMenu[i].height = 16; s_playermodel.charMenu[i].color = CT_DKPURPLE1; s_playermodel.charMenu[i].color2 = CT_LTPURPLE1; s_playermodel.charMenu[i].textPtr = NULL; s_playermodel.charMenu[i].textX = 4; s_playermodel.charMenu[i].textY = 1; s_playermodel.charMenu[i].textcolor = CT_DKGOLD1; s_playermodel.charMenu[i].textcolor2 = CT_LTGOLD1; s_playermodel.charMenu[i].textStyle = UI_SMALLFONT; y += 24; } s_playermodel.playername.generic.type = MTYPE_PTEXT; s_playermodel.playername.generic.flags = QMF_INACTIVE; s_playermodel.playername.generic.x = 444; s_playermodel.playername.generic.y = 63; s_playermodel.playername.string = playername; s_playermodel.playername.style = UI_SMALLFONT; s_playermodel.playername.color = colorTable[CT_BLACK]; /*s_playermodel.modelname.generic.type = MTYPE_PTEXT; s_playermodel.modelname.generic.flags = QMF_INACTIVE; s_playermodel.modelname.generic.x = 121; s_playermodel.modelname.generic.y = 338; s_playermodel.modelname.string = modelname; s_playermodel.modelname.style = UI_LEFT; s_playermodel.modelname.color = colorTable[CT_LTBLUE1];*/ /*s_playermodel.skinname.generic.type = MTYPE_PTEXT; s_playermodel.skinname.generic.flags = QMF_INACTIVE; s_playermodel.skinname.generic.x = 323; s_playermodel.skinname.generic.y = 338; s_playermodel.skinname.string = skinname; s_playermodel.skinname.style = UI_RIGHT; s_playermodel.skinname.color = colorTable[CT_LTBLUE1];*/ s_playermodel.player.generic.type = MTYPE_BITMAP; s_playermodel.player.generic.flags = QMF_SILENT; s_playermodel.player.generic.ownerdraw = PlayerModel_DrawPlayer; s_playermodel.player.generic.callback = PlayerModel_SpinPlayer; s_playermodel.player.generic.x = 439; //400 s_playermodel.player.generic.y = 80; //20 s_playermodel.player.width = 151; //32*7.3 s_playermodel.player.height = 291; //56*7.3 s_playermodel.upArrow.generic.type = MTYPE_BITMAP; s_playermodel.upArrow.generic.name = PIC_ARROW_UP; s_playermodel.upArrow.generic.flags = QMF_GRAYED | QMF_INACTIVE; s_playermodel.upArrow.generic.callback = PlayerModel_MenuEvent; s_playermodel.upArrow.generic.id = ID_UPARROW; s_playermodel.upArrow.generic.x = 243; s_playermodel.upArrow.generic.y = 89; s_playermodel.upArrow.width = 16; s_playermodel.upArrow.height = 16; s_playermodel.upArrow.color = CT_DKPURPLE1; s_playermodel.upArrow.color2 = CT_LTPURPLE1; s_playermodel.upArrow.textX = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_X; s_playermodel.upArrow.textY = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_Y; //s_playermodel.upArrow.textEnum = MBT_PREVPAGE; s_playermodel.upArrow.textcolor = CT_BLACK; s_playermodel.upArrow.textcolor2 = CT_WHITE; s_playermodel.dnArrow.generic.type = MTYPE_BITMAP; s_playermodel.dnArrow.generic.name = PIC_ARROW_DOWN; s_playermodel.dnArrow.generic.flags = QMF_GRAYED | QMF_INACTIVE; s_playermodel.dnArrow.generic.callback = PlayerModel_MenuEvent; s_playermodel.dnArrow.generic.id = ID_DNARROW; s_playermodel.dnArrow.generic.x = 243; s_playermodel.dnArrow.generic.y = 349; s_playermodel.dnArrow.width = 16; s_playermodel.dnArrow.height = 16; s_playermodel.dnArrow.color = CT_DKPURPLE1; s_playermodel.dnArrow.color2 = CT_LTPURPLE1; s_playermodel.dnArrow.textX = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_X; s_playermodel.dnArrow.textY = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_Y; //s_playermodel.dnArrow.textEnum = MBT_NEXTPAGE; s_playermodel.dnArrow.textcolor = CT_BLACK; s_playermodel.dnArrow.textcolor2 = CT_WHITE; s_playermodel.charModel.generic.type = MTYPE_SPINCONTROL; s_playermodel.charModel.generic.flags = QMF_INACTIVE | QMF_GRAYED; //QMF_HIGHLIGHT_IF_FOCUS s_playermodel.charModel.generic.id = ID_MODELSET; s_playermodel.charModel.generic.callback = PlayerModel_MenuEvent; s_playermodel.charModel.generic.x = 291;//134; s_playermodel.charModel.generic.y = 209;//207; s_playermodel.charModel.textEnum = MBT_CHARMODEL; s_playermodel.charModel.textcolor = CT_BLACK; s_playermodel.charModel.textcolor2 = CT_WHITE; s_playermodel.charModel.color = CT_DKPURPLE1; s_playermodel.charModel.color2 = CT_LTPURPLE1; s_playermodel.charModel.width = 92;//80; s_playermodel.charModel.textX = 56; s_playermodel.charModel.textY = 2; s_playermodel.charModel.textFlags = UI_CENTER; s_playermodel.charModel.listX = 56; s_playermodel.charModel.listY = 24; s_playermodel.charModel.listFlags = UI_CENTER; s_playermodel.charModel.focusWidth = 110; s_playermodel.charModel.focusHeight = 40; s_playermodel.charModel.itemnames = (const char **)s_playermodel.modelList; s_playermodel.charSkin.generic.type = MTYPE_SPINCONTROL; s_playermodel.charSkin.generic.flags = QMF_INACTIVE | QMF_GRAYED; s_playermodel.charSkin.generic.id = ID_SKINSET; s_playermodel.charSkin.generic.callback = PlayerModel_MenuEvent; s_playermodel.charSkin.generic.x = 291;//134; s_playermodel.charSkin.generic.y = 266;//207; s_playermodel.charSkin.textEnum = MBT_CHARSKIN; s_playermodel.charSkin.textcolor = CT_BLACK; s_playermodel.charSkin.textcolor2 = CT_WHITE; s_playermodel.charSkin.color = CT_DKPURPLE1; s_playermodel.charSkin.color2 = CT_LTPURPLE1; s_playermodel.charSkin.width = 90;//80; s_playermodel.charSkin.textX = 56; s_playermodel.charSkin.textY = 2; s_playermodel.charSkin.textFlags = UI_CENTER; s_playermodel.charSkin.listX = 56; s_playermodel.charSkin.listY = 24; s_playermodel.charSkin.listFlags = UI_CENTER; s_playermodel.charSkin.focusWidth = 110; s_playermodel.charSkin.focusHeight = 40; s_playermodel.charSkin.itemnames = (const char**)s_playermodel.skinList; s_playermodel.raceFilter.generic.type = MTYPE_SPINCONTROL; if (!races) { s_playermodel.raceFilter.generic.flags = QMF_INACTIVE | QMF_GRAYED; } else { s_playermodel.raceFilter.generic.flags = QMF_HIGHLIGHT_IF_FOCUS; } s_playermodel.raceFilter.generic.id = ID_RACEFILTER; s_playermodel.raceFilter.generic.callback = PlayerModel_MenuEvent; s_playermodel.raceFilter.generic.x = 270; s_playermodel.raceFilter.generic.y = 391; s_playermodel.raceFilter.textEnum = MBT_RACEFILTER; s_playermodel.raceFilter.textcolor = CT_BLACK; s_playermodel.raceFilter.textcolor2 = CT_WHITE; s_playermodel.raceFilter.color = CT_DKPURPLE1; s_playermodel.raceFilter.color2 = CT_LTPURPLE1; s_playermodel.raceFilter.textX = 10; s_playermodel.raceFilter.textY = 1; s_playermodel.raceFilter.width = 65; s_playermodel.raceFilter.itemnames = (const char**)s_playermodel.raceNames; s_playermodel.genderFilter.generic.type = MTYPE_SPINCONTROL; if (!genders) { s_playermodel.genderFilter.generic.flags = QMF_INACTIVE | QMF_GRAYED; } else { s_playermodel.genderFilter.generic.flags = QMF_HIGHLIGHT_IF_FOCUS; } s_playermodel.genderFilter.generic.id = ID_GENDERFILTER; s_playermodel.genderFilter.generic.callback = PlayerModel_MenuEvent; s_playermodel.genderFilter.generic.x = 270; s_playermodel.genderFilter.generic.y = 414; s_playermodel.genderFilter.textEnum = MBT_GENDERFILTER; s_playermodel.genderFilter.textcolor = CT_BLACK; s_playermodel.genderFilter.textcolor2 = CT_WHITE; s_playermodel.genderFilter.color = CT_DKPURPLE1; s_playermodel.genderFilter.color2 = CT_LTPURPLE1; s_playermodel.genderFilter.textX = 10; s_playermodel.genderFilter.textY = 1; s_playermodel.genderFilter.width = 65; s_playermodel.genderFilter.itemnames = (const char**)s_playermodel.genderNames; s_playermodel.apply.generic.type = MTYPE_BITMAP; s_playermodel.apply.generic.name = GRAPHIC_SQUARE; s_playermodel.apply.generic.flags = QMF_GRAYED | QMF_INACTIVE; s_playermodel.apply.generic.callback = PlayerModel_MenuEvent; s_playermodel.apply.generic.id = ID_APPLY; s_playermodel.apply.generic.x = 281; s_playermodel.apply.generic.y = 321; s_playermodel.apply.width = 132; s_playermodel.apply.height = 39; s_playermodel.apply.color = CT_DKPURPLE1; s_playermodel.apply.color2 = CT_LTPURPLE1; s_playermodel.apply.textX = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_X; s_playermodel.apply.textY = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_Y; s_playermodel.apply.textEnum = MBT_VIDEOAPPLYCHANGES; s_playermodel.apply.textcolor = CT_BLACK; s_playermodel.apply.textcolor2 = CT_WHITE; s_playermodel.scrollBar.generic.type = MTYPE_ACTION; s_playermodel.scrollBar.generic.flags = QMF_INACTIVE | QMF_HIDDEN; s_playermodel.scrollBar.generic.x = 242; s_playermodel.scrollBar.generic.y = 108; s_playermodel.scrollBar.generic.id = ID_SCROLLBAR; s_playermodel.scrollBar.generic.ownerdraw = PlayerModel_DrawScrollBar; s_playermodel.scrollBar.width = 18; s_playermodel.scrollBar.height = MIN_SCROLLHEIGHT; s_playermodel.scrollBar.color = CT_DKPURPLE1; s_playermodel.scrollBar.color2 = CT_LTPURPLE1; Menu_AddItem(&s_playermodel.menu, &s_playermodel.model); Menu_AddItem(&s_playermodel.menu, &s_playermodel.data); Menu_AddItem(&s_playermodel.menu, &s_playermodel.player); Menu_AddItem(&s_playermodel.menu, &s_playermodel.playername); Menu_AddItem(&s_playermodel.menu, &s_playermodel.upArrow); Menu_AddItem(&s_playermodel.menu, &s_playermodel.scrollBar); Menu_AddItem(&s_playermodel.menu, &s_playermodel.dnArrow); Menu_AddItem(&s_playermodel.menu, &s_playermodel.charModel); Menu_AddItem(&s_playermodel.menu, &s_playermodel.charSkin); Menu_AddItem(&s_playermodel.menu, &s_playermodel.apply); for (i = 0; i < MAX_MENULISTITEMS; i++) { Menu_AddItem(&s_playermodel.menu, &s_playermodel.charMenu[i]); } Menu_AddItem(&s_playermodel.menu, &s_playermodel.raceFilter); Menu_AddItem(&s_playermodel.menu, &s_playermodel.genderFilter); Menu_AddItem(&s_playermodel.menu, &s_playermodel.back); Menu_AddItem(&s_playermodel.menu, &s_playermodel.mainmenu); if (s_playermodel.numChars >= MAX_MENULISTITEMS) { s_playermodel.upArrow.generic.flags = QMF_HIGHLIGHT_IF_FOCUS; s_playermodel.dnArrow.generic.flags = QMF_HIGHLIGHT_IF_FOCUS; } PlayerModel_SetMenuItems(); PlayerModel_OffsetCharList(&s_playermodel.scrollOffset); PlayerModel_SetupScrollBar(&s_playermodel.scrollBar); PlayerModel_UpdateScrollBar(&s_playermodel.scrollBar); // update user interface PlayerModel_UpdateModel(); UI_LogFuncEnd(); } /* ================= PlayerModel_Cache ================= */ void PlayerModel_Cache(void) { UI_LogFuncBegin(); //int32_t i; s_playermodel.corner_ll_4_18 = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip("menu/common/corner_ll_4_18"); s_playermodel.corner_ll_4_4 = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip("menu/common/corner_ll_4_4"); s_playermodel.corner_lr_4_18 = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip("menu/common/corner_lr_4_18"); s_playermodel.corner_lr_18_4 = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip("menu/common/corner_lr_18_4"); s_playermodel.corner_ur_18_18 = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip("menu/common/corner_ur_18_18"); trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip(PIC_ARROW_UP); trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip(PIC_ARROW_DOWN); UI_LogFuncEnd(); } /* ================= PlayerModel_DrawLoading ================= */ static void PlayerModel_DrawLoading(void) { UI_LogFuncBegin(); //register the corners now qhandle_t cornerPic = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip("menu/common/corner_ll_47_18.tga"); int32_t y = 50; trap_R_SetColor(colorTable[CT_DKPURPLE2]); UI_DrawHandlePic(132, y + 42, 128, -64, cornerPic); // Top Left corner UI_DrawHandlePic(132, y + 252, 128, 64, cornerPic); // Bottom Left corner UI_DrawHandlePic(429, y + 42, -128, -64, cornerPic); // Top Right corner UI_DrawHandlePic(429, y + 252, -128, 64, cornerPic); // Bottom Right corner UI_DrawHandlePic(145, y + 75, 395, 18, uis.whiteShader); // Top UI_DrawHandlePic(132, y + 93, 47, 175, uis.whiteShader); // Left side UI_DrawHandlePic(510, y + 93, 47, 175, uis.whiteShader); // Right side UI_DrawHandlePic(147, y + 265, 65, 18, uis.whiteShader); // Bottom Left UI_DrawHandlePic(477, y + 265, 65, 18, uis.whiteShader); // Bottom Right UI_DrawHandlePic(214, y + 265, 261, 18, uis.whiteShader); // Bottom UI_DrawProportionalString(345, y + 159, menu_normal_text[MNT_LOADING], UI_SMALLFONT | UI_CENTER, colorTable[CT_LTGOLD1]); UI_LogFuncEnd(); } /* ================= PlayerModel_Cache ================= */ void UI_PlayerModelMenu(int32_t menuFrom) { UI_LogFuncBegin(); //TiM - Spawn a quick "loading" box //Sometimes this gives me the eerie creeps the game froze PlayerModel_DrawLoading(); PlayerModel_MenuInit(menuFrom); UI_PushMenu(&s_playermodel.menu); //Menu_SetCursorToItem( &s_playermodel.menu, &s_playermodel.pics[s_playermodel.selectedmodel % MAX_MODELSPERPAGE] ); UI_LogFuncEnd(); }