// Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Id Software, Inc. // /* ======================================================================= TEAM ORDERS MENU ======================================================================= */ #include "ui_local.h" #define ID_LIST_BOTS 10 #define ID_LIST_CTF_ORDERS 11 #define ID_LIST_TEAM_ORDERS 12 typedef struct { menuframework_s menu; menulist_s list; menubitmap_s back; int32_t gametype; int32_t numBots; int32_t selectedBot; char *bots[9]; char botNames[9][16]; } teamOrdersMenuInfo_t; static teamOrdersMenuInfo_t teamOrdersMenuInfo; #define NUM_CTF_ORDERS 7 //you can translate this list /* static const char *ctfOrders[] = { "I Am the Leader", "Defend the Base", "Follow Me", "Get Enemy Flag", "Camp Here", "Report", "I Relinquish Command" }; */ //you can translate this list static int32_t ctfOrders[] = { MNT_ORDER_IMLEADER, MNT_ORDER_DEFEND, MNT_ORDER_FOLLOW, MNT_ORDER_GETFLAG, MNT_ORDER_CAMP, MNT_ORDER_REPORT, MNT_ORDER_IRELINQUISH, MNT_NONE }; //!! Cannot translate these !! static const char *ctfMessages[] = { "i am the leader", "%s defend the base", "%s follow me", "%s get enemy flag", "%s camp here", "%s report", "i stop being the leader", NULL }; #define NUM_TEAM_ORDERS 6 //you can translate this list /* static const char *teamOrders[] = { "I Am the Leader", "Follow Me", "Roam" "Camp Here", "Report", "I Relinquish Command" }; */ int32_t teamOrders[] = { MNT_ORDER_IMLEADER, MNT_ORDER_FOLLOW, MNT_ORDER_ROAM, MNT_ORDER_CAMP, MNT_ORDER_REPORT, MNT_ORDER_IRELINQUISH, MNT_NONE }; //!! Cannot translate these !! static const char *teamMessages[] = { "i am the leader", "%s follow me", "%s roam", "%s camp here", "%s report", "i stop being the leader", NULL }; /* =============== UI_TeamOrdersMenu_BackEvent =============== */ static void UI_TeamOrdersMenu_BackEvent( void *ptr, int32_t event ) { if( event != QM_ACTIVATED ) { return; } UI_PopMenu(); } /* =============== UI_TeamOrdersMenu_SetList =============== */ static void UI_TeamOrdersMenu_SetList( int32_t id ) { switch( id ) { default: case ID_LIST_BOTS: teamOrdersMenuInfo.list.generic.id = id; teamOrdersMenuInfo.list.numitems = teamOrdersMenuInfo.numBots; teamOrdersMenuInfo.list.itemnames = (const char **)teamOrdersMenuInfo.bots; teamOrdersMenuInfo.list.listnames = NULL; break; case ID_LIST_CTF_ORDERS: teamOrdersMenuInfo.list.generic.id = id; teamOrdersMenuInfo.list.numitems = NUM_CTF_ORDERS; teamOrdersMenuInfo.list.itemnames = NULL; teamOrdersMenuInfo.list.listnames = ctfOrders; break; case ID_LIST_TEAM_ORDERS: teamOrdersMenuInfo.list.generic.id = id; teamOrdersMenuInfo.list.numitems = NUM_TEAM_ORDERS; teamOrdersMenuInfo.list.itemnames = NULL; teamOrdersMenuInfo.list.listnames = teamOrders; break; } teamOrdersMenuInfo.list.generic.bottom = teamOrdersMenuInfo.list.generic.top + teamOrdersMenuInfo.list.numitems * PROP_HEIGHT; } /* ================= UI_TeamOrdersMenu_Key ================= */ sfxHandle_t UI_TeamOrdersMenu_Key( int32_t key ) { menulist_s *l; int32_t x; int32_t y; int32_t index; l = (menulist_s *)Menu_ItemAtCursor( &teamOrdersMenuInfo.menu ); if( l != &teamOrdersMenuInfo.list ) { return Menu_DefaultKey( &teamOrdersMenuInfo.menu, key ); } switch( key ) { case K_MOUSE1: x = l->generic.left; y = l->generic.top; if( UI_CursorInRect( x, y, l->generic.right - x, l->generic.bottom - y ) ) { index = (uis.cursory - y) / PROP_HEIGHT; l->oldvalue = l->curvalue; l->curvalue = index; if( l->generic.callback ) { l->generic.callback( l, QM_ACTIVATED ); return menu_move_sound; } } return menu_null_sound; case K_KP_UPARROW: case K_UPARROW: l->oldvalue = l->curvalue; if( l->curvalue == 0 ) { l->curvalue = l->numitems - 1; } else { l->curvalue--; } return menu_move_sound; case K_KP_DOWNARROW: case K_DOWNARROW: l->oldvalue = l->curvalue; if( l->curvalue == l->numitems - 1 ) { l->curvalue = 0;; } else { l->curvalue++; } return menu_move_sound; } return Menu_DefaultKey( &teamOrdersMenuInfo.menu, key ); } /* ================= UI_TeamOrdersMenu_ListDraw ================= */ static void UI_TeamOrdersMenu_ListDraw( void *self ) { menulist_s *l; int32_t x; int32_t y; int32_t i; float *color; qboolean hasfocus; int32_t style; l = (menulist_s *)self; hasfocus = (l->generic.parent->cursor == l->generic.menuPosition); x = 320;//l->generic.x; y = l->generic.y; for( i = 0; i < l->numitems; i++ ) { style = UI_LEFT|UI_SMALLFONT|UI_CENTER; if( i == l->curvalue ) { color = colorTable[CT_DKGOLD1]; if( hasfocus ) { color = colorTable[CT_LTGOLD1]; } } else { color = colorTable[CT_DKGOLD1]; } if (l->listnames) { UI_DrawProportionalString( x, y, menu_normal_text[l->listnames[i]], style, color ); } else { UI_DrawProportionalString( x, y, l->itemnames[i], style, color ); } y += PROP_HEIGHT; } } /* =============== UI_TeamOrdersMenu_ListEvent =============== */ static void UI_TeamOrdersMenu_ListEvent( void *ptr, int32_t event ) { int32_t id; int32_t selection; char message[256]; if (event != QM_ACTIVATED) return; id = ((menulist_s *)ptr)->generic.id; selection = ((menulist_s *)ptr)->curvalue; if( id == ID_LIST_BOTS ) { teamOrdersMenuInfo.selectedBot = selection; if( teamOrdersMenuInfo.gametype == GT_CTF ) { UI_TeamOrdersMenu_SetList( ID_LIST_CTF_ORDERS ); } else { UI_TeamOrdersMenu_SetList( ID_LIST_TEAM_ORDERS ); } return; } if( id == ID_LIST_CTF_ORDERS ) { Com_sprintf( message, sizeof(message), ctfMessages[selection], teamOrdersMenuInfo.botNames[teamOrdersMenuInfo.selectedBot] ); } else { Com_sprintf( message, sizeof(message), teamMessages[selection], teamOrdersMenuInfo.botNames[teamOrdersMenuInfo.selectedBot] ); } trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_APPEND, va( "say_team \"%s\"\n", message ) ); UI_PopMenu(); } /* =============== UI_TeamOrdersMenu_BuildBotList =============== */ static void UI_TeamOrdersMenu_BuildBotList( void ) { uiClientState_t cs; int32_t numPlayers; int32_t isBot; int32_t n; char playerTeam=0; char botTeam; char info[MAX_INFO_STRING]; for( n = 0; n < 9; n++ ) { teamOrdersMenuInfo.bots[n] = teamOrdersMenuInfo.botNames[n]; } trap_GetClientState( &cs ); Q_strncpyz( teamOrdersMenuInfo.botNames[0], "Everyone", 16 ); teamOrdersMenuInfo.numBots = 1; trap_GetConfigString( CS_SERVERINFO, info, sizeof(info) ); numPlayers = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( info, "sv_maxclients" ) ); teamOrdersMenuInfo.gametype = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( info, "g_gametype" ) ); for( n = 0; n < numPlayers && teamOrdersMenuInfo.numBots < 9; n++ ) { trap_GetConfigString( CS_PLAYERS + n, info, MAX_INFO_STRING ); if( n == cs.clientNum ) { playerTeam = *Info_ValueForKey( info, "t" ); continue; } isBot = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( info, "skill" ) ); if( !isBot ) { continue; } botTeam = *Info_ValueForKey( info, "t" ); if( botTeam != playerTeam ) { continue; } Q_strncpyz( teamOrdersMenuInfo.botNames[teamOrdersMenuInfo.numBots], Info_ValueForKey( info, "n" ), 16 ); Q_CleanStr( teamOrdersMenuInfo.botNames[teamOrdersMenuInfo.numBots] ); teamOrdersMenuInfo.numBots++; } } /* ================= UI_TeamOrdersMenu_Draw ================= */ static void UI_TeamOrdersMenu_Draw( void ) { UI_MenuFrame(&teamOrdersMenuInfo.menu); trap_R_SetColor( colorTable[CT_DKPURPLE2]); UI_DrawHandlePic(30,201, 47, 90, uis.whiteShader); //Left side of frame UI_DrawHandlePic(30,293, 47, 97, uis.whiteShader); // standard menu drawing Menu_Draw( &teamOrdersMenuInfo.menu ); } /* =============== UI_TeamOrdersMenu_Init =============== */ static void UI_TeamOrdersMenu_Init(int32_t fromMenu ) { UI_TeamOrdersMenu_Cache(); memset( &teamOrdersMenuInfo, 0, sizeof(teamOrdersMenuInfo) ); teamOrdersMenuInfo.menu.fullscreen = qtrue; teamOrdersMenuInfo.menu.wrapAround = qtrue; teamOrdersMenuInfo.menu.key = UI_TeamOrdersMenu_Key; teamOrdersMenuInfo.menu.draw = UI_TeamOrdersMenu_Draw; teamOrdersMenuInfo.menu.descX = MENU_DESC_X; teamOrdersMenuInfo.menu.descY = MENU_DESC_Y; teamOrdersMenuInfo.menu.titleX = MENU_TITLE_X; teamOrdersMenuInfo.menu.titleY = MENU_TITLE_Y; teamOrdersMenuInfo.menu.titleI = MNT_TEAM_ORDERS_TITLE; teamOrdersMenuInfo.menu.footNoteEnum = MNT_TEAM_ORDERS; UI_TeamOrdersMenu_BuildBotList(); teamOrdersMenuInfo.list.generic.type = MTYPE_SCROLLLIST; teamOrdersMenuInfo.list.generic.flags = QMF_HIGHLIGHT_IF_FOCUS; teamOrdersMenuInfo.list.generic.ownerdraw = UI_TeamOrdersMenu_ListDraw; teamOrdersMenuInfo.list.generic.callback = UI_TeamOrdersMenu_ListEvent; teamOrdersMenuInfo.list.generic.x = 320-64; teamOrdersMenuInfo.list.generic.y = 170; teamOrdersMenuInfo.list.color = CT_DKGOLD1; teamOrdersMenuInfo.list.color2 = CT_LTGOLD1; teamOrdersMenuInfo.back.generic.type = MTYPE_BITMAP; teamOrdersMenuInfo.back.generic.flags = QMF_HIGHLIGHT_IF_FOCUS; teamOrdersMenuInfo.back.generic.name = BUTTON_GRAPHIC_LONGRIGHT; teamOrdersMenuInfo.back.generic.callback = UI_TeamOrdersMenu_BackEvent; teamOrdersMenuInfo.back.generic.x = 482; teamOrdersMenuInfo.back.generic.y = 136; teamOrdersMenuInfo.back.width = MENU_BUTTON_MED_WIDTH; teamOrdersMenuInfo.back.height = MENU_BUTTON_MED_HEIGHT; teamOrdersMenuInfo.back.color = CT_DKPURPLE1; teamOrdersMenuInfo.back.color2 = CT_LTPURPLE1; teamOrdersMenuInfo.back.textX = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_X; teamOrdersMenuInfo.back.textY = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_Y; if (!fromMenu) { teamOrdersMenuInfo.back.textEnum = MBT_INGAMEMENU; } else { teamOrdersMenuInfo.back.textEnum = MBT_INGAMERESUME; } teamOrdersMenuInfo.back.textcolor = CT_BLACK; teamOrdersMenuInfo.back.textcolor2 = CT_WHITE; Menu_AddItem( &teamOrdersMenuInfo.menu, &teamOrdersMenuInfo.list ); Menu_AddItem( &teamOrdersMenuInfo.menu, &teamOrdersMenuInfo.back ); teamOrdersMenuInfo.list.generic.left = 220; teamOrdersMenuInfo.list.generic.top = teamOrdersMenuInfo.list.generic.y; teamOrdersMenuInfo.list.generic.right = 420; UI_TeamOrdersMenu_SetList( ID_LIST_BOTS ); } /* ================= UI_TeamOrdersMenu_Cache ================= */ void UI_TeamOrdersMenu_Cache( void ) { } /* =============== UI_TeamOrdersMenu =============== */ void UI_TeamOrdersMenu(int32_t fromMenu ) { UI_TeamOrdersMenu_Init(fromMenu); UI_PushMenu( &teamOrdersMenuInfo.menu ); } /* =============== UI_TeamOrdersMenu_f =============== */ void UI_TeamOrdersMenu_f( void ) { uiClientState_t cs; char info[MAX_INFO_STRING]; int32_t team; // make sure it's a team game trap_GetConfigString( CS_SERVERINFO, info, sizeof(info) ); teamOrdersMenuInfo.gametype = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( info, "g_gametype" ) ); if( teamOrdersMenuInfo.gametype < GT_TEAM ) { return; } // not available to spectators trap_GetClientState( &cs ); trap_GetConfigString( CS_PLAYERS + cs.clientNum, info, MAX_INFO_STRING ); team = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( info, "t" ) ); if( team == TEAM_SPECTATOR ) { return; } Mouse_Show(); UI_TeamOrdersMenu(1); }