// Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Id Software, Inc. // // cg_view.c -- setup all the parameters (position, angle, etc) // for a 3D rendering #include "cg_local.h" #include "cg_screenfx.h" #include "../base_game/q_math.h" #define MAX_SHAKE_INTENSITY 16.0f #define FRAMES_DOOR 16 /* ============================================================================= MODEL TESTING The viewthing and gun positioning tools from Q2 have been integrated and enhanced into a single model testing facility. Model viewing can begin with either "testmodel " or "testgun ". The names must be the full pathname after the basedir, like "models/weapons/v_launch/tris.md3" or "players/male/tris.md3" Testmodel will create a fake entity 100 units in front of the current view position, directly facing the viewer. It will remain immobile, so you can move around it to view it from different angles. Testgun will cause the model to follow the player around and supress the real view weapon model. The default frame 0 of most guns is completely off screen, so you will probably have to cycle a couple frames to see it. "nextframe", "prevframe", "nextskin", and "prevskin" commands will change the frame or skin of the testmodel. These are bound to F5, F6, F7, and F8 in q3default.cfg. If a gun is being tested, the "gun_x", "gun_y", and "gun_z" variables will let you adjust the positioning. Note that none of the model testing features update while the game is paused, so it may be convenient to test with deathmatch set to 1 so that bringing down the console doesn't pause the game. ============================================================================= */ /* ================= CG_TestModel_f Creates an entity in front of the current position, which can then be moved around ================= */ void CG_TestModel_f (void) { vec3_t angles; memset( &cg.testModelEntity, 0, sizeof(cg.testModelEntity) ); if ( trap_Argc() < 2 ) { return; } Q_strncpyz (cg.testModelName, CG_Argv( 1 ), MAX_QPATH ); cg.testModelEntity.hModel = trap_R_RegisterModel( cg.testModelName ); if ( trap_Argc() == 3 ) { cg.testModelEntity.backlerp = atof( CG_Argv( 2 ) ); cg.testModelEntity.frame = 1; cg.testModelEntity.oldframe = 0; } if (! cg.testModelEntity.hModel ) { CG_Printf( "Can't register model\n" ); return; } VectorMA( cg.refdef.vieworg, 100, cg.refdef.viewaxis[0], cg.testModelEntity.origin ); angles[PITCH] = 0; angles[YAW] = 180 + cg.refdefViewAngles[1]; angles[ROLL] = 0; AnglesToAxis( angles, cg.testModelEntity.axis ); cg.testGun = qfalse; } /* ================= CG_TestGun_f Replaces the current view weapon with the given model ================= */ void CG_TestGun_f (void) { CG_TestModel_f(); cg.testGun = qtrue; cg.testModelEntity.renderfx = RF_DEPTHHACK | RF_FIRST_PERSON; } void CG_TestModelNextFrame_f (void) { cg.testModelEntity.frame++; CG_Printf( "frame %i\n", cg.testModelEntity.frame ); } void CG_TestModelPrevFrame_f (void) { cg.testModelEntity.frame--; if ( cg.testModelEntity.frame < 0 ) { cg.testModelEntity.frame = 0; } CG_Printf( "frame %i\n", cg.testModelEntity.frame ); } void CG_TestModelNextSkin_f (void) { cg.testModelEntity.skinNum++; CG_Printf( "skin %i\n", cg.testModelEntity.skinNum ); } void CG_TestModelPrevSkin_f (void) { cg.testModelEntity.skinNum--; if ( cg.testModelEntity.skinNum < 0 ) { cg.testModelEntity.skinNum = 0; } CG_Printf( "skin %i\n", cg.testModelEntity.skinNum ); } static void CG_AddTestModel (void) { // re-register the model, because the level may have changed cg.testModelEntity.hModel = trap_R_RegisterModel( cg.testModelName ); if (! cg.testModelEntity.hModel ) { CG_Printf ("Can't register model\n"); return; } // if testing a gun, set the origin reletive to the view origin if ( cg.testGun ) { VectorCopy( cg.refdef.vieworg, cg.testModelEntity.origin ); VectorCopy( cg.refdef.viewaxis[0], cg.testModelEntity.axis[0] ); VectorCopy( cg.refdef.viewaxis[1], cg.testModelEntity.axis[1] ); VectorCopy( cg.refdef.viewaxis[2], cg.testModelEntity.axis[2] ); // allow the position to be adjusted int32_t i; for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) { cg.testModelEntity.origin[i] += cg.refdef.viewaxis[0][i] * cg_gun_x.value; cg.testModelEntity.origin[i] += cg.refdef.viewaxis[1][i] * cg_gun_y.value; cg.testModelEntity.origin[i] += cg.refdef.viewaxis[2][i] * cg_gun_z.value; } } trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &cg.testModelEntity ); } //============================================================================ /* ================= CG_CalcVrect Sets the coordinates of the rendered window ================= */ static void CG_CalcVrect (void) { int32_t size; // the intermission should allways be full screen if ( cg.snap->ps.pm_type == PM_INTERMISSION ) { size = 100; } else { // bound normal viewsize if (cg_viewsize.integer < 30) { trap_Cvar_Set ("cg_viewsize","30"); size = 30; } else if (cg_viewsize.integer > 100) { trap_Cvar_Set ("cg_viewsize","100"); size = 100; } else { size = cg_viewsize.integer; } } cg.refdef.width = cgs.glconfig.vidWidth*size * 0.01; cg.refdef.width &= ~1; cg.refdef.height = cgs.glconfig.vidHeight*size * 0.01; cg.refdef.height &= ~1; cg.refdef.x = (cgs.glconfig.vidWidth - cg.refdef.width) * 0.5; cg.refdef.y = (cgs.glconfig.vidHeight - cg.refdef.height) * 0.5; } //============================================================================== /*============================================================================== New Third Person Camera Code TiM: Based off of the logic of the camera code in Raven's Jedi Knight series, however written by me, and tuned down since EF may not be that fast to handle all of it. Although I consider copying someone else's logic to be somewhat lame, my programming skills are not yet at the point I could do this by myself. I understand the concept behind how the camera is offset and how the relevant angles are calculated, but am unsure how this is coupled with a non-linear interpolation algorithm. I am hoping that being able to trace how the JK code works will enlighten me to some furthur graphical programming methodology Meanings of CG variables from JKA: Notes on the camera viewpoint in and out... cg.refdef.vieworg --at the start of the function holds the player actor's origin (center of player model). --it is set to the final view location of the camera at the end of the camera code. cg.refdef.viewangles --at the start holds the client's view angles --it is set to the final view angle of the camera at the end of the camera code. */ //TiM: Static Global Variables #define CAMERA_DAMP_INTERVAL 50 #define CAMERA_SIZE 4 #define MASK_CAMERACLIP (MASK_SOLID|CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP) //Bounding Boxes for volume traces static vec3_t cameraMins = { -CAMERA_SIZE, -CAMERA_SIZE, -CAMERA_SIZE }; static vec3_t cameraMaxs = { CAMERA_SIZE, CAMERA_SIZE, CAMERA_SIZE }; //Directional Vectors vec3_t cameraForward, cameraUp, cameraRight; vec3_t cameraFocusAngles, cameraFocusLoc; //location and view angles of the player's head vec3_t cameraIdealTarget, cameraIdealLoc; //location and view angles of where the camera should be vec3_t cameraCurTarget={0,0,0}, cameraCurLoc={0,0,0}; //Current view and location of camera vec3_t CameraOldLoc={0,0,0}, cameraNewLoc={0,0,0}; //Backup data for the lerp func int32_t cameraLastFrame=0; float cameraLastYaw=0; float cameraStiffFactor=0.0f; qboolean freeRotate; /* =============== CG_CalcIdealThirdPersonViewTarget TiM: First Function : Calculate the point we should be looking at as long as nothing is in the way =============== */ static void CG_CalcIdealThirdPersonViewTarget ( void ) { //ATM, vieworg is the base of the feet VectorCopy ( cg.refdef.vieworg, cameraFocusLoc ); //offset the Z value so it lines up with the eyeheight of the player if ( freeRotate ) VectorMA( cameraFocusLoc, (float)cg.predictedPlayerState.viewheight * cgs.clientinfo[cg.predictedPlayerState.clientNum].height, cameraUp, cameraFocusLoc ); else cameraFocusLoc[2] += (float)cg.predictedPlayerState.viewheight * cgs.clientinfo[cg.predictedPlayerState.clientNum].height; //cg.snap->ps.viewheight // emote based model offset if ( cg.predictedPlayerState.stats[EMOTES] & EMOTE_LOWER ) { vec3_t yawForward, forward; VectorSet( yawForward, 0, cg.predictedPlayerEntity.pe.legs.yawAngle, 0 ); AngleVectors( yawForward, forward, NULL, NULL ); VectorMA( cameraFocusLoc, cgs.clientinfo[cg.predictedPlayerState.clientNum].modelOffset, forward, cameraFocusLoc ); } //Transfer FocusLoc to CamTarget and use that from there VectorCopy( cameraFocusLoc, cameraIdealTarget ); //Add in Horz offset if ( cg.zoomedLeft ) { float ratio = cg_thirdPersonRange.value * 0.02f; if ( ratio > 1.0f ) ratio = 1.0f; cg_thirdPersonHorzOffset.value += ( cg_thirdPersonZoomRate.value * ratio * 0.075 ); } if ( cg.zoomedRight ) { float ratio = cg_thirdPersonRange.value * 0.02f; if ( ratio > 1.0f ) ratio = 1.0f; cg_thirdPersonHorzOffset.value -= ( cg_thirdPersonZoomRate.value * ratio * 0.075 ); } if ( cg_thirdPersonHorzOffset.value ) { VectorMA( cameraIdealTarget, -cg_thirdPersonHorzOffset.value, cameraRight, cameraIdealTarget ); } //Add in the vertOffset if ( cg.zoomedUp ) { float ratio = cg_thirdPersonRange.value * 0.02f; if ( ratio > 1.0f ) ratio = 1.0f; cg_thirdPersonVertOffset.value += ( cg_thirdPersonZoomRate.value * ratio * 0.075 ); } if ( cg.zoomedDown ) { float ratio = cg_thirdPersonRange.value * 0.02f; if ( ratio > 1.0f ) ratio = 1.0f; cg_thirdPersonVertOffset.value -= ( cg_thirdPersonZoomRate.value * ratio * 0.075 ); } if ( cg_thirdPersonVertOffset.value ) { if ( freeRotate ) VectorMA( cameraFocusLoc, cg_thirdPersonVertOffset.value, cameraUp, cameraFocusLoc ); else cameraIdealTarget[2] += cg_thirdPersonVertOffset.value; } } /* =============== CG_CalcIdealThirdPersonViewLocation TiM: Second Function : Calculate the point we should be looking out from given all is good :) =============== */ static void CG_CalcIdealThirdPersonViewLocation ( void ) { //float offset; if ( cg.zoomedForward ) { cg_thirdPersonRange.value -= ( cg_thirdPersonZoomRate.value * 0.1 ); } else if ( cg.zoomedBackward ) { cg_thirdPersonRange.value += ( cg_thirdPersonZoomRate.value * 0.1 ); } VectorMA( cameraIdealTarget, -cg_thirdPersonRange.value, cameraForward, cameraIdealLoc ); } /* =============== CG_ResetThirdPersonViewDamp TiM: Third Function : Reset all of the lerp and set it back to normal =============== */ void CG_ResetThirdPersonViewDamp ( void ) { trace_t tr; //Clamp the pitch, so it won't cause bugs if ( !freeRotate ) cameraFocusAngles[PITCH] = Com_Clamp( -89.0f, 89.0f, cameraFocusAngles[PITCH] ); //Take our look directions and calculate vector angles AngleVectors( cameraFocusAngles, cameraForward, cameraRight, cameraUp ); //Calc ideal cam target now CG_CalcIdealThirdPersonViewTarget(); //Calc ideal cam view loaction now CG_CalcIdealThirdPersonViewLocation(); //Take our ideal locations, and then set them to our active variables VectorCopy( cameraIdealLoc, cameraCurLoc ); VectorCopy( cameraIdealTarget, cameraCurTarget ); //Do a trace from the player's head out to the main location, in case something may be in the way //This is mainly for stopping things like the camera going thru ceilings n stuff CG_Trace( &tr, cameraFocusLoc, cameraMins, cameraMaxs, cameraCurTarget, cg.snap->ps.clientNum, MASK_CAMERACLIP ); VectorCopy( tr.endpos, cameraCurTarget ); //Do a trace from the target to our current location to see if there's anything potentially //blocking our view CG_Trace( &tr, cameraCurTarget, cameraMins, cameraMaxs, cameraCurLoc, cg.snap->ps.clientNum, MASK_CAMERACLIP ); VectorCopy( tr.endpos, cameraCurLoc ); //Initialise the lerp data cameraLastFrame = cg.time; cameraLastYaw = cameraFocusAngles[YAW]; cameraStiffFactor = 0.0f; } /* ====================== CG_UpdateThirdPersonTargetDamp TiM: From the looks of this, target damp lags the position of the camera behind a certain amount when the player moves. The end result being a more fluid movement. :) Still trying to figure out how lerp actually works. ====================== */ static void CG_UpdateThirdPersonTargetDamp ( void ) { trace_t tr; vec3_t targetDiff; //difference between our aimed target and current target //Just to be on the safe side, let's set the current ideal data again CG_CalcIdealThirdPersonViewTarget(); //if the CVAR says no delay, or if we're currently teleporting, don't do the lerp (Or we could make the player sick lol) if ( cg_thirdPersonTargetDamp.value >= 1.0 || cg.thisFrameTeleport || cg.nextFrameTeleport || freeRotate || cg.thirdPersonNoLerp ) { VectorCopy( cameraIdealTarget, cameraCurTarget ); } else if ( cg_thirdPersonTargetDamp.value >= 0.0 ) { //Okay, all's good, so let's get lerping lol //First, let's get the difference between where we're at, and where we should be VectorSubtract( cameraIdealTarget, cameraCurTarget, targetDiff ); //Ugh.... maaaaath >.< //The JKA code says the equation is "(Damp)^(time)", so I'm guessing it's inverse exponential to //get that cool slowy down effect :) float dampFactor; if ( !freeRotate ) dampFactor = 1.0 - cg_thirdPersonTargetDamp.value; //yeh, I guess this is the inverse exponential bit. else dampFactor = 1.0 - Q_fabs( cameraFocusAngles[PITCH] ) / 90.0f; float dampTime = (float)(cg.time - cameraLastFrame) * (1.0f/(float)CAMERA_DAMP_INTERVAL); //chikushou! I don't know how this time factor is caluclated O_o //Square this number for each unit of dampTime float dampRatio = Q_powf( dampFactor, dampTime); //Okay, so our current position is calulated as the difference * -ratio + ideal... O_o VectorMA( cameraIdealTarget, -dampRatio, targetDiff, cameraCurTarget ); } //Now, let's make sure we didn't lerp our way into a wall or summin CG_Trace( &tr, cameraFocusLoc, cameraMins, cameraMaxs, cameraCurTarget, cg.snap->ps.clientNum, MASK_CAMERACLIP ); if ( tr.fraction < 1.0 ) { VectorCopy( tr.endpos, cameraCurTarget ); } } /* =============== CG_UpdateThirdPersonCameraDamp TiM: Okay, since the above function lagged the camera's position, logic stands to reason this one lags the camera's actual angles. With the dynamic crosshair enabled, this should look pretty damn sweet. :) Looks somewhat similar to Target Damp ================ */ static void CG_UpdateThirdPersonCameraDamp ( void ) { trace_t tr; vec3_t locationDiff; float dampFactor=0; //Initialise our goal angle CG_CalcIdealThirdPersonViewLocation(); //If we need to do any damping at all if ( cg_thirdPersonCameraDamp.value != 0.0 ) { float pitch; //get pitch, and make it all positive. Direction don't matter here pitch = Q_fabs( cameraFocusAngles[PITCH] ); //If we're floating and rotate all around, perform this so the damping isn't so extreme /*if ( pitch > 89.0f ) { pitch = 90.0f - ( pitch - 90.0f ); }*/ //The JKA code says these statments are to get it to damp less the more u look up. //Makes sense. Still looking how tho lol pitch /= 115.0; //magic number I guess lol. dampFactor = (1.0-cg_thirdPersonCameraDamp.value) * ( pitch * pitch ); dampFactor += cg_thirdPersonCameraDamp.value; //the stiff factor is based off speed, so faster yaw changes seem stiffer if ( cameraStiffFactor > 0.0f ) { dampFactor += ( 1.0 - dampFactor) * cameraStiffFactor; } } //if our result meant no damping, or we're actively teleporting //sigh I guess we'll need to disable dampin upon rotation. it causes absolute hell at the model's polar angles if ( dampFactor >= 1.0 || cg.thisFrameTeleport || cg.nextFrameTeleport || freeRotate || cg.thirdPersonNoLerp ) { VectorCopy( cameraIdealLoc, cameraCurLoc ); } else if ( dampFactor >= 0.0 ) { //First, let's get the difference between where we're at, and where we should be VectorSubtract( cameraIdealLoc, cameraCurLoc, locationDiff ); //Ugh.... maaaaath >.< //The JKA code says the equation is "(Damp)^(time)", so I'm guessing it's inverse exponential to //get that cool slowy down effect :) dampFactor = 1.0 - dampFactor; //yeh, I guess this is the inverse exponential bit. float dampTime = (float)(cg.time - cameraLastFrame) * (1.0/(float)CAMERA_DAMP_INTERVAL); //chikushou! I don't know how this time factor is caluclated O_o //Square this number for each unit of dampTime float dampRatio = Q_powf( dampFactor, dampTime); //Okay, so our current position is calulated as the difference * -ratio + ideal... O_o VectorMA( cameraIdealLoc, -dampRatio, locationDiff, cameraCurLoc ); } //Now do a trace to see if we're all good for this loc CG_Trace( &tr, cameraCurTarget, cameraMins, cameraMaxs, cameraCurLoc, cg.snap->ps.clientNum, MASK_CAMERACLIP ); //Now Raven added a huge hacky code tidbit at this stage regarding being on moving entities //I'll see if I can get away without instituting it... if ( tr.fraction < 1.0 ) { VectorCopy( tr.endpos, cameraCurLoc ); } } /* =============== CG_OffsetThirdPersonView TiM: The end is nigh! So, all of the funky code above is finally consolidated into this main function. Let's see if I can understand this in any way lol =============== */ static void CG_OffsetThirdPersonView( void ) { vec3_t diff; qboolean neg=qfalse; cameraStiffFactor = 0.0f; //TiM: change the math a tad if we're in free rotate mode if ( cg.predictedPlayerEntity.currentState.eFlags & EF_FULL_ROTATE ) freeRotate = qtrue; else freeRotate = qfalse; //copy in our raw data values VectorCopy( cg.refdefViewAngles, cameraFocusAngles ); //Add a rotation offset for viewAngle if ( cg.zoomAngleRight ) { cg_thirdPersonAngle.value -= ( cg_thirdPersonZoomRate.value * 0.1 ); } if ( cg.zoomAngleLeft ) { cg_thirdPersonAngle.value += ( cg_thirdPersonZoomRate.value * 0.1 ); } cameraFocusAngles[YAW] -= cg_thirdPersonAngle.value; //TiM - offset so it swings the right way lol //Add in pitch if ( cg.zoomPitchUp ) { cg_thirdPersonPitchOffset.value += ( cg_thirdPersonZoomRate.value * 0.075 ); cg_thirdPersonPitchOffset.value = Com_Clamp( -89.0f, 89.0f, cg_thirdPersonPitchOffset.value ); } if ( cg.zoomPitchDown ) { cg_thirdPersonPitchOffset.value -= ( cg_thirdPersonZoomRate.value * 0.075 ); cg_thirdPersonPitchOffset.value = Com_Clamp( -89.0f, 89.0f, cg_thirdPersonPitchOffset.value ); } cameraFocusAngles[PITCH] += cg_thirdPersonPitchOffset.value; //if something messed up, or we're just starting, initiliaze sample if ( cameraLastFrame == 0 || cameraLastFrame > cg.time ) { CG_ResetThirdPersonViewDamp(); } else { //Cap the final angles :) if ( !freeRotate ) { cameraFocusAngles[PITCH] = Com_Clamp( -80.0, 89.0, cameraFocusAngles[PITCH] ); } AngleVectors( cameraFocusAngles, cameraForward, cameraRight, cameraUp ); float deltaYaw = fabs( cameraFocusAngles[YAW] - cameraLastYaw ); //if we exceeded our norms, stick it back if (deltaYaw > 180.0f ) { deltaYaw = fabs( deltaYaw - 360.0f ); } cameraStiffFactor = deltaYaw / (float)(cg.time-cameraLastFrame); if ( cameraStiffFactor < 1.0 ) { cameraStiffFactor = 0.0; } else if ( cameraStiffFactor > 2.5 ) { cameraStiffFactor = 0.75; } else { cameraStiffFactor = (cameraStiffFactor-1.0f)*0.5f; } cameraLastYaw = cameraFocusAngles[YAW]; CG_UpdateThirdPersonTargetDamp(); CG_UpdateThirdPersonCameraDamp(); } VectorSubtract( cameraCurTarget, cameraCurLoc, diff ); //if we're hitting something, use cameraForward to calc new angles if ( VectorNormalize(diff) == 0 || diff[0] == 0 || diff[1] == 0 ) { VectorCopy( cameraForward, diff ); } //Hack-a-dood-do. vectoangles cannot comprehend if a player is upside-down. //It assumes it's just an opposite direction vector, so everything is rendered the right way up. >.< //To fix this, I'll hackily copy the viewangle pitch data, and then reset the angles afterwards if ( freeRotate && Q_fabs( cg.refdefViewAngles[PITCH] ) > 90.0f ) neg = qtrue; vectoangles( diff, cg.refdefViewAngles ); //Also if rotating, provide an offset when players turn fully upside down if ( freeRotate && neg ) { cg.refdefViewAngles[ROLL] -= 180; //AngleNormalize360( cg.refdefViewAngles[YAW] - 180); } /*if ( cg_thirdPersonHorzOffset.value != 0.0f ) { AnglesToAxis( cg.refdefViewAngles, cg.refdef.viewaxis ); VectorMA( cameraCurLoc, cg_thirdPersonHorzOffset.value, cg.refdef.viewaxis[1], cameraCurLoc ); }*/ //And update our origin lol VectorCopy( cameraCurLoc, cg.refdef.vieworg ); cameraLastFrame = cg.time; } #define FOCUS_DISTANCE 512 //512 /*static void CG_OffsetThirdPersonView( void ) { vec3_t forward, right, up; vec3_t view; vec3_t focusAngles; trace_t trace; static vec3_t mins = { -4, -4, -4 }; static vec3_t maxs = { 4, 4, 4 }; vec3_t focusPoint; float focusDist; float forwardScale, sideScale; char medicrevive[32]; int32_t medicrevive_int; vec3_t camPlayerPos; //TiM //cg.refdef.vieworg[2] += cg.predictedPlayerState.viewheight; cg.refdef.vieworg[2] += cg.predictedPlayerState.viewheight * cgs.clientinfo[cg.predictedPlayerState.clientNum].height; VectorCopy( cg.refdefViewAngles, focusAngles ); VectorCopy( cg.refdef.vieworg, camPlayerPos); //Copy the values b4 we offset; //RPG-X: TiM - Incorporated offsets so third person can be more dynamic //Woo! I figured out how AngleVectors and VectorMA work!! ^_^ AngleVectors( cg.refdefViewAngles, NULL, right, NULL); VectorMA( cg.refdef.vieworg, cg_thirdPersonHorzOffset.value, right, cg.refdef.vieworg ); //cg.refdef.vieworg[0] += cg_thirdPersonHorzOffset.value; cg.refdef.vieworg[2] += cg_thirdPersonVertOffset.value; // if dead, look at killer //RPG-X: Fix camera movment when play dies with medics revive turned on trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( "rpg_medicsrevive", medicrevive, 32 ); medicrevive_int = atoi(medicrevive); //TiM: Meh, you don't spin around to look at your killer in real life. O_o //Plus, this screws up the model system :( if(medicrevive_int == 1){ if ( cg.predictedPlayerState.stats[STAT_HEALTH] <= 1 ) { focusAngles[YAW] = cg_entities[cg.predictedPlayerState.clientNum].pe.legs.yawAngle; cg.refdefViewAngles[YAW] = cg_entities[cg.predictedPlayerState.clientNum].pe.legs.yawAngle; //focusAngles[YAW] = cg.predictedPlayerState.stats[STAT_DEAD_YAW]; //cg.refdefViewAngles[YAW] = cg.predictedPlayerState.stats[STAT_DEAD_YAW]; } }else{ if ( cg.predictedPlayerState.stats[STAT_HEALTH] <= 0 ) { focusAngles[YAW] = cg_entities[cg.predictedPlayerState.clientNum].pe.legs.yawAngle; cg.refdefViewAngles[YAW] = cg_entities[cg.predictedPlayerState.clientNum].pe.legs.yawAngle; //focusAngles[YAW] = cg.predictedPlayerState.stats[STAT_DEAD_YAW]; //cg.refdefViewAngles[YAW] = cg.predictedPlayerState.stats[STAT_DEAD_YAW]; } } if ( focusAngles[PITCH] > 89.9 ) { focusAngles[PITCH] = 89.9f; // don't go too far overhead - has to be under 90 or bad things happen } else if ( focusAngles[PITCH] < -89.9 ) //89 - Stop from going through legs { focusAngles[PITCH] = -89.9f; } if ( cg.refdefViewAngles[PITCH] > 89.9 ) { cg.refdefViewAngles[PITCH] = 89.9f; // don't go too far overhead - has to be under 90 or bad things happen } else if ( cg.refdefViewAngles[PITCH] < -79.9 ) //89 - Stop from going through legs { cg.refdefViewAngles[PITCH] = -79.9f; } AngleVectors( focusAngles, forward, NULL, NULL ); VectorMA( cg.refdef.vieworg, FOCUS_DISTANCE, forward, focusPoint ); VectorCopy( cg.refdef.vieworg, view ); view[2] += 16; //cg.refdefViewAngles[PITCH] *= 0.5; AngleVectors( cg.refdefViewAngles, forward, right, up ); //VectorScale( forward, cg_thirdPersonAngle.value, normalize ); forwardScale = VectorNormalize( forward ); //cos( cg_thirdPersonAngle.value / 180 * M_PI ); ///VectorScale( right, cg_thirdPersonAngle.value, normalize ); sideScale = VectorNormalize( right );//sin( cg_thirdPersonAngle.value / 180 * M_PI ); VectorMA( view, -cg_thirdPersonRange.value * forwardScale, forward, view ); VectorMA( view, -cg_thirdPersonRange.value * sideScale, right, view ); // trace a ray from the origin to the viewpoint to make sure the view isn't // in a solid block. Use an 8 by 8 block to prevent the view from near clipping anything //TiM : Sometimes if the value of these variables is set to extreme numbers, they'll go thru walls. O_o //This trace function is to fix that. //If player is using these CVARs... if ( cg_thirdPersonVertOffset.value != 0 || cg_thirdPersonHorzOffset.value != 0) { //Do a trace from playermodel's head to our view location CG_Trace( &trace, camPlayerPos, mins, maxs, view, cg.predictedPlayerState.clientNum, MASK_SOLID ); //Okay, the trace hit something... O_o if ( trace.fraction != 1.0 ) { //copy where it hit to our view origin. :) VectorCopy( trace.endpos, cg.refdef.vieworg ); } } CG_Trace( &trace, cg.refdef.vieworg, mins, maxs, view, cg.predictedPlayerState.clientNum, MASK_SOLID ); if ( trace.fraction != 1.0 ) { VectorCopy( trace.endpos, view ); view[2] += (1.0 - trace.fraction) * 32; // try another trace to this position, because a tunnel may have the ceiling // close enogh that this is poking out CG_Trace( &trace, cg.refdef.vieworg, mins, maxs, view, cg.predictedPlayerState.clientNum, MASK_SOLID ); VectorCopy( trace.endpos, view ); } VectorCopy( view, cg.refdef.vieworg ); // select pitch to look at focus point from vieword VectorSubtract( focusPoint, cg.refdef.vieworg, focusPoint ); focusDist = sqrt( focusPoint[0] * focusPoint[0] + focusPoint[1] * focusPoint[1] ); if ( focusDist < 1 ) { focusDist = 1; // should never happen } //cg.refdefViewAngles[PITCH] = -180 / M_PI * atan2( focusPoint[2], focusDist ); cg.refdefViewAngles[YAW] -= cg_thirdPersonAngle.value; }*/ // this causes a compiler bug on mac MrC compiler static void CG_StepOffset( void ) { int32_t timeDelta; // smooth out stair climbing timeDelta = cg.time - cg.stepTime; if ( timeDelta < STEP_TIME ) { cg.refdef.vieworg[2] -= cg.stepChange * (STEP_TIME - timeDelta) / STEP_TIME; } } /* =============== CG_OffsetFirstPersonView =============== */ static void CG_OffsetFirstPersonView( void ) { float *origin; float *angles; float bob; float delta; float speed; float f; vec3_t predictedVelocity; int32_t timeDelta; char medicrevive[32]; int32_t medicrevive_int; if ( cg.snap->ps.pm_type == PM_INTERMISSION ) { return; } origin = cg.refdef.vieworg; angles = cg.refdefViewAngles; // emote based model offset if ( cg.predictedPlayerState.stats[EMOTES] & EMOTE_LOWER ) { vec3_t yawForward, forward; VectorSet( yawForward, 0, cg.predictedPlayerEntity.pe.legs.yawAngle, 0 ); AngleVectors( yawForward, forward, NULL, NULL ); VectorMA( origin, cgs.clientinfo[cg.predictedPlayerState.clientNum].modelOffset, forward, origin ); //CG_Printf(S_COLOR_RED "%i\n", cgs.clientinfo[cg.predictedPlayerState.clientNum].modelOffset ); } // if dead, fix the angle and don't add any kick //RPG-X: Fix camera movment when play dies with medics revive turned on trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( "rpg_medicsrevive", medicrevive, 32 ); medicrevive_int = atoi(medicrevive); if(medicrevive_int == 1){ if ( cg.snap->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] <= 1 ) { angles[ROLL] = 40; angles[PITCH] = -15; //angles[YAW] = cg.snap->ps.stats[STAT_DEAD_YAW]; angles[YAW] = cg_entities[cg.predictedPlayerState.clientNum].pe.legs.yawAngle; origin[2] += cg.predictedPlayerState.viewheight; return; } }else{ if ( cg.snap->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] <= 0 ) { angles[ROLL] = 40; angles[PITCH] = -15; //angles[YAW] = cg.snap->ps.stats[STAT_DEAD_YAW]; angles[YAW] = cg_entities[cg.predictedPlayerState.clientNum].pe.legs.yawAngle; origin[2] += cg.predictedPlayerState.viewheight; return; } } // add angles based on weapon kick VectorAdd (angles, cg.kick_angles, angles); // add angles based on damage kick if ( cg.damageTime ) { float ratio = cg.time - cg.damageTime; if ( ratio < DAMAGE_DEFLECT_TIME ) { ratio /= DAMAGE_DEFLECT_TIME; angles[PITCH] += ratio * cg.v_dmg_pitch; angles[ROLL] += ratio * cg.v_dmg_roll; } else { ratio = 1.0 - ( ratio - DAMAGE_DEFLECT_TIME ) / DAMAGE_RETURN_TIME; if ( ratio > 0 ) { angles[PITCH] += ratio * cg.v_dmg_pitch; angles[ROLL] += ratio * cg.v_dmg_roll; } } } // add pitch based on fall kick #if 0 ratio = ( cg.time - cg.landTime) / FALL_TIME; if (ratio < 0) ratio = 0; angles[PITCH] += ratio * cg.fall_value; #endif // add angles based on velocity VectorCopy( cg.predictedPlayerState.velocity, predictedVelocity ); delta = DotProduct ( predictedVelocity, cg.refdef.viewaxis[0]); angles[PITCH] += delta * cg_runpitch.value; delta = DotProduct ( predictedVelocity, cg.refdef.viewaxis[1]); angles[ROLL] -= delta * cg_runroll.value; // add angles based on bob // make sure the bob is visible even at low speeds speed = cg.xyspeed > 200 ? cg.xyspeed : 200; delta = cg.bobfracsin * cg_bobpitch.value * speed; if (cg.predictedPlayerState.pm_flags & PMF_DUCKED) delta *= 3; // crouching angles[PITCH] += delta; delta = cg.bobfracsin * cg_bobroll.value * speed; if (cg.predictedPlayerState.pm_flags & PMF_DUCKED) delta *= 3; // crouching accentuates roll if (cg.bobcycle & 1) delta = -delta; angles[ROLL] += delta; //=================================== // add view height //origin[2] += cg.predictedPlayerState.viewheight; origin[2] += (float)cg.predictedPlayerState.viewheight * cgs.clientinfo[cg.predictedPlayerState.clientNum].height; //TiM: Model system enhancements // smooth out duck height changes timeDelta = cg.time - cg.duckTime; if ( timeDelta < DUCK_TIME) { cg.refdef.vieworg[2] -= cg.duckChange * (DUCK_TIME - timeDelta) / DUCK_TIME; } // add bob height bob = cg.bobfracsin * cg.xyspeed * cg_bobup.value; if (bob > 6) { bob = 6; } origin[2] += bob; // add fall height delta = cg.time - cg.landTime; if ( delta < LAND_DEFLECT_TIME ) { f = delta / LAND_DEFLECT_TIME; cg.refdef.vieworg[2] += cg.landChange * f; } else if ( delta < LAND_DEFLECT_TIME + LAND_RETURN_TIME ) { delta -= LAND_DEFLECT_TIME; f = 1.0 - ( delta / LAND_RETURN_TIME ); cg.refdef.vieworg[2] += cg.landChange * f; } // add step offset CG_StepOffset(); // add kick offset VectorAdd (origin, cg.kick_origin, origin); //TiM : For rotated players //if ( (cg.predictedPlayerEntity.currentState.eFlags & EF_FULL_ROTATE) && Q_fabs( angles[PITCH] ) > 89 ) //angles[ROLL] += 180; // pivot the eye based on a neck length //#if 0 { #define NECK_LENGTH 8//8 vec3_t forward, up; cg.refdef.vieworg[2] -= NECK_LENGTH; AngleVectors( cg.refdefViewAngles, forward, NULL, up ); VectorMA( cg.refdef.vieworg, 3, forward, cg.refdef.vieworg ); VectorMA( cg.refdef.vieworg, NECK_LENGTH, up, cg.refdef.vieworg ); } //#endif } /* ------------------------- CGCam_Shake ------------------------- */ void CG_CameraShake( float intensity, int32_t duration, qboolean addRumbleSound ) { if ( intensity > MAX_SHAKE_INTENSITY ) intensity = MAX_SHAKE_INTENSITY; cg.shake_intensity = intensity; cg.shake_duration = duration; cg.shake_start = cg.time; } /* ------------------------- CG_UpdateShake This doesn't actually affect the camera's info, but passed information instead ------------------------- */ extern void CG_ClientShakeCamera( void ); void CG_UpdateCameraShake( vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles ) { vec3_t curOrigin, curAngle; //moveDir, //vec3_t zero = {0, 0, 0}; float intensity_scale, intensity; //float ranIntensity; float ratio; int32_t i; //TiM - restart a server loop shake if ( cg.shake_duration <= 0 && cg.shake_serverIndex > (cg.time - cgs.levelStartTime ) ) { CG_ClientShakeCamera(); } if ( cg.shake_duration <= 0 ) { //VectorSet( cg.shake_LastOrigin, 0, 0, 0 ); //VectorSet( cg.shake_LastAngle, 0, 0, 0 ); //VectorSet( cg.shake_LerpOrigin, 0, 0, 0 ); //VectorSet( cg.shake_LerpAngle, 0, 0, 0 ); memset( &cg.shake_LastOrigin, 0, sizeof( cg.shake_LastOrigin ) ); memset( &cg.shake_LastAngle, 0, sizeof( cg.shake_LastAngle ) ); memset( &cg.shake_LerpOrigin, 0, sizeof( cg.shake_LerpOrigin ) ); memset( &cg.shake_LerpAngle, 0, sizeof( cg.shake_LerpAngle ) ); return; } //This is designed to try and make it lerp back to normal at the end if ( cg.time > ( cg.shake_start + cg.shake_duration ) ) { cg.shake_intensity = 0; cg.shake_duration = 0; cg.shake_start = 0; return; } //intensity_scale now also takes into account FOV with 90.0 as normal intensity_scale = 1.0f - ( (float) ( cg.time - cg.shake_start ) / (float) cg.shake_duration ) * (cg.refdef.fov_x/90.0f); intensity = cg.shake_intensity * intensity_scale; //LerpCode if ( cg.time > cg.shake_nextLerp ) { VectorCopy( cg.shake_LerpOrigin, cg.shake_LastOrigin ); VectorCopy( cg.shake_LerpAngle, cg.shake_LastAngle ); //ranIntensity = flrandom( ( 10000.0f * ( 1.0f - Q_fabs( intensity ) ) ), ( 30000.0f * ( 1.0f - Q_fabs( intensity ) )) ); cg.shake_lastLerp = cg.shake_nextLerp; //cg.shake_nextLerp = cg.time + (int32_t)ranIntensity; cg.shake_nextLerp = cg.time + irandom( 30, 40 ); if( cg.shake_nextLerp > ( cg.shake_start + cg.shake_duration ) ) { cg.shake_nextLerp = (cg.shake_start + cg.shake_duration); VectorSet( cg.shake_LerpOrigin, 0, 0, 0 ); VectorSet( cg.shake_LerpAngle, 0, 0, 0 ); } else { for (i=0; i < 3; i++ ) { cg.shake_LerpOrigin[i] = ( crandom() * intensity ); cg.shake_LerpAngle[i] = ( crandom() * intensity ); } //If we're moving out of our boundary, away from the player... >.< //clamp it bak in by inverting it for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { if ( ( cg.shake_LerpOrigin[i] + cg.shake_LastOrigin[i] ) > ( origin[i] * intensity ) ) { cg.shake_LerpOrigin[i] = -(cg.shake_LerpOrigin[i]); } if ( ( cg.shake_LerpAngle[i] + cg.shake_LastAngle[i] ) > ( angles[i] * intensity ) ) { cg.shake_LerpAngle[i] = -(cg.shake_LerpAngle[i]); } } /*i = 0; while ( 1 ) { if ( ( cg.shake_LerpOrigin[i] + cg.shake_LastOrigin[i] ) > ( origin[i] * intensity ) || ( cg.shake_LerpAngle[i] + cg.shake_LastAngle[i] ) > ( angles[i] * intensity ) ) { cg.shake_LerpOrigin[i] = crandom() * intensity; cg.shake_LerpAngle[i] = crandom() * intensity; } else { if ( i == 2 ) { break; } } i++; if ( i == 3 ) { i= 0; } }*/ } } //Com_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "NextLerp: %i, origin = { %f, %f, %f }\n", cg.shake_nextLerp, origin[0], origin[1], origin[2] ); //FIXME: Lerp //TiM : Doing that ratio = ((float)( cg.time - cg.shake_lastLerp ) / (float)( cg.shake_nextLerp - cg.shake_lastLerp ) ); if (ratio < 0 ) ratio = 0.0f; else if (ratio > 1 ) ratio = 1.0f; for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { curOrigin[i] = ratio * (float)( (origin[i] + cg.shake_LerpOrigin[i] ) - ( origin[i] + cg.shake_LastOrigin[i] ) ); //origin } //Move the camera //VectorAdd( origin, curOrigin, origin ); VectorAdd( origin, cg.shake_LastOrigin, origin ); VectorAdd( origin, curOrigin, origin ); /*for ( i=0; i < 3; i++ ) moveDir[i] = ( crandom() * intensity );*/ for ( i =0; i < 3; i++ ) { curAngle[i] = ratio * (float)( ( angles[i] + cg.shake_LerpAngle[i] ) - ( angles[i] + cg.shake_LastAngle[i] ) ); //angles } //FIXME: Lerp //Move the angles //VectorAdd( angles, curAngle, angles ); VectorAdd( angles, cg.shake_LastAngle, angles ); VectorAdd( angles, curAngle, angles ); //Com_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "ratio: %f, origin = { %f, %f, %f }\n", ratio, origin[0], origin[1], origin[2] ); } //====================================================================== void CG_ZoomDown_f( void ) { //if we're not holding a rifle or TR-116, don't draw if ( !( cg.snap->ps.weapon == WP_6 || cg.snap->ps.weapon == WP_7 ) ) { cg.zoomed = qfalse; cg.zoomLocked = qfalse; return; } /*if ( cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_CLASS] == PC_NOCLASS || cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_CLASS] != PC_SECURITY && cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_CLASS] != PC_ALPHAOMEGA22 && cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_CLASS] != PC_ADMIN ) {//in a class-based game, only these can zoom cg.zoomed = qfalse; cg.zoomLocked = qfalse; return; }*/ // The zoom hasn't been started yet, so do it now if ( !cg.zoomed ) { cg.zoomLocked = qfalse; cg.zoomed = qtrue; cg_zoomFov.value = cg_fov.value; cg.zoomTime = cg.time; if ( cg.snap->ps.weapon == WP_7 ) { trap_S_StartSound( cg.refdef.vieworg, ENTITYNUM_WORLD, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.zoomStart116 ); } else { trap_S_StartSound( cg.refdef.vieworg, ENTITYNUM_WORLD, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.zoomStart ); } return; } // Can only snap out of the zoom mode if it has already been locked (CG_ZoomUp_f has been called) if ( cg.zoomLocked ) { // Snap out of zoom mode cg.zoomed = qfalse; cg.zoomTime = cg.time; if ( cg.snap->ps.weapon == WP_7 ) { trap_S_StartSound( cg.refdef.vieworg, ENTITYNUM_WORLD, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.zoomEnd116 ); } else { trap_S_StartSound( cg.refdef.vieworg, ENTITYNUM_WORLD, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.zoomEnd ); } } } void CG_ZoomUp_f( void ) { if ( cg.zoomed ) { // Freeze the zoom mode cg.zoomLocked = qtrue; } } /* ==================== CG_CalcFov Fixed fov at intermissions, otherwise account for fov variable and zooms. ==================== */ #define WAVE_AMPLITUDE 1 #define WAVE_FREQUENCY 0.4 #define FOV_MAX 120 static int32_t CG_CalcFov( void ) { float x; int32_t contents; float fov_x, fov_y; int32_t inwater; qboolean warpEffect=qfalse; if ( cg.predictedPlayerState.pm_type == PM_INTERMISSION ) { // if in intermission, use a fixed value fov_x = 90; } else { // user selectable if ( cgs.dmflags & DF_FIXED_FOV ) { // dmflag to prevent wide fov for all clients fov_x = 80; } else { fov_x = cg_fov.value; if ( fov_x < 1 ) { fov_x = 1; } else if ( fov_x > FOV_MAX ) { fov_x = FOV_MAX; } } // account for zooms float zoomFov = cg_zoomFov.value; if ( zoomFov < 1 ) { zoomFov = 1; } else if ( zoomFov > FOV_MAX) { zoomFov = FOV_MAX; } // Disable zooming when in third person if ( cg.zoomed && !cg.renderingThirdPerson ) { if ( !cg.zoomLocked ) { // Interpolate current zoom level cg_zoomFov.value = cg_fov.value - ((float)( cg.time - cg.zoomTime ) / ZOOM_IN_TIME + ZOOM_START_PERCENT) * ( cg_fov.value - MAX_ZOOM_FOV ); // Clamp zoomFov if ( cg_zoomFov.value < MAX_ZOOM_FOV ) { cg_zoomFov.value = MAX_ZOOM_FOV; } else if ( cg_zoomFov.value > cg_fov.value ) { cg_zoomFov.value = cg_fov.value; } else {//still zooming static int32_t zoomSoundTime = 0; if ( zoomSoundTime < cg.time ) { trap_S_StartSound( cg.refdef.vieworg, ENTITYNUM_WORLD, CHAN_LOCAL, cgs.media.zoomLoop ); zoomSoundTime = cg.time + 300; } } } fov_x = cg_zoomFov.value; } else { float f = ( cg.time - cg.zoomTime ) / (float)ZOOM_OUT_TIME; if ( f <= 1.0 ) { fov_x = zoomFov + f * ( fov_x - zoomFov ); } } } /*if (cg.predictedPlayerState.introTime > cg.time) { // The stuff is "holodecking in". fov_x = 80; }*/ x = cg.refdef.width / tan( fov_x / 360 * M_PI ); fov_y = atan2( cg.refdef.height, x ); fov_y = fov_y * 360 / M_PI; // warp if underwater //TiM Also do it if we're critically injured contents = CG_PointContents( cg.refdef.vieworg, -1 ); warpEffect = static_cast(( contents & ( CONTENTS_WATER | CONTENTS_SLIME | CONTENTS_LAVA ) ) || ( !cg.renderingThirdPerson && cg.predictedPlayerState.stats[STAT_HEALTH] <= INJURED_MODE_HEALTH && cg.predictedPlayerState.stats[STAT_HEALTH] > 1 )); if ( warpEffect ){ //phase = cg.time / 1000.0 * WAVE_FREQUENCY * M_PI * 2; float phase = cg.time * 0.001 * WAVE_FREQUENCY * M_PI * 2; float v = WAVE_AMPLITUDE * sin( phase ); fov_x += v; fov_y -= v; inwater = qtrue; } else { inwater = qfalse; } // set it cg.refdef.fov_x = fov_x; cg.refdef.fov_y = fov_y; if ( !cg.zoomed ) { cg.zoomSensitivity = 1; } else { cg.zoomSensitivity = cg.refdef.fov_y / 75.0; } return inwater; } /* =============== CG_CalcViewValues Sets cg.refdef view values =============== */ static int32_t CG_CalcViewValues( void ) { playerState_t *ps; memset( &cg.refdef, 0, sizeof( cg.refdef ) ); // strings for in game rendering // Q_strncpyz( cg.refdef.text[0], "Park Ranger", sizeof(cg.refdef.text[0]) ); // Q_strncpyz( cg.refdef.text[1], "19", sizeof(cg.refdef.text[1]) ); // calculate size of 3D view CG_CalcVrect(); ps = &cg.predictedPlayerState; // intermission view if ( ps->pm_type == PM_INTERMISSION ) { VectorCopy( ps->origin, cg.refdef.vieworg ); VectorCopy( ps->viewangles, cg.refdefViewAngles ); AnglesToAxis( cg.refdefViewAngles, cg.refdef.viewaxis ); return CG_CalcFov(); } cg.bobcycle = ( ps->bobCycle & 128 ) >> 7; cg.bobfracsin = fabs( sin( ( ps->bobCycle & 127 ) / 127.0 * M_PI ) ); cg.xyspeed = sqrt( ps->velocity[0] * ps->velocity[0] + ps->velocity[1] * ps->velocity[1] ); VectorCopy( ps->origin, cg.refdef.vieworg ); VectorCopy( ps->viewangles, cg.refdefViewAngles ); // add error decay if ( cg_errorDecay.value > 0 ) { int32_t t; float f; t = cg.time - cg.predictedErrorTime; f = ( cg_errorDecay.value - t ) / cg_errorDecay.value; if ( f > 0 && f < 1 ) { VectorMA( cg.refdef.vieworg, f, cg.predictedError, cg.refdef.vieworg ); } else { cg.predictedErrorTime = 0; } } if ( cg.renderingThirdPerson && ps->pm_type != PM_CCAM ) { // back away from character CG_OffsetThirdPersonView(); } else { // offset for local bobbing and kicks CG_OffsetFirstPersonView(); } // shake the camera if necessary CG_UpdateCameraShake( cg.refdef.vieworg, cg.refdefViewAngles ); // position eye reletive to origin AnglesToAxis( cg.refdefViewAngles, cg.refdef.viewaxis ); //TiM - As far as I can see, all this does is cause flashy //effects on-screen when a player teleports the hide the delay. //This probably doesn't really apply to us now... /*if ( cg.hyperspace ) { cg.refdef.rdflags |= RDF_NOWORLDMODEL | RDF_HYPERSPACE; }*/ // field of view return CG_CalcFov(); } /* ===================== CG_PowerupTimerSounds ===================== */ /*static void CG_PowerupTimerSounds( void ) { int32_t i; int32_t t; // powerup timers going away for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_POWERUPS ; i++ ) { t = cg.snap->ps.powerups[i]; // kef -- hack hack hack. additionally, hack. if ( (PW_OUCH == i) || (PW_GHOST == i) ) { continue; } if ( t <= cg.time ) { continue; } if ( t - cg.time >= POWERUP_BLINKS * POWERUP_BLINK_TIME ) { continue; } if ( ( t - cg.time ) / POWERUP_BLINK_TIME != ( t - cg.oldTime ) / POWERUP_BLINK_TIME ) { //trap_S_StartSound( NULL, cg.snap->ps.clientNum, CHAN_ITEM, cgs.media.wearOffSound ); } } }*/ //========================================================================= /* ============= CG_IntroModel This is when the player is starting the level. ============= */ /*void CG_AddIntroModel(playerState_t *ps, int32_t time) { static int32_t soundpoint=0, lasttime=999999; refEntity_t doorbox; float alpha; byte a; //char pClass[MAX_QPATH]; //char pRank[MAX_QPATH]; if (lasttime > time) { // Restart everything. soundpoint=0; } lasttime=time; // add the model memset( &doorbox, 0, sizeof( doorbox ) ); VectorCopy( cg.refdef.vieworg, doorbox.lightingOrigin ); doorbox.shaderRGBA[0] = 255; doorbox.shaderRGBA[1] = 255; doorbox.shaderRGBA[2] = 255; doorbox.shaderRGBA[3] = 255; doorbox.hModel = cgs.media.doorbox; if (!doorbox.hModel) { return; } VectorMA(cg.refdef.vieworg, 25, cg.refdef.viewaxis[0], doorbox.origin); VectorMA(doorbox.origin, -35, cg.refdef.viewaxis[2], doorbox.origin); AnglesToAxis(cg.refdefViewAngles, doorbox.axis); VectorScale(doorbox.axis[0], -1.0, doorbox.axis[0]); VectorScale(doorbox.axis[1], -1.0, doorbox.axis[1]); if (soundpoint <= 0) { // First part... "Prepare to compete." if (time >= TIME_INIT) { soundpoint = 1; trap_S_StartSound( cg.refdef.vieworg, ENTITYNUM_WORLD, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.holoInitSound ); } doorbox.frame = 0; } else if (soundpoint == 1) { // Second part... Open door after "prepare". if (time >= TIME_DOOR_START) { soundpoint = 2; trap_S_StartSound( cg.refdef.vieworg, ENTITYNUM_WORLD, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.holoDoorSound ); } doorbox.frame = 0; } else if (soundpoint == 2) { // Third part... Fade in after opening door. if (time >= TIME_FADE_START) { soundpoint = 3; trap_S_StartSound( cg.refdef.vieworg, ENTITYNUM_WORLD, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.holoFadeSound ); doorbox.frame = FRAMES_DOOR-1; } else { doorbox.frame = ((float)(time - TIME_DOOR_START) / 100.0) + 1; if (doorbox.frame >= FRAMES_DOOR) { doorbox.frame=FRAMES_DOOR-1; } else { doorbox.oldframe = doorbox.frame-1; doorbox.backlerp = (float)(doorbox.frame) - ((float)(time - TIME_DOOR_START) / 100.0); } } } else { // Final part... Fade out the model. alpha = 1.0 - ((float)(time - TIME_FADE_START) / (float)TIME_FADE_DUR); if (alpha<0.0) { alpha=0.0; } a=255.0*alpha; if (a<=0) { // An alpha of zero defaults to opaque... Makes sense, why even send something that is 100% transparent? a=1; } doorbox.shaderRGBA[0] = 255; doorbox.shaderRGBA[1] = 255; doorbox.shaderRGBA[2] = 255; doorbox.shaderRGBA[3] = a; doorbox.frame = FRAMES_DOOR-1; } doorbox.renderfx |= (RF_DEPTHHACK|RF_FORCE_ENT_ALPHA|RF_FULLBRIGHT); trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene(&doorbox); }*/ void CG_DrawEVAHelmet ( playerState_t *ps ) { refEntity_t helmet; if ( !ps->powerups[PW_EVOSUIT] && !( cgs.clientinfo[ps->clientNum].isHazardModel && ps->powerups[PW_BOLTON] ) ) { return; } memset( &helmet, 0, sizeof(helmet) ); VectorCopy( ps->origin, helmet.lightingOrigin ); helmet.renderfx = RF_LIGHTING_ORIGIN | RF_DEPTHHACK | RF_FIRST_PERSON; helmet.hModel = cgs.media.evaInterior; if ( !helmet.hModel ) { CG_Printf("EVA Helmet Model not found\n"); return; } VectorCopy( cg.refdef.vieworg, helmet.origin ); AxisCopy( cg.refdef.viewaxis, helmet.axis ); VectorMA( helmet.origin, 6, cg.refdef.viewaxis[0], helmet.origin ); CG_AddRefEntityWithPowerups( &helmet, cg.predictedPlayerEntity.currentState.powerups, cg.predictedPlayerEntity.currentState.eFlags, &cg.predictedPlayerEntity.beamData, cg.predictedPlayerEntity.cloakTime, cg.predictedPlayerEntity.decloakTime, qfalse ); } //========================================================================= /* ================= CG_DrawActiveFrame Generates and draws a game scene and status information at the given time. ================= */ void CG_DrawActiveFrame( int32_t serverTime, stereoFrame_t stereoView, qboolean demoPlayback ) { int32_t inwater; char cvarYaw[16]; //an uber long floating point value lol float yaw; cg.time = serverTime; cg.demoPlayback = demoPlayback; //RPG-X: TiM - Set up for giant uber rant. //GARRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ->O_O<- //Here's me looking at the BFP mod, wondering how the gravynuggets they managed //to flip the yaw value when the players rotated beyond the normal view axis. //I developed a totally l33tzor rotational offset algorithm that came oh so close //to working, but after noticing a little inconsistancy in their rotation ingame, I realised //all they did was change the player's mouse yaw CVAR to invert!!!! O_O //Ohhhhh I just lost several years of my life and the use of my wrists..... //Probably just as well we disabled the RPG-X online webcam... that wasn't pretty. O_o //load our yaw value trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( "m_yaw", cvarYaw, sizeof( cvarYaw ) ); yaw = atof ( cvarYaw ); if ( cg.predictedPlayerEntity.currentState.eFlags & EF_FULL_ROTATE && Q_fabs( cg.predictedPlayerEntity.lerpAngles[PITCH] ) > 89.0f ) { if ( yaw > 0.0f ) { //yaw = -yaw; //trap_Cvar_Set( "m_yaw", va( "%f", yaw ) ); trap_Cvar_Set( "m_yaw", va( "-%s", cvarYaw ) ); //CG_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "%f\n", yaw ); } } else { //ugh... I hope no one plays with their yaws inverted. >.< This MAY need to be CVAR controlled if ( yaw < 0.0f ) { char *tmp = cvarYaw; if ( tmp[0] == '-') tmp++; //erase the neg sign //trap_Cvar_Set( "m_yaw", va( "%f", Q_fabs( yaw ) ) ); trap_Cvar_Set( "m_yaw", va( "%s", tmp ) ); } } // update cvars CG_UpdateCvars(); // if we are only updating the screen as a loading // pacifier, don't even try to read snapshots if ( cg.infoScreenText[0] != 0 ) { CG_DrawInformation(); return; } // any looped sounds will be respecified as entities // are added to the render list trap_S_ClearLoopingSounds(); // clear all the render lists trap_R_ClearScene(); // set up cg.snap and possibly cg.nextSnap CG_ProcessSnapshots(); // if we haven't received any snapshots yet, all // we can draw is the information screen if ( !cg.snap || ( cg.snap->snapFlags & SNAPFLAG_NOT_ACTIVE ) ) { CG_DrawInformation(); return; } // let the client system know what our weapon and zoom settings are trap_SetUserCmdValue( cg.weaponSelect, cg.zoomSensitivity ); // this counter will be bumped for every valid scene we generate cg.clientFrame++; // update cg.predictedPlayerState CG_PredictPlayerState(); // decide on third person view cg.renderingThirdPerson = static_cast(( cg_thirdPerson.integer && !cg.zoomed && cg.predictedPlayerState.pm_type != PM_SPECTATOR ) || (cg.snap->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] <= 1 )); //TiM - So we'll always be first person in zooming //0 // build cg.refdef inwater = CG_CalcViewValues(); // first person blend blobs, done after AnglesToAxis if ( !cg.renderingThirdPerson ) { CG_DrawFullScreenFX(); CG_DrawEVAHelmet( &cg.predictedPlayerState ); } // build the render lists if ( !cg.hyperspace ) { CG_AddPacketEntities(); // adter calcViewValues, so predicted player state is correct CG_AddMarks(); CG_AddLocalEntities(); } /*if (cg.predictedPlayerState.introTime > cg.time) { // Render the holodeck doors CG_AddIntroModel(&cg.predictedPlayerState, TIME_INTRO - (cg.predictedPlayerState.introTime - cg.time)); }*/ CG_AddViewWeapon( &cg.predictedPlayerState ); // finish up the rest of the refdef if ( cg.testModelEntity.hModel ) { CG_AddTestModel(); } cg.refdef.time = cg.time; memcpy( cg.refdef.areamask, cg.snap->areamask, sizeof( cg.refdef.areamask ) ); // update audio positions trap_S_Respatialize( cg.snap->ps.clientNum, cg.refdef.vieworg, cg.refdef.viewaxis, inwater ); // warning sounds when powerup is wearing off //TiM - Not really needed :P //CG_PowerupTimerSounds(); // make sure the lagometerSample and frame timing isn't done twice when in stereo if ( stereoView != STEREO_RIGHT ) { cg.frametime = cg.time - cg.oldTime; if ( cg.frametime < 0 ) { cg.frametime = 0; } cg.oldTime = cg.time; CG_AddLagometerFrameInfo(); } // actually issue the rendering calls CG_DrawActive( stereoView ); if ( cg_stats.integer ) { CG_Printf( "cg.clientFrame:%i\n", cg.clientFrame ); } //TiM - Reset the lerp code at the end of this frame. if ( cg.thirdPersonNoLerp ) cg.thirdPersonNoLerp = qfalse; }