*entity.FindMMB(vector origin) that will loop trougt all MMB's and return the one that is matching the input with it's s.origin
*qmath.irandom(int i, int j) and qmath.flrandom(float i, float j) that are returning a random number of their type within the intervall specified by i and j
*started redesigning all the definitions. I'll get back to this once I'm back from work in 4 hrs or so.
Signed-off-by: Harry Young <hendrik.gerritzen@googlemail.com>
fixed a bug in game.print that would not make the string appear
added a new function entity.MMBRefit that will fit misc_model_breakables on SP maps only (made sure of that) with splashDamage, splashRadius and material/s.powerups
I will extend and tune this one as nessessary for other models
The Borg Maps already make use of this new feature, along with some minor fixes.
Signed-off-by: Harry Young <hendrik.gerritzen@googlemail.com>