* Fixed precaching on client side
* added generatePrecacheFile command on server side that will generate a
new precache file (not quite done yet but it'll work for now)
* removed some debuging outputs from G_LoadTimedMessages
* fixed check for '}' beeing on the worng place in G_LoadTimedMessages
there seems to be an issue with the way I selected to transfer the countdown duration to the client (via event)
In server side Execution I run by the g_addevent just fine, however on the client side the event is not called.
there is also a new definition for trigger_airlock.
Signed-off-by: Harry Young <hendrik.gerritzen@googlemail.com>
* README of entityDefParser now contains build instructions for linux,
mac, and windows
* added first version of luaDefParser (for now it just lexes the file
and outputs what it found. In future I want it to output a lyx file)
On the way merged target_postiton with info_notnull
Also added a failsafe to target_selfdestruct so it can only be commandspawned
Signed-off-by: Harry Young <hendrik.gerritzen@googlemail.com>
Added a few comments on the way.
remmoved files for func_forcefiled2 and func_roff_mover as they were absolutely never used and were not included in any makefile.
collapsed some functions that were redundant to each other
did some work on misc_portal_camers/surface (untested)
did some very needed updates to the descriptions
redesigned the spawning and initialising of the surface in that it now has a few more failsafes
Added the ability to pause autocycle
Signed-off-by: Harry Young <hendrik.gerritzen@googlemail.com>
Added an example for a parseable comment describing a Lua function (mover.AsTrain).
Add some point all comments should look like this. I'm writing a program that'll parse them and convert them into latex.
UI displays status of all systems connected to it's parent target-shiphealth
There is also a slide for relative health
It does not auto update.
Up next I'll try the HUD-Element.
Signed-off-by: Harry Young <hendrik.gerritzen@googlemail.com>
*Fixed Communication between server and UI
-Turned out the CG_Argv() and UI_Argv() couldn't handle 9 requests at once, so I defaulted back to direct trapping.
*Fixed bug that was looking for some Vars in the wrong fields.
*Added a few new shaders to get the alert lights to work. stuff for that will be uploaded tomorrow.
*Implemented alert lights on the MSD-UI (works perfectly)
*Added Description of a new feature to target_shiphealth (Custom MSD-Ship Display)
*Added Alexander Richardson as 2D Artist to credits (I will supply his MSD's for the new system)
*Fixed ui_transporter (It accidently got killed)
Signed-off-by: Harry Young <hendrik.gerritzen@googlemail.com>
For Head Start I ripped the Transporter UI and associated entities
I have already started to work on it's first display function, the Alert Condition,
however it seems that I am losing my int's somewhere on the path,
probably on handover between cgame and ui sections (ui_atoms.c)
Signed-off-by: Harry Young <hendrik.gerritzen@googlemail.com>
* made sure Lua GarbageCollector gets rid of finished lua threads (or at
least I hope so)
* changed timed message to be stored in a struct as the list isn't safe
to use with char*
* changed parser and format for timedmessages.cfg
Updated more definitions
Started to work on an entity that manages the 2-part-elevator
Spawnfunc on that works fine (including failsafes)
but thinkfunc buggs out on me (can't say I'm surprised, first time I'm working on trajectories in this way)
I think the problem lies in transfering the hardcoded vectorized speed to the entity.
spawn-nextthink is set to -1 for now.
Signed-off-by: Harry Young <hendrik.gerritzen@googlemail.com>
*entity.FindMMB(vector origin) that will loop trougt all MMB's and return the one that is matching the input with it's s.origin
*qmath.irandom(int i, int j) and qmath.flrandom(float i, float j) that are returning a random number of their type within the intervall specified by i and j
*started redesigning all the definitions. I'll get back to this once I'm back from work in 4 hrs or so.
Signed-off-by: Harry Young <hendrik.gerritzen@googlemail.com>
Im my desire to make sure every command was adminprotected I killed the commands communicating with the trigger...
I reverted that and added SQLF_BEAM as a check for restricted destination clearance
Signed-off-by: Harry Young <hendrik.gerritzen@googlemail.com>
* added lua function SetAngles2 to mover lib
* Added work around for func_breakables without origin brush
* Set angles2 to origin (note determin in Radiant)
* Set n00bcount to approx radius of the entity
* add spawnflag NOORIGIN (512)
* removed unused cvars and related code
* moved rpg_message cvars into timedmessages.cfg and removed the cvars
* modified list module to support cyclic list access
* Fixed repair function for func_breakables
* Added possibility to visualize traces (add flag 2 to value of
* Removed debug message for func_breakables
fixed a bug in game.print that would not make the string appear
added a new function entity.MMBRefit that will fit misc_model_breakables on SP maps only (made sure of that) with splashDamage, splashRadius and material/s.powerups
I will extend and tune this one as nessessary for other models
The Borg Maps already make use of this new feature, along with some minor fixes.
Signed-off-by: Harry Young <hendrik.gerritzen@googlemail.com>
selfdestructcountdown wouldn't blow. Moved safezonetrigger to 0.1 secs and at another position, to compensate.
selfdestructcountdown will no longer play no futher audiowarning sounds
Signed-off-by: Harry Young <hendrik.gerritzen@googlemail.com>
Added a new command selfdestructcountdown duration [safezone] [target]
It'll do exactly the same as selfdestruct start with the exception that it'll force the entity to think every 0.1 secs. to not do this accidently It got it's own command.
It uses the cp-command for display and disables admin_centerprint autoamtically.
On a more general selfdestruct note I got rid of those long warning sentences in favour of ^1Self Destruct in %.0f:%2.0f
Signed-off-by: Harry Young <hendrik.gerritzen@googlemail.com>
Put the commands for client parameter manipulation and sound/music in one flag each.
Used the now empty flags to add in shiphealth etc. and debugging tools
added missing ')' in selfdestruct command
also fixed a compiler warning for a possibly undefined variable in shiphealth command
Signed-off-by: Harry Young <hendrik.gerritzen@googlemail.com>
New command safezonelist that lists all safezones in existance.
It returns their targetnames, state (safe/unsafe) and theuir shipflag.
Minor fix to target_shiphealth so it now frees than links when there are missing parameters.
Signed-off-by: Harry Young <hendrik.gerritzen@googlemail.com>
Modified all of them to bertter support maps like rpg_runabout with more than one ship
both selfdestruct and shiphealth now allow for a safezones targetname to be added that is freed before called to list
that required modifications to the associated commands.
Now selfdestruct start asks for a safezone as it's 2nd to last argument and requires it if any safezone is spawnflaged as SHIP
shipdamage now has a 2nd argument that specifies the healthEnt it shall deal to. It requires that argument if it finds at least 2 healthEnts
shiphealth now displays the status of all healthEnts that exist and displays it's targetname in line one of the output
There ar also a few other things associated with this (e.g. healthEnt now frees at spawn if it misses required parameters)
Expanded description of target_safezone
Signed-off-by: Harry Young <hendrik.gerritzen@googlemail.com>