Modified all of them to bertter support maps like rpg_runabout with more than one ship
both selfdestruct and shiphealth now allow for a safezones targetname to be added that is freed before called to list
that required modifications to the associated commands.
Now selfdestruct start asks for a safezone as it's 2nd to last argument and requires it if any safezone is spawnflaged as SHIP
shipdamage now has a 2nd argument that specifies the healthEnt it shall deal to. It requires that argument if it finds at least 2 healthEnts
shiphealth now displays the status of all healthEnts that exist and displays it's targetname in line one of the output
There ar also a few other things associated with this (e.g. healthEnt now frees at spawn if it misses required parameters)
Expanded description of target_safezone
Signed-off-by: Harry Young <>
fixed drip-entity (was stowing duration in wrong state-var)
fixed defaultstate for chunks-entity (material was 0 = none, fixed to 1 = metal)
disabled spawnfunction for all non-functional SP-Ports (I might look into them gain... maybe I just need to find their shaders)
Signed-off-by: Harry Young <>
- fixed compile errors while compiling the engine
- fixed a warning while compiling the engine
- modified Makefile to compile client, server and shared libs by default