mirror of
synced 2025-03-17 16:12:13 +00:00
Renamed and moved RPG-X related g_team.c functions to g_client.c
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 257 additions and 259 deletions
@ -2457,4 +2457,252 @@ qboolean IsAdmin( gentity_t *ent)
Report a location for the player. Uses placed nearby target_location entities
gentity_t *G_Client_GetLocation(gentity_t *ent)
gentity_t *eloc, *best;
float bestlen, len;
vec3_t origin;
best = NULL;
bestlen = 3*8192.0*8192.0;
VectorCopy( ent->r.currentOrigin, origin );
for (eloc = level.locationHead; eloc; eloc = eloc->nextTrain) {
len = ( origin[0] - eloc->r.currentOrigin[0] ) * ( origin[0] - eloc->r.currentOrigin[0] )
+ ( origin[1] - eloc->r.currentOrigin[1] ) * ( origin[1] - eloc->r.currentOrigin[1] )
+ ( origin[2] - eloc->r.currentOrigin[2] ) * ( origin[2] - eloc->r.currentOrigin[2] );
if ( len > bestlen ) {
if ( !trap_InPVS( origin, eloc->r.currentOrigin ) ) {
bestlen = len;
best = eloc;
return best;
Report a location for the player. Uses placed nearby target_location entities
qboolean G_Client_GetLocationMsg(gentity_t *ent, char *loc, int loclen)
gentity_t *best;
best = G_Client_GetLocation( ent );
if (!best)
return qfalse;
if (best->count) {
if (best->count < 0)
best->count = 0;
if (best->count > 7)
best->count = 7;
Com_sprintf(loc, loclen, "%c%c%s" S_COLOR_WHITE, Q_COLOR_ESCAPE, best->count + '0', best->message );
} else
Com_sprintf(loc, loclen, "%s", best->message);
return qtrue;
Sends Health Changes to proper clients
clientNum health
void G_Client_CheckHealthInfoMessage( void )
char entry[1024];
char string[1400];
int stringlength;
int i, j, t;
gentity_t *player, *ent;
int sendToCnt, cnt, sentCnt;
int h;
int clients[MAX_CLIENTS];
int sendToClients[MAX_CLIENTS];
//only send this to medics or spectators or adminz
for (i = 0, sendToCnt = 0; i < g_maxclients.integer; i++)
if ( level.clients[i].pers.connected == CON_CONNECTED && level.clients[i].ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] > 0 &&//make sure they've actually spawned in already
(level.clients[i].sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_SPECTATOR || g_classData[level.clients[i].sess.sessionClass].isMedical || g_classData[level.clients[i].sess.sessionClass].isAdmin ) )
sendToClients[sendToCnt++] = i;
if ( !sendToCnt )
{//no-one to send to
//only send those clients whose health has changed this cycle
//NB: there's a prob with client 0 in here....
for (i = 0, cnt = 0; i < g_maxclients.integer; i++)
player = g_entities + i;
if ( player->inuse && player->old_health != player->health && ( player->health > 0 || player->old_health > 0 ))
clients[cnt++] = i;
player->old_health = player->health;
if ( !cnt )
{//no-one relevant changed health
for ( t = 0; t < sendToCnt; t++ )
ent = g_entities + sendToClients[t];
sentCnt = 0;
// send the latest information on all clients
string[0] = 0;
stringlength = 0;
for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
player = g_entities + clients[i];
if ( ent == player )
{//don't send the ent his own health
//send this one
h = player->health;
if (h < 0) h = 0;
Com_sprintf (entry, sizeof(entry), " %i %i", clients[i], h);
j = strlen(entry);
if (stringlength + j > sizeof(string))
strcpy (string + stringlength, entry);
stringlength += j;
if ( sentCnt )
trap_SendServerCommand( sendToClients[t], va("hinfo %i%s", sentCnt, string) );
//TiM - Modified to work with RPG-X
void G_Client_CheckClientStatus(void)
int i;
gentity_t *loc, *ent;
if (level.time - level.lastTeamLocationTime > TEAM_LOCATION_UPDATE_TIME) {
level.lastTeamLocationTime = level.time;
for (i = 0; i < g_maxclients.integer; i++) {
ent = g_entities + i;
if (ent->inuse) {
loc = G_Client_GetLocation( ent );
if (loc)
ent->client->pers.teamState.location = loc->health;
ent->client->pers.teamState.location = 0;
for (i = 0; i < g_maxclients.integer; i++) {
ent = g_entities + i;
if (ent->inuse) {
G_Client_LocationsMessage( ent );
clientNum location health armor weapon powerups
void G_Client_LocationsMessage( gentity_t *ent ) {
char entry[1024];
char string[1400];
int stringlength;
int i, j;
gentity_t *player;
int cnt;
//don't bother sending during intermission?
if ( level.intermissiontime )
// figure out what client should be on the display
// we are limited to 8, but we want to use the top eight players
// but in client order (so they don't keep changing position on the overlay)
for (i = 0, cnt = 0; i < g_maxclients.integer && cnt < TEAM_MAXOVERLAY; i++) {
player = g_entities + level.sortedClients[i];
if (player->inuse && player->client->sess.sessionTeam ==
ent->client->sess.sessionTeam ) {
// send the latest information on all clients
string[0] = 0;
stringlength = 0;
for (i = 0, cnt = 0; i < g_maxclients.integer && cnt < TEAM_MAXOVERLAY; i++) {
player = g_entities + i;
//RPG-X | Phenix | 05/03/2005
if (player->inuse) {
//to counter for the fact we could pwn the server doing this, remove all superfluous data
Com_sprintf (entry, sizeof(entry), " %i %i ", i, player->client->pers.teamState.location);
j = strlen(entry);
if (stringlength + j > sizeof(string))
strcpy (string + stringlength, entry);
stringlength += j;
trap_SendServerCommand( ent-g_entities, va("tinfo %i%s", cnt, string) );
@ -1548,7 +1548,7 @@ static void G_Say( gentity_t *ent, gentity_t *target, int mode, const char *chat
if (Team_GetLocationMsg(ent, location, sizeof(location)) && tarPers)
if (G_Client_GetLocationMsg(ent, location, sizeof(location)) && tarPers)
Com_sprintf (name, sizeof(name), "[%s%c%c] [%s] (%s): ", entPers->netname, Q_COLOR_ESCAPE, COLOR_WHITE, tarPers->netname, location );
else if(tarPers)
Com_sprintf (name, sizeof(name), "[%s%c%c ^7To %s^7]: ", entPers->netname, Q_COLOR_ESCAPE, COLOR_WHITE, tarPers->netname );
@ -920,6 +920,9 @@ qboolean SpotWouldTelefrag( gentity_t *spot );
void ClientWeaponsForClass ( gclient_t *client, pclass_t pclass );
void ClientHoldablesForClass ( gclient_t *client, pclass_t pclass );
void G_StoreClientInitialStatus( gentity_t *ent );
qboolean G_Client_GetLocationMsg(gentity_t *ent, char *loc, int loclen);
void G_Client_CheckClientStatus(void);
void G_Client_LocationsMessage( gentity_t *ent );
// g_svcmds.c
@ -2753,8 +2753,8 @@ void G_RunFrame( int levelTime ) {
// see if it is time to end the level
// update to team status?
// update to client status?
// cancel vote if timed out
@ -21,260 +21,10 @@ const char *TeamColorString(int team) {
Report a location for the player. Uses placed nearby target_location entities
gentity_t *Team_GetLocation(gentity_t *ent)
gentity_t *eloc, *best;
float bestlen, len;
vec3_t origin;
best = NULL;
bestlen = 3*8192.0*8192.0;
VectorCopy( ent->r.currentOrigin, origin );
for (eloc = level.locationHead; eloc; eloc = eloc->nextTrain) {
len = ( origin[0] - eloc->r.currentOrigin[0] ) * ( origin[0] - eloc->r.currentOrigin[0] )
+ ( origin[1] - eloc->r.currentOrigin[1] ) * ( origin[1] - eloc->r.currentOrigin[1] )
+ ( origin[2] - eloc->r.currentOrigin[2] ) * ( origin[2] - eloc->r.currentOrigin[2] );
if ( len > bestlen ) {
if ( !trap_InPVS( origin, eloc->r.currentOrigin ) ) {
bestlen = len;
best = eloc;
return best;
Report a location for the player. Uses placed nearby target_location entities
qboolean Team_GetLocationMsg(gentity_t *ent, char *loc, int loclen)
gentity_t *best;
best = Team_GetLocation( ent );
if (!best)
return qfalse;
if (best->count) {
if (best->count < 0)
best->count = 0;
if (best->count > 7)
best->count = 7;
Com_sprintf(loc, loclen, "%c%c%s" S_COLOR_WHITE, Q_COLOR_ESCAPE, best->count + '0', best->message );
} else
Com_sprintf(loc, loclen, "%s", best->message);
return qtrue;
Sends Health Changes to proper clients
clientNum health
void CheckHealthInfoMessage( void )
char entry[1024];
char string[1400];
int stringlength;
int i, j, t;
gentity_t *player, *ent;
int sendToCnt, cnt, sentCnt;
int h;
int clients[MAX_CLIENTS];
int sendToClients[MAX_CLIENTS];
//only send this to medics or spectators or adminz
for (i = 0, sendToCnt = 0; i < g_maxclients.integer; i++)
if ( level.clients[i].pers.connected == CON_CONNECTED && level.clients[i].ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] > 0 &&//make sure they've actually spawned in already
(level.clients[i].sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_SPECTATOR || g_classData[level.clients[i].sess.sessionClass].isMedical || g_classData[level.clients[i].sess.sessionClass].isAdmin ) )
sendToClients[sendToCnt++] = i;
if ( !sendToCnt )
{//no-one to send to
//only send those clients whose health has changed this cycle
//NB: there's a prob with client 0 in here....
for (i = 0, cnt = 0; i < g_maxclients.integer; i++)
player = g_entities + i;
if ( player->inuse && player->old_health != player->health && ( player->health > 0 || player->old_health > 0 ))
clients[cnt++] = i;
player->old_health = player->health;
if ( !cnt )
{//no-one relevant changed health
for ( t = 0; t < sendToCnt; t++ )
ent = g_entities + sendToClients[t];
sentCnt = 0;
// send the latest information on all clients
string[0] = 0;
stringlength = 0;
for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
player = g_entities + clients[i];
//RPG-X | Phenix | 05/03/2005
/*if ( ent->client->sess.sessionTeam == player->client->sess.sessionTeam && ent->client->pers.teamInfo )
{//already sent this player's health to this client because teaminfo is on
if ( ent == player )
{//don't send the ent his own health
//send this one
h = player->health;
if (h < 0) h = 0;
Com_sprintf (entry, sizeof(entry), " %i %i", clients[i], h);
j = strlen(entry);
if (stringlength + j > sizeof(string))
strcpy (string + stringlength, entry);
stringlength += j;
if ( sentCnt )
trap_SendServerCommand( sendToClients[t], va("hinfo %i%s", sentCnt, string) );
//trap_SendServerCommand( -1, va( "print \"^1hinfo %i%s\n\"", sentCnt, string ));
clientNum location health armor weapon powerups
void TeamplayInfoMessage( gentity_t *ent ) {
char entry[1024];
char string[1400];
int stringlength;
int i, j;
gentity_t *player;
int cnt;
//don't bother sending during intermission?
if ( level.intermissiontime )
// figure out what client should be on the display
// we are limited to 8, but we want to use the top eight players
// but in client order (so they don't keep changing position on the overlay)
for (i = 0, cnt = 0; i < g_maxclients.integer && cnt < TEAM_MAXOVERLAY; i++) {
player = g_entities + level.sortedClients[i];
if (player->inuse && player->client->sess.sessionTeam ==
ent->client->sess.sessionTeam ) {
// send the latest information on all clients
string[0] = 0;
stringlength = 0;
for (i = 0, cnt = 0; i < g_maxclients.integer && cnt < TEAM_MAXOVERLAY; i++) {
player = g_entities + i;
//RPG-X | Phenix | 05/03/2005
if (player->inuse) {
//to counter for the fact we could pwn the server doing this, remove all superfluous data
Com_sprintf (entry, sizeof(entry), " %i %i ", i, player->client->pers.teamState.location);
j = strlen(entry);
if (stringlength + j > sizeof(string))
strcpy (string + stringlength, entry);
stringlength += j;
trap_SendServerCommand( ent-g_entities, va("tinfo %i%s", cnt, string) );
//TiM - Modified to work with RPG-X
void CheckTeamStatus(void)
int i;
gentity_t *loc, *ent;
if (level.time - level.lastTeamLocationTime > TEAM_LOCATION_UPDATE_TIME) {
level.lastTeamLocationTime = level.time;
for (i = 0; i < g_maxclients.integer; i++) {
ent = g_entities + i;
if (ent->inuse) {
loc = Team_GetLocation( ent );
if (loc)
ent->client->pers.teamState.location = loc->health;
ent->client->pers.teamState.location = 0;
for (i = 0; i < g_maxclients.integer; i++) {
ent = g_entities + i;
if (ent->inuse) {
TeamplayInfoMessage( ent );
@ -6,6 +6,3 @@ const char *TeamName(int team);
const char *OtherTeamName(int team);
const char *TeamColorString(int team);
qboolean Team_GetLocationMsg(gentity_t *ent, char *loc, int loclen);
void TeamplayInfoMessage( gentity_t *ent ); // needed for locations ... TODO move from team to somewhere else
void CheckTeamStatus(void); // needed for locations ... TODO move from team to somewhere else
Reference in a new issue