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synced 2025-03-13 22:23:04 +00:00
See extented description ...
- modified G_RadiusList to use lists - modified G_GetNearestEnt to use lists - modified G_GetNearestPlayer to use lists
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 158 additions and 70 deletions
@ -7362,8 +7362,11 @@ static void Cmd_findEntitiesInRadius(gentity_t *ent) {
char *classname = NULL;
qboolean all = qfalse;
qboolean takeDamage = qfalse;
gentity_t *entities[MAX_GENTITIES];
int numEntities;
struct list entities;
struct list ignore;
list_iter_p iter;
container_p c;
gentity_t* t;
#ifndef SQL
if ( !IsAdmin( ent ) ) {
@ -7393,16 +7396,30 @@ static void Cmd_findEntitiesInRadius(gentity_t *ent) {
trap_Argv(3, arg, sizeof(arg));
takeDamage = (qboolean)atoi(arg);
numEntities = G_RadiusList(ent->r.currentOrigin, radius, ent, takeDamage, entities);
list_init(&entities, free);
list_init(&ignore, free);
list_append_ptr(&ignore, ent, LT_DATA);
G_RadiusList(ent->r.currentOrigin, radius, &ignore, takeDamage, &entities);
for(radius = 0; radius < numEntities; radius++) {
G_PrintfClient(ent, "Entity: %i, Classname: %s", entities[radius]-g_entities, entities[radius]->classname);
else {
if(!Q_stricmpn(entities[radius]->classname, classname, strlen(classname)))
G_PrintfClient(ent, "Entity: %i Classname: %s", entities[radius]-g_entities, classname);
iter = list_iterator(&entities, LIST_FRONT);
for(c = list_next(iter); c != NULL; c = list_next(iter)) {
t = c->data;
if(t == NULL) {
if(all) {
G_PrintfClient(ent, "Entity: %i, Classname: %s", t-g_entities, t->classname);
} else {
if(!Q_stricmpn(t->classname, classname, strlen(classname))) {
G_PrintfClient(ent, "Entity: %i Classname: %s", t-g_entities, classname);
@ -847,7 +847,9 @@ void G_AddPredictableEvent( gentity_t* ent, int event, int eventParm );
void G_AddEvent( gentity_t* ent, int event, int eventParm );
void G_SetOrigin( gentity_t* ent, vec3_t origin );
void G_SetAngles( gentity_t* ent, vec3_t anlges ); //RPG-X | GSIO01 | 24.08.2009
int G_RadiusList ( vec3_t origin, float radius, gentity_t* ignore, qboolean takeDamage, gentity_t* ent_list[MAX_GENTITIES]);
int G_RadiusList ( vec3_t origin, float radius, list_p ignore, qboolean takeDamage, list_p ent_list);
* Get a list of specified entity classes in a specified radius.
@ -863,8 +865,8 @@ int G_RadiusList ( vec3_t origin, float radius, gentity_t* ignore, qboolean ta
* \return count of found entities
int G_RadiusListOfTypes(list_p classnames, vec3_t origin, float radius, list_p ignore, list_p ent_list);
gentity_t* G_GetNearestEnt(char* classname, vec3_t origin, float radius, gentity_t* ignore, qboolean takeDamage);
gentity_t* G_GetNearestPlayer(vec3_t origin, float radius, gentity_t* ignore );
gentity_t* G_GetNearestEnt(char* classname, vec3_t origin, float radius, list_p ignore, qboolean takeDamage);
gentity_t* G_GetNearestPlayer(vec3_t origin, float radius, list_p ignore );
// GSIO - additional util funcs to make life easier with spawnfile
int G_GetEntityByTargetname(const char* targetname, gentity_t* entities[MAX_GENTITIES]);
@ -537,9 +537,12 @@ void turret_base_think (gentity_t *self)
if ( !self->enemy )
{/* Find one */
gentity_t *entity_list[MAX_GENTITIES], *target;
int count, i;
gentity_t *target;
float bestDist = self->random * self->random;
struct list entity_list;
struct list ignore;
list_iter_p iter;
container_p c;
if ( self->last_move_time > level.time )
{/* We're active and alert, had an enemy in the last 5 secs */
@ -550,13 +553,25 @@ void turret_base_think (gentity_t *self)
if(lastEnemy && lastEnemy->lastEnemy)
count = G_RadiusList( self->r.currentOrigin, self->random, lastEnemy->lastEnemy, qtrue, entity_list );
count = G_RadiusList( self->r.currentOrigin, self->random, NULL, qtrue, entity_list );
for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
target = entity_list[i];
list_init(&entity_list, free);
list_init(&ignore, free);
if(lastEnemy && lastEnemy->lastEnemy) {
list_append_ptr(&ignore, lastEnemy->lastEnemy, LT_DATA);
G_RadiusList( self->r.currentOrigin, self->random, &ignore, qtrue, &entity_list );
} else {
G_RadiusList( self->r.currentOrigin, self->random, NULL, qtrue, &entity_list );
iter = list_iterator(&entity_list, LIST_FRONT);
for(c = list_next(iter); c != NULL; c = list_next(iter)) {
target = c->data;
if(target == NULL) {
if ( target == self )
@ -600,6 +615,8 @@ void turret_base_think (gentity_t *self)
if ( self->enemy )
@ -1022,16 +1022,23 @@ void G_SetAngles(gentity_t *ent, vec3_t angles) {
* @return the number of found entities in the list
int G_RadiusList ( vec3_t origin, float radius, gentity_t *ignore, qboolean takeDamage, gentity_t *ent_list[MAX_GENTITIES])
int G_RadiusList ( vec3_t origin, float radius, list_p ignore, qboolean takeDamage, list_p ent_list)
float dist;
gentity_t *ent;
gentity_t* ent;
gentity_t* t = NULL;
int entityList[MAX_GENTITIES];
int numListedEntities;
int i, e;
vec3_t mins, maxs;
vec3_t v;
int i, e;
int ent_count = 0;
list_iter_p iter;
container_p c;
qboolean n = qfalse;
if(ent_list == NULL) {
return 0;
if ( radius < 1 )
@ -1048,10 +1055,33 @@ int G_RadiusList ( vec3_t origin, float radius, gentity_t *ignore, qboolean take
for ( e = 0 ; e < numListedEntities ; e++ )
n = qfalse;
ent = &g_entities[entityList[e]];
if ((ent == ignore) || !(ent->inuse) || ent->takedamage != takeDamage)
if (!(ent->inuse) || ent->takedamage != takeDamage) {
if(ignore != NULL) {
iter = list_iterator(ignore, LIST_FRONT);
for(c = list_next(iter); c != NULL; c = list_next(iter)) {
t = c->data;
if(t == NULL) {
if(t == ent) {
n = qtrue;
if(n == qtrue) {
/* find the distance from the edge of the bounding box */
for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ )
@ -1075,18 +1105,16 @@ int G_RadiusList ( vec3_t origin, float radius, gentity_t *ignore, qboolean take
/* ok, we are within the radius, add us to the incoming list */
ent_list[ent_count] = ent;
list_append_ptr(ent_list, ent, LT_DATA);
/* we are done, return how many we found */
return ent_list->length;
int G_RadiusListOfTypes(list_p classnames, vec3_t origin, float radius, list_p ignore, list_p ent_list) {
float dist;
gentity_t *ent;
gentity_t *t;
gentity_t *t = NULL;
int entityList[MAX_GENTITIES];
int numListedEntities;
vec3_t mins, maxs;
@ -1098,7 +1126,7 @@ int G_RadiusListOfTypes(list_p classnames, vec3_t origin, float radius, list_p i
qboolean n = qfalse;
if(ent_list == NULL) {
ent_list = create_list();
return 0;
if(classnames == NULL || classnames->length == 0) {
@ -1120,6 +1148,7 @@ int G_RadiusListOfTypes(list_p classnames, vec3_t origin, float radius, list_p i
for ( e = 0 ; e < numListedEntities ; e++ )
n = qfalse;
ent = &g_entities[entityList[e]];
if(!(ent->inuse)) {
@ -1203,46 +1232,56 @@ int G_RadiusListOfTypes(list_p classnames, vec3_t origin, float radius, list_p i
* @return the nearest entity
gentity_t *G_GetNearestEnt(char *classname, vec3_t origin, float radius, gentity_t *ignore, qboolean takeDamage) {
gentity_t *entList[MAX_GENTITIES], *nearest = NULL;
int count, i;
gentity_t *G_GetNearestEnt(char *classname, vec3_t origin, float radius, list_p ignore, qboolean takeDamage) {
gentity_t* nearest = NULL;
gentity_t* t = NULL;
float distance, minDist;
vec3_t dist;
struct list entList;
list_iter_p iter;
container_p c;
if(!radius) { /* we don't care how far it is away */
radius = 9999999;
minDist = radius;
count = G_RadiusList(origin, radius, ignore, takeDamage, entList);
list_init(&entList, free);
G_RadiusList(origin, radius, ignore, takeDamage, &entList);
for(i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if(entList[i] != ignore) {
if(entList[i]->s.origin[0] || entList[i]->s.origin[1] || entList[i]->s.origin[2]) {
VectorSubtract(origin, entList[i]->s.origin, dist);
} else if(entList[i]->r.currentOrigin[0] || entList[i]->r.currentOrigin[1] || entList[i]->r.currentOrigin[2]) {
VectorSubtract(origin, entList[i]->r.currentOrigin, dist);
} else if(entList[i]->s.pos.trBase[0] || entList[i]->s.pos.trBase[1] || entList[i]->s.pos.trBase[2]) {
VectorSubtract(origin, entList[i]->s.pos.trBase, dist);
} else { /* wow none of above ... well then assume it's origin is 0 0 0*/
VectorCopy(origin, dist);
distance = VectorLength(dist);
if(distance < 0) {
distance *= -1;
if(distance < minDist) {
if(classname && !Q_stricmp(classname, entList[i]->classname)) {
minDist = distance;
nearest = entList[i];
} else if(!classname) {
minDist = distance;
nearest = entList[i];
iter = list_iterator(&entList, LIST_FRONT);
for(c = list_next(iter); c != NULL; c = list_next(iter)) {
t = c->data;
if(t == NULL) {
if(t->s.origin[0] || t->s.origin[1] || t->s.origin[2]) {
VectorSubtract(origin, t->s.origin, dist);
} else if(t->r.currentOrigin[0] || t->r.currentOrigin[1] || t->r.currentOrigin[2]) {
VectorSubtract(origin, t->r.currentOrigin, dist);
} else if(t->s.pos.trBase[0] || t->s.pos.trBase[1] || t->s.pos.trBase[2]) {
VectorSubtract(origin, t->s.pos.trBase, dist);
} else { /* wow none of above ... well then assume it's origin is 0 0 0*/
VectorCopy(origin, dist);
distance = VectorLength(dist);
if(distance < 0) {
distance *= -1;
if(distance < minDist) {
if(classname && !Q_stricmp(classname, t->classname)) {
minDist = distance;
nearest = t;
} else if(!classname) {
minDist = distance;
nearest = t;
return nearest;
@ -1258,31 +1297,44 @@ gentity_t *G_GetNearestEnt(char *classname, vec3_t origin, float radius, gentity
* @return the nearest player
gentity_t *G_GetNearestPlayer(vec3_t origin, float radius, gentity_t *ignore ) {
gentity_t *entList[MAX_GENTITIES], *nearest = NULL;
int i;
gentity_t *G_GetNearestPlayer(vec3_t origin, float radius, list_p ignore ) {
gentity_t* nearest = NULL;
gentity_t* t;
float distance, minDist;
vec3_t dist;
struct list entList;
list_iter_p iter;
container_p c;
if(!radius) {
radius = 999999;
minDist = radius;
G_RadiusList(origin, radius, ignore, qtrue, entList);
list_init(&entList, free);
G_RadiusList(origin, radius, ignore, qtrue, &entList);
for(i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) {
if(entList[i]->client) {
VectorSubtract(origin, entList[i]->r.currentOrigin, dist);
iter = list_iterator(&entList, LIST_FRONT);
for(c = list_next(iter); c != NULL; c = list_next(iter)) {
t = c->data;
if(t == NULL) {
if(t->client) {
VectorSubtract(origin, t->r.currentOrigin, dist);
distance = VectorLength(dist);
if(distance < 0)
distance *= -1;
if(distance < minDist) {
minDist = distance;
nearest = entList[i];
nearest = t;
return nearest;
Reference in a new issue