2012-08-04 10:54:37 +00:00
// Copyright (C) 2006 UberGames
// RPG-X: UI Credits Menu
// Developer: -=TiM=-
// Function: To load in, cache, initialize and draw all of the elements that create the Credits menu
// Marcin: I've modified this stuff okay? - 03/01/2009
# include "ui_local.h"
# define MAX_DEVS 15 //Max number of developers per menu
# define MAX_MENUS 9 //Max number of menus
//Just to be on the safe side, I made these increment from 1 rather than 0
//and then compensated in the code. :)
# define ID_LEADS 1
# define ID_CODERS 2
# define ID_2D 3
# define ID_3D 4
# define ID_MAPPING 5
# define ID_SOUNDS 6
# define ID_EXTRAS 7
# define ID_BETAS 8
# define ID_THANKS 9
# define ID_MAINMENU 100
# define MAIN_LOGO_MODEL "models / mapobjects / rpg-x / logo.md3"
# define LCARS_CORNER_U "menu / common / corner_lr_7_12.tga"
# define LCARS_LOGO_BACKDROP "menu / rpgx_credits / logo_backdrop"
# define LCARS_BLIP "sound / interface / button7.wav"
//TiM : In order to lower memory by recycling any repeated names
//Developer Names
# define NAME_PHENIX "Dominic 'Phenix' Black"
# define NAME_JAY "Jason 'J2J' Griffith"
# define NAME_SHARKY "Nazar 'Sharky' Surmai"
# define NAME_RED "Stephen 'RedTechie' Shamakian"
# define NAME_TIM "Timothy 'TiM' Oliver"
# define NAME_SCOOTER "Scooter"
# define NAME_MARCIN "Marcin 'turbomarcin' Koziuk"
# define NAME_WILL "William Riker"
# define NAME_ANT "Anthony"
# define NAME_TDP "The Dark Project"
//#define NAME_DI "Digital Intervention" //TiM: DI is the brand I put all of my high-end 3D artwork under now as standardiazation for client work. :)
# define NAME_SIMMO "Tom 'Simmo666' Simpson"
# define NAME_KURO "Kuro-chan" //Kare to kare no nihongo no na dazo lol. :P
# define NAME_JAREN "Jaren"
# define NAME_MONROE "James 'Emorog' Monroe"
# define NAME_GENE "Gene Roddenberry"
# define NAME_RAVEN "Raven Software"
# define NAME_EFPEEPS "The EF RPG Community"
# define NAME_STEVE "Steve" //Never even met this d00d lol
# define NAME_GSIO01 "Walter 'GSIO01' Hennecke"
# define NAME_JEROEN "Jeroen"
# define NAME_LAZ "Laz Rojas"
# define NAME_PARKER "Chris 'Parker' Vad"
# define NAME_HOCKING "AdmiralHocking"
# define NAME_YOUNG "Hendrik 'Harry Young' Gerritzen"
//Developer Uber professional sounding titles
# define TITLE_LEADER "Project Lead"
# define TITLE_LPROG "Lead Coding"
# define TITLE_L2DAS "Lead 2-D & Audio Art"
# define TITLE_L3D "Lead 3-D Art"
# define TITLE_LMAPPER "Lead Level Design"
# define TITLE_LLUA "Lead Lua Coding"
//Programming titles
# define TITLE_PROG "Primary Coding"
# define TITLE_GPROG "Graphics Coding"
# define TITLE_ADPROG "Additional Coding"
//#define TITLE_SCRIPTING "Player Scripting"
//2-D Titles
# define TITLE_L2D "Lead 2-D Art"
# define TITLE_LCARS "Secondary 2-D Art / LCARS Design" //Simmo special lol
# define TITLE_AD2D "Additional 2-D Art"
# define TITLE_RANKS "Menu Rank Icons Creation" // Kuro special
# define TITLE_ACAI "Additional Coding / Many ideas"
//3-D Titles... none O_O
//Mapping titles
# define TITLE_LEVELART "Level Design"
# define TITLE_LUAENH "Lua Level Enhancement"
//Audio Titles
# define TITLE_LAUDIO "Audio Lead"
# define TITLE_ADAUDIO "Additional Audio"
//Additional Titles
# define TITLE_CANON "Canon Inspector" //Scooter... and only Scooter hehe
# define TITLE_DOCU "Documentation"
# define TITLE_DEUTSCH "German Translation"
# define TITLE_NEDERLANDS "Dutch Translation"
//#define TITLE_CIN "Opening Cinematic"
# define TITLE_SKINSMODELS "Providing Additional Skins and Models"
//Thank you Titles
# define TITLE_TREK "Creator of Star Trek"
# define TITLE_EF "Creators of Elite Force"
# define TITLE_TEST "For Suggestions and Additional Testing"
# define TITLE_PLAGIA "Creator of the original EF RPG Mod"
# define TITLE_RAVENCODER "EF Engine Consulting and Assistance"
static qhandle_t cornerUpper ;
static qhandle_t spaceBackdrop ;
2013-08-16 12:58:47 +00:00
int32_t i ;
2012-08-04 10:54:37 +00:00
2013-08-16 13:43:41 +00:00
static float cm_buttons [ 9 ] [ 2 ] =
2012-08-04 10:54:37 +00:00
{ 129 , 62 } ,
{ 129 , 86 } ,
{ 129 , 109 } ,
{ 305 , 62 } ,
{ 305 , 86 } ,
{ 305 , 109 } ,
{ 481 , 62 } ,
{ 481 , 86 } ,
{ 481 , 109 } ,
} ;
typedef struct
menuframework_s menu ;
menulist_s list ;
menubitmap_s mainmenu ;
menubitmap_s leads ;
menubitmap_s coders ;
menubitmap_s twodee ;
menubitmap_s threedee ;
menubitmap_s mapping ;
menubitmap_s sounds ;
menubitmap_s extras ;
menubitmap_s betas ;
menubitmap_s thanks ;
qhandle_t logoModel ;
sfxHandle_t pingSound ;
2013-08-16 12:58:47 +00:00
int32_t startTime ; //the time index the player hit t3h button, so we can calc display times
int32_t beepTime ; //increment this each time a new item appears, so we can play beep then. :)
2012-08-04 10:54:37 +00:00
2013-08-16 12:58:47 +00:00
int32_t creditsNum ; //Index of the button we last clicked
2012-08-04 10:54:37 +00:00
} credits_t ;
static credits_t s_credits ;
typedef struct
char name [ MAX_QPATH ] ;
char position [ MAX_QPATH ] ;
} devInfo_t ;
typedef struct
char mainTitle [ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ] ;
devInfo_t devInfo [ MAX_DEVS ] ;
} creditsInfo_t ;
//Arrays were cool for the first vers of the credits menu,
//But structs kick the utter crap out of straight arrays :)
static creditsInfo_t creditsInfo [ MAX_MENUS ] =
//The d00ds leading this shizzie :)
} ,
//The d00ds l33tzor haxxoring this shizzie.
{ NAME_MARCIN , TITLE_PROG } , // Scooter was originally here...sorry... not enough space!
//{ NAME_SCOOTER, TITLE_ADPROG }, //one had to go.
} ,
//The d00ds painting and texturing this shizzie.
" 2-D ART " ,
2012-11-22 23:12:50 +00:00
{ " Alexander Richardson " , " Master System Display's " } ,
2012-08-04 10:54:37 +00:00
} ,
//The d00d modeling this shizzie. I feel so alone rofl.
" 3-D ART " ,
//{ "Ralph Schoberth", "Enterprise-E LightWave Mesh" }, //FixMe: Put mesh credits in a smaller section below here somehow lol
} ,
//The d00ds mapping this shizzie.
//{ "Jack Amzadi", "Level Artist" }, //Seriously... did we see ANYTHING come out of these guys? O_o
//{ "Johan", "Level Artist" },
//{ "RED-RUM", "Level Artist" },
//{ NAME_SCOOTER, TITLE_LEVELART }, //I think he wanted to be taken off
} ,
//The d00ds... uh.. soundzor-ing this shizzie. :)
} ,
//{ "Highlander", "Public Relations" }, //He didn't publicly relate anything in this mod, this edition. Plus I want the space at the bottom of this lol
} ,
//The d00ds beta testing this shizzie
{ " Jordan " , " " } ,
{ " sharpkiller " , " " } ,
{ " Telex Ferra " , " " } ,
{ " AdmiralHocking " , " " } ,
{ " Lee Wolfgang " , " " } ,
{ " Quince " , " " } ,
{ NAME_YOUNG , " " } ,
/*{ "Alex L.", "" },
{ " Chase Benedict " , " " } ,
{ " Jake Conhale " , " " } ,
{ " James Young " , " " } ,
{ " Kadratis Velevere " , " " } ,
{ " Ricksal0224 " , " " } ,
{ " SimmerALPHA " , " " } ,
{ " Slayer " , " " } ,
{ NAME_MARCIN , " " } ,
{ " Tuskin " " " } */
/*{ "Alex L.", "" },
{ " Alex Mcpherson " , " " } ,
{ " AlphaOmega " , " " } ,
{ " Andrew " , " " } ,
{ " Crusader " , " " } ,
{ " Diaz " , " " } ,
{ " Fred " , " " } ,
{ " Jake Conhale " , " " } ,
{ " Martin " , " " } ,
{ " Mr Fibbles " , " " } ,
{ " Myntz " , " " } ,
{ " Nuttycomputer " , " " } ,
{ " Rigs " , " " } , */
//{ "Pending...", "" }
} ,
//Totally awesome d00ds whose input contributed greatly to this shizzie. :)
} ;
/*char *ra_leads[11] =
" Dominic 'Phenix' Black " ,
" Project Leader " ,
" Jason 'J2J' Griffith " ,
" Lead Programmer " ,
" Nazar 'Sharky' Surmai " ,
" Lead 2-D & Audio Artist " ,
" Timothy 'TiM' Oliver " ,
" Lead 3-D Artist " ,
" Sniper " ,
" Lead Level Designer "
} ;
char * ra_coders [ 11 ] =
" Jason 'J2J' Griffith " ,
" Lead Programmer " ,
" Dominic 'Phenix' Black " ,
" Primary Coding " ,
" Stephen 'RedTechie' Shamakian " ,
" Primary Coding " ,
" Timothy 'TiM' Oliver " ,
" Graphics Coding " ,
" Scooter " ,
" Additional Coding "
} ;
char * ra_2D [ 11 ] =
" 2-D ART " ,
" Nazar 'Sharky' Surmai " ,
" Lead 2-D Artist " ,
" Tom 'Simmo666' Simpson " ,
" Secondary 2-D Artist / LCARS Design Guru " ,
" Dominic 'Phenix' Black " ,
" Additional 2-D Art " ,
" Timothy 'TiM' Oliver " ,
" Additional 2-D Art " ,
" Steven Marriott " ,
" Rank Icons Creator "
} ;
char * ra_3D [ 7 ] =
" 3-D ART " ,
" Timothy 'TiM' Oliver " ,
" Lead 3-D Artist " ,
" Ralph Schoberth " ,
" Enterprise-E LightWave Mesh " ,
" Timothy 'TiM' Oliver " ,
" Opening Cinematic "
} ;
char * ra_mappers [ 17 ] = //urk! how the hell is this going to fit?!?!? O_o
" Sniper " ,
" Lead Level Artist " ,
" Anthony " ,
" Level Artist " ,
" Jack Amzadi " ,
" Level Artist " ,
" Johan " ,
" Level Artist " ,
" RED-RUM " ,
" Level Artist " ,
" Phenix " ,
" Level Artist " ,
" Scooter " ,
" Level Artist " ,
" William Riker " ,
" Level Artist " ,
} ;
char * ra_sounds [ 11 ] =
" Nazar 'Sharky' Surmai " ,
" Audio Lead " ,
" Jaren " ,
" Additional Audio " ,
" Dominic 'Phenix' Black " ,
" Additional Audio " ,
" Timothy 'TiM' Oliver " ,
" Additional Audio " ,
" Scooter " ,
" Additional Audio "
} ;
char * ra_adds [ 11 ] =
" Scooter " ,
" Canon Inspector " ,
" Highlander " ,
" Public Relations " ,
" Dominic 'Phenix' Black " ,
" Mod Documentation " ,
" Nazar 'Sharky' Surmai " ,
" Mod Documentation " ,
" Stephen 'RedTechie' Shamakian " ,
" Mod Documentation "
} ;
char * ra_betas [ 14 ] =
" Alex L. " ,
" Alex Mcpherson " ,
" AlphaOmega " ,
" Andrew " ,
" Crusader " ,
" Diaz " ,
" Fred " ,
" Jake Conhale " ,
" Martin " ,
" Mr Fibbles " ,
" Myntz " ,
" Nuttycomputer " ,
" Rigs " ,
} ;
char * ra_thanks [ 11 ] =
" Gene Roddenberry " ,
" Creator of Star Trek " ,
" Raven Software " ,
" Creators of Elite Force " ,
" The EF RPG Community " ,
" For Suggestions and Additional Testing " ,
" Steve " ,
" Creator of the original EF RPG Mod " ,
" James Monroe " ,
" Our friend from RavenSoft "
} ; */
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
TiM : From the various arrays above , this function systematically
draws each value from the array in a specific order whilst playing a sound
for each set
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
2013-08-16 12:58:47 +00:00
void UI_drawCreditNames ( int32_t creditsIndex )
2012-08-04 10:54:37 +00:00
2013-08-16 12:58:47 +00:00
int32_t timeDeviation ; //used to separate the times when each credit appears
int32_t yDeviation ; //used to place each separate credit down the y-axis each loop
2012-08-04 10:54:37 +00:00
//w00t! I can count the length of arrays dynamically now!!!!!!! ^_^!!!!
//*SOB* Didn't work :(
2013-08-16 12:58:47 +00:00
//int32_t arrayLen = sizeof ( creditSec ) / sizeof ( creditSec[0] );
2012-08-04 10:54:37 +00:00
//trap_Print ( va( "arrayLen = %i\n", arrayLen ) );
timeDeviation = 200 ;
yDeviation = 40 ;
if ( uis . realtime > = s_credits . startTime + timeDeviation ) { //After .2 seconds, the title will appear
UI_DrawProportionalString ( 512 , 184 , creditsInfo [ creditsIndex ] . mainTitle , UI_CENTER | UI_BIGFONT , colorTable [ CT_LTGOLD1 ] ) ;
/*if(uis.realtime > s_credits.startTime + timeDeviation && uis.realtime < s_credits.startTime + timeDeviation + 20){
trap_S_StartLocalSound ( s_credits . pingSound , CHAN_LOCAL ) ; //play the sound
} */
if ( s_credits . beepTime = = 0 ) {
trap_S_StartLocalSound ( s_credits . pingSound , CHAN_LOCAL ) ;
s_credits . beepTime + + ;
timeDeviation + = 200 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_DEVS ; i + + )
if ( ! creditsInfo [ creditsIndex ] . devInfo [ i ] . name [ 0 ] ) {
break ;
if ( uis . realtime > s_credits . startTime + timeDeviation ) {
//For entries that have positions (ie, not beta testers )
if ( i < = 9 & & creditsInfo [ creditsIndex ] . devInfo [ i ] . position [ 0 ] ) {
if ( creditsIndex = = 1 | | creditsIndex = = 6 ) { // make all programmers|additional people fit in
UI_DrawProportionalString ( 420 , 169 + yDeviation , creditsInfo [ creditsIndex ] . devInfo [ i ] . name , UI_LEFT | UI_SMALLFONT , colorTable [ CT_DKPURPLE2 ] ) ;
UI_DrawProportionalString ( 420 , 187 + yDeviation , creditsInfo [ creditsIndex ] . devInfo [ i ] . position , UI_LEFT | UI_TINYFONT , colorTable [ CT_DKPURPLE2 ] ) ; //18 varaition
} else {
UI_DrawProportionalString ( 420 , 180 + yDeviation , creditsInfo [ creditsIndex ] . devInfo [ i ] . name , UI_LEFT | UI_SMALLFONT , colorTable [ CT_DKPURPLE2 ] ) ;
UI_DrawProportionalString ( 420 , 198 + yDeviation , creditsInfo [ creditsIndex ] . devInfo [ i ] . position , UI_LEFT | UI_TINYFONT , colorTable [ CT_DKPURPLE2 ] ) ; //18 varaition
//Play a beep effect
if ( i = = s_credits . beepTime - 1 ) {
trap_S_StartLocalSound ( s_credits . pingSound , CHAN_LOCAL ) ; //play the beep-in effect
s_credits . beepTime + + ;
else //Beta Testers
UI_DrawProportionalString ( 420 , 180 + yDeviation , creditsInfo [ creditsIndex ] . devInfo [ i ] . name , UI_LEFT | UI_SMALLFONT , colorTable [ CT_DKPURPLE2 ] ) ;
//UI_DrawProportionalString( 512, 180 + yDeviation, creditsInfo[creditsIndex].devInfo[i+1].name,UI_LEFT|UI_SMALLFONT, colorTable[CT_DKPURPLE2]);
//Play a beep effect
if ( i = = s_credits . beepTime - 1 ) {
trap_S_StartLocalSound ( s_credits . pingSound , CHAN_LOCAL ) ; //play the beep-in effect
s_credits . beepTime + + ;
if ( i > = 3 ) { //So it appears below lead d00d
if ( creditsInfo [ creditsIndex ] . devInfo [ i + 8 ] . name [ 0 ] & & creditsInfo [ creditsIndex ] . devInfo [ i + 8 ] . position [ 0 ] ) { /*( arrayLen > 11 ) && ( ( i + 10 ) <= arrayLen )*/
UI_DrawProportionalString ( 524 , 180 + yDeviation , creditsInfo [ creditsIndex ] . devInfo [ i + 8 ] . name , UI_LEFT | UI_SMALLFONT , colorTable [ CT_DKPURPLE2 ] ) ;
UI_DrawProportionalString ( 524 , 198 + yDeviation , creditsInfo [ creditsIndex ] . devInfo [ i + 8 ] . position , UI_LEFT | UI_TINYFONT , colorTable [ CT_DKPURPLE2 ] ) ; //18 varaition
//Increment the data for the next iteration
timeDeviation + = 200 ; //each loop, delay the display time by .2 seconds (hence the text doesn't all appear at once)
if ( creditsInfo [ creditsIndex ] . devInfo [ i + 1 ] . position [ 0 ] )
if ( creditsIndex = = 1 | | creditsIndex = = 6 ) // make all programmers|additional people fit in
yDeviation + = 30 ;
yDeviation + = 40 ; //and don't all display at the same y co-ord
yDeviation + = 18 ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
2013-08-16 12:58:47 +00:00
static void Credits_MenuEvent ( void * ptr , int32_t event )
2012-08-04 10:54:37 +00:00
if ( event ! = QM_ACTIVATED )
return ;
s_credits . startTime = uis . realtime ;
s_credits . beepTime = 0 ;
switch ( ( ( menucommon_s * ) ptr ) - > id )
UI_PopMenu ( ) ;
break ;
case ID_LEADS :
case ID_CODERS :
case ID_2D :
case ID_3D :
case ID_SOUNDS :
case ID_EXTRAS :
case ID_BETAS :
case ID_THANKS :
s_credits . creditsNum = ( ( menucommon_s * ) ptr ) - > id ;
break ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void CreditsMenu_Graphics ( void )
// Draw the basic screen layout
UI_MenuFrame ( & s_credits . menu ) ;
UI_DrawProportionalString ( 74 , 66 , " 69 " , UI_RIGHT | UI_TINYFONT , colorTable [ CT_BLACK ] ) ;
UI_DrawProportionalString ( 74 , 84 , " 604369 " , UI_RIGHT | UI_TINYFONT , colorTable [ CT_BLACK ] ) ;
UI_DrawProportionalString ( 74 , 188 , " 71 " , UI_RIGHT | UI_TINYFONT , colorTable [ CT_BLACK ] ) ;
UI_DrawProportionalString ( 74 , 206 , " 6154 " , UI_RIGHT | UI_TINYFONT , colorTable [ CT_BLACK ] ) ;
UI_DrawProportionalString ( 74 , 395 , " 2004 " , UI_RIGHT | UI_TINYFONT , colorTable [ CT_BLACK ] ) ;
trap_R_SetColor ( colorTable [ CT_LTBROWN1 ] ) ;
UI_DrawHandlePic ( 30 , 203 , 47 , 123 , uis . whiteShader ) ; // Top left column square on bottom 3rd
UI_DrawHandlePic ( 30 , 328 , 47 , 61 , uis . whiteShader ) ; // Bottom left column square on bottom 3rd
UI_DrawProportionalString ( 74 , 206 , " 38 " , UI_RIGHT | UI_TINYFONT , colorTable [ CT_BLACK ] ) ;
UI_DrawProportionalString ( 74 , 332 , " 28 " , UI_RIGHT | UI_TINYFONT , colorTable [ CT_BLACK ] ) ;
Courtesy of EF SP ' s Credits : P
trap_R_SetColor ( colorTable [ CT_WHITE ] ) ;
UI_DrawHandlePic ( 85 , 169 , 306 , 256 , spaceBackdrop ) ;
// Grid over top of space map
trap_R_SetColor ( colorTable [ CT_LTBLUE1 ] ) ;
UI_DrawHandlePic ( 89 , 234 , 296 , 1 , uis . whiteShader ) ;
UI_DrawHandlePic ( 89 , 296 , 296 , 1 , uis . whiteShader ) ;
UI_DrawHandlePic ( 89 , 364 , 296 , 1 , uis . whiteShader ) ;
UI_DrawHandlePic ( 116 , 169 , 1 , 256 , uis . whiteShader ) ;
UI_DrawHandlePic ( 234 , 169 , 1 , 256 , uis . whiteShader ) ;
UI_DrawHandlePic ( 354 , 169 , 1 , 256 , uis . whiteShader ) ;
//Left Bracket around galaxy picture
trap_R_SetColor ( colorTable [ CT_DKPURPLE2 ] ) ;
UI_DrawHandlePic ( 85 , 169 , 16 , 16 , uis . graphicBracket1CornerLU ) ;
UI_DrawHandlePic ( 85 , 185 , 8 , 87 , uis . whiteShader ) ;
trap_R_SetColor ( colorTable [ CT_DKBROWN1 ] ) ;
UI_DrawHandlePic ( 85 , 275 , 8 , 10 , uis . whiteShader ) ;
trap_R_SetColor ( colorTable [ CT_LTORANGE ] ) ;
UI_DrawHandlePic ( 87 , 288 , 6 , 21 , uis . whiteShader ) ;
trap_R_SetColor ( colorTable [ CT_DKBROWN1 ] ) ;
UI_DrawHandlePic ( 85 , 312 , 8 , 10 , uis . whiteShader ) ;
trap_R_SetColor ( colorTable [ CT_DKPURPLE2 ] ) ;
UI_DrawHandlePic ( 85 , 325 , 8 , 87 , uis . whiteShader ) ;
UI_DrawHandlePic ( 85 , 412 , 16 , - 16 , uis . graphicBracket1CornerLU ) ; //LD
//Right Bracket around galaxy picture
trap_R_SetColor ( colorTable [ CT_DKPURPLE2 ] ) ;
UI_DrawHandlePic ( 375 , 169 , - 16 , 16 , uis . graphicBracket1CornerLU ) ; //RU
UI_DrawHandlePic ( 383 , 185 , 8 , 87 , uis . whiteShader ) ;
trap_R_SetColor ( colorTable [ CT_DKBROWN1 ] ) ;
UI_DrawHandlePic ( 383 , 275 , 8 , 10 , uis . whiteShader ) ;
trap_R_SetColor ( colorTable [ CT_LTORANGE ] ) ;
UI_DrawHandlePic ( 383 , 288 , 6 , 21 , uis . whiteShader ) ;
trap_R_SetColor ( colorTable [ CT_DKBROWN1 ] ) ;
UI_DrawHandlePic ( 383 , 312 , 8 , 10 , uis . whiteShader ) ;
trap_R_SetColor ( colorTable [ CT_DKPURPLE2 ] ) ;
UI_DrawHandlePic ( 383 , 325 , 8 , 87 , uis . whiteShader ) ;
UI_DrawHandlePic ( 375 , 412 , - 16 , - 16 , uis . graphicBracket1CornerLU ) ; //RD
// Description frame
trap_R_SetColor ( colorTable [ CT_LTBLUE1 ] ) ;
UI_DrawHandlePic ( 397 , 163 , - 16 , - 16 , cornerUpper ) ; // Top corner
UI_DrawHandlePic ( 397 , 418 , - 16 , 16 , cornerUpper ) ; // Bottom Left Corner
UI_DrawHandlePic ( 398 , 182 , 12 , 233 , uis . whiteShader ) ; // Block between top & bottom corner
UI_DrawHandlePic ( 412 , 169 , 10 , 7 , uis . whiteShader ) ; // Top line
UI_DrawHandlePic ( 425 , 169 , 187 , 7 , uis . whiteShader ) ; // Top line
UI_DrawHandlePic ( 412 , 421 , 10 , 7 , uis . whiteShader ) ; // Top line
UI_DrawHandlePic ( 425 , 421 , 187 , 7 , uis . whiteShader ) ; // Bottom line
//UI_Draw3DModel( 230, 290, 245, 245, s_credits.logoModel, m_origin, m_angles, m_mid );
trap_R_SetColor ( colorTable [ s_credits . leads . color ] ) ;
UI_DrawHandlePic ( s_credits . leads . generic . x - 14 , s_credits . leads . generic . y , MENU_BUTTON_MED_HEIGHT , MENU_BUTTON_MED_HEIGHT , uis . graphicButtonLeftEnd ) ;
UI_DrawHandlePic ( s_credits . coders . generic . x - 14 , s_credits . coders . generic . y , MENU_BUTTON_MED_HEIGHT , MENU_BUTTON_MED_HEIGHT , uis . graphicButtonLeftEnd ) ;
UI_DrawHandlePic ( s_credits . twodee . generic . x - 14 , s_credits . twodee . generic . y , MENU_BUTTON_MED_HEIGHT , MENU_BUTTON_MED_HEIGHT , uis . graphicButtonLeftEnd ) ;
UI_DrawHandlePic ( s_credits . threedee . generic . x - 14 , s_credits . threedee . generic . y , MENU_BUTTON_MED_HEIGHT , MENU_BUTTON_MED_HEIGHT , uis . graphicButtonLeftEnd ) ;
UI_DrawHandlePic ( s_credits . mapping . generic . x - 14 , s_credits . mapping . generic . y , MENU_BUTTON_MED_HEIGHT , MENU_BUTTON_MED_HEIGHT , uis . graphicButtonLeftEnd ) ;
UI_DrawHandlePic ( s_credits . sounds . generic . x - 14 , s_credits . sounds . generic . y , MENU_BUTTON_MED_HEIGHT , MENU_BUTTON_MED_HEIGHT , uis . graphicButtonLeftEnd ) ;
UI_DrawHandlePic ( s_credits . extras . generic . x - 14 , s_credits . extras . generic . y , MENU_BUTTON_MED_HEIGHT , MENU_BUTTON_MED_HEIGHT , uis . graphicButtonLeftEnd ) ;
UI_DrawHandlePic ( s_credits . betas . generic . x - 14 , s_credits . betas . generic . y , MENU_BUTTON_MED_HEIGHT , MENU_BUTTON_MED_HEIGHT , uis . graphicButtonLeftEnd ) ;
UI_DrawHandlePic ( s_credits . thanks . generic . x - 14 , s_credits . thanks . generic . y , MENU_BUTTON_MED_HEIGHT , MENU_BUTTON_MED_HEIGHT , uis . graphicButtonLeftEnd ) ;
static void UI_drawLogo ( void )
refdef_t refdef ;
refEntity_t ent ;
vec3_t origin = { 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 } ;
vec3_t angles ;
2013-08-16 13:43:41 +00:00
float adjust ;
float x , y , w , h ;
2012-08-04 10:54:37 +00:00
//vec4_t color = {0.5, 0, 0, 1};
// setup the refdef
memset ( & refdef , 0 , sizeof ( refdef ) ) ;
refdef . rdflags = RDF_NOWORLDMODEL ;
AxisClear ( refdef . viewaxis ) ;
x = 0 ;
y = 0 ;
w = 400 ; //640 //TiM: I don't know exactly, but w and h seem to control the size of the region the model will be drawn in
h = 480 ; //120
UI_AdjustFrom640 ( & x , & y , & w , & h ) ;
refdef . x = x ;
refdef . y = y ;
refdef . width = w ;
refdef . height = h ;
2013-08-16 13:43:41 +00:00
adjust = 0 ; // JDC: Kenneth asked me to stop this 1.0 * sin( (float)uis.realtime / 1000 );
2012-08-04 10:54:37 +00:00
refdef . fov_x = 17 + adjust ; //60 //TiM: Controls width scale
refdef . fov_y = 19.6875 + adjust ; //19.6875
refdef . time = uis . realtime ;
origin [ 0 ] = 800 ; //300 //TiM: Controls Overall Size
origin [ 1 ] = - 22 ; //TiM: Controls Horizontal Position
origin [ 2 ] = - 70 ; //-32 //TiM: Controls vertical Position
trap_R_ClearScene ( ) ;
// add the model
memset ( & ent , 0 , sizeof ( ent ) ) ;
2013-08-16 13:43:41 +00:00
adjust = 20.0 / 300.0 * uis . realtime ; //5.0 * sin( (float)uis.realtime / 5000 );
2012-08-04 10:54:37 +00:00
VectorSet ( angles , 0 , 180 + adjust , 0 ) ;
AnglesToAxis ( angles , ent . axis ) ;
ent . hModel = s_credits . logoModel ;
if ( trap_Cvar_VariableValue ( " r_dynamiclight " ) ) {
ent . renderfx = RF_LOWLIGHT | RF_NOSHADOW ; // keep it dark, and no stencil shadows //RF_LOWBRIGHT
} else {
ent . renderfx = RF_NOSHADOW ; // no stencil shadows
VectorCopy ( origin , ent . origin ) ;
VectorCopy ( origin , ent . lightingOrigin ) ;
VectorCopy ( ent . origin , ent . oldorigin ) ;
origin [ 0 ] - = 50 ; // + = behind, - = in front
origin [ 1 ] + = 50 ; // + = left, - = right
origin [ 2 ] + = 50 ; // + = above, - = below
trap_R_AddLightToScene ( origin , 150 , 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 ) ;
trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene ( & ent ) ;
trap_R_RenderScene ( & refdef ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void CreditsMenu_Draw ( void )
CreditsMenu_Graphics ( ) ;
Menu_Draw ( & s_credits . menu ) ;
UI_drawLogo ( ) ;
UI_drawCreditNames ( s_credits . creditsNum - 1 ) ;
case 0 :
UI_drawCreditNames ( ra_leads , 11 ) ;
break ;
case 1 :
UI_drawCreditNames ( ra_coders , 11 ) ;
break ;
case 2 :
UI_drawCreditNames ( ra_2D , 11 ) ;
break ;
case 3 :
UI_drawCreditNames ( ra_3D , 7 ) ;
break ;
case 4 :
UI_drawCreditNames ( ra_mappers , 17 ) ;
break ;
case 5 :
UI_drawCreditNames ( ra_sounds , 11 ) ;
break ;
case 6 :
UI_drawCreditNames ( ra_adds , 11 ) ;
break ;
case 7 :
UI_drawCreditNames ( ra_betas , 14 ) ;
break ;
case 8 :
UI_drawCreditNames ( ra_thanks , 11 ) ;
break ;
} */
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void UI_CreditsMenu_Cache ( void )
s_credits . logoModel = trap_R_RegisterModel ( MAIN_LOGO_MODEL ) ;
s_credits . pingSound = trap_S_RegisterSound ( LCARS_BLIP ) ;
cornerUpper = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip ( LCARS_CORNER_U ) ;
spaceBackdrop = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip ( LCARS_LOGO_BACKDROP ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void UI_Credits_MenuInit ( void )
memset ( & s_credits , 0 , sizeof ( credits_t ) ) ;
s_credits . creditsNum = ID_LEADS ;
s_credits . beepTime = 0 ;
// Menu Data
s_credits . menu . wrapAround = qtrue ;
s_credits . menu . fullscreen = qtrue ;
s_credits . menu . draw = CreditsMenu_Draw ;
s_credits . menu . descX = MENU_DESC_X ;
s_credits . menu . descY = MENU_DESC_Y ;
s_credits . menu . titleX = MENU_TITLE_X ;
s_credits . menu . titleY = MENU_TITLE_Y ;
s_credits . menu . titleI = MNT_CREDITS_TITLE ;
s_credits . menu . footNoteEnum = MNT_CREDITS ;
UI_CreditsMenu_Cache ( ) ;
// Button Data
s_credits . mainmenu . generic . type = MTYPE_BITMAP ;
s_credits . mainmenu . generic . flags = QMF_HIGHLIGHT_IF_FOCUS ;
s_credits . mainmenu . generic . x = 482 ;
s_credits . mainmenu . generic . y = 136 ;
s_credits . mainmenu . generic . name = BUTTON_GRAPHIC_LONGRIGHT ;
s_credits . mainmenu . generic . id = ID_MAINMENU ;
s_credits . mainmenu . generic . callback = Credits_MenuEvent ;
s_credits . mainmenu . width = MENU_BUTTON_MED_WIDTH ;
s_credits . mainmenu . height = MENU_BUTTON_MED_HEIGHT ;
s_credits . mainmenu . color = CT_DKPURPLE1 ;
s_credits . mainmenu . color2 = CT_LTPURPLE1 ;
s_credits . mainmenu . textX = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_X ;
s_credits . mainmenu . textY = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_Y ;
s_credits . mainmenu . textEnum = MBT_MAINMENU ;
s_credits . mainmenu . textcolor = CT_BLACK ;
s_credits . mainmenu . textcolor2 = CT_WHITE ;
s_credits . leads . generic . type = MTYPE_BITMAP ;
s_credits . leads . generic . flags = QMF_HIGHLIGHT_IF_FOCUS ;
s_credits . leads . generic . x = cm_buttons [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ;
s_credits . leads . generic . y = cm_buttons [ 0 ] [ 1 ] ;
s_credits . leads . generic . name = BUTTON_GRAPHIC_LONGRIGHT ;
s_credits . leads . generic . id = ID_LEADS ;
s_credits . leads . generic . callback = Credits_MenuEvent ;
s_credits . leads . width = MENU_BUTTON_MED_WIDTH ;
s_credits . leads . height = MENU_BUTTON_MED_HEIGHT ;
s_credits . leads . color = CT_DKPURPLE1 ;
s_credits . leads . color2 = CT_LTPURPLE1 ;
s_credits . leads . textX = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_X ;
s_credits . leads . textY = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_Y ;
s_credits . leads . textEnum = MBT_LEADS ;
s_credits . leads . textcolor = CT_BLACK ;
s_credits . leads . textcolor2 = CT_WHITE ;
s_credits . coders . generic . type = MTYPE_BITMAP ;
s_credits . coders . generic . flags = QMF_HIGHLIGHT_IF_FOCUS ;
s_credits . coders . generic . x = cm_buttons [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ;
s_credits . coders . generic . y = cm_buttons [ 1 ] [ 1 ] ;
s_credits . coders . generic . name = BUTTON_GRAPHIC_LONGRIGHT ;
s_credits . coders . generic . id = ID_CODERS ;
s_credits . coders . generic . callback = Credits_MenuEvent ;
s_credits . coders . width = MENU_BUTTON_MED_WIDTH ;
s_credits . coders . height = MENU_BUTTON_MED_HEIGHT ;
s_credits . coders . color = CT_DKPURPLE1 ;
s_credits . coders . color2 = CT_LTPURPLE1 ;
s_credits . coders . textX = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_X ;
s_credits . coders . textY = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_Y ;
s_credits . coders . textEnum = MBT_CODERS ;
s_credits . coders . textcolor = CT_BLACK ;
s_credits . coders . textcolor2 = CT_WHITE ;
s_credits . twodee . generic . type = MTYPE_BITMAP ;
s_credits . twodee . generic . flags = QMF_HIGHLIGHT_IF_FOCUS ;
s_credits . twodee . generic . x = cm_buttons [ 2 ] [ 0 ] ;
s_credits . twodee . generic . y = cm_buttons [ 2 ] [ 1 ] ;
s_credits . twodee . generic . name = BUTTON_GRAPHIC_LONGRIGHT ;
s_credits . twodee . generic . id = ID_2D ;
s_credits . twodee . generic . callback = Credits_MenuEvent ;
s_credits . twodee . width = MENU_BUTTON_MED_WIDTH ;
s_credits . twodee . height = MENU_BUTTON_MED_HEIGHT ;
s_credits . twodee . color = CT_DKPURPLE1 ;
s_credits . twodee . color2 = CT_LTPURPLE1 ;
s_credits . twodee . textX = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_X ;
s_credits . twodee . textY = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_Y ;
s_credits . twodee . textEnum = MBT_2D ;
s_credits . twodee . textcolor = CT_BLACK ;
s_credits . twodee . textcolor2 = CT_WHITE ;
s_credits . threedee . generic . type = MTYPE_BITMAP ;
s_credits . threedee . generic . flags = QMF_HIGHLIGHT_IF_FOCUS ;
s_credits . threedee . generic . x = cm_buttons [ 3 ] [ 0 ] ;
s_credits . threedee . generic . y = cm_buttons [ 3 ] [ 1 ] ;
s_credits . threedee . generic . name = BUTTON_GRAPHIC_LONGRIGHT ;
s_credits . threedee . generic . id = ID_3D ;
s_credits . threedee . generic . callback = Credits_MenuEvent ;
s_credits . threedee . width = MENU_BUTTON_MED_WIDTH ;
s_credits . threedee . height = MENU_BUTTON_MED_HEIGHT ;
s_credits . threedee . color = CT_DKPURPLE1 ;
s_credits . threedee . color2 = CT_LTPURPLE1 ;
s_credits . threedee . textX = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_X ;
s_credits . threedee . textY = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_Y ;
s_credits . threedee . textEnum = MBT_3D ;
s_credits . threedee . textcolor = CT_BLACK ;
s_credits . threedee . textcolor2 = CT_WHITE ;
s_credits . mapping . generic . type = MTYPE_BITMAP ;
s_credits . mapping . generic . flags = QMF_HIGHLIGHT_IF_FOCUS ;
s_credits . mapping . generic . x = cm_buttons [ 4 ] [ 0 ] ;
s_credits . mapping . generic . y = cm_buttons [ 4 ] [ 1 ] ;
s_credits . mapping . generic . name = BUTTON_GRAPHIC_LONGRIGHT ;
s_credits . mapping . generic . id = ID_MAPPING ;
s_credits . mapping . generic . callback = Credits_MenuEvent ;
s_credits . mapping . width = MENU_BUTTON_MED_WIDTH ;
s_credits . mapping . height = MENU_BUTTON_MED_HEIGHT ;
s_credits . mapping . color = CT_DKPURPLE1 ;
s_credits . mapping . color2 = CT_LTPURPLE1 ;
s_credits . mapping . textX = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_X ;
s_credits . mapping . textY = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_Y ;
s_credits . mapping . textEnum = MBT_MAPPING ;
s_credits . mapping . textcolor = CT_BLACK ;
s_credits . mapping . textcolor2 = CT_WHITE ;
s_credits . sounds . generic . type = MTYPE_BITMAP ;
s_credits . sounds . generic . flags = QMF_HIGHLIGHT_IF_FOCUS ;
s_credits . sounds . generic . x = cm_buttons [ 5 ] [ 0 ] ;
s_credits . sounds . generic . y = cm_buttons [ 5 ] [ 1 ] ;
s_credits . sounds . generic . name = BUTTON_GRAPHIC_LONGRIGHT ;
s_credits . sounds . generic . id = ID_SOUNDS ;
s_credits . sounds . generic . callback = Credits_MenuEvent ;
s_credits . sounds . width = MENU_BUTTON_MED_WIDTH ;
s_credits . sounds . height = MENU_BUTTON_MED_HEIGHT ;
s_credits . sounds . color = CT_DKPURPLE1 ;
s_credits . sounds . color2 = CT_LTPURPLE1 ;
s_credits . sounds . textX = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_X ;
s_credits . sounds . textY = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_Y ;
s_credits . sounds . textEnum = MBT_SOUNDS ;
s_credits . sounds . textcolor = CT_BLACK ;
s_credits . sounds . textcolor2 = CT_WHITE ;
s_credits . extras . generic . type = MTYPE_BITMAP ;
s_credits . extras . generic . flags = QMF_HIGHLIGHT_IF_FOCUS ;
s_credits . extras . generic . x = cm_buttons [ 6 ] [ 0 ] ;
s_credits . extras . generic . y = cm_buttons [ 6 ] [ 1 ] ;
s_credits . extras . generic . name = BUTTON_GRAPHIC_LONGRIGHT ;
s_credits . extras . generic . id = ID_EXTRAS ;
s_credits . extras . generic . callback = Credits_MenuEvent ;
s_credits . extras . width = MENU_BUTTON_MED_WIDTH ;
s_credits . extras . height = MENU_BUTTON_MED_HEIGHT ;
s_credits . extras . color = CT_DKPURPLE1 ;
s_credits . extras . color2 = CT_LTPURPLE1 ;
s_credits . extras . textX = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_X ;
s_credits . extras . textY = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_Y ;
s_credits . extras . textEnum = MBT_EXTRAS ;
s_credits . extras . textcolor = CT_BLACK ;
s_credits . extras . textcolor2 = CT_WHITE ;
s_credits . betas . generic . type = MTYPE_BITMAP ;
s_credits . betas . generic . flags = QMF_HIGHLIGHT_IF_FOCUS ;
s_credits . betas . generic . x = cm_buttons [ 7 ] [ 0 ] ;
s_credits . betas . generic . y = cm_buttons [ 7 ] [ 1 ] ;
s_credits . betas . generic . name = BUTTON_GRAPHIC_LONGRIGHT ;
s_credits . betas . generic . id = ID_BETAS ;
s_credits . betas . generic . callback = Credits_MenuEvent ;
s_credits . betas . width = MENU_BUTTON_MED_WIDTH ;
s_credits . betas . height = MENU_BUTTON_MED_HEIGHT ;
s_credits . betas . color = CT_DKPURPLE1 ;
s_credits . betas . color2 = CT_LTPURPLE1 ;
s_credits . betas . textX = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_X ;
s_credits . betas . textY = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_Y ;
s_credits . betas . textEnum = MBT_BETAS ;
s_credits . betas . textcolor = CT_BLACK ;
s_credits . betas . textcolor2 = CT_WHITE ;
s_credits . thanks . generic . type = MTYPE_BITMAP ;
s_credits . thanks . generic . flags = QMF_HIGHLIGHT_IF_FOCUS ;
s_credits . thanks . generic . x = cm_buttons [ 8 ] [ 0 ] ;
s_credits . thanks . generic . y = cm_buttons [ 8 ] [ 1 ] ;
s_credits . thanks . generic . name = BUTTON_GRAPHIC_LONGRIGHT ;
s_credits . thanks . generic . id = ID_THANKS ;
s_credits . thanks . generic . callback = Credits_MenuEvent ;
s_credits . thanks . width = MENU_BUTTON_MED_WIDTH ;
s_credits . thanks . height = MENU_BUTTON_MED_HEIGHT ;
s_credits . thanks . color = CT_DKPURPLE1 ;
s_credits . thanks . color2 = CT_LTPURPLE1 ;
s_credits . thanks . textX = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_X ;
s_credits . thanks . textY = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_Y ;
s_credits . thanks . textEnum = MBT_THANKS ;
s_credits . thanks . textcolor = CT_BLACK ;
s_credits . thanks . textcolor2 = CT_WHITE ;
Menu_AddItem ( & s_credits . menu , & s_credits . mainmenu ) ;
Menu_AddItem ( & s_credits . menu , & s_credits . leads ) ;
Menu_AddItem ( & s_credits . menu , & s_credits . coders ) ;
Menu_AddItem ( & s_credits . menu , & s_credits . twodee ) ;
Menu_AddItem ( & s_credits . menu , & s_credits . threedee ) ;
Menu_AddItem ( & s_credits . menu , & s_credits . mapping ) ;
Menu_AddItem ( & s_credits . menu , & s_credits . sounds ) ;
Menu_AddItem ( & s_credits . menu , & s_credits . extras ) ;
Menu_AddItem ( & s_credits . menu , & s_credits . betas ) ;
Menu_AddItem ( & s_credits . menu , & s_credits . thanks ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void UI_CreditsMenu ( void )
UI_Credits_MenuInit ( ) ;
UI_PushMenu ( & s_credits . menu ) ;