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synced 2025-03-04 15:30:54 +00:00
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458 lines
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#include "cg_local.h"
#include "fx_local.h"
Redtechie: RPG-X Added
FIXME! FIXME! FIXME! FIXME! Im not spraying in the direction some one shoots me!
TiM: Fixed! An improperly formatted directional vector was being sent. it's all good now :)
#define NUM_HYPO_PUFFS 20
void FX_HypoSpray( vec3_t origin, vec3_t dir, qboolean red ) // When not red, it'll be blue
vec3_t color, vel, accel, angles, work;
float scale, dscale;
int i;
localEntity_t *le;
vectoangles( dir, angles );
for ( i = 0; i < NUM_HYPO_PUFFS; i++ )
if ( red )
VectorSet( color, 1.0f, random() * 0.4f, random() * 0.4f ); // mostly red
VectorSet( color, random() * 0.5f, random() * 0.5f + 0.5f, 1.0f ); // mostly blue
VectorCopy( angles, work );
work[0] += crandom() * 12.0f;
work[1] += crandom() * 12.0f;
AngleVectors( work, vel, NULL, NULL );
scale = random() * 256.0f + 128.0f;
VectorScale( vel, scale, vel );
VectorScale( vel, random() * -0.3f, accel );
scale = random() * 4.0f + 2.0f;
dscale = random() * 64.0f + 24.0f;
//localEntity_t *FX_AddSprite(vec3_t origin, vec3_t velocity, qboolean gravity, float scale, float dscale,
// float startalpha, float endalpha, float roll, float elasticity,
// float killTime, qhandle_t shader);
le = FX_AddSprite( origin, vel, qfalse, scale, dscale, 0.8f + random() * 0.2f, 0.0f, crandom() * 50, /*crandom() * 5*/0, 1000, cgs.media.steamShader );
VectorSet(le->data.sprite.startRGB, random() * 0.5f, random() * 0.5f + 0.5f, 1.0f );// mostly blue
void FX_HypoSpray( vec3_t origin, vec3_t dir, qboolean red ) // When not red, it'll be blue
localEntity_t *le;
vec3_t color, vel, accel, angles, work, forward, right;
float scale, dscale;
int i;
//vectoangles( dir, angles );
VectorCopy( dir, angles );
//RPG-X: RedTechie - Debug print
//Com_Printf("dir: %f, %f, %f\nangles: %f, %f, %f\n\n",dir[0],dir[1],dir[2],angles[0],angles[1],angles[2]);
for ( i = 0; i < NUM_HYPO_PUFFS; i++ )
if ( red )
VectorSet( color, 1.0f, random() * 0.4f, random() * 0.4f ); // mostly red
VectorSet( color, random() * 0.5f, random() * 0.5f + 0.5f, 1.0f ); // mostly blue
VectorCopy( angles, work );
work[0] += crandom() * 12.0f;
work[1] += crandom() * 12.0f;
scale = random() * 256.0f + 128.0f;
VectorScale( vel, scale, vel );
VectorScale( vel, random() * -0.3f, accel );
//scale = 30.0f + random() * 100.0f + 2.0f;
//dscale = 30.0f + random() * 400.0f + 24.0f;
scale = random() * 4.0f + 2.0f;
dscale = random() * 64.0f + 24.0f;
le = FX_AddSprite( origin, //vec3_t origin,
vel,//vel, //vec3_t velocity,
qfalse, // qboolean gravity,
scale,//scale, //float scale,
dscale, //float dscale,
0.8f + random() * 0.2f, //float startalpha
0.0f, //float endalpha
crandom() * 120,//crandom() * 120, ///float roll
0.0f, //float elasticity
4000, //float killTime -9999999 -1000
cgs.media.steamShader );//qhandle_t shader
//le->endTime = 99999999;
//le->color = color;
VectorSet(le->data.sprite.startRGB, random() * 0.5f, random() * 0.5f + 0.5f, 1.0f );// mostly blue
//le->data.sprite.startRGB = color;
//le->data.sprite.dRGB = color;
//FX_AddSprite( origin, vel, qfalse, scale, dscale, 0.8f + random() * 0.2f, 0.0f, color, color, crandom() * 120, 0.0f, 1000, cgs.media.steamShader );
//RPG-X: J2J - Fixed Version (incomplete right now)
/*void FX_HypoSpray( vec3_t origin, vec3_t dir, qboolean red ) // When not red, it'll be blue
localEntity_t *le;
vec3_t muzzle, mins, maxs, end, color, forward, right;
float scale, dscale;
int i;
// Move out to the end of the nozzle
//VectorMA( muzzle, 20, forward, muzzle );
//VectorMA( muzzle, 4, vright, muzzle );
VectorCopy(dir, muzzle);
AngleVectors( dir, forward, right, NULL );
for ( i = 0; i < NUM_HYPO_PUFFS; i++ )
if ( red )
VectorSet( color, 1.0f, random() * 0.4f, random() * 0.4f ); // mostly red
VectorSet( color, random() * 0.5f, random() * 0.5f + 0.5f, 1.0f ); // mostly blue
VectorMA( muzzle, 24, forward, end );
VectorSet( maxs, 6, 6, 6 );
VectorScale( maxs, -1, mins );
// Create the effect -- thought something was needed here, but apparently not.
VectorMA( muzzle, 20, forward, muzzle );w
VectorMA( muzzle, 4, right, muzzle );
scale = random() + 2.0f;
dscale = random() * 64.0f + 24.0f;
muzzle[0] += (scale * cos(abs(dir[1]) * 0.017453292222222222222222222222222);
muzzle[1] += (scale * sin(abs(dir[1]) * 0.017453292222222222222222222222222);
muzzle[2] += (scale * -tan(dir[0] * 0.017453292222222222222222222222222);
VectorScale( muzzle, scale, muzzle );
le = FX_AddSprite( origin, //vec3_t origin,
muzzle,//vel, //vec3_t velocity,
qfalse, // qboolean gravity,
scale,//scale, //float scale,
dscale, //float dscale,
0.8f + random() * 0.2f, //float startalpha
0.0f, //float endalpha
crandom() * 120,//crandom() * 120, ///float roll
0.0f, //float elasticity
4000, //float killTime -9999999 -1000
cgs.media.steamShader );//qhandle_t shader
VectorSet(le->data.sprite.startRGB, random() * 0.5f, random() * 0.5f + 0.5f, 1.0f );// mostly blue
//#define SCAV_SPIN 0.3
/*void FX_ScavengerProjectileThink( centity_t *cent, const struct weaponInfo_s *weapon )
vec3_t forward;
qboolean fired_from_NPC = qfalse; // Always
if ( VectorNormalize2( cent->currentState.pos.trDelta, forward ) == 0 )
forward[2] = 1;
// The effect you'd see from first person looks horrible from third person..or when shot by an NPC,
// so we'll just tone down the effect so it's not so horrible. :)
if ( fired_from_NPC )
// Energy glow
FX_AddSprite( cent->lerpOrigin,
NULL, qfalse,
8.0f + random() * 8.0f, 0.0f,
0.7f, 0.0f,
random()*360, 0.0f,
cgs.media.tetrionFlareShader );
// Spinning projectile core
FX_AddSprite( cent->lerpOrigin,
NULL, qfalse,
8.0f + random() * 10.0f, 0.0f,
1.0f, 0.0f,
cg.time * SCAV_SPIN, 0.0f,
cgs.media.redFlareShader );
// leave a cool tail
FX_AddTrail( cent->lerpOrigin,
forward, qfalse,
16, 0,
1.0f, 0.0f,
0.8f, 0.0f,
cgs.media.tetrionTrail2Shader );
// Energy glow
FX_AddSprite( cent->lerpOrigin,
NULL, qfalse,
16.0f + random() * 16.0f, 0.0f,
0.5f, 0.0f,
random()*360, 0.0f,
cgs.media.tetrionFlareShader );
// Spinning projectile
FX_AddSprite( cent->lerpOrigin,
NULL, qfalse,
4.0f + random() * 10.0f, 0.0f,
0.6f, 0.0f,
cg.time * SCAV_SPIN, 0.0f,
cgs.media.redFlareShader );
// leave a cool tail
FX_AddTrail( cent->lerpOrigin,
forward, qfalse,
64, 0,
1.4f, 0.0f,
0.6f, 0.0f,
cgs.media.tetrionTrail2Shader );
/*void FX_ScavengerAltFireThink( centity_t *cent, const struct weaponInfo_s *weapon )
vec3_t diff;
float len;
// Make a trail that's reasonably consistent and not so much based on frame rate.
if (cent->thinkFlag)
VectorSubtract( cent->lerpOrigin, cent->beamEnd, diff );
VectorSubtract( cent->lerpOrigin, cent->currentState.origin2, diff );
len = VectorNormalize( diff );
vec3_t origin;
int i;
float scale;
for ( i = 0 ; i < len; i += SCAV_TRAIL_SPACING )
// Calc the right spot along the trail
VectorMA( cent->lerpOrigin, -i, diff, origin );
scale = 18.0f + (random()*5.0f);
FX_AddSprite( origin,
NULL, qfalse,
scale, -8.75,
0.4f, 0.0f,
random() * 360, 0.0f,
cgs.media.scavengerAltShader );
// Stash the current position
VectorCopy( cent->lerpOrigin, cent->beamEnd);
cent->thinkFlag = 1;
// Glowing bit
FX_AddSprite( cent->lerpOrigin,
NULL, qfalse,
24.0f + ( random() * 16.0f ), 0.0f,
1.0f, 0.0f,
0, 0.0f,
cgs.media.tetrionFlareShader );
/*void FX_ScavengerWeaponHitWall( vec3_t origin, vec3_t normal, qboolean fired_by_NPC )
weaponInfo_t *weaponInfo = &cg_weapons[WP_COFFEE];
// Tone down when shot by an NPC
// FIXME: is this really a good idea?
if ( fired_by_NPC )
// Expanding shock ring
FX_AddQuad( origin, normal,
0.5f, 6.4f,
0.8, 0.0,
random() * 360.0f,
cgs.media.redRingShader );
// Impact core
FX_AddQuad( origin, normal,
12.0f + ( random() * 8.0f ), 3.2f,
0.6f, 0.0f,
cg.time * SCAV_SPIN,
cgs.media.redFlareShader );
// Expanding shock ring
FX_AddQuad( origin, normal,
8.0f, 12.8f,
1.0, 0.0,
random() * 360.0f,
cgs.media.redRingShader );
// Impact core
FX_AddQuad( origin, normal,
24.0f + ( random() * 16.0f ), 6.4f,
0.8f, 0.0f,
cg.time * SCAV_SPIN,
cgs.media.redFlareShader );
trap_S_StartSound( origin, ENTITYNUM_WORLD, CHAN_AUTO, weaponInfo->mainHitSound);
CG_ImpactMark( cgs.media.scavMarkShader, origin, normal, random()*360, 1,1,1,0.2, qfalse, random() + 5.5f, qfalse );
/*void FX_ScavengerWeaponHitPlayer( vec3_t origin, vec3_t normal, qboolean fired_by_NPC )
if ( fired_by_NPC )
// Smaller expanding shock ring
FX_AddQuad( origin, normal,
0.5f, 32.0f,
0.8, 0.0,
random() * 360.0f,
cgs.media.redRingShader );
// Expanding shock ring
FX_AddQuad( origin, normal,
1.0f, 64.0f,
0.8, 0.0,
random() * 360.0f,
cgs.media.redRingShader );
// trap_S_StartSound( origin, ENTITYNUM_WORLD, CHAN_AUTO, cg_weapons[WP_COFFEE].missileHitSound );
/*void FX_ScavengerAltExplode( vec3_t origin, vec3_t dir )
// FXCylinder *fx2;
localEntity_t *le;
vec3_t direction, org;
int i;
weaponInfo_t *weaponInfo = &cg_weapons[WP_COFFEE];
//Orient the explosions to face the camera
VectorSubtract( cg.refdef.vieworg, origin, direction );
VectorNormalize( direction );
VectorMA( origin, 12, direction, org );
// Add an explosion and tag a light to it
//le = CG_MakeExplosion2( org, direction, cgs.media.explosionModel, 5, cgs.media.scavExplosionSlowShader, 675, qfalse, 1.0f + (random()*0.5f), LEF_NONE);
le->light = 150;
le->refEntity.renderfx |= RF_NOSHADOW;
VectorSet( le->lightColor, 1.0f, 0.6f, 0.6f );
VectorSet( org, (org[0] + crandom() * 8), (org[1] + crandom() * 8), (org[2] + crandom() * 8) );
//CG_MakeExplosion2( org, direction, cgs.media.explosionModel, 5, cgs.media.scavExplosionFastShader, 375, qfalse, 0.7f + (random()*0.5f), LEF_NONE);
trap_S_StartSound( origin, ENTITYNUM_WORLD, CHAN_AUTO, weaponInfo->altHitSound );
CG_ImpactMark( cgs.media.compressionMarkShader, origin, dir, random()*360, 1,1,1,0.2, qfalse,
random() * 6 + 20, qfalse );
// Always orient horizontally
VectorSet ( direction, 0,0,1 );
le = FX_AddCylinder( origin, direction, 4, 0, 20, 210, 14, 140, 1.0, 0.0, 600, cgs.media.redRing2Shader, 1.5 );
le->refEntity.data.cylinder.wrap = qtrue;
le->refEntity.data.cylinder.stscale = 6;
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
vec3_t velocity;
FXE_Spray( dir, 300, 175, 0.8f, velocity);
FX_AddTrail( origin, velocity, qtrue, 12.0f, -12.0f,
2, -2, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.2f, 1000.0f, cgs.media.tetrionTrail2Shader);*/