#include "cg_local.h" #include "fx_local.h" /* ------------------------- SPTransporterLensFlares TiM: Judging from the title, you just KNOW it's mine ;) Anyway, the point of this function is to render 4 sprites and then scale + move them in a way reminisicant of ST: Voyager's transporter FX. I wrote this instead of using the already made FX spawning functions because they don't let u track an origin. To stop the particle from rendering within the character, I'm going to use the DEPTHHACK renderflag, the flag originally used for the weapon models in first-person mode. :) Planned timing: 0 - 500 : Flare spawns, and scales up to it's main size (width parameter) 500 - 1500 : Flare moves up the height/2 of model (height parameter) 1500 - 2000 : Flare scales down and disappears ( width * 1.0 - (timeScale) ) ------------------------- */ void FX_SPTransporterLensFlares( centity_t* cent, vec3_t headVector, int startTime ) { refEntity_t flare; trace_t tr; int i; int direction = 1; int timeOffset = 0; //250 - time between first and second flares appearing; float ratio; float dlightRatio; vec3_t origin, tempOrigin; int width; int height; //Hrmm... we have a glitch lol. Since DEPTHHACK is on, the flare will be drawn //from ANYWHERE IN THE LEVEL! O_o //So.... uh, we'll do a trace between ourselves and the entity this is attached //to, and if they can't see each other, screw it. :P if ( cg.predictedPlayerState.clientNum != cent->currentState.clientNum ) { CG_Trace( &tr, cg.refdef.vieworg, NULL, NULL, cent->lerpOrigin, cg.predictedPlayerState.clientNum, CONTENTS_SOLID ); if ( tr.fraction != 1 ) { return; } } /*else { Com_Printf( "Origin: { %f, %f, %f }\n", cent->lerpOrigin[0], cent->lerpOrigin[1], cent->lerpOrigin[2] ); Com_Printf( "HeadVector: { %f, %f, %f }\n", headVector[0], headVector[1], headVector[2] ); return; }*/ //calculate the necessary data we need to place the origin in the direct center of the model memset( &flare, 0, sizeof( flare ) ); //Bah. I thought lerpOrigin was at the base of the feet. Turns out it's at the knees O_o //This little hack should help that VectorCopy( cent->lerpOrigin, tempOrigin ); tempOrigin[2] -= 24; //If the distance means we're not lying down if ( ( headVector[2] - tempOrigin[2] ) > 8 ) { //find the average between our lerp origin and headVector to find the center //VectorAdd( headVector, tempOrigin, origin ); //VectorScale( origin, 0.5, origin ); VectorAverage( headVector, tempOrigin, origin ); width = 30; height = (headVector[2] - tempOrigin[2]) / 2; } else { width = 30; height = 4; VectorCopy( cent->lerpOrigin, origin); } flare.reType = RT_SPRITE; flare.shaderRGBA[0] = 0xff; flare.shaderRGBA[1] = 0xff; flare.shaderRGBA[2] = 0xff; flare.shaderRGBA[3] = 0xff; flare.data.sprite.rotation = 0; flare.nonNormalizedAxes = qtrue; //needed for effective scaling flare.renderfx |= RF_DEPTHHACK; //DEPTHHACK renders the element over everything else. Useful in this lens flare simulation case :) //loop 4 times = 4 flares. :) for (i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { VectorClear( flare.origin ); VectorCopy( origin, flare.origin); //the first two flares are the main ones if ( i < 2 ) { flare.customShader = cgs.media.transport1Shader; //1 timeOffset = startTime; } else { // the second two spawn a little later flare.customShader = cgs.media.transport2Shader; timeOffset = startTime + 650; //750 } //the second flare each round goes down instead of up if ( i % 2 == 0) direction = 1; else direction = -1; //=========================== if ( cg.time > timeOffset + 2000 ) { continue; } //Phase 1: flares get bigger if ( cg.time < timeOffset + 500 ) { ratio = ((float)(cg.time - timeOffset) * 0.002); if (ratio < 0 ) ratio = 0.0f; else if (ratio > 1 ) ratio = 1.0f; flare.data.sprite.radius = (float)width * ratio; /*if ( i ==0 ) Com_Printf( "Phase 1 Radius: %f\n", flare.data.sprite.radius );*/ } //Phase 2: flares move up/down character if ( ( cg.time < timeOffset + 1500 ) && ( cg.time >= timeOffset + 500 ) ) { ratio = ( (float)(cg.time - (timeOffset + 500) ) * 0.001 ); if (ratio < 0 ) ratio = 0.0f; else if (ratio > 1 ) ratio = 1.0f; flare.data.sprite.radius = (float)width; flare.origin[2] += (float)direction * (float)height * ratio; /*if (i == 0 ) Com_Printf( "Phase 2 Location: %f\n", flare.origin[2] );*/ } //Phase 3: flares get smaller if ( ( cg.time < timeOffset + 2000 ) && ( cg.time >= timeOffset + 1500 ) ) { ratio = 1.0f - ( (float)(cg.time - ( timeOffset + 1500 ) ) * 0,002 ); if (ratio < 0 ) ratio = 0.0f; else if (ratio > 1 ) ratio = 1.0f; flare.origin[2] += ((float)height * (float)direction); flare.data.sprite.radius = (float)width * ratio; /*if ( i == 0 ) Com_Printf( "Phase 3 Radius: %f\n", flare.data.sprite.radius );*/ } trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &flare ); } //dynamic light calculation if ( cg.time < ( startTime + 2000 ) ) { dlightRatio = (float)( cg.time - startTime ) * 0,0005; } else { dlightRatio = 1.0f - ( (float)( cg.time - ( startTime + 2000 ) ) * 0,0005 ); } //dynamic light FX trap_R_AddLightToScene( origin, 80.0f * dlightRatio, 0.345, 0.624, 0.835 ); } /* ------------------------- TransporterParticle ------------------------- */ qboolean TransporterParticle( localEntity_t *le) { vec3_t org, velocity = { 0, 0, 68 }; vec3_t accel = { 0, 0, -12 }; float scale, dscale; qhandle_t shader; VectorCopy( le->refEntity.origin, org ); org[2] += 0;//38; shader = ( le->data.spawner.dir[0] == 0 ) ? cgs.media.trans1Shader : cgs.media.trans2Shader; scale = ( le->data.spawner.dir[0] == 0 ) ? 2.0 : 4.0; dscale = ( le->data.spawner.dir[0] == 0 ) ? 4.0 : 24.0; le->data.spawner.dir[0]++; FX_AddSprite( org, velocity, qfalse, scale, dscale, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0, 0.0f, 450.0f, shader ); VectorScale( velocity, -1, velocity ); VectorScale( accel, -1, accel ); FX_AddSprite( org, velocity, qfalse, scale, dscale, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0, 0.0f, 450.0f, shader ); return qtrue; } /* ------------------------- TransporterPad ------------------------- */ qboolean TransporterPad( localEntity_t *le) { vec3_t org; vec3_t up = {0,0,1}; float scale, dscale; qhandle_t shader; VectorCopy( le->refEntity.origin, org ); org[2] -= 3; shader = cgs.media.trans1Shader; scale = 20.0; dscale = 2.0; FX_AddQuad( org, up, scale, dscale, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0, 950.0f, shader ); return qtrue; } /* ------------------------- FX_Transporter ------------------------- */ void FX_Transporter( vec3_t origin ) { vec3_t up = {0,0,1}; FX_AddSpawner( origin, up, NULL, NULL, qfalse, 0, 0, 200, TransporterParticle, 0 ); // trap_S_StartSound( origin, NULL, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.teleInSound ); } /* ------------------------- FX_TransporterPad ------------------------- */ void FX_TransporterPad( vec3_t origin ) { vec3_t up = {0,0,1}; FX_AddSpawner( origin, up, NULL, NULL, qfalse, 1000, 0, 0, TransporterPad, 0 ); }