// Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Id Software, Inc. // // cg_event.c -- handle entity events at snapshot or playerstate transitions #include "cg_local.h" #include "fx_local.h" #include "cg_text.h" #include "cg_screenfx.h" //========================================================================== /* =================== CG_PlaceString Also called by scoreboard drawing =================== */ const char *CG_PlaceString( int rank ) { static char str[64]; static char str2[64]; char *s, *t; if ( rank & RANK_TIED_FLAG ) { rank &= ~RANK_TIED_FLAG; t = ingame_text[IGT_TIEDFOR]; } else { t = ""; } if ( rank == 1 ) { // s = S_COLOR_BLUE "1st" S_COLOR_WHITE; // draw in blue Com_sprintf( str2, sizeof( str2 ), "%s%s%s",S_COLOR_BLUE, ingame_text[IGT_1ST],S_COLOR_WHITE ); s = str2; } else if ( rank == 2 ) { // s = S_COLOR_RED "2nd" S_COLOR_WHITE; // draw in red Com_sprintf( str2, sizeof( str2 ), "%s%s%s",S_COLOR_RED, ingame_text[IGT_2ND],S_COLOR_WHITE ); s = str2; } else if ( rank == 3 ) { // s = S_COLOR_YELLOW "3rd" S_COLOR_WHITE; // draw in yellow Com_sprintf( str2, sizeof( str2 ), "%s%s%s",S_COLOR_YELLOW, ingame_text[IGT_3RD],S_COLOR_WHITE ); s = str2; } else if ( rank == 11 ) { // s = "11th"; Com_sprintf( str2, sizeof( str2 ), "%s",ingame_text[IGT_11TH]); s = str2; } else if ( rank == 12 ) { // s = "12th"; Com_sprintf( str2, sizeof( str2 ), "%s",ingame_text[IGT_12TH]); s = str2; } else if ( rank == 13 ) { // s = "13th"; Com_sprintf( str2, sizeof( str2 ), "%s",ingame_text[IGT_13TH]); s = str2; } else if ( rank % 10 == 1 ) { // s = va("%ist", rank); Com_sprintf( str2, sizeof( str2 ), "%i%s",rank,ingame_text[IGT_NUM_ST]); s = str2; } else if ( rank % 10 == 2 ) { // s = va("%ind", rank); Com_sprintf( str2, sizeof( str2 ), "%i%s",rank,ingame_text[IGT_NUM_ND]); s = str2; } else if ( rank % 10 == 3 ) { // s = va("%ird", rank); Com_sprintf( str2, sizeof( str2 ), "%i%s",rank,ingame_text[IGT_NUM_RD]); s = str2; } else { // s = va("%ith", rank); Com_sprintf( str2, sizeof( str2 ), "%i%s",rank,ingame_text[IGT_NUM_TH]); s = str2; } Com_sprintf( str, sizeof( str ), "%s%s", t, s ); return str; } /* ============= CG_Obituary ============= */ static void CG_Obituary( entityState_t *ent ) { int mod; int target, attacker; char *method; const char *targetInfo; const char *attackerInfo; char targetName[64]; char attackerName[64]; target = ent->otherEntityNum; attacker = ent->otherEntityNum2; mod = ent->eventParm; if ( target < 0 || target >= MAX_CLIENTS ) { CG_Error( "CG_Obituary: target out of range" ); } if ( attacker < 0 || attacker >= MAX_CLIENTS ) { attacker = ENTITYNUM_WORLD; attackerInfo = NULL; } else { attackerInfo = CG_ConfigString( CS_PLAYERS + attacker ); } targetInfo = CG_ConfigString( CS_PLAYERS + target ); if ( !targetInfo ) { return; } Q_strncpyz( targetName, Info_ValueForKey( targetInfo, "n" ), sizeof(targetName) - 2); // strcat( targetName, S_COLOR_WHITE ); switch( mod ) { case MOD_WATER: method = ingame_text[IGT_DROWNING]; break; case MOD_SLIME: method = ingame_text[IGT_CORROSION]; break; case MOD_LAVA: method = ingame_text[IGT_BOILING]; break; case MOD_CRUSH: method = ingame_text[IGT_COMPRESSION]; break; case MOD_TELEFRAG: method = ingame_text[IGT_TRANSPORTERACCIDENT]; break; case MOD_FALLING: method = ingame_text[IGT_IMPACT]; break; case MOD_SUICIDE: case MOD_RESPAWN: method = ingame_text[IGT_SUICIDE]; break; case MOD_TARGET_LASER: method = ingame_text[IGT_LASERBURNS]; break; case MOD_TRIGGER_HURT: method = ingame_text[IGT_MISADVENTURE]; break; case MOD_EXPLOSION: method = ingame_text[IGT_DESTROYED]; break; case MOD_PHASER: case MOD_PHASER_ALT: method = ingame_text[IGT_PHASERBURNS]; break; case MOD_CRIFLE: case MOD_CRIFLE_SPLASH: case MOD_CRIFLE_ALT_SPLASH: method = ingame_text[IGT_ENERGYSCARS]; break; case MOD_CRIFLE_ALT: method = ingame_text[IGT_PHASERBURNS]; //RPG-X | GSIO01 | 08/05/2009: was IGT_SNIPED break; case MOD_IMOD: case MOD_IMOD_ALT: method = ingame_text[IGT_INFINITEMODULATION]; break; case MOD_SCAVENGER: method = ingame_text[IGT_GUNNEDDOWN]; break; case MOD_SCAVENGER_ALT: case MOD_SCAVENGER_ALT_SPLASH: method = ingame_text[IGT_SCAVENGED]; break; case MOD_STASIS: case MOD_STASIS_ALT: method = ingame_text[IGT_PERMANENTSTASIS]; break; case MOD_GRENADE: case MOD_GRENADE_SPLASH: method = ingame_text[IGT_BLASTED]; break; case MOD_GRENADE_ALT: case MOD_GRENADE_ALT_SPLASH: method = ingame_text[IGT_MINED]; break; case MOD_TETRION: method = ingame_text[IGT_PERFORATED]; break; case MOD_TETRION_ALT: method = ingame_text[IGT_DISRUPTED]; break; case MOD_DREADNOUGHT: method = ingame_text[IGT_WELDED]; break; case MOD_DREADNOUGHT_ALT: method = ingame_text[IGT_DEGAUSSED]; break; case MOD_QUANTUM: case MOD_QUANTUM_SPLASH: method = ingame_text[IGT_DESTROYED]; break; case MOD_QUANTUM_ALT: case MOD_QUANTUM_ALT_SPLASH: method = ingame_text[IGT_ANNIHILATED]; break; case MOD_DETPACK: method = ingame_text[IGT_VAPORIZED]; break; case MOD_KNOCKOUT: method = ingame_text[IGT_KNOCKOUT]; break; case MOD_SEEKER: method = ingame_text[IGT_AUTOGUNNED]; break; case MOD_ASSIMILATE: method = ingame_text[IGT_ASSIMILATED]; break; case MOD_BORG: case MOD_BORG_ALT: method = ingame_text[IGT_ZAPPED]; break; case MOD_FORCEFIELD: method =ingame_text[IGT_FORCEFIELDDEATH]; break; case MOD_FORCEDSUICIDE: method =ingame_text[IGT_FORCEDSUICIDE]; break; default: method =ingame_text[IGT_UNKNOWN]; break; } if ( target == cg.snap->ps.clientNum ) { cg.mod = mod; } // If killed self, send "Casualty" message. if (attacker == target || attacker == ENTITYNUM_WORLD || !attackerInfo) { // Killed self if ( cg_disablekillmsgs.integer == 0 ) { CG_Printf(S_COLOR_CYAN"%s: "S_COLOR_WHITE"%10s "S_COLOR_CYAN"%s: "S_COLOR_WHITE"%s\n", ingame_text[IGT_CASUALTY],targetName,ingame_text[IGT_METHOD], method); } return; } // check for kill messages from the current clientNum if ( attacker == cg.snap->ps.clientNum ) { char *s; if ( cgs.gametype < GT_TEAM ) { s = va("%s %s", ingame_text[IGT_YOUELIMINATED],targetName); /*s = va("%s %s\n%s %s %i", ingame_text[IGT_YOUELIMINATED],targetName, CG_PlaceString( cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_RANK] + 1 ),ingame_text[IGT_PLACEWITH], cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_SCORE] );*/ } else { //Assimilated message as well if ( mod == MOD_ASSIMILATE ) { s = va("%s %s", ingame_text[IGT_YOUASSIMILATED],targetName ); } else { s = va("%s %s", ingame_text[IGT_YOUELIMINATED],targetName ); } } CG_CenterPrint( s, SCREEN_HEIGHT * 0.25, BIGCHAR_WIDTH ); // print the text message as well } // check for double client messages if ( !attackerInfo ) { attacker = ENTITYNUM_WORLD; strcpy( attackerName, "noname" ); } else { Q_strncpyz( attackerName, Info_ValueForKey( attackerInfo, "n" ), sizeof(attackerName) - 2); // strcat( attackerName, S_COLOR_WHITE ); // check for kill messages about the current clientNum if ( target == cg.snap->ps.clientNum ) { Q_strncpyz( cg.killerName, attackerName, sizeof( cg.killerName ) ); } } if ( cg_disablekillmsgs.integer == 0 ) { CG_Printf(S_COLOR_CYAN"%s: "S_COLOR_WHITE"%10s "S_COLOR_CYAN"%s: "S_COLOR_WHITE"%10s "S_COLOR_CYAN"%s: "S_COLOR_WHITE"%s\n", ingame_text[IGT_OBITELIMINATED],targetName,ingame_text[IGT_CREDIT],attackerName, ingame_text[IGT_METHOD], method); } } //========================================================================== /* =============== CG_UseItem =============== */ static void CG_UseItem( centity_t *cent ) { int itemNum; entityState_t *es; es = ¢->currentState; itemNum = (es->event & ~EV_EVENT_BITS) - EV_USE_ITEM0; if ( itemNum < 0 || itemNum > HI_NUM_HOLDABLE ) { itemNum = 0; } // print a message if the local player /* if ( es->number == cg.snap->ps.clientNum ) { if ( !itemNum ) { CG_CenterPrint( "No item to use", SCREEN_HEIGHT * 0.25, BIGCHAR_WIDTH ); } else { gitem_t *item; item = BG_FindItemForHoldable( itemNum ); CG_CenterPrint( va("Use %s", item->pickup_name), SCREEN_HEIGHT * 0.25, BIGCHAR_WIDTH ); } } */ switch ( itemNum ) { default: case HI_NONE: trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_BODY, cgs.media.useNothingSound ); break; case HI_TRANSPORTER: break; case HI_MEDKIT: trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_BODY, cgs.media.medkitSound ); break; case HI_DETPACK: break; //--------------------------------------- TEMP DECOY case HI_DECOY: /* if ( es->number == cg.snap->ps.clientNum ) { CG_CenterPrint( "Decoy Placed\n",SCREEN_HEIGHT * 0.25, BIGCHAR_WIDTH ); } */ break; } } /* ================ CG_ItemPickup A new item was picked up this frame ================ */ static void CG_ItemPickup( int itemNum ) { cg.itemPickup = itemNum; cg.itemPickupTime = cg.time; cg.itemPickupBlendTime = cg.time; // see if it should be the grabbed weapon if (cg.snap->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] & (1 << itemNum)) return; if ( bg_itemlist[itemNum].giType == IT_WEAPON ) { int nCurWpn = cg.predictedPlayerState.weapon; int nNewWpn = bg_itemlist[itemNum].giTag; // kef -- check cg_autoswitch... // // 0 == no switching // 1 == automatically switch to best SAFE weapon // 2 == automatically switch to best weapon, safe or otherwise // // NOTE: automatically switching to any weapon you pick up is stupid and annoying and we won't do it. // switch(cg_autoswitch.integer) { case 1: // safe switching if ( (nNewWpn > nCurWpn) && !(nNewWpn == WP_GRENADE_LAUNCHER) && !(nNewWpn == WP_QUANTUM_BURST) ) { // switch to new wpn cg.weaponSelectTime = cg.time; cg.weaponSelect = nNewWpn; } break; case 2: // best, even if unsafe. if (nNewWpn > nCurWpn) { // switch to new wpn cg.weaponSelectTime = cg.time; cg.weaponSelect = nNewWpn; } break; case 3: // Always switch // switch to new wpn cg.weaponSelectTime = cg.time; cg.weaponSelect = nNewWpn; break; case 0: default: // Don't switch. break; } } } /* ================ CG_PainEvent Also called by playerstate transition ================ */ void CG_PainEvent( centity_t *cent, int health ) { char *snd; // don't do more than two pain sounds a second if ( cg.time - cent->pe.painTime < 500 ) { return; } if ( health < 25 ) { snd = "*pain25.wav"; } else if ( health < 50 ) { snd = "*pain50.wav"; } else if ( health < 75 ) { snd = "*pain75.wav"; } else { snd = "*pain100.wav"; } trap_S_StartSound( NULL, cent->currentState.number, CHAN_VOICE, CG_CustomSound( cent->currentState.number, snd ) ); // save pain time for programitic twitch animation cent->pe.painTime = cg.time; cent->pe.painDirection ^= 1; } /* ============== CG_EntityEvent An entity has an event value also called by CG_CheckPlayerstateEvents ============== */ #define DEBUGNAME(x) if(cg_debugEvents.integer){CG_Printf(x"\n");} void CG_EntityEvent( centity_t *cent, vec3_t position ) { entityState_t *es; int event; vec3_t dir; const char *s; int clientNum; clientInfo_t *ci; vec3_t normal = { 0, 0, 1 }; int a, b; refEntity_t legs; refEntity_t torso; refEntity_t head; //vec3_t forward, right, up; //vec3_t spray_dir; //RPG-X: J2J - Trying to fix hypo, aim direction stored here as raw vector. es = ¢->currentState; event = es->event & ~EV_EVENT_BITS; if ( cg_debugEvents.integer ) { CG_Printf( "ent:%3i event:%3i ", es->number, event ); } if ( !event ) { DEBUGNAME("ZEROEVENT"); return; } clientNum = es->clientNum; if ( clientNum < 0 || clientNum >= MAX_CLIENTS ) { clientNum = 0; } ci = &cgs.clientinfo[ clientNum ]; switch ( event ) { // // movement generated events // case EV_FOOTSTEP: DEBUGNAME("EV_FOOTSTEP"); if ( es->powerups & ( 1 << PW_INVIS ) ) break; if ( ci->animSndIndex == -1 ) { if (cg_footsteps.integer ) { if ( cent->beamData.beamTimeParam == 0 || ( ( es->powerups & ( 1 << PW_BEAM_OUT ) ) && ( cg.time < cent->beamData.beamTimeParam + 2200 ) ) || ( ( es->powerups & ( 1 << PW_QUAD ) ) && ( cg.time > cent->beamData.beamTimeParam + 1800 ) ) ) { trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_BODY, cgs.media.footsteps[ ci->footsteps ][rand()&3] ); } } } break; case EV_FOOTSTEP_METAL: DEBUGNAME("EV_FOOTSTEP_METAL"); if ( es->powerups & ( 1 << PW_INVIS ) ) break; if ( ci->animSndIndex == -1 ) { if (cg_footsteps.integer) { if ( cent->beamData.beamTimeParam == 0 || ( ( es->powerups & ( 1 << PW_BEAM_OUT ) ) && ( cg.time < cent->beamData.beamTimeParam + 2200 ) ) || ( ( es->powerups & ( 1 << PW_QUAD ) ) && ( cg.time > cent->beamData.beamTimeParam + 1800 ) ) ) { trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_BODY, cgs.media.footsteps[ FOOTSTEP_METAL ][rand()&3] ); } } } break; case EV_FOOTSPLASH: DEBUGNAME("EV_FOOTSPLASH"); if ( es->powerups & ( 1 << PW_INVIS ) ) break; if (cg_footsteps.integer) { trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_BODY, cgs.media.footsteps[ FOOTSTEP_SPLASH ][rand()&3] ); } break; case EV_FOOTWADE: DEBUGNAME("EV_FOOTWADE"); if ( es->powerups & ( 1 << PW_INVIS ) ) break; if (cg_footsteps.integer) { trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_BODY, cgs.media.footsteps[ FOOTSTEP_SPLASH ][rand()&3] ); } break; case EV_SWIM: DEBUGNAME("EV_SWIM"); if ( es->powerups & ( 1 << PW_INVIS ) ) break; if (cg_footsteps.integer) { trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_BODY, cgs.media.footsteps[ FOOTSTEP_SPLASH ][rand()&3] ); } break; case EV_FALL_SHORT: DEBUGNAME("EV_FALL_SHORT"); if ( es->powerups & ( 1 << PW_INVIS ) ) break; if ( !( cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_DEAD ) ) trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.landSound[LANDSOUND_NORMAL] ); else trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.splatSound ); if ( clientNum == cg.predictedPlayerState.clientNum ) { // smooth landing z changes cg.landChange = -8; cg.landTime = cg.time; } break; case EV_FALL_MEDIUM: DEBUGNAME("EV_FALL_MEDIUM"); if ( es->powerups & ( 1 << PW_INVIS ) ) break; if ( !( cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_DEAD ) ) trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.landSound[LANDSOUND_NORMAL] ); else trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.splatSound ); // use normal pain sound trap_S_StartSound( NULL, es->number, CHAN_VOICE, CG_CustomSound( es->number, "*pain100.wav" ) ); if ( clientNum == cg.predictedPlayerState.clientNum ) { // smooth landing z changes cg.landChange = -16; cg.landTime = cg.time; } break; case EV_FALL_FAR: DEBUGNAME("EV_FALL_FAR"); if ( es->powerups & ( 1 << PW_INVIS ) ) break; //if ( ( cent->currentState.legsAnim & ~ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) != BOTH_FALLDEATH1INAIR && ( cent->currentState.legsAnim & ~ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) != BOTH_FALLDEATH1LAND ) if ( !( cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_DEAD ) ) trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.landSound[LANDSOUND_NORMAL] ); else trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.splatSound ); trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, CG_CustomSound( es->number, "*fall1.wav" ) ); cent->pe.painTime = cg.time; // don't play a pain sound right after this if ( clientNum == cg.predictedPlayerState.clientNum ) { // smooth landing z changes cg.landChange = -24; cg.landTime = cg.time; } break; case EV_SPLAT: if ( es->powerups & ( 1 << PW_INVIS ) ) break; trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.splatSound ); break; case EV_STEP_4: case EV_STEP_8: case EV_STEP_12: case EV_STEP_16: // smooth out step up transitions DEBUGNAME("EV_STEP"); if ( es->powerups & ( 1 << PW_INVIS ) ) break; { float oldStep; int delta; int step; if ( clientNum != cg.predictedPlayerState.clientNum ) { break; } // if we are interpolating, we don't need to smooth steps if ( cg.demoPlayback || (cg.snap->ps.pm_flags & PMF_FOLLOW) || cg_nopredict.integer || cg_synchronousClients.integer ) { break; } // check for stepping up before a previous step is completed delta = cg.time - cg.stepTime; if (delta < STEP_TIME) { oldStep = cg.stepChange * (STEP_TIME - delta) / STEP_TIME; } else { oldStep = 0; } // add this amount step = 4 * (event - EV_STEP_4 + 1 ); cg.stepChange = oldStep + step; if ( cg.stepChange > MAX_STEP_CHANGE ) { cg.stepChange = MAX_STEP_CHANGE; } cg.stepTime = cg.time; break; } case EV_JUMP_PAD: DEBUGNAME("EV_JUMP_PAD"); if ( es->powerups & ( 1 << PW_INVIS ) ) break; // boing sound at origin, jump sound on player trap_S_StartSound ( cent->lerpOrigin, -1, CHAN_VOICE, cgs.media.jumpPadSound ); trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_VOICE, CG_CustomSound( es->number, "*jump1.wav" ) ); break; case EV_JUMP: DEBUGNAME("EV_JUMP"); if ( es->powerups & ( 1 << PW_INVIS ) ) break; trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_VOICE, CG_CustomSound( es->number, "*jump1.wav" ) ); break; case EV_TAUNT: DEBUGNAME("EV_TAUNT"); /*if ( ci->numTaunts > 0 ) { if ( ci->pClass == PC_BORG ) { trap_S_StartSound (NULL, cg.snap->ps.clientNum, CHAN_AUTO, CG_CustomSound( es->number, va("*taunt%d.wav", irandom(1, ci->numTaunts) ) ) ); } else { trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_VOICE, CG_CustomSound( es->number, va("*taunt%d.wav", irandom(1, ci->numTaunts) ) ) ); } }*/ break; case EV_WATER_TOUCH: DEBUGNAME("EV_WATER_TOUCH"); if ( es->powerups & ( 1 << PW_INVIS ) ) break; trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.watrInSound ); break; case EV_WATER_LEAVE: DEBUGNAME("EV_WATER_LEAVE"); if ( es->powerups & ( 1 << PW_INVIS ) ) break; trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.watrOutSound ); break; case EV_WATER_UNDER: DEBUGNAME("EV_WATER_UNDER"); if ( es->powerups & ( 1 << PW_INVIS ) ) break; trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.watrUnSound ); break; case EV_WATER_CLEAR: DEBUGNAME("EV_WATER_CLEAR"); if ( es->powerups & ( 1 << PW_INVIS ) ) break; trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, CG_CustomSound( es->number, "*gasp.wav" ) ); break; case EV_ITEM_PICKUP: DEBUGNAME("EV_ITEM_PICKUP"); { gitem_t *item; int index; index = es->eventParm; // player predicted if ( index < 1 || index >= bg_numItems ) { break; } item = &bg_itemlist[ index ]; // powerups and team items will have a separate global sound, this one // will be played at prediction time if ( item->giType == IT_POWERUP) { trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.defaultPickupSound ); } else if (item->pickup_sound && (item->giType != IT_TEAM)) { trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, trap_S_RegisterSound( item->pickup_sound ) ); } // show icon and name on status bar if ( es->number == cg.snap->ps.clientNum ) { CG_ItemPickup( index ); } } break; case EV_GLOBAL_ITEM_PICKUP: DEBUGNAME("EV_GLOBAL_ITEM_PICKUP"); { gitem_t *item; int index; index = es->eventParm; // player predicted if ( index < 1 || index >= bg_numItems ) { break; } item = &bg_itemlist[ index ]; // if it's a IT_TEAM type, then its a CTF FLAG, and if so, we need to do different sounds for different people // not nice to do as a specific sound type, but without rebuilding the item structure there is no choice. /*if (item->giType == IT_TEAM) { // are we the same client as the one that fired this global sound call off in the first place? // if so, we have already handled the sound call in EV_ITEM_PICKUP if ( es->otherEntityNum != cg.snap->ps.clientNum ) { clientInfo_t *us; us = &cgs.clientinfo[ cg.snap->ps.clientNum ]; if (us->team != TEAM_SPECTATOR) { // red or blue? if (item->giTag == PW_REDFLAG) { // red if (us->team == TEAM_RED) { // Your flag has been touched. trap_S_StartSound (NULL, cg.snap->ps.clientNum, CHAN_ANNOUNCER, cgs.media.ctfTheyStealVoiceSound); } else { trap_S_StartSound (NULL, cg.snap->ps.clientNum, CHAN_ANNOUNCER, cgs.media.ctfYouStealVoiceSound); } } else { // no, Blue! if (us->team == TEAM_BLUE) { // Your flag has been touched. trap_S_StartSound (NULL, cg.snap->ps.clientNum, CHAN_ANNOUNCER, cgs.media.ctfTheyStealVoiceSound); } else { trap_S_StartSound (NULL, cg.snap->ps.clientNum, CHAN_ANNOUNCER, cgs.media.ctfYouStealVoiceSound); } } } else { // Spectators should hear generic steal sound with no voice trap_S_StartSound (NULL, cg.snap->ps.clientNum, CHAN_ANNOUNCER, cgs.media.ctfStealSound); } } else { trap_S_StartSound (NULL, cg.snap->ps.clientNum, CHAN_ANNOUNCER, trap_S_RegisterSound( item->pickup_sound ) ); } } else*/ if (item->pickup_sound) { // powerup pickups are NOT global anymore, they are in the world. if (es->otherEntityNum==cg.snap->ps.clientNum) { // YOU are the one who started this sound. trap_S_StartSound (NULL, cg.snap->ps.clientNum, CHAN_ITEM, trap_S_RegisterSound( item->pickup_sound ) ); } else { // Maybe it is too quiet for a pickup? trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, trap_S_RegisterSound( item->pickup_sound ) ); } } // show icon and name on status bar if ( es->number == cg.snap->ps.clientNum ) { CG_ItemPickup( index ); } } break; // // weapon events // case EV_NOAMMO: DEBUGNAME("EV_NOAMMO"); // trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.noAmmoSound ); if ( es->number == cg.snap->ps.clientNum ) { //primary fire switches weapons CG_OutOfAmmoChange(qfalse); } break; case EV_NOAMMO_ALT: DEBUGNAME("EV_NOAMMO_ALT"); // trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.noAmmoSound ); if ( es->number == cg.snap->ps.clientNum ) { CG_OutOfAmmoChange(qtrue); // cg.lowAmmoWarning = 1000;//flash out of ammo message for 1 whole second // trap_S_StartLocalSound( cgs.media.noAmmoSound, CHAN_LOCAL_SOUND ); } break; case EV_CHANGE_WEAPON: DEBUGNAME("EV_CHANGE_WEAPON"); if ( es->powerups & ( 1 << PW_INVIS ) ) break; //trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.selectSound ); break; case EV_FIRE_WEAPON: DEBUGNAME("EV_FIRE_WEAPON"); cent->pe.empty = qfalse; CG_FireWeapon( cent, qfalse ); break; case EV_ALT_FIRE: DEBUGNAME("EV_ALT_FIRE"); cent->pe.empty = qfalse; CG_FireWeapon( cent, qtrue ); break; case EV_USE: DEBUGNAME("EV_USE"); //??? break; case EV_FIRE_EMPTY_PHASER: DEBUGNAME("EV_FIRE_EMPTY_PHASER"); cent->pe.lightningFiring = qtrue; cent->pe.empty = qtrue; CG_FireWeapon( cent, qfalse ); break; case EV_Q_FLASH: DEBUGNAME("EV_Q_FLASH"); CG_InitLensFlare( cent->lerpOrigin, 160, 500, colorTable[CT_WHITE], 1.2, 2.0, 700, 1, colorTable[CT_WHITE], 0, 0, 0, 0, qfalse, 0, 0, qfalse, qfalse, qfalse, 1.0, cg.time, 120, 0, 120 ); break; case EV_HYPO_PUFF: DEBUGNAME("EV_HYPO_PUFF"); //UnVectorShort(cent->currentState.angles); //VectorCopy(cent->lerpOrigin, hypo_vec); //hypo_vec[0] += cg.snap->ps.viewheight; //AngleVectors (cg.snap->ps.viewangles, forward, right, up); //CalcMuzzlePoint ( cent, forward, right, up, muzzle, projsize); //dir //VectorSubtract(spray_dir, /*cent->lerpOrigin*/cg.refdefViewAngles, cent->currentState.origin); /* spray_dir[0] = cg.refdefViewAngles[0]; spray_dir[1] = cg.refdefViewAngles[2]; spray_dir[2] = cg.refdefViewAngles[1]; //RPG-X: J2J - Correct Angles now used :-) spray_dir[0] = cg.snap->ps.viewangles[0]; spray_dir[1] = cg.snap->ps.viewangles[2]; spray_dir[2] = cg.snap->ps.viewangles[1]; */ FX_HypoSpray( cent->lerpOrigin, /*spray_dircg.snap->ps.viewangles*/cent->currentState.angles2, qfalse ); break; case EV_TR116_TRIS: DEBUGNAME("EV_TR116_TRIS"); /*if(tris_state == 1){ tris_state = 0; }else{ tris_state = 1; } //trap_Cvar_Set("r_showtris", va("%i",tris_state)); trap_SendConsoleCommand( va("r_showtris %i",tris_state) ); */ break; //RPG-X: RedTechie - Tring to get fricken shake sound to work case EV_SHAKE_SOUND: DEBUGNAME("EV_SHAKE_SOUND"); /*spray_dir[0] = cg.refdefViewAngles[0]; spray_dir[1] = cg.refdefViewAngles[2]; spray_dir[2] = cg.refdefViewAngles[1]; FX_HypoSpray( cent->lerpOrigin, spray_dir, qfalse );*/ //trap_S_AddLoopingSound( es->number, NULL, NULL, cgs.media.phaserEmptySound ); trap_S_StartLocalSound( cgs.media.ShakeSound, CHAN_LOCAL ); break; case EV_USE_ITEM0: case EV_USE_ITEM1: case EV_USE_ITEM2: case EV_USE_ITEM3: case EV_USE_ITEM4: case EV_USE_ITEM5: case EV_USE_ITEM6: case EV_USE_ITEM7: case EV_USE_ITEM8: case EV_USE_ITEM9: case EV_USE_ITEM10: case EV_USE_ITEM11: case EV_USE_ITEM12: case EV_USE_ITEM13: case EV_USE_ITEM14: case EV_USE_ITEM15: DEBUGNAME("EV_USE_ITEMxx"); CG_UseItem( cent ); break; //================================================================= // // other events // case EV_PLAYER_TELEPORT_IN: DEBUGNAME("EV_PLAYER_TELEPORT_IN"); trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.teleInSound ); CG_SpawnEffect( position, &legs, &torso, &head); CG_AddFullScreenEffect(SCREENFX_TRANSPORTER, clientNum); break; case EV_PLAYER_TELEPORT_OUT: DEBUGNAME("EV_PLAYER_TELEPORT_OUT"); trap_S_StartSound ( NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.qFlash ); CG_QFlashEvent( position ); //trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.teleOutSound ); //CG_SpawnEffect( position, &legs, &torso, &head); break; //RPG-X: TiM -> case EV_PLAYER_TRANSPORT_IN: DEBUGNAME("EV_PLAYER_TRANSPORT_IN"); trap_S_StartSound ( cent->lerpOrigin, es->number, CHAN_WEAPON, cgs.media.transportSound ); //CG_AddFullScreenEffect( SCREENFX_SP_TRANSPORTER_IN, clientNum ); break; case EV_PLAYER_TRANSPORT_OUT: DEBUGNAME("EV_PLAYER_TRANSPORT_OUT"); trap_S_StartSound ( cent->lerpOrigin, es->number, CHAN_WEAPON, cgs.media.transportSound ); //CG_AddFullScreenEffect( SCREENFX_SP_TRANSPORTER_OUT, clientNum ); break; /* case EV_BORG_TELEPORT: DEBUGNAME("EV_BORG_TELEPORT"); FX_BorgTeleport( position ); // FIXME: Hmmm, sound? break;*/ case EV_ITEM_POP: DEBUGNAME("EV_ITEM_POP"); trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.respawnSound ); //bookmark break; case EV_ITEM_RESPAWN: DEBUGNAME("EV_ITEM_RESPAWN"); cent->miscTime = cg.time; // scale up from this trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.respawnSound ); break; case EV_GRENADE_BOUNCE: DEBUGNAME("EV_GRENADE_BOUNCE"); UnVectorShort(cent->currentState.angles2); CG_BounceEffect( cent, es->weapon, position, cent->currentState.angles2 ); break; // // missile impacts // case EV_MISSILE_STICK: DEBUGNAME("EV_MISSILE_STICK"); trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.grenadeAltStickSound ); break; case EV_MISSILE_HIT: DEBUGNAME("EV_MISSILE_HIT"); ByteToDir( es->eventParm, dir ); CG_MissileHitPlayer( cent, es->weapon, position, dir); break; case EV_MISSILE_MISS: DEBUGNAME("EV_MISSILE_MISS"); ByteToDir( es->eventParm, dir ); CG_MissileHitWall( cent, es->weapon, position, dir ); break; case EV_COMPRESSION_RIFLE: DEBUGNAME("EV_MISSILE_MISS"); UnVectorShort(cent->currentState.origin2); FX_CompressionShot( cent->lerpOrigin, cent->currentState.origin2 ); break; case EV_COMPRESSION_RIFLE_ALT: DEBUGNAME("EV_COMPRESSION_RIFLE_ALT"); UnVectorShort(cent->currentState.origin2); FX_CompressionAltShot( cent->lerpOrigin, cent->currentState.origin2 ); break; /* case EV_IMOD: DEBUGNAME("EV_IMOD"); ByteToDir( es->eventParm, dir ); FX_IMODShot( cent->lerpOrigin, cent->currentState.origin2, dir ); break;*/ /* case EV_IMOD_ALTFIRE: DEBUGNAME("EV_IMOD_ALTFIRE"); ByteToDir( es->eventParm, dir ); FX_AltIMODShot( cent->lerpOrigin, cent->currentState.origin2, dir ); break;*/ /* case EV_IMOD_HIT: DEBUGNAME("EV_IMOD_HIT"); ByteToDir( es->eventParm, dir ); FX_IMODExplosion( cent->lerpOrigin, dir ); break;*/ /* case EV_IMOD_ALTFIRE_HIT: DEBUGNAME("EV_IMOD_ALTFIRE_HIT"); ByteToDir( es->eventParm, dir ); FX_AltIMODExplosion( cent->lerpOrigin, dir ); break;*/ /* case EV_STASIS: DEBUGNAME("EV_STASIS"); FX_StasisShot( cent, cent->lerpOrigin, cent->currentState.origin2 ); break;*/ /* case EV_BORG_ALT_WEAPON: DEBUGNAME("EV_BORG_ALT_WEAPON"); FX_BorgTaser( cent->lerpOrigin, cent->currentState.origin2 ); break;*/ case EV_GRENADE_EXPLODE: DEBUGNAME("EV_GRENADE_EXPLODE"); CG_MissileHitWall( cent, WP_GRENADE_LAUNCHER, position, normal ); break; case EV_GRENADE_SHRAPNEL_EXPLODE: DEBUGNAME("EV_GRENADE_SHRAPNEL_EXPLODE"); ByteToDir( es->eventParm, dir ); FX_GrenadeShrapnelExplode( position, dir ); break; case EV_GRENADE_SHRAPNEL: DEBUGNAME("EV_GRENADE_SHRAPNEL"); // just for beeping sound FX_GrenadeShrapnelBits(cent->lerpOrigin); break; case EV_DETPACK: DEBUGNAME("EV_DETPACK"); FX_Detpack(cent->lerpOrigin); break; /* case EV_DREADNOUGHT_MISS: DEBUGNAME("EV_DREADNOUGHT_MISS"); ByteToDir( es->eventParm, dir ); FX_DreadnoughtShotMiss( cent->lerpOrigin, dir ); break;*/ case EV_TETRION: DEBUGNAME("EV_TETRION"); // lerpOrigin == muzzle // angles2 == firing direction UnVectorShort(cent->currentState.angles2); FX_TetrionShot( cent->lerpOrigin, cent->currentState.angles2 ); break; //RPG-X: RedTechie - Added for fx gun case EV_EFFECTGUN_SHOOT: DEBUGNAME("EV_EFFECTGUN_EXPLO"); UnVectorShort(cent->currentState.origin2); FX_fxfunc_Shot( cent->lerpOrigin, cent->currentState.origin2 ); //FX_fxfunc_Explosion( cent->lerpOrigin, cent->currentState.origin2 ); break; case EV_SHIELD_HIT: DEBUGNAME("EV_SHIELD_HIT"); ByteToDir(es->eventParm, dir); CG_PlayerShieldHit(es->otherEntityNum, dir, es->time2); break; //special effects case EV_FX_SPARK: DEBUGNAME("EV_FX_SPARK"); UnVectorShort(cent->currentState.angles2); //CG_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "%f, %f, %f\n", cent->currentState.angles2[0], cent->currentState.angles2[1], cent->currentState.angles2[2] ); CG_Spark( cent->lerpOrigin, cent->currentState.angles2, cent->currentState.time2, cent->currentState.time ); break; case EV_FX_STEAM: DEBUGNAME("EV_FX_STEAM"); UnVectorShort(cent->currentState.angles2); //CG_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "%f, %f, %f\n", cent->currentState.angles2[0], cent->currentState.angles2[1], cent->currentState.angles2[2] ); CG_Steam( cent->lerpOrigin, cent->currentState.angles2, cent->currentState.time ); break; case EV_FX_BOLT: DEBUGNAME("EV_FX_BOLT"); CG_Bolt( cent ); break; case EV_FX_TRANSPORTER_PAD: DEBUGNAME("EV_FX_TRANSPORTER_PAD"); CG_TransporterPad(cent->lerpOrigin); break; case EV_FX_DRIP: DEBUGNAME("EV_FX_DRIP"); CG_Drip(cent, cent->currentState.powerups ); break; case EV_FX_CHUNKS: DEBUGNAME("EV_FX_CHUNKS"); UnVectorShort( cent->currentState.angles2 ); CG_Chunks( cent->lerpOrigin, cent->currentState.angles2, cent->currentState.time2, cent->currentState.powerups ); break; case EV_FX_GARDEN_FOUNTAIN_SPURT: DEBUGNAME("EV_FX_GARDEN_FOUNTAIN_SPURT"); CG_FountainSpurt( cent->lerpOrigin, cent->currentState.origin2 ); break; case EV_FX_SURFACE_EXPLOSION: DEBUGNAME("EV_FX_SURFACE_EXPLOSION"); // This is kind of cheap, but tom wanted a louder explosion...sigh. // TiM - Jeez Tom... ;P if ( cent->currentState.time2 & 2 ) { trap_S_StartSound(cent->lerpOrigin, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.bigSurfExpSound ); //CHAN_VOICE } else { trap_S_StartSound( cent->lerpOrigin, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.surfaceExpSound[irandom(0,2)] ); } CG_SurfaceExplosion( cent->lerpOrigin, cent->currentState.origin2, cent->currentState.angles2[0], cent->currentState.angles2[1], !(cent->currentState.time2 & 1) ); break; case EV_FX_SMOKE: //VectorSubtract( cent->currentState.origin2, cent->lerpOrigin, dir ); //VectorNormalize( dir ); UnVectorShort(cent->currentState.angles2); //CG_Smoke( cent->lerpOrigin, dir, cent->currentState.angles2[0], 24.0f, cgs.media.smokeShader/*, 8*/ ); CG_Smoke( cent->lerpOrigin, cent->currentState.angles2, cent->currentState.time2, cent->currentState.time ); break; case EV_FX_ELECTRICAL_EXPLOSION: DEBUGNAME("EV_FX_ELECTRICAL_EXPLOSION"); trap_S_StartSound( cent->lerpOrigin, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.electricExpSound[irandom(0,2)] ); CG_ElectricalExplosion( cent->lerpOrigin, cent->currentState.origin2, cent->currentState.angles2[0] ); break; // RPG-X | Marcin | 24/12/2008 case EV_FX_FIRE: DEBUGNAME("EV_FX_FIRE"); UnVectorShort(cent->currentState.angles2); CG_Fire( cent->lerpOrigin, cent->currentState.angles2, cent->currentState.time2, cent->currentState.time, cent->currentState.eventParm ); break; // RPG-X | Marcin | 03/01/2009 case EV_FX_SHAKE: DEBUGNAME("EV_FX_SHAKE"); CG_ExplosionEffects( cent->lerpOrigin, cent->currentState.time2, cent->currentState.time ); break; case EV_SCREENFX_TRANSPORTER: DEBUGNAME("EV_FULLSCREEN EFFECT"); CG_AddFullScreenEffect(SCREENFX_TRANSPORTER, clientNum); break; case EV_GENERAL_SOUND: DEBUGNAME("EV_GENERAL_SOUND"); if ( cgs.gameSounds[ es->eventParm ] ) { trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_VOICE, cgs.gameSounds[ es->eventParm ] ); } else { s = CG_ConfigString( CS_SOUNDS + es->eventParm ); trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_VOICE, CG_CustomSound( es->number, s ) ); } break; case EV_GLOBAL_SOUND: // play from the player's head so it never diminishes DEBUGNAME("EV_GLOBAL_SOUND"); if ( cgs.gameSounds[ es->eventParm ] ) { trap_S_StartSound (NULL, cg.snap->ps.clientNum, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.gameSounds[ es->eventParm ] ); } else { s = CG_ConfigString( CS_SOUNDS + es->eventParm ); trap_S_StartSound (NULL, cg.snap->ps.clientNum, CHAN_AUTO, CG_CustomSound( es->number, s ) ); } break; /*case EV_TEAM_SOUND: // play from the player's head so it never diminishes DEBUGNAME("EV_TEAM_SOUND"); { clientInfo_t *us = &cgs.clientinfo[ cg.snap->ps.clientNum ]; // which kind of team sound is coming through? switch (es->eventParm) { case RETURN_FLAG_SOUND: if (us->team != TEAM_SPECTATOR) { if (us->team == es->otherEntityNum) { // Your flag has been returned! trap_S_StartSound (NULL, cg.snap->ps.clientNum, CHAN_ANNOUNCER, cgs.media.ctfYouReturnVoiceSound); } else { trap_S_StartSound (NULL, cg.snap->ps.clientNum, CHAN_ANNOUNCER, cgs.media.ctfTheyReturnVoiceSound); } } else { // Spectators should hear a generic return sound. trap_S_StartSound (NULL, cg.snap->ps.clientNum, CHAN_ANNOUNCER, cgs.media.ctfReturnSound); } break; case DROPPED_FLAG_SOUND: if (us->team != TEAM_SPECTATOR) { if (us->team == es->otherEntityNum) { // Your flag was dropped by the enemy. trap_S_StartSound (NULL, cg.snap->ps.clientNum, CHAN_ANNOUNCER, cgs.media.ctfTheyDroppedVoiceSound); } else { trap_S_StartSound (NULL, cg.snap->ps.clientNum, CHAN_ANNOUNCER, cgs.media.ctfYouDroppedVoiceSound); } } // Spectators do not hear any sound when a flag is dropped. break; case SCORED_FLAG_SOUND: if (us->team != TEAM_SPECTATOR) { if (us->team == es->otherEntityNum) { // Your flag has been touched, while you are holding the enemy flag. trap_S_StartSound (NULL, cg.snap->ps.clientNum, CHAN_ANNOUNCER, cgs.media.ctfYouScoreVoiceSound); } else { trap_S_StartSound (NULL, cg.snap->ps.clientNum, CHAN_ANNOUNCER, cgs.media.ctfTheyScoreVoiceSound); } } else { // Spectators should hear a generic scored sound. trap_S_StartSound (NULL, cg.snap->ps.clientNum, CHAN_ANNOUNCER, cgs.media.ctfScoreSound); } break; case SCORED_FLAG_NO_VOICE_SOUND: if (us->team == es->otherEntityNum) { trap_S_StartSound (NULL, cg.snap->ps.clientNum, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.ctfScoreSound); } else { // Spectators also hear this sound, a generic score sound. trap_S_StartSound (NULL, cg.snap->ps.clientNum, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.ctfScoreSound); } break; } } break;*/ case EV_PAIN: // local player sounds are triggered in CG_CheckLocalSounds, // so ignore events on the player DEBUGNAME("EV_PAIN"); if ( cent->currentState.number != cg.snap->ps.clientNum ) { CG_PainEvent( cent, es->eventParm ); } break; case EV_DEATH1: case EV_DEATH2: case EV_DEATH3: DEBUGNAME("EV_DEATHx"); trap_S_StartSound( NULL, es->number, CHAN_VOICE, CG_CustomSound( es->number, va("*death%i.wav", event - EV_DEATH1 + 1) ) ); break; case EV_OBITUARY: DEBUGNAME("EV_OBITUARY"); CG_Obituary( es ); break; case EV_DISINTEGRATION: DEBUGNAME("EV_DISINTEGRATION"); cg_entities[es->number].deathTime = cg.time; FX_Disruptor( cent->lerpOrigin, 1000 ); if (irandom(0,1)) { trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_VOICE, cgs.media.disintegrateSound); } else { trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_VOICE, cgs.media.disintegrate2Sound); } break; case EV_DISINTEGRATION2: DEBUGNAME("EV_DISINTEGRATION2"); cg_entities[es->number].deathTime = cg.time; FX_QuantumColumns( cent->lerpOrigin ); FX_ExplodeBits( cent->lerpOrigin); trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_VOICE, cgs.media.playerExplodeSound); break; case EV_EXPLODESHELL: DEBUGNAME("EV_EXPLODESHELL"); cg_entities[es->number].deathTime = cg.time; FX_ExplodeBits( cent->lerpOrigin); trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_VOICE, cgs.media.playerExplodeSound); break; case EV_ARCWELD_DISINT: DEBUGNAME("EV_ARCWELD_DISINT"); cg_entities[es->number].deathTime = cg.time; VectorSubtract( cg.refdef.vieworg, cent->lerpOrigin, dir ); VectorNormalize( dir ); break; // // powerup events // /* case EV_POWERUP_BATTLESUIT: DEBUGNAME("EV_POWERUP_BATTLESUIT"); if ( es->number == cg.snap->ps.clientNum ) { cg.powerupActive = PW_BOLTON; cg.powerupTime = cg.time; } trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_ITEM, cgs.media.invulnoProtectSound ); break;*/ /*case EV_POWERUP_REGEN: DEBUGNAME("EV_POWERUP_REGEN"); if ( es->number == cg.snap->ps.clientNum ) { cg.powerupActive = PW_LASER; cg.powerupTime = cg.time; } trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_ITEM, cgs.media.regenSound ); break;*/ case EV_POWERUP_SEEKER_FIRE: DEBUGNAME("EV_POWERUP_SEEKER_FIRE"); CG_FireSeeker( cent ); break; case EV_DEBUG_LINE: DEBUGNAME("EV_DEBUG_LINE"); FX_AddLine(cent->lerpOrigin, cent->currentState.origin2, 1.0, 2.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 5000.0, (qhandle_t)0); break; case EV_OBJECTIVE_COMPLETE: if ( es->eventParm == 0 ) {//Special code meaning clear all objectives int i; for ( i = 0; i < MAX_OBJECTIVES; i++ ) { cgs.objectives[i].complete = qfalse; } return; } if ( es->eventParm < 0 || es->eventParm > MAX_OBJECTIVES ) {//FIXME: error message? return; } cgs.objectives[es->eventParm-1].complete = qtrue; break; case EV_ADAPT_SOUND: trap_S_StartSound(NULL, es->number, CHAN_ITEM, cgs.media.invulnoProtectSound); break; case EV_FX_PHASER: s = CG_ConfigString(CS_SOUNDS + es->time); trap_S_StartSound(NULL, es->number, CHAN_VOICE, CG_CustomSound(es->number, s)); CG_PhaserFX(cent); break; case EV_FX_DISRUPTOR: s = CG_ConfigString(CS_SOUNDS + es->time); trap_S_StartSound(NULL, es->number, CHAN_VOICE, CG_CustomSound(es->number, s)); CG_DisruptorFX(cent); break; case EV_SET_CLOAK: ci->silentCloak = es->eventParm; break; case EV_FX_TORPEDO: s = CG_ConfigString( CS_SOUNDS + es->time ); trap_S_StartSound(NULL, es->number, CHAN_VOICE, CG_CustomSound(es->number, s)); CG_TorpedoFX(cent); break; case EV_FOOTSTEP_GRASS: DEBUGNAME("EV_FOOTSTEP_GRASS"); if ( es->powerups & ( 1 << PW_INVIS ) ) break; if ( ci->animSndIndex == -1 ) { if (cg_footsteps.integer) { if ( cent->beamData.beamTimeParam == 0 || ( ( es->powerups & ( 1 << PW_BEAM_OUT ) ) && ( cg.time < cent->beamData.beamTimeParam + 2200 ) ) || ( ( es->powerups & ( 1 << PW_QUAD ) ) && ( cg.time > cent->beamData.beamTimeParam + 1800 ) ) ) { trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_BODY, cgs.media.footsteps[ FOOTSTEP_GRASS ][rand()&3] ); } } } break; case EV_FOOTSTEP_GRAVEL: DEBUGNAME("EV_FOOTSTEP_GRAVEL"); if ( es->powerups & ( 1 << PW_INVIS ) ) break; if ( ci->animSndIndex == -1 ) { if (cg_footsteps.integer) { if ( cent->beamData.beamTimeParam == 0 || ( ( es->powerups & ( 1 << PW_BEAM_OUT ) ) && ( cg.time < cent->beamData.beamTimeParam + 2200 ) ) || ( ( es->powerups & ( 1 << PW_QUAD ) ) && ( cg.time > cent->beamData.beamTimeParam + 1800 ) ) ) { trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_BODY, cgs.media.footsteps[ FOOTSTEP_GRAVEL ][rand()&3] ); } } } break; case EV_FOOTSTEP_SNOW: DEBUGNAME("EV_FOOTSTEP_SNOW"); if ( es->powerups & ( 1 << PW_INVIS ) ) break; if ( ci->animSndIndex == -1 ) { if (cg_footsteps.integer) { if ( cent->beamData.beamTimeParam == 0 || ( ( es->powerups & ( 1 << PW_BEAM_OUT ) ) && ( cg.time < cent->beamData.beamTimeParam + 2200 ) ) || ( ( es->powerups & ( 1 << PW_QUAD ) ) && ( cg.time > cent->beamData.beamTimeParam + 1800 ) ) ) { trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_BODY, cgs.media.footsteps[ FOOTSTEP_SNOW ][rand()&3] ); } } } break; case EV_FOOTSTEP_WOOD: DEBUGNAME("EV_FOOTSTEP_WOOD"); if ( es->powerups & ( 1 << PW_INVIS ) ) break; if ( ci->animSndIndex == -1 ) { if (cg_footsteps.integer) { if ( cent->beamData.beamTimeParam == 0 || ( ( es->powerups & ( 1 << PW_BEAM_OUT ) ) && ( cg.time < cent->beamData.beamTimeParam + 2200 ) ) || ( ( es->powerups & ( 1 << PW_QUAD ) ) && ( cg.time > cent->beamData.beamTimeParam + 1800 ) ) ) { trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_BODY, cgs.media.footsteps[ FOOTSTEP_WOOD ][rand()&3] ); } } } break; case EV_FALL_SHORT_GRASS: DEBUGNAME("EV_FALL_SHORT_GRASS"); if ( es->powerups & ( 1 << PW_INVIS ) ) break; if ( !( cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_DEAD ) ) trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.landSound[LANDSOUND_GRASS] ); else trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.splatSound ); if ( clientNum == cg.predictedPlayerState.clientNum ) { // smooth landing z changes cg.landChange = -8; cg.landTime = cg.time; } break; case EV_FALL_SHORT_GRAVEL: DEBUGNAME("EV_FALL_SHORT_GRAVEL"); if ( es->powerups & ( 1 << PW_INVIS ) ) break; if ( !( cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_DEAD ) ) trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.landSound[LANDSOUND_GRAVEL] ); else trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.splatSound ); if ( clientNum == cg.predictedPlayerState.clientNum ) { // smooth landing z changes cg.landChange = -8; cg.landTime = cg.time; } break; case EV_FALL_SHORT_SNOW: DEBUGNAME("EV_FALL_SHORT_SNOW"); if ( es->powerups & ( 1 << PW_INVIS ) ) break; if ( !( cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_DEAD ) ) trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.landSound[LANDSOUND_SNOW] ); else trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.splatSound ); if ( clientNum == cg.predictedPlayerState.clientNum ) { // smooth landing z changes cg.landChange = -8; cg.landTime = cg.time; } break; case EV_FALL_SHORT_WOOD: DEBUGNAME("EV_FALL_SHORT_WOOD"); if ( es->powerups & ( 1 << PW_INVIS ) ) break; if ( !( cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_DEAD ) ) trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.landSound[LANDSOUND_WOOD] ); else trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.splatSound ); if ( clientNum == cg.predictedPlayerState.clientNum ) { // smooth landing z changes cg.landChange = -8; cg.landTime = cg.time; } break; case EV_FALL_MEDIUM_GRASS: DEBUGNAME("EV_FALL_MEDIUM_GRASS"); if ( es->powerups & ( 1 << PW_INVIS ) ) break; if ( !( cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_DEAD ) ) trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.landSound[LANDSOUND_GRASS] ); else trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.splatSound ); // use normal pain sound trap_S_StartSound( NULL, es->number, CHAN_VOICE, CG_CustomSound( es->number, "*pain100.wav" ) ); if ( clientNum == cg.predictedPlayerState.clientNum ) { // smooth landing z changes cg.landChange = -16; cg.landTime = cg.time; } break; case EV_FALL_MEDIUM_GRAVEL: DEBUGNAME("EV_FALL_MEDIUM_GRAVEL"); if ( es->powerups & ( 1 << PW_INVIS ) ) break; if ( !( cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_DEAD ) ) trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.landSound[LANDSOUND_GRAVEL] ); else trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.splatSound ); // use normal pain sound trap_S_StartSound( NULL, es->number, CHAN_VOICE, CG_CustomSound( es->number, "*pain100.wav" ) ); if ( clientNum == cg.predictedPlayerState.clientNum ) { // smooth landing z changes cg.landChange = -16; cg.landTime = cg.time; } break; case EV_FALL_MEDIUM_SNOW: DEBUGNAME("EV_FALL_MEDIUM_SNOW"); if ( es->powerups & ( 1 << PW_INVIS ) ) break; if ( !( cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_DEAD ) ) trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.landSound[LANDSOUND_SNOW] ); else trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.splatSound ); // use normal pain sound trap_S_StartSound( NULL, es->number, CHAN_VOICE, CG_CustomSound( es->number, "*pain100.wav" ) ); if ( clientNum == cg.predictedPlayerState.clientNum ) { // smooth landing z changes cg.landChange = -16; cg.landTime = cg.time; } break; case EV_FALL_MEDIUM_WOOD: DEBUGNAME("EV_FALL_MEDIUM_WOOD"); if ( es->powerups & ( 1 << PW_INVIS ) ) break; if ( !( cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_DEAD ) ) trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.landSound[LANDSOUND_WOOD] ); else trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.splatSound ); // use normal pain sound trap_S_StartSound( NULL, es->number, CHAN_VOICE, CG_CustomSound( es->number, "*pain100.wav" ) ); if ( clientNum == cg.predictedPlayerState.clientNum ) { // smooth landing z changes cg.landChange = -16; cg.landTime = cg.time; } break; case EV_FALL_FAR_GRASS: DEBUGNAME("EV_FALL_FAR_GRASS"); if ( es->powerups & ( 1 << PW_INVIS ) ) break; //if ( ( cent->currentState.legsAnim & ~ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) != BOTH_FALLDEATH1INAIR && ( cent->currentState.legsAnim & ~ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) != BOTH_FALLDEATH1LAND ) if ( !( cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_DEAD ) ) trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.landSound[LANDSOUND_GRASS] ); else trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.splatSound ); trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, CG_CustomSound( es->number, "*fall1.wav" ) ); cent->pe.painTime = cg.time; // don't play a pain sound right after this if ( clientNum == cg.predictedPlayerState.clientNum ) { // smooth landing z changes cg.landChange = -24; cg.landTime = cg.time; } break; case EV_FALL_FAR_GRAVEL: DEBUGNAME("EV_FALL_FAR_GRAVEL"); if ( es->powerups & ( 1 << PW_INVIS ) ) break; //if ( ( cent->currentState.legsAnim & ~ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) != BOTH_FALLDEATH1INAIR && ( cent->currentState.legsAnim & ~ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) != BOTH_FALLDEATH1LAND ) if ( !( cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_DEAD ) ) trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.landSound[LANDSOUND_GRAVEL] ); else trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.splatSound ); trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, CG_CustomSound( es->number, "*fall1.wav" ) ); cent->pe.painTime = cg.time; // don't play a pain sound right after this if ( clientNum == cg.predictedPlayerState.clientNum ) { // smooth landing z changes cg.landChange = -24; cg.landTime = cg.time; } break; case EV_FALL_FAR_SNOW: DEBUGNAME("EV_FALL_FAR_SNOW"); if ( es->powerups & ( 1 << PW_INVIS ) ) break; //if ( ( cent->currentState.legsAnim & ~ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) != BOTH_FALLDEATH1INAIR && ( cent->currentState.legsAnim & ~ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) != BOTH_FALLDEATH1LAND ) if ( !( cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_DEAD ) ) trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.landSound[LANDSOUND_SNOW] ); else trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.splatSound ); trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, CG_CustomSound( es->number, "*fall1.wav" ) ); cent->pe.painTime = cg.time; // don't play a pain sound right after this if ( clientNum == cg.predictedPlayerState.clientNum ) { // smooth landing z changes cg.landChange = -24; cg.landTime = cg.time; } break; case EV_FALL_FAR_WOOD: DEBUGNAME("EV_FALL_FAR_WOOD"); if ( es->powerups & ( 1 << PW_INVIS ) ) break; //if ( ( cent->currentState.legsAnim & ~ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) != BOTH_FALLDEATH1INAIR && ( cent->currentState.legsAnim & ~ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) != BOTH_FALLDEATH1LAND ) if ( !( cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_DEAD ) ) trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.landSound[LANDSOUND_WOOD] ); else trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.splatSound ); trap_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_AUTO, CG_CustomSound( es->number, "*fall1.wav" ) ); cent->pe.painTime = cg.time; // don't play a pain sound right after this if ( clientNum == cg.predictedPlayerState.clientNum ) { // smooth landing z changes cg.landChange = -24; cg.landTime = cg.time; } break; case EV_FX_PARTICLEFIRE: DEBUGNAME("EV_FX_PARTICLEFIRE"); CG_ParticleFire(cent->currentState.origin, cent->currentState.time2, cent->currentState.eventParm); break; case EV_SHOOTER_SOUND: DEBUGNAME("EV_SHOOTER_SOUND"); CG_PlayShooterSound(cent); break; case EV_TRIGGER_SHOW: DEBUGNAME("EV_TRIGGER_SHOW"); CG_ShowTrigger(cent); break; case EV_SCRIPT_SOUND: DEBUGNAME("EV_SCRIPT_SOUND"); b = es->eventParm >> 8; a = es->eventParm - (b << 8); if ( cgs.gameSounds[ a ] ) { trap_S_StartSound (NULL, cent->currentState.number, b, cgs.gameSounds[ a ] ); } else { s = CG_ConfigString( CS_SOUNDS + a ); trap_S_StartSound (NULL, cg.snap->ps.clientNum, b, CG_CustomSound( es->number, s ) ); } break; case EV_LASERTURRET_AIM: DEBUGNAME("EV_LASERTURRET_AIM"); CG_AimLaser( cent->currentState.origin, cent->currentState.origin2, cent->currentState.angles); break; case EV_LASERTURRET_FIRE: DEBUGNAME("EV_LASERTURRET_FIRE"); //CG_FireLaser( cent->currentState.origin, cent->currentState.origin2, cent->currentState.angles, cent->currentState.angles2, cent->currentState.scale); break; case EV_STASIS_DOOR_CLOSING: DEBUGNAME("EV_STASIS_DOOR_CLOSING"); CG_Printf("EV_STASIS_DOOR_CLOSING\n"); // do alpha fade, play sound CG_StasisDoor(cent, qtrue); break; case EV_STASIS_DOOR_OPENING: DEBUGNAME("EV_STASIS_DOOR_OPENING"); CG_Printf("EV_STASIS_DOOR_OPENING\n"); // do inverse alpha fade, play sound CG_StasisDoor(cent, qfalse); break; // Additional ports from SP by Harry Young case EV_FX_COOKING_STEAM: DEBUGNAME("EV_FX_COOKING_STEAM"); CG_CookingSteam( cent->currentState.origin, cent->currentState.angles[0] ); break; case EV_FX_ELECFIRE: DEBUGNAME("EV_FX_ELECFIRE"); // Don't play this sound quite so much... if ( rand() & 1 ) { //cgi_S_StartSound (NULL, es->number, CHAN_BODY, cgi_S_RegisterSound ( va("sound/ambience/spark%d.wav", Q_irand(1,6)) )); } CG_ElectricFire( cent->currentState.origin, cent->currentState.angles ); break; case EV_FX_FORGE_BOLT: DEBUGNAME("EV_FX_FORGE_BOLT"); //CG_ForgeBolt( cent ); break; case EV_FX_PLASMA: DEBUGNAME("EV_FX_PLASMA"); //CG_Plasma( cent->currentState.origin, cent->currentState.origin2, cent->currentState.angles, cent->currentState.angles2 ); // RGBA's break; case EV_FX_STREAM: DEBUGNAME("EV_FX_STREAM"); //CG_ParticleStream( cent ); break; case EV_FX_TRANSPORTER_STREAM: DEBUGNAME("EV_FX_TRANSPORTER_STREAM"); //CG_TransporterStream( cent ); break; case EV_FX_EXPLOSION_TRAIL: DEBUGNAME("EV_FX_EXPLOSION_TRAIL"); //CG_ExplosionTrail( cent ); break; case EV_FX_BORG_ENERGY_BEAM: DEBUGNAME("EV_FX_BORG_ENERGY_BEAM"); //CG_BorgEnergyBeam( cent ); break; case EV_FX_SHIMMERY_THING: DEBUGNAME("EV_FX_SHIMMERY_THING"); CG_ShimmeryThing( cent->currentState.origin, cent->currentState.origin2, cent->currentState.angles ); // Radius and spawnflags break; case EV_FX_BORG_BOLT: DEBUGNAME("EV_FX_BORG_BOLT"); //CG_Borg_Bolt( cent ); break; // Default default: DEBUGNAME("UNKNOWN"); CG_Error( "Unknown event: %i", event ); break; } } /* ============== CG_CheckEvents ============== */ void CG_CheckEvents( centity_t *cent ) { // check for event-only entities if ( cent->currentState.eType > ET_EVENTS ) { if ( cent->previousEvent ) { return; // already fired } cent->previousEvent = 1; cent->currentState.event = cent->currentState.eType - ET_EVENTS; } else { // check for events riding with another entity if ( cent->currentState.event == cent->previousEvent ) { return; } cent->previousEvent = cent->currentState.event; if ( ( cent->currentState.event & ~EV_EVENT_BITS ) == 0 ) { return; } } // calculate the position at exactly the frame time BG_EvaluateTrajectory( ¢->currentState.pos, cg.snap->serverTime, cent->lerpOrigin ); CG_SetEntitySoundPosition( cent ); CG_EntityEvent( cent, cent->lerpOrigin ); }