// g_lua.c #include "g_lua.h" #ifdef G_LUA lvm_t *lVM[NUM_VMS]; void QDECL LUA_DEBUG(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list argptr; char text[1024]; if(g_debugLua.integer >= 1) { va_start(argptr, fmt); Com_sprintf(text, sizeof(text), fmt, argptr); va_end(argptr); G_Printf(S_COLOR_YELLOW "LUA DEBUG:" S_COLOR_WHITE " %s\n", text); } } void QDECL LUA_LOG(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list argptr; char buff[1024], string[1024]; int min, tens, sec; va_start(argptr, fmt); Com_sprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), fmt, argptr); va_end(argptr); if(g_dedicated.integer) { trap_Printf(buff); } if(level.logFile) { sec = level.time / 1000; min = sec / 60; sec -= min * 60; tens = sec / 10; sec -= tens * 10; Com_sprintf(string, sizeof(string), "%i:%i%i %s", min, tens, sec, buff); trap_FS_Write(string, strlen(string), level.logFile); } } qboolean LoadLuaFile(char *path, int num_vm) { int flen = 0; char *code; fileHandle_t f; lvm_t *vm; flen = trap_FS_FOpenFile(path, &f, FS_READ); if(flen < 0) { LUA_LOG("Lua: can not open file %s\n", path); G_Printf(S_COLOR_YELLOW "Lua: can not open file %s\n", path); trap_FS_FCloseFile(f); return qfalse; } /* GSIO01: testing unlimited length for Lua files */ /*else if(flen > MAX_FSIZE) { LUA_LOG("Lua: ignoring file %s (too big)\n", path); G_Printf(S_COLOR_YELLOW "Lua: ignoring file %s (too big)\n", path); trap_FS_FCloseFile(f); return qfalse; }*/ else { code = (char *)malloc(flen + 1); if(!code) return qfalse; trap_FS_Read(code, flen, f); *(code + flen) = '\0'; trap_FS_FCloseFile(f); vm = (lvm_t *) malloc(sizeof(lvm_t)); if(vm == NULL) { LUA_LOG("Lua: failed to allocate memory for lua VM\n"); G_Printf(S_COLOR_YELLOW "Lua: failed to allocate memory for lua VM\n"); return qfalse; } memset(vm, 0, sizeof(lvm_t)); vm->id = -1; Q_strncpyz(vm->filename, path, sizeof(vm->filename)); vm->code = code; vm->code_size = flen; vm->error = 0; if(G_LuaStartVM(vm) == qfalse) { G_LuaStopVM(vm); vm = NULL; return qfalse; } else { vm->id = num_vm; lVM[num_vm] = vm; return qtrue; } } //return qfalse; } qboolean G_LuaInit() { int i, /*len,*/ num_vm = 0; char buff[128]; //, *crt; int numdirs; int numFiles; char filename[128]; char dirlist[1024]; char *dirptr; int dirlen; G_Printf("------- G_LuaInit -------\n"); numFiles = 0; trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer("mapname", buff, sizeof(buff)); sprintf(filename, "scripts/lua/%s/", buff); numdirs = trap_FS_GetFileList(filename, ".lua", dirlist, 1024); dirptr = dirlist; for(i = 0; i < numdirs; i++, dirptr += dirlen + 1) { dirlen = strlen(dirptr); strcpy(filename, "scripts/lua/"); strcat(filename, buff); strcat(filename, "/"); strcat(filename, dirptr); numFiles++; if(LoadLuaFile(filename, num_vm)) { num_vm++; G_Printf(" %s Loaded\n", filename); } else { G_Printf(" %s Failed\n", filename); } if(num_vm >= NUM_VMS) { LUA_LOG("Lua: too many lua files specified, only the first %d have been loaded\n", NUM_VMS); G_Printf(S_COLOR_YELLOW "Lua: too many lua files specified, only the first %d have been loaded\n", NUM_VMS); break; } } Com_Printf("%i map files parsed\n", numFiles); G_Printf("------- G_LuaInit Finish -------\n"); return qtrue; } qboolean G_LuaCall(lvm_t * vm, char *func, int nargs, int nresults) { int res = lua_pcall(vm->L, nargs, nresults, 0); if(res == LUA_ERRRUN) { LUA_LOG("Lua: %s error running lua script: %s\n", func, lua_tostring(vm->L, -1)); G_Printf(S_COLOR_YELLOW "Lua: %s error running lua script: %s\n", func, lua_tostring(vm->L, -1)); lua_pop(vm->L, 1); vm->error++; return qfalse; } else if(res == LUA_ERRMEM) { LUA_LOG("Lua: memory allocation error #2 ( %s )\n", vm->filename); vm->error++; return qfalse; } else if(res == LUA_ERRERR) { LUA_LOG("Lua: traceback error ( %s )\n", vm->filename); G_Printf(S_COLOR_YELLOW "Lua: traceback error ( %s )\n", vm->filename); vm->error++; return qfalse; } return qtrue; } #define SAY_ALL 0 #define SAY_TEAM 1 qboolean G_LuaGetFunction(lvm_t * vm, char *name) { if(vm->L) { lua_getglobal(vm->L, name); if(lua_isfunction(vm->L, -1)) { return qtrue; } else { lua_pop(vm->L, 1); return qfalse; } } return qfalse; } qboolean G_LuaStartVM(lvm_t * vm) { int res = 0; char homepath[MAX_QPATH], gamepath[MAX_QPATH]; vm->L = luaL_newstate(); if(!vm->L) { LUA_LOG("Lua: Lua failed to initialise.\n"); return qfalse; } luaL_openlibs(vm->L); trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer("fs_homepath", homepath, sizeof(homepath)); trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer("fs_game", gamepath, sizeof(gamepath)); lua_getglobal(vm->L, LUA_LOADLIBNAME); if(lua_istable(vm->L, -1)) { lua_pushstring(vm->L, va("%s%s%s%s?.lua;%s%s%s%slualib%slua%s?.lua", homepath, LUA_DIRSEP, gamepath, LUA_DIRSEP, homepath, LUA_DIRSEP, gamepath, LUA_DIRSEP, LUA_DIRSEP, LUA_DIRSEP)); lua_setfield(vm->L, -2, "path"); lua_pushstring(vm->L, va("%s%s%s%s?.%s;%s%s%s%slualib%sclibs%s?.%s", homepath, LUA_DIRSEP, gamepath, LUA_DIRSEP, EXTENSION, homepath, LUA_DIRSEP, gamepath, LUA_DIRSEP, LUA_DIRSEP, LUA_DIRSEP, EXTENSION)); lua_setfield(vm->L, -2, "cpath"); } lua_pop(vm->L, 1); Lua_RegisterGlobal(vm->L, "LUA_PATH", va("%s%s%s%s?.lua;%s%s%s%slualib%slua%s?.lua", homepath, LUA_DIRSEP, gamepath, LUA_DIRSEP, homepath, LUA_DIRSEP, gamepath, LUA_DIRSEP, LUA_DIRSEP, LUA_DIRSEP)); Lua_RegisterGlobal(vm->L, "LUA_CPATH", va("%s%s%s%s?.%s;%s%s%s%slualib%sclibs%s?.%s", homepath, LUA_DIRSEP, gamepath, LUA_DIRSEP, EXTENSION, homepath, LUA_DIRSEP, gamepath, LUA_DIRSEP, LUA_DIRSEP, LUA_DIRSEP, EXTENSION)); Lua_RegisterGlobal(vm->L, "LUA_DIRSEP", LUA_DIRSEP); lua_newtable(vm->L); Lua_RegConstInteger(vm->L, CS_PLAYERS); Lua_RegConstInteger(vm->L, EXEC_NOW); Lua_RegConstInteger(vm->L, EXEC_INSERT); Lua_RegConstInteger(vm->L, EXEC_APPEND); Lua_RegConstInteger(vm->L, FS_READ); Lua_RegConstInteger(vm->L, FS_WRITE); Lua_RegConstInteger(vm->L, FS_APPEND); Lua_RegConstInteger(vm->L, FS_APPEND_SYNC); Lua_RegConstInteger(vm->L, SAY_ALL); Lua_RegConstInteger(vm->L, SAY_TEAM); Lua_RegConstString(vm->L, HOSTARCH); luaopen_base(vm->L); luaopen_string(vm->L); Luaopen_Game(vm->L); Luaopen_Qmath(vm->L); Luaopen_Mover(vm->L); Luaopen_Vector(vm->L); Luaopen_Entity(vm->L); Luaopen_Cinematic(vm->L); Luaopen_Sound(vm->L); res = luaL_loadbuffer(vm->L, vm->code, vm->code_size, vm->filename); if(res == LUA_ERRSYNTAX) { LUA_LOG("Lua: syntax error during pre-compilation: %s\n", (char *)lua_tostring(vm->L, -1)); G_Printf(S_COLOR_YELLOW "Lua: syntax error: %s\n", (char *)lua_tostring(vm->L, -1)); lua_pop(vm->L, 1); vm->error++; return qfalse; } else if(res == LUA_ERRMEM) { LUA_LOG("Lua: memory allocation error #1 ( %s )\n", vm->filename); vm->error++; return qfalse; } if(!G_LuaCall(vm, "G_LuaStartVM", 0, 0)) return qfalse; LUA_LOG("Lua: Loading %s\n", vm->filename); return qtrue; } void G_LuaStopVM(lvm_t * vm) { if(vm == NULL) return; if(vm->code != NULL) { free(vm->code); vm->code = NULL; } if(vm->id >= 0) { if(lVM[vm->id] == vm) lVM[vm->id] = NULL; if(!vm->error) { LUA_LOG("Lua: Lua module [%s] unloaded.\n", vm->filename); } } free(vm); } void G_LuaShutdown() { int i; lvm_t *vm; for(i = 0; i < NUM_VMS; i++) { vm = lVM[i]; if(vm) { G_LuaStopVM(vm); } } } void G_LuaStatus(gentity_t * ent) { int i, cnt = 0; for(i = 0; i < NUM_VMS; i++) if(lVM[i]) cnt++; if(ent) { if(cnt == 0) { G_PrintfClient(ent, "Lua: no scripts loaded."); return; } else if(cnt == 1) { G_PrintfClient(ent, "Lua: showing lua information ( 1 module loaded )"); } else { G_PrintfClient(ent, "Lua: showing lua information ( %d modules loaded )", cnt); } G_PrintfClient(ent, "%-2s %-24s", "VM","Filename"); G_PrintfClient(ent, "-- ------------------------"); for(i = 0; i < NUM_VMS; i++) { if(lVM[i]) { G_PrintfClient(ent, "%2d %-24s", lVM[i]->id, lVM[i]->filename); } } G_PrintfClient(ent, "-- ------------------------"); } else { if(cnt == 0) { G_Printf("Lua: no scripts loaded.\n"); return; } else if(cnt == 1) { G_Printf("Lua: showing lua information ( 1 module loaded )\n"); } else { G_Printf("Lua: showing lua information ( %d modules loaded )\n", cnt); } G_Printf("%-2s %-24s\n", "VM", "Filename"); G_Printf("-- ------------------------\n"); for(i = 0; i < NUM_VMS; i++) { if(lVM[i]) { G_Printf("%2d %-24s\n", lVM[i]->id, lVM[i]->filename); } } G_Printf("-- ------------------------\n"); } } lvm_t *G_LuaGetVM(lua_State * L) { int i; for(i = 0; i < NUM_VMS; i++) if(lVM[i] && lVM[i]->L == L) return lVM[i]; return NULL; } void LuaHook_G_InitGame(int levelTime, int randomSeed, int restart) { int i; lvm_t *vm; for(i = 0; i < NUM_VMS; i++) { vm = lVM[i]; if(vm) { if(vm->id < 0 ) continue; if(!G_LuaGetFunction(vm, "InitGame")) continue; lua_pushinteger(vm->L, levelTime); lua_pushinteger(vm->L, randomSeed); lua_pushinteger(vm->L, restart); if(!G_LuaCall(vm, "InitGame", 3, 0)) { continue; } } } } void LuaHook_G_Shutdown(int restart) { int i; lvm_t *vm; for(i = 0; i < NUM_VMS; i++) { vm = lVM[i]; if(vm) { if(vm->id < 0 ) continue; if(!G_LuaGetFunction(vm, "ShutdownGame")) continue; lua_pushinteger(vm->L, restart); if(!G_LuaCall(vm, "ShutdownGame", 1, 0)) { continue; } } } } void LuaHook_G_RunFrame(int levelTime) { int i; lvm_t *vm; for(i = 0; i < NUM_VMS; i++) { vm = lVM[i]; if(vm) { if(vm->id < 0 ) continue; if(!G_LuaGetFunction(vm, "RunFrame")) continue; lua_pushinteger(vm->L, levelTime); if(!G_LuaCall(vm, "RunFrame", 1, 0)) { continue; } } } } void LuaHook_G_ClientPrint(char *text, gentity_t *ent) { int i; lvm_t *vm; if(!ent) return; for(i = 0; i < NUM_VMS; i++) { vm = lVM[i]; if(vm) { if(vm->id < 0) continue; if(!G_LuaGetFunction(vm, "GClientPrint")) continue; lua_pushstring(vm->L, text); Lua_PushEntity(vm->L, ent); if(!G_LuaCall(vm, "GClientPrint", 2, 0)) continue; } } } void LuaHook_G_Print(char *text) { int i; lvm_t *vm; for(i = 0; i < NUM_VMS; i++) { vm = lVM[i]; if(vm) { if(vm->id < 0 ) continue; if(!G_LuaGetFunction(vm, "GPrint")) continue; lua_pushstring(vm->L, text); if(!G_LuaCall(vm, "GPrint", 1, 0)) { continue; } } } } qboolean LuaHook_G_EntityThink(char *function, int entity) { int i; lvm_t *vm; for(i = 0; i < NUM_VMS; i++) { vm = lVM[i]; if(vm) { if(vm->id < 0 ) continue; if(!G_LuaGetFunction(vm, function)) continue; lua_pushinteger(vm->L, entity); if(!G_LuaCall(vm, function, 1, 0)) { continue; } } } return qfalse; } qboolean LuaHook_G_EntityTouch(char *function, int entity, int other) { int i; lvm_t *vm; for(i = 0; i < NUM_VMS; i++) { vm = lVM[i]; if(vm) { if(vm->id < 0) continue; if(!G_LuaGetFunction(vm, function)) continue; lua_pushinteger(vm->L, entity); lua_pushinteger(vm->L, other); if(!G_LuaCall(vm, function, 2, 0)) { continue; } } } return qfalse; } qboolean LuaHook_G_EntityUse(char *function, int entity, int other, int activator) { int i; lvm_t *vm; for(i = 0; i < NUM_VMS; i++) { vm = lVM[i]; if(vm) { if(vm->id < 0) continue; if(!G_LuaGetFunction(vm, function)) continue; lua_pushinteger(vm->L, entity); lua_pushinteger(vm->L, other); lua_pushinteger(vm->L, activator); if(!G_LuaCall(vm, function, 3, 0)) { continue; } } } return qfalse; } qboolean LuaHook_G_EntityHurt(char *function, int entity, int inflictor, int attacker) { int i; lvm_t *vm; for(i = 0; i < NUM_VMS; i++) { vm = lVM[i]; if(vm) { if(vm->id < 0) continue; if(!G_LuaGetFunction(vm, function)) continue; lua_pushinteger(vm->L, entity); lua_pushinteger(vm->L, inflictor); lua_pushinteger(vm->L, attacker); if(!G_LuaCall(vm, function, 3, 0)) { continue; } } } return qfalse; } qboolean LuaHook_G_EntityDie(char *function, int entity, int inflictor, int attacker, int dmg, int mod) { int i; lvm_t *vm; for(i = 0; i < NUM_VMS; i++) { vm = lVM[i]; if(vm) { if(vm->id < 0) continue; if(!G_LuaGetFunction(vm, function)) continue; lua_pushinteger(vm->L, entity); lua_pushinteger(vm->L, inflictor); lua_pushinteger(vm->L, attacker); lua_pushinteger(vm->L, dmg); lua_pushinteger(vm->L, mod); if(!G_LuaCall(vm, function, 5, 0)) { continue; } } } return qfalse; } qboolean LuaHook_G_EntityFree(char *function, int entity) { int i; lvm_t *vm; for(i = 0; i < NUM_VMS; i++) { vm = lVM[i]; if(vm) { if(vm->id < 0) continue; if(!G_LuaGetFunction(vm, function)) continue; lua_pushinteger(vm->L, entity); if(!G_LuaCall(vm, function, 1, 0)) { continue; } } } return qfalse; } qboolean LuaHook_G_EntityReached(char *function, int entity) { int i; lvm_t *vm; for(i = 0; i < NUM_VMS; i++) { vm = lVM[i]; if(vm) { if(vm->id < 0) continue; if(!G_LuaGetFunction(vm, function)) continue; lua_pushinteger(vm->L, entity); if(!G_LuaCall(vm, function, 1, 0)) continue; } } return qfalse; } qboolean LuaHook_G_EntityReachedAngular(char *function, int entity) { int i; lvm_t *vm; for(i = 0; i < NUM_VMS; i++) { vm = lVM[i]; if(vm) { if(vm->id < 0) continue; if(!G_LuaGetFunction(vm, function)) continue; lua_pushinteger(vm->L, entity); if(!G_LuaCall(vm, function, 1, 0)) continue; } } return qfalse; } qboolean LuaHook_G_EntityTrigger(char *function, int entity, int other) { int i; lvm_t *vm; for(i = 0; i < NUM_VMS; i++) { vm = lVM[i]; if(vm) { if(vm->id < 0) continue; if(!G_LuaGetFunction(vm, function)) continue; lua_pushinteger(vm->L, entity); lua_pushinteger(vm->L, other); if(!G_LuaCall(vm, function, 2, 0)) { continue; } } } return qfalse; } qboolean LuaHook_G_EntitySpawn(char *function, int entity) { int i; lvm_t *vm; for(i = 0; i < NUM_VMS; i++) { vm = lVM[i]; if(vm) { if(vm->id < 0) continue; if(!G_LuaGetFunction(vm, function)) continue; lua_pushinteger(vm->L, entity); if(!G_LuaCall(vm, function, 1, 0)) { continue; } } } return qfalse; } #endif