/* * Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Id Software, Inc. * * cg_draw.c -- draw all of the graphical elements during * active (after loading) gameplay */ #include "cg_local.h" #include "cg_text.h" #include "cg_screenfx.h" /* set in CG_ParseTeamInfo */ int sortedTeamPlayers[TEAM_MAXOVERLAY]; int numSortedTeamPlayers; int drawTeamOverlayModificationCount = -1; /* * TiM: dCross * qboolean CG_WorldCoordToScreenCoord(vec3_t worldCoord, float *x, float *y, qboolean clamp); * end dCross */ /* TiM: Tricorder Parameters */ vec3_t vfwd; vec3_t vright; vec3_t vup; vec3_t vfwd_n; vec3_t vright_n; vec3_t vup_n; int infoStringCount; static qboolean drawCrosshairName=qfalse; extern void InitPostGameMenuStruct(); static void CG_InterfaceStartup(); char *ingame_text[IGT_MAX]; /* Holds pointers to ingame text */ int zoomFlashTime=0; /*typedef enum { RADAR_UP, RADAR_MIDDLE, RADAR_DOWN } radarType_t;*/ interfacegraphics_s interface_graphics[IG_MAX] = { /* type timer x y width height file/text graphic, min max color style ptr */ { SG_VAR, 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, CT_NONE, 0 }, /* IG_GROW */ { SG_VAR, 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, CT_NONE, 0 }, /* IG_HEALTH_START */ { SG_GRAPHIC, 0.0, 5, 429, 32, 64, "gfx/interface/rpgx_healthbar_leftcorner", 0, 0, 0, CT_DKBROWN1, 0 }, /* IG_HEALTH_BEGINCAP */ { SG_GRAPHIC, 0.0, 64, 429, 6, 25, "gfx/interface/ammobar", 0, 0, 0, CT_DKBROWN1, 0 }, /* IG_HEALTH_BOX1 */ { SG_GRAPHIC, 0.0, 72, 429, 0, 25, "gfx/interface/ammobar", 0, 0, 0, CT_LTBROWN1, 0 }, /* IG_HEALTH_SLIDERFULL */ { SG_GRAPHIC, 0.0, 0, 429, 0, 25, "gfx/interface/ammobar", 0, 0, 0, CT_DKBROWN1, 0 }, /* IG_HEALTH_SLIDEREMPTY */ { SG_GRAPHIC, 0.0, 72, 429, 16, 32, "gfx/interface/rpgx_healthbar_endcap", 0, 0, 147, CT_DKBROWN1, 0 }, /* IG_HEALTH_ENDCAP */ { SG_NUMBER, 0.0, 23, 425, 16, 32, NULL, 0, 0, 0, CT_LTBROWN1, NUM_FONT_BIG }, /* IG_HEALTH_COUNT */ { SG_VAR, 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, CT_NONE, 0 }, /* IG_HEALTH_END */ { SG_VAR, 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, CT_NONE, 0 }, /* IG_ARMOR_START */ { SG_GRAPHIC, 0.0, 20, 458, 32, 16, "gfx/interface/armorcap1", 0, 0, 0, CT_DKPURPLE1, 0 }, /* IG_ARMOR_BEGINCAP */ { SG_GRAPHIC, 0.0, 64, 458, 6, 12, "gfx/interface/ammobar", 0, 0, 0, CT_DKPURPLE1, 0 }, /* IG_ARMOR_BOX1 */ { SG_GRAPHIC, 0.0, 72, 458, 0, 12, "gfx/interface/ammobar", 0, 0, 0, CT_LTPURPLE1, 0 }, /* IG_ARMOR_SLIDERFULL */ { SG_GRAPHIC, 0.0, 0, 458, 0, 12, "gfx/interface/ammobar", 0, 0, 0, CT_DKPURPLE1, 0 }, /* IG_ARMOR_SLIDEREMPTY */ { SG_GRAPHIC, 0.0, 72, 458, 16, 16, "gfx/interface/armorcap2", 0, 0, 147, CT_DKPURPLE1, 0 }, /* IG_ARMOR_ENDCAP */ { SG_NUMBER, 0.0, 44, 458, 16, 16, NULL, 0, 0, 0, CT_LTPURPLE1, NUM_FONT_SMALL }, /* IG_ARMOR_COUNT */ { SG_VAR, 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, CT_NONE, 0 }, /* IG_ARMOR_END */ { SG_VAR, 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, CT_NONE, 0 }, /* IG_AMMO_START */ { SG_GRAPHIC, 0.0, 613, 429, 32, 64, "gfx/interface/ammouppercap1", 0, 0, 0, CT_LTPURPLE2, 0 }, /* IG_AMMO_UPPER_BEGINCAP */ { SG_GRAPHIC, 0.0, 607, 429, 16, 32, "gfx/interface/ammouppercap2", 0, 0, 572, CT_LTPURPLE2, 0 }, /* IG_AMMO_UPPER_ENDCAP */ { SG_GRAPHIC, 0.0, 613, 458, 16, 16, "gfx/interface/ammolowercap1", 0, 0, 0, CT_LTPURPLE2, 0 }, /* IG_AMMO_LOWER_BEGINCAP */ { SG_GRAPHIC, 0.0, 578, 458, 0, 12, "gfx/interface/ammobar", 0, 0, 0, CT_LTPURPLE1, 0 }, /* IG_AMMO_SLIDERFULL */ { SG_GRAPHIC, 0.0, 0, 458, 0, 12, "gfx/interface/ammobar", 0, 0, 0, CT_DKPURPLE1, 0 }, /* IG_AMMO_SLIDEREMPTY */ { SG_GRAPHIC, 0.0, 607, 458, 16, 16, "gfx/interface/ammolowercap2", 0, 0, 572, CT_LTPURPLE2, 0 }, /* IG_AMMO_LOWER_ENDCAP */ { SG_NUMBER, 0.0, 573, 425, 16, 32, NULL, 0, 0, 0, CT_LTPURPLE1, NUM_FONT_BIG }, /* IG_AMMO_COUNT */ { SG_VAR, 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, CT_NONE, 0 }, /* IG_AMMO_END */ }; #define LOWEROVERLAY_Y (SCREEN_HEIGHT - ICON_SIZE - 15) /*------------------------------------------------------*/ lensFlare_t lensFlare[MAX_LENS_FLARES]; lensReflec_s lensReflec[10] = { /* width, height, offset, positive, color, shadername, shaders placeholder */ { 23, 23, 0.192, qtrue, { 0.73, 0.50, 0.23 }, "gfx/effects/flares/flare_straight", 0 }, /* Brown1 5.2 */ { 9, 9, 0.37, qtrue, { 0.37, 0.58, 0.55 }, "gfx/effects/flares/flare_straight", 0 }, /* Aqua1 2.7 */ { 14, 14, 0.25, qfalse, { 0.37, 0.79, 0.76 }, "gfx/effects/flares/flare_radial", 0 }, /* Turquoise1 4.0 */ { 86, 86, 0.556, qfalse, { 0.73, 0.50, 0.23 }, "gfx/effects/flares/flare_inverseradial", 0 }, /* BigBrownInverseRad 1.8 */ { 49, 49, 0.476, qfalse, { 0.73, 0.50, 0.23 }, "gfx/effects/flares/flare_straight", 0 }, /* StraightBrown2 2.1 */ { 35, 35, 0.667, qfalse, { 0.34, 0.40, 0.44 }, "gfx/effects/flares/flare_straight", 0 }, /* Grey1 1.5 */ { 32, 32, 0.769, qfalse, { 0.20, 0.38, 0.62 }, "gfx/effects/flares/flare_radial", 0 }, /* BlueRad 1.3 */ { 122, 122, 1.1, qfalse, { 0.31, 0.65, 0.36 }, "gfx/effects/flares/flare_inverseradial", 0 }, /* BigInverseGreen 0.9 */ { 254, 254, 1.429, qfalse, { 1.00, 1.00, 1.00 }, "gfx/effects/flares/flare_chromadisc", 0 }, /* ChromaHoop 0.7 */ { 52, 52, 1.429, qtrue, { 0.40, 0.56, 0.42 }, "gfx/effects/flares/flare_inverseradial", 0 }, /* Green offset 0.7 */ }; #define HALF_SCREEN_WIDTH (SCREEN_WIDTH*0.5) #define HALF_SCREEN_HEIGHT (SCREEN_HEIGHT*0.5) void CG_InitLensFlare( vec3_t worldCoord, int w1, int h1, vec3_t glowColor, float glowOffset, float hazeOffset, int minDist, int maxDist, vec3_t streakColor, int streakDistMin, int streakDistMax, int streakW, int streakH, qboolean whiteStreaks, int reflecDistMin, int reflecDistMax, qboolean reflecAnamorphic, qboolean defReflecs, qboolean clamp, float maxAlpha, int startTime, int upTime, int holdTime, int downTime ) { int i; /* First thing's first.... I understand if you hate flares :'( */ if (!cg_dynamiclensflares.value) return; for (i = 0; i < MAX_LENS_FLARES; i++) { /* find the next free slot */ if ( !lensFlare[i].qfull ) { /* VectorCopy(worldCoord, lensFlare[i].worldCoord); */ lensFlare[i].worldCoord[0] = worldCoord[0]; lensFlare[i].worldCoord[1] = worldCoord[1]; lensFlare[i].worldCoord[2] = worldCoord[2]; lensFlare[i].w1 = w1; lensFlare[i].h1 = h1; /* VectorCopy(glowColor, lensFlare[i].glowColor); */ lensFlare[i].glowColor[0] = glowColor[0]; lensFlare[i].glowColor[1] = glowColor[1]; lensFlare[i].glowColor[2] = glowColor[2]; lensFlare[i].glowOffset = glowOffset; lensFlare[i].hazeOffset = hazeOffset; lensFlare[i].minDist = minDist; lensFlare[i].maxDist = maxDist; /* VectorCopy(streakColor, lensFlare[i].streakColor); */ lensFlare[i].streakColor[0] = streakColor[0]; lensFlare[i].streakColor[1] = streakColor[1]; lensFlare[i].streakColor[2] = streakColor[2]; lensFlare[i].streakDistMin = streakDistMin; lensFlare[i].streakDistMax = streakDistMax; lensFlare[i].streakW = streakW; lensFlare[i].streakH = streakH; lensFlare[i].whiteStreaks = whiteStreaks; lensFlare[i].reflecDistMin = reflecDistMin; lensFlare[i].reflecDistMax = reflecDistMax; lensFlare[i].reflecAnamorphic = reflecAnamorphic; lensFlare[i].defReflecs = defReflecs; lensFlare[i].clamp = clamp; lensFlare[i].maxAlpha = maxAlpha; lensFlare[i].startTime = startTime; lensFlare[i].upTime = upTime; lensFlare[i].holdTime = holdTime; lensFlare[i].downTime = downTime; lensFlare[i].qfull = qtrue; break; } } } /* ================= CG_WorldCoordToScreenCoord **Blatently plagiarised from EF SP** OMFG this is some damn whacky maths! It basically takes a vector variable and somehow correlates that to an XY value on your screen!! O_o ================= */ static qboolean CG_WorldCoordToScreenCoord(vec3_t worldCoord, float *x, float *y, qboolean clamp) { int xcenter, ycenter; vec3_t local, transformed; vec3_t fwd; vec3_t right; vec3_t up; float xzi; float yzi; /* xcenter = cg.refdef.width / 2;*//*gives screen coords adjusted for resolution*/ /* ycenter = cg.refdef.height / 2;*//*gives screen coords adjusted for resolution*/ /* * NOTE: did it this way because most draw functions expect virtual 640x480 coords * and adjust them for current resolution */ /*xcenter = 640 * 0.5;*//*gives screen coords in virtual 640x480, to be adjusted when drawn*/ /*ycenter = 480 * 0.5;*//*gives screen coords in virtual 640x480, to be adjusted when drawn*/ xcenter = 640 >> 1; ycenter = 480 >> 1; AngleVectors (cg.refdefViewAngles, fwd, right, up); VectorSubtract (worldCoord, cg.refdef.vieworg, local); transformed[0] = DotProduct(local,right); transformed[1] = DotProduct(local,up); transformed[2] = DotProduct(local,fwd); /* Make sure Z is not negative. */ if(transformed[2] < 0.01) { if ( clamp ) { transformed[2] = 0.01f; } else { return qfalse; } } /* Simple convert to screen coords. */ xzi = xcenter / transformed[2] * (96.0/cg.refdef.fov_x);/*90*/ /*95*/ yzi = ycenter / transformed[2] * (102.0/cg.refdef.fov_y);/*90*/ /*105*/ *x = (float)(xcenter + xzi * transformed[0]); *y = (float)(ycenter - yzi * transformed[1]); return qtrue; } /************************************* CG_FlareScreenTrans - TiM Used to return an alpha value based on how far the xy value is from two boundaries (Used mainly for when the flare exits the screen and fades out) The function works by drawing an imaginary line from the minimum point to the maximum point. If a point is above that line, the Y value is used to calculate the alpha, else, the X value does. There is a slight bit of jerkiness if the point crosses this line, but much less worse than what was before. :) *************************************/ static float CG_FlareScreenTrans(int x, int y, int xmin, int ymin, int xmax, int ymax ) { /* * Think about it, when the XY points are in separate quadrants of the screen, * they're all the same values anyway, but just either negative or positive. * Making them all positive, and working on just that set kills about 8 birds with a fricken' huge stone. >:) */ int lx = abs(x); int ly = abs(y); int lxmin = abs(xmin); int lymin = abs(ymin); int lxmax = abs(xmax); int lymax = abs(ymax); int xDif = lxmax - lxmin; int yDif = lymax - lymin; float grad = ( (float)lymax/(float)lxmax ); /* calc the grad as if (xmin, ymin) were the origin */ float alpha = 1.0; /* if xy is under minimums, just make it 1 :P */ if (lx < lxmin && ly < lymin ) { return alpha; } if ( ly < (lx * grad) ) {/* point is running along the side bar */ alpha = (float)( 1.0 - ( (float)lx - (float)lxmin ) / (float)xDif ); /* CG_Printf("SIDE BAR!!!! alpha = %f, ly = %i, lymin = %i, yDif = %i\n", alpha, ly, lymin, yDif); */ } if ( ly > ( lx * grad) ) {/* point is running along the top bar */ alpha = (float)( 1.0 - ( (float)ly - (float)lymin ) / (float)yDif ); /* CG_Printf("TOP BAR!!!! alpha = %f, lx = %i, lxmin = %i, xDif = %i, xEq = %f\n", alpha, lx, lxmin, xDif, ((float)lx * grad) ); */ } /* if xy has exceeded maxes, just make it 0 :P */ if ( lx >= lxmax || ly >= lymax ) alpha = 0.0; /* Lock it just in case something weird happened. :S */ if ( alpha > 1.0 ) alpha = 1.0; if ( alpha < 0.0 ) alpha = 0.0; return alpha; } /* ================ CG_CorrelateMaxMinDist Calcuates an alpha value between a min and a max point so elements can fade in or out depending on relative distance :) ================ */ static float CG_CorrelateMaxMinDist( float len, int min, int max ) { float alpha = 1.0; if ( min == max && max == 0 ) /* This means it will always be off */ return 0.0; if ( min <= 0 ) /* this means that the parameter wants it to always be on */ return alpha; alpha = /*1.0 -*/ ( len - (float)min ) / ((float)max - (float)min); /* calculate the alpha */ if (alpha > 1.0 ) /* Clamp it.... again */ alpha = 1.0; if (alpha < 0.0 ) alpha = 0.0; return alpha; } /* ================ CG_FadeAlpha Modified version of CG_FadeColor. Only covers alpha values now, and also has an option to fade in as well as out ================ */ float CG_FadeAlpha( int startMsec, int totalMsec, qboolean fade_in ) { static float alpha; int t; if ( startMsec == 0 ) { return (fade_in ? 0.0 : 1.0); } t = cg.time - startMsec; if ( t >= totalMsec ) { return (fade_in ? 1.0 : 0.0); } // fade out if ( totalMsec - t < FADE_TIME ) { if (!fade_in) alpha = ( totalMsec - t ) * 1.0/FADE_TIME; else alpha = 1.0 - (( totalMsec - t ) * 1.0/FADE_TIME); } else { alpha = fade_in ? 0.0 : 1.0; } return alpha; } /* ================ CG_FlareTraceTrans Performs a trace between player and origin, and if anything gets in the way, an alpha value is generated to make the flare fade out ================ */ static float prevFrac = 0.0; static int fadeTime, fadeInTime; static qboolean CG_FlareTraceTrans ( vec3_t origin, float* alpha ) { trace_t trace; CG_Trace( &trace, origin, NULL, NULL, cg.refdef.vieworg, -1, CONTENTS_SOLID|CONTENTS_BODY ); //Do a trace // switched start and end if ( fadeTime > 0 && fadeInTime == 0 ) { *alpha = CG_FadeAlpha( fadeTime, 199, qfalse ); if (*alpha == 0.0) fadeTime = 0.0f; } if ( fadeInTime > 0 && fadeTime == 0 ) { *alpha = CG_FadeAlpha( fadeInTime, 199, qtrue ); if (*alpha == 1.0) fadeInTime = 0.0f; } //fade out the flare if (trace.fraction < 1.0 && prevFrac == 1.0 ) { fadeTime = cg.time; prevFrac = trace.fraction; } //fade in the flare if (trace.fraction == 1.0 && prevFrac < 1.0 ) { fadeInTime = cg.time; prevFrac = trace.fraction; } if (fadeTime > 0 && fadeInTime > 0) { //Whoa, how did this happen??? fadeTime = 0; //reset them both and all is good :) fadeInTime = 0; } if ( (fadeTime == 0.0 && fadeInTime == 0.0 ) && ( *alpha > 0.0 && *alpha < 1.0 ) ) //Now THIS effect was weird O_o *alpha = 1.0; if (trace.fraction < 1.0 && prevFrac < 1.0 && fadeTime == 0 && fadeInTime == 0) { prevFrac = trace.fraction; return qfalse; } return qtrue; } /************************************************************* CG_DrawLensFlare - RPG-X : TiM OMFG LENSFLARES R COOL!!!!! ^_^!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, I know I'm over-doing it now, coding this uber-huge processor-intensive, totally un-necessary lensflare engine ;P Parameters Key: vec3_t worldCoord : Position in world to draw the flare int w1, h1 : Initial (Maximum) w + h of the flare core vec3_t glowColor : Color of the flare's glow float glowOffset : Multiplier how much bigger the glow is than the core float hazeOffset : Multiplier how much bigger the surrounding haze is to the core int minDist : Minimum distance before the flare loses all brightness (Set to 0 if always normal size) int maxDist : Maximum distance for flare's brightness vec3_t streakColor : Color of the flare's lens reflections (if 0,0,0, then a default blue is used) int streakDistMin : Distance at where the flare is totally transparent (Set to 0 if always on) int streakDistMax : Distance at where the flare is totally opaque (Set to same as above to turn it always off) int streakW : Length of the anamorphic lens streak int streakH : Height of the anamorphic lens streak qboolean whiteStreaks : Adds white streaks to the center of normal streaks ;P int reflecDistMin : Distance at where the reflections are totally transparent (Set to NULL if always on) int reflecDistMax : Distance at where the reflections are totally opaque (Set to same value as above if wanted off) qboolean reflecAnamorphic : Enables anamorphic lens reflections qboolean defReflecs : Makes the Lens Reflections default colors qboolean clamp : If qtrue, the lensflare will not resize as the distance changes float maxAlpha : All alpha values of the elements in the flare will not exceed this number int upTime : How long it takes for the flare to go from 0 intense to maximum intense int holdTime : How long the flare stays at max intensity for int downTime : How long it takes for the flare to go from max intensity to 0. **************************************************************/ void CG_DrawLensFlare( lensFlare_t *flare ) { int w = flare->w1; int h = flare->h1; float x, y, streakX, streakY; int xCart, yCart; int i; vec4_t color, reflecColor, strkColor; int xMax, yMax; vec3_t distDif, black = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; int maxTime = flare->upTime + flare->holdTime + flare->downTime; int tMaxTime = maxTime + flare->startTime; int tUpTime = flare->upTime + flare->startTime; int tHoldTime = flare->upTime + flare->holdTime + flare->startTime; int tDownTime = flare->upTime + flare->holdTime + flare->downTime + flare->startTime; float length; float reflecAlpha = 1.0; //alpha channel of reflections float streakAlpha = 1.0; //alpha channel of streaks float boundAlpha = 1.0; //alpha if flare leaves screen float commonAlpha = 1.0; //alpha variables common too all elements float hazeAlpha = 1.0; static float fadeAlpha; //This can't have a default value otherwise it screws up the flare fade transition static float timeAlpha; //Alpha/w/h over the specified time //First thing's first.... I understand if you hate flares :'( if (!cg_dynamiclensflares.value) return; //if we can't get an XY value, screw it :P if ( !CG_WorldCoordToScreenCoord( flare->worldCoord, &x, &y, qfalse) ) return; //if we can't actually see the flare in line of sight, screw it again. :P if( !CG_FlareTraceTrans( flare->worldCoord, &fadeAlpha) ) return; if (maxTime > 0 && cg.time <= tMaxTime) { if ( cg.time <= tUpTime ) timeAlpha = (float)(cg.time - flare->startTime) * (float)(1.0/(float)flare->upTime); if (cg.time <= tHoldTime && cg.time > tUpTime ) timeAlpha = 1.0; if (cg.time <= tDownTime && cg.time > tHoldTime ) timeAlpha = 1.0 - ( (float)(cg.time - flare->startTime) * (float)(1.0/(float)flare->downTime) ); } if (maxTime == 0 ) timeAlpha = 1.0; w = w * timeAlpha; h = h * timeAlpha; //calc the distance between the player and the flare VectorSubtract( flare->worldCoord, cg.refdef.vieworg, distDif ); length = VectorNormalize( distDif ); //if the clamp boolean is false, resize the flare over player distance from it if ( !flare->clamp ) { w = w * CG_CorrelateMaxMinDist(length, flare->minDist, flare->maxDist ); //Change size/height in relation to distance h = h * CG_CorrelateMaxMinDist(length, flare->minDist, flare->maxDist ); } xCart = (int)(x - HALF_SCREEN_WIDTH ); //Re-orient the EF drawing engine so co-ord (0,0) is in the middle of the screen) yCart = (int)(y - HALF_SCREEN_HEIGHT ); streakX = (xCart - (flare->streakW*0.5)) + HALF_SCREEN_WIDTH; //Calculate X value of lens streak based on flare position streakY = (yCart - (flare->streakH*0.5)) + HALF_SCREEN_HEIGHT; //Calculate Y value of lens streak based on flare position xMax = (w*0.5) + HALF_SCREEN_WIDTH; //define the point the flare should fully fade out yMax = (h*0.5) + HALF_SCREEN_HEIGHT; if ( boundAlpha > 0.0 ) { //Calculate the reflections' opacity in contrast to the edge of the screen boundAlpha = CG_FlareScreenTrans( xCart, yCart, HALF_SCREEN_WIDTH, HALF_SCREEN_HEIGHT, xMax, yMax); } //set up all of the elements with their various alphas :P commonAlpha = commonAlpha * fadeAlpha * boundAlpha * flare->maxAlpha; if (commonAlpha * timeAlpha < 0.01 ) //no point in drawing if it's really really faint return; reflecAlpha = reflecAlpha * commonAlpha * timeAlpha * CG_CorrelateMaxMinDist(length, flare->reflecDistMin, flare->reflecDistMax ); streakAlpha = streakAlpha * commonAlpha * timeAlpha * CG_CorrelateMaxMinDist(length, flare->streakDistMin, flare->streakDistMax ); hazeAlpha = hazeAlpha * commonAlpha; //Copy in the color the user wants, but we need control of the alpha. VectorCopy( flare->glowColor, color ); color[3] = hazeAlpha; if ( VectorCompare( flare->streakColor, black) ) { //If they specified no streakcolor, use this awesome default blue one :) strkColor[0] = 0.31; strkColor[1] = 0.45; strkColor[2] = 1.0; strkColor[3] = streakAlpha; } else { //else, use the color they wanted VectorCopy( flare->streakColor, strkColor ); strkColor[3] = streakAlpha; } //Lens Reflections - those cool circly bits that go in the opposite direction of the flare if ( reflecAlpha != 0.0 ) {//Sheez, only do this if we really WANT it O_o for( i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) { //if they wanted the cool photoshoppy style reflections if ( flare->defReflecs ) { VectorCopy( lensReflec[i].color, reflecColor ); reflecColor[3] = reflecAlpha; } else { //otherwise, just use the color they picked VectorCopy( color, reflecColor ); reflecColor[3] = reflecAlpha; } trap_R_SetColor( reflecColor ); CG_DrawPic( ( ( ( lensReflec[i].positive ? xCart : -xCart ) * lensReflec[i].offset ) + HALF_SCREEN_WIDTH ) - ( flare->reflecAnamorphic ? lensReflec[i].width : lensReflec[i].width*0.5 ), //X ( ( ( lensReflec[i].positive ? yCart : -yCart ) * lensReflec[i].offset ) + HALF_SCREEN_HEIGHT ) - ( lensReflec[i].height*0.5 ), //Y flare->reflecAnamorphic ? lensReflec[i].width * 2 : lensReflec[i].width, //W lensReflec[i].height, //H lensReflec[i].graphic //pic ); } } //Colored Middle + Streaks trap_R_SetColor( color ); if ( color[3] > 0.0 ) { x = ( xCart - ( (w*flare->hazeOffset) *0.5) + HALF_SCREEN_WIDTH ); y = ( yCart - ( (h*flare->hazeOffset) *0.5) + HALF_SCREEN_HEIGHT ); CG_DrawPic( x, y, w*flare->hazeOffset, h*flare->hazeOffset, cgs.media.flareHaze ); //Surrounding ambient haze } trap_R_SetColor( strkColor ); if ( strkColor[3] > 0.0f ) CG_DrawPic( streakX , streakY , flare->streakW, flare->streakH, cgs.media.flareStreak ); //Colored portion of the anamorphic streaks trap_R_SetColor( color ); if ( color[3] > 0.0f ) { x = ( xCart - ( (w*flare->glowOffset) *0.5) + HALF_SCREEN_WIDTH ); y = ( yCart - ( (h*flare->glowOffset) *0.5) + HALF_SCREEN_HEIGHT ); CG_DrawPic( x, y, w*flare->glowOffset, h*flare->glowOffset, cgs.media.flareCore ); //Main colored glow bit of the main flare } if ( flare->whiteStreaks ) { //if player wanted white streaks in their streaks strkColor[0] = strkColor[1] = strkColor[2] = 1.0; trap_R_SetColor( strkColor ); //White if ( strkColor[3] > 0.0 ) CG_DrawPic( streakX + (flare->streakW*0.2), streakY + (flare->streakH*0.2), flare->streakW*0.6, flare->streakH*0.6, cgs.media.flareStreak ); //White Core of streak is ALWAYS 20% smaller. } color[0] = color[1] = color [2] = 1.0f; color[3] = hazeAlpha; trap_R_SetColor( color ); if ( color[3] > 0.0 ) { x = ( xCart - (w *0.5) + HALF_SCREEN_WIDTH ); y = ( yCart - (h *0.5) + HALF_SCREEN_HEIGHT ); CG_DrawPic( x, y, w, h, cgs.media.flareCore ); //Draw teh main fl4r3 :) } //CG_Printf("worldCoord = %f, colorAlpha = %f, streakAlpha = %f, streakColor = %f \n", flare->worldCoord[0], color[3], strkColor[3], strkColor[2]); } /* ============== CG_DrawField Draws large numbers for status bar and powerups ============== */ /* static void CG_DrawField (int x, int y, int width, int value) { char num[16], *ptr; int l; int frame; if ( width < 1 ) { return; } // draw number string if ( width > 5 ) { width = 5; } switch ( width ) { case 1: value = value > 9 ? 9 : value; value = value < 0 ? 0 : value; break; case 2: value = value > 99 ? 99 : value; value = value < -9 ? -9 : value; break; case 3: value = value > 999 ? 999 : value; value = value < -99 ? -99 : value; break; case 4: value = value > 9999 ? 9999 : value; value = value < -999 ? -999 : value; break; } Com_sprintf (num, sizeof(num), "%i", value); l = strlen(num); if (l > width) l = width; x += 2 + CHAR_WIDTH*(width - l); ptr = num; while (*ptr && l) { if (*ptr == '-') frame = STAT_MINUS; else frame = *ptr -'0'; CG_DrawPic( x,y, CHAR_WIDTH, CHAR_HEIGHT, cgs.media.numberShaders[frame] ); x += CHAR_WIDTH; ptr++; l--; } } */ /* ================ CG_Draw3DModel ================ */ static void CG_Draw3DModel( float x, float y, float w, float h, qhandle_t model, qhandle_t skin, qhandle_t shader, vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles ) { refdef_t refdef; refEntity_t ent; if ( !cg_draw3dIcons.integer || !cg_drawIcons.integer ) { return; } CG_AdjustFrom640( &x, &y, &w, &h ); memset( &refdef, 0, sizeof( refdef ) ); memset( &ent, 0, sizeof( ent ) ); AnglesToAxis( angles, ent.axis ); VectorCopy( origin, ent.origin ); ent.hModel = model; ent.customSkin = skin; ent.customShader = shader; ent.renderfx = RF_NOSHADOW; // no stencil shadows refdef.rdflags = RDF_NOWORLDMODEL; AxisClear( refdef.viewaxis ); refdef.fov_x = 30; refdef.fov_y = 30; refdef.x = x; refdef.y = y; refdef.width = w; refdef.height = h; refdef.time = cg.time; trap_R_ClearScene(); trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &ent ); trap_R_RenderScene( &refdef ); } /* ================ CG_DrawHead Used for both the status bar and the scoreboard ================ */ //extern qhandle_t CG_CurrentHeadSkin( centity_t* cent, clientInfo_t* ci ); void CG_DrawHead( float x, float y, float w, float h, int clientNum, vec3_t headAngles ) { clipHandle_t cm; centity_t *cent; clientInfo_t *ci; playerState_t *ps; float value; float len; vec3_t origin; vec3_t mins, maxs; cent = &cg_entities[ clientNum ]; ci = &cgs.clientinfo[ clientNum ]; ps = &cg.snap->ps; value = ps->stats[STAT_HEALTH]; if ( cg_draw3dIcons.integer && (ci->headOffset[0] != 404) ) { cm = ci->headModel; if ( !cm ) { return; } // offset the origin y and z to center the head trap_R_ModelBounds( cm, mins, maxs ); origin[2] = -0.5 * ( mins[2] + maxs[2] ); origin[1] = 0.5 * ( mins[1] + maxs[1] ); // calculate distance so the head nearly fills the box // assume heads are taller than wide len = 0.7 * ( maxs[2] - mins[2] ); origin[0] = len / 0.268; // len / tan( fov/2 ) // allow per-model tweaking VectorAdd( origin, ci->headOffset, origin ); CG_Draw3DModel( x, y, w, h, ci->headModel, ci->headSkin, 0, origin, headAngles ); if ((value < 82.000000) && (value >= 65.000000)){ CG_Draw3DModel( x, y, w, h, ci->headModel, ci->headSkin, 0, origin, headAngles ); }else if(value >= 49.000000){ CG_Draw3DModel( x, y, w, h, ci->headModel, ci->headSkin, 0, origin, headAngles ); }else if(value >= 32.000000){ CG_Draw3DModel( x, y, w, h, ci->headModel, ci->headSkin, 0, origin, headAngles ); }else if(value >= 2.000000){ CG_Draw3DModel( x, y, w, h, ci->headModel, ci->headSkin, 0, origin, headAngles ); }else if(value <= 1.000000){ CG_Draw3DModel( x, y, w, h, ci->headModel, ci->headSkin, 0, origin, headAngles ); } } else if ( cg_drawIcons.integer ) { CG_DrawPic( x, y, w, h, ci->modelIcon ); } //if ( cgs.clientinfo[clientNum].health <= 1 ) {//if eliminated, draw the cross-out // CG_DrawPic( x, y, w, h, cgs.media.eliminatedShader ); //} else if ( ci->deferred ) {// if they are deferred, draw a cross out // CG_DrawPic( x, y, w, h, cgs.media.deferShader ); //} } /* ================ CG_DrawFlagModel Used for both the status bar and the scoreboard ================ */ void CG_DrawFlagModel( float x, float y, float w, float h, int team ) { qhandle_t cm; float len; vec3_t origin, angles; vec3_t mins, maxs; if ( cg_draw3dIcons.integer ) { VectorClear( angles ); cm = cgs.media.redFlagModel; // offset the origin y and z to center the flag trap_R_ModelBounds( cm, mins, maxs ); origin[2] = -0.5 * ( mins[2] + maxs[2] ); origin[1] = 0.5 * ( mins[1] + maxs[1] ); // calculate distance so the flag nearly fills the box // assume heads are taller than wide len = 0.5 * ( maxs[2] - mins[2] ); origin[0] = len / 0.268; // len / tan( fov/2 ) angles[YAW] = 60 * sin( cg.time / 2000.0 );; CG_Draw3DModel( x, y, w, h, team == TEAM_RED ? cgs.media.redFlagModel : cgs.media.blueFlagModel, 0, team == TEAM_RED ? cgs.media.redFlagShader[3] : cgs.media.blueFlagShader[3], origin, angles ); } else if ( cg_drawIcons.integer ) { //gitem_t *item = BG_FindItemForPowerup( team == TEAM_RED ? PW_REDFLAG : PW_BORG_ADAPT ); /*if (item) { CG_DrawPic( x, y, w, h, cg_items[ ITEM_INDEX(item) ].icon ); }*/ } } /* ================ CG_DrawStatusBarHead RPG-X | Phenix | 09/06/2005 I dont know who commented this out but it's going back in ;) ================ */ static int CG_DrawStatusBarHead( float x ) { vec3_t angles; float size, stretch; float frac; VectorClear( angles ); if ( cg.damageTime && cg.time - cg.damageTime < DAMAGE_TIME ) { frac = (float)(cg.time - cg.damageTime ) / DAMAGE_TIME; size = ICON_SIZE * 1.25 * ( 1.5 - frac * 0.5 ); stretch = size - ICON_SIZE * 1.25; // kick in the direction of damage x -= stretch * 0.5 + cg.damageX * stretch * 0.5; cg.headStartYaw = 180 + cg.damageX * 45; cg.headEndYaw = 180 + 20 * cos( crandom()*M_PI ); cg.headEndPitch = 5 * cos( crandom()*M_PI ); cg.headStartTime = cg.time; cg.headEndTime = cg.time + 100 + random() * 2000; } else { if ( cg.time >= cg.headEndTime ) { // select a new head angle cg.headStartYaw = cg.headEndYaw; cg.headStartPitch = cg.headEndPitch; cg.headStartTime = cg.headEndTime; cg.headEndTime = cg.time + 100 + random() * 2000; cg.headEndYaw = 180 + 20 * cos( crandom()*M_PI ); cg.headEndPitch = 5 * cos( crandom()*M_PI ); } size = ICON_SIZE * 1.25; } size = size * 3; // if the server was frozen for a while we may have a bad head start time if ( cg.headStartTime > cg.time ) { cg.headStartTime = cg.time; } frac = ( cg.time - cg.headStartTime ) / (float)( cg.headEndTime - cg.headStartTime ); frac = frac * frac * ( 3 - 2 * frac ); angles[YAW] = cg.headStartYaw + ( cg.headEndYaw - cg.headStartYaw ) * frac; angles[PITCH] = cg.headStartPitch + ( cg.headEndPitch - cg.headStartPitch ) * frac; CG_DrawHead( x, 480 - (size + BIGCHAR_HEIGHT + 5), size, size, cg.snap->ps.clientNum, angles ); return size; } /* ================ CG_DrawTeamBackground ================ */ void CG_DrawTeamBackground( int x, int y, int w, int h, float alpha, int team, qboolean scoreboard ) { vec4_t hcolor; hcolor[3] = alpha; if ( team == TEAM_RED ) { hcolor[0] = 1; hcolor[1] = 0; hcolor[2] = 0; } else if ( team == TEAM_BLUE ) { hcolor[0] = 0; hcolor[1] = 0; hcolor[2] = 1; } else { return; // no team } trap_R_SetColor( hcolor ); CG_DrawPic( x, y, w, h, cgs.media.teamStatusBar ); trap_R_SetColor( NULL ); } /* ================ CG_DrawAmmo ================ */ static void CG_DrawAmmo(centity_t *cent) { float value; // float xLength; playerState_t *ps; // int max,brightColor_i,darkColor_i,numColor_i; ps = &cg.snap->ps; value = ps->ammo[cent->currentState.weapon]; return; } //RPG-X: - RedTechie NO ARMOR! how many times do i have to say it! /* ================ CG_DrawArmor ================ */ /* static void CG_DrawArmor(centity_t *cent) { int max; float value,xLength; playerState_t *ps; int lengthMax; ps = &cg.snap->ps; value = ps->stats[STAT_ARMOR]; interface_graphics[IG_ARMOR_COUNT].max = value; if (interface_graphics[IG_ARMOR_COUNT].max <= ps->stats[STAT_MAX_HEALTH]) { interface_graphics[IG_ARMOR_COUNT].color = CT_LTPURPLE1; // interface_graphics[IG_ARMOR_SLIDERFULL].color = CT_LTPURPLE1; // interface_graphics[IG_ARMOR_COUNT].style &= ~UI_PULSE; // Numbers } else { interface_graphics[IG_ARMOR_COUNT].color = CT_LTGREY; // Numbers interface_graphics[IG_ARMOR_SLIDERFULL].color = CT_LTGREY; // interface_graphics[IG_ARMOR_COUNT].style |= UI_PULSE; // Numbers } // if (cg.oldarmor < value) // { // cg.oldArmorTime = cg.time + 100; // } // cg.oldarmor = value; // if (cg.oldArmorTime < cg.time) // { // interface_graphics[IG_ARMOR_COUNT].color = CT_LTPURPLE1; // Numbers // } // else // { // interface_graphics[IG_ARMOR_COUNT].color = CT_YELLOW; // Numbers // } max = ps->stats[STAT_MAX_HEALTH]; lengthMax = 73; if (max > 0) { if (value > max) { xLength = lengthMax; } else { xLength = lengthMax * (value/max); } } else { max = 0; xLength = 0; } // Armor empty section interface_graphics[IG_ARMOR_SLIDEREMPTY].x = 72 + xLength; interface_graphics[IG_ARMOR_SLIDEREMPTY].width = lengthMax - xLength; // Armor full section interface_graphics[IG_ARMOR_SLIDERFULL].width = xLength; CG_PrintInterfaceGraphics(IG_ARMOR_START + 1,IG_ARMOR_END); } */ //RPG-X: - RedTechie Close but no cigar we need 3 stage health not a bar /* ================ CG_DrawHealth ================ */ /*static void CG_DrawHealth(centity_t *cent) { int max; float value,xLength; playerState_t *ps; int lengthMax; ps = &cg.snap->ps; value = ps->stats[STAT_HEALTH]; // Changing colors on numbers // if (cg.oldhealth < value) // { // cg.oldHealthTime = cg.time + 100; // } // cg.oldhealth = value; // Is health changing? // if (cg.oldHealthTime < cg.time) // { // interface_graphics[IG_HEALTH_COUNT].color = CT_LTBROWN1; // Numbers // } // else // { // } interface_graphics[IG_HEALTH_COUNT].max = value; if (interface_graphics[IG_HEALTH_COUNT].max <= ps->stats[STAT_MAX_HEALTH]) { interface_graphics[IG_HEALTH_COUNT].color = CT_LTBROWN1; // interface_graphics[IG_HEALTH_SLIDERFULL].color = CT_LTBROWN1; // interface_graphics[IG_HEALTH_SLIDEREMPTY].color = CT_DKBROWN1; // interface_graphics[IG_HEALTH_COUNT].style &= ~UI_PULSE; // Numbers } else { interface_graphics[IG_HEALTH_COUNT].color = CT_LTGREY; // Numbers interface_graphics[IG_HEALTH_SLIDERFULL].color = CT_LTGREY; // interface_graphics[IG_HEALTH_COUNT].style |= UI_PULSE; // Numbers } // Calculating size of health bar max = ps->stats[STAT_MAX_HEALTH]; lengthMax = 73; if (max > 0) { if (value < max) { xLength = lengthMax * (value/max); } else // So the graphic doesn't extend past the cap { xLength = lengthMax; } } else { max = 0; xLength = 0; } // Health empty section interface_graphics[IG_HEALTH_SLIDEREMPTY].x = 72 + xLength; interface_graphics[IG_HEALTH_SLIDEREMPTY].width = lengthMax - xLength; // Health full section interface_graphics[IG_HEALTH_SLIDERFULL].width = xLength; // Print it CG_PrintInterfaceGraphics(IG_HEALTH_START + 1,IG_HEALTH_END); }*/ //RPG-X: - RedTechie This is more like it /* ================ CG_DrawHealth New Draw health function by yours truly RedTechie New version by TiM lol ================ */ //static int CG_DrawHealth( centity_t *cent ) //{ // float value; // float offset; // float yOffset; // // value = cg.snap->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH]; // // //Draw static graphics first // CG_FillRect( 8, 428, 89, 1, colorTable[CT_LTPURPLE1] ); // CG_FillRect( 8, 429, 1, 44, colorTable[CT_LTPURPLE1] ); // CG_FillRect( 8, 473, 89, 1, colorTable[CT_LTPURPLE1] ); // CG_FillRect( 96, 429, 1, 44, colorTable[CT_LTPURPLE1] ); // // //Okay... we'll need to work out some funky math here later... // //For now, let's just test // offset = (( (float)(cg.time % 2000) / 2000.0f ) * (1.0f+(1.0f-(value/100.0f)) * 0.25f)); // yOffset = (value / 100.0f ) * 21.0f ; // //CG_Printf( "%f\n", offset ); // // trap_R_SetColor( NULL ); // CG_DrawStretchPic( 9, 450 - yOffset, 87, yOffset * 2.0f, 0.0f + offset, 0.0f, (1.0f+(1.0f-(value/100.0f)) * 0.25f) + offset, 1.0f, cgs.media.healthSineWave ); // //CG_DrawStretchPic( 16, 413, 123, 60, 1.0f, 1.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f, cgs.media.healthSineWave ); // // return 125; //} static int CG_DrawHealth(centity_t *cent) { float value; playerState_t *ps; char *health_str = NULL; int health_barwidth; vec_t *health_txtcolor = NULL; int health_txteffect = 0; int x, y; ps = &cg.snap->ps; value = ps->stats[STAT_HEALTH]; //RPG-X: RedTechie - The GROSS math part icky icky! if(value >= 82.000000){ health_str = ingame_text[IGT_SB_HEALTHSTATUS1]; //RPG-X and SFEF health_txtcolor = colorTable[CT_DKPURPLE2]; health_txteffect = UI_BIGFONT; }else if(value >= 65.000000){ health_str = ingame_text[IGT_SB_HEALTHSTATUS2]; //Scott Carter, after being locked in a room with rpg-x team for 20 minuts.. health_txtcolor = colorTable[CT_DKPURPLE2]; health_txteffect = UI_BIGFONT; }else if(value >= 49.000000){ health_str = ingame_text[IGT_SB_HEALTHSTATUS3]; //Results after 10 minutes health_txtcolor = colorTable[CT_LTBLUE2]; health_txteffect = UI_BIGFONT; }else if(value >= 32.000000){ health_str = ingame_text[IGT_SB_HEALTHSTATUS4]; //Results after 15 minutes health_txtcolor = colorTable[CT_LTBLUE2]; health_txteffect = UI_BIGFONT; }else if(value >= 2.000000){ health_str = ingame_text[IGT_SB_HEALTHSTATUS5]; //Results after 20 minutes health_txtcolor = colorTable[CT_VDKBLUE2]; health_txteffect = UI_BIGFONT; }else if(value <= 1.000000){ health_str = ingame_text[IGT_SB_HEALTHSTATUS6]; //Final result - post your comments here coders ;) - //What do you mean final result - this is like after 30 seconds in a room with the rpg-x team :P (Phenix) health_txtcolor = colorTable[CT_RED]; //More like 10 -TiM health_txteffect = UI_BIGFONT; } //Get a accurate width health_barwidth = UI_ProportionalStringWidth(health_str,UI_BIGFONT); //Doom Style Health! if (doomHead.integer == 1) { health_barwidth = CG_DrawStatusBarHead( 2 ); health_barwidth = ((health_barwidth / 2) + 2) - (UI_ProportionalStringWidth(health_str,UI_BIGFONT) / 2); UI_DrawProportionalString(health_barwidth, 460 - BIGCHAR_HEIGHT, health_str, health_txteffect, health_txtcolor); return health_barwidth; } else { x = 3; y = 435; //Draw the text UI_DrawProportionalString(x + 46, y + 11, health_str, health_txteffect, health_txtcolor); //RPG-X: - RedTechie The Graphics :) trap_R_SetColor( colorTable[CT_DKBLUE1] ); CG_DrawPic( x, y, 85, 22, cgs.media.healthbigcurve ); //RPG-X: Big Curve //x,y,w,h=32 CG_DrawPic( x + 49 + health_barwidth, y, 8, 7, cgs.media.healthendcap ); //RPG-X: Top End Cap - 133 CG_DrawPic( x + 49 + health_barwidth, y + 37, 8, 7, cgs.media.healthendcap ); //RPG-X: Bottum End Cap - 133 //CG_DrawPic( x + 49 + health_barwidth, y + 49, 16, 16, cgs.media.healthendcap ); CG_FillRect( x, y + 15, 40, 20, colorTable[CT_DKBLUE1]); //Extra bit to fill in the gap under the curve graphic CG_FillRect( x, y + 37, 40, 7, colorTable[CT_DKGOLD1]); //RPG-X: Middle bar //15 CG_FillRect( x + 42, y + 37, 5+health_barwidth, 7, colorTable[CT_DKBLUE1]); //RPG-X: Bottum Horizontal bar - CG_FillRect( 45, 469, 86+health_barwidth, 15, colorTable[CT_DKBLUE1]); CG_FillRect( x + 47, y, health_barwidth, 7, colorTable[CT_DKBLUE1]); //RPG-X: Top Horizontal bar - CG_FillRect( 61, 420, 70+health_barwidth, 15, colorTable[CT_DKBLUE1]); //RPG-X: RedTechie - Some eye candy text UI_DrawProportionalString( x +40-3, y + 23, ingame_text[IGT_SB_HEALTHBARLCARS], UI_TINYFONT|UI_RIGHT, colorTable[CT_BLACK]);//456 //x + 12 return health_barwidth + 82; } } /* ================ CG_DrawStatusBar ================ */ static void CG_DrawStatusBar( void ) { centity_t *cent; playerState_t *ps; vec3_t angles; int y=0; vec4_t whiteA; int x, z, i, h, yZ; vec3_t tmpVec, eAngle, forward, dAngle; //RPG-X: Redtechie - for the HACK code below //int rpg_shakemycamera; int healthBarWidth; //float rpg_shakemycamera_intensity; //const char *info; /*static float colors[4][4] = { { 1, 0.69, 0, 1.0 } , // normal { 1.0, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0 }, // low health {0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1}, // weapon firing { 1, 1, 1, 1 } }; // health > 100*/ whiteA[0] = whiteA[1] = whiteA[2] = 1.0f; whiteA[3] = 0.3f; cent = &cg_entities[cg.snap->ps.clientNum]; //RPG-X: RedTechie - HACK HACK HACK!!!! this needs to be called soon to check to shake the players cameras /*info = CG_ConfigString( CS_SERVERINFO ); rpg_shakemycamera = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( info, "rpg_servershakeallclients" ) ); rpg_shakemycamera_intensity = atof( Info_ValueForKey( info, "rpg_servershakeallclientsintensity" ) ); if(rpg_shakemycamera == 1){ CG_CameraShake(rpg_shakemycamera_intensity,300); }*/ if ( cg_drawStatus.integer == 0 ) { return; } // draw the team background CG_DrawTeamBackground( 0, 420, 640, 60, 0.33, cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_TEAM], qfalse ); ps = &cg.snap->ps; VectorClear( angles ); // draw any 3D icons first, so the changes back to 2D are minimized y = (SCREEN_HEIGHT - (4*ICON_SIZE) - 20); /*if (cg.predictedPlayerState.powerups[PW_REDFLAG]) { //fixme: move to powerup renderer? make it pulse? // CG_FillRect( 5, y, ICON_SIZE*2, ICON_SIZE*2, whiteA); CG_DrawFlagModel( 5, y, ICON_SIZE*2, ICON_SIZE*2, TEAM_RED ); }*/ /*else if (cg.predictedPlayerState.powerups[PW_BORG_ADAPT]) { // CG_FillRect( 5, y, ICON_SIZE*2, ICON_SIZE*2, whiteA); // CG_DrawFlagModel( 5, y, ICON_SIZE*2, ICON_SIZE*2, TEAM_BLUE ); //RPG-X | GSIO01 | 08/05/2009: we have flag in rpg? haha }*/ // Do start if (!cg.interfaceStartupDone) { CG_InterfaceStartup(); } // // ammo // if ( cent->currentState.weapon ) { CG_DrawAmmo(cent); } // // health // //RPG-X | Phenix | 09/06/2005 // Added return of the width for the cloak etc messages healthBarWidth = CG_DrawHealth(cent); // RPG-X // Print RPG Flags //By: RedTechie & Phenix // if(cg.predictedPlayerState.powerups[PW_EVOSUIT] || cg.predictedPlayerState.powerups[PW_FLIGHT] || cg.predictedPlayerState.powerups[PW_INVIS]){ //RPG-X | Phenix | 08/06/2005 yZ = 478 - SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT; // UI_BIGFONT //DEBUG if(cg.predictedPlayerState.powerups[PW_EVOSUIT]) { UI_DrawProportionalString(healthBarWidth, yZ, ingame_text[IGT_SB_EVOSUITSTATUS], UI_SMALLFONT, colorTable[CT_CYAN]); yZ -= SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT + 2; } if(cg.predictedPlayerState.powerups[PW_INVIS]){ UI_DrawProportionalString(healthBarWidth, yZ, ingame_text[IGT_SB_CLOAKSTATUS], UI_SMALLFONT, colorTable[CT_RED]); yZ -= SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT + 2; } if(cg.predictedPlayerState.powerups[PW_FLIGHT]){ UI_DrawProportionalString(healthBarWidth, yZ, ingame_text[IGT_SB_FLIGHTSTATUS], UI_SMALLFONT, colorTable[CT_RED]); yZ -= SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT + 2; } } // // armor // //RPG-X: - Redtechie IT A FRICKEN RP NOOOO ARMOR! OMG! //CG_DrawArmor(cent); // Radar // By Sam "-=Jazz=-"Dickinson // http://www.telefragged.com/jazz if ( ( cg.snap->ps.weapon == WP_TRICORDER || cg.snap->ps.weapon == WP_COMPRESSION_RIFLE ) && cg_drawradar.integer != 0 && !cg.zoomed ) { vec4_t radColor; CG_DrawPic(40, 100, 100, 100, cgs.media.radarShader); for (i = 0; i < cg.snap->numEntities; i++) // Go through all entities in VIS range { if ( cg.snap->entities[i].eType == ET_PLAYER ) // If the Entity is a Player { // Calculate How Far Away They Are x = (cg.snap->entities[i].pos.trBase[0] - cg.predictedPlayerState.origin[0]); y = (cg.snap->entities[i].pos.trBase[1] - cg.predictedPlayerState.origin[1]); z = (cg.snap->entities[i].pos.trBase[2] - cg.predictedPlayerState.origin[2]); tmpVec[0] = x; tmpVec[1] = y; tmpVec[2] = 0.0; // Convert Vector to Angle vectoangles(tmpVec, eAngle); h = sqrt((x*x) + (y*y)); // Get Range // We only Want "YAW" value dAngle[0] = 0.0; dAngle[1] = AngleSubtract(eAngle[1] - 180, cg.predictedPlayerState.viewangles[1]) + 180; dAngle[0] = 0.0; // Convert Angle back to Vector AngleVectors(dAngle, forward, NULL, NULL); VectorScale(forward, h/32, forward); // if (h/32 < 100 && h/32 > 0) // Limit Radar Range // { // Draw up arrow if above, down if below, or an ordinary blip if level // With tolerance of +- 5 units //RPG-X: RedTechie - No teams in a RP /*if ( cgs.gametype >= GT_TEAM ) { if ( cgs.clientinfo[cg.snap->entities[i].number].team == TEAM_BLUE ) { if (z > 64) { CG_DrawPic(86 - forward[1], 146 - forward[0], 7, 7, cgs.media.rd_blue_up); } else if (z < -64) { CG_DrawPic(86 - forward[1], 146 - forward[0], 7, 7, cgs.media.rd_blue_down); } else { CG_DrawPic(86 - forward[1], 146 - forward[0], 7, 7, cgs.media.rd_blue_level); } } else if ( cgs.clientinfo[cg.snap->entities[i].number].team == TEAM_RED ) { if (z > 64) { CG_DrawPic(86 - forward[1], 146 - forward[0], 7, 7, cgs.media.rd_red_up); } else if (z < -64) { CG_DrawPic(86 - forward[1], 146 - forward[0], 7, 7, cgs.media.rd_red_down); } else { CG_DrawPic(86 - forward[1], 146 - forward[0], 7, 7, cgs.media.rd_red_level); } } }*/ //RPG-X: RedTechie - If Dead show them as a medical symbol //.number if (h/32 < 100 && h/32 > 0) { // Limit Radar Range if ( cg_entities[cg.snap->entities[i].number].currentState.eFlags & EF_DEAD ) { if (z > 64) { CG_DrawStretchPic( 86 - forward[1], 146 - forward[0], 16, 8, 0, 0, 1, 0.5, cgs.media.rd_injured_level ); //CG_DrawPic(86 - forward[1], 146 - forward[0], 7, 7, cgs.media.rd_injured_up); } else if (z < -64) { //CG_DrawPic(86 - forward[1], 146 - forward[0], 7, 7, cgs.media.rd_injured_down); CG_DrawStretchPic( 86 - forward[1], 146 - forward[0], 16, 8, 0, 0.5, 1, 1, cgs.media.rd_injured_level ); } else { CG_DrawPic(86 - forward[1], 146 - forward[0], 16, 16, cgs.media.rd_injured_level); } } else { //if ( cgs.clientinfo[cg.snap->entities[i].number].pClass == PC_COMMAND ) //{ // /*if (z > 64) // { // CG_DrawPic(86 - forward[1], 146 - forward[0], 7, 7, cgs.media.rd_red_up); // } // else if (z < -64) // { // CG_DrawPic(86 - forward[1], 146 - forward[0], 7, 7, cgs.media.rd_red_down); // } // else // { // CG_DrawPic(86 - forward[1], 146 - forward[0], 7, 7, cgs.media.rd_red_level); // }*/ // //trap_R_SetColor( colorTable[CT_RED] ); // VectorCopy( colorTable[CT_RED], radColor ); // radColor[3] = colorTable[CT_RED][3]; //} //else if ( cgs.clientinfo[cg.snap->entities[i].number].pClass == PC_SCIENCE ) //{ // /*if (z > 64) // { // CG_DrawPic(86 - forward[1], 146 - forward[0], 7, 7, cgs.media.rd_teal_up); // } // else if (z < -64) // { // CG_DrawPic(86 - forward[1], 146 - forward[0], 7, 7, cgs.media.rd_teal_down); // } // else // { // CG_DrawPic(86 - forward[1], 146 - forward[0], 7, 7, cgs.media.rd_teal_level); // }*/ // //trap_R_SetColor( colorTable[CT_TEAL] ); // VectorCopy( colorTable[CT_TEAL], radColor ); // radColor[3] = colorTable[CT_TEAL][3]; //} //else if ( cgs.clientinfo[cg.snap->entities[i].number].pClass == PC_SECURITY ) //{ // /*if (z > 64) // { // CG_DrawPic(86 - forward[1], 146 - forward[0], 7, 7, cgs.media.rd_blue_up); // } // else if (z < -64) // { // CG_DrawPic(86 - forward[1], 146 - forward[0], 7, 7, cgs.media.rd_blue_down); // } // else // { // CG_DrawPic(86 - forward[1], 146 - forward[0], 7, 7, cgs.media.rd_blue_level); // }*/ // //trap_R_SetColor( colorTable[CT_GOLD] ); // VectorCopy( colorTable[CT_GOLD], radColor ); // radColor[3] = colorTable[CT_GOLD][3]; //} //else if ( cgs.clientinfo[cg.snap->entities[i].number].pClass == PC_MEDICAL ) //{ // /*if (z > 64) // { // CG_DrawPic(86 - forward[1], 146 - forward[0], 7, 7, cgs.media.rd_white_up); // } // else if (z < -64) // { // CG_DrawPic(86 - forward[1], 146 - forward[0], 7, 7, cgs.media.rd_white_down); // } // else // { // CG_DrawPic(86 - forward[1], 146 - forward[0], 7, 7, cgs.media.rd_white_level); // }*/ // //trap_R_SetColor( colorTable[CT_TEAL] ); // VectorCopy( colorTable[CT_TEAL], radColor ); // radColor[3] = colorTable[CT_TEAL][3]; //} //else if ( cgs.clientinfo[cg.snap->entities[i].number].pClass == PC_ENGINEER ) //{ // /*if (z > 64) // { // CG_DrawPic(86 - forward[1], 146 - forward[0], 7, 7, cgs.media.rd_up); // } // else if (z < -64) // { // CG_DrawPic(86 - forward[1], 146 - forward[0], 7, 7, cgs.media.rd_down); // } // else // { // CG_DrawPic(86 - forward[1], 146 - forward[0], 7, 7, cgs.media.rd_level); // }*/ // //trap_R_SetColor( colorTable[CT_GOLD] ); // VectorCopy( colorTable[CT_GOLD], radColor ); // radColor[3] = colorTable[CT_GOLD][3]; //} //else if ( cgs.clientinfo[cg.snap->entities[i].number].pClass == PC_ALPHAOMEGA22 ) //{ // /*if (z > 64) // { // CG_DrawPic(86 - forward[1], 146 - forward[0], 7, 7, cgs.media.rd_teal_up); // } // else if (z < -64) // { // CG_DrawPic(86 - forward[1], 146 - forward[0], 7, 7, cgs.media.rd_teal_down); // } // else // { // CG_DrawPic(86 - forward[1], 146 - forward[0], 7, 7, cgs.media.rd_teal_level); // }*/ // //trap_R_SetColor( colorTable[CT_GREEN] ); // VectorCopy( colorTable[CT_GREEN], radColor ); // radColor[3] = colorTable[CT_GREEN][3]; //} //else if ( cgs.clientinfo[cg.snap->entities[i].number].pClass == PC_ADMIN && cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_CLASS] != PC_ADMIN ) //{ // //RPG-X: RedTechie - Dont show admins on radar unless you are a admin //} if ( cgs.clientinfo[cg.snap->entities[i].number].pClass >= 0 ) { radColor[0] = (float)cgs.classData[cgs.clientinfo[cg.snap->entities[i].number].pClass].radarColor[0] / 255.0f; radColor[1] = (float)cgs.classData[cgs.clientinfo[cg.snap->entities[i].number].pClass].radarColor[1] / 255.0f; radColor[2] = (float)cgs.classData[cgs.clientinfo[cg.snap->entities[i].number].pClass].radarColor[2] / 255.0f; radColor[3] = 1.0f; } else { /*if (z > 64) { CG_DrawPic(86 - forward[1], 146 - forward[0], 7, 7, cgs.media.rd_black_up); } else if (z < -64) { CG_DrawPic(86 - forward[1], 146 - forward[0], 7, 7, cgs.media.rd_black_down); } else { CG_DrawPic(86 - forward[1], 146 - forward[0], 7, 7, cgs.media.rd_black_level); }*/ //trap_R_SetColor( colorTable[CT_BLACK] ); VectorCopy( colorTable[CT_BLACK], radColor ); radColor[3] = colorTable[CT_BLACK][3]; } if ( cgs.clientinfo[cg.snap->entities[i].number].isAdmin && !cgs.clientinfo[cg.snap->ps.clientNum].isAdmin ) continue; if ( z > 64 ) { trap_R_SetColor( radColor ); CG_DrawStretchPic( 86 - forward[1], 146 - forward[0], 8, 4, 0, 0, 1, 0.5, cgs.media.radarMain ); } else if ( z < -64 ) { trap_R_SetColor( radColor ); CG_DrawStretchPic( 86 - forward[1], 146 - forward[0], 8, 4, 0, 0.5, 1, 1, cgs.media.radarMain ); } else { trap_R_SetColor( radColor ); CG_DrawPic( 86 - forward[1], 146 - forward[0], 8, 8, cgs.media.radarMain ); } trap_R_SetColor( NULL ); } } } } } // End Radar } /* ================ CG_InterfaceStartup ================ */ static void CG_InterfaceStartup() { // Turn on Health Graphics if ((interface_graphics[IG_HEALTH_START].timer < cg.time) && (interface_graphics[IG_HEALTH_BEGINCAP].type == SG_OFF)) { trap_S_StartLocalSound( cgs.media.interfaceSnd1, CHAN_LOCAL_SOUND ); interface_graphics[IG_HEALTH_BEGINCAP].type = SG_GRAPHIC; interface_graphics[IG_HEALTH_BOX1].type = SG_GRAPHIC; interface_graphics[IG_HEALTH_ENDCAP].type = SG_GRAPHIC; } // Turn on Armor Graphics //RPG-X: - RedTechie how many times do i have to say NO ARMOR IN RP's! /*if ((interface_graphics[IG_ARMOR_START].timer < cg.time) && (interface_graphics[IG_ARMOR_BEGINCAP].type == SG_OFF)) { if (interface_graphics[IG_ARMOR_BEGINCAP].type == SG_OFF) { trap_S_StartLocalSound( cgs.media.interfaceSnd1, CHAN_LOCAL_SOUND ); } interface_graphics[IG_ARMOR_BEGINCAP].type = SG_GRAPHIC; interface_graphics[IG_ARMOR_BOX1].type = SG_GRAPHIC; interface_graphics[IG_ARMOR_ENDCAP].type = SG_GRAPHIC; }*/ // Turn on Ammo Graphics if (interface_graphics[IG_AMMO_START].timer < cg.time) { if (interface_graphics[IG_AMMO_UPPER_BEGINCAP].type == SG_OFF) { trap_S_StartLocalSound( cgs.media.interfaceSnd1, CHAN_LOCAL_SOUND ); interface_graphics[IG_GROW].type = SG_VAR; interface_graphics[IG_GROW].timer = cg.time; } interface_graphics[IG_AMMO_UPPER_BEGINCAP].type = SG_GRAPHIC; interface_graphics[IG_AMMO_UPPER_ENDCAP].type = SG_GRAPHIC; interface_graphics[IG_AMMO_LOWER_BEGINCAP].type = SG_GRAPHIC; interface_graphics[IG_AMMO_LOWER_ENDCAP].type = SG_GRAPHIC; } if (interface_graphics[IG_GROW].type == SG_VAR) { interface_graphics[IG_HEALTH_ENDCAP].x += 2; interface_graphics[IG_ARMOR_ENDCAP].x += 2; interface_graphics[IG_AMMO_UPPER_ENDCAP].x -= 1; interface_graphics[IG_AMMO_LOWER_ENDCAP].x -= 1; if (interface_graphics[IG_HEALTH_ENDCAP].x >= interface_graphics[IG_HEALTH_ENDCAP].max) { interface_graphics[IG_HEALTH_ENDCAP].x = interface_graphics[IG_HEALTH_ENDCAP].max; interface_graphics[IG_ARMOR_ENDCAP].x = interface_graphics[IG_ARMOR_ENDCAP].max; interface_graphics[IG_AMMO_UPPER_ENDCAP].x = interface_graphics[IG_AMMO_UPPER_ENDCAP].max; interface_graphics[IG_AMMO_LOWER_ENDCAP].x = interface_graphics[IG_AMMO_LOWER_ENDCAP].max; interface_graphics[IG_GROW].type = SG_OFF; interface_graphics[IG_HEALTH_SLIDERFULL].type = SG_GRAPHIC; interface_graphics[IG_HEALTH_SLIDEREMPTY].type = SG_GRAPHIC; interface_graphics[IG_HEALTH_COUNT].type = SG_NUMBER; interface_graphics[IG_ARMOR_SLIDERFULL].type = SG_GRAPHIC; interface_graphics[IG_ARMOR_SLIDEREMPTY].type = SG_GRAPHIC; interface_graphics[IG_ARMOR_COUNT].type = SG_NUMBER; interface_graphics[IG_AMMO_SLIDERFULL].type = SG_GRAPHIC; interface_graphics[IG_AMMO_SLIDEREMPTY].type = SG_GRAPHIC; interface_graphics[IG_AMMO_COUNT].type = SG_NUMBER; trap_S_StartLocalSound( cgs.media.interfaceSnd1, CHAN_LOCAL_SOUND ); cg.interfaceStartupDone = 1; // All done } interface_graphics[IG_GROW].timer = cg.time + 10; } cg.interfaceStartupTime = cg.time; // kef -- init struct for post game awards InitPostGameMenuStruct(); } /* =========================================================================================== UPPER RIGHT CORNER =========================================================================================== */ /* ================ CG_DrawAttacker ================ */ /*static float CG_DrawAttacker( float y ) { int t; float size; vec3_t angles; const char *info; const char *name; int clientNum; if ( cg.predictedPlayerState.stats[STAT_HEALTH] <= 0 ) { return y; } if ( !cg.attackerTime ) { return y; } clientNum = cg.predictedPlayerState.persistant[PERS_ATTACKER]; if ( clientNum < 0 || clientNum >= MAX_CLIENTS || clientNum == cg.snap->ps.clientNum ) { return y; } t = cg.time - cg.attackerTime; if ( t > ATTACKER_HEAD_TIME ) { cg.attackerTime = 0; return y; } size = ICON_SIZE * 1.25; angles[PITCH] = 0; angles[YAW] = 180; angles[ROLL] = 0; CG_DrawHead( 640 - size, y, size, size, clientNum, angles ); info = CG_ConfigString( CS_PLAYERS + clientNum ); name = Info_ValueForKey( info, "n" ); y += size; // CG_DrawBigString( 640 - ( Q_PrintStrlen( name ) * BIGCHAR_WIDTH), y, name, 0.5 ); UI_DrawProportionalString( 635, y, name, UI_RIGHT | UI_SMALLFONT, colorTable[CT_LTGOLD1] ); return y + BIGCHAR_HEIGHT + 2; }*/ /* ================== CG_DrawSnapshot ================== */ static float CG_DrawSnapshot( float y ) { char *s; int w; s = va( "time:%i frametime:%i snap:%i cmd:%i", cg.snap->serverTime, cg.frametime, cg.latestSnapshotNum, cgs.serverCommandSequence ); //y = (BIGCHAR_HEIGHT * 2) + 20; w = UI_ProportionalStringWidth(s,UI_BIGFONT); if ( cg_lagometer.integer && ( y < (BIGCHAR_HEIGHT * 2) + 20) ) { w = w + 52; } UI_DrawProportionalString(635 - (w - 2), y + 2, s, UI_BIGFONT, colorTable[CT_LTGOLD1]); return y + BIGCHAR_HEIGHT + 10; } /* ================== CG_DrawFPS ================== */ #define FPS_FRAMES 4 static float CG_DrawFPS( float y ) { char *s; int w; static int previousTimes[FPS_FRAMES]; static int index; int i, total; int fps; static int previous; int t, frameTime; // don't use serverTime, because that will be drifting to // correct for internet lag changes, timescales, timedemos, etc t = trap_Milliseconds(); frameTime = t - previous; previous = t; previousTimes[index % FPS_FRAMES] = frameTime; index++; if ( index > FPS_FRAMES ) { // average multiple frames together to smooth changes out a bit total = 0; for ( i = 0 ; i < FPS_FRAMES ; i++ ) { total += previousTimes[i]; } if ( !total ) { total = 1; } fps = 1000 * FPS_FRAMES / total; s = va( "%ifps", fps ); w = UI_ProportionalStringWidth(s,UI_BIGFONT); //RPG-X | Phenix | 08/06/2005 // Changed "- w" to "- (w + 50)" to account for lagometer if ( !cg_lagometer.integer ) { w = w - 52; } UI_DrawProportionalString(635 - (w + 52), y + 2, s, UI_BIGFONT, colorTable[CT_LTGOLD1]); } return y + BIGCHAR_HEIGHT + 10; } /* ================= CG_DrawTimer ================= */ static float CG_DrawTimer( float y ) { char *s; int w; int mins, seconds, tens; int msec; msec = cg.time - cgs.levelStartTime; seconds = msec / 1000; mins = seconds / 60; seconds -= mins * 60; tens = seconds / 10; seconds -= tens * 10; s = va( "%i:%i%i", mins, tens, seconds ); w = UI_ProportionalStringWidth(s,UI_BIGFONT); // RPG-X | Phenix | 08/06/2005 // Changed "- w" to "- (w + 50)" to account for lagometer if ( !cg_lagometer.integer ) { w = w - 52; } UI_DrawProportionalString(635 - (w + 52), y + 2, s, UI_BIGFONT, colorTable[CT_LTGOLD1]); return y + BIGCHAR_HEIGHT + 10; } #define TINYPAD 1.25 /* ================= CG_DrawTeamOverlay ================= */ #define TEAM_OVERLAY_MAXNAME_WIDTH 12 #define TEAM_OVERLAY_MAXLOCATION_WIDTH 16 static float CG_DrawTeamOverlay( float y, qboolean right, qboolean upper ) { int x, w, h, xx; int i, j, len; const char *p; vec4_t hcolor; int pwidth, lwidth; int plyrs; char st[16]; clientInfo_t *ci; int ret_y; if ( !cg_drawTeamOverlay.integer ) { return y; } if ( cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_TEAM] != TEAM_RED && cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_TEAM] != TEAM_BLUE ) { return y; // Not on any team } if ( cg.snap->ps.pm_type == PM_INTERMISSION ) { return y; } plyrs = 0; w = 0; // max player name width pwidth = 0; for (i = 0; i < numSortedTeamPlayers; i++) { ci = cgs.clientinfo + sortedTeamPlayers[i]; if ( ci->infoValid && ci->team == cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_TEAM]) { plyrs++; len = CG_DrawStrlen(ci->name); if (len > pwidth) pwidth = len; if ( ci->pClass >= 0 /*PC_NOCLASS*/ )//if any one of them has a class, then we alloc space for the icon w = 1; } } if (!plyrs) return y; if (pwidth > TEAM_OVERLAY_MAXNAME_WIDTH) pwidth = TEAM_OVERLAY_MAXNAME_WIDTH; // max location name width lwidth = 0; for (i = 1; i < MAX_LOCATIONS; i++) { p = CG_ConfigString(CS_LOCATIONS + i); if (p && *p) { len = CG_DrawStrlen(p); if (len > lwidth) lwidth = len; } } if (lwidth > TEAM_OVERLAY_MAXLOCATION_WIDTH) lwidth = TEAM_OVERLAY_MAXLOCATION_WIDTH; w += (pwidth + lwidth + 4); w *= (TINYCHAR_WIDTH * TINYPAD); if ( right ) x = 640 - w; else x = 0; h = plyrs * (TINYCHAR_HEIGHT * TINYPAD); if ( upper ) { ret_y = y + h; } else { y -= h; ret_y = y; } if ( cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_TEAM] == TEAM_RED ) { hcolor[0] = 1; hcolor[1] = 0; hcolor[2] = 0; hcolor[3] = 0.33; } else { // if ( cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_TEAM] == TEAM_BLUE ) hcolor[0] = 0; hcolor[1] = 0; hcolor[2] = 1; hcolor[3] = 0.33; } trap_R_SetColor( hcolor ); CG_DrawPic( x, y, w, h, cgs.media.teamStatusBar ); trap_R_SetColor( NULL ); for (i = 0; i < numSortedTeamPlayers; i++) { ci = cgs.clientinfo + sortedTeamPlayers[i]; if ( ci->infoValid && ci->team == cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_TEAM]) { xx = x + TINYCHAR_WIDTH; //Draw class icon if appropriate if ( ci->pClass >= 0/*PC_NOCLASS*/ ) { //qhandle_t icon; //Special hack: if it's Borg who has regen going, must be Borg queen /*if ( ci->pClass == PC_BORG && (ci->powerups&(1<pClass]; } CG_DrawPic( xx, y, TINYCHAR_WIDTH, TINYCHAR_HEIGHT, icon );*/ xx += (TINYCHAR_WIDTH * TINYPAD); } //draw name // CG_DrawStringExt( xx, y, // ci->name, hcolor, qfalse, qfalse, // TINYCHAR_WIDTH, TINYCHAR_HEIGHT, TEAM_OVERLAY_MAXNAME_WIDTH); hcolor[0] = hcolor[1] = hcolor[2] = hcolor[3] = 1.0; UI_DrawProportionalString( xx, y, ci->name, UI_TINYFONT, hcolor); if (lwidth) { p = CG_ConfigString(CS_LOCATIONS + ci->location); if (!p || !*p) p = "unknown"; len = CG_DrawStrlen(p); if (len > lwidth) len = lwidth; // xx = x + TINYCHAR_WIDTH * 2 + TINYCHAR_WIDTH * pwidth + // ((lwidth/2 - len/2) * TINYCHAR_WIDTH); xx = x + TINYCHAR_WIDTH * 2 + TINYCHAR_WIDTH * pwidth; // CG_DrawStringExt( xx, y, // p, hcolor, qfalse, qfalse, TINYCHAR_WIDTH, TINYCHAR_HEIGHT, // TEAM_OVERLAY_MAXLOCATION_WIDTH); UI_DrawProportionalString( xx, y, p, UI_TINYFONT, hcolor); } CG_GetColorForHealth( ci->health, ci->armor, hcolor ); Com_sprintf (st, sizeof(st), "%3i %3i", ci->health, ci->armor); xx = x + TINYCHAR_WIDTH * 3 + TINYCHAR_WIDTH * pwidth + TINYCHAR_WIDTH * lwidth; // CG_DrawStringExt( xx, y, // st, hcolor, qfalse, qfalse, // TINYCHAR_WIDTH, TINYCHAR_HEIGHT, 0 ); UI_DrawProportionalString( xx, y, st, UI_TINYFONT, hcolor); // draw weapon icon xx += (TINYCHAR_WIDTH * TINYPAD) * 3; if ( cg_weapons[ci->curWeapon].weaponIcon ) { CG_DrawPic( xx, y, TINYCHAR_WIDTH, TINYCHAR_HEIGHT, cg_weapons[ci->curWeapon].weaponIcon ); } else { CG_DrawPic( xx, y, TINYCHAR_WIDTH, TINYCHAR_HEIGHT, cgs.media.deferShader ); } // Draw powerup icons if (right) { xx = x; } else { xx = x + w - TINYCHAR_WIDTH; } for (j = 0; j < PW_NUM_POWERUPS; j++) { if (ci->powerups & (1 << j)) { gitem_t *item = BG_FindItemForPowerup( j ); if (item) { CG_DrawPic( xx, y, TINYCHAR_WIDTH, TINYCHAR_HEIGHT, trap_R_RegisterShader( item->icon ) ); } if (right) { xx -= (TINYCHAR_WIDTH * TINYPAD); } else { xx += (TINYCHAR_WIDTH * TINYPAD); } } } y += (TINYCHAR_HEIGHT * TINYPAD); } } return ret_y; } /* ===================== CG_DrawUpperRight ===================== */ static void CG_DrawUpperRight( void ) { float y; //vec3_t origin = {960, -1214, 242 }; //vec3_t color = { 0.6, 0.6, 1.0 }; cgs.widescreen.state = WIDESCREEN_RIGHT; y = 0; if ( cg_drawFPS.integer ) { y = CG_DrawFPS( y ); } if ( cg_drawTimer.integer ) { y = CG_DrawTimer( y ); } if ( cg_drawSnapshot.integer ) { y = CG_DrawSnapshot( y ); } if ( cgs.gametype >= GT_TEAM && cg_drawTeamOverlay.integer == 1 ) { y = CG_DrawTeamOverlay( y, qtrue, qtrue ); } cgs.widescreen.state = WIDESCREEN_NONE; /* if ( cg_drawAttacker.integer ) { //RPG-X - TiM: We don't really need this in an RP y = CG_DrawAttacker( y ); }*/ } /* =========================================================================================== LOWER RIGHT CORNER =========================================================================================== */ /* ================= CG_DrawScores Draw the small two score display ================= */ static float CG_DrawScores( float y ) { // const char *s; int s1, s2; //, score; // int x, w; // int v; // vec4_t color; float y1; // gitem_t *item; s1 = cgs.scores1; s2 = cgs.scores2; y -= BIGCHAR_HEIGHT + 8; y1 = y; return y1 - 8; } /* ================ CG_DrawPowerups ================ */ static float CG_DrawPowerups( float y ) { int sorted[MAX_POWERUPS]; int sortedTime[MAX_POWERUPS]; int i, j, k; int active; playerState_t *ps; int t; gitem_t *item; int x; int color; float size; float f; static float colors[2][4] = { { 0.2, 1.0, 0.2, 1.0 } , { 1.0, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0 } }; int hasHoldable; hasHoldable = cg.snap->ps.stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEM]; ps = &cg.snap->ps; if ( ps->stats[STAT_HEALTH] <= 0 ) { return y; } // sort the list by time remaining active = 0; for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_POWERUPS ; i++ ) { if ( !ps->powerups[ i ] ) { continue; } t = ps->powerups[ i ] - cg.time; // ZOID--don't draw if the power up has unlimited time (999 seconds) // This is true of the CTF flags if ( t < 0 || t > 999000) { continue; } // insert into the list for ( j = 0 ; j < active ; j++ ) { if ( sortedTime[j] >= t ) { for ( k = active - 1 ; k >= j ; k-- ) { sorted[k+1] = sorted[k]; sortedTime[k+1] = sortedTime[k]; } break; } } sorted[j] = i; sortedTime[j] = t; active++; } // draw the icons and timers x = 648; for ( i = 0 ; i < active ; i++ ) { // Don't draw almost timed out powerups if we have more than 3 and a holdable item if (!(hasHoldable && ipowerups[ sorted[i] ]; if ( t - cg.time >= POWERUP_BLINKS * POWERUP_BLINK_TIME ) { trap_R_SetColor( NULL ); } else { vec4_t modulate; f = (float)( t - cg.time ) / POWERUP_BLINK_TIME; f -= (int)f; modulate[0] = modulate[1] = modulate[2] = modulate[3] = f; trap_R_SetColor( modulate ); } if ( cg.powerupActive == sorted[i] && cg.time - cg.powerupTime < PULSE_TIME ) { f = 1.0 - ( ( (float)cg.time - cg.powerupTime ) / PULSE_TIME ); size = ICON_SIZE * ( 1.0 + ( PULSE_SCALE - 1.0 ) * f ); } else { size = ICON_SIZE; } //CG_DrawPic( 640 - size, y + ICON_SIZE / 2 - size / 2, // size, size, trap_R_RegisterShader( item->icon ) ); x -= size + 10; CG_DrawPic( x, 478 - size, size, size, trap_R_RegisterShader( item->icon ) ); } } trap_R_SetColor( NULL ); return y; } /* ===================== CG_DrawLowerRight ===================== */ static void CG_DrawLowerRight( void ) { float y; y = LOWEROVERLAY_Y; cgs.widescreen.state = WIDESCREEN_RIGHT; if ( cgs.gametype >= GT_TEAM && cg_drawTeamOverlay.integer == 2 ) { y = CG_DrawTeamOverlay( y, qtrue, qfalse ); } y = CG_DrawScores( y ); y = CG_DrawPowerups( y ); cgs.widescreen.state = WIDESCREEN_NONE; } /* =================== CG_DrawPickupItem =================== */ static int CG_DrawPickupItem( int y ) { int value; float *fadeColor; if ( cg.snap->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] <= 0 ) { return y; } y -= ICON_SIZE; value = cg.itemPickup; if ( value ) { fadeColor = CG_FadeColor( cg.itemPickupTime, 3000 ); if ( fadeColor ) { CG_RegisterItemVisuals( value ); trap_R_SetColor( fadeColor ); CG_DrawPic( 8, y, ICON_SIZE, ICON_SIZE, cg_items[ value ].icon ); UI_DrawProportionalString( ICON_SIZE + 16, y + (ICON_SIZE/2 - BIGCHAR_HEIGHT/2), bg_itemlist[ value ].pickup_name, UI_SMALLFONT, fadeColor); // CG_DrawBigString( ICON_SIZE + 16, y + (ICON_SIZE/2 - BIGCHAR_HEIGHT/2), bg_itemlist[ value ].pickup_name, fadeColor[0] ); trap_R_SetColor( NULL ); } } return y; } /* ===================== CG_DrawLowerLeft ===================== */ static void CG_DrawLowerLeft( void ) { float y; y = LOWEROVERLAY_Y; cgs.widescreen.state = WIDESCREEN_LEFT; if ( cgs.gametype >= GT_TEAM && cg_drawTeamOverlay.integer == 3 ) { y = CG_DrawTeamOverlay( y, qfalse, qfalse ); } y = CG_DrawPickupItem( y ); cgs.widescreen.state = WIDESCREEN_NONE; } //=========================================================================================== /* ================= CG_DrawTeamInfo ================= */ static void CG_DrawTeamInfo( void ) { int w, h; int i, len; vec4_t hcolor; int chatHeight; #define CHATLOC_Y 420 // bottom end #define CHATLOC_X 0 if (cg_teamChatHeight.integer < TEAMCHAT_HEIGHT) chatHeight = cg_teamChatHeight.integer; else chatHeight = TEAMCHAT_HEIGHT; if (chatHeight <= 0) return; // disabled if (cgs.teamLastChatPos != cgs.teamChatPos) { if (cg.time - cgs.teamChatMsgTimes[cgs.teamLastChatPos % chatHeight] > cg_teamChatTime.integer) { cgs.teamLastChatPos++; } h = (cgs.teamChatPos - cgs.teamLastChatPos) * TINYCHAR_HEIGHT; w = 0; for (i = cgs.teamLastChatPos; i < cgs.teamChatPos; i++) { len = CG_DrawStrlen(cgs.teamChatMsgs[i % chatHeight]); if (len > w) w = len; } w *= TINYCHAR_WIDTH; w += TINYCHAR_WIDTH * 2; if ( cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_TEAM] == TEAM_RED ) { hcolor[0] = 1; hcolor[1] = 0; hcolor[2] = 0; hcolor[3] = 0.33; } else if ( cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_TEAM] == TEAM_BLUE ) { hcolor[0] = 0; hcolor[1] = 0; hcolor[2] = 1; hcolor[3] = 0.33; } else { hcolor[0] = 0; hcolor[1] = 1; hcolor[2] = 0; hcolor[3] = 0.33; } trap_R_SetColor( hcolor ); CG_DrawPic( CHATLOC_X, CHATLOC_Y - h, 640, h, cgs.media.teamStatusBar ); trap_R_SetColor( NULL ); hcolor[0] = hcolor[1] = hcolor[2] = 1.0; hcolor[3] = 1.0; for (i = cgs.teamChatPos - 1; i >= cgs.teamLastChatPos; i--) { // CG_DrawStringExt( CHATLOC_X + TINYCHAR_WIDTH, // CHATLOC_Y - (cgs.teamChatPos - i)*TINYCHAR_HEIGHT, // cgs.teamChatMsgs[i % chatHeight], hcolor, qfalse, qfalse, // TINYCHAR_WIDTH, TINYCHAR_HEIGHT, 0 ); UI_DrawProportionalString( CHATLOC_X + TINYCHAR_WIDTH, CHATLOC_Y - (cgs.teamChatPos - i)*TINYCHAR_HEIGHT, cgs.teamChatMsgs[i % chatHeight], UI_TINYFONT, hcolor); } } } /* =================== CG_DrawHoldableItem =================== */ static void CG_DrawHoldableItem( void ) { int value; value = cg.snap->ps.stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEM]; if ( value ) { CG_RegisterItemVisuals( value ); if ( cg.snap->ps.stats[STAT_USEABLE_PLACED] && cg.snap->ps.stats[STAT_USEABLE_PLACED] != 2 ) {//draw detpack... Borg 2-part teleporter will just draw the same until done CG_DrawPic( 640-ICON_SIZE, 480-ICON_SIZE, ICON_SIZE, ICON_SIZE, cgs.media.detpackPlacedIcon ); } else { CG_DrawPic( 640-ICON_SIZE, 480-ICON_SIZE, ICON_SIZE, ICON_SIZE, cg_items[ value ].icon ); } } else {//holding nothing... if ( cg.snap->ps.stats[STAT_USEABLE_PLACED] > 0 ) {//it's a timed countdown to getting a holdable, display the number in seconds int sec; char *s; int w; sec = cg.snap->ps.stats[STAT_USEABLE_PLACED]; if ( sec < 0 ) { sec = 0; } s = va( "%i", sec ); w = UI_ProportionalStringWidth(s,UI_BIGFONT); UI_DrawProportionalString(640-(ICON_SIZE/2)-(w/2), (SCREEN_HEIGHT-ICON_SIZE)/2+(BIGCHAR_HEIGHT/2), s, UI_BIGFONT, colorTable[CT_WHITE]); } } } /* =================== CG_DrawReward =================== */ static void CG_DrawReward( void ) { float *color; int i; float x, y; if ( !cg_drawRewards.integer ) { return; } color = CG_FadeColor( cg.rewardTime, REWARD_TIME ); if ( !color ) { return; } trap_R_SetColor( color ); y = 56; x = 320 - cg.rewardCount * ICON_SIZE/2; for ( i = 0 ; i < cg.rewardCount ; i++ ) { CG_DrawPic( x, y, ICON_SIZE-4, ICON_SIZE-4, cg.rewardShader ); x += ICON_SIZE; } trap_R_SetColor( NULL ); } /* =============================================================================== LAGOMETER =============================================================================== */ #define LAG_SAMPLES 128 typedef struct { int frameSamples[LAG_SAMPLES]; int frameCount; int snapshotFlags[LAG_SAMPLES]; int snapshotSamples[LAG_SAMPLES]; int snapshotCount; } lagometer_t; lagometer_t lagometer; /* ============== CG_AddLagometerFrameInfo Adds the current interpolate / extrapolate bar for this frame ============== */ void CG_AddLagometerFrameInfo( void ) { int offset; offset = cg.time - cg.latestSnapshotTime; lagometer.frameSamples[ lagometer.frameCount & ( LAG_SAMPLES - 1) ] = offset; lagometer.frameCount++; } /* ============== CG_AddLagometerSnapshotInfo Each time a snapshot is received, log its ping time and the number of snapshots that were dropped before it. Pass NULL for a dropped packet. ============== */ void CG_AddLagometerSnapshotInfo( snapshot_t *snap ) { // dropped packet if ( !snap ) { lagometer.snapshotSamples[ lagometer.snapshotCount & ( LAG_SAMPLES - 1) ] = -1; lagometer.snapshotCount++; return; } // add this snapshot's info lagometer.snapshotSamples[ lagometer.snapshotCount & ( LAG_SAMPLES - 1) ] = snap->ping; lagometer.snapshotFlags[ lagometer.snapshotCount & ( LAG_SAMPLES - 1) ] = snap->snapFlags; lagometer.snapshotCount++; } /* ============== CG_DrawDisconnect Should we draw something differnet for long lag vs no packets? ============== */ static void CG_DrawDisconnect( void ) { float x, y; int cmdNum; usercmd_t cmd; const char *s; int w; // draw the phone jack if we are completely past our buffers cmdNum = trap_GetCurrentCmdNumber() - CMD_BACKUP + 1; trap_GetUserCmd( cmdNum, &cmd ); if ( cmd.serverTime <= cg.snap->ps.commandTime || cmd.serverTime > cg.time /*|| // special check for map_restart cmd.serverTime < cg.snap->ps.introTime*/) // special check for holointro { return; } // also add text in center of screen s = ingame_text[IGT_CONNECTIONINTERRUPTED]; // w = CG_DrawStrlen( s ) * BIGCHAR_WIDTH; w = UI_ProportionalStringWidth(s,UI_BIGFONT); // CG_DrawBigString( 320 - w/2, 100, s, 1.0F); // Used to be (Height) 100 UI_DrawProportionalString(320 - w/2, 240, s, UI_BIGFONT, colorTable[CT_LTGOLD1]); // blink the icon if ( ( cg.time >> 9 ) & 1 ) { return; } // RPG-X | Phenix | 08/06/2005 x = 296; //640 - 50; y = 182; CG_DrawPic( x, y, 48, 48, trap_R_RegisterShader("gfx/2d/net.tga" ) ); } #define MAX_LAGOMETER_PING 900 #define MAX_LAGOMETER_RANGE 300 /* ============== CG_DrawLagometer ============== */ static void CG_DrawLagometer( void ) { int a, x, y, i; float v; float ax, ay, aw, ah, mid, range; int color; float vscale; if ( !cg_lagometer.integer /* || cgs.localServer */) { CG_DrawDisconnect(); return; } // // draw the graph // // 640, 480 (-48) x = 640 - 50; //move it left of the ammo numbers y = 2; trap_R_SetColor( NULL ); CG_DrawPic( x, y, 48, 48, cgs.media.lagometerShader ); ax = x; ay = y; aw = 48; ah = 48; CG_AdjustFrom640( &ax, &ay, &aw, &ah ); color = -1; range = ah / 3; mid = ay + range; vscale = range / MAX_LAGOMETER_RANGE; // draw the frame interpoalte / extrapolate graph for ( a = 0 ; a < aw ; a++ ) { i = ( lagometer.frameCount - 1 - a ) & (LAG_SAMPLES - 1); v = lagometer.frameSamples[i]; v *= vscale; if ( v > 0 ) { if ( color != 1 ) { color = 1; trap_R_SetColor( g_color_table[ColorIndex(COLOR_YELLOW)] ); } if ( v > range ) { v = range; } trap_R_DrawStretchPic ( ax + aw - a, mid - v, 1, v, 0, 0, 0, 0, cgs.media.whiteShader ); } else if ( v < 0 ) { if ( color != 2 ) { color = 2; trap_R_SetColor( g_color_table[ColorIndex(COLOR_BLUE)] ); } v = -v; if ( v > range ) { v = range; } trap_R_DrawStretchPic( ax + aw - a, mid, 1, v, 0, 0, 0, 0, cgs.media.whiteShader ); } } // draw the snapshot latency / drop graph range = ah / 2; vscale = range / MAX_LAGOMETER_PING; for ( a = 0 ; a < aw ; a++ ) { i = ( lagometer.snapshotCount - 1 - a ) & (LAG_SAMPLES - 1); v = lagometer.snapshotSamples[i]; if ( v > 0 ) { if ( lagometer.snapshotFlags[i] & SNAPFLAG_RATE_DELAYED ) { if ( color != 5 ) { color = 5; // YELLOW for rate delay trap_R_SetColor( g_color_table[ColorIndex(COLOR_YELLOW)] ); } } else { if ( color != 3 ) { color = 3; trap_R_SetColor( g_color_table[ColorIndex(COLOR_GREEN)] ); } } v = v * vscale; if ( v > range ) { v = range; } trap_R_DrawStretchPic( ax + aw - a, ay + ah - v, 1, v, 0, 0, 0, 0, cgs.media.whiteShader ); } else if ( v < 0 ) { if ( color != 4 ) { color = 4; // RED for dropped snapshots trap_R_SetColor( g_color_table[ColorIndex(COLOR_RED)] ); } trap_R_DrawStretchPic( ax + aw - a, ay + ah - range, 1, range, 0, 0, 0, 0, cgs.media.whiteShader ); } } trap_R_SetColor( NULL ); if ( cg_nopredict.integer || cg_synchronousClients.integer ) { // CG_DrawBigString( ax, ay, "snc", 1.0 ); UI_DrawProportionalString(ax, ay, "snc", UI_BIGFONT, colorTable[CT_LTGOLD1]); } CG_DrawDisconnect(); } /* =============================================================================== CENTER PRINTING =============================================================================== */ /* ============== CG_CenterPrint Called for important messages that should stay in the center of the screen for a few moments ============== */ void CG_CenterPrint( const char *str, int y, int charWidth ) { char *s; Q_strncpyz( cg.centerPrint, str, sizeof(cg.centerPrint) ); cg.centerPrintTime = cg.time; cg.centerPrintY = y; cg.centerPrintCharWidth = charWidth; // count the number of lines for centering cg.centerPrintLines = 1; s = cg.centerPrint; while( *s ) { if (*s == '\n') cg.centerPrintLines++; s++; } } /* =================== CG_DrawCenterString =================== */ static void CG_DrawCenterString( void ) { char *start; int l; int x, y, w; float *color; if ( !cg.centerPrintTime ) { return; } color = CG_FadeColor( cg.centerPrintTime, 1000 * cg_centertime.value ); if ( !color ) { return; } trap_R_SetColor( color ); start = cg.centerPrint; y = cg.centerPrintY - cg.centerPrintLines * BIGCHAR_HEIGHT / 2; while ( 1 ) { char linebuffer[1024]; for ( l = 0; l < 60; l++ ) { if ( !start[l] || start[l] == '\n' ) { break; } linebuffer[l] = start[l]; } linebuffer[l] = 0; // w = cg.centerPrintCharWidth * CG_DrawStrlen( linebuffer ); w = UI_ProportionalStringWidth(linebuffer,UI_BIGFONT); x = ( SCREEN_WIDTH - w ) / 2; // CG_DrawStringExt( x, y, linebuffer, color, qfalse, qtrue, // cg.centerPrintCharWidth, (int)(cg.centerPrintCharWidth * 1.5), 0 ); UI_DrawProportionalString( x, y, linebuffer, UI_BIGFONT|UI_DROPSHADOW, color); y += cg.centerPrintCharWidth * 1.5; while ( *start && ( *start != '\n' ) ) { start++; } if ( !*start ) { break; } start++; } trap_R_SetColor( NULL ); } /* ================================================================================ CROSSHAIR ================================================================================ */ /*qboolean CG_WorldCoordToScreenCoordFloat(vec3_t worldCoord, float *x, float *y) { float xcenter, ycenter; vec3_t local, transformed; vec3_t vfwd; vec3_t vright; vec3_t vup; float xzi; float yzi; // xcenter = cg.refdef.width / 2;//gives screen coords adjusted for resolution // ycenter = cg.refdef.height / 2;//gives screen coords adjusted for resolution //NOTE: did it this way because most draw functions expect virtual 640x480 coords // and adjust them for current resolution xcenter = 640.0f / 2.0f;//gives screen coords in virtual 640x480, to be adjusted when drawn ycenter = 480.0f / 2.0f;//gives screen coords in virtual 640x480, to be adjusted when drawn AngleVectors (cg.refdefViewAngles, vfwd, vright, vup); VectorSubtract (worldCoord, cg.refdef.vieworg, local); transformed[0] = DotProduct(local,vright); transformed[1] = DotProduct(local,vup); transformed[2] = DotProduct(local,vfwd); // Make sure Z is not negative. if(transformed[2] < 0.01f) { return qfalse; } xzi = xcenter / transformed[2] * (96.0f/cg.refdef.fov_x); yzi = ycenter / transformed[2] * (102.0f/cg.refdef.fov_y); *x = xcenter + xzi * transformed[0]; *y = ycenter - yzi * transformed[1]; return qtrue; }*/ /*float cg_crosshairPrevPosX = 0; float cg_crosshairPrevPosY = 0; #define CRAZY_CROSSHAIR_MAX_ERROR_X (100.0f*640.0f/480.0f) #define CRAZY_CROSSHAIR_MAX_ERROR_Y (100.0f) void CG_LerpCrosshairPos( float *x, float *y ) { if ( cg_crosshairPrevPosX ) {//blend from old pos float maxMove = 100.0f * ((float)cg.frametime/500.0f) * 640.0f/480.0f; //30 float xDiff = (*x - cg_crosshairPrevPosX); if ( fabs(xDiff) > CRAZY_CROSSHAIR_MAX_ERROR_X ) { maxMove = CRAZY_CROSSHAIR_MAX_ERROR_X; } if ( xDiff > maxMove ) { *x = cg_crosshairPrevPosX + maxMove; } else if ( xDiff < -maxMove ) { *x = cg_crosshairPrevPosX - maxMove; } } cg_crosshairPrevPosX = *x; if ( cg_crosshairPrevPosY ) {//blend from old pos float maxMove = 100.0f * ((float)cg.frametime/500.0f); float yDiff = (*y - cg_crosshairPrevPosY); if ( fabs(yDiff) > CRAZY_CROSSHAIR_MAX_ERROR_Y ) { maxMove = CRAZY_CROSSHAIR_MAX_ERROR_X; } if ( yDiff > maxMove ) { *y = cg_crosshairPrevPosY + maxMove; } else if ( yDiff < -maxMove ) { *y = cg_crosshairPrevPosY - maxMove; } } cg_crosshairPrevPosY = *y; }*/ /* ================= CG_CalcMuzzlePoint **Blatently plagiarised from JKA** Um, I guess this calculates the approximate vector of where your gun is at ingame. :P =================*/ //static qboolean CG_CalcMuzzlePoint( int entityNum, vec3_t muzzle ) { // vec3_t forward, right; // vec3_t gunpoint; // centity_t *cent; // int anim; // // if ( entityNum == cg.snap->ps.clientNum ) // { //I'm not exactly sure why we'd be rendering someone else's crosshair, but hey. // int weapontype = cg.snap->ps.weapon; // vec3_t weaponMuzzle = {13, 6, -6}; // centity_t *pEnt = &cg_entities[cg.predictedPlayerState.clientNum]; // // if (cg.renderingThirdPerson) // { // VectorCopy( pEnt->lerpOrigin, gunpoint ); //lerp // AngleVectors( pEnt->lerpAngles, forward, right, NULL ); // } // /*else // { // VectorCopy( cg.refdef.vieworg, gunpoint ); // AngleVectors( cg.refdefViewAngles, forward, right, NULL ); // }*/ // // VectorCopy(gunpoint, muzzle); // // VectorMA(muzzle, weaponMuzzle[0], forward, muzzle); // VectorMA(muzzle, weaponMuzzle[1], right, muzzle); // // if (cg.renderingThirdPerson) // { // muzzle[2] += cg.snap->ps.viewheight + weaponMuzzle[2]; // } // /*else // { // muzzle[2] += weaponMuzzle[2]; // }*/ // // return qtrue; // } // // cent = &cg_entities[entityNum]; // if ( !cent->currentValid ) { // return qfalse; // } // // VectorCopy( cent->currentState.pos.trBase, muzzle ); // // AngleVectors( cent->currentState.apos.trBase, forward, NULL, NULL ); // anim = cent->currentState.legsAnim; // if ( anim == BOTH_CROUCH1IDLE || anim == BOTH_CROUCH1WALK ) { // muzzle[2] += CROUCH_VIEWHEIGHT; // } else { // muzzle[2] += DEFAULT_VIEWHEIGHT; // } // // VectorMA( muzzle, 14, forward, muzzle ); // // return qtrue; // // //} //end dCross /* ================= CG_DrawCrosshair ================= */ static void CG_DrawCrosshair(void) { float w, h; //qhandle_t hShader; float f; float x = 0; float y = 0; //float int weaponCrosshairNum; //dCross trace_t trace; vec3_t start, end; int ignore; vec3_t d_f; vec3_t pitchConstraint; vec3_t worldPoint; crosshairsData_t *cd; if( cg.zoomed ) { //RPG-X - TiM: We dun need crosshairs when zoomed anymore :P return; } if ( !cg_drawCrosshair.integer ) { return; } if ( cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_TEAM] == TEAM_SPECTATOR /*|| (cg.snap->ps.eFlags&EF_ELIMINATED)*/ ) { return; } //clamp crosshair num if ( (weaponCrosshairNum = cg.predictedPlayerState.weapon - 1) < 0 ){ weaponCrosshairNum = 0; } else if ( weaponCrosshairNum >= MAX_CROSSHAIRS ) { weaponCrosshairNum = 14; } cd = &cgs.crosshairsData[weaponCrosshairNum]; ignore = cg.predictedPlayerState.clientNum; //if noDraw was specified in the crosshair script if ( cd->noDraw ) { return; } //TiM: With the new crosshair rendering system, this should be no problem /*if ( cg.snap->ps.weapon == WP_NULL_HAND ) { //Teh hand has no crosshair return; }*/ // if ( cg.renderingThirdPerson ) { // return; // } //We don't need this anymore (RPG-X: J2J) /* // set color based on health if ( cg_crosshairHealth.integer ) { vec4_t hcolor; CG_ColorForHealth( hcolor ); trap_R_SetColor( hcolor ); } else { trap_R_SetColor( NULL ); // }*/ w = h = cg_crosshairSize.value; // pulse the size of the crosshair when picking up items f = cg.time - cg.itemPickupBlendTime; if ( f > 0 && f < ITEM_BLOB_TIME ) { f /= ITEM_BLOB_TIME; w *= ( 1 + f ); h *= ( 1 + f ); } //dCross if( cg_dynamicCrosshair.value == 1 && cg.renderingThirdPerson) { //if ( cg.renderingThirdPerson ) { VectorCopy( cg.predictedPlayerState.viewangles, pitchConstraint); //cg.predictedPlayerState.viewangles //cg.refdefViewAngles //vieworg //} /*else { VectorCopy(cg.refdefViewAngles, pitchConstraint); }*/ AngleVectors( pitchConstraint, d_f, NULL, NULL ); //CG_CalcMuzzlePoint(cg.snap->ps.clientNum, start); //if ( cg.renderingThirdPerson ) { VectorCopy( cg.predictedPlayerState.origin, start); if ( !(cg.predictedPlayerState.eFlags & EF_FULL_ROTATE) && Q_fabs( cg.predictedPlayerState.viewangles[PITCH] ) > 89.9f ) start[2] -= 20; else start[2] += (float)cg.predictedPlayerState.viewheight * cgs.clientinfo[cg.predictedPlayerState.clientNum].height; //} // else { // VectorCopy( cg.refdef.vieworg, start); // } VectorMA( start, 6000.0f, d_f, end ); //cg.distanceCull CG_Trace( &trace, start, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, end, ignore, CONTENTS_SOLID|CONTENTS_BODY ); //TiM - if we hit a cloaked admin, bypass them so the crosshair doesn't jump randomly //NOTE: Possibly could cause errors while ( cg_entities[trace.entityNum].currentState.powerups & ( 1 <ps.weapon) { default: case WP_PHASER: hShader = cgs.media.crosshair[0]; break; case WP_COMPRESSION_RIFLE: hShader = cgs.media.crosshair[1]; break; case WP_NULL_HAND: hShader = cgs.media.crosshair[4]; break; case WP_COFFEE: hShader = cgs.media.crosshair[2]; break; case WP_DISRUPTOR: hShader = cgs.media.crosshair[3]; break; case WP_GRENADE_LAUNCHER: hShader = cgs.media.crosshair[6]; break; case WP_TR116: hShader = cgs.media.crosshair[5]; break; case WP_QUANTUM_BURST: hShader = cgs.media.crosshair[7]; break; case WP_DERMAL_REGEN: hShader = cgs.media.crosshair[8]; break; case WP_VOYAGER_HYPO: hShader = cgs.media.crosshair[9]; break; case WP_TOOLKIT: hShader = cgs.media.crosshair[11]; break; case WP_MEDKIT: hShader = cgs.media.crosshair[10]; break; case WP_TRICORDER: hShader = cgs.media.crosshair[14]; break; case WP_PADD: hShader = cgs.media.crosshair[13]; break; case WP_NEUTRINO_PROBE: hShader = cgs.media.crosshair[12]; break; }*/ //If admins scan non-players if ( cg.predictedPlayerState.weapon == WP_TRICORDER && cg.predictedPlayerState.eFlags & EF_FIRING ) { if (/*cg.predictedPlayerState.persistant[PERS_CLASS] == PC_ADMIN*/cg_showEntityNums.integer && cgs.clientinfo[cg.snap->ps.clientNum].isAdmin && cg.crosshairClientNum < ENTITYNUM_WORLD ) { vec4_t ccolor; /*color[0] = colorTable[CT_YELLOW][0]; color[1] = colorTable[CT_YELLOW][1]; color[2] = colorTable[CT_YELLOW][2];*/ /*color[0] = 0.9F;//R color[1] = 0.7F;//G color[2] = 0.0F;//B color[3] = 0.8;*/ ccolor[0] = 0.694f;//0.9F;//R ccolor[1] = 0.816f;//0.7F;//G ccolor[2] = 1.0f;//0.0F;//B ccolor[3] = 0.8f; //TiM cgs.widescreen.state = WIDESCREEN_CENTER; UI_DrawProportionalString(x + 320, y + 270, va("Entity: %i", cg.crosshairClientNum), UI_CENTER|UI_SMALLFONT, ccolor); //170 //CG_Printf( "x= %i, y = %i, w = %i, h = %i\n", cg.refdef.x, cg.refdef.y, cg.refdef.width, cg.refdef.height ); } /*if(cg_entities[cg.crosshairClientNum].currentState.modelindex == HI_SHIELD && cg_entities[cg.crosshairClientNum].currentState.apos.trBase[0] != 0) { vec4_t ccolor; ccolor[0] = 0.694f; ccolor[1] = 0.816f; ccolor[2] = 1.0f; ccolor[3] = 0.8f; UI_DrawProportionalString(x + 320, y + 285, va("Frequency: %f", cg_entities[cg.crosshairClientNum].currentState.apos.trBase[0]), UI_CENTER|UI_SMALLFONT, ccolor); }*/ } cgs.widescreen.state = WIDESCREEN_LEFT; CG_AdjustFrom640( &x, &y, &w, &h ); trap_R_SetColor( cd->color ); //TiM: Huh... we have a problem cap'n. //Even though we have absolutely perfect alignment, the ingame drawing (regardless of mipmapping) //appears to be blurring the icons to the point where they overlap, leaving little smudges at the corners //of certain crosshairs ingame :'( //So I'm attempting to fix this by creating a very very subtle offset to scale the scan region inwards a bit. //Addendum: FRAK! Okay... offsetting will not work. It clips any of the hairs that are in their full boundary. Which looks crap :P //Com_Printf("s1 = %f, t1 = %f, s2 = %f, t2 = %f\n", ((float)cd->s1/128.0f), ((float)cd->t1/128.0f), ((float)cd->s2/128.0f), ((float)cd->t2/128.0f)); //Magic number! 0.0078125 = 1 pixel in a 128x128 bitmap - Edited out. 1 pixel = WAY TOO MUCH! trap_R_DrawStretchPic( x + cg.refdef.x + 0.5 * (cg.refdef.width - w), //X y + cg.refdef.y + 0.5 * (cg.refdef.height - h), //Y w, h, //W+H ((float)cd->s1/128.0f), ((float)cd->t1/128.0f), //s1 + t1 ((float)cd->s2/128.0f), ((float)cd->t2/128.0f), //s2 + t2 cgs.media.crosshairSheet ); trap_R_SetColor( NULL ); } /* ================= CG_LabelCrosshairEntity ================= */ static void CG_LabelViewEntity( int clientNum, vec3_t origin, vec3_t entMins, vec3_t entMaxs, char *name, qboolean scanAll, vec4_t color, qboolean drawHealth, int health, char *pClass, char *rank, char *race, char* age, char *height, char *weight, char *weapon ) {//ID teammates, ID enemies, ID objectives, etc. centity_t *cent; //clientInfo_t *ci; vec3_t center, maxs, mins, top, bottom, topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, bottomRight; vec3_t worldEast = {1.0f, 0, 0}, worldNorth = {0, 1.0f, 0}, worldUp = {0, 0, 1.0f}; //vec4_t hcolor; float x = 0, y = 0; float topLeftx, topLefty, topRightx, topRighty, bottomLeftx, bottomLefty, bottomRightx, bottomRighty; int corner, topSize, bottomSize, leftSize, rightSize; int charIndex, classCharIndex, rankCharIndex, ageCharIndex, raceCharIndex, htCharIndex, wtCharIndex, weapCharIndex, healthCharIndex; float lineHorzLength = 8.0f, lineVertLength = 8.0f, lineWidth = 2.0f; float fUpDot, fEastDot, fNorthDot, uNorthDot, uEastDot;//, hwidth;//, timedScale = 1.0f; qboolean doTopLeft = qfalse; qboolean doTopRight = qfalse; qboolean doBottomLeft = qfalse; qboolean doBottomRight = qfalse; qboolean doSizes = qtrue; float w; char showName[1024]; char showRank[1024]; char showRace[1024]; char showHt[1024]; char showWt[1024]; char showWeap[1024]; char showHealth[1024]; char showAge[1024]; char showClass[1024]; //char *health = "100"; cent = &cg_entities[clientNum]; /*if ( clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS ) { ci = &cgs.clientinfo[clientNum]; }*/ infoStringCount += cg.frametime; rankCharIndex = raceCharIndex = classCharIndex = ageCharIndex = htCharIndex = wtCharIndex = weapCharIndex = charIndex = healthCharIndex = floor(infoStringCount/33); //TODO: have box scale in from corners of screen? Or out from center? /* if(infoStringCount < 1000) { timedScale = (float)infoStringCount/100.0f; timedScale = 10.0f - timedScale; if(timedScale < 1.0f) { timedScale = 1.0f; } } */ //IDEA: We COULD actually rotate a wire-mesh version of the crossEnt until it // matches the crossEnt's angles then flash it and pop up this info... // but that would be way too much work for something like this. // Alternately, could rotate a scaled-down fully-skinned version // next to it, but that, too, might be overkill... (plus, model would // need back faces) //FIXME: can be optimized... //Draw frame around ent's bbox //FIXME: make global, do once fUpDot = 1.0f - fabs( DotProduct( vfwd_n, worldUp ) );//1.0 if looking up or down, so use mins and maxs more fEastDot = fabs( DotProduct( vfwd_n, worldEast ) );//1.0 if looking east or west, so use mins[1] and maxs[1] more fNorthDot = fabs( DotProduct( vfwd_n, worldNorth ) );//1.0 if looking north or south, so use mins[0] and maxs[0] more uEastDot = fabs( DotProduct( vup_n, worldEast ) );//1.0 if looking up or down, head towards east or west, so use mins[0] and maxs[0] more uNorthDot = fabs( DotProduct( vup_n, worldNorth ) );//1.0 if looking up or down, head towards north or south, so use mins[1] and maxs[1] more /*if ( crossEnt->s.solid == SOLID_BMODEL ) {//brush model, no origin, so use the center VectorAdd( crossEnt->absmin, crossEnt->absmax, center ); VectorScale( center, 0.5, center ); VectorSubtract( crossEnt->absmax, center, maxs ); VectorSubtract( crossEnt->absmin, center, mins ); } else {*/ VectorCopy( origin, center ); //crossEnt->currentOrigin//cent->lerpOrigin VectorCopy( entMaxs, maxs ); //crossEnt->maxs //playerMaxs VectorCopy( entMins, mins ); //crossEnt->mins //playerMins //} //NOTE: this presumes that mins[0] and maxs[0] are symmetrical and mins[1] and maxs[1] as well topSize = (maxs[2]*fUpDot + maxs[1]*uNorthDot + maxs[0]*uEastDot);//* timedScale bottomSize = (mins[2]*fUpDot + mins[1]*uNorthDot + mins[0]*uEastDot);//* timedScale leftSize = (fUpDot*(mins[0]*fNorthDot + mins[1]*fEastDot) + mins[0]*uNorthDot + mins[1]*uEastDot);//* timedScale rightSize = (fUpDot*(maxs[0]*fNorthDot + maxs[1]*fEastDot) + maxs[0]*uNorthDot + maxs[1]*uEastDot);//* timedScale //Find corners //top VectorMA( center, topSize, vup_n, top ); //bottom VectorMA( center, bottomSize, vup_n, bottom ); //Top-left frame VectorMA( top, leftSize, vright_n, topLeft ); //Top-right frame VectorMA( top, rightSize, vright_n, topRight ); //bottom-left frame VectorMA( bottom, leftSize, vright_n, bottomLeft ); //bottom-right frame VectorMA( bottom, rightSize, vright_n, bottomRight ); if ( CG_WorldCoordToScreenCoord( topLeft, &topLeftx, &topLefty, qfalse ) ) { doTopLeft = qtrue; } else { doSizes = qfalse; } if ( CG_WorldCoordToScreenCoord( topRight, &topRightx, &topRighty, qfalse ) ) { doTopRight = qtrue; } else { doSizes = qfalse; } if ( CG_WorldCoordToScreenCoord( bottomLeft, &bottomLeftx, &bottomLefty, qfalse ) ) { doBottomLeft = qtrue; } else { doSizes = qfalse; } if ( CG_WorldCoordToScreenCoord( bottomRight, &bottomRightx, &bottomRighty, qfalse ) ) { doBottomRight = qtrue; } else { doSizes = qfalse; } //NOTE: maybe print color-coded "Primary/Secondary Objective" on top if an objective? for ( corner = 0; corner < 13; corner++ ) //11 {//FIXME: make sure line length of 8 isn't greater than width of object switch ( corner ) { case 0://top-left if ( doTopLeft ) { if ( doSizes ) { //Line lengths lineVertLength = (bottomLefty-topLefty)*0.25f; lineHorzLength = (topRightx-topLeftx)*0.25f; } CG_FillRect( topLeftx + 2, topLefty, lineHorzLength, lineWidth, color ); CG_FillRect( topLeftx, topLefty, lineWidth, lineVertLength, color ); } break; case 1://top-right if ( doTopRight ) { if ( doSizes ) { //Line lengths lineVertLength = (bottomRighty-topRighty)*0.25f; lineHorzLength = (topRightx-topLeftx)*0.25f; } CG_FillRect( topRightx-lineHorzLength, topRighty, lineHorzLength, lineWidth, color ); CG_FillRect( topRightx, topRighty, lineWidth, lineVertLength, color ); } break; case 2://bottom-left if ( doBottomLeft ) { if ( doSizes ) { //Line lengths lineVertLength = (bottomLefty-topLefty)*0.25f; lineHorzLength = (bottomRightx-bottomLeftx)*0.25f; } CG_FillRect( bottomLeftx, bottomLefty, lineHorzLength, lineWidth, color ); CG_FillRect( bottomLeftx, bottomLefty-lineVertLength, lineWidth, lineVertLength, color ); } break; case 3://bottom-right if ( doBottomRight ) { if ( doSizes ) { //Line lengths lineVertLength = (bottomRighty-topRighty)*0.25f; lineHorzLength = (bottomRightx-bottomLeftx)*0.25f; } CG_FillRect( bottomRightx-lineHorzLength, bottomRighty, lineHorzLength, lineWidth, color ); CG_FillRect( bottomRightx, bottomRighty-lineVertLength, lineWidth, lineVertLength + 2, color ); } break; case 4://healthBar if ( charIndex > 0 ) { /* //tried to keep original functionality, but it would pop from top to bottom //when you let go of the button and had no way to tell then (during the //fade-out) whether it should be on top or bottom. So now it is always on top. if ( !scanAll ) { if ( !CG_WorldCoordToScreenCoord( bottom, &x, &y, qfalse ) ) {//Can't draw bottom return; } } else */ {//try to draw at top as to not obscure the tricorder CG_WorldCoordToScreenCoord( top, &x, &y, qtrue ); if ( y > 0.01 ) { y -= SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT; if ( y > 0.01 ) { if ( charIndex > 0 && name ) { if ( y >= SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT ) { y -= SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT; } else { y = 0.01; } } if ( y > 0.01 ) { if ( rankCharIndex > 0 && rank ) { if ( y >= SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT ) { y -= SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT; } } if ( y > 0.01 ) { if ( ageCharIndex > 0 && age ) { if ( y >= SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT ) { y -= SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT; } } if ( y > 0.01 ) { if ( classCharIndex > 0 && pClass ) { if ( y >= SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT ) { y -= SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT; } } if ( y > 0.01 ) { if ( raceCharIndex > 0 && race ) { if ( y >= SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT ) { y -= SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT; } } if ( y > 0.01 ) { if ( htCharIndex > 0 && height ) { if ( y >= SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT ) { y -= SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT; } } if ( y > 0.01 ) { if ( wtCharIndex > 0 && weight ) { if ( y >= SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT ) { y -= SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT; } } if ( y > 0.01 ) { if ( weapCharIndex > 0 && weapon ) { if ( y >= SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT ) { y -= SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT; } } } } } } } } } } } } if ( !color[0] && !color[1] && !color[2] ) { // We really don't want black, so set it to yellow color[0] = 0.9F;//R color[1] = 0.7F;//G color[2] = 0.0F;//B } color[3] = 0.75; if ( !drawHealth || !health ) { continue; } //health = ci->health; //health, max_health //ceil( (float)ci->health/(float)100.0f*100.0f ); //CG_ColorForGivenHealth( hcolor, health ); //hwidth = (float)health*0.5f; //y += lineWidth + 2; //CG_FillRect( x - hwidth/2, y + lineWidth, hwidth, lineWidth*2, hcolor ); //y += lineWidth*2; Com_sprintf( showHealth, sizeof( showHealth ), "%s: %i", "Health", health ); if ( healthCharIndex > 0 && showHealth[0] ) { int len = strlen( showHealth ); if ( healthCharIndex > len+1 ) { healthCharIndex = len+1; } else { trap_S_StartSound( NULL, 0, CHAN_ITEM, cgs.media.tedTextSound ); } //Q_strncpyz( showHealth, showHealth, healthCharIndex ); w = CG_DrawStrlen( showHealth ) * SMALLCHAR_WIDTH; Q_strncpyz( showHealth, showHealth, healthCharIndex ); CG_DrawSmallStringColor( x - w / 2, y + lineWidth, showHealth, color ); y += SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT; } } break; case 5://infoString (name/description) //Bright yellow //VectorCopy( crossEnt->startRGBA, color ); /*if ( !color[0] && !color[1] && !color[2] ) { // We really don't want black, so set it to yellow color[0] = 0.9F;//R color[1] = 0.7F;//G color[2] = 0.0F;//B } color[3] = 0.75;*/ if ( charIndex > 0 && name ) { int len = strlen(name); if ( charIndex > len+1 ) { charIndex = len+1; } else { trap_S_StartSound( NULL, 0, CHAN_ITEM, cgs.media.tedTextSound ); } Q_strncpyz( showName, name, charIndex ); w = CG_DrawStrlen( name ) * SMALLCHAR_WIDTH; CG_DrawSmallStringColor( x - w / 2, y + lineWidth, showName, color ); y += SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT; } break; case 6://class if ( classCharIndex > 0 && pClass ) { int len = strlen(pClass); if ( classCharIndex > len+1 ) { classCharIndex = len+1; } else { trap_S_StartSound( NULL, 0, CHAN_ITEM, cgs.media.tedTextSound ); } Q_strncpyz( showClass, pClass, classCharIndex ); w = CG_DrawStrlen( pClass ) * SMALLCHAR_WIDTH; CG_DrawSmallStringColor( x - w / 2, y + lineWidth, showClass, color ); y += SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT; } break; case 7://rank if ( rankCharIndex > 0 && rank ) { int len = strlen(rank); if ( rankCharIndex > len+1 ) { rankCharIndex = len+1; } else { trap_S_StartSound( NULL, 0, CHAN_ITEM, cgs.media.tedTextSound ); } Q_strncpyz( showRank, rank, rankCharIndex ); w = CG_DrawStrlen( rank ) * SMALLCHAR_WIDTH; CG_DrawSmallStringColor( x - w / 2, y + lineWidth, showRank, color ); y += SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT; } break; case 8://age if ( ageCharIndex > 0 && age ) { int len = strlen(age); if ( ageCharIndex > len+1 ) { ageCharIndex = len+1; } else { trap_S_StartSound( NULL, 0, CHAN_ITEM, cgs.media.tedTextSound ); } Q_strncpyz( showAge, age, ageCharIndex ); w = CG_DrawStrlen( age ) * SMALLCHAR_WIDTH; CG_DrawSmallStringColor( x - w / 2, y + lineWidth, showAge, color ); y += SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT; } break; case 9://race if ( raceCharIndex > 0 && race ) { int len = strlen(race); if ( raceCharIndex > len+1 ) { raceCharIndex = len+1; } else { trap_S_StartSound( NULL, 0, CHAN_ITEM, cgs.media.tedTextSound ); } Q_strncpyz( showRace, race, raceCharIndex ); w = CG_DrawStrlen( race ) * SMALLCHAR_WIDTH; CG_DrawSmallStringColor( x - w / 2, y + lineWidth, showRace, color ); y += SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT; } break; case 10://height if ( htCharIndex > 0 && height ) { int len = strlen(height); if ( htCharIndex > len+1 ) { htCharIndex = len+1; } else { trap_S_StartSound( NULL, 0, CHAN_ITEM, cgs.media.tedTextSound ); } Q_strncpyz( showHt, height, htCharIndex ); w = CG_DrawStrlen( height ) * SMALLCHAR_WIDTH; CG_DrawSmallStringColor( x - w / 2, y + lineWidth, showHt, color ); y += SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT; } break; case 11://weight if ( wtCharIndex > 0 && weight ) { int len = strlen(weight); if ( wtCharIndex > len+1 ) { wtCharIndex = len+1; } else { trap_S_StartSound( NULL, 0, CHAN_ITEM, cgs.media.tedTextSound ); } Q_strncpyz( showWt, weight, wtCharIndex ); w = CG_DrawStrlen( weight ) * SMALLCHAR_WIDTH; CG_DrawSmallStringColor( x - w / 2, y + lineWidth, showWt, color ); y += SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT; } break; case 12://weapon if ( weapCharIndex > 0 && weapon ) { int len = strlen(weapon); if ( weapCharIndex > len+1 ) { weapCharIndex = len+1; } else { trap_S_StartSound( NULL, 0, CHAN_ITEM, cgs.media.tedTextSound ); } Q_strncpyz( showWeap, weapon, weapCharIndex ); w = CG_DrawStrlen( weapon ) * SMALLCHAR_WIDTH; CG_DrawSmallStringColor( x - w / 2, y + lineWidth, showWeap, color ); y += SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT; } break; } } } /* ================= CG_ScanForCrosshairEntity ================= */ static void CG_ScanForCrosshairEntity( void ) { trace_t trace; vec3_t start, end; int content; vec3_t pitchConstraint, df_f; VectorCopy( cg.predictedPlayerState.origin, start ); //cg.refdef.vieworg start[2] += (float)cg.predictedPlayerState.viewheight * cgs.clientinfo[cg.predictedPlayerState.clientNum].height; //VectorCopy( cg.predictedPlayerState.origin, start); //start[2] += cg.predictedPlayerState.viewheight; VectorCopy( cg.predictedPlayerState.viewangles, pitchConstraint ); AngleVectors( pitchConstraint, df_f, NULL, NULL ); VectorMA( start, 8912, df_f, end); //VectorMA( start, 8192, cg.refdef.viewaxis[0], end ); if ( cg.snap->ps.weapon == WP_TR116 && cg.zoomed ) { CG_Trace( &trace, start, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, end, cg.snap->ps.clientNum, CONTENTS_BODY ); // if the player is invisible, don't show it if ( cg_entities[ trace.entityNum ].currentState.powerups & ( 1 << PW_INVIS ) && !cgs.clientinfo[cg.snap->ps.clientNum].isAdmin/*cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_CLASS] != PC_ADMIN*/ ) { return; } } else { CG_Trace( &trace, start, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, end, cg.snap->ps.clientNum, MASK_SHOT ); //CONTENTS_SOLID|CONTENTS_BODY if ( cg.predictedPlayerState.weapon == WP_TRICORDER && cg.predictedPlayerState.eFlags & EF_FIRING && (cg_entities[trace.entityNum].currentState.eType == ET_TRIC_STRING || cg_entities[trace.entityNum].currentState.eType == ET_MOVER_STR) ) { //Never mind if it's a valid useable ent } //else, return else if ( trace.entityNum >= MAX_CLIENTS && !cgs.clientinfo[cg.snap->ps.clientNum].isAdmin/*cg.predictedPlayerState.persistant[PERS_CLASS] != PC_ADMIN*/ ) { return; } // if the player is in fog, don't show it content = trap_CM_PointContents( trace.endpos, 0 ); if ( content & CONTENTS_FOG ) { return; } // if the player is invisible, don't show it if ( cg_entities[ trace.entityNum ].currentState.powerups & ( 1 << PW_INVIS ) && !cgs.clientinfo[cg.snap->ps.clientNum].isAdmin/*cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_CLASS] != PC_ADMIN*/ ) { return; } if ( cg.crosshairClientNum != trace.entityNum) { infoStringCount = 0; } } // update the fade timer cg.crosshairClientNum = trace.entityNum; cg.crosshairClientTime = cg.time; //CG_Printf( "Current ent num: %i\n", cg.crosshairClientNum ); } /* ===================== CG_DrawCrosshairNames ===================== */ extern qboolean PM_PlayerCrouching ( int legsAnim ); static vec3_t playerMins = {-12, -12, -24}; //RPG-X : TiM - {-15, -15, -24} static vec3_t playerMaxs = {12, 12, 32}; // {15, 15, 32} static void CG_DrawCrosshairNames( void ) { float *color; char name[MAX_QPATH]; int team; centity_t *cent; //vec4_t vecColor = { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 }; int x, y; qboolean tinyFont; int drawFlags; if ( !cg_drawCrosshair.integer ) { return; } //if ( cg.renderingThirdPerson ) //{ // return; //} // scan the known entities to see if the crosshair is sighted on one CG_ScanForCrosshairEntity(); // draw the name of the player being looked at color = CG_FadeColor( cg.crosshairClientTime, 1000 ); if ( !color ) { trap_R_SetColor( NULL ); infoStringCount = 0; return; } color[3] *= 0.9; //If they're actively firing the tricorder if( ( (cg.snap->ps.eFlags & EF_FIRING) && !(cg.snap->ps.eFlags & EF_ALT_FIRING) ) && cg.snap->ps.weapon == WP_TRICORDER ) { if(cg.crosshairClientNum != cg.predictedPlayerState.clientNum && cg.crosshairClientNum < MAX_CLIENTS ) { //ENTITYNUM_WORLD drawCrosshairName = qfalse; cent = &cg_entities[cg.crosshairClientNum]; if ( cent ) { char *name = NULL; char *rank = NULL; char *race = NULL; char *age = NULL; char *pClass = NULL; //vec3_t size; float ht = 0; float wt = 0; //int health = 0; char *weap = NULL; char namestr[128]; char rankstr[128]; char racestr[128]; char htstr[128]; char wtstr[128]; char weapstr[128]; char agestr[128]; char classstr[128]; int i, irank; int score = 0; clientInfo_t *ci; for ( i = 0; i < cgs.maxclients; i++ ) { if ( cg.scores[i].client == cg.crosshairClientNum ) { score = cg.scores[i].score; break; } } irank = score;//Q_log2( score ); ci = &cgs.clientinfo[cg.crosshairClientNum]; //over-ride the color, since we can't get teams in this case //use that good old LCARS yellow color[0] = 0.694f;//0.9F;//R color[1] = 0.816f;//0.7F;//G color[2] = 1.0f;//0.0F;//B color[3] *= 0.5; //vec3_t maxs, mins; //VectorCopy( crossEnt->maxs, maxs ); //VectorCopy( crossEnt->mins, mins ); //if ( crossEnt->client && crossEnt->NPC ) //{//only use the standing height of the NPCs because people can't understand the complex dynamics of height in weight in a ceiling-installed anti-gravitic plating environment // maxs[2] = crossEnt->client->standheight; //} //VectorSubtract(maxs, mins, size); //ht = (maxs[2] - mins[2]) * 3.46875;//magic number ht = ci->height * (float)BASE_HEIGHT; //wt = VectorLength(size)*1.4;//magic number wt = ci->weight * ci->height * (float)BASE_WEIGHT; //if ( crossEnt->client && crossEnt->NPC ) //{ //if ( strstr( crossEnt->client->renderInfo.legsModelName, "female" ) || // strstr( crossEnt->client->renderInfo.legsModelName, "seven" ) ) //{//crewfemale, hazardfemale or seven of nine if ( ci->gender == GENDER_FEMALE ) { wt *= (float)FEMALE_OFFSET;//magic number, women are lighter than men } if ( ci->race && ci->race[0] ) { race = ci->race; Com_sprintf( racestr, sizeof( racestr ), "%s: %s", "Race", race ); //Q_strncpyz( race, racestr, sizeof( racestr) ); } if ( ci->age && ci->age[0] ) { age = ci->age; Com_sprintf( agestr, sizeof( agestr ), "%s: %s", "Age", age ); //Q_strncpyz( race, racestr, sizeof( racestr) ); } //Com_Printf( "%i\n", ci->pClass ); pClass = cgs.classData[ci->pClass].formalName; /*switch ( ci->pClass ) { case PC_ADMIN: pClass = "Admin"; break; case PC_SECURITY: pClass = "Security"; break; case PC_ALIEN: pClass = "Alien"; break; case PC_COMMAND: pClass = "Command"; break; case PC_SCIENCE: pClass = "Science"; break; case PC_ENGINEER: pClass = "Engineer"; break; case PC_ALPHAOMEGA22: pClass = "Marine"; break; case PC_N00B: pClass = "n00b"; break; case PC_NOCLASS: default: pClass = "Unknown"; break; }*/ if ( pClass ) { Com_sprintf( classstr, sizeof(classstr), "%s: %s", "Class", pClass ); } if ( cgs.classData[ci->pClass].showRanks/*ci->pClass != PC_ALIEN && ci->pClass != PC_NOCLASS*/ ) { //rank = "Awesome"; //RankForNumber func needed if ( cgs.ranksData[irank].formalName[0] ) { rank = cgs.ranksData[irank].formalName; Com_sprintf( rankstr, sizeof( rankstr ), "%s: %s", "Rank", rank ); } //Q_strncpyz( rank, rankstr, sizeof( rankstr ) ); } if ( ci->name && ci->name[0] ) { name = ci->name; } else { name = "Data Not Available";//crossEnt->targetname; } Com_sprintf( namestr, sizeof( namestr), "%s: %s", "Name", name ); if ( cent->currentState.weapon != WP_NULL_HAND /*&& cg_weapons[ cent->currentState.weapon ].item*/ ) { if ( cg_weapons[ cent->currentState.weapon ].item->pickup_name ) { weap = cg_weapons[ cent->currentState.weapon ].item->pickup_name; Com_sprintf( weapstr, sizeof( weapstr), "%s: %s", "Weapon", weap ); } } Com_sprintf( htstr, sizeof(htstr), "%s: %4.2f %s","Height", ht, HEIGHT_UNIT ); Com_sprintf( wtstr, sizeof(wtstr), "%s: %4.2f %s","Weight", wt, WEIGHT_UNIT ); //Com_Printf("Name: %s, Rank: %s, Race: %s, Height: %s, Weight: %s, Weap: %s\n", namestr, rankstr, racestr, htstr, wtstr, weapstr ); CG_LabelViewEntity( cg.crosshairClientNum, cent->lerpOrigin, playerMins, playerMaxs, name ? namestr : NULL, qfalse, color, (cgs.clientinfo[cg.snap->ps.clientNum].isAdmin || cgs.classData[cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_CLASS]].isMedic) ? qtrue : qfalse, ci->health, pClass ? classstr : NULL, rank ? rankstr : NULL, race ? racestr : NULL, age ? agestr : NULL, ht ? htstr : NULL, wt ? wtstr : NULL, weap ? weapstr : NULL); } else { infoStringCount = 0; } } else { if ( (cg_entities[cg.crosshairClientNum].currentState.eType == ET_TRIC_STRING || cg_entities[cg.crosshairClientNum].currentState.eType == ET_MOVER_STR) && cgs.scannablePanels ) { entityState_t *eState; vec3_t origin; vec3_t mins, maxs; char *renderString; eState = &cg_entities[cg.crosshairClientNum].currentState; color[0] = 0.694f;//0.9F;//R color[1] = 0.816f;//0.7F;//G color[2] = 1.0f;//0.0F;//B color[3] *= 0.5; //TiM: Since dynamic brush ents seem to have no freaking origin in them, let's // calc our own using the bounding box dimensions (At least we have those lol ) VectorAverage( eState->origin2, eState->angles2, origin ); //origin[2] = eState->origin2[2] - 24; //The algorithm needs the max and min dimensions to be symmetrical on either side //of the origin. This set of random code does that. :) VectorSubtract( origin, eState->origin2, mins ); VectorSet( maxs, Q_fabs( mins[0] ), Q_fabs( mins[1] ), Q_fabs( mins[2] ) ); VectorScale( maxs, -1, mins ); if ( eState->time2 > 0 ) renderString = (char *)CG_ConfigString( CS_TRIC_STRINGS + eState->time2 ); else if ( eState->weapon > 0 && cgs.scannableStrings[eState->weapon-1][0] ) renderString = cgs.scannableStrings[eState->weapon-1]; //subtracted since '0' is a valid cell value else renderString = ""; CG_LabelViewEntity( cg.crosshairClientNum, origin, mins, maxs, renderString, //cgs.tricStrings[eState->time2], qfalse, color, qfalse, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); } } } else drawCrosshairName = qtrue; if ( !cg_drawCrosshairNames.integer || cg.crosshairClientNum > MAX_CLIENTS || !drawCrosshairName ) { return; } //Now only draw team names + health if specifically wanted Q_strncpyz (name, cgs.clientinfo[ cg.crosshairClientNum ].name, sizeof (name) ); // Draw in red if red team, blue if blue team if (cgs.gametype >= GT_TEAM) { Q_CleanStr(name); team = cgs.clientinfo[ cg.crosshairClientNum ].team; if (team==TEAM_RED) { color[0] = colorRed[0]; color[1] = colorRed[1]; color[2] = colorRed[2]; } else { color[0] = colorBlue[0]; color[1] = colorBlue[1]; color[2] = colorBlue[2]; } } else { color[0] = colorTable[CT_YELLOW][0]; color[1] = colorTable[CT_YELLOW][1]; color[2] = colorTable[CT_YELLOW][2]; } if ( !cg_dynamicCrosshairNames.integer ) { x = 320; y = 170; tinyFont = qfalse; drawFlags = UI_CENTER|UI_SMALLFONT; } else { vec3_t org; centity_t *cent; float x2, y2; cent = &cg_entities[ cg.crosshairClientNum ]; VectorCopy( cent->lerpOrigin, org ); if ( PM_PlayerCrouching( cent->currentState.legsAnim ) ) org[2] += CROUCH_VIEWHEIGHT + 7; else org[2] += DEFAULT_VIEWHEIGHT + 7; CG_WorldCoordToScreenCoord( org, &x2, &y2, qfalse); x = (int)x2; y = (int)y2; tinyFont = qtrue; drawFlags = UI_CENTER|UI_BOTTOM|UI_TINYFONT; } //FIXME: need health (&armor?) of teammates (if not TEAM_FREE) or everyone (if SPECTATOR) (or just crosshairEnt?) sent to me if (cgs.clientinfo[ cg.snap->ps.clientNum ].team == TEAM_SPECTATOR || cgs.classData[cgs.clientinfo[ cg.snap->ps.clientNum ].pClass].isMedic || cgs.clientinfo[ cg.snap->ps.clientNum ].isAdmin ) /*|| cgs.clientinfo[ cg.snap->ps.clientNum ].pClass == PC_MEDIC*/ {//if I'm a spectator, draw colored health of target under crosshair CG_GetColorForHealth( cgs.clientinfo[ cg.crosshairClientNum ].health, cgs.clientinfo[ cg.crosshairClientNum ].armor, color ); y -= ( tinyFont ? TINYCHAR_HEIGHT : SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT ); UI_DrawProportionalString(x,y+(tinyFont ? TINYCHAR_HEIGHT+5 : SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT),va( "^7%i", cgs.clientinfo[ cg.crosshairClientNum ].health ), drawFlags,color); } UI_DrawProportionalString(x,y, va("^7%s ^7(%i)", name, cg.crosshairClientNum), drawFlags, color); } //============================================================================== /* ================= CG_DrawSpectator ================= */ static void CG_DrawSpectator(void) { // CG_DrawBigString(320 - 9 * 8, 440, ingame_text[IGT_SPECTATOR], 1.0F); if ( cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_TEAM] == TEAM_SPECTATOR ) { UI_DrawProportionalString(SCREEN_WIDTH/2, SCREEN_HEIGHT - ((BIGCHAR_HEIGHT * 1.50) * 2) , ingame_text[IGT_SPECTATOR], UI_BIGFONT|UI_CENTER, colorTable[CT_LTGOLD1]); } /*else if ( cg.snap->ps.eFlags&EF_ELIMINATED ) { UI_DrawProportionalString(SCREEN_WIDTH/2, SCREEN_HEIGHT - ((BIGCHAR_HEIGHT * 1.50) * 2) , ingame_text[IGT_TITLEELIMINATED], UI_BIGFONT|UI_CENTER, colorTable[CT_LTGOLD1]); }*/ if ( cgs.gametype == GT_TOURNAMENT ) { // CG_DrawBigString(320 - 15 * 8, 460, ingame_text[IGT_WAITINGTOPLAY], 1.0F); UI_DrawProportionalString(SCREEN_WIDTH/2, SCREEN_HEIGHT - (BIGCHAR_HEIGHT * 1.5), ingame_text[IGT_WAITINGTOPLAY], UI_BIGFONT|UI_CENTER, colorTable[CT_LTGOLD1]); } if ( cgs.gametype == GT_TEAM || cgs.gametype == GT_CTF ) { // CG_DrawBigString(320 - 25 * 8, 460, ingame_text[IGT_USEDTEAMMENU], 1.0F); UI_DrawProportionalString(SCREEN_WIDTH/2, SCREEN_HEIGHT - (BIGCHAR_HEIGHT * 1.5), ingame_text[IGT_USEDTEAMMENU], UI_BIGFONT|UI_CENTER, colorTable[CT_LTGOLD1]); } } /* ================= CG_DrawVote ================= */ static void CG_DrawVote(void) { char *s; int sec; if ( !cgs.voteTime ) { return; } // play a talk beep whenever it is modified if ( cgs.voteModified ) { cgs.voteModified = qfalse; trap_S_StartLocalSound( cgs.media.talkSound, CHAN_LOCAL_SOUND ); } sec = ( VOTE_TIME - ( cg.time - cgs.voteTime ) ) / 1000; if ( sec < 0 ) { sec = 0; } s = va("%s(%i):%s %s(F1):%i %s(F2):%i", ingame_text[IGT_VOTE],sec, cgs.voteString,ingame_text[IGT_YES], cgs.voteYes,ingame_text[IGT_NO] ,cgs.voteNo); // CG_DrawSmallStringColor( 0, 58, s, colorTable[CT_YELLOW] ); UI_DrawProportionalString( 0, 58, s, UI_SMALLFONT, colorTable[CT_YELLOW]); } /* ================= CG_DrawIntermission ================= */ static void CG_DrawIntermission( void ) { if (0)// cgs.gametype == GT_SINGLE_PLAYER ) { CG_DrawCenterString(); return; } cg.scoreFadeTime = cg.time; CG_DrawScoreboard(); } /* ================= CG_DrawAbridgedObjective ================= */ static void CG_DrawAbridgedObjective(void) { int i,pixelLen,x,y; for (i=0;ips.pm_flags & PMF_FOLLOW) ) { return qfalse; } color[0] = 1; color[1] = 1; color[2] = 1; color[3] = 1; y = 16; UI_DrawProportionalString((SCREEN_WIDTH/2), y, ingame_text[IGT_FOLLOWING], UI_BIGFONT|UI_CENTER, colorTable[CT_LTGOLD1]); name = cgs.clientinfo[ cg.snap->ps.clientNum ].name; y += (BIGCHAR_HEIGHT * 1.25); UI_DrawProportionalString( (SCREEN_WIDTH/2), 40, name, UI_BIGFONT|UI_CENTER, color); return qtrue; } /* ================= CG_DrawAmmoWarning ================= RPG-X | Marcin | 30/12/2008 Don't!!! */ static void CG_DrawAmmoWarning( void ) { return; /* const char *s; if ( cg_drawAmmoWarning.integer == 0 ) { return; } if ( !cg.lowAmmoWarning ) { return; } if ( cg.lowAmmoWarning >= 2 ) { s = ingame_text[IGT_OUTOFAMMO]; } else { s = ingame_text[IGT_LOWAMMO]; } UI_DrawProportionalString(320, 64, s, UI_SMALLFONT | UI_CENTER, colorTable[CT_LTGOLD1]); */ } /* ================= CG_DrawWarmup ================= */ extern void CG_AddGameModNameToGameName( char *gamename ); static void CG_DrawWarmup( void ) { int w; int sec; int i; clientInfo_t *ci1, *ci2; int cw; const char *s; sec = cg.warmup; if ( !sec ) { return; } if ( sec < 0 ) { s = ingame_text[IGT_WAITINGFORPLAYERS]; // w = CG_DrawStrlen( s ) * BIGCHAR_WIDTH; w = UI_ProportionalStringWidth(s,UI_BIGFONT); // CG_DrawBigString(320 - w / 2, 40, s, 1.0F); UI_DrawProportionalString(320 - w / 2, 40, s, UI_BIGFONT, colorTable[CT_LTGOLD1]); cg.warmupCount = 0; return; } if (cgs.gametype == GT_TOURNAMENT) { // find the two active players ci1 = NULL; ci2 = NULL; for ( i = 0 ; i < cgs.maxclients ; i++ ) { if ( cgs.clientinfo[i].infoValid && cgs.clientinfo[i].team == TEAM_FREE ) { if ( !ci1 ) { ci1 = &cgs.clientinfo[i]; } else { ci2 = &cgs.clientinfo[i]; } } } if ( ci1 && ci2 ) { s = va( "%s vs %s", ci1->name, ci2->name ); // w = CG_DrawStrlen( s ); w = UI_ProportionalStringWidth(s,UI_BIGFONT); if ( w > 640 / BIGCHAR_WIDTH ) { cw = 640 / w; } else { cw = BIGCHAR_WIDTH; } // CG_DrawStringExt( 320 - w * cw/2, 20,s, colorWhite, // qfalse, qtrue, cw, (int)(cw * 1.5), 0 ); UI_DrawProportionalString( (SCREEN_WIDTH/2), 20,s, UI_BIGFONT|UI_CENTER, colorTable[CT_LTGOLD1]); } } else { char gamename[1024]; if ( cgs.gametype == GT_FFA ) { s = ingame_text[IGT_GAME_FREEFORALL]; } else if ( cgs.gametype == GT_TEAM ) { s =ingame_text[IGT_GAME_TEAMHOLOMATCH]; } else if ( cgs.gametype == GT_CTF ) { s = ingame_text[IGT_GAME_CAPTUREFLAG]; } else { s = ""; } Q_strncpyz( gamename, s, sizeof(gamename) ); CG_AddGameModNameToGameName( gamename ); w = UI_ProportionalStringWidth(s,UI_BIGFONT); if ( w > 640 / BIGCHAR_WIDTH ) { cw = 640 / w; } else { cw = BIGCHAR_WIDTH; } UI_DrawProportionalString((SCREEN_WIDTH/2) , 20,gamename, UI_BIGFONT|UI_CENTER, colorTable[CT_LTGOLD1]); } sec = ( sec - cg.time ) / 1000; if ( sec < 0 ) { sec = 0; } s = va( "%s: %i",ingame_text[IGT_STARTSIN], sec + 1 ); if ( sec != cg.warmupCount ) { cg.warmupCount = sec; switch ( sec ) { case 0: trap_S_StartLocalSound( cgs.media.count1Sound, CHAN_ANNOUNCER ); break; case 1: trap_S_StartLocalSound( cgs.media.count2Sound, CHAN_ANNOUNCER ); break; case 2: trap_S_StartLocalSound( cgs.media.count3Sound, CHAN_ANNOUNCER ); break; default: break; } } switch ( cg.warmupCount ) { case 0: cw = 28; break; case 1: cw = 24; break; case 2: cw = 20; break; default: cw = 16; break; } // w = CG_DrawStrlen( s ); // CG_DrawStringExt( 320 - w * cw/2, 70, s, colorWhite, // qfalse, qtrue, cw, (int)(cw * 1.5), 0 ); w = UI_ProportionalStringWidth(s,UI_BIGFONT); UI_DrawProportionalString( (SCREEN_WIDTH/2), 70, s, UI_BIGFONT|UI_CENTER, colorTable[CT_LTGOLD1]); } /* ================ CG_DrawZoomMask ================ */ static void CG_DrawZoomMask( void ) { float amt = 1, size, /*val,*/ start_x, start_y; int width, height, i; vec4_t color1; int x, y; /*if ( cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_CLASS] == PC_NOCLASS || cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_CLASS] != PC_SECURITY && cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_CLASS] != PC_ALPHAOMEGA22 && cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_CLASS] != PC_ADMIN ) {//in a class-based game, only the sniper can zoom cg.zoomed = qfalse; cg.zoomLocked = qfalse; return; }*/ //TiM: New system. :) Base zoom on current active weapon. :) if ( !(cg.snap->ps.weapon == WP_COMPRESSION_RIFLE || cg.snap->ps.weapon == WP_TR116) ) { cg.zoomed = qfalse; cg.zoomLocked = qfalse; return; } // Calc where to place the zoom mask...all calcs are based off of a virtual 640x480 screen size = cg_viewsize.integer; width = 640 * size * 0.01; width &= ~1; height = 480 * size * 0.01; height &= ~1; start_x = ( 640 - width ) * 0.5; start_y = ( 480 - height ) * 0.5; if ( cg.zoomed ) { // Smoothly fade in..Turn this off for now since the zoom is set to snap to 30% or so...fade looks a bit weird when it does that if ( cg.time - cg.zoomTime <= ZOOM_OUT_TIME ) { amt = ( cg.time - cg.zoomTime ) / ZOOM_OUT_TIME; } // Fade mask in for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { color1[i] = amt; } // Set fade color trap_R_SetColor( color1 ); if ( cg.snap->ps.weapon == WP_TR116 ) { static int TR116LoopTime = 0; //Loop the whirring sight sound if ( TR116LoopTime < cg.time ) { trap_S_StartSound( cg.refdef.vieworg, ENTITYNUM_WORLD, CHAN_LOCAL, cgs.media.tr116Whir ); TR116LoopTime = cg.time + 900; } CG_DrawPic( start_x, start_y, width, height, cgs.media.zoomMask116Shader ); //if we're zoomed over a potential target, start flashing the red crosshair if ( cg.crosshairClientNum != cg.snap->ps.clientNum && cg.crosshairClientNum < MAX_CLIENTS ) { vec4_t alphaColor; float amt; if ( cg.time > zoomFlashTime ) { zoomFlashTime = cg.time + 800; trap_S_StartLocalSound( cgs.media.tr116Chirp, CHAN_LOCAL_SOUND ); } amt = ( ( zoomFlashTime % cg.time ) / 500.0f ); amt = Com_Clamp( 0.0, 1.0, amt ); //Com_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "Ratio: %f\n", amt ); VectorSet( alphaColor, 1, 1, 1 ); alphaColor[3] = amt; trap_R_SetColor( alphaColor ); //======================================== CG_DrawPic( 256, 176, 128, 128, cgs.media.zoomGlow116Shader ); trap_R_SetColor( color1 ); } else { zoomFlashTime = 0; } } else { CG_DrawPic( start_x, start_y, width, height, cgs.media.zoomMaskShader ); } /* RPG-X - TiM : Since the rifle's view doesn't really account for these elements, toss 'em start_x = 210; start_y = 80; CG_DrawPic( 320 + start_x, 241, 35, -170, cgs.media.zoomBarShader); CG_DrawPic( 320 - start_x, 241, -35, -170, cgs.media.zoomBarShader); CG_DrawPic( 320 + start_x, 239, 35, 170, cgs.media.zoomBarShader); CG_DrawPic( 320 - start_x, 239, -35, 170, cgs.media.zoomBarShader); // Calculate a percent and clamp it val = 26 - ( cg_fov.value - cg_zoomFov.value ) / ( cg_fov.value - MAX_ZOOM_FOV ) * 26; if ( val > 17.0f ) val = 17.0f; else if ( val < 0.0f ) val = 0.0f; // pink color1[0] = 0.85f; color1[1] = 0.55f; color1[2] = 0.75f; color1[3] = 1.0f; CG_DrawPic( 320 + start_x + 12, 245, 10, 108, cgs.media.zoomInsertShader ); CG_DrawPic( 320 + start_x + 12, 235, 10, -108, cgs.media.zoomInsertShader ); CG_DrawPic( 320 - start_x - 12, 245, -10, 108, cgs.media.zoomInsertShader ); CG_DrawPic( 320 - start_x - 12, 235, -10, -108, cgs.media.zoomInsertShader ); trap_R_SetColor( color1 ); i = ((int)val) * 6; CG_DrawPic( 320 + start_x + 10, 230 - i, 12, 5, cgs.media.ammoslider ); CG_DrawPic( 320 + start_x + 10, 251 + i, 12, -5, cgs.media.ammoslider ); CG_DrawPic( 320 - start_x - 10, 230 - i, -12, 5, cgs.media.ammoslider ); CG_DrawPic( 320 - start_x - 10, 251 + i, -12, -5, cgs.media.ammoslider ); */ //yellow if ( cg.snap->ps.weapon == WP_TR116 ) { color1[0] = 0.886f; color1[1] = 0.749f; color1[2] = 0.0f; color1[3] = 0.60f; } else { // red color1[0] = 1.0f; color1[1] = 0.0f; color1[2] = 0.0f; color1[3] = 0.60f; } // Convert zoom and view axis into some numbers to throw onto the screen if ( cg.snap->ps.weapon == WP_TR116 ) { x = 74; y = 340; } else { x = 468; y = 300; } trap_R_SetColor( color1 ); CG_DrawNumField( x, y, 5, cg_zoomFov.value * 1000 + 9999, 18, 10 ,NUM_FONT_BIG ); //100 CG_DrawNumField( x, y+20, 5, cg.refdef.viewaxis[0][0] * 9999 + 20000, 18, 10,NUM_FONT_BIG ); CG_DrawNumField( x, y+40, 5, cg.refdef.viewaxis[0][1] * 9999 + 20000, 18, 10,NUM_FONT_BIG ); CG_DrawNumField( x, y+60, 5, cg.refdef.viewaxis[0][2] * 9999 + 20000, 18, 10,NUM_FONT_BIG ); /* // Is it time to draw the little max zoom arrows? if ( val < 0.2f ) { amt = sin( cg.time * 0.03 ) * 0.5 + 0.5; color1[0] = 0.592156f * amt; color1[1] = 0.592156f * amt; color1[2] = 0.850980f * amt; color1[3] = 1.0f * amt; trap_R_SetColor( color1 ); CG_DrawPic( 320 + start_x, 240 - 6, 16, 12, cgs.media.zoomArrowShader ); CG_DrawPic( 320 - start_x, 240 - 6, -16, 12, cgs.media.zoomArrowShader ); }*/ } else { if ( cg.time - cg.zoomTime <= ZOOM_OUT_TIME ) { amt = 1.0f - ( cg.time - cg.zoomTime ) / ZOOM_OUT_TIME; // Fade mask away for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { color1[i] = amt; } trap_R_SetColor( color1 ); if ( cg.snap->ps.weapon == WP_TR116 ) { CG_DrawPic( start_x, start_y, width, height, cgs.media.zoomMask116Shader ); } else { CG_DrawPic( start_x, start_y, width, height, cgs.media.zoomMaskShader ); } } } } //================================================================================== /*static char *AfterSpace( char *p ) { while (*p && *p != ' ') { ++p; } return p; }*/ /* ===================== CG_Drawcg.adminMsg RPG-X | Phenix | 08/06/2005 RPG-X | Marcin | 30/12/2008 Now I'm going to kill you Phenix!!!! ===================== */ static void CG_DrawAdminMsg( void ) { float y; int t; int i, msgRow, msgCol; int biggestW, w; char message[35][45]; char *thisMessage; char *p, *currRow; static vec4_t color; static vec4_t Boxcolor; y = 460; //Nothing to display if ( cg.adminMsgTime < cg.time ) { return; } //No message! if ( cg.adminMsgMsg[0] == '\0' ) { return; } //Colour Fade. t = cg.adminMsgTime - cg.time; // fade out if (t < 500) { color[3] = t * 1.0/500; } else { color[3] = 1.0; } color[0] = color[1] = color[2] = 1; Boxcolor[0] = 0.016; Boxcolor[1] = 0.055; Boxcolor[2] = 0.170; /* CT_VDK_PURPLE (New values are halfed Boxcolor[0] = 0.031; Boxcolor[1] = 0.110; Boxcolor[2] = 0.341; */ Boxcolor[3] = color[3]; /*if ( !color ) { return; }*/ trap_R_SetColor( color ); i = 0; msgRow = 0; msgCol = 0; p = cg.adminMsgMsg; currRow = p; while ( qtrue ) { if ( !*p ) { break; } if ( NextWordEndsHere( p ) - currRow > 43 ) { //we need to wrap... message[msgRow][msgCol] = '\0'; currRow = p++; ++msgRow, msgCol = 0; continue; } message[msgRow][msgCol] = *p; ++p, ++msgCol; } message[msgRow][msgCol] = '\0'; ++msgRow; /* Sorry but this code really didn't work Phenix ... memory errors. for (msgRow = 0; msgRow < 35; msgRow++) { if (cg.adminMsgMsg[i] == '\0') { break; } for (msgCol = 0; msgCol < 45; msgCol++) { if (cg.adminMsgMsg[i] == '\0') { break; } if (cg.adminMsgMsg[i] == '\\') { i++; break; } if ((msgCol >= 30) && (cg.adminMsgMsg[i] == ' ')) { i++; break; } if (msgCol == 44) { message[msgRow][msgCol] = '-'; } else { message[msgRow][msgCol] = cg.adminMsgMsg[i]; i++; } } } */ biggestW = 0; for (i = 0; i < msgRow; i++) { thisMessage = va("%s", message[i]); w = UI_ProportionalStringWidth(thisMessage, UI_SMALLFONT); if (w > biggestW) { biggestW = w; } } CG_FillRect( 640 - (biggestW + 22), y - (((SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT + 2) * msgRow) + 2), biggestW + 4, ((SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT + 2) * msgRow) + 4, Boxcolor ); for (i = (msgRow - 1); i >= 0; i--) { y -= (SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT + 2); //memset(&thisMessage, 0, sizeof(thisMessage)); thisMessage = va("%s", message[i]); UI_DrawProportionalString(640 - (biggestW + 20), y, thisMessage, UI_SMALLFONT, color); } trap_R_SetColor( NULL ); } /* ================= CG_Draw2D ================= */ static void CG_Draw2D( void ) { int i; //TiM : Testing this API function... //trap_R_SetColor( colorTable[ CT_RED ] ); //trap_R_DrawStretchPic( 100, 100, 800, 600, 0, 0, 0.5, 0.5, cgs.media.charsetPropB ); // if we are taking a levelshot for the menu, don't draw anything if ( cg.levelShot ) { return; } if ( cg_draw2D.integer == 0 ) { return; } if ( cg.snap->ps.pm_type == PM_CCAM ) { return; } if ( cg.snap->ps.pm_type == PM_INTERMISSION ) { #ifndef FINAL_BUILD CG_DrawUpperRight(); #endif CG_DrawIntermission(); return; } if ( !cg.renderingThirdPerson ) { CG_DrawZoomMask(); } //RPG-X: RedTechie - Keep Lagometer on the botum always cgs.widescreen.state = WIDESCREEN_RIGHT; CG_DrawLagometer(); cgs.widescreen.state = WIDESCREEN_NONE; if ( cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_TEAM] == TEAM_SPECTATOR /*|| (cg.snap->ps.eFlags&EF_ELIMINATED)*/ ) { // CG_DrawSpectator(); CG_DrawCrosshair(); CG_DrawCrosshairNames(); } else { cgs.widescreen.state = WIDESCREEN_LEFT; CG_DrawStatusBar(); //RPG-X: RedTechie - We want health displayed when dead // don't draw any status if dead if ( cg.snap->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] > 1 ) { //RPG-X: RedTechie - No weapons at health 1 (you die at health 1 now) //CG_DrawStatusBar(); CG_DrawAmmoWarning(); cgs.widescreen.state = WIDESCREEN_NONE; CG_DrawCrosshair(); cgs.widescreen.state = WIDESCREEN_CENTER; CG_DrawCrosshairNames(); cgs.widescreen.state = WIDESCREEN_LEFT; CG_DrawWeaponSelect(); cgs.widescreen.state = WIDESCREEN_RIGHT; CG_DrawHoldableItem(); CG_DrawReward(); CG_DrawAbridgedObjective(); cgs.widescreen.state = WIDESCREEN_NONE; } if ( cgs.gametype >= GT_TEAM ) { CG_DrawTeamInfo(); } cgs.widescreen.state = WIDESCREEN_NONE; } if (cg.showObjectives) { CG_DrawObjectiveInformation(); } CG_DrawVote(); //RPG-X: RedTechie - Moved above others to keep on the bottum //CG_DrawLagometer(); CG_DrawUpperRight(); CG_DrawLowerRight(); CG_DrawLowerLeft(); //RPG-X | Phenix | 08/06/2005 cgs.widescreen.state = WIDESCREEN_CENTER; CG_DrawAdminMsg(); cgs.widescreen.state = WIDESCREEN_NONE; cgs.widescreen.state = WIDESCREEN_CENTER; if ( !CG_DrawFollow() ) { CG_DrawWarmup(); } cgs.widescreen.state = WIDESCREEN_NONE; // don't draw center string if scoreboard is up cgs.widescreen.state = WIDESCREEN_CENTER; if ( !CG_DrawScoreboard() ) { CG_DrawCenterString(); } cgs.widescreen.state = WIDESCREEN_NONE; // kef -- need the "use TEAM menu to play" message to draw on top of the bottom bar of scoreboard if ( cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_TEAM] == TEAM_SPECTATOR /*|| (cg.snap->ps.eFlags&EF_ELIMINATED)*/ ) { cgs.widescreen.state = WIDESCREEN_CENTER; CG_DrawSpectator(); cgs.widescreen.state = WIDESCREEN_NONE; } //TiM - Draw teh fl4r3s for (i = 0; i < MAX_LENS_FLARES; i++) { if ( lensFlare[i].qfull ) CG_DrawLensFlare( &lensFlare[i] ); if ( lensFlare[i].upTime + lensFlare[i].holdTime + lensFlare[i].downTime > 0 && cg.time > lensFlare[i].startTime + lensFlare[i].upTime + lensFlare[i].holdTime + lensFlare[i].downTime ) lensFlare[i].qfull = qfalse; } } /* ===================== CG_DrawActive Perform all drawing needed to completely fill the screen ===================== */ void CG_DrawActive( stereoFrame_t stereoView ) { float separation; vec3_t baseOrg; // optionally draw the info screen instead if ( !cg.snap ) { CG_DrawInformation(); return; } //vectors needed for tricorder AngleVectors (cg.refdefViewAngles, vfwd, vright, vup); VectorCopy( vfwd, vfwd_n ); VectorCopy( vright, vright_n ); VectorCopy( vup, vup_n ); VectorNormalize( vfwd_n ); VectorNormalize( vright_n ); VectorNormalize( vup_n ); // optionally draw the tournement scoreboard instead if ( (cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_TEAM] == TEAM_SPECTATOR /*|| (cg.snap->ps.eFlags&EF_ELIMINATED)*/)&& ( cg.snap->ps.pm_flags & PMF_SCOREBOARD ) ) { CG_DrawTourneyScoreboard(); return; } switch ( stereoView ) { case STEREO_CENTER: separation = 0; break; case STEREO_LEFT: separation = -cg_stereoSeparation.value / 2; break; case STEREO_RIGHT: separation = cg_stereoSeparation.value / 2; break; default: separation = 0; CG_Error( "CG_DrawActive: Undefined stereoView" ); } // clear around the rendered view if sized down CG_TileClear(); // offset vieworg appropriately if we're doing stereo separation VectorCopy( cg.refdef.vieworg, baseOrg ); if ( separation != 0 ) { VectorMA( cg.refdef.vieworg, -separation, cg.refdef.viewaxis[1], cg.refdef.vieworg ); } // draw 3D view trap_R_RenderScene( &cg.refdef ); // restore original viewpoint if running stereo if ( separation != 0 ) { VectorCopy( baseOrg, cg.refdef.vieworg ); } // draw status bar and other floating elements CG_Draw2D(); }