// Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Id Software, Inc. // // cg_consolecmds.c -- text commands typed in at the local console, or // executed by a key binding #include "cg_local.h" #define emotesDEF static void CG_ObjectivesDown_f( void ) { cg.showObjectives = qtrue; } static void CG_ObjectivesUp_f( void ) { cg.showObjectives = qfalse; } void CG_TargetCommand_f( void ) { int targetNum; char test[4]; targetNum = CG_CrosshairPlayer(); if (!targetNum ) { return; } trap_Argv( 1, test, 4 ); trap_SendConsoleCommand( va( "gc %i %i", targetNum, atoi( test ) ) ); } /* ================= CG_SizeUp_f Keybinding command ================= */ static void CG_SizeUp_f (void) { trap_Cvar_Set("cg_viewsize", va("%i",(int)(cg_viewsize.integer+10))); } /* ================= CG_SizeDown_f Keybinding command ================= */ static void CG_SizeDown_f (void) { trap_Cvar_Set("cg_viewsize", va("%i",(int)(cg_viewsize.integer-10))); } /* ============= CG_Viewpos_f Debugging command to print the current view position ============= */ static void CG_Viewpos_f (void) { CG_Printf ("%s (%i %i %i) : %f\n", cgs.mapname, (int)cg.refdef.vieworg[0], (int)cg.refdef.vieworg[1], (int)cg.refdef.vieworg[2], (int)cg.refdefViewAngles[YAW]); } /* ============= CG_ClientPos_f Debugging command to print the current client position ============= */ static void CG_ClientPos_f ( void ) { CG_Printf( "OUTPUT: %s | ORIGIN( %f %f %f ) | ANGLES( %f %f %f )\n", cgs.mapname, cg.snap->ps.origin[0], cg.snap->ps.origin[1], cg.snap->ps.origin[2], cg.snap->ps.viewangles[0], cg.snap->ps.viewangles[1], cg.snap->ps.viewangles[2] ); } static void CG_ScoresDown_f( void ) { if ( cg.scoresRequestTime + 2000 < cg.time ) { // the scores are more than two seconds out of data, // so request new ones cg.scoresRequestTime = cg.time; trap_SendClientCommand( "score" ); // leave the current scores up if they were already // displayed, but if this is the first hit, clear them out if ( !cg.showScores ) { cg.showScores = qtrue; cg.numScores = 0; } } else { // show the cached contents even if they just pressed if it // is within two seconds cg.showScores = qtrue; } } static void CG_ScoresUp_f( void ) { cg.showScores = qfalse; cg.scoreFadeTime = cg.time; } static void CG_TellTarget_f( void ) { int clientNum; char command[128]; char message[128]; clientNum = CG_CrosshairPlayer(); if ( clientNum == -1 ) { return; } trap_Args( message, 128 ); Com_sprintf( command, 128, "tell %i %s", clientNum, message ); trap_SendClientCommand( command ); } static void CG_TellAttacker_f( void ) { int clientNum; char command[128]; char message[128]; clientNum = CG_LastAttacker(); if ( clientNum == -1 ) { return; } trap_Args( message, 128 ); Com_sprintf( command, 128, "tell %i %s", clientNum, message ); trap_SendClientCommand( command ); } /* ================= Cmd_ShakeCamera_f ================= */ /*void CG_ShakeCamera_cmd( void ) { //vec3_t end, start, forward, up; //gclient_t *client; //gentity_t *other; //gentity_t *sayA; //if ( ent->client->sess.sessionClass != PC_ADMIN ) { // return; //} CG_CameraShake( 300, 30000 ); //AngleVectors(ent->parent->client->ps.viewangles, forward, right, up); }*/ void CG_Cough_cmd( void ) { CG_Printf(" ,. \n"); CG_Printf(" ..:, :Xt. ,:. \n"); CG_Printf(" ,=+t: .IRX= :++=. \n"); CG_Printf(" .=iVt:. :RYYI. .itt+ \n"); CG_Printf(" .:tXI=;. tRtiV; ,IYY:. \n"); CG_Printf(" .+;ii=;. ,XVi+Vt. :tIi+ \n"); CG_Printf(" .;ti;;:. +RI++IY, ,+tt=. \n"); CG_Printf(" ,++YY;. ,XXi+++X= ;IYI=. \n"); CG_Printf(" ;ttY+;. .,=iVRI++++YX+;. ;VYt; \n"); CG_Printf(" .;ii+=, .;IXRRXVi++++iVRXVi:. ,=iii. \n"); CG_Printf(" .==;ti, .;YRRVVXYii+++++IVIVRXt, ,+=tI= \n"); CG_Printf(" .iitY=, .tRRVXXVRV+++ii++YRXVIYXV; :tYti, \n"); CG_Printf(" .+iii=,,IBVVXYiiXViiiiiiitVtIXViVR= ,+t+I: \n"); CG_Printf(" =+=I:.tBVXVt=;tRIiiiiiiiiXi:=YXiIX; :+=It; \n"); CG_Printf(" .;;tYt:;RVVV+=:,YRiiiiiiiiiYI,.:IXiVY..+IYi= \n"); CG_Printf(" .ti=t+;tRIXi;, :XViiiiiiiiiIV: ,YViX=.:titt. \n"); CG_Printf(" iY++I;YVYY=: +BIiiiiiiiiiiX= +XiVi;i++Vi, \n"); CG_Printf(" ,+YYYI:VYYY;. .YRiiiiiiiiiiiVt. ;RIYt:IIVVi: \n"); CG_Printf(" ,+tYXi;YVIX; ;RVtiiiiIXXtiiVI, iRIVt,=XVit: \n"); CG_Printf(" .+iiti++XiXI. iBIiiiiYXIIXtiIV: :XXIV++;i+iI;.\n"); CG_Printf(" ;Ii=ii:VYtRi,VRtiiiVVi=;IXitX=;VBYXI=i+;iV+;.\n"); CG_Printf(" ;tYtVt;;XYIRXBVttiVV+;:.:VYiXVRBVXY+;+IYVt+, \n"); CG_Printf(" =iiItii,=XVIRRIttXV+=:..,tRtVBXVRI+=i:iIit+. \n"); CG_Printf(" :t==++I:.=YXYIIiYBXYIttIVRBYtVXXI+;;t+;;+Y=, \n"); CG_Printf(" +I=;+Y= .:IRItYIVXRRRBBRXXVIRY+=;.:i=;iVi;. \n"); CG_Printf(" .+IYVV+: +BYXXVXXXXXXXXXVRVVi;:.:;tVYY+=: \n"); CG_Printf(" .+ttii+ .IBXY++ittIIIti++tXXi, .++=tI+;: \n"); CG_Printf(" ;YYtIY;;VBI+;:,::;;;;;:,:IBt,::tItYV=. \n"); CG_Printf(" =IYYI++ti+;, ....... :Xt;i=iYYI+;. \n"); CG_Printf(" .:+i++ii;;. .=i=+i=t+;;:. \n"); CG_Printf(" ,tYIVI==:,.. ..,;=+iYIVt:.. \n"); CG_Printf(" ,itt+iIYYti;. ,;itYIIt:iIi=;. \n"); CG_Printf(" .:;;:+tIIVIi:.;iYYIii+=:,;;:. \n"); CG_Printf(" . ,:=itIXi.tXYit=;::, . \n"); CG_Printf(" .+tti=,,iIt+;. \n"); CG_Printf(" .:;;:. ,;;;:. \n"); } /* static const char* cmdStr[][] = { "rankList", "crewman\t - \tCrewman\n cadet1\t - \tCadet 4th Class\n cadet2\t - \tCadet 3rd Class\n cadet3\t - \tCadet 2nd Class\n cadet4\t - \tCadet 1st Class\n ensign\t - \tEnsign\n ltjg\t - \tLieutenant Junior Grade\n lt\t - \tLieutenant\n ltcmdr\t - \tLt.Commander\n cmdr\t - \tCommander\n capt\t - \tCaptain\n cmmdr\t - \tCommodore\n adm2\t - \tRear Admiral\n adm3\t - \tVice Admiral\n adm4\t - \tAdmiral\n adm5\t - \tFleet Admiral\n -=Use Page Up & Page Down to scroll=-\n" }, { "classlist", "Command\n Science\n Security\n Engineer\n Medical\n Alien\n" }, { "adminlist", "admins\n disarm_tripmine\n drag\n forcename\n forcekill\n forcekillradius\n forceclass\n forcerank\n forcemodel\n give\n giveto\n kicktarget\n msg\n n00b\n revive\n shake\n undrag\n -=Use Page Up & Page Down to scroll=-\n" };*/ /*const char* cmdStr[3][2] = { { "rankList", "crewman\t - \tCrewman\ncadet1\t - \tCadet 4th Class\ncadet2\t - \tCadet 3rd Class\ncadet3\t - \tCadet 2nd Class\ncadet4\t - \tCadet 1st Class\nensign\t - \tEnsign\nltjg\t - \tLieutenant Junior Grade\nlt\t - \tLieutenant\nltcmdr\t - \tLt.Commander\ncmdr\t - \tCommander\ncapt\t - \tCaptain\ncmmdr\t - \tCommodore\nadm2\t - \tRear Admiral\nadm3\t - \tVice Admiral\nadm4\t - \tAdmiral\nadm5\t - \tFleet Admiral\n-=Use Page Up & Page Down to scroll=-\n" }, { "classlist", "Command\nScience\nSecurity\nEngineer\nMedical\nAlien\n" }, { "adminlist", "admins\ndisarm_tripmine\ndrag\nforcename\nforcekill\nforcekillradius\nforceclass\nforcerank\nforcemodel\ngive\ngiveto\nkicktarget\nmsg\nn00b\nrevive\nshake\nundrag\n-=Use Page Up & Page Down to scroll=-\n" } };*/ /* ========================= CG_CmdList_cmd TiM: This is to help those keep track of those freeky huge list of things we've put in this mod FIX: Meh... since the majority of these are dynamic now and need calculation I'll put them in separate funcs. ========================= */ /*void CG_CmdList_cmd ( void ) { char StrArg[MAX_STRING_CHARS]; int i; trap_Argv( 1, StrArg, sizeof(StrArg) ); if ( !StrArg[0] ) { CG_Printf( "\nUsage: Displays a list of commands and variables for easy access\nCommand: cmdList \n\nAvailable lists are:\n" ); for ( i = 0; i < sizeof( cmdStr ) / sizeof( cmdStr[0] ); i++ ) { CG_Printf( "%s\n", cmdStr[i][0] ); } return; } for ( i = 0; i < sizeof( cmdStr ) / sizeof( cmdStr[0]); i++ ) { if ( !Q_stricmp( StrArg, cmdStr[i][0]) ) { CG_Printf( "\n%s\n", cmdStr[i][1] ); return; } } CG_Printf( "ERROR: Invalid Argument. Please check for validity and spelling errors.\n" ); }*/ /* ========================= CG_RankList_cmd TiM: Scans the rank struct, and gets the names of all the ranks we can use ATM ========================= */ void CG_RankList_cmd( void ) { int i; //Print Titles CG_Printf( S_COLOR_CYAN "RPG-X: Available Ranks\n"); CG_Printf( S_COLOR_GREEN "Console Name \t - \t Formal Name\n" ); //Loop thru each val and print them for ( i = 0; i < MAX_RANKS; i++ ) { //if ( strlen( cgs.ranksData[i].consoleName ) < 1 || strlen( cgs.ranksData[i].formalName ) < 1 ) // return; if ( cgs.ranksData[i].consoleName[0] ) CG_Printf( "%s \t - \t %s\n", cgs.ranksData[i].consoleName, cgs.ranksData[i].formalName ); else break; } } /* ========================= CG_ClassList_cmd TiM: Scans the class struct, and gets the names of all the ranks we can use ATM ========================= */ void CG_ClassList_cmd( void ) { int i; //Print Titles CG_Printf( S_COLOR_CYAN "RPG-X: Available Classes\n"); CG_Printf( S_COLOR_GREEN "Formal Name\n" ); //Loop thru each val and print them for ( i = 0; i < MAX_CLASSES; i++ ) { //if ( strlen( cgs.ranksData[i].consoleName ) < 1 || strlen( cgs.ranksData[i].formalName ) < 1 ) // return; if ( cgs.classData[i].formalName[0] ) CG_Printf( "%s\n", cgs.classData[i].formalName[0] ); else break; } } /* ========================= CG_BeamList_cmd TiM: Returns a list showing the index of each target_location ent so people know the data needed to beam to various locations. ========================= */ void CG_BeamList_cmd( void ) { const char *locStr; int i; //Print Titles CG_Printf( S_COLOR_CYAN "RPG-X Current Beam Locations\n" ); CG_Printf( S_COLOR_GREEN "Location Name \t - \t Location Index\n" ); //Based off the string data that is transmitted to the CG on Init //Get the name and index of each location for ( i = 1; i < MAX_LOCATIONS; i++ ) { locStr = CG_ConfigString( CS_LOCATIONS + i ); if ( locStr[0] ) { CG_Printf( "%s \t - \t%i\n", locStr, i ); } locStr = NULL; //reset just in case } } /* ========================= CG_Emote_f TiM: The first portion of the emote system. While JKA works by storing a copy of animations on the server (something we cannot replicate easily here without destroying user freedom futhur >.<), so it automatically knows the length of time each anim should run for, here, we'll hacikly override this by calculating the run length on the client as they have the data, and then transmitting it to the server. Hacky, I know. And if other players don't have the same model, it could potentially show animation glitches. Although not as bad as the alternative... ========================= */ void CG_Emote_f( void ) { const char *argStr; emoteList_t *emote = NULL; int i; animation_t *anims; int animLength; //int animLengthUpper; //int animLengthLower; qboolean emoteFound=qfalse; argStr = CG_Argv( 1 ); if ( !argStr[0] ) { CG_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "ERROR: No emote specified.\n" ); return; } //TiM: Hack override for eyes shut, angry eyes and alert mode. //No more data is needed if ( !Q_stricmp( argStr, "eyes_shut" ) || !Q_stricmp( argStr, "eyes_frown" ) || !Q_stricmpn( argStr, "alert", 5 ) || !Q_stricmpn( argStr, "alert2", 6 ) ) { trap_SendClientCommand( va( "doEmote %s", argStr ) ); return; } if ( cg.predictedPlayerEntity.currentState.eFlags & EF_DEAD ) { CG_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "ERROR: Cannot play emotes when dead.\n" ); return; } //find out emote in the list //value of numEmotes calced in bg_misc.c //or if an int was supplied as an arg, use that /*if ( !argStr[0] >= '0' && argStr[0] <= '9' ) { i = atoi( argStr ); if ( i > 0 || i < bg_numEmotes ) { emote = &bg_emoteList[i]; emoteFound = qtrue; } else { CG_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "ERROR: An invalid emote number was given.\n" ); return; } } else {*/ for ( i = 0; i < bg_numEmotes; i++ ) { //i < sizeof( emoteList ) / sizeof( emoteList[0] ) emote = &bg_emoteList[i]; if ( emote && !Q_stricmp( emote->name, argStr ) ) { emoteFound = qtrue; break; } } //} if ( !emoteFound ) { CG_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "ERROR: Specified emote not found\n" ); return; } anims = &cg_animsList[cgs.clientinfo[ cg.predictedPlayerState.clientNum ].animIndex].animations[ emote->enumName ]; //if anim num less than 0, then this is a stub anim if ( !anims || anims->numFrames < 0 ) { CG_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "ERROR: Current character cannot perform that emote.\n" ); return; } //Anim length for lower model if ( !( emote->animFlags & EMOTE_LOOP_UPPER ) && !( emote->animFlags & EMOTE_LOOP_LOWER ) ) { //numFrames * (1000 / fps = frameLerp ) = time length animLength = anims->numFrames * anims->frameLerp; } else { animLength = -1; } //send the command to the server trap_SendClientCommand( va( "doEmote %i %i", i, animLength ) ); //add this emote to the emotes recently played menu { int j; char* cvar; char buffer[256]; qboolean foundSlot=qfalse; for ( j = 1; j <= NUM_CVAR_STORES; j++ ) { cvar = va( "ui_recentEmote%i", j ); //found a free slot trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( cvar, buffer, 256 ); //oh this emote's already here... no point adding it again if ( atoi(buffer) == i ) { foundSlot = qtrue; break; } if ( atoi(buffer) == -1 ) { trap_Cvar_Set( cvar, va( "%i", i ) ); foundSlot = qtrue; break; } } //whup... no slot found. better push them all forward one if ( !foundSlot ) { char* cvar2; for ( j = 2; j <= NUM_CVAR_STORES; j++ ) { cvar = va( "ui_recentEmote%i", j-1 ); cvar2 = va( "ui_recentEmote%i", j ); trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( cvar2, buffer, 256 ); trap_Cvar_Set( cvar, va( "%i", atoi(buffer) ) ); if ( j == NUM_CVAR_STORES ) { cvar = va( "ui_recentEmote%i", NUM_CVAR_STORES ); trap_Cvar_Set( cvar, va( "%i", i ) ); } } } } } /* ========================= CG_LocEdit_f ========================= */ static fileHandle_t f; void CG_LocEdit_f(void) { char path[MAX_QPATH]; char buffer[MAX_STRING_CHARS]; const char *argptr; int i; argptr = CG_Argv(1); if(!Q_stricmpn(argptr, "start", 5)) { Com_sprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s", cgs.mapname); COM_StripExtension(path, path); Com_sprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s.locations"); trap_FS_FOpenFile(path, &f, FS_READ); if(f) { CG_Printf(S_COLOR_RED "locedit: %s.locations already exist! Skipping.\n", path); trap_FS_FCloseFile(f); return; } trap_FS_FOpenFile(path, &f, FS_APPEND); if(f) { if((argptr = CG_Argv(2)) != NULL) { i = atoi(argptr); if(i) { trap_FS_Write("LocationsList2\n", 15, f); } else { trap_FS_Write("LocationsList\n", 14, f); } trap_FS_Write("{\n", 2, f); CG_Printf(S_COLOR_YELLOW "locedit: file created...\n"); CG_Printf(S_COLOR_YELLOW "locedit: writing file header...\n"); } else { CG_Printf(S_COLOR_RED "locedit: insufficent number of arguments.\n"); trap_FS_FCloseFile(f); return; } } } else if(!Q_stricmpn(argptr, "stop", 4)) { if(!f) { CG_Printf(S_COLOR_RED "locedit: no locations file loaded!\n"); return; } trap_FS_Write("}", 1, f); CG_Printf(S_COLOR_YELLOW "locedit: writing file end...\n"); trap_FS_FCloseFile(f); CG_Printf(S_COLOR_YELLOW "locedit: closed file.\n"); } else if(!Q_stricmpn(argptr, "add", 3)) { if(!f) { CG_Printf(S_COLOR_RED "locedit: no locations file loaded!\n"); return; } memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); Com_sprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "\t{ %f, %f, %f } { 0, %f, 0 } ", floor(cg.snap->ps.origin[0]), floor(cg.snap->ps.origin[1]), floor(cg.snap->ps.origin[2]), floor(cg.snap->ps.viewangles[1] - 24.0f)); argptr = CG_Argv(2); Com_sprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s \"%s\"", buffer, argptr); argptr = CG_Argv(3); if(argptr) { Com_sprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s \"%s\"", buffer, argptr); } Com_sprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s;\n", buffer); trap_FS_Write(buffer, strlen(buffer), f); CG_Printf(S_COLOR_YELLOW "locedit - added location: %s\n", buffer); } else if(!Q_stricmpn(argptr, "nl", 2)) { if(!f) { CG_Printf(S_COLOR_RED "locedit: no locations file loaded!\n"); return; } trap_FS_Write("\n", 1, f); CG_Printf(S_COLOR_YELLOW "locedit: added an empty line.\n"); } } /*================================================================================= Third Person Camera View Commands TiM : These commands activate code in the thirdperson rendering code to let players zoom around their characters smoothly. ==================================================================================*/ void CG_ThirdPersonForwardDown_f ( void ) { if ( !cg.zoomedForward ) { cg.zoomedForward = qtrue; } } void CG_ThirdPersonForwardUp_f ( void ) { if ( cg.zoomedForward ) { cg.zoomedForward = qfalse; } } void CG_ThirdPersonBackwardDown_f ( void ) { if ( !cg.zoomedBackward ) { cg.zoomedBackward = qtrue; } } void CG_ThirdPersonBackwardUp_f ( void ) { if ( cg.zoomedBackward ) { cg.zoomedBackward = qfalse; } } void CG_ThirdPersonLeftDown_f ( void ) { if ( !cg.zoomedLeft ) { cg.zoomedLeft = qtrue; } } void CG_ThirdPersonLeftUp_f ( void ) { if ( cg.zoomedLeft ) { cg.zoomedLeft = qfalse; } } void CG_ThirdPersonRightDown_f ( void ) { if ( !cg.zoomedRight ) { cg.zoomedRight = qtrue; } } void CG_ThirdPersonRightUp_f ( void ) { if ( cg.zoomedRight ) { cg.zoomedRight = qfalse; } } void CG_ThirdPersonUpDown_f ( void ) { if ( !cg.zoomedUp ) { cg.zoomedUp = qtrue; } } void CG_ThirdPersonUpUp_f ( void ) { if ( cg.zoomedUp ) { cg.zoomedUp = qfalse; } } void CG_ThirdPersonDownDown_f ( void ) { if ( !cg.zoomedDown ) { cg.zoomedDown = qtrue; } } void CG_ThirdPersonDownUp_f ( void ) { if ( cg.zoomedDown ) { cg.zoomedDown = qfalse; } } void CG_ThirdPersonAngleLeftDown_f ( void ) { if ( !cg.zoomAngleLeft ) { cg.zoomAngleLeft = qtrue; } } void CG_ThirdPersonAngleLeftUp_f ( void ) { if ( cg.zoomAngleLeft ) { cg.zoomAngleLeft = qfalse; } } void CG_ThirdPersonAngleRightDown_f ( void ) { if ( !cg.zoomAngleRight ) { cg.zoomAngleRight = qtrue; } } void CG_ThirdPersonAngleRightUp_f ( void ) { if ( cg.zoomAngleRight ) { cg.zoomAngleRight = qfalse; } } void CG_ThirdPersonPitchDownDown_f ( void ) { if ( !cg.zoomPitchDown ) { cg.zoomPitchDown = qtrue; } } void CG_ThirdPersonPitchDownUp_f ( void ) { if ( cg.zoomPitchDown ) { cg.zoomPitchDown = qfalse; } } void CG_ThirdPersonPitchUpDown_f ( void ) { if ( !cg.zoomPitchUp ) { cg.zoomPitchUp = qtrue; } } void CG_ThirdPersonPitchUpUp_f ( void ) { if ( cg.zoomPitchUp ) { cg.zoomPitchUp = qfalse; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const char* cVars[] = { "cg_thirdPersonRange", "cg_thirdPersonAngle", "cg_thirdPersonVertOffset", "cg_thirdPersonHorzOffset", "cg_thirdPersonPitchOffset" }; vmCvar_t* TPSVars[] = { &cg_thirdPersonRange, &cg_thirdPersonAngle, &cg_thirdPersonVertOffset, &cg_thirdPersonHorzOffset, &cg_thirdPersonPitchOffset }; //Set the third person values back to their hard-coded CVAR counter parts //Ie revert any temporary changes. void CG_ThirdPersonRevert_f ( void ) { int i; char value[MAX_TOKEN_CHARS]; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++ ){ trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer ( cVars[i], value, sizeof( value ) ); TPSVars[i]->value = atof( value ); //Q_strncpyz( TPSVars[i]->string, value, 256 ); } } //TiM : If the default values for these CVARs are changed in cg_main.c, update them here. //I would consider linking directly to the values, but with scope, and then locating them in the //struct array, this is way faster. //Resets the values to the game's defaults. Useful if you screwed up the view big time. void CG_ThirdPersonReset_f ( void ) { int defValues[] = { 80, 0, 16, 0, 0 }; int i; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) { TPSVars[i]->value = defValues[i]; trap_Cvar_Set( cVars[i], va( "%i", defValues[i] ) ); } } //Takes the current values from all of the thirdperson pointer variables, and sets the //hard coded CVARs to the same value, effectively making them permanent void CG_ThirdPersonCommit_f ( void ) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) { trap_Cvar_Set( cVars[i], va("%f", TPSVars[i]->value ) ); } CG_Printf( "Current Third Person CVAR values committed.\n" ); //since no screen changes occur. Let the user know something happened. } //Toggles between first and third person void CG_ToggleThirdPerson_f ( void ) { int value; value = !( cg_thirdPerson.integer > 0 ); //This is cool. It'll toggle the value each call. trap_Cvar_Set( "cg_thirdPerson", va( "%i", value ) ); } //TiM - Test the ability to handle binary data streams //void CG_LoadBinaryData( void ) //{ // const char *fileRoute = "rpgx.idkey"; // fileHandle_t f; // int len; // byte buffer[SECURITY_SIZE]; // rpgxSecurityFile_t *c; // // if (!fileRoute) // return; // // len = trap_FS_FOpenFile( fileRoute, &f, FS_READ ); // // if ( !len ) // return; // // trap_FS_Read( buffer, len, f ); // // trap_FS_FCloseFile( f ); // // c = (rpgxSecurityFile_t *)((byte *)buffer); // // CG_Printf( "ID: %i, Hash: %i, PID: %i\n", c->ID, c->hash > 0xFFFF ? 1 : 0, c->playerID > 0xFFFF ? 1 : 0); // CG_Printf( "%i\n", (unsigned)atoi( sv_securityHash.string ) > 0xFFFF ? 1 : 0 ); //} //================================================================================ typedef struct { char *cmd; void (*function)(void); } consoleCommand_t; static consoleCommand_t commands[] = { { "testgun", CG_TestGun_f }, { "testmodel", CG_TestModel_f }, { "nextframe", CG_TestModelNextFrame_f }, { "prevframe", CG_TestModelPrevFrame_f }, { "nextskin", CG_TestModelNextSkin_f }, { "prevskin", CG_TestModelPrevSkin_f }, { "viewpos", CG_Viewpos_f }, { "+info", CG_ScoresDown_f }, { "-info", CG_ScoresUp_f }, { "+zoom", CG_ZoomDown_f }, { "-zoom", CG_ZoomUp_f }, //TiM : Modelview code { "+thirdPersonForward", CG_ThirdPersonForwardDown_f }, //moving the camera forward { "-thirdPersonForward", CG_ThirdPersonForwardUp_f }, { "+thirdPersonBackward", CG_ThirdPersonBackwardDown_f }, //moving the camera backward { "-thirdPersonBackward", CG_ThirdPersonBackwardUp_f }, { "+thirdPersonLeft", CG_ThirdPersonLeftDown_f }, //moving the camera left { "-thirdPersonLeft", CG_ThirdPersonLeftUp_f }, { "+thirdPersonRight", CG_ThirdPersonRightDown_f }, //moving the camera right { "-thirdPersonRight", CG_ThirdPersonRightUp_f }, { "+thirdPersonUp", CG_ThirdPersonUpDown_f }, //moving the camera up { "-thirdPersonUp", CG_ThirdPersonUpUp_f }, { "+thirdPersonDown", CG_ThirdPersonDownDown_f }, //moving the camera down { "-thirdPersonDown", CG_ThirdPersonDownUp_f }, { "+thirdPersonAngleLeft", CG_ThirdPersonAngleLeftDown_f }, //rotating the camera left { "-thirdPersonAngleLeft", CG_ThirdPersonAngleLeftUp_f }, { "+thirdPersonAngleRight", CG_ThirdPersonAngleRightDown_f }, //rotating the camera right { "-thirdPersonAngleRight", CG_ThirdPersonAngleRightUp_f }, { "+thirdPersonPitchDown", CG_ThirdPersonPitchDownDown_f }, //pitching the camera down { "-thirdPersonPitchDown", CG_ThirdPersonPitchDownUp_f }, { "+thirdPersonPitchUp", CG_ThirdPersonPitchUpDown_f }, //pitching the camera up { "-thirdPersonPitchUp", CG_ThirdPersonPitchUpUp_f }, { "thirdPersonRevert", CG_ThirdPersonRevert_f }, //revert current view to previous settings { "thirdPersonReset", CG_ThirdPersonReset_f }, //reset values to CVAR defaults { "thirdPersonCommit", CG_ThirdPersonCommit_f }, //set CVARs to current settings { "thirdPerson", CG_ToggleThirdPerson_f }, //Toggle the 3rd persn CVAR //TiM { "clientPos", CG_ClientPos_f }, { "sizeup", CG_SizeUp_f }, { "sizedown", CG_SizeDown_f }, { "weapnext", CG_NextWeapon_f }, { "weapprev", CG_PrevWeapon_f }, { "weapon", CG_Weapon_f }, { "tell_target", CG_TellTarget_f }, { "tell_attacker", CG_TellAttacker_f }, { "tcmd", CG_TargetCommand_f }, { "loaddefered", CG_LoadDeferredPlayers }, // spelled wrong, but not changing for demo... { "+analysis", CG_ObjectivesDown_f }, { "-analysis", CG_ObjectivesUp_f }, //{ "+shake", CG_ShakeCamera_cmd }, { "iloverpg-x", CG_Cough_cmd }, //{ "commandList", CG_CmdList_cmd }, { "rankList", CG_RankList_cmd }, { "locationList", CG_BeamList_cmd }, { "classList", CG_ClassList_cmd }, { "emote", CG_Emote_f }, { "locedit", CG_LocEdit_f }, //{ "fileID", CG_LoadBinaryData } }; /* ================= CG_ConsoleCommand The string has been tokenized and can be retrieved with Cmd_Argc() / Cmd_Argv() ================= */ qboolean CG_ConsoleCommand( void ) { const char *cmd; int i; cmd = CG_Argv(0); for ( i = 0 ; i < sizeof( commands ) / sizeof( commands[0] ) ; i++ ) { if ( !Q_stricmp( cmd, commands[i].cmd ) ) { commands[i].function(); return qtrue; } } return qfalse; } /* ================= CG_InitConsoleCommands Let the client system know about all of our commands so it can perform tab completion ================= */ void CG_InitConsoleCommands( void ) { int i; for ( i = 0 ; i < sizeof( commands ) / sizeof( commands[0] ) ; i++ ) { trap_AddCommand( commands[i].cmd ); } // // the game server will interpret these commands, which will be automatically // forwarded to the server after they are not recognized locally // // TiM: This trap command also adds the commands to the 'tab list' that users can // use thru the console, so adding any and all game side commands (that we want the users to know about/access of course lol ;P ) // would be a good idea too. :) trap_AddCommand ("kill"); trap_AddCommand ("say"); trap_AddCommand ("say_team"); // START MOD trap_AddCommand ("say_class"); //trap_AddCommand ("giveTo"); trap_AddCommand ("forceName"); trap_AddCommand ("forceKill"); trap_AddCommand ("forceKillRadius"); trap_AddCommand ("forceClass"); trap_AddCommand ("kickTarget"); // END MOD trap_AddCommand ("give"); trap_AddCommand ("god"); trap_AddCommand ("notarget"); trap_AddCommand ("noclip"); trap_AddCommand ("team"); trap_AddCommand ("class"); trap_AddCommand ("follow"); trap_AddCommand ("levelshot"); trap_AddCommand ("addbot"); trap_AddCommand ("setviewpos"); trap_AddCommand ("vote"); trap_AddCommand ("callvote"); trap_AddCommand ("loaddeferred"); // spelled wrong, but not changing for demo //TiM - uh START MOD AGAIN trap_AddCommand("laser"); trap_AddCommand("flashlight"); trap_AddCommand("cloak"); trap_AddCommand("flight"); trap_AddCommand("EVASuit"); trap_AddCommand("forceName"); trap_AddCommand("forceKill"); trap_AddCommand("forceKillRadius"); trap_AddCommand("shake"); trap_AddCommand("drag"); trap_AddCommand("undrag"); trap_AddCommand("flushTripmines"); //disarm_tripmines trap_AddCommand("rank"); trap_AddCommand("forceRank"); trap_AddCommand("forceModel"); trap_AddCommand("forcePlayer"); trap_AddCommand("adminLogin"); trap_AddCommand("adminList"); trap_AddCommand("revive"); trap_AddCommand("n00b"); trap_AddCommand("msg"); trap_AddCommand("playMusic"); trap_AddCommand("stopMusic"); trap_AddCommand("playSound"); trap_AddCommand("fxGun"); trap_AddCommand("flushFX"); trap_AddCommand("clampInfo"); trap_AddCommand("spawnChar"); trap_AddCommand("flushChars"); trap_AddCommand("flushEmote"); trap_AddCommand("beamToPlayer"); trap_AddCommand("beamToLocation"); trap_AddCommand("kick2"); trap_AddCommand("botlist"); trap_AddCommand("addip"); trap_AddCommand("removeip"); trap_AddCommand("listip"); trap_AddCommand("game_memory"); trap_AddCommand("entitylist"); trap_AddCommand("useEnt" ); trap_AddCommand("banUser"); trap_AddCommand("findID"); trap_AddCommand("removeID"); trap_AddCommand("me"); trap_AddCommand("meLocal"); trap_AddCommand("mapsList"); //END MOD AGAIN //TiM - May I just say. WOAH! THAT'S A LOT!! O_O! //START MOD AGAIN - xD //by Marcin - 04/12/2008 trap_AddCommand("drop"); trap_AddCommand("flushDropped"); //END MOD //START MOD ANOTHER TIME AGAIN xD //GSIO01 | 08/05/2009 trap_AddCommand("lock"); trap_AddCommand("ffColor"); trap_AddCommand("remodulate"); trap_AddCommand("unlockAll"); trap_AddCommand("lockAll"); trap_AddCommand("changeFreq"); trap_AddCommand("alert"); trap_AddCommand("msg2"); trap_AddCommand("forcevote"); trap_AddCommand("listSPs"); trap_AddCommand("getEntInfo"); trap_AddCommand("getOrigin"); trap_AddCommand("getEntByTargetname"); trap_AddCommand("getEntByTarget"); trap_AddCommand("getEntByBmodel"); trap_AddCommand("setOrigin"); trap_AddCommand("getBrushEntCount"); trap_AddCommand("findEntitiesInRadius"); trap_AddCommand("spawnTEnt"); trap_AddCommand("flushTEnts"); //XPRERIMENTAL trap_AddCommand("universalTrans"); //END MOD //temp trap_AddCommand("ui_holodeck"); #ifdef XTRA trap_AddCommand("userlogin"); trap_AddCommand("userAdd"); trap_AddCommand("sql_setup"); trap_AddCommand("userMod"); trap_AddCommand("userDel"); #endif #ifdef CG_LUA trap_AddCommand("lua_status"); #endif // CCAM trap_AddCommand("camtest"); trap_AddCommand("camtestend"); }