default: so so: build_so # compiler to use for building shared objects CC = gcc # determine arch and platform ARCH=$(shell uname -m | sed -e s/i.86/i386/) PLATFORM=$(shell uname|sed -e s/_.*//|tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') # cflags for the compiler ifeq ($(PLATFORM), mingw32) SOCFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) else SOCFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) -fPIC endif # set extension ifeq ($(PLATFORM), mingw32) EXT=dll ARCH=x86 else EXT=so endif # cgame objects OBJ = \ fx_transporter.o \ fx_tetrion.o \ fx_stasis.o \ fx_scavenger.o \ fx_quantum.o \ fx_phaser.o \ fx_misc.o \ fx_lib.o \ fx_item.o \ fx_imod.o \ fx_grenade.o \ fx_dreadnought.o \ fx_compression.o \ fx_borg.o \ cg_weapons.o \ cg_view.o \ cg_snapshot.o \ cg_servercmds.o \ cg_screenfx.o \ cg_scoreboard.o \ cg_predict.o \ cg_playerstate.o \ cg_players.o \ cg_marks.o \ cg_main.o \ cg_localents.o \ cg_info.o \ cg_event.o \ cg_env.o \ cg_ents.o \ cg_effects.o \ cg_drawtools.o \ cg_draw.o \ cg_consolecmds.o # depency objects from game OBJDEP = \ q_shared.o \ q_math.o \ bg_misc.o \ bg_pmove.o \ bg_slidemove.o # object for syscalls to the engine SOOBJ = \ cg_syscalls.o # do cc for shared library DO_SOCC = $(CC) $(SOCFLAGS) -Wall -o $@ -c $< build_so: DO_CC=$(DO_SOCC) # cgame cg_consolecmds.o : cg_consolecmds.c; $(DO_CC) cg_draw.o : cg_draw.c; $(DO_CC) cg_drawtools.o : cg_drawtools.c; $(DO_CC) cg_effects.o : cg_effects.c; $(DO_CC) cg_ents.o : cg_ents.c; $(DO_CC) cg_env.o : cg_env.c; $(DO_CC) cg_event.o : cg_event.c; $(DO_CC) cg_info.o : cg_info.c; $(DO_CC) cg_localents.o : cg_localents.c; $(DO_CC) cg_main.o : cg_main.c; $(DO_CC) cg_marks.o : cg_marks.c; $(DO_CC) cg_players.o : cg_players.c; $(DO_CC) cg_playerstate.o : cg_playerstate.c; $(DO_CC) cg_predict.o : cg_predict.c; $(DO_CC) cg_scoreboard.o : cg_scoreboard.c; $(DO_CC) cg_screenfx.o : cg_screenfx.c; $(DO_CC) cg_servercmds.o : cg_servercmds.c; $(DO_CC) cg_snapshot.o : cg_snapshot.c; $(DO_CC) cg_view.o : cg_view.c; $(DO_CC) cg_weapons.o : cg_weapons.c; $(DO_CC) fx_borg.o : fx_borg.c; $(DO_CC) fx_compression.o : fx_compression.c; $(DO_CC) fx_dreadnought.o : fx_dreadnought.c; $(DO_CC) fx_grenade.o : fx_grenade.c; $(DO_CC) fx_imod.o : fx_imod.c; $(DO_CC) fx_item.o : fx_item.c; $(DO_CC) fx_lib.o : fx_lib.c; $(DO_CC) fx_misc.o : fx_misc.c; $(DO_CC) fx_phaser.o : fx_phaser.c; $(DO_CC) fx_quantum.o : fx_quantum.c; $(DO_CC) fx_scavenger.o : fx_scavenger.c; $(DO_CC) fx_stasis.o : fx_stasis.c; $(DO_CC) fx_tetrion.o : fx_tetrion.c; $(DO_CC) fx_transporter.o : fx_transporter.c; $(DO_CC) # dependencies from game q_shared.o: ../game/q_shared.c; $(DO_CC) q_math.o: ../game/q_math.c; $(DO_CC) bg_misc.o: ../game/bg_misc.c; $(DO_CC) bg_pmove.o: ../game/bg_pmove.c; $(DO_CC) bg_slidemove.o: ../game/bg_slidemove.c; $(DO_CC) # cgame syscalls cg_syscalls.o : cg_syscalls.c; $(DO_CC) build_so: $(OBJDEP) $(OBJ) $(SOOBJ) ifeq ($(PLATFORM), mingw32) $(CC) -shared -Wl,--export-all-symbols,-soname,cgame$(ARCH).$(EXT) -o cgame$(ARCH).$(EXT) $(OBJ) $(OBJDEP) $(SOOBJ) else $(CC) -shared -Wl,--export-dynamic,-soname,cgame$(ARCH).$(EXT) -o cgame$(ARCH).$(EXT) $(OBJ) $(OBJDEP) $(SOOBJ) endif clean: rm -f *.o *.$(EXT)