mirror of
synced 2025-03-19 22:21:32 +00:00
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 222 additions and 310 deletions
@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
// Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Id Software, Inc.
// cg_consolecmds.c -- text commands typed in at the local console, or
// executed by a key binding
* Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Id Software, Inc.
* cg_consolecmds.c -- text commands typed in at the local console, or
* executed by a key binding
#include "cg_local.h"
@ -88,20 +91,20 @@ static void CG_ClientPos_f ( void )
static void CG_ScoresDown_f( void ) {
if ( cg.scoresRequestTime + 2000 < cg.time ) {
// the scores are more than two seconds out of data,
// so request new ones
/* the scores are more than two seconds out of data,
so request new ones */
cg.scoresRequestTime = cg.time;
trap_SendClientCommand( "score" );
// leave the current scores up if they were already
// displayed, but if this is the first hit, clear them out
/* leave the current scores up if they were already
displayed, but if this is the first hit, clear them out */
if ( !cg.showScores ) {
cg.showScores = qtrue;
cg.numScores = 0;
} else {
// show the cached contents even if they just pressed if it
// is within two seconds
/* show the cached contents even if they just pressed if it
is within two seconds */
cg.showScores = qtrue;
@ -141,25 +144,6 @@ static void CG_TellAttacker_f( void ) {
trap_SendClientCommand( command );
/*void CG_ShakeCamera_cmd( void ) {
//vec3_t end, start, forward, up;
//gclient_t *client;
//gentity_t *other;
//gentity_t *sayA;
//if ( ent->client->sess.sessionClass != PC_ADMIN ) {
// return;
CG_CameraShake( 300, 30000 );
//AngleVectors(ent->parent->client->ps.viewangles, forward, right, up);
void CG_Cough_cmd( void )
CG_Printf(" ,. \n"); CG_Printf(" ..:, :Xt. ,:. \n");
@ -182,96 +166,6 @@ void CG_Cough_cmd( void )
CG_Printf(" .+tti=,,iIt+;. \n"); CG_Printf(" .:;;:. ,;;;:. \n");
static const char* cmdStr[][] =
{ "rankList", "crewman\t - \tCrewman\n
cadet1\t - \tCadet 4th Class\n
cadet2\t - \tCadet 3rd Class\n
cadet3\t - \tCadet 2nd Class\n
cadet4\t - \tCadet 1st Class\n
ensign\t - \tEnsign\n
ltjg\t - \tLieutenant Junior Grade\n
lt\t - \tLieutenant\n
ltcmdr\t - \tLt.Commander\n
cmdr\t - \tCommander\n
capt\t - \tCaptain\n
cmmdr\t - \tCommodore\n
adm2\t - \tRear Admiral\n
adm3\t - \tVice Admiral\n
adm4\t - \tAdmiral\n
adm5\t - \tFleet Admiral\n
-=Use Page Up & Page Down to scroll=-\n" },
{ "classlist", "Command\n
Alien\n" },
{ "adminlist", "admins\n
-=Use Page Up & Page Down to scroll=-\n" };*/
/*const char* cmdStr[3][2] =
{ "rankList", "crewman\t - \tCrewman\ncadet1\t - \tCadet 4th Class\ncadet2\t - \tCadet 3rd Class\ncadet3\t - \tCadet 2nd Class\ncadet4\t - \tCadet 1st Class\nensign\t - \tEnsign\nltjg\t - \tLieutenant Junior Grade\nlt\t - \tLieutenant\nltcmdr\t - \tLt.Commander\ncmdr\t - \tCommander\ncapt\t - \tCaptain\ncmmdr\t - \tCommodore\nadm2\t - \tRear Admiral\nadm3\t - \tVice Admiral\nadm4\t - \tAdmiral\nadm5\t - \tFleet Admiral\n-=Use Page Up & Page Down to scroll=-\n" },
{ "classlist", "Command\nScience\nSecurity\nEngineer\nMedical\nAlien\n" },
{ "adminlist", "admins\ndisarm_tripmine\ndrag\nforcename\nforcekill\nforcekillradius\nforceclass\nforcerank\nforcemodel\ngive\ngiveto\nkicktarget\nmsg\nn00b\nrevive\nshake\nundrag\n-=Use Page Up & Page Down to scroll=-\n" }
TiM: This is to help those keep track
of those freeky huge list of things
we've put in this mod
FIX: Meh... since the majority
of these are dynamic now and need calculation
I'll put them in separate funcs.
/*void CG_CmdList_cmd ( void ) {
int i;
trap_Argv( 1, StrArg, sizeof(StrArg) );
if ( !StrArg[0] ) {
CG_Printf( "\nUsage: Displays a list of commands and variables for easy access\nCommand: cmdList <Name of list to show>\n\nAvailable lists are:\n" );
for ( i = 0; i < sizeof( cmdStr ) / sizeof( cmdStr[0] ); i++ ) {
CG_Printf( "%s\n", cmdStr[i][0] );
for ( i = 0; i < sizeof( cmdStr ) / sizeof( cmdStr[0]); i++ ) {
if ( !Q_stricmp( StrArg, cmdStr[i][0]) ) {
CG_Printf( "\n%s\n", cmdStr[i][1] );
CG_Printf( "ERROR: Invalid Argument. Please check for validity and spelling errors.\n" );
@ -282,14 +176,14 @@ the names of all the ranks we can use ATM
void CG_RankList_cmd( void ) {
int i;
//Print Titles
/* Print Titles */
CG_Printf( S_COLOR_CYAN "RPG-X: Available Ranks\n");
CG_Printf( S_COLOR_GREEN "Console Name \t - \t Formal Name\n" );
//Loop thru each val and print them
/* Loop thru each val and print them */
for ( i = 0; i < MAX_RANKS; i++ ) {
//if ( strlen( cgs.ranksData[i].consoleName ) < 1 || strlen( cgs.ranksData[i].formalName ) < 1 )
// return;
/*if ( strlen( cgs.ranksData[i].consoleName ) < 1 || strlen( cgs.ranksData[i].formalName ) < 1 )
return; */
if ( cgs.ranksData[i].consoleName[0] )
CG_Printf( "%s \t - \t %s\n", cgs.ranksData[i].consoleName, cgs.ranksData[i].formalName );
@ -308,14 +202,14 @@ the names of all the ranks we can use ATM
void CG_ClassList_cmd( void ) {
int i;
//Print Titles
/* Print Titles */
CG_Printf( S_COLOR_CYAN "RPG-X: Available Classes\n");
CG_Printf( S_COLOR_GREEN "Formal Name\n" );
//Loop thru each val and print them
/* Loop thru each val and print them */
for ( i = 0; i < MAX_CLASSES; i++ ) {
//if ( strlen( cgs.ranksData[i].consoleName ) < 1 || strlen( cgs.ranksData[i].formalName ) < 1 )
// return;
/* if ( strlen( cgs.ranksData[i].consoleName ) < 1 || strlen( cgs.ranksData[i].formalName ) < 1 )
return; */
if ( cgs.classData[i].formalName[0] )
CG_Printf( "%s\n", cgs.classData[i].formalName[0] );
@ -337,19 +231,19 @@ void CG_BeamList_cmd( void ) {
const char *locStr;
int i;
//Print Titles
/* Print Titles */
CG_Printf( S_COLOR_CYAN "RPG-X Current Beam Locations\n" );
CG_Printf( S_COLOR_GREEN "Location Name \t - \t Location Index\n" );
//Based off the string data that is transmitted to the CG on Init
//Get the name and index of each location
/* Based off the string data that is transmitted to the CG on Init
Get the name and index of each location */
for ( i = 1; i < MAX_LOCATIONS; i++ ) {
locStr = CG_ConfigString( CS_LOCATIONS + i );
if ( locStr[0] ) {
CG_Printf( "%s \t - \t%i\n", locStr, i );
locStr = NULL; //reset just in case
locStr = NULL; /* reset just in case */
@ -381,8 +275,8 @@ void CG_Emote_f( void ) {
int i;
animation_t *anims;
int animLength;
//int animLengthUpper;
//int animLengthLower;
/* int animLengthUpper;
int animLengthLower; */
qboolean emoteFound=qfalse;
argStr = CG_Argv( 1 );
@ -391,8 +285,8 @@ void CG_Emote_f( void ) {
//TiM: Hack override for eyes shut, angry eyes and alert mode.
//No more data is needed
/* TiM: Hack override for eyes shut, angry eyes and alert mode.
No more data is needed */
if ( !Q_stricmp( argStr, "eyes_shut" ) || !Q_stricmp( argStr, "eyes_frown" ) || !Q_stricmpn( argStr, "alert", 5 ) || !Q_stricmpn( argStr, "alert2", 6 ) )
trap_SendClientCommand( va( "doEmote %s", argStr ) );
@ -404,9 +298,9 @@ void CG_Emote_f( void ) {
//find out emote in the list
//value of numEmotes calced in bg_misc.c
//or if an int was supplied as an arg, use that
/* find out emote in the list
value of numEmotes calced in bg_misc.c
or if an int was supplied as an arg, use that */
/*if ( !argStr[0] >= '0' && argStr[0] <= '9' )
i = atoi( argStr );
@ -423,7 +317,7 @@ void CG_Emote_f( void ) {
for ( i = 0; i < bg_numEmotes; i++ )
{ //i < sizeof( emoteList ) / sizeof( emoteList[0] )
{ /* i < sizeof( emoteList ) / sizeof( emoteList[0] ) */
emote = &bg_emoteList[i];
if ( emote && !Q_stricmp( emote->name, argStr ) )
@ -432,7 +326,7 @@ void CG_Emote_f( void ) {
/*} */
if ( !emoteFound ) {
CG_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "ERROR: Specified emote not found\n" );
@ -441,25 +335,25 @@ void CG_Emote_f( void ) {
anims = &cg_animsList[cgs.clientinfo[ cg.predictedPlayerState.clientNum ].animIndex].animations[ emote->enumName ];
//if anim num less than 0, then this is a stub anim
/* if anim num less than 0, then this is a stub anim */
if ( !anims || anims->numFrames < 0 ) {
CG_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "ERROR: Current character cannot perform that emote.\n" );
//Anim length for lower model
/* Anim length for lower model */
if ( !( emote->animFlags & EMOTE_LOOP_UPPER ) && !( emote->animFlags & EMOTE_LOOP_LOWER ) ) {
//numFrames * (1000 / fps = frameLerp ) = time length
/* numFrames * (1000 / fps = frameLerp ) = time length */
animLength = anims->numFrames * anims->frameLerp;
else {
animLength = -1;
//send the command to the server
/* send the command to the server */
trap_SendClientCommand( va( "doEmote %i %i", i, animLength ) );
//add this emote to the emotes recently played menu
/* add this emote to the emotes recently played menu */
int j;
char* cvar;
@ -469,10 +363,10 @@ void CG_Emote_f( void ) {
for ( j = 1; j <= NUM_CVAR_STORES; j++ ) {
cvar = va( "ui_recentEmote%i", j );
//found a free slot
/* found a free slot */
trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( cvar, buffer, 256 );
//oh this emote's already here... no point adding it again
/* oh this emote's already here... no point adding it again */
if ( atoi(buffer) == i ) {
foundSlot = qtrue;
@ -485,7 +379,7 @@ void CG_Emote_f( void ) {
//whup... no slot found. better push them all forward one
/* whup... no slot found. better push them all forward one */
if ( !foundSlot ) {
char* cvar2;
@ -730,7 +624,7 @@ void CG_ThirdPersonPitchUpUp_f ( void ) {
const char* cVars[] = { "cg_thirdPersonRange", "cg_thirdPersonAngle",
"cg_thirdPersonVertOffset", "cg_thirdPersonHorzOffset",
@ -740,8 +634,8 @@ vmCvar_t* TPSVars[] = { &cg_thirdPersonRange, &cg_thirdPersonAngle,
&cg_thirdPersonVertOffset, &cg_thirdPersonHorzOffset,
&cg_thirdPersonPitchOffset };
//Set the third person values back to their hard-coded CVAR counter parts
//Ie revert any temporary changes.
/* Set the third person values back to their hard-coded CVAR counter parts
Ie revert any temporary changes. */
void CG_ThirdPersonRevert_f ( void ) {
int i;
@ -750,14 +644,16 @@ void CG_ThirdPersonRevert_f ( void ) {
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++ ){
trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer ( cVars[i], value, sizeof( value ) );
TPSVars[i]->value = atof( value );
//Q_strncpyz( TPSVars[i]->string, value, 256 );
/* Q_strncpyz( TPSVars[i]->string, value, 256 ); */
//TiM : If the default values for these CVARs are changed in cg_main.c, update them here.
//I would consider linking directly to the values, but with scope, and then locating them in the
//struct array, this is way faster.
//Resets the values to the game's defaults. Useful if you screwed up the view big time.
* TiM : If the default values for these CVARs are changed in cg_main.c, update them here.
* I would consider linking directly to the values, but with scope, and then locating them in the
* struct array, this is way faster.
* Resets the values to the game's defaults. Useful if you screwed up the view big time.
void CG_ThirdPersonReset_f ( void ) {
int defValues[] = { 80, 0, 16, 0, 0 };
int i;
@ -768,8 +664,10 @@ void CG_ThirdPersonReset_f ( void ) {
//Takes the current values from all of the thirdperson pointer variables, and sets the
//hard coded CVARs to the same value, effectively making them permanent
* Takes the current values from all of the thirdperson pointer variables, and sets the
* hard coded CVARs to the same value, effectively making them permanent
void CG_ThirdPersonCommit_f ( void ) {
int i;
@ -780,43 +678,42 @@ void CG_ThirdPersonCommit_f ( void ) {
//since no screen changes occur. Let the user know something happened.
//Toggles between first and third person
/* Toggles between first and third person */
void CG_ToggleThirdPerson_f ( void ) {
int value;
value = !( cg_thirdPerson.integer > 0 ); //This is cool. It'll toggle the value each call.
value = !( cg_thirdPerson.integer > 0 ); /* This is cool. It'll toggle the value each call. */
trap_Cvar_Set( "cg_thirdPerson", va( "%i", value ) );
//TiM - Test the ability to handle binary data streams
//void CG_LoadBinaryData( void )
// const char *fileRoute = "rpgx.idkey";
// fileHandle_t f;
// int len;
// byte buffer[SECURITY_SIZE];
// rpgxSecurityFile_t *c;
// if (!fileRoute)
// return;
// len = trap_FS_FOpenFile( fileRoute, &f, FS_READ );
// if ( !len )
// return;
// trap_FS_Read( buffer, len, f );
// trap_FS_FCloseFile( f );
// c = (rpgxSecurityFile_t *)((byte *)buffer);
// CG_Printf( "ID: %i, Hash: %i, PID: %i\n", c->ID, c->hash > 0xFFFF ? 1 : 0, c->playerID > 0xFFFF ? 1 : 0);
// CG_Printf( "%i\n", (unsigned)atoi( sv_securityHash.string ) > 0xFFFF ? 1 : 0 );
/*TiM - Test the ability to handle binary data streams
void CG_LoadBinaryData( void )
const char *fileRoute = "rpgx.idkey";
fileHandle_t f;
int len;
byte buffer[SECURITY_SIZE];
rpgxSecurityFile_t *c;
if (!fileRoute)
len = trap_FS_FOpenFile( fileRoute, &f, FS_READ );
if ( !len )
trap_FS_Read( buffer, len, f );
trap_FS_FCloseFile( f );
c = (rpgxSecurityFile_t *)((byte *)buffer);
CG_Printf( "ID: %i, Hash: %i, PID: %i\n", c->ID, c->hash > 0xFFFF ? 1 : 0, c->playerID > 0xFFFF ? 1 : 0);
CG_Printf( "%i\n", (unsigned)atoi( sv_securityHash.string ) > 0xFFFF ? 1 : 0 );
typedef struct {
char *cmd;
@ -836,32 +733,32 @@ static consoleCommand_t commands[] = {
{ "+zoom", CG_ZoomDown_f },
{ "-zoom", CG_ZoomUp_f },
//TiM : Modelview code
{ "+thirdPersonForward", CG_ThirdPersonForwardDown_f }, //moving the camera forward
/* TiM : Modelview code */
{ "+thirdPersonForward", CG_ThirdPersonForwardDown_f }, /* moving the camera forward */
{ "-thirdPersonForward", CG_ThirdPersonForwardUp_f },
{ "+thirdPersonBackward", CG_ThirdPersonBackwardDown_f }, //moving the camera backward
{ "+thirdPersonBackward", CG_ThirdPersonBackwardDown_f }, /* moving the camera backward */
{ "-thirdPersonBackward", CG_ThirdPersonBackwardUp_f },
{ "+thirdPersonLeft", CG_ThirdPersonLeftDown_f }, //moving the camera left
{ "+thirdPersonLeft", CG_ThirdPersonLeftDown_f }, /* moving the camera left */
{ "-thirdPersonLeft", CG_ThirdPersonLeftUp_f },
{ "+thirdPersonRight", CG_ThirdPersonRightDown_f }, //moving the camera right
{ "+thirdPersonRight", CG_ThirdPersonRightDown_f }, /* moving the camera right */
{ "-thirdPersonRight", CG_ThirdPersonRightUp_f },
{ "+thirdPersonUp", CG_ThirdPersonUpDown_f }, //moving the camera up
{ "+thirdPersonUp", CG_ThirdPersonUpDown_f }, /* moving the camera up */
{ "-thirdPersonUp", CG_ThirdPersonUpUp_f },
{ "+thirdPersonDown", CG_ThirdPersonDownDown_f }, //moving the camera down
{ "+thirdPersonDown", CG_ThirdPersonDownDown_f }, /* moving the camera down */
{ "-thirdPersonDown", CG_ThirdPersonDownUp_f },
{ "+thirdPersonAngleLeft", CG_ThirdPersonAngleLeftDown_f }, //rotating the camera left
{ "+thirdPersonAngleLeft", CG_ThirdPersonAngleLeftDown_f }, /* rotating the camera left */
{ "-thirdPersonAngleLeft", CG_ThirdPersonAngleLeftUp_f },
{ "+thirdPersonAngleRight", CG_ThirdPersonAngleRightDown_f }, //rotating the camera right
{ "+thirdPersonAngleRight", CG_ThirdPersonAngleRightDown_f }, /* rotating the camera right */
{ "-thirdPersonAngleRight", CG_ThirdPersonAngleRightUp_f },
{ "+thirdPersonPitchDown", CG_ThirdPersonPitchDownDown_f }, //pitching the camera down
{ "+thirdPersonPitchDown", CG_ThirdPersonPitchDownDown_f }, /* pitching the camera down */
{ "-thirdPersonPitchDown", CG_ThirdPersonPitchDownUp_f },
{ "+thirdPersonPitchUp", CG_ThirdPersonPitchUpDown_f }, //pitching the camera up
{ "+thirdPersonPitchUp", CG_ThirdPersonPitchUpDown_f }, /* pitching the camera up */
{ "-thirdPersonPitchUp", CG_ThirdPersonPitchUpUp_f },
{ "thirdPersonRevert", CG_ThirdPersonRevert_f }, //revert current view to previous settings
{ "thirdPersonReset", CG_ThirdPersonReset_f }, //reset values to CVAR defaults
{ "thirdPersonCommit", CG_ThirdPersonCommit_f }, //set CVARs to current settings
{ "thirdPerson", CG_ToggleThirdPerson_f }, //Toggle the 3rd persn CVAR
{ "thirdPersonRevert", CG_ThirdPersonRevert_f }, /* revert current view to previous settings */
{ "thirdPersonReset", CG_ThirdPersonReset_f }, /* reset values to CVAR defaults */
{ "thirdPersonCommit", CG_ThirdPersonCommit_f }, /* set CVARs to current settings */
{ "thirdPerson", CG_ToggleThirdPerson_f }, /* Toggle the 3rd persn CVAR */
/* TiM */
{ "clientPos", CG_ClientPos_f },
{ "sizeup", CG_SizeUp_f },
@ -872,18 +769,18 @@ static consoleCommand_t commands[] = {
{ "tell_target", CG_TellTarget_f },
{ "tell_attacker", CG_TellAttacker_f },
{ "tcmd", CG_TargetCommand_f },
{ "loaddefered", CG_LoadDeferredPlayers }, // spelled wrong, but not changing for demo...
{ "loaddefered", CG_LoadDeferredPlayers }, /* spelled wrong, but not changing for demo... */
{ "+analysis", CG_ObjectivesDown_f },
{ "-analysis", CG_ObjectivesUp_f },
//{ "+shake", CG_ShakeCamera_cmd },
/*{ "+shake", CG_ShakeCamera_cmd },*/
{ "iloverpg-x", CG_Cough_cmd },
//{ "commandList", CG_CmdList_cmd },
/*{ "commandList", CG_CmdList_cmd },*/
{ "rankList", CG_RankList_cmd },
{ "locationList", CG_BeamList_cmd },
{ "classList", CG_ClassList_cmd },
{ "emote", CG_Emote_f },
{ "locedit", CG_LocEdit_f },
//{ "fileID", CG_LoadBinaryData }
/*{ "fileID", CG_LoadBinaryData }*/
@ -926,25 +823,26 @@ void CG_InitConsoleCommands( void ) {
trap_AddCommand( commands[i].cmd );
// the game server will interpret these commands, which will be automatically
// forwarded to the server after they are not recognized locally
// TiM: This trap command also adds the commands to the 'tab list' that users can
// use thru the console, so adding any and all game side commands (that we want the users to know about/access of course lol ;P )
// would be a good idea too. :)
* the game server will interpret these commands, which will be automatically
* forwarded to the server after they are not recognized locally
* TiM: This trap command also adds the commands to the 'tab list' that users can
* use thru the console, so adding any and all game side commands (that we want the users to know about/access of course lol ;P )
* would be a good idea too. :)
trap_AddCommand ("kill");
trap_AddCommand ("say");
trap_AddCommand ("say_team");
trap_AddCommand ("say_class");
//trap_AddCommand ("giveTo");
/*trap_AddCommand ("giveTo");*/
trap_AddCommand ("forceName");
trap_AddCommand ("forceKill");
trap_AddCommand ("forceKillRadius");
trap_AddCommand ("forceClass");
trap_AddCommand ("kickTarget");
/* END MOD */
trap_AddCommand ("give");
trap_AddCommand ("god");
trap_AddCommand ("notarget");
@ -957,9 +855,9 @@ void CG_InitConsoleCommands( void ) {
trap_AddCommand ("setviewpos");
trap_AddCommand ("vote");
trap_AddCommand ("callvote");
trap_AddCommand ("loaddeferred"); // spelled wrong, but not changing for demo
trap_AddCommand ("loaddeferred"); /* spelled wrong, but not changing for demo */
@ -971,7 +869,7 @@ void CG_InitConsoleCommands( void ) {
trap_AddCommand("flushTripmines"); //disarm_tripmines
trap_AddCommand("flushTripmines"); /* disarm_tripmines */
@ -1011,17 +909,23 @@ void CG_InitConsoleCommands( void ) {
//TiM - May I just say. WOAH! THAT'S A LOT!! O_O!
* TiM - May I just say. WOAH! THAT'S A LOT!! O_O!
//by Marcin - 04/12/2008
* by Marcin - 04/12/2008
/* END MOD */
//GSIO01 | 08/05/2009
* GSIO01 | 08/05/2009
@ -1043,11 +947,11 @@ void CG_InitConsoleCommands( void ) {
/* END MOD */
/* temp */
#ifdef XTRA
@ -1062,7 +966,7 @@ void CG_InitConsoleCommands( void ) {
/* CCAM */
@ -1,22 +1,26 @@
// Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Id Software, Inc.
// cg_draw.c -- draw all of the graphical elements during
// active (after loading) gameplay
* Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Id Software, Inc.
* cg_draw.c -- draw all of the graphical elements during
* active (after loading) gameplay
#include "cg_local.h"
#include "cg_text.h"
#include "cg_screenfx.h"
// set in CG_ParseTeamInfo
/* set in CG_ParseTeamInfo */
int sortedTeamPlayers[TEAM_MAXOVERLAY];
int numSortedTeamPlayers;
int drawTeamOverlayModificationCount = -1;
//TiM: dCross
//qboolean CG_WorldCoordToScreenCoord(vec3_t worldCoord, float *x, float *y, qboolean clamp);
//end dCross
* TiM: dCross
* qboolean CG_WorldCoordToScreenCoord(vec3_t worldCoord, float *x, float *y, qboolean clamp);
* end dCross
//TiM: Tricorder Parameters
/* TiM: Tricorder Parameters */
vec3_t vfwd;
vec3_t vright;
vec3_t vup;
@ -31,7 +35,7 @@ extern void InitPostGameMenuStruct();
static void CG_InterfaceStartup();
char *ingame_text[IGT_MAX]; // Holds pointers to ingame text
char *ingame_text[IGT_MAX]; /* Holds pointers to ingame text */
int zoomFlashTime=0;
@ -43,58 +47,58 @@ int zoomFlashTime=0;
interfacegraphics_s interface_graphics[IG_MAX] =
// type timer x y width height file/text graphic, min max color style ptr
{ SG_VAR, 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, CT_NONE, 0 }, // IG_GROW
/* type timer x y width height file/text graphic, min max color style ptr */
{ SG_VAR, 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, CT_NONE, 0 }, /* IG_GROW */
{ SG_VAR, 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, CT_NONE, 0 }, // IG_HEALTH_START
{ SG_GRAPHIC, 0.0, 5, 429, 32, 64, "gfx/interface/rpgx_healthbar_leftcorner", 0, 0, 0, CT_DKBROWN1, 0 }, // IG_HEALTH_BEGINCAP
{ SG_GRAPHIC, 0.0, 64, 429, 6, 25, "gfx/interface/ammobar", 0, 0, 0, CT_DKBROWN1, 0 }, // IG_HEALTH_BOX1
{ SG_GRAPHIC, 0.0, 72, 429, 0, 25, "gfx/interface/ammobar", 0, 0, 0, CT_LTBROWN1, 0 }, // IG_HEALTH_SLIDERFULL
{ SG_GRAPHIC, 0.0, 0, 429, 0, 25, "gfx/interface/ammobar", 0, 0, 0, CT_DKBROWN1, 0 }, // IG_HEALTH_SLIDEREMPTY
{ SG_GRAPHIC, 0.0, 72, 429, 16, 32, "gfx/interface/rpgx_healthbar_endcap", 0, 0, 147, CT_DKBROWN1, 0 }, // IG_HEALTH_ENDCAP
{ SG_NUMBER, 0.0, 23, 425, 16, 32, NULL, 0, 0, 0, CT_LTBROWN1, NUM_FONT_BIG }, // IG_HEALTH_COUNT
{ SG_VAR, 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, CT_NONE, 0 }, // IG_HEALTH_END
{ SG_VAR, 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, CT_NONE, 0 }, /* IG_HEALTH_START */
{ SG_GRAPHIC, 0.0, 5, 429, 32, 64, "gfx/interface/rpgx_healthbar_leftcorner", 0, 0, 0, CT_DKBROWN1, 0 }, /* IG_HEALTH_BEGINCAP */
{ SG_GRAPHIC, 0.0, 64, 429, 6, 25, "gfx/interface/ammobar", 0, 0, 0, CT_DKBROWN1, 0 }, /* IG_HEALTH_BOX1 */
{ SG_GRAPHIC, 0.0, 72, 429, 0, 25, "gfx/interface/ammobar", 0, 0, 0, CT_LTBROWN1, 0 }, /* IG_HEALTH_SLIDERFULL */
{ SG_GRAPHIC, 0.0, 0, 429, 0, 25, "gfx/interface/ammobar", 0, 0, 0, CT_DKBROWN1, 0 }, /* IG_HEALTH_SLIDEREMPTY */
{ SG_GRAPHIC, 0.0, 72, 429, 16, 32, "gfx/interface/rpgx_healthbar_endcap", 0, 0, 147, CT_DKBROWN1, 0 }, /* IG_HEALTH_ENDCAP */
{ SG_NUMBER, 0.0, 23, 425, 16, 32, NULL, 0, 0, 0, CT_LTBROWN1, NUM_FONT_BIG }, /* IG_HEALTH_COUNT */
{ SG_VAR, 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, CT_NONE, 0 }, /* IG_HEALTH_END */
{ SG_VAR, 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, CT_NONE, 0 }, // IG_ARMOR_START
{ SG_GRAPHIC, 0.0, 20, 458, 32, 16, "gfx/interface/armorcap1", 0, 0, 0, CT_DKPURPLE1, 0 }, // IG_ARMOR_BEGINCAP
{ SG_GRAPHIC, 0.0, 64, 458, 6, 12, "gfx/interface/ammobar", 0, 0, 0, CT_DKPURPLE1, 0 }, // IG_ARMOR_BOX1
{ SG_GRAPHIC, 0.0, 72, 458, 0, 12, "gfx/interface/ammobar", 0, 0, 0, CT_LTPURPLE1, 0 }, // IG_ARMOR_SLIDERFULL
{ SG_GRAPHIC, 0.0, 0, 458, 0, 12, "gfx/interface/ammobar", 0, 0, 0, CT_DKPURPLE1, 0 }, // IG_ARMOR_SLIDEREMPTY
{ SG_GRAPHIC, 0.0, 72, 458, 16, 16, "gfx/interface/armorcap2", 0, 0, 147, CT_DKPURPLE1, 0 }, // IG_ARMOR_ENDCAP
{ SG_NUMBER, 0.0, 44, 458, 16, 16, NULL, 0, 0, 0, CT_LTPURPLE1, NUM_FONT_SMALL }, // IG_ARMOR_COUNT
{ SG_VAR, 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, CT_NONE, 0 }, // IG_ARMOR_END
{ SG_VAR, 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, CT_NONE, 0 }, /* IG_ARMOR_START */
{ SG_GRAPHIC, 0.0, 20, 458, 32, 16, "gfx/interface/armorcap1", 0, 0, 0, CT_DKPURPLE1, 0 }, /* IG_ARMOR_BEGINCAP */
{ SG_GRAPHIC, 0.0, 64, 458, 6, 12, "gfx/interface/ammobar", 0, 0, 0, CT_DKPURPLE1, 0 }, /* IG_ARMOR_BOX1 */
{ SG_GRAPHIC, 0.0, 72, 458, 0, 12, "gfx/interface/ammobar", 0, 0, 0, CT_LTPURPLE1, 0 }, /* IG_ARMOR_SLIDERFULL */
{ SG_GRAPHIC, 0.0, 0, 458, 0, 12, "gfx/interface/ammobar", 0, 0, 0, CT_DKPURPLE1, 0 }, /* IG_ARMOR_SLIDEREMPTY */
{ SG_GRAPHIC, 0.0, 72, 458, 16, 16, "gfx/interface/armorcap2", 0, 0, 147, CT_DKPURPLE1, 0 }, /* IG_ARMOR_ENDCAP */
{ SG_NUMBER, 0.0, 44, 458, 16, 16, NULL, 0, 0, 0, CT_LTPURPLE1, NUM_FONT_SMALL }, /* IG_ARMOR_COUNT */
{ SG_VAR, 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, CT_NONE, 0 }, /* IG_ARMOR_END */
{ SG_VAR, 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, CT_NONE, 0 }, // IG_AMMO_START
{ SG_GRAPHIC, 0.0, 613, 429, 32, 64, "gfx/interface/ammouppercap1", 0, 0, 0, CT_LTPURPLE2, 0 }, // IG_AMMO_UPPER_BEGINCAP
{ SG_GRAPHIC, 0.0, 607, 429, 16, 32, "gfx/interface/ammouppercap2", 0, 0, 572, CT_LTPURPLE2, 0 }, // IG_AMMO_UPPER_ENDCAP
{ SG_GRAPHIC, 0.0, 613, 458, 16, 16, "gfx/interface/ammolowercap1", 0, 0, 0, CT_LTPURPLE2, 0 }, // IG_AMMO_LOWER_BEGINCAP
{ SG_GRAPHIC, 0.0, 578, 458, 0, 12, "gfx/interface/ammobar", 0, 0, 0, CT_LTPURPLE1, 0 }, // IG_AMMO_SLIDERFULL
{ SG_GRAPHIC, 0.0, 0, 458, 0, 12, "gfx/interface/ammobar", 0, 0, 0, CT_DKPURPLE1, 0 }, // IG_AMMO_SLIDEREMPTY
{ SG_GRAPHIC, 0.0, 607, 458, 16, 16, "gfx/interface/ammolowercap2", 0, 0, 572, CT_LTPURPLE2, 0 }, // IG_AMMO_LOWER_ENDCAP
{ SG_NUMBER, 0.0, 573, 425, 16, 32, NULL, 0, 0, 0, CT_LTPURPLE1, NUM_FONT_BIG }, // IG_AMMO_COUNT
{ SG_VAR, 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, CT_NONE, 0 }, // IG_AMMO_END
{ SG_VAR, 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, CT_NONE, 0 }, /* IG_AMMO_START */
{ SG_GRAPHIC, 0.0, 613, 429, 32, 64, "gfx/interface/ammouppercap1", 0, 0, 0, CT_LTPURPLE2, 0 }, /* IG_AMMO_UPPER_BEGINCAP */
{ SG_GRAPHIC, 0.0, 607, 429, 16, 32, "gfx/interface/ammouppercap2", 0, 0, 572, CT_LTPURPLE2, 0 }, /* IG_AMMO_UPPER_ENDCAP */
{ SG_GRAPHIC, 0.0, 613, 458, 16, 16, "gfx/interface/ammolowercap1", 0, 0, 0, CT_LTPURPLE2, 0 }, /* IG_AMMO_LOWER_BEGINCAP */
{ SG_GRAPHIC, 0.0, 578, 458, 0, 12, "gfx/interface/ammobar", 0, 0, 0, CT_LTPURPLE1, 0 }, /* IG_AMMO_SLIDERFULL */
{ SG_GRAPHIC, 0.0, 0, 458, 0, 12, "gfx/interface/ammobar", 0, 0, 0, CT_DKPURPLE1, 0 }, /* IG_AMMO_SLIDEREMPTY */
{ SG_GRAPHIC, 0.0, 607, 458, 16, 16, "gfx/interface/ammolowercap2", 0, 0, 572, CT_LTPURPLE2, 0 }, /* IG_AMMO_LOWER_ENDCAP */
{ SG_NUMBER, 0.0, 573, 425, 16, 32, NULL, 0, 0, 0, CT_LTPURPLE1, NUM_FONT_BIG }, /* IG_AMMO_COUNT */
{ SG_VAR, 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, CT_NONE, 0 }, /* IG_AMMO_END */
lensFlare_t lensFlare[MAX_LENS_FLARES];
lensReflec_s lensReflec[10] =
//width, height, offset, positive, color, shadername, shaders placeholder
{ 23, 23, 0.192, qtrue, { 0.73, 0.50, 0.23 }, "gfx/effects/flares/flare_straight", 0 }, //Brown1 //5.2
{ 9, 9, 0.37, qtrue, { 0.37, 0.58, 0.55 }, "gfx/effects/flares/flare_straight", 0 }, //Aqua1 //2.7
{ 14, 14, 0.25, qfalse, { 0.37, 0.79, 0.76 }, "gfx/effects/flares/flare_radial", 0 }, //Turquoise1 //4.0
{ 86, 86, 0.556, qfalse, { 0.73, 0.50, 0.23 }, "gfx/effects/flares/flare_inverseradial", 0 }, //BigBrownInverseRad //1.8
{ 49, 49, 0.476, qfalse, { 0.73, 0.50, 0.23 }, "gfx/effects/flares/flare_straight", 0 }, //StraightBrown2 //2.1
{ 35, 35, 0.667, qfalse, { 0.34, 0.40, 0.44 }, "gfx/effects/flares/flare_straight", 0 }, //Grey1 //1.5
{ 32, 32, 0.769, qfalse, { 0.20, 0.38, 0.62 }, "gfx/effects/flares/flare_radial", 0 }, //BlueRad //1.3
{ 122, 122, 1.1, qfalse, { 0.31, 0.65, 0.36 }, "gfx/effects/flares/flare_inverseradial", 0 }, //BigInverseGreen //0.9
{ 254, 254, 1.429, qfalse, { 1.00, 1.00, 1.00 }, "gfx/effects/flares/flare_chromadisc", 0 }, //ChromaHoop //0.7
{ 52, 52, 1.429, qtrue, { 0.40, 0.56, 0.42 }, "gfx/effects/flares/flare_inverseradial", 0 }, //Green offset //0.7
/* width, height, offset, positive, color, shadername, shaders placeholder */
{ 23, 23, 0.192, qtrue, { 0.73, 0.50, 0.23 }, "gfx/effects/flares/flare_straight", 0 }, /* Brown1 5.2 */
{ 9, 9, 0.37, qtrue, { 0.37, 0.58, 0.55 }, "gfx/effects/flares/flare_straight", 0 }, /* Aqua1 2.7 */
{ 14, 14, 0.25, qfalse, { 0.37, 0.79, 0.76 }, "gfx/effects/flares/flare_radial", 0 }, /* Turquoise1 4.0 */
{ 86, 86, 0.556, qfalse, { 0.73, 0.50, 0.23 }, "gfx/effects/flares/flare_inverseradial", 0 }, /* BigBrownInverseRad 1.8 */
{ 49, 49, 0.476, qfalse, { 0.73, 0.50, 0.23 }, "gfx/effects/flares/flare_straight", 0 }, /* StraightBrown2 2.1 */
{ 35, 35, 0.667, qfalse, { 0.34, 0.40, 0.44 }, "gfx/effects/flares/flare_straight", 0 }, /* Grey1 1.5 */
{ 32, 32, 0.769, qfalse, { 0.20, 0.38, 0.62 }, "gfx/effects/flares/flare_radial", 0 }, /* BlueRad 1.3 */
{ 122, 122, 1.1, qfalse, { 0.31, 0.65, 0.36 }, "gfx/effects/flares/flare_inverseradial", 0 }, /* BigInverseGreen 0.9 */
{ 254, 254, 1.429, qfalse, { 1.00, 1.00, 1.00 }, "gfx/effects/flares/flare_chromadisc", 0 }, /* ChromaHoop 0.7 */
{ 52, 52, 1.429, qtrue, { 0.40, 0.56, 0.42 }, "gfx/effects/flares/flare_inverseradial", 0 }, /* Green offset 0.7 */
@ -109,19 +113,19 @@ void CG_InitLensFlare( vec3_t worldCoord,
int i;
//First thing's first.... I understand if you hate flares :'(
/* First thing's first.... I understand if you hate flares :'( */
if (!cg_dynamiclensflares.value)
for (i = 0; i < MAX_LENS_FLARES; i++) { //find the next free slot
for (i = 0; i < MAX_LENS_FLARES; i++) { /* find the next free slot */
if ( !lensFlare[i].qfull ) {
//VectorCopy(worldCoord, lensFlare[i].worldCoord);
/* VectorCopy(worldCoord, lensFlare[i].worldCoord); */
lensFlare[i].worldCoord[0] = worldCoord[0];
lensFlare[i].worldCoord[1] = worldCoord[1];
lensFlare[i].worldCoord[2] = worldCoord[2];
lensFlare[i].w1 = w1;
lensFlare[i].h1 = h1;
//VectorCopy(glowColor, lensFlare[i].glowColor);
/* VectorCopy(glowColor, lensFlare[i].glowColor); */
lensFlare[i].glowColor[0] = glowColor[0];
lensFlare[i].glowColor[1] = glowColor[1];
lensFlare[i].glowColor[2] = glowColor[2];
@ -129,7 +133,7 @@ void CG_InitLensFlare( vec3_t worldCoord,
lensFlare[i].hazeOffset = hazeOffset;
lensFlare[i].minDist = minDist;
lensFlare[i].maxDist = maxDist;
//VectorCopy(streakColor, lensFlare[i].streakColor);
/* VectorCopy(streakColor, lensFlare[i].streakColor); */
lensFlare[i].streakColor[0] = streakColor[0];
lensFlare[i].streakColor[1] = streakColor[1];
lensFlare[i].streakColor[2] = streakColor[2];
@ -178,13 +182,15 @@ static qboolean CG_WorldCoordToScreenCoord(vec3_t worldCoord, float *x, float *y
float xzi;
float yzi;
// xcenter = cg.refdef.width / 2;//gives screen coords adjusted for resolution
// ycenter = cg.refdef.height / 2;//gives screen coords adjusted for resolution
/* xcenter = cg.refdef.width / 2;*//*gives screen coords adjusted for resolution*/
/* ycenter = cg.refdef.height / 2;*//*gives screen coords adjusted for resolution*/
//NOTE: did it this way because most draw functions expect virtual 640x480 coords
// and adjust them for current resolution
//xcenter = 640 * 0.5;//gives screen coords in virtual 640x480, to be adjusted when drawn
//ycenter = 480 * 0.5;//gives screen coords in virtual 640x480, to be adjusted when drawn
* NOTE: did it this way because most draw functions expect virtual 640x480 coords
* and adjust them for current resolution
/*xcenter = 640 * 0.5;*//*gives screen coords in virtual 640x480, to be adjusted when drawn*/
/*ycenter = 480 * 0.5;*//*gives screen coords in virtual 640x480, to be adjusted when drawn*/
xcenter = 640 >> 1;
ycenter = 480 >> 1;
@ -195,7 +201,7 @@ static qboolean CG_WorldCoordToScreenCoord(vec3_t worldCoord, float *x, float *y
transformed[1] = DotProduct(local,up);
transformed[2] = DotProduct(local,fwd);
// Make sure Z is not negative.
/* Make sure Z is not negative. */
if(transformed[2] < 0.01)
if ( clamp )
@ -207,9 +213,9 @@ static qboolean CG_WorldCoordToScreenCoord(vec3_t worldCoord, float *x, float *y
return qfalse;
// Simple convert to screen coords.
xzi = xcenter / transformed[2] * (96.0/cg.refdef.fov_x);//90 //95
yzi = ycenter / transformed[2] * (102.0/cg.refdef.fov_y);//90 //105
/* Simple convert to screen coords. */
xzi = xcenter / transformed[2] * (96.0/cg.refdef.fov_x);/*90*/ /*95*/
yzi = ycenter / transformed[2] * (102.0/cg.refdef.fov_y);/*90*/ /*105*/
*x = (float)(xcenter + xzi * transformed[0]);
*y = (float)(ycenter - yzi * transformed[1]);
@ -239,9 +245,11 @@ but much less worse than what was before. :)
static float CG_FlareScreenTrans(int x, int y, int xmin, int ymin, int xmax, int ymax )
//Think about it, when the XY points are in separate quadrants of the screen,
//they're all the same values anyway, but just either negative or positive.
//Making them all positive, and working on just that set kills about 8 birds with a fricken' huge stone. >:)
* Think about it, when the XY points are in separate quadrants of the screen,
* they're all the same values anyway, but just either negative or positive.
* Making them all positive, and working on just that set kills about 8 birds with a fricken' huge stone. >:)
int lx = abs(x);
int ly = abs(y);
int lxmin = abs(xmin);
@ -250,30 +258,30 @@ static float CG_FlareScreenTrans(int x, int y, int xmin, int ymin, int xmax, int
int lymax = abs(ymax);
int xDif = lxmax - lxmin;
int yDif = lymax - lymin;
float grad = ( (float)lymax/(float)lxmax ); //calc the grad as if (xmin, ymin) were the origin
float grad = ( (float)lymax/(float)lxmax ); /* calc the grad as if (xmin, ymin) were the origin */
float alpha = 1.0;
//if xy is under minimums, just make it 1 :P
/* if xy is under minimums, just make it 1 :P */
if (lx < lxmin && ly < lymin ) {
return alpha;
if ( ly < (lx * grad) ) {//point is running along the side bar
if ( ly < (lx * grad) ) {/* point is running along the side bar */
alpha = (float)( 1.0 - ( (float)lx - (float)lxmin ) / (float)xDif );
//CG_Printf("SIDE BAR!!!! alpha = %f, ly = %i, lymin = %i, yDif = %i\n", alpha, ly, lymin, yDif);
/* CG_Printf("SIDE BAR!!!! alpha = %f, ly = %i, lymin = %i, yDif = %i\n", alpha, ly, lymin, yDif); */
if ( ly > ( lx * grad) ) {//point is running along the top bar
if ( ly > ( lx * grad) ) {/* point is running along the top bar */
alpha = (float)( 1.0 - ( (float)ly - (float)lymin ) / (float)yDif );
//CG_Printf("TOP BAR!!!! alpha = %f, lx = %i, lxmin = %i, xDif = %i, xEq = %f\n", alpha, lx, lxmin, xDif, ((float)lx * grad) );
/* CG_Printf("TOP BAR!!!! alpha = %f, lx = %i, lxmin = %i, xDif = %i, xEq = %f\n", alpha, lx, lxmin, xDif, ((float)lx * grad) ); */
//if xy has exceeded maxes, just make it 0 :P
/* if xy has exceeded maxes, just make it 0 :P */
if ( lx >= lxmax || ly >= lymax )
alpha = 0.0;
//Lock it just in case something weird happened. :S
/* Lock it just in case something weird happened. :S */
if ( alpha > 1.0 )
alpha = 1.0;
if ( alpha < 0.0 )
@ -298,15 +306,15 @@ static float CG_CorrelateMaxMinDist( float len, int min, int max ) {
float alpha = 1.0;
if ( min == max && max == 0 ) //This means it will always be off
if ( min == max && max == 0 ) /* This means it will always be off */
return 0.0;
if ( min <= 0 ) //this means that the parameter wants it to always be on
if ( min <= 0 ) /* this means that the parameter wants it to always be on */
return alpha;
alpha = /*1.0 -*/ ( len - (float)min ) / ((float)max - (float)min); //calculate the alpha
alpha = /*1.0 -*/ ( len - (float)min ) / ((float)max - (float)min); /* calculate the alpha */
if (alpha > 1.0 ) //Clamp it.... again
if (alpha > 1.0 ) /* Clamp it.... again */
alpha = 1.0;
if (alpha < 0.0 )
alpha = 0.0;
Reference in a new issue