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synced 2025-03-04 15:30:54 +00:00
607 lines
16 KiB
607 lines
16 KiB
User interface trigger from within game
#include "ui_local.h"
typedef struct
int deckNum;
char deckDesc[MAX_QPATH];
} deckData_t;
// Data for Closing Credits Menu
typedef struct //static
menuframework_s menu;
int maxDecks;
int chosenDeck;
int highLightedDeck;
sfxHandle_t openingVoice;
menubitmap_s quitmenu;
menubitmap_s engage;
menubitmap_s deck1;
menubitmap_s deck2;
menubitmap_s deck3;
menubitmap_s deck4;
menubitmap_s deck5;
menubitmap_s deck6;
menubitmap_s deck7;
menubitmap_s deck8;
menubitmap_s deck9;
menubitmap_s deck10;
menubitmap_s deck11;
menubitmap_s deck12;
menubitmap_s deck13;
menubitmap_s deck14;
menubitmap_s deck15;
menubitmap_s deck16;
deckData_t deckData[MAX_DECKS];
int numDecks;
int liftNum;
} turbolift_t;
turbolift_t s_turbolift;
void TurboliftMenu_LoadText (void);
#define ID_ARROW1UP 2
#define ID_ARROW1DOWN 3
#define ID_ARROW2UP 4
#define ID_ARROW2DOWN 5
#define ID_QUIT 10
#define ID_DECK1 11
#define ID_DECK2 12
#define ID_DECK3 13
#define ID_DECK4 14
#define ID_DECK5 15
#define ID_DECK6 16
#define ID_DECK7 17
#define ID_DECK8 18
#define ID_DECK9 19
#define ID_DECK10 20
#define ID_DECK11 21
#define ID_DECK12 22
#define ID_DECK13 23
#define ID_DECK14 24
#define ID_DECK15 25
#define ID_DECK16 26
#define ID_ENGAGE 100
void UI_HolodeckMenu_Cache (void);
static void M_Turbolift_Event (void* ptr, int notification)
int id;
menubitmap_s *holdDeck;
id = ((menucommon_s*)ptr)->id;
/*if ( notification != QM_ACTIVATED )
switch (id)
case ID_QUIT:
if ( notification == QM_ACTIVATED )
case ID_DECK1:
case ID_DECK2:
case ID_DECK3:
case ID_DECK4:
case ID_DECK5:
case ID_DECK6:
case ID_DECK7:
case ID_DECK8:
case ID_DECK9:
case ID_DECK10:
case ID_DECK11:
case ID_DECK12:
case ID_DECK13:
case ID_DECK14:
case ID_DECK15:
case ID_DECK16:
if ( notification == QM_ACTIVATED )
if (s_turbolift.chosenDeck >= 0)
holdDeck = &s_turbolift.deck1;
holdDeck += s_turbolift.chosenDeck;
holdDeck->textcolor = CT_BLACK;
s_turbolift.chosenDeck = id - ID_DECK1;
s_turbolift.engage.generic.flags = QMF_HIGHLIGHT_IF_FOCUS;
holdDeck = &s_turbolift.deck1;
holdDeck += s_turbolift.chosenDeck;
//holdDeck->textcolor = CT_WHITE;//CT_LTGOLD1;
else if ( notification == QM_GOTFOCUS )
s_turbolift.highLightedDeck = id - ID_DECK1;
case ID_ENGAGE: // Active only if a deck has been chosen
if ( notification == QM_ACTIVATED ) {
trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_APPEND, va( "deck %i %i", s_turbolift.liftNum, s_turbolift.deckData[s_turbolift.chosenDeck].deckNum ) );
sfxHandle_t TurboliftMenu_Key (int key)
return ( Menu_DefaultKey( &s_turbolift.menu, key ) );
qhandle_t leftRound;
qhandle_t corner_ul_24_60;
qhandle_t corner_ll_12_60;
qhandle_t turbolift;
static void M_TurboliftMenu_Graphics (void)
menubitmap_s *holdDeck;
int i,length,xTurboStart;
int numColor,roundColor;
// Draw the basic screen frame
// Upper corners
trap_R_SetColor( colorTable[CT_DKPURPLE1]);
UI_DrawHandlePic( 20, 24, 64, 32, corner_ul_24_60); // Upper corner
UI_DrawHandlePic( 20, 353, 64, 16, corner_ll_12_60); // Lower Corner
trap_R_SetColor( colorTable[CT_LTPURPLE1] ); //colorTable[CT_LTBLUE1] //[CT_DKGOLD1] //colorTable[CT_VDKPURPLE2]
UI_DrawHandlePic( 100, 86, 128, 128, turbolift); // Turbolift graphic
// Lower corners
trap_R_SetColor( colorTable[CT_DKPURPLE3]); //colorTable[CT_VDKPURPLE2]
UI_DrawHandlePic( 20, 375, 64, -16, corner_ll_12_60); //
UI_DrawHandlePic( 20, 440, 64, 16, corner_ll_12_60); //
xTurboStart = 604;
length = UI_ProportionalStringWidth( menu_normal_text[MNT_TURBOLIFT],UI_BIGFONT);
length += 4;
// Upper half
trap_R_SetColor( colorTable[CT_DKPURPLE1]); //DKGOLD1
UI_DrawHandlePic( 79, 24, xTurboStart - (79 + length), PROP_BIG_HEIGHT, uis.whiteShader); // Top left line
UI_DrawHandlePic( 20, 60, 60, 40, uis.whiteShader); //
trap_R_SetColor( colorTable[CT_DKPURPLE3]);
UI_DrawHandlePic( 20, 106, 60, 11, uis.whiteShader); //
trap_R_SetColor( colorTable[CT_DKPURPLE1]); //DKGOLD1
UI_DrawHandlePic( 20, 123, 60, 240, uis.whiteShader); // Left hand column
UI_DrawHandlePic( 69, 356, 245, 12, uis.whiteShader); //
trap_R_SetColor( colorTable[CT_DKPURPLE3] ); //colorTable[CT_DKPURPLE1]
UI_DrawHandlePic(319, 356, 93, 5, uis.whiteShader); //
UI_DrawHandlePic(319, 360, 31, 8, uis.whiteShader); //
UI_DrawHandlePic(381, 360, 31, 8, uis.whiteShader); //
trap_R_SetColor( colorTable[CT_DKPURPLE1]);
UI_DrawHandlePic(417, 356, 93, 12, uis.whiteShader); //
UI_DrawHandlePic(510, 356,114, 12, uis.whiteShader); //
// Lower half
trap_R_SetColor( colorTable[CT_DKPURPLE3] ); //colorTable[CT_VDKPURPLE2]
UI_DrawHandlePic( 20, 380, 60, 70, uis.whiteShader); // Left Column
trap_R_SetColor( colorTable[CT_DKPURPLE3] ); //colorTable[CT_VDKPURPLE2]
UI_DrawHandlePic( 69, 376, 158, 12, uis.whiteShader); // Top line
UI_DrawHandlePic(232, 376, 82, 12, uis.whiteShader); // Top line
UI_DrawHandlePic(417, 376, 12, 12, uis.whiteShader); //
UI_DrawHandlePic(434, 376, 190, 12, uis.whiteShader); //
// Funky indent
trap_R_SetColor( colorTable[CT_DKPURPLE1] ); //colorTable[CT_DKGOLD1]
UI_DrawHandlePic(319, 383, 93, 5, uis.whiteShader); //
UI_DrawHandlePic(319, 376, 31, 8, uis.whiteShader); //
UI_DrawHandlePic(381, 376, 31, 8, uis.whiteShader); //
// Bottom line
trap_R_SetColor( colorTable[CT_DKPURPLE3] ); //colorTable[CT_VDKPURPLE2]
UI_DrawHandlePic( 69, 443, 287, 12, uis.whiteShader); //
trap_R_SetColor( colorTable[CT_DKPURPLE1]); //colorTable[CT_DKGOLD1]
UI_DrawHandlePic(364, 443, 260, 12, uis.whiteShader); // Bottom line
UI_DrawProportionalString( xTurboStart, 24,
menu_normal_text[MNT_TURBOLIFT], UI_BIGFONT | UI_RIGHT, colorTable[CT_WHITE]);
trap_R_SetColor( colorTable[CT_DKPURPLE1]); //DKGOLD1
UI_DrawHandlePic( 607, 24,-16, 32, leftRound);
holdDeck = &s_turbolift.deck1;
// Print deck buttons
for (i=0;i<s_turbolift.maxDecks;i++)
if (s_turbolift.deckData[i].deckNum )
if (s_turbolift.chosenDeck == i) // This deck was chosen
numColor = CT_WHITE;//CT_LTGOLD1;
roundColor = CT_LTPURPLE1;//CT_LTGOLD1;
else // This deck was not chosen
numColor = CT_WHITE;
roundColor = CT_DKPURPLE1;//CT_DKGOLD1;
UI_DrawProportionalString( holdDeck->generic.x - 6,
va("%d",s_turbolift.deckData[i].deckNum), UI_BIGFONT|UI_RIGHT, colorTable[numColor]); //i+1
trap_R_SetColor( colorTable[roundColor]);
UI_DrawHandlePic( holdDeck->generic.x - 45,
16, 32, leftRound);
if ( s_turbolift.highLightedDeck >= 0 )
UI_DrawProportionalString( 353, 409,
s_turbolift.deckData[s_turbolift.highLightedDeck].deckDesc, UI_SMALLFONT|UI_CENTER, colorTable[CT_WHITE]);
UI_DrawProportionalString( 353, 409, menu_normal_text[MNT_SPECFICYDECK], UI_SMALLFONT|UI_CENTER, colorTable[CT_WHITE]);
// Round graphic on left of engage & quit button
trap_R_SetColor( colorTable[s_turbolift.quitmenu.color]);
UI_DrawHandlePic(s_turbolift.engage.generic.x - 14,
MENU_BUTTON_MED_HEIGHT, s_turbolift.engage.height, uis.graphicButtonLeftEnd);
UI_DrawHandlePic(s_turbolift.quitmenu.generic.x - 14,
MENU_BUTTON_MED_HEIGHT, s_turbolift.quitmenu.height, uis.graphicButtonLeftEnd);
static void TurboliftMenu_Draw(void)
// Draw graphics particular to Main Menu
Menu_Draw( &s_turbolift.menu );
void UI_TurboliftMenu_Cache (void)
leftRound = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip("menu/common/halfroundl_24.tga");
corner_ul_24_60 = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip("menu/common/corner_ul_24_60.tga");
corner_ll_12_60 = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip("menu/common/corner_ll_12_60.tga");
turbolift = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip("menu/common/lift_button.tga");
//Sorts decks in ascending order
static int QDECL SortDecks( const void *arg1, const void *arg2 )
int deck1;
int deck2;
deck1 = ( (deckData_t *)arg1)->deckNum;
deck2 = ( (deckData_t *)arg2)->deckNum;
if ( deck1 < 0 )
deck1 = 0;
if ( deck2 < 0 )
deck2 = 0;
if ( deck1 > deck2 )
return 1;
if ( deck1 == deck2 )
return 0;
return -1;
static void UI_TurboliftMenu_LoadDecks( void )
char buffer[MAX_TOKEN_CHARS];
int i;
char *temp;
s_turbolift.numDecks = 0;
//load the string
trap_GetConfigString( CS_TURBOLIFT_DATA, buffer, sizeof( buffer ) );
if ( !buffer[0] )
memset( &s_turbolift.deckData, 0, sizeof( s_turbolift.deckData ) );
for ( i=0; i < MAX_DECKS; i++ )
temp = Info_ValueForKey( buffer, va( "d%i", i ) );
if ( !temp[0] )
s_turbolift.deckData[ s_turbolift.numDecks ].deckNum = atoi( temp );
temp = Info_ValueForKey( buffer, va( "n%i", i ) );
Q_strncpyz( s_turbolift.deckData[ s_turbolift.numDecks ].deckDesc, temp, sizeof( s_turbolift.deckData[ s_turbolift.numDecks ].deckDesc ) );
//TiM - sort the decks into their sequential order
qsort( s_turbolift.deckData, s_turbolift.numDecks, sizeof( deckData_t ), SortDecks );
static void UI_ManageDeckLoading( void )
char fileRoute[MAX_QPATH];
char mapRoute[MAX_QPATH];
char info[MAX_TOKEN_CHARS];
fileHandle_t f;
int file_len;
char *textPtr;
char buffer[20000];
char *token;
//get the map name
trap_GetConfigString( CS_SERVERINFO, info, sizeof( info ) );
Com_sprintf( mapRoute, sizeof( fileRoute ), "maps/%s", Info_ValueForKey( info, "mapname" ) );
//check for language
UI_LanguageFilename( mapRoute, "turbolift", fileRoute );
file_len = trap_FS_FOpenFile( fileRoute, &f, FS_READ );
if ( file_len <= 1 )
//Com_Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: Attempted to load %s, but wasn't found.\n", fileRoute );
trap_FS_Read( buffer, file_len, f );
trap_FS_FCloseFile( f );
if ( !buffer[0] )
Com_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "ERROR: Attempted to load %s, but no data was read.\n", fileRoute );
s_turbolift.numDecks = 0;
memset( &s_turbolift.deckData, 0, sizeof( s_turbolift.deckData ) );
buffer[file_len] = '\0';
textPtr = buffer;
//Com_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "Beginning Parse\n" );
//expected format is 'decknum' <space> 'deck Desc'
while( 1 )
token = COM_Parse( &textPtr );
if ( !token[0] )
//Com_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "First Token: %s\n", token );
//in case of Scooter's EF SP style DAT files, which require 'DECK' in front of the number
if ( !Q_strncmp( token, "DECK", 4 ) )
token += 4;
//grab the deck number
s_turbolift.deckData[s_turbolift.numDecks].deckNum = atoi( token );
token = COM_ParseExt( &textPtr, qfalse );
if (!token[0])
//Com_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "Second Token: %s\n", token );
Q_strncpyz( s_turbolift.deckData[s_turbolift.numDecks].deckDesc,
sizeof( s_turbolift.deckData[s_turbolift.numDecks].deckDesc ) );
//if this is an EF SP style script, there may be more data after these two. ignore them
if ( COM_ParseExt( &textPtr, qfalse ) == NULL )
SkipRestOfLine( &textPtr );
qsort( s_turbolift.deckData, s_turbolift.numDecks, sizeof( deckData_t ), SortDecks );
void TurboliftMenu_Init(void)
int y,pad,x;
menubitmap_s *holdDeck;
int i,width;
s_turbolift.menu.nitems = 0;
s_turbolift.menu.draw = TurboliftMenu_Draw;
s_turbolift.menu.key = TurboliftMenu_Key;
s_turbolift.menu.wrapAround = qtrue;
s_turbolift.menu.descX = MENU_DESC_X;
s_turbolift.menu.descY = MENU_DESC_Y;
s_turbolift.menu.titleX = MENU_TITLE_X;
s_turbolift.menu.titleY = MENU_TITLE_Y;
s_turbolift.chosenDeck = -1;
s_turbolift.highLightedDeck = -1;
pad = PROP_BIG_HEIGHT + 10;
y = 72;
x = 319;
s_turbolift.maxDecks = MAX_DECKS;
holdDeck = &s_turbolift.deck1;
for (i=0;i<s_turbolift.maxDecks;i++)
holdDeck->generic.type = MTYPE_BITMAP;
holdDeck->generic.flags = QMF_HIGHLIGHT_IF_FOCUS;
holdDeck->generic.x = x;
holdDeck->generic.y = y;
holdDeck->generic.name = GRAPHIC_BUTTONRIGHT;
holdDeck->generic.id = ID_DECK1 + i;
holdDeck->generic.callback = M_Turbolift_Event;
holdDeck->width = width;
holdDeck->height = PROP_BIG_HEIGHT;
holdDeck->color = CT_DKPURPLE1;//CT_VDKRED1;//CT_DKGOLD1;
holdDeck->color2 = CT_LTPURPLE1;//CT_DKRED1;//CT_LTGOLD1;
holdDeck->textX = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_X;
holdDeck->textY = 12;
holdDeck->textEnum = MBT_DECK;
holdDeck->textcolor = CT_BLACK;
holdDeck->textcolor2 = CT_WHITE;
holdDeck->textStyle = UI_TINYFONT;
y += pad;
// Start the next column
if (i == ((s_turbolift.maxDecks-1)/2))
x += width + 90;
y = 80;
s_turbolift.engage.generic.type = MTYPE_BITMAP;
s_turbolift.engage.generic.flags = QMF_GRAYED;
s_turbolift.engage.generic.x = 110;
s_turbolift.engage.generic.y = 72 + (pad * 5);
s_turbolift.engage.generic.name = GRAPHIC_BUTTONRIGHT;
s_turbolift.engage.generic.id = ID_ENGAGE;
s_turbolift.engage.generic.callback = M_Turbolift_Event;
s_turbolift.engage.width = width;
s_turbolift.engage.height = PROP_BIG_HEIGHT;
s_turbolift.engage.color = CT_DKORANGE;
s_turbolift.engage.color2 = CT_LTORANGE;
s_turbolift.engage.textX = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_X;
s_turbolift.engage.textY = 6;
s_turbolift.engage.textEnum = MBT_ENGAGE;
s_turbolift.engage.textcolor = CT_BLACK;
s_turbolift.engage.textcolor2 = CT_WHITE;
//s_turbolift.engage.generic.statusbarfunc = Turbolift_StatusBar;
s_turbolift.quitmenu.generic.type = MTYPE_BITMAP;
s_turbolift.quitmenu.generic.flags = QMF_HIGHLIGHT_IF_FOCUS;
s_turbolift.quitmenu.generic.x = 110;
s_turbolift.quitmenu.generic.y = 72 + (pad * 7);
s_turbolift.quitmenu.generic.name = GRAPHIC_BUTTONRIGHT;
s_turbolift.quitmenu.generic.id = ID_QUIT;
s_turbolift.quitmenu.generic.callback = M_Turbolift_Event;
s_turbolift.quitmenu.width = width;
s_turbolift.quitmenu.height = PROP_BIG_HEIGHT;
s_turbolift.quitmenu.color = CT_DKORANGE;
s_turbolift.quitmenu.color2 = CT_LTORANGE;
s_turbolift.quitmenu.textX = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_X;
s_turbolift.quitmenu.textY = 6;
s_turbolift.quitmenu.textEnum = MBT_RETURNMENU;//MBT_RETURN;
s_turbolift.quitmenu.textcolor = CT_BLACK;
s_turbolift.quitmenu.textcolor2 = CT_WHITE;
//s_turbolift.quitmenu.generic.statusbarfunc = Turbolift_StatusBar;
Menu_AddItem( &s_turbolift.menu, &s_turbolift.engage );
Menu_AddItem( &s_turbolift.menu, &s_turbolift.quitmenu );
holdDeck = &s_turbolift.deck1;
for (i=0;i<s_turbolift.maxDecks;i++)
if (s_turbolift.deckData[i].deckDesc[0])
Menu_AddItem( &s_turbolift.menu, holdDeck );
void UI_TurboliftMenu ( int liftNum )
if ( !liftNum )
memset( &s_turbolift, 0, sizeof( s_turbolift ) );
s_turbolift.liftNum = liftNum;
uis.menusp = 0;
ingameFlag = qtrue; // true when in game menu is in use
UI_PushMenu( &s_turbolift.menu );
Menu_AdjustCursor( &s_turbolift.menu, 1 );