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synced 2025-03-10 18:21:42 +00:00
1691 lines
54 KiB
1691 lines
54 KiB
// Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Id Software, Inc.
//RPG-X: TiM - Removed for RPG-X as serves no purpose, and is wasting resources
#include "ui_local.h"
//typedef struct
// menuframework_s menu;
// menubitmap_s mainmenu;
// menubitmap_s preset;
// menubitmap_s create;
//} spchoose_t;
//static spchoose_t s_spchoose;
//#define ART_LEVELFRAME_FOCUS "menu/art/maps_select"
//#define ART_LEVELFRAME_SELECTED "menu/art/maps_selected"
//#define ART_MAP_UNKNOWN "levelshots/unknownmap"
//#define ART_MAP_COMPLETE1 "menu/art/level_complete1"
//#define ART_MAP_COMPLETE2 "menu/art/level_complete2"
//#define ART_MAP_COMPLETE3 "menu/art/level_complete3"
//#define ART_MAP_COMPLETE4 "menu/art/level_complete4"
//#define ART_MAP_COMPLETE5 "menu/art/level_complete5"
//#define ID_LEFTARROW 10
//#define ID_PICTURE0 11
//#define ID_PICTURE1 12
//#define ID_PICTURE2 13
//#define ID_PICTURE3 14
//#define ID_RIGHTARROW 15
//#define ID_PLAYERPIC 16
//#define ID_AWARD1 17
//#define ID_AWARD2 18
//#define ID_AWARD3 19
//#define ID_AWARD4 20
//#define ID_AWARD5 21
//#define ID_AWARD6 22
//#define ID_AWARD7 23
//#define ID_AWARD8 24
//#define ID_AWARD9 25
//#define ID_RESET 26
//#define ID_CUSTOM 27
//#define ID_NEXT 28
//#define ID_MAINMENU 100
//#define ID_PLAYERINFO 112
//#define ID_NO 120
//#define ID_YES 121
//#define ID_PRESET 122
//#define ID_BACK 123
//#define ID_ADVANCED 124
//#define AWARDS_Y (315)
//#define MAX_ITEM_MAPS 4
//#define MAX_LONGNAME 24
//typedef struct
// menuframework_s menu;
// menubitmap_s mainmenu;
// menubitmap_s back;
// menubitmap_s create;
// menubitmap_s fight;
// menubitmap_s item_leftarrow;
// menubitmap_s item_maps[MAX_ITEM_MAPS];
// menubitmap_s item_rightarrow;
// menubitmap_s item_player;
// menubitmap_s item_awards[6];
// menubitmap_s item_null;
// menubitmap_s item_reset;
// menubitmap_s playerinfo;
// menubitmap_s advanced;
// qboolean reinit;
// const char * selectedArenaInfo;
// int numMaps;
// char levelPicNames[4][MAX_QPATH];
// char levelNames[4][16];
// char levelLongNames[4][MAX_LONGNAME];
// int levelScores[MAX_ITEM_MAPS];
// int levelScoresSkill[4];
// qhandle_t levelSelectedPic;
// qhandle_t levelFocusPic;
// qhandle_t levelCompletePic[5];
// qhandle_t corner_ul_18_12;
// qhandle_t corner_ur_18_12;
// qhandle_t corner_ll_18_34;
// qhandle_t corner_lr_7_12;
// char playerModel[MAX_QPATH];
// char playerPicName[MAX_QPATH];
// int awardLevels[6];
// sfxHandle_t awardSounds[6];
// int numBots;
// qhandle_t botPics[7];
// char botNames[7][10];
//} levelMenuInfo_t;
//static levelMenuInfo_t levelMenuInfo;
//// Reset Menu Struct
//typedef struct
// menuframework_s menu;
// menubitmap_s mainmenu;
// menubitmap_s back;
// menubitmap_s yes;
// qhandle_t corner_ul;
// qhandle_t corner_ur;
// qhandle_t corner_ll;
// qhandle_t corner_lr;
//} resetGameMenuInfo_t;
//static resetGameMenuInfo_t resetGameMenuInfo;
//void UI_ResetGameMenu( void );
//static int selectedArenaSet;
//static int selectedArena;
//static int currentSet;
//static int currentGame;
//static int trainingTier;
//static int finalTier;
//static int minTier;
//static int maxTier;
void PlayerIcon( const char *modelAndSkin, char *iconName, int iconNameMaxSize ) {
char *skin;
char model[MAX_QPATH];
Q_strncpyz( model, modelAndSkin, sizeof(model));
skin = Q_strrchr( model, '/' );
if ( skin ) {
*skin++ = '\0';
else {
skin = "default";
//TiM - Removed skin and added RPG-X parms
Com_sprintf(iconName, iconNameMaxSize, "models/players_rpgx/%s/model_icon.jpg", model );
if( !trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( iconName ) && Q_stricmp( skin, "default" ) != 0 ) {
Com_sprintf(iconName, iconNameMaxSize, "models/players_rpgx/%s/model_icon.jpg", model );
//static qhandle_t PlayerIconHandle( const char *modelAndSkin )
// char iconName[MAX_QPATH];
// PlayerIcon( modelAndSkin, iconName, sizeof(iconName) );
// return trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( iconName );
//static void UI_SPLevelMenu_SetBots( void )
// char *p;
// char *bot;
// char *botInfo;
// char bots[MAX_INFO_STRING];
// levelMenuInfo.numBots = 0;
// Q_strncpyz( bots, Info_ValueForKey( levelMenuInfo.selectedArenaInfo, "bots" ), sizeof(bots) );
// p = &bots[0];
// while( *p && levelMenuInfo.numBots < 7 )
// {
// //skip spaces
// while( *p && *p == ' ' ) {
// p++;
// }
// if( !p ) {
// break;
// }
// // mark start of bot name
// bot = p;
// // skip until space of null
// while( *p && *p != ' ' )
// {
// p++;
// }
// if( *p ) {
// *p++ = 0;
// }
// botInfo = UI_GetBotInfoByName( bot );
// if( botInfo )
// {
// levelMenuInfo.botPics[levelMenuInfo.numBots] = PlayerIconHandle( Info_ValueForKey( botInfo, "model" ) );
// Q_strncpyz( levelMenuInfo.botNames[levelMenuInfo.numBots], Info_ValueForKey( botInfo, "name" ), 10 );
// }
// else
// {
// levelMenuInfo.botPics[levelMenuInfo.numBots] = 0;
// Q_strncpyz( levelMenuInfo.botNames[levelMenuInfo.numBots], bot, 10 );
// }
// Q_CleanStr( levelMenuInfo.botNames[levelMenuInfo.numBots] );
// levelMenuInfo.numBots++;
// }
//extern vmCvar_t ui_language;
//static void UI_SPLevelMenu_SetMenuArena( int n, int level, const char *arenaInfo )
// char map[MAX_QPATH];
// char string[MAX_LONGNAME];
// Q_strncpyz( map, Info_ValueForKey( arenaInfo, "map" ), sizeof(map) );
// Q_strncpyz( levelMenuInfo.levelNames[n], map, sizeof(levelMenuInfo.levelNames[n]) );
// Q_strupr( levelMenuInfo.levelNames[n] );
// if (ui_language.string[0] == 0 || Q_stricmp ("ENGLISH",ui_language.string)==0 ) {
// Q_strncpyz( string, Info_ValueForKey( arenaInfo, "longname" ), sizeof(string) );
// } else {
// Q_strncpyz( string, Info_ValueForKey( arenaInfo, va("longname_%s",ui_language.string) ), sizeof(string) );
// if (!string[0]) {
// Q_strncpyz( string, Info_ValueForKey( arenaInfo, "longname" ), sizeof(string) );
// }
// }
// Q_strncpyz( levelMenuInfo.levelLongNames[n], string, sizeof(levelMenuInfo.levelLongNames[n]) );
// Q_strupr( levelMenuInfo.levelLongNames[n] );
// UI_GetBestScore( level, &levelMenuInfo.levelScores[n], &levelMenuInfo.levelScoresSkill[n] );
// if( levelMenuInfo.levelScores[n] > 8 )
// {
// levelMenuInfo.levelScores[n] = 8;
// }
// strcpy( levelMenuInfo.levelPicNames[n], va( "levelshots/%s.tga", map ) );
// if( !trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( levelMenuInfo.levelPicNames[n] ) )
// {
// strcpy( levelMenuInfo.levelPicNames[n], ART_MAP_UNKNOWN );
// }
// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[n].shader = 0;
// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[n].generic.flags &= ~QMF_HIDDEN;
// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[n].generic.flags &= ~QMF_INACTIVE;
//static void UI_SPLevelMenu_SetMenuItems( void )
// int n,i;
// int level;
// const char *arenaInfo;
// char *type;
// if ( selectedArena == -1 )
// {
// selectedArena = 0;
// }
//// if( selectedArenaSet == trainingTier || selectedArenaSet == finalTier )
//// {
//// selectedArena = 0;
//// }
// if( selectedArena != -1 )
// {
// trap_Cvar_SetValue( "ui_spSelection", selectedArenaSet * ARENAS_PER_TIER + selectedArena );
// }
// if( selectedArenaSet == trainingTier )
// {
// arenaInfo = UI_GetSpecialArenaInfo( "training" );
// level = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( arenaInfo, "num" ) );
// UI_SPLevelMenu_SetMenuArena( 0, level, arenaInfo );
// levelMenuInfo.selectedArenaInfo = arenaInfo;
//// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[0].generic.x = 256;
// Bitmap_Init( &levelMenuInfo.item_maps[0] );
// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[0].generic.bottom += 32;
// levelMenuInfo.numMaps = 1;
// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[1].generic.flags |= QMF_INACTIVE;
// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[2].generic.flags |= QMF_INACTIVE;
// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[3].generic.flags |= QMF_INACTIVE;
// levelMenuInfo.levelPicNames[1][0] = 0;
// levelMenuInfo.levelPicNames[2][0] = 0;
// levelMenuInfo.levelPicNames[3][0] = 0;
// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[1].shader = 0;
// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[2].shader = 0;
// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[3].shader = 0;
// }
// else if( selectedArenaSet == finalTier )
// {
// arenaInfo = UI_GetSpecialArenaInfo( "final" );
// level = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( arenaInfo, "num" ) );
// UI_SPLevelMenu_SetMenuArena( 0, level, arenaInfo );
// levelMenuInfo.selectedArenaInfo = arenaInfo;
//// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[0].generic.x = 256;
// Bitmap_Init( &levelMenuInfo.item_maps[0] );
// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[0].generic.bottom += 32;
// levelMenuInfo.numMaps = 1;
// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[1].generic.flags |= QMF_INACTIVE;
// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[2].generic.flags |= QMF_INACTIVE;
// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[3].generic.flags |= QMF_INACTIVE;
// levelMenuInfo.levelPicNames[1][0] = 0;
// levelMenuInfo.levelPicNames[2][0] = 0;
// levelMenuInfo.levelPicNames[3][0] = 0;
// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[1].shader = 0;
// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[2].shader = 0;
// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[3].shader = 0;
// }
// else
// {
// Bitmap_Init( &levelMenuInfo.item_maps[0] );
// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[0].generic.bottom += 18;
// memset( levelMenuInfo.levelNames,0, sizeof(levelMenuInfo.levelNames));
// // Zero out info
// for ( n = 0; n < MAX_ITEM_MAPS; n++ )
// {
// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[n].generic.flags |= QMF_HIDDEN | QMF_INACTIVE;
// levelMenuInfo.levelScores[n] = 0;
// }
// i = 0;
// for ( n = 0; n < MAX_ITEM_MAPS; n++ )
// {
// level = selectedArenaSet * ARENAS_PER_TIER + n;
// arenaInfo = UI_GetArenaInfoByNumber( level );
// type = Info_ValueForKey( arenaInfo, "type" );
// if( strstr( type, "single" ) )
// {
// UI_SPLevelMenu_SetMenuArena( n, level, arenaInfo );
// i++;
// }
// }
// levelMenuInfo.numMaps = i;
// if( selectedArena != -1 )
// {
// levelMenuInfo.selectedArenaInfo = UI_GetArenaInfoByNumber( selectedArenaSet * ARENAS_PER_TIER + selectedArena );
// }
// }
// // enable/disable arrows when they are valid/invalid
// if ( selectedArenaSet == minTier )
// {
// levelMenuInfo.item_leftarrow.generic.flags |= ( QMF_INACTIVE | QMF_GRAYED );
// }
// else
// {
// levelMenuInfo.item_leftarrow.generic.flags &= ~( QMF_INACTIVE | QMF_GRAYED );
// }
// if ( selectedArenaSet >= maxTier )
// {
// levelMenuInfo.item_rightarrow.generic.flags |= ( QMF_INACTIVE | QMF_GRAYED );
// }
// else
// {
// levelMenuInfo.item_rightarrow.generic.flags &= ~( QMF_INACTIVE | QMF_GRAYED );
// }
// UI_SPLevelMenu_SetBots();
//static void UI_SPLevelMenu_ResetAction( qboolean result )
// if( !result )
// {
// return;
// }
// // clear game variables
// UI_NewGame();
// trap_Cvar_SetValue( "ui_spSelection", 0 );
// // make the level select menu re-initialize
// UI_PopMenu();
// UI_SPLevelMenu();
//static void UI_SPLevelMenu_ResetEvent( void* ptr, int event )
// if (event != QM_ACTIVATED)
// {
// return;
// }
// UI_ResetGameMenu();
//static void UI_SPLevelMenu_LevelEvent( void* ptr, int notification )
// if (notification != QM_ACTIVATED)
// {
// return;
// }
// selectedArena = ((menucommon_s*)ptr)->id - ID_PICTURE0;
// levelMenuInfo.selectedArenaInfo = UI_GetArenaInfoByNumber( selectedArenaSet * ARENAS_PER_TIER + selectedArena );
// UI_SPLevelMenu_SetBots();
// trap_Cvar_SetValue( "ui_spSelection", selectedArenaSet * ARENAS_PER_TIER + selectedArena );
//static void UI_SPLevelMenu_LeftArrowEvent( void* ptr, int notification )
// if (notification != QM_ACTIVATED)
// {
// return;
// }
// if ( selectedArenaSet == minTier )
// {
// return;
// }
// selectedArena = 0;
// selectedArenaSet--;
// UI_SPLevelMenu_SetMenuItems();
//static void UI_SPLevelMenu_RightArrowEvent( void* ptr, int notification )
// if (notification != QM_ACTIVATED)
// {
// return;
// }
// if ( selectedArenaSet == maxTier )
// {
// return;
// }
// selectedArena = 0;
// selectedArenaSet++;
// UI_SPLevelMenu_SetMenuItems();
//static void UI_SPLevelMenu_PlayerEvent( void* ptr, int notification )
// if (notification != QM_ACTIVATED)
// {
// return;
// }
// UI_PlayerSettingsMenu(PS_MENU_SINGLEPLAYER);
//static void UI_SPLevelMenu_CreateEvent( void* ptr, int notification )
// if (notification != QM_ACTIVATED)
// {
// return;
// }
// UI_StartServerMenu( qfalse );
//static void UI_SPLevelMenu_AdvancedEvent( void* ptr, int notification )
// if (notification != QM_ACTIVATED)
// {
// return;
// }
// switch (((menucommon_s*)ptr)->id)
// {
// case ID_ADVANCED:
// UI_ServerAdvancedOptions(1);
// break;
// }
//static void UI_SPLevelMenu_AwardEvent( void* ptr, int notification )
// int n;
// if (notification != QM_ACTIVATED)
// {
// return;
// }
// n = ((menucommon_s*)ptr)->id - ID_AWARD1;
// trap_S_StartLocalSound( levelMenuInfo.awardSounds[n], CHAN_ANNOUNCER );
//static void UI_SPLevelMenu_NextEvent( void* ptr, int notification )
// if (notification != QM_ACTIVATED)
// {
// return;
// }
// if ( selectedArena == -1 )
// {
// selectedArena = 0;
// }
// UI_SPSkillMenu( levelMenuInfo.selectedArenaInfo );
//static void UI_SPLevelMenu_BackEvent( void* ptr, int notification )
// if (notification != QM_ACTIVATED)
// {
// return;
// }
// if ( selectedArena == -1 )
// {
// selectedArena = 0;
// }
// switch (((menucommon_s*)ptr)->id)
// {
// case ID_MAINMENU:
// UI_PopMenu ();
// UI_MainMenu();
// break;
// case ID_BACK:
// UI_PopMenu ();
// break;
// }
//#define MAP_WIDTH 118
//static void UI_SPLevelMenu_MenuDraw( void )
// int n;//, i;
// int x, y;
// vec4_t color;
//// int level;
// int fraglimit;
// int pad;
// char buf[MAX_INFO_VALUE];
// char string[64];
// if( levelMenuInfo.reinit )
// {
// UI_PopMenu();
// UI_SPLevelMenu();
// return;
// }
// UI_MenuFrame2(&levelMenuInfo.menu);
// trap_R_SetColor( colorTable[CT_LTBROWN1]);
// UI_DrawHandlePic( 30, 203, 47, 186, uis.whiteShader); // Left side of frame
// // Map pics frame
// trap_R_SetColor( colorTable[CT_LTPURPLE3]);
// UI_DrawHandlePic( 84, 50, 64, -32, levelMenuInfo.corner_ll_18_34); // Corner at bottom
// UI_DrawHandlePic( 84, 190, 64, 32, levelMenuInfo.corner_ll_18_34); // Corner at bottom
// UI_DrawHandlePic( 108, 60, 506, 18, uis.whiteShader); // Top line
// UI_DrawHandlePic( 84, 85, 34, 102, uis.whiteShader); // Left side of frame
// UI_DrawHandlePic( 93, 194, 34, 18, uis.whiteShader); // Bottom line after corner
// UI_DrawHandlePic( 130, 194, 26, 18, uis.whiteShader); // Line under left arrow
// UI_DrawHandlePic( 159, 194, 391, 18, uis.whiteShader); // Line between next and previous buttons
// UI_DrawHandlePic( 553, 194, 26, 18, uis.whiteShader); // Line under right arrow
// UI_DrawHandlePic( 582, 194, 30, 18, uis.whiteShader); // Line after right arrow
// UI_DrawProportionalString( 133, 61, va( (char*)menu_normal_text[MNT_LEVELS],
// ((selectedArenaSet*ARENAS_PER_TIER)+1),
// ((selectedArenaSet*ARENAS_PER_TIER)+levelMenuInfo.numMaps)),
// UI_SMALLFONT, colorTable[CT_BLACK]);
// UI_DrawProportionalString( 74, 27, "111611",UI_RIGHT|UI_TINYFONT, colorTable[CT_BLACK]);
// UI_DrawProportionalString( 74, 188, "81454",UI_RIGHT|UI_TINYFONT, colorTable[CT_BLACK]);
// UI_DrawProportionalString( 74, 206, "71",UI_RIGHT|UI_TINYFONT, colorTable[CT_BLACK]);
// UI_DrawProportionalString( 74, 395, "345-5",UI_RIGHT|UI_TINYFONT, colorTable[CT_BLACK]);
// // Opponents frame
// trap_R_SetColor( colorTable[CT_DKBROWN1]);
// UI_DrawHandlePic( 348, 221, 16, 32, levelMenuInfo.corner_ur_18_12); // Corner at top
// UI_DrawHandlePic( 349, 373, 16, 16, levelMenuInfo.corner_lr_7_12); // Corner at bottom
// UI_DrawHandlePic( 84, 221, 270, 18, uis.whiteShader); // Top of level info frame
// UI_DrawHandlePic( 352, 245, 12, 125, uis.whiteShader); // Right side of level info frame
// UI_DrawHandlePic( 83, 376, 272, 7, uis.whiteShader); // Bottom of frame
// UI_DrawProportionalString( 88, 223, menu_normal_text[MNT_OPPONENTS], UI_SMALLFONT, colorTable[CT_BLACK] );
// // Player info frame
// trap_R_SetColor( colorTable[CT_DKBROWN1]);
// UI_DrawHandlePic( 367, 221, 16, 32, levelMenuInfo.corner_ul_18_12); // Corner at top
// UI_DrawHandlePic( 366, 373, -16, 16, levelMenuInfo.corner_lr_7_12); // Corner at bottom
// UI_DrawHandlePic( 377, 221, 235, 18, uis.whiteShader); // Top of player info frame
// UI_DrawHandlePic( 367, 245, 12, 125, uis.whiteShader); // Left side of frame
// UI_DrawHandlePic( 379, 376, 233, 7, uis.whiteShader); // Bottom of frame
// // Draw player name
// trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( "name", string, 32 );
// Q_CleanStr( string );
// UI_DrawProportionalString( 390, 223, string, UI_SMALLFONT, colorTable[CT_BLACK] );
// // check for model changes
// trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( "model", buf, sizeof(buf) );
// if( Q_stricmp( buf, levelMenuInfo.playerModel ) != 0 )
// {
// Q_strncpyz( levelMenuInfo.playerModel, buf, sizeof(levelMenuInfo.playerModel) );
// PlayerIcon( levelMenuInfo.playerModel, levelMenuInfo.playerPicName, sizeof(levelMenuInfo.playerPicName) );
// levelMenuInfo.item_player.shader = 0;
// }
// // standard menu drawing
// Menu_Draw( &levelMenuInfo.menu );
// // draw player award levels
///* y = AWARDS_Y;
// i = 0;
// for( n = 0; n < AWARD_MAX; n++ )
// {
// level = levelMenuInfo.awardLevels[n];
// if( level > 0 )
// {
// x = 385 + (i * 38);
// i++;
// if( level == 1 )
// {
// continue;
// }
// if( level >= 1000000 )
// {
// Com_sprintf( string, sizeof(string), "%im", level / 1000000 );
// }
// else if( level >= 1000 ) {
// Com_sprintf( string, sizeof(string), "%ik", level / 1000 );
// }
// else
// {
// Com_sprintf( string, sizeof(string), "%i", level );
// }
// UI_DrawString( x + 19, y + 38, string, UI_CENTER, colorTable[CT_LTGOLD1] );
// }
// }
// // Print black rectangle below map picture
// for ( n = 0; n < levelMenuInfo.numMaps; n++ )
// {
// x = levelMenuInfo.item_maps[n].generic.x;
// y = levelMenuInfo.item_maps[n].generic.y;
// UI_FillRect( x, y + 87, 116, 18, colorTable[CT_BLACK] );
// }
// // show levelshots for levels of current tier
// Vector4Copy( color_white, color );
// color[3] = 0.5+0.5*sin(uis.realtime/PULSE_DIVISOR);
// for ( n = 0; n < levelMenuInfo.numMaps; n++ )
// {
// x = levelMenuInfo.item_maps[n].generic.x;
// y = levelMenuInfo.item_maps[n].generic.y;
// // Map name below picture
// UI_DrawProportionalString( x + (MAP_WIDTH/2), y + 90, levelMenuInfo.levelLongNames[n], UI_CENTER|UI_TINYFONT, colorTable[CT_WHITE] );
// if( levelMenuInfo.levelScores[n] == 1 )
// {
// UI_DrawHandlePic( x, y, 48, 48, levelMenuInfo.levelCompletePic[levelMenuInfo.levelScoresSkill[n] - 1] );
// }
// if ( n == selectedArena )
// {
// if( Menu_ItemAtCursor( &levelMenuInfo.menu ) == &levelMenuInfo.item_maps[n] )
// {
// trap_R_SetColor( color );
// }
// UI_DrawHandlePic( x-1, y-1, MAP_WIDTH, 118 - 14, levelMenuInfo.levelSelectedPic );
// trap_R_SetColor( NULL );
// }
// else if( Menu_ItemAtCursor( &levelMenuInfo.menu ) == &levelMenuInfo.item_maps[n] )
// {
// trap_R_SetColor( color );
// UI_DrawHandlePic( x-1, y-1, MAP_WIDTH, 118 - 14, levelMenuInfo.levelSelectedPic );
// trap_R_SetColor( NULL );
// }
// }
// // show map name and long name of selected level
// Q_strncpyz( buf, Info_ValueForKey( levelMenuInfo.selectedArenaInfo, "map" ), 20 );
// Q_strupr( buf );
// Com_sprintf(string, sizeof(string),"%s",buf);
// UI_DrawProportionalString( 169, 197, string, UI_TINYFONT, colorTable[CT_BLACK] );
// fraglimit = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( levelMenuInfo.selectedArenaInfo, "fraglimit" ) );
// UI_DrawProportionalString( 372, 197, va("%s %i", menu_normal_text[MNT_POINTLIMIT],fraglimit) , UI_TINYFONT, colorTable[CT_BLACK] );
// // draw bot opponents
// y = 242;
// pad = 64 + 3;
// x = 84 - pad;
// for( n = 0; n < levelMenuInfo.numBots; n++ )
// {
// if (n == 4) // Next line of bad guys
// {
// y +=68;
// x = 84 - pad;
// }
// x += pad;
// if( levelMenuInfo.botPics[n] )
// {
// UI_DrawHandlePic( x, y, 64, 64, levelMenuInfo.botPics[n]);
// }
// else
// {
// UI_FillRect( x, y, 64, 64, colorTable[CT_BLACK] );
// UI_DrawProportionalString( x+22, y+18, "?", UI_BIGFONT, color_orange );
// }
// UI_DrawProportionalString( x, y + 54, levelMenuInfo.botNames[n], UI_TINYFONT, colorTable[CT_LTORANGE] );
// }
// // Left rounded ends for buttons
// trap_R_SetColor( colorTable[levelMenuInfo.mainmenu.color]);
// UI_DrawHandlePic(110 - 14, levelMenuInfo.mainmenu.generic.y,
// trap_R_SetColor( colorTable[levelMenuInfo.back.color]);
// UI_DrawHandlePic(110 - 14, levelMenuInfo.back.generic.y,
// trap_R_SetColor( colorTable[levelMenuInfo.item_reset.color]);
// UI_DrawHandlePic(levelMenuInfo.item_reset.generic.x - 14, levelMenuInfo.item_reset.generic.y,
// trap_R_SetColor( colorTable[levelMenuInfo.playerinfo.color]);
// UI_DrawHandlePic(levelMenuInfo.playerinfo.generic.x - 14, levelMenuInfo.playerinfo.generic.y,
// trap_R_SetColor( colorTable[levelMenuInfo.create.color]);
// UI_DrawHandlePic(levelMenuInfo.create.generic.x - 14, levelMenuInfo.create.generic.y,
// trap_R_SetColor( colorTable[levelMenuInfo.advanced.color]);
// UI_DrawHandlePic(levelMenuInfo.advanced.generic.x - 14, levelMenuInfo.advanced.generic.y,
//void UI_SPLevelMenu_Cache( void )
// int n;
// trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( ART_MAP_UNKNOWN );
// for( n = 0; n < AWARD_MAX; n++ )
// {
// trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( ui_medalPicNames[n] );
// levelMenuInfo.awardSounds[n] = trap_S_RegisterSound( ui_medalSounds[n] );
// }
// levelMenuInfo.corner_ul_18_12 = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip("menu/common/corner_ul_18_12");
// levelMenuInfo.corner_ur_18_12 = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip("menu/common/corner_ur_18_12");
// levelMenuInfo.corner_lr_7_12 = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip("menu/common/corner_lr_7_12");
// levelMenuInfo.corner_ll_18_34 = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip("menu/common/corner_ll_18_34");
// levelMenuInfo.levelSelectedPic = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( ART_LEVELFRAME_SELECTED );
// levelMenuInfo.levelFocusPic = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( ART_LEVELFRAME_FOCUS );
// levelMenuInfo.levelCompletePic[0] = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( ART_MAP_COMPLETE1 );
// levelMenuInfo.levelCompletePic[1] = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( ART_MAP_COMPLETE2 );
// levelMenuInfo.levelCompletePic[2] = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( ART_MAP_COMPLETE3 );
// levelMenuInfo.levelCompletePic[3] = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( ART_MAP_COMPLETE4 );
// levelMenuInfo.levelCompletePic[4] = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( ART_MAP_COMPLETE5 );
//static void UI_SPLevelMenu_Init( void )
// int skill;
// int n;
// int x, y;
// int count;
// char buf[MAX_QPATH];
// int mapHeight,mapWidth;
// // What skill level are we playing at??
// skill = (int)trap_Cvar_VariableValue( "g_spSkill" );
// if( skill < 1 || skill > 5 )
// {
// trap_Cvar_Set( "g_spSkill", "2" );
// skill = 2;
// }
// memset( &levelMenuInfo, 0, sizeof(levelMenuInfo) );
// levelMenuInfo.menu.fullscreen = qtrue;
// levelMenuInfo.menu.wrapAround = qtrue;
// levelMenuInfo.menu.draw = UI_SPLevelMenu_MenuDraw;
// levelMenuInfo.menu.descX = MENU_DESC_X;
// levelMenuInfo.menu.descY = MENU_DESC_Y;
// levelMenuInfo.menu.titleX = MENU_TITLE_X;
// levelMenuInfo.menu.titleY = MENU_TITLE_Y;
// levelMenuInfo.menu.titleI = MNT_SINGLEPLAYER_TITLE;
// levelMenuInfo.menu.footNoteEnum = MNT_SINGLEPLAYER;
// UI_SPLevelMenu_Cache();
// levelMenuInfo.mainmenu.generic.type = MTYPE_BITMAP;
// levelMenuInfo.mainmenu.generic.flags = QMF_HIGHLIGHT_IF_FOCUS;
// levelMenuInfo.mainmenu.generic.x = 110;
// levelMenuInfo.mainmenu.generic.y = 391;
// levelMenuInfo.mainmenu.generic.name = BUTTON_GRAPHIC_LONGRIGHT;
// levelMenuInfo.mainmenu.generic.id = ID_MAINMENU;
// levelMenuInfo.mainmenu.generic.callback = UI_SPLevelMenu_BackEvent;
// levelMenuInfo.mainmenu.width = MENU_BUTTON_MED_WIDTH;
// levelMenuInfo.mainmenu.height = MENU_BUTTON_MED_HEIGHT;
// levelMenuInfo.mainmenu.color = CT_DKPURPLE1;
// levelMenuInfo.mainmenu.color2 = CT_LTPURPLE1;
// levelMenuInfo.mainmenu.textX = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_X;
// levelMenuInfo.mainmenu.textY = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_Y;
// levelMenuInfo.mainmenu.textEnum = MBT_MAINMENU;
// levelMenuInfo.mainmenu.textcolor = CT_BLACK;
// levelMenuInfo.mainmenu.textcolor2 = CT_WHITE;
// levelMenuInfo.back.generic.type = MTYPE_BITMAP;
// levelMenuInfo.back.generic.flags = QMF_HIGHLIGHT_IF_FOCUS;
// levelMenuInfo.back.generic.x = 110;
// levelMenuInfo.back.generic.y = 415;
// levelMenuInfo.back.generic.name = BUTTON_GRAPHIC_LONGRIGHT;
// levelMenuInfo.back.generic.id = ID_BACK;
// levelMenuInfo.back.generic.callback = UI_SPLevelMenu_BackEvent;
// levelMenuInfo.back.width = MENU_BUTTON_MED_WIDTH;
// levelMenuInfo.back.height = MENU_BUTTON_MED_HEIGHT;
// levelMenuInfo.back.color = CT_DKPURPLE1;
// levelMenuInfo.back.color2 = CT_LTPURPLE1;
// levelMenuInfo.back.textX = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_X;
// levelMenuInfo.back.textY = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_Y;
// levelMenuInfo.back.textEnum = MBT_BACK;
// levelMenuInfo.back.textcolor = CT_BLACK;
// levelMenuInfo.back.textcolor2 = CT_WHITE;
// levelMenuInfo.item_leftarrow.generic.type = MTYPE_BITMAP;
// levelMenuInfo.item_leftarrow.generic.flags = QMF_HIGHLIGHT_IF_FOCUS;
// levelMenuInfo.item_leftarrow.generic.name = "menu/common/arrow_left_16.tga";
// levelMenuInfo.item_leftarrow.generic.x = 135;
// levelMenuInfo.item_leftarrow.generic.y = 195;
// levelMenuInfo.item_leftarrow.generic.callback = UI_SPLevelMenu_LeftArrowEvent;
// levelMenuInfo.item_leftarrow.generic.id = ID_LEFTARROW;
// levelMenuInfo.item_leftarrow.width = 16;
// levelMenuInfo.item_leftarrow.height = 16;
// levelMenuInfo.item_leftarrow.color = CT_DKGOLD1;
// levelMenuInfo.item_leftarrow.color2 = CT_LTGOLD1;
// levelMenuInfo.item_leftarrow.textX = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_X;
// levelMenuInfo.item_leftarrow.textY = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_Y;
// levelMenuInfo.item_leftarrow.textEnum = MBT_PREVMAPS;
// levelMenuInfo.item_leftarrow.textcolor = CT_BLACK;
// levelMenuInfo.item_leftarrow.textcolor2 = CT_WHITE;
// levelMenuInfo.item_rightarrow.generic.type = MTYPE_BITMAP;
// levelMenuInfo.item_rightarrow.generic.name = "menu/common/arrow_right_16.tga";
// levelMenuInfo.item_rightarrow.generic.flags = QMF_HIGHLIGHT_IF_FOCUS;
// levelMenuInfo.item_rightarrow.generic.x = 558;
// levelMenuInfo.item_rightarrow.generic.y = 195;
// levelMenuInfo.item_rightarrow.generic.callback = UI_SPLevelMenu_RightArrowEvent;
// levelMenuInfo.item_rightarrow.generic.id = ID_RIGHTARROW;
// levelMenuInfo.item_rightarrow.width = 16;
// levelMenuInfo.item_rightarrow.height = 16;
// levelMenuInfo.item_rightarrow.color = CT_DKGOLD1;
// levelMenuInfo.item_rightarrow.color2 = CT_LTGOLD1;
// levelMenuInfo.item_rightarrow.textX = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_X;
// levelMenuInfo.item_rightarrow.textY = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_Y;
// levelMenuInfo.item_rightarrow.textEnum = MBT_PREVMAPS;
// levelMenuInfo.item_rightarrow.textcolor = CT_BLACK;
// levelMenuInfo.item_rightarrow.textcolor2 = CT_WHITE;
// // Map pics
// y = 84;
// x = 130;
// mapHeight = 87;
// mapWidth = 116;
// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[0].generic.type = MTYPE_BITMAP;
// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[0].generic.name = levelMenuInfo.levelPicNames[0];
// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[0].generic.flags = QMF_LEFT_JUSTIFY;
// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[0].generic.x = x;
// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[0].generic.y = y;
// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[0].generic.id = ID_PICTURE0;
// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[0].generic.callback = UI_SPLevelMenu_LevelEvent;
// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[0].width = mapWidth;
// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[0].height = mapHeight;
// x += mapWidth + 6;
// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[1].generic.type = MTYPE_BITMAP;
// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[1].generic.name = levelMenuInfo.levelPicNames[1];
// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[1].generic.flags = QMF_LEFT_JUSTIFY;
// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[1].generic.x = x;
// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[1].generic.y = y;
// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[1].generic.id = ID_PICTURE1;
// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[1].generic.callback = UI_SPLevelMenu_LevelEvent;
// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[1].width = mapWidth;
// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[1].height = mapHeight;
// x += mapWidth + 6;
// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[2].generic.type = MTYPE_BITMAP;
// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[2].generic.name = levelMenuInfo.levelPicNames[2];
// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[2].generic.flags = QMF_LEFT_JUSTIFY;
// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[2].generic.x = x;
// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[2].generic.y = y;
// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[2].generic.id = ID_PICTURE2;
// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[2].generic.callback = UI_SPLevelMenu_LevelEvent;
// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[2].width = mapWidth;
// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[2].height = mapHeight;
// x += mapWidth + 6;
// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[3].generic.type = MTYPE_BITMAP;
// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[3].generic.name = levelMenuInfo.levelPicNames[3];
// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[3].generic.flags = QMF_LEFT_JUSTIFY;
// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[3].generic.x = x;
// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[3].generic.y = y;
// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[3].generic.id = ID_PICTURE3;
// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[3].generic.callback = UI_SPLevelMenu_LevelEvent;
// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[3].width = mapWidth;
// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[3].height = mapHeight;
// levelMenuInfo.item_reset.generic.type = MTYPE_BITMAP;
// levelMenuInfo.item_reset.generic.flags = QMF_HIGHLIGHT_IF_FOCUS;
// levelMenuInfo.item_reset.generic.x = 432;
// levelMenuInfo.item_reset.generic.y = 350;
// levelMenuInfo.item_reset.generic.name = BUTTON_GRAPHIC_LONGRIGHT;
// levelMenuInfo.item_reset.generic.id = ID_RESET;
// levelMenuInfo.item_reset.generic.callback = UI_SPLevelMenu_ResetEvent;
// levelMenuInfo.item_reset.width = MENU_BUTTON_MED_WIDTH;
// levelMenuInfo.item_reset.height = MENU_BUTTON_MED_HEIGHT;
// levelMenuInfo.item_reset.color = CT_DKPURPLE1;
// levelMenuInfo.item_reset.color2 = CT_LTPURPLE1;
// levelMenuInfo.item_reset.textX = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_X;
// levelMenuInfo.item_reset.textY = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_Y;
// levelMenuInfo.item_reset.textEnum = MBT_RESETPROGRESS;
// levelMenuInfo.item_reset.textcolor = CT_BLACK;
// levelMenuInfo.item_reset.textcolor2 = CT_WHITE;
// // Player pic
// trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( "model", levelMenuInfo.playerModel, sizeof(levelMenuInfo.playerModel) );
// PlayerIcon( levelMenuInfo.playerModel, levelMenuInfo.playerPicName, sizeof(levelMenuInfo.playerPicName) );
// levelMenuInfo.item_player.generic.type = MTYPE_BITMAP;
// levelMenuInfo.item_player.generic.flags = QMF_INACTIVE;
// levelMenuInfo.item_player.generic.name = levelMenuInfo.playerPicName;
// levelMenuInfo.item_player.generic.x = 461;
// levelMenuInfo.item_player.generic.y = 247;
// levelMenuInfo.item_player.generic.id = ID_PLAYERPIC;
// levelMenuInfo.item_player.width = 64;
// levelMenuInfo.item_player.height = 64;
// levelMenuInfo.playerinfo.generic.type = MTYPE_BITMAP;
// levelMenuInfo.playerinfo.generic.name = BUTTON_GRAPHIC_LONGRIGHT;
// levelMenuInfo.playerinfo.generic.flags = QMF_HIGHLIGHT_IF_FOCUS;
// levelMenuInfo.playerinfo.generic.x = 432;
// levelMenuInfo.playerinfo.generic.y = 325;
// levelMenuInfo.playerinfo.generic.callback = UI_SPLevelMenu_PlayerEvent;
// levelMenuInfo.playerinfo.generic.id = ID_PLAYERINFO;
// levelMenuInfo.playerinfo.width = MENU_BUTTON_MED_WIDTH;
// levelMenuInfo.playerinfo.height = MENU_BUTTON_MED_HEIGHT;
// levelMenuInfo.playerinfo.color = CT_DKPURPLE1;
// levelMenuInfo.playerinfo.color2 = CT_LTPURPLE1;
// levelMenuInfo.playerinfo.textX = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_X;
// levelMenuInfo.playerinfo.textY = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_Y;
// levelMenuInfo.playerinfo.textEnum = MBT_PLAYERINFO;
// levelMenuInfo.playerinfo.textcolor = CT_BLACK;
// levelMenuInfo.playerinfo.textcolor2 = CT_WHITE;
// for( n = 0; n < AWARD_MAX; n++ )
// {
// levelMenuInfo.awardLevels[n] = UI_GetAwardLevel( n );
// }
//// levelMenuInfo.awardLevels[AWARD_FRAGS] = 100 * (levelMenuInfo.awardLevels[AWARD_FRAGS] / 100);
// y = AWARDS_Y;
// count = 0;
// for( n = 0; n < AWARD_MAX; n++ )
// {
// if( levelMenuInfo.awardLevels[n] )
// {
// x = 385 + (count * 38);
// levelMenuInfo.item_awards[count].generic.type = MTYPE_BITMAP;
// levelMenuInfo.item_awards[count].generic.name = ui_medalPicNames[n];
// levelMenuInfo.item_awards[count].generic.flags = QMF_LEFT_JUSTIFY|QMF_SILENT|QMF_MOUSEONLY;
// levelMenuInfo.item_awards[count].generic.x = x;
// levelMenuInfo.item_awards[count].generic.y = y;
// levelMenuInfo.item_awards[count].generic.id = ID_AWARD1 + n;
// levelMenuInfo.item_awards[count].generic.callback = UI_SPLevelMenu_AwardEvent;
// levelMenuInfo.item_awards[count].width = 34;
// levelMenuInfo.item_awards[count].height = 34;
// count++;
// }
// }
// levelMenuInfo.create.generic.type = MTYPE_BITMAP;
// levelMenuInfo.create.generic.flags = QMF_HIGHLIGHT_IF_FOCUS;
// levelMenuInfo.create.generic.x = 293;
// levelMenuInfo.create.generic.y = 391;
// levelMenuInfo.create.generic.name = BUTTON_GRAPHIC_LONGRIGHT;
// levelMenuInfo.create.generic.id = ID_CUSTOM;
// levelMenuInfo.create.generic.callback = UI_SPLevelMenu_CreateEvent;
// levelMenuInfo.create.width = MENU_BUTTON_MED_WIDTH;
// levelMenuInfo.create.height = MENU_BUTTON_MED_HEIGHT;
// levelMenuInfo.create.color = CT_DKPURPLE1;
// levelMenuInfo.create.color2 = CT_LTPURPLE1;
// levelMenuInfo.create.textX = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_X;
// levelMenuInfo.create.textY = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_Y;
// levelMenuInfo.create.textEnum = MBT_CREATEMATCH;
// levelMenuInfo.create.textcolor = CT_BLACK;
// levelMenuInfo.create.textcolor2 = CT_WHITE;
// levelMenuInfo.advanced.generic.type = MTYPE_BITMAP;
// levelMenuInfo.advanced.generic.flags = QMF_HIGHLIGHT_IF_FOCUS;
// levelMenuInfo.advanced.generic.x = 293;
// levelMenuInfo.advanced.generic.y = 415;
// levelMenuInfo.advanced.generic.name = BUTTON_GRAPHIC_LONGRIGHT;
// levelMenuInfo.advanced.generic.id = ID_ADVANCED;
// levelMenuInfo.advanced.generic.callback = UI_SPLevelMenu_AdvancedEvent;
// levelMenuInfo.advanced.width = MENU_BUTTON_MED_WIDTH;
// levelMenuInfo.advanced.height = MENU_BUTTON_MED_HEIGHT;
// levelMenuInfo.advanced.color = CT_DKPURPLE1;
// levelMenuInfo.advanced.color2 = CT_LTPURPLE1;
// levelMenuInfo.advanced.textX = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_X;
// levelMenuInfo.advanced.textY = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_Y;
// levelMenuInfo.advanced.textEnum = MBT_ADVANCEDSERVER;
// levelMenuInfo.advanced.textcolor = CT_BLACK;
// levelMenuInfo.advanced.textcolor2 = CT_WHITE;
// levelMenuInfo.fight.generic.type = MTYPE_BITMAP;
// levelMenuInfo.fight.generic.flags = QMF_HIGHLIGHT_IF_FOCUS;
// levelMenuInfo.fight.generic.x = 462;
// levelMenuInfo.fight.generic.y = 391;
// levelMenuInfo.fight.generic.name = "menu/common/square.tga";
// levelMenuInfo.fight.generic.id = ID_NEXT;
// levelMenuInfo.fight.generic.callback = UI_SPLevelMenu_NextEvent;
// levelMenuInfo.fight.width = 150;
// levelMenuInfo.fight.height = 42;
// levelMenuInfo.fight.color = CT_DKPURPLE1;
// levelMenuInfo.fight.color2 = CT_LTPURPLE1;
// levelMenuInfo.fight.textX = 2;
// levelMenuInfo.fight.textY = 2;
// levelMenuInfo.fight.textEnum = MBT_ENGAGE;
// levelMenuInfo.fight.textcolor = CT_BLACK;
// levelMenuInfo.fight.textcolor2 = CT_WHITE;
// levelMenuInfo.item_null.generic.type = MTYPE_BITMAP;
// levelMenuInfo.item_null.generic.flags = QMF_LEFT_JUSTIFY|QMF_MOUSEONLY|QMF_SILENT;
// levelMenuInfo.item_null.generic.x = 0;
// levelMenuInfo.item_null.generic.y = 0;
// levelMenuInfo.item_null.width = 640;
// levelMenuInfo.item_null.height = 480;
// Menu_AddItem( &levelMenuInfo.menu, &levelMenuInfo.mainmenu );
// Menu_AddItem( &levelMenuInfo.menu, &levelMenuInfo.back );
// Menu_AddItem( &levelMenuInfo.menu, &levelMenuInfo.item_leftarrow );
// Menu_AddItem( &levelMenuInfo.menu, &levelMenuInfo.item_rightarrow );
// Menu_AddItem( &levelMenuInfo.menu, &levelMenuInfo.item_maps[0] );
// Menu_AddItem( &levelMenuInfo.menu, &levelMenuInfo.item_maps[1] );
// Menu_AddItem( &levelMenuInfo.menu, &levelMenuInfo.item_maps[2] );
// Menu_AddItem( &levelMenuInfo.menu, &levelMenuInfo.item_maps[3] );
// // Extend to pick up names at bottom of pictures
// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[0].generic.bottom += 18;
// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[1].generic.bottom += 18;
// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[2].generic.bottom += 18;
// levelMenuInfo.item_maps[3].generic.bottom += 18;
// Menu_AddItem( &levelMenuInfo.menu, &levelMenuInfo.item_player );
//// for( n = 0; n < count; n++ )
//// {
//// Menu_AddItem( &levelMenuInfo.menu, &levelMenuInfo.item_awards[n] );
//// }
// Menu_AddItem( &levelMenuInfo.menu, &levelMenuInfo.item_reset );
// Menu_AddItem( &levelMenuInfo.menu, &levelMenuInfo.playerinfo );
// Menu_AddItem( &levelMenuInfo.menu, &levelMenuInfo.create );
// Menu_AddItem( &levelMenuInfo.menu, &levelMenuInfo.advanced );
// Menu_AddItem( &levelMenuInfo.menu, &levelMenuInfo.fight );
// Menu_AddItem( &levelMenuInfo.menu, &levelMenuInfo.item_null );
// trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( "ui_spSelection", buf, sizeof(buf) );
// if( *buf )
// {
// n = atoi( buf );
// selectedArenaSet = n / ARENAS_PER_TIER;
// selectedArena = n % ARENAS_PER_TIER;
// }
// else
// {
// selectedArenaSet = currentSet;
// selectedArena = currentGame;
// }
// UI_SPLevelMenu_SetMenuItems();
//void UI_SPLevelMenu( void )
// int level;
// int trainingLevel;
// const char *arenaInfo;
// trainingTier = -1;
// arenaInfo = UI_GetSpecialArenaInfo( "training" );
// if( arenaInfo )
// {
// minTier = trainingTier;
// trainingLevel = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( arenaInfo, "num" ) );
// }
// else
// {
// minTier = 0;
// trainingLevel = -2;
// }
// finalTier = UI_GetNumSPTiers();
// arenaInfo = UI_GetSpecialArenaInfo( "final" );
// if( arenaInfo ) {
// maxTier = finalTier;
// }
// else
// {
// maxTier = finalTier - 1;
// if( maxTier < minTier )
// {
// maxTier = minTier;
// }
// }
// level = UI_GetCurrentGame(-1);
// if ( level == -1 ) {
// level = UI_GetNumSPArenas() - 1;
// if( maxTier == finalTier )
// {
// level++;
// }
// }
// if( level == trainingLevel )
// {
// currentSet = -1;
// currentGame = 0;
// }
// else {
// currentSet = level / ARENAS_PER_TIER;
// currentGame = level % ARENAS_PER_TIER;
// }
// UI_SPLevelMenu_Init();
// UI_PushMenu( &levelMenuInfo.menu );
// Menu_SetCursorToItem( &levelMenuInfo.menu, &levelMenuInfo.fight );
//void UI_SPLevelMenu_f( void )
// trap_Key_SetCatcher( KEYCATCH_UI );
// uis.menusp = 0;
// Mouse_Show();
// UI_SPLevelMenu();
//void UI_SPLevelMenu_ReInit( void )
// levelMenuInfo.reinit = qtrue;
//static void ResetGameMenu_Event (void* ptr, int notification)
// if (notification != QM_ACTIVATED)
// return;
// switch (((menucommon_s*)ptr)->id)
// {
// case ID_MAINMENU:
// UI_PopMenu ();
// UI_MainMenu();
// break;
// case ID_BACK:
// case ID_NO:
// UI_PopMenu ();
// break;
// case ID_YES:
// UI_SPLevelMenu_ResetAction(qtrue);
// break;
// }
//static void UI_resetGameMenu_Draw( void )
// int y;
// // Draw the basic screen layout
// UI_MenuFrame2(&resetGameMenuInfo.menu);
// trap_R_SetColor( colorTable[CT_LTBROWN1]);
// UI_DrawHandlePic(30,203, 47, 186, uis.whiteShader); // Long left column square on bottom 3rd
// // Box around text
// trap_R_SetColor( colorTable[CT_LTPURPLE3]);
// UI_DrawHandlePic(122, 103, 32, 64,resetGameMenuInfo.corner_ul); // Upper left corner
// UI_DrawHandlePic(122, 284, 32, 32,resetGameMenuInfo.corner_ll); // Lower left corner
// UI_DrawHandlePic(544, 103, 32, 64,resetGameMenuInfo.corner_ur); // Upper right corner
// UI_DrawHandlePic(545, 285, 32, 32,resetGameMenuInfo.corner_lr); // Lower right corner
// UI_DrawHandlePic(132,103, 426, 31, uis.whiteShader); // Top of box
// UI_DrawHandlePic(122,143, 19, 138, uis.whiteShader); // Left side of box
// UI_DrawHandlePic(549,143, 19, 138, uis.whiteShader); // Right side of box
// UI_DrawHandlePic(132,288, 32, 18, uis.whiteShader); // Bottom Left line
// UI_DrawHandlePic(526,288, 32, 18, uis.whiteShader); // Bottom Right line
// UI_DrawHandlePic(167,288, 356, 18, uis.whiteShader); // Bottom Middle line
// // Numbers on frame
// UI_DrawProportionalString( 74, 66, "66917",UI_RIGHT|UI_TINYFONT, colorTable[CT_BLACK]);
// UI_DrawProportionalString( 74, 188, "098-145",UI_RIGHT|UI_TINYFONT, colorTable[CT_BLACK]);
// UI_DrawProportionalString( 74, 206, "324-76",UI_RIGHT|UI_TINYFONT, colorTable[CT_BLACK]);
// UI_DrawProportionalString( 74, 395, "774570",UI_RIGHT|UI_TINYFONT, colorTable[CT_BLACK]);
// UI_DrawProportionalString( 150, 107, "63-0999712",UI_TINYFONT, colorTable[CT_BLACK]);
// y = 172;
// UI_DrawProportionalString( 176, y, menu_normal_text[MNT_PLAYER_RESET1], UI_SMALLFONT, colorTable[CT_RED] );
// y+=24;
// UI_DrawProportionalString( 176, y, menu_normal_text[MNT_PLAYER_RESET2], UI_SMALLFONT, colorTable[CT_RED] );
// y+=24;
// UI_DrawProportionalString( 176, y, menu_normal_text[MNT_PLAYER_RESET3], UI_SMALLFONT, colorTable[CT_RED] );
// y+=24*2;
// UI_DrawProportionalString( 262, y, menu_normal_text[MNT_RESET_PLAYER],UI_BLINK | UI_SMALLFONT, colorTable[CT_RED] );
// trap_R_SetColor( colorTable[resetGameMenuInfo.mainmenu.color]);
// UI_DrawHandlePic(110 - 14, resetGameMenuInfo.mainmenu.generic.y,
// trap_R_SetColor( colorTable[resetGameMenuInfo.back.color]);
// UI_DrawHandlePic(110 - 14, resetGameMenuInfo.back.generic.y,
// // standard menu drawing
// Menu_Draw( &resetGameMenuInfo.menu );
//void UI_ResetGameMenu_Cache(void)
// resetGameMenuInfo.corner_ul = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip("menu/common/corner_ul_19_31.tga");
// resetGameMenuInfo.corner_ur = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip("menu/common/corner_ur_19_31.tga");
// resetGameMenuInfo.corner_ll = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip("menu/common/corner_ll_18_19.tga");
// resetGameMenuInfo.corner_lr = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip("menu/common/corner_lr_18_19.tga");
//void ResetGameMenu_Init( void )
// memset( &resetGameMenuInfo, 0, sizeof(resetGameMenuInfo) );
// UI_ResetGameMenu_Cache();
// resetGameMenuInfo.menu.fullscreen = qtrue;
// resetGameMenuInfo.menu.wrapAround = qtrue;
// resetGameMenuInfo.menu.draw = UI_resetGameMenu_Draw;
// resetGameMenuInfo.menu.descX = MENU_DESC_X;
// resetGameMenuInfo.menu.descY = MENU_DESC_Y;
// resetGameMenuInfo.menu.titleX = MENU_TITLE_X;
// resetGameMenuInfo.menu.titleY = MENU_TITLE_Y;
// resetGameMenuInfo.menu.titleI = MNT_CONTROLSMENU_TITLE;
// resetGameMenuInfo.menu.footNoteEnum = MNT_RESETPLAYER;
// resetGameMenuInfo.mainmenu.generic.type = MTYPE_BITMAP;
// resetGameMenuInfo.mainmenu.generic.flags = QMF_HIGHLIGHT_IF_FOCUS;
// resetGameMenuInfo.mainmenu.generic.x = 110;
// resetGameMenuInfo.mainmenu.generic.y = 391;
// resetGameMenuInfo.mainmenu.generic.name = BUTTON_GRAPHIC_LONGRIGHT;
// resetGameMenuInfo.mainmenu.generic.id = ID_MAINMENU;
// resetGameMenuInfo.mainmenu.generic.callback = ResetGameMenu_Event;
// resetGameMenuInfo.mainmenu.width = MENU_BUTTON_MED_WIDTH;
// resetGameMenuInfo.mainmenu.height = MENU_BUTTON_MED_HEIGHT;
// resetGameMenuInfo.mainmenu.color = CT_DKPURPLE1;
// resetGameMenuInfo.mainmenu.color2 = CT_LTPURPLE1;
// resetGameMenuInfo.mainmenu.textX = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_X;
// resetGameMenuInfo.mainmenu.textY = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_Y;
// resetGameMenuInfo.mainmenu.textEnum = MBT_MAINMENU;
// resetGameMenuInfo.mainmenu.textcolor = CT_BLACK;
// resetGameMenuInfo.mainmenu.textcolor2 = CT_WHITE;
// resetGameMenuInfo.back.generic.type = MTYPE_BITMAP;
// resetGameMenuInfo.back.generic.flags = QMF_HIGHLIGHT_IF_FOCUS;
// resetGameMenuInfo.back.generic.x = 110;
// resetGameMenuInfo.back.generic.y = 415;
// resetGameMenuInfo.back.generic.name = BUTTON_GRAPHIC_LONGRIGHT;
// resetGameMenuInfo.back.generic.id = ID_BACK;
// resetGameMenuInfo.back.generic.callback = ResetGameMenu_Event;
// resetGameMenuInfo.back.width = MENU_BUTTON_MED_WIDTH;
// resetGameMenuInfo.back.height = MENU_BUTTON_MED_HEIGHT;
// resetGameMenuInfo.back.color = CT_DKPURPLE1;
// resetGameMenuInfo.back.color2 = CT_LTPURPLE1;
// resetGameMenuInfo.back.textX = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_X;
// resetGameMenuInfo.back.textY = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_Y;
// resetGameMenuInfo.back.textEnum = MBT_BACK;
// resetGameMenuInfo.back.textcolor = CT_BLACK;
// resetGameMenuInfo.back.textcolor2 = CT_WHITE;
// resetGameMenuInfo.yes.generic.type = MTYPE_BITMAP;
// resetGameMenuInfo.yes.generic.flags = QMF_HIGHLIGHT_IF_FOCUS;
// resetGameMenuInfo.yes.generic.x = 462;
// resetGameMenuInfo.yes.generic.y = 391;
// resetGameMenuInfo.yes.generic.name = GRAPHIC_SQUARE;
// resetGameMenuInfo.yes.generic.id = ID_YES;
// resetGameMenuInfo.yes.generic.callback = ResetGameMenu_Event;
// resetGameMenuInfo.yes.width = 150;
// resetGameMenuInfo.yes.height = 42;
// resetGameMenuInfo.yes.color = CT_DKPURPLE1;
// resetGameMenuInfo.yes.color2 = CT_LTPURPLE1;
// resetGameMenuInfo.yes.textX = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_X;
// resetGameMenuInfo.yes.textY = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_Y;
// resetGameMenuInfo.yes.textEnum = MBT_YESRESET;
// resetGameMenuInfo.yes.textcolor = CT_BLACK;
// resetGameMenuInfo.yes.textcolor2 = CT_WHITE;
// Menu_AddItem( &resetGameMenuInfo.menu, &resetGameMenuInfo.mainmenu );
// Menu_AddItem( &resetGameMenuInfo.menu, &resetGameMenuInfo.back );
// Menu_AddItem( &resetGameMenuInfo.menu, &resetGameMenuInfo.yes );
//void UI_ResetGameMenu( void )
// ResetGameMenu_Init();
// UI_PushMenu( &resetGameMenuInfo.menu );
// Menu_SetCursorToItem( &resetGameMenuInfo.menu, &resetGameMenuInfo.back );
//void M_SPChoose_Event (void* ptr, int notification)
// if (notification != QM_ACTIVATED)
// return;
// switch (((menucommon_s*)ptr)->id)
// {
// case ID_MAINMENU:
// UI_PopMenu ();
// break;
// case ID_CUSTOM:
// UI_StartServerMenu( qfalse );
// break;
// case ID_PRESET:
// UI_SPLevelMenu();
// break;
// }
//static sfxHandle_t SPChoose_MenuKey( int key )
// return ( Menu_DefaultKey( &s_spchoose.menu, key ) );
//static void SPChoose_MenuDraw( void )
// // Draw the basic screen layout
// UI_MenuFrame(&s_spchoose.menu);
// trap_R_SetColor( colorTable[CT_LTBROWN1]);
// UI_DrawHandlePic(30,203, 47, 186, uis.whiteShader); // Long left column square on bottom 3rd
// UI_DrawProportionalString( 74, 66, "45",UI_RIGHT|UI_TINYFONT, colorTable[CT_BLACK]);
// UI_DrawProportionalString( 74, 84, "8341",UI_RIGHT|UI_TINYFONT, colorTable[CT_BLACK]);
// UI_DrawProportionalString( 74, 188, "90902",UI_RIGHT|UI_TINYFONT, colorTable[CT_BLACK]);
// UI_DrawProportionalString( 74, 206, "44",UI_RIGHT|UI_TINYFONT, colorTable[CT_BLACK]);
// UI_DrawProportionalString( 74, 395, "6801",UI_RIGHT|UI_TINYFONT, colorTable[CT_BLACK]);
// trap_R_SetColor( colorTable[CT_DKPURPLE1]);
// // Left rounded ends
// UI_DrawHandlePic(290 - 14, 240, MENU_BUTTON_MED_HEIGHT, MENU_BUTTON_MED_HEIGHT, uis.graphicButtonLeftEnd);
// UI_DrawHandlePic(290 - 14, 310, MENU_BUTTON_MED_HEIGHT, MENU_BUTTON_MED_HEIGHT, uis.graphicButtonLeftEnd);
// Menu_Draw( &s_spchoose.menu );
//void SPChooseMenu_Cache( void )
//static void SPChoose_MenuInit(void)
// int x,y;
// SPChooseMenu_Cache();
// s_spchoose.menu.nitems = 0;
// s_spchoose.menu.draw = SPChoose_MenuDraw;
// s_spchoose.menu.key = SPChoose_MenuKey;
// s_spchoose.menu.wrapAround = qtrue;
// s_spchoose.menu.descX = MENU_DESC_X;
// s_spchoose.menu.descY = MENU_DESC_Y;
// s_spchoose.menu.titleX = MENU_TITLE_X;
// s_spchoose.menu.titleY = MENU_TITLE_Y;
// s_spchoose.menu.titleI = MNT_SINGLEPLAYER_TITLE;
// s_spchoose.menu.footNoteEnum = MNT_SOLOMATCHTYPES;
// s_spchoose.menu.fullscreen = qtrue;
// s_spchoose.mainmenu.generic.type = MTYPE_BITMAP;
// s_spchoose.mainmenu.generic.flags = QMF_HIGHLIGHT_IF_FOCUS;
// s_spchoose.mainmenu.generic.x = 482;
// s_spchoose.mainmenu.generic.y = 136;
// s_spchoose.mainmenu.generic.name = BUTTON_GRAPHIC_LONGRIGHT;
// s_spchoose.mainmenu.generic.id = ID_MAINMENU;
// s_spchoose.mainmenu.generic.callback = M_SPChoose_Event;
// s_spchoose.mainmenu.width = MENU_BUTTON_MED_WIDTH;
// s_spchoose.mainmenu.height = MENU_BUTTON_MED_HEIGHT;
// s_spchoose.mainmenu.color = CT_DKPURPLE1;
// s_spchoose.mainmenu.color2 = CT_LTPURPLE1;
// s_spchoose.mainmenu.textX = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_X;
// s_spchoose.mainmenu.textY = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_Y;
// s_spchoose.mainmenu.textEnum = MBT_MAINMENU;
// s_spchoose.mainmenu.textcolor = CT_BLACK;
// s_spchoose.mainmenu.textcolor2 = CT_WHITE;
// x = 290;
// y = 240;
// s_spchoose.preset.generic.type = MTYPE_BITMAP;
// s_spchoose.preset.generic.flags = QMF_HIGHLIGHT_IF_FOCUS;
// s_spchoose.preset.generic.x = x;
// s_spchoose.preset.generic.y = y;
// s_spchoose.preset.generic.name = BUTTON_GRAPHIC_LONGRIGHT;
// s_spchoose.preset.generic.id = ID_PRESET;
// s_spchoose.preset.generic.callback = M_SPChoose_Event;
// s_spchoose.preset.width = MENU_BUTTON_MED_WIDTH;
// s_spchoose.preset.height = MENU_BUTTON_MED_HEIGHT;
// s_spchoose.preset.color = CT_DKPURPLE1;
// s_spchoose.preset.color2 = CT_LTPURPLE1;
// s_spchoose.preset.textX = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_X;
// s_spchoose.preset.textY = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_Y;
// s_spchoose.preset.textEnum = MBT_PRESETGAME;
// s_spchoose.preset.textcolor = CT_BLACK;
// s_spchoose.preset.textcolor2 = CT_WHITE;
// y += 70;
// s_spchoose.create.generic.type = MTYPE_BITMAP;
// s_spchoose.create.generic.flags = QMF_HIGHLIGHT_IF_FOCUS;
// s_spchoose.create.generic.x = x;
// s_spchoose.create.generic.y = y;
// s_spchoose.create.generic.name = BUTTON_GRAPHIC_LONGRIGHT;
// s_spchoose.create.generic.id = ID_CUSTOM;
// s_spchoose.create.generic.callback = M_SPChoose_Event;
// s_spchoose.create.width = MENU_BUTTON_MED_WIDTH;
// s_spchoose.create.height = MENU_BUTTON_MED_HEIGHT;
// s_spchoose.create.color = CT_DKPURPLE1;
// s_spchoose.create.color2 = CT_LTPURPLE1;
// s_spchoose.create.textX = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_X;
// s_spchoose.create.textY = MENU_BUTTON_TEXT_Y;
// s_spchoose.create.textEnum = MBT_CREATEMATCH;
// s_spchoose.create.textcolor = CT_BLACK;
// s_spchoose.create.textcolor2 = CT_WHITE;
// Menu_AddItem( &s_spchoose.menu, &s_spchoose.mainmenu );
// Menu_AddItem( &s_spchoose.menu, &s_spchoose.preset );
// Menu_AddItem( &s_spchoose.menu, &s_spchoose.create );
//void UI_SPChooseMenu( void )
// SPChoose_MenuInit();
// UI_PushMenu( &s_spchoose.menu );
// Menu_SetCursorToItem( &s_spchoose.menu, &s_spchoose.preset );