2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
// Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Id Software, Inc.
# include "g_local.h"
//#include <windows.h>
2011-06-09 11:31:41 +00:00
static void G_SayTo ( gentity_t * ent , gentity_t * other , int mode , int color , const char * name , const char * message ) ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
extern void G_CheckReplaceQueen ( int clientNum ) ;
extern qboolean PlaceDecoy ( gentity_t * ent ) ;
extern int numKilled ;
extern clInitStatus_t clientInitialStatus [ ] ;
extern qboolean levelExiting ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void DeathmatchScoreboardMessage ( gentity_t * ent ) {
char entry [ 1024 ] ;
char string [ 1400 ] ;
int stringlength ;
int i , j ;
gclient_t * cl ;
int numSorted ;
int scoreFlags ;
// send the latest information on all clients
string [ 0 ] = 0 ;
stringlength = 0 ;
scoreFlags = 0 ;
// don't send more than 32 scores (FIXME?)
numSorted = level . numConnectedClients ;
if ( numSorted > 32 ) {
numSorted = 32 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < numSorted ; i + + ) {
int ping ;
cl = & level . clients [ level . sortedClients [ i ] ] ;
if ( cl - > pers . connected = = CON_CONNECTING ) {
ping = - 1 ;
} else {
ping = cl - > ps . ping < 999 ? cl - > ps . ping : 999 ;
Com_sprintf ( entry , sizeof ( entry ) ,
" %i %i %i %i %i %i %i %i %i %i %i " , level . sortedClients [ i ] ,
cl - > ps . persistant [ PERS_SCORE ] , ping , ( level . time - cl - > pers . enterTime ) / 60000 ,
scoreFlags , g_entities [ level . sortedClients [ i ] ] . s . powerups ,
// GetFavoriteTargetForClient(level.sortedClients[i]),
// GetMaxKillsForClient(level.sortedClients[i]),
GetWorstEnemyForClient ( level . sortedClients [ i ] ) ,
GetMaxDeathsForClient ( level . sortedClients [ i ] ) ,
GetFavoriteWeaponForClient ( level . sortedClients [ i ] ) ,
cl - > ps . persistant [ PERS_KILLED ] ,
( ( g_entities [ cl - > ps . clientNum ] . r . svFlags & SVF_ELIMINATED ) ! = 0 ) ) ;
j = strlen ( entry ) ;
if ( stringlength + j > 1024 )
break ;
strcpy ( string + stringlength , entry ) ;
stringlength + = j ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " scores %i %i %i%s " , i ,
level . teamScores [ TEAM_RED ] , level . teamScores [ TEAM_BLUE ] ,
string ) ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Request current scoreboard information
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void Cmd_Score_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
DeathmatchScoreboardMessage ( ent ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static qboolean CheatsOk ( gentity_t * ent ) {
if ( ! g_cheats . integer | | IsAdmin ( ent ) = = qfalse ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" You can't use cheats in a Roleplay Session! \n \" " ) ) ;
return qfalse ;
if ( ent - > health < = 0 ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" You cheat! However you're dead - so haha... \n \" " ) ) ;
return qfalse ;
return qtrue ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
char * ConcatArgs ( int start ) {
int i , c , tlen ;
static char line [ MAX_STRING_CHARS ] ;
int len ;
char arg [ MAX_STRING_CHARS ] ;
len = 0 ;
c = trap_Argc ( ) ;
for ( i = start ; i < c ; i + + ) {
trap_Argv ( i , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
tlen = strlen ( arg ) ;
if ( len + tlen > = MAX_STRING_CHARS - 1 ) {
break ;
memcpy ( line + len , arg , tlen ) ;
len + = tlen ;
if ( i ! = c - 1 ) {
line [ len ] = ' ' ;
len + + ;
line [ len ] = 0 ;
return line ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Remove case and control characters
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void SanitizeString ( char * in , char * out ) {
while ( * in ) {
if ( * in = = 27 ) {
in + = 2 ; // skip color code
continue ;
if ( * in < 32 ) {
in + + ;
continue ;
* out + + = tolower ( * in + + ) ;
* out = 0 ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Returns a player number for either a number or name string
Returns - 1 if invalid
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
int ClientNumberFromString ( gentity_t * to , char * s ) {
gclient_t * cl ;
int idnum ;
char s2 [ MAX_STRING_CHARS ] ;
char n2 [ MAX_STRING_CHARS ] ;
// numeric values are just slot numbers
if ( s [ 0 ] > = ' 0 ' & & s [ 0 ] < = ' 9 ' ) {
idnum = atoi ( s ) ;
if ( idnum < 0 | | idnum > = level . maxclients ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( to - g_entities , va ( " print \" Bad client slot: %i \n \" " , idnum ) ) ;
return - 1 ;
cl = & level . clients [ idnum ] ;
if ( cl - > pers . connected ! = CON_CONNECTED ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( to - g_entities , va ( " print \" Client %i is not active \n \" " , idnum ) ) ;
return - 1 ;
return idnum ;
// check for a name match
SanitizeString ( s , s2 ) ;
for ( idnum = 0 , cl = level . clients ; idnum < level . maxclients ; idnum + + , cl + + ) {
if ( cl - > pers . connected ! = CON_CONNECTED ) {
continue ;
SanitizeString ( cl - > pers . netname , n2 ) ;
if ( ! strcmp ( n2 , s2 ) ) {
return idnum ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( to - g_entities , va ( " print \" User %s is not on the server \n \" " , s ) ) ;
return - 1 ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Give items to a client
TiM : Rebuilt from scratch so
as to allow giving between yourself
and other clients .
Also , incorporated a dynamic item list
to optimize the data between the game
and the UI module .
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Cmd_Give_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
char arg [ 64 ] ;
int clientNum ;
gentity_t * targEnt ;
int i ;
giveItem_t * item = NULL ;
//qboolean giveAll=qfalse;
qboolean self ;
gclient_t * client ;
playerState_t * ps ;
if ( ! ent | | ! ent - > client ) return ;
client = ent - > client ;
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
# ifndef SQL
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as an admin. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
# else
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) | | ! qboolean G_Sql_UserDB_CheckRight ( ent - > client - > uid , 1 ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as a user with the appropiate rights. \n \" " ) ) ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
return ;
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
# endif
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
trap_Argv ( 1 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
if ( ! arg [ 0 ] )
return ;
//lets assume the target is the player for now
clientNum = client - > ps . clientNum ;
ps = & client - > ps ;
//if first char is a num, assume we're directing to another client
if ( arg [ 0 ] > = ' 0 ' & & arg [ 0 ] < = ' 9 ' ) {
clientNum = atoi ( arg ) ;
if ( clientNum < 0 | | clientNum > = MAX_CLIENTS ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" Invalid client num specified. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
targEnt = & g_entities [ clientNum ] ;
if ( ! targEnt | | ! targEnt - > client ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" Client was invalid. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
Q_strncpyz ( arg , ConcatArgs ( 2 ) , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
if ( ! arg [ 0 ] ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" No Item Specified. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
client = targEnt - > client ;
ps = & client - > ps ;
self = qfalse ;
targEnt = & g_entities [ clientNum ] ;
if ( ! targEnt | | ! targEnt - > client ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" Client was invalid. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
trap_Argv ( 1 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
if ( ! arg [ 0 ] ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" No Item Specified. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
self = qtrue ;
if ( ps - > pm_type = = PM_DEAD ) {
if ( ! self )
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You cannot give items to a dead player. \" " ) ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You cannot receive items when you're dead. \" " ) ) ;
return ;
//loop thru all the item data we have - GSIO: changed from i++ to i--
for ( i = bg_numGiveItems - 1 ; i > - 1 ; i - - ) {
item = & bg_giveItem [ i ] ;
if ( ! Q_stricmp ( arg , item - > consoleName ) ) {
break ;
if ( i > = bg_numGiveItems ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: Specified item not found. \" " ) ) ;
return ;
if ( ! self ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" Gave item %s to %s^7. \n \" " , arg , targEnt - > client - > pers . netname ) ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( targEnt - g_entities , va ( " print \" Received item: %s. \n \" " , arg ) ) ;
//Fuck this. Why does ioEF crash if you don't break a case statement with code in it? :S
switch ( item - > giveType ) {
case TYPE_ALL :
targEnt - > health = ps - > stats [ STAT_MAX_HEALTH ] ;
2012-03-16 12:05:41 +00:00
ps - > stats [ STAT_WEAPONS ] = ( 1 < < WP_NUM_WEAPONS ) - 1 - ( 1 < < WP_0 ) ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
//RPG-X: J2J - Added so you dont just get empty weapons
for ( i = MAX_WEAPONS - 1 ; i > - 1 ; i - - ) { /* RPG-X | Marcin | 30/12/2008 */ // GSIO: Changed from i++ to i--
targEnt - > client - > ps . ammo [ i ] + = 1 ;
ps - > stats [ STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEM ] = BG_FindItemForHoldable ( HI_SHIELD ) - bg_itemlist ;
break ;
targEnt - > health = ps - > stats [ STAT_MAX_HEALTH ] ;
break ;
2012-03-16 12:05:41 +00:00
ps - > stats [ STAT_WEAPONS ] = ( 1 < < WP_NUM_WEAPONS ) - 1 - ( 1 < < WP_0 ) ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
//RPG-X: J2J - Added so you dont just get empty weapons
for ( i = MAX_WEAPONS - 1 ; i > - 1 ; i - - ) { // GSIO: changed from i++ to i--
targEnt - > client - > ps . ammo [ i ] + = 1 ;
break ;
case TYPE_AMMO :
for ( i = MAX_WEAPONS - 1 ; i > - 1 ; i - - ) { // GSIO: changed from i++ to i--
targEnt - > client - > ps . ammo [ i ] + = 1 ;
break ;
//G_Printf( "Item %i, Give all: %i\n", item->giveValue, giveAll );
2012-03-23 15:23:32 +00:00
ps - > stats [ STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEM ] = BG_FindItemForHoldable ( item - > giveValue ) - bg_itemlist ;
break ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
//if ( !giveAll ) {
//TiM - Toggle it
ps - > stats [ STAT_WEAPONS ] ^ = ( 1 < < item - > giveValue ) ;
if ( ps - > stats [ STAT_WEAPONS ] & ( 1 < < item - > giveValue ) )
ps - > ammo [ item - > giveValue ] + = 1 ;
ps - > ammo [ item - > giveValue ] = 0 ;
break ;
int flag = 0 ;
int arrayNum = 0 ;
if ( ! Q_stricmp ( item - > consoleName , " god " ) ) {
flag = FL_GODMODE ;
arrayNum = - 1 ;
else if ( ! Q_stricmp ( item - > consoleName , " cloak " ) ) {
flag = FL_CLOAK ;
arrayNum = PW_INVIS ;
else if ( ! Q_stricmp ( item - > consoleName , " flight " ) ) {
flag = FL_FLY ;
arrayNum = PW_FLIGHT ;
targEnt - > flags ^ = flag ;
if ( arrayNum > = 0 ) {
if ( targEnt - > flags & flag ) {
ps - > powerups [ arrayNum ] = level . time + 10000000 ;
ps - > powerups [ arrayNum ] = level . time ;
break ;
//What the absolute fudge?! What the hell is causing the EVA Suit to activate!?
if ( ! ( ent - > flags & FL_EVOSUIT ) )
ps - > powerups [ PW_EVOSUIT ] = 0 ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Sets client to godmode
argv ( 0 ) god
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Cmd_God_f ( gentity_t * ent )
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
# ifndef SQL
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as an admin. \n \" " ) ) ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
return ;
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
# else
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) | | ! qboolean G_Sql_UserDB_CheckRight ( ent - > client - > uid , 2 ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as a user with the appropiate rights. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
# endif
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
ent - > flags ^ = FL_GODMODE ;
if ( ! ( ent - > flags & FL_GODMODE ) )
G_PrintfClient ( ent , " %s " , " godmode OFF \n " ) ;
G_PrintfClient ( ent , " %s " , " godmode ON \n " ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Sets client to notarget
argv ( 0 ) notarget
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
// Harry -- Do we need this? I believe this is for bots only.
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
static void Cmd_Notarget_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
if ( IsAdmin ( ent ) = = qfalse ) {
return ;
ent - > flags ^ = FL_NOTARGET ;
if ( ! ( ent - > flags & FL_NOTARGET ) )
G_PrintfClient ( ent , " %s " , " notarget OFF \n " ) ;
G_PrintfClient ( ent , " %s " , " notarget ON \n " ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
argv ( 0 ) noclip
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Cmd_Noclip_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
gclient_t * client ;
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
# ifndef SQL
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as an admin. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
# else
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) | | ! qboolean G_Sql_UserDB_CheckRight ( ent - > client - > uid , 4 ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as a user with the appropiate rights. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
# endif
2012-03-23 15:23:32 +00:00
client = ent - > client ;
if ( client - > ps . pm_type = = PM_DEAD ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" You can't noclip when you're dead! \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
2012-03-23 15:23:32 +00:00
if ( client - > noclip ) {
G_PrintfClient ( ent , " %s " , " noclip OFF \n " ) ;
} else {
G_PrintfClient ( ent , " %s " , " noclip ON \n " ) ;
client - > noclip = ( qboolean ) ! client - > noclip ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
2012-03-23 15:23:32 +00:00
return ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
This is just to help generate the level pictures
for the menus . It goes to the intermission immediately
and sends over a command to the client to resize the view ,
hide the scoreboard , and take a special screenshot
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Cmd_LevelShot_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
if ( ! CheatsOk ( ent ) ) {
return ;
// doesn't work in single player
if ( g_gametype . integer ! = 0 ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities ,
" print \" Must be in g_gametype 0 for levelshot \n \" " ) ;
return ;
level . intermissiontime = - 1 ;
// Special 'level shot' setting -- Terrible ABUSE!!! HORRIBLE NASTY HOBBITTESSSES
BeginIntermission ( ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " clientLevelShot " ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
TiM : Okay . . . I think
instead of making a new
func , we can just tweak this one a bit . : )
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
int lastKillTime [ MAX_CLIENTS ] ;
static void Cmd_Kill_f ( gentity_t * ent )
int meansOfDeath = MOD_SUICIDE ; //Means of death set to suicide by default
char deathMsg [ MAX_STRING_TOKENS ] ; //The death message will never be this long, but just to be sure....
clientSession_t * sess = & ent - > client - > sess ;
int clientNum = ent - > client - > ps . clientNum ;
playerState_t * ps = & ent - > client - > ps ;
clientPersistant_t * pers = & ent - > client - > pers ;
//RPG-X: Redtechie - haha too stupid to kill them selves!
if ( g_classData [ sess - > sessionClass ] . isn00b /*ent->client->sess.sessionClass == PC_N00B*/ )
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" Sorry, you're too n00bish to handle this command. \n \" " ) ;
return ;
if ( sess - > sessionTeam = = TEAM_SPECTATOR /*|| (ent->client->ps.eFlags&EF_ELIMINATED)*/ ) {
return ;
if ( rpg_allowsuicide . integer = = 0 )
return ;
if ( lastKillTime [ clientNum ] > level . time - 5000 ) // Marcin - changed
{ //can't flood-kill
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , va ( " cp \" Cannot suicide for %d seconds " , ( lastKillTime [ ent - > client - > ps . clientNum ] - ( level . time - 60000 ) ) / 1000 ) ) ;
return ;
//TiM: Check for whether we have args or not
if ( trap_Argc ( ) > 1 ) {
//Load the arguments
Q_strncpyz ( deathMsg , ConcatArgs ( 1 ) , sizeof ( deathMsg ) ) ;
//If the args are valid
if ( deathMsg [ 0 ] ) {
//switch the MOD
meansOfDeath = MOD_CUSTOM_DIE ;
//broadcast the message
trap_SendServerCommand ( - 1 , va ( " print \" %s " S_COLOR_WHITE " %s \n \" " , ent - > client - > pers . netname , deathMsg ) ) ;
lastKillTime [ clientNum ] = level . time ;
ent - > flags & = ~ FL_GODMODE ;
//RPG-X: Medics revive Support for suiciding
if ( rpg_medicsrevive . integer ! = 0 ) {
2012-03-16 12:05:41 +00:00
ps - > stats [ STAT_WEAPONS ] = ( 1 < < WP_0 ) ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
ps - > stats [ STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEM ] = HI_NONE ;
ps - > stats [ STAT_HEALTH ] = ent - > health = 1 ;
player_die ( ent , ent , ent , 1 , meansOfDeath ) ; //MOD_SUICIDE
} else {
ps - > stats [ STAT_HEALTH ] = ent - > health = 0 ;
player_die ( ent , ent , ent , 100000 , meansOfDeath ) ; //MOD_SUICIDE
if ( rpg_kicksuiciders . integer > 0 )
pers - > suicideCount + + ;
if ( pers - > suicideCount > = rpg_kicksuiciders . integer )
trap_DropClient ( clientNum , " Kicked: Too many suicides " ) ;
//trap_SendConsoleCommand( EXEC_APPEND, va("kick \"%i\"\n", ent->client->ps.clientNum ) );
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Let everyone know about a team change
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void BroadcastTeamChange ( gclient_t * client , int oldTeam )
clientSession_t * sess = & client - > sess ;
clientPersistant_t * pers = & client - > pers ;
if ( levelExiting )
{ //no need to do this during level changes
return ;
if ( sess - > sessionTeam = = TEAM_RED ) {
char red_team [ MAX_QPATH ] ;
trap_GetConfigstring ( CS_RED_GROUP , red_team , sizeof ( red_team ) ) ;
if ( ! red_team [ 0 ] ) {
Q_strncpyz ( red_team , " red team " , sizeof ( red_team ) ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( - 1 , va ( " cp \" %.15s " S_COLOR_WHITE " joined the %s. \n \" " , pers - > netname , red_team ) ) ;
} else if ( sess - > sessionTeam = = TEAM_BLUE ) {
char blue_team [ MAX_QPATH ] ;
trap_GetConfigstring ( CS_BLUE_GROUP , blue_team , sizeof ( blue_team ) ) ;
if ( ! blue_team [ 0 ] ) {
Q_strncpyz ( blue_team , " blue team " , sizeof ( blue_team ) ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( - 1 , va ( " cp \" %.15s " S_COLOR_WHITE " joined the %s. \n \" " , pers - > netname , blue_team ) ) ;
} else if ( sess - > sessionTeam = = TEAM_SPECTATOR & & oldTeam ! = TEAM_SPECTATOR ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( - 1 , va ( " cp \" %.15s " S_COLOR_WHITE " is now spectating. \n \" " ,
pers - > netname ) ) ;
} else if ( sess - > sessionTeam = = TEAM_FREE ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( - 1 , va ( " cp \" %.15s " S_COLOR_WHITE " joined the Roleplay Session. \n \" " ,
pers - > netname ) ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Let everyone know about a team change
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void BroadcastClassChange ( gclient_t * client , pclass_t oldPClass )
if ( levelExiting )
{ //no need to do this during level changes
return ;
if ( g_classData [ client - > sess . sessionClass ] . message [ 0 ] )
trap_SendServerCommand ( - 1 , va ( " cp \" %.15s " S_COLOR_WHITE " %s \n \" " , client - > pers . netname , g_classData [ client - > sess . sessionClass ] . message ) ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
qboolean SetTeam ( gentity_t * ent , char * s ) {
int team , oldTeam ;
gclient_t * client ;
int clientNum , clNum ;
spectatorState_t specState ;
int specClient ;
int isBot ;
char info [ MAX_INFO_STRING ] ;
clientSession_t * sess ;
isBot = atoi ( Info_ValueForKey ( info , " skill " ) ) ;
// see what change is requested
client = ent - > client ;
clientNum = client - level . clients ;
specClient = 0 ;
specState = SPECTATOR_NOT ;
clNum = client - > ps . clientNum ;
sess = & client - > sess ;
if ( g_gametype . integer > = GT_TEAM & & ! isBot )
if ( ! ( ! Q_stricmp ( s , " spectator " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( s , " s " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( s , " red " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( s , " r " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( s , " blue " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( s , " b " ) ) )
return qfalse ;
if ( ! Q_stricmp ( s , " spectator " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( s , " s " ) ) {
specState = SPECTATOR_FREE ;
client - > noclip = 1 ;
} else if ( g_gametype . integer > = GT_TEAM ) {
// if running a team game, assign player to one of the teams
specState = SPECTATOR_NOT ;
if ( ! Q_stricmp ( s , " red " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( s , " r " ) ) {
team = TEAM_RED ;
} else if ( ! Q_stricmp ( s , " blue " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( s , " b " ) ) {
team = TEAM_BLUE ;
} else {
// pick the team with the least number of players
// team = PickTeam( clientNum );
if ( isBot )
team = PickTeam ( clientNum ) ;
specState = SPECTATOR_FREE ;
2012-03-23 15:23:32 +00:00
if ( g_teamForceBalance . integer )
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
int counts [ TEAM_NUM_TEAMS ] ;
counts [ TEAM_BLUE ] = TeamCount ( clNum , TEAM_BLUE ) ;
counts [ TEAM_RED ] = TeamCount ( clNum , TEAM_RED ) ;
// We allow a spread of two
if ( team = = TEAM_RED & & counts [ TEAM_RED ] - counts [ TEAM_BLUE ] > 1 )
trap_SendServerCommand ( clNum ,
" cp \" Red team has too many players. \n \" " ) ;
return qfalse ; // ignore the request
if ( team = = TEAM_BLUE & & counts [ TEAM_BLUE ] - counts [ TEAM_RED ] > 1 )
trap_SendServerCommand ( clNum ,
" cp \" Blue team has too many players. \n \" " ) ;
return qfalse ; // ignore the request
// It's ok, the team we are switching to has less or same number of players
2012-03-23 15:23:32 +00:00
team = TEAM_FREE ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
// override decision if limiting the players
if ( g_gametype . integer = = GT_TOURNAMENT
& & level . numNonSpectatorClients > = 2 ) {
} else if ( g_maxGameClients . integer > 0 & &
level . numNonSpectatorClients > = g_maxGameClients . integer ) {
// decide if we will allow the change
oldTeam = sess - > sessionTeam ;
if ( team = = oldTeam & & team ! = TEAM_SPECTATOR ) {
return qfalse ;
// execute the team change
// he starts at 'base'
client - > pers . teamState . state = TEAM_BEGIN ;
if ( oldTeam ! = TEAM_SPECTATOR ) {
// Kill him (makes sure he loses flags, etc)
ent - > flags & = ~ FL_GODMODE ;
ent - > client - > ps . stats [ STAT_HEALTH ] = ent - > health = 0 ;
player_die ( ent , NULL , NULL , 100000 , MOD_RESPAWN ) ;
// they go to the end of the line for tournements
if ( team = = TEAM_SPECTATOR ) {
sess - > spectatorTime = level . time ;
sess - > sessionTeam = team ;
sess - > spectatorState = specState ;
sess - > spectatorClient = specClient ;
BroadcastTeamChange ( client , oldTeam ) ;
// get and distribute relevent paramters
ClientUserinfoChanged ( clientNum ) ;
ClientBegin ( clientNum , qfalse , qfalse , qfalse ) ;
return qtrue ;
char * ClassNameForValue ( pclass_t pClass )
char buffer [ MAX_QPATH ] ;
char * ptr ;
trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer ( va ( " rpg_%sPass " , g_classData [ pClass ] . consoleName ) , buffer , sizeof ( buffer ) ) ;
ptr = buffer ;
return ptr ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
TiM : I removed this portion from the SetClass
function so I could use it in several other
sections of the code .
More effective code recycling . : )
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
pclass_t ValueNameForClass ( /*gentity_t *ent,*/ char * s ) {
pclass_t pclass ;
char buffer [ MAX_QPATH ] ;
for ( pclass = 0 ; pclass < MAX_CLASSES ; pclass + + )
if ( ! g_classData [ pclass ] . consoleName [ 0 ] )
break ;
trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer ( va ( " rpg_%sPass " , g_classData [ pclass ] . consoleName ) , buffer , sizeof ( buffer ) ) ;
if ( ! Q_stricmp ( buffer , s ) )
return pclass ;
return - 1 ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
TiM : Created so we can get the class
name off of the actual class , and not user input
More effective code recycling . : )
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
char * ClassForValueName ( pclass_t pclass ) {
return g_classData [ pclass ] . formalName ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
qboolean SetClass ( gentity_t * ent , char * s , char * teamName , qboolean SaveToCvar ) {
int pclass , oldPClass ;
gclient_t * client ;
int clientNum ;
qboolean wasAdmin = ent - > client - > LoggedAsAdmin ;
clientSession_t * sess ;
playerState_t * ps ;
//int OldType;
//FIXME: check for appropriate game mod being on first
//FIXME: can't change class while playing
// see what change is requested
client = ent - > client ;
sess = & client - > sess ;
ps = & client - > ps ;
clientNum = client - level . clients ;
//RPG-X: TiM - Code Recyclables :)
pclass = ValueNameForClass ( /*ent,*/ s ) ;
2012-03-19 11:11:23 +00:00
if ( pclass < 0 ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ps - > clientNum , va ( " print \" Class doesn't exist! \n \" " ) ) ;
return qfalse ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
// decide if we will allow the change
oldPClass = sess - > sessionClass ;
if ( pclass = = oldPClass )
return qfalse ;
// execute the class change
if ( g_classData [ pclass ] . isAdmin /*pclass == PC_ADMIN*/ ) {
// RPG-X | Phenix | 21/11/2004 | If they go into the admin class remove other
// admin settings
client - > AdminFailed = 0 ;
client - > LoggedAsAdmin = qfalse ;
client - > LoggedAsDeveloper = qfalse ;
sess - > sessionClass = pclass ;
BroadcastClassChange ( client , oldPClass ) ;
if ( teamName ! = NULL & & SetTeam ( ent , teamName ) )
return qtrue ;
{ //not changing teams or couldn't change teams
// get and distribute relevent paramters
ClientUserinfoChanged ( clientNum ) ;
//if in the game already, kill and respawn him, else just wait to join
if ( sess - > sessionTeam = = TEAM_SPECTATOR )
{ // they go to the end of the line for tournaments
sess - > spectatorTime = level . time ;
//RPG-X | Phenix | 08/03/2005
/*if ( client->lasersight) {
//RPG-X: J2J - Phenix, please check for compiler errors before uplaoding new code. OldType was oldType, thus causing an error.
OldType = client - > lasersight - > s . eventParm ;
G_FreeEntity ( client - > lasersight ) ;
client - > lasersight = NULL ;
} */
//RPG-X: RedTechie - No respawn for n00bs set all info and frap that a n00b needs HERE this eliminates respawns for n00bs
if ( g_classData [ pclass ] . isn00b /*pclass == PC_N00B*/ ) {
ClientSpawn ( ent , 1 , qfalse ) ;
2012-03-16 12:05:41 +00:00
ps - > stats [ STAT_WEAPONS ] = ( 1 < < WP_0 ) ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
ps - > stats [ STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEM ] = HI_NONE ;
//Take some admin powerups away and give some n00b powerps ;)
ent - > flags & = ~ FL_GODMODE ;
ps - > powerups [ PW_FLIGHT ] = 0 ;
ps - > powerups [ PW_INVIS ] = 0 ;
ps - > powerups [ PW_EVOSUIT ] = 0 ;
ps - > powerups [ PW_GHOST ] = INT_MAX ;
//Turn no clip on for the N00B so he dosnt disturb rp's
client - > noclip = qtrue ;
ent - > r . contents = CONTENTS_CORPSE ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( ps - > clientNum , " playN00bInsult " ) ;
} else {
// he starts at 'base' - Removed phenix
client - > pers . teamState . state = TEAM_BEGIN ;
// Kill him (makes sure he loses flags, etc)
ent - > flags & = ~ FL_GODMODE ;
ps - > stats [ STAT_HEALTH ] = ent - > health = 0 ;
player_die ( ent , NULL , NULL , 100000 , MOD_RESPAWN ) ;
ClientBegin ( clientNum , qfalse , qfalse , qfalse ) ;
if ( wasAdmin ) { // RPG-X: Marcin: people requested this... - 03/01/2009
client - > LoggedAsAdmin = qtrue ;
return qtrue ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
If the client being followed leaves the game , or you just want to drop
to free floating spectator mode
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void StopFollowing ( gentity_t * ent ) {
playerState_t * ps = & ent - > client - > ps ;
clientSession_t * sess = & ent - > client - > sess ;
ps - > persistant [ PERS_TEAM ] = TEAM_SPECTATOR ;
sess - > sessionTeam = TEAM_SPECTATOR ;
sess - > spectatorState = SPECTATOR_FREE ;
ps - > pm_flags & = ~ PMF_FOLLOW ;
ent - > r . svFlags & = ~ SVF_BOT ;
ps - > clientNum = ent - g_entities ;
//don't be dead
ps - > stats [ STAT_HEALTH ] = ps - > stats [ STAT_MAX_HEALTH ] ;
extern team_t borgTeam ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Cmd_Team_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
int oldTeam ;
char s [ MAX_TOKEN_CHARS ] ;
int j ;
char send [ 100 ] ;
gentity_t * other ;
clientSession_t * sess = & ent - > client - > sess ;
//RPG-X: Redtechie - haha to stupid to change teams!
if ( g_classData [ sess - > sessionClass ] . isn00b /*ent->client->sess.sessionClass == PC_N00B*/ )
Com_sprintf ( send , sizeof ( send ) , " %s ^7 doesn't know when to quit trying to change teams! " , ent - > client - > pers . netname ) ;
for ( j = MAX_GENTITIES - 1 ; j > - 1 ; j - - ) { // GSIO: change j++ to j--, also why the gell 1023 and not MAX_GENTITIES???
if ( g_entities [ j ] . client ) {
other = & g_entities [ j ] ;
G_SayTo ( ent , other , 5 , COLOR_CYAN , " ^7Server: " , send ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" Sorry, you're too n00bish to handle this command. \n \" " ) ;
return ;
oldTeam = sess - > sessionTeam ;
if ( trap_Argc ( ) ! = 2 ) {
switch ( oldTeam ) {
case TEAM_BLUE :
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" Blue team \n \" " ) ;
break ;
case TEAM_RED :
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" Red team \n \" " ) ;
break ;
case TEAM_FREE :
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" Free team \n \" " ) ;
break ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" Spectator team \n \" " ) ;
break ;
return ;
trap_Argv ( 1 , s , sizeof ( s ) ) ;
// if they are playing a tournement game, count as a loss
if ( g_gametype . integer = = GT_TOURNAMENT & & sess - > sessionTeam = = TEAM_FREE )
sess - > losses + + ;
//if this is a manual change, not an assimilation, uninitialize the clInitStatus data
SetTeam ( ent , s ) ;
//clientInitialStatus[ent->s.number].initialized = qfalse;
ent - > client - > switchTeamTime = level . time + 2000 ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Cmd_Class_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
int OldScoreclass ;
char s [ MAX_TOKEN_CHARS ] ;
int j ;
char send [ 100 ] ;
gentity_t * other ;
qboolean check = qtrue ;
char * className ;
gclient_t * client ;
clientSession_t * sess ;
playerState_t * ps ;
if ( ! ent | | ! ent - > client )
return ;
if ( ent - > flags & FL_CLAMPED )
return ;
client = ent - > client ;
sess = & client - > sess ;
ps = & client - > ps ;
//RPG-X: Marcin - fragger respawn prevention - 03/01/2009
if ( ( ent - > s . eFlags & EF_DEAD ) & & ( client - > fraggerTime ! = - 1 ) & & ( client - > fraggerTime > level . time ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" Sorry, you can't directly respawn after having been caught fragging. \n \" " ) ;
return ;
//RPG-X: Redtechie - haha to stupid to change classes!
if ( g_classData [ sess - > sessionClass ] . isn00b /*ent->client->sess.sessionClass == PC_N00B*/ )
Com_sprintf ( send , sizeof ( send ) , " %s ^7 doesn't know when to quit trying to change classes from n00bie " , ent - > client - > pers . netname ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < MAX_CLIENTS - 1 ; j + + ) {
if ( g_entities [ j ] . client ) {
other = & g_entities [ j ] ;
G_SayTo ( ent , other , 5 , COLOR_CYAN , " ^7Server: " , send ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" Sorry, you're too n00bish to handle this command. \n \" " ) ;
return ;
OldScoreclass = ps - > persistant [ PERS_SCORE ] ;
if ( trap_Argc ( ) = = 1 )
className = g_classData [ sess - > sessionClass ] . formalName ;
check = qfalse ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" \n Current Class: %s \n Usage: Changes the user to a different class \n Command: Class <Class Name> \n \n Type '/classlist' into the console for a more complete list \n \" " , className ) ) ;
return ;
//trying to set your class
trap_Argv ( 1 , s , sizeof ( s ) ) ;
//if this is a manual change, not an assimilation, uninitialize the clInitStatus data
clientInitialStatus [ ent - > s . number ] . initialized = qfalse ;
if ( SetClass ( ent , s , NULL , qtrue ) )
//if still in warmup, don't debounce class changes
if ( g_doWarmup . integer )
if ( level . warmupTime ! = 0 )
if ( level . warmupTime < 0 | | level . time - level . startTime < = level . warmupTime )
return ;
//if warmuptime is over, don't change classes again for a bit
ent - > client - > classChangeDebounceTime = level . time + ( g_classChangeDebounceTime . integer * 1000 ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " pc %s " , s ) ) ;
ps - > persistant [ PERS_SCORE ] = OldScoreclass ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Cmd_Cloak_f ( gentity_t * ent )
char arg [ 16 ] ;
char * msg ;
playerState_t * ps ;
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
# ifndef SQL
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) ) {
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as an admin. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
# else
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) | | ! qboolean G_Sql_UserDB_CheckRight ( ent - > client - > uid , 8 ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as a user with the appropiate rights. \n \" " ) ) ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
return ;
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
# endif
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
ps = & ent - > client - > ps ;
trap_Argv ( 1 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
if ( ! arg [ 0 ] ) {
G_PrintfClient ( ent , " Usage: cloak 1 = cloak silent, cloak 0 = qflash \n " ) ;
return ;
G_AddEvent ( ent , EV_SET_CLOAK , atoi ( arg ) ) ; //GSIO01 I know this sucks but at least it works
ent - > flags ^ = FL_CLOAK ;
if ( ! ( ent - > flags & FL_CLOAK ) )
msg = " Cloak Is Off \n " ;
ps - > powerups [ PW_INVIS ] = level . time ;
msg = " Cloak Is On \n " ;
ps - > powerups [ PW_INVIS ] = INT_MAX ;
//G_AddEvent( ent, EV_Q_FLASH, 0 );
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" %s \" " , msg ) ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
RPG - X ( Admin Feature )
Phenix - 8 / 8 / 2004
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
// Harry -- Can not call this from ingame...
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
static void Cmd_EvoSuit_f ( gentity_t * ent )
char * msg ;
playerState_t * ps ;
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
# ifndef SQL
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) ) {
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as an admin. \n \" " ) ) ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
return ;
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
# else
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) | | ! qboolean G_Sql_UserDB_CheckRight ( ent - > client - > uid , 16 ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as a user with the appropiate rights. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
# endif
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
ps = & ent - > client - > ps ;
ent - > flags ^ = FL_EVOSUIT ;
if ( ! ( ent - > flags & FL_EVOSUIT ) )
msg = " You have taken an EVA Suit off \n " ;
ps - > powerups [ PW_EVOSUIT ] = 0 ; //level.time; //eh? who put this here? -J2J
msg = " You have put an EVA Suit on \n " ;
ps - > powerups [ PW_EVOSUIT ] = INT_MAX ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" %s \" " , msg ) ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Cmd_Flight_f ( gentity_t * ent )
char * msg ;
playerState_t * ps ;
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
# ifndef SQL
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) ) {
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as an admin. \n \" " ) ) ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
return ;
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
# else
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) | | ! qboolean G_Sql_UserDB_CheckRight ( ent - > client - > uid , 32 ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as a user with the appropiate rights. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
# endif
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
ps = & ent - > client - > ps ;
ent - > flags ^ = FL_FLY ;
if ( ! ( ent - > flags & FL_FLY ) )
msg = " Flight Is Off \n " ;
ps - > powerups [ PW_FLIGHT ] = level . time ;
msg = " Flight Is On \n " ;
ps - > powerups [ PW_FLIGHT ] = INT_MAX ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" %s \" " , msg ) ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void Cmd_FollowCycle_f ( gentity_t * ent , int dir ) {
int clientnum ;
int original ;
clientSession_t * sess ;
if ( ent - > r . svFlags & SVF_BOT )
{ //bots can't follow!
return ;
2012-03-23 15:23:32 +00:00
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
sess = & ent - > client - > sess ;
// if they are playing a tournement game, count as a loss
if ( g_gametype . integer = = GT_TOURNAMENT & & sess - > sessionTeam = = TEAM_FREE ) {
sess - > losses + + ;
// first set them to spectator
if ( sess - > spectatorState = = SPECTATOR_NOT ) {
2012-03-23 15:23:32 +00:00
SetTeam ( ent , " spectator " ) ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
if ( dir ! = 1 & & dir ! = - 1 ) {
G_Error ( " Cmd_FollowCycle_f: bad dir %i " , dir ) ;
clientnum = sess - > spectatorClient ;
original = clientnum ;
do {
clientnum + = dir ;
if ( clientnum > = level . maxclients ) {
clientnum = 0 ;
if ( clientnum < 0 ) {
clientnum = level . maxclients - 1 ;
// can only follow connected clients
if ( level . clients [ clientnum ] . pers . connected ! = CON_CONNECTED ) {
continue ;
// can't follow another spectator, including myself
if ( level . clients [ clientnum ] . sess . sessionTeam = = TEAM_SPECTATOR ) {
continue ;
//TiM: Fixed this code so it runs like b4.
// this is good, we can use it
sess - > spectatorClient = clientnum ;
sess - > spectatorState = SPECTATOR_FOLLOW ;
return ;
} while ( clientnum ! = original ) ;
// leave it where it was
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Same Class
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static qboolean OnSameClass ( gentity_t * ent1 , gentity_t * ent2 ) {
gclient_t * client1 = ent1 - > client ;
gclient_t * client2 = ent2 - > client ;
clientSession_t * sess1 = & client1 - > sess ;
clientSession_t * sess2 = & client2 - > sess ;
if ( ! client1 | | ! client2 ) {
if ( ! client1 & & ! client2 )
if ( ent1 - > classname & & ent2 - > classname & & atoi ( ent1 - > classname ) = = atoi ( ent2 - > classname ) )
return qtrue ;
else if ( ! client1 )
if ( ent1 - > classname & & atoi ( ent1 - > classname ) = = sess2 - > sessionClass )
return qtrue ;
else // if ( !ent2->client )
if ( ent2 - > classname & & sess1 - > sessionClass = = atoi ( ent2 - > classname ) )
return qtrue ;
return qfalse ;
if ( sess1 - > sessionClass = = sess2 - > sessionClass ) {
return qtrue ;
return qfalse ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
# define SAY_ALL 0
# define SAY_TEAM 1
# define SAY_TELL 2
# define SAY_INVAL 3
# define SAY_CLASS 4
# define SAY_ADMIN 5
# define SAY_TELL2 6
# define SAY_AREA 7
static void G_SayTo ( gentity_t * ent , gentity_t * other , int mode , int color , const char * name , const char * message ) {
//char userInfo[1024]; //TiM - Additional feature so admins can turn admin messages off if they wish
clientSession_t * sess ;
if ( ! other ) {
return ;
if ( ! other - > inuse ) {
return ;
if ( ! other - > client ) {
return ;
/*if ( mode == SAY_TEAM && !OnSameTeam(ent, other) && other->client->sess.sessionClass != PC_ADMIN) {
return ;
} */
sess = & ent - > client - > sess ;
if ( mode = = SAY_CLASS & & ! OnSameClass ( ent , other ) & & ( IsAdmin ( other ) = = qfalse ) ) {
return ;
if ( mode = = SAY_ADMIN & & ( IsAdmin ( other ) = = qfalse ) ) {
return ;
// no chatting to players in tournements
if ( g_gametype . integer = = GT_TOURNAMENT
& & other - > client - > sess . sessionTeam = = TEAM_FREE
& & sess - > sessionTeam ! = TEAM_FREE ) {
return ;
//RPG-X: RedTechie - N00B's cant chat at all
if ( g_classData [ sess - > sessionClass ] . isn00b /*ent->client->sess.sessionClass == PC_N00B*/ ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" [You're too stupid to use this command] \n \" " ) ;
return ;
//TiM : If admins want to not see broadcast messages, here's the check.
//trap_GetUserinfo( other->client->ps.clientNum, userInfo, sizeof( userInfo ) );
if ( ( mode = = SAY_CLASS | | mode = = SAY_ADMIN ) & & ( IsAdmin ( other ) & & ( other - > client - > noAdminChat = = qtrue | | rpg_respectPrivacy . integer > 0 ) ) ) {
return ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( other - g_entities , va ( " %s \" %s%c%c%s \" " ,
mode = = SAY_TEAM ? " tchat " : " chat " ,
name , Q_COLOR_ESCAPE , color , message ) ) ;
static void G_Say ( gentity_t * ent , gentity_t * target , int mode , const char * chatText ) {
int j ;
gentity_t * other ;
int color ;
char name [ 80 ] ;
char text [ 150 ] ;
char location [ 64 ] ;
char * className ;
gclient_t * entClient = ent - > client ;
gclient_t * tarClient = NULL ;
clientPersistant_t * entPers = & entClient - > pers ;
clientPersistant_t * tarPers = NULL ;
clientSession_t * entSess = & entClient - > sess ;
clientSession_t * tarSess = NULL ;
if ( target & & target - > client ) {
tarClient = target - > client ;
tarPers = & tarClient - > pers ;
tarSess = & tarClient - > sess ;
if ( g_gametype . integer < GT_TEAM & & mode = = SAY_TEAM ) {
mode = SAY_ALL ;
// DHM - Nerve :: Don't allow excessive spamming of voice chats
ent - > voiceChatSquelch - = ( level . time - ent - > voiceChatPreviousTime ) ;
ent - > voiceChatPreviousTime = level . time ;
if ( ent - > voiceChatSquelch < 0 )
ent - > voiceChatSquelch = 0 ;
if ( ent - > voiceChatSquelch > = 30000 )
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" ^1Spam Protection^7: Chat Ignored \n \" " ) ;
if ( rpg_kickspammers . integer > 0 )
entPers - > kickCount + + ;
if ( entPers - > kickCount > = rpg_kickspammers . integer )
trap_SendConsoleCommand ( EXEC_APPEND , va ( " kick \" %i \" \n " , entClient - > ps . clientNum ) ) ;
return ;
if ( rpg_chatsallowed . integer > 0 )
ent - > voiceChatSquelch + = ( 34000 / rpg_chatsallowed . integer ) ;
return ;
// dhm
switch ( mode ) {
default :
case SAY_ALL :
G_LogPrintf ( " say: %s: %s (%s) \n " , entPers - > netname , chatText , entPers - > ip ) ;
Com_sprintf ( name , sizeof ( name ) , " ^7 %s%c%c ^7: " , entPers - > netname , Q_COLOR_ESCAPE , COLOR_WHITE ) ;
color = COLOR_WHITE ;
break ;
case SAY_TEAM :
// Team Say has become say to all for RPG-X
G_LogPrintf ( " say: %s: %s (%s) \n " , entPers - > netname , chatText , entPers - > ip ) ;
Com_sprintf ( name , sizeof ( name ) , " ^7 %s%c%c^7: " , entPers - > netname , Q_COLOR_ESCAPE , COLOR_WHITE ) ;
color = COLOR_WHITE ;
break ;
case SAY_TELL :
if ( target & & g_gametype . integer > = GT_TEAM & & tarSess & &
tarSess - > sessionTeam = = entSess - > sessionTeam & & tarPers & &
Team_GetLocationMsg ( ent , location , sizeof ( location ) ) )
Com_sprintf ( name , sizeof ( name ) , " ^7%s ^7from %s%c%c (%s): " , tarPers - > netname , entPers - > netname , Q_COLOR_ESCAPE , COLOR_WHITE , location ) ;
else if ( tarPers )
Com_sprintf ( name , sizeof ( name ) , " ^7%s ^7from %s%c%c: " , tarPers - > netname , entPers - > netname , Q_COLOR_ESCAPE , COLOR_WHITE ) ;
else return ;
break ;
case SAY_TELL2 :
if ( target & & g_gametype . integer > = GT_TEAM & & tarSess & &
tarSess - > sessionTeam = = entSess - > sessionTeam & & tarPers & &
Team_GetLocationMsg ( ent , location , sizeof ( location ) ) )
Com_sprintf ( name , sizeof ( name ) , " ^7%s ^7from %s%c%c (%s): " , tarPers - > netname , entPers - > netname , Q_COLOR_ESCAPE , COLOR_WHITE , location ) ;
else if ( tarPers )
Com_sprintf ( name , sizeof ( name ) , " ^7%s ^7from %s%c%c: " , tarPers - > netname , entPers - > netname , Q_COLOR_ESCAPE , COLOR_WHITE ) ;
else return ;
target = ent ;
break ;
case SAY_CLASS :
className = g_classData [ entSess - > sessionClass ] . formalName ;
G_LogPrintf ( " sayclass: %s: %s (%s) \n " , entPers - > netname , chatText , entPers - > ip ) ;
// target->client>sess.sessionClass = ent->client->sess.sessionClass;
Com_sprintf ( name , sizeof ( name ) , " ^7To all %s^7's from %s%c%c: " , className , entPers - > netname , Q_COLOR_ESCAPE , COLOR_WHITE ) ;
color = COLOR_YELLOW ;
break ;
case SAY_ADMIN :
if ( Team_GetLocationMsg ( ent , location , sizeof ( location ) ) & & tarPers )
Com_sprintf ( name , sizeof ( name ) , " [%s%c%c] [%s] (%s): " , entPers - > netname , Q_COLOR_ESCAPE , COLOR_WHITE , tarPers - > netname , location ) ;
else if ( tarPers )
Com_sprintf ( name , sizeof ( name ) , " [%s%c%c ^7To %s^7]: " , entPers - > netname , Q_COLOR_ESCAPE , COLOR_WHITE , tarPers - > netname ) ;
else return ;
color = COLOR_CYAN ;
target = NULL ;
break ;
case SAY_INVAL :
G_LogPrintf ( " Invalid During Intermission: %s: %s (%s) \n " , entPers - > netname , chatText , entPers - > ip ) ;
Com_sprintf ( name , sizeof ( name ) , " [Invalid During Intermission%c%c]: " , Q_COLOR_ESCAPE , COLOR_WHITE ) ;
color = COLOR_GREEN ;
target = ent ;
break ;
Q_strncpyz ( text , chatText , sizeof ( text ) ) ;
if ( target ) {
G_SayTo ( ent , target , mode , color , name , text ) ;
return ;
// echo the text to the console
if ( g_dedicated . integer ) {
G_Printf ( " %s%s \n " , name , text ) ;
// send it to all the apropriate clients
for ( j = level . maxclients - 1 ; j > - 1 ; j - - ) { //GSIO changed from i++ to i--
other = & g_entities [ j ] ;
if ( ! other )
continue ;
if ( ! other - > client )
continue ;
G_SayTo ( ent , other , mode , color , name , text ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
//RPG-X: J2J - Wrote the say area function becuase the Say function is bloated and wierd memory errors appear.
static void Cmd_SayArea ( gentity_t * ent , char * text )
gentity_t * OtherPlayer ; //Entity pointers to other players in game (used in loop)
int i ; //Loop Counter
// float DistanceVector[2]; //Distance Vector from client caller to victim
// float Distance; //Real Distance from client caller to victim
//const float range = 750.0f; //Range Constant (CVAR later)
//const float height = 64.0f; //Half the player model hieght
gclient_t * client = ent - > client ;
clientPersistant_t * pers = & client - > pers ;
if ( g_dedicated . integer ) {
G_Printf ( " %s said to area: %s \n " , pers - > netname , text ) ;
//Loop Through Clients on the server
//RPG-X: J2J - BugFix: used to be connected clients which meant most clients were missed out and other bugs.
// Change to max clients and the loop ingores invalid players.
for ( i = level . maxclients - 1 ; i > - 1 ; i - - ) //GSIO i-- now instead of i++
OtherPlayer = & g_entities [ i ] ; //Point OtherPlayer to next player
//Send message to admins warning about command being used.
//TiM - since double spamming is annoying, ensure that the target admin wants this alert
if ( ! OtherPlayer - > client - > noAdminChat )
G_SayTo ( ent , OtherPlayer , SAY_ADMIN , COLOR_CYAN , va ( " %s ^7said to area: " , pers - > netname ) , text ) ; //^2%s
//Check is OtherPlayer is valid
if ( ! OtherPlayer | | ! OtherPlayer - > inuse | | ! OtherPlayer - > client )
continue ;
//If current player is higer or lower by 1.5 units, do not kill them (probably on another deck), continue to next loop.
/*if( (OtherPlayer->client->ps.origin[2] > ent->client->ps.origin[2]+height) || (OtherPlayer->client->ps.origin[2] < ent->client->ps.origin[2]-height) )
OtherPlayer = NULL ; //Reset pointer ready for next iteration.
continue ;
} */
/*//Vector subtraction, to get distance vector (using player positions as vectors
DistanceVector [ 0 ] = ent - > client - > ps . origin [ 0 ] - OtherPlayer - > client - > ps . origin [ 0 ] ;
DistanceVector [ 1 ] = ent - > client - > ps . origin [ 1 ] - OtherPlayer - > client - > ps . origin [ 1 ] ;
//Get Length of Distance Vector
Distance = sqrt ( ( DistanceVector [ 0 ] * DistanceVector [ 0 ] ) + ( DistanceVector [ 1 ] * DistanceVector [ 1 ] ) ) ;
//If distance is within the radius given...
if ( Distance < = range ) */
//TiM - I have a better solution. the trap_inPVS function lets u see if two points are within the same Vis cluster
//in the BSP tree. That should mean as long as they're in the same room, regardless if they can see each other or not,
//they'll get the message
if ( trap_InPVS ( client - > ps . origin , OtherPlayer - > client - > ps . origin ) )
G_LanguageMod ( text , ent - > client - > ps . clientNum , OtherPlayer - > client - > ps . clientNum ) ; */
//Communicate to the player
G_SayTo ( ent , OtherPlayer , SAY_TELL , COLOR_GREEN , va ( " %s^2: " , pers - > netname ) , text ) ;
OtherPlayer = NULL ; //Reset pointer ready for next iteration.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Cmd_Say_f ( gentity_t * ent , int mode , qboolean arg0 ) {
char * p ;
if ( trap_Argc ( ) < 2 & & ! arg0 ) {
return ;
if ( arg0 )
p = ConcatArgs ( 0 ) ;
p = ConcatArgs ( 1 ) ;
if ( mode = = SAY_ALL )
Cmd_SayArea ( ent , p ) ;
G_Say ( ent , NULL , mode , p ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Cmd_Tell_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
int targetNum ;
gentity_t * target ;
char * p ;
char arg [ MAX_TOKEN_CHARS ] ;
if ( trap_Argc ( ) < 2 ) {
return ;
trap_Argv ( 1 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
targetNum = atoi ( arg ) ;
if ( targetNum < 0 | | targetNum > = level . maxclients ) {
return ;
target = & g_entities [ targetNum ] ;
if ( ! target | | ! target - > inuse | | ! target - > client ) {
return ;
p = ConcatArgs ( 2 ) ;
G_LogPrintf ( " tell: %s to %s: %s (%s) \n " , ent - > client - > pers . netname , target - > client - > pers . netname , p , ent - > client - > pers . ip ) ;
G_Say ( ent , target , SAY_TELL , p ) ;
G_Say ( ent , target , SAY_TELL2 , p ) ;
G_Say ( ent , target , SAY_ADMIN , p ) ;
static char * gc_orders [ ] = {
" hold your position " ,
" hold this position " ,
" come here " ,
" cover me " ,
" guard location " ,
" search and destroy " ,
" report "
} ;
void Cmd_GameCommand_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
int player ;
int order ;
char str [ MAX_TOKEN_CHARS ] ;
trap_Argv ( 1 , str , sizeof ( str ) ) ;
player = atoi ( str ) ;
trap_Argv ( 2 , str , sizeof ( str ) ) ;
order = atoi ( str ) ;
if ( player < 0 | | player > = MAX_CLIENTS ) {
return ;
if ( order < 0 | | order > sizeof ( gc_orders ) / sizeof ( char * ) ) {
return ;
G_Say ( ent , & g_entities [ player ] , SAY_TELL , gc_orders [ order ] ) ;
G_Say ( ent , ent , SAY_TELL , gc_orders [ order ] ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void Cmd_Where_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" %s \n \" " , vtos ( ent - > s . origin ) ) ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void Cmd_CallVote_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
int i ;
char arg1 [ MAX_STRING_TOKENS ] ;
char arg2 [ MAX_STRING_TOKENS ] ;
if ( ! g_allowVote . integer ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" Voting not allowed here. \n \" " ) ;
return ;
if ( level . voteTime ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" A vote is already in progress. \n \" " ) ;
return ;
// make sure it is a valid command to vote on
trap_Argv ( 1 , arg1 , sizeof ( arg1 ) ) ;
trap_Argv ( 2 , arg2 , sizeof ( arg2 ) ) ;
if ( strchr ( arg1 , ' ; ' ) | | strchr ( arg2 , ' ; ' ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" Invalid Vote. \n \" " ) ;
return ;
if ( ! Q_stricmp ( arg1 , " map_restart " ) ) {
} else if ( ! Q_stricmp ( arg1 , " map " ) ) {
} else if ( ! Q_stricmp ( arg1 , " kick " ) & & rpg_allowvote . integer > 0 ) {
} else {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" Invalid Vote Command. \n \" " ) ;
return ;
2011-12-10 21:10:31 +00:00
if ( rpg_allowspmaps . integer ! = 1 )
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
if ( ! Q_stricmp ( arg1 , " map " ) & &
( ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " _brig " )
| | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " _holodeck_camelot " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " _holodeck_firingrange " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " _holodeck_garden " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " _holodeck_highnoon " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " _holodeck_minigame " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " _holodeck_proton " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " _holodeck_proton2 " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " _holodeck_temple " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " _holodeck_warlord " )
| | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " borg1 " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " borg2 " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " borg3 " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " borg4 " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " borg5 " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " borg6 " )
| | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " dn1 " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " dn2 " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " dn3 " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " dn4 " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " dn5 " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " dn6 " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " dn8 " )
| | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " forge1 " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " forge2 " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " forge3 " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " forge4 " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " forge5 " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " forgeboss " )
| | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " holodeck " )
| | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " scav1 " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " scav2 " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " scav3 " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " scav3b " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " scav4 " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " scav5 " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " scavboss " )
| | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " stasis1 " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " stasis2 " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " stasis3 " )
| | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " tour/deck01 " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " tour/deck02 " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " tour/deck03 " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " tour/deck04 " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " tour/deck05 " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " tour/deck08 " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " tour/deck09 " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " tour/deck10 " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " tour/deck11 " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " tour/deck15 " )
| | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " tutorial " )
| | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " voy1 " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " voy13 " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " voy14 " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " voy15 " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " voy16 " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " voy17 " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " voy2 " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " voy20 " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " voy3 " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " voy4 " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " voy5 " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " voy6 " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " voy7 " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " voy8 " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( arg2 , " voy9 " ) ) )
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" Invalid Map. \n \" " ) ;
return ;
if ( ! Q_stricmp ( arg1 , " kick " ) ) {
2011-12-10 21:10:31 +00:00
//TiM - if we're callvoting to kick an admin, deny it
int id = ClientNumberFromString ( ent , arg2 ) ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
2011-12-10 21:10:31 +00:00
//Harry Young - Check if clientnum is valid, else we get a crash
if ( id = = - 1 ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" Error: no such client. \n \" " ) ;
return ;
//TiM - if we're callvoting to kick an admin, deny it
//only publicly broadcasted admins are checked
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
//the hidden admin login people are not to protect their nature
if ( g_classData [ g_entities [ id ] . client - > ps . persistant [ PERS_CLASS ] ] . isAdmin ) {
2011-12-10 21:10:31 +00:00
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" Error: You are not allowed to kick admins. \n \" " ) ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
return ;
ent - > client - > pers . voteCount + + ;
if ( ! Q_stricmp ( arg1 , " map " ) )
char s [ MAX_STRING_CHARS ] ;
trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer ( " nextmap " , s , sizeof ( s ) ) ;
if ( * s )
2011-12-10 21:10:31 +00:00
Com_sprintf ( level . voteString , sizeof ( level . voteString ) , " %s %s; set nextmap \" %s \n \" " , arg1 , arg2 , s ) ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
Com_sprintf ( level . voteString , sizeof ( level . voteString ) , " %s %s " , arg1 , arg2 ) ;
2011-12-10 19:30:19 +00:00
else if ( ! Q_stricmp ( arg1 , " map_restart " ) )
2011-12-10 19:11:40 +00:00
char serverInfo [ MAX_TOKEN_CHARS ] ;
trap_GetServerinfo ( serverInfo , sizeof ( serverInfo ) ) ;
Com_sprintf ( level . voteString , sizeof ( level . voteString ) , " %s %s " , " map " , Info_ValueForKey ( serverInfo , " mapname " ) ) ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
Com_sprintf ( level . voteString , sizeof ( level . voteString ) , " %s %s " , arg1 , arg2 ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( - 1 , va ( " print \" %s called a vote. \n \" " , ent - > client - > pers . netname ) ) ;
// start the voting, the caller autoamtically votes yes
level . voteTime = level . time ;
level . voteYes = 1 ;
level . voteNo = 0 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < level . maxclients ; i + + ) {
level . clients [ i ] . ps . eFlags & = ~ EF_VOTED ;
ent - > client - > ps . eFlags | = EF_VOTED ;
trap_SetConfigstring ( CS_VOTE_TIME , va ( " %i " , level . voteTime ) ) ;
trap_SetConfigstring ( CS_VOTE_STRING , level . voteString ) ;
trap_SetConfigstring ( CS_VOTE_YES , va ( " %i " , level . voteYes ) ) ;
trap_SetConfigstring ( CS_VOTE_NO , va ( " %i " , level . voteNo ) ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void Cmd_Vote_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
char msg [ 64 ] ;
if ( ! level . voteTime ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" No vote in progress. \n \" " ) ;
return ;
if ( ent - > client - > ps . eFlags & EF_VOTED ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" Vote already cast. \n \" " ) ;
return ;
if ( ent - > client - > sess . sessionTeam = = TEAM_SPECTATOR ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" Spectators cannot vote. \n \" " ) ;
return ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" Vote cast. \n \" " ) ;
ent - > client - > ps . eFlags | = EF_VOTED ;
trap_Argv ( 1 , msg , sizeof ( msg ) ) ;
if ( msg [ 0 ] = = ' y ' | | msg [ 1 ] = = ' Y ' | | msg [ 1 ] = = ' 1 ' ) {
level . voteYes + + ;
trap_SetConfigstring ( CS_VOTE_YES , va ( " %i " , level . voteYes ) ) ;
} else {
level . voteNo + + ;
trap_SetConfigstring ( CS_VOTE_NO , va ( " %i " , level . voteNo ) ) ;
// a majority will be determined in G_CheckVote, which will also account
// for players entering or leaving
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void Cmd_ForceVote_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
char msg [ 64 ] ;
gclient_t * client = ent - > client ;
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
# ifndef SQL
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as an admin. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
# else
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) | | ! qboolean G_Sql_UserDB_CheckRight ( ent - > client - > uid , 536870912 ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as a user with the appropiate rights. \n \" " ) ) ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
return ;
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
# endif
if ( ! rpg_adminVoteOverride . integer ) { // vote override?
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: Overwrite is not allowed on this server. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
if ( ! level . voteTime ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" No vote in progress. \n \" " ) ;
return ;
if ( client - > ps . eFlags & EF_VOTED ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" Vote already cast. \n \" " ) ;
return ;
if ( client - > sess . sessionTeam = = TEAM_SPECTATOR ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" Spectators cannot vote. \n \" " ) ;
return ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" Vote force cast. \n \" " ) ;
client - > ps . eFlags | = EF_VOTED ;
trap_Argv ( 1 , msg , sizeof ( msg ) ) ;
if ( msg [ 0 ] = = ' y ' | | msg [ 1 ] = = ' Y ' | | msg [ 1 ] = = ' 1 ' ) {
level . voteYes + = 999 ;
trap_SetConfigstring ( CS_VOTE_YES , va ( " %i " , level . voteYes ) ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" You have overridden the vote with yes. \n \" " ) ;
} else {
level . voteNo + = 999 ;
trap_SetConfigstring ( CS_VOTE_NO , va ( " %i " , level . voteNo ) ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" You have overridden the vote with no. \n \" " ) ;
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void Cmd_SetViewpos_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
vec3_t origin , angles ;
char buffer [ MAX_TOKEN_CHARS ] ;
int i ;
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
if ( ! g_cheats . integer & & ! IsAdmin ( ent ) ) {
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" Cheats are not enabled on this server. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
if ( trap_Argc ( ) ! = 5 ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" usage: setviewpos x y z yaw \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
VectorClear ( angles ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i + + ) {
trap_Argv ( i + 1 , buffer , sizeof ( buffer ) ) ;
origin [ i ] = atof ( buffer ) ;
trap_Argv ( 4 , buffer , sizeof ( buffer ) ) ;
angles [ YAW ] = atof ( buffer ) ;
TeleportPlayer ( ent , origin , angles , TP_NORMAL ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void Cmd_ForceName_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
gclient_t * cl ;
gclient_t * client ;
gentity_t * other ;
gentity_t * sayA ;
int j ;
char send [ 100 ] ;
char str [ MAX_TOKEN_CHARS ] ;
char * str2 ;
//char str2[MAX_TOKEN_CHARS];
//char userinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING];
char clientCmd [ MAX_INFO_STRING ] ;
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
# ifndef SQL
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) ) {
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as an admin. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
# else
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) | | ! qboolean G_Sql_UserDB_CheckRight ( ent - > client - > uid , 64 ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as a user with the appropiate rights. \n \" " ) ) ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
return ;
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
# endif
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
// find the player
trap_Argv ( 1 , str , sizeof ( str ) ) ;
if ( ! str [ 0 ] ) { //if user added no args (ie wanted the parameters)
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - > client - > ps . clientNum , va ( " print \" \n Usage: User forces another player's name to what they specify \n Command: ForceName <Player's ID Number> \" [New Name] \" \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
cl = ClientForString ( str ) ;
if ( ! cl ) {
return ;
other = g_entities + cl - > ps . clientNum ;
client = other - > client ;
//Get there new name
str2 = ConcatArgs ( 2 ) ;
//trap_Argv( 2, str2, sizeof( str2 ) );
//Print out some chat text
G_LogPrintf ( " %s renamed %s to %s (%s) \n " , ent - > client - > pers . netname , other - > client - > pers . netname , str2 , ent - > client - > pers . ip ) ;
Com_sprintf ( send , sizeof ( send ) , " %s ^7renamed %s ^7to %s " , ent - > client - > pers . netname , other - > client - > pers . netname , str2 ) ;
for ( j = MAX_GENTITIES - 1 ; j > - 1 ; j - - ) { // GSIO change from i++ for to i--, uses MAX_GENTITIES now
if ( g_entities [ j ] . client ) {
sayA = & g_entities [ j ] ;
G_SayTo ( ent , sayA , SAY_ADMIN , COLOR_CYAN , " ^7Server: " , send ) ;
//Set the name
//TiM: Remember to actually load the User's Info into the variable before modifying it
//The server was parsing a NULL string. O_o
//send a command to the client and the client will do all this automatically
Com_sprintf ( clientCmd , sizeof ( clientCmd ) , " changeClientInfo name \" %s \" " , str2 ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( cl - > ps . clientNum , clientCmd ) ;
/*trap_GetUserinfo( cl->ps.clientNum, userinfo, sizeof( userinfo ) );
Info_SetValueForKey ( userinfo , " name " , str2 ) ;
trap_SetUserinfo ( cl - > ps . clientNum , userinfo ) ;
ClientUserinfoChanged ( cl - > ps . clientNum ) ; */
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
TiM ' s " How inefficient this is " rant :
Oh jeez ! Cut off my hands and gouge out my eyes ! ! ! !
This has to be the most in - efficient
function I ' ve ever seen ! > . <
You don ' t need passworded checksum
validation type thingys to protect this from n00b players !
If you just use an InfoString instead , that ' s all the security
you need ! Clients can ' t access that API !
All this is doing is contributing to un - necessary procs
and potentially adding more lag to the game O_o
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void Cmd_ShakeCamera_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
char arg_intensity [ 5 ] ;
char arg_duration [ 5 ] ;
//char arg_entitypass[MAX_TOKEN_CHARS]; TiM: Gone! Smote! Burnt! Owned!
int duration /*,sound*/ ;
int intensity ;
// /shake [intensity] [duration] [OPTIONAL sound] <HIDDEN ENTITY PASSWORD PLAYER SHOULD NOT KNOW>
/*if ( trap_Argc () < 2 ) {
return ;
} */
//trap_Argv( 3, arg_entitypass, sizeof( arg_entitypass ) );
//if( Q_stricmp(arg_entitypass, "HRkq1yF22o06Zng9FZXH5sle") != 0 ){
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
# ifndef SQL
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as an admin. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
# else
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) | | ! qboolean G_Sql_UserDB_CheckRight ( ent - > client - > uid , 1073741824 ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as a user with the appropiate rights. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
# endif
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
trap_Argv ( 1 , arg_intensity , sizeof ( arg_intensity ) ) ;
//TiM : More userfriendly
if ( ! arg_intensity [ 0 ] ) { //if user added no args (ie wanted the parameters)
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - > client - > ps . clientNum , va ( " print \" \n Usage: User makes every player's screen shake for X seconds \n Command: Shake [Intensity] [Duration] \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
//TiM: Intensity can be a float
intensity = atoi ( arg_intensity ) ;
if ( intensity < = 0 ) {
return ;
//intensity = 1;
//I'm putting much faith in admins here
else if ( intensity > 9999 ) {
intensity = 9999 ;
//trap_SendConsoleCommand( EXEC_APPEND, va("set rpg_servershakeallclientsintensity %i\n", intensity) );
trap_Argv ( 2 , arg_duration , sizeof ( arg_duration ) ) ;
duration = atoi ( arg_duration ) ;
if ( duration < 1 ) {
duration = 1 ;
if ( duration > 10000 ) {
duration = 10000 ;
//More or less, this will be the time the effect ends. As long as cg.time is
//in sync more or less this should be better. We can't use a raw value, or else
//joining clients will be out of sync
duration = ( duration * 1000 ) + ( level . time - level . startTime ) ;
//Com_Printf( "level.time = %i, level.startTime = %i\n", level.time, level.startTime );
trap_SetConfigstring ( CS_CAMERA_SHAKE , va ( " %i %i " , intensity , duration ) ) ;
//shaketimer = level.time+(duration*1000);
//Attempting to get fricken sound to work UHG
//G_TempEntity( vec3_origin, EV_SHAKE_SOUND );
//G_AddEvent( ent, EV_SHAKE_SOUND, 0 );
//PM_AddEvent( EV_SHAKE_SOUND );
//Start Shake
//trap_SendConsoleCommand( EXEC_APPEND, "set rpg_servershakeallclients 1\n" );
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
// Harry -- How to call this one?
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
void Cmd_ForceClass_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
int targetNum ;
int j ;
gentity_t * target ;
gentity_t * other ;
char send [ 80 ] ;
char arg [ MAX_TOKEN_CHARS ] ;
char s [ MAX_TOKEN_CHARS ] ;
//char className[MAX_TOKEN_CHARS];
//qboolean check = qtrue;
int OldScoreclass ;
if ( trap_Argc ( ) < 2 ) {
return ;
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
# ifndef SQL
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as an admin. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
# else
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) | | ! qboolean G_Sql_UserDB_CheckRight ( ent - > client - > uid , 268435456 ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as a user with the appropiate rights. \n \" " ) ) ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
return ;
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
# endif
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
trap_Argv ( 1 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
targetNum = atoi ( arg ) ;
if ( targetNum < 0 | | targetNum > = level . maxclients ) {
return ;
target = & g_entities [ targetNum ] ;
if ( ! target | | ! target - > inuse | | ! target - > client ) {
return ;
//RPG-X: RedTechie - Save old rank
OldScoreclass = target - > client - > ps . persistant [ PERS_SCORE ] ;
if ( trap_Argc ( ) ! = 3 )
{ //Just asking what class they're on
char * className ;
className = g_classData [ ent - > client - > sess . sessionClass ] . formalName ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" \n Current Class: %s \n Usage: Changes the user to a different class \n Command: Class <Class Name> \n \n Type '/classlist' into the console for a more complete list \n \" " , className ) ) ;
return ;
//trying to set there class
trap_Argv ( 2 , s , sizeof ( s ) ) ;
//if this is a manual change, not an assimilation, uninitialize the clInitStatus data
clientInitialStatus [ target - > s . number ] . initialized = qfalse ;
if ( SetClass ( target , s , NULL , qfalse ) )
//if still in warmup, don't debounce class changes
if ( g_doWarmup . integer )
if ( level . warmupTime ! = 0 )
if ( level . warmupTime < 0 | | level . time - level . startTime < = level . warmupTime )
return ;
//if warmuptime is over, don't change classes again for a bit
//RPG-X: RedTechie - Can change class anytime we wish
//target->client->classChangeDebounceTime = level.time + (g_classChangeDebounceTime.integer*1000);
else {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" ERROR: Was unable to change class \n \" " ) ;
return ;
//RPG-X: RedTechie - Update rank to old
target - > client - > ps . persistant [ PERS_SCORE ] = OldScoreclass ;
Com_sprintf ( send , sizeof ( send ) , " %s ^7put %s into the ^7%s class " , ent - > client - > pers . netname , target - > client - > pers . netname , ClassForValueName ( target - > client - > sess . sessionClass ) ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < MAX_CLIENTS ; j + + ) {
if ( g_entities [ j ] . client ) {
other = & g_entities [ j ] ;
G_SayTo ( ent , other , SAY_ADMIN , COLOR_CYAN , " ^7Server: " , send ) ;
G_LogPrintf ( " %s made %s a %s (%s) \n " , ent - > client - > pers . netname , target - > client - > pers . netname , s , ent - > client - > pers . ip ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Cmd_ForceKill_f //J2J to others: PLEASE CAN WE COMMENT THE CODE!!!! :P
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void Cmd_ForceKill_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
int targetNum ;
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
int j , p ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
char send [ 80 ] ;
gentity_t * target ;
gentity_t * other ;
char arg [ MAX_TOKEN_CHARS ] ;
playerState_t * ps ;
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
# ifndef SQL
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as an admin. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
# else
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) | | ! qboolean G_Sql_UserDB_CheckRight ( ent - > client - > uid , 128 ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as a user with the appropiate rights. \n \" " ) ) ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
return ;
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
# endif
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
if ( trap_Argc ( ) < 2 ) {
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
return ;
trap_Argv ( 1 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
targetNum = atoi ( arg ) ;
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
if ( targetNum > = level . maxclients ) {
return ;
if ( targetNum = = - 1 ) {
for ( p = 0 ; p < level . maxclients ; p + + )
target = & g_entities [ p ] ;
if ( ! target | | ! target - > inuse | | ! target - > client ) {
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
return ;
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
ps = & target - > client - > ps ;
lastKillTime [ ps - > clientNum ] = level . time ;
target - > flags & = ~ FL_GODMODE ; //Bypass godmode (?)
//RPG-X: Medics revive Support for suiciding
if ( rpg_medicsrevive . integer = = 1 ) {
2012-03-16 12:05:41 +00:00
ps - > stats [ STAT_WEAPONS ] = ( 1 < < WP_0 ) ;
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
ps - > stats [ STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEM ] = HI_NONE ;
ps - > stats [ STAT_HEALTH ] = target - > health = 1 ;
player_die ( target , target , target , 100000 , MOD_FORCEDSUICIDE ) ;
} else {
ps - > stats [ STAT_HEALTH ] = target - > health = 0 ;
player_die ( target , target , target , 100000 , MOD_FORCEDSUICIDE ) ;
} // end iterations
Com_sprintf ( send , sizeof ( send ) , " %s ^7forced %s^7's death " , ent - > client - > pers . netname , target - > client - > pers . netname ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < MAX_CLIENTS - 1 ; j + + ) {
if ( g_entities [ j ] . client ) {
other = & g_entities [ j ] ;
G_SayTo ( ent , other , SAY_ADMIN , COLOR_CYAN , " ^7Server: " , send ) ;
G_LogPrintf ( " %s forced everyones death \n " , ent - > client - > pers . netname ) ;
else //one vs all
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
target = & g_entities [ targetNum ] ;
if ( ! target | | ! target - > inuse | | ! target - > client ) {
return ;
ps = & target - > client - > ps ;
lastKillTime [ ps - > clientNum ] = level . time ;
target - > flags & = ~ FL_GODMODE ; //Bypass godmode (?)
//RPG-X: Medics revive Support for suiciding
if ( rpg_medicsrevive . integer = = 1 ) {
2012-03-16 12:05:41 +00:00
ps - > stats [ STAT_WEAPONS ] = ( 1 < < WP_0 ) ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
ps - > stats [ STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEM ] = HI_NONE ;
ps - > stats [ STAT_HEALTH ] = target - > health = 1 ;
player_die ( target , target , target , 100000 , MOD_FORCEDSUICIDE ) ;
} else {
ps - > stats [ STAT_HEALTH ] = target - > health = 0 ;
player_die ( target , target , target , 100000 , MOD_FORCEDSUICIDE ) ;
Com_sprintf ( send , sizeof ( send ) , " %s ^7forced %s^7's death " , ent - > client - > pers . netname , target - > client - > pers . netname ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < MAX_CLIENTS - 1 ; j + + ) {
if ( g_entities [ j ] . client ) {
other = & g_entities [ j ] ;
G_SayTo ( ent , other , SAY_ADMIN , COLOR_CYAN , " ^7Server: " , send ) ;
G_LogPrintf ( " %s forced %s's death (%s) \n " , ent - > client - > pers . netname , target - > client - > pers . netname , ent - > client - > pers . ip ) ;
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
ForceKillRadius ( RPG - X : J2J )
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
//Array used to store each players last use of the FKR command. (though only applies to admins)
int LastFKRadius [ MAX_CLIENTS ] ;
void Cmd_ForceKillRadius_f ( gentity_t * ent )
gentity_t * OtherPlayer ; //Entity pointers to other players in game (used in loop)
char arg [ MAX_TOKEN_CHARS ] ; //Arguments
int i ; //Loop Counter
float DistanceVector [ 2 ] ; //Distance Vector from client caller to victim
float Distance ; //Real Distance from client caller to victim
float range ;
int kill_self ;
int clientNum = ent - > client - > ps . clientNum ;
playerState_t * ePs = & ent - > client - > ps ;
playerState_t * oPs ;
memset ( arg , 0 , MAX_TOKEN_CHARS ) ; //Clear aray.
//Grab range from command
trap_Argv ( 1 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ; //Gets 1st
range = atoi ( arg ) ;
memset ( arg , 0 , MAX_TOKEN_CHARS ) ; //Clear aray.
//Grab kill_self from command
trap_Argv ( 2 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ; //Gets 2nd
kill_self = atoi ( arg ) ;
//If client isn't in admin class, exit and disallow command.
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
# ifndef SQL
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as an admin. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
# else
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) | | ! qboolean G_Sql_UserDB_CheckRight ( ent - > client - > uid , 128 ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as a user with the appropiate rights. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
# endif
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
//If forcekillradius is not enabled in cvar do not allow it to continue.
if ( rpg_forcekillradius . integer ! = 1 )
return ;
//If last time FKR was used before the wait time is up..
if ( ( rpg_forcekillradiuswaittime . integer - ( level . time - LastFKRadius [ clientNum ] ) > 0 ) )
//Send message to client informing them so they can't flood.
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , va ( " cp \" Cannot use Force Kill Radius Command for %d seconds " , ( rpg_forcekillradiuswaittime . integer - ( level . time - LastFKRadius [ clientNum ] ) ) * 0.001 ) ) ; // GSIO was / 1000
return ;
//Loop Through Clients on the server
for ( i = 0 ; i < level . numConnectedClients ; i + + )
//If current client == caller client, skip this iteration.
if ( i = = clientNum )
continue ;
OtherPlayer = & g_entities [ i ] ; //Point OtherPlayer to next player
//Send message to admins warning about command being used.
G_SayTo ( ent , OtherPlayer , SAY_ADMIN , COLOR_CYAN , " ^7Server: " , va ( " %s has triggred a force kill radius command " , ent - > client - > pers . netname ) ) ;
//Check is OtherPlayer is valid
if ( ! OtherPlayer | | ! OtherPlayer - > inuse | | ! OtherPlayer - > client )
continue ;
//If player is allready dead or in spectator, skip this iteration
if ( ent - > client - > sess . sessionTeam = = TEAM_SPECTATOR /*|| (ent->client->ps.eFlags&EF_ELIMINATED)*/ )
OtherPlayer = NULL ; //Reset pointer ready for next iteration.
continue ;
oPs = & OtherPlayer - > client - > ps ;
//If current player is higer or lower by 1.5 units, do not kill them (probably on another deck), continue to next loop.
if ( ( oPs - > origin [ 2 ] > ePs - > origin [ 2 ] + 15.0f ) | | ( oPs - > origin [ 2 ] < ePs - > origin [ 2 ] - 15.0f ) )
OtherPlayer = NULL ; //Reset pointer ready for next iteration.
continue ;
//Vector subtraction, to get distance vector (using player positions as vectors
DistanceVector [ 0 ] = ePs - > origin [ 0 ] - oPs - > origin [ 0 ] ;
DistanceVector [ 1 ] = ePs - > origin [ 1 ] - oPs - > origin [ 1 ] ;
//Get Length of Distance Vector
Distance = sqrt ( ( DistanceVector [ 0 ] * DistanceVector [ 0 ] ) + ( DistanceVector [ 1 ] * DistanceVector [ 1 ] ) ) ;
//If distance is within the radius given...
if ( Distance < = range )
//Kill the player.
lastKillTime [ oPs - > clientNum ] = level . time ;
OtherPlayer - > flags & = ~ FL_GODMODE ; //Bypass godmode (?)
//RPG-X: Medics revive Support for suiciding
if ( rpg_medicsrevive . integer = = 1 ) {
2012-03-16 12:05:41 +00:00
oPs - > stats [ STAT_WEAPONS ] = ( 1 < < WP_0 ) ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
oPs - > stats [ STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEM ] = HI_NONE ;
oPs - > stats [ STAT_HEALTH ] = OtherPlayer - > health = 1 ;
player_die ( OtherPlayer , OtherPlayer , OtherPlayer , 100000 , MOD_FORCEDSUICIDE ) ;
} else {
oPs - > stats [ STAT_HEALTH ] = OtherPlayer - > health = 0 ;
player_die ( OtherPlayer , OtherPlayer , OtherPlayer , 100000 , MOD_FORCEDSUICIDE ) ;
OtherPlayer = NULL ; //Reset pointer ready for next iteration.
//If kill_self != 0 (they want to kill them selves too)
if ( kill_self ! = 0 )
lastKillTime [ clientNum ] = level . time ;
ent - > flags & = ~ FL_GODMODE ; //Bypass godmode (?)
//RPG-X: Medics revive Support for suiciding
if ( rpg_medicsrevive . integer = = 1 ) {
2012-03-16 12:05:41 +00:00
ePs - > stats [ STAT_WEAPONS ] = ( 1 < < WP_0 ) ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
ePs - > stats [ STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEM ] = HI_NONE ;
ePs - > stats [ STAT_HEALTH ] = ent - > health = 1 ;
player_die ( ent , ent , ent , 100000 , MOD_FORCEDSUICIDE ) ;
} else {
ePs - > stats [ STAT_HEALTH ] = ent - > health = 0 ;
player_die ( ent , ent , ent , 100000 , MOD_FORCEDSUICIDE ) ;
LastFKRadius [ clientNum ] = level . time ; // - rpg_forcekillradiuswaittime.integer;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
TargetKick ( RPG - X : J2J )
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void Cmd_TargetKick_f ( gentity_t * ent )
gentity_t * target , * other ; //Target entity, and other used to tell the
trace_t trace ; //Used to trace target
vec3_t src , dest , vf ; //Used to find target
int i ; //Loop counter
//Disallow if not in admin class
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
# ifndef SQL
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as an admin. \n \" " ) ) ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
return ;
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
# else
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) | | ! qboolean G_Sql_UserDB_CheckRight ( ent - > client - > uid , 256 ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as a user with the appropiate rights. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
# endif
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
//All this code below finds the target entity
VectorCopy ( ent - > r . currentOrigin , src ) ;
src [ 2 ] + = ent - > client - > ps . viewheight ;
AngleVectors ( ent - > client - > ps . viewangles , vf , NULL , NULL ) ;
//extend to find end of use trace
VectorMA ( src , - 6 , vf , src ) ; //in case we're inside something?
VectorMA ( src , 1340 , vf , dest ) ; //128+6
//Trace ahead to find a valid target
trap_Trace ( & trace , src , vec3_origin , vec3_origin , dest , ent - > s . number , CONTENTS_BODY ) ;
if ( trace . fraction = = 1.0f | | trace . entityNum < 0 )
trap_SendConsoleCommand ( EXEC_APPEND , va ( " echo No target in range to kick. " ) ) ;
return ;
target = & g_entities [ trace . entityNum ] ;
if ( ! target - > client | | trace . entityNum > MAX_CLIENTS )
trap_SendConsoleCommand ( EXEC_APPEND , va ( " echo That target cannot be kicked. " ) ) ;
return ;
//Send a kick command to kick the target.
trap_SendConsoleCommand ( EXEC_APPEND , va ( " kick \" %i \" \n " , target - > client - > ps . clientNum ) ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < level . maxclients ; i + + )
other = & g_entities [ i ] ;
G_SayTo ( ent , other , SAY_ADMIN , COLOR_CYAN , " ^7Server: " , va ( " %s has kicked %s " , ent - > client - > pers . netname , target - > client - > pers . netname ) ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Drag ( RPG - X : J2J )
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
RPGX_DragData DragDat [ MAX_CLIENTS ] ;
// /DragPlayer <ID> <range>
// This will start a drag on a player or adjust the range of a drag if its allready started
void Cmd_Drag_f ( gentity_t * ent )
char arg [ MAX_TOKEN_CHARS ] ; //Arguments
int ID , i ;
float range ;
int clientNum ;
if ( ! ent | | ! ent - > client )
return ;
//If client isn't in admin class, exit and disallow command.
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
# ifndef SQL
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as an admin. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
# else
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) | | ! qboolean G_Sql_UserDB_CheckRight ( ent - > client - > uid , 512 ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as a user with the appropiate rights. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
# endif
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
clientNum = ent - > client - > ps . clientNum ;
memset ( arg , 0 , MAX_TOKEN_CHARS ) ; //Clear aray.
//Grab range from command
trap_Argv ( 1 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ; //Gets 1st
//TiM : Make this a bit more user friendly
if ( ! arg [ 0 ] ) { //if user added no args (ie wanted the parameters)
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , va ( " print \" \n Usage: User can forcefully drag another player \n Command: Drag [Player ID] [Distance between both Players] \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
ID = atoi ( arg ) ;
if ( ID < 0 | | ID > = level . maxclients )
return ;
//This prevents a interesting form of no clip where you could move at a speed as range
if ( ent - > client - > ps . clientNum = = ID )
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" You cannot drag yourself! \n \" " ) ;
return ;
memset ( arg , 0 , MAX_TOKEN_CHARS ) ; //Clear aray.
//Grab range from command
trap_Argv ( 2 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ; //Gets 1st
range = atof ( arg ) ;
//If target is being dragged.
if ( DragDat [ ID ] . AdminId ! = - 1 )
//This undrag is left here, but can also be done using the undrag command.
if ( DragDat [ ID ] . AdminId = = clientNum )
//Adjust Range if range given
if ( ( Q_stricmp ( arg , " " ) = = 0 ) & & ( range > = 0 ) )
DragDat [ ID ] . distance = range ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , va ( " print \" Adjusted Drag Range of Player %i \n \" " , ID ) ) ;
//Else end drag.
if ( ! g_entities [ ID ] . client )
return ;
DragDat [ ID ] . AdminId = - 1 ;
DragDat [ ID ] . distance = 0 ;
g_entities [ ID ] . client - > noclip = qfalse ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" Cannot Drag, Someone else is already dragging that player! \n \" " ) ;
return ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_CLIENTS ; i + + )
if ( DragDat [ i ] . AdminId = = ID )
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" Cannot Drag, player is currently dragging. \n \" " ) ;
return ;
if ( ! g_entities [ ID ] . client )
return ;
//Set the struct data for this victim..
DragDat [ ID ] . AdminId = clientNum ;
DragDat [ ID ] . distance = range ;
//Prevent wierd errors in transit
g_entities [ ID ] . client - > noclip = qtrue ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , va ( " print \" Dragging Client %i \n \" " , ID ) ) ;
//Leave the actaual position calculations to the loop function. (See below)
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
UnDrag ( RPG - X : J2J )
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
// /DragPlayer <ID>
// This is used to stop draging
// If the argument 'all' is specified then all drags will be haulted.
// If a client ID is supplied then that play will be droped (by anyone)
// If no parameters are given, the calling player will be undraged.
void Cmd_UnDrag_f ( gentity_t * ent )
char arg [ MAX_TOKEN_CHARS ] ; //Arguments
int ID , i ;
int clientNum ;
if ( ! ent | | ! ent - > client )
return ;
//If client isn't in admin class, exit and disallow command.
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
# ifndef SQL
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as an admin. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
# else
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) | | ! qboolean G_Sql_UserDB_CheckRight ( ent - > client - > uid , 512 ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as a user with the appropiate rights. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
# endif
clientNum = ent - > client - > ps . clientNum ;
memset ( arg , 0 , MAX_TOKEN_CHARS ) ; //Clear aray.
//Grab range from command
trap_Argv ( 1 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ; //Gets 1st
if ( Q_strncmp ( arg , " all " , 3 ) = = 0 )
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_CLIENTS ; i + + )
DragDat [ i ] . AdminId = - 1 ;
DragDat [ i ] . distance = 0 ;
if ( ! g_entities [ i ] . client )
continue ;
g_entities [ i ] . client - > noclip = qfalse ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , va ( " print \" Stopped Dragging all Clients. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
if ( Q_strncmp ( arg , " self " , 4 ) = = 0 )
DragDat [ clientNum ] . AdminId = - 1 ;
DragDat [ clientNum ] . distance = 0 ;
ent - > client - > noclip = qfalse ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , va ( " print \" You are UnDragged. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
if ( arg = = NULL )
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_CLIENTS ; i + + )
if ( DragDat [ i ] . AdminId = = clientNum )
DragDat [ i ] . AdminId = - 1 ;
DragDat [ i ] . distance = 0 ;
if ( ! g_entities [ i ] . client )
continue ;
g_entities [ i ] . client - > noclip = qfalse ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , va ( " print \" Stopped Dragging your Clients \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
ID = atoi ( arg ) ;
if ( ID < 0 | | ID > = level . maxclients )
return ;
if ( DragDat [ ID ] . AdminId = = - 1 )
return ;
if ( ! g_entities [ ID ] . client )
return ;
//Set the struct data for this victim..
DragDat [ ID ] . AdminId = - 1 ;
DragDat [ ID ] . distance = 0 ;
g_entities [ ID ] . client - > noclip = qfalse ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , va ( " print \" Stopped Dragging Client %i \n \" " , ID ) ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
DragCheck ( RPG - X : J2J )
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
//This is used internally and run every frame to check for clients that need to be draged by someone.
void DragCheck ( )
gentity_t * ent = NULL ;
gentity_t * target = NULL ;
int i ;
playerState_t * ePs ;
playerState_t * tPs ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_CLIENTS ; i + + )
//If the admin id is < 0 then they are not being draged.
if ( DragDat [ i ] . AdminId < 0 )
continue ;
//If the starting admin is no longer in admin class:
if ( IsAdmin ( & g_entities [ DragDat [ i ] . AdminId ] ) = = qfalse )
//Mark as non-dragging.
DragDat [ i ] . AdminId = - 1 ;
if ( target & & target - > client )
target - > client - > noclip = qfalse ;
continue ;
//Get victim and admin entities
target = & g_entities [ i ] ;
ent = & g_entities [ DragDat [ i ] . AdminId ] ;
//Error checking
if ( ! target | | ! target - > client )
continue ;
if ( ! ent | | ! ent - > client )
continue ;
//If the target has gone to spec, stop dragging.
if ( target - > client - > sess . sessionTeam = = TEAM_SPECTATOR )
//Mark as non-dragging.
DragDat [ i ] . AdminId = - 1 ;
target - > client - > noclip = qfalse ;
continue ;
ePs = & ent - > client - > ps ;
tPs = & target - > client - > ps ;
//Vector math!
VectorCopy ( ePs - > origin , tPs - > origin ) ;
tPs - > origin [ 0 ] + = ( DragDat [ i ] . distance * cos ( DEG2RAD ( ePs - > viewangles [ 1 ] ) ) ) ; //(ent->client->ps.viewangles[1] * 0.017453292222222222222222222222222 ) );
tPs - > origin [ 1 ] + = ( DragDat [ i ] . distance * sin ( DEG2RAD ( ePs - > viewangles [ 1 ] ) ) ) ; //(ent->client->ps.viewangles[1] * 0.017453292222222222222222222222222) );
tPs - > origin [ 2 ] + = ( DragDat [ i ] . distance * - tan ( DEG2RAD ( ePs - > viewangles [ 0 ] ) ) ) + ePs - > viewheight ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Disarm Tripmines ( RPG - X : RedTechie )
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
// Harry -- What's the command...
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
void Cmd_disarm_f ( gentity_t * ent )
// /disarm_tripmines <0 or 1 (yours or all)>
gentity_t * tripwire = NULL ;
int foundTripWires [ MAX_GENTITIES ] = { ENTITYNUM_NONE } ;
int tripcount = 0 ;
int mineornot ;
int i ;
char arg [ MAX_TOKEN_CHARS ] ;
//If client isn't in admin class, exit and disallow command.
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
# ifndef SQL
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as an admin. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
# else
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) | | ! qboolean G_Sql_UserDB_CheckRight ( ent - > client - > uid , 1024 ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as a user with the appropiate rights. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
# endif
trap_Argv ( 1 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
mineornot = atoi ( arg ) ;
if ( arg = = NULL ) { //J2J
//Just mine
while ( ( tripwire = G_Find ( tripwire , FOFS ( classname ) , " tripwire " ) ) ! = NULL )
if ( tripwire - > parent ! = ent )
continue ;
foundTripWires [ tripcount + + ] = tripwire - > s . number ;
} else if ( Q_strncmp ( arg , " all " , 3 ) ) { //J2J
//All Mines
while ( ( tripwire = G_Find ( tripwire , FOFS ( classname ) , " tripwire " ) ) ! = NULL )
foundTripWires [ tripcount + + ] = tripwire - > s . number ;
else //J2J
return ;
if ( tripcount ! = 0 ) {
for ( i = 0 ; i < tripcount ; i + + )
//remove it... or blow it?
if ( & g_entities [ foundTripWires [ i ] ] = = NULL )
return ;
} else {
G_FreeEntity ( & g_entities [ foundTripWires [ i ] ] ) ;
foundTripWires [ i ] = ENTITYNUM_NONE ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - > client - > ps . clientNum , va ( " print \" Disarmed %i tripmines \n \" " , tripcount ) ) ;
} else {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - > client - > ps . clientNum , va ( " print \" No tripmines to disarm \n \" " ) ) ;
void Cmd_Rank_f ( gentity_t * ent )
// const char *info;
int OldScore ;
char ArgStr [ 50 ] ; //Argument String
int i ;
int newScore = - 1 ;
char tmpScore [ MAX_QPATH ] ; // TiM
qboolean MaxRankHit = qfalse ;
//Still not sure how the hell this condition would ever get tripped O_o
if ( ! ent | | ! ent - > client )
return ;
if ( ent - > flags & FL_CLAMPED )
return ;
//TiM | Okay. Ranks are enabled, but only admins can change them
if ( ! rpg_changeRanks . integer )
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" You cannot change your rank yourself on this server. \n \" " ) ;
return ;
//Lets get old score first just incase
OldScore = ent - > client - > ps . persistant [ PERS_SCORE ] ;
trap_Argv ( 1 , ArgStr , sizeof ( ArgStr ) ) ; //Get the raw arguments
if ( ! ArgStr [ 0 ] ) { //If no arguments (ie player wants to see current rank)
Com_sprintf ( tmpScore , sizeof ( tmpScore ) , " %s - %s " , g_rankNames [ OldScore ] . formalName , g_rankNames [ OldScore ] . consoleName ) ; //Put OldScore in a string variable
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" \n Current Rank: %s \n Usage: Changes user to the specified rank \n Command: Rank <New rank> \n \n Type '/ranklist' into the console for a full list of ranks \" " , tmpScore ) ) ;
return ;
//TiM: Lemme butt my coding hackiness in here. :P
//I just realised, that regardless of rank they currently are (even if they're the same),
//this code always switches rank, which is causing heck in some other bits of the code. :P
//RPG-X: TiM - Check if they're already that rank, and return if they are. :P
//RPG-X: TiM (1.5 years later) - Holy crap man! That really is hacky!!!! >.<
/*memset(tmpScore,0, sizeof(tmpScore) ); //Clear array
Com_sprintf ( tmpScore , sizeof ( tmpScore ) , " %s " , correlateRanks ( ArgStr , 1 ) ) ;
if ( OldScore = = atoi ( tmpScore ) )
return ;
} */
//RPG-X: RedTechie - Lets enable score updating without this scores will not be updated
ent - > client - > UpdateScore = qtrue ;
for ( i = 0 ; ( g_rankNames [ i ] . consoleName [ 0 ] & & i < MAX_RANKS ) ; i + + ) {
if ( ! Q_stricmp ( ArgStr , g_rankNames [ i ] . consoleName ) ) {
newScore = i ; //1 << i;
if ( newScore = = OldScore )
return ;
if ( /*(rpg_enabledranks.integer & newScore) && */ ! MaxRankHit )
SetScore ( ent , newScore ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " prank %s " , g_rankNames [ i ] . consoleName ) ) ;
break ;
if ( ! MaxRankHit )
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" This rank is disabled \n \" " ) ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" You cannot set your rank that high on this server. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
//Okay... we've hit the highest rank we're allowed to go. If the player tries to change their rank to above this, they'll be pwned lol
if ( rpg_maxRank . string [ 0 ] & & ! Q_stricmp ( g_rankNames [ i ] . consoleName , rpg_maxRank . string ) & & IsAdmin ( ent ) ) {
MaxRankHit = qtrue ;
//if we didn't get find a matching name. >.<
if ( newScore < 0 ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" This rank doesn't exist on this server! \n \" \n " ) ) ;
SetScore ( ent , OldScore ) ;
return ;
if ( OldScore > ent - > client - > ps . persistant [ PERS_SCORE ] ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( - 1 , va ( " print \" %s " S_COLOR_WHITE " was demoted to %s \n \" " , ent - > client - > pers . netname , g_rankNames [ i ] . formalName ) ) ;
else {
trap_SendServerCommand ( - 1 , va ( " print \" %s " S_COLOR_WHITE " was promoted to %s \n \" " , ent - > client - > pers . netname , g_rankNames [ i ] . formalName ) ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Force Rank ( RPG - X : J2J & RedTechie )
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
[ defined in cg_local . h ]
# define crewman 1
# define cadet1 2
# define cadet2 4
# define cadet3 8
# define cadet4 16
# define ensign 32
# define ltjg 64
# define lt 128
# define ltcmdr 256
# define cmdr 512
# define cpt 1024
# define cmmdr 2048
# define adm2 4096
# define adm3 8192
# define adm4 16384
# define adm5 32768
void Cmd_ForceRank_f ( gentity_t * ent )
// const char *info;
int OldScore ;
char ArgStr [ MAX_TOKEN_CHARS ] ; //Argument String
int targetNum ;
gentity_t * other ;
char send [ 100 ] ;
int i ;
gentity_t * sayA ;
int newScore = - 1 ;
//char tmpScore[50]; // TiM
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
# ifndef SQL
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as an admin. \n \" " ) ) ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
return ;
# else
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) | | ! qboolean G_Sql_UserDB_CheckRight ( ent - > client - > uid , 2048 ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as a user with the appropiate rights. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
# endif
if ( ! ent | | ! ent - > client )
return ;
//If for some strange reason there are no ranks.. oO
/*if(rpg_enabledranks.integer <= 0)
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - > client - > ps . clientNum , va ( " print \" Ranks are disabled on this server! \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
} */
// find the player
trap_Argv ( 1 , ArgStr , sizeof ( ArgStr ) ) ;
if ( ! ArgStr [ 0 ] ) { //if user added no args (ie wanted the parameters)
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" \n Usage: User forces another player into a specific rank \n Command: ForceRank [Player ID] <Rank Name> \n \n Type 'rankList' into the console for a full list of ranks \" " ) ) ;
return ;
targetNum = atoi ( ArgStr ) ;
if ( targetNum < 0 | | targetNum > = level . maxclients ) {
return ;
other = & g_entities [ targetNum ] ;
//Lets get old score first just incase
OldScore = other - > client - > ps . persistant [ PERS_SCORE ] ; //ent
if ( ! other | | ! other - > inuse | | ! other - > client ) {
return ;
//Get the raw rank value
trap_Argv ( 2 , ArgStr , sizeof ( ArgStr ) ) ;
//RPG-X: TiM - Check if they're already that rank, and return if they are. :P
/*Com_sprintf(tmpScore, sizeof(tmpScore), "%s", correlateRanks( ArgStr, 1 ));
if ( OldScore = = atoi ( tmpScore ) )
return ;
} */
other - > client - > UpdateScore = qtrue ;
for ( i = 0 ; ( g_rankNames [ i ] . consoleName & & i < MAX_RANKS ) ; i + + ) {
if ( ! Q_stricmp ( ArgStr , g_rankNames [ i ] . consoleName ) ) {
newScore = i ; //1 << i;
//TiM - since an int can only hold 32 flags, that limits our rank system
//to 32, making it not very effective.
//if(rpg_enabledranks.integer & newScore )
SetScore ( other , newScore ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( other - g_entities , va ( " prank %s " , g_rankNames [ i ] . consoleName ) ) ;
break ;
// trap_SendServerCommand( ent->client->ps.clientNum, va("print \"This rank is disabled\n\"\n"));
// return;
//if we didn't get find a matching name. >.<
if ( newScore < 0 ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" This rank doesn't exist on this server! \n \" \n " ) ) ;
SetScore ( other , OldScore ) ;
return ;
if ( OldScore > ent - > client - > ps . persistant [ PERS_SCORE ] ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( - 1 , va ( " print \" %s " S_COLOR_WHITE " was demoted to %s \n \" " , other - > client - > pers . netname , g_rankNames [ i ] . formalName ) ) ;
else {
trap_SendServerCommand ( - 1 , va ( " print \" %s " S_COLOR_WHITE " was promoted to %s \n \" " , other - > client - > pers . netname , g_rankNames [ i ] . formalName ) ) ;
/*if ( OldScore > other->client->ps.persistant[PERS_SCORE] )
trap_SendServerCommand ( - 1 , va ( " print \" %s " S_COLOR_WHITE " was demoted to %s \n \" " , other - > client - > pers . netname , correlateRanks ( ArgStr , 0 ) ) ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( - 1 , va ( " print \" %s " S_COLOR_WHITE " was promoted to %s \n \" " , other - > client - > pers . netname , correlateRanks ( ArgStr , 0 ) ) ) ; */
G_LogPrintf ( " %s changed %s's rank to %s (%s) \n " , ent - > client - > pers . netname , other - > client - > pers . netname , ArgStr , ent - > client - > pers . ip ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_CLIENTS - 1 ; i + + ) {
if ( g_entities [ i ] . client ) {
sayA = & g_entities [ i ] ;
Com_sprintf ( send , sizeof ( send ) , " %s changed %s's rank to %s \n " , ent - > client - > pers . netname , other - > client - > pers . netname , ArgStr ) ;
G_SayTo ( ent , sayA , SAY_ADMIN , COLOR_CYAN , " ^7Server: " , send ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
RPG - X | Phenix | 21 / 11 / 2004
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
* Checks if player is an admin .
* \ param ent the player
* \ author Ubergames - Phenix
* \ date 21 / 11 / 2004
qboolean IsAdmin ( gentity_t * ent )
if ( ! ent )
return qfalse ;
if ( ! ent - > client )
return qfalse ;
if ( ( g_classData [ ent - > client - > sess . sessionClass ] . isAdmin /*ent->client->sess.sessionClass == PC_ADMIN*/ ) | |
( ent - > client - > LoggedAsAdmin = = qtrue ) | |
( ent - > client - > LoggedAsDeveloper = = qtrue )
) {
return qtrue ;
} else {
return qfalse ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
RPG - X | Phenix | 21 / 11 / 2004
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void Cmd_Admins_f ( gentity_t * ent )
char send [ MAX_TOKEN_CHARS ] ;
int j ;
gentity_t * target ;
Q_strncpyz ( send , " The following players are logged in as admins: \n " , sizeof ( send ) ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < level . maxclients ; j + + ) {
target = & g_entities [ j ] ;
if ( g_classData [ target - > client - > sess . sessionClass ] . isAdmin /*target->client->sess.sessionClass == PC_ADMIN*/ )
Q_strncpyz ( send , va ( " %s %s \n " , send , target - > client - > pers . netname ) , sizeof ( send ) ) ;
if ( ( target - > client - > LoggedAsAdmin = = qtrue ) & & ( IsAdmin ( ent ) = = qtrue ) )
Q_strncpyz ( send , va ( " %s %s (hidden) \n " , send , target - > client - > pers . netname ) , sizeof ( send ) ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - > client - > ps . clientNum , va ( " print \" %s \n \" " , send ) ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void Cmd_AdminLogin_f ( gentity_t * ent )
char arg [ MAX_TOKEN_CHARS ] ;
char send [ MAX_TOKEN_CHARS ] ;
char classPass [ MAX_TOKEN_CHARS ] ;
int j ;
gentity_t * sayA ;
//If no arguments where entered return
//if ( trap_Argc() < 1 )
// return;
trap_Argv ( 1 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
//logout if no argument and player is admin
if ( ! arg [ 0 ] & & ent - > client - > LoggedAsAdmin ) {
ent - > client - > LoggedAsAdmin = qfalse ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" You are now logged out. \n \" " ) ) ;
ClientUserinfoChanged ( ent - g_entities ) ;
return ;
else if ( ! arg [ 0 ] ) { //if user added no args (ie wanted the parameters)
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" \n Usage: Allows a player to login as an admin \n Command: AdminLogin <Admin Password> \n WARNING: Entering an incorrect password 3 times will automatically kick you from the server! \n Entering AdminLogin without password will log you out if you are locked in \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
//Debug login's for working on adminclass functions during development (remove for release)
/*if( Q_stricmp(arg, RPGX_SERECT_PASS) == 0 ){
if ( IsAdmin ( ent ) = = qfalse ) {
ent - > client - > LoggedAsDeveloper = qtrue ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - > client - > ps . clientNum , va ( " print \" You are logged in as an admin. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
} else {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - > client - > ps . clientNum , va ( " print \" You are already logged in as an admin or in the admin class. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
} */
//Admin class login thingy
2012-01-20 19:53:31 +00:00
//if( (Q_stricmp(arg, rpg_adminpass.string) == 0) && rpg_adminpass.string[0] )
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
for ( j = 0 ; g_classData [ j ] . consoleName [ 0 ] & & j < MAX_CLASSES ; j + + )
trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer ( va ( " rpg_%sPass " , g_classData [ j ] . consoleName ) , classPass , sizeof ( classPass ) ) ;
if ( g_classData [ j ] . isAdmin & & ! Q_stricmp ( classPass , arg ) )
if ( IsAdmin ( ent ) = = qfalse ) {
ent - > client - > LoggedAsAdmin = qtrue ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" You are logged in as an admin. \n \" " ) ) ;
ClientUserinfoChanged ( ent - g_entities ) ;
return ;
} else {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" You are already logged in as an admin or in the admin class. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
break ;
ent - > client - > AdminFailed + + ;
if ( ent - > client - > AdminFailed = = 3 )
//Tell admins why he was kicked
Com_sprintf ( send , sizeof ( send ) , " %s tried to login as an admin, failed 3 times and so was kicked. \n " , ent - > client - > pers . netname ) ;
for ( j = level . maxclients - 1 ; j > - 1 ; j - - ) { // changed j++ for into j--
sayA = & g_entities [ j ] ;
G_SayTo ( ent , sayA , SAY_ADMIN , COLOR_CYAN , " ^7Server: " , send ) ;
//Kick Client because client has entered the wrong password 3 times
trap_DropClient ( ent - > s . number , " Kicked: Too many bad passwords! " ) ;
} else {
//Give the client another warning
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" You have entered an incorrect password, if you enter a wrong password %i more times you will be kicked. \n \" " , ( 3 - ent - > client - > AdminFailed ) ) ) ;
//Send warning to other admins
Com_sprintf ( send , sizeof ( send ) , " %s tried to login as an admin and got an incorrect password, %i tries left. \n " , ent - > client - > pers . netname , ( 3 - ent - > client - > AdminFailed ) ) ;
for ( j = level . maxclients - 1 ; j > - 1 ; j - - ) { // changed j++ for into j--
sayA = & g_entities [ j ] ;
G_SayTo ( ent , sayA , SAY_ADMIN , COLOR_CYAN , " ^7Server: " , send ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Revive ( RPG - X : RedTechie )
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void Cmd_Revive_f ( gentity_t * ent )
char pla_str [ 50 ] ; //Argument String
int targetNum ;
gentity_t * other ;
int i ;
playerState_t * ps ;
clientPersistant_t * pers ;
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
# ifndef SQL
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) | | ! rpg_medicsrevive . integer ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as an admin. \n \" " ) ) ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
return ;
# else
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) | | ! qboolean G_Sql_UserDB_CheckRight ( ent - > client - > uid , 4096 ) | | ! rpg_medicsrevive . integer ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as a user with the appropiate rights. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
# endif
if ( ! ent | | ! ent - > client )
return ;
//If for some strange reason medic revive is turned off
if ( rpg_medicsrevive . integer < = 0 )
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" Medics' Revive is disabled on this server! \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
// find the player
trap_Argv ( 1 , pla_str , sizeof ( pla_str ) ) ;
//If player entered no args AND is alive (So as to not screw up reviving yourself ;) )
if ( ! pla_str [ 0 ] & & ( ent & & ent - > client ) & & ! ( ent - > health < = 1 ) & & ! ( ent - > client - > ps . pm_type = = PM_DEAD ) ) { //if user added no args (ie wanted the parameters)
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" \n Usage: User revives incapacitated players \n Command: Revive {Nothing = Revive Self} OR [Player ID] OR 'all' \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
pers = & ent - > client - > pers ;
if ( ! Q_strncmp ( pla_str , " all " , 3 ) )
//Loop threw all clients
int j ;
gentity_t * sayA ;
char send [ 100 ] ;
for ( i = MAX_CLIENTS - 1 ; i > - 1 ; i - - ) //eherm MAX_CLIENTS is 128 no 1023, changed from i++ to i--
if ( ( g_entities [ i ] . client ) & & ( g_entities [ i ] . health = = 1 ) & & ( g_entities [ i ] . client - > ps . pm_type = = PM_DEAD ) )
ClientSpawn ( & g_entities [ i ] , 1 , qtrue ) ;
ps = & g_entities [ i ] . client - > ps ;
//TiM: Push any users out of the way, and then play a 'getup' emote
g_entities [ i ] . r . contents = CONTENTS_NONE ;
ps - > stats [ LEGSANIM ] = ( ( ps - > stats [ LEGSANIM ] & ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) ^ ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) | BOTH_GET_UP1 ;
ps - > stats [ TORSOANIM ] = ( ( ps - > stats [ TORSOANIM ] & ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) ^ ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) | BOTH_GET_UP1 ;
ps - > stats [ TORSOTIMER ] = 1700 ;
ps - > stats [ LEGSTIMER ] = 1700 ;
ps - > legsAnim = 0 ;
ps - > torsoAnim = 0 ;
ps - > legsTimer = 0 ;
ps - > torsoTimer = 0 ;
//G_MoveBox( &g_entities[i] );
G_LogPrintf ( " %s revived everyone (%s) \n " , pers - > netname , pers - > ip ) ;
Com_sprintf ( send , sizeof ( send ) , " %s revived everyone \n " , pers - > netname , pla_str ) ;
for ( j = MAX_CLIENTS - 1 ; j > - 1 ; j - - ) { // again j++ to j-- and 1023 to MAX_CLIENTS
if ( g_entities [ j ] . client ) {
sayA = & g_entities [ j ] ;
G_SayTo ( ent , sayA , SAY_ADMIN , COLOR_CYAN , " ^7Server: " , send ) ;
if ( ! pla_str [ 0 ] )
//Just me
if ( ( ent & & ent - > client ) & & ( ent - > health < = 1 ) & & ( ent - > client - > ps . pm_type = = PM_DEAD ) )
ClientSpawn ( ent , 1 , qtrue ) ;
ps = & ent - > client - > ps ;
ent - > r . contents = CONTENTS_NONE ;
ps - > stats [ LEGSANIM ] = ( ( ps - > stats [ LEGSANIM ] & ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) ^ ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) | BOTH_GET_UP1 ;
ps - > stats [ TORSOANIM ] = ( ( ps - > stats [ TORSOANIM ] & ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) ^ ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) | BOTH_GET_UP1 ;
ps - > stats [ TORSOTIMER ] = 1700 ;
ps - > stats [ LEGSTIMER ] = 1700 ;
ps - > legsAnim = 0 ;
ps - > torsoAnim = 0 ;
ps - > legsTimer = 0 ;
ps - > torsoTimer = 0 ;
//G_MoveBox( ent);
//Specific user
int j ;
gentity_t * sayA ;
char send [ 100 ] ;
targetNum = atoi ( pla_str ) ;
if ( targetNum < 0 | | targetNum > = level . maxclients ) {
return ;
other = & g_entities [ targetNum ] ;
if ( ! other | | ! other - > inuse | | ! other - > client ) {
return ;
if ( ( other & & other - > client ) & & ( other - > health = = 1 ) & & ( other - > client - > ps . pm_type = = PM_DEAD ) )
ClientSpawn ( other , 1 , qtrue ) ;
ps = & other - > client - > ps ;
other - > r . contents = CONTENTS_NONE ;
ps - > stats [ LEGSANIM ] = ( ( ps - > stats [ LEGSANIM ] & ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) ^ ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) | BOTH_GET_UP1 ;
ps - > stats [ TORSOANIM ] = ( ( ps - > stats [ TORSOANIM ] & ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) ^ ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) | BOTH_GET_UP1 ;
ps - > stats [ TORSOTIMER ] = 1700 ;
ps - > stats [ LEGSTIMER ] = 1700 ;
ps - > legsAnim = 0 ;
ps - > torsoAnim = 0 ;
ps - > legsTimer = 0 ;
ps - > torsoTimer = 0 ;
//G_MoveBox( other);
G_LogPrintf ( " %s revived %s (%s) \n " , pers - > netname , other - > client - > pers . netname , pers - > ip ) ;
Com_sprintf ( send , sizeof ( send ) , " %s revived %s \n " , pers - > netname , other - > client - > pers . netname ) ;
for ( j = MAX_CLIENTS - 1 ; j > - 1 ; j - - ) // j++ to j-- and 1023 to MAX_CLIENTS
if ( g_entities [ j ] . client )
sayA = & g_entities [ j ] ;
G_SayTo ( ent , sayA , SAY_ADMIN , COLOR_CYAN , " ^7Server: " , send ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
N00b ( RPG - X : Phenix )
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void Cmd_n00b_f ( gentity_t * ent )
char arg [ MAX_TOKEN_CHARS ] ;
int targetNum ;
int timeToBe ;
gentity_t * target ;
int i ;
//If client isn'tin admin class, exit and disallow command.
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
# ifndef SQL
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as an admin. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
# else
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) | | ! qboolean G_Sql_UserDB_CheckRight ( ent - > client - > uid , 8192 ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as a user with the appropiate rights. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
# endif
if ( ! ent | | ! ent - > client ) {
return ; // not fully in game yet
memset ( arg , 0 , MAX_TOKEN_CHARS ) ;
trap_Argv ( 1 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
//User Friendly
if ( ! arg [ 0 ] ) { //if user added no args (ie wanted the parameters)
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" \n Usage: User places another player in n00b class for X seconds \n Command: n00b [Player ID] [Seconds to be in n00b class] \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
targetNum = atoi ( arg ) ;
memset ( arg , 0 , MAX_TOKEN_CHARS ) ;
trap_Argv ( 2 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
timeToBe = atoi ( arg ) ;
target = g_entities + targetNum ;
for ( i = 0 ; g_classData [ i ] . consoleName [ 0 ] & & i < MAX_CLASSES ; i + + ) {
if ( g_classData [ i ] . isn00b ) {
char conName [ 15 ] ;
trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer ( va ( " rpg_%sPass " , g_classData [ i ] . consoleName ) , conName , 15 ) ;
Q_strncpyz ( target - > client - > origClass , ClassNameForValue ( target - > client - > sess . sessionClass ) , sizeof ( target - > client - > origClass ) ) ;
target - > client - > n00bTime = level . time + ( 1000 * timeToBe ) ;
SetClass ( target , conName /*rpg_n00bpass.string*/ , NULL , qfalse ) ;
break ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Admin Message
RPG - X | Phenix | 08 / 06 / 2005
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Cmd_admin_message ( gentity_t * ent )
char * arg ;
if ( trap_Argc ( ) < 1 ) {
return ;
//If client isn't in admin class, exit and disallow command.
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
# ifndef SQL
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as an admin. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
# else
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) | | ! qboolean G_Sql_UserDB_CheckRight ( ent - > client - > uid , 16384 ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as a user with the appropiate rights. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
# endif
if ( ! ent | | ! ent - > client ) {
return ; // not fully in game yet
arg = ConcatArgs ( 1 ) ;
if ( ! arg [ 0 ] ) { //if user added no args (ie wanted the parameters)
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" \n Usage: Admin broadcasts a message to all users on the server that stays for several seconds \n Command: Msg \" <Message> \" \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
if ( arg [ 0 ] = = ' \0 ' )
return ;
//RPG-X: Marcin: changed to -1
trap_SendServerCommand ( - 1 , va ( " print \" %s \n \" " , arg ) ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( - 1 , va ( " servermsg \" %s \" " , arg ) ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
TiM : Let the game module dynamically set teh player ' s class upon connect
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Cmd_SetStartClass ( gentity_t * ent , char * cmd )
ent - > client - > sess . sessionClass = atoi ( cmd ) ;
} */
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Cmd_ForceModel_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
gclient_t * cl ;
// gclient_t *client;
gentity_t * other ;
gentity_t * sayA ;
int j ;
char send [ 100 ] ;
char str [ MAX_TOKEN_CHARS ] ;
char * str2 ;
//char str2[MAX_TOKEN_CHARS];
//char userinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING];
char clientCmd [ 64 ] ;
clientPersistant_t * pers ;
# ifndef SQL
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as an admin. \n \" " ) ) ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
return ;
# else
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) | | ! qboolean G_Sql_UserDB_CheckRight ( ent - > client - > uid , 32768 ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as a user with the appropiate rights. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
# endif
//get the first arg
trap_Argv ( 1 , str , sizeof ( str ) ) ;
if ( ! str [ 0 ] ) { //if user added no args (ie wanted the parameters)
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" \n Usage: User forces another player into a specific character model \n \n Command: ForceModel [Player ID] <Model Name>/<Model Skin Name> \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
// find the player
cl = ClientForString ( str ) ;
if ( ! cl ) {
return ;
other = g_entities + cl - > ps . clientNum ;
//client = other->client;
//Get the new model
str2 = ConcatArgs ( 2 ) ;
//trap_Argv( 2, str2, sizeof( str2 ) );
pers = & ent - > client - > pers ;
//Print out some chat text
G_LogPrintf ( " %s changed %s's model to %s (%s) \n " , pers - > netname , other - > client - > pers . netname , str2 , pers - > ip ) ;
Com_sprintf ( send , sizeof ( send ) , " %s ^7changed %s^7's model to %s " , pers - > netname , other - > client - > pers . netname , str2 ) ;
for ( j = MAX_CLIENTS ; j > - 1 ; j - - ) { // j++ to j--, 1024 to MAX_CLIENTS
if ( g_entities [ j ] . client ) {
sayA = & g_entities [ j ] ;
G_SayTo ( ent , sayA , SAY_ADMIN , COLOR_CYAN , " ^7Server: " , send ) ;
//Set the name
//TiM: Remember to actually load the User's Info into the variable before modifying it
//The server was parsing a NULL string. O_o
/*trap_GetUserinfo( cl->ps.clientNum, userinfo, sizeof( userinfo ) );
Info_SetValueForKey ( userinfo , " model " , str2 ) ;
trap_SetUserinfo ( cl - > ps . clientNum , userinfo ) ;
ClientUserinfoChanged ( cl - > ps . clientNum ) ; */
//send a command to the client and the client will do all this automatically
Com_sprintf ( clientCmd , sizeof ( clientCmd ) , " changeClientInfo model %s " , str2 ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( cl - > ps . clientNum , clientCmd ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Cmd_PlayMusic_f ( gentity_t * ent )
char songIntro [ MAX_TOKEN_CHARS ] ;
char songLoop [ MAX_TOKEN_CHARS ] ;
//char* output = "\0"; //shuts up the compiler :P
//standard checks
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
# ifndef SQL
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as an admin. \n \" " ) ) ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
return ;
# else
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) | | ! qboolean G_Sql_UserDB_CheckRight ( ent - > client - > uid , 65536 ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as a user with the appropiate rights. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
# endif
if ( ! ent | | ! ent - > client )
return ;
//Load the arguments
trap_Argv ( 1 , songIntro , sizeof ( songIntro ) ) ;
trap_Argv ( 2 , songLoop , sizeof ( songLoop ) ) ;
//Output the isntructions if no arguments
if ( ! songIntro [ 0 ] ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" \n Usage: Plays music throughout the level \n \n Command: playMusic [songIntro] <songLoop> \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
//Broadcast the command
trap_SetConfigstring ( CS_MUSIC , va ( " %s %s " , songIntro , songLoop ) ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Cmd_StopMusic_f ( gentity_t * ent )
//standard checks
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
# ifndef SQL
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as an admin. \n \" " ) ) ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
return ;
# else
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) | | ! qboolean G_Sql_UserDB_CheckRight ( ent - > client - > uid , 65536 ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as a user with the appropiate rights. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
# endif
if ( ! ent | | ! ent - > client )
return ;
//trap_SendConsoleCommand( EXEC_APPEND, "music music/silence" );
trap_SetConfigstring ( CS_MUSIC , " " ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Cmd_PlaySound_f ( gentity_t * ent )
char soundAddress [ MAX_TOKEN_CHARS ] ;
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
# ifndef SQL
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as an admin. \n \" " ) ) ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
return ;
# else
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) | | ! qboolean G_Sql_UserDB_CheckRight ( ent - > client - > uid , 131072 ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as a user with the appropiate rights. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
# endif
if ( ! ent | | ! ent - > client )
return ;
//Load the arguments
trap_Argv ( 1 , soundAddress , sizeof ( soundAddress ) ) ;
//Output the isntructions if no arguments
if ( ! soundAddress [ 0 ] ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" \n Usage: Plays a sound file throughout the level \n \n Command: playSound [File Address] \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
//Broadcast the command
trap_SendServerCommand ( - 1 , va ( " playSnd %s \n " , soundAddress ) ) ;
/*void Cmd_PlayAnim_f( gentity_t *ent )
int anim ;
//ent->nextthink = level.time + 2000;
anim = BOTH_LAUGH2 ;
ent - > client - > ps . stats [ TORSOTIMER ] = 2900 ;
ent - > client - > ps . torsoAnim =
( ( ent - > s . torsoAnim & ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) ^ ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) | anim ;
ent - > client - > ps . stats [ LEGSTIMER ] = 2900 ;
ent - > client - > ps . eFlags | = EF_LOWER_EMOTING ;
ent - > client - > ps . legsAnim =
( ( ent - > client - > ps . legsAnim & ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) ^ ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) | anim ;
} */
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Cmd_Bolton_f ( gentity_t * ent )
gclient_t * client ;
char * msg ;
client = ent - > client ;
/*if ( IsAdmin( ent ) == qfalse ) {
return ;
} */
ent - > flags ^ = FL_HOLSTER ;
if ( ! ( ent - > flags & FL_HOLSTER ) )
msg = " You took your equipment off. \n " ;
client - > ps . powerups [ PW_BOLTON ] = level . time ;
msg = " You put your equipment on. \n " ;
client - > ps . powerups [ PW_BOLTON ] = INT_MAX ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" %s \" " , msg ) ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
//TiM: If called with an int argument, finds that ent and tries to use it.
//if no argument, it'll 'use' the entity the player's looking at
//Addendum: if player enters targetname, (checked to make sure it's no valid int in the ent list)
//activate that one.
static void Cmd_UseEnt_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
char entArg [ MAX_TOKEN_CHARS ] ;
gentity_t * targetEnt ;
int index ;
playerState_t * ps ;
# ifndef SQL
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) ) {
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as an admin. \n \" " ) ) ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
return ;
# else
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) | | ! qboolean G_Sql_UserDB_CheckRight ( ent - > client - > uid , 262144 ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as a user with the appropiate rights. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
# endif
trap_Argv ( 1 , entArg , sizeof ( entArg ) ) ;
ps = & ent - > client - > ps ;
//No arguments - Do a trace
if ( ! entArg [ 0 ] ) {
vec3_t start , forward , end ;
trace_t tr ;
//calc start
VectorCopy ( ent - > r . currentOrigin , start ) ;
start [ 2 ] + = ps - > viewheight ;
//calc end
AngleVectors ( ps - > viewangles , forward , NULL , NULL ) ;
VectorMA ( start , 8192 , forward , end ) ;
trap_Trace ( & tr , start , NULL , NULL , end , ps - > clientNum , MASK_SHOT ) ;
//We hit nothing valid, so let's print some nifty instructions :)
//Can't do it :( It'd get too annoying >.<
/*if ( tr.fraction == 1.0 || ( tr.entityNum < MAX_CLIENTS || tr.entityNum >= ENTITYNUM_WORLD ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - > client - > ps . clientNum , va ( " print \" \n Usage: Activates a useable map entity \n \n Command: useEnt <Index of targeted entity> \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
} */
index = tr . entityNum ;
else { //We gotz an arg, so put it in
index = atoi ( entArg ) ;
//invalid value ... so I guess it could be a targetname
if ( index < MAX_CLIENTS | | index > = ENTITYNUM_WORLD ) {
targetEnt = G_Find ( NULL , FOFS ( targetname ) , entArg ) ;
//STILL no dice?? Gah... just eff it then lol.
if ( ! targetEnt ) {
return ;
else {
targetEnt = & g_entities [ index ] ; //get the ent
//find out the ent is valid, and it is useable
//TiM: Hack. Well... since we can use usables anyway, I'ma gonna disable them here.
//Doing it this way can screw up maps bigtime. >.<
//RPG_Chambers may never be the same again.... :S
if ( ( targetEnt & & targetEnt - > use ) ) {
if ( ! Q_stricmp ( targetEnt - > classname , " func_usable " ) /*&& !ent->targetname*/ )
return ;
targetEnt - > use ( targetEnt , ent , ent ) ; //Activate the Ent
else { //otherwise berrate the user for being n00bish
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" Entity %i cannot be activated in that way. \n \" " , index ) ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
TiM : Displays as many ents it can in the console without pwning the network code in the process
void Cmd_EntList_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
int i ;
gentity_t * mapEnt ;
char entBuffer [ 128 ] ;
char mainBuffer [ 1024 ] ; //16384
//int loopNum=0;
# ifndef SQL
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) ) {
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as an admin. \n \" " ) ) ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
return ;
# else
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) | | ! qboolean G_Sql_UserDB_CheckRight ( ent - > client - > uid , 2147483648 ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as a user with the appropiate rights. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
# endif
//initialise the data holders
memset ( & entBuffer , 0 , sizeof ( entBuffer ) ) ;
memset ( & mainBuffer , 0 , sizeof ( mainBuffer ) ) ;
//loop thru all our ents and check to see if we should list it
//for ( i = MAX_CLIENTS; i < MAX_GENTITIES; i++ ) {
for ( i = 0 , mapEnt = g_entities ;
i < level . num_entities ;
i + + , mapEnt + + ) {
//mapEnt = &g_entities[i];
//meh... screw notnull ents. They're unuseable
//if ( mapEnt->targetname && mapEnt->classname && Q_stricmp(mapEnt->classname, "info_notnull" ) ) {
//Okay, to save resources, only specific entities will be transmitted
//if ( !Q_stricmp( mapEnt->classname, "fx_" ) {
if ( ( ! Q_stricmpn ( mapEnt - > classname , " fx_ " , 3 ) ) | | ( ! Q_stricmp ( mapEnt - > classname , " func_usable " ) & & ent - > targetname ) ) {
if ( mapEnt - > use ) {
memset ( & entBuffer , 0 , sizeof ( entBuffer ) ) ;
if ( mapEnt - > targetname ) {
Com_sprintf ( entBuffer , sizeof ( entBuffer ) , " ClassName: '%s', TargetName: '%s', ID: %i \n " , mapEnt - > classname , mapEnt - > targetname , i ) ;
else {
Com_sprintf ( entBuffer , sizeof ( entBuffer ) , " ClassName: '%s', ID: %i \n " , mapEnt - > classname , i ) ;
if ( strlen ( mainBuffer ) + strlen ( entBuffer ) > sizeof ( mainBuffer ) ) {
break ;
else {
Q_strcat ( mainBuffer , sizeof ( mainBuffer ) , entBuffer ) ;
//TiM : Cheep hack - The sendmessage command can only handle 1024 chars at a time
//( I think), so this divides it up. Warning though... spamming this command could cause
//a wee bit laggage.
/*if ( strlen( mainBuffer ) > 800 ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" %s \" " , mainBuffer ) ) ;
memset ( & mainBuffer , 0 , sizeof ( mainBuffer ) ) ;
} */
if ( strlen ( mainBuffer ) > 0 ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" %s \" " , mainBuffer ) ) ;
else {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" No activatable entities detected. \n \" " ) ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
TiM : Allows people to transport themselves to any target_location entities
in the map : )
Syntax :
beamTo : < location index >
beamTo : < clientID > < location index >
Marcin : Again , add ' all ' . ( 11 / 12 / 2008 )
but it doesn ' t work - players will get stuck ! ! ! ! !
void Cmd_BeamToLoc_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
char argStr [ MAX_TOKEN_CHARS ] ;
gentity_t * locEnt ;
gentity_t * targEnt ;
gentity_t * beamTarget ;
int i , j = 0 ;
int clientNum , locIndex ;
char * strLoc = NULL ;
qboolean everyone ;
//Has to be an admin.. if anyone had it, the brig would become useless.
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) ) {
return ;
trap_Argv ( 1 , argStr , sizeof ( argStr ) ) ;
if ( ! argStr [ 0 ] ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" Usage: Allows you to beam yourself to any 'target_location' entity that has a compatible beam-in point \n Command: (For yourself) - beamToLocation <Index or name of target_location ent> \n (For other players) - beamTo <player ID> <Index or name of target_location ent> \n Type '/beamList' into the console for a list of the 'target_location' indexes. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
//if more than one arg, assume we're beaming a separate client
//first arg MUST BE AN INTEGER CHIKUSHOYO OR THE THING BREAKS!!!!!! (Japanese expletive)
//must be an int coz it's the clientNum, anything else is not valid.
// ^^^^^^^ this is not true any more now - Marcin
if ( trap_Argc ( ) > 2 ) {
//Get Client ID
if ( Q_stricmp ( argStr , " all " ) = = 0 ) {
everyone = qtrue ;
} else {
clientNum = atoi ( argStr ) ;
everyone = qfalse ;
beamTarget = & g_entities [ clientNum ] ;
if ( ! everyone & & ( clientNum < 0 | | clientNum > = MAX_CLIENTS ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " chat \" Invalid Client ID Number. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
//Ugh - Make it so we can't beam ourselves this way - coz EF has some weird entity handling issues.
/ \ * if ( beamTarget - > client - > ps . clientNum = = ent - > client - > ps . clientNum ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " chat \" ERROR: You cannot beam yourself in this fashion. It will cause errors. \n This is only meant for other players. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
} * \ /
//Get beam location index.
trap_Argv ( 2 , argStr , sizeof ( argStr ) ) ;
//If arg is a string of chars or an integer
if ( ( unsigned char ) argStr [ 0 ] < ' 0 ' | | ( unsigned char ) argStr [ 0 ] > ' 9 ' ) {
strLoc = ConcatArgs ( 2 ) ;
else {
locIndex = atoi ( argStr ) ;
else { //else 1 arg was specified - the index to beam ourselves.
//If arg is a string of chars or an integer
if ( ( unsigned char ) argStr [ 0 ] < ' 0 ' | | ( unsigned char ) argStr [ 0 ] > ' 9 ' ) {
strLoc = ConcatArgs ( 1 ) ;
else {
locIndex = atoi ( argStr ) ;
//The target is us!
beamTarget = ent ;
everyone = qfalse ;
//if it's an invalid index, then I'm guessing the player specified location by name then
if ( locIndex < 1 | | locIndex > = MAX_LOCATIONS ) {
if ( ! strLoc ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " chat \" Invalid Location Index. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
do {
if ( everyone ) {
if ( g_entities [ j ] . client ) {
beamTarget = & g_entities [ j ] ;
} else {
continue ;
if ( ! beamTarget | | ! beamTarget - > client ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " chat \" No valid client found. \n \" " ) ) ;
continue ;
//locEnt = &g_entities[iArg];
//Scan for the right entity
for ( i = 0 , locEnt = g_entities ; i < level . num_entities ; locEnt + + , i + + )
if ( ! Q_stricmp ( locEnt - > classname , " target_location " ) ) {
//if we have a health index (which will always be above 0 coz 0 is a default 'unknown' value)
if ( locEnt - > health = = locIndex & & locEnt - > health > = 1 & & locIndex > = 1 ) {
break ;
//Failing that, compare string values. If all went well you cannot
//have a string value or an int value valid at the same time in these checks.
if ( ! locIndex & & ! Q_stricmp ( locEnt - > message , strLoc ) ) {
break ;
if ( ! locEnt | | Q_stricmp ( locEnt - > classname , " target_location " ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " chat \" Invalid Beam Entity. \n \" " ) ) ;
continue ;
if ( locEnt - > target ) {
targEnt = G_PickTarget ( locEnt - > target ) ;
else {
targEnt = locEnt ;
if ( targEnt / \ * & & TransDat [ beamTarget - > client - > ps . clientNum ] . beamTime = = 0 * \ / ) {
vec3_t destPoint ;
//offset the origin by 12, or u'll materialize in the floor >.<
//Damn id engine ent origin whackiness
//targEnt->s.origin[2] += 10; //12 - 10 now so we can get away without needing to embed the entity inside a brush for it to be directly on the floor.
//if we're not careful, that can potentially create map leaks (or even worse, screw up the VIS calc stage).
//TiM : Leeched this code off elsewhere. instead of hard-coding a value, align it to the ent's bbox.
//In case they don't use notnulls but something else.
VectorCopy ( targEnt - > s . origin , destPoint ) ;
destPoint [ 2 ] + = targEnt - > r . mins [ 2 ] ;
destPoint [ 2 ] - = beamTarget - > r . mins [ 2 ] ;
destPoint [ 2 ] + = 1 ;
if ( TransDat [ beamTarget - > client - > ps . clientNum ] . beamTime = = 0 ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " chat \" Initiating transport to location: %s \n \" " , locEnt - > message ) ) ;
G_InitTransport ( beamTarget - > client - > ps . clientNum , destPoint , targEnt - > s . angles ) ;
else {
if ( beamTarget - > client - > ps . clientNum = = ent - > client - > ps . clientNum ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " chat \" Unable to comply. You are already within a transport cycle. \n \" " ) ) ;
else {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " chat \" Unable to comply. Subject is already within a transport cycle. \n \" " ) ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " chat \" Location entity does not have a valid beam location. \n \" " ) ) ;
} while ( ( + + j < MAX_CLIENTS ) & & everyone ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
TiM : Allows people to transport themselves to any target_location entities
in the map : )
Syntax :
beamTo : < location index >
beamTo : < clientID > < location index >
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
// Harry -- Get the command...
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
void Cmd_BeamToLoc_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
char argStr [ MAX_TOKEN_CHARS ] ;
gentity_t * locEnt ;
gentity_t * targEnt ;
gentity_t * beamTarget ;
int i ;
int clientNum = 0 , locIndex = 0 ;
char * strLoc = NULL ;
qboolean all = qfalse ;
//Has to be an admin.. if anyone had it, the brig would become useless.
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
# ifndef SQL
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) ) {
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as an admin. \n \" " ) ) ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
return ;
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
# else
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) | | ! qboolean G_Sql_UserDB_CheckRight ( ent - > client - > uid , 524288 ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as a user with the appropiate rights. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
# endif
trap_Argv ( 1 , argStr , sizeof ( argStr ) ) ;
if ( ! argStr [ 0 ] ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" Usage: Allows you to beam yourself to any 'target_location' entity that has a compatible beam-in point \n Command: (For yourself) - beamToLocation <Index or name of target_location ent> \n (For other players) - beamTo <player ID> <Index or name of target_location ent> \n Type '/beamList' into the console for a list of the 'target_location' indexes. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
//if more than one arg, assume we're beaming a separate client
//first arg MUST BE AN INTEGER CHIKUSHOYO OR THE THING BREAKS!!!!!! (Japanese expletive)
//must be an int coz it's the clientNum, anything else is not valid.
if ( trap_Argc ( ) > 2 & & ( unsigned char ) argStr [ 0 ] > = ' 0 ' & & ( unsigned char ) argStr [ 0 ] < = ' 9 ' ) {
//beam all?
if ( ! Q_stricmp ( argStr , " all " ) ) {
all = qtrue ;
} else {
//Get Client ID
clientNum = atoi ( argStr ) ;
if ( clientNum < 0 | | clientNum > = MAX_CLIENTS ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " chat \" Invalid Client ID Number. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
beamTarget = & g_entities [ clientNum ] ;
if ( ! beamTarget | | ! beamTarget - > client ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " chat \" No valid client found. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
//Ugh - Make it so we can't beam ourselves this way - coz EF has some weird entity handling issues.
/*if ( beamTarget->client->ps.clientNum == ent->client->ps.clientNum ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " chat \" ERROR: You cannot beam yourself in this fashion. It will cause errors. \n This is only meant for other players. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
} */
//Get beam location index.
trap_Argv ( 2 , argStr , sizeof ( argStr ) ) ;
//If arg is a string of chars or an integer
if ( ( unsigned char ) argStr [ 0 ] < ' 0 ' | | ( unsigned char ) argStr [ 0 ] > ' 9 ' ) {
strLoc = ConcatArgs ( 2 ) ;
else {
locIndex = atoi ( argStr ) ;
else { //else 1 arg was specified - the index to beam ourselves.
//If arg is a string of chars or an integer
if ( ( unsigned char ) argStr [ 0 ] < ' 0 ' | | ( unsigned char ) argStr [ 0 ] > ' 9 ' ) {
strLoc = ConcatArgs ( 1 ) ;
else {
locIndex = atoi ( argStr ) ;
//The target is us!
beamTarget = ent ;
//if it's an invalid index, then I'm guessing the player specified location by name then
if ( locIndex < 1 | | locIndex > = MAX_LOCATIONS ) {
if ( ! strLoc ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " chat \" Invalid Location Index. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
//locEnt = &g_entities[iArg];
//Scan for the right entity
for ( i = 0 , locEnt = g_entities ; i < level . num_entities ; locEnt + + , i + + )
if ( ! Q_stricmp ( locEnt - > classname , " target_location " ) ) {
//if we have a health index (which will always be above 0 coz 0 is a default 'unknown' value)
if ( locEnt - > health = = locIndex & & locEnt - > health > = 1 & & locIndex > = 1 ) {
break ;
//Failing that, compare string values. If all went well you cannot
//have a string value or an int value valid at the same time in these checks.
if ( ! locIndex & & ! Q_stricmp ( locEnt - > message , strLoc ) ) {
break ;
if ( ! locEnt | | Q_stricmp ( locEnt - > classname , " target_location " ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " chat \" Invalid Beam Entity. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
if ( locEnt - > target ) {
targEnt = G_PickTarget ( locEnt - > target ) ;
else {
targEnt = locEnt ;
if ( targEnt /*&& TransDat[beamTarget->client->ps.clientNum].beamTime == 0*/ ) {
vec3_t destPoint ;
//offset the origin by 12, or u'll materialize in the floor >.<
//Damn id engine ent origin whackiness
//targEnt->s.origin[2] += 10; //12 - 10 now so we can get away without needing to embed the entity inside a brush for it to be directly on the floor.
//if we're not careful, that can potentially create map leaks (or even worse, screw up the VIS calc stage).
//TiM : Leeched this code off elsewhere. instead of hard-coding a value, align it to the ent's bbox.
//In case they don't use notnulls but something else.
VectorCopy ( targEnt - > s . origin , destPoint ) ;
destPoint [ 2 ] + = targEnt - > r . mins [ 2 ] ;
destPoint [ 2 ] - = beamTarget - > r . mins [ 2 ] ;
destPoint [ 2 ] + = 1 ;
if ( TransDat [ beamTarget - > client - > ps . clientNum ] . beamTime = = 0 ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " chat \" Initiating transport to location: %s \n \" " , locEnt - > message ) ) ;
if ( ! all ) {
G_InitTransport ( beamTarget - > client - > ps . clientNum , destPoint , targEnt - > s . angles ) ;
} else {
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_CLIENTS & & i < g_maxclients . integer ; i + + ) {
if ( ! & g_entities [ i ] | | ! & g_entities [ i ] . client ) continue ;
G_InitTransport ( g_entities [ i ] . client - > ps . clientNum , destPoint , g_entities [ i ] . s . angles ) ;
targEnt = G_PickTarget ( locEnt - > target ) ;
else {
if ( beamTarget - > client - > ps . clientNum = = ent - > client - > ps . clientNum ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " chat \" Unable to comply. You are already within a transport cycle. \n \" " ) ) ;
else {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " chat \" Unable to comply. Subject is already within a transport cycle. \n \" " ) ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " chat \" Location entity does not have a valid beam location. \n \" " ) ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
TiM : Lets admins change any generic values
within a client ' s userinfo settings .
Things like age , race , height etc . Paramaters
that are too simple to require their own specific
function .
Although , name and model could be changed here too . . .
void Cmd_ForcePlayer_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
gclient_t * cl ;
gentity_t * other ;
gentity_t * sayA ;
int j ;
char send [ 100 ] ;
char str [ MAX_TOKEN_CHARS ] ;
char * str2 ;
//char str2[MAX_TOKEN_CHARS];
char userinfo [ MAX_INFO_STRING ] ;
char clientCmd [ MAX_INFO_STRING ] ;
clientPersistant_t * pers ;
# ifndef SQL
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as an admin. \n \" " ) ) ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
return ;
# else
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) | | qboolean G_Sql_UserDB_CheckRight ( ent - > client - > uid , 1048576 ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as a user with the appropiate rights. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
# endif
// find the player
trap_Argv ( 1 , str , sizeof ( str ) ) ;
if ( ! str [ 0 ] ) { //if user added no args (ie wanted the parameters)
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" \n Usage: User force changes a parameter in another player's configuration settings on the server. \n Command: ForcePlayer <Player's ID Number> \" [Setting to be changed] \" \" [New Value] \" \n \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
cl = ClientForString ( str ) ;
if ( ! cl ) {
return ;
other = g_entities + cl - > ps . clientNum ;
//Get the key
trap_Argv ( 2 , str , sizeof ( str ) ) ;
if ( ! str [ 0 ] ) {
return ;
//get client's data
trap_GetUserinfo ( cl - > ps . clientNum , userinfo , sizeof ( userinfo ) ) ;
if ( ! strstr ( userinfo , str ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: Invalid setting specified. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
str2 = ConcatArgs ( 3 ) ;
//trap_Argv( 2, str2, sizeof( str2 ) );
if ( ! str2 [ 0 ] ) {
return ;
pers = & ent - > client - > pers ;
//Print out some chat text
G_LogPrintf ( " %s changed %s's %s setting to %s (%s) \n " , pers - > netname , other - > client - > pers . netname , str , str2 , pers - > ip ) ;
Com_sprintf ( send , sizeof ( send ) , " %s ^7changed %s's %s setting to ^7to %s " , pers - > netname , other - > client - > pers . netname , str , str2 ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < MAX_CLIENTS ; j + + ) {
if ( g_entities [ j ] . client ) {
sayA = & g_entities [ j ] ;
G_SayTo ( ent , sayA , SAY_ADMIN , COLOR_CYAN , " ^7Server: " , send ) ;
Com_sprintf ( clientCmd , sizeof ( clientCmd ) , " changeClientInfo %s %s " , str , str2 ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( cl - > ps . clientNum , clientCmd ) ;
//Info_SetValueForKey (userinfo, str, str2);
//trap_SetUserinfo(cl->ps.clientNum, userinfo);
= = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
TiM : Lets players beam to
other player locations .
Marcin : Implemented an ' all ' option . ( 11 / 12 / 2008 )
# define PLAYER_BEAM_DIST 50
void Cmd_BeamToPlayer_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
char argStr [ MAX_TOKEN_CHARS ] ;
gentity_t * target ;
gentity_t * beamee ;
int clientNum = 0 ;
int bClientNum = 0 ;
vec3_t mins = { - 12 , - 12 , - 24 } ; //for the volume trace -//12
vec3_t maxs = { 12 , 12 , 56 } ; //44
int i , j = 0 ;
vec3_t origin , angles , zOrigin ;
trace_t tr ;
qboolean validTraceFound = qfalse ;
int startPoint ;
int totalCount ;
2011-06-09 11:31:41 +00:00
int offsetRA [ 8 ] [ 2 ] = { { 1 , 0 } , //offsets for each beam test location
{ 1 , - 1 } ,
{ 0 , - 1 } ,
{ - 1 , - 1 } ,
{ - 1 , 0 } ,
{ - 1 , 1 } ,
{ 0 , 1 } ,
{ 1 , 1 }
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
} ;
int viewAngleHeading [ 8 ] = { 180 , 135 , 90 , 45 , 0 , - 45 , - 90 , - 135 } ;
qboolean everyone = qfalse ;
//Has to be an admin.. if anyone had it, the brig would become useless.
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
# ifndef SQL
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) ) {
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as an admin. \n \" " ) ) ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
return ;
# else
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) | | ! qboolean G_Sql_UserDB_CheckRight ( ent - > client - > uid , 524288 ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as a user with the appropiate rights. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
# endif
trap_Argv ( 1 , argStr , sizeof ( argStr ) ) ;
if ( ! argStr [ 0 ] ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" Usage: Allows you to beam yourself or another player to the location of a separate player. \n Command: (For yourself) - beamToPlayer <ID of player to beam to> \n (For other players) - beamToPlayer <ID of player to beam> <ID of location player> \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
if ( trap_Argc ( ) = = 2 ) {
clientNum = atoi ( argStr ) ;
bClientNum = ent - > client - > ps . clientNum ;
everyone = qfalse ;
else if ( trap_Argc ( ) > = 3 ) {
if ( Q_stricmp ( argStr , " all " ) = = 0 ) {
bClientNum = - 1 ;
everyone = qtrue ;
} else {
bClientNum = atoi ( argStr ) ;
everyone = qfalse ;
trap_Argv ( 2 , argStr , sizeof ( argStr ) ) ;
if ( Q_stricmp ( argStr , " all " ) = = 0 ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" ERROR. You can not beam a player to everyone. \n Perhaps you meant /beamToPlayer all <number>. \n \" " ) ;
return ;
clientNum = atoi ( argStr ) ;
if ( clientNum = = bClientNum ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR. Target location player and target beaming player cannot be the same. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
if ( ( clientNum < 0 | | clientNum > = MAX_CLIENTS ) | | ( ( bClientNum < 0 | | bClientNum > = MAX_CLIENTS ) & & ! everyone ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" Invalid client specified. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
do {
if ( 1 ) { // sorry
//get our intended beam subject
if ( ! everyone ) {
beamee = & g_entities [ bClientNum ] ;
j = bClientNum ;
} else {
if ( g_entities [ j ] . client ) {
beamee = & g_entities [ j ] ;
} else {
continue ;
if ( beamee = = NULL ) {
continue ;
//get our intended target
target = & g_entities [ clientNum ] ;
if ( target = = NULL | | ! target - > client ) {
continue ;
if ( g_entities [ j ] . client - > ps . clientNum = = target - > client - > ps . clientNum ) {
continue ;
startPoint = irandom ( 1 , 7 ) ; //we'll randomize where it checks, so players won't potentially beam to the same spot each time.
//okay, we're going to test 8 locations around our target. First one we find that's available, we'll take.
//for ( i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) {
for ( i = startPoint , totalCount = 0 ; totalCount < 8 ; i + + , totalCount + + ) {
//Reset the counter if it exceeds 7
if ( i > = 8 ) {
i = 0 ;
//target origin is old origin offsetted in a different direction each loop
origin [ 0 ] = target - > r . currentOrigin [ 0 ] + PLAYER_BEAM_DIST * offsetRA [ i ] [ 0 ] ; //set X offset
origin [ 1 ] = target - > r . currentOrigin [ 1 ] + PLAYER_BEAM_DIST * offsetRA [ i ] [ 1 ] ; //set Y offset
origin [ 2 ] = target - > r . currentOrigin [ 2 ] ;
//do a volume trace from our old org to new org
//This vol trace is set to standard EF bounding box size, so if ANY geometry gets inside, it returns false;
trap_Trace ( & tr , target - > r . currentOrigin , mins , maxs , origin , target - > client - > ps . clientNum , MASK_ALL ) ; //CONTENTS_SOLID
//We didn't hit anything solid
if ( tr . fraction = = 1.0 & & ! tr . allsolid ) {
//trace straight down to see if there's some floor immeadiately below us we can use
VectorCopy ( origin , zOrigin ) ;
zOrigin [ 2 ] - = 32 ;
trap_Trace ( & tr , origin , NULL , NULL , zOrigin , target - > client - > ps . clientNum , CONTENTS_SOLID ) ;
//ew... seems to be a chasm or something below us... don't wanna beam there
if ( tr . fraction = = 1.0 ) {
continue ;
else {
validTraceFound = qtrue ;
break ;
if ( ! validTraceFound ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" No valid beam points next to player found. \n \" " ) ) ;
continue ;
VectorCopy ( ent - > client - > ps . viewangles , angles ) ;
angles [ YAW ] = ( float ) viewAngleHeading [ i ] ;
//Com_Printf( "OldAngle = %f, NewAngle = %f, index = %i\n", ent->client->ps.viewangles[YAW], angles[YAW], i );
if ( TransDat [ beamee - > client - > ps . clientNum ] . beamTime = = 0 ) {
if ( j = = ent - > client - > ps . clientNum ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " chat \" Initiating transport to player %s^7's co-ordinates. \n \" " , target - > client - > pers . netname ) ) ;
else {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " chat \" Transporting %s^7 to player %s^7's co-ordinates. \n \" " , beamee - > client - > pers . netname , target - > client - > pers . netname ) ) ;
//commence beaming
G_InitTransport ( beamee - > client - > ps . clientNum , origin , angles ) ;
else if ( ! everyone ) {
if ( j = = ent - > client - > ps . clientNum ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " chat \" Unable to comply. You are already within a transport cycle. \n \" " ) ) ;
else {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " chat \" Unable to comply. Subject is already within a transport cycle. \n \" " ) ) ;
} while ( ( ( + + j ) < g_maxclients . integer ) & & everyone ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
TiM : T3h emote - zor code
Phase two . The emote index and
time length has been received from
client . Any specific flags the
emote may have will be checked here .
void Cmd_DoEmote_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
char argStr [ MAX_QPATH ] ;
emoteList_t * emote ;
//int anim;
int animLength ;
int i ;
int emoteInt ;
int flagHolder = 0 ;
qboolean doUpper = qfalse ;
qboolean doLower = qfalse ;
qboolean alreadyEmoting ;
playerState_t * ps ;
trap_Argv ( 1 , argStr , sizeof ( argStr ) ) ;
//RPG-X | Marcin | 24/12/2008
//n00b check
if ( g_classData [ ent - > client - > sess . sessionClass ] . isn00b ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" [You're too stupid to use this command] \n \" " ) ;
return ;
ps = & ent - > client - > ps ;
//Small override for the specific eyes animation emotes.
//And also the alert mode now
if ( ! Q_stricmp ( argStr , " eyes_shut " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( argStr , " eyes_frown " ) | | ! Q_stricmpn ( argStr , " alert2 " , 6 ) | | ! Q_stricmpn ( argStr , " alert " , 5 ) ) {
if ( ! Q_stricmp ( argStr , " eyes_shut " ) ) {
ps - > stats [ EMOTES ] ^ = EMOTE_EYES_SHUT ;
else if ( ! Q_stricmp ( argStr , " eyes_frown " ) )
ps - > stats [ EMOTES ] ^ = EMOTE_EYES_PISSED ;
else if ( ! Q_stricmpn ( argStr , " alert2 " , 6 ) )
ps - > pm_flags & = ~ ANIM_ALERT ;
ps - > pm_flags ^ = ANIM_ALERT2 ;
else if ( ! Q_stricmpn ( argStr , " alert " , 5 ) )
ps - > pm_flags & = ~ ANIM_ALERT2 ;
ps - > pm_flags ^ = ANIM_ALERT ;
return ;
if ( trap_Argc ( ) ! = 3 ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" Invalid arguments listed. Please use the '/emote' command to perform emotes. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
emoteInt = atoi ( argStr ) ;
emote = & bg_emoteList [ emoteInt ] ;
if ( ! emote ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" Invalid emote specified. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
trap_Argv ( 2 , argStr , sizeof ( argStr ) ) ;
animLength = atoi ( argStr ) ;
if ( animLength > 65000 ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" Invalid emote time length specified. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
//Before we flush the emotes, perform a check to see if we're loopin any animations
//If we are, set this one to revert
ps - > torsoAnim = 0 ;
ps - > legsAnim = 0 ;
if ( emote - > bodyFlags & EMOTE_UPPER ) {
doUpper = qtrue ;
if ( emote - > bodyFlags & EMOTE_LOWER ) {
doLower = qtrue ;
if ( ( ps - > stats [ EMOTES ] & EMOTE_UPPER ) & &
( ps - > stats [ EMOTES ] & EMOTE_LOOP_UPPER ) )
if ( emote - > animFlags & EMOTE_REVERTLOOP_UPPER ) {
int anim = ps - > stats [ TORSOANIM ] ;
anim & = ~ ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ; //remove the toggle msk
for ( i = 0 ; i < bg_numEmotes ; i + + ) {
if ( bg_emoteList [ i ] . enumName = = anim ) {
ps - > torsoAnim = i ;
break ;
if ( ( ps - > stats [ EMOTES ] & EMOTE_LOWER ) & &
( ps - > stats [ EMOTES ] & EMOTE_LOOP_LOWER ) )
if ( emote - > animFlags & EMOTE_REVERTLOOP_LOWER ) {
int anim = ps - > stats [ LEGSANIM ] ;
anim & = ~ ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < bg_numEmotes ; i + + ) {
if ( bg_emoteList [ i ] . enumName = = anim ) {
ps - > legsAnim = i ;
break ;
alreadyEmoting = ( ( ps - > stats [ EMOTES ] & EMOTE_UPPER ) | | ( ps - > stats [ EMOTES ] & EMOTE_LOWER ) ) ;
if ( alreadyEmoting ) {
doUpper = ( ( emote - > animFlags & EMOTE_OVERRIDE_UPPER ) ) ;
doLower = ( ( emote - > animFlags & EMOTE_OVERRIDE_LOWER ) ) ;
else {
if ( doLower & & ! ( emote - > animFlags & EMOTE_OVERRIDE_LOWER ) & & ps - > powerups [ PW_FLIGHT ] ) {
doLower = qfalse ;
//flush out any previous emotes
if ( doUpper ) {
ps - > stats [ EMOTES ] & = ~ EMOTE_MASK_UPPER ; //Remove all emotes but eye flags
flagHolder = ( emote - > animFlags | emote - > bodyFlags ) ;
ps - > stats [ EMOTES ] | = flagHolder ;
if ( doLower ) {
ps - > stats [ EMOTES ] & = ~ EMOTE_MASK_LOWER ; //Remove all emotes but eye flags
//ent->client->ps.legsTimer = -1; //player viewheight
flagHolder = ( emote - > animFlags | emote - > bodyFlags ) ;
ps - > stats [ EMOTES ] | = flagHolder ;
//anim = emote->enumName;
//ent->client->ps.stats[EMOTES] |= ( emote->animFlags | emote->bodyFlags );
//The clamp flag is set here, but is then moved to cState->eFlags on the CG
//during the next snapshot. A tad more resource savvy, but for some weird reason,
//it wasn't passing directly from here... might be a scope issue.
//Huh... turns out the Ravensoft d00ds were having the same trouble too.
//My guess it's an engine problem when the vars from pState are converted to eState
//and then sent over the network. It all seems cool game-side, but screwy CG side O_o
//TiM : Since we're no longer using legsTimer and torsoTimer,
//These are great to use for additional args
if ( doUpper ) {
if ( animLength > 0 ) {
//check to see if we don't already have a set loop anim
if ( ps - > torsoAnim < = 0 & & emote - > enumLoop > = 0 ) {
for ( i = 0 ; i < bg_numEmotes ; i + + ) {
if ( bg_emoteList [ i ] . enumName = = emote - > enumLoop ) {
ps - > torsoAnim = i ;
break ;
ps - > stats [ TORSOTIMER ] = animLength ;
else {
ps - > stats [ TORSOTIMER ] = 0 ; //Infinite animations (ie sitting/typing )
ps - > torsoTimer = emoteInt ;
//ent->client->ps.torsoAnim =
//( ( ent->s.torsoAnim & ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) ^ ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) | anim;
ps - > stats [ TORSOANIM ] =
( ( ps - > stats [ TORSOANIM ] & ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) ^ ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) | emote - > enumName ;
if ( doLower ) {
//if we had a pre-defined anim length
if ( animLength > 0 ) {
ps - > stats [ LEGSTIMER ] = animLength ;
//check to see if we don't already have a set loop anim
if ( ps - > legsAnim = = 0 & & emote - > enumLoop > = 0 ) {
for ( i = 0 ; i < bg_numEmotes ; i + + ) {
if ( bg_emoteList [ i ] . enumName = = emote - > enumLoop ) {
ps - > legsAnim = i ;
break ;
else {
ps - > stats [ LEGSTIMER ] = 0 ;
//set emote num into emote timer so we can use it in pmove
ps - > legsTimer = emoteInt ;
//ent->client->ps.legsAnim =
//( ( ent->client->ps.legsAnim & ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) ^ ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) | anim;
ps - > stats [ LEGSANIM ] =
( ( ps - > stats [ LEGSANIM ] & ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) ^ ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) | emote - > enumName ;
Ends all active emotes .
I originally had it so holding the
walk button did this , but then found out
that it ' s permanently held down in other instances : S
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = */
void Cmd_EndEmote_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
playerState_t * ps ;
if ( ! ent - > client )
return ;
ps = & ent - > client - > ps ;
ps - > stats [ EMOTES ] & = ~ EMOTE_MASK_BOTH ;
ps - > legsTimer = 0 ;
ps - > legsAnim = 0 ;
ps - > stats [ LEGSTIMER ] = 0 ;
ps - > torsoTimer = 0 ;
ps - > torsoAnim = 0 ;
ps - > stats [ TORSOTIMER ] = 0 ;
Activates the Laser the same way
as cloaking or flying . The previous
code was bad in the fact that it used
up entity slots , had to constantly
call think funcs to update , and then
transmit the origins over the network ,
resulting in sluggish movement for high
ping d00ds .
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = */
void Cmd_Laser_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
char * message ;
playerState_t * ps = & ent - > client - > ps ;
//TiM - Say... what was the max length of time a Q3 server was capable of running
//nonstop again lol? :)
if ( ! ps - > powerups [ PW_LASER ] ) {
ps - > powerups [ PW_LASER ] = level . time + 10000000 ;
message = " Activated Laser " ;
else {
ps - > powerups [ PW_LASER ] = level . time ;
message = " Deactivated Laser " ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" %s \n \" " , message ) ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = */
void Cmd_FlashLight_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
char * message ;
playerState_t * ps = & ent - > client - > ps ;
//TiM - Say... what was the max length of time a Q3 server was capable of running
//nonstop again lol? :)
if ( ! ps - > powerups [ PW_FLASHLIGHT ] ) {
ps - > powerups [ PW_FLASHLIGHT ] = level . time + 10000000 ;
message = " Activated Flashlight " ;
else {
ps - > powerups [ PW_FLASHLIGHT ] = level . time ;
message = " Deactivated Flashlight " ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" %s \n \" " , message ) ) ;
TiM : Allows admins
to configure their
FX guns to emit different FX
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = */
void Cmd_fxGun_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
char arg [ MAX_TOKEN_CHARS ] ;
char fxName [ 36 ] ;
const int FX_DEFAULT_TIME = 900000 ;
fxGunData_t * fxGunData ;
if ( ! ent - > client )
return ;
# ifndef SQL
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as an admin. \n \" " ) ) ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
return ;
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
# else
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) | | ! qboolean G_Sql_UserDB_CheckRight ( ent - > client - > uid , 2097152 ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as a user with the appropiate rights. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
# endif
trap_Argv ( 1 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
//save the name for the end
Q_strncpyz ( fxName , arg , sizeof ( fxName ) ) ;
fxGunData = & ent - > client - > fxGunData ;
if ( ! Q_stricmp ( arg , " default " ) ) {
memset ( fxGunData , 0 , sizeof ( fxGunData ) ) ;
else if ( ! Q_stricmp ( arg , " detpack " ) ) {
memset ( fxGunData , 0 , sizeof ( fxGunData ) ) ;
fxGunData - > eventNum = EV_DETPACK ;
else if ( ! Q_stricmp ( arg , " chunks " ) ) {
memset ( fxGunData , 0 , sizeof ( fxGunData ) ) ;
trap_Argv ( 2 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
if ( ! arg [ 0 ] ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" Syntax: /fxGun chunks <radius> <chunk type: 1-5> \n \" " ) ;
return ;
fxGunData - > arg_int1 = atoi ( arg ) ;
fxGunData - > eventNum = EV_FX_CHUNKS ;
trap_Argv ( 3 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
if ( ! arg [ 0 ] ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" Syntax: /fxGun chunks <radius> <chunk type: 1-5> \n \" " ) ;
memset ( fxGunData , 0 , sizeof ( fxGunData ) ) ;
return ;
fxGunData - > arg_int2 = atoi ( arg ) ;
else if ( ! Q_stricmp ( arg , " sparks " ) ) {
memset ( fxGunData , 0 , sizeof ( fxGunData ) ) ;
trap_Argv ( 2 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
if ( ! arg [ 0 ] ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" Syntax: /fxGun sparks <spark time interval> <time length of effect> | in milliseconds \n \" " ) ;
return ;
fxGunData - > eventNum = EV_FX_SPARK ;
fxGunData - > arg_float1 = atof ( arg ) ;
//optional arg for timelength
trap_Argv ( 3 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
if ( arg [ 0 ] & & atoi ( arg ) ) {
fxGunData - > arg_int2 = atoi ( arg ) ;
else {
fxGunData - > arg_int2 = FX_DEFAULT_TIME ;
else if ( ! Q_stricmp ( arg , " steam " ) ) {
memset ( fxGunData , 0 , sizeof ( fxGunData ) ) ;
fxGunData - > eventNum = EV_FX_STEAM ;
//optional arg for timelength
trap_Argv ( 2 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
if ( arg [ 0 ] & & atoi ( arg ) ) {
fxGunData - > arg_int2 = atoi ( arg ) ;
else {
fxGunData - > arg_int2 = FX_DEFAULT_TIME ;
else if ( ! Q_stricmp ( arg , " drips " ) ) {
memset ( fxGunData , 0 , sizeof ( fxGunData ) ) ;
//type of drips
trap_Argv ( 2 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
if ( ! arg [ 0 ] ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" Syntax: /fxGun drips <type of drips: 0,1,2> <drips intensity: 0.0->1.0> <time length of effect: 1000 = 1 second> \n \" " ) ;
return ;
fxGunData - > eventNum = EV_FX_DRIP ;
fxGunData - > arg_int1 = atoi ( arg ) ;
//intensity of drips
trap_Argv ( 3 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
if ( ! arg [ 0 ] ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" Syntax: /fxGun drips <type of drips: 0,1,2> <drips intensity: 0.0->1.0> <time length of effect: 1000 = 1 second> \n \" " ) ;
fxGunData - > eventNum = 0 ;
fxGunData - > arg_int1 = 0 ;
return ;
fxGunData - > arg_float1 = atof ( arg ) ;
//optional time length
trap_Argv ( 4 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
if ( arg [ 0 ] & & atoi ( arg ) ) {
fxGunData - > arg_int2 = atoi ( arg ) ;
else {
fxGunData - > arg_int2 = FX_DEFAULT_TIME ;
else if ( ! Q_stricmp ( arg , " smoke " ) ) {
memset ( fxGunData , 0 , sizeof ( fxGunData ) ) ;
//smoke radius
trap_Argv ( 2 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
if ( ! arg [ 0 ] ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" Syntax: /fxGun smoke <smoke radius size> <time length of effect: 1000 = 1 second> \n \" " ) ;
return ;
fxGunData - > eventNum = EV_FX_SMOKE ;
fxGunData - > arg_int1 = atoi ( arg ) ;
//optional time length
trap_Argv ( 3 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
if ( arg [ 0 ] & & atoi ( arg ) ) {
fxGunData - > arg_int2 = atoi ( arg ) ;
else {
fxGunData - > arg_int2 = FX_DEFAULT_TIME ;
else if ( ! Q_stricmp ( arg , " surf_explosion " ) ) {
memset ( fxGunData , 0 , sizeof ( fxGunData ) ) ;
//explosion radius
trap_Argv ( 2 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
if ( ! arg [ 0 ] ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" Syntax: /fxGun surf_explosion <explosion radius> <camera shake intensity> \n \" " ) ;
return ;
fxGunData - > eventNum = EV_FX_SURFACE_EXPLOSION ;
fxGunData - > arg_float1 = atof ( arg ) ;
//explosion cam shake
trap_Argv ( 3 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
if ( ! arg [ 0 ] ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" Syntax: /fxGun surf_explosion <explosion radius> <camera shake intensity> \n \" " ) ;
fxGunData - > eventNum = 0 ;
fxGunData - > arg_float1 = 0 ;
return ;
fxGunData - > arg_float2 = atof ( arg ) ;
else if ( ! Q_stricmp ( arg , " elec_explosion " ) ) {
memset ( fxGunData , 0 , sizeof ( fxGunData ) ) ;
//explosion radius
trap_Argv ( 2 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
if ( ! arg [ 0 ] ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" Syntax: /fxGun elec_explosion <explosion radius> \n \" " ) ;
return ;
fxGunData - > eventNum = EV_FX_ELECTRICAL_EXPLOSION ;
fxGunData - > arg_float1 = atof ( arg ) ;
else if ( ! Q_stricmp ( arg , " fire " ) ) {
memset ( fxGunData , 0 , sizeof ( fxGunData ) ) ;
trap_Argv ( 2 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
if ( ! arg [ 0 ] ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" Syntax: /fxGun fire <radius> <time> \n \" " ) ;
return ;
fxGunData - > eventNum = EV_FX_FIRE ;
fxGunData - > arg_int1 = atoi ( arg ) ;
//optional time length
trap_Argv ( 3 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
if ( arg [ 0 ] & & atoi ( arg ) ) {
fxGunData - > arg_int2 = atoi ( arg ) ;
else {
fxGunData - > arg_int2 = FX_DEFAULT_TIME ;
else if ( ! Q_stricmp ( arg , " shake " ) ) {
memset ( fxGunData , 0 , sizeof ( fxGunData ) ) ;
trap_Argv ( 2 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
if ( ! arg [ 0 ] ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" Syntax: /fxGun shake <radius> <intensity> \n \" " ) ;
return ;
fxGunData - > eventNum = EV_FX_SHAKE ;
fxGunData - > arg_int1 = atoi ( arg ) ;
//optional intensity
trap_Argv ( 3 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
if ( ! arg [ 0 ] ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" Syntax: /fxGun shake <radius> <intensity> \n \" " ) ;
return ;
fxGunData - > arg_int2 = atoi ( arg ) ;
else {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" Syntax: /fxGun <FX_Name> \n Valid Effects: \n default \n chunks \n detpack \n sparks \n steam \n drips \n smoke \n surf_explosion \n elec_explosion \n \" " ) ;
memset ( fxGunData , 0 , sizeof ( fxGunData ) ) ;
return ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" Effect successfully reconfigured to %s. \n \" " , fxName ) ) ;
TiM : Systematically
This is a safety feature
if an admin was a little too
happy with the FX gun
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = */
void Cmd_flushFX_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
if ( ! ent - > client )
return ;
# ifndef SQL
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as an admin. \n \" " ) ) ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
return ;
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
# else
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) | | ! qboolean G_Sql_UserDB_CheckRight ( ent - > client - > uid , 2097152 ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as a user with the appropiate rights. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
# endif
trap_SendServerCommand ( - 1 , " cg_flushFX " ) ;
TiM : Takes ur current data , and
spawns a player model that looks like you with it .
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = */
void Cmd_spawnChar_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
if ( ! ent - > client )
return ;
# ifndef SQL
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as an admin. \n \" " ) ) ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
return ;
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
# else
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) | | ! qboolean G_Sql_UserDB_CheckRight ( ent - > client - > uid , 4194304 ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as a user with the appropiate rights. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
# endif
if ( ! PlaceDecoy ( ent ) )
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " cp \" NO ROOM TO PLACE CHARACTER \" " ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " cp \" CHARACTER PLACED \" " ) ;
TiM : Purges all the decoys on the server
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = */
void Cmd_fluchChars_f ( gentity_t * ent ) //GSIO01: fluch Chars ehhh? you know fluch means curse in german? :D
char arg [ 16 ] ;
int i ;
gentity_t * locEnt ;
if ( ! ent - > client )
return ;
# ifndef SQL
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as an admin. \n \" " ) ) ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
return ;
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
# else
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) | | ! qboolean G_Sql_UserDB_CheckRight ( ent - > client - > uid , 4194304 ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as a user with the appropiate rights. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
# endif
trap_Argv ( 1 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
if ( ! arg [ 0 ] ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" Usage: Removes spawn characters from the level. \n Syntax: /flushChars <number> | 0 = Just your spawned characters, 1 = All characters \n \" " ) ;
return ;
for ( i = 0 , locEnt = g_entities ; i < level . num_entities ; locEnt + + , i + + ) {
if ( ! Q_stricmp ( locEnt - > classname , " decoy " ) ) {
if ( atoi ( arg ) = = 0 & & locEnt - > parent ! = ent )
continue ;
G_FreeEntity ( locEnt ) ;
RPG - X : Marcin : Removes all dropped weapons - 04 / 12 / 2008
code stolen from above
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = */
void Cmd_flushDropped_f ( gentity_t * ent )
char arg [ 16 ] ;
int i ;
qboolean ans ;
gentity_t * locEnt ;
if ( ! ent - > client )
return ;
trap_Argv ( 1 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
if ( ! arg [ 0 ] ) {
ans = 0 ;
} else {
ans = atoi ( arg ) ;
for ( i = 0 , locEnt = g_entities ; i < level . num_entities ; locEnt + + , i + + ) {
if ( locEnt - > classname & & ! Q_strncmp ( locEnt - > classname , " weapon " , 6 ) ) { // everything that begins with weapon_
if ( ( ans = = qfalse | | ! IsAdmin ( ent ) ) & & locEnt - > parent ! = ent )
continue ;
G_FreeEntity ( locEnt ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
kick2 < player > < reason >
Boots the user off the server while
giving them a reason why they deserved it so
Credit : Scooter , TiM
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Cmd_Kick2_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
gclient_t * cl ;
char str [ MAX_TOKEN_CHARS ] ;
//char str2[MAX_TOKEN_CHARS];
char * str2 ;
char reason [ MAX_TOKEN_CHARS ] ;
int i ;
//standard checks
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
# ifndef SQL
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as an admin. \n \" " ) ) ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
return ;
# else
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) | | ! qboolean G_Sql_UserDB_CheckRight ( ent - > client - > uid , 256 ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as a user with the appropiate rights. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
# endif
if ( ! ent | | ! ent - > client )
return ;
// find the player
trap_Argv ( 1 , str , sizeof ( str ) ) ;
//If player adds no args, write a friendly msg saying how it works
if ( ! str [ 0 ] ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" Usage: Kicks specified user with a reason \n \n Command: kick [User ID] <Reason> \n \" " ) ;
return ;
//if we were told to kick all
if ( ! Q_stricmp ( str , " all " ) ) {
//loop thru everyone
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_CLIENTS ; i + + ) {
//check if they are a client and NOT US LOL
if ( g_entities [ i ] . client & &
g_entities [ i ] . client - > ps . clientNum ! = ent - > client - > ps . clientNum ) {
//if there was only one arg, just kick em
if ( trap_Argc ( ) < = 2 ) {
trap_SendConsoleCommand ( EXEC_APPEND , va ( " kick \" %i \" \n " , g_entities [ i ] . client - > ps . clientNum ) ) ;
else { //else give em a reason I guess
str2 = ConcatArgs ( 2 ) ;
Com_sprintf ( reason , MAX_TOKEN_CHARS , " Kicked: %s " , str2 ) ;
trap_DropClient ( g_entities [ i ] . client - level . clients , reason ) ;
//also, if we wanna destroy all bots
else if ( ! Q_stricmp ( str , " allbots " ) ) {
/*if ( clientNum >= MAX_CLIENTS ) {
G_Printf ( " ERROR: You do not have a valid clientNum. This command cannot be executed. \n " ) ;
return ;
} */
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_CLIENTS ; i + + ) {
if ( ( g_entities [ i ] . client & & g_entities [ i ] . r . svFlags & SVF_BOT ) ) {
//if ( trap_Argc() <= 2 ) {
trap_SendConsoleCommand ( EXEC_APPEND , va ( " kick \" %i \" \n " , g_entities [ i ] . client - > ps . clientNum ) ) ;
//else { //else give em a reason I guess
// str2 = ConcatArgs( 2 );
// Com_sprintf(reason, MAX_TOKEN_CHARS, "Kicked: %s", str2 );
// trap_DropClient( g_entities[i].client->ps.clientNum, reason );
//The original kick2 code - crafted by Scooter
else {
cl = ClientForString ( str ) ;
if ( ! cl ) {
return ;
//TiM: trap_Argc works along the principle that the command name itself (ie in this case, "kick2") is an argument too
if ( trap_Argc ( ) < = 2 ) {
trap_SendConsoleCommand ( EXEC_APPEND , va ( " kick \" %i \" \n " , cl - > ps . clientNum ) ) ;
else {
// show him the exit
//trap_Argv( 2, str2, sizeof( str2 ) );
str2 = ConcatArgs ( 2 ) ;
Com_sprintf ( reason , MAX_TOKEN_CHARS , " Kicked: %s " , str2 ) ;
trap_DropClient ( cl - level . clients , reason ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
TiM : If an admin does to a player , they ' ll
become unable to change any of their
server side parameters ( ie name , model , etc )
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Cmd_ClampInfo_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
char buffer [ 5 ] ;
char * message ;
gentity_t * targ ;
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
if ( ! ent - > client )
return ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
# ifndef SQL
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as an admin. \n \" " ) ) ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
return ;
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
# else
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) | | ! qboolean G_Sql_UserDB_CheckRight ( ent - > client - > uid , 8388608 ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as a user with the appropiate rights. \n \" " ) ) ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
return ;
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
# endif
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
//get the arg
trap_Argv ( 1 , buffer , sizeof ( buffer ) ) ;
//no arg
if ( ! buffer [ 0 ] ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" Usage: Force stops players from changing their user info \n \n Command: clampInfo <client ID> \n \" " ) ;
return ;
targ = & g_entities [ atoi ( buffer ) ] ;
if ( ! targ | | ! targ - > client )
return ;
targ - > flags ^ = FL_CLAMPED ;
if ( targ - > flags & FL_CLAMPED )
message = va ( " %s ^7has now had their info clamped. " , targ - > client - > pers . netname ) ;
message = va ( " %s ^7has now had their info un-clamped. " , targ - > client - > pers . netname ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" %s \n \" " , message ) ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
TiM : Someone entered a turbolift command
sets up the needed elements
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Cmd_Turbolift_f ( gentity_t * ent )
char arg [ 4 ] ;
int numEnts ;
int touch [ MAX_GENTITIES ] ;
vec3_t mins , maxs ;
int targDeck ;
static vec3_t range = { 40 , 40 , 52 } ;
int i ;
gentity_t * lift = NULL ;
gentity_t * otherLift = NULL ;
playerState_t * ps ;
if ( ! ent - > client )
return ;
ps = & ent - > client - > ps ;
if ( ent - > client - > sess . sessionTeam = = TEAM_SPECTATOR )
return ;
if ( ps - > stats [ STAT_HEALTH ] < = 0 ) {
return ;
//trap_Argv( 1, arg, sizeof(arg) );
trap_Argv ( 2 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
if ( ! arg [ 0 ] )
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" You must specify a deck \n \" " ) ;
return ;
targDeck = atoi ( arg ) ;
if ( targDeck < = 0 )
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" Error: Deck was not recognized \n \" " ) ;
return ;
//checking to make sure we're inside a lift ent right now
VectorSubtract ( ps - > origin , range , mins ) ;
VectorAdd ( ps - > origin , range , maxs ) ;
numEnts = trap_EntitiesInBox ( mins , maxs , touch , MAX_GENTITIES ) ;
/*if ( !numEnts )
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" You are not inside a turbolift \n \" " ) ;
return ;
} */
for ( i = 0 ; i < numEnts ; i + + )
lift = & g_entities [ touch [ i ] ] ;
if ( ! lift )
continue ;
//found our ent!
if ( ! Q_stricmp ( lift - > classname , " target_turbolift " ) )
break ;
//reset it
lift = NULL ;
if ( ! lift )
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" You are not inside a turbolift \n \" " ) ;
return ;
if ( lift - > flags & FL_LOCKED & & ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" Turbolift is offline. \n \" " ) ;
return ;
if ( lift - > count > 0 )
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" Turbolift is currently in use. \n \" " ) ;
return ;
if ( lift - > health = = targDeck )
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" You cannot specify your current turbolift \n \" " ) ;
return ;
//FIXME: random deck->turbolift search
int numLifts = 0 ;
gentity_t * lifts [ 12 ] ;
while ( ( otherLift = G_Find ( otherLift , FOFS ( classname ) , " target_turbolift " ) ) ! = NULL )
if ( otherLift - > health = = targDeck )
if ( numLifts > = 12 )
break ;
lifts [ numLifts ] = otherLift ;
numLifts + + ;
if ( ! numLifts )
otherLift = NULL ;
otherLift = lifts [ rand ( ) % numLifts ] ;
if ( ! otherLift )
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" Could not find desired deck number. \n \" " ) ;
return ;
lift - > count = otherLift - g_entities ;
otherLift - > count = lift - g_entities ;
lift - > nextthink = level . time + FRAMETIME ;
lift - > think = target_turbolift_start ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Cmd_MeAction_f ( gentity_t * ent )
char message [ 512 ] ;
if ( ! ent - > client )
return ;
if ( trap_Argc ( ) < 2 )
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" Chat Emote Command. \n Usage: type a 3rd person action sentence. \n Example: 'sits down'. \n \" " ) ;
return ;
//RPG-X | Marcin | 24/12/2008
//n00b check
if ( g_classData [ ent - > client - > sess . sessionClass ] . isn00b ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" [You're too stupid to use this command] \n \" " ) ;
return ;
Q_strncpyz ( message , ConcatArgs ( 1 ) , sizeof ( message ) ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( - 1 , va ( " print \" %s " S_COLOR_WHITE " %s \n \" " , ent - > client - > pers . netname , message ) ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Based of J ' s code
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Cmd_MeActionLocal_f ( gentity_t * ent )
char message [ 512 ] ;
gentity_t * OtherPlayer ; //Entity pointers to other players in game (used in loop)
int i ; //Loop Counter
if ( ! ent - > client )
return ;
if ( trap_Argc ( ) < 2 )
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" Chat Emote Command in your Immediate Area. \n Usage: type a 3rd person action sentence. \n Example: 'sits down'. \n \" " ) ;
return ;
//RPG-X | Marcin | 24/12/2008
//n00b check
if ( g_classData [ ent - > client - > sess . sessionClass ] . isn00b ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" [You're too stupid to use this command] \n \" " ) ;
return ;
Q_strncpyz ( message , ConcatArgs ( 1 ) , sizeof ( message ) ) ;
// float DistanceVector[2]; //Distance Vector from client caller to victim
// float Distance; //Real Distance from client caller to victim
//const float range = 750.0f; //Range Constant (CVAR later)
//const float height = 64.0f; //Half the player model hieght
if ( g_dedicated . integer ) {
G_Printf ( " %s emoted to area: %s \n " , ent - > client - > pers . netname , message ) ;
//Loop Through Clients on the server
//RPG-X: J2J - BugFix: used to be connected clients which meant most clients were missed out and other bugs.
// Change to max clients and the loop ingores invalid players.
for ( i = 0 ; i < level . maxclients ; i + + )
OtherPlayer = & g_entities [ i ] ; //Point OtherPlayer to next player
//Send message to admins warning about command being used.
//TiM - since double spamming is annoying, ensure that the target admin wants this alert
if ( ! OtherPlayer - > client - > noAdminChat & & IsAdmin ( OtherPlayer ) )
trap_SendServerCommand ( - 1 , va ( " print \" %s " S_COLOR_CYAN " (locally) " S_COLOR_WHITE " %s \n \" " , ent - > client - > pers . netname , message ) ) ;
//G_SayTo( ent, OtherPlayer, SAY_ADMIN, COLOR_CYAN, va("%s ^7emoted to area: ", ent->client->pers.netname ), message ); //^2%s
//Check is OtherPlayer is valid
if ( ! OtherPlayer | | ! OtherPlayer - > inuse | | ! OtherPlayer - > client )
continue ;
if ( trap_InPVS ( ent - > client - > ps . origin , OtherPlayer - > client - > ps . origin ) )
//Communicate to the player
trap_SendServerCommand ( i , va ( " print \" %s " S_COLOR_WHITE " %s \n \" " , ent - > client - > pers . netname , message ) ) ;
OtherPlayer = NULL ; //Reset pointer ready for next iteration.
static void Cmd_MapsList_f ( gentity_t * ent )
char mapList [ 1024 ] ;
char fileList [ 4096 ] ;
int numFiles ;
char * filePtr ;
int i ;
int len ;
if ( ! ent - > client )
return ;
numFiles = trap_FS_GetFileList ( " maps " , " bsp " , fileList , sizeof ( fileList ) ) ;
if ( numFiles < = 0 )
return ;
filePtr = fileList ;
memset ( mapList , 0 , sizeof ( mapList ) ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < numFiles ; i + + , filePtr + = ( len + 1 ) )
len = strlen ( filePtr ) ;
if ( len < = 0 | | ! filePtr )
return ;
if ( strchr ( filePtr , ' / ' ) | | strchr ( filePtr , ' \\ ' ) )
continue ;
//G_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "%s\n", filePtr );
if ( strlen ( mapList ) + len + 20 > sizeof ( mapList ) )
break ;
Q_strcat ( mapList , sizeof ( mapList ) , filePtr ) ;
Q_strcat ( mapList , sizeof ( mapList ) , " \n " ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" %s \" " , mapList ) ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Marcin 03 / 12 / 2008
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Cmd_Drop_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
char txt [ 512 ] ;
if ( trap_Argc ( ) < 2 ) {
txt [ 0 ] = ' \0 ' ;
Q_strncpyz ( txt , ConcatArgs ( 1 ) , sizeof ( txt ) ) ;
ThrowWeapon ( ent , txt ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
GSIO01 | 08 / 05 / 2009
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Cmd_lockDoor_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
//RPG-X | GSIO01 | 08/05/2009: I use the useent code as base
char entArg [ MAX_TOKEN_CHARS ] ;
gentity_t * targetEnt ;
int index ;
playerState_t * ps ;
# ifndef SQL
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) ) {
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as an admin. \n \" " ) ) ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
return ;
# else
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) | | ! qboolean G_Sql_UserDB_CheckRight ( ent - > client - > uid , 16777216 ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as a user with the appropiate rights. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
# endif
trap_Argv ( 1 , entArg , sizeof ( entArg ) ) ;
//No arguments - Do a trace
if ( ! entArg [ 0 ] ) {
vec3_t start , forward , end ;
trace_t tr ;
ps = & ent - > client - > ps ;
//calc start
VectorCopy ( ent - > r . currentOrigin , start ) ;
start [ 2 ] + = ps - > viewheight ;
//calc end
AngleVectors ( ps - > viewangles , forward , NULL , NULL ) ;
VectorMA ( start , 8192 , forward , end ) ;
trap_Trace ( & tr , start , NULL , NULL , end , ps - > clientNum , MASK_SHOT ) ;
//We hit nothing valid, so let's print some nifty instructions :)
//Can't do it :( It'd get too annoying >.<
/*if ( tr.fraction == 1.0 || ( tr.entityNum < MAX_CLIENTS || tr.entityNum >= ENTITYNUM_WORLD ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - > client - > ps . clientNum , va ( " print \" \n Usage: Activates a useable map entity \n \n Command: useEnt <Index of targeted entity> \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
} */
index = tr . entityNum ;
else { //We gotz an arg, so put it in
index = atoi ( entArg ) ;
//invalid value ... so I guess it could be a targetname
if ( index < MAX_CLIENTS | | index > = ENTITYNUM_WORLD ) {
targetEnt = G_Find ( NULL , FOFS ( targetname ) , entArg ) ;
//STILL no dice?? Gah... just eff it then lol.
if ( ! targetEnt ) {
return ;
else {
targetEnt = & g_entities [ index ] ; //get the ent
//find out the ent is valid, and it is useable
//TiM: Hack. Well... since we can use usables anyway, I'ma gonna disable them here.
//Doing it this way can screw up maps bigtime. >.<
//RPG_Chambers may never be the same again.... :S
if ( ( targetEnt ) ) {
if ( Q_stricmp ( targetEnt - > classname , " func_door " ) ) {
//GSIO01 not a func_door?? well then check wheter its a rotating door
if ( Q_stricmp ( targetEnt - > classname , " func_door_rotating " ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" Entity %i isn't a door. \n \" " , index ) ) ;
return ;
//targetEnt->use( targetEnt, ent, ent ); //Activate the Ent
targetEnt - > flags ^ = FL_LOCKED ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
GSIO01 | 09 / 05 / 2009
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Cmd_ffColor_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
char arg [ 16 ] ;
int i ;
# ifndef SQL
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as an admin. \n \" " ) ) ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
return ;
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
# else
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) | | ! qboolean G_Sql_UserDB_CheckRight ( ent - > client - > uid , 33554432 ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as a user with the appropiate rights. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
# endif
trap_Argv ( 1 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
i = atoi ( arg ) ;
if ( i < 0 | | i > 3 )
trap_Cvar_Set ( " rpg_forceFieldColor " , " 0 " ) ;
trap_Cvar_Set ( " rpg_forceFieldColor " , va ( " %i " , i ) ) ;
static int lastRemodulation [ 3 ] = { 0 , 0 , 0 } ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
GSIO01 | 09 / 05 / 2009
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Cmd_remodulate_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
char arg [ 16 ] ;
int i ;
if ( ! rpg_allowRemodulation . integer )
return ;
if ( trap_Argc ( ) < 2 ) {
G_PrintfClient ( ent , " Usage: remodulate i, where i: 1 = phaser, 2 = phaser rifle and 3 = disruptor \n " ) ;
G_PrintfClient ( ent , " Usage: phaser, prifle, disruptor \n " ) ;
return ;
trap_Argv ( 1 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
if ( ! Q_strncmp ( arg , " phaser " , 6 ) )
i = 1 ;
else if ( ! Q_strncmp ( arg , " prifle " , 6 ) )
i = 2 ;
else if ( ! Q_strncmp ( arg , " disruptor " , 9 ) )
i = 3 ;
i = atoi ( arg ) ;
if ( i < 1 | | i > 3 ) return ;
if ( lastRemodulation [ i - 1 ] & & ( level . time - lastRemodulation [ i - 1 ] > rpg_RemodulationDelay . integer ) ) {
G_PrintfClient ( ent , " You have to wait some time until you can remodulate again. \n " ) ;
return ;
switch ( i ) {
case 1 :
2012-03-16 12:05:41 +00:00
level . borgAdaptHits [ WP_5 ] = 0 ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
trap_SendServerCommand ( - 1 , va ( " print \" Phasers have been remodulated. \n \" " ) ) ;
break ;
case 2 :
2012-03-16 12:05:41 +00:00
level . borgAdaptHits [ WP_6 ] = 0 ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
trap_SendServerCommand ( - 1 , va ( " print \" Compression Rifles have been remodulated. \n \" " ) ) ;
break ;
case 3 :
2012-03-16 12:05:41 +00:00
level . borgAdaptHits [ WP_10 ] = 0 ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
trap_SendServerCommand ( - 1 , va ( " print \" Disruptors have been remodulated. \n \" " ) ) ;
break ;
default :
G_PrintfClient ( ent , " Usage: remodulate i, where i: 1 = phaser, 2 = phaser rifle and 3 = disruptor \n " ) ;
break ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
GSIO01 | 11 / 05 / 2009
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Cmd_unlockAll_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
int i ;
if ( ! ent | | ! ent - > client )
return ;
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
# ifndef SQL
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as an admin. \n \" " ) ) ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
return ;
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
# else
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) | | ! qboolean G_Sql_UserDB_CheckRight ( ent - > client - > uid , 16777216 ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as a user with the appropiate rights. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
# endif
for ( i = g_maxclients . integer ; i < MAX_GENTITIES ; i + + ) {
if ( Q_stricmp ( g_entities [ i ] . classname , " func_door " ) = = 0 & & ( g_entities [ i ] . flags & FL_LOCKED ) )
g_entities [ i ] . flags ^ = FL_LOCKED ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( g_entities [ i ] . classname , " func_door_rotating " ) = = 0 & & ( g_entities [ i ] . flags & FL_LOCKED ) )
g_entities [ i ] . flags ^ = FL_LOCKED ;
G_PrintfClient ( ent , " All doors unlocked. \n " ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
GSIO01 | 12 / 05 / 2009
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Cmd_Respawn_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
gentity_t * tent ;
if ( ! ent )
return ;
if ( ! ent - > client )
return ;
ClientSpawn ( ent , 0 , qfalse ) ;
if ( ent - > client - > sess . sessionTeam ! = TEAM_SPECTATOR ) {
ent - > client - > ps . powerups [ PW_QUAD ] = level . time + 4000 ;
tent = G_TempEntity ( ent - > client - > ps . origin , EV_PLAYER_TRANSPORT_IN ) ;
tent - > s . clientNum = ent - > s . clientNum ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
GSIO01 | 12 / 05 / 2009
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Cmd_lockAll_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
int i ;
if ( ! ent | | ! ent - > client )
return ;
# ifndef SQL
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as an admin. \n \" " ) ) ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
return ;
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
# else
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) | | ! qboolean G_Sql_UserDB_CheckRight ( ent - > client - > uid , 16777216 ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as a user with the appropiate rights. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
# endif
for ( i = g_maxclients . integer ; i < MAX_GENTITIES ; i + + ) {
if ( Q_stricmp ( g_entities [ i ] . classname , " func_door " ) = = 0 & & ! ( g_entities [ i ] . flags & FL_LOCKED ) )
g_entities [ i ] . flags ^ = FL_LOCKED ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( g_entities [ i ] . classname , " func_door_rotating " ) = = 0 & & ! ( g_entities [ i ] . flags & FL_LOCKED ) )
g_entities [ i ] . flags ^ = FL_LOCKED ;
G_PrintfClient ( ent , " All doors locked. \n " ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
GSIO01 | 12 / 05 / 2009
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Cmd_changeFreq ( gentity_t * ent ) {
float i ;
char arg [ 16 ] ;
if ( ! ent | | ! ent - > client )
return ;
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
# ifndef SQL
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as an admin. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
# else
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) | | ! qboolean G_Sql_UserDB_CheckRight ( ent - > client - > uid , 33554432 ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as a user with the appropiate rights. \n \" " ) ) ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
return ;
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
# endif
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
if ( trap_Argc ( ) < 2 ) {
G_PrintfClient ( ent , " Usage: changeFreq value, -1 = level 10 forcefield, 0 = random or any value between 0 and 20 \n " ) ;
return ;
trap_Argv ( 1 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
i = atof ( arg ) ;
switch ( atoi ( arg ) ) {
case - 1 :
i = - 1 ;
break ;
case 0 :
i = flrandom ( 0.1 , 20 ) ;
break ;
default :
if ( i < 0 | | i > 20 ) {
i = flrandom ( 0.1 , 20 ) ;
break ;
trap_Cvar_Set ( " rpg_forceFieldFreq " , va ( " %f " , i ) ) ;
G_Printf ( " %f \n " , rpg_forceFieldFreq . value ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
GSIO01 | 12 / 05 / 2009
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Cmd_alert_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
gentity_t * alertEnt , * te ;
char arg [ 10 ] , arg2 [ 16 ] ;
int i = 0 ;
if ( ! ent | | ! ent - > client )
return ;
# ifndef SQL
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as an admin. \n \" " ) ) ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
return ;
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
# else
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) | | ! qboolean G_Sql_UserDB_CheckRight ( ent - > client - > uid , 67108864 ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as a user with the appropiate rights. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
# endif
alertEnt = G_Find ( NULL , FOFS ( classname ) , " target_alert " ) ;
if ( ! alertEnt ) {
G_PrintfClient ( ent , " This map doesn't seem to support the alert command. \n " ) ;
return ;
if ( trap_Argc ( ) < 2 ) {
G_PrintfClient ( ent , " Usage: alert condition, where condition can be yellow, red, green, or blue. \n Usage: alert condition sound, where for condition see above and sound can be 0 = don't toggle and 1 = toggle. \n Usage: alert toggle, toggles the sound. \n " ) ;
return ;
te = G_Spawn ( ) ;
trap_Argv ( 1 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
if ( trap_Argc ( ) > 2 ) {
trap_Argv ( 2 , arg2 , sizeof ( arg2 ) ) ;
i = atoi ( arg2 ) ;
if ( ! Q_stricmp ( arg , " red " ) )
te - > target = alertEnt - > falsename ;
else if ( ! Q_stricmp ( arg , " yellow " ) )
te - > target = alertEnt - > truename ;
else if ( ! Q_stricmp ( arg , " blue " ) )
te - > target = alertEnt - > bluename ;
else if ( ! Q_stricmp ( arg , " green " ) )
te - > target = alertEnt - > swapname ;
else if ( ! Q_stricmp ( arg , " toggle " ) ) {
switch ( alertEnt - > damage ) {
case 0 : // green
te - > target = alertEnt - > swapname ;
break ;
case 1 : // yellow
te - > target = alertEnt - > truename ;
break ;
case 2 : // red
te - > target = alertEnt - > falsename ;
break ;
case 3 : // blue
te - > target = alertEnt - > bluename ;
break ;
if ( i = = 1 )
i = 0 ;
else {
G_PrintfClient ( ent , " Invalid alert condition %s. Valid conditions: red, blue, yellow, green. \n " ) ;
return ;
if ( i = = 1 ) {
te - > classname = " dummy " ;
alertEnt - > use ( alertEnt , NULL , te ) ;
te - > classname = NULL ;
alertEnt - > use ( alertEnt , NULL , te ) ;
if ( ! te )
G_Printf ( " te got removed \n " ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
GSIO01 | 12 / 05 / 2009
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Cmd_admin_centerprint_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
char * arg ;
if ( trap_Argc ( ) < 1 ) {
return ;
//If client isn't in admin class, exit and disallow command.
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
# ifndef SQL
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as an admin. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
# else
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) | | ! qboolean G_Sql_UserDB_CheckRight ( ent - > client - > uid , 16384 ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as a user with the appropiate rights. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
# endif
if ( ! ent | | ! ent - > client ) {
return ; // not fully in game yet
arg = ConcatArgs ( 1 ) ;
if ( ! arg [ 0 ] ) { //if user added no args (ie wanted the parameters)
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" \n Usage: Admin broadcasts a message to all users on the server that stays for several seconds \n Command: Msg2 \" <Message> \" \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
if ( arg [ 0 ] = = ' \0 ' )
return ;
//RPG-X: Marcin: changed to -1
trap_SendServerCommand ( - 1 , va ( " print \" %s \n \" " , arg ) ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( - 1 , va ( " servercprint \" %s \" " , arg ) ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Cmd_getBrushEntCount_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) )
return ;
G_PrintfClient ( ent , " Brush Entity Count: %i \n " , level . numBrushEnts ) ;
if ( level . numBrushEnts > ( MAX_MODELS - 1 ) )
G_PrintfClient ( ent , S_COLOR_YELLOW " Nelson sees this number and says: Ha Ha! \n " ) ;
// Dev commands:
// not in release
static void Cmd_listSPs ( gentity_t * ent ) {
int i ;
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) )
return ;
G_Printf ( " Spawnpoint list: \n " ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_GENTITIES ; i + + ) {
if ( ! Q_stricmp ( g_entities [ i ] . classname , " info_player_start " ) )
G_Printf ( " Spawnpoint type: info_player_start Origin: %s \n " , vtos ( ent - > s . origin ) ) ;
if ( ! Q_stricmp ( g_entities [ i ] . classname , " info_player_deathmatch " ) )
G_Printf ( " Spawnpoint type: info_player_deathmatch Origin: %s \n " , vtos ( ent - > s . origin ) ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Cmd_getEntInfo_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
int i ;
char arg [ 10 ] ;
playerState_t * ps ;
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) )
return ;
trap_Argv ( 1 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
if ( ! arg [ 0 ] ) {
vec3_t start , forward , end ;
trace_t tr ;
ps = & ent - > client - > ps ;
VectorCopy ( ent - > r . currentOrigin , start ) ;
start [ 2 ] + = ps - > viewheight ;
AngleVectors ( ps - > viewangles , forward , NULL , NULL ) ;
VectorMA ( start , 8192 , forward , end ) ;
trap_Trace ( & tr , start , NULL , NULL , end , ps - > clientNum , MASK_SHOT ) ;
i = tr . entityNum ;
else {
i = atoi ( arg ) ;
if ( i > MAX_GENTITIES - 1 )
return ;
G_PrintfClient ( ent , " Classname: %s \n Targetname: %s \n Target: %s \n Spawnflags: %i \n Bmodel: %s \n \" " , g_entities [ i ] . classname , g_entities [ i ] . targetname , g_entities [ i ] . target , g_entities [ i ] . spawnflags , g_entities [ i ] . model ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Cmd_getOrigin_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
int i ;
char arg [ 10 ] ;
playerState_t * ps ;
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) )
return ;
trap_Argv ( 1 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
if ( ! arg [ 0 ] ) {
vec3_t start , forward , end ;
trace_t tr ;
ps = & ent - > client - > ps ;
VectorCopy ( ent - > r . currentOrigin , start ) ;
start [ 2 ] + = ps - > viewheight ;
AngleVectors ( ps - > viewangles , forward , NULL , NULL ) ;
VectorMA ( start , 8192 , forward , end ) ;
trap_Trace ( & tr , start , NULL , NULL , end , ps - > clientNum , MASK_SHOT ) ;
i = tr . entityNum ;
else {
i = atoi ( arg ) ;
if ( i > MAX_GENTITIES - 1 )
return ;
G_PrintfClient ( ent , " s.origin = %s, r.currentOrigin = %s, pos1 = %s, pos2 = %s \n \" " , vtos ( g_entities [ i ] . s . origin ) , vtos ( g_entities [ i ] . r . currentOrigin ) , vtos ( g_entities [ i ] . pos1 ) , vtos ( g_entities [ i ] . pos2 ) ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Cmd_getEntByTargetname_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
int i ;
char arg [ MAX_STRING_TOKENS ] ;
gentity_t * t ;
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) )
return ;
trap_Argv ( 1 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_GENTITIES ; i + + ) {
if ( ! & g_entities [ i ] ) continue ;
t = & g_entities [ i ] ;
if ( t - > targetname & & ! Q_stricmpn ( t - > targetname , arg , strlen ( arg ) ) )
G_PrintfClient ( ent , " ENT %i: %s " , i , t - > classname ) ;
if ( t - > targetname2 & & ! Q_stricmpn ( t - > targetname2 , arg , strlen ( arg ) ) )
G_PrintfClient ( ent , " ENT %i: %s (targetname2) " , i , t - > classname ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Cmd_getEntByTarget_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
char arg [ MAX_STRING_TOKENS ] ;
int cnt ;
int i ;
gentity_t * entities [ MAX_GENTITIES ] ;
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) )
return ;
trap_Argv ( 1 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
cnt = G_GetEntityByTarget ( arg , entities ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < cnt ; i + + ) {
if ( ! entities [ i ] | | ! entities [ i ] - > classname ) continue ;
G_PrintfClient ( ent , " ENT %i: %s \n \" " , entities [ i ] - > s . number , entities [ i ] - > classname ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Cmd_getEntByBmodel_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
char arg [ MAX_STRING_TOKENS ] ;
gentity_t * entity ;
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) )
return ;
trap_Argv ( 1 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
entity = G_Find ( NULL , FOFS ( model ) , arg ) ;
if ( ! entity ) return ;
G_PrintfClient ( ent , " ENT %i: %s \n \" " , entity - > s . number , entity - > classname ) ;
// not in release
static void Cmd_setOrigin ( gentity_t * ent ) {
int i ;
vec3_t origin ;
gentity_t * ent2 ;
char arg [ 10 ] ;
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) )
return ;
trap_Argv ( 1 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
i = atoi ( arg ) ;
trap_Argv ( 2 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
origin [ 0 ] = atof ( arg ) ;
trap_Argv ( 3 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
origin [ 1 ] = atof ( arg ) ;
trap_Argv ( 4 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
origin [ 2 ] = atof ( arg ) ;
if ( i > MAX_GENTITIES - 1 )
return ;
ent2 = & g_entities [ i ] ;
if ( ! ent2 )
return ;
VectorCopy ( origin , ent2 - > s . origin ) ;
VectorCopy ( origin , ent2 - > r . currentOrigin ) ;
trap_LinkEntity ( ent ) ;
G_SetOrigin ( ent2 , origin ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Cmd_flushTentities_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
int i ;
int cnt = 0 ;
char arg [ MAX_QPATH ] ;
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
# ifndef SQL
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as an admin. \n \" " ) ) ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
return ;
# else
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) | | ! qboolean G_Sql_UserDB_CheckRight ( ent - > client - > uid , 134217728 ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as a user with the appropiate rights. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
# endif
if ( ! trap_Argc ( ) ) {
} else {
trap_Argv ( 1 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
if ( ! Q_stricmpn ( arg , " all " , 3 ) ) {
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_GENTITIES ; i + + ) {
if ( ! Q_stricmpn ( g_entities [ i ] . classname , " tmp_ " , 4 ) ) {
G_FreeEntity ( & g_entities [ i ] ) ;
cnt + + ;
G_PrintfClient ( ent , " Freed %i temporal entities. \n " , cnt ) ;
} else {
i = atoi ( arg ) ;
if ( i < 0 | | i > MAX_GENTITIES - 1 ) {
G_PrintfClient ( ent , " Invalid entity num %i. \n \" " , i ) ;
return ;
if ( ! Q_stricmpn ( g_entities [ i ] . classname , " tmp_ " , 4 ) ) {
G_FreeEntity ( & g_entities [ i ] ) ;
} else {
G_PrintfClient ( ent , " Entity %i is not a temporal entity or does not exist! \n \" " , i ) ;
extern qboolean G_CallSpawn ( gentity_t * ent ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Cmd_spawnTentity_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
char arg [ MAX_STRING_TOKENS ] , * arg2 ;
//char *target, targetname;
vec3_t origin , start , end , forward , angles ;
float sizeX , sizeY , sizeZ ;
int numArgs ;
int clientNum ;
gentity_t * newEnt ;
trace_t tr ;
char tmp [ MAX_STRING_TOKENS ] ;
//return; // we don't want this to be avaible in the current release as it's not finised
memset ( arg , 0 , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
memset ( tmp , 0 , sizeof ( tmp ) ) ;
numArgs = trap_Argc ( ) ;
clientNum = ent - > client - > ps . clientNum ;
# ifndef SQL
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as an admin. \n \" " ) ) ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
return ;
# else
2012-01-07 14:48:43 +00:00
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) | | ! qboolean G_Sql_UserDB_CheckRight ( ent - > client - > uid , 134217728 ) ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " print \" ERROR: You are not logged in as a user with the appropiate rights. \n \" " ) ) ;
return ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
# endif
if ( ! numArgs ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" Insufficent number of arguments for spawnTEnt! \n \" " ) ;
return ;
//get origin and angles
//calc start
VectorCopy ( ent - > r . currentOrigin , start ) ;
start [ 2 ] + = ent - > client - > ps . viewheight ;
//calc end
AngleVectors ( ent - > client - > ps . viewangles , forward , NULL , NULL ) ;
VectorMA ( start , 8192 , forward , end ) ;
trap_Trace ( & tr , start , NULL , NULL , end , clientNum , MASK_SHOT ) ;
VectorCopy ( tr . endpos , origin ) ;
VectorCopy ( tr . plane . normal , angles ) ;
newEnt = G_Spawn ( ) ;
if ( ! newEnt ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" Could not spawn new entity. Most likely there are no free entities left. \n \" " ) ;
return ;
newEnt - > tmpEntity = qtrue ;
G_SetOrigin ( newEnt , origin ) ;
VectorCopy ( angles , newEnt - > s . angles ) ;
VectorCopy ( angles , newEnt - > r . currentAngles ) ;
trap_Argv ( 1 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
//check wether this is a valid entity
if ( ! Q_stricmpn ( arg , " trigger_ " , 8 ) ) {
if ( ! Q_stricmp ( arg , " trigger_teleport " ) ) {
newEnt - > classname = G_NewString ( " trigger_teleport " ) ;
if ( numArgs < 5 ) {
G_FreeEntity ( newEnt ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" Insufficent number of arguments for trigger_teleport! \n \" " ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" Usage: spawnTEnt trigger_teleport sizeX sizeY sizeZ target (spawnflags swapname speed) \n \" " ) ;
return ;
trap_Argv ( 2 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
arg2 = arg ;
sizeX = atof ( arg2 ) ;
trap_Argv ( 3 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
arg2 = arg ;
sizeY = atof ( arg2 ) ;
trap_Argv ( 4 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
arg2 = arg ;
sizeZ = atof ( arg2 ) ;
newEnt - > r . mins [ 0 ] = newEnt - > r . maxs [ 0 ] = sizeX ;
newEnt - > r . mins [ 1 ] = newEnt - > r . maxs [ 1 ] = sizeY ;
newEnt - > r . mins [ 2 ] = newEnt - > r . maxs [ 2 ] = sizeZ ;
VectorScale ( newEnt - > r . mins , - .5 , newEnt - > r . mins ) ;
VectorScale ( newEnt - > r . maxs , .5 , newEnt - > r . maxs ) ;
VectorCopy ( newEnt - > r . maxs , newEnt - > r . absmax ) ;
VectorCopy ( newEnt - > r . mins , newEnt - > r . absmin ) ;
trap_Argv ( 5 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > target = G_NewString ( arg ) ;
if ( numArgs > = 6 ) {
trap_Argv ( 6 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > spawnflags = atoi ( arg ) ;
if ( numArgs > = 7 ) {
trap_Argv ( 7 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > swapname = G_NewString ( arg ) ;
if ( numArgs > = 8 ) {
trap_Argv ( 8 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > health = atof ( arg ) ;
G_CallSpawn ( newEnt ) ;
} else if ( ! Q_stricmp ( arg , " trigger_once " ) ) { //actually trigger_multiple with wait of -1
newEnt - > classname = G_NewString ( " trigger_multiple " ) ;
if ( numArgs < 5 ) {
G_FreeEntity ( newEnt ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" Insufficent number of argmuments for trigger_once! \n \" " ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" Usage: spawnTEnt trigger_once sizeX sizeY sizeZ target \n \" " ) ;
return ;
trap_Argv ( 2 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
arg2 = arg ;
sizeX = atof ( arg2 ) ;
trap_Argv ( 3 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
arg2 = arg ;
sizeY = atof ( arg2 ) ;
trap_Argv ( 4 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
arg2 = arg ;
sizeZ = atof ( arg2 ) ;
newEnt - > r . mins [ 0 ] = newEnt - > r . maxs [ 0 ] = sizeX ;
newEnt - > r . mins [ 1 ] = newEnt - > r . maxs [ 1 ] = sizeY ;
newEnt - > r . mins [ 2 ] = newEnt - > r . maxs [ 2 ] = sizeZ ;
VectorScale ( newEnt - > r . mins , - .5 , newEnt - > r . mins ) ;
VectorScale ( newEnt - > r . maxs , .5 , newEnt - > r . maxs ) ;
VectorCopy ( newEnt - > r . maxs , newEnt - > r . absmax ) ;
VectorCopy ( newEnt - > r . mins , newEnt - > r . absmin ) ;
trap_Argv ( 5 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > target = G_NewString ( arg ) ;
G_CallSpawn ( newEnt ) ;
newEnt - > wait = - 1 ;
} else if ( ! Q_stricmp ( arg , " trigger_multiple " ) ) {
newEnt - > classname = G_NewString ( " trigger_multiple " ) ;
if ( numArgs < 6 ) {
G_FreeEntity ( newEnt ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" Insufficent number of argmuments for trigger_multple! \n \" " ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" Usage: spawnTEnt trigger_multiple sizeX sizeY sizeZ target wait \n \" " ) ;
return ;
trap_Argv ( 2 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
arg2 = arg ;
sizeX = atof ( arg2 ) ;
trap_Argv ( 3 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
arg2 = arg ;
sizeY = atof ( arg2 ) ;
trap_Argv ( 4 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
arg2 = arg ;
sizeZ = atof ( arg2 ) ;
newEnt - > r . mins [ 0 ] = newEnt - > r . maxs [ 0 ] = sizeX ;
newEnt - > r . mins [ 1 ] = newEnt - > r . maxs [ 1 ] = sizeY ;
newEnt - > r . mins [ 2 ] = newEnt - > r . maxs [ 2 ] = sizeZ ;
VectorScale ( newEnt - > r . mins , - .5 , newEnt - > r . mins ) ;
VectorScale ( newEnt - > r . maxs , .5 , newEnt - > r . maxs ) ;
VectorCopy ( newEnt - > r . maxs , newEnt - > r . absmax ) ;
VectorCopy ( newEnt - > r . mins , newEnt - > r . absmin ) ;
trap_Argv ( 5 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > target = G_NewString ( arg ) ;
G_CallSpawn ( newEnt ) ;
trap_Argv ( 6 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > wait = atof ( arg ) ;
} else if ( ! Q_stricmp ( arg , " trigger_hurt " ) ) {
//newEnt = G_Spawn();
newEnt - > classname = G_NewString ( " trigger_hurt " ) ;
if ( numArgs < 4 ) {
G_FreeEntity ( newEnt ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" Insufficent number of arguments for trigger_hurt! \n \" " ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" Usage: spawnTEnt trigger_hurt sizeX sizeY sizeZ dmg (targetname) " ) ;
return ;
trap_Argv ( 2 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
arg2 = arg ;
sizeX = atof ( arg2 ) ;
trap_Argv ( 3 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
arg2 = arg ;
sizeY = atof ( arg2 ) ;
trap_Argv ( 4 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
arg2 = arg ;
sizeZ = atof ( arg2 ) ;
newEnt - > r . mins [ 0 ] = newEnt - > r . maxs [ 0 ] = sizeX ;
newEnt - > r . mins [ 1 ] = newEnt - > r . maxs [ 1 ] = sizeY ;
newEnt - > r . mins [ 2 ] = newEnt - > r . maxs [ 2 ] = sizeZ ;
VectorScale ( newEnt - > r . mins , - .5 , newEnt - > r . mins ) ;
VectorScale ( newEnt - > r . maxs , .5 , newEnt - > r . maxs ) ;
VectorCopy ( newEnt - > r . maxs , newEnt - > r . absmax ) ;
VectorCopy ( newEnt - > r . mins , newEnt - > r . absmin ) ;
G_CallSpawn ( newEnt ) ;
trap_Argv ( 5 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > damage = atoi ( arg ) ;
if ( numArgs > = 5 ) {
trap_Argv ( 5 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > targetname = G_NewString ( arg ) ;
} else if ( ! Q_stricmpn ( arg , " fx_ " , 3 ) ) {
if ( ! Q_stricmp ( arg , " fx_spark " ) ) {
//newEnt = G_Spawn();
newEnt - > classname = G_NewString ( " fx_spark " ) ;
if ( numArgs < 3 ) {
G_FreeEntity ( ent ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" Insufficent number of arguments for fx_spark! \n \" " ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" Usage: spawnTEnt fx_spark wait target (targetname spawnflags) \n \" " ) ;
return ;
trap_Argv ( 3 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > target = G_NewString ( arg ) ;
if ( numArgs > = 4 ) {
trap_Argv ( 4 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > targetname = G_NewString ( arg ) ;
if ( numArgs > = 5 ) {
trap_Argv ( 5 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > spawnflags = atoi ( arg ) ;
G_CallSpawn ( newEnt ) ;
trap_Argv ( 2 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > wait = atof ( arg ) ;
} else if ( ! Q_stricmp ( arg , " fx_surface_explosion " ) ) {
newEnt - > classname = G_NewString ( " fx_surface_explosion " ) ;
if ( numArgs < 2 ) {
G_FreeEntity ( newEnt ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" Insufficent number of arguments for fx_surface_explosion! \n \" " ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" Usage: spawnTEnt fx_surface_explosion targetname (spawnflags target damage radius speed) \" \n " ) ;
return ;
trap_Argv ( 2 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > targetname = G_NewString ( arg ) ;
if ( numArgs > = 3 ) {
trap_Argv ( 3 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > spawnflags = atoi ( arg ) ;
if ( numArgs > = 4 ) {
trap_Argv ( 4 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > target = G_NewString ( arg ) ;
if ( numArgs > = 5 ) {
trap_Argv ( 5 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > damage = atoi ( arg ) ;
if ( numArgs > = 6 ) {
trap_Argv ( 6 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > distance = atof ( arg ) ;
if ( numArgs > = 7 ) {
trap_Argv ( 7 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > speed = atof ( arg ) ;
G_CallSpawn ( newEnt ) ;
} else if ( ! Q_stricmp ( arg , " fx_blow_chunks " ) ) {
newEnt - > classname = G_NewString ( " fx_blow_chunks " ) ;
if ( numArgs < 3 ) {
G_FreeEntity ( newEnt ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" Insufficent number of arguments for fx_blow_chunks! \n \" " ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" Usage: spawnTEnt fx_blow_chunks targetname target (radius material) \n \" " ) ;
return ;
trap_Argv ( 2 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > targetname = G_NewString ( arg ) ;
trap_Argv ( 3 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > target = G_NewString ( arg ) ;
if ( numArgs > = 4 ) {
trap_Argv ( 4 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > distance = atof ( arg ) ;
if ( numArgs > = 5 ) {
trap_Argv ( 5 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > s . powerups = atoi ( arg ) ;
G_CallSpawn ( newEnt ) ;
} else if ( ! Q_stricmp ( arg , " fx_electrical_explosion " ) ) {
newEnt - > classname = G_NewString ( " fx_electrical_explosion " ) ;
if ( numArgs < 2 ) {
G_FreeEntity ( newEnt ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" Insufficent number of arguments for fx_electrical_explosion! \n \" " ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" Usage: spawnTEnt fx_electrical_explosion targetname (target radius damage) \n \" " ) ;
return ;
trap_Argv ( 2 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > targetname = G_NewString ( arg ) ;
if ( numArgs > = 3 ) {
trap_Argv ( 3 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > target = G_NewString ( arg ) ;
if ( numArgs > = 4 ) {
trap_Argv ( 4 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > distance = atof ( arg ) ;
if ( numArgs > = 5 ) {
trap_Argv ( 5 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > damage = atoi ( arg ) ;
G_CallSpawn ( newEnt ) ;
} else if ( ! Q_stricmpn ( arg , " info_ " , 5 ) ) {
if ( ! Q_stricmp ( arg , " info_notnull " ) ) {
newEnt - > classname = G_NewString ( " info_notnull " ) ;
if ( numArgs < 2 ) {
G_FreeEntity ( newEnt ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" Insufficent number of arguments for info_notnull! \n \" " ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" Usage: spawnTEnt info_notnull targetname \" \n " ) ;
return ;
trap_Argv ( 2 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > targetname = G_NewString ( arg ) ;
G_CallSpawn ( newEnt ) ;
} else if ( ! Q_stricmp ( arg , " info_player_deathmatch " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( arg , " info_player_start " ) ) {
newEnt - > classname = G_NewString ( " info_player_deathmatch " ) ;
G_CallSpawn ( newEnt ) ;
} else if ( ! Q_stricmpn ( arg , " target_ " , 7 ) ) {
if ( ! Q_stricmp ( arg , " target_boolean " ) ) {
newEnt - > classname = G_NewString ( " target_boolean " ) ;
if ( numArgs < 5 ) {
G_FreeEntity ( newEnt ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" Insufficent number of arguments for target_boolean! \n \" " ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" Usage: spawnTEnt target_boolean targetname truetarget \" " ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" falsetarget swapname (spawnflags truename falsename) \n \" " ) ;
return ;
trap_Argv ( 2 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > targetname = G_NewString ( arg ) ;
trap_Argv ( 3 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > truetarget = G_NewString ( arg ) ;
trap_Argv ( 4 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > falsetarget = G_NewString ( arg ) ;
trap_Argv ( 5 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > swapname = G_NewString ( arg ) ;
if ( numArgs > = 6 ) {
trap_Argv ( 6 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > spawnflags = atoi ( arg ) ;
if ( numArgs > = 7 ) {
trap_Argv ( 7 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > truename = G_NewString ( arg ) ;
if ( numArgs > = 8 ) {
trap_Argv ( 8 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > falsename = G_NewString ( arg ) ;
G_CallSpawn ( newEnt ) ;
} else if ( ! Q_stricmp ( arg , " target_counter " ) ) {
newEnt - > classname = G_NewString ( " target_counter " ) ;
if ( numArgs < 4 ) {
G_FreeEntity ( newEnt ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" Insufficent number of arguments for target_count! \n \" " ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" Usage: spawnTEnt target_counter targetname target count \n \" " ) ;
return ;
trap_Argv ( 2 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > targetname = G_NewString ( arg ) ;
trap_Argv ( 3 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > target = G_NewString ( arg ) ;
trap_Argv ( 4 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > count = atoi ( arg ) ;
G_CallSpawn ( newEnt ) ;
} else if ( ! Q_stricmp ( arg , " target_deactivate " ) ) {
newEnt - > classname = G_NewString ( " target_deactivate " ) ;
if ( numArgs < 3 ) {
G_FreeEntity ( newEnt ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" Insufficent number of arguments for target_deactivate! \n \" " ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" Usage spawnTEnt target_deactivate targetname target \n \" " ) ;
return ;
trap_Argv ( 2 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > targetname = G_NewString ( arg ) ;
trap_Argv ( 3 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > target = G_NewString ( arg ) ;
G_CallSpawn ( newEnt ) ;
} else if ( ! Q_stricmp ( arg , " target_doorlock " ) ) {
newEnt - > classname = G_NewString ( " target_doorlock " ) ;
if ( numArgs < 3 ) {
G_FreeEntity ( newEnt ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" Insufficent number of arguments for target_doorlock! \n \" " ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" Usage spawnTEnt target_doorlock target targetname (spawnflags lockMsg unlockMsg) \n \" " ) ;
return ;
trap_Argv ( 2 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > target = G_NewString ( arg ) ;
trap_Argv ( 3 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > targetname = G_NewString ( arg ) ;
if ( numArgs > = 4 ) {
trap_Argv ( 4 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > spawnflags = atoi ( arg ) ;
if ( numArgs > = 5 ) {
trap_Argv ( 5 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > swapname = G_NewString ( arg ) ;
if ( numArgs > = 6 ) {
trap_Argv ( 5 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > truename = G_NewString ( arg ) ;
G_CallSpawn ( newEnt ) ;
} else if ( ! Q_stricmp ( arg , " target_relay " ) ) {
newEnt - > classname = G_NewString ( " target_relay " ) ;
if ( numArgs < 3 ) {
G_FreeEntity ( newEnt ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" Insufficent number of arguments for target_relay! \n \" " ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" Usage: spawnTEnt target_relay targetname target (spawnflags) \n \" " ) ;
return ;
trap_Argv ( 2 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > targetname = G_NewString ( arg ) ;
trap_Argv ( 3 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > target = G_NewString ( arg ) ;
if ( numArgs > = 4 ) {
trap_Argv ( 4 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > spawnflags = atoi ( arg ) ;
G_CallSpawn ( newEnt ) ;
} else if ( ! Q_stricmp ( arg , " target_delay " ) ) {
newEnt - > classname = G_NewString ( " target_delay " ) ;
if ( numArgs < 3 ) {
G_FreeEntity ( newEnt ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" Insufficent number of arguments for target_delay! \n \" " ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" Usage: spawnTEnt target_delay targetname target delay (spawnflags random) \n \" " ) ;
return ;
trap_Argv ( 2 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > targetname = G_NewString ( arg ) ;
trap_Argv ( 3 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > target = G_NewString ( arg ) ;
if ( numArgs > = 4 ) {
trap_Argv ( 5 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > spawnflags = atoi ( arg ) ;
if ( numArgs > = 5 ) {
trap_Argv ( 6 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > random = atof ( arg ) ;
G_CallSpawn ( newEnt ) ;
trap_Argv ( 4 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > wait = atoi ( arg ) ;
} else if ( ! Q_stricmp ( arg , " target_evosuit " ) ) {
newEnt - > classname = G_NewString ( " target_evosuit " ) ;
if ( numArgs < 2 ) {
G_FreeEntity ( newEnt ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" Insufficent number of arguments for target_evosuit! \n \" " ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" Usage: spawnTEnt target_evosuit targetname \n \" " ) ;
return ;
trap_Argv ( 2 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > targetname = G_NewString ( arg ) ;
G_CallSpawn ( newEnt ) ;
} else if ( ! Q_stricmp ( arg , " target_give " ) ) {
newEnt - > classname = G_NewString ( " target_give " ) ;
if ( numArgs < 3 ) {
G_FreeEntity ( newEnt ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" Insufficent number of arguments for target_give! \n \" " ) ;
2012-03-16 12:05:41 +00:00
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" Usage: spawnTEnt target_give targetname items (example for items: WP_5 | WP_14) \n \" " ) ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
return ;
trap_Argv ( 2 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > targetname = G_NewString ( arg ) ;
trap_Argv ( 3 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > target = G_NewString ( arg ) ;
G_CallSpawn ( newEnt ) ;
} else if ( ! Q_stricmp ( arg , " target_gravity " ) ) {
newEnt - > classname = G_NewString ( " target_gravity " ) ;
if ( numArgs < 3 ) {
G_FreeEntity ( newEnt ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" Insufficent number of arguments for target_gravity! \n \" " ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" Usage: spawnTEnt target_gravity targetname gravity (spawnflags) \n \" " ) ;
return ;
trap_Argv ( 2 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > targetname = G_NewString ( arg ) ;
trap_Argv ( 3 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > targetname2 = G_NewString ( arg ) ;
if ( numArgs > = 4 ) {
trap_Argv ( 4 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > spawnflags = atoi ( arg ) ;
G_CallSpawn ( newEnt ) ;
} else if ( ! Q_stricmp ( arg , " target_kill " ) ) {
newEnt - > classname = G_NewString ( " target_kill " ) ;
if ( numArgs < 2 ) {
G_FreeEntity ( newEnt ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" Insufficent number of arguments for target_kill! \n \" " ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" Usage: spawnTEnt target_kill targetname \n \" " ) ;
return ;
trap_Argv ( 2 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > targetname = G_NewString ( arg ) ;
G_CallSpawn ( newEnt ) ;
} else if ( ! Q_stricmp ( arg , " target_print " ) ) {
newEnt - > classname = G_NewString ( " target_print " ) ;
if ( numArgs < 3 ) {
G_FreeEntity ( newEnt ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" Insufficent number of arguments for target_print! \n \" " ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" Usage: spawnTEnt target_print targetname message (spawnflags) \n \" " ) ;
return ;
trap_Argv ( 2 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > targetname = G_NewString ( arg ) ;
trap_Argv ( 3 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > message = G_NewString ( arg ) ;
if ( numArgs > = 4 ) {
trap_Argv ( 4 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > spawnflags = atoi ( arg ) ;
G_CallSpawn ( newEnt ) ;
} else if ( ! Q_stricmp ( arg , " target_repair " ) ) {
newEnt - > classname = G_NewString ( " target_repair " ) ;
if ( numArgs < 3 ) {
G_FreeEntity ( newEnt ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" Insufficent number of arguments for target_repair! \n \" " ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" Usage: spawnTEnt target_repair targetname target \n \" " ) ;
return ;
trap_Argv ( 2 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > targetname = G_NewString ( arg ) ;
trap_Argv ( 3 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > target = G_NewString ( arg ) ;
G_CallSpawn ( newEnt ) ;
} else if ( ! Q_stricmp ( arg , " target_shake " ) ) {
newEnt - > classname = G_NewString ( " target_shake " ) ;
if ( numArgs < 4 ) {
G_FreeEntity ( newEnt ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" Insufficent number of arguments for target_shake! \n \" " ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" Usage: spawnTEnt target_shake targetname intensity length \n \" " ) ;
return ;
trap_Argv ( 2 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > targetname = G_NewString ( arg ) ;
trap_Argv ( 3 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > distance = atof ( arg ) ;
G_CallSpawn ( newEnt ) ;
trap_Argv ( 4 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > wait = atof ( arg ) ;
} else if ( ! Q_stricmp ( arg , " target_teleporter " ) ) {
newEnt - > classname = G_NewString ( " target_teleporter " ) ;
if ( numArgs < 3 ) {
G_FreeEntity ( newEnt ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" Insufficent number of arguments for target_teleporter! \n \" " ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" Usage: spawnTEnt target_teleporter targetname target (spawnflags swapname) \n \" " ) ;
return ;
trap_Argv ( 2 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > targetname = G_NewString ( arg ) ;
trap_Argv ( 3 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > target = G_NewString ( arg ) ;
if ( numArgs > = 4 ) {
trap_Argv ( 4 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > spawnflags = atoi ( arg ) ;
if ( numArgs > = 5 ) {
trap_Argv ( 5 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > swapname = G_NewString ( arg ) ;
G_CallSpawn ( newEnt ) ;
} else if ( ! Q_stricmp ( arg , " target_speaker " ) ) {
newEnt - > classname = G_NewString ( " target_speaker " ) ;
if ( numArgs < 3 ) {
G_FreeEntity ( newEnt ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" Insufficent number of arguments for target_speaker! \n \" " ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" Usage: spawnTEnt target_speaker targetname sound (spawnflags wait random) \n \" " ) ;
return ;
trap_Argv ( 2 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > targetname = G_NewString ( arg ) ;
trap_Argv ( 3 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
if ( strlen ( arg ) > MAX_QPATH - 1 ) {
G_FreeEntity ( newEnt ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , va ( " print \" Length of sound exceeds MAX_QPATH (%i)! \n \" " , MAX_QPATH ) ) ;
return ;
newEnt - > count = G_SoundIndex ( arg ) ;
if ( numArgs > = 4 ) {
trap_Argv ( 4 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > spawnflags = atoi ( arg ) ;
if ( numArgs > = 5 ) {
trap_Argv ( 5 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > wait = atof ( arg ) ;
if ( numArgs > = 6 ) {
trap_Argv ( 6 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
newEnt - > random = atof ( arg ) ;
G_CallSpawn ( newEnt ) ;
if ( newEnt ) {
Com_sprintf ( tmp , sizeof ( tmp ) , " %s%s " , " tmp_ " , newEnt - > classname ) ;
newEnt - > classname = G_NewString ( tmp ) ;
if ( ! Q_stricmp ( newEnt - > classname , " tmp_trigger_multiple " ) & & ent - > wait = = - 1 )
newEnt - > classname = G_NewString ( " tmp_trigger_once " ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , va ( " print \" Spawned entity of type %s with entity number %i. \" " , newEnt - > classname , newEnt - > s . number ) ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Cmd_UniversalTrans_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
/*if(!rpg_useLanguages.integer) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - > client - > ps . clientNum , " print \" Languages aren't enabled. \n \" " ) ;
return ;
} */
ent - > client - > languages - > hasUniversal = ! ent - > client - > languages - > hasUniversal ;
static void Cmd_UiHolodeck_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " ui_holodeck 1 " ) ;
extern void trigger_transporter_delay ( gentity_t * ent ) ;
extern void trigger_transporter_think ( gentity_t * ent ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Cmd_UiTransporterLoc_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
int entNum , targetLoc , i , delay ;
gentity_t * locTarget = NULL ;
gentity_t * trTrigger ;
char arg [ MAX_QPATH ] ;
if ( trap_Argc ( ) < 2 ) return ;
trap_Argv ( 1 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
entNum = atoi ( arg ) ;
trTrigger = & g_entities [ entNum ] ;
if ( ! trTrigger ) return ;
trap_Argv ( 2 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
targetLoc = atoi ( arg ) ;
/*if(trap_Argc() == 3) {
trap_Argv ( 3 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
delay = atoi ( arg ) * 1000 ;
} */
trap_Argv ( 3 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
delay = atoi ( arg ) ;
delay * = 1000 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_GENTITIES ; i + + ) {
if ( ! Q_stricmp ( g_entities [ i ] . classname , " target_location " ) ) {
if ( g_entities [ i ] . health = = targetLoc & & g_entities [ i ] . health > = 1 & & targetLoc > = 1 ) {
locTarget = & g_entities [ i ] ;
break ;
if ( locTarget ) {
if ( locTarget - > sound1to2 ) {
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) ) {
G_PrintfClient ( ent , " Destination is a restricted location. \n " ) ;
return ;
trTrigger - > target_ent = locTarget ;
trTrigger - > count = 0 ;
if ( trTrigger - > flags & FL_LOCKED ) { // not in use
if ( delay ) {
trTrigger - > think = trigger_transporter_delay ;
trTrigger - > nextthink = level . time + delay ;
} else {
trTrigger - > flags ^ = FL_LOCKED ;
trTrigger - > think = trigger_transporter_think ;
trTrigger - > nextthink = level . time + trTrigger - > wait ;
} else {
trap_SendServerCommand ( trTrigger - > target_ent - g_entities , " Transporter is already in a Transport Cycle. \n " ) ;
return ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Cmd_UiTransporterExt_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
int entNum , srvNum , /*i,*/ delay ;
gentity_t * trTrigger ;
char arg [ MAX_QPATH ] ;
if ( ! rpg_serverchange . integer ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" Serverchange is disabled. \n \" " ) ;
return ;
if ( trap_Argc ( ) < 2 ) return ;
trap_Argv ( 1 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
entNum = atoi ( arg ) ;
trap_Argv ( 2 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
srvNum = atoi ( arg ) ;
trap_Argv ( 3 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
delay = atoi ( arg ) ;
delay * = 1000 ;
trTrigger = & g_entities [ entNum ] ;
if ( ! trTrigger ) return ;
trTrigger - > count = 1 ;
trTrigger - > health = srvNum ;
if ( trTrigger - > flags & FL_LOCKED ) { // not in use
if ( delay ) {
trTrigger - > think = trigger_transporter_delay ;
trTrigger - > nextthink = level . time + delay ;
} else {
trTrigger - > flags ^ = FL_LOCKED ;
trTrigger - > think = trigger_transporter_think ;
trTrigger - > nextthink = level . time + trTrigger - > wait ;
} else {
trap_SendServerCommand ( trTrigger - > target_ent - g_entities , " Transporter is already in a Transport Cycle. \n " ) ;
return ;
static void UI_DEBUG ( gentity_t * ent ) {
char arg [ MAX_TOKEN_CHARS ] ;
trap_Argv ( 1 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
G_Printf ( S_COLOR_GREEN " %s \n " , arg ) ;
2011-12-16 10:14:13 +00:00
# ifdef OLDSQL // SQL
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Cmd_SqlLogin_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
char uName [ MAX_TOKEN_CHARS ] ;
char pwd [ MAX_TOKEN_CHARS ] ;
int res ;
int clientNum ;
gclient_t * client ;
if ( ! sql_use . integer | | ! ent | | ! ent - > client ) return ;
if ( trap_Argc ( ) < 2 ) {
return ;
clientNum = ent - > client - > ps . clientNum ;
client = ent - > client ;
trap_Argv ( 1 , uName , sizeof ( uName ) ) ;
trap_Argv ( 2 , pwd , sizeof ( pwd ) ) ;
res = trap_SQL_UserLogin ( sql_dbName . string , uName , pwd ) ;
if ( res > 0 ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" Login Successful. \n \" " ) ;
client - > uid = res ;
res = trap_SQL_UserCheckRight ( sql_dbName . string , client - > uid , " admin " ) ;
if ( res ) {
client - > LoggedAsAdmin = qtrue ;
ClientUserinfoChanged ( clientNum ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" You have been grated full admin access. \n \" " ) ;
} else if ( res = = 0 ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" Login failed. An SQL error occured. \n \" " ) ;
} else {
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" Login failed. Wrong password or username? \n \" " ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Cmd_SqlSetup_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
int res ;
int clientNum ;
if ( ! sql_use . integer | | ! ent | | ! ent - > client ) return ;
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) ) {
return ;
clientNum = ent - > client - > ps . clientNum ;
res = trap_SQL_CreateTables ( sql_dbName . string ) ;
switch ( res ) {
case 1 :
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" Seems to have worked, check server log. \n \" " ) ;
break ;
case 0 :
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" An SQL Error occured, see server log for more information. \n \" " ) ;
break ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Cmd_SqlUserAdd_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
char uName [ MAX_TOKEN_CHARS ] ;
char password [ MAX_TOKEN_CHARS ] ;
int res ;
int clientNum ;
if ( ! sql_use . integer | | ! ent | | ! ent - > client ) return ;
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) ) {
return ;
if ( trap_Argc ( ) < 2 ) {
return ;
clientNum = ent - > client - > ps . clientNum ;
trap_Argv ( 1 , uName , sizeof ( uName ) ) ;
trap_Argv ( 2 , password , sizeof ( password ) ) ;
res = trap_SQL_UserAdd ( sql_dbName . string , uName , password ) ;
if ( res < = 0 ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" An SQL Error occured, serr server lof gor more information. \n \" " ) ;
return ;
} else {
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , va ( " print \" The user %s was added with ID %i. \n \" " , uName , res ) ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Cmd_SqlUserMod_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
char uName [ MAX_TOKEN_CHARS ] ;
char right [ MAX_TOKEN_CHARS ] ;
int value ;
int res ;
int clientNum ;
if ( ! sql_use . integer | | ! ent | | ! ent - > client ) return ;
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) ) {
return ;
if ( trap_Argc ( ) < 3 ) {
return ;
clientNum = ent - > client - > ps . clientNum ;
trap_Argv ( 3 , uName , sizeof ( uName ) ) ;
value = atoi ( uName ) ;
trap_Argv ( 1 , uName , sizeof ( uName ) ) ;
trap_Argv ( 2 , right , sizeof ( right ) ) ;
res = trap_SQL_UserMod ( sql_dbName . string , uName , right , value ) ;
switch ( res ) {
case 1 :
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" Seems to have worked. \n \" " ) ;
break ;
case 2 :
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" User does not exist. \n \" " ) ;
break ;
case 3 :
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" No entry for user found. Created one. \n \" " ) ;
break ;
case 0 :
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" An SQL Error occured, check server log for more information. \n \" " ) ;
break ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Cmd_SqlUserDel_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
char uName [ MAX_TOKEN_CHARS ] ;
int res ;
int clientNum ;
if ( ! sql_use . integer | | ! ent | | ! ent - > client ) return ;
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) ) return ;
if ( trap_Argc ( ) < 1 ) return ;
clientNum = ent - > client - > ps . clientNum ;
trap_Argv ( 1 , uName , sizeof ( uName ) ) ;
res = trap_SQL_UserDel ( sql_dbName . string , uName ) ;
if ( res ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" Seems to have worked. \n \" " ) ;
} else {
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , " print \" An SQL Error occured. \n \" " ) ;
# endif
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void Cmd_findEntitiesInRadius ( gentity_t * ent ) {
char arg [ MAX_QPATH ] ;
int radius ;
char * classname = NULL ;
qboolean all = qfalse ;
qboolean takeDamage = qfalse ;
gentity_t * entities [ MAX_GENTITIES ] ;
int numEntities ;
if ( ! IsAdmin ( ent ) ) return ;
if ( trap_Argc ( ) < 3 ) return ;
trap_Argv ( 1 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
if ( ! Q_stricmp ( Q_strlwr ( arg ) , " all " ) )
all = qtrue ;
classname = G_NewString ( Q_strlwr ( arg ) ) ;
trap_Argv ( 2 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
radius = atoi ( arg ) ;
if ( radius < 0 ) return ;
trap_Argv ( 3 , arg , sizeof ( arg ) ) ;
takeDamage = atoi ( arg ) ;
numEntities = G_RadiusList ( ent - > r . currentOrigin , radius , ent , takeDamage , entities ) ;
for ( radius = 0 ; radius < numEntities ; radius + + ) {
if ( all )
G_PrintfClient ( ent , " Entity: %i, Classname: %s " , entities [ radius ] - g_entities , entities [ radius ] - > classname ) ;
else {
if ( ! Q_stricmpn ( entities [ radius ] - > classname , classname , strlen ( classname ) ) )
G_PrintfClient ( ent , " Entity: %i Classname: %s " , entities [ radius ] - g_entities , classname ) ;
2011-06-08 22:16:25 +00:00
extern void Cinematic_ActivateCameraMode ( gentity_t * ent , gentity_t * target ) ;
extern void Cinematic_DeactivateCameraMode ( gentity_t * ent ) ;
void Cmd_Camtest_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
gentity_t * targ ;
char tname [ 256 ] ;
if ( trap_Argc ( ) < 1 ) return ;
G_Printf ( " activate cam \n " ) ;
if ( ent - > flags & FL_CCAM ) return ;
trap_Argv ( 1 , tname , sizeof ( tname ) ) ;
targ = G_Find ( NULL , FOFS ( targetname ) , tname ) ;
if ( ! targ ) return ;
Cinematic_ActivateCameraMode ( ent , targ ) ;
void Cmd_CamtestEnd_f ( gentity_t * ent ) {
Cinematic_DeactivateCameraMode ( ent ) ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void ClientCommand ( int clientNum )
gentity_t * ent ;
char cmd [ MAX_TOKEN_CHARS ] ;
//ent = g_entities + clientNum;
ent = & g_entities [ clientNum ] ;
if ( ! ent - > client ) {
return ; // not fully in game yet
trap_Argv ( 0 , cmd , sizeof ( cmd ) ) ;
if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " say " ) = = 0 ) {
Cmd_Say_f ( ent , SAY_ALL , qfalse ) ;
return ;
if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " say_team " ) = = 0 ) {
Cmd_Say_f ( ent , SAY_TEAM , qfalse ) ;
return ;
if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " say_class " ) = = 0 ) {
Cmd_Say_f ( ent , SAY_CLASS , qfalse ) ;
return ;
if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " say_area " ) = = 0 ) {
Cmd_Say_f ( ent , SAY_AREA , qfalse ) ;
return ;
if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " tell " ) = = 0 ) {
Cmd_Tell_f ( ent ) ;
return ;
if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " score " ) = = 0 ) {
Cmd_Score_f ( ent ) ;
return ;
if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " ready " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_Ready_f ( ent ) ;
return ;
# ifdef G_LUA
if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " lua_status " ) = = 0 )
G_LuaStatus ( ent ) ;
return ;
# endif
// ignore all other commands when at intermission
if ( level . intermissiontime )
Cmd_Say_f ( ent , SAY_INVAL , qtrue ) ;
return ;
if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " give " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_Give_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " callvote " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_CallVote_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " vote " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_Vote_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " god " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_God_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " notarget " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_Notarget_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " noclip " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_Noclip_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " kill " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_Kill_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " levelshot " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_LevelShot_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " team " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_Team_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " class " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_Class_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " where " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_Where_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " gc " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_GameCommand_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " setviewpos " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_SetViewpos_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " laser " ) = = 0 )
//Laser_Gen( ent, 1 );//1=Laser, 2=Flashlight
Cmd_Laser_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " flashlight " ) = = 0 )
//Laser_Gen( ent, 2 );
Cmd_FlashLight_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " cloak " ) = = 0 & & rpg_nocloak . integer = = 0 )
Cmd_Cloak_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " flight " ) = = 0 & & rpg_noflight . integer = = 0 )
Cmd_Flight_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " evasuit " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_EvoSuit_f ( ent ) ;
//else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "giveto") == 0 )
//Cmd_GiveTo_f( ent );
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " forcename " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_ForceName_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " forcekill " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_ForceKill_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " forcekillradius " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_ForceKillRadius_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " forceclass " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_ForceClass_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " kicktarget " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_TargetKick_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " shake " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_ShakeCamera_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " drag " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_Drag_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " undrag " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_UnDrag_f ( ent ) ;
/* else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "ani") == 0 )
Cmd_Ani_f ( ent ) ; */
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " flushTripmines " ) = = 0 ) //disarm_tripmines
Cmd_disarm_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " rank " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_Rank_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " forcerank " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_ForceRank_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " forcemodel " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_ForceModel_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " adminlogin " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_AdminLogin_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " adminList " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_Admins_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " revive " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_Revive_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " n00b " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_n00b_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " msg " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_admin_message ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " playMusic " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_PlayMusic_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " stopMusic " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_StopMusic_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " playSound " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_PlaySound_f ( ent ) ;
/*else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "playAnim") == 0 )
Cmd_PlayAnim_f ( ent ) ; */
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " equip " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_Bolton_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " useEnt " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_UseEnt_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " entList " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_EntList_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " beamToLocation " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_BeamToLoc_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " beamToPlayer " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_BeamToPlayer_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " forcePlayer " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_ForcePlayer_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " doEmote " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_DoEmote_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " flushEmote " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_EndEmote_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " fxGun " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_fxGun_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " flushFX " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_flushFX_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " spawnChar " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_spawnChar_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " flushChars " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_fluchChars_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " kick2 " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_Kick2_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " clampInfo " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_ClampInfo_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " deck " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_Turbolift_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " me " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_MeAction_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " meLocal " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_MeActionLocal_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " mapsList " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_MapsList_f ( ent ) ;
//else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "die") == 0 )
// Cmd_Die_f(ent);
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " drop " ) = = 0 ) // RPG-X | Marcin | 03/12/2008
Cmd_Drop_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " flushDropped " ) = = 0 ) // RPG-X | Marcin | 04/12/2008
Cmd_flushDropped_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " lock " ) = = 0 ) //RPG-X | GSIO01 | 08/05/2009
Cmd_lockDoor_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " ffColor " ) = = 0 ) //RPG-X | GSIO01 | 09/05/2009
Cmd_ffColor_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " remodulate " ) = = 0 ) //RPG-X | GSIO01 | 10/05/2009
Cmd_remodulate_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " unlockAll " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_unlockAll_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " respawn " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_Respawn_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " lockAll " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_lockAll_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " changeFreq " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_changeFreq ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " alert " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_alert_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " msg2 " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_admin_centerprint_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " forcevote " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_ForceVote_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " listSPs " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_listSPs ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " getEntInfo " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_getEntInfo_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " getOrigin " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_getOrigin_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " getEntByTargetname " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_getEntByTargetname_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " getEntByTarget " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_getEntByTarget_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " getEntByBmodel " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_getEntByBmodel_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " setOrigin " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_setOrigin ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " getBrushEntCount " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_getBrushEntCount_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " findEntitiesInRadius " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_findEntitiesInRadius ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " spawnTEnt " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_spawnTentity_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " flushTEnts " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_flushTentities_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " universalTrans " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_UniversalTrans_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " ui_transporterLoc " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_UiTransporterLoc_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " ui_transporterExt " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_UiTransporterExt_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " ui_holodeck " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_UiHolodeck_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " ui_debug " ) = = 0 )
UI_DEBUG ( ent ) ;
2011-12-16 10:14:13 +00:00
# ifdef OLDSQL // SQL
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " userlogin " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_SqlLogin_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " sql_setup " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_SqlSetup_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " userAdd " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_SqlUserAdd_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " userMod " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_SqlUserMod_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " userDel " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_SqlUserDel_f ( ent ) ;
# endif
2011-06-08 22:16:25 +00:00
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " camtest " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_Camtest_f ( ent ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( cmd , " camtestend " ) = = 0 )
Cmd_CamtestEnd_f ( ent ) ;
2011-06-01 12:20:56 +00:00
else if ( Q_strncmp ( cmd , " \n " , 1 ) = = 0 | | Q_strncmp ( cmd , " " , 1 ) = = 0 | | Q_strncmp ( cmd , " \0 " , 1 ) = = 0 ) // sorry
( void ) ( 0 ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , va ( " print \" unknown cmd %s \n \" " , cmd ) ) ;