/* * Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Id Software, Inc. * * g_utils.c -- misc utility functions for game module * */ #include "g_local.h" /** * \brief Data structure for a singele shader remap. * * Data structure for a single shader remap * */ typedef struct { /** The original shader */ char oldShader[MAX_QPATH]; /** The replacement shader */ char newShader[MAX_QPATH]; /** time offset */ float timeOffset; } shaderRemap_t; /** The maximum count of shader remaps */ #define MAX_SHADER_REMAPS 128 /** Current count of remapped shaders */ static int remapCount = 0; /** List of shader remaps */ static shaderRemap_t remappedShaders[MAX_SHADER_REMAPS]; /** * \brief Add a new shader remap. * * Remaps oldShader with newShader. * * @param oldShader shader to be remapped * @param newShader replacement shader * @param timeOffset time offset */ void AddRemap(const char *oldShader, const char *newShader, float timeOffset) { int i; for (i = 0; i < remapCount; i++) { if (Q_stricmp(oldShader, remappedShaders[i].oldShader) == 0) { /* found it, just update this one */ strcpy(remappedShaders[i].newShader,newShader); remappedShaders[i].timeOffset = timeOffset; return; } } if (remapCount < MAX_SHADER_REMAPS) { strcpy(remappedShaders[remapCount].newShader,newShader); strcpy(remappedShaders[remapCount].oldShader,oldShader); remappedShaders[remapCount].timeOffset = timeOffset; remapCount++; } } /** * \brief Builds the shader state config. * * Builds the shader state config. * * @return the shader state config */ const char *BuildShaderStateConfig(void) { static char buff[MAX_STRING_CHARS*4]; char out[(MAX_QPATH * 2) + 5]; int i; memset(buff, 0, MAX_STRING_CHARS); for (i = 0; i < remapCount; i++) { Com_sprintf(out, (MAX_QPATH * 2) + 5, "%s=%s:%5.2f@", remappedShaders[i].oldShader, remappedShaders[i].newShader, remappedShaders[i].timeOffset); Q_strcat( buff, sizeof( buff ), out); } return buff; } /* ========================================================================= model / sound configstring indexes ========================================================================= */ /* * \brief Finds the index a config string starts at. * * Finds the index a config string start at. * * @param name name of the config string * @param start look from here * @param max look until here * @param create create a new config string? * * @return The config strings index */ int G_FindConfigstringIndex( char *name, int start, int max, qboolean create ) { int i; char s[MAX_STRING_CHARS]; if ( !name || !name[0] ) { return 0; } for ( i=1 ; iinuse) continue; s = *(char **) ((byte *)from + fieldofs); if (!s) continue; if (!Q_stricmp (s, match)) return from; } return NULL; } /** Maximum number of possible choices for G_PickTarget. */ #define MAXCHOICES 32 /** * \brief Pick a target. * * Selects a random entity from among the targets. * * @param targetname the targets targetname * * @return an entity or NULL */ gentity_t *G_PickTarget (char *targetname) { gentity_t *ent = NULL; int num_choices = 0; gentity_t *choice[MAXCHOICES]; if (!targetname) { G_Printf("G_PickTarget called with NULL targetname\n"); return NULL; } /* BOOKMARK */ while(1) { ent = G_Find (ent, FOFS(targetname), targetname); if (!ent) break; choice[num_choices++] = ent; if (num_choices == MAXCHOICES) break; } /*================ RPG-X Modification Phenix 13/06/2004 ================*/ if (!num_choices) { while(1) { ent = G_Find (ent, FOFS(swapname), targetname); if (!ent) break; choice[num_choices++] = ent; if (num_choices == MAXCHOICES) break; } } if (!num_choices) { while(1) { ent = G_Find (ent, FOFS(truename), targetname); if (!ent) break; choice[num_choices++] = ent; if (num_choices == MAXCHOICES) break; } } if (!num_choices) { while(1) { ent = G_Find (ent, FOFS(falsename), targetname); if (!ent) break; choice[num_choices++] = ent; if (num_choices == MAXCHOICES) break; } } /*================ End Modification ================*/ if (!num_choices) { G_Printf("G_PickTarget: target %s not found\n", targetname); return NULL; } return choice[rand() % num_choices]; } /** * \brief Use all targets of the given entity. * * Goes through all entities and calls ther use function if their * targetname, swapname, truename, falsename, bluename are matching * the target. activator should be set the the inflictor of this function * call. * * @param ent the entity * @param activator the activator * @param target target to match */ void G_UseTargets2( gentity_t *ent, gentity_t *activator, char *target ) { gentity_t *t; list_iter_p szIter; safeZone_t *sz; if ( !ent ) { return; } if (ent->targetShaderName && ent->targetShaderNewName) { float f = level.time * 0.001; AddRemap(ent->targetShaderName, ent->targetShaderNewName, f); trap_SetConfigstring(CS_SHADERSTATE, BuildShaderStateConfig()); } if ( !target ) { return; } t = NULL; while ( (t = G_Find (t, FOFS(targetname), target)) != NULL ) { if ( t == ent ) { G_Printf (va("WARNING: Entity %i used itself.\n", t->s.number)); /* RPG-X | GSIO01 | 22.10.09: a little bit more information for the mapper */ } else { if ( t->use ) { t->use (t, ent, activator); #ifdef G_LUA if(t->luaUse) { if(activator) { LuaHook_G_EntityUse(t->luaUse, t->s.number, ent->s.number, activator->s.number); } else { LuaHook_G_EntityUse(t->luaUse, t->s.number, ent->s.number, ENTITYNUM_WORLD); } } #endif } } if ( !ent->inuse ) { G_Printf(va("Entity %i was removed while using targets\n", t->s.number)); /* RPG-X | GSIO01 | 22.10.09: a little bit more information for the mapper */ return; } } /*================ RPG-X Modification Phenix 13/06/2004 ================*/ t = NULL; while ( (t = G_Find (t, FOFS(swapname), target)) != NULL ) { if ( t == ent ) { G_Printf (va("WARNING: Entity %i used itself.\n", t->s.number)); /* RPG-X | GSIO01 | 22.10.09: a little bit more information for the mapper */ } else { if ( t->use ) { t->use (t, ent, activator); #ifdef G_LUA if(t->luaUse) { if(activator) { LuaHook_G_EntityUse(t->luaUse, t->s.number, ent->s.number, activator->s.number); } else { LuaHook_G_EntityUse(t->luaUse, t->s.number, ent->s.number, ENTITYNUM_WORLD); } } #endif } } if ( !ent->inuse ) { G_Printf(va("Entity %i was removed while using targets\n", t->s.number)); /* RPG-X | GSIO01 | 22.10.09: a little bit more information for the mapper */ return; } } t = NULL; while ( (t = G_Find (t, FOFS(truename), target)) != NULL ) { if ( t == ent ) { G_Printf (va("WARNING: Entity %i used itself.\n", t->s.number)); /* RPG-X | GSIO01 | 22.10.09: a little bit more information for the mapper */ } else { if ( t->use ) { t->use (t, ent, activator); #ifdef G_LUA if(t->luaUse) { if(activator) { LuaHook_G_EntityUse(t->luaUse, t->s.number, ent->s.number, activator->s.number); } else { LuaHook_G_EntityUse(t->luaUse, t->s.number, ent->s.number, ENTITYNUM_WORLD); } } #endif } } if ( !ent->inuse ) { G_Printf(va("Entity %i was removed while using targets\n", t->s.number)); /* RPG-X | GSIO01 | 22.10.09: a little bit more information for the mapper */ return; } } t = NULL; while ( (t = G_Find (t, FOFS(falsename), target)) != NULL ) { if ( t == ent ) { G_Printf (va("WARNING: Entity %i used itself.\n", t->s.number)); /* RPG-X | GSIO01 | 22.10.09: a little bit more information for the mapper */ } else { if ( t->use ) { t->use (t, ent, activator); #ifdef G_LUA if(t->luaUse) { if(activator) { LuaHook_G_EntityUse(t->luaUse, t->s.number, ent->s.number, activator->s.number); } else { LuaHook_G_EntityUse(t->luaUse, t->s.number, ent->s.number, ENTITYNUM_WORLD); } } #endif } } if ( !ent->inuse ) { G_Printf(va("Entity %i was removed while using targets\n", t->s.number)); /* RPG-X | GSIO01 | 22.10.09: a little bit more information for the mapper */ return; } } /*================ End Modification ================*/ /* * RPG-X | GSIO01 | 11/05/2009 | MOD START * target_alert */ t = NULL; while( (t = G_Find(t, FOFS(bluename), target)) != NULL ) { if ( t == ent ) { G_Printf (va("WARNING: Entity %i used itself.\n", t->s.number)); /* RPG-X | GSIO01 | 22.10.09: a little bit more information for the mapper */ } else { if ( t->use ) { t->use (t, ent, ent); #ifdef G_LUA if(t->luaUse) { if(activator) { LuaHook_G_EntityUse(t->luaUse, t->s.number, ent->s.number, activator->s.number); } else { LuaHook_G_EntityUse(t->luaUse, t->s.number, ent->s.number, ENTITYNUM_WORLD); } } #endif } } if ( !ent->inuse ) { G_Printf(va("Entity %i was removed while using targets\n", t->s.number)); /* RPG-X | GSIO01 | 22.10.09: a little bit more information for the mapper */ return; } } /* self destruct safe zones */ if(selfdestructSafeZones != NULL && selfdestructSafeZones->length > 0) { szIter = list_iterator(selfdestructSafeZones, FRONT); for(sz = (safeZone_t *)list_next(szIter); sz != NULL; sz = (safeZone_t *)list_next(szIter)) { if(!strcmp(sz->name, target)) { sz->active = (qboolean)!sz->active; } } } } /** * \brief Use all of the given entity's targets. * * Use all of the given entity's targets. * * @param ent the entity * @param activator the initiator of the function call */ void G_UseTargets( gentity_t *ent, gentity_t *activator ) { if ( !ent ) { return; } G_UseTargets2( ent, activator, ent->target ); } /** * \brief Create a temporary vector. * * This is just a convenience function * for making temporary vectors for function calls * * @param x x-value * @param y y-value * @param z z-value * * @return temporary vector */ float *tv( float x, float y, float z ) { static int index; static vec3_t vecs[8]; float *v; /* * use an array so that multiple tempvectors won't collide * for a while */ v = vecs[index]; index = (index + 1)&7; v[0] = x; v[1] = y; v[2] = z; return v; } /** * \brief Converts a vector to a string to be printed. * * This is just a convenience function * for printing vectors * * @param v the vector * * @return string representation of the vector */ char *vtos( const vec3_t v ) { static int index; static char str[8][32]; char *s; /* use an array so that multiple vtos won't collide */ s = str[index]; index = (index + 1)&7; Com_sprintf (s, 32, "(%i %i %i)", (int)v[0], (int)v[1], (int)v[2]); return s; } /** * \brief Converts angles to move directions. * * The editor only specifies a single value for angles (yaw), * but we have special constants to generate an up or down direction. * Angles will be cleared, because it is being used to represent a direction * instead of an orientation. * * @param angles the angles * @param movedir the movedir */ void G_SetMovedir( vec3_t angles, vec3_t movedir ) { static vec3_t VEC_UP = {0, -1, 0}; static vec3_t MOVEDIR_UP = {0, 0, 1}; static vec3_t VEC_DOWN = {0, -2, 0}; static vec3_t MOVEDIR_DOWN = {0, 0, -1}; if ( VectorCompare (angles, VEC_UP) ) { VectorCopy (MOVEDIR_UP, movedir); } else if ( VectorCompare (angles, VEC_DOWN) ) { VectorCopy (MOVEDIR_DOWN, movedir); } else { AngleVectors (angles, movedir, NULL, NULL); } VectorClear( angles ); } /** * \brief Get the yaw from a vector. * * Get the yaw from a vector. * * @param vec the vector * * @return the yaw */ float vectoyaw( const vec3_t vec ) { float yaw; if (vec[YAW] == 0 && vec[PITCH] == 0) { yaw = 0; } else { if (vec[PITCH]) { yaw = ( atan2( vec[YAW], vec[PITCH]) * 180 / M_PI ); } else if (vec[YAW] > 0) { yaw = 90; } else { yaw = 270; } if (yaw < 0) { yaw += 360; } } return yaw; } /** * \brief Init the entity. * * Inits a given game entity. * * @param e the entity */ void G_InitGentity( gentity_t *e ) { e->inuse = qtrue; e->classname = "noclass"; e->s.number = e - g_entities; e->r.ownerNum = ENTITYNUM_NONE; } /** * \brief Spawns a new entity. * * Either finds a free entity, or allocates a new one. * The slots from 0 to MAX_CLIENTS-1 are always reserved for clients, * and will never be used by anything else. * Try to avoid reusing an entity that was recently freed, because it * can cause the client to think the entity morphed into something else * instead of being removed and recreated, which can cause interpolated * angles and bad trails. * * @return a new entity or NULL */ gentity_t *G_Spawn( void ) { int i, force; gentity_t *e; /* RPG-X: RedTechie - Get rid of tripmines first */ gentity_t *tripwire = NULL; int foundTripWires[MAX_GENTITIES] = {ENTITYNUM_NONE}; int tripcount = 0; e = NULL; /* shut up warning */ i = 0; /* shut up warning */ for ( force = 0 ; force < 2 ; force++ ) { /* if we go through all entities and can't find one to free, */ /* override the normal minimum times before use */ e = &g_entities[MAX_CLIENTS]; for ( i = MAX_CLIENTS ; iinuse ) { continue; } /* the first couple seconds of server time can involve a lot of */ /* freeing and allocating, so relax the replacement policy */ if ( !force && e->freetime > level.startTime + 2000 && level.time - e->freetime < 1000 ) { continue; } /* reuse this slot */ G_InitGentity( e ); return e; } if ( i != ENTITYNUM_MAX_NORMAL ) { break; } } /* RPG-X: RedTechie DEBUG: SHOW HOW MANY ENT's WE HAVE LEFT */ /*trap_SendServerCommand( -1, va("print \"^1DEBUG: current:%i total:%i\n\"", i, ENTITYNUM_MAX_NORMAL));*/ if ( i == ENTITYNUM_MAX_NORMAL ) { /* RPG-X: RedTechie - Do some rpg-x house cleaning before we decalre the server dead */ while ( (tripwire = G_Find( tripwire, FOFS(classname), "tripwire" )) != NULL ) { foundTripWires[tripcount++] = tripwire->s.number; } if(tripcount != 0){ for ( i = 0; i < tripcount; i++ ) { /* remove it... or blow it? */ if ( &g_entities[foundTripWires[i]] != NULL ) { G_FreeEntity( &g_entities[foundTripWires[i]] ); foundTripWires[i] = ENTITYNUM_NONE; } } G_LogPrintf("RPG-X WARNING: Max entities hit! Removed all tripmines. Restart the server ASAP or suffer a server crash!\n"); trap_SendServerCommand( -1, va("print \"^1RPG-X WARNING: Max entities hit! Removed all tripmines. Restart the server ASAP or suffer a server crash!\n\"", i, ENTITYNUM_MAX_NORMAL)); if ( i == ENTITYNUM_MAX_NORMAL ) { G_Error( "G_Spawn: no free entities" ); } }else{ G_Error( "G_Spawn: no free entities" ); } } /* RPG-X: RedTechie - Update global entity count */ RPGEntityCount = i; /* open up a new slot */ level.num_entities++; /* let the server system know that there are more entities */ trap_LocateGameData( level.gentities, level.num_entities, sizeof( gentity_t ), &level.clients[0].ps, sizeof( level.clients[0] ) ); G_InitGentity( e ); return e; } /** * \brief Free an entity. * * Marks the entity as free. * * @param ed entity to free */ void G_FreeEntity( gentity_t *ed ) { trap_UnlinkEntity (ed); /* unlink from world */ if ( ed->neverFree ) { return; } #ifdef G_LUA /* Lua API callbacks */ if(ed->luaFree && !ed->client) { LuaHook_G_EntityFree(ed->luaFree, ed->s.number); } #endif memset (ed, 0, sizeof(*ed)); ed->classname = "freed"; ed->freetime = level.time; ed->inuse = qfalse; } /** * \brief Spawn an temporary entity. * * Spawns an event entity that will be auto-removed * The origin will be snapped to save net bandwidth, so care * must be taken if the origin is right on a surface (snap towards start vector first) * * @param origin the origin * @param event the event to use for this entity * * @return the temporary entity */ gentity_t *G_TempEntity( vec3_t origin, int event ) { gentity_t *e; vec3_t snapped; e = G_Spawn(); e->s.eType = ET_EVENTS + event; e->classname = "tempEntity"; e->eventTime = level.time; e->freeAfterEvent = qtrue; VectorCopy( origin, snapped ); SnapVector( snapped ); /* save network bandwidth */ G_SetOrigin( e, snapped ); /* find cluster for PVS */ trap_LinkEntity( e ); return e; } /* ============================================================================== Kill box ============================================================================== */ /** * \brief Kill all that would be inside a new one. * * Kills all entities that would touch the proposed new positioning * of ent. Ent should be unlinked before calling this! * * @param ent the entity */ void G_KillBox (gentity_t *ent) { int i, num; int touch[MAX_GENTITIES]; gentity_t *hit; vec3_t mins, maxs; VectorAdd( ent->client->ps.origin, ent->r.mins, mins ); VectorAdd( ent->client->ps.origin, ent->r.maxs, maxs ); num = trap_EntitiesInBox( mins, maxs, touch, MAX_GENTITIES ); for (i=0 ; iclient ) { continue; } /* nail it */ G_Damage ( hit, ent, ent, NULL, NULL, 100000, DAMAGE_NO_PROTECTION, MOD_TELEFRAG); } } /** * \author J2J * \brief Push all entities away that are inside a new entity. * * Basically does teh same as G_KillBox except it will * push players and other entities away instead of killing them. * * @param ent the entity * * @return was an ent moved? */ qboolean G_MoveBox (gentity_t *ent ) { int i, num; int touch[MAX_GENTITIES]; gentity_t *hit; vec3_t mins, maxs; vec3_t dir; qboolean movedPlayer = qfalse; VectorAdd( ent->client->ps.origin, ent->r.mins, mins ); VectorAdd( ent->client->ps.origin, ent->r.maxs, maxs ); num = trap_EntitiesInBox( mins, maxs, touch, MAX_GENTITIES ); for (i=0 ; iclient || hit->client->ps.clientNum == ent->client->ps.clientNum ) { continue; } VectorSet( dir, 0, hit->client->ps.viewangles[YAW], 0 ); AngleVectors( dir, hit->client->ps.velocity, NULL, NULL ); VectorScale( hit->client->ps.velocity, -150, hit->client->ps.velocity ); hit->client->ps.pm_time = 160; /* hold time */ hit->client->ps.pm_flags |= PMF_TIME_KNOCKBACK; movedPlayer = qtrue; } return movedPlayer; } //============================================================================== /** * \brief Adds a new Predictable event. * * Use for non-pmove events that would also be predicted on the * client side: jumppads and item pickups * Adds an event+parm and twiddles the event counter * * @param ent the entity * @param event the event * @param eventParm any parameters for the event */ void G_AddPredictableEvent( gentity_t *ent, int event, int eventParm ) { if ( !ent->client ) { return; } BG_AddPredictableEventToPlayerstate( event, eventParm, &ent->client->ps ); } /** * \brief Add a new event. * * Adds an event+parm and twiddles the event counter * * @param ent the entity * @param event the event * @param eventParm parameter for the event */ void G_AddEvent( gentity_t *ent, int event, int eventParm ) { int bits; playerState_t *ps = &ent->client->ps; if ( !event ) { G_Printf( "G_AddEvent: zero event added for entity %i\n", ent->s.number ); return; } /* clients need to add the event in playerState_t instead of entityState_t */ if ( ent->client ) { bits = ps->externalEvent & EV_EVENT_BITS; bits = ( bits + EV_EVENT_BIT1 ) & EV_EVENT_BITS; ps->externalEvent = event | bits; ps->externalEventParm = eventParm; ps->externalEventTime = level.time; } else { bits = ent->s.event & EV_EVENT_BITS; bits = ( bits + EV_EVENT_BIT1 ) & EV_EVENT_BITS; ent->s.event = event | bits; ent->s.eventParm = eventParm; } ent->eventTime = level.time; } /** * \brief Makes an entity to play a non looping sound. * * Makes an entity to play a non looping sound. * * @param ent the entity * @param soundIndex the sounds index */ void G_Sound( gentity_t *ent, int soundIndex ) { gentity_t *te; te = G_TempEntity( ent->r.currentOrigin, EV_GENERAL_SOUND ); te->s.eventParm = soundIndex; } //============================================================================== /** * \brief Set the Origin of an entity. * * Sets the pos trajectory for a fixed position * * @param ent the entity * @param origin the new origin */ void G_SetOrigin( gentity_t *ent, vec3_t origin ) { VectorCopy( origin, ent->s.pos.trBase ); ent->s.pos.trType = TR_STATIONARY; ent->s.pos.trTime = 0; ent->s.pos.trDuration = 0; VectorClear( ent->s.pos.trDelta ); VectorCopy( origin, ent->r.currentOrigin ); VectorCopy( origin, ent->s.origin); /* RPG-X | GSIO01 | 24.08.2009 */ } /** * \brief Set the angles of an entity. * * Sets the pos trajectory for a fixed angular position * * @param ent the entity * @param angles the new angles */ void G_SetAngles(gentity_t *ent, vec3_t angles) { VectorCopy(angles, ent->s.apos.trBase); ent->s.apos.trType = TR_STATIONARY; ent->s.apos.trTime = 0; ent->s.apos.trDuration = 0; VectorClear(ent->s.apos.trDelta); VectorCopy(angles, ent->r.currentAngles); VectorCopy(angles, ent->s.angles); } /** * \brief Get list of entities around a given origin, * * Given an origin and a radius, return all entities that are in use that are within the list * * @param origin the origin * @param radius the radius to look in around * @param ignore entity to ignore * @param takeDamage only list ents that may get damaged? * @param ent_list the resulting list * * @return the number of found entities in the list */ int G_RadiusList ( vec3_t origin, float radius, gentity_t *ignore, qboolean takeDamage, gentity_t *ent_list[MAX_GENTITIES]) { float dist; gentity_t *ent; int entityList[MAX_GENTITIES]; int numListedEntities; vec3_t mins, maxs; vec3_t v; int i, e; int ent_count = 0; if ( radius < 1 ) { radius = 1; } for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) { mins[i] = origin[i] - radius; maxs[i] = origin[i] + radius; } numListedEntities = trap_EntitiesInBox( mins, maxs, entityList, MAX_GENTITIES ); for ( e = 0 ; e < numListedEntities ; e++ ) { ent = &g_entities[entityList[e]]; if ((ent == ignore) || !(ent->inuse) || ent->takedamage != takeDamage) continue; /* find the distance from the edge of the bounding box */ for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) { if ( origin[i] < ent->r.absmin[i] ) { v[i] = ent->r.absmin[i] - origin[i]; } else if ( origin[i] > ent->r.absmax[i] ) { v[i] = origin[i] - ent->r.absmax[i]; } else { v[i] = 0; } } dist = VectorLength( v ); if ( dist >= radius ) { continue; } /* ok, we are within the radius, add us to the incoming list */ ent_list[ent_count] = ent; ent_count++; } /* we are done, return how many we found */ return(ent_count); } int G_RadiusListOfType(char *classname, vec3_t origin, float radius, gentity_t *ignore, gentity_t *ent_list[MAX_GENTITIES]) { float dist; gentity_t *ent; int entityList[MAX_GENTITIES]; int numListedEntities; vec3_t mins, maxs; vec3_t v; int i, e; int ent_count = 0; if ( radius < 1 ) { radius = 1; } for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) { mins[i] = origin[i] - radius; maxs[i] = origin[i] + radius; } numListedEntities = trap_EntitiesInBox( mins, maxs, entityList, MAX_GENTITIES ); for ( e = 0 ; e < numListedEntities ; e++ ) { ent = &g_entities[entityList[e]]; if ((ent == ignore) || !(ent->inuse) || strcmp(classname, ent->classname)) continue; /* find the distance from the edge of the bounding box */ for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) { if ( origin[i] < ent->r.absmin[i] ) { v[i] = ent->r.absmin[i] - origin[i]; } else if ( origin[i] > ent->r.absmax[i] ) { v[i] = origin[i] - ent->r.absmax[i]; } else { v[i] = 0; } } dist = VectorLength( v ); if ( dist >= radius ) { continue; } /* ok, we are within the radius, add us to the incoming list */ ent_list[ent_count] = ent; ent_count++; } /* we are done, return how many we found */ return(ent_count); } /** * \brief Find the nearest entity * * Find the nearest entity. * * @param classname filter the results by this classname * @param origin the origin * @param the radoius to look in around * @param ignore entity to ignore * @param takeDamage only return an entity that may take damage? * * @return the nearest entity */ gentity_t *G_GetNearestEnt(char *classname, vec3_t origin, float radius, gentity_t *ignore, qboolean takeDamage) { gentity_t *entList[MAX_GENTITIES], *nearest = NULL; int count, i; float distance, minDist; vec3_t dist; if(!radius) { /* we don't care how far it is away */ radius = 9999999; } minDist = radius; count = G_RadiusList(origin, radius, ignore, takeDamage, entList); for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { if(entList[i] != ignore) { if(entList[i]->s.origin[0] || entList[i]->s.origin[1] || entList[i]->s.origin[2]) { VectorSubtract(origin, entList[i]->s.origin, dist); } else if(entList[i]->r.currentOrigin[0] || entList[i]->r.currentOrigin[1] || entList[i]->r.currentOrigin[2]) { VectorSubtract(origin, entList[i]->r.currentOrigin, dist); } else if(entList[i]->s.pos.trBase[0] || entList[i]->s.pos.trBase[1] || entList[i]->s.pos.trBase[2]) { VectorSubtract(origin, entList[i]->s.pos.trBase, dist); } else { /* wow none of above ... well then assume it's origin is 0 0 0*/ VectorCopy(origin, dist); } distance = VectorLength(dist); if(distance < 0) { distance *= -1; } if(distance < minDist) { if(classname && !Q_stricmp(classname, entList[i]->classname)) { minDist = distance; nearest = entList[i]; } else if(!classname) { minDist = distance; nearest = entList[i]; } } } } return nearest; } /** * \brief Find the nearest player. * * Find the nearest player * * @param origin the origin * @param radius the radius to look in around * @param ignore entity to ignore * * @return the nearest player */ gentity_t *G_GetNearestPlayer(vec3_t origin, float radius, gentity_t *ignore ) { gentity_t *entList[MAX_GENTITIES], *nearest = NULL; int count, i; float distance, minDist; vec3_t dist; if(!radius) radius = 999999; minDist = radius; count = G_RadiusList(origin, radius, ignore, qtrue, entList); for(i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { if(entList[i]->client) { VectorSubtract(origin, entList[i]->r.currentOrigin, dist); distance = VectorLength(dist); if(distance < 0) distance *= -1; if(distance < minDist) { minDist = distance; nearest = entList[i]; } } } return nearest; } /** * \author GSIO01 * \brief Get all entities with the specified targetname. * * Get all entities with the specified targetname. * * @param targetname the targetname * @param entities the result * * @return number of entities found */ int G_GetEntityByTargetname(const char *targetname, gentity_t *entities[MAX_GENTITIES]) { int i; int cnt = 0; gentity_t *t; for(i = MAX_GENTITIES - 1; i > -1; i--) { if(!&g_entities[i]) continue; t = &g_entities[i]; if(t->targetname && !Q_strncmp(t->targetname, targetname, strlen(targetname))) { entities[cnt] = t; cnt++; } } return cnt; } /** * \author GSIO01 * \brief Get all entities with specified target. * * Get all entities matching the specifie target. * * @param target target the entities should have * @param entities the result * * @return number of matches found */ int G_GetEntityByTarget(const char *target, gentity_t *entities[MAX_GENTITIES]) { int i; int cnt = 0; gentity_t *t; for(i = MAX_GENTITIES - 1; i > -1; i--) { if(!&g_entities[i]) continue; t = &g_entities[i]; if(t->target && !Q_strncmp(t->target, target, strlen(target))) { entities[cnt] = t; cnt++; } } return cnt; } /** * \author GSIO01 * \brief Get all entities with specified brush model * * Get all entities matching the specified brush model. * Normally this only shoud be one entity. * * @param bmodel brush model to match * @param entities the result * * @return number of matches found */ int G_GetEntityByBmodel(char *bmodel, gentity_t *entities[MAX_GENTITIES]) { int i; int cnt = 0; gentity_t *t; for(i = MAX_GENTITIES - 1; i > -1; i--) { if(!&g_entities[i]) continue; t = &g_entities[i]; if(t->model && !Q_strncmp(t->model, bmodel, strlen(bmodel))) { entities[cnt] = t; cnt++; } } return cnt; } /** * Checks if the line of sight between two entities is blocked. * * \author Ubergames - Phenix * \date 2/8/2004 * * @param ent1 entity one * @param ent2 entity two * * @return is line of sight blocked? */ qboolean LineOfSight( gentity_t *ent1, gentity_t *ent2 ) { trace_t trace; trap_Trace (&trace, ent1->s.pos.trBase, NULL, NULL, ent2->s.pos.trBase, ent1->s.number, MASK_SHOT ); if ( trace.contents & CONTENTS_SOLID ) { return qfalse; } return qtrue; }