// Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Id Software, Inc. // // cg_servercmds.c -- reliably sequenced text commands sent by the server // these are processed at snapshot transition time, so there will definately // be a valid snapshot this frame #include "cg_local.h" #define MAX_LOCAL_ENTITIES 512 extern localEntity_t cg_localEntities[MAX_LOCAL_ENTITIES]; /* ================= CG_ParseScores ================= */ static void CG_ParseScores( void ) { int i, powerups, eliminated; cg.numScores = atoi( CG_Argv( 1 ) ); if ( cg.numScores > MAX_CLIENTS ) { cg.numScores = MAX_CLIENTS; } cg.teamScores[0] = atoi( CG_Argv( 2 ) ); cg.teamScores[1] = atoi( CG_Argv( 3 ) ); memset( cg.scores, 0, sizeof( cg.scores ) ); for ( i = 0 ; i < cg.numScores ; i++ ) { cg.scores[i].client = atoi( CG_Argv( i * 11+ 4 ) ); cg.scores[i].score = atoi( CG_Argv( i * 11+ 5 ) ); cg.scores[i].ping = atoi( CG_Argv( i * 11+ 6 ) ); cg.scores[i].time = atoi( CG_Argv( i * 11+ 7 ) ); cg.scores[i].scoreFlags = atoi( CG_Argv( i * 11+ 8 ) ); powerups = atoi( CG_Argv( i * 11+ 9 ) ); // cg.scores[i].faveTarget = atoi( CG_Argv( i * 12+ 10) ); // cg.scores[i].faveTargetKills = atoi( CG_Argv( i * 12+ 11) ); cg.scores[i].worstEnemy = atoi( CG_Argv( i * 11+ 10) ); cg.scores[i].worstEnemyKills= atoi( CG_Argv( i * 11+ 11) ); cg.scores[i].faveWeapon = atoi( CG_Argv( i * 11+ 12) ); cg.scores[i].killedCnt = atoi( CG_Argv( i * 11+ 13) ); eliminated = atoi( CG_Argv( i * 11+ 14) ); if ( cg.scores[i].client < 0 || cg.scores[i].client >= MAX_CLIENTS ) { cg.scores[i].client = 0; } cgs.clientinfo[ cg.scores[i].client ].score = cg.scores[i].score; cgs.clientinfo[ cg.scores[i].client ].powerups = powerups; cgs.clientinfo[ cg.scores[i].client ].eliminated = eliminated; } } /* ================= CG_ParseTeamInfo ================= */ static void CG_ParseTeamInfo( void ) { int i; int client; numSortedTeamPlayers = atoi( CG_Argv( 1 ) ); for ( i = 0 ; i < numSortedTeamPlayers ; i++ ) { client = atoi( CG_Argv( i * 2 + 2 ) ); //6 sortedTeamPlayers[i] = client; cgs.clientinfo[ client ].location = atoi( CG_Argv( i * 2 + 3 ) ); //6 + /*cgs.clientinfo[ client ].health = atoi( CG_Argv( i * 6 + 4 ) ); cgs.clientinfo[ client ].armor = atoi( CG_Argv( i * 6 + 5 ) ); cgs.clientinfo[ client ].curWeapon = atoi( CG_Argv( i * 6 + 6 ) ); cgs.clientinfo[ client ].powerups = atoi( CG_Argv( i * 6 + 7 ) );*/ } } /* ================= CG_ParseHealthInfo ================= */ static void CG_ParseHealthInfo( void ) { int i; int client; int numHealthInfoClients = 0; numHealthInfoClients = atoi( CG_Argv( 1 ) ); for ( i = 0 ; i < numHealthInfoClients ; i++ ) { client = atoi( CG_Argv( i * 2 + 2 ) ); cgs.clientinfo[ client ].health = atoi( CG_Argv( i * 2 + 3 ) ); } } /* ================ CG_ParseServerinfo This is called explicitly when the gamestate is first received, and whenever the server updates any serverinfo flagged cvars ================ */ void CG_ParseServerinfo( void ) { const char *info; char *mapname; info = CG_ConfigString( CS_SERVERINFO ); cgs.gametype = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( info, "g_gametype" ) ); cgs.pModAssimilation = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( info, "g_pModAssimilation" ) ); cgs.pModDisintegration = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( info, "g_pModDisintegration" ) ); cgs.pModActionHero = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( info, "g_pModActionHero" ) ); cgs.pModSpecialties = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( info, "g_pModSpecialties" ) ); cgs.pModElimination = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( info, "g_pModElimination" ) ); cgs.dmflags = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( info, "dmflags" ) ); cgs.teamflags = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( info, "teamflags" ) ); cgs.fraglimit = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( info, "fraglimit" ) ); cgs.capturelimit = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( info, "capturelimit" ) ); cgs.timelimit = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( info, "timelimit" ) ); cgs.maxclients = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( info, "sv_maxclients" ) ); cgs.ForceClassColor = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( info, "rpg_forceClassColor" ) ); mapname = Info_ValueForKey( info, "mapname" ); Com_sprintf( cgs.mapname, sizeof( cgs.mapname ), "maps/%s.bsp", mapname ); //RPG-X: TiM - new Rankset Q_strncpyz( cgs.rankSet, Info_ValueForKey( info, "rpg_rankSet"), sizeof(cgs.rankSet) ); //RPG-X: TiM - new Class set Q_strncpyz( cgs.classSet, Info_ValueForKey( info, "rpg_classSet" ), sizeof( cgs.classSet ) ); //scannable panels cgs.scannablePanels = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( info, "rpg_scannablePanels" ) ); } /* ================== CG_ParseWarmup ================== */ static void CG_ParseWarmup( void ) { const char *info; int warmup; info = CG_ConfigString( CS_WARMUP ); warmup = atoi( info ); cg.warmupCount = -1; if ( warmup == 0 && cg.warmup ) { } else if ( warmup > 0 && cg.warmup <= 0 ) { trap_S_StartLocalSound( cgs.media.countPrepareSound, CHAN_ANNOUNCER ); } cg.warmup = warmup; } /* ================ CG_SetConfigValues Called on load to set the initial values from configure strings ================ */ void CG_SetConfigValues( void ) { const char *s; cgs.scores1 = atoi( CG_ConfigString( CS_SCORES1 ) ); cgs.scores2 = atoi( CG_ConfigString( CS_SCORES2 ) ); cgs.levelStartTime = atoi( CG_ConfigString( CS_LEVEL_START_TIME ) ); s = CG_ConfigString( CS_FLAGSTATUS ); cgs.redflag = s[0] - '0'; cgs.blueflag = s[1] - '0'; cg.warmup = atoi( CG_ConfigString( CS_WARMUP ) ); } /* ===================== CG_ClientShakeCamera TiM: Parses the cam shake config string, and inputs the useful data. ===================== */ void CG_ClientShakeCamera ( void ) { float intensity; int duration; char *str; str = (char *)CG_ConfigString( CS_CAMERA_SHAKE ); intensity = (float)atoi( COM_Parse( &str ) )/10.0f; duration = atoi( COM_Parse( &str ) ); //This is an offset so if a player somehow received //the string halfway thru the cycle (ie just connected etc) //This way, it'll only do it as much as is left for the rest of the players cg.shake_serverIndex = duration; //Back up the index for later duration -= ( cg.time - cgs.levelStartTime ); //This is the actual duration, based off of length, and the time the command was received CG_CameraShake( intensity, duration, qtrue ); } /* ================== CG_ParseClassData ================== */ /*void CG_ParseClassData( void ) { char *str; int i; char *val; char *lineChar; char *lineCharEnd; int colorBits; int classBits; str = (char *)CG_ConfigString( CS_CLASS_DATA ); if ( !str[0] ) return; memset( &cgs.classData, 0, sizeof( cgs.classData ) ); for ( i = 0; i < MAX_CLASSES; i++ ) { val = Info_ValueForKey( str, va( "c%i", i ) ); if (!val[0]) break; //First slash = consoleName, so skip that lineChar = strstr( val, "|"); lineChar++; //next line should be formal name lineCharEnd = strstr( lineChar, "|" ); lineCharEnd--; val = lineChar; val[ strlen(lineChar) - strlen(lineCharEnd) + 1] = '\0'; Q_strncpyz( cgs.classData[i].formalName, val, sizeof( cgs.classData[i].formalName ) ); //CG_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "%s\n", cgs.classData[i].formalName ); //--Next is color lineChar = lineChar + (strlen(lineChar) - strlen(lineCharEnd))+2; lineCharEnd = strstr( lineChar, "|" ); lineCharEnd--; val = lineChar; val[ strlen(lineChar) - strlen(lineCharEnd)+1] = '\0'; colorBits=atoi( val ); cgs.classData[i].radarColor[0] = colorBits & 255; cgs.classData[i].radarColor[1] = (colorBits >> 8) & 255; cgs.classData[i].radarColor[2] = (colorBits >> 16) & 255; //CG_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "%i\n", colorBits ); //cgs.classData[i].showRanks = (colorBits >> 25) & 1; //--Next is Rank Icon Color lineChar = lineCharEnd+2; classBits = atoi( lineChar ); cgs.classData[i].isMedic = ( classBits >> 1 ) & 1; cgs.classData[i].showRanks = ( classBits >> 2 ) & 1; cgs.classData[i].iconColor = ( classBits >> 4 ) & 15; //CG_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "%i\n", classBits ); } }*/ /* ================ CG_ConfigStringModified ================ */ static void CG_ConfigStringModified( void ) { const char *str; int num; num = atoi( CG_Argv( 1 ) ); // get the gamestate from the client system, which will have the // new configstring already integrated trap_GetGameState( &cgs.gameState ); // look up the individual string that was modified str = CG_ConfigString( num ); // do something with it if necessary if ( num == CS_MUSIC ) { CG_StartMusic(); } else if ( num == CS_CAMERA_SHAKE ) { //RPG-X : TiM - Camera Shake CG_ClientShakeCamera(); } else if ( num == CS_SERVERINFO ) { CG_ParseServerinfo(); } else if ( num == CS_WARMUP ) { CG_ParseWarmup(); } else if ( num == CS_SCORES1 ) { cgs.scores1 = atoi( str ); } else if ( num == CS_SCORES2 ) { cgs.scores2 = atoi( str ); } else if ( num == CS_WARMUP ) { CG_ParseWarmup(); } else if ( num == CS_LEVEL_START_TIME ) { cgs.levelStartTime = atoi( str ); } else if ( num == CS_VOTE_TIME ) { cgs.voteTime = atoi( str ); cgs.voteModified = qtrue; } else if ( num == CS_VOTE_YES ) { cgs.voteYes = atoi( str ); cgs.voteModified = qtrue; } else if ( num == CS_VOTE_NO ) { cgs.voteNo = atoi( str ); cgs.voteModified = qtrue; } else if ( num == CS_VOTE_STRING ) { Q_strncpyz( cgs.voteString, str, sizeof( cgs.voteString ) ); } else if ( num == CS_INTERMISSION ) { cg.intermissionStarted = atoi( str ); } else if ( num >= CS_MODELS && num < CS_MODELS+MAX_MODELS ) { cgs.gameModels[ num-CS_MODELS ] = trap_R_RegisterModel( str ); } else if ( num >= CS_SOUNDS && num < CS_SOUNDS+MAX_SOUNDS ) { if ( str[0] != '*' ) { // player specific sounds don't register here cgs.gameSounds[ num-CS_SOUNDS] = trap_S_RegisterSound( str ); } } else if ( num >= CS_PLAYERS && num < CS_PLAYERS+MAX_CLIENTS ) { CG_NewClientInfo( num - CS_PLAYERS ); } else if ( num >= CS_DECOYS && num < CS_DECOYS+MAX_DECOYS ) { CG_NewDecoyInfo( num - CS_DECOYS ); } else if ( num == CS_FLAGSTATUS ) { // format is rb where its red/blue, 0 is at base, 1 is taken, 2 is dropped cgs.redflag = str[0] - '0'; cgs.blueflag = str[1] - '0'; } else if(num == CS_SHADERSTATE) { CG_ShaderStateChanged(); } } /* ======================= CG_AddToTeamChat ======================= */ static void CG_AddToTeamChat( const char *str ) { int len; char *p, *ls; int lastcolor; int chatHeight; if (cg_teamChatHeight.integer < TEAMCHAT_HEIGHT) { chatHeight = cg_teamChatHeight.integer; } else { chatHeight = TEAMCHAT_HEIGHT; } if (chatHeight <= 0 || cg_teamChatTime.integer <= 0) { // team chat disabled, dump into normal chat cgs.teamChatPos = cgs.teamLastChatPos = 0; return; } len = 0; p = cgs.teamChatMsgs[cgs.teamChatPos % chatHeight]; *p = 0; lastcolor = '7'; ls = NULL; while (*str) { if (len > TEAMCHAT_WIDTH - 1) { if (ls) { str -= (p - ls); str++; p -= (p - ls); } *p = 0; cgs.teamChatMsgTimes[cgs.teamChatPos % chatHeight] = cg.time; cgs.teamChatPos++; p = cgs.teamChatMsgs[cgs.teamChatPos % chatHeight]; *p = 0; *p++ = Q_COLOR_ESCAPE; *p++ = lastcolor; len = 0; ls = NULL; } if ( Q_IsColorString( str ) ) { *p++ = *str++; lastcolor = *str; *p++ = *str++; continue; } if (*str == ' ') { ls = p; } *p++ = *str++; len++; } *p = 0; cgs.teamChatMsgTimes[cgs.teamChatPos % chatHeight] = cg.time; cgs.teamChatPos++; if (cgs.teamChatPos - cgs.teamLastChatPos > chatHeight) cgs.teamLastChatPos = cgs.teamChatPos - chatHeight; } /* =============== CG_MapRestart The server has issued a map_restart, so the next snapshot is completely new and should not be interpolated to. A tournement restart will clear everything, but doesn't require a reload of all the media =============== */ static void CG_MapRestart( void ) { if ( cg_showmiss.integer ) { CG_Printf( "CG_MapRestart\n" ); } CG_InitLocalEntities(); CG_InitMarkPolys(); // make sure the "3 frags left" warnings play again cg.fraglimitWarnings = 0; cg.timelimitWarnings = 0; cg.intermissionStarted = qfalse; cgs.voteTime = 0; CG_StartMusic(); // we really should clear more parts of cg here and stop sounds // play the "fight" sound if this is a restart without warmup if ( cg.warmup == 0 /* && cgs.gametype == GT_TOURNAMENT */) { trap_S_StartLocalSound( cgs.media.countFightSound, CHAN_ANNOUNCER ); } } /*********************** CG_EncodeIDFile The server detected that we have a pure copy of the ID, so it's sent us the IP it received so we can byte encrypt it into an ID and save it to file ***********************/ static void CG_EncodeIDFile( void ) { unsigned int playerID; char *IP; char strSubnet[3]; int intSubnet[4]; int i, j; memset(strSubnet, 0, sizeof(strSubnet)); IP = (char *)CG_Argv( 1 ); //IP = ""; //TiM - Scooter's IP List //Double-check we're not spawning an ID off of these if( Q_stricmp( IP, "localhost" ) //localhost && Q_strncmp( IP, "10.", 3 ) //class A && Q_strncmp( IP, "172.16.", 7 ) //class B && Q_strncmp( IP, "192.168.", 8 ) //class C && Q_strncmp( IP, "127.", 4 ) //loopback && Q_strncmp( IP, "169.254.", 8 ) //link-local ) { return; } //check we don't already have an ID if ( (unsigned)atoul( sv_securityCode.string ) != SECURITY_PID ) return; i = 0; j = 0; while ( *IP ) { if( *IP != '.' ) { if ( i < 3 ) strSubnet[i++] = *IP; } else { if ( j < 4 ) intSubnet[j++] = atoi( strSubnet ); i=0; memset( strSubnet, 0, 3 ); } IP++; } //the final cell intSubnet[j++] = atoi( strSubnet ); //calculate the key playerID = ( intSubnet[3] << 24 ) | ( intSubnet[2] << 16 ) | ( intSubnet[1] << 8 ) | intSubnet[0]; //CG_Printf( "%i %i %i %i - %u\n", intSubnet[0], intSubnet[1], intSubnet[2], intSubnet[3], playerID ); //encode the information into the id key file { fileHandle_t f; //unsigned char buffer[SECURITY_SIZE]; int fileLen; rpgxSecurityFile_t sF; fileLen = trap_FS_FOpenFile( SECURITY_FILE, &f, FS_READ ); if ( !f || fileLen != SECURITY_SIZE ) { CG_Error( "ERROR: Could not validate %s file.\n", SECURITY_FILE ); return; } trap_FS_Read( &sF, SECURITY_SIZE, f ); trap_FS_FCloseFile( f ); if ( !sF.ID || sF.ID != SECURITY_ID ) { CG_Error( "ERROR: %s was loaded, but it wasn't valid.\n", SECURITY_FILE ); return; } //ensure the hash is valid if ( sF.hash != atoul( sv_securityHash.string ) ) { CG_Error( "ERROR: %s was loaded, but the hash wasn't valid.\n", SECURITY_FILE ); return; } //okay, reopen the file for writing, and input the new ID f = 0; fileLen = trap_FS_FOpenFile( SECURITY_FILE, &f, FS_WRITE ); if ( !f ) { CG_Error( "ERROR: Could not validate %s file for writing.\n", SECURITY_FILE ); return; } //copy over the new key sF.playerID = playerID; trap_FS_Write( &sF, SECURITY_SIZE, f ); trap_FS_FCloseFile( f ); } trap_Cvar_Set( "sv_SecurityCode", va( "%u", playerID ) ); } /* ================== ConcatArgs ================== */ char *ConcatArgs2( int start ) { int i, c, tlen; static char line[MAX_STRING_CHARS]; int len; char arg[MAX_STRING_CHARS]; len = 0; c = trap_Argc(); for ( i = start ; i < c ; i++ ) { trap_Argv( i, arg, sizeof( arg ) ); tlen = strlen( arg ); if ( len + tlen >= MAX_STRING_CHARS - 1 ) { break; } memcpy( line + len, arg, tlen ); len += tlen; if ( i != c - 1 ) { line[len] = ' '; len++; } } line[len] = 0; return line; } /* ===================== CG_ShaderStateChanged ===================== */ void CG_ShaderStateChanged(void) { char originalShader[MAX_QPATH]; char newShader[MAX_QPATH]; char timeOffset[16]; const char *o; char *n,*t; o = CG_ConfigString( CS_SHADERSTATE ); if(!o) return; while (o && *o) { n = strstr(o, "="); if (n && *n) { strncpy(originalShader, o, n-o); originalShader[n-o] = 0; n++; t = strstr(n, ":"); if (t && *t) { strncpy(newShader, n, t-n); newShader[t-n] = 0; } else { break; } t++; o = strstr(t, "@"); if (o) { strncpy(timeOffset, t, o-t); timeOffset[o-t] = 0; o++; trap_R_RemapShader( originalShader, newShader, timeOffset ); } } else { break; } } } /* ================= CG_ServerCommand The string has been tokenized and can be retrieved with Cmd_Argc() / Cmd_Argv() ================= */ static void CG_ServerCommand( void ) { const char *cmd; cmd = CG_Argv(0); if ( !cmd[0] ) { // server claimed the command return; } //RPG-X | Phenix | 13/02/2005 // Play a insult to the n00b when moved into n00b class if ( !strcmp( cmd, "playN00bInsult") ) { trap_S_StartLocalSound( cgs.media.N00bSound[(rand()%N00bSoundCount)], CHAN_LOCAL_SOUND ); CG_CenterPrint( "Welcome to the n00b Class", SCREEN_HEIGHT * 0.25, BIGCHAR_WIDTH ); return; } // RPG-X | Phenix | 08/06/05 if ( !strcmp( cmd, "servermsg") ) { trap_S_StartLocalSound( cgs.media.AdminMsgSound, CHAN_LOCAL_SOUND ); cg.adminMsgTime = cg.time + 10000; Q_strncpyz( cg.adminMsgMsg, ConcatArgs2(1), sizeof( cg.adminMsgMsg ) ); //CG_CenterPrint( cg.adminMsgMsg, SCREEN_HEIGHT * 0.25, BIGCHAR_WIDTH ); return; } if( !strcmp( cmd, "servercprint") ) { trap_S_StartLocalSound( cgs.media.AdminMsgSound, CHAN_LOCAL_SOUND ); //cg.adminMsgTime = cg.time + 10000; Q_strncpyz( cg.adminMsgMsg, ConcatArgs2(1), sizeof( cg.adminMsgMsg ) ); CG_CenterPrint( cg.adminMsgMsg, SCREEN_HEIGHT * 0.25, BIGCHAR_WIDTH ); return; } if ( !strcmp( cmd, "cp" ) ) { CG_CenterPrint( CG_Argv(1), SCREEN_HEIGHT * 0.25, BIGCHAR_WIDTH ); return; } if ( !strcmp( cmd, "cs" ) ) { CG_ConfigStringModified(); return; } if ( !strcmp( cmd, "print" ) ) { CG_Printf( "%s", CG_Argv(1) ); return; } if ( !strcmp( cmd, "chat" ) ) { trap_S_StartLocalSound( cgs.media.talkSound, CHAN_LOCAL_SOUND ); CG_Printf( "%s\n", CG_Argv(1) ); return; } if ( !strcmp( cmd, "pc" ) ) { trap_Cvar_Set("ui_playerClass", CG_Argv(1)); return; } if ( !strcmp( cmd, "prank" ) ) { trap_Cvar_Set("ui_playerRank", CG_Argv(1)); return; } /*if ( !strcmp( cmd, "cr" ) ) { trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( "ui_playerclass", pClass, sizeof(pClass) ); trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( "ui_playerrank", pRank, sizeof(pRank) ); if ( !strcmp( pClass, "maker" ) || !strcmp( pClass, "alphaomega22" ) ) { trap_SendClientCommand( "class command" ); trap_SendClientCommand( va( "rank %s", pRank) ); } trap_SendClientCommand( va( "class %s", pClass) ); trap_SendClientCommand( va( "rank %s", pRank) ); return; }*/ if ( !strcmp( cmd, "tchat" ) ) { trap_S_StartLocalSound( cgs.media.talkSound, CHAN_LOCAL_SOUND ); CG_AddToTeamChat( CG_Argv(1) ); CG_Printf( "%s\n", CG_Argv(1) ); return; } if ( !strcmp( cmd, "scores" ) ) { CG_ParseScores(); return; } if ( !strcmp( cmd, "awards" ) ) { AW_SPPostgameMenu_f(); return; } if ( !strcmp( cmd, "tinfo" ) ) { CG_ParseTeamInfo(); return; } if ( !strcmp( cmd, "hinfo" ) ) { CG_ParseHealthInfo(); return; } if ( !strcmp( cmd, "map_restart" ) ) { CG_MapRestart(); return; } //TiM: Purge all active effects if ( !strcmp( cmd, "cg_flushFX" ) ) { int i; for ( i = 0; i < MAX_LOCAL_ENTITIES; i ++ ) { cg_localEntities[i].endTime = cg.time; } return; } /*if ( !strcmp( cmd, "cg_flushAngles" ) ) { //CG_ResetPlayerEntity( &cg.predictedPlayerEntity ); //&cg_entities[ cg.predictedPlayerState.clientNum ] cg_entities[cg.predictedPlayerState.clientNum].pe.torso.yawAngle = cg_entities[cg.predictedPlayerState.clientNum].lerpAngles[YAW]; cg_entities[cg.predictedPlayerState.clientNum].pe.legs.yawAngle = cg_entities[cg.predictedPlayerState.clientNum].lerpAngles[YAW]; return; }*/ // loaddeferred can be both a servercmd and a consolecmd if ( !strcmp( cmd, "loaddeferred" ) ) { // FIXME: spelled wrong, but not changing for demo CG_LoadDeferredPlayers(); return; } // clientLevelShot is sent before taking a special screenshot for // the menu system during development if ( !strcmp( cmd, "clientLevelShot" ) ) { cg.levelShot = qtrue; return; } //TiM - client received a command from a turbolift ent //Show the decks UI if ( !strcmp( cmd, "lift" ) ) { trap_SendConsoleCommand( va( "ui_turbolift %s", CG_Argv( 1 ) ) ); return; } //The server motd thingzor //RPG-X | Marcin | 15/12/2008 if ( !strcmp( cmd, "motd" ) ) { trap_SendConsoleCommand( "ui_motd_reset\n" ); trap_SendConsoleCommand( "ui_motd\n" ); return; } //RPG-X | Marcin | 15/12/2008 if ( !strcmp( cmd, "motd_line" ) ) { trap_SendConsoleCommand( va( "ui_motd_line \"%s\"\n", CG_Argv( 1 ) ) ); return; } if ( !strcmp( cmd, "configID" ) ) { CG_EncodeIDFile(); return; } if ( !strcmp( cmd, "changeClientInfo" ) ) { //create local copy of the args //due to the way CG_Argv works char arg1[64]; char arg2[64]; Q_strncpyz( arg1, CG_Argv(1), sizeof(arg1) ); Q_strncpyz( arg2, CG_Argv(2), sizeof(arg2) ); trap_Cvar_Set( arg1, arg2 ); return; } if ( !strcmp( cmd, "playSnd" ) ) { trap_SendConsoleCommand( va( "play %s", CG_Argv(1) ) ); return; } if ( !strcmp( cmd, "cg_connect" ) ) { trap_SendConsoleCommand( va( "connect %s", CG_Argv(1) ) ); return; } if ( Q_stricmp (cmd, "remapShader") == 0 ) { if (trap_Argc() == 4) { char shader1[MAX_QPATH]; char shader2[MAX_QPATH]; char shader3[MAX_QPATH]; Q_strncpyz(shader1, CG_Argv(1), sizeof(shader1)); Q_strncpyz(shader2, CG_Argv(2), sizeof(shader2)); Q_strncpyz(shader3, CG_Argv(3), sizeof(shader3)); trap_R_RemapShader(shader1, shader2, shader3); } return; } if(!strcmp(cmd, "ui_transporter")) { trap_SendConsoleCommand(va("ui_transporter %s", CG_Argv(1))); return; } if(!strcmp(cmd, "ui_trdata")) { trap_SendConsoleCommand(va("ui_trdata \"%s\"", CG_Argv(1))); return; } if(!strcmp(cmd, "holo_data")) { trap_SendConsoleCommand(va("holo_data \"%s\"", CG_Argv(1))); return; } if(!strcmp(cmd, "ui_holodeck")) { trap_SendClientCommand(va("ui_holodeck %s", CG_Argv(1))); return; } /* TODO remove me? */ if(!strcmp(cmd, "sqlkey")) { trap_SendClientCommand(va("sqlkey %s", CG_Argv(1))); return; } CG_Printf( "Unknown client game command: %s\n", cmd ); } /* ==================== CG_ExecuteNewServerCommands Execute all of the server commands that were received along with this this snapshot. ==================== */ void CG_ExecuteNewServerCommands( int latestSequence ) { while ( cgs.serverCommandSequence < latestSequence ) { if ( trap_GetServerCommand( ++cgs.serverCommandSequence ) ) { CG_ServerCommand(); } } }