Added a new command selfdestructcountdown duration [safezone] [target]
It'll do exactly the same as selfdestruct start with the exception that it'll force the entity to think every 0.1 secs. to not do this accidently It got it's own command.
It uses the cp-command for display and disables admin_centerprint autoamtically.
On a more general selfdestruct note I got rid of those long warning sentences in favour of ^1Self Destruct in %.0f:%2.0f
Signed-off-by: Harry Young <>
Put the commands for client parameter manipulation and sound/music in one flag each.
Used the now empty flags to add in shiphealth etc. and debugging tools
added missing ')' in selfdestruct command
also fixed a compiler warning for a possibly undefined variable in shiphealth command
Signed-off-by: Harry Young <>
New command safezonelist that lists all safezones in existance.
It returns their targetnames, state (safe/unsafe) and theuir shipflag.
Minor fix to target_shiphealth so it now frees than links when there are missing parameters.
Signed-off-by: Harry Young <>
Modified all of them to bertter support maps like rpg_runabout with more than one ship
both selfdestruct and shiphealth now allow for a safezones targetname to be added that is freed before called to list
that required modifications to the associated commands.
Now selfdestruct start asks for a safezone as it's 2nd to last argument and requires it if any safezone is spawnflaged as SHIP
shipdamage now has a 2nd argument that specifies the healthEnt it shall deal to. It requires that argument if it finds at least 2 healthEnts
shiphealth now displays the status of all healthEnts that exist and displays it's targetname in line one of the output
There ar also a few other things associated with this (e.g. healthEnt now frees at spawn if it misses required parameters)
Expanded description of target_safezone
Signed-off-by: Harry Young <>
fixed drip-entity (was stowing duration in wrong state-var)
fixed defaultstate for chunks-entity (material was 0 = none, fixed to 1 = metal)
disabled spawnfunction for all non-functional SP-Ports (I might look into them gain... maybe I just need to find their shaders)
Signed-off-by: Harry Young <>
selfdestruct will now look out for a healthEnt and - if found - will rig it for a kill and call it's usefunction, which will do all the killing instead.
Signed-off-by: Harry Young <>
made target_alert toggle the shields automatically and appropriately
however if you toggle red alert (even just for audio) at low hull it blows up the ship
minor alteration to selfdestruct command description
Signed-off-by: Harry Young <>
added another layer of shield indicator (-2) to the system. Indicators are now
offline (-2, shields are not charged)
inoperable (-1 shield emiters destroyed)
standing by (0, shields charged, no alert ongoing)
online (1, shields charged, alert ongoing)
Also eased off on the shiphealth command
Signed-off-by: Harry Young <>
Turned out simply using '/' for divisions didn't do the trick so i tried '* pow(x, -1)' instead and it got all my issues working ^^
Also added a functionality that selects colors for the appropriate condition of shields and hull.
Added the failsave-functionality to the entity for shield reenstatement
Signed-off-by: Harry Young <>
Tried to replace some int's and float's with double's, no negative effect however the bugs still exist.
Signed-off-by: Harry Young <>
Bit of restructuring in the command.
Fixes to the entity so it will fire all systems.
Need to look in the random-functions. The systems are firing out every hit.
Also relative Strength does not work in Shiphealth command (gives either 100 or 0)
Aditionally forced SD-Killmode active with the target merely being for FX.
Signed-off-by: Harry Young <>
- acccessing the user DB now works. if it does not exist it will be
- adding new users with the useradd command works again
- userlogin command works again