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synced 2025-03-14 21:00:47 +00:00
New target_shiphealth entity. I still need to do some debugging here, which I intend to do later tonight.
Minor tweaks. Signed-off-by: Harry Young <hendrik.gerritzen@googlemail.com>
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 252 additions and 2 deletions
@ -6284,7 +6284,6 @@ static void Cmd_alert_f(gentity_t *ent) {
Harry Young | 25/07/2012
static void Cmd_selfdestruct_f(gentity_t *ent) {
@ -2561,7 +2561,8 @@ void SP_target_shaderremap(gentity_t *ent) {
//RPG-X | Harry Young | 15/10/2011 | MOD END
//RPG-X | Harry Young | 25/07/2012 | MOD START
/*QUAKED target_selfdestruct (1 0 0) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8)This entity manages the self destruct.
/*QUAKED target_selfdestruct (1 0 0) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8)
This entity manages the self destruct.
For now this should only be used via the selfdestruct console command, however it might be usable from within the radiant at a later date.
@ -2918,3 +2919,253 @@ void SP_target_safezone(gentity_t *ent) {
/*QUAKED target_shiphealth (1 0 0) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8)
This Entity manages a ships healt. Ship Health is reduced via administrative/delegable console command "/shipdamage [damage]"
Repairing is based on a % per minute basis for both shields and hull.
The entity features interconnectivity with other systems such as warpdrive or turbolift with a random yet incresing chance to turn them off whenever hulldamage occurs. This includes Shields.
Further more the entity will automatically toggle red alert should it be any other and will activate shields if alert is set to any but green.
If hull health hit's 0 it will kill any client outside an active savezone.
health: Total Hull strength
oldHealth: total shield strenght
angle: Hull repair in % per minute
speed: Shield repair in % per minute (only active if shield's aren't fried)
greensound: Things to fire every time damage occurs (like FX)
falsetarget: swapname for target_warp
bluename: swapname for target_turbolift
bluesound: swapname for ui_transporter
falsename: redname for target_alert
static int target_shiphealth_get_unsafe_players(gentity_t *ents[MAX_GENTITIES]) {
int i, n, num, cur = 0, cur2 = 0;
list_iter_p iter;
safeZone_t* sz;
int entlist[MAX_GENTITIES];
gentity_t *safePlayers[MAX_GENTITIES];
qboolean add = qtrue;
if(selfdestructSafeZones != NULL && selfdestructSafeZones->length > 0) {
// go through all safe zones and compose a list of sade players
iter = list_iterator(selfdestructSafeZones, FRONT);
for(sz = (safeZone_t *)list_next(iter); sz != NULL; sz = (safeZone_t *)list_next(iter)) {
if(!sz->active) {
num = trap_EntitiesInBox(sz->mins, sz->maxs, entlist, MAX_GENTITIES);
for(n = 0; n < num; n++) {
if(entlist[n] < g_maxclients.integer && g_entities[entlist[n]].client) {
safePlayers[cur] = &g_entities[entlist[n]];
// now use that information to determines all unsafe players
for(i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) {
for(n = 0; n < cur; n++) {
if(&g_entities[i] == safePlayers[n]) {
add = qfalse;
if(add) {
if(&g_entities[i].client) {
ents[cur2] = &g_entities[i];
return cur2;
void target_shiphealth_use(gentity_t *ent, gentity_t *other, gentity_t *activator) {
int NSS, NHS, SD, HD, i, num;
float BT;
gentity_t* alertEnt, warpEnt, turboEnt, transEnt, client;
if(ent->splashDamage == 1){ //shields are active so we're just bleeding trough on the hull
BT = ((1 - (ent->count / ent->health)) / 10);
SD = (ent->damage - ceil(ent->damage * BT));
if(SD > ent->n00bCount){ //we're draining the shields...
HD = (ent->damage - ent->n00bCount);
NHS = (ent->count - HD);
ent->n00bCount = 0;
} else { //shields will survive so let's just bleed trough
HD = floor(ent->damage * BT);
NHS = (ent->count - HD);
NSS = (ent->n00bCount - SD);
ent->n00bCount = NSS;
} else { //shields are off, guess where the blow goes...
NHS = (ent->count - ent->damage);
ent->count = NHS;
//enough math, let's trigger things
//activate shields if inactive
if(ent->splashDamage == 0)
ent->splashDamage = 1;
//go to red alert if we are on green
alertEnt = G_Find(NULL, FOFS(falsename), ent->falsename);
if(alertEnt->damage == 0){
ent->target = ent->falsename;
G_UseTargets(ent, ent);
//time to fire the FX
ent->target = ent->greensound;
G_UseTargets(ent, ent);
//disable UI_Transporter if need be.
transEnt = G_Find(NULL, FOFS(swapname), ent->bluesound);
if (transEnt->flags & FL_LOCKED){
} else {
if(((ent->count / ent->health) * crandom()) < 0.3){
ent->target = ent->bluesound;
G_UseTargets(ent, ent);
//disable target_turbolift if need be.
turboEnt = G_Find(NULL, FOFS(swapname), ent->bluename);
if (turboEnt->flags & FL_LOCKED){
} else {
if(((ent->count / ent->health) * crandom()) < 0.3){
ent->target = ent->bluename;
G_UseTargets(ent, ent);
//disable target_warp if need be.
warpEnt = G_Find(NULL, FOFS(swapname), ent->falsetarget);
if (warpEnt->n00bCount == 0){
} else {
if(((ent->count / ent->health) * crandom()) < 0.3){
ent->target = ent->falsetarget;
G_UseTargets(ent, ent);
if(ent->count <= 0){
gentity_t *ents[MAX_GENTITIES];
num = target_shiphealth_get_unsafe_players(ents);
//Loop trough all clients on the server.
for(i = 0; i < num; i++) {
client = ents[i];
G_Damage (client, ent, ent, 0, 0, 999999, 0, MOD_TRIGGER_HURT); //maybe a new message ala "[Charname] did not abandon ship."
//let's hear it
G_AddEvent(ent, EV_GLOBAL_SOUND, G_SoundIndex("sound/weapons/explosions/explode2.wav"));
//let's be shakey for a sec... I hope lol ^^
trap_SetConfigstring( CS_CAMERA_SHAKE, va( "%i %i", 9999, ( 1000 + ( level.time - level.startTime ) ) ) );
void target_shiphealth_think(gentity_t *ent) {
//this will do the healing each minute
int NSS, NHS;
gentity_t* alertEnt;
//We have interconnectivity with target_alert here in that at condition green we regenerate twice as fast
//so let's find the entity
alertEnt = G_Find(NULL, FOFS(falsename), ent->falsename);
alertEnt = G_Find(NULL, FOFS(classname), "target_alert");
if(!alertEnt){ //failsave in case we don't have a target_alert present
alertEnt = G_Spawn();
alertEnt->damage = 0;
// Hull Repair
if(ent->count < ent->health){
if(alertEnt->damage == 0) //condition green
NHS = (ent->count + (ent->health * ent->angle / 100));
NHS = (ent->count + (ent->health * ent->angle / 200));
if(NHS > ent->health)
ent->count = ent->health;
ent->count = NHS;
// Shield Repair
if(ent->moverstate != -1){ //skip if shields are toast
if(ent->n00bCount < ent->oldHealth){
if(alertEnt->damage == 0) //condition green
NSS = (ent->n00bCount + (ent->oldHealth * ent->speed / 100);
NSS = (ent->n00bCount + (ent->oldHealth * ent->speed / 200);
if(NSS > ent->oldHealth)
ent->n00bCount = ent->oldHealth;
ent->n00bCount = NSS;
//shield reenstatement
if(ent->moverstate == -1){ //else we don't need to run this
if((ent->count / ent->health) > 0.5){
if(alertEnt->damage == 0) //what symbol is and AND? cause I'd like to failsave 1 if we don't have alerts...
ent->moverstate = 0;
ent->moverstate = 1;
} else {
if((ent->count / ent->health * crandom()) > 1){
if(alertEnt->damage == 0)
ent->moverstate = 0;
ent->moverstate = 1;
ent->nextthink = level.time + 60000;
void SP_target_shiphealth(gentity_t *ent) {
//we need to put the total health in for the current
ent->count = ent->health;
ent->n00bCount = ent->oldHealth;
//now for the shieldindicator I need to know if we have an alertEnt available
if(G_Find(NULL, FOFS(classname), "target_alert"))
ent->moverstate = 0;
ent->moverstate = 1;
ent->think = target_shiphealth_think;
ent->use = target_shiphealth_use;
ent->nextthink = level.time + 60000;
Reference in a new issue