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synced 2025-03-15 05:10:47 +00:00
Fixes to selfdestruct
Some fixes to selfdestruct .... not done yet still needs lots of debugging ...
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 46 additions and 43 deletions
@ -6312,16 +6312,16 @@ static void Cmd_selfdestruct_f(gentity_t *ent) {
// Setup command-Execution
if(trap_Argc() < 1 ) {
G_PrintfClient(ent, "Usage: selfdestruct start duration intervall intervall-60 intervall-10 audio [target]\n");
G_PrintfClient(ent, "duration: total countdown-duration in seconds.\n");
G_PrintfClient(ent, "intervall: intervall of audio warnings up to T-60 seconds in seconds.\n");
G_PrintfClient(ent, "intervall-60: intervall of audio warnings within T-60 seconds in seconds.\n");
G_PrintfClient(ent, "intervall-10: intervall of audio warnings within T-10 seconds in seconds.\n");
G_PrintfClient(ent, "audio: set this 0 if you do want a muted countdown, else set this 1.\n");
G_PrintfClient(ent, "target: Optional Argument. This will be fired once the countdown hits 0. If not set the entity will kill all clients.\n");
G_PrintfClient(ent, "\nUsage: selfdestruct remaining\n");
G_PrintfClient(ent, "This will give out the remaining countdown-time even if the count is muted.\n");
G_PrintfClient(ent, "\nUsage: selfdestruct abort\n");
G_PrintfClient(ent, "Usage: selfdestruct start duration intervall intervall-60 intervall-10 audio [target]");
G_PrintfClient(ent, "duration: total countdown-duration in seconds.");
G_PrintfClient(ent, "intervall: intervall of audio warnings up to T-60 seconds in seconds.");
G_PrintfClient(ent, "intervall-60: intervall of audio warnings within T-60 seconds in seconds.");
G_PrintfClient(ent, "intervall-10: intervall of audio warnings within T-10 seconds in seconds.");
G_PrintfClient(ent, "audio: set this 0 if you do want a muted countdown, else set this 1.");
G_PrintfClient(ent, "target: Optional Argument. This will be fired once the countdown hits 0. If not set the entity will kill all clients.");
G_PrintfClient(ent, "\nUsage: selfdestruct remaining");
G_PrintfClient(ent, "This will give out the remaining countdown-time even if the count is muted.");
G_PrintfClient(ent, "\nUsage: selfdestruct abort");
G_PrintfClient(ent, "This will abort any self destruct running");
@ -6331,7 +6331,7 @@ static void Cmd_selfdestruct_f(gentity_t *ent) {
//Is there sth running alrerady?
destructEnt = G_Find(NULL, FOFS(classname), "target_selfdestruct");
if(destructEnt) {
G_PrintfClient(ent, "There's already a self destruct in progress, aborting setup.\n");
G_PrintfClient(ent, "There's already a self destruct in progress, aborting setup.");
@ -6350,7 +6350,7 @@ static void Cmd_selfdestruct_f(gentity_t *ent) {
destructEnt->flags = atoi(arg6);
if(trap_Argc() == 7) {
trap_Argv(7, arg7, sizeof(arg7));
destructEnt->target = arg7;
destructEnt->target = G_NewString(arg7);
destructEnt->spawnflags = 1; //tells ent to free once aborted.
G_CallSpawn(destructEnt); //Spawn-Function will also manage init, so we need to call that.
@ -6358,36 +6358,36 @@ static void Cmd_selfdestruct_f(gentity_t *ent) {
//Is there sth running alrerady?
destructEnt = G_Find(NULL, FOFS(classname), "target_selfdestruct");
if(!destructEnt) {
G_PrintfClient(ent, "There's no self destruct in progress, aborting call.\n");
G_PrintfClient(ent, "There's no self destruct in progress, aborting call.");
//we need the remaining time in minutes and seconds from taht entity. Just ask them off and have the command do the math.
ETAsec = floor(modf(((destructEnt->damage - level.time)/60000), &ETAmin)*60); //break it apart, put off the minutes and return the floored secs
if (ETAsec > 0) //If we don't have secs we don't need to state that. Need to do a language-switch here...
trap_SendServerCommand( -1, va("servermsg \"Self Destruct in %s minutes and %s seconds.\"", ETAmin, ETAsec));
trap_SendServerCommand( -1, va("servermsg \"Self Destruct in %.0f minutes and %s.0f seconds.\"", ETAmin, ETAsec));
trap_SendServerCommand( -1, va("servermsg \"Self Destruct in %s minutes.\"", ETAmin));
trap_SendServerCommand( -1, va("servermsg \"Self Destruct in %.0f minutes.\"", ETAmin));
} else if (!Q_stricmp(arg, "abort")) {
//Is there sth running alrerady?
destructEnt = G_Find(NULL, FOFS(classname), "target_selfdestruct");
if(!destructEnt) {
G_PrintfClient(ent, "There's no self destruct in progress, aborting call.\n");
G_PrintfClient(ent, "There's no self destruct in progress, aborting call.");
destructEnt->use(destructEnt, NULL, NULL); // Use-Function will simply manage the abort
} else {
G_PrintfClient(ent, "Error: Invalid command-Argument. Arguments are start, remaining and abort\n");
G_PrintfClient(ent, "Usage: selfdestruct start duration intervall intervall-60 intervall-10 audio [target]\n");
G_PrintfClient(ent, "duration: total countdown-duration in seconds.\n");
G_PrintfClient(ent, "intervall: intervall of audio warnings up to T-60 seconds in seconds.\n");
G_PrintfClient(ent, "intervall-60: intervall of audio warnings within T-60 seconds in seconds.\n");
G_PrintfClient(ent, "intervall-10: intervall of audio warnings within T-10 seconds in seconds.\n");
G_PrintfClient(ent, "audio: set this 0 if you do want a muted countdown, else set this 1.\n");
G_PrintfClient(ent, "target: Optional Argument. This will be fired once the countdown hits 0. If not set the entity will kill all clients.\n\n");
G_PrintfClient(ent, "Usage: selfdestruct remaining\n");
G_PrintfClient(ent, "This will give out the remaining countdown-time even if the count is muted.\n\n");
G_PrintfClient(ent, "Usage: selfdestruct abort\n");
G_PrintfClient(ent, "Error: Invalid command-Argument. Arguments are start, remaining and abort");
G_PrintfClient(ent, "Usage: selfdestruct start duration intervall intervall-60 intervall-10 audio [target]");
G_PrintfClient(ent, "duration: total countdown-duration in seconds.");
G_PrintfClient(ent, "intervall: intervall of audio warnings up to T-60 seconds in seconds.");
G_PrintfClient(ent, "intervall-60: intervall of audio warnings within T-60 seconds in seconds.");
G_PrintfClient(ent, "intervall-10: intervall of audio warnings within T-10 seconds in seconds.");
G_PrintfClient(ent, "audio: set this 0 if you do want a muted countdown, else set this 1.");
G_PrintfClient(ent, "target: Optional Argument. This will be fired once the countdown hits 0. If not set the entity will kill all clients.");
G_PrintfClient(ent, "\nUsage: selfdestruct remaining");
G_PrintfClient(ent, "This will give out the remaining countdown-time even if the count is muted.");
G_PrintfClient(ent, "\nUsage: selfdestruct abort");
G_PrintfClient(ent, "This will abort any self destruct running");
@ -2578,7 +2578,7 @@ spawnflags: 1 tells ent to free once aborted
void target_selfdestruct_use(gentity_t *ent, gentity_t *other, gentity_t *activator) {
//with the use-function we're going to init aborts in a fairly simple manner: Fire warning notes...
trap_SendServerCommand( -1, va("servermsg \"Self Destruct sequence aborted.\""));
trap_SendServerCommand( -1, va("playSnd sound/voice/selfdestruct/abort.mp3\n" ) );
G_AddEvent(ent, EV_GLOBAL_SOUND, G_SoundIndex("sound/voice/selfdestruct/abort.mp3"));
//set wait to -1...
ent->wait = -1;
//and arrange for a think in a sec
@ -2611,9 +2611,9 @@ void target_selfdestruct_think(gentity_t *ent) {
ETAsec = floor(modf((ent->wait / 60000), &ETAmin)*60);
if (ent->flags == 1) {
if (ETAsec > 0) //If we don't have secs we don't need to state that.
trap_SendServerCommand( -1, va("servermsg \"Self Destruct in %s minutes and %s seconds.\"", ETAmin, ETAsec));
trap_SendServerCommand( -1, va("servermsg \"Self Destruct in %.0f minutes and %.0f seconds.\"", ETAmin, ETAsec));
trap_SendServerCommand( -1, va("servermsg \"Self Destruct in %s minutes.\"", ETAmin));
trap_SendServerCommand( -1, va("servermsg \"Self Destruct in %.0f minutes.\"", ETAmin));
// with that out of the way let's set the next think
@ -2640,7 +2640,7 @@ void target_selfdestruct_think(gentity_t *ent) {
G_Damage (NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 999999, 0, MOD_TRIGGER_HURT); //maybe a new message ala "[Charname] did not abandon ship."
//let's hear it
trap_SendServerCommand( -1, va("playSnd sound/weapons/explosions/explode2.wav\n" ) );
G_AddEvent(ent, EV_GLOBAL_SOUND, G_SoundIndex("sound/weapons/explosions/explode2.wav"));
//let's be shakey for a sec... I hope lol ^^
trap_SetConfigstring( CS_CAMERA_SHAKE, va( "%f %i", 999999, (level.time + 1000) ) );
@ -2688,36 +2688,39 @@ void SP_target_selfdestruct(gentity_t *ent) {
ETAsec = floor(modf((ent->wait / 60000), &ETAmin)*60);
if (ent->flags == 1) {
if (ETAsec > 0) //If we don't have secs we don't need to state that.
trap_SendServerCommand( -1, va("servermsg \"Self Destruct in %s minutes and %s seconds.\"", ETAmin, ETAsec));
trap_SendServerCommand( -1, va("servermsg \"Self Destruct in %.0f minutes and %.0f seconds.\"", ETAmin, ETAsec));
trap_SendServerCommand( -1, va("servermsg \"Self Destruct in %s minutes.\"", ETAmin));
trap_SendServerCommand( -1, va("servermsg \"Self Destruct in %.0f minutes.\"", ETAmin));
} else {
if (ETAsec > 0) //If we don't have secs we don't need to state that.
trap_SendServerCommand( -1, va("servermsg \"Self Destruct in %s minutes and %s seconds. There will be no further audio warnings.\"", ETAmin, ETAsec));
trap_SendServerCommand( -1, va("servermsg \"Self Destruct in %.0f minutes and %0.f seconds. There will be no further audio warnings.\"", ETAmin, ETAsec));
trap_SendServerCommand( -1, va("servermsg \"Self Destruct in %s minutes. There will be no further audio warnings.\"", ETAmin));
trap_SendServerCommand( -1, va("servermsg \"Self Destruct in %.0f minutes. There will be no further audio warnings.\"", ETAmin));
ent->r.svFlags |= SVF_BROADCAST;
//Additionally we have some audio files ready to go in english with automatic german counterparts. Play them as well.
if (ent->wait == 1200000) {
trap_SendServerCommand( -1, va("playSnd sound/voice/selfdestruct/20-a1.mp3\n" ) );
G_AddEvent(ent, EV_GLOBAL_SOUND, G_SoundIndex("sound/voice/selfdestruct/20-a1.mp3"));
} else if (ent->wait == 900000) {
if (ent->flags == 1)
trap_SendServerCommand( -1, va("playSnd sound/voice/selfdestruct/15-a1.mp3\n" ) );
G_AddEvent(ent, EV_GLOBAL_SOUND, G_SoundIndex("sound/voice/selfdestruct/15-a1.mp3"));
trap_SendServerCommand( -1, va("playSnd sound/voice/selfdestruct/15-a0.mp3\n" ) );
G_AddEvent(ent, EV_GLOBAL_SOUND, G_SoundIndex("sound/voice/selfdestruct/15-a0.mp3"));
} else if (ent->wait == 600000) {
trap_SendServerCommand( -1, va("playSnd sound/voice/selfdestruct/10-a1.mp3\n" ) );
G_AddEvent(ent, EV_GLOBAL_SOUND, G_SoundIndex("sound/voice/selfdestruct/10-a1.mp3"));
} else if (ent->wait == 300000) {
if (ent->flags == 1)
trap_SendServerCommand( -1, va("playSnd sound/voice/selfdestruct/5-a1.mp3\n" ) );
G_AddEvent(ent, EV_GLOBAL_SOUND, G_SoundIndex("sound/voice/selfdestruct/5-a1.mp3"));
trap_SendServerCommand( -1, va("playSnd sound/voice/selfdestruct/5-a0.mp3\n" ) );
G_AddEvent(ent, EV_GLOBAL_SOUND, G_SoundIndex("sound/voice/selfdestruct/5-a0.mp3"));
} else {
if (ent->flags == 1)
trap_SendServerCommand( -1, va("playSnd sound/voice/selfdestruct/X-a1.mp3\n" ) );
G_AddEvent(ent, EV_GLOBAL_SOUND, G_SoundIndex("sound/voice/selfdestruct/X-a1.mp3"));
trap_SendServerCommand( -1, va("playSnd sound/voice/selfdestruct/X-a0.mp3\n" ) );
G_AddEvent(ent, EV_GLOBAL_SOUND, G_SoundIndex("sound/voice/selfdestruct/X-a0.mp3"));
// Now all that's left is to plan the next think.
Binary file not shown.
Reference in a new issue