
244 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2012-05-05 11:49:28 +00:00
#include "cg_local.h"
#include "fx_local.h"
// detpack
qboolean DetpackAftereffect(localEntity_t *le)
localEntity_t *cyl = NULL;
qhandle_t shader = cgs.media.phaserShader;
qhandle_t slowRingShaders[NUM_RING_SHADERS];
float percentLife = 1.0 - (le->endTime - cg.time)*le->lifeRate;
float alpha = 0.6 - (0.6*percentLife*percentLife);
// data for shell
float shellLife = percentLife + .2;
float height1 = 20 + (percentLife * 150);
float height2 =(50*percentLife);
float scale1 = 40 + (percentLife * 1500);
float scale2 = 20 + (percentLife * 1200);
// data for flat energy rings
float ringLife = percentLife + .5;
float scale3 = 200 + (percentLife * 3400);
float scale4 = 100 + (percentLife * 3000);
float scale5 = 20 + (percentLife * 1000);
float scale6 = 10 + (percentLife * 200);
float ringAlpha = 0.6 - (0.6*ringLife*ringLife);
vec3_t up = {0,0,1},origin1;
slowRingShaders[0] = cgs.media.testDetpackRingShader1;
slowRingShaders[1] = cgs.media.testDetpackRingShader2;
slowRingShaders[2] = cgs.media.testDetpackRingShader3;
slowRingShaders[3] = cgs.media.testDetpackRingShader4;
slowRingShaders[4] = cgs.media.testDetpackRingShader5;
slowRingShaders[5] = cgs.media.testDetpackRingShader6;
// slower, inner ring
VectorCopy(le->refEntity.origin, origin1);
if (NUM_RING_SHADERS == le->data.spawner.data1)
le->data.spawner.data1 = 0;
else if (le->data.spawner.data1 < 0)
le->data.spawner.data1 = 0;
shader = slowRingShaders[le->data.spawner.data1++];
// fast, outer ring
cyl = FX_AddCylinder( origin1,
0.1,// height,
0,// dheight,
scale5,// scale,
0,// dscale,
scale6,// scale2,
0,// dscale2,
ringAlpha,// startalpha,
0.0,// endalpha,
500,// killTime,
15);// bias );
cyl->leFlags |= LEF_ONE_FRAME;
if (shellLife <= 1.0f)
origin1[2] += height2;
shader = cgs.media.phaserShader;
cyl = FX_AddCylinder( origin1,
height1,// height,
0,// dheight,
scale1,// scale,
0,// dscale,
scale2,// scale2,
0,// dscale2,
alpha,// startalpha,
0.0,// endalpha,
500,// killTime,
15);// bias );
cyl->leFlags |= LEF_ONE_FRAME;
cyl = FX_AddCylinder( le->refEntity.origin,
height2, // height,
0, // dheight,
scale1, // scale,
0, // dscale,
scale1, // scale2,
0, // dscale2,
alpha, // startalpha,
0.0, // endalpha,
500, // killTime,
15); // bias );
cyl->leFlags |= LEF_ONE_FRAME;
// flat energy wave thingy
if (ringLife <= 1.0f)
shader = cgs.media.testDetpackShader3;
VectorCopy(le->refEntity.origin, origin1);
// fast, outer ring
cyl = FX_AddCylinder( origin1,
0.1,// height,
0,// dheight,
scale3,// scale,
0,// dscale,
scale4,// scale2,
0,// dscale2,
ringAlpha,// startalpha,
0.0,// endalpha,
500,// killTime,
15);// bias );
cyl->leFlags |= LEF_ONE_FRAME;
return qtrue;
void FX_Detpack(vec3_t origin)
localEntity_t *le;
qhandle_t null = 0;
vec3_t direction, org, vel, norm = {0,0,1};
int i;
VectorCopy( norm, direction);
// Add an explosion and tag a light to it
le = CG_MakeExplosion2( origin, direction, cgs.media.nukeModel, 5, null, 250, qfalse, 100.0f, LEF_FADE_RGB);
le->light = 300;
le->refEntity.renderfx |= RF_NOSHADOW;
VectorSet( le->lightColor, 1.0f, 0.6f, 0.2f );
// Ground ring
// FX_AddQuad( origin, norm, 5, 150, 1.0, 0.0, random() * 360, 600, cgs.media.bigShockShader );
// Flare
VectorMA( origin, 12, direction, org );
FX_AddSprite( org, NULL, qfalse, 160.0, -160.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 500, cgs.media.sunnyFlareShader );//, FXF_NON_LINEAR_FADE );
for (i = 0; i < 12; i++)
float width, length;
FXE_Spray( norm, 470, 325, 0.5f, vel);
length = 50.0 + random() * 12;
width = 1.5 + random() * 2;
FX_AddTrail( origin, vel, qtrue, length, -length, width, -width,
1.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f, 1000.0f, cgs.media.orangeTrailShader);
// trap_S_StartSound( origin, ENTITYNUM_WORLD, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.detpackExplodeSound );
// Smoke and impact
CG_ImpactMark( cgs.media.compressionMarkShader, origin, norm, random()*360, 1,1,1,1.0, qfalse,
random() * 16 + 48, qfalse );
// mondo explosion shock wave cloud thing
le = FX_AddSpawner( origin, norm, NULL, NULL, qfalse, 0,
0, 1500, DetpackAftereffect, 10 );
le->data.spawner.data1 = 0;
// shake absolutely _everyone_
CG_ExplosionEffects(origin, 5.0f, 8092);
// portable shield
//RPG-X ToDo: Modify force field Code Here
void FX_DrawPortableShield(centity_t *cent)
int xaxis, height, posWidth, negWidth; // light;
2012-05-05 11:49:28 +00:00
vec3_t start, end, normal;
//vec4_t RGBA;
float halfHeight;
qhandle_t shader;
if (cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_NODRAW)
// decode the data stored in time2
//pos = ((cent->currentState.time2 >> 32) & 1);
//vert = ((cent->currentState.time2 >> 31) & 1);
xaxis = ((cent->currentState.time2 >> 30) & 1); //24
height = ((cent->currentState.time2 >> 20) & 1023); //16
posWidth = ((cent->currentState.time2 >> 10) & 1023); //8
negWidth = (cent->currentState.time2 & 1023);
halfHeight = (float)height * .5;
VectorCopy(cent->lerpOrigin, start);
VectorCopy(cent->lerpOrigin, end);
start[2] += halfHeight;
end[2] += halfHeight;
2012-05-05 11:49:28 +00:00
if (xaxis) // drawing along x-axis
2012-05-05 11:49:28 +00:00
start[0] -= negWidth;
end[0] += posWidth;
normal[1] = 1;
2012-05-05 11:49:28 +00:00
start[1] -= negWidth;
end[1] += posWidth;
normal[0] = 1;
2012-05-05 11:49:28 +00:00
//TiM - Show the forcefield when the place flag is active only
//This way, we canhave it flare on events, and invisible the rest of the time
2012-05-05 11:49:28 +00:00
//tho make sure admins can see it
if((int)cent->currentState.origin2[0] == 1) {
shader = cgs.media.shieldActivateShaderBorg;
else if((int)cent->currentState.origin2[0] == 2) {
shader = cgs.media.shieldActivateShaderYellow;
else if((int)cent->currentState.origin2[0] == 3) {
shader = cgs.media.shieldActivateShaderRed;
else {
shader = cgs.media.shieldActivateShaderBlue;
if ( cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_ITEMPLACEHOLDER || cgs.clientinfo[cg.snap->ps.clientNum].isAdmin/*cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_CLASS] == PC_ADMIN*/ )
FX_AddOrientedLine(start, end, normal, 1.0f, height, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 50.0, shader);
2012-05-05 11:49:28 +00:00