2012-05-05 11:49:28 +00:00
// Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Id Software, Inc.
# include "g_local.h"
# include "g_groups.h"
reconData_t g_reconData [ MAX_RECON_NAMES ] ; //!< recon data for a limited ammount of clients
int g_reconNum ;
extern char * BG_RegisterRace ( const char * name ) ;
extern void SetPlayerClassCvar ( gentity_t * ent ) ;
extern void SetClass ( gentity_t * ent , char * s , char * teamName , qboolean SaveToCvar ) ;
extern void BroadcastClassChange ( gclient_t * client , pclass_t oldPClass ) ;
//RPG-X: TiM
extern char * correlateRanks ( const char * strArg , int intArg ) ;
extern pclass_t ValueNameForClass ( /*gentity_t *ent,*/ char * s ) ;
extern qboolean levelExiting ;
// g_client.c -- client functions that don't happen every frame
void G_StoreClientInitialStatus ( gentity_t * ent ) ;
//! players mins
static vec3_t playerMins = { - 12 , - 12 , - 24 } ; //RPG-X : TiM - {-15, -15, -24}
//! players maxs
static vec3_t playerMaxs = { 12 , 12 , 32 } ; // {15, 15, 32}
clInitStatus_t clientInitialStatus [ MAX_CLIENTS ] ;
team_t borgTeam = TEAM_FREE ;
//TiM: For easier transport setup
* Function that makes transport setup easier
* \ author Ubergames - TiM
void G_InitTransport ( int clientNum , vec3_t origin , vec3_t angles ) {
gentity_t * tent ;
TransDat [ clientNum ] . beamTime = level . time + 8000 ;
g_entities [ clientNum ] . client - > ps . powerups [ PW_BEAM_OUT ] = level . time + 8000 ;
//Transfer stored data to active beamer
VectorCopy ( origin ,
TransDat [ clientNum ] . currentCoord . origin ) ;
VectorCopy ( angles ,
TransDat [ clientNum ] . currentCoord . angles ) ;
tent = G_TempEntity ( g_entities [ clientNum ] . client - > ps . origin , EV_PLAYER_TRANSPORT_OUT ) ;
tent - > s . clientNum = clientNum ;
/*QUAKED info_player_deathmatch (1 0 1) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 32) initial
potential spawning position for deathmatch games .
The first time a player enters the game , they will be at an ' initial ' spot .
Targets will be fired when someone spawns in on them .
" nobots " will prevent bots from using this spot .
" nohumans " will prevent non - bots from using this spot .
* Spawn function for deathmatch spawnpoint
void SP_info_player_deathmatch ( gentity_t * ent ) {
int i ;
G_SpawnInt ( " nobots " , " 0 " , & i ) ;
if ( i ) {
ent - > flags | = FL_NO_BOTS ;
G_SpawnInt ( " nohumans " , " 0 " , & i ) ;
if ( i ) {
ent - > flags | = FL_NO_HUMANS ;
trap_LinkEntity ( ent ) ;
/*QUAKED info_player_start (1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 32)
equivelant to info_player_deathmatch
* Spawn function for player start spawnpoint which actually the same as deatchmatch spawnpoint
void SP_info_player_start ( gentity_t * ent ) {
ent - > classname = " info_player_deathmatch " ;
SP_info_player_deathmatch ( ent ) ;
/*QUAKED info_player_intermission (1 0 1) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 32)
The intermission will be viewed from this point . Target an info_notnull for the view direction .
* Spawn function for intermission entity .
void SP_info_player_intermission ( gentity_t * ent ) {
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= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
* Check if beaming to a point will result in a teleporter frag .
qboolean SpotWouldTelefrag ( gentity_t * spot ) {
int i , num ;
int touch [ MAX_GENTITIES ] ;
gentity_t * hit ;
vec3_t mins , maxs ;
VectorAdd ( spot - > s . origin , playerMins , mins ) ;
VectorAdd ( spot - > s . origin , playerMaxs , maxs ) ;
num = trap_EntitiesInBox ( mins , maxs , touch , MAX_GENTITIES ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < num ; i + + ) {
hit = & g_entities [ touch [ i ] ] ;
if ( hit & & hit - > client & & hit - > client - > ps . stats [ STAT_HEALTH ] > 0 ) {
return qtrue ;
if ( hit & & hit - > s . eType = = ET_USEABLE & & hit - > s . modelindex = = HI_SHIELD ) { //hit a portable force field
return qtrue ;
return qfalse ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Find the spot that we DON ' T want to use
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
# define MAX_SPAWN_POINTS 256
* Find the spot that we DON ' T want to use
gentity_t * SelectNearestDeathmatchSpawnPoint ( vec3_t from ) {
gentity_t * spot ;
vec3_t delta ;
float dist , nearestDist ;
gentity_t * nearestSpot ;
nearestDist = 999999 ;
nearestSpot = NULL ;
spot = NULL ;
while ( ( spot = G_Find ( spot , FOFS ( classname ) , " info_player_deathmatch " ) ) ! = NULL ) {
VectorSubtract ( spot - > s . origin , from , delta ) ;
dist = VectorLength ( delta ) ;
if ( dist < nearestDist ) {
nearestDist = dist ;
nearestSpot = spot ;
return nearestSpot ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
go to a random point that doesn ' t telefrag
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
# define MAX_SPAWN_POINTS 256
* go to a random point that doesn ' t telefrag
gentity_t * SelectRandomDeathmatchSpawnPoint ( void ) {
gentity_t * spot ;
int count ;
int selection ;
gentity_t * spots [ MAX_SPAWN_POINTS ] ;
count = 0 ;
spot = NULL ;
while ( ( spot = G_Find ( spot , FOFS ( classname ) , " info_player_deathmatch " ) ) ! = NULL ) {
if ( SpotWouldTelefrag ( spot ) ) {
continue ;
spots [ count ] = spot ;
count + + ;
if ( ! count ) { // no spots that won't telefrag
return G_Find ( NULL , FOFS ( classname ) , " info_player_deathmatch " ) ;
selection = rand ( ) % count ;
return spots [ selection ] ;
= = = = = = = = = = =
Chooses a player start , deathmatch start , etc
= = = = = = = = = = = =
* Chooses a player start , deathmatch start , etc
gentity_t * SelectSpawnPoint ( vec3_t avoidPoint , vec3_t origin , vec3_t angles ) {
gentity_t * spot ;
gentity_t * nearestSpot ;
nearestSpot = SelectNearestDeathmatchSpawnPoint ( avoidPoint ) ;
spot = SelectRandomDeathmatchSpawnPoint ( ) ;
if ( spot = = nearestSpot ) {
// roll again if it would be real close to point of death
spot = SelectRandomDeathmatchSpawnPoint ( ) ;
if ( spot = = nearestSpot ) {
// last try
spot = SelectRandomDeathmatchSpawnPoint ( ) ;
// find a single player start spot
if ( ! spot ) {
G_Error ( " Couldn't find a spawn point " ) ;
return spot ;
VectorCopy ( spot - > s . origin , origin ) ;
origin [ 2 ] + = 9 ;
VectorCopy ( spot - > s . angles , angles ) ;
return spot ;
= = = = = = = = = = =
Try to find a spawn point marked ' initial ' , otherwise
use normal spawn selection .
= = = = = = = = = = = =
* Try to find a spawn point marked ' initial ' , otherwise
* use normal spawn selection .
gentity_t * SelectInitialSpawnPoint ( vec3_t origin , vec3_t angles ) {
gentity_t * spot ;
spot = NULL ;
while ( ( spot = G_Find ( spot , FOFS ( classname ) , " info_player_deathmatch " ) ) ! = NULL ) {
if ( spot - > spawnflags & 1 ) {
break ;
if ( ! spot | | SpotWouldTelefrag ( spot ) ) {
return SelectSpawnPoint ( vec3_origin , origin , angles ) ;
VectorCopy ( spot - > s . origin , origin ) ;
origin [ 2 ] + = 9 ;
VectorCopy ( spot - > s . angles , angles ) ;
return spot ;
= = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = =
gentity_t * SelectSpectatorSpawnPoint ( vec3_t origin , vec3_t angles ) {
FindIntermissionPoint ( ) ;
VectorCopy ( level . intermission_origin , origin ) ;
VectorCopy ( level . intermission_angle , angles ) ;
return NULL ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static int bodyFadeSound = 0 ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void InitBodyQue ( void ) {
int i ;
gentity_t * ent ;
level . bodyQueIndex = 0 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < BODY_QUEUE_SIZE ; i + + ) {
ent = G_Spawn ( ) ;
ent - > classname = " bodyque " ;
ent - > neverFree = qtrue ;
level . bodyQue [ i ] = ent ;
if ( bodyFadeSound = = 0 )
{ // Initialize this sound.
bodyFadeSound = G_SoundIndex ( " sound/enemies/borg/walkthroughfield.wav " ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = =
After sitting around for five seconds , fade out .
= = = = = = = = = = = = =
* After sitting around for five seconds , fade out .
void BodyRezOut ( gentity_t * ent )
if ( level . time - ent - > timestamp > = 7500 ) {
// the body ques are never actually freed, they are just unlinked
trap_UnlinkEntity ( ent ) ;
ent - > physicsObject = qfalse ;
return ;
ent - > nextthink = level . time + 2500 ;
ent - > s . time = level . time + 2500 ;
G_AddEvent ( ent , EV_GENERAL_SOUND , bodyFadeSound ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = =
A player is respawning , so make an entity that looks
just like the existing corpse to leave behind .
= = = = = = = = = = = = =
* A player is respawning , so make an entity that looks
* just like the existing corpse to leave behind .
void CopyToBodyQue ( gentity_t * ent ) {
gentity_t * body ;
int contents ;
entityState_t * eState ;
trap_UnlinkEntity ( ent ) ;
// if client is in a nodrop area, don't leave the body
contents = trap_PointContents ( ent - > s . origin , - 1 ) ;
if ( contents & CONTENTS_NODROP ) {
ent - > s . eFlags & = ~ EF_NODRAW ; // Just in case we died from a bottomless pit, reset EF_NODRAW
return ;
// grab a body que and cycle to the next one
body = level . bodyQue [ level . bodyQueIndex ] ;
level . bodyQueIndex = ( level . bodyQueIndex + 1 ) % BODY_QUEUE_SIZE ;
trap_UnlinkEntity ( body ) ;
eState = & ent - > s ;
eState - > eFlags = EF_DEAD ; // clear EF_TALK, etc
eState - > powerups = 0 ; // clear powerups
eState - > loopSound = 0 ; // clear lava burning
eState - > number = body - g_entities ;
body - > timestamp = level . time ;
body - > physicsObject = qtrue ;
body - > physicsBounce = 0 ; // don't bounce
if ( eState - > groundEntityNum = = ENTITYNUM_NONE ) {
eState - > pos . trType = TR_GRAVITY ;
eState - > pos . trTime = level . time ;
VectorCopy ( ent - > client - > ps . velocity , eState - > pos . trDelta ) ;
} else {
eState - > pos . trType = TR_STATIONARY ;
eState - > event = 0 ;
// change the animation to the last-frame only, so the sequence
// doesn't repeat anew for the body
switch ( eState - > legsAnim & ~ ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) {
case BOTH_DEATH1 :
case BOTH_DEAD1 :
eState - > torsoAnim = eState - > legsAnim = BOTH_DEAD1 ;
break ;
case BOTH_DEATH2 :
case BOTH_DEAD2 :
eState - > torsoAnim = eState - > legsAnim = BOTH_DEAD2 ;
break ;
/*case BOTH_DEATH3:
case BOTH_DEAD3 : */
default :
eState - > torsoAnim = eState - > legsAnim = BOTH_DEAD1 ; //DEAD3
break ;
body - > r . svFlags = ent - > r . svFlags ;
VectorCopy ( ent - > r . mins , body - > r . mins ) ;
VectorCopy ( ent - > r . maxs , body - > r . maxs ) ;
VectorCopy ( ent - > r . absmin , body - > r . absmin ) ;
VectorCopy ( ent - > r . absmax , body - > r . absmax ) ;
body - > r . contents = CONTENTS_CORPSE ;
body - > r . ownerNum = ent - > r . ownerNum ;
body - > nextthink = level . time + 5000 ;
body - > think = BodyRezOut ;
body - > die = body_die ;
// if there shouldn't be a body, don't show one.
if ( ent - > client & &
( ( level . time - ent - > client - > ps . powerups [ PW_DISINTEGRATE ] ) < 10000 | |
( level . time - ent - > client - > ps . powerups [ PW_EXPLODE ] ) < 10000 ) )
eState - > eFlags | = EF_NODRAW ;
// don't take more damage if already gibbed
//RPG-X: RedTechie - Check for medicrevive
if ( rpg_medicsrevive . integer = = 0 ) {
if ( ent - > health < = GIB_HEALTH ) {
body - > takedamage = qfalse ;
} else {
body - > takedamage = qtrue ;
} else {
body - > takedamage = qfalse ;
VectorCopy ( eState - > pos . trBase , body - > r . currentOrigin ) ;
trap_LinkEntity ( body ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void SetClientViewAngle ( gentity_t * ent , vec3_t angle ) {
int i ;
// set the delta angle
for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i + + ) {
int cmdAngle ;
cmdAngle = ANGLE2SHORT ( angle [ i ] ) ;
ent - > client - > ps . delta_angles [ i ] = cmdAngle - ent - > client - > pers . cmd . angles [ i ] ;
VectorCopy ( angle , ent - > s . angles ) ;
VectorCopy ( ent - > s . angles , ent - > client - > ps . viewangles ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
extern char * ClassNameForValue ( pclass_t pClass ) ;
void respawn ( gentity_t * ent ) {
qboolean borg = qfalse ;
gentity_t * tent ;
playerState_t * ps ;
CopyToBodyQue ( ent ) ;
ClientSpawn ( ent , 0 , qfalse ) ; //RPG-X: RedTechie - Modifyed
ps = & ent - > client - > ps ;
// add a teleportation effect
if ( borg )
tent = G_TempEntity ( ps - > origin , EV_BORG_TELEPORT ) ;
//tent = G_TempEntity( ps->origin, EV_PLAYER_TELEPORT_IN );
tent = G_TempEntity ( ps - > origin , EV_PLAYER_TRANSPORT_IN ) ;
ps - > powerups [ PW_QUAD ] = level . time + 4000 ;
tent - > s . clientNum = ent - > s . clientNum ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Returns number of players on a team
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
* Returns number of players on a team
team_t TeamCount ( int ignoreClientNum , int team ) {
int i ;
int count = 0 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < level . maxclients ; i + + ) {
if ( i = = ignoreClientNum ) {
continue ;
if ( level . clients [ i ] . pers . connected = = CON_DISCONNECTED ) {
continue ;
if ( level . clients [ i ] . sess . sessionTeam = = team ) {
count + + ;
return count ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
team_t PickTeam ( int ignoreClientNum ) {
int counts [ TEAM_NUM_TEAMS ] ;
counts [ TEAM_BLUE ] = TeamCount ( ignoreClientNum , TEAM_BLUE ) ;
counts [ TEAM_RED ] = TeamCount ( ignoreClientNum , TEAM_RED ) ;
if ( counts [ TEAM_BLUE ] > counts [ TEAM_RED ] ) {
return TEAM_RED ;
if ( counts [ TEAM_RED ] > counts [ TEAM_BLUE ] ) {
return TEAM_BLUE ;
// equal team count, so join the team with the lowest score
if ( level . teamScores [ TEAM_BLUE ] > level . teamScores [ TEAM_RED ] ) {
return TEAM_RED ;
if ( level . teamScores [ TEAM_BLUE ] < level . teamScores [ TEAM_RED ] ) {
return TEAM_BLUE ;
return irandom ( TEAM_RED , TEAM_BLUE ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = =
Forces a client ' s skin ( for teamplay )
HEAVILY modified for the RPG - X
Player Model system : P
= = = = = = = = = = =
* Forces a client ' s skin ( for teamplay )
* HEAVILY modified for the RPG - X
* Player Model system
void ForceClientSkin ( char * model , const char * skin ) {
char * p ;
char * q ;
//we expect model to equal 'char/model/skin'
//check for the slash between charName and modelName
//if ((p = strchr(model, '/')) != NULL) {
// *p = 0;
//Com_Printf("ForceSkin Called\n");
p = strchr ( model , ' / ' ) ;
//if no slashes at all
if ( ! p | | ! p [ 0 ] | | ! p [ 1 ] ) {
//input everything
Q_strcat ( model , MAX_QPATH , " / " ) ;
Q_strcat ( model , MAX_QPATH , " main " ) ;
Q_strcat ( model , MAX_QPATH , " / " ) ;
Q_strcat ( model , MAX_QPATH , skin ) ;
else { //ie we got a slash (which should be the first of two
p + + ;
q = strchr ( p , ' / ' ) ; //okay, we should get another one if one was already found
if ( ! q | | ! q [ 0 ] | | ! q [ 1 ] )
{ //no slashes were found?? >.<
//okay, let's assume they specified the .model file, no skin
//so just add the skin to the end :P
Q_strcat ( model , MAX_QPATH , " / " ) ;
Q_strcat ( model , MAX_QPATH , skin ) ;
//len = strlen( p );
//Q_strcat(&model[len - strlen( q )], MAX_QPATH, skin);
q + + ;
* q = ' \0 ' ;
Q_strcat ( model , MAX_QPATH , skin ) ;
//Com_Printf("Debug: %s\n", model);
= = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = =
/*static*/ void ClientCleanName ( const char * in , char * out , int outSize ) {
int len , colorlessLen ;
char ch ;
char * p ;
int spaces ;
//save room for trailing null byte
outSize - - ;
len = 0 ;
colorlessLen = 0 ;
p = out ;
* p = 0 ;
spaces = 0 ;
while ( 1 ) {
ch = * in + + ;
if ( ! ch ) {
break ;
// don't allow leading spaces
if ( ! * p & & ch = = ' ' ) {
continue ;
// check colors
if ( ch = = Q_COLOR_ESCAPE ) {
// solo trailing carat is not a color prefix
if ( ! * in ) {
break ;
// don't allow black in a name, period
if ( ColorIndex ( * in ) = = 0 ) {
in + + ;
continue ;
// make sure room in dest for both chars
if ( len > outSize - 2 ) {
break ;
* out + + = ch ;
* out + + = * in + + ;
len + = 2 ;
continue ;
// don't allow too many consecutive spaces
if ( ch = = ' ' ) {
spaces + + ;
if ( spaces > 3 ) {
continue ;
else {
spaces = 0 ;
if ( len > outSize - 1 ) {
break ;
* out + + = ch ;
colorlessLen + + ;
len + + ;
* out = 0 ;
// don't allow empty names
if ( * p = = 0 | | colorlessLen = = 0 )
Q_strncpyz ( p , " RedShirt " , outSize ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = =
Compare a list of races with an incoming race name .
Used to decide if in a CTF game where a race is specified for a given team if a skin is actually already legal .
= = = = = = = = = = =
* Compare a list of races with an incoming race name .
* Used to decide if in a CTF game where a race is specified for a given team if a skin is actually already legal .
qboolean legalSkin ( const char * race_list , const char * race )
char current_race_name [ 125 ] ;
const char * s = race_list ;
const char * max_place = race_list + strlen ( race_list ) ;
const char * marker ;
memset ( current_race_name , 0 , sizeof ( current_race_name ) ) ;
// look through the list till it's empty
while ( s < max_place )
marker = s ;
// figure out from where we are where the next ',' or 0 is
while ( * s ! = ' , ' & & * s ! = 0 )
s + + ;
// copy just that name
Q_strncpyz ( current_race_name , marker , ( s - marker ) + 1 ) ;
// avoid the comma or increment us past the end of the string so we fail the main while loop
s + + ;
// compare and see if this race is the same as the one we want
if ( ! Q_stricmp ( current_race_name , race ) )
return qtrue ;
return qfalse ;
= = = = = = = = = = =
given a race name , go find all the skins that use it , and randomly select one
= = = = = = = = = = =
* given a race name , go find all the skins that use it , and randomly select one
void randomSkin ( const char * race , char * model , int current_team , int clientNum )
char * * skinsForRace ;
int howManySkins = 0 ;
int i , x ;
int temp ;
int skin_count_check ;
char * * skinNamesAlreadyUsed ;
int current_skin_count = 0 ;
gentity_t * ent = NULL ;
char * userinfo ;
char temp_model [ MAX_QPATH ] ;
skinsForRace = ( char * * ) malloc ( MAX_SKINS_FOR_RACE * 128 * sizeof ( char ) ) ;
if ( ! skinsForRace ) {
G_Error ( " Was unable to allocate %i bytes. \n " , MAX_SKINS_FOR_RACE * 128 * sizeof ( char ) ) ;
return ;
skinNamesAlreadyUsed = ( char * * ) malloc ( 16 * 128 * sizeof ( char ) ) ;
if ( ! skinNamesAlreadyUsed ) {
G_Error ( " Was unable to allocate %i bytes. \n " , 16 * 128 * sizeof ( char ) ) ;
return ;
memset ( skinsForRace , 0 , MAX_SKINS_FOR_RACE * 128 * sizeof ( char ) ) ;
memset ( skinNamesAlreadyUsed , 0 , 16 * 128 * sizeof ( char ) ) ;
// first up, check to see if we want to select a skin from someone that's already playing on this guys team
skin_count_check = g_random_skin_limit . integer ;
if ( skin_count_check )
// sanity check the skins to compare against count
if ( skin_count_check > 16 )
skin_count_check = 16 ;
// now construct an array of the names already used
for ( i = 0 ; i < g_maxclients . integer ; i + + )
// did we find enough skins to grab a random one from yet?
if ( current_skin_count = = skin_count_check )
break ;
ent = g_entities + i ;
if ( ! ent - > inuse | | i = = clientNum )
continue ;
// no, so look at the next one, and see if it's in the list we are constructing
// same team?
if ( ent - > client & & ent - > client - > sess . sessionTeam = = current_team )
userinfo = ( char * ) malloc ( MAX_INFO_STRING * sizeof ( char ) ) ;
if ( ! userinfo ) {
G_Error ( " Was unable to allocate %i bytes. \n " , MAX_INFO_STRING * sizeof ( char ) ) ;
return ;
// so what's this clients model then?
trap_GetUserinfo ( i , userinfo , MAX_INFO_STRING * sizeof ( char ) ) ;
Q_strncpyz ( temp_model , Info_ValueForKey ( userinfo , " model " ) , sizeof ( temp_model ) ) ;
free ( userinfo ) ;
// check the name
for ( x = 0 ; x < current_skin_count ; x + + )
// are we the same?
if ( ! Q_stricmp ( skinNamesAlreadyUsed [ x ] , temp_model ) )
// yeah - ok we already got this one
break ;
// ok, did we match anything?
if ( x = = current_skin_count )
// no - better add this name in
Q_strncpyz ( skinNamesAlreadyUsed [ current_skin_count ] , temp_model , sizeof ( skinNamesAlreadyUsed [ current_skin_count ] ) ) ;
current_skin_count + + ;
// ok, array constructed. Did we get enough?
if ( current_skin_count > = skin_count_check )
// yeah, we did - so select a skin from one of these then
temp = rand ( ) % current_skin_count ;
Q_strncpyz ( model , skinNamesAlreadyUsed [ temp ] , MAX_QPATH ) ;
ForceClientSkin ( model , " " ) ;
free ( skinNamesAlreadyUsed ) ;
free ( skinsForRace ) ;
return ;
// search through each and every skin we can find
for ( i = 0 ; i < group_count & & howManySkins < MAX_SKINS_FOR_RACE ; i + + )
// if this models race list contains the race we want, then add it to the list
if ( legalSkin ( group_list [ i ] . text , race ) )
Q_strncpyz ( skinsForRace [ howManySkins + + ] , group_list [ i ] . name , 128 ) ;
// set model to a random one
if ( howManySkins )
temp = rand ( ) % howManySkins ;
Q_strncpyz ( model , skinsForRace [ temp ] , MAX_QPATH ) ;
model [ 0 ] = 0 ;
free ( skinsForRace ) ;
free ( skinNamesAlreadyUsed ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = =
Go away and actually get a random new skin based on a group name
= = = = = = = = = = = =
* Go away and actually get a random new skin based on a group name
qboolean getNewSkin ( const char * group , char * model , const char * color , const gclient_t * client , int clientNum )
char * temp_string ;
// go away and get what ever races this skin is attached to.
// remove blue or red name
ForceClientSkin ( model , " " ) ;
temp_string = G_searchGroupList ( model ) ;
// are any of the races legal for this team race?
if ( legalSkin ( temp_string , group ) )
ForceClientSkin ( model , color ) ;
return qfalse ;
//if we got this far, then we need to reset the skin to something appropriate
randomSkin ( group , model , client - > sess . sessionTeam , clientNum ) ;
return qtrue ;
void SetCSTeam ( team_t team , char * teamname )
if ( teamname = = NULL | | teamname [ 0 ] = = 0 )
return ;
switch ( team )
case TEAM_BLUE :
trap_SetConfigstring ( CS_BLUE_GROUP , teamname ) ;
break ;
case TEAM_RED :
trap_SetConfigstring ( CS_RED_GROUP , teamname ) ;
break ;
default : // make gcc happy
break ;
= = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = =
* Called from ClientConnect when the player first connects and
* directly by the server system when the player updates a userinfo variable .
* The game can override any of the settings and call trap_SetUserinfo
* if desired .
void ClientUserinfoChanged ( int clientNum ) {
gentity_t * ent ;
int i ;
2012-09-10 19:29:23 +00:00
char * s ;
2012-05-05 11:49:28 +00:00
char model [ MAX_QPATH ] ;
char oldname [ MAX_STRING_CHARS ] ;
gclient_t * client ;
char userinfo [ MAX_INFO_STRING ] ;
qboolean reset ;
float weight , height ;
char age [ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ] ;
char race [ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ] ;
int modelOffset ;
qboolean changeName = qtrue ; //TiM : For the name filter
char sHeight [ 10 ] ;
char sWeight [ 10 ] ;
clientPersistant_t * pers ;
clientSession_t * sess ;
model [ 0 ] = 0 ;
ent = g_entities + clientNum ;
if ( ! ent ) return ;
client = ent - > client ;
pers = & client - > pers ;
sess = & client - > sess ;
//TiM - Exit if this user has had their info clamped
if ( ent - > flags & FL_CLAMPED )
return ;
trap_GetUserinfo ( clientNum , userinfo , sizeof ( userinfo ) ) ;
//Com_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "%s\n", userinfo );
//Com_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "CHANGED!\n" );
// check for malformed or illegal info strings
if ( ! Info_Validate ( userinfo ) ) {
strcpy ( userinfo , " \\ name \\ badinfo " ) ;
// check for local client
s = Info_ValueForKey ( userinfo , " ip " ) ;
if ( ! strcmp ( s , " localhost " ) ) {
pers - > localClient = qtrue ;
// check the item prediction
s = Info_ValueForKey ( userinfo , " cg_predictItems " ) ;
if ( ! atoi ( s ) ) {
pers - > predictItemPickup = qfalse ;
} else {
pers - > predictItemPickup = qtrue ;
// set name
//TiM: Filter for if a player is already on this server with that name.
s = Info_ValueForKey ( userinfo , " name " ) ;
if ( rpg_uniqueNames . integer & & ! ( ent - > r . svFlags & SVF_BOT ) ) {
char newName [ 36 ] ;
char activeName [ 36 ] ;
ClientCleanName ( s , newName , sizeof ( newName ) ) ;
Q_CleanStr ( newName ) ;
//loop thru all the clients, and see if we have one that has the same name as our proposed one
for ( i = 0 ; i < level . numConnectedClients ; i + + ) {
Q_strncpyz ( activeName , g_entities [ i ] . client - > pers . netname , sizeof ( activeName ) ) ;
Q_CleanStr ( activeName ) ;
if ( g_entities [ i ] . client - > ps . clientNum ! = client - > ps . clientNum
& & ! Q_stricmp ( newName , activeName ) )
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , " print \" Unable to change name. A player already has that name on this server. \n \" " ) ;
changeName = qfalse ;
break ;
if ( changeName ) {
Q_strncpyz ( oldname , pers - > netname , sizeof ( oldname ) ) ;
ClientCleanName ( s , pers - > netname , sizeof ( pers - > netname ) ) ;
if ( sess - > sessionTeam = = TEAM_SPECTATOR ) {
if ( sess - > spectatorState = = SPECTATOR_SCOREBOARD ) {
Q_strncpyz ( pers - > netname , " scoreboard " , sizeof ( pers - > netname ) ) ;
if ( pers - > connected = = CON_CONNECTED ) {
if ( strcmp ( oldname , pers - > netname ) ) {
if ( ! levelExiting & & ! level . intermissiontime )
{ //no need to do this during level changes
trap_SendServerCommand ( - 1 , va ( " print \" %s " S_COLOR_WHITE " renamed to %s \n \" " , oldname , pers - > netname ) ) ;
pers - > pms_height = atof ( Info_ValueForKey ( userinfo , " height " ) ) ;
if ( ! pers - > pms_height )
pers - > pms_height = 1.0f ;
pers - > maxHealth = atoi ( Info_ValueForKey ( userinfo , " handicap " ) ) ;
if ( pers - > maxHealth < 1 | | pers - > maxHealth > 100 ) {
pers - > maxHealth = 100 ;
//if you have a class, ignores handicap and 100 limit, sorry
//ClientMaxHealthForClass( client, sess->sessionClass );
client - > ps . stats [ STAT_MAX_HEALTH ] = pers - > maxHealth ;
Q_strncpyz ( model , Info_ValueForKey ( userinfo , " model " ) , sizeof ( model ) ) ;
// team
if ( qtrue /*sess->sessionClass != PC_BORG*/ )
{ //borg class doesn't need to use team color
switch ( sess - > sessionTeam ) {
case TEAM_RED :
// decide if we are going to have to reset a skin cos it's not applicable to a race selected
if ( g_gametype . integer < GT_TEAM | | ! Q_stricmp ( " " , g_team_group_red . string ) )
ForceClientSkin ( model , " red " ) ;
break ;
// at this point, we are playing CTF and there IS a race specified for this game
reset = getNewSkin ( g_team_group_red . string , model , " red " , client , clientNum ) ;
// did we get a model name back?
if ( ! model [ 0 ] )
// no - this almost certainly means we had a bogus race is the g_team_group_team cvar
// so reset it to starfleet and try it again
Com_Printf ( " WARNING! - Red Group %s is unknown - resetting Red Group to Allow Any Group \n " , g_team_group_red . string ) ;
trap_Cvar_Set ( " g_team_group_red " , " " ) ;
trap_Cvar_Register ( & g_team_group_red , " g_team_group_red " ,
" " , CVAR_LATCH ) ;
// Since we are allow any group now, just get his normal model and carry on
Q_strncpyz ( model , Info_ValueForKey ( userinfo , " model " ) , sizeof ( model ) ) ;
ForceClientSkin ( model , " red " ) ;
reset = qfalse ;
if ( reset )
if ( ! levelExiting )
{ //no need to do this during level changes
trap_SendServerCommand ( - 1 , va ( " print \" In-appropriate skin selected for %s on team %s \n Skin selection overridden from skin %s to skin %s \n \" " ,
pers - > netname , g_team_group_red . string , Info_ValueForKey ( userinfo , " model " ) , model ) ) ;
ForceClientSkin ( model , " red " ) ;
// change the value in out local copy, then update it on the server
Info_SetValueForKey ( userinfo , " model " , model ) ;
trap_SetUserinfo ( clientNum , userinfo ) ;
break ;
case TEAM_BLUE :
// decide if we are going to have to reset a skin cos it's not applicable to a race selected
if ( g_gametype . integer < GT_TEAM | | ! Q_stricmp ( " " , g_team_group_blue . string ) )
ForceClientSkin ( model , " blue " ) ;
break ;
// at this point, we are playing CTF and there IS a race specified for this game
// go away and get what ever races this skin is attached to.
reset = getNewSkin ( g_team_group_blue . string , model , " blue " , client , clientNum ) ;
// did we get a model name back?
if ( ! model [ 0 ] )
// no - this almost certainly means we had a bogus race is the g_team_group_team cvar
// so reset it to klingon and try it again
Com_Printf ( " WARNING! - Blue Group %s is unknown - resetting Blue Group to Allow Any Group \n " , g_team_group_blue . string ) ;
trap_Cvar_Set ( " g_team_group_blue " , " " ) ;
trap_Cvar_Register ( & g_team_group_blue , " g_team_group_blue " ,
" " , CVAR_LATCH ) ;
// Since we are allow any group now, just get his normal model and carry on
Q_strncpyz ( model , Info_ValueForKey ( userinfo , " model " ) , sizeof ( model ) ) ;
ForceClientSkin ( model , " blue " ) ;
reset = qfalse ;
if ( reset )
if ( ! levelExiting )
{ //no need to do this during level changes
trap_SendServerCommand ( - 1 , va ( " print \" In-appropriate skin selected for %s on team %s \n Skin selection overridden from skin %s to skin %s \n \" " ,
pers - > netname , g_team_group_blue . string , Info_ValueForKey ( userinfo , " model " ) , model ) ) ;
ForceClientSkin ( model , " blue " ) ;
// change the value in out local copy, then update it on the server
Info_SetValueForKey ( userinfo , " model " , model ) ;
trap_SetUserinfo ( clientNum , userinfo ) ;
break ;
default :
break ;
if ( g_gametype . integer > = GT_TEAM & & sess - > sessionTeam = = TEAM_SPECTATOR ) {
// don't ever use a default skin in teamplay, it would just waste memory
ForceClientSkin ( model , " red " ) ;
ForceClientSkin ( model , " default " ) ;
Info_SetValueForKey ( userinfo , " model " , model ) ;
trap_SetUserinfo ( clientNum , userinfo ) ;
if ( rpg_rpg . integer ! = 0 & & rpg_forceclasscolor . integer ! = 0 & & g_gametype . integer < GT_TEAM )
ForceClientSkin ( model , g_classData [ sess - > sessionClass ] . modelSkin ) ;
//TiM : For when an admin chooses not to see admin messages
//Marcin : and check for privacy mode - 24/12/2008
s = Info_ValueForKey ( userinfo , " noAdminChat " ) ;
if ( atoi ( s ) > 0 ) {
client - > noAdminChat = qtrue ;
else {
client - > noAdminChat = qfalse ;
// teamInfo
s = Info_ValueForKey ( userinfo , " teamoverlay " ) ;
if ( ! * s | | atoi ( s ) ! = 0 ) {
pers - > teamInfo = qtrue ;
} else {
pers - > teamInfo = qfalse ;
//PMS system - lock down the values
s = Info_ValueForKey ( userinfo , " height " ) ;
height = atof ( s ) ;
if ( height > ( float ) rpg_maxHeight . value )
//height = (float)MAX_HEIGHT;
Q_strncpyz ( sHeight , rpg_maxHeight . string , sizeof ( sHeight ) ) ;
else if ( height < ( float ) rpg_minHeight . value )
Q_strncpyz ( sHeight , rpg_minHeight . string , sizeof ( sHeight ) ) ;
//height = (float)MIN_HEIGHT;
Q_strncpyz ( sHeight , s , sizeof ( sHeight ) ) ;
//TiM - needed for height offset
pers - > pms_height = atof ( sHeight ) ;
//PMS system - lock down the values
s = Info_ValueForKey ( userinfo , " weight " ) ;
weight = atof ( s ) ;
if ( weight > ( float ) rpg_maxWeight . value )
//weight = (float)MAX_WEIGHT;
Q_strncpyz ( sWeight , rpg_maxWeight . string , sizeof ( sWeight ) ) ;
else if ( weight < ( float ) rpg_minWeight . value )
//weight = (float)MIN_WEIGHT;
Q_strncpyz ( sWeight , rpg_minWeight . string , sizeof ( sWeight ) ) ;
Q_strncpyz ( sWeight , s , sizeof ( sWeight ) ) ;
s = Info_ValueForKey ( userinfo , " age " ) ;
Q_strncpyz ( age , s , sizeof ( age ) ) ;
s = Info_ValueForKey ( userinfo , " race " ) ;
Q_strncpyz ( race , s , sizeof ( race ) ) ;
s = Info_ValueForKey ( userinfo , " modelOffset " ) ;
modelOffset = atoi ( s ) ;
// send over a subset of the userinfo keys so other clients can
// print scoreboards, display models, and play custom sounds
//FIXME: In future, we'll lock down these PMS values so we can't have overloaded transmission data
if ( ent - > r . svFlags & SVF_BOT ) {
s = va ( " n \\ %s \\ t \\ %i \\ p \\ %i \\ model \\ %s \\ hc \\ %i \\ w \\ %i \\ l \\ %i \\ skill \\ %s \\ age \\ 25 \\ height \\ %s \\ weight \\ %s \\ race \\ Bot \\ of \\ %i \\ admin \\ 0 " ,
pers - > netname , sess - > sessionTeam , sess - > sessionClass , model ,
pers - > maxHealth , sess - > wins , sess - > losses ,
Info_ValueForKey ( userinfo , " skill " ) ,
sHeight , sWeight , modelOffset ) ;
} else {
s = va ( " n \\ %s \\ t \\ %i \\ p \\ %i \\ model \\ %s \\ hc \\ %i \\ w \\ %i \\ l \\ %i \\ age \\ %s \\ height \\ %s \\ weight \\ %s \\ race \\ %s \\ of \\ %i \\ admin \\ %i " ,
pers - > netname , sess - > sessionTeam , sess - > sessionClass , model ,
pers - > maxHealth , sess - > wins , sess - > losses , age ,
sHeight , sWeight , race , modelOffset , ( ( int ) IsAdmin ( g_entities + clientNum ) ) ) ;
trap_SetConfigstring ( CS_PLAYERS + clientNum , s ) ;
G_LogPrintf ( " ClientUserinfoChanged: %i %s \n " , clientNum , s /*, g_entities[clientNum].client->pers.ip*/ ) ; // no ip logging here as string might get to long
= = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = =
* Called when a player begins connecting to the server .
* Called again for every map change or tournement restart .
* The session information will be valid after exit .
* Return NULL if the client should be allowed , otherwise return
* a string with the reason for denial .
* Otherwise , the client will be sent the current gamestate
* and will eventually get to ClientBegin .
* firstTime will be qtrue the very first time a client connects
* to the server machine , but qfalse on map changes and tournement
* restarts .
char * ClientConnect ( int clientNum , qboolean firstTime , qboolean isBot ) {
char * value ;
gclient_t * client ;
char userinfo [ MAX_INFO_STRING ] ;
gentity_t * ent ;
vmCvar_t mapname ;
vmCvar_t sv_hostname ;
char * newRank ;
int tmpScore = 0 ; //Without these, tonnes of proverbial shyte hits the fan if a bot connects O_o
char * newClass ;
int i ;
char ip [ 64 ] ; //TiM : Saved the IP data for player recon feature
//char* newClass; //TiM
trap_Cvar_Register ( & mapname , " mapname " , " " , CVAR_SERVERINFO | CVAR_ROM ) ;
trap_Cvar_Register ( & sv_hostname , " sv_hostname " , " " , CVAR_SERVERINFO | CVAR_ROM ) ;
ent = & g_entities [ clientNum ] ;
trap_GetUserinfo ( clientNum , userinfo , sizeof ( userinfo ) ) ;
// check to see if they are on the banned IP list
value = Info_ValueForKey ( userinfo , " ip " ) ;
Q_strncpyz ( ip , value , sizeof ( ip ) ) ;
//G_Printf( "Client logged ip: %s, %s\n", value, ipAdress );
if ( G_FilterPacket ( value ) | | CheckID ( Info_ValueForKey ( userinfo , " sv_securityCode " ) ) ) {
return " Banned from this server " ;
// check for a password
if ( ! isBot )
value = Info_ValueForKey ( userinfo , " password " ) ;
if ( g_password . string [ 0 ] & & Q_stricmp ( g_password . string , " none " ) & & strcmp ( g_password . string , value ) ! = 0 )
return " Invalid password " ;
//TiM: If need be, chack to see if any other players have the current name...
//evil impersonators and the likes
if ( rpg_uniqueNames . integer & & ! isBot ) {
char name [ 36 ] ;
char oldName [ 36 ] ;
//get the name
value = Info_ValueForKey ( userinfo , " name " ) ;
//Clean the data
ClientCleanName ( value , name , sizeof ( name ) ) ;
//Now, do a compare with all clients in the server
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_CLIENTS ; i + + ) {
if ( ! g_entities [ i ] . client | | g_entities [ i ] . client - > pers . connected ! = CON_CONNECTED )
continue ;
if ( g_entities [ i ] . client - > pers . netname [ 0 ] ) {
//local copy the string and work on that, else we risk wrecking other people's names
Q_strncpyz ( oldName , g_entities [ i ] . client - > pers . netname , sizeof ( oldName ) ) ;
if ( ! Q_stricmp ( Q_CleanStr ( name ) , Q_CleanStr ( oldName ) ) & & ! isBot ) {
return " There is already a user with that name. " ;
// they can connect
ent - > client = level . clients + clientNum ;
client = ent - > client ;
memset ( client , 0 , sizeof ( * client ) ) ;
client - > pers . connected = CON_CONNECTING ;
// read or initialize the session data
if ( firstTime | | level . newSession ) {
G_InitSessionData ( client , userinfo ) ;
G_ReadSessionData ( client ) ;
if ( isBot ) {
ent - > r . svFlags | = SVF_BOT ;
ent - > inuse = qtrue ;
if ( ! G_BotConnect ( clientNum , ! firstTime ) ) {
return " BotConnectfailed " ;
// get and distribute relevent paramters
G_LogPrintf ( " ClientConnect: %i (%s) \n " , clientNum , g_entities [ clientNum ] . client - > pers . ip ) ;
if ( rpg_rpg . integer ! = 0 /*&& firstTime*/ )
//TiM: Code for automatic class + rank switching
if ( isBot ) {
client - > sess . sessionClass = 0 ;
client - > ps . persistant [ PERS_SCORE ] = 1 ;
else {
newClass = Info_ValueForKey ( userinfo , " ui_playerClass " ) ;
newRank = Info_ValueForKey ( userinfo , " ui_playerRank " ) ;
//Com_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "Data: %s %s\n", newClass, newRank );
if ( newClass [ 0 ] ) {
client - > sess . sessionClass = ValueNameForClass ( newClass ) ; //TiM: BOOYEAH! :)
//if class doesn't exist, default to 0
if ( client - > sess . sessionClass < 0 )
client - > sess . sessionClass = 0 ;
else {
client - > sess . sessionClass = 0 ;
qboolean changeRank = qfalse ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_RANKS ; i + + ) {
if ( ! rpg_startingRank . string [ 0 ] & & newRank [ 0 ] ) {
if ( ! Q_stricmp ( newRank , g_rankNames [ i ] . consoleName ) ) {
tmpScore = i ; //1 << i;
if ( rpg_changeRanks . integer )
changeRank = qtrue ;
break ;
if ( rpg_startingRank . string [ 0 ] & & ! Q_stricmp ( g_rankNames [ i ] . consoleName , rpg_startingRank . string ) ) {
tmpScore = i ; // 1 << i;
changeRank = qtrue ;
break ;
//client->ps.persistant[PERS_SCORE] = tmpScore;
if ( changeRank ) {
ent - > client - > UpdateScore = qtrue ;
SetScore ( ent , tmpScore ) ;
//tmpScore = atoi( correlateRanks( newRank, 1 ) );
ClientUserinfoChanged ( clientNum ) ;
//RPG-X: Save the ip for later - has to be down here, since it gets flushed in the above function
Q_strncpyz ( ent - > client - > pers . ip , ip , sizeof ( ent - > client - > pers . ip ) ) ;
// don't do the "xxx connected" messages if they were caried over from previous level
if ( firstTime )
if ( ! levelExiting )
{ //no need to do this during level changes
qboolean nameFound = qfalse ;
//Check to see if this player already connected on this server
if ( rpg_renamedPlayers . integer & & ! ( ent - > r . svFlags & SVF_BOT ) ) {
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_RECON_NAMES ; i + + ) {
if ( ! g_reconData [ i ] . previousName [ 0 ] ) {
continue ;
if ( ! Q_stricmp ( client - > pers . ip , g_reconData [ i ] . ipAddress )
& & Q_stricmp ( client - > pers . netname , g_reconData [ i ] . previousName ) )
trap_SendServerCommand ( - 1 , va ( " print \" %s " S_COLOR_WHITE " (With the previous name of %s " S_COLOR_WHITE " ) connected \n \" " , client - > pers . netname , g_reconData [ i ] . previousName ) ) ;
nameFound = qtrue ;
break ;
if ( ! nameFound ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( - 1 , va ( " print \" %s " S_COLOR_WHITE " connected \n \" " , client - > pers . netname ) ) ;
//RPG-X | Phenix | 07/04/2005
client - > AdminFailed = 0 ;
ent - > n00bCount = 0 ;
client - > LoggedAsDeveloper = qfalse ;
if ( g_gametype . integer > = GT_TEAM & & client - > sess . sessionTeam ! = TEAM_SPECTATOR )
BroadcastTeamChange ( client , - 1 ) ;
// count current clients and rank for scoreboard
//CalculateRanks( qfalse );
//RPG-X: J2J - Reset Variables
DragDat [ clientNum ] . AdminId = - 1 ;
DragDat [ clientNum ] . distance = 0 ;
g_entities [ clientNum ] . client - > noclip = qfalse ;
return NULL ;
extern holoData_t holoData ;
//! Think function for temporal entity that transmits the holodeck date to the client
void holoTent_think ( gentity_t * ent ) {
if ( ! ent - > count ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " holo_data %i " , holoData . numProgs ) ) ;
ent - > count = 1 ;
ent - > health = 0 ;
ent - > nextthink = level . time + 250 ;
return ;
if ( ent - > health = = holoData . numProgs ) {
ent - > count + + ;
ent - > health = 0 ;
switch ( ent - > count ) {
case 1 : // name
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " holo_data \" n%i \\ %s \\ \" " , ent - > health , holoData . name [ ent - > health ] ) ) ;
break ;
case 2 : // desc1
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " holo_data \" da%i \\ %s \\ \" " , ent - > health , holoData . desc1 [ ent - > health ] ) ) ;
break ;
case 3 : // desc2
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " holo_data \" db%i \\ %s \\ \" " , ent - > health , holoData . desc2 [ ent - > health ] ) ) ;
break ;
case 4 : // image
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " holo_data \" i%i \\ %s \\ \" " , ent - > health , holoData . image [ ent - > health ] ) ) ;
break ;
ent - > health + + ;
if ( ent - > count > 4 ) {
G_PrintfClient ( ent , " Received data of %i holodeck programs. \n " , holoData . numProgs ) ;
G_FreeEntity ( ent ) ;
return ;
ent - > nextthink = level . time + 250 ;
//! Create a temporal entity that sends over the holodata to the client
void G_SendHoloData ( int clientNum ) {
gentity_t * holoTent ;
holoTent = G_Spawn ( ) ;
holoTent - > classname = G_NewString ( " holoTent " ) ;
holoTent - > target_ent = g_entities + clientNum ;
holoTent - > think = holoTent_think ;
holoTent - > nextthink = level . time + 2500 ;
extern srvChangeData_t srvChangeData ;
extern mapChangeData_t mapChangeData ;
//! Think function for temporal entity that transmits the server change data and map change data for transporter UI
void transTent_think ( gentity_t * ent ) {
char temp [ MAX_STRING_CHARS ] ;
int i ;
memset ( temp , 0 , sizeof ( temp ) ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i + + ) {
if ( ! srvChangeData . name [ i ] [ 0 ] ) break ;
if ( ! temp [ 0 ] )
Com_sprintf ( temp , sizeof ( temp ) , " d%i \\ %s \\ " , i , srvChangeData . name [ i ] ) ;
Com_sprintf ( temp , sizeof ( temp ) , " %sd%i \\ %s \\ " , temp , i , srvChangeData . name [ i ] ) ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " ui_trdata \" %s \" " , temp ) ) ;
memset ( temp , 0 , sizeof ( temp ) ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i + + ) {
if ( ! mapChangeData . name [ i ] [ 0 ] ) break ;
if ( ! temp [ 0 ] )
Com_sprintf ( temp , sizeof ( temp ) , " a%i \\ %s \\ " , i , mapChangeData . name [ i ] ) ;
2012-09-10 19:29:23 +00:00
Com_sprintf ( temp , sizeof ( temp ) , " %sa%i \\ %s \\ " , temp , i , mapChangeData . name [ i ] ) ;
2012-05-05 11:49:28 +00:00
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " ui_trdata \" %s \" " , temp ) ) ;
G_FreeEntity ( ent ) ;
//! creates an entity that transmits the server change data to the client
void G_SendTransData ( int clientNum ) {
gentity_t * transTent ;
transTent = G_Spawn ( ) ;
transTent - > classname = G_NewString ( " transTent " ) ;
transTent - > target_ent = g_entities + clientNum ;
transTent - > think = transTent_think ;
transTent - > nextthink = level . time + 500 ;
= = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = =
* called when a client has finished connecting , and is ready
* to be placed into the level . This will happen every level load ,
* and on transition between teams , but doesn ' t happen on respawns
void ClientBegin ( int clientNum , qboolean careAboutWarmup , qboolean isBot , qboolean first ) {
gentity_t * ent ;
gclient_t * client ;
gentity_t * tent ;
int flags ;
qboolean alreadyIn = qfalse ;
int score ;
ent = g_entities + clientNum ;
if ( ent - > botDelayBegin ) {
G_QueueBotBegin ( clientNum ) ;
ent - > botDelayBegin = qfalse ;
return ;
client = level . clients + clientNum ;
if ( ent - > r . linked ) {
trap_UnlinkEntity ( ent ) ;
G_InitGentity ( ent ) ;
ent - > touch = 0 ;
ent - > pain = 0 ;
ent - > client = client ;
if ( client - > pers . connected = = CON_CONNECTED )
alreadyIn = qtrue ;
client - > pers . connected = CON_CONNECTED ;
client - > pers . enterTime = level . time ;
client - > pers . teamState . state = TEAM_BEGIN ;
//RPG-X: TiM: Send a comand to the client telling their machine
//to automatically execute the 'class and 'rank' commands
// trap_SendServerCommand(ent-g_entities,"cr");
// save eflags around this, because changing teams will
// cause this to happen with a valid entity, and we
// want to make sure the teleport bit is set right
// so the viewpoint doesn't interpolate through the
// world to the new position
//TiM... I think this is why my damn RANK SYSTEM ENHANCEMENT HAS BEEN BUGGING OUT!!@!@!!
flags = client - > ps . eFlags ;
score = client - > ps . persistant [ PERS_SCORE ] ;
memset ( & client - > ps , 0 , sizeof ( client - > ps ) ) ;
client - > ps . eFlags = flags ;
//G_Printf( "Rank is %i\n", score );
client - > UpdateScore = qtrue ;
SetScore ( ent , score ) ;
// locate ent at a spawn point
ClientSpawn ( ent , 0 , qfalse ) ; //RPG-X: RedTechie - Modifyed
if ( client - > sess . sessionTeam ! = TEAM_SPECTATOR /*&& g_holoIntro.integer==0 */ )
{ // Don't use transporter FX for spectators or those watching the holodoors.
// send event
//tent = G_TempEntity( ent->client->ps.origin, EV_PLAYER_TELEPORT_IN );
//tent->s.clientNum = ent->s.clientNum;
ent - > client - > ps . powerups [ PW_QUAD ] = level . time + 4000 ;
tent = G_TempEntity ( ent - > client - > ps . origin , EV_PLAYER_TRANSPORT_IN ) ;
tent - > s . clientNum = ent - > s . clientNum ;
G_LogPrintf ( " ClientBegin: %i (%s) \n " , clientNum , g_entities [ clientNum ] . client - > pers . ip ) ;
// count current clients and rank for scoreboard
CalculateRanks ( qfalse ) ;
//TiM - This appears to be a flaw in Raven's design
//When a client connects, or if they enter admin or medics class
//ensure the relevant health data is sent to them, or else they'll
//see anomalies when scanning players
if ( client - > sess . sessionTeam = = TEAM_SPECTATOR | |
g_classData [ client - > sess . sessionClass ] . isMedical | |
g_classData [ client - > sess . sessionClass ] . isAdmin )
int i ;
char entry [ 16 ] ;
char command [ 1024 ] ;
int numPlayers ;
gentity_t * player ;
int len ;
int cmdLen = 0 ;
numPlayers = 0 ;
command [ 0 ] = ' \0 ' ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < g_maxclients . integer ; i + + )
player = g_entities + i ;
if ( player = = ent | | ! player - > inuse )
continue ;
Com_sprintf ( entry , sizeof ( entry ) , " %i %i " , i , player - > health > = 0 ? player - > health : 0 ) ;
len = strlen ( entry ) ;
if ( cmdLen + len > sizeof ( command ) )
break ;
strcpy ( command + cmdLen , entry ) ;
cmdLen + = len ;
numPlayers + + ;
if ( numPlayers > 0 )
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , va ( " hinfo %i%s " , numPlayers , command ) ) ;
//RPG-X: RedTechie - But we dont care about warmup!
if ( careAboutWarmup )
if ( level . restarted | | g_restarted . integer )
trap_Cvar_Set ( " g_restarted " , " 0 " ) ;
level . restarted = qfalse ;
//RPG-X | Phenix | 21/11/2004
if ( ! alreadyIn ) {
// RPG-X | Phenix | 06/04/2005
ent - > client - > n00bTime = - 1 ;
//ent->client->LoggedAsAdmin = qfalse; RPG-X: Marcin: permanent admin - 03/01/2008
ent - > client - > fraggerTime = - 1 ;
// kef -- should reset all of our awards-related stuff
G_ClearClientLog ( clientNum ) ;
//TiM - if our user's security key was default, transmit the received IP bak to
//the client and get it to encode it into our new key
//Scooter's filter list
if ( Q_stricmp ( ent - > client - > pers . ip , " localhost " ) //localhost
& & Q_strncmp ( ent - > client - > pers . ip , " 10. " , 3 ) //class A
& & Q_strncmp ( ent - > client - > pers . ip , " 172.16. " , 7 ) //class B
& & Q_strncmp ( ent - > client - > pers . ip , " 192.168. " , 8 ) //class C
& & Q_strncmp ( ent - > client - > pers . ip , " 127. " , 4 ) //loopback
& & Q_strncmp ( ent - > client - > pers . ip , " 169.254. " , 8 ) //link-local
char userInfo [ MAX_TOKEN_CHARS ] ;
unsigned long securityID ;
trap_GetUserinfo ( clientNum , userInfo , sizeof ( userInfo ) ) ;
if ( ! userInfo [ 0 ] )
return ;
securityID = ( unsigned ) atoul ( Info_ValueForKey ( userInfo , " sv_securityCode " ) ) ;
if ( securityID < = 0 | | securityID > = 0xffffffff )
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , va ( " configID %s " , ent - > client - > pers . ip ) ) ;
// send srv change data to ui
if ( ! isBot & & first ) {
if ( srvChangeData . ip [ 0 ] [ 0 ] )
G_SendTransData ( clientNum ) ;
// send holo data to ui
if ( ! isBot & & first ) {
if ( holoData . numProgs )
G_SendHoloData ( clientNum ) ;
//RPG-X: Marcin: show the server motd - 15/12/2008
if ( ! isBot & & first ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - > s . number , " motd " ) ;
if ( ! isBot ) {
qboolean last = qfalse ;
int len ;
fileHandle_t file ;
char * p , * q ;
char buf [ 16000 ] ;
len = trap_FS_FOpenFile ( rpg_motdFile . string , & file , FS_READ ) ;
if ( ! file | | ! len ) {
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - > s . number , va ( " motd_line \" ^1%s not found or empty^7 \" " , rpg_motdFile . string ) ) ;
return ;
trap_FS_Read ( buf , len , file ) ;
p = & buf [ 0 ] ;
q = p ;
buf [ len ] = ' \0 ' ;
while ( ! last ) {
p = q ;
while ( * q ! = ' \n ' ) {
if ( ! * q ) {
last = qtrue ;
if ( ( * q = = ' ' ) & & ( EndWord ( q ) - p ) > 78 ) {
break ;
q + + ;
* q = ' \0 ' ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - > s . number , va ( " motd_line \" %s \" " , p ) ) ;
q + + ;
2012-05-05 21:35:00 +00:00
/* TODO remove me? */
2012-05-05 11:49:28 +00:00
if ( sql_use . integer ) {
int key = ( byte ) irandom ( 4096 , 65535 ) ;
ent - > client - > sqlkey = ( byte ) key ;
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " sqlkey \" %i \" " , key ) ) ;
void ClientWeaponsForClass ( gclient_t * client , pclass_t pclass )
int i ;
int Bits ;
Bits = ( 1 < < WP_1 ) ;
Bits | = g_classData [ pclass ] . weaponsFlags ;
for ( i = WP_1 ; i < MAX_WEAPONS ; i + + ) {
//if we want no weapons and aren't an admin, skip this particular weapon
if ( rpg_noweapons . integer ! = 0 & & ! g_classData [ pclass ] . isAdmin /*pclass != PC_ADMIN*/ ) {
if ( i > = WP_5 & & i < = WP_10 ) {
continue ;
if ( Bits & ( 1 < < i ) ) {
client - > ps . stats [ STAT_WEAPONS ] | = ( 1 < < i ) ;
client - > ps . ammo [ i ] = Min_Weapon ( i ) ;
void ClientHoldablesForClass ( gclient_t * client , pclass_t pclass )
if ( g_classData [ pclass ] . isMarine )
client - > ps . stats [ STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEM ] = BG_FindItemForHoldable ( HI_TRANSPORTER ) - bg_itemlist ;
else if ( g_classData [ pclass ] . isAdmin )
client - > ps . stats [ STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEM ] = BG_FindItemForHoldable ( HI_SHIELD ) - bg_itemlist ;
void G_StoreClientInitialStatus ( gentity_t * ent )
char userinfo [ MAX_INFO_STRING ] ;
if ( clientInitialStatus [ ent - > s . number ] . initialized )
{ //already set
return ;
if ( ent - > client - > sess . sessionTeam = = TEAM_SPECTATOR )
{ //don't store their data if they're just a spectator
return ;
trap_GetUserinfo ( ent - > s . number , userinfo , sizeof ( userinfo ) ) ;
Q_strncpyz ( clientInitialStatus [ ent - > s . number ] . model , Info_ValueForKey ( userinfo , " model " ) , sizeof ( clientInitialStatus [ ent - > s . number ] . model ) ) ;
clientInitialStatus [ ent - > s . number ] . pClass = ent - > client - > sess . sessionClass ;
clientInitialStatus [ ent - > s . number ] . team = ent - > client - > sess . sessionTeam ;
clientInitialStatus [ ent - > s . number ] . initialized = qtrue ;
ent - > client - > classChangeDebounceTime = 0 ;
void G_RestoreClientInitialStatus ( gentity_t * ent )
char userinfo [ MAX_INFO_STRING ] ;
clientSession_t * sess ;
if ( ! clientInitialStatus [ ent - > s . number ] . initialized )
{ //not set
return ;
sess = & ent - > client - > sess ;
trap_GetUserinfo ( ent - > s . number , userinfo , sizeof ( userinfo ) ) ;
if ( clientInitialStatus [ ent - > s . number ] . team ! = sess - > sessionTeam & &
clientInitialStatus [ ent - > s . number ] . pClass ! = sess - > sessionClass )
SetClass ( ent , ClassNameForValue ( clientInitialStatus [ ent - > s . number ] . pClass ) , ( char * ) TeamName ( clientInitialStatus [ ent - > s . number ] . team ) , qtrue ) ;
if ( clientInitialStatus [ ent - > s . number ] . pClass ! = sess - > sessionClass )
SetClass ( ent , ClassNameForValue ( clientInitialStatus [ ent - > s . number ] . pClass ) , NULL , qtrue ) ;
if ( clientInitialStatus [ ent - > s . number ] . team ! = sess - > sessionTeam )
SetTeam ( ent , ( char * ) TeamName ( clientInitialStatus [ ent - > s . number ] . team ) ) ;
if ( Q_stricmp ( clientInitialStatus [ ent - > s . number ] . model , Info_ValueForKey ( userinfo , " model " ) ) ! = 0 )
{ //restore the model
Info_SetValueForKey ( userinfo , " model " , clientInitialStatus [ ent - > s . number ] . model ) ;
trap_SetUserinfo ( ent - > s . number , userinfo ) ;
//FIXME: send this to everyone or let it automatically do it when the map restarts?
//trap_SetConfigstring( CS_PLAYERS+ent->s.number, s );
= = = = = = = = = = =
Called every time a client is placed fresh in the world :
after the first ClientBegin , and after each respawn
Initializes all non - persistant parts of playerState
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Modifyed By : RedTechie
And also by Marcin - 30 / 12 / 2008
= = = = = = = = = = = =
void ClientSpawn ( gentity_t * ent , int rpgx_spawn , qboolean fromDeath ) {
int index = 0 ;
vec3_t spawn_origin , spawn_angles ;
gclient_t * client = NULL ;
int i = 0 ;
clientPersistant_t saved ;
clientSession_t savedSess ;
int persistant [ MAX_PERSISTANT ] ;
gentity_t * spawnPoint = NULL ;
int flags = 0 ;
int savedPing ;
pclass_t pClass = 0 ; //PC_NOCLASS;
int cCDT = 0 ;
int clientNum ;
index = ent - g_entities ;
client = ent - > client ;
clientNum = ent - > client - > ps . clientNum ;
// find a spawn point
// do it before setting health back up, so farthest
// ranging doesn't count this client
if ( rpgx_spawn ! = 1 ) { //RPG-X: RedTechie - Make sure the spawn is regular spawn or spawn at current position (rpgx_spawn = current possition)
if ( client - > sess . sessionTeam = = TEAM_SPECTATOR ) {
spawnPoint = SelectSpectatorSpawnPoint (
spawn_origin , spawn_angles ) ;
} else if ( g_gametype . integer > = GT_TEAM ) {
spawnPoint = SelectCTFSpawnPoint (
ent ,
client - > sess . sessionTeam ,
client - > pers . teamState . state ,
spawn_origin , spawn_angles ) ;
} else {
do {
// the first spawn should be at a good looking spot
if ( ! client - > pers . initialSpawn & & client - > pers . localClient ) {
client - > pers . initialSpawn = qtrue ;
spawnPoint = SelectInitialSpawnPoint ( spawn_origin , spawn_angles ) ;
} else {
// don't spawn near existing origin if possible
spawnPoint = SelectSpawnPoint (
client - > ps . origin ,
spawn_origin , spawn_angles ) ;
// Tim needs to prevent bots from spawning at the initial point
// on q3dm0...
if ( ( spawnPoint - > flags & FL_NO_BOTS ) & & ( ent - > r . svFlags & SVF_BOT ) ) {
continue ; // try again
// just to be symetric, we have a nohumans option...
if ( ( spawnPoint - > flags & FL_NO_HUMANS ) & & ! ( ent - > r . svFlags & SVF_BOT ) ) {
continue ; // try again
break ;
} while ( 1 ) ;
} //RPG-X: RedTechie - End rpgx_spawn check
client - > pers . teamState . state = TEAM_ACTIVE ;
// toggle the teleport bit so the client knows to not lerp
if ( rpgx_spawn ! = 1 ) {
flags = ent - > client - > ps . eFlags & EF_TELEPORT_BIT ;
flags ^ = EF_TELEPORT_BIT ;
// clear everything but the persistant data
saved = client - > pers ;
savedSess = client - > sess ;
savedPing = client - > ps . ping ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_PERSISTANT ; i + + ) {
persistant [ i ] = client - > ps . persistant [ i ] ;
//okay, this is hacky, but we need to keep track of this, even if uninitialized first time you spawn, it will be stomped anyway
//RPG-X: RedTechie - Damn thing screwed my function up
if ( rpgx_spawn ! = 1 ) {
if ( client - > classChangeDebounceTime )
cCDT = client - > classChangeDebounceTime ;
memset ( client , 0 , sizeof ( * client ) ) ;
client - > classChangeDebounceTime = cCDT ;
client - > pers = saved ;
client - > sess = savedSess ;
client - > ps . ping = savedPing ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_PERSISTANT ; i + + ) {
client - > ps . persistant [ i ] = persistant [ i ] ;
// increment the spawncount so the client will detect the respawn
if ( rpgx_spawn ! = 1 ) {
client - > ps . persistant [ PERS_SPAWN_COUNT ] + + ;
client - > airOutTime = level . time + 12000 ;
if ( client - > sess . sessionTeam ! = TEAM_SPECTATOR ) {
client - > sess . sessionTeam = TEAM_FREE ;
client - > ps . persistant [ PERS_TEAM ] = client - > sess . sessionTeam ;
// clear entity values
client - > ps . stats [ STAT_MAX_HEALTH ] = client - > pers . maxHealth ;
//if(rpgx_spawn != 1){
client - > ps . eFlags = flags ;
client - > streakCount = 0 ;
ent - > client - > ps . pm_type = PM_NORMAL ;
ent - > s . groundEntityNum = ENTITYNUM_NONE ;
ent - > client = & level . clients [ index ] ;
ent - > takedamage = qtrue ;
ent - > inuse = qtrue ;
ent - > classname = " player " ;
//RPG-X | Phenix | 13/02/2005
/*if (rpgx_spawn != 1) {
ent - > r . contents = CONTENTS_BODY ;
} else {
ent - > r . contents = CONTENTS_CORPSE ;
} */
ent - > r . contents = CONTENTS_BODY ;
ent - > clipmask = MASK_PLAYERSOLID ;
ent - > die = player_die ;
ent - > waterlevel = 0 ;
ent - > watertype = 0 ;
ent - > flags = 0 ;
if ( rpgx_spawn ! = 1 ) {
VectorCopy ( playerMins , ent - > r . mins ) ;
VectorCopy ( playerMaxs , ent - > r . maxs ) ;
client - > ps . clientNum = index ;
// health will count down towards max_health
//if(rpgx_spawn != 1){
ent - > health = client - > ps . stats [ STAT_HEALTH ] = client - > ps . stats [ STAT_MAX_HEALTH ] * 1.25 ;
//RPG-X: RedTechie - No armor
// Start with a small amount of armor as well.
//client->ps.stats[STAT_ARMOR] = client->ps.stats[STAT_MAX_HEALTH] * 0.25;
pclass_t oClass = client - > sess . sessionClass ;
if ( oClass ! = client - > sess . sessionClass )
{ //need to send the class change
ClientUserinfoChanged ( client - > ps . clientNum ) ;
client - > ps . persistant [ PERS_CLASS ] = client - > sess . sessionClass ;
pClass = client - > sess . sessionClass ;
//ClientMaxHealthForClass( client, pClass );
if ( pClass ! = 0 /*PC_NOCLASS*/ )
{ //no health boost on spawn for playerclasses
ent - > health = client - > ps . stats [ STAT_HEALTH ] = client - > ps . stats [ STAT_MAX_HEALTH ] = client - > pers . maxHealth ;
if ( ! fromDeath | | ! rpg_dropOnDeath . integer | | ! rpg_allowWeaponDrop . integer ) {
ClientWeaponsForClass ( client , pClass ) ;
} else { // Marcin: just a hand
ClientWeaponsForClass ( client , 0 ) ;
//ClientArmorForClass( client, pClass );
ClientHoldablesForClass ( client , pClass ) ;
//ClientPowerupsForClass( ent, pClass );
if ( rpgx_spawn ! = 1 ) {
G_SetOrigin ( ent , spawn_origin ) ;
VectorCopy ( spawn_origin , client - > ps . origin ) ;
// the respawned flag will be cleared after the attack and jump keys come up
if ( rpgx_spawn ! = 1 ) {
client - > ps . pm_flags | = PMF_RESPAWNED ;
trap_GetUsercmd ( client - level . clients , & ent - > client - > pers . cmd ) ;
if ( rpgx_spawn ! = 1 ) {
SetClientViewAngle ( ent , spawn_angles ) ;
if ( rpgx_spawn ! = 1 ) {
if ( ent - > client - > sess . sessionTeam = = TEAM_SPECTATOR /*|| (ent->client->ps.eFlags&EF_ELIMINATED)*/ ) {
} else {
G_MoveBox ( ent ) ;
trap_LinkEntity ( ent ) ;
// force the base weapon up
client - > ps . weapon = WP_1 ; //TiM: WP_5
client - > ps . weaponstate = WEAPON_READY ;
// don't allow full run speed for a bit
client - > ps . pm_flags | = PMF_TIME_KNOCKBACK ;
client - > ps . pm_time = 100 ;
if ( rpgx_spawn ! = 1 ) {
client - > respawnTime = level . time ;
client - > inactivityTime = level . time + g_inactivity . integer * 1000 ;
client - > latched_buttons = 0 ;
// set default animations
//client->ps.torsoAnim = BOTH_STAND1; //TORSO_STAND
//client->ps.legsAnim = BOTH_STAND1;
if ( rpgx_spawn ! = 1 ) {
client - > ps . stats [ TORSOANIM ] = BOTH_STAND1 ;
client - > ps . stats [ LEGSANIM ] = BOTH_STAND1 ;
if ( level . intermissiontime ) {
MoveClientToIntermission ( ent ) ;
} else {
// fire the targets of the spawn point
if ( rpgx_spawn ! = 1 ) {
G_UseTargets ( spawnPoint , ent ) ;
// select the highest weapon number available, after any
// spawn given items have fired
//if(rpgx_spawn != 1){
client - > ps . weapon = 1 ;
/*for ( i = WP_NUM_WEAPONS - 1 ; i > 0 ; i-- ) {
if ( client - > ps . stats [ STAT_WEAPONS ] & ( 1 < < i ) ) {
client - > ps . weapon = i ;
break ;
} */
//TiM - Always default to the null hand
client - > ps . weapon = WP_1 ;
// run a client frame to drop exactly to the floor,
// initialize animations and other things
client - > ps . commandTime = level . time - 100 ;
ent - > client - > pers . cmd . serverTime = level . time ;
ClientThink ( ent - g_entities ) ;
// positively link the client, even if the command times are weird
if ( ent - > client - > sess . sessionTeam ! = TEAM_SPECTATOR ) {
BG_PlayerStateToEntityState ( & client - > ps , & ent - > s , qtrue ) ;
if ( rpgx_spawn ! = 1 ) {
VectorCopy ( ent - > client - > ps . origin , ent - > r . currentOrigin ) ;
trap_LinkEntity ( ent ) ;
// run the presend to set anything else
ClientEndFrame ( ent ) ;
// clear entity state values
BG_PlayerStateToEntityState ( & client - > ps , & ent - > s , qtrue ) ;
//start-up messages
//FIXME: externalize all this text!
//FIXME: make the gametype titles be graphics!
//FIXME: make it do this on a map_restart also
if ( ent - > client - > sess . sessionTeam = = TEAM_SPECTATOR )
{ //spectators just get the title of the game
switch ( g_gametype . integer )
case GT_FFA : // free for all
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " cp \" %s \" " , rpg_welcomemessage . string ) ) ;
break ;
case GT_TOURNAMENT : // one on one tournament
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " cp \" %s \" " , rpg_welcomemessage . string ) ) ;
break ;
case GT_SINGLE_PLAYER : // single player tournament
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " cp \" %s \" " , rpg_welcomemessage . string ) ) ;
break ;
case GT_TEAM : // team deathmatch
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " cp \" %s \" " , rpg_welcomemessage . string ) ) ;
break ;
case GT_CTF : // capture the flag
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " cp \" %s \" " , rpg_welcomemessage . string ) ) ;
break ;
if ( ! clientInitialStatus [ ent - > s . number ] . initialized )
{ //first time coming in
switch ( g_gametype . integer )
case GT_FFA : // free for all
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " cp \" %s \" " , rpg_welcomemessage . string ) ) ;
break ;
case GT_TOURNAMENT : // one on one tournament
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " cp \" %s \" " , rpg_welcomemessage . string ) ) ;
break ;
case GT_SINGLE_PLAYER : // single player tournament
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " cp \" %s \" " , rpg_welcomemessage . string ) ) ;
break ;
case GT_TEAM : // team deathmatch
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " cp \" %s \" " , rpg_welcomemessage . string ) ) ;
break ;
case GT_CTF : // capture the flag
trap_SendServerCommand ( ent - g_entities , va ( " cp \" %s \" " , rpg_welcomemessage . string ) ) ;
break ;
if ( level . numObjectives > 0 )
{ //Turn on their objectives
//trap_SendServerCommand( ent-g_entities, "+analysis" );
//FIXME: turn this off after warm-up period
if ( rpgx_spawn ) {
if ( client - > sess . sessionTeam = = TEAM_SPECTATOR | |
g_classData [ client - > sess . sessionClass ] . isMedical | |
g_classData [ client - > sess . sessionClass ] . isAdmin )
int l ;
char entry [ 16 ] ;
char command [ 1024 ] ;
int numPlayers ;
gentity_t * player ;
int len ;
int cmdLen = 0 ;
numPlayers = 0 ;
command [ 0 ] = ' \0 ' ;
for ( l = 0 ; l < g_maxclients . integer ; l + + )
player = g_entities + l ;
if ( player = = ent | | ! player - > inuse )
continue ;
Com_sprintf ( entry , sizeof ( entry ) , " %i %i " , l , player - > health > = 0 ? player - > health : 0 ) ;
len = strlen ( entry ) ;
if ( cmdLen + len > sizeof ( command ) )
break ;
strcpy ( command + cmdLen , entry ) ;
cmdLen + = len ;
numPlayers + + ;
if ( numPlayers > 0 )
trap_SendServerCommand ( clientNum , va ( " hinfo %i%s " , numPlayers , command ) ) ;
//store intial client values
//FIXME: when purposely change teams, this gets confused?
G_StoreClientInitialStatus ( ent ) ;
//RPG-X: Marcin: stuff was here previously - 22/12/2008
gentity_t * SpawnBeamOutPlayer ( gentity_t * ent ) {
gentity_t * body ;
body = G_Spawn ( ) ;
body - > physicsBounce = 0.0f ; //bodys are *not* bouncy
//VectorMA(ent->client->ps.origin, detDistance + mins[0], fwd, body->s.origin);
VectorCopy ( ent - > client - > ps . origin , body - > s . origin ) ;
body - > r . mins [ 2 ] = - 24 ; //keep it off the floor
//VectorNegate(fwd, fwd); // ??? What does this do??
//vectoangles(fwd, body->s.angles);
VectorCopy ( ent - > client - > ps . viewangles , body - > s . angles ) ;
body - > s . clientNum = ent - > client - > ps . clientNum ;
//--------------------------- SPECIALIZED body SETUP
//body->think = bodyThink;
body - > count = 12 ; // about 1 minute before dissapear
body - > nextthink = level . time + 4000 ; // think after 4 seconds
body - > parent = ent ;
( body - > s ) . eType = ( ent - > s ) . eType ; // set to type PLAYER
( body - > s ) . eFlags = ( ent - > s ) . eFlags ;
//(body->s).eFlags |= EF_ITEMPLACEHOLDER;// set the HOLOGRAM FLAG to ON
body - > s . weapon = ent - > s . weapon ; // get Player's Wepon Type
// body->s.constantLight = 10 + (10 << 8) + (10 << 16) + (9 << 24);
//body->s.pos.trBase[2] += 24; // shift up to adjust origin of body
body - > s . apos = ent - > s . apos ; // copy angle of player to body
//body->s.legsAnim = BOTH_STAND1; // Just standing TORSO_STAND
//body->s.torsoAnim = BOTH_STAND1;
//TiM: Set it's anim to whatever anims we're playing right now
body - > s . legsAnim = ent - > client - > ps . stats [ LEGSANIM ] ;
body - > s . torsoAnim = ent - > client - > ps . stats [ TORSOANIM ] ;
//--------------------------- WEAPON ADJUST
if ( body - > s . weapon = = WP_5 | | body - > s . weapon = = WP_13 )
body - > s . weapon = WP_6 ;
return body ;
= = = = = = = = = = =
Called when a player drops from the server .
Will not be called between levels .
This should NOT be called directly by any game logic ,
call trap_DropClient ( ) , which will call this and do
server system housekeeping .
= = = = = = = = = = = =
void ClientDisconnect ( int clientNum ) {
gentity_t * ent ;
gentity_t * tent ;
// gentity_t *beamPlayer;
int i ;
ent = g_entities + clientNum ;
if ( ! ent - > client ) {
return ;
// stop any following clients
for ( i = 0 ; i < level . maxclients ; i + + ) {
if ( level . clients [ i ] . sess . sessionTeam = = TEAM_SPECTATOR
& & level . clients [ i ] . sess . spectatorState = = SPECTATOR_FOLLOW
& & level . clients [ i ] . sess . spectatorClient = = clientNum ) {
StopFollowing ( & g_entities [ i ] ) ;
//RPG-X: J2J - Stop any dragging.
DragDat [ clientNum ] . AdminId = - 1 ;
DragDat [ clientNum ] . distance = 0 ;
g_entities [ clientNum ] . client - > noclip = qfalse ;
//TiM: Log the player's IP and name. If they reconnect again, it'll announce their deceipt >:)
if ( rpg_renamedPlayers . integer & & ! ( ent - > r . svFlags & SVF_BOT ) ) {
int l ;
qboolean foundName = qfalse ;
//Do a chek to see if this player has disconnected b4. else we'll be wasting a slot.
for ( l = 0 ; l < MAX_RECON_NAMES ; l + + ) {
if ( ! g_reconData [ l ] . ipAddress [ 0 ] ) {
continue ;
if ( ! Q_stricmp ( ent - > client - > pers . ip , g_reconData [ l ] . ipAddress ) ) {
foundName = qtrue ;
break ;
if ( foundName ) {
memset ( & g_reconData [ i ] , 0 , sizeof ( g_reconData [ i ] ) ) ;
//IP Address
Q_strncpyz ( g_reconData [ i ] . ipAddress , ent - > client - > pers . ip , sizeof ( g_reconData [ i ] . ipAddress ) ) ;
//Player Name
Q_strncpyz ( g_reconData [ i ] . previousName , ent - > client - > pers . netname , sizeof ( g_reconData [ i ] . previousName ) ) ;
//G_Printf( "Logging Data IP: %s, Name: %s\n", ent->client->pers.ip, g_reconData[i].previousName);
else {
memset ( & g_reconData [ g_reconNum ] , 0 , sizeof ( g_reconData [ g_reconNum ] ) ) ;
//IP Address
Q_strncpyz ( g_reconData [ g_reconNum ] . ipAddress , ent - > client - > pers . ip , sizeof ( g_reconData [ g_reconNum ] . ipAddress ) ) ;
//Player Name
Q_strncpyz ( g_reconData [ g_reconNum ] . previousName , ent - > client - > pers . netname , sizeof ( g_reconData [ g_reconNum ] . previousName ) ) ;
//G_Printf( "Logging Data IP: %s, Name: %s\n", ent->client->pers.ip, g_reconData[g_reconNum].previousName);
g_reconNum + + ;
//cap reconNum just in case.
if ( g_reconNum > = MAX_RECON_NAMES ) {
g_reconNum = 0 ;
/*beamPlayer = SpawnBeamOutPlayer( ent );
if ( beamPlayer ) {
beamPlayer - > nextthink = level . time + 4000 ;
//beamPlayer->client->ps.powerups[PW_BEAM_OUT] = level.time + 4000;
beamPlayer - > s . powerups | = ( 1 < < PW_BEAM_OUT ) ;
beamPlayer - > think = G_FreeEntity ;
trap_LinkEntity ( beamPlayer ) ;
} */
// send effect if they were completely connected
if ( ent - > client - > pers . connected = = CON_CONNECTED
& & ent - > client - > sess . sessionTeam ! = TEAM_SPECTATOR ) {
vec3_t org ;
VectorCopy ( ent - > client - > ps . origin , org ) ;
org [ 2 ] + = ( ent - > client - > ps . viewheight > > 1 ) ;
tent = G_TempEntity ( org , EV_PLAYER_TELEPORT_OUT ) ;
tent - > s . clientNum = ent - > s . clientNum ;
// They don't get to take powerups with them!
// Especially important for stuff like CTF flags
//ent->client->pers.connected = CON_DISCONNECTING; //RPG-X | GSIO01 | 08/05/2009: ensure that weapons aren't dropped when the client disconnects
TossClientItems ( ent , qtrue ) ;
//ent->client->pers.connected = CON_CONNECTED;
G_LogPrintf ( " ClientDisconnect: %i (%s) \n " , clientNum , g_entities [ clientNum ] . client - > pers . ip ) ;
// if we are playing in tourney mode and losing, give a win to the other player
if ( g_gametype . integer = = GT_TOURNAMENT & & ! level . intermissiontime
& & ! level . warmupTime & & level . sortedClients [ 1 ] = = clientNum ) {
level . clients [ level . sortedClients [ 0 ] ] . sess . wins + + ;
ClientUserinfoChanged ( level . sortedClients [ 0 ] ) ;
if ( g_gametype . integer = = GT_TOURNAMENT & & ent - > client - > sess . sessionTeam = = TEAM_FREE & & level . intermissiontime )
trap_SendConsoleCommand ( EXEC_APPEND , " map_restart 0 \n " ) ;
level . restarted = qtrue ;
level . changemap = NULL ;
level . intermissiontime = 0 ;
trap_UnlinkEntity ( ent ) ;
memset ( ent , 0 , sizeof ( ent ) ) ;
ent - > s . modelindex = 0 ;
ent - > inuse = qfalse ;
ent - > classname = " disconnected " ;
ent - > client - > pers . connected = CON_DISCONNECTED ;
ent - > client - > ps . persistant [ PERS_TEAM ] = TEAM_FREE ;
ent - > client - > ps . persistant [ PERS_CLASS ] = 0 ; //PC_NOCLASS;
ent - > client - > sess . sessionTeam = TEAM_FREE ;
ent - > client - > sess . sessionClass = 0 ; //PC_NOCLASS;
trap_SetConfigstring ( CS_PLAYERS + clientNum , " " ) ;
CalculateRanks ( qfalse ) ;
if ( ent - > r . svFlags & SVF_BOT ) {
BotAIShutdownClient ( clientNum ) ;
// kef -- if this guy contributed to any of our kills/deaths/weapons logs, clean 'em out
G_ClearClientLog ( clientNum ) ;
//also remove any initial data
clientInitialStatus [ clientNum ] . initialized = qfalse ;