
341 lines
9.1 KiB
Executable File

Copyright (C) 2010 Matthew Baranowski, Sander van Rossen & Raven software.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "system.h"
#include "ndictionary.h"
#include "md3gl.h"
#include "md3view.h"
int m_x, m_y;
/*! commands to handle mouse dragging, uses key_flags defines above */
void start_drag( mkey_enum keyFlags, int x, int y )
m_x = x;
m_y = y;
bool drag( mkey_enum keyFlags, int x, int y )
bool bRepaintAndSetCursor = false;
if ( keyFlags != 0 )
if ( keyFlags & KEY_LBUTTON )
if ((x != m_x) || (y != m_y))
short s = GetAsyncKeyState(VK_MENU);
if (s & 0x8000)
mdview.xPos += ((float)(x - m_x)/10.f) * MOUSE_XPOS_SCALE;
mdview.yPos -= ((float)(y - m_y)/10.f) * MOUSE_YPOS_SCALE;
s = GetAsyncKeyState(0x5A); // Z key
if ( s&0x8000)
mdview.rotAngleZ += (float)(x - m_x) * MOUSE_ROT_SCALE;
// mdview.rotAngleZ += (float)(y - m_y) * MOUSE_ROT_SCALE;
if (mdview.rotAngleZ> 360.0f) mdview.rotAngleZ=mdview.rotAngleZ-360.0f;
if (mdview.rotAngleZ<-360.0f) mdview.rotAngleZ=mdview.rotAngleZ+360.0f;
mdview.rotAngleY += (float)(x - m_x) * MOUSE_ROT_SCALE;
mdview.rotAngleX += (float)(y - m_y) * MOUSE_ROT_SCALE;
if (mdview.rotAngleY> 360.0f) mdview.rotAngleY=mdview.rotAngleY-360.0f;
if (mdview.rotAngleY<-360.0f) mdview.rotAngleY=mdview.rotAngleY+360.0f;
if (mdview.rotAngleX> 360.0f) mdview.rotAngleX=mdview.rotAngleX-360.0f;
if (mdview.rotAngleX<-360.0f) mdview.rotAngleX=mdview.rotAngleX+360.0f;
set_cursor( m_x, m_y );
bRepaintAndSetCursor = true;
} else
if ( keyFlags & KEY_RBUTTON )
if ( y != m_y )
mdview.zPos += ((float)(y - m_y)/10.f) * MOUSE_ZPOS_SCALE;
if (mdview.zPos<-1000.f) mdview.zPos=-1000.f;
if (mdview.zPos> 1000.f) mdview.zPos= 1000.f;
InvalidateRect( mdview.hwnd, NULL, FALSE );
set_cursor( m_x , m_y );
bRepaintAndSetCursor = true;
return bRepaintAndSetCursor;
void end_drag( mkey_enum keyFlags, int x, int y )
rotates an object by placing a trackball sphere around it
int ModelControl::TrackballRotate(SNodePrimitive *shape, int sx, int sy, int ex, int ey)
if (!m_shape) return 0;
// simple quick method to avoid NAN results
if ((abs(sx - ex) < 2) && (abs(sy - ey) < 2)) {
return 0;
IAMatrix tbMatrix = scale_mat(scale) * shape->m_inv_CTM;
IAPoint isecPnt2, isecPnt1, center, origin;
IAVector vec1, vec2, crossVec;
Idouble dotA, angle;
if (!m_tracer->ISectRayWithSphere( tbMatrix, &isecPnt1, sx, sy,
m_scene->width(), m_scene->height() )) {
return 0;
if (!m_tracer->ISectRayWithSphere( tbMatrix, &isecPnt2, ex, ey,
m_scene->width(), m_scene->height() )) {
return 0;
center = shape->m_CTM * center;
vec1 = isecPnt1 - center;
vec2 = isecPnt2 - center;
crossVec = cross( vec1, vec2 );
dotA = dot( vec1, vec2 );
angle = -atan2( 1, dotA );
shape->m_CTM_rotate = rot_mat(origin, crossVec, angle) * shape->m_CTM_rotate;
return 1;
SNodePrimitive *ISectTracer::ShootRay( int x, int y, int width, int height,
Intersection *isec, Ray *ray )
NodePosition pos;
Ray filmRay, worldRay, objectRay;
IAMatrix filmToWorld = m_scene->camera()->filmToWorld();
Intersection iStack[MAX_INTERSECT_PER_RAY], *iStackP, *iStackP2, *bestISec;
int numIntersect, isectTotal;
NodeSequenceInfo *gData = m_scene->m_geometryList;
Idouble tbest;
SNodePrimitive *primData;
Shape *rayShape;
filmRay.d[X] = ((double)(2*x)/(double)width) - 1;
filmRay.d[Y] = 1-((double)(2*y)/(double)height);
filmRay.d[Z] = -1; filmRay.d[W] = 1;
filmRay.P = IAPoint();
worldRay.d = filmToWorld * filmRay.d;
worldRay.P = filmToWorld * filmRay.P;
normalize( worldRay.d );
iStackP = iStack;
isectTotal = 0;
bestISec = NULL;
// calculate intersections for all shapes
for (pos = gData->first(); pos != NULL; pos = gData->after(pos) ) {
primData = (SNodePrimitive *)pos->element(); // get entry from geometry list
rayShape = primData->m_shape;
objectRay.d = primData->m_inv_CTM * worldRay.d; // transform ray to object space
objectRay.P = primData->m_inv_CTM * worldRay.P;
if (!rayShape->IntersectTest( &objectRay )) {
if (filmRay.d[X] != 0) continue;
numIntersect = rayShape->Intersect( &objectRay, iStackP, primData ); // calculate intersection
iStackP += numIntersect;
isectTotal += numIntersect;
// find best t for the pixel
if (iStackP > iStack) {
tbest = MAX_FLOAT;
for (int i = 0; i < isectTotal; i++) {
if (iStack[i].m_t < tbest) {
tbest = iStack[i].m_t;
bestISec = &iStack[i];
if (bestISec) {
// copy the relevant data
if (ray) {
ray->P = worldRay.P;
ray->d = worldRay.d;
if (isec) bestISec->copy( isec );
return bestISec->m_shape;
else {
return NULL;
int ISectTracer::ISectRayWithSphere( IAMatrix &object, IAPoint *isec,
int x, int y, int width, int height)
Ray filmRay, worldRay, objectRay;
IAMatrix filmToWorld = m_scene->camera()->filmToWorld();
filmRay.d[X] = ((double)(2*x)/(double)width) - 1;
filmRay.d[Y] = 1-((double)(2*y)/(double)height);
filmRay.d[Z] = -1; filmRay.d[W] = 1;
filmRay.P = IAPoint();
worldRay.d = filmToWorld * filmRay.d;
worldRay.P = filmToWorld * filmRay.P;
normalize( worldRay.d );
objectRay.d = object * worldRay.d;
objectRay.P = object * worldRay.P;
IAVector d = objectRay.d;
IAPoint P = objectRay.P;
double a = d[Z]*d[Z] + d[X]*d[X] + d[Y]*d[Y];
double b = 2*(P[X]*d[X] + P[Z]*d[Z] + P[Y]*d[Y]);
double c = P[X]*P[X] + P[Y]*P[Y] + P[Z]*P[Z] - 0.25;
double t, det = b*b-4*a*c;
if (det > 0) {
t = (-b+det)/a;
*isec = worldRay.P + worldRay.d * t;
return 1;
else return 0;
int CubeShape::Intersect( Ray *ray, Intersection *iStack, SNodePrimitive *data )
double t, det, u, v;
IAVector d = ray->d;
IAPoint P = ray->P;
Intersection *iStackP = iStack;
// test intersection with z up face
if (d[Z] != 0) {
t = -((P[Z]+0.5) / d[Z]);
u = P[X] + d[X]*t;
v = P[Y] + d[Y]*t;
if ((u > -0.5) && (u < 0.5) && (v > -0.5) && (v < 0.5)) {
iStackP->m_t = t;
iStackP->m_shape = data;
iStackP->m_faceID = FACE_ZPOS;
// test intersection with z down face
if (d[Z] != 0) {
t = -((-P[Z]+0.5) / -d[Z]);
u = P[X] + d[X]*t;
v = P[Y] + d[Y]*t;
if ((u > -0.5) && (u < 0.5) && (v > -0.5) && (v < 0.5)) {
iStackP->m_t = t;
iStackP->m_shape = data;
iStackP->m_faceID = FACE_ZNEG;
// test intersection with y up face
if (d[Y] != 0) {
t = -((P[Y]+0.5) / d[Y]);
u = P[X] + d[X]*t;
v = P[Z] + d[Z]*t;
if ((u > -0.5) && (u < 0.5) && (v > -0.5) && (v < 0.5)) {
iStackP->m_t = t;
iStackP->m_shape = data;
iStackP->m_faceID = FACE_YPOS;
// test intersection with y down face
if (d[Y] != 0) {
t = -((-P[Y]+0.5) / -d[Y]);
u = P[X] + d[X]*t;
v = P[Z] + d[Z]*t;
if ((u > -0.5) && (u < 0.5) && (v > -0.5) && (v < 0.5)) {
iStackP->m_t = t;
iStackP->m_faceID = FACE_YNEG;
iStackP->m_shape = data;
// test intersection with x up face
if (d[X] != 0) {
t = -((P[X]+0.5) / d[X]);
u = P[Z] + d[Z]*t;
v = P[Y] + d[Y]*t;
if ((u > -0.5) && (u < 0.5) && (v > -0.5) && (v < 0.5)) {
iStackP->m_t = t;
iStackP->m_faceID = FACE_XPOS;
iStackP->m_shape = data;
// test intersection with x down face
if (d[X] != 0) {
t = -((-P[X]+0.5) / -d[X]);
u = P[Z] + d[Z]*t;
v = P[Y] + d[Y]*t;
if ((u > -0.5) && (u < 0.5) && (v > -0.5) && (v < 0.5)) {
iStackP->m_t = t;
iStackP->m_shape = data;
iStackP->m_faceID = FACE_XNEG;
return (int)(iStackP-iStack);