2011-12-05 20:41:28 +08:00

845 lines
23 KiB
Executable file

Copyright (C) 2010 Matthew Baranowski, Sander van Rossen & Raven software.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "system.h"
#include "ndictionary.h"
#include "md3gl.h"
#include "md3view.h"
#include "oddbits.h"
#include <vector>
#include "animation.h"
using namespace std;
int Model_EnsureCurrentFrameLegal(gl_model* model, int iNewFrame);
double getDoubleTime (void);
sets all model frames to 0
void rewindAnim()
NodePosition pos;
gl_model *model;
for (pos=mdview.modelList->first() ; pos!=NULL ; pos=mdview.modelList->after(pos))
model = (gl_model *)pos->element();
model->currentFrame = 0;
model->currentFrame = Model_EnsureCurrentFrameLegal(model, model->currentFrame);
// for (unsigned int i=0; i<mdview.model->Header.Mesh_num ; i++) {
// mdview.frames[i]=0;
// }
exectues every frame
void animation_loop()
NodePosition pos;
gl_model *model;
if (mdview.modelList->isEmpty())
bool bModelUpdated = false;
// sanity check, legalise any locked frames in case they were missed elsewhere (dunno why/how that occurs, but...)
for (pos=mdview.modelList->first() ; pos!=NULL ; pos=mdview.modelList->after(pos))
model = (gl_model *)pos->element();
int iFrame = Model_EnsureCurrentFrameLegal(model, model->currentFrame);
if (model->currentFrame != iFrame)
model->currentFrame = iFrame;
bModelUpdated = true;
if (!mdview.animate)
if (mdview.interpolate)
mdview.frameFrac = 0.5f;
mdview.frameFrac = 0;
//if (bModelUpdated)
double timeStamp2 = getDoubleTime();
mdview.frameFrac = (float)((timeStamp2 - mdview.timeStamp1) / mdview.animSpeed);
if (mdview.frameFrac > 1.f)
mdview.frameFrac = 0;
mdview.timeStamp1 = timeStamp2;
for (pos=mdview.modelList->first() ; pos!=NULL ; pos=mdview.modelList->after(pos))
model = (gl_model *)pos->element();
model->currentFrame = GetNextFrame_MultiLocked(model, model->currentFrame, 1);
// note legalise before generic wrap, otherwise last sequence won't loop (if relevant)
model->currentFrame = Model_EnsureCurrentFrameLegal(model, model->currentFrame);
if (model->currentFrame == model->iNumFrames) // itu?
model->currentFrame = 0;
if (mdview.interpolate || bModelUpdated)
// returns index else -1 for not frame-not-found-in-sequences...
int GetMultiLockedSequenceIndexFromFrame(int iFrame, bool bIsUpper )
MultiSequenceLock_t* pMultiLock = (bIsUpper)?&MultiSequenceLock_Upper:&MultiSequenceLock_Lower;
MultiSequenceLock_t::iterator it;
int iIndex=0;
for (it = pMultiLock->begin(); it != pMultiLock->end(); ++it, iIndex++)
int iSeqIndex = *it;
Sequence_t* pSeq = (bIsUpper)?Animation_GetUpperSequence(iSeqIndex):Animation_GetLowerSequence(iSeqIndex);
if (pSeq)
int iSeqFrameFirst = pSeq->iTargetFrame;
int iSeqFrameLast = (iSeqFrameFirst + pSeq->iFrameCount)-1;
if (iFrame >= iSeqFrameFirst && iFrame <= iSeqFrameLast)
return iIndex;
return -1;
Sequence_t* GetMultiLockedSequenceFromFrame(int iFrame, bool bIsUpper )
int iMultiLockSequenceIndex = GetMultiLockedSequenceIndexFromFrame( iFrame, bIsUpper );
if (iMultiLockSequenceIndex == -1)
return NULL;
MultiSequenceLock_t* pMultiLock = (bIsUpper)?&MultiSequenceLock_Upper:&MultiSequenceLock_Lower;
int iIndex = pMultiLock->at(iMultiLockSequenceIndex);
return bIsUpper?Animation_GetUpperSequence(iIndex):Animation_GetLowerSequence(iIndex);
Sequence_t *GetLockedSequence_Upper(gl_model* model)
if (model && (model == pModel_Upper || model->pModel_LOD0 == pModel_Upper) && iAnimLockNumber_Upper)
return Animation_GetUpperSequence( iAnimLockNumber_Upper-1 );
return NULL;
Sequence_t *GetLockedSequence_Lower(gl_model* model)
if (model && (model == pModel_Lower || model->pModel_LOD0 == pModel_Lower) && iAnimLockNumber_Lower)
return Animation_GetLowerSequence( iAnimLockNumber_Lower-1 );
return NULL;
// Another uberhack, sigh....
// gets the next frame in a multilocked sequence, where iStepVal can be +ve or -ve, (though usually just -1/0/1)
// (this isn't staggeringly fast at certain points, but 99% of the time it executes quickly)
int GetNextFrame_MultiLocked(gl_model* pModel, int iFrame, int iStepVal)
Sequence_t* pSeq = NULL;
bool bIsUpper = false;
if ((pSeq = GetLockedSequence_Upper(pModel)) != NULL)
bIsUpper = true;
if ((pSeq = GetLockedSequence_Lower(pModel)) != NULL)
bIsUpper = false;
if (pSeq && pSeq->bMultiSeq)
int iNewFrame = iFrame;
int iStep = (iStepVal<0)?-1:1;
for (int iStepValRemaining = iStepVal; iStepValRemaining!=0; iStepValRemaining += -iStep)
int iThisFrame = iNewFrame;
int iNextFrame = iNewFrame + iStep;
int iMultiLockSequenceIndex = GetMultiLockedSequenceIndexFromFrame( iThisFrame, bIsUpper );
if (iMultiLockSequenceIndex != -1)
MultiSequenceLock_t* pMultiLock = (bIsUpper)?&MultiSequenceLock_Upper:&MultiSequenceLock_Lower;
int iIndex = pMultiLock->at(iMultiLockSequenceIndex);
pSeq = bIsUpper?Animation_GetUpperSequence(iIndex):Animation_GetLowerSequence(iIndex);
assert(pSeq); //
if (pSeq) // itu?
// this is the sequence we're currently in, does the proposed next frame also sit within this one?...
int iSeqFrameFirst = pSeq->iTargetFrame;
int iSeqFrameLast = (iSeqFrameFirst + pSeq->iFrameCount)-1;
if (iNextFrame >= iSeqFrameFirst && iNextFrame <= iSeqFrameLast)
// yes, so adopt it...
iNewFrame = iNextFrame;
// new frame is outside of current group, so get the index of the sequence after (or before) this one,
// and adopt the first or last frame of it...
int iNumAvailableSequences = pMultiLock->size();
iMultiLockSequenceIndex += iStep;
if (iMultiLockSequenceIndex >= iNumAvailableSequences)
iMultiLockSequenceIndex = 0;
if (iMultiLockSequenceIndex < 0)
iMultiLockSequenceIndex = iNumAvailableSequences-1;
iIndex = pMultiLock->at(iMultiLockSequenceIndex);
Sequence_t* pSeq = bIsUpper?Animation_GetUpperSequence(iIndex):Animation_GetLowerSequence(iIndex);
assert(pSeq); //
if (pSeq) // itu?
iSeqFrameFirst = pSeq->iTargetFrame;
iSeqFrameLast = (iSeqFrameFirst + pSeq->iFrameCount)-1;
iNewFrame = (iStep>0)?iSeqFrameFirst:iSeqFrameLast;
return iFrame+iStepVal; // ... let the overall legaliser adjust this frame sometime after returning
// I don't think we'll ever get here, but I've kind of stopped caring...
return iFrame+iStepVal; // ... let the overall legaliser adjust this frame sometime after returning
// err...
return iFrame+iStepVal; // ... let the overall legaliser adjust this frame sometime after returning
return iNewFrame;
return iFrame+iStepVal;
// this only returns the legalised frame, it does NOT set it...
int Model_EnsureCurrentFrameLegal(gl_model* model, int iFrame)
Sequence_t *pSeq = NULL;
bool bIsUpper = false;
if ((pSeq = GetLockedSequence_Upper(model)) != NULL)
bIsUpper = true;
if ((pSeq = GetLockedSequence_Lower(model)) != NULL)
bIsUpper = false;
if (pSeq)
if (pSeq->bMultiSeq)
// multi-seq locks are a special case, the wrap logic can be pretty freaky, so...
if (GetMultiLockedSequenceFromFrame(iFrame, bIsUpper ))
return iFrame; // frame is ok
// if we got here then we're outside all current multi-seqs, unfortunately because the specified sequences
// can be at any position within the master list order I can't just work out which 2 sequences I'm between
// and jump to the start of the higher one, so working on the principle that 99% of the time this code is
// used when lerping between frame & frame+1 I'll see if I can find iFrame-1 anywhere...
MultiSequenceLock_t* pMultiLock = (bIsUpper)?&MultiSequenceLock_Upper:&MultiSequenceLock_Lower;
MultiSequenceLock_t::iterator it;
for (it = pMultiLock->begin(); it != pMultiLock->end(); ++it)
int iSeqIndex = *it;
Sequence_t* pSeq = (bIsUpper)?Animation_GetUpperSequence(iSeqIndex):Animation_GetLowerSequence(iSeqIndex);
if (pSeq)
int iSeqFrameFirst = pSeq->iTargetFrame;
int iSeqFrameLast = (iSeqFrameFirst + pSeq->iFrameCount)-1;
if (iFrame >= iSeqFrameFirst && iFrame <= iSeqFrameLast)
// got it, so is there another sequence after this?
if (++it != pMultiLock->end())
iSeqIndex = *it;
pSeq = (bIsUpper)?Animation_GetUpperSequence(iSeqIndex):Animation_GetLowerSequence(iSeqIndex);
if (pSeq)
return pSeq->iTargetFrame; // return first frame of next seq in list
// reached end of list...
// sod it, whatever happened, let's start at the beginning of the list again...
it = pMultiLock->begin();
int iSeqIndex = *it;
pSeq = (bIsUpper)?Animation_GetUpperSequence(iSeqIndex):Animation_GetLowerSequence(iSeqIndex);
if (pSeq)
iFrame = pSeq->iTargetFrame;
if (iFrame > (pSeq->iTargetFrame+pSeq->iFrameCount)-1)
// OOR above, loop or wrap?...
if (pSeq->iLoopFrame != -1)
// account for loop frame...
iFrame = pSeq->iTargetFrame + pSeq->iLoopFrame;
// no loop, straight wrap...
// iFrame = pSeq->iTargetFrame; // wrap
iFrame =(pSeq->iTargetFrame+pSeq->iFrameCount)-1; // stop at end
if (iFrame < pSeq->iTargetFrame)
// OOR below, wrap only...
iFrame = pSeq->iTargetFrame;
if (iFrame > (int)model->iNumFrames)
iFrame = model->iNumFrames;
return iFrame;
void SetLODLevel(int iLOD)
mdview.iLODLevel = iLOD;
void FrameAdvanceAnim(int iStepVal) // basically I only use this as +/-1, but other vals should be ok
NodePosition pos;
gl_model *model;
for (pos=mdview.modelList->first() ; pos!=NULL ; pos=mdview.modelList->after(pos))
model = (gl_model *)pos->element();
model->currentFrame = GetNextFrame_MultiLocked(model, model->currentFrame, iStepVal);
model->currentFrame = Model_EnsureCurrentFrameLegal(model, model->currentFrame); // handle range locking before generic wrap check
int iFrame = model->currentFrame; // saves messing with unsigned/signed range conflicts
// technically this isn't 100% correct if you were stepping by other values than +/- 1 because I'm
// just wrapping to the other end of the range, and not taking into account the amount that you
// overflowed it by. If you want to alter this then help yourself.
if (iFrame >= (int)(model->iNumFrames))
iFrame = 0;
if (iFrame <0) // fix for unsigned
iFrame = model->iNumFrames-1;
model->currentFrame = iFrame;
mdview.animate = false;
vector < Sequence_t > Sequences_LowerAnims;
vector < Sequence_t > Sequences_UpperAnims;
MultiSequenceLock_t MultiSequenceLock_Upper;
MultiSequenceLock_t MultiSequenceLock_Lower;
Sequence_t Sequence_Upper_Fake;
Sequence_t Sequence_Lower_Fake;
int iAnimLockNumber_Upper = 0;
int iAnimLockNumber_Lower = 0;
int iAnimDisplayNumber_Upper = 0;
int iAnimDisplayNumber_Lower = 0;
int iAnimLockLongestString= 0; // for aesthetics
gl_model* pModel_Lower = NULL;
gl_model* pModel_Upper = NULL;
int Animation_GetNumLowerSequences(void)
return Sequences_LowerAnims.size();
int Animation_GetNumUpperSequences(void)
return Sequences_UpperAnims.size();
// iIndex either = 0-based index if +ve, or -2 (because of blah-1 before call)
Sequence_t* Animation_GetLowerSequence(int iIndex)
if (iIndex<0) // bleh...
return &Sequence_Lower_Fake;
return &Sequences_LowerAnims[iIndex];
// iIndex either = 0-based index if +ve, or -2 (because of blah-1 before call)
Sequence_t* Animation_GetUpperSequence(int iIndex)
if (iIndex<0) // bleh...
return &Sequence_Upper_Fake;
return &Sequences_UpperAnims[iIndex];
// to do a request by Shubes, this works out which sequence you would be in on this frame if you were in a lock...
Sequence_t* Animation_FromUpperFrame( int iFrame )
int iLoopCount = Animation_GetNumUpperSequences();
for (int i=0; i<iLoopCount; i++)
Sequence_t *pSeq = Animation_GetUpperSequence(i);
if (iFrame >= pSeq->iTargetFrame &&
iFrame < pSeq->iTargetFrame + pSeq->iFrameCount
return pSeq;
return NULL;
Sequence_t* Animation_FromLowerFrame( int iFrame )
int iLoopCount = Animation_GetNumLowerSequences();
for (int i=0; i<iLoopCount; i++)
Sequence_t *pSeq = Animation_GetLowerSequence(i);
if (iFrame >= pSeq->iTargetFrame &&
iFrame < pSeq->iTargetFrame + pSeq->iFrameCount
return pSeq;
return NULL;
void ClearAnimationCFG()
Sequence_Upper_Fake.bMultiSeq = true;
Sequence_Lower_Fake.bMultiSeq = true;
iAnimLockNumber_Upper = 0;
iAnimLockNumber_Lower = 0;
iAnimDisplayNumber_Upper = 0;
iAnimDisplayNumber_Lower = 0;
iAnimLockLongestString= 0;
pModel_Lower = NULL;
pModel_Upper = NULL;
mdview.xPos = 0.0f;
mdview.yPos = 0.0f;
mdview.rotAngleX =
mdview.rotAngleY = 0.0f;
mdview.rotAngleZ = -90.0f;
mdview.bAnimCFGLoaded = false;
mdview.bAnimIsMultiPlayerFormat = false;
void ReportFrameMismatches(Sequence_t* pSeq, gl_model* pModel)
if (pSeq)
int iModelAnims = pModel->iNumFrames;
int iCFGAnims = pSeq->iTargetFrame + pSeq->iFrameCount; // no need to -1 because of 0-based indexing
if (iModelAnims > iCFGAnims)
WarningBox(va("Model : \"%s\"\n\n... has %d frames, but animations for it only use %d frames\n\n( ... so %d frame(s) are currently just wasting space )",pModel->sMDXFullPathname,iModelAnims,iCFGAnims, iModelAnims-iCFGAnims ));
if (iModelAnims < iCFGAnims)
ErrorBox(va("Model : \"%s\"\n\n... has %d frames, but animations for it assume %d frames\n\n( ... so you'll get errors accessing the last %d frame(s)! )",pModel->sMDXFullPathname,iModelAnims,iCFGAnims, iCFGAnims-iModelAnims));
// this has now been re-written to only add to pulldown menus when all menus have been scanned, this way
// I can strcat frame info to the seq names while keeping a smooth tabbing line...
// Note that this function can automatically read either ID format or Raven format files transparently...
void LoadAnimationCFG(LPCSTR psFullPath, HDC hDC) // hDC for text metrics
int iLongestTextMetric = 0;
SIZE Size;
bool bOk = false;
FILE *handle = fopen(psFullPath,"rt");
if (handle)
mdview.bAnimCFGLoaded = true;
static char sLineBuffer[2048];
int iFirstFrameAfterBoth = -1; // stuff I need to do for ID's non-folded frame numbers
int iFirstFrameAfterTorso= -1;
while (1)
if (!fgets(sLineBuffer,sizeof(sLineBuffer),handle))
if (ferror(handle))
ErrorBox(va("Error while reading \"%s\"!",psFullPath));
break; // whether error or EOF
char sComment[2048] = {0}; // keep comments now because of the way ID cfg files work
// zap any comments...
char *p = strstr(sLineBuffer,"//");
if (p)
// update, to read ID cfg files, we need to skip over some stuff that Raven ones don't have...
// our cfg files don't have "sex" (how depressingly apt...)
if (strnicmp(sLineBuffer,"sex",3)==0)
// or this other crap either...
if (strnicmp(sLineBuffer,"footsteps",9)==0)
if (strnicmp(sLineBuffer,"headoffset",10)==0)
if (strnicmp(sLineBuffer,"soundpath",9)==0)
Sequence_t seq;
char sLine[2048];
int iElementsDone = sscanf( sLineBuffer, "%s %d %d %d %d", &sLine, &seq.iTargetFrame, &seq.iFrameCount, &seq.iLoopFrame, &seq.iFrameSpeed );
if (iElementsDone == EOF)
continue; // probably skipping over a comment line
bool bElementsScannedOk = false;
if (iElementsDone == 5)
// then it must be a Raven line...
bElementsScannedOk = true;
mdview.bAnimIsMultiPlayerFormat = false;
// try scanning it as an ID line...
iElementsDone = sscanf( sLineBuffer, "%d %d %d %d", &seq.iTargetFrame, &seq.iFrameCount, &seq.iLoopFrame, &seq.iFrameSpeed );
if (iElementsDone == 4)
mdview.bAnimIsMultiPlayerFormat = true;
// scanned an ID line in ok, now convert it to Raven format...
iElementsDone = sscanf( sComment, "%s", &sLine ); // grab anim name from original saved comment
if (iElementsDone == 1)
// ... and convert their loop format to ours...
if (seq.iLoopFrame == 0)
seq.iLoopFrame = -1;
seq.iLoopFrame = seq.iFrameCount - seq.iLoopFrame;
// now do the folding number stuff since ID don't do it in their files...
if ( !strnicmp(sLine,"TORSO_",6) && iFirstFrameAfterBoth == -1)
iFirstFrameAfterBoth = seq.iTargetFrame;
if ( !strnicmp(sLine,"LEGS_",5))
if (iFirstFrameAfterTorso == -1)
iFirstFrameAfterTorso = seq.iTargetFrame;
// now correct the leg framenumber...
if (iFirstFrameAfterBoth != -1) // if it did, then there'd be no torso frames, so no adj nec.
seq.iTargetFrame -= (iFirstFrameAfterTorso - iFirstFrameAfterBoth);
bElementsScannedOk = true;
if (bElementsScannedOk)
seq.sName = sLine;
// this line seems to be ok...
// OutputDebugString(va("%s %d %d %d %d\n",seq.sName.c_str(), seq.iTargetFrame, seq.iFrameCount, seq.iLoopFrame, seq.iFrameSpeed ));
// "both" or "torso" get added to 'upper' menu...
if ( (!strnicmp(seq.sName.c_str(),"BOTH_",5)) || (!strnicmp(seq.sName.c_str(),"TORSO_",6)) )
if (iAnimLockLongestString < (int)strlen(seq.sName.c_str()))
iAnimLockLongestString = strlen(seq.sName.c_str());
if (GetTextExtentPoint( hDC, // HDC hdc, // handle to device context
seq.sName.c_str(), // LPCTSTR lpString, // pointer to text string
strlen(seq.sName.c_str()), // int cbString, // number of characters in string
&Size // LPSIZE lpSize // pointer to structure for string size
if (iLongestTextMetric <
iLongestTextMetric =;
// Menu_UpperAnims_AddItem(seq.sName.c_str());
// "both" or "legs" get added to 'lower' menu...
if ( (!strnicmp(seq.sName.c_str(),"BOTH_",5)) || (!strnicmp(seq.sName.c_str(),"LEGS_",5)) )
if (iAnimLockLongestString < (int)strlen(seq.sName.c_str()))
iAnimLockLongestString = strlen(seq.sName.c_str());
if (GetTextExtentPoint( hDC, // HDC hdc, // handle to device context
seq.sName.c_str(), // LPCTSTR lpString, // pointer to text string
strlen(seq.sName.c_str()), // int cbString, // number of characters in string
&Size // LPSIZE lpSize // pointer to structure for string size
if (iLongestTextMetric <
iLongestTextMetric =;
// Menu_LowerAnims_AddItem(seq.sName.c_str());
// so do we report this as an error or what?
// now add to menus... (this code is awful, it was simple at first then mutated with feature-add)
char sLine[2048];
vector< Sequence_t >::iterator it;
for (it=Sequences_UpperAnims.begin(); it!=Sequences_UpperAnims.end(); it++)
while (1)
GetTextExtentPoint( hDC, // HDC hdc, // handle to device context
sLine, // LPCTSTR lpString, // pointer to text string
strlen(sLine), // int cbString, // number of characters in string
&Size // LPSIZE lpSize // pointer to structure for string size
if ( >= iLongestTextMetric)
strcat(sLine," ");
Menu_UpperAnims_AddItem(va("%s (%d...%d)%s",sLine,(*it).iTargetFrame,((*it).iTargetFrame+(*it).iFrameCount)-1,((*it).iLoopFrame==-1)?"":va(" Loop %d",(*it).iTargetFrame+(*it).iLoopFrame)));
for (it=Sequences_LowerAnims.begin(); it!=Sequences_LowerAnims.end(); it++)
while (1)
GetTextExtentPoint( hDC, // HDC hdc, // handle to device context
sLine, // LPCTSTR lpString, // pointer to text string
strlen(sLine), // int cbString, // number of characters in string
&Size // LPSIZE lpSize // pointer to structure for string size
if ( >= iLongestTextMetric)
strcat(sLine," ");
Menu_LowerAnims_AddItem(va("%s (%d...%d)%s",sLine,(*it).iTargetFrame,((*it).iTargetFrame+(*it).iFrameCount)-1,((*it).iLoopFrame==-1)?"":va(" Loop %d",(*it).iTargetFrame+(*it).iLoopFrame)));
// a bit of sanity checking, to cope with something Bob tried to do... :-)
Sequence_t* pSeq = NULL;
gl_model* pModel;
if ((pModel = pModel_Lower)!=0)
pSeq = Animation_GetLowerSequence(Animation_GetNumLowerSequences()-1);
if ((pModel = pModel_Upper)!=0)
pSeq = Animation_GetUpperSequence(Animation_GetNumUpperSequences()-1);