
101 lines
3.6 KiB
Executable File

Copyright (C) 2010 Matthew Baranowski, Sander van Rossen & Raven software.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
#if !defined(MATRIX4_INC)
#define MATRIX4_INC
#include "vect3.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <memory.h>
#pragma warning( disable : 4244)
#pragma optimize( "p", on ) // improve floating-point consistancy (makes release do bone-pooling as good as debug)
extern const float Pi;
extern const float Half_Pi;
class Matrix4
float m[4][4];
int flags;
Matrix4() {flags=0;}
Matrix4(const Matrix4 &o);
float* operator[](int i) {return m[i];flags=0;}
const float* operator[](int i) const {return m[i];}
void SetElem(int r,int c,float v) {m[r][c]=v;flags=0;}
const float &Elem(int r,int c) const {return m[r][c];}
void SetFromMem(const float *mem) {memcpy(m,mem,sizeof(float)*16);CalcFlags();}
void GetFromMem(float *mem) const {memcpy(mem,m,sizeof(float)*16);}
void Identity();
void Zero();
bool IsRotationIdentity(void) const;
bool IsRotationIdentityMoreTolerance(void) const;
int CalcFlags();
int GetFlags() const {return flags;}
bool IntegrityCheck() const;
void Translate(const float tx,const float ty,const float tz);
void Translate(const Vect3 &t);
void Rotate(int axis,const float theta);
void Rotate(const float rx,const float ry,const float rz);
void Rotate(const Vect3 v);
void Scale(const float sx,const float sy,const float sz);
void Scale(const float sx);
void Concat(const Matrix4 &m1,const Matrix4 &m2);
void Interp(const Matrix4 &m1,float s1,const Matrix4 &m2,float s2);
void Interp(const Matrix4 &m1,const Matrix4 &m2,float s1);
void XFormPoint(Vect3 &dest,const Vect3 &src) const;
float HXFormPoint(Vect3 &dest,const Vect3 &src) const;
void HXFormPointND(float *dest,const float *src) const;
void XFormVect(Vect3 &dest,const Vect3 &src) const;
void XFormVectTranspose(Vect3 &dest,const Vect3 &src) const;
void SetRow(int i,const Vect3 &t);
void SetColumn(int i,const Vect3 &t);
void SetRow(int i);
void SetColumn(int i);
void SetFromDouble(double *d);
void MultiplyColumn(int i,float f);
float GetColumnLen(int i);
void Inverse(const Matrix4 &old);
void OrthoNormalInverse(const Matrix4 &old);
void FindFromPoints(const Vect3 base1[4],const Vect3 base2[4]);
void MakeEquiscalar();
float Det();
float MaxAbsElement();
void GetRow(int r,Vect3 &v) const {v.x()=m[r][0];v.y()=m[r][1];v.z()=m[r][2];}
void GetColumn(int r,Vect3 &v) const {v.x()=m[0][r];v.y()=m[1][r];v.z()=m[2][r];}
void Transpose();
bool operator== (const Matrix4& t) const;
void From3x4(const float mat[3][4]);
void To3x4(float mat[3][4]) const;
void ClampPrecision(float fNumDecimals);
int GetTextureSystem(
const Vect3 &p0,const Vect3 &uv0, //vertex 0
const Vect3 &p1,const Vect3 &uv1, //vertex 1
const Vect3 &p2,const Vect3 &uv2, //vertex 2
const Vect3 &n, // normal vector for triangle
Vect3 &M, // returned gradient wrt u
Vect3 &N, // returned gradient wrt v
Vect3 &P); // returned location in world space where u=v=0