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2011-12-05 12:41:28 +00:00
Copyright (C) 2010 Matthew Baranowski, Sander van Rossen & Raven software.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "system.h" // stuff needed for caller program, standar headers etc
#include "oddbits.h"
#include "matrix4.h"
#include "mdx_format.h"
#include "matcomp.h"
#include "g2export.h"
#define BASEDIRNAME "base"
extern char qdir[];//1024];
extern char gamedir[];//1024]; // q:\quake\baseef
extern LPCSTR Filename_QUAKEBASEONLY(LPCSTR psFullPathedName);
extern LPCSTR G2Exporter_Surface_GetName (int iSurfaceIndex);
extern LPCSTR G2Exporter_Surface_GetShaderName(int iSurfaceIndex);
extern int G2Exporter_Surface_GetNumVerts (int iSurfaceIndex, int iLOD);
extern int G2Exporter_Surface_GetNumTris (int iSurfaceIndex, int iLOD);
extern int G2Exporter_Surface_GetTriIndex (int iSurfaceIndex, int iTriangleIndex, int iTriVert, int iLOD);
extern vec3_t* G2Exporter_Surface_GetVertNormal(int iSurfaceIndex, int iVertIndex, int iLOD);
extern vec3_t* G2Exporter_Surface_GetVertCoords(int iSurfaceIndex, int iVertIndex, int iLOD);
extern vec2_t* G2Exporter_Surface_GetTexCoords (int iSurfaceIndex, int iVertIndex, int iLOD);
static LPCSTR Filename_StripQuakeBase(LPCSTR psFullPathedName)
static char sTemp[1024];
int iQuakeLen = strlen(sTemp);
return &sTemp[0];
static void ForwardSlash(char *psLocalName)
while (*psLocalName)
if (*psLocalName == '\\')
*psLocalName = '/';
// saves clogging the param stack...
int giNumLODs;
int giNumSurfaces;
int giNumTags;
static char *ExportGhoul2FromMD3_Main(FILE *fhGLM, /*FILE *fhGLA,*/ LPCSTR psFullPathedNameGLM)
char *psErrMess = NULL;
const int iMallocSize = 1024*1024*20; // 20MB should be enough for one model... :-)
byte *pbBuffer = (byte *) malloc(iMallocSize);
if (pbBuffer)
// filename used in both files...
char sLocalNameGLA[MAX_PATH];
strcpy( sLocalNameGLA,Filename_WithoutExt(Filename_StripQuakeBase(psFullPathedNameGLM)));
// start writing...
byte *at = pbBuffer;
// write GLM Header...
mdxmHeader_t *pMDXMHeader = (mdxmHeader_t *) at;
at += sizeof(mdxmHeader_t);
{// GLM brace-match for skipping...
pMDXMHeader->ident = MDXM_IDENT;
pMDXMHeader->version = MDXM_VERSION;
strcpy( pMDXMHeader->name,Filename_StripQuakeBase(psFullPathedNameGLM));
strcpy( pMDXMHeader->animName,sDEFAULT_GLA_NAME);//sLocalNameGLA);
pMDXMHeader->animIndex = 0; // ingame use only
pMDXMHeader->numBones = 1; // ... and a fake one at that.
pMDXMHeader->numLODs = giNumLODs;
// pMDXMHeader->ofsLODs = ?????????????????????????????????????????????
pMDXMHeader->numSurfaces = giNumSurfaces + giNumTags;
// pMDXMHeader->ofsSurfHierarchy= ?????????????????????????????????????????????
// pMDXMHeader->ofsEnd = ?????????????????????????????????????????????
// for hierarchiy purposes, I'm going to just write out the first surface as the parent,
// then make every other surface a child of that one...
// G2 surfaces come from MD3 meshes first, then the MD3 tags (since G2 uses tag surfaces)
mdxmHierarchyOffsets_t *pHierarchyOffsets = (mdxmHierarchyOffsets_t *) at;
at += sizeof(mdxmHierarchyOffsets_t) * pMDXMHeader->numSurfaces;
pMDXMHeader->ofsSurfHierarchy = at - (byte *) pMDXMHeader;
for (int iSurfaceIndex = 0; iSurfaceIndex < pMDXMHeader->numSurfaces; iSurfaceIndex++)
// Note: bool bSurfaceIsTag == (iSurfaceIndex < giNumSurfaces)
mdxmSurfHierarchy_t *pSurfHierarchy = (mdxmSurfHierarchy_t *) at;
// store this offset...
pHierarchyOffsets->offsets[iSurfaceIndex] = (byte *)pSurfHierarchy - (byte *)pHierarchyOffsets;
// fill in surf hierarchy struct...
strcpy( pSurfHierarchy->name, G2Exporter_Surface_GetName(iSurfaceIndex));
pSurfHierarchy->flags = 0;
if ( iSurfaceIndex >= giNumSurfaces)
pSurfHierarchy->flags |= G2SURFACEFLAG_ISBOLT;
if (!strnicmp(&pSurfHierarchy->name[strlen(pSurfHierarchy->name)-4],"_off",4))
pSurfHierarchy->flags |= G2SURFACEFLAG_OFF;
strcpy( pSurfHierarchy->shader, G2Exporter_Surface_GetShaderName(iSurfaceIndex));
pSurfHierarchy->shaderIndex = 0; // ingame use only
pSurfHierarchy->parentIndex = iSurfaceIndex?0:-1;
pSurfHierarchy->numChildren = iSurfaceIndex?0:pMDXMHeader->numSurfaces-1;
if (!iSurfaceIndex)
for (int i=0; i<pSurfHierarchy->numChildren; i++)
pSurfHierarchy->childIndexes[i] = i+1;
int iThisHierarchySize = (int)( &((mdxmSurfHierarchy_t *)0)->childIndexes[ pSurfHierarchy->numChildren ] );
at += iThisHierarchySize;
// write out LODs...
pMDXMHeader->ofsLODs = at - (byte *) pMDXMHeader;
for (int iLODIndex = 0; iLODIndex < pMDXMHeader->numLODs; iLODIndex++)
mdxmLOD_t *pLOD = (mdxmLOD_t *) at;
at += sizeof(mdxmLOD_t);
mdxmLODSurfOffset_t *pLODSurfOffsets = (mdxmLODSurfOffset_t *) at;
at += sizeof(mdxmLODSurfOffset_t) * pMDXMHeader->numSurfaces;
for (int iSurfaceIndex = 0; iSurfaceIndex < pMDXMHeader->numSurfaces; iSurfaceIndex++)
mdxmSurface_t *pSurface = (mdxmSurface_t *) at;
at += sizeof(mdxmSurface_t);
// store this offset...
pLODSurfOffsets->offsets[iSurfaceIndex] = (byte *)pSurface - (byte *) pLODSurfOffsets;
// fill in this surface struct...
pSurface->ident = 0; // ingame-use only, defaulted to 0 here
pSurface->thisSurfaceIndex = iSurfaceIndex;
pSurface->ofsHeader = (byte *)pMDXMHeader - (byte *)pSurface; // offset back to main header
pSurface->numVerts = G2Exporter_Surface_GetNumVerts(iSurfaceIndex, iLODIndex);
pSurface->numTriangles = G2Exporter_Surface_GetNumTris(iSurfaceIndex, iLODIndex);
// pSurface->maxVertBoneWeights= 1; // easy, eh? :-)
// write out triangles...
pSurface->ofsTriangles = at - (byte *)pSurface;
for (int iTriangleIndex = 0; iTriangleIndex < pSurface->numTriangles; iTriangleIndex++)
mdxmTriangle_t *pTriangle = (mdxmTriangle_t *) at;
at += sizeof(mdxmTriangle_t);
for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
pTriangle->indexes[i] = G2Exporter_Surface_GetTriIndex(iSurfaceIndex,iTriangleIndex,i,iLODIndex);
// write out verts...(when exporting from MD3 these are all weighted to only 1 bone)
pSurface->ofsVerts = at - (byte *)pSurface;
mdxmVertex_t *pVerts = (mdxmVertex_t *) at;
mdxmVertexTexCoord_t *pVertTexCoords = (mdxmVertexTexCoord_t *) &pVerts[pSurface->numVerts];
at = (unsigned char *) &pVertTexCoords[pSurface->numVerts]; // skip over all this vert-writing...
for (int iVertIndex = 0; iVertIndex < pSurface->numVerts; iVertIndex++)
mdxmVertex_t *pVert = &pVerts[iVertIndex];
// memcpy(pVert->texCoords,G2Exporter_Surface_GetTexCoords (iSurfaceIndex,iVertIndex,iLODIndex),sizeof(vec2_t));
memcpy(pVertTexCoords[iVertIndex].texCoords,G2Exporter_Surface_GetTexCoords (iSurfaceIndex,iVertIndex,iLODIndex),sizeof(vec2_t));
int iNumWeights = 1;
pVert->uiNmWeightsAndBoneIndexes = (iNumWeights-1)<<30;
int iWeight = 1023; // highest weighting currently allowed (1.000f as 10 bit fixed point)
pVert->BoneWeightings[0] = iWeight&0xFF; // float->byte
// the 2-bit pairs at 20,22,24,26 are the top 2 bits of each weighting (leaving bits 28&29 free)...
pVert->uiNmWeightsAndBoneIndexes |= (iWeight>>8)<<((0*2)+20);
pVert->BoneWeightings[0] = 255; // 1.0f weighting
// int iWeightTest = G2_GetVertWeights( pVert );
// int iBoneIndex = G2_GetVertBoneIndex( pVert, 0 );
// float fBoneWeight = G2_GetVertBoneWeight( pVert, 0 );
// remaining surface struct fields...
pSurface->numBoneReferences = 1;
pSurface->ofsBoneReferences = at - (byte *) pSurface;
int *piBonesUsed = (int *) at;
at += pSurface->numBoneReferences * sizeof(int);
piBonesUsed[0] = 0; // the one and only bone ref
pSurface->ofsEnd = at - (byte *) pSurface;
pLOD->ofsEnd = at - (byte *) pLOD;
pMDXMHeader->ofsEnd = at - (byte *) pMDXMHeader;
// now create GLA file...
mdxaHeader_t *pMDXAHeader = (mdxaHeader_t *) at;
at += sizeof(mdxaHeader_t);
{// for brace-skipping...
pMDXAHeader->ident = MDXA_IDENT;
pMDXAHeader->version = MDXA_VERSION;
pMDXAHeader->fScale = 1.0f;
pMDXAHeader->numFrames = 1; // inherently, when doing MD3 to G2 files
// pMDXAHeader->ofsFrames = ??????????????????
pMDXAHeader->numBones = 1; // inherently, when doing MD3 to G2 files
// pMDXAHeader->ofsCompBonePool= ??????????????????
// pMDXAHeader->ofsSkel = ??????????????????
// pMDXAHeader->ofsEnd = ??????????????????
// write out bone hierarchy...
mdxaSkelOffsets_t * pSkelOffsets = (mdxaSkelOffsets_t *) at;
at += (int)( &((mdxaSkelOffsets_t *)0)->offsets[ pMDXAHeader->numBones ] );
pMDXAHeader->ofsSkel = at - (byte *) pMDXAHeader;
for (int iSkelIndex = 0; iSkelIndex < pMDXAHeader->numBones; iSkelIndex++)
mdxaSkel_t *pSkel = (mdxaSkel_t *) at;
pSkelOffsets->offsets[iSkelIndex] = (byte *) pSkel - (byte *) pSkelOffsets;
// setup flags...
pSkel->flags = 0;
strcpy( pSkel->name, "Generated by MD3View"); // doesn't matter what this is called I believe.
pSkel->parent= -1; // index of bone that is parent to this one, -1 = NULL/root
Matrix4 BasePose;
Matrix4 BasePoseInverse;
pSkel->numChildren = 0; // inherently, when doing MD3 to G2 files
int iThisSkelSize = (int)( &((mdxaSkel_t *)0)->children[ pSkel->numChildren ] );
at += iThisSkelSize;
// write out frames...
pMDXAHeader->ofsFrames = at - (byte *) pMDXAHeader;
int iFrameSize = (int)( &((mdxaFrame_t *)0)->boneIndexes[ pMDXAHeader->numBones ] );
for (int i=0; i<pMDXAHeader->numFrames; i++)
mdxaFrame_t *pFrame = (mdxaFrame_t *) at;
at += iFrameSize; // variable sized struct
pFrame->boneIndexes[0] = 0; // inherently, when doing MD3 to G2 files
// now write out compressed bone pool...
pMDXAHeader->ofsCompBonePool = at - (byte *) pMDXAHeader;
for (int iCompBoneIndex = 0; iCompBoneIndex < 1; iCompBoneIndex++)
mdxaCompBone_t *pCompBone = (mdxaCompBone_t *) at;
at += sizeof(mdxaCompBone_t);
float matThis[3][4];
Matrix4 Bone;
byte Comp[sizeof(mdxaCompBone_t)];
// int iPoolBytesUsed = (CompressedBones.size()*MC_COMP_BYTES) + (iStats_NumBoneRefs*sizeof(int));
// printf("( Compressed bone bytes: %d, using pool = %d. Saving = %d bytes )\n",iOldBoneSize,iPoolBytesUsed, iOldBoneSize - iPoolBytesUsed);
// done...
pMDXAHeader->ofsEnd = at - (byte *) pMDXAHeader;
// write 'em out to disk...
// int iGLMSize = fwrite(pMDXMHeader,1,(byte *)pMDXAHeader - (byte *)pMDXMHeader, fhGLM);
int iGLMSize = fwrite(pMDXMHeader,1,pMDXMHeader->ofsEnd, fhGLM);
assert(iGLMSize == pMDXMHeader->ofsEnd);
// int iGLASize = fwrite(pMDXAHeader,1,at - (byte *)pMDXAHeader, fhGLA);
// assert(iGLASize == pMDXAHeader->ofsEnd);
// and finally...
psErrMess = va("Error! Unable to allocate %d bytes for workspace!\n",iMallocSize);
return psErrMess;
// assumes 'psFullPathedFilename' is full-pathed filenam with ".glm" on the end,
// ppsFullPathedNameGLA is optional feedback param if you want to know what the GLA name was.
// return = NULL for no error, else string of error for caller to display...
char *ExportGhoul2FromMD3(LPCSTR psFullPathedFilename, int iNumLODs, int iNumSurfaces, int iNumTags,
LPCSTR *ppsFullPathedNameGLA /* = NULL */
char *psErrorMess = NULL;
giNumLODs = iNumLODs;
giNumSurfaces = iNumSurfaces;
giNumTags = iNumTags;
FILE *fhGLM = fopen(psFullPathedFilename,"wb");
if ( fhGLM)
static char sNameGLA[MAX_PATH];
// strcpy(sNameGLA, Filename_WithoutExt(psFullPathedFilename) );
// strcat(sNameGLA, ".gla");
// FILE *fhGLA = fopen(sNameGLA,"wb");
// if (fhGLA)
if ( ppsFullPathedNameGLA)
*ppsFullPathedNameGLA = &sNameGLA[0];
psErrorMess = ExportGhoul2FromMD3_Main(fhGLM, /*fhGLA,*/ psFullPathedFilename);
// fclose(fhGLA);
// else
// {
// psErrorMess = va("Error: Unable to open file '%s'!\n");
// }
psErrorMess = va("Error: Unable to open file '%s'!\n");
return psErrorMess;
/////////////////// eof ////////////////////