mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 01:41:20 +00:00
Moved all the code using Altivec intrinsics to separate files. This means we can optionally use GCC's -maltivec on just these files, which are chosen at runtime if the CPU supports Altivec, and compile the rest without it, making a single binary that has Altivec optimizations but can still work on G3. Unlike SSE and similar extensions on x86, there does not seem to be a way to enable conditional, targeted use of Altivec based on runtime detection (which is what ioquake3 wants to do) without also giving the compiler permission to use Altivec in code generation; so to not crash on CPUs that do not implement Altivec, we'll have to turn it off altogether, except in translation units that are only entered when runtime Altivec detection is successful. This has been tested on Linux PPC (on an Altivec-enabled CPU), but we may need further work after testing trickles out to other PowerPC devices and ancient Mac OS X builds. I did a little work on this patch, but the majority of the effort belongs to Simon McVittie (thanks!).
1142 lines
26 KiB
1142 lines
26 KiB
Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Id Software, Inc.
This file is part of Quake III Arena source code.
Quake III Arena source code is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
or (at your option) any later version.
Quake III Arena source code is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Quake III Arena source code; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
// tr_shade_calc.c
#include "tr_local.h"
#define WAVEVALUE( table, base, amplitude, phase, freq ) ((base) + table[ ( (int64_t) ( ( (phase) + tess.shaderTime * (freq) ) * FUNCTABLE_SIZE ) ) & FUNCTABLE_MASK ] * (amplitude))
static float *TableForFunc( genFunc_t func )
switch ( func )
case GF_SIN:
return tr.sinTable;
return tr.triangleTable;
return tr.squareTable;
return tr.sawToothTable;
return tr.inverseSawToothTable;
case GF_NONE:
ri.Error( ERR_DROP, "TableForFunc called with invalid function '%d' in shader '%s'", func, tess.shader->name );
return NULL;
** EvalWaveForm
** Evaluates a given waveForm_t, referencing backEnd.refdef.time directly
static float EvalWaveForm( const waveForm_t *wf )
float *table;
table = TableForFunc( wf->func );
return WAVEVALUE( table, wf->base, wf->amplitude, wf->phase, wf->frequency );
static float EvalWaveFormClamped( const waveForm_t *wf )
float glow = EvalWaveForm( wf );
if ( glow < 0 )
return 0;
if ( glow > 1 )
return 1;
return glow;
** RB_CalcStretchTexCoords
void RB_CalcStretchTexCoords( const waveForm_t *wf, float *st )
float p;
texModInfo_t tmi;
p = 1.0f / EvalWaveForm( wf );
tmi.matrix[0][0] = p;
tmi.matrix[1][0] = 0;
tmi.translate[0] = 0.5f - 0.5f * p;
tmi.matrix[0][1] = 0;
tmi.matrix[1][1] = p;
tmi.translate[1] = 0.5f - 0.5f * p;
RB_CalcTransformTexCoords( &tmi, st );
void RB_CalcDeformVertexes( deformStage_t *ds )
int i;
vec3_t offset;
float scale;
float *xyz = ( float * ) tess.xyz;
float *normal = ( float * ) tess.normal;
float *table;
if ( ds->deformationWave.frequency == 0 )
scale = EvalWaveForm( &ds->deformationWave );
for ( i = 0; i < tess.numVertexes; i++, xyz += 4, normal += 4 )
VectorScale( normal, scale, offset );
xyz[0] += offset[0];
xyz[1] += offset[1];
xyz[2] += offset[2];
table = TableForFunc( ds->deformationWave.func );
for ( i = 0; i < tess.numVertexes; i++, xyz += 4, normal += 4 )
float off = ( xyz[0] + xyz[1] + xyz[2] ) * ds->deformationSpread;
scale = WAVEVALUE( table, ds->deformationWave.base,
ds->deformationWave.phase + off,
ds->deformationWave.frequency );
VectorScale( normal, scale, offset );
xyz[0] += offset[0];
xyz[1] += offset[1];
xyz[2] += offset[2];
Wiggle the normals for wavy environment mapping
void RB_CalcDeformNormals( deformStage_t *ds ) {
int i;
float scale;
float *xyz = ( float * ) tess.xyz;
float *normal = ( float * ) tess.normal;
for ( i = 0; i < tess.numVertexes; i++, xyz += 4, normal += 4 ) {
scale = 0.98f;
scale = R_NoiseGet4f( xyz[0] * scale, xyz[1] * scale, xyz[2] * scale,
tess.shaderTime * ds->deformationWave.frequency );
normal[ 0 ] += ds->deformationWave.amplitude * scale;
scale = 0.98f;
scale = R_NoiseGet4f( 100 + xyz[0] * scale, xyz[1] * scale, xyz[2] * scale,
tess.shaderTime * ds->deformationWave.frequency );
normal[ 1 ] += ds->deformationWave.amplitude * scale;
scale = 0.98f;
scale = R_NoiseGet4f( 200 + xyz[0] * scale, xyz[1] * scale, xyz[2] * scale,
tess.shaderTime * ds->deformationWave.frequency );
normal[ 2 ] += ds->deformationWave.amplitude * scale;
VectorNormalizeFast( normal );
void RB_CalcBulgeVertexes( deformStage_t *ds ) {
int i;
const float *st = ( const float * ) tess.texCoords[0];
float *xyz = ( float * ) tess.xyz;
float *normal = ( float * ) tess.normal;
double now;
now = backEnd.refdef.time * 0.001 * ds->bulgeSpeed;
for ( i = 0; i < tess.numVertexes; i++, xyz += 4, st += 4, normal += 4 ) {
int64_t off;
float scale;
off = (float)( FUNCTABLE_SIZE / (M_PI*2) ) * ( st[0] * ds->bulgeWidth + now );
scale = tr.sinTable[ off & FUNCTABLE_MASK ] * ds->bulgeHeight;
xyz[0] += normal[0] * scale;
xyz[1] += normal[1] * scale;
xyz[2] += normal[2] * scale;
A deformation that can move an entire surface along a wave path
void RB_CalcMoveVertexes( deformStage_t *ds ) {
int i;
float *xyz;
float *table;
float scale;
vec3_t offset;
table = TableForFunc( ds->deformationWave.func );
scale = WAVEVALUE( table, ds->deformationWave.base,
ds->deformationWave.frequency );
VectorScale( ds->moveVector, scale, offset );
xyz = ( float * ) tess.xyz;
for ( i = 0; i < tess.numVertexes; i++, xyz += 4 ) {
VectorAdd( xyz, offset, xyz );
Change a polygon into a bunch of text polygons
void DeformText( const char *text ) {
int i;
vec3_t origin, width, height;
int len;
int ch;
byte color[4];
float bottom, top;
vec3_t mid;
height[0] = 0;
height[1] = 0;
height[2] = -1;
CrossProduct( tess.normal[0], height, width );
// find the midpoint of the box
VectorClear( mid );
bottom = 999999;
top = -999999;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++ ) {
VectorAdd( tess.xyz[i], mid, mid );
if ( tess.xyz[i][2] < bottom ) {
bottom = tess.xyz[i][2];
if ( tess.xyz[i][2] > top ) {
top = tess.xyz[i][2];
VectorScale( mid, 0.25f, origin );
// determine the individual character size
height[0] = 0;
height[1] = 0;
height[2] = ( top - bottom ) * 0.5f;
VectorScale( width, height[2] * -0.75f, width );
// determine the starting position
len = strlen( text );
VectorMA( origin, (len-1), width, origin );
// clear the shader indexes
tess.numIndexes = 0;
tess.numVertexes = 0;
color[0] = color[1] = color[2] = color[3] = 255;
// draw each character
for ( i = 0 ; i < len ; i++ ) {
ch = text[i];
ch &= 255;
if ( ch != ' ' ) {
int row, col;
float frow, fcol, size;
row = ch>>4;
col = ch&15;
frow = row*0.0625f;
fcol = col*0.0625f;
size = 0.0625f;
RB_AddQuadStampExt( origin, width, height, color, fcol, frow, fcol + size, frow + size );
VectorMA( origin, -2, width, origin );
static void GlobalVectorToLocal( const vec3_t in, vec3_t out ) {
out[0] = DotProduct( in, backEnd.or.axis[0] );
out[1] = DotProduct( in, backEnd.or.axis[1] );
out[2] = DotProduct( in, backEnd.or.axis[2] );
Assuming all the triangles for this shader are independent
quads, rebuild them as forward facing sprites
static void AutospriteDeform( void ) {
int i;
int oldVerts;
float *xyz;
vec3_t mid, delta;
float radius;
vec3_t left, up;
vec3_t leftDir, upDir;
if ( tess.numVertexes & 3 ) {
ri.Printf( PRINT_WARNING, "Autosprite shader %s had odd vertex count\n", tess.shader->name );
if ( tess.numIndexes != ( tess.numVertexes >> 2 ) * 6 ) {
ri.Printf( PRINT_WARNING, "Autosprite shader %s had odd index count\n", tess.shader->name );
oldVerts = tess.numVertexes;
tess.numVertexes = 0;
tess.numIndexes = 0;
if ( backEnd.currentEntity != &tr.worldEntity ) {
GlobalVectorToLocal( backEnd.viewParms.or.axis[1], leftDir );
GlobalVectorToLocal( backEnd.viewParms.or.axis[2], upDir );
} else {
VectorCopy( backEnd.viewParms.or.axis[1], leftDir );
VectorCopy( backEnd.viewParms.or.axis[2], upDir );
for ( i = 0 ; i < oldVerts ; i+=4 ) {
// find the midpoint
xyz = tess.xyz[i];
mid[0] = 0.25f * (xyz[0] + xyz[4] + xyz[8] + xyz[12]);
mid[1] = 0.25f * (xyz[1] + xyz[5] + xyz[9] + xyz[13]);
mid[2] = 0.25f * (xyz[2] + xyz[6] + xyz[10] + xyz[14]);
VectorSubtract( xyz, mid, delta );
radius = VectorLength( delta ) * 0.707f; // / sqrt(2)
VectorScale( leftDir, radius, left );
VectorScale( upDir, radius, up );
if ( backEnd.viewParms.isMirror ) {
VectorSubtract( vec3_origin, left, left );
// compensate for scale in the axes if necessary
if ( backEnd.currentEntity->e.nonNormalizedAxes ) {
float axisLength;
axisLength = VectorLength( backEnd.currentEntity->e.axis[0] );
if ( !axisLength ) {
axisLength = 0;
} else {
axisLength = 1.0f / axisLength;
VectorScale(left, axisLength, left);
VectorScale(up, axisLength, up);
RB_AddQuadStamp( mid, left, up, tess.vertexColors[i] );
Autosprite2 will pivot a rectangular quad along the center of its long axis
int edgeVerts[6][2] = {
{ 0, 1 },
{ 0, 2 },
{ 0, 3 },
{ 1, 2 },
{ 1, 3 },
{ 2, 3 }
static void Autosprite2Deform( void ) {
int i, j, k;
int indexes;
float *xyz;
vec3_t forward;
if ( tess.numVertexes & 3 ) {
ri.Printf( PRINT_WARNING, "Autosprite2 shader %s had odd vertex count", tess.shader->name );
if ( tess.numIndexes != ( tess.numVertexes >> 2 ) * 6 ) {
ri.Printf( PRINT_WARNING, "Autosprite2 shader %s had odd index count", tess.shader->name );
if ( backEnd.currentEntity != &tr.worldEntity ) {
GlobalVectorToLocal( backEnd.viewParms.or.axis[0], forward );
} else {
VectorCopy( backEnd.viewParms.or.axis[0], forward );
// this is a lot of work for two triangles...
// we could precalculate a lot of it is an issue, but it would mess up
// the shader abstraction
for ( i = 0, indexes = 0 ; i < tess.numVertexes ; i+=4, indexes+=6 ) {
float lengths[2];
int nums[2];
vec3_t mid[2];
vec3_t major, minor;
float *v1, *v2;
// find the midpoint
xyz = tess.xyz[i];
// identify the two shortest edges
nums[0] = nums[1] = 0;
lengths[0] = lengths[1] = 999999;
for ( j = 0 ; j < 6 ; j++ ) {
float l;
vec3_t temp;
v1 = xyz + 4 * edgeVerts[j][0];
v2 = xyz + 4 * edgeVerts[j][1];
VectorSubtract( v1, v2, temp );
l = DotProduct( temp, temp );
if ( l < lengths[0] ) {
nums[1] = nums[0];
lengths[1] = lengths[0];
nums[0] = j;
lengths[0] = l;
} else if ( l < lengths[1] ) {
nums[1] = j;
lengths[1] = l;
for ( j = 0 ; j < 2 ; j++ ) {
v1 = xyz + 4 * edgeVerts[nums[j]][0];
v2 = xyz + 4 * edgeVerts[nums[j]][1];
mid[j][0] = 0.5f * (v1[0] + v2[0]);
mid[j][1] = 0.5f * (v1[1] + v2[1]);
mid[j][2] = 0.5f * (v1[2] + v2[2]);
// find the vector of the major axis
VectorSubtract( mid[1], mid[0], major );
// cross this with the view direction to get minor axis
CrossProduct( major, forward, minor );
VectorNormalize( minor );
// re-project the points
for ( j = 0 ; j < 2 ; j++ ) {
float l;
v1 = xyz + 4 * edgeVerts[nums[j]][0];
v2 = xyz + 4 * edgeVerts[nums[j]][1];
l = 0.5 * sqrt( lengths[j] );
// we need to see which direction this edge
// is used to determine direction of projection
for ( k = 0 ; k < 5 ; k++ ) {
if ( tess.indexes[ indexes + k ] == i + edgeVerts[nums[j]][0]
&& tess.indexes[ indexes + k + 1 ] == i + edgeVerts[nums[j]][1] ) {
if ( k == 5 ) {
VectorMA( mid[j], l, minor, v1 );
VectorMA( mid[j], -l, minor, v2 );
} else {
VectorMA( mid[j], -l, minor, v1 );
VectorMA( mid[j], l, minor, v2 );
void RB_DeformTessGeometry( void ) {
int i;
deformStage_t *ds;
for ( i = 0 ; i < tess.shader->numDeforms ; i++ ) {
ds = &tess.shader->deforms[ i ];
switch ( ds->deformation ) {
RB_CalcDeformNormals( ds );
RB_CalcDeformVertexes( ds );
RB_CalcBulgeVertexes( ds );
RB_CalcMoveVertexes( ds );
DeformText( backEnd.refdef.text[ds->deformation - DEFORM_TEXT0] );
** RB_CalcColorFromEntity
void RB_CalcColorFromEntity( unsigned char *dstColors )
int i;
int *pColors = ( int * ) dstColors;
int c;
if ( !backEnd.currentEntity )
c = * ( int * ) backEnd.currentEntity->e.shaderRGBA;
for ( i = 0; i < tess.numVertexes; i++, pColors++ )
*pColors = c;
** RB_CalcColorFromOneMinusEntity
void RB_CalcColorFromOneMinusEntity( unsigned char *dstColors )
int i;
int *pColors = ( int * ) dstColors;
unsigned char invModulate[4];
int c;
if ( !backEnd.currentEntity )
invModulate[0] = 255 - backEnd.currentEntity->e.shaderRGBA[0];
invModulate[1] = 255 - backEnd.currentEntity->e.shaderRGBA[1];
invModulate[2] = 255 - backEnd.currentEntity->e.shaderRGBA[2];
invModulate[3] = 255 - backEnd.currentEntity->e.shaderRGBA[3]; // this trashes alpha, but the AGEN block fixes it
c = * ( int * ) invModulate;
for ( i = 0; i < tess.numVertexes; i++, pColors++ )
*pColors = c;
** RB_CalcAlphaFromEntity
void RB_CalcAlphaFromEntity( unsigned char *dstColors )
int i;
if ( !backEnd.currentEntity )
dstColors += 3;
for ( i = 0; i < tess.numVertexes; i++, dstColors += 4 )
*dstColors = backEnd.currentEntity->e.shaderRGBA[3];
** RB_CalcAlphaFromOneMinusEntity
void RB_CalcAlphaFromOneMinusEntity( unsigned char *dstColors )
int i;
if ( !backEnd.currentEntity )
dstColors += 3;
for ( i = 0; i < tess.numVertexes; i++, dstColors += 4 )
*dstColors = 0xff - backEnd.currentEntity->e.shaderRGBA[3];
** RB_CalcWaveColor
void RB_CalcWaveColor( const waveForm_t *wf, unsigned char *dstColors )
int i;
int v;
float glow;
int *colors = ( int * ) dstColors;
byte color[4];
if ( wf->func == GF_NOISE ) {
glow = wf->base + R_NoiseGet4f( 0, 0, 0, ( tess.shaderTime + wf->phase ) * wf->frequency ) * wf->amplitude;
} else {
glow = EvalWaveForm( wf ) * tr.identityLight;
if ( glow < 0 ) {
glow = 0;
else if ( glow > 1 ) {
glow = 1;
v = ri.ftol(255 * glow);
color[0] = color[1] = color[2] = v;
color[3] = 255;
v = *(int *)color;
for ( i = 0; i < tess.numVertexes; i++, colors++ ) {
*colors = v;
** RB_CalcWaveAlpha
void RB_CalcWaveAlpha( const waveForm_t *wf, unsigned char *dstColors )
int i;
int v;
float glow;
glow = EvalWaveFormClamped( wf );
v = 255 * glow;
for ( i = 0; i < tess.numVertexes; i++, dstColors += 4 )
dstColors[3] = v;
** RB_CalcModulateColorsByFog
void RB_CalcModulateColorsByFog( unsigned char *colors ) {
int i;
float texCoords[SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES][2];
// calculate texcoords so we can derive density
// this is not wasted, because it would only have
// been previously called if the surface was opaque
RB_CalcFogTexCoords( texCoords[0] );
for ( i = 0; i < tess.numVertexes; i++, colors += 4 ) {
float f = 1.0 - R_FogFactor( texCoords[i][0], texCoords[i][1] );
colors[0] *= f;
colors[1] *= f;
colors[2] *= f;
** RB_CalcModulateAlphasByFog
void RB_CalcModulateAlphasByFog( unsigned char *colors ) {
int i;
float texCoords[SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES][2];
// calculate texcoords so we can derive density
// this is not wasted, because it would only have
// been previously called if the surface was opaque
RB_CalcFogTexCoords( texCoords[0] );
for ( i = 0; i < tess.numVertexes; i++, colors += 4 ) {
float f = 1.0 - R_FogFactor( texCoords[i][0], texCoords[i][1] );
colors[3] *= f;
** RB_CalcModulateRGBAsByFog
void RB_CalcModulateRGBAsByFog( unsigned char *colors ) {
int i;
float texCoords[SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES][2] = {{0.0f}};
// calculate texcoords so we can derive density
// this is not wasted, because it would only have
// been previously called if the surface was opaque
RB_CalcFogTexCoords( texCoords[0] );
for ( i = 0; i < tess.numVertexes; i++, colors += 4 ) {
float f = 1.0 - R_FogFactor( texCoords[i][0], texCoords[i][1] );
colors[0] *= f;
colors[1] *= f;
colors[2] *= f;
colors[3] *= f;
To do the clipped fog plane really correctly, we should use
projected textures, but I don't trust the drivers and it
doesn't fit our shader data.
void RB_CalcFogTexCoords( float *st ) {
int i;
float *v;
float s, t;
float eyeT;
qboolean eyeOutside;
fog_t *fog;
vec3_t local;
vec4_t fogDistanceVector, fogDepthVector = {0, 0, 0, 0};
fog = tr.world->fogs + tess.fogNum;
// all fogging distance is based on world Z units
VectorSubtract( backEnd.or.origin, backEnd.viewParms.or.origin, local );
fogDistanceVector[0] = -backEnd.or.modelMatrix[2];
fogDistanceVector[1] = -backEnd.or.modelMatrix[6];
fogDistanceVector[2] = -backEnd.or.modelMatrix[10];
fogDistanceVector[3] = DotProduct( local, backEnd.viewParms.or.axis[0] );
// scale the fog vectors based on the fog's thickness
fogDistanceVector[0] *= fog->tcScale;
fogDistanceVector[1] *= fog->tcScale;
fogDistanceVector[2] *= fog->tcScale;
fogDistanceVector[3] *= fog->tcScale;
// rotate the gradient vector for this orientation
if ( fog->hasSurface ) {
fogDepthVector[0] = fog->surface[0] * backEnd.or.axis[0][0] +
fog->surface[1] * backEnd.or.axis[0][1] + fog->surface[2] * backEnd.or.axis[0][2];
fogDepthVector[1] = fog->surface[0] * backEnd.or.axis[1][0] +
fog->surface[1] * backEnd.or.axis[1][1] + fog->surface[2] * backEnd.or.axis[1][2];
fogDepthVector[2] = fog->surface[0] * backEnd.or.axis[2][0] +
fog->surface[1] * backEnd.or.axis[2][1] + fog->surface[2] * backEnd.or.axis[2][2];
fogDepthVector[3] = -fog->surface[3] + DotProduct( backEnd.or.origin, fog->surface );
eyeT = DotProduct( backEnd.or.viewOrigin, fogDepthVector ) + fogDepthVector[3];
} else {
eyeT = 1; // non-surface fog always has eye inside
// see if the viewpoint is outside
// this is needed for clipping distance even for constant fog
if ( eyeT < 0 ) {
eyeOutside = qtrue;
} else {
eyeOutside = qfalse;
fogDistanceVector[3] += 1.0/512;
// calculate density for each point
for (i = 0, v = tess.xyz[0] ; i < tess.numVertexes ; i++, v += 4) {
// calculate the length in fog
s = DotProduct( v, fogDistanceVector ) + fogDistanceVector[3];
t = DotProduct( v, fogDepthVector ) + fogDepthVector[3];
// partially clipped fogs use the T axis
if ( eyeOutside ) {
if ( t < 1.0 ) {
t = 1.0/32; // point is outside, so no fogging
} else {
t = 1.0/32 + 30.0/32 * t / ( t - eyeT ); // cut the distance at the fog plane
} else {
if ( t < 0 ) {
t = 1.0/32; // point is outside, so no fogging
} else {
t = 31.0/32;
st[0] = s;
st[1] = t;
st += 2;
** RB_CalcEnvironmentTexCoords
void RB_CalcEnvironmentTexCoords( float *st )
int i;
float *v, *normal;
vec3_t viewer, reflected;
float d;
v = tess.xyz[0];
normal = tess.normal[0];
for (i = 0 ; i < tess.numVertexes ; i++, v += 4, normal += 4, st += 2 )
VectorSubtract (backEnd.or.viewOrigin, v, viewer);
VectorNormalizeFast (viewer);
d = DotProduct (normal, viewer);
reflected[0] = normal[0]*2*d - viewer[0];
reflected[1] = normal[1]*2*d - viewer[1];
reflected[2] = normal[2]*2*d - viewer[2];
st[0] = 0.5 + reflected[1] * 0.5;
st[1] = 0.5 - reflected[2] * 0.5;
** RB_CalcTurbulentTexCoords
void RB_CalcTurbulentTexCoords( const waveForm_t *wf, float *st )
int i;
double now;
now = ( wf->phase + tess.shaderTime * wf->frequency );
for ( i = 0; i < tess.numVertexes; i++, st += 2 )
float s = st[0];
float t = st[1];
st[0] = s + tr.sinTable[ ( ( int64_t ) ( ( ( tess.xyz[i][0] + tess.xyz[i][2] )* 1.0/128 * 0.125 + now ) * FUNCTABLE_SIZE ) ) & ( FUNCTABLE_MASK ) ] * wf->amplitude;
st[1] = t + tr.sinTable[ ( ( int64_t ) ( ( tess.xyz[i][1] * 1.0/128 * 0.125 + now ) * FUNCTABLE_SIZE ) ) & ( FUNCTABLE_MASK ) ] * wf->amplitude;
** RB_CalcScaleTexCoords
void RB_CalcScaleTexCoords( const float scale[2], float *st )
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < tess.numVertexes; i++, st += 2 )
st[0] *= scale[0];
st[1] *= scale[1];
** RB_CalcScrollTexCoords
void RB_CalcScrollTexCoords( const float scrollSpeed[2], float *st )
int i;
double timeScale = tess.shaderTime;
double adjustedScrollS, adjustedScrollT;
adjustedScrollS = scrollSpeed[0] * timeScale;
adjustedScrollT = scrollSpeed[1] * timeScale;
// clamp so coordinates don't continuously get larger, causing problems
// with hardware limits
adjustedScrollS = adjustedScrollS - floor( adjustedScrollS );
adjustedScrollT = adjustedScrollT - floor( adjustedScrollT );
for ( i = 0; i < tess.numVertexes; i++, st += 2 )
st[0] += adjustedScrollS;
st[1] += adjustedScrollT;
** RB_CalcTransformTexCoords
void RB_CalcTransformTexCoords( const texModInfo_t *tmi, float *st )
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < tess.numVertexes; i++, st += 2 )
float s = st[0];
float t = st[1];
st[0] = s * tmi->matrix[0][0] + t * tmi->matrix[1][0] + tmi->translate[0];
st[1] = s * tmi->matrix[0][1] + t * tmi->matrix[1][1] + tmi->translate[1];
** RB_CalcRotateTexCoords
void RB_CalcRotateTexCoords( float degsPerSecond, float *st )
double timeScale = tess.shaderTime;
double degs;
int64_t index;
float sinValue, cosValue;
texModInfo_t tmi;
degs = -degsPerSecond * timeScale;
index = degs * ( FUNCTABLE_SIZE / 360.0f );
sinValue = tr.sinTable[ index & FUNCTABLE_MASK ];
cosValue = tr.sinTable[ ( index + FUNCTABLE_SIZE / 4 ) & FUNCTABLE_MASK ];
tmi.matrix[0][0] = cosValue;
tmi.matrix[1][0] = -sinValue;
tmi.translate[0] = 0.5 - 0.5 * cosValue + 0.5 * sinValue;
tmi.matrix[0][1] = sinValue;
tmi.matrix[1][1] = cosValue;
tmi.translate[1] = 0.5 - 0.5 * sinValue - 0.5 * cosValue;
RB_CalcTransformTexCoords( &tmi, st );
** RB_CalcSpecularAlpha
** Calculates specular coefficient and places it in the alpha channel
vec3_t lightOrigin = { -960, 1980, 96 }; // FIXME: track dynamically
void RB_CalcSpecularAlpha( unsigned char *alphas ) {
int i;
float *v, *normal;
vec3_t viewer, reflected;
float l, d;
int b;
vec3_t lightDir;
int numVertexes;
v = tess.xyz[0];
normal = tess.normal[0];
alphas += 3;
numVertexes = tess.numVertexes;
for (i = 0 ; i < numVertexes ; i++, v += 4, normal += 4, alphas += 4) {
float ilength;
VectorSubtract( lightOrigin, v, lightDir );
// ilength = Q_rsqrt( DotProduct( lightDir, lightDir ) );
VectorNormalizeFast( lightDir );
// calculate the specular color
d = DotProduct (normal, lightDir);
// d *= ilength;
// we don't optimize for the d < 0 case since this tends to
// cause visual artifacts such as faceted "snapping"
reflected[0] = normal[0]*2*d - lightDir[0];
reflected[1] = normal[1]*2*d - lightDir[1];
reflected[2] = normal[2]*2*d - lightDir[2];
VectorSubtract (backEnd.or.viewOrigin, v, viewer);
ilength = Q_rsqrt( DotProduct( viewer, viewer ) );
l = DotProduct (reflected, viewer);
l *= ilength;
if (l < 0) {
b = 0;
} else {
l = l*l;
l = l*l;
b = l * 255;
if (b > 255) {
b = 255;
*alphas = b;
** RB_CalcDiffuseColor
** The basic vertex lighting calc
static void RB_CalcDiffuseColor_scalar( unsigned char *colors )
int i, j;
float *v, *normal;
float incoming;
trRefEntity_t *ent;
int ambientLightInt;
vec3_t ambientLight;
vec3_t lightDir;
vec3_t directedLight;
int numVertexes;
ent = backEnd.currentEntity;
ambientLightInt = ent->ambientLightInt;
VectorCopy( ent->ambientLight, ambientLight );
VectorCopy( ent->directedLight, directedLight );
VectorCopy( ent->lightDir, lightDir );
v = tess.xyz[0];
normal = tess.normal[0];
numVertexes = tess.numVertexes;
for (i = 0 ; i < numVertexes ; i++, v += 4, normal += 4) {
incoming = DotProduct (normal, lightDir);
if ( incoming <= 0 ) {
*(int *)&colors[i*4] = ambientLightInt;
j = ri.ftol(ambientLight[0] + incoming * directedLight[0]);
if ( j > 255 ) {
j = 255;
colors[i*4+0] = j;
j = ri.ftol(ambientLight[1] + incoming * directedLight[1]);
if ( j > 255 ) {
j = 255;
colors[i*4+1] = j;
j = ri.ftol(ambientLight[2] + incoming * directedLight[2]);
if ( j > 255 ) {
j = 255;
colors[i*4+2] = j;
colors[i*4+3] = 255;
void RB_CalcDiffuseColor( unsigned char *colors )
#if idppc_altivec
if (com_altivec->integer) {
// must be in a separate translation unit or G3 systems will crash.
RB_CalcDiffuseColor_altivec( colors );
RB_CalcDiffuseColor_scalar( colors );