mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 01:41:20 +00:00
Moved all the code using Altivec intrinsics to separate files. This means we can optionally use GCC's -maltivec on just these files, which are chosen at runtime if the CPU supports Altivec, and compile the rest without it, making a single binary that has Altivec optimizations but can still work on G3. Unlike SSE and similar extensions on x86, there does not seem to be a way to enable conditional, targeted use of Altivec based on runtime detection (which is what ioquake3 wants to do) without also giving the compiler permission to use Altivec in code generation; so to not crash on CPUs that do not implement Altivec, we'll have to turn it off altogether, except in translation units that are only entered when runtime Altivec detection is successful. This has been tested on Linux PPC (on an Altivec-enabled CPU), but we may need further work after testing trickles out to other PowerPC devices and ancient Mac OS X builds. I did a little work on this patch, but the majority of the effort belongs to Simon McVittie (thanks!).
1595 lines
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1595 lines
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Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Id Software, Inc.
This file is part of Quake III Arena source code.
Quake III Arena source code is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
or (at your option) any later version.
Quake III Arena source code is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Quake III Arena source code; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#ifndef TR_LOCAL_H
#define TR_LOCAL_H
#include "../qcommon/q_shared.h"
#include "../qcommon/qfiles.h"
#include "../qcommon/qcommon.h"
#include "../renderercommon/tr_public.h"
#include "../renderercommon/tr_common.h"
#include "../renderercommon/iqm.h"
#include "../renderercommon/qgl.h"
typedef unsigned int glIndex_t;
// 14 bits
// can't be increased without changing bit packing for drawsurfs
typedef struct dlight_s {
vec3_t origin;
vec3_t color; // range from 0.0 to 1.0, should be color normalized
float radius;
vec3_t transformed; // origin in local coordinate system
int additive; // texture detail is lost tho when the lightmap is dark
} dlight_t;
// a trRefEntity_t has all the information passed in by
// the client game, as well as some locally derived info
typedef struct {
refEntity_t e;
float axisLength; // compensate for non-normalized axis
qboolean needDlights; // true for bmodels that touch a dlight
qboolean lightingCalculated;
vec3_t lightDir; // normalized direction towards light
vec3_t ambientLight; // color normalized to 0-255
int ambientLightInt; // 32 bit rgba packed
vec3_t directedLight;
} trRefEntity_t;
typedef struct {
vec3_t origin; // in world coordinates
vec3_t axis[3]; // orientation in world
vec3_t viewOrigin; // viewParms->or.origin in local coordinates
float modelMatrix[16];
} orientationr_t;
typedef enum {
SS_PORTAL, // mirrors, portals, viewscreens
SS_ENVIRONMENT, // sky box
SS_OPAQUE, // opaque
SS_DECAL, // scorch marks, etc.
SS_SEE_THROUGH, // ladders, grates, grills that may have small blended edges
// in addition to alpha test
SS_UNDERWATER, // for items that should be drawn in front of the water plane
SS_BLEND0, // regular transparency and filters
SS_BLEND1, // generally only used for additive type effects
SS_ALMOST_NEAREST, // gun smoke puffs
SS_NEAREST // blood blobs
} shaderSort_t;
typedef enum {
} genFunc_t;
typedef enum {
} deform_t;
typedef enum {
} alphaGen_t;
typedef enum {
CGEN_IDENTITY_LIGHTING, // tr.identityLight
CGEN_IDENTITY, // always (1,1,1,1)
CGEN_ENTITY, // grabbed from entity's modulate field
CGEN_ONE_MINUS_ENTITY, // grabbed from 1 - entity.modulate
CGEN_EXACT_VERTEX, // tess.vertexColors
CGEN_VERTEX, // tess.vertexColors * tr.identityLight
CGEN_WAVEFORM, // programmatically generated
CGEN_FOG, // standard fog
CGEN_CONST // fixed color
} colorGen_t;
typedef enum {
TCGEN_IDENTITY, // clear to 0,0
TCGEN_VECTOR // S and T from world coordinates
} texCoordGen_t;
typedef enum {
} acff_t;
typedef struct {
genFunc_t func;
float base;
float amplitude;
float phase;
float frequency;
} waveForm_t;
#define TR_MAX_TEXMODS 4
typedef enum {
} texMod_t;
typedef struct {
deform_t deformation; // vertex coordinate modification type
vec3_t moveVector;
waveForm_t deformationWave;
float deformationSpread;
float bulgeWidth;
float bulgeHeight;
float bulgeSpeed;
} deformStage_t;
typedef struct {
texMod_t type;
waveForm_t wave;
// used for TMOD_TRANSFORM
float matrix[2][2]; // s' = s * m[0][0] + t * m[1][0] + trans[0]
float translate[2]; // t' = s * m[0][1] + t * m[0][1] + trans[1]
// used for TMOD_SCALE
float scale[2]; // s *= scale[0]
// t *= scale[1]
// used for TMOD_SCROLL
float scroll[2]; // s' = s + scroll[0] * time
// t' = t + scroll[1] * time
// + = clockwise
// - = counterclockwise
float rotateSpeed;
} texModInfo_t;
typedef struct {
image_t *image[MAX_IMAGE_ANIMATIONS];
int numImageAnimations;
float imageAnimationSpeed;
texCoordGen_t tcGen;
vec3_t tcGenVectors[2];
int numTexMods;
texModInfo_t *texMods;
int videoMapHandle;
qboolean isLightmap;
qboolean isVideoMap;
} textureBundle_t;
typedef struct {
qboolean active;
textureBundle_t bundle[NUM_TEXTURE_BUNDLES];
waveForm_t rgbWave;
colorGen_t rgbGen;
waveForm_t alphaWave;
alphaGen_t alphaGen;
byte constantColor[4]; // for CGEN_CONST and AGEN_CONST
unsigned stateBits; // GLS_xxxx mask
acff_t adjustColorsForFog;
qboolean isDetail;
} shaderStage_t;
struct shaderCommands_s;
typedef enum {
} cullType_t;
typedef enum {
FP_NONE, // surface is translucent and will just be adjusted properly
FP_EQUAL, // surface is opaque but possibly alpha tested
FP_LE // surface is trnaslucent, but still needs a fog pass (fog surface)
} fogPass_t;
typedef struct {
float cloudHeight;
image_t *outerbox[6], *innerbox[6];
} skyParms_t;
typedef struct {
vec3_t color;
float depthForOpaque;
} fogParms_t;
typedef struct shader_s {
char name[MAX_QPATH]; // game path, including extension
int lightmapIndex; // for a shader to match, both name and lightmapIndex must match
int index; // this shader == tr.shaders[index]
int sortedIndex; // this shader == tr.sortedShaders[sortedIndex]
float sort; // lower numbered shaders draw before higher numbered
qboolean defaultShader; // we want to return index 0 if the shader failed to
// load for some reason, but R_FindShader should
// still keep a name allocated for it, so if
// something calls RE_RegisterShader again with
// the same name, we don't try looking for it again
qboolean explicitlyDefined; // found in a .shader file
int surfaceFlags; // if explicitlyDefined, this will have SURF_* flags
int contentFlags;
qboolean entityMergable; // merge across entites optimizable (smoke, blood)
qboolean isSky;
skyParms_t sky;
fogParms_t fogParms;
float portalRange; // distance to fog out at
int multitextureEnv; // 0, GL_MODULATE, GL_ADD (FIXME: put in stage)
cullType_t cullType; // CT_FRONT_SIDED, CT_BACK_SIDED, or CT_TWO_SIDED
qboolean polygonOffset; // set for decals and other items that must be offset
qboolean noMipMaps; // for console fonts, 2D elements, etc.
qboolean noPicMip; // for images that must always be full resolution
fogPass_t fogPass; // draw a blended pass, possibly with depth test equals
qboolean needsNormal; // not all shaders will need all data to be gathered
qboolean needsST1;
qboolean needsST2;
qboolean needsColor;
int numDeforms;
deformStage_t deforms[MAX_SHADER_DEFORMS];
int numUnfoggedPasses;
shaderStage_t *stages[MAX_SHADER_STAGES];
void (*optimalStageIteratorFunc)( void );
double clampTime; // time this shader is clamped to
double timeOffset; // current time offset for this shader
struct shader_s *remappedShader; // current shader this one is remapped too
struct shader_s *next;
} shader_t;
// trRefdef_t holds everything that comes in refdef_t,
// as well as the locally generated scene information
typedef struct {
int x, y, width, height;
float fov_x, fov_y;
vec3_t vieworg;
vec3_t viewaxis[3]; // transformation matrix
stereoFrame_t stereoFrame;
int time; // time in milliseconds for shader effects and other time dependent rendering issues
int rdflags; // RDF_NOWORLDMODEL, etc
// 1 bits will prevent the associated area from rendering at all
byte areamask[MAX_MAP_AREA_BYTES];
qboolean areamaskModified; // qtrue if areamask changed since last scene
double floatTime; // tr.refdef.time / 1000.0
// text messages for deform text shaders
int num_entities;
trRefEntity_t *entities;
int num_dlights;
struct dlight_s *dlights;
int numPolys;
struct srfPoly_s *polys;
int numDrawSurfs;
struct drawSurf_s *drawSurfs;
} trRefdef_t;
// max surfaces per-skin
// This is an arbitry limit. Vanilla Q3 only supported 32 surfaces in skins but failed to
// enforce the maximum limit when reading skin files. It was possile to use more than 32
// surfaces which accessed out of bounds memory past end of skin->surfaces hunk block.
// skins allow models to be retextured without modifying the model file
typedef struct {
char name[MAX_QPATH];
shader_t *shader;
} skinSurface_t;
typedef struct skin_s {
char name[MAX_QPATH]; // game path, including extension
int numSurfaces;
skinSurface_t *surfaces; // dynamically allocated array of surfaces
} skin_t;
typedef struct {
int originalBrushNumber;
vec3_t bounds[2];
unsigned colorInt; // in packed byte format
float tcScale; // texture coordinate vector scales
fogParms_t parms;
// for clipping distance in fog when outside
qboolean hasSurface;
float surface[4];
} fog_t;
typedef struct {
orientationr_t or;
orientationr_t world;
vec3_t pvsOrigin; // may be different than or.origin for portals
qboolean isPortal; // true if this view is through a portal
qboolean isMirror; // the portal is a mirror, invert the face culling
int frameSceneNum; // copied from tr.frameSceneNum
int frameCount; // copied from tr.frameCount
cplane_t portalPlane; // clip anything behind this if mirroring
int viewportX, viewportY, viewportWidth, viewportHeight;
float fovX, fovY;
float projectionMatrix[16];
cplane_t frustum[4];
vec3_t visBounds[2];
float zFar;
stereoFrame_t stereoFrame;
} viewParms_t;
// any changes in surfaceType must be mirrored in rb_surfaceTable[]
typedef enum {
SF_SKIP, // ignore
SF_ENTITY, // beams, rails, lightning, etc that can be determined by entity
SF_MAX = 0x7fffffff // ensures that sizeof( surfaceType_t ) == sizeof( int )
} surfaceType_t;
typedef struct drawSurf_s {
unsigned sort; // bit combination for fast compares
surfaceType_t *surface; // any of surface*_t
} drawSurf_t;
#define MAX_FACE_POINTS 64
#define MAX_PATCH_SIZE 32 // max dimensions of a patch mesh in map file
#define MAX_GRID_SIZE 65 // max dimensions of a grid mesh in memory
// when cgame directly specifies a polygon, it becomes a srfPoly_t
// as soon as it is called
typedef struct srfPoly_s {
surfaceType_t surfaceType;
qhandle_t hShader;
int fogIndex;
int numVerts;
polyVert_t *verts;
} srfPoly_t;
typedef struct srfFlare_s {
surfaceType_t surfaceType;
vec3_t origin;
vec3_t normal;
vec3_t color;
} srfFlare_t;
typedef struct srfGridMesh_s {
surfaceType_t surfaceType;
// dynamic lighting information
int dlightBits;
// culling information
vec3_t meshBounds[2];
vec3_t localOrigin;
float meshRadius;
// lod information, which may be different
// than the culling information to allow for
// groups of curves that LOD as a unit
vec3_t lodOrigin;
float lodRadius;
int lodFixed;
int lodStitched;
// vertexes
int width, height;
float *widthLodError;
float *heightLodError;
drawVert_t verts[1]; // variable sized
} srfGridMesh_t;
#define VERTEXSIZE 8
typedef struct {
surfaceType_t surfaceType;
cplane_t plane;
// dynamic lighting information
int dlightBits;
// triangle definitions (no normals at points)
int numPoints;
int numIndices;
int ofsIndices;
float points[1][VERTEXSIZE]; // variable sized
// there is a variable length list of indices here also
} srfSurfaceFace_t;
// misc_models in maps are turned into direct geometry by q3map
typedef struct {
surfaceType_t surfaceType;
// dynamic lighting information
int dlightBits;
// culling information (FIXME: use this!)
vec3_t bounds[2];
vec3_t localOrigin;
float radius;
// triangle definitions
int numIndexes;
int *indexes;
int numVerts;
drawVert_t *verts;
} srfTriangles_t;
// inter-quake-model
typedef struct {
int num_vertexes;
int num_triangles;
int num_frames;
int num_surfaces;
int num_joints;
int num_poses;
struct srfIQModel_s *surfaces;
float *positions;
float *texcoords;
float *normals;
float *tangents;
byte *blendIndexes;
union {
float *f;
byte *b;
} blendWeights;
byte *colors;
int *triangles;
// depending upon the exporter, blend indices and weights might be int/float
// as opposed to the recommended byte/byte, for example Noesis exports
// int/float whereas the official IQM tool exports byte/byte
byte blendWeightsType; // IQM_UBYTE or IQM_FLOAT
int *jointParents;
float *jointMats;
float *poseMats;
float *bounds;
char *names;
} iqmData_t;
// inter-quake-model surface
typedef struct srfIQModel_s {
surfaceType_t surfaceType;
char name[MAX_QPATH];
shader_t *shader;
iqmData_t *data;
int first_vertex, num_vertexes;
int first_triangle, num_triangles;
} srfIQModel_t;
extern void (*rb_surfaceTable[SF_NUM_SURFACE_TYPES])(void *);
// in memory representation
#define SIDE_FRONT 0
#define SIDE_BACK 1
#define SIDE_ON 2
typedef struct msurface_s {
int viewCount; // if == tr.viewCount, already added
struct shader_s *shader;
int fogIndex;
surfaceType_t *data; // any of srf*_t
} msurface_t;
#define CONTENTS_NODE -1
typedef struct mnode_s {
// common with leaf and node
int contents; // -1 for nodes, to differentiate from leafs
int visframe; // node needs to be traversed if current
vec3_t mins, maxs; // for bounding box culling
struct mnode_s *parent;
// node specific
cplane_t *plane;
struct mnode_s *children[2];
// leaf specific
int cluster;
int area;
msurface_t **firstmarksurface;
int nummarksurfaces;
} mnode_t;
typedef struct {
vec3_t bounds[2]; // for culling
msurface_t *firstSurface;
int numSurfaces;
} bmodel_t;
typedef struct {
char name[MAX_QPATH]; // ie: maps/tim_dm2.bsp
char baseName[MAX_QPATH]; // ie: tim_dm2
int dataSize;
int numShaders;
dshader_t *shaders;
bmodel_t *bmodels;
int numplanes;
cplane_t *planes;
int numnodes; // includes leafs
int numDecisionNodes;
mnode_t *nodes;
int numsurfaces;
msurface_t *surfaces;
int nummarksurfaces;
msurface_t **marksurfaces;
int numfogs;
fog_t *fogs;
vec3_t lightGridOrigin;
vec3_t lightGridSize;
vec3_t lightGridInverseSize;
int lightGridBounds[3];
byte *lightGridData;
int numClusters;
int clusterBytes;
const byte *vis; // may be passed in by CM_LoadMap to save space
byte *novis; // clusterBytes of 0xff
char *entityString;
char *entityParsePoint;
} world_t;
typedef enum {
} modtype_t;
typedef struct model_s {
char name[MAX_QPATH];
modtype_t type;
int index; // model = tr.models[model->index]
int dataSize; // just for listing purposes
bmodel_t *bmodel; // only if type == MOD_BRUSH
md3Header_t *md3[MD3_MAX_LODS]; // only if type == MOD_MESH
void *modelData; // only if type == (MOD_MDR | MOD_IQM)
int numLods;
} model_t;
#define MAX_MOD_KNOWN 1024
void R_ModelInit (void);
model_t *R_GetModelByHandle( qhandle_t hModel );
int R_LerpTag( orientation_t *tag, qhandle_t handle, int startFrame, int endFrame,
float frac, const char *tagName );
void R_ModelBounds( qhandle_t handle, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs );
void R_Modellist_f (void);
#define MAX_DRAWIMAGES 2048
#define MAX_SKINS 1024
#define MAX_DRAWSURFS 0x10000
the drawsurf sort data is packed into a single 32 bit value so it can be
compared quickly during the qsorting process
the bits are allocated as follows:
0 - 1 : dlightmap index
//2 : used to be clipped flag REMOVED - 03.21.00 rad
2 - 6 : fog index
11 - 20 : entity index
21 - 31 : sorted shader index
TTimo - 1.32
0-1 : dlightmap index
2-6 : fog index
7-16 : entity index
17-30 : sorted shader index
#error "Need to update sorting, too many bits."
extern int gl_filter_min, gl_filter_max;
** performanceCounters_t
typedef struct {
int c_sphere_cull_patch_in, c_sphere_cull_patch_clip, c_sphere_cull_patch_out;
int c_box_cull_patch_in, c_box_cull_patch_clip, c_box_cull_patch_out;
int c_sphere_cull_md3_in, c_sphere_cull_md3_clip, c_sphere_cull_md3_out;
int c_box_cull_md3_in, c_box_cull_md3_clip, c_box_cull_md3_out;
int c_leafs;
int c_dlightSurfaces;
int c_dlightSurfacesCulled;
} frontEndCounters_t;
#define FOG_TABLE_SIZE 256
#define FUNCTABLE_SIZE 1024
#define FUNCTABLE_SIZE2 10
// the renderer front end should never modify glstate_t
typedef struct {
int currenttextures[2];
int currenttmu;
qboolean finishCalled;
int texEnv[2];
int faceCulling;
unsigned long glStateBits;
} glstate_t;
typedef struct {
int c_surfaces, c_shaders, c_vertexes, c_indexes, c_totalIndexes;
float c_overDraw;
int c_dlightVertexes;
int c_dlightIndexes;
int c_flareAdds;
int c_flareTests;
int c_flareRenders;
int msec; // total msec for backend run
} backEndCounters_t;
// all state modified by the back end is separated
// from the front end state
typedef struct {
trRefdef_t refdef;
viewParms_t viewParms;
orientationr_t or;
backEndCounters_t pc;
qboolean isHyperspace;
trRefEntity_t *currentEntity;
qboolean skyRenderedThisView; // flag for drawing sun
qboolean projection2D; // if qtrue, drawstretchpic doesn't need to change modes
byte color2D[4];
qboolean vertexes2D; // shader needs to be finished
trRefEntity_t entity2D; // currentEntity will point at this when doing 2D rendering
} backEndState_t;
** trGlobals_t
** Most renderer globals are defined here.
** backend functions should never modify any of these fields,
** but may read fields that aren't dynamically modified
** by the frontend.
typedef struct {
qboolean registered; // cleared at shutdown, set at beginRegistration
int visCount; // incremented every time a new vis cluster is entered
int frameCount; // incremented every frame
int sceneCount; // incremented every scene
int viewCount; // incremented every view (twice a scene if portaled)
// and every R_MarkFragments call
int frameSceneNum; // zeroed at RE_BeginFrame
qboolean worldMapLoaded;
world_t *world;
const byte *externalVisData; // from RE_SetWorldVisData, shared with CM_Load
image_t *defaultImage;
image_t *scratchImage[32];
image_t *fogImage;
image_t *dlightImage; // inverse-quare highlight for projective adding
image_t *flareImage;
image_t *whiteImage; // full of 0xff
image_t *identityLightImage; // full of tr.identityLightByte
shader_t *defaultShader;
shader_t *shadowShader;
shader_t *projectionShadowShader;
shader_t *flareShader;
shader_t *sunShader;
int numLightmaps;
image_t **lightmaps;
trRefEntity_t *currentEntity;
trRefEntity_t worldEntity; // point currentEntity at this when rendering world
int currentEntityNum;
int shiftedEntityNum; // currentEntityNum << QSORT_REFENTITYNUM_SHIFT
model_t *currentModel;
viewParms_t viewParms;
float identityLight; // 1.0 / ( 1 << overbrightBits )
int identityLightByte; // identityLight * 255
int overbrightBits; // r_overbrightBits->integer, but set to 0 if no hw gamma
orientationr_t or; // for current entity
trRefdef_t refdef;
int viewCluster;
vec3_t sunLight; // from the sky shader for this level
vec3_t sunDirection;
frontEndCounters_t pc;
int frontEndMsec; // not in pc due to clearing issue
// put large tables at the end, so most elements will be
// within the +/32K indexed range on risc processors
model_t *models[MAX_MOD_KNOWN];
int numModels;
int numImages;
image_t *images[MAX_DRAWIMAGES];
// shader indexes from other modules will be looked up in tr.shaders[]
// shader indexes from drawsurfs will be looked up in sortedShaders[]
// lower indexed sortedShaders must be rendered first (opaque surfaces before translucent)
int numShaders;
shader_t *shaders[MAX_SHADERS];
shader_t *sortedShaders[MAX_SHADERS];
int numSkins;
skin_t *skins[MAX_SKINS];
float sinTable[FUNCTABLE_SIZE];
float squareTable[FUNCTABLE_SIZE];
float triangleTable[FUNCTABLE_SIZE];
float sawToothTable[FUNCTABLE_SIZE];
float inverseSawToothTable[FUNCTABLE_SIZE];
float fogTable[FOG_TABLE_SIZE];
} trGlobals_t;
extern backEndState_t backEnd;
extern trGlobals_t tr;
extern glstate_t glState; // outside of TR since it shouldn't be cleared during ref re-init
// cvars
extern cvar_t *r_flareSize;
extern cvar_t *r_flareFade;
// coefficient for the flare intensity falloff function.
#define FLARE_STDCOEFF "150"
extern cvar_t *r_flareCoeff;
extern cvar_t *r_railWidth;
extern cvar_t *r_railCoreWidth;
extern cvar_t *r_railSegmentLength;
extern cvar_t *r_ignore; // used for debugging anything
extern cvar_t *r_verbose; // used for verbose debug spew
extern cvar_t *r_ignoreFastPath; // allows us to ignore our Tess fast paths
extern cvar_t *r_znear; // near Z clip plane
extern cvar_t *r_zproj; // z distance of projection plane
extern cvar_t *r_stereoSeparation; // separation of cameras for stereo rendering
extern cvar_t *r_measureOverdraw; // enables stencil buffer overdraw measurement
extern cvar_t *r_lodbias; // push/pull LOD transitions
extern cvar_t *r_lodscale;
extern cvar_t *r_primitives; // "0" = based on compiled vertex array existence
// "1" = glDrawElemet tristrips
// "2" = glDrawElements triangles
// "-1" = no drawing
extern cvar_t *r_inGameVideo; // controls whether in game video should be draw
extern cvar_t *r_fastsky; // controls whether sky should be cleared or drawn
extern cvar_t *r_drawSun; // controls drawing of sun quad
extern cvar_t *r_dynamiclight; // dynamic lights enabled/disabled
extern cvar_t *r_dlightBacks; // dlight non-facing surfaces for continuity
extern cvar_t *r_norefresh; // bypasses the ref rendering
extern cvar_t *r_drawentities; // disable/enable entity rendering
extern cvar_t *r_drawworld; // disable/enable world rendering
extern cvar_t *r_speeds; // various levels of information display
extern cvar_t *r_detailTextures; // enables/disables detail texturing stages
extern cvar_t *r_novis; // disable/enable usage of PVS
extern cvar_t *r_nocull;
extern cvar_t *r_facePlaneCull; // enables culling of planar surfaces with back side test
extern cvar_t *r_nocurves;
extern cvar_t *r_showcluster;
extern cvar_t *r_gamma;
extern cvar_t *r_displayRefresh; // optional display refresh option
extern cvar_t *r_nobind; // turns off binding to appropriate textures
extern cvar_t *r_singleShader; // make most world faces use default shader
extern cvar_t *r_roundImagesDown;
extern cvar_t *r_colorMipLevels; // development aid to see texture mip usage
extern cvar_t *r_picmip; // controls picmip values
extern cvar_t *r_finish;
extern cvar_t *r_textureMode;
extern cvar_t *r_offsetFactor;
extern cvar_t *r_offsetUnits;
extern cvar_t *r_fullbright; // avoid lightmap pass
extern cvar_t *r_lightmap; // render lightmaps only
extern cvar_t *r_vertexLight; // vertex lighting mode for better performance
extern cvar_t *r_uiFullScreen; // ui is running fullscreen
extern cvar_t *r_logFile; // number of frames to emit GL logs
extern cvar_t *r_showtris; // enables wireframe rendering of the world
extern cvar_t *r_showsky; // forces sky in front of all surfaces
extern cvar_t *r_shownormals; // draws wireframe normals
extern cvar_t *r_clear; // force screen clear every frame
extern cvar_t *r_shadows; // controls shadows: 0 = none, 1 = blur, 2 = stencil, 3 = black planar projection
extern cvar_t *r_flares; // light flares
extern cvar_t *r_intensity;
extern cvar_t *r_lockpvs;
extern cvar_t *r_noportals;
extern cvar_t *r_portalOnly;
extern cvar_t *r_subdivisions;
extern cvar_t *r_lodCurveError;
extern cvar_t *r_skipBackEnd;
extern cvar_t *r_anaglyphMode;
extern cvar_t *r_greyscale;
extern cvar_t *r_ignoreGLErrors;
extern cvar_t *r_overBrightBits;
extern cvar_t *r_mapOverBrightBits;
extern cvar_t *r_debugSurface;
extern cvar_t *r_simpleMipMaps;
extern cvar_t *r_showImages;
extern cvar_t *r_debugSort;
extern cvar_t *r_printShaders;
extern cvar_t *r_marksOnTriangleMeshes;
void R_SwapBuffers( int );
void R_RenderView( viewParms_t *parms );
void R_AddMD3Surfaces( trRefEntity_t *e );
void R_AddNullModelSurfaces( trRefEntity_t *e );
void R_AddBeamSurfaces( trRefEntity_t *e );
void R_AddRailSurfaces( trRefEntity_t *e, qboolean isUnderwater );
void R_AddLightningBoltSurfaces( trRefEntity_t *e );
void R_AddPolygonSurfaces( void );
void R_DecomposeSort( unsigned sort, int *entityNum, shader_t **shader,
int *fogNum, int *dlightMap );
void R_AddDrawSurf( surfaceType_t *surface, shader_t *shader, int fogIndex, int dlightMap );
#define CULL_IN 0 // completely unclipped
#define CULL_CLIP 1 // clipped by one or more planes
#define CULL_OUT 2 // completely outside the clipping planes
void R_LocalNormalToWorld (vec3_t local, vec3_t world);
void R_LocalPointToWorld (vec3_t local, vec3_t world);
int R_CullLocalBox (vec3_t bounds[2]);
int R_CullPointAndRadius( vec3_t origin, float radius );
int R_CullLocalPointAndRadius( vec3_t origin, float radius );
void R_SetupProjection(viewParms_t *dest, float zProj, qboolean computeFrustum);
void R_RotateForEntity( const trRefEntity_t *ent, const viewParms_t *viewParms, orientationr_t *or );
** GL wrapper/helper functions
void GL_Bind( image_t *image );
void GL_SetDefaultState (void);
void GL_SelectTexture( int unit );
void GL_TextureMode( const char *string );
void GL_CheckErrors( void );
void GL_State( unsigned long stateVector );
void GL_TexEnv( int env );
void GL_Cull( int cullType );
#define GLS_SRCBLEND_ZERO 0x00000001
#define GLS_SRCBLEND_ONE 0x00000002
#define GLS_SRCBLEND_DST_COLOR 0x00000003
#define GLS_SRCBLEND_SRC_ALPHA 0x00000005
#define GLS_SRCBLEND_DST_ALPHA 0x00000007
#define GLS_SRCBLEND_BITS 0x0000000f
#define GLS_DSTBLEND_ZERO 0x00000010
#define GLS_DSTBLEND_ONE 0x00000020
#define GLS_DSTBLEND_SRC_COLOR 0x00000030
#define GLS_DSTBLEND_SRC_ALPHA 0x00000050
#define GLS_DSTBLEND_DST_ALPHA 0x00000070
#define GLS_DSTBLEND_BITS 0x000000f0
#define GLS_DEPTHMASK_TRUE 0x00000100
#define GLS_POLYMODE_LINE 0x00001000
#define GLS_DEPTHTEST_DISABLE 0x00010000
#define GLS_DEPTHFUNC_EQUAL 0x00020000
#define GLS_ATEST_GT_0 0x10000000
#define GLS_ATEST_LT_80 0x20000000
#define GLS_ATEST_GE_80 0x40000000
#define GLS_ATEST_BITS 0x70000000
void RE_StretchRaw (int x, int y, int w, int h, int cols, int rows, const byte *data, int client, qboolean dirty);
void RE_UploadCinematic (int w, int h, int cols, int rows, const byte *data, int client, qboolean dirty);
void RE_BeginFrame( stereoFrame_t stereoFrame );
void RE_BeginRegistration( glconfig_t *glconfig );
void RE_LoadWorldMap( const char *mapname );
void RE_SetWorldVisData( const byte *vis );
qhandle_t RE_RegisterModel( const char *name );
qhandle_t RE_RegisterSkin( const char *name );
void RE_Shutdown( qboolean destroyWindow );
qboolean R_GetEntityToken( char *buffer, int size );
model_t *R_AllocModel( void );
void R_Init( void );
void R_SetColorMappings( void );
void R_GammaCorrect( byte *buffer, int bufSize );
void R_ImageList_f( void );
void R_SkinList_f( void );
// https://zerowing.idsoftware.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=516
const void *RB_TakeScreenshotCmd( const void *data );
void R_ScreenShot_f( void );
void R_InitFogTable( void );
float R_FogFactor( float s, float t );
void R_InitImages( void );
void R_DeleteTextures( void );
int R_SumOfUsedImages( void );
void R_InitSkins( void );
skin_t *R_GetSkinByHandle( qhandle_t hSkin );
int R_ComputeLOD( trRefEntity_t *ent );
const void *RB_TakeVideoFrameCmd( const void *data );
// tr_shader.c
shader_t *R_FindShader( const char *name, int lightmapIndex, qboolean mipRawImage );
shader_t *R_GetShaderByHandle( qhandle_t hShader );
shader_t *R_GetShaderByState( int index, long *cycleTime );
shader_t *R_FindShaderByName( const char *name );
void R_InitShaders( void );
void R_ShaderList_f( void );
void R_RemapShader(const char *oldShader, const char *newShader, const char *timeOffset);
typedef byte color4ub_t[4];
typedef struct stageVars
color4ub_t colors[SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES];
} stageVars_t;
typedef struct shaderCommands_s
glIndex_t indexes[SHADER_MAX_INDEXES] QALIGN(16);
vec4_t normal[SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES] QALIGN(16);
vec2_t texCoords[SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES][2] QALIGN(16);
color4ub_t vertexColors[SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES] QALIGN(16);
int vertexDlightBits[SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES] QALIGN(16);
stageVars_t svars QALIGN(16);
color4ub_t constantColor255[SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES] QALIGN(16);
shader_t *shader;
double shaderTime;
int fogNum;
int dlightBits; // or together of all vertexDlightBits
int numIndexes;
int numVertexes;
// info extracted from current shader
int numPasses;
void (*currentStageIteratorFunc)( void );
shaderStage_t **xstages;
} shaderCommands_t;
extern shaderCommands_t tess;
void RB_BeginSurface(shader_t *shader, int fogNum );
void RB_EndSurface(void);
void RB_CheckOverflow( int verts, int indexes );
#define RB_CHECKOVERFLOW(v,i) if (tess.numVertexes + (v) >= SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES || tess.numIndexes + (i) >= SHADER_MAX_INDEXES ) {RB_CheckOverflow(v,i);}
void RB_StageIteratorGeneric( void );
void RB_StageIteratorSky( void );
void RB_StageIteratorVertexLitTexture( void );
void RB_StageIteratorLightmappedMultitexture( void );
void RB_AddQuadStamp( vec3_t origin, vec3_t left, vec3_t up, byte *color );
void RB_AddQuadStampExt( vec3_t origin, vec3_t left, vec3_t up, byte *color, float s1, float t1, float s2, float t2 );
void RB_ShowImages( void );
void R_AddBrushModelSurfaces( trRefEntity_t *e );
void R_AddWorldSurfaces( void );
qboolean R_inPVS( const vec3_t p1, const vec3_t p2 );
void R_ClearFlares( void );
void RB_AddFlare( void *surface, int fogNum, vec3_t point, vec3_t color, vec3_t normal );
void RB_AddDlightFlares( void );
void RB_RenderFlares (void);
void R_DlightBmodel( bmodel_t *bmodel );
void R_SetupEntityLighting( const trRefdef_t *refdef, trRefEntity_t *ent );
void R_TransformDlights( int count, dlight_t *dl, orientationr_t *or );
int R_LightForPoint( vec3_t point, vec3_t ambientLight, vec3_t directedLight, vec3_t lightDir );
void RB_ShadowTessEnd( void );
void RB_ShadowFinish( void );
void RB_ProjectionShadowDeform( void );
void R_BuildCloudData( shaderCommands_t *shader );
void R_InitSkyTexCoords( float cloudLayerHeight );
void R_DrawSkyBox( shaderCommands_t *shader );
void RB_DrawSun( float scale, shader_t *shader );
void RB_ClipSkyPolygons( shaderCommands_t *shader );
srfGridMesh_t *R_SubdividePatchToGrid( int width, int height,
drawVert_t points[MAX_PATCH_SIZE*MAX_PATCH_SIZE] );
srfGridMesh_t *R_GridInsertColumn( srfGridMesh_t *grid, int column, int row, vec3_t point, float loderror );
srfGridMesh_t *R_GridInsertRow( srfGridMesh_t *grid, int row, int column, vec3_t point, float loderror );
void R_FreeSurfaceGridMesh( srfGridMesh_t *grid );
int R_MarkFragments( int numPoints, const vec3_t *points, const vec3_t projection,
int maxPoints, vec3_t pointBuffer, int maxFragments, markFragment_t *fragmentBuffer );
void R_InitNextFrame( void );
void RE_ClearScene( void );
void RE_AddRefEntityToScene( const refEntity_t *ent );
void RE_AddPolyToScene( qhandle_t hShader , int numVerts, const polyVert_t *verts, int num );
void RE_AddLightToScene( const vec3_t org, float intensity, float r, float g, float b );
void RE_AddAdditiveLightToScene( const vec3_t org, float intensity, float r, float g, float b );
void RE_RenderScene( const refdef_t *fd );
#define MC_BITS_X (16)
#define MC_BITS_Y (16)
#define MC_BITS_Z (16)
#define MC_BITS_VECT (16)
#define MC_SCALE_X (1.0f/64)
#define MC_SCALE_Y (1.0f/64)
#define MC_SCALE_Z (1.0f/64)
void MC_UnCompress(float mat[3][4],const unsigned char * comp);
void R_MDRAddAnimSurfaces( trRefEntity_t *ent );
void RB_MDRSurfaceAnim( mdrSurface_t *surface );
qboolean R_LoadIQM (model_t *mod, void *buffer, int filesize, const char *name );
void R_AddIQMSurfaces( trRefEntity_t *ent );
void RB_IQMSurfaceAnim( surfaceType_t *surface );
int R_IQMLerpTag( orientation_t *tag, iqmData_t *data,
int startFrame, int endFrame,
float frac, const char *tagName );
void R_TransformModelToClip( const vec3_t src, const float *modelMatrix, const float *projectionMatrix,
vec4_t eye, vec4_t dst );
void R_TransformClipToWindow( const vec4_t clip, const viewParms_t *view, vec4_t normalized, vec4_t window );
void RB_DeformTessGeometry( void );
void RB_CalcEnvironmentTexCoords( float *dstTexCoords );
void RB_CalcFogTexCoords( float *dstTexCoords );
void RB_CalcScrollTexCoords( const float scroll[2], float *dstTexCoords );
void RB_CalcRotateTexCoords( float rotSpeed, float *dstTexCoords );
void RB_CalcScaleTexCoords( const float scale[2], float *dstTexCoords );
void RB_CalcTurbulentTexCoords( const waveForm_t *wf, float *dstTexCoords );
void RB_CalcTransformTexCoords( const texModInfo_t *tmi, float *dstTexCoords );
void RB_CalcModulateColorsByFog( unsigned char *dstColors );
void RB_CalcModulateAlphasByFog( unsigned char *dstColors );
void RB_CalcModulateRGBAsByFog( unsigned char *dstColors );
void RB_CalcWaveAlpha( const waveForm_t *wf, unsigned char *dstColors );
void RB_CalcWaveColor( const waveForm_t *wf, unsigned char *dstColors );
void RB_CalcAlphaFromEntity( unsigned char *dstColors );
void RB_CalcAlphaFromOneMinusEntity( unsigned char *dstColors );
void RB_CalcStretchTexCoords( const waveForm_t *wf, float *texCoords );
void RB_CalcColorFromEntity( unsigned char *dstColors );
void RB_CalcColorFromOneMinusEntity( unsigned char *dstColors );
void RB_CalcSpecularAlpha( unsigned char *alphas );
void RB_CalcDiffuseColor( unsigned char *colors );
void RB_ExecuteRenderCommands( const void *data );
#define MAX_RENDER_COMMANDS 0x40000
typedef struct {
int used;
} renderCommandList_t;
typedef struct {
int commandId;
float color[4];
} setColorCommand_t;
typedef struct {
int commandId;
int buffer;
} drawBufferCommand_t;
typedef struct {
int commandId;
image_t *image;
int width;
int height;
void *data;
} subImageCommand_t;
typedef struct {
int commandId;
} swapBuffersCommand_t;
typedef struct {
int commandId;
int buffer;
} endFrameCommand_t;
typedef struct {
int commandId;
shader_t *shader;
float x, y;
float w, h;
float s1, t1;
float s2, t2;
} stretchPicCommand_t;
typedef struct {
int commandId;
trRefdef_t refdef;
viewParms_t viewParms;
drawSurf_t *drawSurfs;
int numDrawSurfs;
} drawSurfsCommand_t;
typedef struct {
int commandId;
int x;
int y;
int width;
int height;
char *fileName;
qboolean jpeg;
} screenshotCommand_t;
typedef struct {
int commandId;
int width;
int height;
byte *captureBuffer;
byte *encodeBuffer;
qboolean motionJpeg;
} videoFrameCommand_t;
typedef struct
int commandId;
GLboolean rgba[4];
} colorMaskCommand_t;
typedef struct
int commandId;
} clearDepthCommand_t;
typedef enum {
} renderCommand_t;
// these are sort of arbitrary limits.
// the limits apply to the sum of all scenes in a frame --
// the main view, all the 3D icons, etc
#define MAX_POLYS 600
#define MAX_POLYVERTS 3000
// all of the information needed by the back end must be
// contained in a backEndData_t
typedef struct {
drawSurf_t drawSurfs[MAX_DRAWSURFS];
dlight_t dlights[MAX_DLIGHTS];
trRefEntity_t entities[MAX_REFENTITIES];
srfPoly_t *polys;//[MAX_POLYS];
polyVert_t *polyVerts;//[MAX_POLYVERTS];
renderCommandList_t commands;
} backEndData_t;
extern int max_polys;
extern int max_polyverts;
extern backEndData_t *backEndData; // the second one may not be allocated
void *R_GetCommandBuffer( int bytes );
void RB_ExecuteRenderCommands( const void *data );
void R_IssuePendingRenderCommands( void );
void R_AddDrawSurfCmd( drawSurf_t *drawSurfs, int numDrawSurfs );
void RE_SetColor( const float *rgba );
void RE_StretchPic ( float x, float y, float w, float h,
float s1, float t1, float s2, float t2, qhandle_t hShader );
void RE_BeginFrame( stereoFrame_t stereoFrame );
void RE_EndFrame( int *frontEndMsec, int *backEndMsec );
void RE_SaveJPG(char * filename, int quality, int image_width, int image_height,
unsigned char *image_buffer, int padding);
size_t RE_SaveJPGToBuffer(byte *buffer, size_t bufSize, int quality,
int image_width, int image_height, byte *image_buffer, int padding);
void RE_TakeVideoFrame( int width, int height,
byte *captureBuffer, byte *encodeBuffer, qboolean motionJpeg );
void R_DrawElements( int numIndexes, const glIndex_t *indexes );
void VectorArrayNormalize( vec4_t *normals, unsigned int count );
#ifdef idppc_altivec
void LerpMeshVertexes_altivec( md3Surface_t *surf, float backlerp );
void ProjectDlightTexture_altivec( void );
void RB_CalcDiffuseColor_altivec( unsigned char *colors );
#endif //TR_LOCAL_H