An engine replacement for Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force Holomatch (multiplayer) based on ioquake3 and ioEF.
Find a file
2006-01-17 20:14:43 +00:00
code fix path to build directory 2006-01-17 20:14:43 +00:00
ui remove svn:executable property 2005-08-28 17:54:51 +00:00
BUGS Lets actually make sure the people that don't read anything but this file get the right message. 2006-01-11 08:06:30 +00:00
ChangeLog * Update the ChangeLog 2006-01-16 03:40:49 +00:00
COPYING.txt remove svn:executable property 2005-08-28 17:54:51 +00:00 * Support for MinGW cross compilation 2005-12-29 00:04:41 +00:00
id-readme.txt renamed to help prevent confusion 2005-09-01 06:32:34 +00:00
Makefile * Move code/unix/Makefile to ./Makefile 2006-01-15 21:45:57 +00:00
README Added some (all?) of our new cvars to the README. 2006-01-16 05:27:19 +00:00
TODO * Remove the already done things in the TODO 2006-01-13 21:54:49 +00:00

Name of this project:
Hello and welcome to the Quake 3 source repository on
I'll be your maintainer,, please send all your patches to
the bugzilla:, or join the mailing list
( and submit your patch there.
Best case scenario is you subscribe to the ml, submit your patch to
bugzilla, and then post the url to the mailing list.

If you're too lazy for either method, then I would rather
you e-mailed your patches to me directly than not at all.

The intent of this is to give people a baseline Quake 3.
Bug fixes, SDL port, OpenAL, security, etc.
Extra graphics and sound will be accepted as long as they are entirely
optional and off by default.

The map editor isn't included, get a modern copy from here:

The id software readme has been renamed to id-readme.txt
so as to prevent confusion.

Refer to the web-site for updated status, enjoy!

Compiling (Under Windows)
Run Visual Studio, open the quake3.sln file in the win32/msvc
directory. Build. Copy the resultant Quake3.exe to your quake 3
directory, make a backup if you want to keep your original.

Copy the resultant dlls to your baseq3 directory, backup etc.

Run, enjoy!

Compiling (Under Linux)
1. If not already there, change to the directory containing this readme
2. Run 'make'

For distribution maintainers, you can set some make variables:
 OPTIMIZE          - use this for custom CFLAGS
 DEFAULT_BASEDIR   - extra path to search for baseq3 and such
 BUILD_SERVER      - build the 'q3ded' server binary (1 = build it, default = 1)
 BUILD_CLIENT      - build the 'quake3' client binary (1 = build it, default = 1)
 USE_LOCAL_HEADERS - use system headers instead of ones local to ioq3

Installing under Linux
Set the COPYDIR variable in the shell to be where you installed
Quake 3 to. By default it will be /usr/local/games/quake3 if you
haven't set it. Which is where the id patch installs by default.

Then run "make copyfiles", beware that this will overwrite any binaries
installed previously, even official id ones.

Compiling under Windows using MinGW
It is possible to compile ioQ3 using the MinGW (Minimalist GNU for Windows)
toolset. It's a little more involved than compiling for Linux; steps are as

1. Download and install MinGW and MSys from
2. Download
   and untar in into your MinGW directory (usually C:\MinGW).
3. Perform the usual precompilation sacrificial ritual.
4. Open an MSys terminal, and follow the instructions for compiling on Linux.
5. Steal underpants
6. ?????
7. Profit!

It is also possible to cross compile for Windows using MinGW. A script is
available to build a cross compilation environment from The gcc/binutils
version numbers that the script downloads may need to be altered. After you
have successfully run this script cross compiling is simply a case of using
'./' in place of 'make'.

Using shared libraries instead of qvm
To make quake3 prefer shared libraries instead of qvm run it with
the following parameters:
+set sv_pure 0 +set vm_cgame 0 +set vm_game 0 +set vm_ui 0

Using Demo Data Files
You only need demoq3/pak0.pk3 from the demo installer. The qvm files inside
pak0.pk3 will not work, you have to use the native shared libraries from this
project. To do so copy or link ui*.so, qagame*.so, cgame*.so from baseq3 to
demoq3 and run quake3 with the parameters described above.

64bit mods
If you wish to compile external mods as shared libraries on a 64bit platform,
and the mod source is derived from the id Q3 SDK, you will need to modify the
interface code a little. Open the files ending in _syscalls.c and change every
instance of int to long in the declaration of the syscall function pointer and
the dllEntry function. Also find the vmMain function for each module (usually
in cg_main.c g_main.c etc.) and similarly replace every instance of int in the
prototype with long.

Note if you simply wish to run mods on a 64bit platform you do not need to
recompile anything since by default Q3 uses a virtual machine system.

Creating mods compatible with Q3 1.32b
If you're using this package to create mods for the last official release of
Q3, it is necessary to pass the commandline option '-vq3' to your invocation
of q3asm. This is because by default q3asm outputs an updated qvm format that
is necessary to fix a bug involving the optimizing pass of the x86 vm JIT
compiler. See (if it still
exists when you read this) for more details.

New Cvars
 when enabled automatically records a new demo
 on each map change

seta s_alDriver ""
 Describes which OpenAL library to use.

seta s_alRolloff "0.8"

seta s_alMinDistance "120"

seta s_alDopplerSpeed "2200"

seta s_alDopplerFactor "1.0"

seta s_alSources "64"

seta s_alGain "0.4"

seta s_alPrecache "0"

seta s_useOpenAL "1"
 When set to true, enables OpenAL audio instead of SDL audio.

seta sdlmixsamps "0"

seta sdldevsamps "0"