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synced 2025-03-05 15:50:57 +00:00
Moved all the code using Altivec intrinsics to separate files. This means we can optionally use GCC's -maltivec on just these files, which are chosen at runtime if the CPU supports Altivec, and compile the rest without it, making a single binary that has Altivec optimizations but can still work on G3. Unlike SSE and similar extensions on x86, there does not seem to be a way to enable conditional, targeted use of Altivec based on runtime detection (which is what ioquake3 wants to do) without also giving the compiler permission to use Altivec in code generation; so to not crash on CPUs that do not implement Altivec, we'll have to turn it off altogether, except in translation units that are only entered when runtime Altivec detection is successful. This has been tested on Linux PPC (on an Altivec-enabled CPU), but we may need further work after testing trickles out to other PowerPC devices and ancient Mac OS X builds. I did a little work on this patch, but the majority of the effort belongs to Simon McVittie (thanks!).
414 lines
14 KiB
414 lines
14 KiB
Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Id Software, Inc.
This file is part of Quake III Arena source code.
Quake III Arena source code is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
or (at your option) any later version.
Quake III Arena source code is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Quake III Arena source code; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
/* This file is only compiled for PowerPC builds with Altivec support.
Altivec intrinsics need to be in a separate file, so GCC's -maltivec
command line can enable them, but give us the option to _not_ use that
on other files, where the compiler might then generate Altivec
instructions for normal floating point, crashing on G3 (etc) processors. */
#include "tr_local.h"
#if idppc_altivec
#if !defined(__APPLE__)
#include <altivec.h>
void ProjectDlightTexture_altivec( void ) {
int i, l;
vec_t origin0, origin1, origin2;
float texCoords0, texCoords1;
vector float floatColorVec0, floatColorVec1;
vector float modulateVec, colorVec, zero;
vector short colorShort;
vector signed int colorInt;
vector unsigned char floatColorVecPerm, modulatePerm, colorChar;
vector unsigned char vSel = VECCONST_UINT8(0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff);
float *texCoords;
byte *colors;
float texCoordsArray[SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES][2];
byte colorArray[SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES][4];
glIndex_t hitIndexes[SHADER_MAX_INDEXES];
int numIndexes;
float scale;
float radius;
vec3_t floatColor;
float modulate = 0.0f;
if ( !backEnd.refdef.num_dlights ) {
// There has to be a better way to do this so that floatColor
// and/or modulate are already 16-byte aligned.
floatColorVecPerm = vec_lvsl(0,(float *)floatColor);
modulatePerm = vec_lvsl(0,(float *)&modulate);
modulatePerm = (vector unsigned char)vec_splat((vector unsigned int)modulatePerm,0);
zero = (vector float)vec_splat_s8(0);
for ( l = 0 ; l < backEnd.refdef.num_dlights ; l++ ) {
dlight_t *dl;
if ( !( tess.dlightBits & ( 1 << l ) ) ) {
continue; // this surface definitely doesn't have any of this light
texCoords = texCoordsArray[0];
colors = colorArray[0];
dl = &backEnd.refdef.dlights[l];
origin0 = dl->transformed[0];
origin1 = dl->transformed[1];
origin2 = dl->transformed[2];
radius = dl->radius;
scale = 1.0f / radius;
float luminance;
luminance = LUMA(dl->color[0], dl->color[1], dl->color[2]) * 255.0f;
floatColor[0] = floatColor[1] = floatColor[2] = luminance;
else if(r_greyscale->value)
float luminance;
luminance = LUMA(dl->color[0], dl->color[1], dl->color[2]) * 255.0f;
floatColor[0] = LERP(dl->color[0] * 255.0f, luminance, r_greyscale->value);
floatColor[1] = LERP(dl->color[1] * 255.0f, luminance, r_greyscale->value);
floatColor[2] = LERP(dl->color[2] * 255.0f, luminance, r_greyscale->value);
floatColor[0] = dl->color[0] * 255.0f;
floatColor[1] = dl->color[1] * 255.0f;
floatColor[2] = dl->color[2] * 255.0f;
floatColorVec0 = vec_ld(0, floatColor);
floatColorVec1 = vec_ld(11, floatColor);
floatColorVec0 = vec_perm(floatColorVec0,floatColorVec0,floatColorVecPerm);
for ( i = 0 ; i < tess.numVertexes ; i++, texCoords += 2, colors += 4 ) {
int clip = 0;
vec_t dist0, dist1, dist2;
dist0 = origin0 - tess.xyz[i][0];
dist1 = origin1 - tess.xyz[i][1];
dist2 = origin2 - tess.xyz[i][2];
texCoords0 = 0.5f + dist0 * scale;
texCoords1 = 0.5f + dist1 * scale;
if( !r_dlightBacks->integer &&
// dist . tess.normal[i]
( dist0 * tess.normal[i][0] +
dist1 * tess.normal[i][1] +
dist2 * tess.normal[i][2] ) < 0.0f ) {
clip = 63;
} else {
if ( texCoords0 < 0.0f ) {
clip |= 1;
} else if ( texCoords0 > 1.0f ) {
clip |= 2;
if ( texCoords1 < 0.0f ) {
clip |= 4;
} else if ( texCoords1 > 1.0f ) {
clip |= 8;
texCoords[0] = texCoords0;
texCoords[1] = texCoords1;
// modulate the strength based on the height and color
if ( dist2 > radius ) {
clip |= 16;
modulate = 0.0f;
} else if ( dist2 < -radius ) {
clip |= 32;
modulate = 0.0f;
} else {
dist2 = Q_fabs(dist2);
if ( dist2 < radius * 0.5f ) {
modulate = 1.0f;
} else {
modulate = 2.0f * (radius - dist2) * scale;
clipBits[i] = clip;
modulateVec = vec_ld(0,(float *)&modulate);
modulateVec = vec_perm(modulateVec,modulateVec,modulatePerm);
colorVec = vec_madd(floatColorVec0,modulateVec,zero);
colorInt = vec_cts(colorVec,0); // RGBx
colorShort = vec_pack(colorInt,colorInt); // RGBxRGBx
colorChar = vec_packsu(colorShort,colorShort); // RGBxRGBxRGBxRGBx
colorChar = vec_sel(colorChar,vSel,vSel); // RGBARGBARGBARGBA replace alpha with 255
vec_ste((vector unsigned int)colorChar,0,(unsigned int *)colors); // store color
// build a list of triangles that need light
numIndexes = 0;
for ( i = 0 ; i < tess.numIndexes ; i += 3 ) {
int a, b, c;
a = tess.indexes[i];
b = tess.indexes[i+1];
c = tess.indexes[i+2];
if ( clipBits[a] & clipBits[b] & clipBits[c] ) {
continue; // not lighted
hitIndexes[numIndexes] = a;
hitIndexes[numIndexes+1] = b;
hitIndexes[numIndexes+2] = c;
numIndexes += 3;
if ( !numIndexes ) {
qglEnableClientState( GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY );
qglTexCoordPointer( 2, GL_FLOAT, 0, texCoordsArray[0] );
qglEnableClientState( GL_COLOR_ARRAY );
qglColorPointer( 4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 0, colorArray );
GL_Bind( tr.dlightImage );
// include GLS_DEPTHFUNC_EQUAL so alpha tested surfaces don't add light
// where they aren't rendered
if ( dl->additive ) {
else {
R_DrawElements( numIndexes, hitIndexes );
backEnd.pc.c_totalIndexes += numIndexes;
backEnd.pc.c_dlightIndexes += numIndexes;
void RB_CalcDiffuseColor_altivec( unsigned char *colors )
int i;
float *v, *normal;
trRefEntity_t *ent;
int ambientLightInt;
vec3_t lightDir;
int numVertexes;
vector unsigned char vSel = VECCONST_UINT8(0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff);
vector float ambientLightVec;
vector float directedLightVec;
vector float lightDirVec;
vector float normalVec0, normalVec1;
vector float incomingVec0, incomingVec1, incomingVec2;
vector float zero, jVec;
vector signed int jVecInt;
vector signed short jVecShort;
vector unsigned char jVecChar, normalPerm;
ent = backEnd.currentEntity;
ambientLightInt = ent->ambientLightInt;
// A lot of this could be simplified if we made sure
// entities light info was 16-byte aligned.
jVecChar = vec_lvsl(0, ent->ambientLight);
ambientLightVec = vec_ld(0, (vector float *)ent->ambientLight);
jVec = vec_ld(11, (vector float *)ent->ambientLight);
ambientLightVec = vec_perm(ambientLightVec,jVec,jVecChar);
jVecChar = vec_lvsl(0, ent->directedLight);
directedLightVec = vec_ld(0,(vector float *)ent->directedLight);
jVec = vec_ld(11,(vector float *)ent->directedLight);
directedLightVec = vec_perm(directedLightVec,jVec,jVecChar);
jVecChar = vec_lvsl(0, ent->lightDir);
lightDirVec = vec_ld(0,(vector float *)ent->lightDir);
jVec = vec_ld(11,(vector float *)ent->lightDir);
lightDirVec = vec_perm(lightDirVec,jVec,jVecChar);
zero = (vector float)vec_splat_s8(0);
VectorCopy( ent->lightDir, lightDir );
v = tess.xyz[0];
normal = tess.normal[0];
normalPerm = vec_lvsl(0,normal);
numVertexes = tess.numVertexes;
for (i = 0 ; i < numVertexes ; i++, v += 4, normal += 4) {
normalVec0 = vec_ld(0,(vector float *)normal);
normalVec1 = vec_ld(11,(vector float *)normal);
normalVec0 = vec_perm(normalVec0,normalVec1,normalPerm);
incomingVec0 = vec_madd(normalVec0, lightDirVec, zero);
incomingVec1 = vec_sld(incomingVec0,incomingVec0,4);
incomingVec2 = vec_add(incomingVec0,incomingVec1);
incomingVec1 = vec_sld(incomingVec1,incomingVec1,4);
incomingVec2 = vec_add(incomingVec2,incomingVec1);
incomingVec0 = vec_splat(incomingVec2,0);
incomingVec0 = vec_max(incomingVec0,zero);
normalPerm = vec_lvsl(12,normal);
jVec = vec_madd(incomingVec0, directedLightVec, ambientLightVec);
jVecInt = vec_cts(jVec,0); // RGBx
jVecShort = vec_pack(jVecInt,jVecInt); // RGBxRGBx
jVecChar = vec_packsu(jVecShort,jVecShort); // RGBxRGBxRGBxRGBx
jVecChar = vec_sel(jVecChar,vSel,vSel); // RGBARGBARGBARGBA replace alpha with 255
vec_ste((vector unsigned int)jVecChar,0,(unsigned int *)&colors[i*4]); // store color
void LerpMeshVertexes_altivec(md3Surface_t *surf, float backlerp)
short *oldXyz, *newXyz, *oldNormals, *newNormals;
float *outXyz, *outNormal;
float oldXyzScale QALIGN(16);
float newXyzScale QALIGN(16);
float oldNormalScale QALIGN(16);
float newNormalScale QALIGN(16);
int vertNum;
unsigned lat, lng;
int numVerts;
outXyz = tess.xyz[tess.numVertexes];
outNormal = tess.normal[tess.numVertexes];
newXyz = (short *)((byte *)surf + surf->ofsXyzNormals)
+ (backEnd.currentEntity->e.frame * surf->numVerts * 4);
newNormals = newXyz + 3;
newXyzScale = MD3_XYZ_SCALE * (1.0 - backlerp);
newNormalScale = 1.0 - backlerp;
numVerts = surf->numVerts;
if ( backlerp == 0 ) {
vector signed short newNormalsVec0;
vector signed short newNormalsVec1;
vector signed int newNormalsIntVec;
vector float newNormalsFloatVec;
vector float newXyzScaleVec;
vector unsigned char newNormalsLoadPermute;
vector unsigned char newNormalsStorePermute;
vector float zero;
newNormalsStorePermute = vec_lvsl(0,(float *)&newXyzScaleVec);
newXyzScaleVec = *(vector float *)&newXyzScale;
newXyzScaleVec = vec_perm(newXyzScaleVec,newXyzScaleVec,newNormalsStorePermute);
newXyzScaleVec = vec_splat(newXyzScaleVec,0);
newNormalsLoadPermute = vec_lvsl(0,newXyz);
newNormalsStorePermute = vec_lvsr(0,outXyz);
zero = (vector float)vec_splat_s8(0);
// just copy the vertexes
for (vertNum=0 ; vertNum < numVerts ; vertNum++,
newXyz += 4, newNormals += 4,
outXyz += 4, outNormal += 4)
newNormalsLoadPermute = vec_lvsl(0,newXyz);
newNormalsStorePermute = vec_lvsr(0,outXyz);
newNormalsVec0 = vec_ld(0,newXyz);
newNormalsVec1 = vec_ld(16,newXyz);
newNormalsVec0 = vec_perm(newNormalsVec0,newNormalsVec1,newNormalsLoadPermute);
newNormalsIntVec = vec_unpackh(newNormalsVec0);
newNormalsFloatVec = vec_ctf(newNormalsIntVec,0);
newNormalsFloatVec = vec_madd(newNormalsFloatVec,newXyzScaleVec,zero);
newNormalsFloatVec = vec_perm(newNormalsFloatVec,newNormalsFloatVec,newNormalsStorePermute);
//outXyz[0] = newXyz[0] * newXyzScale;
//outXyz[1] = newXyz[1] * newXyzScale;
//outXyz[2] = newXyz[2] * newXyzScale;
lat = ( newNormals[0] >> 8 ) & 0xff;
lng = ( newNormals[0] & 0xff );
lat *= (FUNCTABLE_SIZE/256);
lng *= (FUNCTABLE_SIZE/256);
// decode X as cos( lat ) * sin( long )
// decode Y as sin( lat ) * sin( long )
// decode Z as cos( long )
outNormal[0] = tr.sinTable[(lat+(FUNCTABLE_SIZE/4))&FUNCTABLE_MASK] * tr.sinTable[lng];
outNormal[1] = tr.sinTable[lat] * tr.sinTable[lng];
outNormal[2] = tr.sinTable[(lng+(FUNCTABLE_SIZE/4))&FUNCTABLE_MASK];
} else {
// interpolate and copy the vertex and normal
oldXyz = (short *)((byte *)surf + surf->ofsXyzNormals)
+ (backEnd.currentEntity->e.oldframe * surf->numVerts * 4);
oldNormals = oldXyz + 3;
oldXyzScale = MD3_XYZ_SCALE * backlerp;
oldNormalScale = backlerp;
for (vertNum=0 ; vertNum < numVerts ; vertNum++,
oldXyz += 4, newXyz += 4, oldNormals += 4, newNormals += 4,
outXyz += 4, outNormal += 4)
vec3_t uncompressedOldNormal, uncompressedNewNormal;
// interpolate the xyz
outXyz[0] = oldXyz[0] * oldXyzScale + newXyz[0] * newXyzScale;
outXyz[1] = oldXyz[1] * oldXyzScale + newXyz[1] * newXyzScale;
outXyz[2] = oldXyz[2] * oldXyzScale + newXyz[2] * newXyzScale;
// FIXME: interpolate lat/long instead?
lat = ( newNormals[0] >> 8 ) & 0xff;
lng = ( newNormals[0] & 0xff );
lat *= 4;
lng *= 4;
uncompressedNewNormal[0] = tr.sinTable[(lat+(FUNCTABLE_SIZE/4))&FUNCTABLE_MASK] * tr.sinTable[lng];
uncompressedNewNormal[1] = tr.sinTable[lat] * tr.sinTable[lng];
uncompressedNewNormal[2] = tr.sinTable[(lng+(FUNCTABLE_SIZE/4))&FUNCTABLE_MASK];
lat = ( oldNormals[0] >> 8 ) & 0xff;
lng = ( oldNormals[0] & 0xff );
lat *= 4;
lng *= 4;
uncompressedOldNormal[0] = tr.sinTable[(lat+(FUNCTABLE_SIZE/4))&FUNCTABLE_MASK] * tr.sinTable[lng];
uncompressedOldNormal[1] = tr.sinTable[lat] * tr.sinTable[lng];
uncompressedOldNormal[2] = tr.sinTable[(lng+(FUNCTABLE_SIZE/4))&FUNCTABLE_MASK];
outNormal[0] = uncompressedOldNormal[0] * oldNormalScale + uncompressedNewNormal[0] * newNormalScale;
outNormal[1] = uncompressedOldNormal[1] * oldNormalScale + uncompressedNewNormal[1] * newNormalScale;
outNormal[2] = uncompressedOldNormal[2] * oldNormalScale + uncompressedNewNormal[2] * newNormalScale;
// VectorNormalize (outNormal);
VectorArrayNormalize((vec4_t *)tess.normal[tess.numVertexes], numVerts);