/* =========================================================================== Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Id Software, Inc. This file is part of Quake III Arena source code. Quake III Arena source code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Quake III Arena source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Quake III Arena source code; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA =========================================================================== */ // cl_main.c -- client main loop #include "client.h" #include #ifdef USE_MUMBLE #include "libmumblelink.h" #endif #ifdef USE_MUMBLE cvar_t *cl_useMumble; cvar_t *cl_mumbleScale; #endif #ifdef USE_VOIP cvar_t *cl_voipUseVAD; cvar_t *cl_voipVADThreshold; cvar_t *cl_voipSend; cvar_t *cl_voipSendTarget; cvar_t *cl_voipGainDuringCapture; cvar_t *cl_voipCaptureMult; cvar_t *cl_voipShowMeter; cvar_t *cl_voip; #endif cvar_t *cl_nodelta; cvar_t *cl_debugMove; cvar_t *cl_noprint; cvar_t *cl_motd; cvar_t *rcon_client_password; cvar_t *rconAddress; cvar_t *cl_timeout; cvar_t *cl_maxpackets; cvar_t *cl_packetdup; cvar_t *cl_timeNudge; cvar_t *cl_showTimeDelta; cvar_t *cl_freezeDemo; cvar_t *cl_shownet; cvar_t *cl_showSend; cvar_t *cl_timedemo; cvar_t *cl_timedemoLog; cvar_t *cl_autoRecordDemo; cvar_t *cl_aviFrameRate; cvar_t *cl_aviMotionJpeg; cvar_t *cl_forceavidemo; cvar_t *cl_freelook; cvar_t *cl_sensitivity; cvar_t *cl_mouseAccel; cvar_t *cl_mouseAccelOffset; cvar_t *cl_mouseAccelStyle; cvar_t *cl_showMouseRate; cvar_t *m_pitch; cvar_t *m_yaw; cvar_t *m_forward; cvar_t *m_side; cvar_t *m_filter; cvar_t *j_pitch; cvar_t *j_yaw; cvar_t *j_forward; cvar_t *j_side; cvar_t *j_pitch_axis; cvar_t *j_yaw_axis; cvar_t *j_forward_axis; cvar_t *j_side_axis; cvar_t *cl_activeAction; cvar_t *cl_motdString; cvar_t *cl_allowDownload; cvar_t *cl_conXOffset; cvar_t *cl_inGameVideo; cvar_t *cl_serverStatusResendTime; cvar_t *cl_trn; cvar_t *cl_lanForcePackets; cvar_t *cl_guidServerUniq; cvar_t *cl_consoleKeys; cvar_t *cl_gamename; clientActive_t cl; clientConnection_t clc; clientStatic_t cls; vm_t *cgvm; // Structure containing functions exported from refresh DLL refexport_t re; ping_t cl_pinglist[MAX_PINGREQUESTS]; typedef struct serverStatus_s { char string[BIG_INFO_STRING]; netadr_t address; int time, startTime; qboolean pending; qboolean print; qboolean retrieved; } serverStatus_t; serverStatus_t cl_serverStatusList[MAX_SERVERSTATUSREQUESTS]; int serverStatusCount; #if defined __USEA3D && defined __A3D_GEOM void hA3Dg_ExportRenderGeom (refexport_t *incoming_re); #endif extern void GLimp_Minimize(void); extern void SV_BotFrame( int time ); void CL_CheckForResend( void ); void CL_ShowIP_f(void); void CL_ServerStatus_f(void); void CL_ServerStatusResponse( netadr_t from, msg_t *msg ); /* =============== CL_CDDialog Called by Com_Error when a cd is needed =============== */ void CL_CDDialog( void ) { cls.cddialog = qtrue; // start it next frame } #ifdef USE_MUMBLE static void CL_UpdateMumble(void) { vec3_t pos, forward, up; float scale = cl_mumbleScale->value; float tmp; if(!cl_useMumble->integer) return; // !!! FIXME: not sure if this is even close to correct. AngleVectors( cl.snap.ps.viewangles, forward, NULL, up); pos[0] = cl.snap.ps.origin[0] * scale; pos[1] = cl.snap.ps.origin[2] * scale; pos[2] = cl.snap.ps.origin[1] * scale; tmp = forward[1]; forward[1] = forward[2]; forward[2] = tmp; tmp = up[1]; up[1] = up[2]; up[2] = tmp; if(cl_useMumble->integer > 1) { fprintf(stderr, "%f %f %f, %f %f %f, %f %f %f\n", pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], forward[0], forward[1], forward[2], up[0], up[1], up[2]); } mumble_update_coordinates(pos, forward, up); } #endif #ifdef USE_VOIP static void CL_UpdateVoipIgnore(const char *idstr, qboolean ignore) { if ((*idstr >= '0') && (*idstr <= '9')) { const int id = atoi(idstr); if ((id >= 0) && (id < MAX_CLIENTS)) { clc.voipIgnore[id] = ignore; CL_AddReliableCommand(va("voip %s %d", ignore ? "ignore" : "unignore", id), qfalse); Com_Printf("VoIP: %s ignoring player #%d\n", ignore ? "Now" : "No longer", id); return; } } Com_Printf("VoIP: invalid player ID#\n"); } static void CL_UpdateVoipGain(const char *idstr, float gain) { if ((*idstr >= '0') && (*idstr <= '9')) { const int id = atoi(idstr); if (gain < 0.0f) gain = 0.0f; if ((id >= 0) && (id < MAX_CLIENTS)) { clc.voipGain[id] = gain; Com_Printf("VoIP: player #%d gain now set to %f\n", id, gain); } } } void CL_Voip_f( void ) { const char *cmd = Cmd_Argv(1); const char *reason = NULL; if (clc.state != CA_ACTIVE) reason = "Not connected to a server"; else if (!clc.speexInitialized) reason = "Speex not initialized"; else if (!cl_connectedToVoipServer) reason = "Server doesn't support VoIP"; else if ( Cvar_VariableValue( "g_gametype" ) == GT_SINGLE_PLAYER || Cvar_VariableValue("ui_singlePlayerActive")) reason = "running in single-player mode"; if (reason != NULL) { Com_Printf("VoIP: command ignored: %s\n", reason); return; } if (strcmp(cmd, "ignore") == 0) { CL_UpdateVoipIgnore(Cmd_Argv(2), qtrue); } else if (strcmp(cmd, "unignore") == 0) { CL_UpdateVoipIgnore(Cmd_Argv(2), qfalse); } else if (strcmp(cmd, "gain") == 0) { if (Cmd_Argc() > 3) { CL_UpdateVoipGain(Cmd_Argv(2), atof(Cmd_Argv(3))); } else if (Q_isanumber(Cmd_Argv(2))) { int id = atoi(Cmd_Argv(2)); if (id >= 0 && id < MAX_CLIENTS) { Com_Printf("VoIP: current gain for player #%d " "is %f\n", id, clc.voipGain[id]); } else { Com_Printf("VoIP: invalid player ID#\n"); } } else { Com_Printf("usage: voip gain [value]\n"); } } else if (strcmp(cmd, "muteall") == 0) { Com_Printf("VoIP: muting incoming voice\n"); CL_AddReliableCommand("voip muteall", qfalse); clc.voipMuteAll = qtrue; } else if (strcmp(cmd, "unmuteall") == 0) { Com_Printf("VoIP: unmuting incoming voice\n"); CL_AddReliableCommand("voip unmuteall", qfalse); clc.voipMuteAll = qfalse; } else { Com_Printf("usage: voip [un]ignore \n" " voip [un]muteall\n" " voip gain [value]\n"); } } static void CL_VoipNewGeneration(void) { // don't have a zero generation so new clients won't match, and don't // wrap to negative so MSG_ReadLong() doesn't "fail." clc.voipOutgoingGeneration++; if (clc.voipOutgoingGeneration <= 0) clc.voipOutgoingGeneration = 1; clc.voipPower = 0.0f; clc.voipOutgoingSequence = 0; } /* =============== CL_CaptureVoip Record more audio from the hardware if required and encode it into Speex data for later transmission. =============== */ static void CL_CaptureVoip(void) { const float audioMult = cl_voipCaptureMult->value; const qboolean useVad = (cl_voipUseVAD->integer != 0); qboolean initialFrame = qfalse; qboolean finalFrame = qfalse; #if USE_MUMBLE // if we're using Mumble, don't try to handle VoIP transmission ourselves. if (cl_useMumble->integer) return; #endif if (!clc.speexInitialized) return; // just in case this gets called at a bad time. if (clc.voipOutgoingDataSize > 0) return; // packet is pending transmission, don't record more yet. if (cl_voipUseVAD->modified) { Cvar_Set("cl_voipSend", (useVad) ? "1" : "0"); cl_voipUseVAD->modified = qfalse; } if ((useVad) && (!cl_voipSend->integer)) Cvar_Set("cl_voipSend", "1"); // lots of things reset this. if (cl_voipSend->modified) { qboolean dontCapture = qfalse; if (clc.state != CA_ACTIVE) dontCapture = qtrue; // not connected to a server. else if (!cl_connectedToVoipServer) dontCapture = qtrue; // server doesn't support VoIP. else if (clc.demoplaying) dontCapture = qtrue; // playing back a demo. else if ( cl_voip->integer == 0 ) dontCapture = qtrue; // client has VoIP support disabled. else if ( audioMult == 0.0f ) dontCapture = qtrue; // basically silenced incoming audio. cl_voipSend->modified = qfalse; if (dontCapture) { cl_voipSend->integer = 0; return; } if (cl_voipSend->integer) { initialFrame = qtrue; } else { finalFrame = qtrue; } } // try to get more audio data from the sound card... if (initialFrame) { float gain = cl_voipGainDuringCapture->value; if (gain < 0.0f) gain = 0.0f; else if (gain >= 1.0f) gain = 1.0f; S_MasterGain(cl_voipGainDuringCapture->value); S_StartCapture(); CL_VoipNewGeneration(); } if ((cl_voipSend->integer) || (finalFrame)) { // user wants to capture audio? int samples = S_AvailableCaptureSamples(); const int mult = (finalFrame) ? 1 : 12; // 12 == 240ms of audio. // enough data buffered in audio hardware to process yet? if (samples >= (clc.speexFrameSize * mult)) { // audio capture is always MONO16 (and that's what speex wants!). // 2048 will cover 12 uncompressed frames in narrowband mode. static int16_t sampbuffer[2048]; float voipPower = 0.0f; int speexFrames = 0; int wpos = 0; int pos = 0; if (samples > (clc.speexFrameSize * 12)) samples = (clc.speexFrameSize * 12); // !!! FIXME: maybe separate recording from encoding, so voipPower // !!! FIXME: updates faster than 4Hz? samples -= samples % clc.speexFrameSize; S_Capture(samples, (byte *) sampbuffer); // grab from audio card. // this will probably generate multiple speex packets each time. while (samples > 0) { int16_t *sampptr = &sampbuffer[pos]; int i, bytes; // preprocess samples to remove noise... speex_preprocess_run(clc.speexPreprocessor, sampptr); // check the "power" of this packet... for (i = 0; i < clc.speexFrameSize; i++) { const float flsamp = (float) sampptr[i]; const float s = fabs(flsamp); voipPower += s * s; sampptr[i] = (int16_t) ((flsamp) * audioMult); } // encode raw audio samples into Speex data... speex_bits_reset(&clc.speexEncoderBits); speex_encode_int(clc.speexEncoder, sampptr, &clc.speexEncoderBits); bytes = speex_bits_write(&clc.speexEncoderBits, (char *) &clc.voipOutgoingData[wpos+1], sizeof (clc.voipOutgoingData) - (wpos+1)); assert((bytes > 0) && (bytes < 256)); clc.voipOutgoingData[wpos] = (byte) bytes; wpos += bytes + 1; // look at the data for the next packet... pos += clc.speexFrameSize; samples -= clc.speexFrameSize; speexFrames++; } clc.voipPower = (voipPower / (32768.0f * 32768.0f * ((float) (clc.speexFrameSize * speexFrames)))) * 100.0f; if ((useVad) && (clc.voipPower < cl_voipVADThreshold->value)) { CL_VoipNewGeneration(); // no "talk" for at least 1/4 second. } else { clc.voipOutgoingDataSize = wpos; clc.voipOutgoingDataFrames = speexFrames; Com_DPrintf("VoIP: Send %d frames, %d bytes, %f power\n", speexFrames, wpos, clc.voipPower); #if 0 static FILE *encio = NULL; if (encio == NULL) encio = fopen("voip-outgoing-encoded.bin", "wb"); if (encio != NULL) { fwrite(clc.voipOutgoingData, wpos, 1, encio); fflush(encio); } static FILE *decio = NULL; if (decio == NULL) decio = fopen("voip-outgoing-decoded.bin", "wb"); if (decio != NULL) { fwrite(sampbuffer, speexFrames * clc.speexFrameSize * 2, 1, decio); fflush(decio); } #endif } } } // User requested we stop recording, and we've now processed the last of // any previously-buffered data. Pause the capture device, etc. if (finalFrame) { S_StopCapture(); S_MasterGain(1.0f); clc.voipPower = 0.0f; // force this value so it doesn't linger. } } #endif /* ======================================================================= CLIENT RELIABLE COMMAND COMMUNICATION ======================================================================= */ /* ====================== CL_AddReliableCommand The given command will be transmitted to the server, and is gauranteed to not have future usercmd_t executed before it is executed ====================== */ void CL_AddReliableCommand(const char *cmd, qboolean isDisconnectCmd) { int unacknowledged = clc.reliableSequence - clc.reliableAcknowledge; // if we would be losing an old command that hasn't been acknowledged, // we must drop the connection // also leave one slot open for the disconnect command in this case. if ((isDisconnectCmd && unacknowledged > MAX_RELIABLE_COMMANDS) || (!isDisconnectCmd && unacknowledged >= MAX_RELIABLE_COMMANDS)) { if(com_errorEntered) return; else Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "Client command overflow"); } Q_strncpyz(clc.reliableCommands[++clc.reliableSequence & (MAX_RELIABLE_COMMANDS - 1)], cmd, sizeof(*clc.reliableCommands)); } /* ====================== CL_ChangeReliableCommand ====================== */ void CL_ChangeReliableCommand( void ) { int r, index, l; r = clc.reliableSequence - (random() * 5); index = clc.reliableSequence & ( MAX_RELIABLE_COMMANDS - 1 ); l = strlen(clc.reliableCommands[ index ]); if ( l >= MAX_STRING_CHARS - 1 ) { l = MAX_STRING_CHARS - 2; } clc.reliableCommands[ index ][ l ] = '\n'; clc.reliableCommands[ index ][ l+1 ] = '\0'; } /* ======================================================================= CLIENT SIDE DEMO RECORDING ======================================================================= */ /* ==================== CL_WriteDemoMessage Dumps the current net message, prefixed by the length ==================== */ void CL_WriteDemoMessage ( msg_t *msg, int headerBytes ) { int len, swlen; // write the packet sequence len = clc.serverMessageSequence; swlen = LittleLong( len ); FS_Write (&swlen, 4, clc.demofile); // skip the packet sequencing information len = msg->cursize - headerBytes; swlen = LittleLong(len); FS_Write (&swlen, 4, clc.demofile); FS_Write ( msg->data + headerBytes, len, clc.demofile ); } /* ==================== CL_StopRecording_f stop recording a demo ==================== */ void CL_StopRecord_f( void ) { int len; if ( !clc.demorecording ) { Com_Printf ("Not recording a demo.\n"); return; } // finish up len = -1; FS_Write (&len, 4, clc.demofile); FS_Write (&len, 4, clc.demofile); FS_FCloseFile (clc.demofile); clc.demofile = 0; clc.demorecording = qfalse; clc.spDemoRecording = qfalse; Com_Printf ("Stopped demo.\n"); } /* ================== CL_DemoFilename ================== */ void CL_DemoFilename( int number, char *fileName ) { int a,b,c,d; if(number < 0 || number > 9999) number = 9999; a = number / 1000; number -= a*1000; b = number / 100; number -= b*100; c = number / 10; number -= c*10; d = number; Com_sprintf( fileName, MAX_OSPATH, "demo%i%i%i%i" , a, b, c, d ); } /* ==================== CL_Record_f record Begins recording a demo from the current position ==================== */ static char demoName[MAX_QPATH]; // compiler bug workaround void CL_Record_f( void ) { char name[MAX_OSPATH]; byte bufData[MAX_MSGLEN]; msg_t buf; int i; int len; entityState_t *ent; entityState_t nullstate; char *s; if ( Cmd_Argc() > 2 ) { Com_Printf ("record \n"); return; } if ( clc.demorecording ) { if (!clc.spDemoRecording) { Com_Printf ("Already recording.\n"); } return; } if ( clc.state != CA_ACTIVE ) { Com_Printf ("You must be in a level to record.\n"); return; } // sync 0 doesn't prevent recording, so not forcing it off .. everyone does g_sync 1 ; record ; g_sync 0 .. if ( NET_IsLocalAddress( clc.serverAddress ) && !Cvar_VariableValue( "g_synchronousClients" ) ) { Com_Printf (S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: You should set 'g_synchronousClients 1' for smoother demo recording\n"); } if ( Cmd_Argc() == 2 ) { s = Cmd_Argv(1); Q_strncpyz( demoName, s, sizeof( demoName ) ); Com_sprintf (name, sizeof(name), "demos/%s.%s%d", demoName, DEMOEXT, com_protocol->integer ); } else { int number; // scan for a free demo name for ( number = 0 ; number <= 9999 ; number++ ) { CL_DemoFilename( number, demoName ); Com_sprintf (name, sizeof(name), "demos/%s.%s%d", demoName, DEMOEXT, com_protocol->integer ); if (!FS_FileExists(name)) break; // file doesn't exist } } // open the demo file Com_Printf ("recording to %s.\n", name); clc.demofile = FS_FOpenFileWrite( name ); if ( !clc.demofile ) { Com_Printf ("ERROR: couldn't open.\n"); return; } clc.demorecording = qtrue; if (Cvar_VariableValue("ui_recordSPDemo")) { clc.spDemoRecording = qtrue; } else { clc.spDemoRecording = qfalse; } Q_strncpyz( clc.demoName, demoName, sizeof( clc.demoName ) ); // don't start saving messages until a non-delta compressed message is received clc.demowaiting = qtrue; // write out the gamestate message MSG_Init (&buf, bufData, sizeof(bufData)); MSG_Bitstream(&buf); // NOTE, MRE: all server->client messages now acknowledge MSG_WriteLong( &buf, clc.reliableSequence ); MSG_WriteByte (&buf, svc_gamestate); MSG_WriteLong (&buf, clc.serverCommandSequence ); // configstrings for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS ; i++ ) { if ( !cl.gameState.stringOffsets[i] ) { continue; } s = cl.gameState.stringData + cl.gameState.stringOffsets[i]; MSG_WriteByte (&buf, svc_configstring); MSG_WriteShort (&buf, i); MSG_WriteBigString (&buf, s); } // baselines Com_Memset (&nullstate, 0, sizeof(nullstate)); for ( i = 0; i < MAX_GENTITIES ; i++ ) { ent = &cl.entityBaselines[i]; if ( !ent->number ) { continue; } MSG_WriteByte (&buf, svc_baseline); MSG_WriteDeltaEntity (&buf, &nullstate, ent, qtrue ); } MSG_WriteByte( &buf, svc_EOF ); // finished writing the gamestate stuff // write the client num MSG_WriteLong(&buf, clc.clientNum); // write the checksum feed MSG_WriteLong(&buf, clc.checksumFeed); // finished writing the client packet MSG_WriteByte( &buf, svc_EOF ); // write it to the demo file len = LittleLong( clc.serverMessageSequence - 1 ); FS_Write (&len, 4, clc.demofile); len = LittleLong (buf.cursize); FS_Write (&len, 4, clc.demofile); FS_Write (buf.data, buf.cursize, clc.demofile); // the rest of the demo file will be copied from net messages } /* ======================================================================= CLIENT SIDE DEMO PLAYBACK ======================================================================= */ /* ================= CL_DemoFrameDurationSDev ================= */ static float CL_DemoFrameDurationSDev( void ) { int i; int numFrames; float mean = 0.0f; float variance = 0.0f; if( ( clc.timeDemoFrames - 1 ) > MAX_TIMEDEMO_DURATIONS ) numFrames = MAX_TIMEDEMO_DURATIONS; else numFrames = clc.timeDemoFrames - 1; for( i = 0; i < numFrames; i++ ) mean += clc.timeDemoDurations[ i ]; mean /= numFrames; for( i = 0; i < numFrames; i++ ) { float x = clc.timeDemoDurations[ i ]; variance += ( ( x - mean ) * ( x - mean ) ); } variance /= numFrames; return sqrt( variance ); } /* ================= CL_DemoCompleted ================= */ void CL_DemoCompleted( void ) { char buffer[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ]; if( cl_timedemo && cl_timedemo->integer ) { int time; time = Sys_Milliseconds() - clc.timeDemoStart; if( time > 0 ) { // Millisecond times are frame durations: // minimum/average/maximum/std deviation Com_sprintf( buffer, sizeof( buffer ), "%i frames %3.1f seconds %3.1f fps %d.0/%.1f/%d.0/%.1f ms\n", clc.timeDemoFrames, time/1000.0, clc.timeDemoFrames*1000.0 / time, clc.timeDemoMinDuration, time / (float)clc.timeDemoFrames, clc.timeDemoMaxDuration, CL_DemoFrameDurationSDev( ) ); Com_Printf( "%s", buffer ); // Write a log of all the frame durations if( cl_timedemoLog && strlen( cl_timedemoLog->string ) > 0 ) { int i; int numFrames; fileHandle_t f; if( ( clc.timeDemoFrames - 1 ) > MAX_TIMEDEMO_DURATIONS ) numFrames = MAX_TIMEDEMO_DURATIONS; else numFrames = clc.timeDemoFrames - 1; f = FS_FOpenFileWrite( cl_timedemoLog->string ); if( f ) { FS_Printf( f, "# %s", buffer ); for( i = 0; i < numFrames; i++ ) FS_Printf( f, "%d\n", clc.timeDemoDurations[ i ] ); FS_FCloseFile( f ); Com_Printf( "%s written\n", cl_timedemoLog->string ); } else { Com_Printf( "Couldn't open %s for writing\n", cl_timedemoLog->string ); } } } } CL_Disconnect( qtrue ); CL_NextDemo(); } /* ================= CL_ReadDemoMessage ================= */ void CL_ReadDemoMessage( void ) { int r; msg_t buf; byte bufData[ MAX_MSGLEN ]; int s; if ( !clc.demofile ) { CL_DemoCompleted (); return; } // get the sequence number r = FS_Read( &s, 4, clc.demofile); if ( r != 4 ) { CL_DemoCompleted (); return; } clc.serverMessageSequence = LittleLong( s ); // init the message MSG_Init( &buf, bufData, sizeof( bufData ) ); // get the length r = FS_Read (&buf.cursize, 4, clc.demofile); if ( r != 4 ) { CL_DemoCompleted (); return; } buf.cursize = LittleLong( buf.cursize ); if ( buf.cursize == -1 ) { CL_DemoCompleted (); return; } if ( buf.cursize > buf.maxsize ) { Com_Error (ERR_DROP, "CL_ReadDemoMessage: demoMsglen > MAX_MSGLEN"); } r = FS_Read( buf.data, buf.cursize, clc.demofile ); if ( r != buf.cursize ) { Com_Printf( "Demo file was truncated.\n"); CL_DemoCompleted (); return; } clc.lastPacketTime = cls.realtime; buf.readcount = 0; CL_ParseServerMessage( &buf ); } /* ==================== CL_WalkDemoExt ==================== */ static void CL_WalkDemoExt(char *arg, char *name, int *demofile) { int i = 0; *demofile = 0; Com_sprintf (name, MAX_OSPATH, "demos/%s.%s%d", arg, DEMOEXT, com_protocol->integer); FS_FOpenFileRead( name, demofile, qtrue ); if (*demofile) { Com_Printf("Demo file: %s\n", name); return; } Com_Printf("Not found: %s\n", name); while(demo_protocols[i]) { Com_sprintf (name, MAX_OSPATH, "demos/%s.%s%d", arg, DEMOEXT, demo_protocols[i]); FS_FOpenFileRead( name, demofile, qtrue ); if (*demofile) { Com_Printf("Demo file: %s\n", name); break; } else Com_Printf("Not found: %s\n", name); i++; } } /* ==================== CL_CompleteDemoName ==================== */ static void CL_CompleteDemoName( char *args, int argNum ) { if( argNum == 2 ) { char demoExt[ 16 ]; Com_sprintf(demoExt, sizeof(demoExt), ".%s%d", DEMOEXT, com_protocol->integer); Field_CompleteFilename( "demos", demoExt, qtrue, qtrue ); } } /* ==================== CL_PlayDemo_f demo ==================== */ void CL_PlayDemo_f( void ) { char name[MAX_OSPATH]; char *arg, *ext_test; int protocol, i; char retry[MAX_OSPATH]; if (Cmd_Argc() != 2) { Com_Printf ("demo \n"); return; } // make sure a local server is killed // 2 means don't force disconnect of local client Cvar_Set( "sv_killserver", "2" ); // open the demo file arg = Cmd_Argv(1); CL_Disconnect( qtrue ); // check for an extension .DEMOEXT_?? (?? is protocol) ext_test = strrchr(arg, '.'); if(ext_test && !Q_stricmpn(ext_test + 1, DEMOEXT, ARRAY_LEN(DEMOEXT) - 1)) { protocol = atoi(ext_test + ARRAY_LEN(DEMOEXT)); for(i = 0; demo_protocols[i]; i++) { if(demo_protocols[i] == protocol) break; } if(demo_protocols[i] || protocol == com_protocol->integer) { Com_sprintf(name, sizeof(name), "demos/%s", arg); FS_FOpenFileRead(name, &clc.demofile, qtrue); } else { int len; Com_Printf("Protocol %d not supported for demos\n", protocol); len = ext_test - arg; if(len >= ARRAY_LEN(retry)) len = ARRAY_LEN(retry) - 1; Q_strncpyz(retry, arg, len + 1); retry[len] = '\0'; CL_WalkDemoExt(retry, name, &clc.demofile); } } else CL_WalkDemoExt(arg, name, &clc.demofile); if (!clc.demofile) { Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "couldn't open %s", name); return; } Q_strncpyz( clc.demoName, Cmd_Argv(1), sizeof( clc.demoName ) ); Con_Close(); clc.state = CA_CONNECTED; clc.demoplaying = qtrue; Q_strncpyz( clc.servername, Cmd_Argv(1), sizeof( clc.servername ) ); // read demo messages until connected while ( clc.state >= CA_CONNECTED && clc.state < CA_PRIMED ) { CL_ReadDemoMessage(); } // don't get the first snapshot this frame, to prevent the long // time from the gamestate load from messing causing a time skip clc.firstDemoFrameSkipped = qfalse; } /* ==================== CL_StartDemoLoop Closing the main menu will restart the demo loop ==================== */ void CL_StartDemoLoop( void ) { // start the demo loop again Cbuf_AddText ("d1\n"); Key_SetCatcher( 0 ); } /* ================== CL_NextDemo Called when a demo or cinematic finishes If the "nextdemo" cvar is set, that command will be issued ================== */ void CL_NextDemo( void ) { char v[MAX_STRING_CHARS]; Q_strncpyz( v, Cvar_VariableString ("nextdemo"), sizeof(v) ); v[MAX_STRING_CHARS-1] = 0; Com_DPrintf("CL_NextDemo: %s\n", v ); if (!v[0]) { return; } Cvar_Set ("nextdemo",""); Cbuf_AddText (v); Cbuf_AddText ("\n"); Cbuf_Execute(); } //====================================================================== /* ===================== CL_ShutdownAll ===================== */ void CL_ShutdownAll(qboolean shutdownRef) { if(CL_VideoRecording()) CL_CloseAVI(); if(clc.demorecording) CL_StopRecord_f(); #ifdef USE_CURL CL_cURL_Shutdown(); #endif // clear sounds S_DisableSounds(); // shutdown CGame CL_ShutdownCGame(); // shutdown UI CL_ShutdownUI(); // shutdown the renderer if(shutdownRef) CL_ShutdownRef(); else if(re.Shutdown) re.Shutdown(qfalse); // don't destroy window or context cls.uiStarted = qfalse; cls.cgameStarted = qfalse; cls.rendererStarted = qfalse; cls.soundRegistered = qfalse; } /* ================= CL_ClearMemory Called by Com_GameRestart ================= */ void CL_ClearMemory(qboolean shutdownRef) { // shutdown all the client stuff CL_ShutdownAll(shutdownRef); // if not running a server clear the whole hunk if ( !com_sv_running->integer ) { // clear the whole hunk Hunk_Clear(); // clear collision map data CM_ClearMap(); } else { // clear all the client data on the hunk Hunk_ClearToMark(); } } /* ================= CL_FlushMemory Called by CL_MapLoading, CL_Connect_f, CL_PlayDemo_f, and CL_ParseGamestate the only ways a client gets into a game Also called by Com_Error ================= */ void CL_FlushMemory(void) { CL_ClearMemory(qfalse); CL_StartHunkUsers(qfalse); } /* ===================== CL_MapLoading A local server is starting to load a map, so update the screen to let the user know about it, then dump all client memory on the hunk from cgame, ui, and renderer ===================== */ void CL_MapLoading( void ) { if ( com_dedicated->integer ) { clc.state = CA_DISCONNECTED; Key_SetCatcher( KEYCATCH_CONSOLE ); return; } if ( !com_cl_running->integer ) { return; } Con_Close(); Key_SetCatcher( 0 ); // if we are already connected to the local host, stay connected if ( clc.state >= CA_CONNECTED && !Q_stricmp( clc.servername, "localhost" ) ) { clc.state = CA_CONNECTED; // so the connect screen is drawn Com_Memset( cls.updateInfoString, 0, sizeof( cls.updateInfoString ) ); Com_Memset( clc.serverMessage, 0, sizeof( clc.serverMessage ) ); Com_Memset( &cl.gameState, 0, sizeof( cl.gameState ) ); clc.lastPacketSentTime = -9999; SCR_UpdateScreen(); } else { // clear nextmap so the cinematic shutdown doesn't execute it Cvar_Set( "nextmap", "" ); CL_Disconnect( qtrue ); Q_strncpyz( clc.servername, "localhost", sizeof(clc.servername) ); clc.state = CA_CHALLENGING; // so the connect screen is drawn Key_SetCatcher( 0 ); SCR_UpdateScreen(); clc.connectTime = -RETRANSMIT_TIMEOUT; NET_StringToAdr( clc.servername, &clc.serverAddress, NA_UNSPEC); // we don't need a challenge on the localhost CL_CheckForResend(); } } /* ===================== CL_ClearState Called before parsing a gamestate ===================== */ void CL_ClearState (void) { // S_StopAllSounds(); Com_Memset( &cl, 0, sizeof( cl ) ); } /* ==================== CL_UpdateGUID update cl_guid using QKEY_FILE and optional prefix ==================== */ static void CL_UpdateGUID( const char *prefix, int prefix_len ) { fileHandle_t f; int len; len = FS_SV_FOpenFileRead( QKEY_FILE, &f ); FS_FCloseFile( f ); if( len != QKEY_SIZE ) Cvar_Set( "cl_guid", "" ); else Cvar_Set( "cl_guid", Com_MD5File( QKEY_FILE, QKEY_SIZE, prefix, prefix_len ) ); } static void CL_OldGame(void) { if(cls.oldGameSet) { // change back to previous fs_game cls.oldGameSet = qfalse; Cvar_Set("fs_game", cls.oldGame); Com_GameRestart(0, qtrue); } } /* ===================== CL_Disconnect Called when a connection, demo, or cinematic is being terminated. Goes from a connected state to either a menu state or a console state Sends a disconnect message to the server This is also called on Com_Error and Com_Quit, so it shouldn't cause any errors ===================== */ void CL_Disconnect( qboolean showMainMenu ) { if ( !com_cl_running || !com_cl_running->integer ) { return; } // shutting down the client so enter full screen ui mode Cvar_Set("r_uiFullScreen", "1"); if ( clc.demorecording ) { CL_StopRecord_f (); } if (clc.download) { FS_FCloseFile( clc.download ); clc.download = 0; } *clc.downloadTempName = *clc.downloadName = 0; Cvar_Set( "cl_downloadName", "" ); #ifdef USE_MUMBLE if (cl_useMumble->integer && mumble_islinked()) { Com_Printf("Mumble: Unlinking from Mumble application\n"); mumble_unlink(); } #endif #ifdef USE_VOIP if (cl_voipSend->integer) { int tmp = cl_voipUseVAD->integer; cl_voipUseVAD->integer = 0; // disable this for a moment. clc.voipOutgoingDataSize = 0; // dump any pending VoIP transmission. Cvar_Set("cl_voipSend", "0"); CL_CaptureVoip(); // clean up any state... cl_voipUseVAD->integer = tmp; } if (clc.speexInitialized) { int i; speex_bits_destroy(&clc.speexEncoderBits); speex_encoder_destroy(clc.speexEncoder); speex_preprocess_state_destroy(clc.speexPreprocessor); for (i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { speex_bits_destroy(&clc.speexDecoderBits[i]); speex_decoder_destroy(clc.speexDecoder[i]); } } Cmd_RemoveCommand ("voip"); #endif if ( clc.demofile ) { FS_FCloseFile( clc.demofile ); clc.demofile = 0; } if ( uivm && showMainMenu ) { VM_Call( uivm, UI_SET_ACTIVE_MENU, UIMENU_NONE ); } SCR_StopCinematic (); S_ClearSoundBuffer(); // send a disconnect message to the server // send it a few times in case one is dropped if ( clc.state >= CA_CONNECTED ) { CL_AddReliableCommand("disconnect", qtrue); CL_WritePacket(); CL_WritePacket(); CL_WritePacket(); } // Remove pure paks FS_PureServerSetLoadedPaks("", ""); CL_ClearState (); // wipe the client connection Com_Memset( &clc, 0, sizeof( clc ) ); clc.state = CA_DISCONNECTED; // allow cheats locally Cvar_Set( "sv_cheats", "1" ); // not connected to a pure server anymore cl_connectedToPureServer = qfalse; #ifdef USE_VOIP // not connected to voip server anymore. cl_connectedToVoipServer = qfalse; #endif // Stop recording any video if( CL_VideoRecording( ) ) { // Finish rendering current frame SCR_UpdateScreen( ); CL_CloseAVI( ); } CL_UpdateGUID( NULL, 0 ); CL_OldGame(); } /* =================== CL_ForwardCommandToServer adds the current command line as a clientCommand things like godmode, noclip, etc, are commands directed to the server, so when they are typed in at the console, they will need to be forwarded. =================== */ void CL_ForwardCommandToServer( const char *string ) { char *cmd; cmd = Cmd_Argv(0); // ignore key up commands if ( cmd[0] == '-' ) { return; } if ( clc.demoplaying || clc.state < CA_CONNECTED || cmd[0] == '+' ) { Com_Printf ("Unknown command \"%s" S_COLOR_WHITE "\"\n", cmd); return; } if ( Cmd_Argc() > 1 ) { CL_AddReliableCommand(string, qfalse); } else { CL_AddReliableCommand(cmd, qfalse); } } /* =================== CL_RequestMotd =================== */ void CL_RequestMotd( void ) { char info[MAX_INFO_STRING]; if ( !cl_motd->integer ) { return; } Com_Printf( "Resolving %s\n", UPDATE_SERVER_NAME ); if ( !NET_StringToAdr( UPDATE_SERVER_NAME, &cls.updateServer, NA_IP ) ) { Com_Printf( "Couldn't resolve address\n" ); return; } cls.updateServer.port = BigShort( PORT_UPDATE ); Com_Printf( "%s resolved to %i.%i.%i.%i:%i\n", UPDATE_SERVER_NAME, cls.updateServer.ip[0], cls.updateServer.ip[1], cls.updateServer.ip[2], cls.updateServer.ip[3], BigShort( cls.updateServer.port ) ); info[0] = 0; Com_sprintf( cls.updateChallenge, sizeof( cls.updateChallenge ), "%i", ((rand() << 16) ^ rand()) ^ Com_Milliseconds()); Info_SetValueForKey( info, "challenge", cls.updateChallenge ); Info_SetValueForKey( info, "renderer", cls.glconfig.renderer_string ); Info_SetValueForKey( info, "version", com_version->string ); NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_CLIENT, cls.updateServer, "getmotd \"%s\"\n", info ); } /* =================== CL_RequestAuthorization Authorization server protocol ----------------------------- All commands are text in Q3 out of band packets (leading 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff). Whenever the client tries to get a challenge from the server it wants to connect to, it also blindly fires off a packet to the authorize server: getKeyAuthorize cdkey may be "demo" #OLD The authorize server returns a: #OLD #OLD keyAthorize #OLD #OLD A client will be accepted if the cdkey is valid and it has not been used by any other IP #OLD address in the last 15 minutes. The server sends a: getIpAuthorize The authorize server returns a: ipAuthorize A client will be accepted if a valid cdkey was sent by that ip (only) in the last 15 minutes. If no response is received from the authorize server after two tries, the client will be let in anyway. =================== */ #ifndef STANDALONE void CL_RequestAuthorization( void ) { char nums[64]; int i, j, l; cvar_t *fs; if ( !cls.authorizeServer.port ) { Com_Printf( "Resolving %s\n", AUTHORIZE_SERVER_NAME ); if ( !NET_StringToAdr( AUTHORIZE_SERVER_NAME, &cls.authorizeServer, NA_IP ) ) { Com_Printf( "Couldn't resolve address\n" ); return; } cls.authorizeServer.port = BigShort( PORT_AUTHORIZE ); Com_Printf( "%s resolved to %i.%i.%i.%i:%i\n", AUTHORIZE_SERVER_NAME, cls.authorizeServer.ip[0], cls.authorizeServer.ip[1], cls.authorizeServer.ip[2], cls.authorizeServer.ip[3], BigShort( cls.authorizeServer.port ) ); } if ( cls.authorizeServer.type == NA_BAD ) { return; } // only grab the alphanumeric values from the cdkey, to avoid any dashes or spaces j = 0; l = strlen( cl_cdkey ); if ( l > 32 ) { l = 32; } for ( i = 0 ; i < l ; i++ ) { if ( ( cl_cdkey[i] >= '0' && cl_cdkey[i] <= '9' ) || ( cl_cdkey[i] >= 'a' && cl_cdkey[i] <= 'z' ) || ( cl_cdkey[i] >= 'A' && cl_cdkey[i] <= 'Z' ) ) { nums[j] = cl_cdkey[i]; j++; } } nums[j] = 0; fs = Cvar_Get ("cl_anonymous", "0", CVAR_INIT|CVAR_SYSTEMINFO ); NET_OutOfBandPrint(NS_CLIENT, cls.authorizeServer, "getKeyAuthorize %i %s", fs->integer, nums ); } #endif /* ====================================================================== CONSOLE COMMANDS ====================================================================== */ /* ================== CL_ForwardToServer_f ================== */ void CL_ForwardToServer_f( void ) { if ( clc.state != CA_ACTIVE || clc.demoplaying ) { Com_Printf ("Not connected to a server.\n"); return; } // don't forward the first argument if ( Cmd_Argc() > 1 ) { CL_AddReliableCommand(Cmd_Args(), qfalse); } } /* ================== CL_Disconnect_f ================== */ void CL_Disconnect_f( void ) { SCR_StopCinematic(); Cvar_Set("ui_singlePlayerActive", "0"); if ( clc.state != CA_DISCONNECTED && clc.state != CA_CINEMATIC ) { Com_Error (ERR_DISCONNECT, "Disconnected from server"); } } /* ================ CL_Reconnect_f ================ */ void CL_Reconnect_f( void ) { if ( !strlen( clc.servername ) || !strcmp( clc.servername, "localhost" ) ) { Com_Printf( "Can't reconnect to localhost.\n" ); return; } Cvar_Set("ui_singlePlayerActive", "0"); Cbuf_AddText( va("connect %s\n", clc.servername ) ); } /* ================ CL_Connect_f ================ */ void CL_Connect_f( void ) { char *server; const char *serverString; int argc = Cmd_Argc(); netadrtype_t family = NA_UNSPEC; if ( argc != 2 && argc != 3 ) { Com_Printf( "usage: connect [-4|-6] server\n"); return; } if(argc == 2) server = Cmd_Argv(1); else { if(!strcmp(Cmd_Argv(1), "-4")) family = NA_IP; else if(!strcmp(Cmd_Argv(1), "-6")) family = NA_IP6; else Com_Printf( "warning: only -4 or -6 as address type understood.\n"); server = Cmd_Argv(2); } Cvar_Set("ui_singlePlayerActive", "0"); // fire a message off to the motd server CL_RequestMotd(); // clear any previous "server full" type messages clc.serverMessage[0] = 0; if ( com_sv_running->integer && !strcmp( server, "localhost" ) ) { // if running a local server, kill it SV_Shutdown( "Server quit" ); } // make sure a local server is killed Cvar_Set( "sv_killserver", "1" ); SV_Frame( 0 ); CL_Disconnect( qtrue ); Con_Close(); Q_strncpyz( clc.servername, server, sizeof(clc.servername) ); if (!NET_StringToAdr(clc.servername, &clc.serverAddress, family) ) { Com_Printf ("Bad server address\n"); clc.state = CA_DISCONNECTED; return; } if (clc.serverAddress.port == 0) { clc.serverAddress.port = BigShort( PORT_SERVER ); } serverString = NET_AdrToStringwPort(clc.serverAddress); Com_Printf( "%s resolved to %s\n", clc.servername, serverString); if( cl_guidServerUniq->integer ) CL_UpdateGUID( serverString, strlen( serverString ) ); else CL_UpdateGUID( NULL, 0 ); // if we aren't playing on a lan, we need to authenticate // with the cd key if(NET_IsLocalAddress(clc.serverAddress)) clc.state = CA_CHALLENGING; else { clc.state = CA_CONNECTING; // Set a client challenge number that ideally is mirrored back by the server. clc.challenge = ((rand() << 16) ^ rand()) ^ Com_Milliseconds(); } Key_SetCatcher( 0 ); clc.connectTime = -99999; // CL_CheckForResend() will fire immediately clc.connectPacketCount = 0; // server connection string Cvar_Set( "cl_currentServerAddress", server ); } #define MAX_RCON_MESSAGE 1024 /* ================== CL_CompleteRcon ================== */ static void CL_CompleteRcon( char *args, int argNum ) { if( argNum == 2 ) { // Skip "rcon " char *p = Com_SkipTokens( args, 1, " " ); if( p > args ) Field_CompleteCommand( p, qtrue, qtrue ); } } /* ===================== CL_Rcon_f Send the rest of the command line over as an unconnected command. ===================== */ void CL_Rcon_f( void ) { char message[MAX_RCON_MESSAGE]; netadr_t to; if ( !rcon_client_password->string ) { Com_Printf ("You must set 'rconpassword' before\n" "issuing an rcon command.\n"); return; } message[0] = -1; message[1] = -1; message[2] = -1; message[3] = -1; message[4] = 0; Q_strcat (message, MAX_RCON_MESSAGE, "rcon "); Q_strcat (message, MAX_RCON_MESSAGE, rcon_client_password->string); Q_strcat (message, MAX_RCON_MESSAGE, " "); // https://zerowing.idsoftware.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=543 Q_strcat (message, MAX_RCON_MESSAGE, Cmd_Cmd()+5); if ( clc.state >= CA_CONNECTED ) { to = clc.netchan.remoteAddress; } else { if (!strlen(rconAddress->string)) { Com_Printf ("You must either be connected,\n" "or set the 'rconAddress' cvar\n" "to issue rcon commands\n"); return; } NET_StringToAdr (rconAddress->string, &to, NA_UNSPEC); if (to.port == 0) { to.port = BigShort (PORT_SERVER); } } NET_SendPacket (NS_CLIENT, strlen(message)+1, message, to); } /* ================= CL_SendPureChecksums ================= */ void CL_SendPureChecksums( void ) { char cMsg[MAX_INFO_VALUE]; // if we are pure we need to send back a command with our referenced pk3 checksums Com_sprintf(cMsg, sizeof(cMsg), "cp %d %s", cl.serverId, FS_ReferencedPakPureChecksums()); CL_AddReliableCommand(cMsg, qfalse); } /* ================= CL_ResetPureClientAtServer ================= */ void CL_ResetPureClientAtServer( void ) { CL_AddReliableCommand("vdr", qfalse); } /* ================= CL_Vid_Restart_f Restart the video subsystem we also have to reload the UI and CGame because the renderer doesn't know what graphics to reload ================= */ void CL_Vid_Restart_f( void ) { // Settings may have changed so stop recording now if( CL_VideoRecording( ) ) { CL_CloseAVI( ); } if(clc.demorecording) CL_StopRecord_f(); // don't let them loop during the restart S_StopAllSounds(); if(!FS_ConditionalRestart(clc.checksumFeed, qtrue)) { // if not running a server clear the whole hunk if(com_sv_running->integer) { // clear all the client data on the hunk Hunk_ClearToMark(); } else { // clear the whole hunk Hunk_Clear(); } // shutdown the UI CL_ShutdownUI(); // shutdown the CGame CL_ShutdownCGame(); // shutdown the renderer and clear the renderer interface CL_ShutdownRef(); // client is no longer pure untill new checksums are sent CL_ResetPureClientAtServer(); // clear pak references FS_ClearPakReferences( FS_UI_REF | FS_CGAME_REF ); // reinitialize the filesystem if the game directory or checksum has changed cls.rendererStarted = qfalse; cls.uiStarted = qfalse; cls.cgameStarted = qfalse; cls.soundRegistered = qfalse; // unpause so the cgame definately gets a snapshot and renders a frame Cvar_Set("cl_paused", "0"); // initialize the renderer interface CL_InitRef(); // startup all the client stuff CL_StartHunkUsers(qfalse); // start the cgame if connected if(clc.state > CA_CONNECTED && clc.state != CA_CINEMATIC) { cls.cgameStarted = qtrue; CL_InitCGame(); // send pure checksums CL_SendPureChecksums(); } } } /* ================= CL_Snd_Restart Restart the sound subsystem ================= */ void CL_Snd_Shutdown(void) { S_Shutdown(); cls.soundStarted = qfalse; } /* ================= CL_Snd_Restart_f Restart the sound subsystem The cgame and game must also be forced to restart because handles will be invalid ================= */ void CL_Snd_Restart_f(void) { CL_Snd_Shutdown(); // sound will be reinitialized by vid_restart CL_Vid_Restart_f(); } /* ================== CL_PK3List_f ================== */ void CL_OpenedPK3List_f( void ) { Com_Printf("Opened PK3 Names: %s\n", FS_LoadedPakNames()); } /* ================== CL_PureList_f ================== */ void CL_ReferencedPK3List_f( void ) { Com_Printf("Referenced PK3 Names: %s\n", FS_ReferencedPakNames()); } /* ================== CL_Configstrings_f ================== */ void CL_Configstrings_f( void ) { int i; int ofs; if ( clc.state != CA_ACTIVE ) { Com_Printf( "Not connected to a server.\n"); return; } for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS ; i++ ) { ofs = cl.gameState.stringOffsets[ i ]; if ( !ofs ) { continue; } Com_Printf( "%4i: %s\n", i, cl.gameState.stringData + ofs ); } } /* ============== CL_Clientinfo_f ============== */ void CL_Clientinfo_f( void ) { Com_Printf( "--------- Client Information ---------\n" ); Com_Printf( "state: %i\n", clc.state ); Com_Printf( "Server: %s\n", clc.servername ); Com_Printf ("User info settings:\n"); Info_Print( Cvar_InfoString( CVAR_USERINFO ) ); Com_Printf( "--------------------------------------\n" ); } //==================================================================== /* ================= CL_DownloadsComplete Called when all downloading has been completed ================= */ void CL_DownloadsComplete( void ) { #ifdef USE_CURL // if we downloaded with cURL if(clc.cURLUsed) { clc.cURLUsed = qfalse; CL_cURL_Shutdown(); if( clc.cURLDisconnected ) { if(clc.downloadRestart) { FS_Restart(clc.checksumFeed); clc.downloadRestart = qfalse; } clc.cURLDisconnected = qfalse; CL_Reconnect_f(); return; } } #endif // if we downloaded files we need to restart the file system if (clc.downloadRestart) { clc.downloadRestart = qfalse; FS_Restart(clc.checksumFeed); // We possibly downloaded a pak, restart the file system to load it // inform the server so we get new gamestate info CL_AddReliableCommand("donedl", qfalse); // by sending the donedl command we request a new gamestate // so we don't want to load stuff yet return; } // let the client game init and load data clc.state = CA_LOADING; // Pump the loop, this may change gamestate! Com_EventLoop(); // if the gamestate was changed by calling Com_EventLoop // then we loaded everything already and we don't want to do it again. if ( clc.state != CA_LOADING ) { return; } // starting to load a map so we get out of full screen ui mode Cvar_Set("r_uiFullScreen", "0"); // flush client memory and start loading stuff // this will also (re)load the UI // if this is a local client then only the client part of the hunk // will be cleared, note that this is done after the hunk mark has been set CL_FlushMemory(); // initialize the CGame cls.cgameStarted = qtrue; CL_InitCGame(); // set pure checksums CL_SendPureChecksums(); CL_WritePacket(); CL_WritePacket(); CL_WritePacket(); } /* ================= CL_BeginDownload Requests a file to download from the server. Stores it in the current game directory. ================= */ void CL_BeginDownload( const char *localName, const char *remoteName ) { Com_DPrintf("***** CL_BeginDownload *****\n" "Localname: %s\n" "Remotename: %s\n" "****************************\n", localName, remoteName); Q_strncpyz ( clc.downloadName, localName, sizeof(clc.downloadName) ); Com_sprintf( clc.downloadTempName, sizeof(clc.downloadTempName), "%s.tmp", localName ); // Set so UI gets access to it Cvar_Set( "cl_downloadName", remoteName ); Cvar_Set( "cl_downloadSize", "0" ); Cvar_Set( "cl_downloadCount", "0" ); Cvar_SetValue( "cl_downloadTime", cls.realtime ); clc.downloadBlock = 0; // Starting new file clc.downloadCount = 0; CL_AddReliableCommand(va("download %s", remoteName), qfalse); } /* ================= CL_NextDownload A download completed or failed ================= */ void CL_NextDownload(void) { char *s; char *remoteName, *localName; qboolean useCURL = qfalse; // A download has finished, check whether this matches a referenced checksum if(*clc.downloadName) { char *zippath = FS_BuildOSPath(Cvar_VariableString("fs_homepath"), clc.downloadName, ""); zippath[strlen(zippath)-1] = '\0'; if(!FS_CompareZipChecksum(zippath)) Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "Incorrect checksum for file: %s", clc.downloadName); } *clc.downloadTempName = *clc.downloadName = 0; Cvar_Set("cl_downloadName", ""); // We are looking to start a download here if (*clc.downloadList) { s = clc.downloadList; // format is: // @remotename@localname@remotename@localname, etc. if (*s == '@') s++; remoteName = s; if ( (s = strchr(s, '@')) == NULL ) { CL_DownloadsComplete(); return; } *s++ = 0; localName = s; if ( (s = strchr(s, '@')) != NULL ) *s++ = 0; else s = localName + strlen(localName); // point at the nul byte #ifdef USE_CURL if(!(cl_allowDownload->integer & DLF_NO_REDIRECT)) { if(clc.sv_allowDownload & DLF_NO_REDIRECT) { Com_Printf("WARNING: server does not " "allow download redirection " "(sv_allowDownload is %d)\n", clc.sv_allowDownload); } else if(!*clc.sv_dlURL) { Com_Printf("WARNING: server allows " "download redirection, but does not " "have sv_dlURL set\n"); } else if(!CL_cURL_Init()) { Com_Printf("WARNING: could not load " "cURL library\n"); } else { CL_cURL_BeginDownload(localName, va("%s/%s", clc.sv_dlURL, remoteName)); useCURL = qtrue; } } else if(!(clc.sv_allowDownload & DLF_NO_REDIRECT)) { Com_Printf("WARNING: server allows download " "redirection, but it disabled by client " "configuration (cl_allowDownload is %d)\n", cl_allowDownload->integer); } #endif /* USE_CURL */ if(!useCURL) { if((cl_allowDownload->integer & DLF_NO_UDP)) { Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "UDP Downloads are " "disabled on your client. " "(cl_allowDownload is %d)", cl_allowDownload->integer); return; } else { CL_BeginDownload( localName, remoteName ); } } clc.downloadRestart = qtrue; // move over the rest memmove( clc.downloadList, s, strlen(s) + 1); return; } CL_DownloadsComplete(); } /* ================= CL_InitDownloads After receiving a valid game state, we valid the cgame and local zip files here and determine if we need to download them ================= */ void CL_InitDownloads(void) { char missingfiles[1024]; if ( !(cl_allowDownload->integer & DLF_ENABLE) ) { // autodownload is disabled on the client // but it's possible that some referenced files on the server are missing if (FS_ComparePaks( missingfiles, sizeof( missingfiles ), qfalse ) ) { // NOTE TTimo I would rather have that printed as a modal message box // but at this point while joining the game we don't know wether we will successfully join or not Com_Printf( "\nWARNING: You are missing some files referenced by the server:\n%s" "You might not be able to join the game\n" "Go to the setting menu to turn on autodownload, or get the file elsewhere\n\n", missingfiles ); } } else if ( FS_ComparePaks( clc.downloadList, sizeof( clc.downloadList ) , qtrue ) ) { Com_Printf("Need paks: %s\n", clc.downloadList ); if ( *clc.downloadList ) { // if autodownloading is not enabled on the server clc.state = CA_CONNECTED; *clc.downloadTempName = *clc.downloadName = 0; Cvar_Set( "cl_downloadName", "" ); CL_NextDownload(); return; } } CL_DownloadsComplete(); } /* ================= CL_CheckForResend Resend a connect message if the last one has timed out ================= */ void CL_CheckForResend( void ) { int port, i; char info[MAX_INFO_STRING]; char data[MAX_INFO_STRING]; // don't send anything if playing back a demo if ( clc.demoplaying ) { return; } // resend if we haven't gotten a reply yet if ( clc.state != CA_CONNECTING && clc.state != CA_CHALLENGING ) { return; } if ( cls.realtime - clc.connectTime < RETRANSMIT_TIMEOUT ) { return; } clc.connectTime = cls.realtime; // for retransmit requests clc.connectPacketCount++; switch ( clc.state ) { case CA_CONNECTING: // requesting a challenge .. IPv6 users always get in as authorize server supports no ipv6. #ifndef STANDALONE if (!com_standalone->integer && clc.serverAddress.type == NA_IP && !Sys_IsLANAddress( clc.serverAddress ) ) CL_RequestAuthorization(); #endif // The challenge request shall be followed by a client challenge so no malicious server can hijack this connection. Com_sprintf(data, sizeof(data), "getchallenge %d", clc.challenge); NET_OutOfBandPrint(NS_CLIENT, clc.serverAddress, "%s", data); break; case CA_CHALLENGING: // sending back the challenge port = Cvar_VariableValue ("net_qport"); Q_strncpyz( info, Cvar_InfoString( CVAR_USERINFO ), sizeof( info ) ); Info_SetValueForKey( info, "protocol", va("%i", com_protocol->integer ) ); Info_SetValueForKey( info, "qport", va("%i", port ) ); Info_SetValueForKey( info, "challenge", va("%i", clc.challenge ) ); strcpy(data, "connect "); // TTimo adding " " around the userinfo string to avoid truncated userinfo on the server // (Com_TokenizeString tokenizes around spaces) data[8] = '"'; for(i=0;iadr = *address; server->clients = 0; server->hostName[0] = '\0'; server->mapName[0] = '\0'; server->maxClients = 0; server->maxPing = 0; server->minPing = 0; server->ping = -1; server->game[0] = '\0'; server->gameType = 0; server->netType = 0; } #define MAX_SERVERSPERPACKET 256 /* =================== CL_ServersResponsePacket =================== */ void CL_ServersResponsePacket( const netadr_t* from, msg_t *msg, qboolean extended ) { int i, j, count, total; netadr_t addresses[MAX_SERVERSPERPACKET]; int numservers; byte* buffptr; byte* buffend; Com_Printf("CL_ServersResponsePacket\n"); if (cls.numglobalservers == -1) { // state to detect lack of servers or lack of response cls.numglobalservers = 0; cls.numGlobalServerAddresses = 0; } // parse through server response string numservers = 0; buffptr = msg->data; buffend = buffptr + msg->cursize; // advance to initial token do { if(*buffptr == '\\' || (extended && *buffptr == '/')) break; buffptr++; } while (buffptr < buffend); while (buffptr + 1 < buffend) { // IPv4 address if (*buffptr == '\\') { buffptr++; if (buffend - buffptr < sizeof(addresses[numservers].ip) + sizeof(addresses[numservers].port) + 1) break; for(i = 0; i < sizeof(addresses[numservers].ip); i++) addresses[numservers].ip[i] = *buffptr++; addresses[numservers].type = NA_IP; } // IPv6 address, if it's an extended response else if (extended && *buffptr == '/') { buffptr++; if (buffend - buffptr < sizeof(addresses[numservers].ip6) + sizeof(addresses[numservers].port) + 1) break; for(i = 0; i < sizeof(addresses[numservers].ip6); i++) addresses[numservers].ip6[i] = *buffptr++; addresses[numservers].type = NA_IP6; addresses[numservers].scope_id = from->scope_id; } else // syntax error! break; // parse out port addresses[numservers].port = (*buffptr++) << 8; addresses[numservers].port += *buffptr++; addresses[numservers].port = BigShort( addresses[numservers].port ); // syntax check if (*buffptr != '\\' && *buffptr != '/') break; numservers++; if (numservers >= MAX_SERVERSPERPACKET) break; } count = cls.numglobalservers; for (i = 0; i < numservers && count < MAX_GLOBAL_SERVERS; i++) { // build net address serverInfo_t *server = &cls.globalServers[count]; // Tequila: It's possible to have sent many master server requests. Then // we may receive many times the same addresses from the master server. // We just avoid to add a server if it is still in the global servers list. for (j = 0; j < count; j++) { if (NET_CompareAdr(cls.globalServers[j].adr, addresses[i])) break; } if (j < count) continue; CL_InitServerInfo( server, &addresses[i] ); // advance to next slot count++; } // if getting the global list if ( count >= MAX_GLOBAL_SERVERS && cls.numGlobalServerAddresses < MAX_GLOBAL_SERVERS ) { // if we couldn't store the servers in the main list anymore for (; i < numservers && cls.numGlobalServerAddresses < MAX_GLOBAL_SERVERS; i++) { // just store the addresses in an additional list cls.globalServerAddresses[cls.numGlobalServerAddresses++] = addresses[i]; } } cls.numglobalservers = count; total = count + cls.numGlobalServerAddresses; Com_Printf("%d servers parsed (total %d)\n", numservers, total); } /* ================= CL_ConnectionlessPacket Responses to broadcasts, etc ================= */ void CL_ConnectionlessPacket( netadr_t from, msg_t *msg ) { char *s; char *c; MSG_BeginReadingOOB( msg ); MSG_ReadLong( msg ); // skip the -1 s = MSG_ReadStringLine( msg ); Cmd_TokenizeString( s ); c = Cmd_Argv(0); Com_DPrintf ("CL packet %s: %s\n", NET_AdrToStringwPort(from), c); // challenge from the server we are connecting to if (!Q_stricmp(c, "challengeResponse")) { if (clc.state != CA_CONNECTING) { Com_DPrintf("Unwanted challenge response received. Ignored.\n"); return; } if(!NET_CompareAdr(from, clc.serverAddress)) { // This challenge response is not coming from the expected address. // Check whether we have a matching client challenge to prevent // connection hi-jacking. c = Cmd_Argv(2); if(!*c || atoi(c) != clc.challenge) { Com_DPrintf("Challenge response received from unexpected source. Ignored.\n"); return; } } // start sending challenge response instead of challenge request packets clc.challenge = atoi(Cmd_Argv(1)); clc.state = CA_CHALLENGING; clc.connectPacketCount = 0; clc.connectTime = -99999; // take this address as the new server address. This allows // a server proxy to hand off connections to multiple servers clc.serverAddress = from; Com_DPrintf ("challengeResponse: %d\n", clc.challenge); return; } // server connection if ( !Q_stricmp(c, "connectResponse") ) { if ( clc.state >= CA_CONNECTED ) { Com_Printf ("Dup connect received. Ignored.\n"); return; } if ( clc.state != CA_CHALLENGING ) { Com_Printf ("connectResponse packet while not connecting. Ignored.\n"); return; } if ( !NET_CompareAdr( from, clc.serverAddress ) ) { Com_Printf( "connectResponse from wrong address. Ignored.\n" ); return; } Netchan_Setup (NS_CLIENT, &clc.netchan, from, Cvar_VariableValue( "net_qport" ) ); clc.state = CA_CONNECTED; clc.lastPacketSentTime = -9999; // send first packet immediately return; } // server responding to an info broadcast if ( !Q_stricmp(c, "infoResponse") ) { CL_ServerInfoPacket( from, msg ); return; } // server responding to a get playerlist if ( !Q_stricmp(c, "statusResponse") ) { CL_ServerStatusResponse( from, msg ); return; } // a disconnect message from the server, which will happen if the server // dropped the connection but it is still getting packets from us if (!Q_stricmp(c, "disconnect")) { CL_DisconnectPacket( from ); return; } // echo request from server if ( !Q_stricmp(c, "echo") ) { NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_CLIENT, from, "%s", Cmd_Argv(1) ); return; } // cd check if ( !Q_stricmp(c, "keyAuthorize") ) { // we don't use these now, so dump them on the floor return; } // global MOTD from id if ( !Q_stricmp(c, "motd") ) { CL_MotdPacket( from ); return; } // echo request from server if ( !Q_stricmp(c, "print") ) { s = MSG_ReadString( msg ); Q_strncpyz( clc.serverMessage, s, sizeof( clc.serverMessage ) ); Com_Printf( "%s", s ); return; } // list of servers sent back by a master server (classic) if ( !Q_strncmp(c, "getserversResponse", 18) ) { CL_ServersResponsePacket( &from, msg, qfalse ); return; } // list of servers sent back by a master server (extended) if ( !Q_strncmp(c, "getserversExtResponse", 21) ) { CL_ServersResponsePacket( &from, msg, qtrue ); return; } Com_DPrintf ("Unknown connectionless packet command.\n"); } /* ================= CL_PacketEvent A packet has arrived from the main event loop ================= */ void CL_PacketEvent( netadr_t from, msg_t *msg ) { int headerBytes; clc.lastPacketTime = cls.realtime; if ( msg->cursize >= 4 && *(int *)msg->data == -1 ) { CL_ConnectionlessPacket( from, msg ); return; } if ( clc.state < CA_CONNECTED ) { return; // can't be a valid sequenced packet } if ( msg->cursize < 4 ) { Com_Printf ("%s: Runt packet\n", NET_AdrToStringwPort( from )); return; } // // packet from server // if ( !NET_CompareAdr( from, clc.netchan.remoteAddress ) ) { Com_DPrintf ("%s:sequenced packet without connection\n" , NET_AdrToStringwPort( from ) ); // FIXME: send a client disconnect? return; } if (!CL_Netchan_Process( &clc.netchan, msg) ) { return; // out of order, duplicated, etc } // the header is different lengths for reliable and unreliable messages headerBytes = msg->readcount; // track the last message received so it can be returned in // client messages, allowing the server to detect a dropped // gamestate clc.serverMessageSequence = LittleLong( *(int *)msg->data ); clc.lastPacketTime = cls.realtime; CL_ParseServerMessage( msg ); // // we don't know if it is ok to save a demo message until // after we have parsed the frame // if ( clc.demorecording && !clc.demowaiting ) { CL_WriteDemoMessage( msg, headerBytes ); } } /* ================== CL_CheckTimeout ================== */ void CL_CheckTimeout( void ) { // // check timeout // if ( ( !CL_CheckPaused() || !sv_paused->integer ) && clc.state >= CA_CONNECTED && clc.state != CA_CINEMATIC && cls.realtime - clc.lastPacketTime > cl_timeout->value*1000) { if (++cl.timeoutcount > 5) { // timeoutcount saves debugger Com_Printf ("\nServer connection timed out.\n"); CL_Disconnect( qtrue ); return; } } else { cl.timeoutcount = 0; } } /* ================== CL_CheckPaused Check whether client has been paused. ================== */ qboolean CL_CheckPaused(void) { // if cl_paused->modified is set, the cvar has only been changed in // this frame. Keep paused in this frame to ensure the server doesn't // lag behind. if(cl_paused->integer || cl_paused->modified) return qtrue; return qfalse; } //============================================================================ /* ================== CL_CheckUserinfo ================== */ void CL_CheckUserinfo( void ) { // don't add reliable commands when not yet connected if(clc.state < CA_CONNECTED) return; // don't overflow the reliable command buffer when paused if(CL_CheckPaused()) return; // send a reliable userinfo update if needed if(cvar_modifiedFlags & CVAR_USERINFO) { cvar_modifiedFlags &= ~CVAR_USERINFO; CL_AddReliableCommand(va("userinfo \"%s\"", Cvar_InfoString( CVAR_USERINFO ) ), qfalse); } } /* ================== CL_Frame ================== */ void CL_Frame ( int msec ) { if ( !com_cl_running->integer ) { return; } #ifdef USE_CURL if(clc.downloadCURLM) { CL_cURL_PerformDownload(); // we can't process frames normally when in disconnected // download mode since the ui vm expects clc.state to be // CA_CONNECTED if(clc.cURLDisconnected) { cls.realFrametime = msec; cls.frametime = msec; cls.realtime += cls.frametime; SCR_UpdateScreen(); S_Update(); Con_RunConsole(); cls.framecount++; return; } } #endif if ( cls.cddialog ) { // bring up the cd error dialog if needed cls.cddialog = qfalse; VM_Call( uivm, UI_SET_ACTIVE_MENU, UIMENU_NEED_CD ); } else if ( clc.state == CA_DISCONNECTED && !( Key_GetCatcher( ) & KEYCATCH_UI ) && !com_sv_running->integer && uivm ) { // if disconnected, bring up the menu S_StopAllSounds(); VM_Call( uivm, UI_SET_ACTIVE_MENU, UIMENU_MAIN ); } // if recording an avi, lock to a fixed fps if ( CL_VideoRecording( ) && cl_aviFrameRate->integer && msec) { // save the current screen if ( clc.state == CA_ACTIVE || cl_forceavidemo->integer) { CL_TakeVideoFrame( ); // fixed time for next frame' msec = (int)ceil( (1000.0f / cl_aviFrameRate->value) * com_timescale->value ); if (msec == 0) { msec = 1; } } } if( cl_autoRecordDemo->integer ) { if( clc.state == CA_ACTIVE && !clc.demorecording && !clc.demoplaying ) { // If not recording a demo, and we should be, start one qtime_t now; char *nowString; char *p; char mapName[ MAX_QPATH ]; char serverName[ MAX_OSPATH ]; Com_RealTime( &now ); nowString = va( "%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d", 1900 + now.tm_year, 1 + now.tm_mon, now.tm_mday, now.tm_hour, now.tm_min, now.tm_sec ); Q_strncpyz( serverName, clc.servername, MAX_OSPATH ); // Replace the ":" in the address as it is not a valid // file name character p = strstr( serverName, ":" ); if( p ) { *p = '.'; } Q_strncpyz( mapName, COM_SkipPath( cl.mapname ), sizeof( cl.mapname ) ); COM_StripExtension(mapName, mapName, sizeof(mapName)); Cbuf_ExecuteText( EXEC_NOW, va( "record %s-%s-%s", nowString, serverName, mapName ) ); } else if( clc.state != CA_ACTIVE && clc.demorecording ) { // Recording, but not CA_ACTIVE, so stop recording CL_StopRecord_f( ); } } // save the msec before checking pause cls.realFrametime = msec; // decide the simulation time cls.frametime = msec; cls.realtime += cls.frametime; if ( cl_timegraph->integer ) { SCR_DebugGraph ( cls.realFrametime * 0.25, 0 ); } // see if we need to update any userinfo CL_CheckUserinfo(); // if we haven't gotten a packet in a long time, // drop the connection CL_CheckTimeout(); // send intentions now CL_SendCmd(); // resend a connection request if necessary CL_CheckForResend(); // decide on the serverTime to render CL_SetCGameTime(); // update the screen SCR_UpdateScreen(); // update audio S_Update(); #ifdef USE_VOIP CL_CaptureVoip(); #endif #ifdef USE_MUMBLE CL_UpdateMumble(); #endif // advance local effects for next frame SCR_RunCinematic(); Con_RunConsole(); cls.framecount++; } //============================================================================ /* ================ CL_RefPrintf DLL glue ================ */ void QDECL CL_RefPrintf( int print_level, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list argptr; char msg[MAXPRINTMSG]; va_start (argptr,fmt); Q_vsnprintf (msg, sizeof(msg), fmt, argptr); va_end (argptr); if ( print_level == PRINT_ALL ) { Com_Printf ("%s", msg); } else if ( print_level == PRINT_WARNING ) { Com_Printf (S_COLOR_YELLOW "%s", msg); // yellow } else if ( print_level == PRINT_DEVELOPER ) { Com_DPrintf (S_COLOR_RED "%s", msg); // red } } /* ============ CL_ShutdownRef ============ */ void CL_ShutdownRef( void ) { if ( !re.Shutdown ) { return; } re.Shutdown( qtrue ); Com_Memset( &re, 0, sizeof( re ) ); } /* ============ CL_InitRenderer ============ */ void CL_InitRenderer( void ) { // this sets up the renderer and calls R_Init re.BeginRegistration( &cls.glconfig ); // load character sets cls.charSetShader = re.RegisterShader( "gfx/2d/bigchars" ); cls.whiteShader = re.RegisterShader( "white" ); cls.consoleShader = re.RegisterShader( "console" ); g_console_field_width = cls.glconfig.vidWidth / SMALLCHAR_WIDTH - 2; g_consoleField.widthInChars = g_console_field_width; } /* ============================ CL_StartHunkUsers After the server has cleared the hunk, these will need to be restarted This is the only place that any of these functions are called from ============================ */ void CL_StartHunkUsers( qboolean rendererOnly ) { if (!com_cl_running) { return; } if ( !com_cl_running->integer ) { return; } if ( !cls.rendererStarted ) { cls.rendererStarted = qtrue; CL_InitRenderer(); } if ( rendererOnly ) { return; } if ( !cls.soundStarted ) { cls.soundStarted = qtrue; S_Init(); } if ( !cls.soundRegistered ) { cls.soundRegistered = qtrue; S_BeginRegistration(); } if( com_dedicated->integer ) { return; } if ( !cls.uiStarted ) { cls.uiStarted = qtrue; CL_InitUI(); } } /* ============ CL_RefMalloc ============ */ void *CL_RefMalloc( int size ) { return Z_TagMalloc( size, TAG_RENDERER ); } int CL_ScaledMilliseconds(void) { return Sys_Milliseconds()*com_timescale->value; } /* ============ CL_InitRef ============ */ void CL_InitRef( void ) { refimport_t ri; refexport_t *ret; Com_Printf( "----- Initializing Renderer ----\n" ); ri.Cmd_AddCommand = Cmd_AddCommand; ri.Cmd_RemoveCommand = Cmd_RemoveCommand; ri.Cmd_Argc = Cmd_Argc; ri.Cmd_Argv = Cmd_Argv; ri.Cmd_ExecuteText = Cbuf_ExecuteText; ri.Printf = CL_RefPrintf; ri.Error = Com_Error; ri.Milliseconds = CL_ScaledMilliseconds; ri.Malloc = CL_RefMalloc; ri.Free = Z_Free; #ifdef HUNK_DEBUG ri.Hunk_AllocDebug = Hunk_AllocDebug; #else ri.Hunk_Alloc = Hunk_Alloc; #endif ri.Hunk_AllocateTempMemory = Hunk_AllocateTempMemory; ri.Hunk_FreeTempMemory = Hunk_FreeTempMemory; ri.CM_DrawDebugSurface = CM_DrawDebugSurface; ri.FS_ReadFile = FS_ReadFile; ri.FS_FreeFile = FS_FreeFile; ri.FS_WriteFile = FS_WriteFile; ri.FS_FreeFileList = FS_FreeFileList; ri.FS_ListFiles = FS_ListFiles; ri.FS_FileIsInPAK = FS_FileIsInPAK; ri.FS_FileExists = FS_FileExists; ri.Cvar_Get = Cvar_Get; ri.Cvar_Set = Cvar_Set; ri.Cvar_CheckRange = Cvar_CheckRange; // cinematic stuff ri.CIN_UploadCinematic = CIN_UploadCinematic; ri.CIN_PlayCinematic = CIN_PlayCinematic; ri.CIN_RunCinematic = CIN_RunCinematic; ri.CL_WriteAVIVideoFrame = CL_WriteAVIVideoFrame; ret = GetRefAPI( REF_API_VERSION, &ri ); #if defined __USEA3D && defined __A3D_GEOM hA3Dg_ExportRenderGeom (ret); #endif Com_Printf( "-------------------------------\n"); if ( !ret ) { Com_Error (ERR_FATAL, "Couldn't initialize refresh" ); } re = *ret; // unpause so the cgame definately gets a snapshot and renders a frame Cvar_Set( "cl_paused", "0" ); } //=========================================================================================== void CL_SetModel_f( void ) { char *arg; char name[256]; arg = Cmd_Argv( 1 ); if (arg[0]) { Cvar_Set( "model", arg ); Cvar_Set( "headmodel", arg ); } else { Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( "model", name, sizeof(name) ); Com_Printf("model is set to %s\n", name); } } //=========================================================================================== /* =============== CL_Video_f video video [filename] =============== */ void CL_Video_f( void ) { char filename[ MAX_OSPATH ]; int i, last; if( !clc.demoplaying ) { Com_Printf( "The video command can only be used when playing back demos\n" ); return; } if( Cmd_Argc( ) == 2 ) { // explicit filename Com_sprintf( filename, MAX_OSPATH, "videos/%s.avi", Cmd_Argv( 1 ) ); } else { // scan for a free filename for( i = 0; i <= 9999; i++ ) { int a, b, c, d; last = i; a = last / 1000; last -= a * 1000; b = last / 100; last -= b * 100; c = last / 10; last -= c * 10; d = last; Com_sprintf( filename, MAX_OSPATH, "videos/video%d%d%d%d.avi", a, b, c, d ); if( !FS_FileExists( filename ) ) break; // file doesn't exist } if( i > 9999 ) { Com_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "ERROR: no free file names to create video\n" ); return; } } CL_OpenAVIForWriting( filename ); } /* =============== CL_StopVideo_f =============== */ void CL_StopVideo_f( void ) { CL_CloseAVI( ); } /* =============== CL_GenerateQKey test to see if a valid QKEY_FILE exists. If one does not, try to generate it by filling it with 2048 bytes of random data. =============== */ static void CL_GenerateQKey(void) { int len = 0; unsigned char buff[ QKEY_SIZE ]; fileHandle_t f; len = FS_SV_FOpenFileRead( QKEY_FILE, &f ); FS_FCloseFile( f ); if( len == QKEY_SIZE ) { Com_Printf( "QKEY found.\n" ); return; } else { if( len > 0 ) { Com_Printf( "QKEY file size != %d, regenerating\n", QKEY_SIZE ); } Com_Printf( "QKEY building random string\n" ); Com_RandomBytes( buff, sizeof(buff) ); f = FS_SV_FOpenFileWrite( QKEY_FILE ); if( !f ) { Com_Printf( "QKEY could not open %s for write\n", QKEY_FILE ); return; } FS_Write( buff, sizeof(buff), f ); FS_FCloseFile( f ); Com_Printf( "QKEY generated\n" ); } } /* ==================== CL_Init ==================== */ void CL_Init( void ) { Com_Printf( "----- Client Initialization -----\n" ); Con_Init (); if(!com_fullyInitialized) { CL_ClearState(); clc.state = CA_DISCONNECTED; // no longer CA_UNINITIALIZED cls.oldGameSet = qfalse; } cls.realtime = 0; CL_InitInput (); // // register our variables // cl_noprint = Cvar_Get( "cl_noprint", "0", 0 ); cl_motd = Cvar_Get ("cl_motd", "1", 0); cl_timeout = Cvar_Get ("cl_timeout", "200", 0); cl_timeNudge = Cvar_Get ("cl_timeNudge", "0", CVAR_TEMP ); cl_shownet = Cvar_Get ("cl_shownet", "0", CVAR_TEMP ); cl_showSend = Cvar_Get ("cl_showSend", "0", CVAR_TEMP ); cl_showTimeDelta = Cvar_Get ("cl_showTimeDelta", "0", CVAR_TEMP ); cl_freezeDemo = Cvar_Get ("cl_freezeDemo", "0", CVAR_TEMP ); rcon_client_password = Cvar_Get ("rconPassword", "", CVAR_TEMP ); cl_activeAction = Cvar_Get( "activeAction", "", CVAR_TEMP ); cl_timedemo = Cvar_Get ("timedemo", "0", 0); cl_timedemoLog = Cvar_Get ("cl_timedemoLog", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE); cl_autoRecordDemo = Cvar_Get ("cl_autoRecordDemo", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE); cl_aviFrameRate = Cvar_Get ("cl_aviFrameRate", "25", CVAR_ARCHIVE); cl_aviMotionJpeg = Cvar_Get ("cl_aviMotionJpeg", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE); cl_forceavidemo = Cvar_Get ("cl_forceavidemo", "0", 0); rconAddress = Cvar_Get ("rconAddress", "", 0); cl_yawspeed = Cvar_Get ("cl_yawspeed", "140", CVAR_ARCHIVE); cl_pitchspeed = Cvar_Get ("cl_pitchspeed", "140", CVAR_ARCHIVE); cl_anglespeedkey = Cvar_Get ("cl_anglespeedkey", "1.5", 0); cl_maxpackets = Cvar_Get ("cl_maxpackets", "30", CVAR_ARCHIVE ); cl_packetdup = Cvar_Get ("cl_packetdup", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE ); cl_run = Cvar_Get ("cl_run", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE); cl_sensitivity = Cvar_Get ("sensitivity", "5", CVAR_ARCHIVE); cl_mouseAccel = Cvar_Get ("cl_mouseAccel", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE); cl_freelook = Cvar_Get( "cl_freelook", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE ); // 0: legacy mouse acceleration // 1: new implementation cl_mouseAccelStyle = Cvar_Get( "cl_mouseAccelStyle", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE ); // offset for the power function (for style 1, ignored otherwise) // this should be set to the max rate value cl_mouseAccelOffset = Cvar_Get( "cl_mouseAccelOffset", "5", CVAR_ARCHIVE ); Cvar_CheckRange(cl_mouseAccelOffset, 0.001f, 50000.0f, qfalse); cl_showMouseRate = Cvar_Get ("cl_showmouserate", "0", 0); cl_allowDownload = Cvar_Get ("cl_allowDownload", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE); #ifdef USE_CURL cl_cURLLib = Cvar_Get("cl_cURLLib", DEFAULT_CURL_LIB, CVAR_ARCHIVE); #endif cl_conXOffset = Cvar_Get ("cl_conXOffset", "0", 0); #ifdef MACOS_X // In game video is REALLY slow in Mac OS X right now due to driver slowness cl_inGameVideo = Cvar_Get ("r_inGameVideo", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE); #else cl_inGameVideo = Cvar_Get ("r_inGameVideo", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE); #endif cl_serverStatusResendTime = Cvar_Get ("cl_serverStatusResendTime", "750", 0); // init autoswitch so the ui will have it correctly even // if the cgame hasn't been started Cvar_Get ("cg_autoswitch", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE); m_pitch = Cvar_Get ("m_pitch", "0.022", CVAR_ARCHIVE); m_yaw = Cvar_Get ("m_yaw", "0.022", CVAR_ARCHIVE); m_forward = Cvar_Get ("m_forward", "0.25", CVAR_ARCHIVE); m_side = Cvar_Get ("m_side", "0.25", CVAR_ARCHIVE); #ifdef MACOS_X // Input is jittery on OS X w/o this m_filter = Cvar_Get ("m_filter", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE); #else m_filter = Cvar_Get ("m_filter", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE); #endif j_pitch = Cvar_Get ("j_pitch", "0.022", CVAR_ARCHIVE); j_yaw = Cvar_Get ("j_yaw", "-0.022", CVAR_ARCHIVE); j_forward = Cvar_Get ("j_forward", "-0.25", CVAR_ARCHIVE); j_side = Cvar_Get ("j_side", "0.25", CVAR_ARCHIVE); j_pitch_axis = Cvar_Get ("j_pitch_axis", "3", CVAR_ARCHIVE); j_yaw_axis = Cvar_Get ("j_yaw_axis", "4", CVAR_ARCHIVE); j_forward_axis = Cvar_Get ("j_forward_axis", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE); j_side_axis = Cvar_Get ("j_side_axis", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE); cl_motdString = Cvar_Get( "cl_motdString", "", CVAR_ROM ); Cvar_Get( "cl_maxPing", "800", CVAR_ARCHIVE ); cl_lanForcePackets = Cvar_Get ("cl_lanForcePackets", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE); cl_guidServerUniq = Cvar_Get ("cl_guidServerUniq", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE); // ~ and `, as keys and characters cl_consoleKeys = Cvar_Get( "cl_consoleKeys", "~ ` 0x7e 0x60", CVAR_ARCHIVE); cl_gamename = Cvar_Get("cl_gamename", GAMENAME_FOR_MASTER, CVAR_TEMP); // userinfo Cvar_Get ("name", "UnnamedPlayer", CVAR_USERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE ); Cvar_Get ("rate", "25000", CVAR_USERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE ); Cvar_Get ("snaps", "20", CVAR_USERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE ); Cvar_Get ("model", "sarge", CVAR_USERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE ); Cvar_Get ("headmodel", "sarge", CVAR_USERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE ); Cvar_Get ("team_model", "james", CVAR_USERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE ); Cvar_Get ("team_headmodel", "*james", CVAR_USERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE ); Cvar_Get ("g_redTeam", "Stroggs", CVAR_SERVERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE); Cvar_Get ("g_blueTeam", "Pagans", CVAR_SERVERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE); Cvar_Get ("color1", "4", CVAR_USERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE ); Cvar_Get ("color2", "5", CVAR_USERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE ); Cvar_Get ("handicap", "100", CVAR_USERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE ); Cvar_Get ("teamtask", "0", CVAR_USERINFO ); Cvar_Get ("sex", "male", CVAR_USERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE ); Cvar_Get ("cl_anonymous", "0", CVAR_USERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE ); Cvar_Get ("password", "", CVAR_USERINFO); Cvar_Get ("cg_predictItems", "1", CVAR_USERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE ); #ifdef USE_MUMBLE cl_useMumble = Cvar_Get ("cl_useMumble", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_LATCH); cl_mumbleScale = Cvar_Get ("cl_mumbleScale", "0.0254", CVAR_ARCHIVE); #endif #ifdef USE_VOIP cl_voipSend = Cvar_Get ("cl_voipSend", "0", 0); cl_voipSendTarget = Cvar_Get ("cl_voipSendTarget", "all", 0); cl_voipGainDuringCapture = Cvar_Get ("cl_voipGainDuringCapture", "0.2", CVAR_ARCHIVE); cl_voipCaptureMult = Cvar_Get ("cl_voipCaptureMult", "2.0", CVAR_ARCHIVE); cl_voipUseVAD = Cvar_Get ("cl_voipUseVAD", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE); cl_voipVADThreshold = Cvar_Get ("cl_voipVADThreshold", "0.25", CVAR_ARCHIVE); cl_voipShowMeter = Cvar_Get ("cl_voipShowMeter", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE); // This is a protocol version number. cl_voip = Cvar_Get ("cl_voip", "1", CVAR_USERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_LATCH); Cvar_CheckRange( cl_voip, 0, 1, qtrue ); // If your data rate is too low, you'll get Connection Interrupted warnings // when VoIP packets arrive, even if you have a broadband connection. // This might work on rates lower than 25000, but for safety's sake, we'll // just demand it. Who doesn't have at least a DSL line now, anyhow? If // you don't, you don't need VoIP. :) if ((cl_voip->integer) && (Cvar_VariableIntegerValue("rate") < 25000)) { Com_Printf(S_COLOR_YELLOW "Your network rate is too slow for VoIP.\n"); Com_Printf("Set 'Data Rate' to 'LAN/Cable/xDSL' in 'Setup/System/Network' and restart.\n"); Com_Printf("Until then, VoIP is disabled.\n"); Cvar_Set("cl_voip", "0"); } #endif // cgame might not be initialized before menu is used Cvar_Get ("cg_viewsize", "100", CVAR_ARCHIVE ); // Make sure cg_stereoSeparation is zero as that variable is deprecated and should not be used anymore. Cvar_Get ("cg_stereoSeparation", "0", CVAR_ROM); // // register our commands // Cmd_AddCommand ("cmd", CL_ForwardToServer_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("configstrings", CL_Configstrings_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("clientinfo", CL_Clientinfo_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("snd_restart", CL_Snd_Restart_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("vid_restart", CL_Vid_Restart_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("disconnect", CL_Disconnect_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("record", CL_Record_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("demo", CL_PlayDemo_f); Cmd_SetCommandCompletionFunc( "demo", CL_CompleteDemoName ); Cmd_AddCommand ("cinematic", CL_PlayCinematic_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("stoprecord", CL_StopRecord_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("connect", CL_Connect_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("reconnect", CL_Reconnect_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("localservers", CL_LocalServers_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("globalservers", CL_GlobalServers_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("rcon", CL_Rcon_f); Cmd_SetCommandCompletionFunc( "rcon", CL_CompleteRcon ); Cmd_AddCommand ("ping", CL_Ping_f ); Cmd_AddCommand ("serverstatus", CL_ServerStatus_f ); Cmd_AddCommand ("showip", CL_ShowIP_f ); Cmd_AddCommand ("fs_openedList", CL_OpenedPK3List_f ); Cmd_AddCommand ("fs_referencedList", CL_ReferencedPK3List_f ); Cmd_AddCommand ("model", CL_SetModel_f ); Cmd_AddCommand ("video", CL_Video_f ); Cmd_AddCommand ("stopvideo", CL_StopVideo_f ); Cmd_AddCommand("minimize", GLimp_Minimize); CL_InitRef(); SCR_Init (); // Cbuf_Execute (); Cvar_Set( "cl_running", "1" ); CL_GenerateQKey(); Cvar_Get( "cl_guid", "", CVAR_USERINFO | CVAR_ROM ); CL_UpdateGUID( NULL, 0 ); Com_Printf( "----- Client Initialization Complete -----\n" ); } /* =============== CL_Shutdown =============== */ void CL_Shutdown(char *finalmsg, qboolean disconnect) { static qboolean recursive = qfalse; // check whether the client is running at all. if(!(com_cl_running && com_cl_running->integer)) return; Com_Printf( "----- Client Shutdown (%s) -----\n", finalmsg ); if ( recursive ) { Com_Printf( "WARNING: Recursive shutdown\n" ); return; } recursive = qtrue; if(disconnect) CL_Disconnect(qtrue); CL_ClearMemory(qtrue); CL_Snd_Shutdown(); Cmd_RemoveCommand ("cmd"); Cmd_RemoveCommand ("configstrings"); Cmd_RemoveCommand ("clientinfo"); Cmd_RemoveCommand ("snd_restart"); Cmd_RemoveCommand ("vid_restart"); Cmd_RemoveCommand ("disconnect"); Cmd_RemoveCommand ("record"); Cmd_RemoveCommand ("demo"); Cmd_RemoveCommand ("cinematic"); Cmd_RemoveCommand ("stoprecord"); Cmd_RemoveCommand ("connect"); Cmd_RemoveCommand ("reconnect"); Cmd_RemoveCommand ("localservers"); Cmd_RemoveCommand ("globalservers"); Cmd_RemoveCommand ("rcon"); Cmd_RemoveCommand ("ping"); Cmd_RemoveCommand ("serverstatus"); Cmd_RemoveCommand ("showip"); Cmd_RemoveCommand ("fs_openedList"); Cmd_RemoveCommand ("fs_referencedList"); Cmd_RemoveCommand ("model"); Cmd_RemoveCommand ("video"); Cmd_RemoveCommand ("stopvideo"); Cmd_RemoveCommand ("minimize"); CL_ShutdownInput(); Con_Shutdown(); Cvar_Set( "cl_running", "0" ); recursive = qfalse; Com_Memset( &cls, 0, sizeof( cls ) ); Key_SetCatcher( 0 ); Com_Printf( "-----------------------\n" ); } static void CL_SetServerInfo(serverInfo_t *server, const char *info, int ping) { if (server) { if (info) { server->clients = atoi(Info_ValueForKey(info, "clients")); Q_strncpyz(server->hostName,Info_ValueForKey(info, "hostname"), MAX_NAME_LENGTH); Q_strncpyz(server->mapName, Info_ValueForKey(info, "mapname"), MAX_NAME_LENGTH); server->maxClients = atoi(Info_ValueForKey(info, "sv_maxclients")); Q_strncpyz(server->game,Info_ValueForKey(info, "game"), MAX_NAME_LENGTH); server->gameType = atoi(Info_ValueForKey(info, "gametype")); server->netType = atoi(Info_ValueForKey(info, "nettype")); server->minPing = atoi(Info_ValueForKey(info, "minping")); server->maxPing = atoi(Info_ValueForKey(info, "maxping")); server->punkbuster = atoi(Info_ValueForKey(info, "punkbuster")); server->g_humanplayers = atoi(Info_ValueForKey(info, "g_humanplayers")); server->g_needpass = atoi(Info_ValueForKey(info, "g_needpass")); } server->ping = ping; } } static void CL_SetServerInfoByAddress(netadr_t from, const char *info, int ping) { int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_OTHER_SERVERS; i++) { if (NET_CompareAdr(from, cls.localServers[i].adr)) { CL_SetServerInfo(&cls.localServers[i], info, ping); } } for (i = 0; i < MAX_GLOBAL_SERVERS; i++) { if (NET_CompareAdr(from, cls.globalServers[i].adr)) { CL_SetServerInfo(&cls.globalServers[i], info, ping); } } for (i = 0; i < MAX_OTHER_SERVERS; i++) { if (NET_CompareAdr(from, cls.favoriteServers[i].adr)) { CL_SetServerInfo(&cls.favoriteServers[i], info, ping); } } } /* =================== CL_ServerInfoPacket =================== */ void CL_ServerInfoPacket( netadr_t from, msg_t *msg ) { int i, type; char info[MAX_INFO_STRING]; char *infoString; int prot; infoString = MSG_ReadString( msg ); // if this isn't the correct protocol version, ignore it prot = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( infoString, "protocol" ) ); if ( prot != com_protocol->integer ) { Com_DPrintf( "Different protocol info packet: %s\n", infoString ); return; } // iterate servers waiting for ping response for (i=0; iretrieved = qtrue; return qfalse; } // if this server status request has the same address if ( NET_CompareAdr( to, serverStatus->address) ) { // if we recieved an response for this server status request if (!serverStatus->pending) { Q_strncpyz(serverStatusString, serverStatus->string, maxLen); serverStatus->retrieved = qtrue; serverStatus->startTime = 0; return qtrue; } // resend the request regularly else if ( serverStatus->startTime < Com_Milliseconds() - cl_serverStatusResendTime->integer ) { serverStatus->print = qfalse; serverStatus->pending = qtrue; serverStatus->retrieved = qfalse; serverStatus->time = 0; serverStatus->startTime = Com_Milliseconds(); NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_CLIENT, to, "getstatus" ); return qfalse; } } // if retrieved else if ( serverStatus->retrieved ) { serverStatus->address = to; serverStatus->print = qfalse; serverStatus->pending = qtrue; serverStatus->retrieved = qfalse; serverStatus->startTime = Com_Milliseconds(); serverStatus->time = 0; NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_CLIENT, to, "getstatus" ); return qfalse; } return qfalse; } /* =================== CL_ServerStatusResponse =================== */ void CL_ServerStatusResponse( netadr_t from, msg_t *msg ) { char *s; char info[MAX_INFO_STRING]; int i, l, score, ping; int len; serverStatus_t *serverStatus; serverStatus = NULL; for (i = 0; i < MAX_SERVERSTATUSREQUESTS; i++) { if ( NET_CompareAdr( from, cl_serverStatusList[i].address ) ) { serverStatus = &cl_serverStatusList[i]; break; } } // if we didn't request this server status if (!serverStatus) { return; } s = MSG_ReadStringLine( msg ); len = 0; Com_sprintf(&serverStatus->string[len], sizeof(serverStatus->string)-len, "%s", s); if (serverStatus->print) { Com_Printf("Server settings:\n"); // print cvars while (*s) { for (i = 0; i < 2 && *s; i++) { if (*s == '\\') s++; l = 0; while (*s) { info[l++] = *s; if (l >= MAX_INFO_STRING-1) break; s++; if (*s == '\\') { break; } } info[l] = '\0'; if (i) { Com_Printf("%s\n", info); } else { Com_Printf("%-24s", info); } } } } len = strlen(serverStatus->string); Com_sprintf(&serverStatus->string[len], sizeof(serverStatus->string)-len, "\\"); if (serverStatus->print) { Com_Printf("\nPlayers:\n"); Com_Printf("num: score: ping: name:\n"); } for (i = 0, s = MSG_ReadStringLine( msg ); *s; s = MSG_ReadStringLine( msg ), i++) { len = strlen(serverStatus->string); Com_sprintf(&serverStatus->string[len], sizeof(serverStatus->string)-len, "\\%s", s); if (serverStatus->print) { score = ping = 0; sscanf(s, "%d %d", &score, &ping); s = strchr(s, ' '); if (s) s = strchr(s+1, ' '); if (s) s++; else s = "unknown"; Com_Printf("%-2d %-3d %-3d %s\n", i, score, ping, s ); } } len = strlen(serverStatus->string); Com_sprintf(&serverStatus->string[len], sizeof(serverStatus->string)-len, "\\"); serverStatus->time = Com_Milliseconds(); serverStatus->address = from; serverStatus->pending = qfalse; if (serverStatus->print) { serverStatus->retrieved = qtrue; } } /* ================== CL_LocalServers_f ================== */ void CL_LocalServers_f( void ) { char *message; int i, j; netadr_t to; Com_Printf( "Scanning for servers on the local network...\n"); // reset the list, waiting for response cls.numlocalservers = 0; cls.pingUpdateSource = AS_LOCAL; for (i = 0; i < MAX_OTHER_SERVERS; i++) { qboolean b = cls.localServers[i].visible; Com_Memset(&cls.localServers[i], 0, sizeof(cls.localServers[i])); cls.localServers[i].visible = b; } Com_Memset( &to, 0, sizeof( to ) ); // The 'xxx' in the message is a challenge that will be echoed back // by the server. We don't care about that here, but master servers // can use that to prevent spoofed server responses from invalid ip message = "\377\377\377\377getinfo xxx"; // send each message twice in case one is dropped for ( i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++ ) { // send a broadcast packet on each server port // we support multiple server ports so a single machine // can nicely run multiple servers for ( j = 0 ; j < NUM_SERVER_PORTS ; j++ ) { to.port = BigShort( (short)(PORT_SERVER + j) ); to.type = NA_BROADCAST; NET_SendPacket( NS_CLIENT, strlen( message ), message, to ); to.type = NA_MULTICAST6; NET_SendPacket( NS_CLIENT, strlen( message ), message, to ); } } } /* ================== CL_GlobalServers_f ================== */ void CL_GlobalServers_f( void ) { netadr_t to; int count, i, masterNum; char command[1024], *masteraddress; if ((count = Cmd_Argc()) < 3 || (masterNum = atoi(Cmd_Argv(1))) < 0 || masterNum > MAX_MASTER_SERVERS - 1) { Com_Printf("usage: globalservers [keywords]\n", MAX_MASTER_SERVERS - 1); return; } sprintf(command, "sv_master%d", masterNum + 1); masteraddress = Cvar_VariableString(command); if(!*masteraddress) { Com_Printf( "CL_GlobalServers_f: Error: No master server address given.\n"); return; } // reset the list, waiting for response // -1 is used to distinguish a "no response" i = NET_StringToAdr(masteraddress, &to, NA_UNSPEC); if(!i) { Com_Printf( "CL_GlobalServers_f: Error: could not resolve address of master %s\n", masteraddress); return; } else if(i == 2) to.port = BigShort(PORT_MASTER); Com_Printf("Requesting servers from master %s...\n", masteraddress); cls.numglobalservers = -1; cls.pingUpdateSource = AS_GLOBAL; // Use the extended query for IPv6 masters if (to.type == NA_IP6 || to.type == NA_MULTICAST6) { int v4enabled = Cvar_VariableIntegerValue("net_enabled") & NET_ENABLEV4; if(v4enabled) { Com_sprintf(command, sizeof(command), "getserversExt %s %s ipv6", cl_gamename->string, Cmd_Argv(2)); } else { Com_sprintf(command, sizeof(command), "getserversExt %s %s", cl_gamename->string, Cmd_Argv(2)); } // TODO: test if we only have an IPv6 connection. If it's the case, // request IPv6 servers only by appending " ipv6" to the command } else Com_sprintf(command, sizeof(command), "getservers %s", Cmd_Argv(2)); for (i=3; i < count; i++) { Q_strcat(command, sizeof(command), " "); Q_strcat(command, sizeof(command), Cmd_Argv(i)); } NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, to, "%s", command ); } /* ================== CL_GetPing ================== */ void CL_GetPing( int n, char *buf, int buflen, int *pingtime ) { const char *str; int time; int maxPing; if (n < 0 || n >= MAX_PINGREQUESTS || !cl_pinglist[n].adr.port) { // empty or invalid slot buf[0] = '\0'; *pingtime = 0; return; } str = NET_AdrToStringwPort( cl_pinglist[n].adr ); Q_strncpyz( buf, str, buflen ); time = cl_pinglist[n].time; if (!time) { // check for timeout time = Sys_Milliseconds() - cl_pinglist[n].start; maxPing = Cvar_VariableIntegerValue( "cl_maxPing" ); if( maxPing < 100 ) { maxPing = 100; } if (time < maxPing) { // not timed out yet time = 0; } } CL_SetServerInfoByAddress(cl_pinglist[n].adr, cl_pinglist[n].info, cl_pinglist[n].time); *pingtime = time; } /* ================== CL_GetPingInfo ================== */ void CL_GetPingInfo( int n, char *buf, int buflen ) { if (n < 0 || n >= MAX_PINGREQUESTS || !cl_pinglist[n].adr.port) { // empty or invalid slot if (buflen) buf[0] = '\0'; return; } Q_strncpyz( buf, cl_pinglist[n].info, buflen ); } /* ================== CL_ClearPing ================== */ void CL_ClearPing( int n ) { if (n < 0 || n >= MAX_PINGREQUESTS) return; cl_pinglist[n].adr.port = 0; } /* ================== CL_GetPingQueueCount ================== */ int CL_GetPingQueueCount( void ) { int i; int count; ping_t* pingptr; count = 0; pingptr = cl_pinglist; for (i=0; iadr.port) { count++; } } return (count); } /* ================== CL_GetFreePing ================== */ ping_t* CL_GetFreePing( void ) { ping_t* pingptr; ping_t* best; int oldest; int i; int time; pingptr = cl_pinglist; for (i=0; iadr.port) { if (!pingptr->time) { if (Sys_Milliseconds() - pingptr->start < 500) { // still waiting for response continue; } } else if (pingptr->time < 500) { // results have not been queried continue; } } // clear it pingptr->adr.port = 0; return (pingptr); } // use oldest entry pingptr = cl_pinglist; best = cl_pinglist; oldest = INT_MIN; for (i=0; istart; if (time > oldest) { oldest = time; best = pingptr; } } return (best); } /* ================== CL_Ping_f ================== */ void CL_Ping_f( void ) { netadr_t to; ping_t* pingptr; char* server; int argc; netadrtype_t family = NA_UNSPEC; argc = Cmd_Argc(); if ( argc != 2 && argc != 3 ) { Com_Printf( "usage: ping [-4|-6] server\n"); return; } if(argc == 2) server = Cmd_Argv(1); else { if(!strcmp(Cmd_Argv(1), "-4")) family = NA_IP; else if(!strcmp(Cmd_Argv(1), "-6")) family = NA_IP6; else Com_Printf( "warning: only -4 or -6 as address type understood.\n"); server = Cmd_Argv(2); } Com_Memset( &to, 0, sizeof(netadr_t) ); if ( !NET_StringToAdr( server, &to, family ) ) { return; } pingptr = CL_GetFreePing(); memcpy( &pingptr->adr, &to, sizeof (netadr_t) ); pingptr->start = Sys_Milliseconds(); pingptr->time = 0; CL_SetServerInfoByAddress(pingptr->adr, NULL, 0); NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_CLIENT, to, "getinfo xxx" ); } /* ================== CL_UpdateVisiblePings_f ================== */ qboolean CL_UpdateVisiblePings_f(int source) { int slots, i; char buff[MAX_STRING_CHARS]; int pingTime; int max; qboolean status = qfalse; if (source < 0 || source > AS_FAVORITES) { return qfalse; } cls.pingUpdateSource = source; slots = CL_GetPingQueueCount(); if (slots < MAX_PINGREQUESTS) { serverInfo_t *server = NULL; max = (source == AS_GLOBAL) ? MAX_GLOBAL_SERVERS : MAX_OTHER_SERVERS; switch (source) { case AS_LOCAL : server = &cls.localServers[0]; max = cls.numlocalservers; break; case AS_GLOBAL : server = &cls.globalServers[0]; max = cls.numglobalservers; break; case AS_FAVORITES : server = &cls.favoriteServers[0]; max = cls.numfavoriteservers; break; default: return qfalse; } for (i = 0; i < max; i++) { if (server[i].visible) { if (server[i].ping == -1) { int j; if (slots >= MAX_PINGREQUESTS) { break; } for (j = 0; j < MAX_PINGREQUESTS; j++) { if (!cl_pinglist[j].adr.port) { continue; } if (NET_CompareAdr( cl_pinglist[j].adr, server[i].adr)) { // already on the list break; } } if (j >= MAX_PINGREQUESTS) { status = qtrue; for (j = 0; j < MAX_PINGREQUESTS; j++) { if (!cl_pinglist[j].adr.port) { break; } } memcpy(&cl_pinglist[j].adr, &server[i].adr, sizeof(netadr_t)); cl_pinglist[j].start = Sys_Milliseconds(); cl_pinglist[j].time = 0; NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_CLIENT, cl_pinglist[j].adr, "getinfo xxx" ); slots++; } } // if the server has a ping higher than cl_maxPing or // the ping packet got lost else if (server[i].ping == 0) { // if we are updating global servers if (source == AS_GLOBAL) { // if ( cls.numGlobalServerAddresses > 0 ) { // overwrite this server with one from the additional global servers cls.numGlobalServerAddresses--; CL_InitServerInfo(&server[i], &cls.globalServerAddresses[cls.numGlobalServerAddresses]); // NOTE: the server[i].visible flag stays untouched } } } } } } if (slots) { status = qtrue; } for (i = 0; i < MAX_PINGREQUESTS; i++) { if (!cl_pinglist[i].adr.port) { continue; } CL_GetPing( i, buff, MAX_STRING_CHARS, &pingTime ); if (pingTime != 0) { CL_ClearPing(i); status = qtrue; } } return status; } /* ================== CL_ServerStatus_f ================== */ void CL_ServerStatus_f(void) { netadr_t to, *toptr = NULL; char *server; serverStatus_t *serverStatus; int argc; netadrtype_t family = NA_UNSPEC; argc = Cmd_Argc(); if ( argc != 2 && argc != 3 ) { if (clc.state != CA_ACTIVE || clc.demoplaying) { Com_Printf ("Not connected to a server.\n"); Com_Printf( "usage: serverstatus [-4|-6] server\n"); return; } toptr = &clc.serverAddress; } if(!toptr) { Com_Memset( &to, 0, sizeof(netadr_t) ); if(argc == 2) server = Cmd_Argv(1); else { if(!strcmp(Cmd_Argv(1), "-4")) family = NA_IP; else if(!strcmp(Cmd_Argv(1), "-6")) family = NA_IP6; else Com_Printf( "warning: only -4 or -6 as address type understood.\n"); server = Cmd_Argv(2); } toptr = &to; if ( !NET_StringToAdr( server, toptr, family ) ) return; } NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_CLIENT, *toptr, "getstatus" ); serverStatus = CL_GetServerStatus( *toptr ); serverStatus->address = *toptr; serverStatus->print = qtrue; serverStatus->pending = qtrue; } /* ================== CL_ShowIP_f ================== */ void CL_ShowIP_f(void) { Sys_ShowIP(); } /* ================= bool CL_CDKeyValidate ================= */ qboolean CL_CDKeyValidate( const char *key, const char *checksum ) { #ifdef STANDALONE return qtrue; #else char ch; byte sum; char chs[3]; int i, len; len = strlen(key); if( len != CDKEY_LEN ) { return qfalse; } if( checksum && strlen( checksum ) != CDCHKSUM_LEN ) { return qfalse; } sum = 0; // for loop gets rid of conditional assignment warning for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { ch = *key++; if (ch>='a' && ch<='z') { ch -= 32; } switch( ch ) { case '2': case '3': case '7': case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D': case 'G': case 'H': case 'J': case 'L': case 'P': case 'R': case 'S': case 'T': case 'W': sum += ch; continue; default: return qfalse; } } sprintf(chs, "%02x", sum); if (checksum && !Q_stricmp(chs, checksum)) { return qtrue; } if (!checksum) { return qtrue; } return qfalse; #endif }