/******************************************************************** * * * THIS FILE IS PART OF THE libopusfile SOFTWARE CODEC SOURCE CODE. * * USE, DISTRIBUTION AND REPRODUCTION OF THIS LIBRARY SOURCE IS * * GOVERNED BY A BSD-STYLE SOURCE LICENSE INCLUDED WITH THIS SOURCE * * IN 'COPYING'. PLEASE READ THESE TERMS BEFORE DISTRIBUTING. * * * * THE libopusfile SOURCE CODE IS (C) COPYRIGHT 1994-2012 * * by the Xiph.Org Foundation and contributors http://www.xiph.org/ * * * ******************************************************************** function: stdio-based convenience library for opening/seeking/decoding last mod: $Id: vorbisfile.c 17573 2010-10-27 14:53:59Z xiphmont $ ********************************************************************/ #include "internal.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "opusfile.h" /*This implementation is largely based off of libvorbisfile. All of the Ogg bits work roughly the same, though I have made some "improvements" that have not been folded back there, yet.*/ /*A 'chained bitstream' is an Ogg Opus bitstream that contains more than one logical bitstream arranged end to end (the only form of Ogg multiplexing supported by this library. Grouping (parallel multiplexing) is not supported, except to the extent that if there are multiple logical Ogg streams in a single link of the chain, we will ignore all but the first Opus stream we find.*/ /*An Ogg Opus file can be played beginning to end (streamed) without worrying ahead of time about chaining (see opusdec from the opus-tools package). If we have the whole file, however, and want random access (seeking/scrubbing) or desire to know the total length/time of a file, we need to account for the possibility of chaining.*/ /*We can handle things a number of ways. We can determine the entire bitstream structure right off the bat, or find pieces on demand. This library determines and caches structure for the entire bitstream, but builds a virtual decoder on the fly when moving between links in the chain.*/ /*There are also different ways to implement seeking. Enough information exists in an Ogg bitstream to seek to sample-granularity positions in the output. Or, one can seek by picking some portion of the stream roughly in the desired area if we only want coarse navigation through the stream. We implement and expose both strategies.*/ /*The maximum number of bytes in a page (including the page headers).*/ #define OP_PAGE_SIZE_MAX (65307) /*The default amount to seek backwards per step when trying to find the previous page. This must be at least as large as the maximum size of a page.*/ #define OP_CHUNK_SIZE (65536) /*The maximum amount to seek backwards per step when trying to find the previous page.*/ #define OP_CHUNK_SIZE_MAX (1024*(opus_int32)1024) /*A smaller read size is needed for low-rate streaming.*/ #define OP_READ_SIZE (2048) int op_test(OpusHead *_head, const unsigned char *_initial_data,size_t _initial_bytes){ ogg_sync_state oy; char *data; int err; /*The first page of a normal Opus file will be at most 57 bytes (27 Ogg page header bytes + 1 lacing value + 21 Opus header bytes + 8 channel mapping bytes). It will be at least 47 bytes (27 Ogg page header bytes + 1 lacing value + 19 Opus header bytes using channel mapping family 0). If we don't have at least that much data, give up now.*/ if(_initial_bytes<47)return OP_FALSE; /*Only proceed if we start with the magic OggS string. This is to prevent us spending a lot of time allocating memory and looking for Ogg pages in non-Ogg files.*/ if(memcmp(_initial_data,"OggS",4)!=0)return OP_ENOTFORMAT; ogg_sync_init(&oy); data=ogg_sync_buffer(&oy,_initial_bytes); if(data!=NULL){ ogg_stream_state os; ogg_page og; int ret; memcpy(data,_initial_data,_initial_bytes); ogg_sync_wrote(&oy,_initial_bytes); ogg_stream_init(&os,-1); err=OP_FALSE; do{ ogg_packet op; ret=ogg_sync_pageout(&oy,&og); /*Ignore holes.*/ if(ret<0)continue; /*Stop if we run out of data.*/ if(!ret)break; ogg_stream_reset_serialno(&os,ogg_page_serialno(&og)); ogg_stream_pagein(&os,&og); /*Only process the first packet on this page (if it's a BOS packet, it's required to be the only one).*/ if(ogg_stream_packetout(&os,&op)==1){ if(op.b_o_s){ ret=opus_head_parse(_head,op.packet,op.bytes); /*If this didn't look like Opus, keep going.*/ if(ret==OP_ENOTFORMAT)continue; /*Otherwise we're done, one way or another.*/ err=ret; } /*We finished parsing the headers. There is no Opus to be found.*/ else err=OP_ENOTFORMAT; } } while(err==OP_FALSE); ogg_stream_clear(&os); } else err=OP_EFAULT; ogg_sync_clear(&oy); return err; } /*Many, many internal helpers. The intention is not to be confusing. Rampant duplication and monolithic function implementation (though we do have some large, omnibus functions still) would be harder to understand anyway. The high level functions are last. Begin grokking near the end of the file if you prefer to read things top-down.*/ /*The read/seek functions track absolute position within the stream.*/ /*Read a little more data from the file/pipe into the ogg_sync framer. _nbytes: The maximum number of bytes to read. Return: A positive number of bytes read on success, 0 on end-of-file, or a negative value on failure.*/ static int op_get_data(OggOpusFile *_of,int _nbytes){ unsigned char *buffer; int nbytes; OP_ASSERT(_nbytes>0); buffer=(unsigned char *)ogg_sync_buffer(&_of->oy,_nbytes); nbytes=(int)(*_of->callbacks.read)(_of->source,buffer,_nbytes); OP_ASSERT(nbytes<=_nbytes); if(OP_LIKELY(nbytes>0))ogg_sync_wrote(&_of->oy,nbytes); return nbytes; } /*Save a tiny smidge of verbosity to make the code more readable.*/ static int op_seek_helper(OggOpusFile *_of,opus_int64 _offset){ if(_offset==_of->offset)return 0; if(_of->callbacks.seek==NULL|| (*_of->callbacks.seek)(_of->source,_offset,SEEK_SET)){ return OP_EREAD; } _of->offset=_offset; ogg_sync_reset(&_of->oy); return 0; } /*Get the current position indicator of the underlying source. This should be the same as the value reported by tell().*/ static opus_int64 op_position(OggOpusFile *_of){ /*The current position indicator is _not_ simply offset. We may also have unprocessed, buffered data in the sync state.*/ return _of->offset+_of->oy.fill-_of->oy.returned; } /*From the head of the stream, get the next page. _boundary specifies if the function is allowed to fetch more data from the stream (and how much) or only use internally buffered data. _boundary: -1: Unbounded search. 0: Read no additional data. Use only cached data. n: Search for the start of a new page up to file position n. Return: n>=0: Found a page at absolute offset n. OP_FALSE: Hit the _boundary limit. OP_EREAD: An underlying read operation failed. OP_BADLINK: We hit end-of-file before reaching _boundary.*/ static opus_int64 op_get_next_page(OggOpusFile *_of,ogg_page *_og, opus_int64 _boundary){ for(;;){ int more; if(_boundary>0&&_of->offset>=_boundary)return OP_FALSE; more=ogg_sync_pageseek(&_of->oy,_og); /*Skipped (-more) bytes.*/ if(OP_UNLIKELY(more<0))_of->offset-=more; else if(more==0){ int read_nbytes; int ret; /*Send more paramedics.*/ if(!_boundary)return OP_FALSE; if(_boundary<0)read_nbytes=OP_READ_SIZE; else{ opus_int64 position; position=op_position(_of); if(position>=_boundary)return OP_FALSE; read_nbytes=(int)OP_MIN(_boundary-position,OP_READ_SIZE); } ret=op_get_data(_of,read_nbytes); if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0))return OP_EREAD; if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret==0)){ /*Only fail cleanly on EOF if we didn't have a known boundary. Otherwise, we should have been able to reach that boundary, and this is a fatal error.*/ return OP_UNLIKELY(_boundary<0)?OP_FALSE:OP_EBADLINK; } } else{ /*Got a page. Return the offset at the page beginning, advance the internal offset past the page end.*/ opus_int64 page_offset; page_offset=_of->offset; _of->offset+=more; return page_offset; } } } static int op_add_serialno(ogg_page *_og, ogg_uint32_t **_serialnos,int *_nserialnos,int *_cserialnos){ ogg_uint32_t *serialnos; int nserialnos; int cserialnos; ogg_uint32_t s; s=ogg_page_serialno(_og); serialnos=*_serialnos; nserialnos=*_nserialnos; cserialnos=*_cserialnos; if(OP_UNLIKELY(nserialnos>=cserialnos)){ if(OP_UNLIKELY(cserialnos>INT_MAX-1>>1))return OP_EFAULT; cserialnos=2*cserialnos+1; OP_ASSERT(nserialnos=OP_PAGE_SIZE_MAX); begin=OP_MAX(begin-chunk_size,0); ret=op_seek_helper(_of,begin); if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0))return ret; search_start=begin; while(_of->offsetsearch_start=search_start; _sr->offset=_offset=llret; _sr->serialno=serialno; OP_ASSERT(_of->offset-_offset>=0); OP_ASSERT(_of->offset-_offset<=OP_PAGE_SIZE_MAX); _sr->size=(opus_int32)(_of->offset-_offset); _sr->gp=ogg_page_granulepos(&og); /*If this page is from the stream we're looking for, remember it.*/ if(serialno==_serialno){ preferred_found=1; *&preferred_sr=*_sr; } if(!op_lookup_serialno(serialno,_serialnos,_nserialnos)){ /*We fell off the end of the link, which means we seeked back too far and shouldn't have been looking in that link to begin with. If we found the preferred serial number, forget that we saw it.*/ preferred_found=0; } search_start=llret+1; } /*We started from the beginning of the stream and found nothing. This should be impossible unless the contents of the source changed out from under us after we read from it.*/ if(OP_UNLIKELY(!begin)&&OP_UNLIKELY(_offset<0))return OP_EBADLINK; /*Bump up the chunk size. This is mildly helpful when seeks are very expensive (http).*/ chunk_size=OP_MIN(2*chunk_size,OP_CHUNK_SIZE_MAX); /*Avoid quadratic complexity if we hit an invalid patch of the file.*/ end=OP_MIN(begin+OP_PAGE_SIZE_MAX-1,original_end); } while(_offset<0); if(preferred_found)*_sr=*&preferred_sr; return 0; } /*Find the last page beginning before _offset with the given serial number and a valid granule position. Unlike the above search, this continues until it finds such a page, but does not stray outside the current link. We could implement it (inefficiently) by calling op_get_prev_page_serial() repeatedly until it returned a page that had both our preferred serial number and a valid granule position, but doing it with a separate function allows us to avoid repeatedly re-scanning valid pages from other streams as we seek-back-and-read-forward. [out] _gp: Returns the granule position of the page that was found on success. _offset: The _offset before which to find a page. Any page returned will consist of data entirely before _offset. _serialno: The target serial number. _serialnos: The list of serial numbers in the link that contains the preferred serial number. _nserialnos: The number of serial numbers in the current link. Return: The offset of the page on success, or a negative value on failure. OP_EREAD: Failed to read more data (error or EOF). OP_EBADLINK: We couldn't find a page even after seeking back past the beginning of the link.*/ static opus_int64 op_get_last_page(OggOpusFile *_of,ogg_int64_t *_gp, opus_int64 _offset,ogg_uint32_t _serialno, const ogg_uint32_t *_serialnos,int _nserialnos){ ogg_page og; ogg_int64_t gp; opus_int64 begin; opus_int64 end; opus_int64 original_end; opus_int32 chunk_size; /*The target serial number must belong to the current link.*/ OP_ASSERT(op_lookup_serialno(_serialno,_serialnos,_nserialnos)); original_end=end=begin=_offset; _offset=-1; chunk_size=OP_CHUNK_SIZE; do{ int left_link; int ret; OP_ASSERT(chunk_size>=OP_PAGE_SIZE_MAX); begin=OP_MAX(begin-chunk_size,0); ret=op_seek_helper(_of,begin); if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0))return ret; left_link=0; while(_of->offsetready_stateos,ogg_page_serialno(_og)); ogg_stream_pagein(&_of->os,_og); if(OP_LIKELY(ogg_stream_packetout(&_of->os,&op)>0)){ ret=opus_head_parse(_head,op.packet,op.bytes); /*If it's just a stream type we don't recognize, ignore it.*/ if(ret==OP_ENOTFORMAT)continue; /*Everything else is fatal.*/ if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0))return ret; /*Found a valid Opus header. Continue setup.*/ _of->ready_state=OP_STREAMSET; } } /*Get the next page. No need to clamp the boundary offset against _of->end, as all errors become OP_ENOTFORMAT.*/ if(OP_UNLIKELY(op_get_next_page(_of,_og, OP_ADV_OFFSET(_of->offset,OP_CHUNK_SIZE))<0)){ return OP_ENOTFORMAT; } /*If this page also belongs to our Opus stream, submit it and break.*/ if(_of->ready_state==OP_STREAMSET &&_of->os.serialno==ogg_page_serialno(_og)){ ogg_stream_pagein(&_of->os,_og); break; } } if(OP_UNLIKELY(_of->ready_state!=OP_STREAMSET))return OP_ENOTFORMAT; /*Loop getting packets.*/ for(;;){ switch(ogg_stream_packetout(&_of->os,&op)){ case 0:{ /*Loop getting pages.*/ for(;;){ /*No need to clamp the boundary offset against _of->end, as all errors become OP_EBADHEADER.*/ if(OP_UNLIKELY(op_get_next_page(_of,_og, OP_ADV_OFFSET(_of->offset,OP_CHUNK_SIZE))<0)){ return OP_EBADHEADER; } /*If this page belongs to the correct stream, go parse it.*/ if(_of->os.serialno==ogg_page_serialno(_og)){ ogg_stream_pagein(&_of->os,_og); break; } /*If the link ends before we see the Opus comment header, abort.*/ if(OP_UNLIKELY(ogg_page_bos(_og)))return OP_EBADHEADER; /*Otherwise, keep looking.*/ } }break; /*We shouldn't get a hole in the headers!*/ case -1:return OP_EBADHEADER; default:{ /*Got a packet. It should be the comment header.*/ ret=opus_tags_parse(_tags,op.packet,op.bytes); if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0))return ret; /*Make sure the page terminated at the end of the comment header. If there is another packet on the page, or part of a packet, then reject the stream. Otherwise seekable sources won't be able to seek back to the start properly.*/ ret=ogg_stream_packetout(&_of->os,&op); if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret!=0) ||OP_UNLIKELY(_og->header[_og->header_len-1]==255)){ /*If we fail, the caller assumes our tags are uninitialized.*/ opus_tags_clear(_tags); return OP_EBADHEADER; } return 0; } } } } static int op_fetch_headers(OggOpusFile *_of,OpusHead *_head, OpusTags *_tags,ogg_uint32_t **_serialnos,int *_nserialnos, int *_cserialnos,ogg_page *_og){ ogg_page og; int ret; if(!_og){ /*No need to clamp the boundary offset against _of->end, as all errors become OP_ENOTFORMAT.*/ if(OP_UNLIKELY(op_get_next_page(_of,&og, OP_ADV_OFFSET(_of->offset,OP_CHUNK_SIZE))<0)){ return OP_ENOTFORMAT; } _og=&og; } _of->ready_state=OP_OPENED; ret=op_fetch_headers_impl(_of,_head,_tags,_serialnos,_nserialnos, _cserialnos,_og); /*Revert back from OP_STREAMSET to OP_OPENED on failure, to prevent double-free of the tags in an unseekable stream.*/ if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0))_of->ready_state=OP_OPENED; return ret; } /*Granule position manipulation routines. A granule position is defined to be an unsigned 64-bit integer, with the special value -1 in two's complement indicating an unset or invalid granule position. We are not guaranteed to have an unsigned 64-bit type, so we construct the following routines that a) Properly order negative numbers as larger than positive numbers, and b) Check for underflow or overflow past the special -1 value. This lets us operate on the full, valid range of granule positions in a consistent and safe manner. This full range is organized into distinct regions: [ -1 (invalid) ][ 0 ... OP_INT64_MAX ][ OP_INT64_MIN ... -2 ][-1 (invalid) ] No one should actually use granule positions so large that they're negative, even if they are technically valid, as very little software handles them correctly (including most of Xiph.Org's). This library also refuses to support durations so large they won't fit in a signed 64-bit integer (to avoid exposing this mess to the application, and to simplify a good deal of internal arithmetic), so the only way to use them successfully is if pcm_start is very large. This means there isn't anything you can do with negative granule positions that you couldn't have done with purely non-negative ones. The main purpose of these routines is to allow us to think very explicitly about the possible failure cases of all granule position manipulations.*/ /*Safely adds a small signed integer to a valid (not -1) granule position. The result can use the full 64-bit range of values (both positive and negative), but will fail on overflow (wrapping past -1; wrapping past OP_INT64_MAX is explicitly okay). [out] _dst_gp: The resulting granule position. Only modified on success. _src_gp: The granule position to add to. This must not be -1. _delta: The amount to add. This is allowed to be up to 32 bits to support the maximum duration of a single Ogg page (255 packets * 120 ms per packet == 1,468,800 samples at 48 kHz). Return: 0 on success, or OP_EINVAL if the result would wrap around past -1.*/ static int op_granpos_add(ogg_int64_t *_dst_gp,ogg_int64_t _src_gp, opus_int32 _delta){ /*The code below handles this case correctly, but there's no reason we should ever be called with these values, so make sure we aren't.*/ OP_ASSERT(_src_gp!=-1); if(_delta>0){ /*Adding this amount to the granule position would overflow its 64-bit range.*/ if(OP_UNLIKELY(_src_gp<0)&&OP_UNLIKELY(_src_gp>=-1-_delta))return OP_EINVAL; if(OP_UNLIKELY(_src_gp>OP_INT64_MAX-_delta)){ /*Adding this amount to the granule position would overflow the positive half of its 64-bit range. Since signed overflow is undefined in C, do it in a way the compiler isn't allowed to screw up.*/ _delta-=(opus_int32)(OP_INT64_MAX-_src_gp)+1; _src_gp=OP_INT64_MIN; } } else if(_delta<0){ /*Subtracting this amount from the granule position would underflow its 64-bit range.*/ if(_src_gp>=0&&OP_UNLIKELY(_src_gp<-_delta))return OP_EINVAL; if(OP_UNLIKELY(_src_gp da < 0.*/ da=(OP_INT64_MIN-_gp_a)-1; /*_gp_b >= 0 => db >= 0.*/ db=OP_INT64_MAX-_gp_b; /*Step 2: Check for overflow.*/ if(OP_UNLIKELY(OP_INT64_MAX+da= 0 => da <= 0*/ da=_gp_a+OP_INT64_MIN; /*_gp_b < 0 => db <= 0*/ db=OP_INT64_MIN-_gp_b; /*Step 2: Check for overflow.*/ if(OP_UNLIKELY(da=0)return 1; /*Else fall through.*/ } else if(OP_UNLIKELY(_gp_b<0))return -1; /*No wrapping case.*/ return (_gp_a>_gp_b)-(_gp_b>_gp_a); } /*Returns the duration of the packet (in samples at 48 kHz), or a negative value on error.*/ static int op_get_packet_duration(const unsigned char *_data,int _len){ int nframes; int frame_size; int nsamples; nframes=opus_packet_get_nb_frames(_data,_len); if(OP_UNLIKELY(nframes<0))return OP_EBADPACKET; frame_size=opus_packet_get_samples_per_frame(_data,48000); nsamples=nframes*frame_size; if(OP_UNLIKELY(nsamples>120*48))return OP_EBADPACKET; return nsamples; } /*This function more properly belongs in info.c, but we define it here to allow the static granule position manipulation functions to remain static.*/ ogg_int64_t opus_granule_sample(const OpusHead *_head,ogg_int64_t _gp){ opus_int32 pre_skip; pre_skip=_head->pre_skip; if(_gp!=-1&&op_granpos_add(&_gp,_gp,-pre_skip))_gp=-1; return _gp; } /*Grab all the packets currently in the stream state, and compute their durations. _of->op_count is set to the number of packets collected. [out] _durations: Returns the durations of the individual packets. Return: The total duration of all packets, or OP_HOLE if there was a hole.*/ static opus_int32 op_collect_audio_packets(OggOpusFile *_of, int _durations[255]){ opus_int32 total_duration; int op_count; /*Count the durations of all packets in the page.*/ op_count=0; total_duration=0; for(;;){ int ret; /*Unless libogg is broken, we can't get more than 255 packets from a single page.*/ OP_ASSERT(op_count<255); /*This takes advantage of undocumented libogg behavior that returned ogg_packet buffers are valid at least until the next page is submitted. Relying on this is not too terrible, as _none_ of the Ogg memory ownership/lifetime rules are well-documented. But I can read its code and know this will work.*/ ret=ogg_stream_packetout(&_of->os,_of->op+op_count); if(!ret)break; if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0)){ /*We shouldn't get holes in the middle of pages.*/ OP_ASSERT(op_count==0); return OP_HOLE; } _durations[op_count]=op_get_packet_duration(_of->op[op_count].packet, _of->op[op_count].bytes); if(OP_LIKELY(_durations[op_count]>0)){ /*With at most 255 packets on a page, this can't overflow.*/ total_duration+=_durations[op_count++]; } /*Ignore packets with an invalid TOC sequence.*/ else if(op_count>0){ /*But save the granule position, if there was one.*/ _of->op[op_count-1].granulepos=_of->op[op_count].granulepos; } } _of->op_pos=0; _of->op_count=op_count; return total_duration; } /*Starting from current cursor position, get the initial PCM offset of the next page. This also validates the granule position on the first page with a completed audio data packet, as required by the spec. If this link is completely empty (no pages with completed packets), then this function sets pcm_start=pcm_end=0 and returns the BOS page of the next link (if any). In the seekable case, we initialize pcm_end=-1 before calling this function, so that later we can detect that the link was empty before calling op_find_final_pcm_offset(). [inout] _link: The link for which to find pcm_start. [out] _og: Returns the BOS page of the next link if this link was empty. In the unseekable case, we can then feed this to op_fetch_headers() to start the next link. The caller may pass NULL (e.g., for seekable streams), in which case this page will be discarded. Return: 0 on success, 1 if there is a buffered BOS page available, or a negative value on unrecoverable error.*/ static int op_find_initial_pcm_offset(OggOpusFile *_of, OggOpusLink *_link,ogg_page *_og){ ogg_page og; ogg_int64_t pcm_start; ogg_int64_t prev_packet_gp; ogg_int64_t cur_page_gp; ogg_uint32_t serialno; opus_int32 total_duration; int durations[255]; int cur_page_eos; int op_count; int pi; if(_og==NULL)_og=&og; serialno=_of->os.serialno; op_count=0; /*We shouldn't have to initialize total_duration, but gcc is too dumb to figure out that op_count>0 implies we've been through the whole loop at least once.*/ total_duration=0; do{ opus_int64 llret; llret=op_get_next_page(_of,_og,_of->end); /*We should get a page unless the file is truncated or mangled. Otherwise there are no audio data packets in the whole logical stream.*/ if(OP_UNLIKELY(llret<0)){ /*Fail if there was a read error.*/ if(llrethead.pre_skip>0)return OP_EBADTIMESTAMP; /*Set pcm_end and end_offset so we can skip the call to op_find_final_pcm_offset().*/ _link->pcm_start=_link->pcm_end=0; _link->end_offset=_link->data_offset; return 0; } /*Similarly, if we hit the next link in the chain, we've gone too far.*/ if(OP_UNLIKELY(ogg_page_bos(_og))){ if(_link->head.pre_skip>0)return OP_EBADTIMESTAMP; /*Set pcm_end and end_offset so we can skip the call to op_find_final_pcm_offset().*/ _link->pcm_end=_link->pcm_start=0; _link->end_offset=_link->data_offset; /*Tell the caller we've got a buffered page for them.*/ return 1; } /*Ignore pages from other streams (not strictly necessary, because of the checks in ogg_stream_pagein(), but saves some work).*/ if(serialno!=(ogg_uint32_t)ogg_page_serialno(_og))continue; ogg_stream_pagein(&_of->os,_og); /*Bitrate tracking: add the header's bytes here. The body bytes are counted when we consume the packets.*/ _of->bytes_tracked+=_og->header_len; /*Count the durations of all packets in the page.*/ do total_duration=op_collect_audio_packets(_of,durations); /*Ignore holes.*/ while(OP_UNLIKELY(total_duration<0)); op_count=_of->op_count; } while(op_count<=0); /*We found the first page with a completed audio data packet: actually look at the granule position. RFC 3533 says, "A special value of -1 (in two's complement) indicates that no packets finish on this page," which does not say that a granule position that is NOT -1 indicates that some packets DO finish on that page (even though this was the intention, libogg itself violated this intention for years before we fixed it). The Ogg Opus specification only imposes its start-time requirements on the granule position of the first page with completed packets, so we ignore any set granule positions until then.*/ cur_page_gp=_of->op[op_count-1].granulepos; /*But getting a packet without a valid granule position on the page is not okay.*/ if(cur_page_gp==-1)return OP_EBADTIMESTAMP; cur_page_eos=_of->op[op_count-1].e_o_s; if(OP_LIKELY(!cur_page_eos)){ /*The EOS flag wasn't set. Work backwards from the provided granule position to get the starting PCM offset.*/ if(OP_UNLIKELY(op_granpos_add(&pcm_start,cur_page_gp,-total_duration)<0)){ /*The starting granule position MUST not be smaller than the amount of audio on the first page with completed packets.*/ return OP_EBADTIMESTAMP; } } else{ /*The first page with completed packets was also the last.*/ if(OP_LIKELY(op_granpos_add(&pcm_start,cur_page_gp,-total_duration)<0)){ /*If there's less audio on the page than indicated by the granule position, then we're doing end-trimming, and the starting PCM offset is zero by spec mandate.*/ pcm_start=0; /*However, the end-trimming MUST not ask us to trim more samples than exist after applying the pre-skip.*/ if(OP_UNLIKELY(op_granpos_cmp(cur_page_gp,_link->head.pre_skip)<0)){ return OP_EBADTIMESTAMP; } } } /*Timestamp the individual packets.*/ prev_packet_gp=pcm_start; for(pi=0;pi0){ /*If we trimmed the entire packet, stop (the spec says encoders shouldn't do this, but we support it anyway).*/ if(OP_UNLIKELY(diff>durations[pi]))break; _of->op[pi].granulepos=prev_packet_gp=cur_page_gp; /*Move the EOS flag to this packet, if necessary, so we'll trim the samples.*/ _of->op[pi].e_o_s=1; continue; } } /*Update the granule position as normal.*/ OP_ALWAYS_TRUE(!op_granpos_add(&_of->op[pi].granulepos, prev_packet_gp,durations[pi])); prev_packet_gp=_of->op[pi].granulepos; } /*Update the packet count after end-trimming.*/ _of->op_count=pi; _of->cur_discard_count=_link->head.pre_skip; _of->prev_packet_gp=_link->pcm_start=pcm_start; return 0; } /*Starting from current cursor position, get the final PCM offset of the previous page. This also validates the duration of the link, which, while not strictly required by the spec, we need to ensure duration calculations don't overflow. This is only done for seekable sources. We must validate that op_find_initial_pcm_offset() succeeded for this link before calling this function, otherwise it will scan the entire stream backwards until it reaches the start, and then fail.*/ static int op_find_final_pcm_offset(OggOpusFile *_of, const ogg_uint32_t *_serialnos,int _nserialnos,OggOpusLink *_link, opus_int64 _offset,ogg_uint32_t _end_serialno,ogg_int64_t _end_gp, ogg_int64_t *_total_duration){ ogg_int64_t total_duration; ogg_int64_t duration; ogg_uint32_t cur_serialno; /*For the time being, fetch end PCM offset the simple way.*/ cur_serialno=_link->serialno; if(_end_serialno!=cur_serialno||_end_gp==-1){ _offset=op_get_last_page(_of,&_end_gp,_offset, cur_serialno,_serialnos,_nserialnos); if(OP_UNLIKELY(_offset<0))return (int)_offset; } /*At worst we should have found the first page with completed packets.*/ if(OP_UNLIKELY(_offset<_link->data_offset))return OP_EBADLINK; /*This implementation requires that the difference between the first and last granule positions in each link be representable in a signed, 64-bit number, and that each link also have at least as many samples as the pre-skip requires.*/ if(OP_UNLIKELY(op_granpos_diff(&duration,_end_gp,_link->pcm_start)<0) ||OP_UNLIKELY(duration<_link->head.pre_skip)){ return OP_EBADTIMESTAMP; } /*We also require that the total duration be representable in a signed, 64-bit number.*/ duration-=_link->head.pre_skip; total_duration=*_total_duration; if(OP_UNLIKELY(OP_INT64_MAX-durationpcm_end=_end_gp; _link->end_offset=_offset; return 0; } /*Rescale the number _x from the range [0,_from] to [0,_to]. _from and _to must be positive.*/ opus_int64 op_rescale64(opus_int64 _x,opus_int64 _from,opus_int64 _to){ opus_int64 frac; opus_int64 ret; int i; if(_x>=_from)return _to; if(_x<=0)return 0; frac=0; for(i=0;i<63;i++){ frac<<=1; OP_ASSERT(_x<=_from); if(_x>=_from>>1){ _x-=_from-_x; frac|=1; } else _x<<=1; } ret=0; for(i=0;i<63;i++){ if(frac&1)ret=(ret&_to&1)+(ret>>1)+(_to>>1); else ret>>=1; frac>>=1; } return ret; } /*The minimum granule position spacing allowed for making predictions. This corresponds to about 1 second of audio at 48 kHz for both Opus and Vorbis, or one keyframe interval in Theora with the default keyframe spacing of 256.*/ #define OP_GP_SPACING_MIN (48000) /*Try to estimate the location of the next link using the current seek records, assuming the initial granule position of any streams we've found is 0.*/ static opus_int64 op_predict_link_start(const OpusSeekRecord *_sr,int _nsr, opus_int64 _searched,opus_int64 _end_searched,opus_int32 _bias){ opus_int64 bisect; int sri; int srj; /*Require that we be at least OP_CHUNK_SIZE from the end. We don't require that we be at least OP_CHUNK_SIZE from the beginning, because if we are we'll just scan forward without seeking.*/ _end_searched-=OP_CHUNK_SIZE; if(_searched>=_end_searched)return -1; bisect=_end_searched; for(sri=0;sri<_nsr;sri++){ ogg_int64_t gp1; ogg_int64_t gp2_min; ogg_uint32_t serialno1; opus_int64 offset1; /*If the granule position is negative, either it's invalid or we'd cause overflow.*/ gp1=_sr[sri].gp; if(gp1<0)continue; /*We require some minimum distance between granule positions to make an estimate. We don't actually know what granule position scheme is being used, because we have no idea what kind of stream these came from. Therefore we require a minimum spacing between them, with the expectation that while bitrates and granule position increments might vary locally in quite complex ways, they are globally smooth.*/ if(OP_UNLIKELY(op_granpos_add(&gp2_min,gp1,OP_GP_SPACING_MIN)<0)){ /*No granule position would satisfy us.*/ continue; } offset1=_sr[sri].offset; serialno1=_sr[sri].serialno; for(srj=sri;srj-->0;){ ogg_int64_t gp2; opus_int64 offset2; opus_int64 num; ogg_int64_t den; ogg_int64_t ipart; gp2=_sr[srj].gp; if(gp20); if(ipart>0&&(offset2-_searched)/ipart=_end_searched?-1:bisect; } /*Finds each bitstream link, one at a time, using a bisection search. This has to begin by knowing the offset of the first link's initial page.*/ static int op_bisect_forward_serialno(OggOpusFile *_of, opus_int64 _searched,OpusSeekRecord *_sr,int _csr, ogg_uint32_t **_serialnos,int *_nserialnos,int *_cserialnos){ ogg_page og; OggOpusLink *links; int nlinks; int clinks; ogg_uint32_t *serialnos; int nserialnos; ogg_int64_t total_duration; int nsr; int ret; links=_of->links; nlinks=clinks=_of->nlinks; total_duration=0; /*We start with one seek record, for the last page in the file. We build up a list of records for places we seek to during link enumeration. This list is kept sorted in reverse order. We only care about seek locations that were _not_ in the current link, therefore we can add them one at a time to the end of the list as we improve the lower bound on the location where the next link starts.*/ nsr=1; for(;;){ opus_int64 end_searched; opus_int64 bisect; opus_int64 next; opus_int64 last; ogg_int64_t end_offset; ogg_int64_t end_gp; int sri; serialnos=*_serialnos; nserialnos=*_nserialnos; if(OP_UNLIKELY(nlinks>=clinks)){ if(OP_UNLIKELY(clinks>INT_MAX-1>>1))return OP_EFAULT; clinks=2*clinks+1; OP_ASSERT(nlinkslinks=links; } /*Invariants: We have the headers and serial numbers for the link beginning at 'begin'. We have the offset and granule position of the last page in the file (potentially not a page we care about).*/ /*Scan the seek records we already have to save us some bisection.*/ for(sri=0;sri1){ opus_int64 last_offset; opus_int64 avg_link_size; opus_int64 upper_limit; last_offset=links[nlinks-1].offset; avg_link_size=last_offset/(nlinks-1); upper_limit=end_searched-OP_CHUNK_SIZE-avg_link_size; if(OP_LIKELY(last_offset>_searched-avg_link_size) &&OP_LIKELY(last_offset>1); /*If we're within OP_CHUNK_SIZE of the start, scan forward.*/ if(bisect-_searchedoffset-last>=0); OP_ASSERT(_of->offset-last<=OP_PAGE_SIZE_MAX); _sr[nsr].size=(opus_int32)(_of->offset-last); _sr[nsr].serialno=serialno; _sr[nsr].gp=gp; nsr++; } } else{ _searched=_of->offset; next_bias=OP_CHUNK_SIZE; if(serialno==links[nlinks-1].serialno){ /*This page was from the stream we want, remember it. If it's the last such page in the link, we won't have to go back looking for it later.*/ end_gp=gp; end_offset=last; } } } bisect=op_predict_link_start(_sr,nsr,_searched,end_searched,next_bias); } /*Bisection point found. Get the final granule position of the previous link, assuming op_find_initial_pcm_offset() didn't already determine the link was empty.*/ if(OP_LIKELY(links[nlinks-1].pcm_end==-1)){ if(end_gp==-1){ /*If we don't know where the end page is, we'll have to seek back and look for it, starting from the end of the link.*/ end_offset=next; /*Also forget the last page we read. It won't be available after the seek.*/ last=-1; } ret=op_find_final_pcm_offset(_of,serialnos,nserialnos, links+nlinks-1,end_offset,links[nlinks-1].serialno,end_gp, &total_duration); if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0))return ret; } if(last!=next){ /*The last page we read was not the first page the next link. Move the cursor position to the offset of that first page. This only performs an actual seek if the first page of the next link does not start at the end of the last page from the current Opus stream with a valid granule position.*/ ret=op_seek_helper(_of,next); if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0))return ret; } ret=op_fetch_headers(_of,&links[nlinks].head,&links[nlinks].tags, _serialnos,_nserialnos,_cserialnos,last!=next?NULL:&og); if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0))return ret; links[nlinks].offset=next; links[nlinks].data_offset=_of->offset; links[nlinks].serialno=_of->os.serialno; links[nlinks].pcm_end=-1; /*This might consume a page from the next link, however the next bisection always starts with a seek.*/ ret=op_find_initial_pcm_offset(_of,links+nlinks,NULL); if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0))return ret; _searched=_of->offset; /*Mark the current link count so it can be cleaned up on error.*/ _of->nlinks=++nlinks; } /*Last page is in the starting serialno list, so we've reached the last link. Now find the last granule position for it (if we didn't the first time we looked at the end of the stream, and if op_find_initial_pcm_offset() didn't already determine the link was empty).*/ if(OP_LIKELY(links[nlinks-1].pcm_end==-1)){ ret=op_find_final_pcm_offset(_of,serialnos,nserialnos, links+nlinks-1,_sr[0].offset,_sr[0].serialno,_sr[0].gp,&total_duration); if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0))return ret; } /*Trim back the links array if necessary.*/ links=_ogg_realloc(links,sizeof(*links)*nlinks); if(OP_LIKELY(links!=NULL))_of->links=links; /*We also don't need these anymore.*/ _ogg_free(*_serialnos); *_serialnos=NULL; *_cserialnos=*_nserialnos=0; return 0; } static int op_make_decode_ready(OggOpusFile *_of){ OpusHead *head; int li; int stream_count; int coupled_count; int channel_count; if(_of->ready_state>OP_STREAMSET)return 0; if(OP_UNLIKELY(_of->ready_stateseekable?_of->cur_link:0; head=&_of->links[li].head; stream_count=head->stream_count; coupled_count=head->coupled_count; channel_count=head->channel_count; /*Check to see if the current decoder is compatible with the current link.*/ if(_of->od!=NULL&&_of->od_stream_count==stream_count &&_of->od_coupled_count==coupled_count&&_of->od_channel_count==channel_count &&memcmp(_of->od_mapping,head->mapping, sizeof(*head->mapping)*channel_count)==0){ opus_multistream_decoder_ctl(_of->od,OPUS_RESET_STATE); } else{ int err; opus_multistream_decoder_destroy(_of->od); _of->od=opus_multistream_decoder_create(48000,channel_count, stream_count,coupled_count,head->mapping,&err); if(_of->od==NULL)return OP_EFAULT; _of->od_stream_count=stream_count; _of->od_coupled_count=coupled_count; _of->od_channel_count=channel_count; memcpy(_of->od_mapping,head->mapping,sizeof(*head->mapping)*channel_count); } #if defined(OPUS_SET_GAIN) opus_multistream_decoder_ctl(_of->od,OPUS_SET_GAIN(head->output_gain)); #else /*A fallback that works with both float and fixed-point is a bunch of work, so just force people to use a sufficiently new version. This is deployed well enough at this point that this shouldn't be a burden.*/ # error "libopus 1.0.1 or later required" #endif _of->ready_state=OP_INITSET; _of->bytes_tracked=0; _of->samples_tracked=0; #if !defined(OP_FIXED_POINT) _of->dither_mute=65; /*Use the serial number for the PRNG seed to get repeatable output for straight play-throughs.*/ _of->dither_seed=_of->links[li].serialno; #endif return 0; } static int op_open_seekable2_impl(OggOpusFile *_of){ /*64 seek records should be enough for anybody. Actually, with a bisection search in a 63-bit range down to OP_CHUNK_SIZE granularity, much more than enough.*/ OpusSeekRecord sr[64]; opus_int64 data_offset; int ret; /*We can seek, so set out learning all about this file.*/ (*_of->callbacks.seek)(_of->source,0,SEEK_END); _of->offset=_of->end=(*_of->callbacks.tell)(_of->source); if(OP_UNLIKELY(_of->end<0))return OP_EREAD; data_offset=_of->links[0].data_offset; if(OP_UNLIKELY(_of->endend, _of->links[0].serialno,_of->serialnos,_of->nserialnos); if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0))return ret; /*If there's any trailing junk, forget about it.*/ _of->end=sr[0].offset+sr[0].size; if(OP_UNLIKELY(_of->endserialnos,&_of->nserialnos,&_of->cserialnos); } static int op_open_seekable2(OggOpusFile *_of){ ogg_sync_state oy_start; ogg_stream_state os_start; ogg_packet *op_start; opus_int64 start_offset; int start_op_count; int ret; /*We're partially open and have a first link header state in storage in _of. Save off that stream state so we can come back to it.*/ start_op_count=_of->op_count; /*This is a bit too large to put on the stack unconditionally.*/ op_start=(ogg_packet *)_ogg_malloc(sizeof(*op_start)*start_op_count); if(op_start==NULL)return OP_EFAULT; *&oy_start=_of->oy; *&os_start=_of->os; start_offset=_of->offset; memcpy(op_start,_of->op,sizeof(*op_start)*start_op_count); OP_ASSERT((*_of->callbacks.tell)(_of->source)==op_position(_of)); ogg_sync_init(&_of->oy); ogg_stream_init(&_of->os,-1); ret=op_open_seekable2_impl(_of); /*Restore the old stream state.*/ ogg_stream_clear(&_of->os); ogg_sync_clear(&_of->oy); *&_of->oy=*&oy_start; *&_of->os=*&os_start; _of->offset=start_offset; _of->op_count=start_op_count; memcpy(_of->op,op_start,sizeof(*_of->op)*start_op_count); _ogg_free(op_start); _of->prev_packet_gp=_of->links[0].pcm_start; _of->cur_discard_count=_of->links[0].head.pre_skip; if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0))return ret; /*And restore the position indicator.*/ ret=(*_of->callbacks.seek)(_of->source,op_position(_of),SEEK_SET); return OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0)?OP_EREAD:0; } /*Clear out the current logical bitstream decoder.*/ static void op_decode_clear(OggOpusFile *_of){ /*We don't actually free the decoder. We might be able to re-use it for the next link.*/ _of->op_count=0; _of->od_buffer_size=0; _of->prev_packet_gp=-1; if(!_of->seekable){ OP_ASSERT(_of->ready_state>=OP_INITSET); opus_tags_clear(&_of->links[0].tags); } _of->ready_state=OP_OPENED; } static void op_clear(OggOpusFile *_of){ OggOpusLink *links; _ogg_free(_of->od_buffer); if(_of->od!=NULL)opus_multistream_decoder_destroy(_of->od); links=_of->links; if(!_of->seekable){ if(_of->ready_state>OP_OPENED||_of->ready_state==OP_PARTOPEN){ opus_tags_clear(&links[0].tags); } } else if(OP_LIKELY(links!=NULL)){ int nlinks; int link; nlinks=_of->nlinks; for(link=0;linkserialnos); ogg_stream_clear(&_of->os); ogg_sync_clear(&_of->oy); if(_of->callbacks.close!=NULL)(*_of->callbacks.close)(_of->source); } static int op_open1(OggOpusFile *_of, void *_source,const OpusFileCallbacks *_cb, const unsigned char *_initial_data,size_t _initial_bytes){ ogg_page og; ogg_page *pog; int seekable; int ret; memset(_of,0,sizeof(*_of)); _of->end=-1; _of->source=_source; *&_of->callbacks=*_cb; /*At a minimum, we need to be able to read data.*/ if(OP_UNLIKELY(_of->callbacks.read==NULL))return OP_EREAD; /*Initialize the framing state.*/ ogg_sync_init(&_of->oy); /*Perhaps some data was previously read into a buffer for testing against other stream types. Allow initialization from this previously read data (especially as we may be reading from a non-seekable stream). This requires copying it into a buffer allocated by ogg_sync_buffer() and doesn't support seeking, so this is not a good mechanism to use for decoding entire files from RAM.*/ if(_initial_bytes>0){ char *buffer; buffer=ogg_sync_buffer(&_of->oy,_initial_bytes); memcpy(buffer,_initial_data,_initial_bytes*sizeof(*buffer)); ogg_sync_wrote(&_of->oy,_initial_bytes); } /*Can we seek? Stevens suggests the seek test is portable.*/ seekable=_cb->seek!=NULL&&(*_cb->seek)(_source,0,SEEK_CUR)!=-1; /*If seek is implemented, tell must also be implemented.*/ if(seekable){ if(OP_UNLIKELY(_of->callbacks.tell==NULL))return OP_EINVAL; else{ opus_int64 pos; pos=(*_of->callbacks.tell)(_of->source); /*If the current position is not equal to the initial bytes consumed, absolute seeking will not work.*/ if(OP_UNLIKELY(pos!=(opus_int64)_initial_bytes))return OP_EINVAL; } } _of->seekable=seekable; /*Don't seek yet. Set up a 'single' (current) logical bitstream entry for partial open.*/ _of->links=(OggOpusLink *)_ogg_malloc(sizeof(*_of->links)); /*The serialno gets filled in later by op_fetch_headers().*/ ogg_stream_init(&_of->os,-1); pog=NULL; for(;;){ /*Fetch all BOS pages, store the Opus header and all seen serial numbers, and load subsequent Opus setup headers.*/ ret=op_fetch_headers(_of,&_of->links[0].head,&_of->links[0].tags, &_of->serialnos,&_of->nserialnos,&_of->cserialnos,pog); if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0))break; _of->nlinks=1; _of->links[0].offset=0; _of->links[0].data_offset=_of->offset; _of->links[0].pcm_end=-1; _of->links[0].serialno=_of->os.serialno; /*Fetch the initial PCM offset.*/ ret=op_find_initial_pcm_offset(_of,_of->links,&og); if(seekable||OP_LIKELY(ret<=0))break; /*This link was empty, but we already have the BOS page for the next one in og. We can't seek, so start processing the next link right now.*/ opus_tags_clear(&_of->links[0].tags); _of->nlinks=0; if(!seekable)_of->cur_link++; pog=&og; } if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0)){ /*Don't auto-close the stream on failure.*/ _of->callbacks.close=NULL; op_clear(_of); } else _of->ready_state=OP_PARTOPEN; return ret; } static int op_open2(OggOpusFile *_of){ int ret; OP_ASSERT(_of->ready_state==OP_PARTOPEN); if(_of->seekable){ _of->ready_state=OP_OPENED; ret=op_open_seekable2(_of); } else ret=0; if(OP_LIKELY(ret>=0)){ /*We have buffered packets from op_find_initial_pcm_offset(). Move to OP_INITSET so we can use them.*/ _of->ready_state=OP_STREAMSET; ret=op_make_decode_ready(_of); if(OP_LIKELY(ret>=0))return 0; } /*Don't auto-close the stream on failure.*/ _of->callbacks.close=NULL; op_clear(_of); return ret; } OggOpusFile *op_test_callbacks(void *_source,const OpusFileCallbacks *_cb, const unsigned char *_initial_data,size_t _initial_bytes,int *_error){ OggOpusFile *of; int ret; of=(OggOpusFile *)_ogg_malloc(sizeof(*of)); ret=OP_EFAULT; if(OP_LIKELY(of!=NULL)){ ret=op_open1(of,_source,_cb,_initial_data,_initial_bytes); if(OP_LIKELY(ret>=0)){ if(_error!=NULL)*_error=0; return of; } _ogg_free(of); } if(_error!=NULL)*_error=ret; return NULL; } OggOpusFile *op_open_callbacks(void *_source,const OpusFileCallbacks *_cb, const unsigned char *_initial_data,size_t _initial_bytes,int *_error){ OggOpusFile *of; of=op_test_callbacks(_source,_cb,_initial_data,_initial_bytes,_error); if(OP_LIKELY(of!=NULL)){ int ret; ret=op_open2(of); if(OP_LIKELY(ret>=0))return of; if(_error!=NULL)*_error=ret; _ogg_free(of); } return NULL; } /*Convenience routine to clean up from failure for the open functions that create their own streams.*/ static OggOpusFile *op_open_close_on_failure(void *_source, const OpusFileCallbacks *_cb,int *_error){ OggOpusFile *of; if(OP_UNLIKELY(_source==NULL)){ if(_error!=NULL)*_error=OP_EFAULT; return NULL; } of=op_open_callbacks(_source,_cb,NULL,0,_error); if(OP_UNLIKELY(of==NULL))(*_cb->close)(_source); return of; } OggOpusFile *op_open_file(const char *_path,int *_error){ OpusFileCallbacks cb; return op_open_close_on_failure(op_fopen(&cb,_path,"rb"),&cb,_error); } OggOpusFile *op_open_memory(const unsigned char *_data,size_t _size, int *_error){ OpusFileCallbacks cb; return op_open_close_on_failure(op_mem_stream_create(&cb,_data,_size),&cb, _error); } OggOpusFile *op_vopen_url(const char *_url,int *_error,va_list _ap){ OpusFileCallbacks cb; return op_open_close_on_failure(op_url_stream_vcreate(&cb,_url,_ap),&cb, _error); } OggOpusFile *op_open_url(const char *_url,int *_error,...){ va_list ap; va_start(ap,_error); return op_vopen_url(_url,_error,ap); } /*Convenience routine to clean up from failure for the open functions that create their own streams.*/ static OggOpusFile *op_test_close_on_failure(void *_source, const OpusFileCallbacks *_cb,int *_error){ OggOpusFile *of; if(OP_UNLIKELY(_source==NULL)){ if(_error!=NULL)*_error=OP_EFAULT; return NULL; } of=op_test_callbacks(_source,_cb,NULL,0,_error); if(OP_UNLIKELY(of==NULL))(*_cb->close)(_source); return of; } OggOpusFile *op_test_file(const char *_path,int *_error){ OpusFileCallbacks cb; return op_test_close_on_failure(op_fopen(&cb,_path,"rb"),&cb,_error); } OggOpusFile *op_test_memory(const unsigned char *_data,size_t _size, int *_error){ OpusFileCallbacks cb; return op_test_close_on_failure(op_mem_stream_create(&cb,_data,_size),&cb, _error); } OggOpusFile *op_vtest_url(const char *_url,int *_error,va_list _ap){ OpusFileCallbacks cb; return op_test_close_on_failure(op_url_stream_vcreate(&cb,_url,_ap),&cb, _error); } OggOpusFile *op_test_url(const char *_url,int *_error,...){ va_list ap; va_start(ap,_error); return op_vtest_url(_url,_error,ap); } int op_test_open(OggOpusFile *_of){ int ret; if(OP_UNLIKELY(_of->ready_state!=OP_PARTOPEN))return OP_EINVAL; ret=op_open2(_of); /*op_open2() will clear this structure on failure. Reset its contents to prevent double-frees in op_free().*/ if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0))memset(_of,0,sizeof(*_of)); return ret; } void op_free(OggOpusFile *_of){ if(OP_LIKELY(_of!=NULL)){ op_clear(_of); _ogg_free(_of); } } int op_seekable(OggOpusFile *_of){ return _of->seekable; } int op_link_count(OggOpusFile *_of){ return _of->nlinks; } ogg_uint32_t op_serialno(OggOpusFile *_of,int _li){ if(OP_UNLIKELY(_li>=_of->nlinks))_li=_of->nlinks-1; if(!_of->seekable)_li=0; return _of->links[_li<0?_of->cur_link:_li].serialno; } int op_channel_count(OggOpusFile *_of,int _li){ return op_head(_of,_li)->channel_count; } opus_int64 op_raw_total(OggOpusFile *_of,int _li){ if(OP_UNLIKELY(_of->ready_stateseekable) ||OP_UNLIKELY(_li>=_of->nlinks)){ return OP_EINVAL; } if(_li<0)return _of->end-_of->links[0].offset; return (_li+1>=_of->nlinks?_of->end:_of->links[_li+1].offset) -_of->links[_li].offset; } ogg_int64_t op_pcm_total(OggOpusFile *_of,int _li){ OggOpusLink *links; ogg_int64_t diff; int nlinks; nlinks=_of->nlinks; if(OP_UNLIKELY(_of->ready_stateseekable) ||OP_UNLIKELY(_li>=nlinks)){ return OP_EINVAL; } links=_of->links; /*We verify that the granule position differences are larger than the pre-skip and that the total duration does not overflow during link enumeration, so we don't have to check here.*/ if(_li<0){ ogg_int64_t pcm_total; int li; pcm_total=0; for(li=0;li=_of->nlinks))_li=_of->nlinks-1; if(!_of->seekable)_li=0; return &_of->links[_li<0?_of->cur_link:_li].head; } const OpusTags *op_tags(OggOpusFile *_of,int _li){ if(OP_UNLIKELY(_li>=_of->nlinks))_li=_of->nlinks-1; if(!_of->seekable){ if(_of->ready_stateready_state!=OP_PARTOPEN){ return NULL; } _li=0; } else if(_li<0)_li=_of->ready_state>=OP_STREAMSET?_of->cur_link:0; return &_of->links[_li].tags; } int op_current_link(OggOpusFile *_of){ if(OP_UNLIKELY(_of->ready_statecur_link; } /*Compute an average bitrate given a byte and sample count. Return: The bitrate in bits per second.*/ static opus_int32 op_calc_bitrate(opus_int64 _bytes,ogg_int64_t _samples){ /*These rates are absurd, but let's handle them anyway.*/ if(OP_UNLIKELY(_bytes>(OP_INT64_MAX-(_samples>>1))/(48000*8))){ ogg_int64_t den; if(OP_UNLIKELY(_bytes/(0x7FFFFFFFF/(48000*8))>=_samples))return 0x7FFFFFFF; den=_samples/(48000*8); return (opus_int32)((_bytes+(den>>1))/den); } if(OP_UNLIKELY(_samples<=0))return 0x7FFFFFFF; /*This can't actually overflow in normal operation: even with a pre-skip of 545 2.5 ms frames with 8 streams running at 1282*8+1 bytes per packet (1275 byte frames + Opus framing overhead + Ogg lacing values), that all produce a single sample of decoded output, we still don't top 45 Mbps. The only way to get bitrates larger than that is with excessive Opus padding, more encoded streams than output channels, or lots and lots of Ogg pages with no packets on them.*/ return (opus_int32)OP_MIN((_bytes*48000*8+(_samples>>1))/_samples,0x7FFFFFFF); } opus_int32 op_bitrate(OggOpusFile *_of,int _li){ if(OP_UNLIKELY(_of->ready_stateseekable) ||OP_UNLIKELY(_li>=_of->nlinks)){ return OP_EINVAL; } return op_calc_bitrate(op_raw_total(_of,_li),op_pcm_total(_of,_li)); } opus_int32 op_bitrate_instant(OggOpusFile *_of){ ogg_int64_t samples_tracked; opus_int32 ret; if(OP_UNLIKELY(_of->ready_statesamples_tracked; if(OP_UNLIKELY(samples_tracked==0))return OP_FALSE; ret=op_calc_bitrate(_of->bytes_tracked,samples_tracked); _of->bytes_tracked=0; _of->samples_tracked=0; return ret; } /*Fetch and process a page. This handles the case where we're at a bitstream boundary and dumps the decoding machine. If the decoding machine is unloaded, it loads it. It also keeps prev_packet_gp up to date (seek and read both use this; seek uses a special hack with _readp). Return: <0) Error, OP_HOLE (lost packet), or OP_EOF. 0) Need more data (only if _readp==0). 1) Got at least one audio data packet.*/ static int op_fetch_and_process_page(OggOpusFile *_of, ogg_page *_og,opus_int64 _page_pos,int _readp,int _spanp,int _ignore_holes){ OggOpusLink *links; ogg_uint32_t cur_serialno; int seekable; int cur_link; int ret; if(OP_LIKELY(_of->ready_state>=OP_INITSET) &&OP_LIKELY(_of->op_pos<_of->op_count)){ /*We're ready to decode and have at least one packet available already.*/ return 1; } if(!_readp)return 0; seekable=_of->seekable; links=_of->links; cur_link=seekable?_of->cur_link:0; cur_serialno=links[cur_link].serialno; /*Handle one page.*/ for(;;){ ogg_page og; OP_ASSERT(_of->ready_state>=OP_OPENED); /*This loop is not strictly necessary, but there's no sense in doing the extra checks of the larger loop for the common case in a multiplexed bistream where the page is simply part of a different logical bitstream.*/ do{ /*If we were given a page to use, use it.*/ if(_og!=NULL){ *&og=*_og; _og=NULL; } /*Keep reading until we get a page with the correct serialno.*/ else _page_pos=op_get_next_page(_of,&og,_of->end); /*EOF: Leave uninitialized.*/ if(_page_pos<0)return _page_posready_state>=OP_STREAMSET)){ if(cur_serialno!=(ogg_uint32_t)ogg_page_serialno(&og)){ /*Two possibilities: 1) Another stream is multiplexed into this logical section, or*/ if(OP_LIKELY(!ogg_page_bos(&og)))continue; /* 2) Our decoding just traversed a bitstream boundary.*/ if(!_spanp)return OP_EOF; if(OP_LIKELY(_of->ready_state>=OP_INITSET))op_decode_clear(_of); break; } } /*Bitrate tracking: add the header's bytes here. The body bytes are counted when we consume the packets.*/ _of->bytes_tracked+=og.header_len; } while(0); /*Do we need to load a new machine before submitting the page? This is different in the seekable and non-seekable cases. In the seekable case, we already have all the header information loaded and cached. We just initialize the machine with it and continue on our merry way. In the non-seekable (streaming) case, we'll only be at a boundary if we just left the previous logical bitstream, and we're now nominally at the header of the next bitstream.*/ if(OP_UNLIKELY(_of->ready_statenlinks; for(li=0;li=nlinks)continue; cur_serialno=serialno; _of->cur_link=cur_link=li; ogg_stream_reset_serialno(&_of->os,serialno); _of->ready_state=OP_STREAMSET; /*If we're at the start of this link, initialize the granule position and pre-skip tracking.*/ if(_page_pos<=links[cur_link].data_offset){ _of->prev_packet_gp=links[cur_link].pcm_start; _of->cur_discard_count=links[cur_link].head.pre_skip; /*Ignore a hole at the start of a new link (this is common for streams joined in the middle) or after seeking.*/ _ignore_holes=1; } } else{ do{ /*We're streaming. Fetch the two header packets, build the info struct.*/ ret=op_fetch_headers(_of,&links[0].head,&links[0].tags, NULL,NULL,NULL,&og); if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0))return ret; /*op_find_initial_pcm_offset() will suppress any initial hole for us, so no need to set _ignore_holes.*/ ret=op_find_initial_pcm_offset(_of,links,&og); if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0))return ret; _of->links[0].serialno=cur_serialno=_of->os.serialno; _of->cur_link++; } /*If the link was empty, keep going, because we already have the BOS page of the next one in og.*/ while(OP_UNLIKELY(ret>0)); /*If we didn't get any packets out of op_find_initial_pcm_offset(), keep going (this is possible if end-trimming trimmed them all).*/ if(_of->op_count<=0)continue; /*Otherwise, we're done.*/ ret=op_make_decode_ready(_of); if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0))return ret; return 1; } } /*The buffered page is the data we want, and we're ready for it. Add it to the stream state.*/ if(OP_UNLIKELY(_of->ready_state==OP_STREAMSET)){ ret=op_make_decode_ready(_of); if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0))return ret; } /*Extract all the packets from the current page.*/ ogg_stream_pagein(&_of->os,&og); if(OP_LIKELY(_of->ready_state>=OP_INITSET)){ opus_int32 total_duration; int durations[255]; int op_count; total_duration=op_collect_audio_packets(_of,durations); if(OP_UNLIKELY(total_duration<0)){ /*Drain the packets from the page anyway.*/ total_duration=op_collect_audio_packets(_of,durations); OP_ASSERT(total_duration>=0); /*Report holes to the caller.*/ if(!_ignore_holes)return OP_HOLE; } op_count=_of->op_count; /*If we found at least one audio data packet, compute per-packet granule positions for them.*/ if(op_count>0){ ogg_int64_t diff; ogg_int64_t prev_packet_gp; ogg_int64_t cur_packet_gp; ogg_int64_t cur_page_gp; int cur_page_eos; int pi; cur_page_gp=_of->op[op_count-1].granulepos; cur_page_eos=_of->op[op_count-1].e_o_s; prev_packet_gp=_of->prev_packet_gp; if(OP_UNLIKELY(prev_packet_gp==-1)){ opus_int32 cur_discard_count; /*This is the first call after a raw seek. Try to reconstruct prev_packet_gp from scratch.*/ OP_ASSERT(seekable); if(OP_UNLIKELY(cur_page_eos)){ /*If the first page we hit after our seek was the EOS page, and we didn't start from data_offset or before, we don't have enough information to do end-trimming. Proceed to the next link, rather than risk playing back some samples that shouldn't have been played.*/ _of->op_count=0; continue; } /*By default discard 80 ms of data after a seek, unless we seek into the pre-skip region.*/ cur_discard_count=80*48; cur_page_gp=_of->op[op_count-1].granulepos; /*Try to initialize prev_packet_gp. If the current page had packets but didn't have a granule position, or the granule position it had was too small (both illegal), just use the starting granule position for the link.*/ prev_packet_gp=links[cur_link].pcm_start; if(OP_LIKELY(cur_page_gp!=-1)){ op_granpos_add(&prev_packet_gp,cur_page_gp,-total_duration); } if(OP_LIKELY(!op_granpos_diff(&diff, prev_packet_gp,links[cur_link].pcm_start))){ opus_int32 pre_skip; /*If we start at the beginning of the pre-skip region, or we're at least 80 ms from the end of the pre-skip region, we discard to the end of the pre-skip region. Otherwise, we still use the 80 ms default, which will discard past the end of the pre-skip region.*/ pre_skip=links[cur_link].head.pre_skip; if(diff>=0&&diff<=OP_MAX(0,pre_skip-80*48)){ cur_discard_count=pre_skip-(int)diff; } } _of->cur_discard_count=cur_discard_count; } if(OP_UNLIKELY(cur_page_gp==-1)){ /*This page had completed packets but didn't have a valid granule position. This is illegal, but we'll try to handle it by continuing to count forwards from the previous page.*/ if(op_granpos_add(&cur_page_gp,prev_packet_gp,total_duration)<0){ /*The timestamp for this page overflowed.*/ cur_page_gp=links[cur_link].pcm_end; } } /*If we hit the last page, handle end-trimming.*/ if(OP_UNLIKELY(cur_page_eos) &&OP_LIKELY(!op_granpos_diff(&diff,cur_page_gp,prev_packet_gp)) &&OP_LIKELY(diff0){ /*If we trimmed the entire packet, stop (the spec says encoders shouldn't do this, but we support it anyway).*/ if(OP_UNLIKELY(diff>durations[pi]))break; cur_packet_gp=cur_page_gp; /*Move the EOS flag to this packet, if necessary, so we'll trim the samples during decode.*/ _of->op[pi].e_o_s=1; } else{ /*Update the granule position as normal.*/ OP_ALWAYS_TRUE(!op_granpos_add(&cur_packet_gp, cur_packet_gp,durations[pi])); } _of->op[pi].granulepos=cur_packet_gp; OP_ALWAYS_TRUE(!op_granpos_diff(&diff,cur_page_gp,cur_packet_gp)); } } else{ /*Propagate timestamps to earlier packets. op_granpos_add(&prev_packet_gp,prev_packet_gp,total_duration) should succeed and give prev_packet_gp==cur_page_gp. But we don't bother to check that, as there isn't much we can do if it's not true. The only thing we guarantee is that the start and end granule positions of the packets are valid, and that they are monotonic within a page. They might be completely out of range for this link (we'll check that elsewhere), or non-monotonic between pages.*/ if(OP_UNLIKELY(op_granpos_add(&prev_packet_gp, cur_page_gp,-total_duration)<0)){ /*The starting timestamp for the first packet on this page underflowed. This is illegal, but we ignore it.*/ prev_packet_gp=0; } for(pi=0;pi=0); OP_ALWAYS_TRUE(!op_granpos_add(&cur_packet_gp, cur_packet_gp,durations[pi])); _of->op[pi].granulepos=cur_packet_gp; } OP_ASSERT(total_duration==0); } _of->prev_packet_gp=prev_packet_gp; _of->op_count=pi; /*If end-trimming didn't trim all the packets, we're done.*/ if(OP_LIKELY(pi>0))return 1; } } } } int op_raw_seek(OggOpusFile *_of,opus_int64 _pos){ int ret; if(OP_UNLIKELY(_of->ready_stateseekable))return OP_ENOSEEK; if(OP_UNLIKELY(_pos<0)||OP_UNLIKELY(_pos>_of->end))return OP_EINVAL; /*Clear out any buffered, decoded data.*/ op_decode_clear(_of); _of->bytes_tracked=0; _of->samples_tracked=0; ret=op_seek_helper(_of,_pos); if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0))return OP_EREAD; ret=op_fetch_and_process_page(_of,NULL,-1,1,1,1); /*If we hit EOF, op_fetch_and_process_page() leaves us uninitialized. Instead, jump to the end.*/ if(ret==OP_EOF){ int cur_link; op_decode_clear(_of); cur_link=_of->nlinks-1; _of->cur_link=cur_link; _of->prev_packet_gp=_of->links[cur_link].pcm_end; _of->cur_discard_count=0; ret=0; } else if(ret>0)ret=0; return ret; } /*Convert a PCM offset relative to the start of the whole stream to a granule position in an individual link.*/ static ogg_int64_t op_get_granulepos(const OggOpusFile *_of, ogg_int64_t _pcm_offset,int *_li){ OggOpusLink *links; ogg_int64_t duration; int nlinks; int li; OP_ASSERT(_pcm_offset>=0); nlinks=_of->nlinks; links=_of->links; for(li=0;OP_LIKELY(liOP_INT64_MAX-_pcm_offset)){ /*Adding this amount to the granule position would overflow the positive half of its 64-bit range. Since signed overflow is undefined in C, do it in a way the compiler isn't allowed to screw up.*/ _pcm_offset-=OP_INT64_MAX-pcm_start+1; pcm_start=OP_INT64_MIN; } pcm_start+=_pcm_offset; *_li=li; return pcm_start; } _pcm_offset-=duration; } return -1; } /*This controls how close the target has to be to use the current stream position to subdivide the initial range. Two minutes seems to be a good default.*/ #define OP_CUR_TIME_THRESH (120*48*(opus_int32)1000) /*Search within link _li for the page with the highest granule position preceding (or equal to) _target_gp. There is a danger here: missing pages or incorrect frame number information in the bitstream could make our task impossible. Account for that (and report it as an error condition).*/ static int op_pcm_seek_page(OggOpusFile *_of, ogg_int64_t _target_gp,int _li){ OggOpusLink *link; ogg_page og; ogg_int64_t pcm_pre_skip; ogg_int64_t pcm_start; ogg_int64_t pcm_end; ogg_int64_t best_gp; ogg_int64_t diff; ogg_uint32_t serialno; opus_int32 pre_skip; opus_int32 cur_discard_count; opus_int64 begin; opus_int64 end; opus_int64 boundary; opus_int64 best; opus_int64 page_offset; opus_int64 d[3]; int force_bisect; int ret; _of->bytes_tracked=0; _of->samples_tracked=0; /*New search algorithm by HB (Nicholas Vinen).*/ link=_of->links+_li; best_gp=pcm_start=link->pcm_start; pcm_end=link->pcm_end; serialno=link->serialno; best=begin=link->data_offset; page_offset=-1; /*We discard the first 80 ms of data after a seek, so seek back that much farther. If we can't, simply seek to the beginning of the link.*/ if(OP_UNLIKELY(op_granpos_add(&_target_gp,_target_gp,-80*48)<0)){ _target_gp=pcm_start; } /*Special case seeking to the start of the link.*/ pre_skip=link->head.pre_skip; OP_ALWAYS_TRUE(!op_granpos_add(&pcm_pre_skip,pcm_start,pre_skip)); if(op_granpos_cmp(_target_gp,pcm_pre_skip)<0)end=boundary=begin; else{ end=boundary=link->end_offset; /*If we were decoding from this link, we can narrow the range a bit.*/ if(_li==_of->cur_link&&_of->ready_state>=OP_INITSET){ opus_int64 offset; int op_count; op_count=_of->op_count; /*The only way the offset can be invalid _and_ we can fail the granule position checks below is if someone changed the contents of the last page since we read it. We'd be within our rights to just return OP_EBADLINK in that case, but we'll simply ignore the current position instead.*/ offset=_of->offset; if(op_count>0&&OP_LIKELY(offset<=end)){ ogg_int64_t gp; gp=_of->op[op_count-1].granulepos; /*Make sure the timestamp is valid. The granule position might be -1 if we collected the packets from a page without a granule position after reporting a hole.*/ if(OP_LIKELY(gp!=-1)&&OP_LIKELY(op_granpos_cmp(pcm_start,gp)<0) &&OP_LIKELY(op_granpos_cmp(pcm_end,gp)>0)){ OP_ALWAYS_TRUE(!op_granpos_diff(&diff,gp,_target_gp)); /*We only actually use the current time if either a) We can cut off more than half the range, or b) We're seeking sufficiently close to the current position that it's likely to be informative. Otherwise it appears using the whole link range to estimate the first seek location gives better results, on average.*/ if(diff<0){ OP_ASSERT(offset>=begin); if(offset-begin>=end-begin>>1||diff>-OP_CUR_TIME_THRESH){ best=begin=offset; best_gp=pcm_start=gp; } } else if(offset-begin<=end-begin>>1||diff>1; d[1]=d[2]>>1; d[2]=end-begin>>1; if(force_bisect)bisect=begin+(end-begin>>1); else{ ogg_int64_t diff2; OP_ALWAYS_TRUE(!op_granpos_diff(&diff,_target_gp,pcm_start)); OP_ALWAYS_TRUE(!op_granpos_diff(&diff2,pcm_end,pcm_start)); /*Take a (pretty decent) guess.*/ bisect=begin+op_rescale64(diff,diff2,end-begin)-OP_CHUNK_SIZE; } if(bisect-OP_CHUNK_SIZEoffset){ page_offset=-1; ret=op_seek_helper(_of,bisect); if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0))return ret; } chunk_size=OP_CHUNK_SIZE; next_boundary=boundary; while(beginoffset; if(OP_UNLIKELY(op_granpos_cmp(pcm_start,gp)>0) ||OP_UNLIKELY(op_granpos_cmp(pcm_end,gp)<0)){ /*Don't let pcm_start get out of range! That could happen with an invalid timestamp.*/ break; } /*Save the byte offset of the end of the page with this granule position.*/ best=begin; best_gp=pcm_start=gp; OP_ALWAYS_TRUE(!op_granpos_diff(&diff,_target_gp,pcm_start)); /*If we're more than a second away from our target, break out and do another bisection.*/ if(diff>48000)break; /*Otherwise, keep scanning forward (do NOT use begin+1).*/ bisect=begin; } else{ /*We found a page that ends after our target.*/ /*If we scanned the whole interval before we found it, we're done.*/ if(bisect<=begin+1)end=begin; else{ end=bisect; /*In later iterations, don't read past the first page we found.*/ boundary=next_boundary; /*If we're not making much progress shrinking the interval size, start forcing straight bisection to limit the worst case.*/ force_bisect=end-begin>d[0]*2; /*Don't let pcm_end get out of range! That could happen with an invalid timestamp.*/ if(OP_LIKELY(op_granpos_cmp(pcm_end,gp)>0) &&OP_LIKELY(op_granpos_cmp(pcm_start,gp)<=0)){ pcm_end=gp; } break; } } } } } /*Found our page. Seek right after it and update prev_packet_gp and cur_discard_count. This is an easier case than op_raw_seek(), as we don't need to keep any packets from the page we found.*/ /*Seek, if necessary.*/ if(best!=page_offset){ page_offset=-1; ret=op_seek_helper(_of,best); if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0))return ret; } /*By default, discard 80 ms of data after a seek, unless we seek into the pre-skip region.*/ cur_discard_count=80*48; OP_ALWAYS_TRUE(!op_granpos_diff(&diff,best_gp,pcm_start)); OP_ASSERT(diff>=0); /*If we start at the beginning of the pre-skip region, or we're at least 80 ms from the end of the pre-skip region, we discard to the end of the pre-skip region. Otherwise, we still use the 80 ms default, which will discard past the end of the pre-skip region.*/ if(diff<=OP_MAX(0,pre_skip-80*48))cur_discard_count=pre_skip-(int)diff; _of->cur_link=_li; _of->ready_state=OP_STREAMSET; _of->prev_packet_gp=best_gp; _of->cur_discard_count=cur_discard_count; ogg_stream_reset_serialno(&_of->os,serialno); ret=op_fetch_and_process_page(_of,page_offset<0?NULL:&og,page_offset,1,0,1); if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<=0))return OP_EBADLINK; /*Verify result.*/ if(OP_UNLIKELY(op_granpos_cmp(_of->prev_packet_gp,_target_gp)>0)){ return OP_EBADLINK; } return 0; } int op_pcm_seek(OggOpusFile *_of,ogg_int64_t _pcm_offset){ OggOpusLink *link; ogg_int64_t pcm_start; ogg_int64_t target_gp; ogg_int64_t prev_packet_gp; ogg_int64_t skip; ogg_int64_t diff; int op_count; int op_pos; int ret; int li; if(OP_UNLIKELY(_of->ready_stateseekable))return OP_ENOSEEK; if(OP_UNLIKELY(_pcm_offset<0))return OP_EINVAL; target_gp=op_get_granulepos(_of,_pcm_offset,&li); if(OP_UNLIKELY(target_gp==-1))return OP_EINVAL; ret=op_pcm_seek_page(_of,target_gp,li); /*Now skip samples until we actually get to our target.*/ link=_of->links+li; pcm_start=link->pcm_start; OP_ALWAYS_TRUE(!op_granpos_diff(&_pcm_offset,target_gp,pcm_start)); /*Figure out where we should skip to.*/ if(_pcm_offset<=link->head.pre_skip)skip=0; else skip=OP_MAX(_pcm_offset-80*48,0); OP_ASSERT(_pcm_offset-skip>=0); OP_ASSERT(_pcm_offset-skip<0x7FFFFFFF-120*48); /*Skip packets until we find one with samples past our skip target.*/ for(;;){ op_count=_of->op_count; prev_packet_gp=_of->prev_packet_gp; for(op_pos=_of->op_pos;op_posop[op_pos].granulepos; if(OP_LIKELY(!op_granpos_diff(&diff,cur_packet_gp,pcm_start)) &&diff>skip){ break; } prev_packet_gp=cur_packet_gp; } _of->prev_packet_gp=prev_packet_gp; _of->op_pos=op_pos; if(op_posskip)return OP_EBADLINK; OP_ASSERT(_pcm_offset-diff<0x7FFFFFFF); /*TODO: If there are further holes/illegal timestamps, we still won't decode to the correct sample. However, at least op_pcm_tell() will report the correct value immediately after returning.*/ _of->cur_discard_count=(opus_int32)(_pcm_offset-diff); return 0; } opus_int64 op_raw_tell(OggOpusFile *_of){ if(OP_UNLIKELY(_of->ready_stateoffset; } /*Convert a granule position from a given link to a PCM offset relative to the start of the whole stream. For unseekable sources, this gets reset to 0 at the beginning of each link.*/ static ogg_int64_t op_get_pcm_offset(const OggOpusFile *_of, ogg_int64_t _gp,int _li){ OggOpusLink *links; ogg_int64_t pcm_offset; ogg_int64_t delta; int li; links=_of->links; pcm_offset=0; OP_ASSERT(_li<_of->nlinks); for(li=0;li<_li;li++){ OP_ALWAYS_TRUE(!op_granpos_diff(&delta, links[li].pcm_end,links[li].pcm_start)); delta-=links[li].head.pre_skip; pcm_offset+=delta; } OP_ASSERT(_li>=0); if(_of->seekable&&OP_UNLIKELY(op_granpos_cmp(_gp,links[_li].pcm_end)>0)){ _gp=links[_li].pcm_end; } if(OP_LIKELY(op_granpos_cmp(_gp,links[_li].pcm_start)>0)){ OP_ALWAYS_TRUE(!op_granpos_diff(&delta,_gp,links[_li].pcm_start)); if(deltaready_stateprev_packet_gp; if(gp==-1)return 0; nbuffered=OP_MAX(_of->od_buffer_size-_of->od_buffer_pos,0); OP_ALWAYS_TRUE(!op_granpos_add(&gp,gp,-nbuffered)); li=_of->seekable?_of->cur_link:0; if(op_granpos_add(&gp,gp,_of->cur_discard_count)<0){ gp=_of->links[li].pcm_end; } return op_get_pcm_offset(_of,gp,li); } /*Allocate the decoder scratch buffer. This is done lazily, since if the user provides large enough buffers, we'll never need it.*/ static int op_init_buffer(OggOpusFile *_of){ int nchannels_max; if(_of->seekable){ OggOpusLink *links; int nlinks; int li; links=_of->links; nlinks=_of->nlinks; nchannels_max=1; for(li=0;liod_buffer=(op_sample *)_ogg_malloc( sizeof(*_of->od_buffer)*nchannels_max*120*48); if(_of->od_buffer==NULL)return OP_EFAULT; return 0; } /*Read more samples from the stream, using the same API as op_read() or op_read_float().*/ static int op_read_native(OggOpusFile *_of, op_sample *_pcm,int _buf_size,int *_li){ if(OP_UNLIKELY(_of->ready_stateready_state>=OP_INITSET)){ int nchannels; int od_buffer_pos; int nsamples; int op_pos; nchannels=_of->links[_of->seekable?_of->cur_link:0].head.channel_count; od_buffer_pos=_of->od_buffer_pos; nsamples=_of->od_buffer_size-od_buffer_pos; /*If we have buffered samples, return them.*/ if(OP_UNLIKELY(nsamples>0)){ if(OP_UNLIKELY(nsamples*nchannels>_buf_size)){ nsamples=_buf_size/nchannels; } memcpy(_pcm,_of->od_buffer+nchannels*od_buffer_pos, sizeof(*_pcm)*nchannels*nsamples); od_buffer_pos+=nsamples; _of->od_buffer_pos=od_buffer_pos; if(_li!=NULL)*_li=_of->cur_link; return nsamples; } /*If we have buffered packets, decode one.*/ op_pos=_of->op_pos; if(OP_LIKELY(op_pos<_of->op_count)){ ogg_packet *pop; ogg_int64_t diff; opus_int32 cur_discard_count; int duration; int trimmed_duration; pop=_of->op+op_pos++; _of->op_pos=op_pos; cur_discard_count=_of->cur_discard_count; duration=op_get_packet_duration(pop->packet,pop->bytes); /*We don't buffer packets with an invalid TOC sequence.*/ OP_ASSERT(duration>0); trimmed_duration=duration; /*Perform end-trimming.*/ if(OP_UNLIKELY(pop->e_o_s)){ if(OP_UNLIKELY(op_granpos_cmp(pop->granulepos, _of->prev_packet_gp)<=0)){ trimmed_duration=0; } else if(OP_LIKELY(!op_granpos_diff(&diff, pop->granulepos,_of->prev_packet_gp))){ trimmed_duration=(int)OP_MIN(diff,trimmed_duration); } } _of->prev_packet_gp=pop->granulepos; if(OP_UNLIKELY(duration*nchannels>_buf_size)){ op_sample *buf; /*If the user's buffer is too small, decode into a scratch buffer.*/ buf=_of->od_buffer; if(OP_UNLIKELY(buf==NULL)){ ret=op_init_buffer(_of); if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0))return ret; buf=_of->od_buffer; } #if defined(OP_FIXED_POINT) ret=opus_multistream_decode(_of->od, pop->packet,pop->bytes,buf,120*48,0); #else ret=opus_multistream_decode_float(_of->od, pop->packet,pop->bytes,buf,120*48,0); #endif if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0))return OP_EBADPACKET; OP_ASSERT(ret==duration); /*Perform pre-skip/pre-roll.*/ od_buffer_pos=(int)OP_MIN(trimmed_duration,cur_discard_count); cur_discard_count-=od_buffer_pos; _of->cur_discard_count=cur_discard_count; _of->od_buffer_pos=od_buffer_pos; _of->od_buffer_size=trimmed_duration; /*Update bitrate tracking based on the actual samples we used from what was decoded.*/ _of->bytes_tracked+=pop->bytes; _of->samples_tracked+=trimmed_duration-od_buffer_pos; /*Don't grab another page yet.*/ if(OP_LIKELY(od_buffer_posod,pop->packet,pop->bytes, _pcm,_buf_size/nchannels,0); #else ret=opus_multistream_decode_float(_of->od,pop->packet,pop->bytes, _pcm,_buf_size/nchannels,0); #endif if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0))return OP_EBADPACKET; OP_ASSERT(ret==duration); if(OP_LIKELY(trimmed_duration>0)){ /*Perform pre-skip/pre-roll.*/ od_buffer_pos=(int)OP_MIN(trimmed_duration,cur_discard_count); cur_discard_count-=od_buffer_pos; _of->cur_discard_count=cur_discard_count; if(OP_UNLIKELY(od_buffer_pos>0) &&OP_LIKELY(od_buffer_posbytes_tracked+=pop->bytes; _of->samples_tracked+=trimmed_duration; if(OP_LIKELY(trimmed_duration>0)){ if(_li!=NULL)*_li=_of->cur_link; return trimmed_duration; } } } } } /*Suck in another page.*/ ret=op_fetch_and_process_page(_of,NULL,-1,1,1,0); if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret==OP_EOF)){ if(_li!=NULL)*_li=_of->cur_link; return 0; } if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0))return ret; } } typedef int (*op_read_filter_func)(OggOpusFile *_of,void *_dst,int _dst_sz, op_sample *_src,int _nsamples,int _nchannels); /*Decode some samples and then apply a custom filter to them. This is used to convert to different output formats.*/ static int op_read_native_filter(OggOpusFile *_of,void *_dst,int _dst_sz, op_read_filter_func _filter,int *_li){ int ret; /*Ensure we have some decoded samples in our buffer.*/ ret=op_read_native(_of,NULL,0,_li); /*Now apply the filter to them.*/ if(OP_LIKELY(ret>=0)&&OP_LIKELY(_of->ready_state>=OP_INITSET)){ int od_buffer_pos; od_buffer_pos=_of->od_buffer_pos; ret=_of->od_buffer_size-od_buffer_pos; if(OP_LIKELY(ret>0)){ int nchannels; nchannels=_of->links[_of->seekable?_of->cur_link:0].head.channel_count; ret=(*_filter)(_of,_dst,_dst_sz, _of->od_buffer+nchannels*od_buffer_pos,ret,nchannels); OP_ASSERT(ret>=0); OP_ASSERT(ret<=_of->od_buffer_size-od_buffer_pos); od_buffer_pos+=ret; _of->od_buffer_pos=od_buffer_pos; } } return ret; } #if defined(OP_FIXED_POINT) int op_read(OggOpusFile *_of,opus_int16 *_pcm,int _buf_size,int *_li){ return op_read_native(_of,_pcm,_buf_size,_li); } /*Matrices for downmixing from the supported channel counts to stereo. The matrices with 5 or more channels are normalized to a total volume of 2.0, since most mixes sound too quiet if normalized to 1.0 (as there is generally little volume in the side/rear channels). Hence we keep the coefficients in Q14, so the downmix values won't overflow a 32-bit number.*/ static const opus_int16 OP_STEREO_DOWNMIX_Q14 [OP_NCHANNELS_MAX-2][OP_NCHANNELS_MAX][2]={ /*3.0*/ { {9598,0},{6786,6786},{0,9598} }, /*quadrophonic*/ { {6924,0},{0,6924},{5996,3464},{3464,5996} }, /*5.0*/ { {10666,0},{7537,7537},{0,10666},{9234,5331},{5331,9234} }, /*5.1*/ { {8668,0},{6129,6129},{0,8668},{7507,4335},{4335,7507},{6129,6129} }, /*6.1*/ { {7459,0},{5275,5275},{0,7459},{6460,3731},{3731,6460},{4568,4568}, {5275,5275} }, /*7.1*/ { {6368,0},{4502,4502},{0,6368},{5515,3183},{3183,5515},{5515,3183}, {3183,5515},{4502,4502} } }; static int op_stereo_filter(OggOpusFile *_of,void *_dst,int _dst_sz, op_sample *_src,int _nsamples,int _nchannels){ _of=_of; _nsamples=OP_MIN(_nsamples,_dst_sz>>1); if(_nchannels==2)memcpy(_dst,_src,_nsamples*2*sizeof(*_src)); else{ opus_int16 *dst; int i; dst=(opus_int16 *)_dst; if(_nchannels==1){ for(i=0;i<_nsamples;i++)dst[2*i+0]=dst[2*i+1]=_src[i]; } else{ for(i=0;i<_nsamples;i++){ opus_int32 l; opus_int32 r; int ci; l=r=0; for(ci=0;ci<_nchannels;ci++){ opus_int32 s; s=_src[_nchannels*i+ci]; l+=OP_STEREO_DOWNMIX_Q14[_nchannels-3][ci][0]*s; r+=OP_STEREO_DOWNMIX_Q14[_nchannels-3][ci][1]*s; } dst[2*i+0]=(opus_int16)OP_CLAMP(-32768,l+8192>>14,32767); dst[2*i+1]=(opus_int16)OP_CLAMP(-32768,r+8192>>14,32767); } } } return _nsamples; } int op_read_stereo(OggOpusFile *_of,opus_int16 *_pcm,int _buf_size){ return op_read_native_filter(_of,_pcm,_buf_size,op_stereo_filter,NULL); } # if !defined(OP_DISABLE_FLOAT_API) static int op_short2float_filter(OggOpusFile *_of,void *_dst,int _dst_sz, op_sample *_src,int _nsamples,int _nchannels){ float *dst; int i; _of=_of; dst=(float *)_dst; if(OP_UNLIKELY(_nsamples*_nchannels>_dst_sz))_nsamples=_dst_sz/_nchannels; _dst_sz=_nsamples*_nchannels; for(i=0;i<_dst_sz;i++)dst[i]=(1.0F/32768)*_src[i]; return _nsamples; } int op_read_float(OggOpusFile *_of,float *_pcm,int _buf_size,int *_li){ return op_read_native_filter(_of,_pcm,_buf_size,op_short2float_filter,_li); } static int op_short2float_stereo_filter(OggOpusFile *_of, void *_dst,int _dst_sz,op_sample *_src,int _nsamples,int _nchannels){ float *dst; dst=(float *)_dst; _nsamples=OP_MIN(_nsamples,_dst_sz>>1); if(_nchannels==1){ int i; _nsamples=op_short2float_filter(_of,dst,_nsamples,_src,_nsamples,1); for(i=_nsamples;i-->0;)dst[2*i+0]=dst[2*i+1]=dst[i]; return _nsamples; } /*It would be better to convert to floats and then downmix (so that we don't risk clipping with more than 5 channels), but that would require a large stack buffer, which is probably not a good idea if you're using the fixed-point build.*/ if(_nchannels>2){ _nsamples=op_stereo_filter(_of,_src,_nsamples*2, _src,_nsamples,_nchannels); } return op_short2float_filter(_of,dst,_dst_sz,_src,_nsamples,2); } int op_read_float_stereo(OggOpusFile *_of,float *_pcm,int _buf_size){ return op_read_native_filter(_of,_pcm,_buf_size, op_short2float_stereo_filter,NULL); } # endif #else # if defined(OP_HAVE_LRINTF) # include # define op_float2int(_x) (lrintf(_x)) # else # define op_float2int(_x) ((int)((_x)+((_x)<0?-0.5F:0.5F))) # endif /*The dithering code here is adapted from opusdec, part of opus-tools. It was originally written by Greg Maxwell.*/ static opus_uint32 op_rand(opus_uint32 _seed){ return _seed*96314165+907633515&0xFFFFFFFFU; } /*This implements 16-bit quantization with full triangular dither and IIR noise shaping. The noise shaping filters were designed by Sebastian Gesemann, and are based on the LAME ATH curves with flattening to limit their peak gain to 20 dB. Everyone else's noise shaping filters are mildly crazy. The 48 kHz version of this filter is just a warped version of the 44.1 kHz filter and probably could be improved by shifting the HF shelf up in frequency a little bit, since 48 kHz has a bit more room and being more conservative against bat-ears is probably more important than more noise suppression. This process can increase the peak level of the signal (in theory by the peak error of 1.5 +20 dB, though that is unobservably rare). To avoid clipping, the signal is attenuated by a couple thousands of a dB. Initially, the approach taken here was to only attenuate by the 99.9th percentile, making clipping rare but not impossible (like SoX), but the limited gain of the filter means that the worst case was only two thousandths of a dB more, so this just uses the worst case. The attenuation is probably also helpful to prevent clipping in the DAC reconstruction filters or downstream resampling, in any case.*/ #define OP_GAIN (32753.0F) #define OP_PRNG_GAIN (1.0F/0xFFFFFFFF) /*48 kHz noise shaping filter, sd=2.34.*/ static const float OP_FCOEF_B[4]={ 2.2374F,-0.7339F,-0.1251F,-0.6033F }; static const float OP_FCOEF_A[4]={ 0.9030F,0.0116F,-0.5853F,-0.2571F }; static void op_shaped_dither16(OggOpusFile *_of,opus_int16 *_dst, const float *_src,int _nsamples,int _nchannels){ opus_uint32 seed; int mute; int i; mute=_of->dither_mute; seed=_of->dither_seed; /*In order to avoid replacing digital silence with quiet dither noise, we mute if the output has been silent for a while.*/ if(mute>64)memset(_of->dither_a,0,sizeof(*_of->dither_a)*4*_nchannels); for(i=0;i<_nsamples;i++){ int silent; int ci; silent=1; for(ci=0;ci<_nchannels;ci++){ float r; float s; float err; int si; int j; s=_src[_nchannels*i+ci]; silent&=s==0; s*=OP_GAIN; err=0; for(j=0;j<4;j++){ err+=OP_FCOEF_B[j]*_of->dither_b[ci*4+j] -OP_FCOEF_A[j]*_of->dither_a[ci*4+j]; } for(j=3;j-->0;)_of->dither_a[ci*4+j+1]=_of->dither_a[ci*4+j]; for(j=3;j-->0;)_of->dither_b[ci*4+j+1]=_of->dither_b[ci*4+j]; _of->dither_a[ci*4]=err; s-=err; if(mute>16)r=0; else{ seed=op_rand(seed); r=seed*OP_PRNG_GAIN; seed=op_rand(seed); r-=seed*OP_PRNG_GAIN; } /*Clamp in float out of paranoia that the input will be > 96 dBFS and wrap if the integer is clamped.*/ si=op_float2int(OP_CLAMP(-32768,s+r,32767)); _dst[_nchannels*i+ci]=(opus_int16)si; /*Including clipping in the noise shaping is generally disastrous: the futile effort to restore the clipped energy results in more clipping. However, small amounts---at the level which could normally be created by dither and rounding---are harmless and can even reduce clipping somewhat due to the clipping sometimes reducing the dither + rounding error.*/ _of->dither_b[ci*4]=mute>16?0:OP_CLAMP(-1.5F,si-s,1.5F); } mute++; if(!silent)mute=0; } _of->dither_mute=OP_MIN(mute,65); _of->dither_seed=seed; } static int op_float2short_filter(OggOpusFile *_of,void *_dst,int _dst_sz, op_sample *_src,int _nsamples,int _nchannels){ opus_int16 *dst; dst=(opus_int16 *)_dst; if(OP_UNLIKELY(_nsamples*_nchannels>_dst_sz))_nsamples=_dst_sz/_nchannels; op_shaped_dither16(_of,dst,_src,_nsamples,_nchannels); return _nsamples; } int op_read(OggOpusFile *_of,opus_int16 *_pcm,int _buf_size,int *_li){ return op_read_native_filter(_of,_pcm,_buf_size,op_float2short_filter,_li); } int op_read_float(OggOpusFile *_of,float *_pcm,int _buf_size,int *_li){ return op_read_native(_of,_pcm,_buf_size,_li); } /*Matrices for downmixing from the supported channel counts to stereo. The matrices with 5 or more channels are normalized to a total volume of 2.0, since most mixes sound too quiet if normalized to 1.0 (as there is generally little volume in the side/rear channels).*/ static const float OP_STEREO_DOWNMIX[OP_NCHANNELS_MAX-2][OP_NCHANNELS_MAX][2]={ /*3.0*/ { {0.5858F,0.0F},{0.4142F,0.4142F},{0.0F,0.5858F} }, /*quadrophonic*/ { {0.4226F,0.0F},{0.0F,0.4226F},{0.366F,0.2114F},{0.2114F,0.336F} }, /*5.0*/ { {0.651F,0.0F},{0.46F,0.46F},{0.0F,0.651F},{0.5636F,0.3254F}, {0.3254F,0.5636F} }, /*5.1*/ { {0.529F,0.0F},{0.3741F,0.3741F},{0.0F,0.529F},{0.4582F,0.2645F}, {0.2645F,0.4582F},{0.3741F,0.3741F} }, /*6.1*/ { {0.4553F,0.0F},{0.322F,0.322F},{0.0F,0.4553F},{0.3943F,0.2277F}, {0.2277F,0.3943F},{0.2788F,0.2788F},{0.322F,0.322F} }, /*7.1*/ { {0.3886F,0.0F},{0.2748F,0.2748F},{0.0F,0.3886F},{0.3366F,0.1943F}, {0.1943F,0.3366F},{0.3366F,0.1943F},{0.1943F,0.3366F},{0.2748F,0.2748F} } }; static int op_stereo_filter(OggOpusFile *_of,void *_dst,int _dst_sz, op_sample *_src,int _nsamples,int _nchannels){ _nsamples=OP_MIN(_nsamples,_dst_sz>>1); if(_nchannels==2)memcpy(_dst,_src,_nsamples*2*sizeof(*_src)); else{ float *dst; int i; dst=(float *)_dst; if(_nchannels==1){ for(i=0;i<_nsamples;i++)dst[2*i+0]=dst[2*i+1]=_src[i]; } else{ for(i=0;i<_nsamples;i++){ float l; float r; int ci; l=r=0; for(ci=0;ci<_nchannels;ci++){ l+=OP_STEREO_DOWNMIX[_nchannels-3][ci][0]*_src[_nchannels*i+ci]; r+=OP_STEREO_DOWNMIX[_nchannels-3][ci][1]*_src[_nchannels*i+ci]; } dst[2*i+0]=l; dst[2*i+1]=r; } } } return _nsamples; } static int op_float2short_stereo_filter(OggOpusFile *_of, void *_dst,int _dst_sz,op_sample *_src,int _nsamples,int _nchannels){ opus_int16 *dst; dst=(opus_int16 *)_dst; _nsamples=OP_MIN(_nsamples,_dst_sz>>1); if(_nchannels==1){ int i; op_shaped_dither16(_of,dst,_src,_nsamples,1); for(i=_nsamples;i-->0;)dst[2*i+0]=dst[2*i+1]=dst[i]; } else{ if(_nchannels>2){ _nsamples=op_stereo_filter(_of,_src,_nsamples*2, _src,_nsamples,_nchannels); } op_shaped_dither16(_of,dst,_src,_nsamples,_nchannels); } return _nsamples; } int op_read_stereo(OggOpusFile *_of,opus_int16 *_pcm,int _buf_size){ return op_read_native_filter(_of,_pcm,_buf_size, op_float2short_stereo_filter,NULL); } int op_read_float_stereo(OggOpusFile *_of,float *_pcm,int _buf_size){ return op_read_native_filter(_of,_pcm,_buf_size,op_stereo_filter,NULL); } #endif