/* =========================================================================== Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Id Software, Inc. This file is part of Quake III Arena source code. Quake III Arena source code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Quake III Arena source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Quake III Arena source code; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA =========================================================================== */ #include <unistd.h> #include <signal.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <limits.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <errno.h> #ifndef DEDICATED #include "SDL.h" #endif #include "sys_local.h" #include "sys_loadlib.h" #include "../qcommon/q_shared.h" #include "../qcommon/qcommon.h" static char binaryPath[ MAX_OSPATH ] = { 0 }; static char installPath[ MAX_OSPATH ] = { 0 }; /* ================= Sys_SetBinaryPath ================= */ void Sys_SetBinaryPath(const char *path) { Q_strncpyz(binaryPath, path, sizeof(binaryPath)); } /* ================= Sys_BinaryPath ================= */ char *Sys_BinaryPath(void) { return binaryPath; } /* ================= Sys_SetDefaultInstallPath ================= */ void Sys_SetDefaultInstallPath(const char *path) { Q_strncpyz(installPath, path, sizeof(installPath)); } /* ================= Sys_DefaultInstallPath ================= */ char *Sys_DefaultInstallPath(void) { if (*installPath) return installPath; else return Sys_Cwd(); } /* ================= Sys_In_Restart_f Restart the input subsystem ================= */ void Sys_In_Restart_f( void ) { IN_Shutdown(); IN_Init(); } /* ================= Sys_ConsoleInputInit Start the console input subsystem ================= */ void Sys_ConsoleInputInit( void ) { #ifdef DEDICATED TTY_Init( ); #endif } /* ================= Sys_ConsoleInputShutdown Shutdown the console input subsystem ================= */ void Sys_ConsoleInputShutdown( void ) { #ifdef DEDICATED TTY_Shutdown( ); #endif } /* ================= Sys_ConsoleInput Handle new console input ================= */ char *Sys_ConsoleInput(void) { #ifdef DEDICATED return TTY_ConsoleInput( ); #endif return NULL; } /* ================= Sys_Exit Single exit point (regular exit or in case of error) ================= */ void Sys_Exit( int ex ) { Sys_ConsoleInputShutdown(); #ifndef DEDICATED SDL_Quit( ); #endif #ifdef NDEBUG // _exit is called instead of exit since there are rumours of // GL libraries installing atexit calls that we don't want to call // FIXME: get some testing done with plain exit _exit(ex); #else // Cause a backtrace on error exits assert( ex == 0 ); exit(ex); #endif } /* ================= Sys_Quit ================= */ void Sys_Quit (void) { CL_Shutdown (); Sys_Exit(0); } /* ================= Sys_GetProcessorFeatures ================= */ cpuFeatures_t Sys_GetProcessorFeatures( void ) { cpuFeatures_t features = 0; #ifndef DEDICATED if( SDL_HasRDTSC( ) ) features |= CF_RDTSC; if( SDL_HasMMX( ) ) features |= CF_MMX; if( SDL_HasMMXExt( ) ) features |= CF_MMX_EXT; if( SDL_Has3DNow( ) ) features |= CF_3DNOW; if( SDL_Has3DNowExt( ) ) features |= CF_3DNOW_EXT; if( SDL_HasSSE( ) ) features |= CF_SSE; if( SDL_HasSSE2( ) ) features |= CF_SSE2; if( SDL_HasAltiVec( ) ) features |= CF_ALTIVEC; #endif return features; } /* ================= Sys_Init ================= */ void Sys_Init(void) { Cmd_AddCommand( "in_restart", Sys_In_Restart_f ); Cvar_Set( "arch", OS_STRING " " ARCH_STRING ); Cvar_Set( "username", Sys_GetCurrentUser( ) ); } static struct Q3ToAnsiColorTable_s { char Q3color; char *ANSIcolor; } TTY_colorTable[ ] = { { COLOR_BLACK, "30" }, { COLOR_RED, "31" }, { COLOR_GREEN, "32" }, { COLOR_YELLOW, "33" }, { COLOR_BLUE, "34" }, { COLOR_CYAN, "36" }, { COLOR_MAGENTA, "35" }, { COLOR_WHITE, "0" } }; static int TTY_colorTableSize = sizeof( TTY_colorTable ) / sizeof( TTY_colorTable[ 0 ] ); /* ================= Sys_ANSIColorify Transform Q3 colour codes to ANSI escape sequences ================= */ static void Sys_ANSIColorify( const char *msg, char *buffer, int bufferSize ) { int msgLength, pos; int i, j; char *escapeCode; char tempBuffer[ 7 ]; if( !msg || !buffer ) return; msgLength = strlen( msg ); pos = 0; i = 0; buffer[ 0 ] = '\0'; while( i < msgLength ) { if( msg[ i ] == '\n' ) { Com_sprintf( tempBuffer, 7, "%c[0m\n", 0x1B ); strncat( buffer, tempBuffer, bufferSize ); i++; } else if( msg[ i ] == Q_COLOR_ESCAPE ) { i++; if( i < msgLength ) { escapeCode = NULL; for( j = 0; j < TTY_colorTableSize; j++ ) { if( msg[ i ] == TTY_colorTable[ j ].Q3color ) { escapeCode = TTY_colorTable[ j ].ANSIcolor; break; } } if( escapeCode ) { Com_sprintf( tempBuffer, 7, "%c[%sm", 0x1B, escapeCode ); strncat( buffer, tempBuffer, bufferSize ); } i++; } } else { Com_sprintf( tempBuffer, 7, "%c", msg[ i++ ] ); strncat( buffer, tempBuffer, bufferSize ); } } } /* ================= Sys_Print ================= */ void Sys_Print( const char *msg ) { #ifdef DEDICATED TTY_Hide(); #endif if( com_ansiColor && com_ansiColor->integer ) { char ansiColorString[ MAXPRINTMSG ]; Sys_ANSIColorify( msg, ansiColorString, MAXPRINTMSG ); fputs( ansiColorString, stderr ); } else fputs(msg, stderr); #ifdef DEDICATED TTY_Show(); #endif } /* ================= Sys_Error ================= */ void Sys_Error( const char *error, ... ) { va_list argptr; char string[1024]; #ifdef DEDICATED TTY_Hide(); #endif CL_Shutdown (); va_start (argptr,error); Q_vsnprintf (string, sizeof(string), error, argptr); va_end (argptr); fprintf(stderr, "Sys_Error: %s\n", string); Sys_Exit( 1 ); } /* ================= Sys_Warn ================= */ void Sys_Warn( char *warning, ... ) { va_list argptr; char string[1024]; va_start (argptr,warning); Q_vsnprintf (string, sizeof(string), warning, argptr); va_end (argptr); #ifdef DEDICATED TTY_Hide(); #endif fprintf(stderr, "Warning: %s", string); #ifdef DEDICATED TTY_Show(); #endif } /* ============ Sys_FileTime returns -1 if not present ============ */ int Sys_FileTime( char *path ) { struct stat buf; if (stat (path,&buf) == -1) return -1; return buf.st_mtime; } /* ================= Sys_UnloadDll ================= */ void Sys_UnloadDll( void *dllHandle ) { if( !dllHandle ) { Com_Printf("Sys_UnloadDll(NULL)\n"); return; } Sys_UnloadLibrary(dllHandle); } /* ================= Sys_TryLibraryLoad ================= */ static void* Sys_TryLibraryLoad(const char* base, const char* gamedir, const char* fname, char* fqpath ) { void* libHandle; char* fn; *fqpath = 0; fn = FS_BuildOSPath( base, gamedir, fname ); Com_Printf( "Sys_LoadDll(%s)... \n", fn ); libHandle = Sys_LoadLibrary(fn); if(!libHandle) { Com_Printf( "Sys_LoadDll(%s) failed:\n\"%s\"\n", fn, Sys_LibraryError() ); return NULL; } Com_Printf ( "Sys_LoadDll(%s): succeeded ...\n", fn ); Q_strncpyz ( fqpath , fn , MAX_QPATH ) ; return libHandle; } /* ================= Sys_LoadDll Used to load a development dll instead of a virtual machine #1 look down current path #2 look in fs_homepath #3 look in fs_basepath ================= */ void *Sys_LoadDll( const char *name, char *fqpath , intptr_t (**entryPoint)(int, ...), intptr_t (*systemcalls)(intptr_t, ...) ) { void *libHandle; void (*dllEntry)( intptr_t (*syscallptr)(intptr_t, ...) ); char curpath[MAX_OSPATH]; char fname[MAX_OSPATH]; char *basepath; char *homepath; char *pwdpath; char *gamedir; assert( name ); getcwd(curpath, sizeof(curpath)); snprintf (fname, sizeof(fname), "%s" ARCH_STRING DLL_EXT, name); // TODO: use fs_searchpaths from files.c pwdpath = Sys_Cwd(); basepath = Cvar_VariableString( "fs_basepath" ); homepath = Cvar_VariableString( "fs_homepath" ); gamedir = Cvar_VariableString( "fs_game" ); libHandle = Sys_TryLibraryLoad(pwdpath, gamedir, fname, fqpath); if(!libHandle && homepath) libHandle = Sys_TryLibraryLoad(homepath, gamedir, fname, fqpath); if(!libHandle && basepath) libHandle = Sys_TryLibraryLoad(basepath, gamedir, fname, fqpath); if(!libHandle) { Com_Printf ( "Sys_LoadDll(%s) failed to load library\n", name ); return NULL; } dllEntry = Sys_LoadFunction( libHandle, "dllEntry" ); *entryPoint = Sys_LoadFunction( libHandle, "vmMain" ); if ( !*entryPoint || !dllEntry ) { Com_Printf ( "Sys_LoadDll(%s) failed to find vmMain function:\n\"%s\" !\n", name, Sys_LibraryError( ) ); Sys_UnloadLibrary(libHandle); return NULL; } Com_Printf ( "Sys_LoadDll(%s) found vmMain function at %p\n", name, *entryPoint ); dllEntry( systemcalls ); return libHandle; } /* ================= Sys_Idle ================= */ static void Sys_Idle( void ) { #ifndef DEDICATED int appState = SDL_GetAppState( ); int sleep = 0; // If we have no input focus at all, sleep a bit if( !( appState & ( SDL_APPMOUSEFOCUS | SDL_APPINPUTFOCUS ) ) ) { Cvar_SetValue( "com_unfocused", 1 ); sleep += 16; } else Cvar_SetValue( "com_unfocused", 0 ); // If we're minimised, sleep a bit more if( !( appState & SDL_APPACTIVE ) ) { Cvar_SetValue( "com_minimized", 1 ); sleep += 32; } else Cvar_SetValue( "com_minimized", 0 ); if( !com_dedicated->integer && sleep ) SDL_Delay( sleep ); #else // Dedicated server idles via NET_Sleep #endif } /* ================= Sys_ParseArgs ================= */ void Sys_ParseArgs( int argc, char **argv ) { if( argc == 2 ) { if( !strcmp( argv[1], "--version" ) || !strcmp( argv[1], "-v" ) ) { const char* date = __DATE__; #ifdef DEDICATED fprintf( stdout, Q3_VERSION " dedicated server (%s)\n", date ); #else fprintf( stdout, Q3_VERSION " client (%s)\n", date ); #endif Sys_Exit(0); } } } #ifndef DEFAULT_BASEDIR # ifdef MACOS_X # define DEFAULT_BASEDIR Sys_StripAppBundle(Sys_BinaryPath()) # else # define DEFAULT_BASEDIR Sys_BinaryPath() # endif #endif /* ================= Sys_SigHandler ================= */ static void Sys_SigHandler( int signal ) { static qboolean signalcaught = qfalse; if( signalcaught ) { fprintf( stderr, "DOUBLE SIGNAL FAULT: Received signal %d, exiting...\n", signal ); } else { signalcaught = qtrue; fprintf( stderr, "Received signal %d, exiting...\n", signal ); #ifndef DEDICATED CL_Shutdown(); #endif SV_Shutdown( "Signal caught" ); } Sys_Exit( 0 ); // Exit with 0 to avoid recursive signals } /* ================= main ================= */ int main( int argc, char **argv ) { int i; char commandLine[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ] = { 0 }; Sys_ParseArgs( argc, argv ); Sys_SetBinaryPath( Sys_Dirname( argv[ 0 ] ) ); Sys_SetDefaultInstallPath( DEFAULT_BASEDIR ); // Concatenate the command line for passing to Com_Init for( i = 1; i < argc; i++ ) { Q_strcat( commandLine, sizeof( commandLine ), argv[ i ] ); Q_strcat( commandLine, sizeof( commandLine ), " " ); } Com_Init( commandLine ); NET_Init(); Sys_ConsoleInputInit(); #ifndef _WIN32 // Windows doesn't have these signals signal( SIGHUP, Sys_SigHandler ); signal( SIGQUIT, Sys_SigHandler ); signal( SIGTRAP, Sys_SigHandler ); signal( SIGIOT, Sys_SigHandler ); signal( SIGBUS, Sys_SigHandler ); #endif signal( SIGILL, Sys_SigHandler ); signal( SIGFPE, Sys_SigHandler ); signal( SIGSEGV, Sys_SigHandler ); signal( SIGTERM, Sys_SigHandler ); while( 1 ) { Sys_Idle( ); IN_Frame( ); Com_Frame( ); } return 0; }