/* =========================================================================== Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Id Software, Inc. This file is part of Quake III Arena source code. Quake III Arena source code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Quake III Arena source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Quake III Arena source code; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA =========================================================================== */ // #include "ui_local.h" void GraphicsOptions_MenuInit( void ); /* ======================================================================= DRIVER INFORMATION MENU ======================================================================= */ #define DRIVERINFO_FRAMEL "menu/art/frame2_l" #define DRIVERINFO_FRAMER "menu/art/frame1_r" #define DRIVERINFO_BACK0 "menu/art/back_0" #define DRIVERINFO_BACK1 "menu/art/back_1" static char* driverinfo_artlist[] = { DRIVERINFO_FRAMEL, DRIVERINFO_FRAMER, DRIVERINFO_BACK0, DRIVERINFO_BACK1, NULL, }; #define ID_DRIVERINFOBACK 100 typedef struct { menuframework_s menu; menutext_s banner; menubitmap_s back; menubitmap_s framel; menubitmap_s framer; char stringbuff[1024]; char* strings[64]; int numstrings; } driverinfo_t; static driverinfo_t s_driverinfo; /* ================= DriverInfo_Event ================= */ static void DriverInfo_Event( void* ptr, int event ) { if (event != QM_ACTIVATED) return; switch (((menucommon_s*)ptr)->id) { case ID_DRIVERINFOBACK: UI_PopMenu(); break; } } /* ================= DriverInfo_MenuDraw ================= */ static void DriverInfo_MenuDraw( void ) { int i; int y; Menu_Draw( &s_driverinfo.menu ); UI_DrawString( 320, 80, "VENDOR", UI_CENTER|UI_SMALLFONT, color_red ); UI_DrawString( 320, 152, "PIXELFORMAT", UI_CENTER|UI_SMALLFONT, color_red ); UI_DrawString( 320, 192, "EXTENSIONS", UI_CENTER|UI_SMALLFONT, color_red ); UI_DrawString( 320, 80+16, uis.glconfig.vendor_string, UI_CENTER|UI_SMALLFONT, text_color_normal ); UI_DrawString( 320, 96+16, uis.glconfig.version_string, UI_CENTER|UI_SMALLFONT, text_color_normal ); UI_DrawString( 320, 112+16, uis.glconfig.renderer_string, UI_CENTER|UI_SMALLFONT, text_color_normal ); UI_DrawString( 320, 152+16, va ("color(%d-bits) Z(%d-bits) stencil(%d-bits)", uis.glconfig.colorBits, uis.glconfig.depthBits, uis.glconfig.stencilBits), UI_CENTER|UI_SMALLFONT, text_color_normal ); // double column y = 192+16; for (i=0; i<s_driverinfo.numstrings/2; i++) { UI_DrawString( 320-4, y, s_driverinfo.strings[i*2], UI_RIGHT|UI_SMALLFONT, text_color_normal ); UI_DrawString( 320+4, y, s_driverinfo.strings[i*2+1], UI_LEFT|UI_SMALLFONT, text_color_normal ); y += SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT; } if (s_driverinfo.numstrings & 1) UI_DrawString( 320, y, s_driverinfo.strings[s_driverinfo.numstrings-1], UI_CENTER|UI_SMALLFONT, text_color_normal ); } /* ================= DriverInfo_Cache ================= */ void DriverInfo_Cache( void ) { int i; // touch all our pics for (i=0; ;i++) { if (!driverinfo_artlist[i]) break; trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip(driverinfo_artlist[i]); } } /* ================= UI_DriverInfo_Menu ================= */ static void UI_DriverInfo_Menu( void ) { char* eptr; int i; int len; // zero set all our globals memset( &s_driverinfo, 0 ,sizeof(driverinfo_t) ); DriverInfo_Cache(); s_driverinfo.menu.fullscreen = qtrue; s_driverinfo.menu.draw = DriverInfo_MenuDraw; s_driverinfo.banner.generic.type = MTYPE_BTEXT; s_driverinfo.banner.generic.x = 320; s_driverinfo.banner.generic.y = 16; s_driverinfo.banner.string = "DRIVER INFO"; s_driverinfo.banner.color = color_white; s_driverinfo.banner.style = UI_CENTER; s_driverinfo.framel.generic.type = MTYPE_BITMAP; s_driverinfo.framel.generic.name = DRIVERINFO_FRAMEL; s_driverinfo.framel.generic.flags = QMF_INACTIVE; s_driverinfo.framel.generic.x = 0; s_driverinfo.framel.generic.y = 78; s_driverinfo.framel.width = 256; s_driverinfo.framel.height = 329; s_driverinfo.framer.generic.type = MTYPE_BITMAP; s_driverinfo.framer.generic.name = DRIVERINFO_FRAMER; s_driverinfo.framer.generic.flags = QMF_INACTIVE; s_driverinfo.framer.generic.x = 376; s_driverinfo.framer.generic.y = 76; s_driverinfo.framer.width = 256; s_driverinfo.framer.height = 334; s_driverinfo.back.generic.type = MTYPE_BITMAP; s_driverinfo.back.generic.name = DRIVERINFO_BACK0; s_driverinfo.back.generic.flags = QMF_LEFT_JUSTIFY|QMF_PULSEIFFOCUS; s_driverinfo.back.generic.callback = DriverInfo_Event; s_driverinfo.back.generic.id = ID_DRIVERINFOBACK; s_driverinfo.back.generic.x = 0; s_driverinfo.back.generic.y = 480-64; s_driverinfo.back.width = 128; s_driverinfo.back.height = 64; s_driverinfo.back.focuspic = DRIVERINFO_BACK1; // TTimo: overflow with particularly long GL extensions (such as the gf3) // https://zerowing.idsoftware.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=399 // NOTE: could have pushed the size of stringbuff, but the list is already out of the screen // (no matter what your resolution) Q_strncpyz(s_driverinfo.stringbuff, uis.glconfig.extensions_string, 1024); // build null terminated extension strings eptr = s_driverinfo.stringbuff; while ( s_driverinfo.numstrings<40 && *eptr ) { while ( *eptr && *eptr == ' ' ) *eptr++ = '\0'; // track start of valid string if (*eptr && *eptr != ' ') s_driverinfo.strings[s_driverinfo.numstrings++] = eptr; while ( *eptr && *eptr != ' ' ) eptr++; } // safety length strings for display for (i=0; i<s_driverinfo.numstrings; i++) { len = strlen(s_driverinfo.strings[i]); if (len > 32) { s_driverinfo.strings[i][len-1] = '>'; s_driverinfo.strings[i][len] = '\0'; } } Menu_AddItem( &s_driverinfo.menu, &s_driverinfo.banner ); Menu_AddItem( &s_driverinfo.menu, &s_driverinfo.framel ); Menu_AddItem( &s_driverinfo.menu, &s_driverinfo.framer ); Menu_AddItem( &s_driverinfo.menu, &s_driverinfo.back ); UI_PushMenu( &s_driverinfo.menu ); } /* ======================================================================= GRAPHICS OPTIONS MENU ======================================================================= */ #define GRAPHICSOPTIONS_FRAMEL "menu/art/frame2_l" #define GRAPHICSOPTIONS_FRAMER "menu/art/frame1_r" #define GRAPHICSOPTIONS_BACK0 "menu/art/back_0" #define GRAPHICSOPTIONS_BACK1 "menu/art/back_1" #define GRAPHICSOPTIONS_ACCEPT0 "menu/art/accept_0" #define GRAPHICSOPTIONS_ACCEPT1 "menu/art/accept_1" #define ID_BACK2 101 #define ID_FULLSCREEN 102 #define ID_LIST 103 #define ID_MODE 104 #define ID_DRIVERINFO 105 #define ID_GRAPHICS 106 #define ID_DISPLAY 107 #define ID_SOUND 108 #define ID_NETWORK 109 #define ID_RATIO 110 typedef struct { menuframework_s menu; menutext_s banner; menubitmap_s framel; menubitmap_s framer; menutext_s graphics; menutext_s display; menutext_s sound; menutext_s network; menulist_s list; menulist_s ratio; menulist_s mode; menulist_s driver; menuslider_s tq; menulist_s fs; menulist_s lighting; menulist_s allow_extensions; menulist_s texturebits; menulist_s geometry; menulist_s filter; menutext_s driverinfo; menubitmap_s apply; menubitmap_s back; } graphicsoptions_t; typedef struct { int mode; qboolean fullscreen; int tq; int lighting; int texturebits; int geometry; int filter; int driver; qboolean extensions; } InitialVideoOptions_s; static InitialVideoOptions_s s_ivo; static graphicsoptions_t s_graphicsoptions; static InitialVideoOptions_s s_ivo_templates[] = { { 6, qtrue, 3, 0, 2, 2, 1, 0, qtrue }, { 4, qtrue, 2, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, qtrue // JDC: this was tq 3 }, { 3, qtrue, 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, qtrue }, { 2, qtrue, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, qtrue }, { 2, qtrue, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, qtrue }, { 3, qtrue, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, qtrue } }; #define NUM_IVO_TEMPLATES ( ARRAY_LEN( s_ivo_templates ) ) static const char *builtinResolutions[ ] = { "320x240", "400x300", "512x384", "640x480", "800x600", "960x720", "1024x768", "1152x864", "1280x1024", "1600x1200", "2048x1536", "856x480", NULL }; static const char *knownRatios[ ][2] = { { "1.25:1", "5:4" }, { "1.33:1", "4:3" }, { "1.50:1", "3:2" }, { "1.56:1", "14:9" }, { "1.60:1", "16:10" }, { "1.67:1", "5:3" }, { "1.78:1", "16:9" }, { NULL , NULL } }; #define MAX_RESOLUTIONS 32 static const char* ratios[ MAX_RESOLUTIONS ]; static char ratioBuf[ MAX_RESOLUTIONS ][ 8 ]; static int ratioToRes[ MAX_RESOLUTIONS ]; static int resToRatio[ MAX_RESOLUTIONS ]; static char resbuf[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ]; static const char* detectedResolutions[ MAX_RESOLUTIONS ]; static const char** resolutions = builtinResolutions; static qboolean resolutionsDetected = qfalse; /* ================= GraphicsOptions_FindBuiltinResolution ================= */ static int GraphicsOptions_FindBuiltinResolution( int mode ) { int i; if( !resolutionsDetected ) return mode; if( mode < 0 ) return -1; for( i = 0; builtinResolutions[ i ]; i++ ) { if( !Q_stricmp( builtinResolutions[ i ], detectedResolutions[ mode ] ) ) return i; } return -1; } /* ================= GraphicsOptions_FindDetectedResolution ================= */ static int GraphicsOptions_FindDetectedResolution( int mode ) { int i; if( !resolutionsDetected ) return mode; if( mode < 0 ) return -1; for( i = 0; detectedResolutions[ i ]; i++ ) { if( !Q_stricmp( builtinResolutions[ mode ], detectedResolutions[ i ] ) ) return i; } return -1; } /* ================= GraphicsOptions_GetAspectRatios ================= */ static void GraphicsOptions_GetAspectRatios( void ) { int i, r; // build ratio list from resolutions for( r = 0; resolutions[r]; r++ ) { int w, h; char *x; char str[ sizeof(ratioBuf[0]) ]; // calculate resolution's aspect ratio x = strchr( resolutions[r], 'x' ) + 1; Q_strncpyz( str, resolutions[r], x-resolutions[r] ); w = atoi( str ); h = atoi( x ); Com_sprintf( str, sizeof(str), "%.2f:1", (float)w / (float)h ); // rename common ratios ("1.33:1" -> "4:3") for( i = 0; knownRatios[i][0]; i++ ) { if( !Q_stricmp( str, knownRatios[i][0] ) ) { Q_strncpyz( str, knownRatios[i][1], sizeof( str ) ); break; } } // add ratio to list if it is new // establish res/ratio relationship for( i = 0; ratioBuf[i][0]; i++ ) { if( !Q_stricmp( str, ratioBuf[i] ) ) break; } if( !ratioBuf[i][0] ) { Q_strncpyz( ratioBuf[i], str, sizeof(ratioBuf[i]) ); ratioToRes[i] = r; } ratios[r] = ratioBuf[r]; resToRatio[r] = i; } ratios[r] = NULL; } /* ================= GraphicsOptions_GetInitialVideo ================= */ static void GraphicsOptions_GetInitialVideo( void ) { s_ivo.driver = s_graphicsoptions.driver.curvalue; s_ivo.mode = s_graphicsoptions.mode.curvalue; s_ivo.fullscreen = s_graphicsoptions.fs.curvalue; s_ivo.extensions = s_graphicsoptions.allow_extensions.curvalue; s_ivo.tq = s_graphicsoptions.tq.curvalue; s_ivo.lighting = s_graphicsoptions.lighting.curvalue; s_ivo.geometry = s_graphicsoptions.geometry.curvalue; s_ivo.filter = s_graphicsoptions.filter.curvalue; s_ivo.texturebits = s_graphicsoptions.texturebits.curvalue; } /* ================= GraphicsOptions_GetResolutions ================= */ static void GraphicsOptions_GetResolutions( void ) { Q_strncpyz(resbuf, UI_Cvar_VariableString("r_availableModes"), sizeof(resbuf)); if(*resbuf) { char* s = resbuf; unsigned int i = 0; while( s && i < ARRAY_LEN(detectedResolutions)-1 ) { detectedResolutions[i++] = s; s = strchr(s, ' '); if( s ) *s++ = '\0'; } detectedResolutions[ i ] = NULL; if( i > 0 ) { resolutions = detectedResolutions; resolutionsDetected = qtrue; } } } /* ================= GraphicsOptions_CheckConfig ================= */ static void GraphicsOptions_CheckConfig( void ) { int i; for ( i = 0; i < NUM_IVO_TEMPLATES-1; i++ ) { if ( s_ivo_templates[i].driver != s_graphicsoptions.driver.curvalue ) continue; if ( GraphicsOptions_FindDetectedResolution(s_ivo_templates[i].mode) != s_graphicsoptions.mode.curvalue ) continue; if ( s_ivo_templates[i].fullscreen != s_graphicsoptions.fs.curvalue ) continue; if ( s_ivo_templates[i].tq != s_graphicsoptions.tq.curvalue ) continue; if ( s_ivo_templates[i].lighting != s_graphicsoptions.lighting.curvalue ) continue; if ( s_ivo_templates[i].geometry != s_graphicsoptions.geometry.curvalue ) continue; if ( s_ivo_templates[i].filter != s_graphicsoptions.filter.curvalue ) continue; // if ( s_ivo_templates[i].texturebits != s_graphicsoptions.texturebits.curvalue ) // continue; s_graphicsoptions.list.curvalue = i; return; } // return 'Custom' ivo template s_graphicsoptions.list.curvalue = NUM_IVO_TEMPLATES - 1; } /* ================= GraphicsOptions_UpdateMenuItems ================= */ static void GraphicsOptions_UpdateMenuItems( void ) { if ( s_graphicsoptions.driver.curvalue == 1 ) { s_graphicsoptions.fs.curvalue = 1; s_graphicsoptions.fs.generic.flags |= QMF_GRAYED; } else { s_graphicsoptions.fs.generic.flags &= ~QMF_GRAYED; } if ( s_graphicsoptions.allow_extensions.curvalue == 0 ) { if ( s_graphicsoptions.texturebits.curvalue == 0 ) { s_graphicsoptions.texturebits.curvalue = 1; } } s_graphicsoptions.apply.generic.flags |= QMF_HIDDEN|QMF_INACTIVE; if ( s_ivo.mode != s_graphicsoptions.mode.curvalue ) { s_graphicsoptions.apply.generic.flags &= ~(QMF_HIDDEN|QMF_INACTIVE); } if ( s_ivo.fullscreen != s_graphicsoptions.fs.curvalue ) { s_graphicsoptions.apply.generic.flags &= ~(QMF_HIDDEN|QMF_INACTIVE); } if ( s_ivo.extensions != s_graphicsoptions.allow_extensions.curvalue ) { s_graphicsoptions.apply.generic.flags &= ~(QMF_HIDDEN|QMF_INACTIVE); } if ( s_ivo.tq != s_graphicsoptions.tq.curvalue ) { s_graphicsoptions.apply.generic.flags &= ~(QMF_HIDDEN|QMF_INACTIVE); } if ( s_ivo.lighting != s_graphicsoptions.lighting.curvalue ) { s_graphicsoptions.apply.generic.flags &= ~(QMF_HIDDEN|QMF_INACTIVE); } if ( s_ivo.driver != s_graphicsoptions.driver.curvalue ) { s_graphicsoptions.apply.generic.flags &= ~(QMF_HIDDEN|QMF_INACTIVE); } if ( s_ivo.texturebits != s_graphicsoptions.texturebits.curvalue ) { s_graphicsoptions.apply.generic.flags &= ~(QMF_HIDDEN|QMF_INACTIVE); } if ( s_ivo.geometry != s_graphicsoptions.geometry.curvalue ) { s_graphicsoptions.apply.generic.flags &= ~(QMF_HIDDEN|QMF_INACTIVE); } if ( s_ivo.filter != s_graphicsoptions.filter.curvalue ) { s_graphicsoptions.apply.generic.flags &= ~(QMF_HIDDEN|QMF_INACTIVE); } GraphicsOptions_CheckConfig(); } /* ================= GraphicsOptions_ApplyChanges ================= */ static void GraphicsOptions_ApplyChanges( void *unused, int notification ) { if (notification != QM_ACTIVATED) return; switch ( s_graphicsoptions.texturebits.curvalue ) { case 0: trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_texturebits", 0 ); break; case 1: trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_texturebits", 16 ); break; case 2: trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_texturebits", 32 ); break; } trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_picmip", 3 - s_graphicsoptions.tq.curvalue ); trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_allowExtensions", s_graphicsoptions.allow_extensions.curvalue ); if( resolutionsDetected ) { // search for builtin mode that matches the detected mode int mode; if ( s_graphicsoptions.mode.curvalue == -1 || s_graphicsoptions.mode.curvalue >= ARRAY_LEN( detectedResolutions ) ) s_graphicsoptions.mode.curvalue = 0; mode = GraphicsOptions_FindBuiltinResolution( s_graphicsoptions.mode.curvalue ); if( mode == -1 ) { char w[ 16 ], h[ 16 ]; Q_strncpyz( w, detectedResolutions[ s_graphicsoptions.mode.curvalue ], sizeof( w ) ); *strchr( w, 'x' ) = 0; Q_strncpyz( h, strchr( detectedResolutions[ s_graphicsoptions.mode.curvalue ], 'x' ) + 1, sizeof( h ) ); trap_Cvar_Set( "r_customwidth", w ); trap_Cvar_Set( "r_customheight", h ); } trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_mode", mode ); } else trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_mode", s_graphicsoptions.mode.curvalue ); trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_fullscreen", s_graphicsoptions.fs.curvalue ); trap_Cvar_Reset("r_colorbits"); trap_Cvar_Reset("r_depthbits"); trap_Cvar_Reset("r_stencilbits"); trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_vertexLight", s_graphicsoptions.lighting.curvalue ); if ( s_graphicsoptions.geometry.curvalue == 2 ) { trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_lodBias", 0 ); trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_subdivisions", 4 ); } else if ( s_graphicsoptions.geometry.curvalue == 1 ) { trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_lodBias", 1 ); trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_subdivisions", 12 ); } else { trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_lodBias", 1 ); trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_subdivisions", 20 ); } if ( s_graphicsoptions.filter.curvalue ) { trap_Cvar_Set( "r_textureMode", "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR" ); } else { trap_Cvar_Set( "r_textureMode", "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST" ); } trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_APPEND, "vid_restart\n" ); } /* ================= GraphicsOptions_Event ================= */ static void GraphicsOptions_Event( void* ptr, int event ) { InitialVideoOptions_s *ivo; if( event != QM_ACTIVATED ) { return; } switch( ((menucommon_s*)ptr)->id ) { case ID_RATIO: s_graphicsoptions.mode.curvalue = ratioToRes[ s_graphicsoptions.ratio.curvalue ]; // fall through to apply mode constraints case ID_MODE: // clamp 3dfx video modes if ( s_graphicsoptions.driver.curvalue == 1 ) { if ( s_graphicsoptions.mode.curvalue < 2 ) s_graphicsoptions.mode.curvalue = 2; else if ( s_graphicsoptions.mode.curvalue > 6 ) s_graphicsoptions.mode.curvalue = 6; } s_graphicsoptions.ratio.curvalue = resToRatio[ s_graphicsoptions.mode.curvalue ]; break; case ID_LIST: ivo = &s_ivo_templates[s_graphicsoptions.list.curvalue]; s_graphicsoptions.mode.curvalue = GraphicsOptions_FindDetectedResolution(ivo->mode); s_graphicsoptions.ratio.curvalue = resToRatio[ s_graphicsoptions.mode.curvalue ]; s_graphicsoptions.tq.curvalue = ivo->tq; s_graphicsoptions.lighting.curvalue = ivo->lighting; s_graphicsoptions.texturebits.curvalue = ivo->texturebits; s_graphicsoptions.geometry.curvalue = ivo->geometry; s_graphicsoptions.filter.curvalue = ivo->filter; s_graphicsoptions.fs.curvalue = ivo->fullscreen; break; case ID_DRIVERINFO: UI_DriverInfo_Menu(); break; case ID_BACK2: UI_PopMenu(); break; case ID_GRAPHICS: break; case ID_DISPLAY: UI_PopMenu(); UI_DisplayOptionsMenu(); break; case ID_SOUND: UI_PopMenu(); UI_SoundOptionsMenu(); break; case ID_NETWORK: UI_PopMenu(); UI_NetworkOptionsMenu(); break; } } /* ================ GraphicsOptions_TQEvent ================ */ static void GraphicsOptions_TQEvent( void *ptr, int event ) { if( event != QM_ACTIVATED ) { return; } s_graphicsoptions.tq.curvalue = (int)(s_graphicsoptions.tq.curvalue + 0.5); } /* ================ GraphicsOptions_MenuDraw ================ */ void GraphicsOptions_MenuDraw (void) { //APSFIX - rework this GraphicsOptions_UpdateMenuItems(); Menu_Draw( &s_graphicsoptions.menu ); } /* ================= GraphicsOptions_SetMenuItems ================= */ static void GraphicsOptions_SetMenuItems( void ) { s_graphicsoptions.mode.curvalue = GraphicsOptions_FindDetectedResolution( trap_Cvar_VariableValue( "r_mode" ) ); if ( s_graphicsoptions.mode.curvalue < 0 ) { if( resolutionsDetected ) { int i; char buf[MAX_STRING_CHARS]; trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer("r_customwidth", buf, sizeof(buf)-2); buf[strlen(buf)+1] = 0; buf[strlen(buf)] = 'x'; trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer("r_customheight", buf+strlen(buf), sizeof(buf)-strlen(buf)); for(i = 0; detectedResolutions[i]; ++i) { if(!Q_stricmp(buf, detectedResolutions[i])) { s_graphicsoptions.mode.curvalue = i; break; } } if ( s_graphicsoptions.mode.curvalue < 0 ) s_graphicsoptions.mode.curvalue = 0; } else { s_graphicsoptions.mode.curvalue = 3; } } s_graphicsoptions.ratio.curvalue = resToRatio[ s_graphicsoptions.mode.curvalue ]; s_graphicsoptions.fs.curvalue = trap_Cvar_VariableValue("r_fullscreen"); s_graphicsoptions.allow_extensions.curvalue = trap_Cvar_VariableValue("r_allowExtensions"); s_graphicsoptions.tq.curvalue = 3-trap_Cvar_VariableValue( "r_picmip"); if ( s_graphicsoptions.tq.curvalue < 0 ) { s_graphicsoptions.tq.curvalue = 0; } else if ( s_graphicsoptions.tq.curvalue > 3 ) { s_graphicsoptions.tq.curvalue = 3; } s_graphicsoptions.lighting.curvalue = trap_Cvar_VariableValue( "r_vertexLight" ) != 0; switch ( ( int ) trap_Cvar_VariableValue( "r_texturebits" ) ) { default: case 0: s_graphicsoptions.texturebits.curvalue = 0; break; case 16: s_graphicsoptions.texturebits.curvalue = 1; break; case 32: s_graphicsoptions.texturebits.curvalue = 2; break; } if ( !Q_stricmp( UI_Cvar_VariableString( "r_textureMode" ), "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST" ) ) { s_graphicsoptions.filter.curvalue = 0; } else { s_graphicsoptions.filter.curvalue = 1; } if ( trap_Cvar_VariableValue( "r_lodBias" ) > 0 ) { if ( trap_Cvar_VariableValue( "r_subdivisions" ) >= 20 ) { s_graphicsoptions.geometry.curvalue = 0; } else { s_graphicsoptions.geometry.curvalue = 1; } } else { s_graphicsoptions.geometry.curvalue = 2; } } /* ================ GraphicsOptions_MenuInit ================ */ void GraphicsOptions_MenuInit( void ) { static const char *s_driver_names[] = { "Default", "Voodoo", NULL }; static const char *tq_names[] = { "Default", "16 bit", "32 bit", NULL }; static const char *s_graphics_options_names[] = { "Very High Quality", "High Quality", "Normal", "Fast", "Fastest", "Custom", NULL }; static const char *lighting_names[] = { "Lightmap", "Vertex", NULL }; static const char *filter_names[] = { "Bilinear", "Trilinear", NULL }; static const char *quality_names[] = { "Low", "Medium", "High", NULL }; static const char *enabled_names[] = { "Off", "On", NULL }; int y; // zero set all our globals memset( &s_graphicsoptions, 0 ,sizeof(graphicsoptions_t) ); GraphicsOptions_GetResolutions(); GraphicsOptions_GetAspectRatios(); GraphicsOptions_Cache(); s_graphicsoptions.menu.wrapAround = qtrue; s_graphicsoptions.menu.fullscreen = qtrue; s_graphicsoptions.menu.draw = GraphicsOptions_MenuDraw; s_graphicsoptions.banner.generic.type = MTYPE_BTEXT; s_graphicsoptions.banner.generic.x = 320; s_graphicsoptions.banner.generic.y = 16; s_graphicsoptions.banner.string = "SYSTEM SETUP"; s_graphicsoptions.banner.color = color_white; s_graphicsoptions.banner.style = UI_CENTER; s_graphicsoptions.framel.generic.type = MTYPE_BITMAP; s_graphicsoptions.framel.generic.name = GRAPHICSOPTIONS_FRAMEL; s_graphicsoptions.framel.generic.flags = QMF_INACTIVE; s_graphicsoptions.framel.generic.x = 0; s_graphicsoptions.framel.generic.y = 78; s_graphicsoptions.framel.width = 256; s_graphicsoptions.framel.height = 329; s_graphicsoptions.framer.generic.type = MTYPE_BITMAP; s_graphicsoptions.framer.generic.name = GRAPHICSOPTIONS_FRAMER; s_graphicsoptions.framer.generic.flags = QMF_INACTIVE; s_graphicsoptions.framer.generic.x = 376; s_graphicsoptions.framer.generic.y = 76; s_graphicsoptions.framer.width = 256; s_graphicsoptions.framer.height = 334; s_graphicsoptions.graphics.generic.type = MTYPE_PTEXT; s_graphicsoptions.graphics.generic.flags = QMF_RIGHT_JUSTIFY; s_graphicsoptions.graphics.generic.id = ID_GRAPHICS; s_graphicsoptions.graphics.generic.callback = GraphicsOptions_Event; s_graphicsoptions.graphics.generic.x = 216; s_graphicsoptions.graphics.generic.y = 240 - 2 * PROP_HEIGHT; s_graphicsoptions.graphics.string = "GRAPHICS"; s_graphicsoptions.graphics.style = UI_RIGHT; s_graphicsoptions.graphics.color = color_red; s_graphicsoptions.display.generic.type = MTYPE_PTEXT; s_graphicsoptions.display.generic.flags = QMF_RIGHT_JUSTIFY|QMF_PULSEIFFOCUS; s_graphicsoptions.display.generic.id = ID_DISPLAY; s_graphicsoptions.display.generic.callback = GraphicsOptions_Event; s_graphicsoptions.display.generic.x = 216; s_graphicsoptions.display.generic.y = 240 - PROP_HEIGHT; s_graphicsoptions.display.string = "DISPLAY"; s_graphicsoptions.display.style = UI_RIGHT; s_graphicsoptions.display.color = color_red; s_graphicsoptions.sound.generic.type = MTYPE_PTEXT; s_graphicsoptions.sound.generic.flags = QMF_RIGHT_JUSTIFY|QMF_PULSEIFFOCUS; s_graphicsoptions.sound.generic.id = ID_SOUND; s_graphicsoptions.sound.generic.callback = GraphicsOptions_Event; s_graphicsoptions.sound.generic.x = 216; s_graphicsoptions.sound.generic.y = 240; s_graphicsoptions.sound.string = "SOUND"; s_graphicsoptions.sound.style = UI_RIGHT; s_graphicsoptions.sound.color = color_red; s_graphicsoptions.network.generic.type = MTYPE_PTEXT; s_graphicsoptions.network.generic.flags = QMF_RIGHT_JUSTIFY|QMF_PULSEIFFOCUS; s_graphicsoptions.network.generic.id = ID_NETWORK; s_graphicsoptions.network.generic.callback = GraphicsOptions_Event; s_graphicsoptions.network.generic.x = 216; s_graphicsoptions.network.generic.y = 240 + PROP_HEIGHT; s_graphicsoptions.network.string = "NETWORK"; s_graphicsoptions.network.style = UI_RIGHT; s_graphicsoptions.network.color = color_red; y = 240 - 7 * (BIGCHAR_HEIGHT + 2); s_graphicsoptions.list.generic.type = MTYPE_SPINCONTROL; s_graphicsoptions.list.generic.name = "Graphics Settings:"; s_graphicsoptions.list.generic.flags = QMF_PULSEIFFOCUS|QMF_SMALLFONT; s_graphicsoptions.list.generic.x = 400; s_graphicsoptions.list.generic.y = y; s_graphicsoptions.list.generic.callback = GraphicsOptions_Event; s_graphicsoptions.list.generic.id = ID_LIST; s_graphicsoptions.list.itemnames = s_graphics_options_names; y += 2 * ( BIGCHAR_HEIGHT + 2 ); s_graphicsoptions.driver.generic.type = MTYPE_SPINCONTROL; s_graphicsoptions.driver.generic.name = "GL Driver:"; s_graphicsoptions.driver.generic.flags = QMF_PULSEIFFOCUS|QMF_SMALLFONT; s_graphicsoptions.driver.generic.x = 400; s_graphicsoptions.driver.generic.y = y; s_graphicsoptions.driver.itemnames = s_driver_names; s_graphicsoptions.driver.curvalue = (uis.glconfig.driverType == GLDRV_VOODOO); y += BIGCHAR_HEIGHT+2; // references/modifies "r_allowExtensions" s_graphicsoptions.allow_extensions.generic.type = MTYPE_SPINCONTROL; s_graphicsoptions.allow_extensions.generic.name = "GL Extensions:"; s_graphicsoptions.allow_extensions.generic.flags = QMF_PULSEIFFOCUS|QMF_SMALLFONT; s_graphicsoptions.allow_extensions.generic.x = 400; s_graphicsoptions.allow_extensions.generic.y = y; s_graphicsoptions.allow_extensions.itemnames = enabled_names; y += BIGCHAR_HEIGHT+2; s_graphicsoptions.ratio.generic.type = MTYPE_SPINCONTROL; s_graphicsoptions.ratio.generic.name = "Aspect Ratio:"; s_graphicsoptions.ratio.generic.flags = QMF_PULSEIFFOCUS|QMF_SMALLFONT; s_graphicsoptions.ratio.generic.x = 400; s_graphicsoptions.ratio.generic.y = y; s_graphicsoptions.ratio.itemnames = ratios; s_graphicsoptions.ratio.generic.callback = GraphicsOptions_Event; s_graphicsoptions.ratio.generic.id = ID_RATIO; y += BIGCHAR_HEIGHT+2; // references/modifies "r_mode" s_graphicsoptions.mode.generic.type = MTYPE_SPINCONTROL; s_graphicsoptions.mode.generic.name = "Resolution:"; s_graphicsoptions.mode.generic.flags = QMF_PULSEIFFOCUS|QMF_SMALLFONT; s_graphicsoptions.mode.generic.x = 400; s_graphicsoptions.mode.generic.y = y; s_graphicsoptions.mode.itemnames = resolutions; s_graphicsoptions.mode.generic.callback = GraphicsOptions_Event; s_graphicsoptions.mode.generic.id = ID_MODE; y += BIGCHAR_HEIGHT+2; // references/modifies "r_fullscreen" s_graphicsoptions.fs.generic.type = MTYPE_SPINCONTROL; s_graphicsoptions.fs.generic.name = "Fullscreen:"; s_graphicsoptions.fs.generic.flags = QMF_PULSEIFFOCUS|QMF_SMALLFONT; s_graphicsoptions.fs.generic.x = 400; s_graphicsoptions.fs.generic.y = y; s_graphicsoptions.fs.itemnames = enabled_names; y += BIGCHAR_HEIGHT+2; // references/modifies "r_vertexLight" s_graphicsoptions.lighting.generic.type = MTYPE_SPINCONTROL; s_graphicsoptions.lighting.generic.name = "Lighting:"; s_graphicsoptions.lighting.generic.flags = QMF_PULSEIFFOCUS|QMF_SMALLFONT; s_graphicsoptions.lighting.generic.x = 400; s_graphicsoptions.lighting.generic.y = y; s_graphicsoptions.lighting.itemnames = lighting_names; y += BIGCHAR_HEIGHT+2; // references/modifies "r_lodBias" & "subdivisions" s_graphicsoptions.geometry.generic.type = MTYPE_SPINCONTROL; s_graphicsoptions.geometry.generic.name = "Geometric Detail:"; s_graphicsoptions.geometry.generic.flags = QMF_PULSEIFFOCUS|QMF_SMALLFONT; s_graphicsoptions.geometry.generic.x = 400; s_graphicsoptions.geometry.generic.y = y; s_graphicsoptions.geometry.itemnames = quality_names; y += BIGCHAR_HEIGHT+2; // references/modifies "r_picmip" s_graphicsoptions.tq.generic.type = MTYPE_SLIDER; s_graphicsoptions.tq.generic.name = "Texture Detail:"; s_graphicsoptions.tq.generic.flags = QMF_PULSEIFFOCUS|QMF_SMALLFONT; s_graphicsoptions.tq.generic.x = 400; s_graphicsoptions.tq.generic.y = y; s_graphicsoptions.tq.minvalue = 0; s_graphicsoptions.tq.maxvalue = 3; s_graphicsoptions.tq.generic.callback = GraphicsOptions_TQEvent; y += BIGCHAR_HEIGHT+2; // references/modifies "r_textureBits" s_graphicsoptions.texturebits.generic.type = MTYPE_SPINCONTROL; s_graphicsoptions.texturebits.generic.name = "Texture Quality:"; s_graphicsoptions.texturebits.generic.flags = QMF_PULSEIFFOCUS|QMF_SMALLFONT; s_graphicsoptions.texturebits.generic.x = 400; s_graphicsoptions.texturebits.generic.y = y; s_graphicsoptions.texturebits.itemnames = tq_names; y += BIGCHAR_HEIGHT+2; // references/modifies "r_textureMode" s_graphicsoptions.filter.generic.type = MTYPE_SPINCONTROL; s_graphicsoptions.filter.generic.name = "Texture Filter:"; s_graphicsoptions.filter.generic.flags = QMF_PULSEIFFOCUS|QMF_SMALLFONT; s_graphicsoptions.filter.generic.x = 400; s_graphicsoptions.filter.generic.y = y; s_graphicsoptions.filter.itemnames = filter_names; y += 2*BIGCHAR_HEIGHT; s_graphicsoptions.driverinfo.generic.type = MTYPE_PTEXT; s_graphicsoptions.driverinfo.generic.flags = QMF_CENTER_JUSTIFY|QMF_PULSEIFFOCUS; s_graphicsoptions.driverinfo.generic.callback = GraphicsOptions_Event; s_graphicsoptions.driverinfo.generic.id = ID_DRIVERINFO; s_graphicsoptions.driverinfo.generic.x = 320; s_graphicsoptions.driverinfo.generic.y = y; s_graphicsoptions.driverinfo.string = "Driver Info"; s_graphicsoptions.driverinfo.style = UI_CENTER|UI_SMALLFONT; s_graphicsoptions.driverinfo.color = color_red; s_graphicsoptions.back.generic.type = MTYPE_BITMAP; s_graphicsoptions.back.generic.name = GRAPHICSOPTIONS_BACK0; s_graphicsoptions.back.generic.flags = QMF_LEFT_JUSTIFY|QMF_PULSEIFFOCUS; s_graphicsoptions.back.generic.callback = GraphicsOptions_Event; s_graphicsoptions.back.generic.id = ID_BACK2; s_graphicsoptions.back.generic.x = 0; s_graphicsoptions.back.generic.y = 480-64; s_graphicsoptions.back.width = 128; s_graphicsoptions.back.height = 64; s_graphicsoptions.back.focuspic = GRAPHICSOPTIONS_BACK1; s_graphicsoptions.apply.generic.type = MTYPE_BITMAP; s_graphicsoptions.apply.generic.name = GRAPHICSOPTIONS_ACCEPT0; s_graphicsoptions.apply.generic.flags = QMF_RIGHT_JUSTIFY|QMF_PULSEIFFOCUS|QMF_HIDDEN|QMF_INACTIVE; s_graphicsoptions.apply.generic.callback = GraphicsOptions_ApplyChanges; s_graphicsoptions.apply.generic.x = 640; s_graphicsoptions.apply.generic.y = 480-64; s_graphicsoptions.apply.width = 128; s_graphicsoptions.apply.height = 64; s_graphicsoptions.apply.focuspic = GRAPHICSOPTIONS_ACCEPT1; Menu_AddItem( &s_graphicsoptions.menu, ( void * ) &s_graphicsoptions.banner ); Menu_AddItem( &s_graphicsoptions.menu, ( void * ) &s_graphicsoptions.framel ); Menu_AddItem( &s_graphicsoptions.menu, ( void * ) &s_graphicsoptions.framer ); Menu_AddItem( &s_graphicsoptions.menu, ( void * ) &s_graphicsoptions.graphics ); Menu_AddItem( &s_graphicsoptions.menu, ( void * ) &s_graphicsoptions.display ); Menu_AddItem( &s_graphicsoptions.menu, ( void * ) &s_graphicsoptions.sound ); Menu_AddItem( &s_graphicsoptions.menu, ( void * ) &s_graphicsoptions.network ); Menu_AddItem( &s_graphicsoptions.menu, ( void * ) &s_graphicsoptions.list ); Menu_AddItem( &s_graphicsoptions.menu, ( void * ) &s_graphicsoptions.driver ); Menu_AddItem( &s_graphicsoptions.menu, ( void * ) &s_graphicsoptions.allow_extensions ); Menu_AddItem( &s_graphicsoptions.menu, ( void * ) &s_graphicsoptions.ratio ); Menu_AddItem( &s_graphicsoptions.menu, ( void * ) &s_graphicsoptions.mode ); Menu_AddItem( &s_graphicsoptions.menu, ( void * ) &s_graphicsoptions.fs ); Menu_AddItem( &s_graphicsoptions.menu, ( void * ) &s_graphicsoptions.lighting ); Menu_AddItem( &s_graphicsoptions.menu, ( void * ) &s_graphicsoptions.geometry ); Menu_AddItem( &s_graphicsoptions.menu, ( void * ) &s_graphicsoptions.tq ); Menu_AddItem( &s_graphicsoptions.menu, ( void * ) &s_graphicsoptions.texturebits ); Menu_AddItem( &s_graphicsoptions.menu, ( void * ) &s_graphicsoptions.filter ); Menu_AddItem( &s_graphicsoptions.menu, ( void * ) &s_graphicsoptions.driverinfo ); Menu_AddItem( &s_graphicsoptions.menu, ( void * ) &s_graphicsoptions.back ); Menu_AddItem( &s_graphicsoptions.menu, ( void * ) &s_graphicsoptions.apply ); GraphicsOptions_SetMenuItems(); GraphicsOptions_GetInitialVideo(); if ( uis.glconfig.driverType == GLDRV_ICD && uis.glconfig.hardwareType == GLHW_3DFX_2D3D ) { s_graphicsoptions.driver.generic.flags |= QMF_HIDDEN|QMF_INACTIVE; } } /* ================= GraphicsOptions_Cache ================= */ void GraphicsOptions_Cache( void ) { trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( GRAPHICSOPTIONS_FRAMEL ); trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( GRAPHICSOPTIONS_FRAMER ); trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( GRAPHICSOPTIONS_BACK0 ); trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( GRAPHICSOPTIONS_BACK1 ); trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( GRAPHICSOPTIONS_ACCEPT0 ); trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( GRAPHICSOPTIONS_ACCEPT1 ); } /* ================= UI_GraphicsOptionsMenu ================= */ void UI_GraphicsOptionsMenu( void ) { GraphicsOptions_MenuInit(); UI_PushMenu( &s_graphicsoptions.menu ); Menu_SetCursorToItem( &s_graphicsoptions.menu, &s_graphicsoptions.graphics ); }