Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Id Software, Inc.

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 * name:		be_ai_weap.h
 * desc:		weapon AI
 * $Archive: /source/code/botlib/be_ai_weap.h $

//projectile flags
#define PFL_WINDOWDAMAGE			1		//projectile damages through window
#define PFL_RETURN					2		//set when projectile returns to owner
//weapon flags
#define WFL_FIRERELEASED			1		//set when projectile is fired with key-up event
//damage types
#define DAMAGETYPE_IMPACT			1		//damage on impact
#define DAMAGETYPE_RADIAL			2		//radial damage
#define DAMAGETYPE_VISIBLE			4		//damage to all entities visible to the projectile

typedef struct projectileinfo_s
	char name[MAX_STRINGFIELD];
	char model[MAX_STRINGFIELD];
	int flags;
	float gravity;
	int damage;
	float radius;
	int visdamage;
	int damagetype;
	int healthinc;
	float push;
	float detonation;
	float bounce;
	float bouncefric;
	float bouncestop;
} projectileinfo_t;

typedef struct weaponinfo_s
	int valid;					//true if the weapon info is valid
	int number;									//number of the weapon
	char name[MAX_STRINGFIELD];
	char model[MAX_STRINGFIELD];
	int level;
	int weaponindex;
	int flags;
	char projectile[MAX_STRINGFIELD];
	int numprojectiles;
	float hspread;
	float vspread;
	float speed;
	float acceleration;
	vec3_t recoil;
	vec3_t offset;
	vec3_t angleoffset;
	float extrazvelocity;
	int ammoamount;
	int ammoindex;
	float activate;
	float reload;
	float spinup;
	float spindown;
	projectileinfo_t proj;						//pointer to the used projectile
} weaponinfo_t;

//setup the weapon AI
int BotSetupWeaponAI(void);
//shut down the weapon AI
void BotShutdownWeaponAI(void);
//returns the best weapon to fight with
int BotChooseBestFightWeapon(int weaponstate, int *inventory);
//returns the information of the current weapon
void BotGetWeaponInfo(int weaponstate, int weapon, weaponinfo_t *weaponinfo);
//loads the weapon weights
int BotLoadWeaponWeights(int weaponstate, char *filename);
//returns a handle to a newly allocated weapon state
int BotAllocWeaponState(void);
//frees the weapon state
void BotFreeWeaponState(int weaponstate);
//resets the whole weapon state
void BotResetWeaponState(int weaponstate);