- Fix problem where users could change values of CVAR_INIT variables after the call to Cvar_Get() via Com_StartupVariable()
- Move sound shutdown after client shutdown so VMs don't hold invalid sound handles in memory
* differing screen resolutions and network settings are now honoured when changing fs_game
* Fix hunk memory leak on game_restart
* Move cls.state and cls.servername to clc so connection state is fully preserved over game_restart
* Revert back to previous fs_game after disconnecting from a server that triggered a game_restart
* Fix error dialog popping up after every game_restart if an error happened previously (reported by Ensiform)
- Fixed that not all commands added by CL_Init() would be removed by CL_Shutdown()
- Add opStack protection
- Fix dataMask check for OP_BLOCK_COPY
- Add instruction number check for conditional jumps
- Make errors in VM_PrepareInterpreter nonfatal
- Make VM loading more robust, change loading order: when vm_* == 0 first try loading DLL, then QVM in *each* search directory/path
- Fix FS_FileForHandle that would return a FILE pointer to invalid file handle 0
- Clean up ftol()/snapvector() mess
- Make use of SSE instructions for ftol()/snapvector() if available
- move ftol/snapvector pure assembler to inline assembler, this will add x86_64 and improve support for different calling conventions
- Set FPU control word at program startup to get consistent behaviour on all platforms
- Add a third pass to VM compilation for computation of jump address offsets, removing the need to dereference into vm->instructionPointers[] for every call/jump
- Make use of 0F opcode prefix relative jumps
- Call Com_Memcpy for OP_BLOCK_COPY
- Fix several missing range checks for vm->dataBase memory access
- Add all GPR to clobber list as GCC function callAsmCall seems to change register r11 without saving it to stack first, which may result in SIGSEGV in VM_CallCompiled()
- Fix iss8, iss16 and iss32 which would not correctly detect 32-bit signed integer range
- Add support for "addb", "subb" etc. assembler mnemonic
- Change opStack protection for x86_64 VM: No overflow checks necessary anymore as offset register is 1 byte long only
- Retains full compatibility to the old but unsecure protocol between clients and servers
- Harden the connection process against DoS attacks, possibly connected to UDP spoofing