Ryan C. Gordon
VoIP: Save own voice when recording a demo.
We fake a server packet and write it directly to the demo file at the point
where we'd transmit to the server. This is a little nasty, but it seems to
be the most reasonable solution.
2008-06-08 08:25:25 +00:00
Ryan C. Gordon
VoIP: tweaked VAD code.
Also added cl_voipVADThreshold cvar...if the power of a set of Speex frames
doesn't exceed this value, it isn't transmitted.
2008-06-08 07:29:25 +00:00
Ryan C. Gordon
VoIP: initial shot at voice activation.
2008-06-07 14:40:59 +00:00
Ryan C. Gordon
VoIP: Initial work on adding Speex preprocessor.
2008-06-07 14:39:49 +00:00
Ryan C. Gordon
VoIP: Don't hardcode Speex sample rate.
2008-06-07 14:38:46 +00:00
Ryan C. Gordon
VoIP: functionality to adjust incoming audio gain, per-user.
2008-06-04 21:50:00 +00:00
Ryan C. Gordon
VoIP: client can now specify targets for voice transmission.
2008-06-04 21:49:15 +00:00
Ryan C. Gordon
Initial patch for in-game VoIP support!
2008-06-01 07:51:23 +00:00
Ludwig Nussel
mumble link support
The coordinate calculation was adopted from Warsow's mumble patch.
2008-05-30 17:19:31 +00:00
Thilo Schulz
- Revamp in-game server browser: you can now scan for games on multiple master servers, while retaining compatibility with old QVMs.
- Make Master server reporting/server queries ipv6 capable.
2008-04-11 18:39:03 +00:00
Thilo Schulz
Add com_standalone cvar for at-runtime handling of mods that do not require the original quake3 game data.
2008-04-10 15:37:25 +00:00
Tim Angus
* Fix bug that prevented key up events getting to cgame/ui when not in game
* Use Key_[GS]etCatcher everywhere to set keycatcher
* Clear all key states when the catcher changes
2007-10-02 14:14:45 +00:00
Tim Angus
* Move the conditional compilation of bg_lib.c from the Makefile to cpp in
order to force dependency generation on bg_lib.*
* Make testing USE_ defines more consistent
2007-09-22 20:32:11 +00:00
Tim Angus
* Don't apply colour escape chars on input fields
2007-09-21 10:35:24 +00:00
Tim Angus
* Merge unified-sdl to trunk
* Bump Q3_VERSION to 1.35
2007-09-05 18:17:46 +00:00
Tony J. White =
* (bug 3018) need to call Cvar_SetCheatState() after CG_INIT and UI_INIT to
override user-defined cvar values for CVAR_CHEAT cvars that
could be registered in cgame and ui.
2007-03-02 17:32:22 +00:00
Tony J. White =
* (bug 3019) adds the cvar cl_guidServerUniq (defaults to 1). When set to
non-zero, cl_guid will be unique for each server that the client
connects to
2007-02-12 18:52:15 +00:00
Thilo Schulz
Only stop demo on map change if it was started by autorecord.
2006-11-03 08:42:21 +00:00
Thilo Schulz
- Remove "server crashed" message on server shutdown caused by local client disconnect.
- Stop demo recording on a new gamestate packet so the demo won't end with a new level load.
2006-10-27 12:49:55 +00:00
Tony J. White =
* add cURL support for HTTP/FTP downloading (bug 2661)
2006-09-11 16:41:55 +00:00
Thilo Schulz
Go back to rev. 874. ATM, there is no good way to make FS_Restart() behave as it was originally described.
2006-08-28 01:48:38 +00:00
Thilo Schulz
Fix crash when recording to files and the map changes. Was caused by new, correct, behaviour of
FS_Restart() which would close the files before they'd be closed by the client.
2006-08-28 00:44:59 +00:00
Tony J. White =
* moved SVN_VERSION #ifdef from client.h to q_shared.h so dedicated server
builds when svn version cannot be detected
2006-08-26 06:12:15 +00:00
Thilo Schulz
- compensate sv_fps for timescale value.
- Add a non-dirty-hack fix for client hanging when unpausing a game.
2006-08-26 01:45:27 +00:00
Tony J. White =
* Add SVN version to the version string displayed in the client console
if it can be detected
2006-08-22 16:13:51 +00:00
Tim Angus
* qvm files no longer installed by "make copyfiles"
* Loopback clients only get snapshots at the server frame rate now
(Anonymous <nkylqinhvgcbyl@mailinator.com>)
* JPEG chroma subsampling disabled if the quality value is >= 85
(Anonymous <nkylqinhvgcbyl@mailinator.com>)
* cl_lanForcePackets. When set to 0 (default is 1) the cl_maxpackets setting
will be ignored if on a LAN. (Anonymous <nkylqinhvgcbyl@mailinator.com>)
2006-08-13 17:09:05 +00:00
Tim Angus
* cl_guid for semi-reliable server authentication (from tjw)
2006-04-22 22:21:56 +00:00
Tim Angus
* Persistent console history
2006-01-24 04:35:19 +00:00
Tim Angus
* Oops. Rename cl_avidemo to cl_aviFrameRate
2006-01-06 22:28:07 +00:00
Tim Angus
* AVI video output
- Uses motion jpeg codec by default
- Use cl_avidemo to set a framerate
- \video [filename] to start capture
- \stopvideo to stop capture
- Audio capture is a bit ropey
2006-01-04 03:12:12 +00:00
Tim Angus
* Added STATUS
* Updated TODO
* Moved ChangeLog to root
* Updated ChangeLog
* s/Foobar/Quake III Arena Source Code/
* Biggest patch EVAR. I wonder how many mail boxes this will fill...
2005-10-29 01:53:09 +00:00
Tim Angus
* Moved various source files from their mod sdk locations to places more
appropriate for open source Q3
* This patch looks bigger than it really is, however it will probably break the
VC and OS X builds (easy to fix though)
2005-10-26 19:45:21 +00:00
Tim Angus
* Removed hard coded mouse acceleration in the unix build(s)
* Added CVAR_ROM cl_platformSensitivity to normalise the scale
of cl_sensitivity across platforms
2005-10-14 22:58:28 +00:00
Zachary Slater
Cleanups from pomac!
2005-09-02 20:13:47 +00:00
Ludwig Nussel
remove svn:executable property
2005-08-28 17:54:51 +00:00
Zachary Slater
newlines fixed
2005-08-26 17:39:27 +00:00
Zachary Slater
Itsa me, quake3io!
2005-08-26 04:48:05 +00:00
Travis Bradshaw
The Quake III Arena sources as originally released under the GPL license on August 20, 2005.
2012-01-31 13:41:34 -06:00