On Windows the opaque textures on the holodeck doors model were drawn
solid black and did not fade out.
Set up ref entity lightDir and modelLightDir as unit vectors. I am
guessing the vector lengths are being used as a divisor in a GLSL shader
or something.
Also clear directedLight so the same fields are set for RF_FULLBRIGHT as
all other ref entities.
Use opengl1 renderer behavior of adding fixed amount of ambient light
to all models regardless of HDR setting. It fixes the view weapon
having zero ambient light on pillcity map.
Appling the diff to renderergl2 mostly worked.
Had to change GLimp_HaveExtension to use GL_EXTENTIONS
directly because Elite Forces GL2 requires an extension that didn't fit in (the smaller than Q3)
Had to set ambientLight for RF_FULLBRIGHT, GL2 doesn't use ambientLightInt.
Made the RF_FORCE_ENT_ALPHA code change pStage->stateBits because the stateBits
are read a lot, whereas in GL1 it's done as an expression and passed to GL_State.
Copied from Spearmint.
There are a few issues; holodeck doors are missing and parts of light grid are black (???).